How to choose good cat food. Rating of the best cat food by composition and quality

Our “smaller brothers” have a positive effect on their health and, accordingly, appearance. The primary task of a cat owner is to find the best food for his pet. After all, this is the key to her health and longevity.

Today in any store you can see a huge selection of these products, but before choosing any product, the cat owner must know what nutrients the cat needs for full development. Of course it's protein fatty acid, vitamins and minerals, enzymes. Now you need to figure out what kind of food there is. Perhaps then it will be easier for you to choose best option.


Do not under any circumstances think that these are products from your table. Every cat owner should firmly remember that feeding their furry friend food intended for humans is strictly prohibited. According to many famous veterinarians, the most good food for cats - pieces of meat or fish. But you must remember that periodically the cat should receive mineral or vitamin supplements if you prefer natural food. The veterinarian will tell you about them and recommend which ones are best to give to your pet.

When inexperienced pet owners ask: “Recommend a good cat food,” many experts recommend natural products.

What are the benefits of meat and fish

Lean lamb, veal, and rabbit are the main supplier of protein to the animal’s body. It is better to avoid pork or reduce its consumption to a minimum, and even then only in boiled form. Poultry meat - turkey and chicken - must also be heat-treated first. From time to time, your cat can be given beef liver as a source of vitamins D, H, A, B. In limited quantities, you can feed your cat raw fish, as it can become a source of helminth infection. It is much safer to give it boiled.

Should I give my cat milk?

A small amount of dairy products is necessary for your cat. Veterinarians do not recommend giving milk to your pets - it is practically not absorbed by the cat’s body, but sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, and low-fat cheeses will be very useful. The best food for cats (we are talking about natural products) must be supplemented with plant ingredients. These are cereals: oatmeal, corn, rice, semolina. Vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, greens. They need to be boiled and wiped.

Canned food

Pet owners, going into a store and stopping at the shelves with these products, cannot find an answer to the question of what good cat food to choose. For cats, canned food is a treat. It is rare to find an animal that would refuse it. Owners speak of canned food as an excellent “substitute” natural products. They are attracted by the sealed packaging of these products, which significantly increases their shelf life. In addition, using canned food saves the owner a lot of time.

Wet food

Wet (good!) cat food is a cross between dry food and canned food. Appetizing pieces of fish or meat are drenched in a sauce that cats love. As a rule, one bag is designed for one feeding. According to reviews from owners, such food is very helpful, especially in the evenings, when after a working day there is neither time nor desire to cook.

Good cat food (reviews from owners and veterinarians confirm this) today are products from companies such as Leonardo, Hill's, Jams, Sheb. It would be unfair not to mention good, inexpensive cat food from domestic manufacturers. These are the trademarks “Four-legged Gourmet”, “Zoogurman”, “Vaska”.

Remember the so-called “black list” of food of this type - Darling, Wiskas, KiteKat, Gourment, EdelCat, MonAmi, Oscar, Friskies. This cat food (reviews from veterinarians confirm this) should not be present in your pet’s diet!

Dry food

The most controversial type of feed. Experts debate a lot about the possibility of its use. Although even adherents of natural food often give it to their animals. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on animal teeth. In addition, good dry cat food is used to prevent urolithiasis. They are periodically given to adult animals that constantly eat low-quality food of this type.

According to the owners, the advantage of dry food is the ability to leave it in a bowl for a long time (in case the owners leave) - it does not spoil or dry out. Adherents of this type of cat nutrition should be aware that veterinarians allow this choice, but strongly recommend choosing products from well-known and well-established companies.

These include EVO Turkeyand Chicken Formula. Many pet owners say about it: “What good food.” It is completely harmless for cats. It does not contain any preservatives or other by-products. It contains chicken and chicken products, turkey. It is rich in protein (about 50%) and contains a small proportion of carbohydrates (about 7%). This is a product of Natura petfoods, which was acquired by Procter & Gamble in 2010. This is a quality cat food. Reviews from veterinarians indicate that it contains the entire complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for cats.

California Natural is another brand of the same company Natural P&G. According to veterinarians, this food deserves attention, although it does not contain a large amount of protein. Ingredients: chicken, chicken bone meal, rice - regular and brown. Experts note the high quality of food from From Family Foods, Onjen Cat&Kitten, BlueBuffalo Spa Select Chicken and others.

