Vision correction surgery: types, indications, results. Indications for laser vision correction surgery - types, implementation, contraindications and cost in clinics

We perceive 90% of information through vision. Color, shape, size of objects, their distance - we evaluate all these indicators with our eyes. If vision is poor, then the capabilities of such a person are significantly reduced. And what worse vision, the lower the quality of human life. The high demand for vision correction becomes clear.

The most common method of vision correction is laser. Traumatization of tissues with this method is minimal, and cut tissues heal very quickly.

Laser vision correction has only recently begun to be used. At first, this method was not very effective, but to date it has been improved so much that only 5% of patients experience complications or the need for re-operation after laser correction.

Contraindications to laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is still a micro-surgery, so it is not performed on everyone. There are a number medical contraindications, which exclude carrying out laser correction view:
  • glaucoma. cataract
  • operated retinal detachment in the past
  • progressive myopia
  • changes in the fundus of the eye
  • retinal degeneration or dystrophy
  • inflammatory diseases ocular apparatus
  • pregnancy and lactation period
  • diabetes mellitus in the form of decompensation
  • Availability herpetic infection
  • autoimmune diseases(arthritis, collagenosis) and immunodeficiency conditions (for example, AIDS).

    Preparation for surgery and postoperative period

    Before laser vision correction surgery, you must undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist and a therapist and pass the tests that they prescribe. As a rule, they are appointed general analysis blood tests for HIV and hepatitis B and C.

    Before the examination and surgery, you should not wear contact lenses (soft ones for at least a week, hard ones for two). 48 hours before surgery, it is prohibited to drink alcohol, even in minimal doses; within 24 hours before surgery, you cannot use cosmetics in the eye area.

    After the operation, you must carefully follow all the recommendations of your attending physician. You should not touch the operated eye until at least your first doctor's examination after leaving the hospital. Do not wash your face or wash your hair for at least three days after surgery. For two weeks after the laser correction procedure, you should avoid bright light, eye contact with very hot or cold air, you should not rub your eyes and use cosmetics for the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows for a month - do not visit the pool or sauna. Doctor, based on your health condition and nuances past surgery, may advise some other restrictions, you must strictly adhere to these recommendations.

    If there are any unusual sensations in the eye or loss of vision, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    If the operation and postoperative period passed without complications, then fully return to normal life maybe in a month.

    Laser vision correction methods

    Laser vision correction is carried out using the following methods:
  • photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
  • laser keratomileusis (LASIK)
  • laser epitheliokeratectomy (LASEK)
  • epi-LASIK (Epi-Lasik)
  • Super LASIK
  • Femto-LASIK.

    Contraindications after laser vision correction

    The first day after laser vision correction is the most critical for the patient. As you correctly understand, this is due to the healing processes of the cornea of ​​the eye on which the operation was performed. The patient’s main task is not to harm himself, then further recovery will proceed according to plan.

    Contraindications after laser vision correction are simple - you must follow the doctor’s instructions, exclude any mechanical damage to the eyes and follow the regimen of instilling drops.

    We will introduce you to a list of things that you absolutely cannot do after surgery. They can lead to mechanical damage and displacement of the corneal flap or contribute to infection in the surgical area.

    Memo to the patient after laser vision correction

    Home treatment and the patient’s regimen after the correction procedure is not something difficult. Strict adherence to doctor’s orders and rules of conduct will guarantee you a speedy recovery:

  • Strictly follow the doctor's instructions
  • Apply postoperative drops according to schedule
  • Always wash your hands before instilling drops
  • After surgery, it is not recommended to touch the eyes and eyelids
  • The first day after surgery it is not recommended to wash, bathe or shower
  • In the first month after surgery, it is not recommended to rub your eyes or put pressure on them.
  • You should not wear things with a narrow neck that are pulled over your head.
  • Any eye injury should be avoided
  • We do not recommend using makeup on the eyelids, eyelashes, or hairspray.
  • It is not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium for 3-4 weeks
  • During this time in the summer, we do not recommend being on the beach without sunglasses
  • Swimming in open water and swimming pools is prohibited until the end of treatment. Upon completion of the recovery period, almost all restrictions are lifted and the patient returns to his normal life. Everyday life and physical activity.

