How do cats give birth? How cats give birth for the first time: how to adopt kittens

In order to find out how cats give birth, good owners first select a groom for their pet. At first glance, choosing a partner for a cat is not so difficult. A lot of owners advertise on special sites for cat lovers. Sometimes acquaintances or friends themselves offer the services of their pet. But if we are talking about a certain breed, then it is not easy to find a partner for a cat. Many animal lovers castrate their cats to make life easier for themselves and the animal, they believe. If possible, you can contact a special animal club for convenience.

For example, a lop-eared cat can only be bred with a straight so that healthy kittens are born. And the specialists of the club for cats will not only register the animal, but will also help in the selection of a pair. They will advise on how to properly care for a cat during pregnancy, and will become intermediaries in finding owners for future kittens. Experienced professionals will tell you how cats give birth to kittens, what needs to be done in emergency situations. After all, during childbirth, various complications can occur, especially in primiparous cats. The club will also explain how to take birth correctly.

Difficulties during knitting

If the process of selecting a cat for a pet is over, the choice is made, this does not mean that all the difficulties are over. Difficulties during mating in a cat:

  • low testosterone levels in a cat during mating;
  • season and temporary decrease in attraction;
  • the presence of hair around the head of the groom's penis (you may need the help of a veterinarian to remove it);
  • foreign territory (mating is best done at home with a cat);
  • the animals did not like each other;
  • the cat and the cat did not match in suit (the cat could be offended by a cat of a certain suit when he was a very small kitten)

Difficulty mating in cats:

  • stress when moving to someone else's house;
  • poor health, hormonal surges;
  • the use of drugs to prevent estrus;
  • do not like the partner;
  • very bad previous experience during mating (aggressive cat, violence);
  • first estrus in current year(ovulation does not occur even with successful mating);
  • don't like foreign territory

In addition to the difficulties during mating, there are a number of recommendations to help animals with mating. Often the cat is kept to make the cat more comfortable, or the animals are left alone for a couple of hours, or they change partners.

Pregnancy in cats


The first manifestation of pregnancy occurs after a few weeks.

Signs of pregnancy are very noticeable:

  • decline motor activity (more time spends lying down);
  • vomiting in the morning (associated with hormonal changes in the body);
  • swelling and discoloration of the nipples (turn pink);
  • increased appetite (the cat asks to eat twice as often as usual);
  • change in eating habits (asks for more dairy products or meat, fish);
  • weight gain (gaining one or two kilograms);
  • mood swings (nervous, worried);
  • appearance of milk

Nutrition during pregnancy

Cat nutrition during gestation of kittens should be complete and balanced. The number of meals is increased, but the portions themselves are reduced so that the cat does not gain very much weight, and it is easier for her to give birth. How to enrich the diet of the animal? In the first weeks of pregnancy, calcium intake is increased. It can be any dairy product. The cat itself begins to show certain preferences.

The body of the animal understands what it needs. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to increase the intake of protein. You can offer your pet meat, not fatty fish.

If the mother-to-be has difficulty with digestive tract, she should be given mashed vegetables, you can add oil to the porridge. It is better to mix oatmeal porridge with boiled, chicken, turkey meat. After eating, it is better to offer your pet different dairy products. Oat or wheat sprouts will be very useful for a cat. Food fatty, smoked, salty and fried from the diet of the animal must be excluded. Before giving birth, it is good to give the animal tea from raspberry leaves (for easy childbirth, because it is difficult for cats to give birth for the first time). For lactation, it is useful to give nettle leaves (scalded).

If the cat eats prepared food from packages, you need to choose rabbit stew with vegetables, chicken in jelly. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the feed, it is better to purchase special food bags for pregnant women. They are usually enriched essential vitamins, minerals, special additives for good intestinal motility. Even if the animal eats ready-made food, in any case, it should be given cereal sprouts. Vitamins for pregnant cats in tablets will not be superfluous. Preparations for helminths during pregnancy should not be given so as not to harm future offspring.

Preparing for childbirth

Where does a cat give birth?

Place for childbirth vivo environment, the cat easily chooses itself. She understands that she needs a dark, safe, inaccessible place for dogs and people. Usually, a street animal begins to look for such a shelter about a day before the onset of childbirth. She runs, fusses, maybe even aggressive. The street cat hides in the basement, in the attic, in a box, under a log, in some thick bushes, even on the roof. Although an animal in nature is more adapted to independent living than a pet, a cat living in an apartment behaves in a similar way.