For inexpensive dry food, veterinarians recommend Nftura lBalance Ultra PremiumDry. True, it uses rapeseed oil. This is a rather controversial ingredient. The food contains no preservatives or synthetic additives. Protein content of 34% is a good indicator.

The advertised Purina Cat Chow product has a very unattractive composition: poultry by-products, corn meal, corn gluten, beef fat and soy flour.

Feed classes

Many cat owners are interested in what the division of food into classes means. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Economy class

These foods are intended to satisfy the animal's hunger. They have very low nutritional value, and therefore veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats these products on a regular basis. The best option is to use mixed feeding, combining natural food with dry food. This class includes products such as Darling, Whiskas, Sheba, and Meow.

Middle class

These foods are made from higher quality products. They contain less grains and soy than their economy class counterparts. Such feeds are more nutritious and less of them will be required to satiate the animal. This class includes products Karma Organic, Acana, Royal Canin, PRO PAK and others.

Premium class

This food is quite expensive. But a pet’s health is more important, isn’t it? After numerous studies, Chicken Soup Adult Cat food, a dry hypoallergenic food, became the undisputed leader in this class. The protein content in it is more than 30%. It is based on natural meat and poultry. It contains no more than 35% grain ingredients. The grain-free product Innova EVO Dri Cat Food was highly appreciated by veterinarians. It contains more than 42% protein. The ingredients are vegetables and fruits, chicken and turkey meat, herring and potatoes - what a good food, it contains all the necessary nutrients for cats.

Is it possible to switch a cat from one food to another?

Yes, you can. But it is necessary to do this correctly so that the change goes smoothly and does not harm the animal. Gradually, over 10-14 days, you add new food in small portions to your usual food. During this period, the cat's digestion may be impaired. To prevent this, probiotics should be added to the animal’s diet - special preparations that stabilize the intestinal microflora. This could be a chamomile decoction or the drug “Smecta”. Pick up necessary drug Your veterinarian will help you.

Quite often, pet owners ask: “How often can you change your cat’s food? How can I diversify her diet? We hasten to reassure you. Cats are great at eating a monotonous diet. The owner himself is more worried about this, and for some reason he begins to feel guilty that his pet is not receiving something special. According to experts, than longer cat If she receives monotonous, but completely balanced food, the less problems she has with digestion. If you are satisfied with the condition of your cat, its fur and skin, then it makes no sense to change its diet.

How to feed a sterilized cat

Unfortunately, there are situations when animals need such surgery. After sterilization, the animal’s body undergoes major changes, capable of disrupting not only her physiology, but also her way of life. Your pet is changing hormonal background, she no longer takes part in mating games, having previously notified the entire district about this. Her attitude towards food also changes. It becomes the cat's only pleasure, so very often she begins to gain weight very quickly.

The owner’s task is to distract his four-legged beauty from such an exciting activity as eating. Spend more time with her, keep her busy with active, fun games. If the efforts made do not have an effect, and the weight continues to increase, it is necessary to switch your cat to low-calorie food.

So what is a good food for sterilized cats? If you fed your cat before surgery natural food, you can stay on them, but with some adjustments. The animal's diet should contain the following products:

  • beef or poultry meat;
  • offal;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products.

Attention! Fish should be completely excluded from the diet of a sterilized cat due to the high content of magnesium and phosphorus.

If before the operation you fed your cat with ready-made food, then it makes no sense to radically change the feeding system. Let her continue to receive ready-made food, but with some adjustment - it should be products for sterilized cats. Nowadays, many manufacturers are expanding this group of their feeds. First of all, we are talking about premium and super-premium products.

Such companies produce food based on their own developments. scientific centers. These are Iams, Royal Canin, Purina, Hills. It is better to purchase special food in pet stores, where a sales consultant will be able to advise you on a special dietary food for the prevention of urolithiasis, taking into account age, weight and physiological characteristics your cat.

I would like to advise all animal lovers - do not hesitate to seek help and advice from veterinarian. He will become the best nutritionist on all nutritional issues. He will tell you what is a good food for cats will do only for your pet.