    When the recovery period is over, you can forget about all restrictions and enjoy excellent vision without glasses and contact lenses!

    Laser vision correction - possible complications after surgery

    Like any surgery, laser correction may have individual complications. But almost all of them are treatable. The incidence of complications is in the ratio of one eye out of a thousand operated on, which is 0.1 percent. But still, before making a decision, you should carefully study everything about the expected postoperative problems. This list is quite long. But in real practice they happen quite rarely. It is especially worth being prepared to encounter similar problems in the case of a high degree of negative or positive vision.

    1. Insufficient or excessive correction.

    Even the most careful calculation cannot guarantee the absence of this problem. The most correct calculation can be made for low degrees of myopia and farsightedness. Depending on the dioptres, the chances of a complete return of 100% vision are determined.

    2. Loss of flap or change in position.

    Happens only during or after LASIK surgery. Occurs when carelessly touching the operated eye in the next few days, due to insufficient adhesion of the flap and the cornea, or when the eye is injured. Corrected by returning the flap to correct position and closing it with a lens or placing a couple of stitches on short term. There is a danger of loss of the resulting vision. At complete loss flap, the postoperative period is similar to PRK, and post-operative recovery occurs over a longer period of time.

    3. Displacement of the center when exposed to laser.

    Occurs when the patient’s gaze is incorrectly fixed or shifted during surgery. Before choosing a clinic, it is necessary to conduct research on the equipment used. Modern excimer laser systems have a tracking system for eye movements and are able to stop abruptly if they detect even the slightest movement. A significant degree of decentration (displacement of the center) can affect the strength of vision and even cause double vision.

    4. The occurrence of defects in the epithelium.

    Possible during LASIK surgery. You may experience problems such as a feeling foreign body in the eye, profuse lacrimation and fear of bright light. Everything can last 1-4 days.

    5. Opacities in the cornea.

    Happens only with PRK. Appears due to development in the cornea connective tissue due to an individual inflammatory process, after which opacities occur. Eliminated by laser resurfacing of the cornea.

    6. Increased photophobia.

  • It happens during any operation and goes away on its own after 1-1.5 years.
  • Different vision in light and dark times of the day.
  • Very rare. After some time, adaptation occurs.

    7. Infectious processes.

    It happens very rarely. Associated with non-compliance with postoperative rules, with reduced immunity or the presence of inflammatory foci in the body before surgery.

  • Occurs in 3-5% of patients. Can last from 1 to 12 months. Discomfort is eliminated by using special drops.
  • Double image.
  • Occurs infrequently.

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    Contraindications after surgery

    I've been wanting to create a topic like this for a long time. Contraindications are not FOR, but AFTER the operation (I couldn’t find any information when searching...scattered scraps).

    Question: when can I wash my hair and how to do it? And today during the examination the doctor said that you shouldn’t drink carbonated drinks, supposedly the flap might rise?

    So. What you cannot (undesirable) do after laser correction:

    It is known that you should not go to the bathhouse for some time, engage in strenuous sports, or rub your eyes. As I understand it, it is advisable to wear dark glasses to reduce dust. Sleep on your back (necessary).

    Laser vision correction - contraindications

    For many decades, scientists have been searching for safe and effective method restoration of visual acuity, and finally it became laser correction, which, acting on the refractive optical medium inside the eye (cornea), changes its shape. In this case, the normal focusing of the image on the retina is restored - in the place where it should be in a person with healthy vision.

    Restoring vision after Super Lasik

    Basic methods of vision correction

    There are a few modern techniques vision correction using laser equipment. Let's talk about them briefly.

    PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). This technique is the first of the laser techniques to appear. A portion of the cornea is evaporated in doses using a cold (excimer) laser controlled by a computer program. The surface of the cornea is restored in 1-3 days, and a new optical curvature appears. The recovery process is quite unpleasant. In addition, if both eyes are subject to correction, the second will be operated on only when the rehabilitation of the first is completed.

