How easy it is to put a baby to bed without motion sickness and whims: advice from Dr. Komarovsky. Troubled night sleep of a baby: Komarovsky's recommendations

Every mother worries about why the child does not sleep well at night. What to do to make the child wake up less? Komarovsky advises to observe the regime.

"Parenting" and "sleepless nights" - these two concepts stand side by side in almost every family where there is a small child. And no matter how normal they seem frequent awakenings, every mother is still worried about why the baby sleeps badly, and whether this is connected with some "terrible" pathologies.

Indeed, a baby crying in the middle of the night is a natural phenomenon. However, most children wake up for certain reasons, finding out and eliminating which, parents will finally be able to get enough sleep. What to do to make the little one sleep well? Komarovsky advises.

Restless sleep up to six months

The quality and duration of children's rest directly depends on the maturation of their nervous system. For example, for newborns whose brain is actively developing, superficial sleep prevails. Compared to deep, it takes 80%.

Every day this ratio will change in favor of sound sleep and by 3 years the stage of rapid (superficial) will be only 30%. Thus, frequent waking up is not at all a problem for nursing baby, And his physiological feature necessary for the development of the nervous system.

The more significant factor is sleep duration. The exact norms in numbers can be found in the article "". Parents of babies should be concerned if the baby slept less than 14 hours a day. In addition to neurological problems, this occurs due to following reasons:

  • he is hot or cold;
  • the baby is hungry - especially important for babies, because the "artificial" eat less often;
  • colic begins;
  • nasal breathing is disturbed.

Newborns often wake themselves up with spontaneous movements of their arms and legs. Therefore, if one month old baby anxiously asleep, try to swaddle him.

Sleep problems from 6 months to a year

Increases by six months physical activity babies: he learns to sit, crawl, already knows how to manipulate objects. A large number of new impressions leads to overexcitation, he cannot fall asleep for a long time or even misses one of the day's rest.

New skills haunt him at night. The baby sleeps anxiously, and wakes up, sits down in the crib or jumps on his legs (by 8 months).

In the second half of the year, the first complementary foods are introduced to the children. Toddlers are not always happy with new food, and sometimes it is poorly absorbed. This leads to a lack of received nutrients during the day, which is why the little one sleeps restlessly at night, more often than usual waking up for feeding. The wrong yogurt or puree can cause allergic reactions and digestive problems. Then sleepless night provided for the whole family!

The most popular reason for restless sleep at night is teething. The crumbs are especially worried about pain in the dark, from which he cries for a long time and is capricious.

The rapid growth of teeth and bones in children under 1 year of age leads to a calcium deficiency in the body. As a result, increased excitability appears, from which the child wakes up at night.

Komarovsky recommends controlling the amount of mineral in the body, and in case of a shortage, give the crumbs 1 tablet of calcium gluconate daily. Do not forget also that its absorption occurs only with vitamin D.

Bad sleep after a year

One year old baby sleeps anxiously at night for almost the same reasons as before: an unbalanced diet, lack of calcium, teething. But the duration of sleep is significantly reduced.

In the year, children switch to a one-time daytime rest. If the baby began to pack up later in the evening, constantly wake up and "spin" in the crib, and get up in the morning at the usual time, then it's time to clean up the second day's rest.

Another a turning point at this age, weaning from night "meals" becomes. From the point of view of physiology, Komarovsky reminds, infant ready to give up snacks at night even at 6 months. However, most mothers solve this issue 1-1.5 years old, getting another reason for the night's vagaries.

In this case, a well-known pediatrician advises feeding the baby a high-calorie milk-cereal porridge before going to bed, so that the child stays full longer, and only offer water at night.

Bad sleep at 2 years old

Komarovsky does not see anything wrong with the fact that the child does not sleep well at night in the first two years and considers it more a norm than a violation. As the people say - "will outgrow".

Subject articles:

Teeth, digestive problems are behind, if a child at this age is sick, he will tell himself where it hurts. Now the reasons for waking up at night lie not at all physiological, but in psychological discomfort. For example, if a child is stressed when visiting kindergarten... Or there is an unfavorable psychological situation in the family: parents swear, speak in a raised voice, do not pay attention to the baby.