On forums dedicated to cats, there are discussions about what to feed your pet: “in kind” or ready-made food, in their intensity are not inferior to disputes between meat-eaters and vegetarians or political debates. However, more and more owners are leaning towards ready-made industrial feeds with a balanced composition, which contains added vitamins and microelements necessary for the animal.

Pet stores offer such a variety of food that it is very difficult to make a choice without understanding the composition. Among the presented assortment there are complete balanced diets and frankly useless nutrition. To help you choose from this variety, here is our cat food rating.

The best economy class cat food

Manufacturers of economy class feeds either do not give a percentage breakdown of components at all, or the amount of meat (not meat and bone meal!) in them does not exceed 4%. It should be noted that the streamlined formulation “meat processing products” means skin, bones, feathers and similar production residues, nutritional value practically non-bearing. Grains often come out on top, and a seemingly good percentage of protein comes mainly from plant ingredients. Let us remember that cats are obligate carnivores, and the basis of their diet is meat (with the exception of medicinal food). In addition, upon careful study, it turned out that economy-class food turns out to be not at all economical. Thus, the daily norm for one of the widely advertised dry economy foods is 100 g per 4 kg of cat weight, while for food in the average price category it is 45-65 g, and often this portion has to be reduced as the animal begins to gain weight. excess weight. But if it is not possible to feed your pet with at least premium brands, you have to choose the best of what is available.


Lowest price and naturalness
Country Russia
Average price: 201 rub. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.6

The most inexpensive of budget feeds. It costs less than the advertised Whiskas and Kitekat, but the quality is significantly better. The domestic brand produces dry and wet food based on natural ingredients. There is minimal harm, but there is also no benefit - it will not satisfy the cat’s daily biological needs. Granules different shapes promotes high-quality teeth cleaning.

The manufacturer produces food only for adult cats. There are many flavors - quail, lamb and rabbit liver, turkey, veal, salmon. Unpleasant, strong smell no from the product - the meat aroma is felt despite the absence of artificial flavors. Only completely healthy cats can be fed on a regular basis, provided that additional nutritional supplements are introduced into the diet. Veterinarians do not recommend giving it to cats with urolithiasis and kidney problems. Lack of food - not sold in all pet stores.


Good wet food
Country Russia
Average price: 26 rub. for 100 gr.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the most popular domestic economy-class wet food. Not found in supermarkets, sold only in pet stores. The food manufacturer itself positions it as premium, but the composition does not reach them. According to experts, good quality Only wet food differs - they are made from high-quality by-products and look like selected stew. They can be given to cats regularly without fear for the health of the pets.

But veterinarians recommend avoiding dry food brands, even if you need an inexpensive option. The composition consists mostly of corn; it is very far from the biological needs of cats. The only advantage of Nasha Marka dry food is that artificial flavors, taste enhancers and other harmful additives are not used. But there is no benefit from it either, so using it as a regular diet is not recommended.

Briefly about how to choose the right cat food

  • The first place in the composition should be meat. And not “protein extracts”, but specific meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, etc.). If the percentages are indicated, and “dehydrogenated” is indicated before the name of the meat component, it means that the dry food contains exactly that percentage of the component. If not specified, then this is the quantity raw product, which after processing will decrease by approximately 5 times and may well move to the end of the list. Do not confuse meat and meat/fish meal: the latter, as a rule, is a product of processing non-standardized residues.
  • Cereals can be a source of carbohydrates, but not the first ingredient in the composition. It is better if it is oats or rice, ideally in the form of cereals rather than flour. Corn, Wheat flour can provoke allergies, but if the animal is not allergic, it’s okay.
  • Potatoes or other vegetables – best source carbohydrates than grains.
  • Soy, yeast, dyes are potential allergens (for animals). However, yeast is often used as a source of vitamins and biologically active substances necessary for the functioning of the immune system.
  • Ideally, the amount of each ingredient in the composition is indicated as a percentage. It’s worse when only percentages of content are indicated nutrients(proteins fats carbohydrates).

The cat should be fed according to the standards specified by the manufacturer. A feature of predators is the lack of a sense of satiety. In some breeds this feature is more pronounced, in others less, but if the cat is not controlled, it will regularly overeat and gain excess weight.