    LASIK (LASIK) - laser keratomileusis. The corneal flap is separated, bent, after which its inner layers are “smoothed” with a laser according to computer program. Then the corneal flap is lowered back into place and begins to grow in the first minutes after the operation. Vision correction can be performed on both eyes on the same day, and the recovery period does not cause discomfort to the patient and lasts about a day. Complications after surgery directly depend on the sterility of the operating room and the qualifications of the eye surgeon. Another method of operation is possible if the thickness of the cornea is not quite sufficient for LASIK.

    There is another type of LASIK - LASEK (LASer Epitheliale Keratumileusis). During this operation, a flap is not separated from the cornea, but only from its epithelial layer. This means that the deep layers of the cornea remain intact and the risk of complications is reduced.

    Each of the described methods is used strictly individually, according to indications.

    Preparation and performance of the operation

    You will need to prepare for the operation according to the doctor’s instructions. But general rules are like that.

  • Hard lenses should be stopped 2 weeks before surgery, soft lenses - one week, since the shape of the cornea changes under their influence, and it should return to normal.
  • 48 hours before surgical intervention you need to give up alcohol, and 24 hours before - from cosmetics. It is recommended to wash your hair on the day of surgery, as this will not be possible for another 2-3 days after surgery. Avoid using perfumed and alcohol-containing facial skin care products, and do not wear clothes with fine pile (mohair, wool).
  • Blood tests may be prescribed: general blood tests, HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C.

    After instilling anesthetic into the eyes, the surgeon inserts an eyelid speculum and programs the laser. An instrument placed on the eye separates a flap of cornea and moves it to the side (unpleasant or painful sensations will not be). You need to look at the red light and not move your eye: the beam turns off if the eye starts to move, and the operation will last longer than the planned time. The laser exposure lasts only 10 minutes, after which you can relax by closing your eyes. The doctor will conduct a follow-up examination and administer drops. It happens that a patient wears a protective contact lens after surgery. After a couple of hours, your vision will begin to recover, and you can go home, preferably accompanied by someone.

    In addition to the ban on washing your hair and face, visiting the sauna and swimming pool, you will not be allowed to be in bright light, use cosmetics, or drink alcohol. The eyes should not be exposed to too cold or overheated air. If unusual sensations appear in the eyes, or vision deterioration is observed, you should immediately contact the clinic.

    The doctor will tell you what needs to be done after the operation, because its success depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the adequate behavior of the patient. After a month, you can already lead your usual lifestyle.

  • If laser eye surgery methods have been invented, there are also contraindications to laser vision correction. At all, this technique is considered an advanced direction in ophthalmology. After all, it allows you to get rid of forever poor eyesight. In addition, laser correction is considered painless and completely safe. Recovery period the most minimal. There are practically no complications and unpleasant consequences. But the main thing is high degree efficiency.

    Since laser vision correction has indications and contraindications, these aspects should be considered especially carefully.


    Indications for surgery are refractive pathologies. These include farsightedness, nearsightedness, heterogeneity and astigmatism. The operation is performed in the following cases:

    1. Upon reaching 18 years of age. The fact is that before this age, the visual organs of a child and adolescent are not fully formed, so there is the possibility of self-healing.
    2. Age up to 45-50 years, because age-related presbyopia begins to develop during these years, and it is prohibited to treat it with laser.
    3. No contraindications.

    Relative contraindications

    Laser vision correction – relative contraindications to surgery:

    1. Children's and adolescence– up to 18 years of age. In this case, drug therapy is carried out and other methods are used (eye gymnastics, physiotherapeutic procedures).
    2. Pregnancy, early postpartum period and lactation (breastfeeding the baby). The fact is that at this time in female body violated hormonal background. It leads to slow healing visual organs. Another reason for this contraindication is the fact that in rehabilitation period there is a need for drug therapy. And it involves the use of antibiotics in the form of eye drops.
    3. A sharp and rapid decrease in visual acuity in a short period. If it is possible to correct vision in other ways, then the operation is not performed.
    4. Temporary contraindications to laser vision correction include: inflammatory process In eyes. After all, this leads to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you should initially get rid of the inflammatory process, and then carry out the operation.
    5. Dystrophic changes in the retina. Because this state leads to retinal detachment, and this is an absolute contraindication. If there is dystrophy, then first laser coagulation, thanks to which the retina is strengthened using a non-contact method.
    6. Excessively reduced immunity associated with any disease, as healing time increases. Therefore, you first need to strengthen the immune system and get rid of the underlying disease.