She tries to get into the closet, under the bed, into the cabinet, etc. In order to help her pet, it is best to prepare a spacious box or a special box for the cat and future kittens. Inside the animal shelter, it is better to lay a blanket folded several times, and on top of a disposable diaper, in total you will need about a dozen diapers. During childbirth, they are changed. It should be easy and comfortable for the cat to get in and out of the box, but the side should be high enough so that the kittens cannot crawl out. Nearby it is necessary to place a toilet tray with filler, a container for drinking, a bowl for food.

What needs to be prepared besides the birthing place

Various surprises can happen during childbirth, so prepare:

  • paper towels;
  • wet wipes;
  • sterile scissors;
  • calcium gluconate for injection;
  • syringes;
  • alcohol, hydrogen peroxide;
  • rubber pear;
  • cotton pads, thread;
  • petrolatum;
  • phone number of the veterinarian if the cat gives birth without his presence

If the cat is giving birth for the first time, try to be sure to be at home when the kittens are born. While the animal is still inexperienced, it cannot be left alone. Situations are different, so it's better not to risk it.

Duration of pregnancy

It is not always possible to say exactly how long cats give birth. Before she goes into labor and has kittens, enough days will pass to prepare for this process. The animal's pregnancy lasts about two months. Sometimes a cat walks, if she cannot give birth after sixty-eight or seventy days, then this is already considered a pathology. In this case, you need to contact the clinic for the help of a veterinarian. If everything is going well, the cat is properly cared for, then there is no need to worry. The main thing is that the animal has normal temperature there was no excessive vaginal discharge.

The cat is giving birth

When does the birth process begin?

You can understand that a cat is giving birth by a lack of appetite, a decrease in body temperature. The behavior of the animal changes. She often sits on the potty. Then the mucous plug leaves, looking like a light lump, the water leaves and contractions begin. The cat is afraid, the stomach is trembling. So the first kitten right in the fruit shell can jump out onto the floor. A cat that gives birth for the first time may not immediately figure out what to do next. Here you will need the help of the owner. It is necessary to carefully cut the bladder, bandage and cut off the umbilical cord, release Airways baby using a rubber bulb.

An experienced cat, which is not giving birth for the first time, gnaws the shell of the bladder with a kitten inside, helps it to get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract, carefully licking it. The animal itself gnaws the umbilical cord. In total, childbirth can last a day. Babies appear at different intervals, from five minutes to several hours. When there are many kittens, childbirth can start prematurely. The first kitten is born about five hours after contractions. If the cat does not cope by this time, you need to seek help from a veterinarian and do a caesarean section.

It happens that childbirth is not very successful. And if the cat gave birth to a dead kitten, the reasons may be different. If, when opening the bladder, no obvious pathologies in development were found, then there are several reasons: either the airways are clogged with mucus; Or the contractions were that strong.

Sometimes just born kittens just seem to be dead, and after stimulation of breathing, they come to their senses and come to life. It is necessary to turn the kitten upside down, shake it lightly, and wipe the baby with a napkin to remove excess liquid. Sometimes ordinary ammonia helps in resuscitation.

In one litter, an animal can have from one to ten kittens. A cat can give birth to kittens from different fathers at once. This fact is explained quite simply. The unusual structure of the uterus, in the form of the letter "U", allows you to fertilize the number of eggs, how many follicles produce. There is an opinion that the number of matings also affects the number of kittens in the litter. However, almost all experts point out that purebred cats always have a small number of babies. While yard cats almost always give birth to large offspring.

Cats are animals with very developed natural instincts, which rarely need third-party intervention when reproducing offspring. However, the owner must know how the pregnancy and childbirth of the cat proceeds in order to provide qualified assistance in the event of complications. In the absence of pathologies, the cat will give birth to offspring on its own, and the role of the owner may be limited to third-party observation with minimal intervention. For normal course Pregnancy cats must be given.