The best composition among economy feeds
A country: USA (manufactured in France or Russia)
Average price: 262 rub. per package 0.75 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the best budget food. It belongs to economy class, but its composition is closer to premium brands. It features a wide range of diets for cats with different needs - active, domestic, kittens, elderly, fluffy, sterilized pets. The composition is opaque, but simple - there are a minimum of harmful additives, but also useful ones. When feeding cats Purina One on a regular basis, it is advisable to give additional vitamins and protein supplements. Fiber and prebiotics are found in sufficient quantity, which promotes normal digestion and helps avoid diarrhea or constipation.

Some cats develop food addiction to the food, but this quickly goes away when switched to other brands. The protein content is quite high, but most of it plant origin. According to experts, Purina One dry food can be the basis of the diet in extreme cases, when it is not financially possible to keep a pet on more complete brands. Many veterinarians believe that the manufacturer pays more attention to product advertising than to the quality of the ingredients.

The best premium cat foods

Premium food costs a little more, and in some cases, is cheaper than economy-class brands. But their composition is already more nutritious and balanced. In a real premium food, meat products should come first, but the percentage of animal protein will be low. They are safer than cheap advertised brands; some brands even have good lines of medicinal diets. When choosing between economy and premium, you should definitely give preference to the second option.


Balanced diet for cats with bladder stones
A country: Russia. Brand country – USA
Average price: 1400 rub. for 1.5 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

The formulation is designed to dissolve stones in the bladder of cats, and is suitable for the treatment of both struvite and oxalate stones. The manufacturer allows 5 weeks for their dissolution, but the course of treatment to prevent relapses should be at least 6 months. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating cats, with renal and heart failure, hypertension. Increases the volume of urine, which allows you to reduce the concentration of salts in it and dissolve stones. Enriched with vitamins and microelements, a source of glycosaminoglycans has been added, which create the lining of the mucous membrane of the bladder and protect it from inflammation. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that cereals come first in the composition, however, this is allowed for medicinal feeds.

There are other medicinal foods. Regular diets are also fairly balanced, although not all ingredients are ideal for feeding cats. We consider ROYAL CANIN good premium food, by European standards it falls a little short of this class. When purchasing, it is better to look at the manufacturer and purchase foreign-made food. An interesting feature is that the brand’s assortment includes an analogue of cat’s breast milk for feeding kittens.


Natural composition with high meat content
Country: Germany
Average price: 165 rub. for 0.4 kg.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The composition of the feed speaks for itself: 90% chicken meat, 10% chicken hearts. Added vitamins B, A, D and E. Microelements: calcium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese. According to reviews from owners who bought this food for their pets, there is not much jelly in the jar, most of the volume is filled with meat, which looks like stew for humans. The food contains no dyes, flavors or preservatives. The jar contains 400 grams, which is enough to feed a cat weighing 3-5 kg ​​during the day without using other food, so overall the option is quite economical, despite the fact that it belongs to the premium class. Takes a place in the ranking for the best composition without any additives.

The manufacturer's line includes canned food with other flavors - poultry, salmon, game. Quite good dry food is also offered. Their feature is 90% digestibility due to a carefully selected and balanced composition. Animals are satisfied with a small portion, the output of excrement is significantly reduced. There are completely grain-free diets; all foods contain many useful additives. This is an excellent brand for constant feeding of pets of all breeds and ages.


Good food for cats overweight and urolithiasis
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 1,399. for 1.50 kg.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Combines a hypocaloric diet necessary for weight loss with the ability to dissolve bladder stones. In addition, the manufacturer promises a 10% reduction in pet weight in two months. At first glance, this is not much, but in fact it corresponds to veterinary standards: too rapid weight loss is not good for animals. At the same time, it has a very good composition - 26% chicken, flax-seed, fish fat, carrot. Added vitamins, microelements and beta-carotene. The daily requirement for a 4 kg cat is 45 g, which makes the food quite economical (1.5 kg package). Not recommended for pregnant or lactating cats or growing kittens.