At two years old, children already have a well-developed imagination. Often, after some fairy tale or watched cartoon, fears and nightmares may appear.

Optimization of sleep according to Komarovsky

Reflecting on the topic of poor sleep, the famous pediatrician is sure that more often the problem lies not with children, but with their parents. It is because of pedagogical errors and non-observance of sleep hygiene that moms and dads themselves pay at night. What does the doctor mean?


In order for the family to remain physiologically and mentally healthy, all its members need a full night's rest. Only parents who sleep well can give the child and each other love, and this is most important for his development.

Observe the regimen

It is not necessary to jump up with a baby at 6 in the morning and run for a walk. Adjust the daily routine of the baby to your own, and then do it. If the family is used to packing at 11 and getting up by 9, also teach the baby.

How and with whom to sleep

Today, many parents choose joint sleep with the baby. Komarovsky admits this decision, but does not believe that sleeping with parents is good for the baby.

The doctor is considering two options. In the first case, the child sleeps in his crib, which is in the parent's bedroom. After a year, the pediatrician recommends removing it to the nursery, but allows the presence of adults up to 3 years old in the room.

Control the amount of rest

On each age stage children have a daily sleep requirement. For example, at 6 months it is 14.5 hours, and at 2 years only 13. If a baby rests too much during the day, it is not surprising that he wakes up at night.

Do not be afraid to wake up the little one, Komarovsky gives advice! In his responses to letters to readers, the doctor sometimes even recommends giving up daytime sleep altogether if it interferes with nighttime rest.

Optimize Feeding

What prevents mothers from getting enough sleep for the first 1-1.5 years of motherhood? Night feedings! At their expense, Komarovsky speaks out categorically.

Newborns are recommended to be applied to the breast on demand, at 4 months, possibly once. After six months, children do not need night feedings. The pediatrician is sure that from this age it is necessary to completely stop snacking, despite the baby's displeasure. He urges not to accustom to food at every "squeak", because overfeeding is the main cause of digestive problems.

The more parents support swinging, sucking and other ways of showing attention, the more often the baby requires it. So that the sleeping baby is not awakened by hunger, Komarovsky suggests feeding the baby more satisfyingly before going to bed.

Activity during the day

For healthy sleep and correct development, children need to move and walk a lot. At night, limit your emotional stress and stick to your own bedding ritual.

Air in the nursery

“Cool humid air” - this phrase is repeated by the TV presenter in almost every program, regardless of its topic. However, not all parents follow this rule.

18-20 degrees and at least 50% humidity - the doctor recommends not skimping on a thermometer and a humidifier for a children's bedroom and strictly monitor the performance of these devices. Ventilate the room well before bed. From birth, teach your baby to sleep with the window open at any time of the year.


Long lasting water treatments in the spacious parental bath are good for your health and help you fall asleep. “Fairly tired and having eaten tightly, any toddler sleeps soundly asleep,” the pediatrician is sure.

The right bed

Don't skimp on diapers

Today you do not need to get up in the middle of the night several times to change diapers. But only a high-quality diaper is able to maintain children's and parental sleep, so if you want to get enough sleep, buy products only from trusted manufacturers.

The time when babies wake up in the middle of the night passes very quickly. Someone adheres to a strict upbringing and does not allow the toddler to exhaust himself from night to night. Others agree to motion sickness and feeding, so long as the child does not cry. But in the end, all these "costs" of motherhood are remembered with a smile and sadness, because children are small only once.

Many parents are faced with the problem of nighttime and restless sleep in a child. Neurologists classify restless and disturbed dream a nursing baby as a neurological disorder.

It is important to establish the reason why the child does not sleep well at night., and do not rush to take medications.

note! If the baby cries, tosses and turns in the crib at night, falls asleep badly - this is a signal to parents. Children may have bad dreams, teething, tummy hurts.