The answer to the question of how many months cats give birth worries owners from the first days of the cat's pregnancy. In most cases, pregnancy lasts about two months (62 - 65 days), however, this period may vary. So, for some breeds, the normal period for bearing offspring is a period of 58 to 70 days. If the owner wants to know exactly how many cats of certain breeds give birth, then he can address this question to the reception of a veterinary clinic and get a competent answer from a specialist.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the cat can behave in the usual way, without causing any suspicion in the owner. However, in last days Pregnancy behavior in cats changes dramatically.

If the owner decides to take the birth of a cat at home, then he should pay attention to such changes:

In addition to behavioral factors, the approaching birth will be signaled by physiological changes, this is:

Preparing for childbirth

If the owner of the animal noticed the signs described above, then he needs to prepare some tools in advance. The most that an owner can do to ensure that a cat gives birth to healthy offspring is to prepare a place for delivery and consult with a veterinarian about their obligations.

You may need the following accessories during your birth:

Duration of labor

It is difficult to answer exactly how long the birth of a cat lasts. Depending on heredity, belonging to a particular breed, physical condition, age and individual characteristics of the organism of a cat can give birth from several hours to one and a half days. The owner cannot know in advance how long the cat gives birth, so he should be prepared for both easy quick delivery, and to long contractions and painful attempts, lasting for 24-36 hours. In this case, childbirth is usually divided into several stages.

Stage one - fights

Childbirth begins with uterine contractions. This physiological process is accompanied by colorless vaginal discharge. As the first stage comes to an end, the owner may notice that the cat's contractions are becoming more frequent and intense. In this case, the animal may breathe heavily and make hoarse sounds.

The second stage - the birth of kittens

At the second stage, the owner may notice that the cat’s water has broken, after how long the pet will give birth is still unknown, however, when normal delivery no more than two hours should elapse between the rupture of the amniotic sac and the birth of kittens. If labor does not begin after this time, it is worth calling veterinary clinic and call a specialist.

During the second stage, the cat must give birth to kittens and gnaw through their umbilical cord. If the pet did not do this, the owner will have to try on the role of the "obstetrician". He will need to carefully cut the umbilical cord. Next, treat the wound with an antiseptic. If necessary, the owner must remove the kitten from the shell, wipe it with a clean towel and release oral cavity and nasal passages from mucus.

The third stage is the last

At the third stage, the placenta is released after each born kitten. At this stage, the cat's condition stabilizes - uterine contractions decrease, breathing becomes calm and even.

How many kittens can a pet bring?

In addition to the nuances related to pregnancy and childbirth, owners are interested in the question of how many kittens a cat gives birth to for the first time and how many newborn pets are considered normal.

As a rule, for the first time, females bring from one to three kittens.

In the future, the number of kittens may change. An owner who is interested in how many kittens a cat can give birth to at most can get acquainted with the official data. So, maximum amount newborn kittens brought by the name of Antigone. She gave birth to 15 live kittens and 4 stillborn babies. On average, mature cats bear 6-8 kittens.

Births of cats of elite breeds

If an elite breed of cats lives in the house, it is recommended to call a specialist for childbirth. This need is due to the fact that the birth and cats of other elite breeds are very specific - these breeds were bred as a result of artificial selection and females do not have developed natural knowledge and instincts for independent reproduction of offspring. Therefore, the veterinarian must supervise the birth and ensure that all kittens receive proper care.

This rule also applies to cats belonging to the Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight breeds. Females of this breed give birth on the 60th day of pregnancy. On average Scottish births fold cat last from 12 hours to a day. This period may be longer if the cat has the following problems:

Most domestic cats do an excellent job as mothers and give birth to kittens on their own.

The maximum contribution an owner can make is to provide the animal with proper care and take care of creating comfortable conditions for the life of newborn pets.

Immediately before giving birth, it is worth getting a consultation with a veterinarian and keeping the number of the veterinary clinic on hand, which will come in handy in case of complications.

It is useful for both an experienced breeder and an ordinary owner of an uncastrated fluffy pet to know how cats give birth to kittens. This will allow timely assistance to the animal if necessary, save the pet and the long-awaited offspring from various complications and health problems.

Read in this article

How to understand that a cat is giving birth

If there is a pregnant fluffy beauty in the house, then every owner or breeder is looking forward to a joyful and at the same time disturbing event - childbirth. As a rule, the time of onset of resolution from the burden can be calculated to within a few days, especially if the exact date of conception of the animal is known. The duration of pregnancy in a cat is on average 65 - 67 days.