The rest of HILL'S food is also of high quality - ordinary varieties can be made the basis of the diet pet. They have a very wide range of flavors. There are other medicinal diets in the line. All of them are balanced strictly for a specific problem, so healthy cats cannot be fed with them - they are prescribed by a veterinarian. The only drawback is low nutritional value. Even three feedings a day may not be enough - the pet will still feel hungry. The price of all brand diets is quite high - comparable to full-fledged feeds super premium class. So it makes sense for this brand to only use medicinal varieties. For regular feeding, you can choose better options at the same cost.


Best wet food for cats with sensitive digestion
Country: USA
Average price: 71 rub. for 0.09 kg
Rating (2019): 4.9

PRO PLAN is one of the most famous premium foods. The quality is average, but quite acceptable if you combine dry and wet diets. Frankly harmful substances not included. According to experts, the advantage of this brand is its wide range of medicinal foods. For example, pate for cats with sensitive digestion. It contains 20% turkey, enriched with vitamins A, D, iron, zinc, selenium. A mixture of oils (sunflower and fish oil) are sources of vitamin E. Taurine is also added. It also contains vegetables as a source of fiber.

According to the manufacturer, all components of the food are easily digested without irritating the delicate gastrointestinal tract cats with sensitive digestion. A cat weighing 4 kg needs 2-3 cans of this food per day. But you cannot constantly feed your pets with wet food - this will lead to dental problems. One of the disadvantages is the rather high price for such a composition, especially in terms of daily needs.

The best super premium food

Super-premium food is a completely different, more complete and high-quality category. You can safely choose any brand from this segment for constant feeding of your pet, without using fortified supplements. Grains are rarely found in them. As a rule, they are replaced by legumes or potatoes.


High-quality canned fish for cats
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 80 rub. for 0.08 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

Another wet food with a laconic, but that’s why the best lineup. 40% tuna meat, 4% salmon, rice. The protein content is 11%; it also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It contains only 0.3% fat and 1% fiber, which is necessary for normal digestion. The product is completely natural. Judging by the reviews of the owners and photographs of open cans, there are indeed pieces of fish inside. Despite the relative high cost (per day adult cat you need 2-3 cans), this hypoallergenic food without dyes, flavors and preservatives has rightfully earned its place in the ranking of the best.

Veterinarians have a good reputation for wet and dry food from this brand. The composition of diets is initially aimed at preventing the most common diseases. Dry food consists of 50% meat ingredients. The composition does not contain strong allergens and components that are poorly absorbed by the animal’s body. The range is wide - you can choose food in accordance with the age, lifestyle and physiological state of your pet.


The best food for large breed cats
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 2,151. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

Big cats don't just need more food. Their musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems are tested heavy load. Often their jaws are not designed for grasping and chewing small pieces. Bosch Sanabel Grand food was created taking these features into account. Mussel meal is a valuable source of chondroitin and glucosamine, which are essential for joints; flaxseed and fish oil provide cardiovascular system polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cranberries, blueberries, calendula are sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, this food takes its place in the ranking as best diet for cats of large breeds.

The manufacturer also has other high-quality foods. The main advantage of the brand is that production is located only in Germany, so the quality is consistently high. The composition of all diets is completely balanced, no additional additives are required. But veterinarians recommend giving this food with caution to pets who have had allergies, since maize and cellulose are added as binding elements.


Wide selection of balanced feeds
Country: Canada
Average price: RUB 1,342. for 2.72 kg
Rating (2019): 4.7

The main source of protein is chicken. In order for the composition of amino acids to be more balanced, methionine, lysine and carnitine are added additionally. Natural vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, acts as a preservative. Sources of carbohydrates and fiber are peas, brown rice, beet and tomato pulp. Also contains flax seed, salmon oil, vitamins, dried mint. Microelements (iron and copper) are added in the form of proteinates - they are better absorbed as part of protein complexes. The daily norm for a cat weighing 4 kg is 60 g.

The manufacturer offers a wide selection of dry and wet food for cats of all ages. There are specialized diets for allergies and for sterilized pets. All feeds have a fairly balanced composition. Veterinarians consider the only drawback to be the addition of sodium bisulfate. Despite the fact that this food supplement permitted in all countries, often found in human foods, its effect on the animal body has not been sufficiently studied.