    Categorical contraindications (complete ban)

    1. Systemic pathologies – rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, AIDS, HIV, bronchial asthma, oncology and the like. The reason is that the immune system excessively weakened, so healing will take too long.
    2. Diseases endocrine system- inflammation thyroid gland, diabetes.
    3. Pathologies skin: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc., which leads to keloid scars.
    4. Mental and neurological abnormalities, because in this case it is impossible to predict the patient’s behavior. And this leads to a complicated course of the operation and a prolongation of the recovery period.
    5. TO absolute contraindications Laser vision correction includes many ophthalmological diseases. For example, retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, nerve atrophy, keratoconus.

    What is allowed and prohibited after surgery

    As you know, after any surgical intervention there is a rehabilitation period during which it is forbidden to do anything. Doctors also leave special instructions on what needs to be done. Statistics show that there is a risk of complications and unpleasant consequences in patients who do not follow the doctor's recommendations. Therefore, there are contraindications after laser vision correction.

    Contraindications after surgery

    ATTENTION! In each specific case, the doctor determines his instructions. But in general, they all come down to the same rules. In addition, there may be severe restrictions for people who do not have the opportunity to frequently visit the clinic for follow-up examinations.

    Contraindications after laser vision correction:

    1. It is undesirable to wash your hair and eyes directly for 3 days, since contact tap water may provoke an inflammatory process. You should also not swim in the pool, river, sea or other bodies of water.
    2. It is strictly forbidden to rub the operated visual organ with your hands or anything else. Mechanical impact is unacceptable. Therefore, you need to try to avoid bumps and falls.
    3. It is not recommended to expose your eyes to direct sunlight in the first days after surgery. Be sure to use sun protection.
    4. On the first night after laser correction, you should not sleep on a pillow face down.
    5. Prohibitions include excessive physical labor, carrying heavy objects and engaging in active, strength sports.
    6. Don't overstrain your eyes. Therefore, refrain from watching TV for long periods of time, sitting at the computer, reading small print, or working with small parts.
    7. Contraindications after Lasik laser vision correction include avoiding the influence of cold wind and air.
    8. Do not use decorative cosmetics (mascara, eye shadow, foundation, powder). You will also have to give up your usual creams, tonics and makeup removers.
    9. Do not sit under heating devices or air conditioners.
    10. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages.
    11. It is undesirable to be in the company of smokers, since any smoke provokes irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes.
    12. It is prohibited to plan a pregnancy in the first six months after laser vision correction.
    13. It is strictly forbidden to ignore doctor's instructions and skip prescribed procedures.

    What can and should be done

    1. Rest your eyes by closing them in darkness.
    2. You can sleep on the first day only on your side or back.
    3. It is forbidden to strain your eyes excessively, but doing it gradually, on the contrary, is necessary. Therefore, you can read, write, work at the computer, but for a short time so that your eyes do not get tired. The tension must be increasing in strength. For example, today you can read for 15 minutes, tomorrow for 20, the day after tomorrow for 30, and so on. In any case, such a recommendation is made by the doctor on an individual level.
    4. You need to blot your eyes with sterile wipes.
    5. You can do fitness, not too active dancing, jogging and walking.

    Laser vision correction today is one of the most best methods fight against various pathologies visual organs. Under the influence of the laser, the cornea changes its shape, due to which the normal focusing of the image in the retina is restored. This vision correction is not only effective, but also safe. Using this medical procedure, ophthalmologists have been successfully treating farsightedness, myopia, and astigmatism for 25 years.

    The operation lasts no more than a quarter of an hour, and the direct effect of the laser on the eye does not exceed 40 seconds. In addition, correction is carried out using local anesthesia, that is, not only pain, but also unpleasant sensations are excluded.

    The recovery period is minimal, the operation does not require hospitalization of the patient. Normal vision returns to the patient immediately after the procedure. But like any other surgery, laser correction has its contraindications. Which patients are not suitable for this method of vision treatment? Let's figure it out together.