The fact of the approaching birth is indicated by the so-called harbingers - signs indicating the preparation of the cat's body for labor activity. They can be observed a couple of days before the birth, and sometimes a few hours before the expected event.

1) The cat seeks solitude, often hiding in closets, dark corners, boxes. If by this time the owner has prepared a nest for the woman in labor, then she regularly jumps and jumps out of it, or sits there for a long time.
2) The behavior of the animal changes. The cat may feel anxious, become aggressive, or, conversely, begin to seek affection and tenderness. Primiparous pets are especially nervous.
3) 1 - 3 days before the birth act, the mucous plug leaves, and the cat begins to intensively lick the perineal area.
4) When probing the mammary glands, their increase, swelling is noticeable. When you press the nipple, drops of colostrum appear.
5) Visible swelling of the external genital organs appears, sometimes transparent or pinkish-yellowish outflows are noticeable.
6) 1-3 days before delivery, body temperature (measured rectally) drops to 37 C.
7) Appetite decreases, thirst or refusal of water can be observed.

It is useful for pet owners to know how long a cat's birth lasts. After all, responsible owners must be present during this process, since the pet may need moral support, and in complex scenarios, emergency veterinary care. In any case, it is undesirable to leave the animal alone in a difficult and responsible period for him. On average, a normal birth process lasts from several hours to a day. The preparatory phase (described above) is not included in this period. In primordial cats birth act may take more than a day.

How long a cat gives birth is influenced by many factors and reasons: the health of the pet, the number of previous births, the presentation of the fetus, the hormonal status of the mother, individual characteristics, and much more. The owner should understand that childbirth is physiologically normal, natural process, which should be intervened only when necessary. Human help is needed if there is a threat to the health of the mother or offspring.

If the time has come, but the process has not begun

It often happens that all the expected dates have passed, the animal had harbingers of childbirth, and labor does not occur. In this case, the owner is puzzled by the question of how to induce labor in a cat, and whether it should be done.

The delay in labor activity greatly depletes the animal, causes it to severe intoxication and may cause stillbirth. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a delay in the birth process, labor induction is necessary. The cause of delayed labor may be large fruit or its incorrect presentation, atony of the uterus, lack of calcium ions.

Only a veterinarian can decide on the need to intensify labor after examining the animal. For stimulation, as a rule, hormonal preparations (oxytocyte, petuitrin) are used. Their use is permissible only in the case of full disclosure of the cervix. If the birth canal is not prepared, then the introduction of stimulant drugs can lead to injuries and even rupture of the cervix, and this is life-threatening for the animal.

It is strictly forbidden to use folk remedies labor induction, hormonal preparations. The use of such substances in a pet that is physiologically unprepared for childbirth can lead to the death of the animal and offspring. Decide on the advisability of inducing labor and choose hormonal drug only a veterinarian can.

How does a cat give birth

The duration of the birth process in cats consists of the preparatory period (the phase of the precursors of childbirth), the birth itself and the postpartum (postpartum) stage. It is useful to know how the birth of cats goes, at what stage the process is, in order to provide timely assistance if something went wrong.

Preparation period

The birth process begins with contraction of the muscles of the uterus (contractions). In the same phase, the cervix begins to open. Kittens move along the uterus closer to the birth canal. This process may be accompanied by secretions from the genitals. Contractions become more frequent. They can be felt by placing a palm on the pet's stomach, and visually in the form of wave-like movements of the abdominal muscles. This phase lasts from 6 to 12 hours. At the same time, the animal breathes heavily, strains, as if visiting the toilet, behaves uneasily, constantly licks the genitals, rakes the litter with its paws.

How long a cat's contractions last is also affected by many factors, especially how many births the animal has. In primiparous pets, this period can be delayed up to a day. This duration is associated with a low hormonal background and the readiness of the body for childbirth during the first pregnancy. The duration of the process is very individual. But in any case, you should be patient and not leave your mother alone.