The Best Set of Protein Sources
Country: Canada
Average price: RUB 1,787. for 1.8 kg
Rating (2019): 4.9

Contains 70% protein ingredients of animal origin: lamb, Canadian duck, perch fillet, herring, pollock, chicken eggs, lamb and duck liver – sounds like the menu of one of the best restaurants, doesn’t it? Source of carbohydrates - legumes: green and red lentils, green and yellow peas; as well as vegetables and fruits: pumpkin, carrots, apples. Algae and herbs are a source of microelements and antioxidants that normalize digestion. Added vitamins A, D; iron, iodine; probiotic to normalize intestinal microflora, which together makes this food one of the best.

The assortment includes only dry food of the super premium and holistic classes. There is a diet that is 100% meat, but before introducing it into your cat’s daily menu, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. Many diets provide prevention of urolithiasis due to the addition of cranberries.

The best holistic cat foods

The most expensive, but at the same time the highest quality food belongs to the holistic class. They are not allowed to contain cereal crops, and the amount of meat or fish reaches 80%. By-products and waste food production are not used - only high-quality raw materials. There are hypoallergenic holistic products that do not contain chicken. Many veterinarians believe that only food of this class is as close as possible to natural nutrition cats, fully meet their energy and nutritional needs.


One of the best holistic doctors according to veterinarians
Country: Canada
Average price: 1879 rub. for 1.8 kg
Rating (2019): 4.7

Veterinarians consider Orijen one of the best holistic treatments. The composition of the food can be called unique - each component has a special label indicating that it is suitable for human consumption. The diet is as close as possible to the natural diet of the cat. In this particular food, 85% comes from chicken, the remaining 15% is distributed among various healthy additives - vegetables, fruits, herbs. There are no grain crops in the composition.

The assortment is dominated by food made from several components at once. For example, duck, trout, pork and venison. The garnish is fruits and berries. The manufacturer does not produce any specialized food, since all diets are so well balanced that even sterilized cats do not get better from them. The only drawback, according to cat owners, is that switching to this food is difficult. Due to the vague smell and lack of additional flavoring additives, pets are reluctant to eat it at first. Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to a smooth transition.


Inexpensive VIP-level holistic
Country: UK
Average price: 880 rub. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.7

Inexpensive, but surprisingly high-quality holistic food. Veterinarians speak very highly of him. No grains or gluten are used in any diet. The assortment is very wide - there is canned food, dry food with different tastes. Diets are provided for all age categories.

The composition is optimally balanced, it contains everything that is necessary for a cat’s health - high-quality animal proteins, good carbohydrates, fiber, and various useful additives. A nice feature of dry food is that it can for a long time lie in a bowl without losing the smell, without getting damp. This is convenient if you have to leave your cat alone all day.


Large selection of diets, good range of ingredients
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1,400 rub. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

A truly holistic product with 70% animal protein content. It is produced without the use of harmful components - you will not find soy, corn, grains, or artificial additives in the composition. In addition to the Lamb and Rice flavor, there are many other options available. According to experts, special attention should be paid to food for pregnant cats. It has a perfectly balanced composition - the animal is completely satiated, but does not gain excess weight, intrauterine development kittens development proceeds correctly - they are always born healthy.

In addition to dry food, the manufacturer offers high-quality canned food - at appearance they resemble regular stew, but are enriched with additional healthy additives. The only option in the range that is not worth taking is a universal diet for kittens and adult animals. The granules in it are very small, so cats simply swallow them. This can lead to dental problems over time.


One of the most popular holistic practitioners
Country: Canada
Average price: 3,350 rub. for 7.26 kg
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Canadian brand's food has been at the peak of popularity for quite some time due to its high quality and relatively low cost for the holistic class. The composition of all feeds is balanced, the protein content is high. The line is represented by a wide selection of flavors, there are wet and dry diets. You can choose the best option taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of your pet.

Veterinarians consider food GO! by true holistic practitioners, they are often recommended as the basis of a regular pet menu. But some experts point to a bad trend - in Lately the quality is gradually decreasing, and the price is increasing. If this continues, I will have to consider holistic products from other brands.