Cause of restless sleep Solution
Age Practice sleeping with parents. Young children will be less likely to wake up at night and cry. After three years, you can leave the lamp on at night or soft toy in the crib
Individual temperament Children with increased needs require constant attention. It is important to ensure contact with mom at night. Parents organize sleep together
Not correct mode Increase outdoor exposure, play before bed, dance, exercise, limit TV and computer viewing
Baby's well-being Children have very bad sleep at night if they have a stomach ache or when their teeth come out. He becomes nervous and whimpers constantly. The main task of parents is to alleviate the condition and pay more attention to the baby.

A child under one year old often wakes up at night. This is not a deviation, no doctor's help is required. The baby learns the world, adapts to the environment.

If he becomes moody and cries a lot, you need to pay attention to the behavior, and take action. In the first two weeks after birth, the baby develops a regimen.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that restful sleep the child has a positive effect on the well-being of the parents. That is why it is important to teach your baby to strict regime day.

Komarovsky insists that every child needs well-rested and calm parents... Children are prepared in advance for a night's sleep and determined optimal mode(for example, from 9:00 pm to 8:00 am).

After arriving from the hospital, it is provided good rest newborn crumbs. The best option is a separate baby bed in the parents' room.

Moms will make it easier to get up to night feeds. At two years old, you can organize a separate room for your child.

Important to remember! Two-month and three-month-old babies face excruciating intestinal colic... There is special means that help relieve the condition and remove excess gas from the intestines.

The main signs are that he eats worse, is capricious, grunts, tightens his legs, becomes restless and turns in a dream. In this case, you need to do a tummy massage every hour. A one-month-old baby should not be placed on its back immediately after a meal.

It is difficult for mothers to control the baby's sleep and hear his moans from another room. Doctors regularly remind that prevention of sudden death syndrome is necessary.

Dr. Komarovsky categorically refers To various means traditional medicine used by grandmothers (conspiracies, tight swaddling).

Some parents put their newborns with them in the same bed. But pediatricians advise against practicing such a regimen.

Children quickly get used to sleeping together With mother and father. As he grows up, parents will face problems retraining the baby. Adults can fall asleep soundly and, by their negligence, crush the baby.

If the crumb is not yet a year old, then it should be laid on its back, the head should be turned on its side. This will allow him not to choke when regurgitating.

Some babies sleep on their stomachs, and this position increases the likelihood of sudden death syndrome.

This phenomenon occurs when the access of oxygen to the lungs is limited. if the spout ends up in a pillow or blanket.

  1. Children may sleep poorly and fall asleep if the sleeping place is not properly organized.
  2. Mattress to choose good quality so that it is as flat and dense as possible (it should not bend under weight).
  3. In a year and a half, you can put a small orthopedic pillow in the crib.
  4. Linens choose only from natural material.

Children's clothes are washed with a special powder that does not contain aggressive chemicals. At home, you can put a humidifier if heating devices are actively working and dry the air.

note! If Small child often wake up at night, then before going to bed at night, he must eat his fill.

The main condition is not to overdo it, because overfeeding leads to pain in the tummy and sleep disturbance. If the baby fits for a long time, then you need to be patient and give him a relaxing massage.

What if a newborn baby does not sleep well during the day?

Reasons for which newborn babies do not sleep well during the day:

It is important to observe the baby and determine the cause of his restless sleep.

A four-month, five-month, and six-month-old baby should spend more time outdoors than newborn babies.

What to do if children have bad sleep?

For a child to sleep well, it is necessary to take it into account age features and organize the correct daily routine.

Sleep is enough for babies under one year old 3 hours during the day and 13 hours at night. The duration of daytime wakefulness gradually increases.

Each organism is different, so young mothers should work out the optimal schedule. Tips to help your baby sleep through the night and stay on daytime sleep.

What to do:

  1. It is important for children under 5 to sleep during the day... This is necessary to restore lost strength.

    But many parents believe that if a seven-month-old baby does not sleep during the day, then he quickly gets tired and falls asleep more easily at night. But this is the wrong decision.

    The baby immediately disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, the processes of inhibition, so it is difficult for him to fall asleep or cannot do it at all. You can give depressant(chamomile tea).