Directly childbirth

At the second stage, the contractions become more frequent, the interval between them decreases, and the cervix is ​​​​completely dilated. In the same period, under the influence of uterine contractions, the water sac bursts and amniotic fluid departs. Under the influence of contractions, the uterus, cervix and vagina form a single birth canal. The animal has attempts - the movements of the muscles of the uterus that expel the fetus and abdominals. As a rule, two attempts are enough to expel the fetus from the female genital tract.

Amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac ruptured under the influence of contractions promotes the sliding and unhindered progress of the fetus through the birth canal.

Kittens, as a rule, come out into the light in a “diver” position - head and front paws forward. However, breech presentation is normal. In this case, from birth canal appear hind legs, tail and pelvis of the baby. The expulsion of the fetus from the womb does not happen all at once. The baby may appear and disappear from the vagina several times.

Anterior presentation

posterior presentation

After birth, the cat intensively licks the kitten, frees it from the shell. The young are born with an umbilical cord, which the mothers grind with their teeth and then gnaw through. Such actions prevent the development of bleeding, as the vessels are twisted, and a blood clot quickly forms.

postpartum period

The third stage of childbirth is the afterbirth. During this period, it comes out of the birth canal, if it did not come out with the fetus. Obeying the natural instinct, the cat eats the afterbirth. AT wild nature this is due to the cleansing of the place of birth from the development of infection and the concealment of the nest from predators and scavengers. At home, you can allow the pet to eat no more than two afterbirths in order to avoid indigestion and in order to replenish energy losses during the process.

Kittens with afterbirth

The owner should also ensure that the number of afterbirths matches the number of kittens born. Delayed passage may lead to the development inflammatory process in the uterus, which is unsafe for the health of the animal.

General information about the time of delivery

The interval between births of kittens, as a rule, is 10 - 15 minutes. In rare cases, the time of the birth of the next baby is delayed up to 2 - 3 hours. Sometimes labor activity after the birth of three or four kittens is suspended for 12 - 24 hours, and then resumed again. This is quite normal for the cat family.

It is important for the owner of the animal to know how many hours the birth of a cat lasts. This information is necessary in order to have an idea of ​​how much time you need to devote to your pet. After all, even if the birth takes place without complications, this does not mean that the cat should be alone. The animal may need moral support, the help of a loving owner at any stage of labor activity.

Childbirth in domestic cats is a very individual process. It is not possible to accurately determine their duration. However, the owner should be aware that, on average, labor activity lasts from several hours to a day. The average cat gives birth to kittens in 4 to 8 hours. Therefore, if childbirth lasts more than a day, then you should seek the advice of a veterinarian.

What you need to know about the first lambing

If a pet has a first pregnancy, the owner should have an idea of ​​how cats give birth for the first time. In physiological aspects, the birth activity of the primogeniture is not much different from the birth of an experienced female. Features of the first birth are more of a psycho-emotional difference. Primiparous cats experience severe stress, as phenomena incomprehensible to the animal occur to them, including those associated with pain syndrome. Therefore, most often, pets already in the preparatory phase show strong anxiety, nervousness. If the animal is strongly attached to the owner, then before giving birth, it literally does not allow passage, it demands heightened attention, does not remain alone for a minute.

How long a cat gives birth for the first time is influenced by such factors:

  • health status;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • hormonal status;
  • conditions for feeding and keeping a pregnant female;
  • a lot others.

As a rule, the first birth in an animal takes longer than in re-birth animals. Total time labor activity can be delayed up to 2 - 3 days. This is due to the fact that a young cat has not formed hormonal background responsible for the birth process.

The idea of ​​how kittens are born will allow the owner of the animal to calmly, without nervousness, observe the natural physiological process. Knowing the timing and duration of the birth process will allow you to timely apply for veterinary care in the event that childbirth goes into a pathological phase.


Determine the date and calculate the approximate day. Knitting can be repeated within 3-4 days, and this is important to consider. Pregnancy is usually 58 to 72 days. In part, its duration may depend on the amount, as well as on the condition. In particular, stress on later dates may lead to delayed delivery. If your cat has given birth before, consider the length of her previous pregnancy, as this time it may be the same.

Pay attention to the cat's belly. Already in the sixth week, it becomes quite large, and after another week, if you look closely, you will be able to notice the movement of the kittens. This indicates the approaching. As a rule, about a week before the mammary glands increase significantly in size. Keep track of these changes to determine your estimated due date.