    Contraindications to laser vision correction

    Despite the huge list of advantages, effectiveness and safety, laser vision correction still remains medical procedure, which means it requires a doctor’s prescription, has its consequences, and, of course, some contraindications. These include the following conditions.

    High degrees of refractive error

    If the patient suffers from myopia greater than 10.0-12.0 diopters, farsightedness greater than 6.0 diopters, or astigmatism greater than 6.0 diopters, then the laser will not be able to completely correct vision. Therefore, people with such pathologies laser therapy contraindicated.

    Unstable vision

    Young patients under the age of 18 are not allowed to undergo laser correction, as their vision may still change due to growth eyeball. If the eye continues to grow after surgery, myopia will reappear. For effective correction The patient's vision should not have deteriorated over the past two years.

    Keratoconus and corneal diseases

    Since all laser correction procedures are performed on the cornea, Special attention the preoperative examination focuses on its initial condition. Contraindications to surgery are keratoconus, corneal dystrophy, ocular herpes and others.

    Dry eye

    Dry eye syndrome is caused by changes in the functioning of the lacrimal glands, which impairs normal condition tear film on the surface of the cornea. Surgeons pay special attention to diagnosing such changes, since the process of wound healing after surgery depends on this.

    Wide pupils

    At dusk, each person's pupils dilate to allow as much light as possible into the eye. Some people have pupils that are too wide, and if they dilate more than the diameter of the surgical area, halo effects may appear around light sources in the dark.

    Eye diseases

    Glaucoma, cataracts, inflammatory diseases, retinal dystrophy and many other eye diseases can become absolute contraindications to surgery or have temporary restrictions. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis and stye will delay surgery until the patient recovers.

    General diseases of the body

    Arthritis, collagenosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies internal organs may cause irreversible changes in the cornea during healing after surgery. Taking steroid drugs and immunosuppressants slows down the healing process.

    Considering such a number of contraindications, the decision to perform laser correction should be made not only by the ophthalmologist, but also by the attending physician, after passing all necessary tests. But even if you find yourself in a group of people who cannot undergo laser vision correction, there is no need to be upset. Modern methods ophthalmological treatment allows you to solve problems with the visual organs without surgical intervention. So a way out of this situation can always be found. The main thing is to trust the specialists.

    Be healthy!

    The period is considered to be from 18 to 45 years. Before the age of 18, correction is not recommended, since at this age, with the growth of the entire body, including the eyeball, the refraction of vision may also change. And after 45 years, doctors warn the patient that laser correction will not protect him from possible appearance age-related farsightedness (presbyopia). The decision to undergo laser correction after 45 years is purely individual and is made by the doctor only after thorough examination visual system.

    Are there any contraindications to excimer laser correction?

    There are few contraindications to laser vision correction, but they do exist. This is the presence in patients of such eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal pathology and common diseases(tuberculosis, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, tumors, infections). Laser correction is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

    How long has laser correction been around?

    Laser vision correction was first performed in 1989 and since that time has proven its reliability and effectiveness. Excimer was one of the first in Russia to offer its patients this method vision correction, and in 11 years more than 100,000 patients gained good vision.

    How many laser corrections have been done in the world?

    Today, excimer laser correction is used in medical centers and clinics in 45 countries around the world. Over the past 10 years, over 3 million vision corrections have been performed worldwide.

    Is it true that laser vision correction is not recommended for women who have not yet given birth?

    For nulliparous women, excimer laser correction can be performed. By itself, it does not cause visual impairment after childbirth. The only thing is that vision correction cannot be carried out directly during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Problems during childbirth usually arise due to poor condition retina, which is often accompanied by myopia. Therefore, before laser correction, it is necessary to check the condition of the retina and, if necessary, strengthen it.

    Can vision deteriorate after correction?

    The result of laser correction will not change over time. This fact has been proven by time. After all, vision correction went through multi-stage clinical trials before it began to be used in ophthalmological clinics Worldwide. Since the end of the 80s, more than 5 million corrections have been made and so far no cases of vision deterioration after laser vision correction using the LASIK method have been recorded.
    However, doctors warn all patients that vision deterioration is possible if age-related changes in the body after 45-50 years and the development of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia).