  2. If children refuse to sleep during the day, then parents need to relax with them.

    You can lie down a little before going to bed, pet the child, tell him a pleasant fairy tale. Children fall asleep well outside in the stroller.

    This is a great option for daytime sleep, especially when babies are teething at six months.

  3. For children preschool age you need to go to bed before 21:00... To make it easier to go to bed, you need to take a walk in the evening, swim, brush your teeth, read a fairy tale together or play quiet games.

It is important to teach your baby to fall asleep on his own., without the help of adults. Thus, a healthy and normal sleep habit is developed.

Parents need to be persistent and not back down from their demands. Only with the right approach will the child go to bed calmly.

Night awakenings. Part 1. Improper sleep organization

An article for parents whose children “walk at night”, confuse day and night, want to play, not sleep.

“My 7 month old baby walks at night. What to do? ”,“ Whatever I do, he still does not sleep for 1.5–2 hours at night ”,“ Can a 1-year-old child confuse day and night? Why does he stay awake for a long time almost every night? "

These phrases, perhaps, are most often found in search engine requests, on forums and, of course, in letters - cries for help from BabySleep sleep consultants. This article will focus on keeping children awake at night when the child is without apparent reasons wakes up and does not sleep for a long time. Moreover, he often looks vigorous and completely slept, plays, communicates. Or just for an hour or two or more calmly lies and, as if trying to fall asleep, but cannot.

In this article you will learn what can cause wakefulness at night, and you will also find recommendations for improving the situation by adjusting the regime and creating a favorable environment for sleep. In the second part articles will be considered psychological reasons"Walks at night".

Walks at night: research and observation of specialists

Numerous studies by sleep experts show that staying awake at night in young children is indeed one of the most common problems under the age of 3. According to scientists, about 20% of children from 1 to 2 years old wake up and stay awake at night 5 or more times a week, among three-year-olds 26% wake up at least 3 times a week.

According to many pediatric specialists (pediatricians, neurologists, osteopaths and psychologists), this is very common reason parental appeals. As a rule, if the child does not have any neurological disorders and in general the baby is healthy, the diagnosis "Insomnia" is made and it is suggested drug treatment, sometimes massage. But doctors themselves admit that this does not always guarantee a solution to the problem.

Don't miss the new an article about baby's sleep

Walks at night: what does it mean?

At every age, children "walk" at night in different ways. At 1.5 months. a baby can completely confuse day and night, at 6-14 months - for 2-3 hours at night to work out newly acquired skills (sit down, crawl, get up, talk), at 15 months - start playing with mom, etc.

In our work, we are faced with such appeals every day. For you, we have combined the experience of international authorities in the field of sleep disorders in children and our own observations, and divided the causes of nighttime awakenings and wakefulness into 2 groups. The first group includes factors associated with improper organization of sleep, the second is psychological problems, which we will talk about in the second part of the article.

1. Improper sleep organization:


How does it manifest

How to help

Too long naps

During the day, the child sleeps more than normal (gets enough sleep), so he walks at night.

Keep a sleep diary. Gently wake up when sleeping for more than 2 hours.

Lighting interferes

Any light source, even a night light, can get in the way.

Turn off the night light while laying, leaving the curtains slightly open if necessary.

Late laying down

The biological rhythms of the child are set to fall asleep at 19-21 o'clock and wake up at 6-8 o'clock. A child who has not slept in time is overexcited and does not get enough sleep.

Install no later than 21 hours. Monitor the waking time, do not allow to walk.

Can't fall asleep on its own

It fits only on the hands, motion sickness, bottle, chest, etc. are required.

Help learn to fall asleep on your own.

Lack of a stable regime

Children get used to sleeping at the same time (this is how their circadian rhythms are tuned). And when the regime goes astray, they get overexcited.

Establish a clear age regimen, be aware of the signs of fatigue and follow them.


The child does not relax before going to bed, has a lot of fun, gets excited in the process of laying down.

Relax an hour before bedtime with quiet activities, reduce lighting. Introduce a ritual that will just soothe and clearly associate with sleep.

Natural needs or discomfort

Thirst or hunger. Uncomfortable sleeping environment, too hot, stuffy, cold, the seams on the pajamas get in the way, etc.