Watch your cat's behavior. 1-2 weeks before giving birth, the animal usually begins to look for a nest, worries, searches through cabinets, tries to get into the most secluded places. The cat lays down in a certain place, but then rises and starts looking again. 1-3 days before birth, the animal becomes inactive, sleeps a lot. Some cats begin to caress the owner more often than usual.

Keep a close eye on last week pregnancy. Measure her temperature rectally: just a day before delivery, it will drop to about 37 degrees Celsius. Mucus plug comes off 1-2 days before delivery. It can be difficult to notice this, because cats usually hide at such moments. However, you can see how the animal is worried and often licks the genitals.

A few hours before the kittens are born, the cat may begin to meow loudly and fawn on the owner, her breathing will become heavy, and yellowish or red discharge will gradually appear from the genitals. If you notice these signs, be aware that the cat will have kittens within the next 24 hours.


  • what does it take to give birth to a cat
  • Pregnancy and childbirth in cats

Many people want to know that a pet is preparing to become a mother. But this is not always necessary out of curiosity, but in order to properly care for the animal, because the cat needs to be well fed during this period. If you look closely at the changes in behavior, well-being and the size of the abdomen, then we can assume with accuracy that the fluffy one is expecting offspring.


It is possible to determine the onset at no earlier than 20-21 days. Only by this time can be observed characteristic changes. By about three pregnancy at cats nipples begin to grow, they swell and turn pink. This change is especially pronounced in primogeniture.

If earlier the cat suddenly suddenly became passive and vomits, it is possible that she is preparing to become a mother. This behavior of the animal is observed approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. The explanation for everything is quite simple - the animal has hormonal change in the body. After about three days, everything returns to normal, the pussy begins to feel better, and vomiting stops.

In the seventh week, if you put your hand on your stomach cats, then feel the movement of the kittens. If you gently feel with your fingertips, you can even feel the heads of the babies, but it’s better not to do this. If you want to know the exact number of kittens that will be born very soon, it is better to contact your veterinarian. The doctor can identify cats palpation already on the 20th day after its onset, and at a later date, the number of babies will not be difficult for a professional at all.

All 7 and 8 weeks pregnancy the cat behaves inappropriately, rushes around the rooms and does not know where to lie down. But at week 9, the expectant mother calms down and lies more time. Some cats they look thoughtfully and do not notice their owner - this is how they prepare for childbirth. The nipples at this time become very large. The belly is rounded and can interfere with kitty walking. And a few days before the cat becomes active and begins to look for a place where it will be more convenient for her to give birth to babies.

If you look closely at the behavior of the animal, you will not only be able to detect pregnancy, but also determine estimated time. The average gestation time is 9 weeks or 65 days. But babies can be born 2-4 days earlier or later - this is not considered a deviation.

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When cat matures, it is time for puberty, and she begins to ask for a cat. Many owners arrange mating for cats so that their pet can bring offspring. At the same time, the fact of mating itself does not guarantee anything. A cat can become pregnant during estrus, which happens about once a month and a half in animals, less often in street animals.


Around the fifth week, the cat begins to noticeably gain weight. From the sixth week, milk is already beginning to be produced in her body, so that the nipples increase and become very visible.

Cats that have the opportunity to go outside almost completely stop doing so. During pregnancy, they try to spend as much time as possible at home, in a calm, quiet and cozy place.

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If the cat’s appetite suddenly disappeared, the pregnant woman has not eaten for more than 24 hours, she has become lethargic and lethargic, her temperature has risen and the vagina smells unpleasant - these are bad signs. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Useful advice

If you understand that the cat is pregnant, find out the phone veterinarian who, if necessary, will be able to go home at any time of the day. Most likely, this will not be needed, but just in case, you need to have such information. Read about how a cat's pregnancy goes and how to give birth so that you can spot in time if something goes wrong.


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Many are ready to mate as early as 7 or 9 months of age. During estrus, they begin to demand a lot of attention to themselves, caress, rub against furniture, and emit heart-rending cries. However, it is not recommended to carry a cat to a boyfriend at this age. It is still quite small and not fully formed. Pregnancy can deform her spine, as well as adversely affect general condition health. But what if you still did not keep track of your pet? How can you tell if a cat is pregnant?