To keep cats healthy and beautiful, you need to buy special food for them. Provide them wellness one of the best wet cat foods presented in the rating will help. The TOP is compiled based on reviews from customers and veterinarians, and only the healthiest and best products in bags and cans are considered. It describes the advantages and disadvantages of products for adult sterilized animals and kittens, premium and inexpensive.

You can find it on the market good food from Czech, Russian, German, French manufacturers. The most popular brands are the following:

  • Royal Canin- the oldest and most famous manufacturer premium cat food, whose factories are located in Russia, France, Canada and a number of other countries. He is developing balanced diet for animals, taking into account their age, breed, weight, lifestyle.
  • Perfect Fit is a brand of high-quality and safe food for cats, the products of which were developed based on research from the Waltham Veterinary Center. Before going on sale, each product is agreed upon with a nutritionist and tested for tolerance.
  • Brit Care is a Czech brand that produces environmentally friendly, one of the best food for cats and dogs without GMOs, artificial preservatives and dyes. They have a balanced composition, contain various vitamins and minerals, are well tolerated by animals. The company's assortment includes offers for pets with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts, for older animals and young kittens.
  • Pro Plan– the nutritional benefits of this brand have been scientifically proven by numerous studies. It is due to the addition of various vitamins, acids, minerals, and the use of natural ingredients. Among them are duck, chicken, salmon, tuna, rice and much more, depending on the specific product.

When analyzing such food, we also paid attention to the duration of presence of its manufacturers on the market, reputation and pricing policy.

Rating of wet cat food

When selecting products suitable for this TOP, we relied on reviews from cat owners and the opinions of veterinarians. When analyzing them, we took into account many points:

  • Release form - pouches or canned food;
  • Smell and taste;
  • Natural composition and its diversity;
  • Content useful vitamins, minerals and acids;
  • Issue volume;
  • Availability and price;
  • Cats' reaction to food;
  • Calorie content;
  • Purpose – for what age, weight and breed is it suitable;
  • Humidity level;
  • Benefits for cats' health.

Comparison of wet and dry food

Wet food is produced in pieces in gravy, which is why it is called that, while dry food is produced in solid form.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of food:

Type pros Minuses
Wet Less caloric due to higher water contentExpensive
Good tasteUsed up faster due to low calorie content
Big choiceLess stored
They often contain useful additives – vegetables, vitamins, etc.Can't buy by weight
Dry Sold by weightChronic use may cause urolithiasis
A large assortmentAddictive in cats
Quickly satisfy hungerSometimes cheap food contains harmful additives
Does not spoil if left in a plate for a long time
Can be stored outside the refrigerator

To summarize, we can say that the most optimal choice would be alternation different types feed On the road it will be most convenient to be dry, and at home – wet.

Best Wet Food for Neutered Cats

This category of wet cat food rating includes two food items, each of which is of high quality and safe for animals. This product should not contain many calories to avoid the accumulation of fatty tissue in your pet.

...I have been giving this food to my cat for six months or more, he is already old, he is more than 5 years old. His body reacts normally, diarrhea does not occur, as with many other foods...

Expert opinion

The popularity of this cat food is due to its naturalness, safety for a neutered animal and low calorie content. The pet does not recover very much from it and does not get used to this diet even for a long time due to the absence of harmful additives. Taking it minimizes the likelihood of crystal formation in the urinary tract. Maximum daily norm ranges from 200 to 670 g, depending on the weight of your pet.


  • Low carbohydrates and high proteins;
  • High concentration of fatty acids;
  • High content of antioxidants;
  • Made from pure poultry and pork with the addition of liver;
  • Does not spread;
  • Nice smell.


  • High price;
  • It is not always sold in ordinary supermarkets.

Judging by the reaction of cats, this is one of the most delicious wet cat foods in the rating, produced in pouches. It smells like cold cuts and is actually over 50% meat. The rest is taken up by natural by-products and grains, vitamins and minerals. This combination allows the animal not only to quickly get enough food, but also to fully satisfy the body’s needs for useful substances Oh. 100 g of product contains 68 kcal, so there can be no talk of fat in it. Its main advantage is the ability to use immediately after castration.