Make sure your baby is getting the right amount of calories and water during the day. The bedroom should be cool (18-21 °), fresh air, baby's clothes should be comfortable. Check if it is hot (or, on the contrary, cold) at night.

    The most common reason is too long sleep

    in the afternoon. If daily rate sleep is unevenly distributed and the child sleeps too much during the day, then when he wakes up at night, the baby feels already sufficiently slept.

  1. Interferes lighting- parents turn on the light, take the awakened child into a lighted room, leave the night light all night, shine on the phone, the lamps of equipment or a humidifier are on, etc. The child's brain reacts to this as a wake-up call.
  2. Late laying down... Too much big time wakefulness leads to overexcitement, with which nervous system the child does not have time to cope. Longest phases deep sleep, which gives a good rest to the body, has, as a rule, for the period from 19 to 24 hours. If the child did not get the opportunity to sleep 3-4 hours before midnight, overexcitement can "wake him up" and prevent him from falling asleep.
  3. Lack of skill falling asleep on your own ... If the child is somehow helped to fall asleep (they are rocked, or the mother lies nearby, they give a breast or a bottle to fall asleep), then when he wakes up he needs exactly the same environment. For example, falling asleep in his arms, and waking up in the crib, the baby is frightened or indignant and calls his mother. He really wants to sleep, but he managed to take a walk or get overexcited. He himself will be able to fall asleep now only the way he knows how - only with motion sickness.
  4. Lack of regime by age, inconsistent bedtime, lack of sleep. The biological clock the child is tuned to the circadian rhythms that command "lift!" in the morning and "sleep!" in the evening at the same time. When the child's regime is in conflict with circadian rhythms (and, accordingly, the hormonal work of the body, body temperature, blood pressure and common system functioning), it can be difficult for the child to fall asleep when laid down. He is overworked, and at night he can become awake.
  5. Overexcited when laying down: it happens that parents unwittingly entertain the child, trying to put him to bed in all ways (they either shake, then sing, or tell a fairy tale too emotionally). It often happens that parents let the baby play and let the baby run out of the bedroom, thinking that he just does not want to sleep yet. In fact, after a year, babies tend to hide signs of fatigue and often don't look sleepy at all in the evening. But since the child still gets tired during the day, the body helps him cope with drowsiness and fatigue. increased activity by producing the "activity hormone" cortisol. Cortisol triggers activating processes in the body, including in the brain, which is why it is so difficult for an overstretched child to calm down and fall asleep. And having woken up at night, the baby cannot fall asleep because of the excitement "undigested" by the body.

Other common causative nighttime awakenings are often natural needs(thirst, hunger) or the discomfort(cold-hot-stuffy, itching or pain during the growth of teeth, as well as snoring and shortness of breath). The baby begins to stay awake at night if, for example, there are several of these reasons: he wants to go to the toilet, feels uncomfortable and, while the parents figured out, the dream "faded away." Read more about these reasons in the BabySleep brochure "Why does my child sleep badly?" on our website.

Anna Bondarenko
Center Sleep Consultant baby sleep and development of "BabySleep"

Dear Parents! Due to the heavy workload of the employees of the BabySleep Center, you can ask a question in the comments to the articles on weekdays (registration on the site is required). On weekends and holidays the ability to comment is limited. Hope for your understanding.

Comments (107)

I quote:

Maria, good evening! Specify, please, does your daughter "walk" at night every day? What time is it usually? What do you do while doing this, how does she end up falling asleep? Thanks!

Yes, already about 4 days starts from 3 am. She starts looking for her breasts, cries, I give, she takes And after a couple of seconds she turns on the other side, turns to me again And takes her breasts, turns away again And turns back and forth like this for a very long time, eventually wakes up from this. And how will it turn out to be laid, before 4, until 5 in the morning. Today from 3 to 8 in the morning we could not put her to bed. As a result, from 8 to 13 she slept during the day. Then at 1700 I slept for 50 minutes and at 2100 I hardly fell asleep. I gave her a table to sleep today because I was afraid of overexcitement from 7 hours of sleep.