You will need

  • You will need some patience. Watch your cat. Their pregnancy lasts only 9 weeks.


So, if yours, then the first three weeks she will prefer to spend more time in a relaxed state. With a decrease in activity, the animal may also lose its appetite. Pet your cat and turn her over on her stomach. If her nipples have become a rich pink color, this is a sure sign of pregnancy. Sometimes in the third week of pregnancy, the cat may feel sick. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is being rebuilt in her body.

After the sixth week, the abdomen is very swollen. There is nothing to mess up here. If you look closely at the stomach, you can even see how they move in it. After the seventh week, the cat becomes extremely agitated, she constantly climbs into dark corners, looking for future offspring.


Sometimes pregnant cats go into heat. There is nothing wrong with that. In practice, there have been cases when a pregnant cat once again experienced fertilization.

Useful advice

If you can't wait to find out if your cat is pregnant or not, then you can seek help from a veterinarian. Already on the twentieth day after mating, with the help of an inspection, he will definitely be able to answer your question.

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Cat Pregnancy Symptoms


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There are no express tests to determine the pregnancy of cats - whether your pet is expecting kittens can only be found out by her behavior and by outward signs. Owners should be aware of the signs that a cat may be pregnant, so that they can be properly cared for during the waiting period and prepared for the birth of offspring.

First signs

You can suspect what awaits the kittens if the next period of estrus has approached, and the animal behaves calmly, does not meow and does not roll on the floor.

The first signs of pregnancy are swelling and discoloration of the nipples. The swelling of the nipples is more pronounced if the pregnancy is the first. Usually this symptom appears for a period of two to three weeks. The animal may begin toxicosis, manifested by morning weakness, vomiting, slight malaise. If pregnancy is suspected, discontinue use anthelmintic drugs and flea medicines so as not to harm future offspring.

By four, the cat is significantly gaining weight, her belly becomes noticeable. A pregnant cat most often eats a lot - in the early days, the appetite may decrease slightly, but than closer deadline childbirth, the more food the expectant mother needs.

Most often, during pregnancy, cats become more affectionate, calm, require a lot of attention and. It should be handled very carefully, you should not allow it to climb high surfaces - due to increased clumsiness, the animal may fall and get serious injuries.

An examination by a veterinarian is needed when the first signs of pregnancy appear and shortly before childbirth. On the first visit, the doctor will make sure that the suspicions are not in vain, and if necessary, determine whether the pregnancy is false, prescribe an ultrasound scan or x-ray.

Delivery soon

In the late belly of a cat, it noticeably increases in size, you can even see the movements of the kittens. The veterinarian can determine the approximate number of kittens by palpation. Only a doctor should feel the stomach - it’s better for the owners not to damage the placenta with a careless movement and cause a miscarriage.

If at the beginning of pregnancy a cat is usually friendly to other animals in the house, then later she may begin to behave aggressively - hiss at others, drive them away and even bite.

By the eighth week of pregnancy, milk begins to flow from the nipples. Nipples swell even more.

At the end of pregnancy, the cat sleeps or lies almost all the time. If the expectant mother began to be active, eat less, worry, try to hide in a secluded place - most likely, the birth is already close, and it's time to equip a comfortable nest for the pet, where she could feel safe. It is best if it is a large cardboard box in a quiet place where no one will disturb the cat and her offspring. The bottom of the box can be covered with old towels or a small blanket.

Make sure that the cat cannot climb into cabinets and cabinets, otherwise it can make a nest for itself on a pile of laundry.

The instinct of reproduction is inherent in pets by nature. Males and females determine mating readiness based on the season and climatic conditions. They pick the most right time for bearing offspring.

House cats live their own lives. Sexual activity can be observed at any time of the year. 10 months after birth, cats become sexually mature. They start. There are a number of signs by which you can recognize such desires in a cat: frequent urination, a slight increase in external genital organs, colorless discharge. Cats, unlike, are always ready to mate, all year round.

The beginning of sexual hunting in a cat

During the period of sexual activity, animals lose their appetite, they ask to go outside, literally break free. Cats during this period are aggressive, they can attack owners or others and cats. An unpleasant aspect is marks all over, which smell very unpleasant, and getting rid of this “aroma” is quite difficult.