    How painless is excimer laser correction?

    This procedure is performed under local drip anesthesia, which is easily tolerated and eliminates any pain.

    How long do you need to stay in the hospital after laser vision correction?

    There is no need to stay in the hospital. The procedure for restoring vision using laser correction is performed in a “one-day” mode, that is, without hospitalization. It takes 10–15 minutes. Including preoperative preparation and mandatory postoperative examination, the patient spends only 1.5–2 hours in the clinic and returns home the same day.

    Is it possible to perform laser correction on two eyes at once?

    Most often, laser vision correction using the LASIK technique is performed sequentially on both eyes, with an interval of several minutes.

    Can excimer laser correction be done using someone else’s data?

    This is impossible, since before carrying out laser correction, the doctor and engineer must verify the data in the medical card the patient, with those that are entered into his electronic card and displayed on the monitor screen of the laser installation. Without a special electronic card (individual patient card), the laser unit will be blocked and will not start working.

    What happens if the electricity goes out during laser correction?

    If such a situation occurs (which is very unlikely), the power supply of the laser installation will be reconnected to the uninterruptible power supply. Not only devices will be connected to it, but also a system for ensuring safe conditions in the room for correction (dehumidifier and air conditioners with microfilters, etc.). This will allow for a truly complete correction on both eyes, without any violations of technology.

    How long does the correction procedure take?

    Laser correction is an outpatient procedure and is performed without hospitalization. The patient spends about 1.5–2 hours in the clinic. The preparatory period before laser correction takes approximately 10–20 minutes, and the correction itself takes 10–15 minutes. After the procedure, the patient rests for some time, then the doctor examines him, gives the necessary recommendations and sends him home.

    Is it possible to actively engage in sports after laser correction?

    Yes, you can! After laser vision correction, you can lead your usual lifestyle as before. There are no restrictions on physical and visual activity after laser correction.
    Vision correction using the LASIK technique is the only way to restore vision for people experiencing maximum loads: test pilots, climbers, stuntmen, etc.

    How long after I can work at a computer after LKZ?

    You can work on a computer within 1–2 days after laser vision correction. Depending on individual characteristics, many patients work at the computer the very next day without any restrictions.

    Why undergo diagnostics before correction?

    It is possible to determine indications for laser correction only through diagnostics. An examination of the visual system is necessary so that the doctor not only makes sure that laser correction is advisable, but is also able to offer an individual treatment option for a particular patient and calculate the parameters of future vision correction.

    Is laser correction safe?

    The advantages of laser correction are that it is predictable, safe and non-traumatic. LASIK technology underwent multi-stage clinical trials before it began to be used in ophthalmology centers and clinics. Long-term observations of patients have shown that the excimer laser does not cause any disorders, since the impact occurs only on one of the refractive media - the cornea, and the depth of impact is strictly limited.
    All excimer lasers operate in the same wavelength range, in pulsed mode. The temperature in the tissue evaporation zone practically does not increase (no more than 5°-6°) due to the short duration of exposure. With each pulse, the laser removes a layer 0.25 µm thick (approximately 1/500th of the thickness human hair). This precision allows you to achieve the ideal result of laser vision correction and does not affect internal tissues.
    In addition, you can be confident in safety, since the laser intensity is controlled by a computer, and the patient’s gaze tracking system during surgery ensures the most accurate centering of the ablation zone.

    Will it be necessary to wear glasses after laser correction in old age?

    Age-related farsightedness (presbyopia) develops after 45–50 years in almost every person. Laser vision correction does not protect against age-related farsightedness (presbyopia). As you get older, you may need glasses for near reading, whether you have had laser correction or not.

    Is it possible to go blind after laser correction?

    In the history of laser correction, there has not been a single case of vision loss after this procedure. If diagnostic examination showed that you have no contraindications to vision correction, and after the procedure you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then we can guarantee excellent result for many years.

    Will it be necessary to limit physical activity?