We present to you the opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky on the problems of poor sleep in children. The article will discuss the basic rules that parents must adhere to when they want to improve their child's sleep. So: the child does not sleep well at night - what does Dr. Komarovsky say about this, what rules does he advise to adhere to?

Healthy sleep rules according to Komarovsky

Rule one - prioritization. Komarovsky rightly claims that a family can be complete and happy, among other things, and in the case when they get enough sleep - they sleep at least 8 hours a day. And the child more than anything else (even more food, fresh air and so on) need healthy, full of strength parents who love him and each other. Therefore, dear parents, love and take care of each other. And don't forget to get enough sleep. And your baby, looking at you, will also be calm and happy, which means that it will sleep well.

Rule two - certainty with the regime of the day. The child's regimen from the very moment of birth must be correlated with the regimen of the whole family. You need to prepare for a night's sleep in advance and prepare your child for it. The time for going to bed should be determined, moreover, this time should be convenient for the parents. And it doesn't matter whether it is 9 pm or 5 am, the main thing is to adhere to it constantly, try to comply.

The third rule is who sleeps with whom and where. Komarovsky is considering three options for resolving these issues.

  • For children under one year old, the best option would be to place a baby cot in the parents' bedroom. In principle, this option is also acceptable for children under three years old.
  • For a child over one year old the best option- a cot in your children's bedroom.
  • Sleep of the child in the same bed with the parents. Today, this option can even be called fashionable, but not a single pediatrician will support it, and even to healthy sleep the child is irrelevant.

Rule four - sleepyhead needs to be woken up! For a child to sleep soundly at night, parents should not allow excess sleep v daytime... Komarovsky explains this as follows. up to three months - 16-20 hours, at half-year-old children- 14.5 hours, for one-year-old children - 13.5 hours, at two years old - 13 hours, at four years old - 11.5 hours, at six years old - 9.5 hours, at 12 years old - 8.5 hours. And if we know that a child at the age of six months needs 14.5 hours of sleep per day, then no more than 6.5 hours of sleep should fall on the daytime. Then the parents will sleep peacefully and soundly at night. And if a six-month-old baby sleeps 9 hours in the daytime, then at night parents do not have to count on 8-hour sleep. Therefore, Komarovsky advises, do not be afraid to wake the dormouse during the day if he sleeps for a long time.

Rule five - feed optimization. After six months, the baby no longer biologically needs night feeding. At night, he can demand communication, swinging, sucking, and the more often these requirements are met, the more actively the child demands them. Parents should set the rules of the game once and stick to them all the time. In the penultimate feeding, it is better to slightly underfeed the child, and in the last feeding to his fill. By the way, hunger is not the only reason for poor sleep, so you cannot gag with food for any night squeak. In addition, overfeeding is often the main reason pain in the tummy and related sleep disturbances.

Rule six - have a good day. During the day, you need to live actively, walk, engage in outdoor games, sleep in the air. The child needs to be given physical exercise... In the evening, limit unnecessary emotions, it is better to play calm games, and sing a lulling song before going to bed.

Rule seven - air in the bedroom. It should be clean and cool. To do this, you need to ventilate and perform wet cleaning, try to humidify the air. The optimum temperature for sleeping is 16-18 degrees with a humidity in the room of 50-70% ..

Rule nine - preparing the bed. The mattress should be flat, dense, babies under two years old do not need pillows at all. After two years, a pillow is possible. Its dimensions: 40x60, the thickness should correspond to the width of the child's shoulder. Bed linen - only made of natural fabric, washed with baby powder or laundry soap.

Rule ten - use quality diapers. Diapers are a real help for parents at night, but they must be of high quality, reliable, tested.

Again, you didn't get enough sleep and you feel a lack of energy, because the child did not sleep well all night? All parents face this. Bad night sleep in a child under one year old, the reasons for which are very diverse, it is a fairly frequent phenomenon. It is possible to cope with the problem if you find out what exactly may disturb the baby and create favorable conditions for rest. From this article, readers of Popular About Health will also learn what Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky advises about poor sleep in children.