Medications for cats

The owners can natural instincts in their pets and drink medicines. There are a lot of them for sale. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before use. The easiest way is to give a cat drops that suppress sexual hunting. Tablets can be crushed and placed in food. There is no single answer to the question: do drugs affect the health of pets. All of them are aimed at the regulation of hormones in animals. It is not recommended to give drugs often, it is better as needed. Many tablets are made on the basis of natural ingredients, mint is added, which makes it easier for the cat to feed these.
Castration should be carried out if it is not planned to have offspring in the future.

Castrate or not

Owners must understand that life is very different from natural environment a habitat. Therefore, you must be prepared for all the hardships that the pet will bring with it. A cat must mate with a cat at least 9 times a year, while hormones can “play” at any time, and the cat will mark the territory. This method protection from opponents in the natural environment does not bother anyone, but in the apartment there will be a persistent smell of urine. It is necessary to think in advance about what life with a pet can turn out to be, and decide on its

There are a number of signs that indicate that labor is about to begin:

  1. 1. The so-called nesting is the surest signal of the approaching birth. Future mom begins to actively and diligently look for a secluded place, most often climbs into cabinets, sofa drawers, hides under the bed. This instinctive behavior is explained by the need to give birth to offspring without interference and to protect newborn kittens, so you should not prevent the cat from doing this.
  2. 2. Unnatural behavior: the animal licks the genitals excessively, pets more than usual.
  3. 3. Waste of the birth plug. It looks like a red and white clot. This suggests that the birth will definitely begin within the next few hours.
  4. 4. Heavy breathing.
  5. 5. Waste of amniotic fluid. Not the most clear sign, since it is not easy to detect, but it clearly signals the imminent start of contractions.

As mentioned in the first paragraph, the cat will look for a place to give birth, so it is better to arrange it in advance: prepare a box or basket with soft bedding, not very large and always with an open top. Also make sure that the sides are not high so that the cat can jump in and out of the box without difficulty.

It is worth showing the cat the prepared place in advance. Put her there, caress her, convince her that nothing threatens her here.

If the pet is giving birth for the first time, then the birth should be carried out at home under the supervision of a veterinarian, as a primiparous cat often does not understand what to do with newborn kittens. This is especially true for pedigreed feline representatives, since they have a reduced maternal instinct compared to yard ones. Sometimes it is difficult for a cat to gnaw through the umbilical cord on its own or free the kittens from the protective film in which they are born.

If the veterinarian is not around, then you should prepare for childbirth on your own. For this you will need:

  1. 1. Surgical gloves.
  2. 2. Sharp scissors.
  3. 3. Several towels.
  4. 4. Gauze and cotton swabs.
  5. 5. Antiseptic.
  6. 6. Calcium gluconate, syringes.
  7. 7. Small rubber bulb.

Calcium gluconate will be needed for eclampsia (puerperal fever). The injection will help intensify contractions and thereby speed up the process of childbirth, as well as restore the balance of calcium in the blood and improve milk production. The injection is made exclusively intramuscularly.

In most cases, cats give birth without any problems on their own, but the presence and control of the owner maximizes the chances of success. Often an animal that gives birth for the first time simply does not understand what is happening to it, because the birth process is very painful. Therefore, it is not a fact that the cat will remain in the same place throughout all births, even if it has been tested and reliable. Often, in an attempt to understand what hurts her, the cat, sitting down, looks under the tail. At this point, you need to try to calm her down and not let her sit down, because such an unnatural position often causes injury to kittens.

When the first kitten is born, the cat must begin to lick it to free it from the film of mucus, because otherwise the kitten may suffocate: its mouth is also filled with mucus. But primiparous cats, tired of the pain they endured, often do not pay attention to the kitten at all. It is required to clean the kitten as quickly as possible with tampons and remove mucus from the mouth with a rubber pear, then the newborn will begin to breathe freely. The umbilical cord must be pulled with an ordinary thread and carefully cut off with scissors disinfected with an antiseptic, after which they should also treat the incision sites. After these procedures, you need to wipe the kitten and put it on the cat's nipple - by this time she should recognize him and start licking. The time of appearance of each subsequent kitten varies, but the maximum is usually one hour. This is a long time, so when the next contractions begin, already born kittens should be transferred to a warm basket.