    Of course, on the first day after laser vision correction you should lead a more relaxed lifestyle, but this does not mean that in the future you will limit your physical exercise. After 1-2 days you will be able to continue your active life, for example, return to sports.

    How does vision improve after laser correction?

    During the correction process, the laser creates new uniform The cornea is the “natural lens” of our eye, as a result of which it begins to refract light rays differently, and previously blurry images become clear.

    Will there be restrictions in the future?

    After laser vision correction, the rehabilitation period is minimal. Minor discomfort after correction disappears after 30–40 minutes, and the final recovery visual functions occurs within a few days. The restrictions immediately after correction are minor and mainly concern hygiene procedures(visiting the pool, sauna, using cosmetics). In the future there are no restrictions.

    May a re-correction be necessary?

    In some particularly complex cases, additional correction is required, but most often this is not necessary.

    Will my vision be 100% after laser vision correction?

    When deciding to undergo laser vision correction, all patients want to restore their vision and no longer use glasses or contact lenses. However, it is impossible to guarantee 100% vision for everyone. The result of the correction depends on many factors, including the natural acuity of your vision. How you will see after correction is discussed with your doctor during a preoperative diagnostic examination.

    What happens if the laser “misses”?

    During the treatment, the laser cannot “miss”, since the position of the eye is fixed by a special vacuum ring, and the head is fixed by a vacuum cushion. In addition, to ensure that accuracy is not compromised, the patient's chair is rigidly connected to the laser. This also ensures that eye displacement will not occur during correction.

    Whether it is possible to use laser vision correction for other visual impairments is determined by the doctor in each individual case based on the results full examination. In this case, the patient’s health status is taken into account, all possible contraindications LASIK and existing risks.

    To ensure that the examination is as accurate as possible, you should prepare for it. If you use contact lenses, you should stop wearing them. A few weeks before the primary ophthalmological examination Wearing glasses at all times is recommended.

    This is because the contact lens changes the shape of the cornea. Such changes are insignificant for human vision as a whole. However, they can be very important when measuring eye parameters and planning surgery.

    How long it takes for your cornea to recover depends on the type of contact lenses you use. It is advisable to stop wearing it 7 days before the first examination. It is better to stop wearing it two weeks before.

    If the cornea does not have time to return to its normal shape at the time of testing, the results will not be accurate. An operation performed based on such results will not be successful. The required visual acuity is not achieved and a repeat operation will be required.

    Absolute contraindications

    There are a number of conditions under which LASIK surgery is contraindicated. In such cases, the risk of negative consequences there will be more benefits that this correction can bring:

    • The presence of vascular, autoimmune or immunodeficiency diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, AIDS - these diseases reduce the body’s ability to recover;
    • Keratoconus or other diseases that lead to thinning of the cornea. Such diseases can lead to serious complications after LASIK correction – cause vision deterioration, the restoration of which will require additional surgical procedures, such as corneal transplant;
    • If you are constantly taking medical supplies, side effect which has an effect on the eyes, this is also a contraindication for LASIK;
    • Single eye;
    • Thin cornea;
    • Progressive and significantly reducing visual acuity cataract;
    • Unoperated retinal detachment.

    Relative contraindications

    If there are relative contraindications, LASIK surgery can be performed if the doctor assesses the patient's vision condition as severe and the benefits of the correction will be greater than the risks.

    • The patient is under 18 years of age. Thus, treatment through surgery is possible if there are medical indications for this;
    • Systemic diseases - affect wound healing, their presence can affect the ability of the cornea to recover after surgery;
    • Availability diabetes mellitus and insulin dependencies can also affect the cornea's ability to heal after LASIK;
    • General and eye infectious diseases;
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding – hormonal levels change, which can affect the process of eye restoration after laser correction;
    • Dry eye syndrome – if a patient has this syndrome, it may worsen after LASIK correction. In some cases, over time, the condition of the eyes normalizes and becomes the same as it was before laser exposure. This dry eye can affect the healing process of the flap;
    • Severe allergies - if the patient suffers from severe allergic reactions and takes medications in connection with this;
    • Progressive myopia;
    • Operated retinal detachment.

    Vision correction using LASIK is a common operation, but you should remember its negative consequences.