Causes of Poor Sleep in Babies

Why do babies often wake up at night, cry, grunt and demand attention? There are a lot of reasons for that, which are conventionally divided into internal, associated with well-being, and external.

Feeling unwell

Most often, a bad sleep in children under one year old is explained by the state of health of the crumbs. Fever, nasal congestion, ear pain are common symptoms of a cold or viral disease cause severe inconvenience to small family members.

Children under 4 months of age often suffer from colic. If the baby cries almost continuously, pulling the legs to the stomach, most likely, he is worried about gas formation in the intestines. Child digestive tract is still too weak and underdeveloped, so it can “violently” react to infant formula and even to breast milk. To avoid this, mom needs to carefully monitor her own diet, excluding all fatty, fried, baked goods, sweets and citrus fruits.

Teething in babies from 6 months old is another reason why babies do not sleep well at night. For some, this process is less painful, while for others, the temperature rises and diarrhea begins. At the same time, the gums swell a lot, redden and hurt. In such conditions, children simply cannot sleep peacefully and serenely.

Bad dream at infant also happens when there is a lack of vitamin D in the body. It is impossible to diagnose this condition on your own, but you should pay attention to whether the child's hair is falling out. If so, you should ask your pediatrician for a referral for an appropriate blood test. If suspicions are confirmed, the doctor will prescribe oral vitamin D.

External factors affecting sleep

The conditions in which the baby is located also greatly affect the quality of his sleep. If the room is too stuffy or cold, the child will certainly react to this - he will toss and turn, whimper. Air humidity also plays a huge role - its optimal value is about 60 percent. In winter, when the batteries are working, the air becomes too dry, which negatively affects the condition of the baby's mucous membranes. It often happens that the crumbs have a nose or a tickle in the neck just because the humidity in the room is too low. Because of this, the child's sleep is disturbed.

A wet diaper (or dirty) is a commonplace reason why a child does not sleep well. He is simply uncomfortable. Uncomfortable clothes, too hard or too soft mattress are factors that create discomfort. Some parents leave the lights on at night, unaware that they annoy the baby. Some children do not sleep well after visiting crowded places and meeting new people, while others have high meteosensitivity. However, nighttime anxiety in children is not always caused by some kind of health problem and inconvenience. Often, the parents themselves do not properly organize the baby's sleep. What does Dr. Komarovsky say about this?

Sleep up to a year is bad - what Komarovsky advises?

Writer, journalist, pediatrician, doctor the highest category, a native of the city of Kharkov, the host of the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky", Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky says this - a healthy, happy and able-bodied family is one where both parents have the opportunity to sleep at least 8 hours a day. The main need of the child is an adequately rested mom and dad, so he urges to organize a night's rest in a way that is comfortable, first of all, for the parents. What exactly does Komarovsky advise to do?

1. Organize daytime and follow it without deviation. Parents should decide on exact time going to bed, for example, from 21 hours to 5-6 in the morning or from 22 hours to 6-7 in the morning.

2. Install a crib in the parent's bedroom if the baby is under one year old. Further the right decision there will be equipment for children in a separate room.

3. Komarovsky advises not to allow excess sleep during the daytime. If daily requirement in a child's sleep of six months is 14 hours, then two days' rest should be no more than 5 hours. Then the baby will sleep his legal 8-9 hours at night.

4. Increase your daytime activity - move more with your baby, walk outside, play.

5. Before going to bed, only quiet games or reading are allowed - if the baby gets overexcited, it is highly likely that he will fall asleep for a long time, and at night he will toss and turn and wake up.

6. Evening water procedures - what helps the little ones to play enough, waste energy, get hungry and want to sleep. After bathing and feeding, babies usually fall asleep quickly.

7. After 6 months, children no longer have a biological need for night feeding, do not follow the lead of their children, who require attention at night. If you try to wean the baby from feeding at night during the week, he will quickly get used to it and will not ask for breast or formula.

8. Komarovsky again and again emphasizes the importance of using a high-quality diaper, without which it is impossible to create comfortable conditions for rest.

Analyze what aspects you can adjust to improve your baby's sleep.

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