  • Prepared without adding soy;
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • No dyes used;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Small pieces;
  • Can be given at different ages;
  • Supports normal level Urine pH.


  • Cannot be kept open for a long time.

Canned food “Perfect Fit Sterile” does not bother cats for a long time, but when trying to switch them to another food, problems usually do not arise.

The Best Premium Wet Foods for Cats

This category includes food, the recipe of which is developed taking into account age, weight, lifestyle and even the breed of cats. It excludes harmful additives and contains as much natural meat or fish as possible.

This is the best medicinal food, included in the rating for several reasons. Natural components in the composition, selected taking into account compatibility, reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and promote a speedy recovery. It improves intestinal health due to the content of prebiotics and does not cause rejection in pets. After them, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea almost never appear. The food is sold in packs of 1.5 kg and 400 g. Inside there are small pieces in jelly with a pleasant smell. The composition includes meat and its processed products, eggs, cereals, fish.


  • Low price;
  • Good quality;
  • No side effects;
  • Quick and easy absorption of components;
  • Helps improve the condition of impaired absorption of food in the intestines;
  • Suitable for cats and cats of any age.

The best wet foods for kittens

Cats under 12 months of age are not recommended to be fed foods intended for adult animals. Otherwise, their gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted and the likelihood of bladder problems will increase. The two foods included in this category will help prevent this.

Canned food for cats "Brit Care", with chicken and cheese, 80 g

This inexpensive wet cat food is formulated to meet your cat's nutritional needs. It supplies them not only with energy, but also with vitamins, minerals, and acids. The product is developed in Thailand under the supervision of veterinarians, is certified and, when packaged, can be stored in room temperature up to two years. Its humidity is 83%, here high concentration protein 12% and ash 2%, performing “construction” functions. It can be used either in addition to other foods or as a main source of nutrition.


  • Versatile, suitable for adult, small and older cats;
  • Easily digestible ingredients in the composition;
  • Does not contain harmful components in the form of dyes and flavors;
  • Calorie content 59 kcal per 100 g;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Not the most common in stores.

Brit Care canned food has an optimal price-quality ratio, it is appetizing and tasty, as shown by the behavior of cats.

Inclusion in the rating of this wet food for cats, its rich composition contributed. It contains vitamin A and E, fatty acids, ash, and fiber, which improves the intestinal function of cats. It can be given to kittens almost from birth until 12 months. It is made from meat with the addition of offal in an amount of about 20%. There are also some grains and oils, but there are no various harmful additives. The product is released in pouches with a sauce that smells pleasant and has good taste. One package contains 85 g of food.


  • Cheapness;
  • Not good high calorie content– 100 kcal per 100 g;
  • Adequate consumption;
  • Quick habituation of kittens;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Balanced composition;
  • Good consistency, not too runny.


  • Not for weak stomachs.

“Perfect Fit” wet food is often recommended for purchase by veterinarians themselves, but still, the first time, when introducing it, you need to monitor the animal’s behavior.

The best canned food for cats

This food is available in cans, in the form of pieces of meat or in the form of pate. They have a longer shelf life than in pouches, but are also more expensive.

This is the best wet food for cats in the form of a pate, which is distinguished by a convenient release form, balanced composition and carefully selected ingredients for cats with gastrointestinal diseases. True, it can only be given to adult pets and carefully to the elderly. There is no pure meat in the composition; it contains dried poultry and soy protein, fish and animal fat, and yeast. The product is well tolerated by the body, but still requires slow and careful introduction into the diet.


  • Dietary product;
  • Sold in metal cans;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Delicious assortment;
  • It is medicinal, normalizes digestion;
  • Suitable for cats of different sizes.


  • Contains soy protein isolate;
  • The composition contains a flavoring and aromatic additive.

Best Inexpensive Wet Foods

TO budget food we can include offers whose cost does not exceed 20-40 rubles. per package. They add meat and offal, grains and sometimes even vegetables.

This one is wet cat food belongs to the budget category, but at the same time is not much inferior in quality to its competitors in the rating. It has a pleasant aroma for cats, as it includes a meat base. For variety and benefit, tomatoes in the form of sauce are added to the composition. But there is not very much of it here and the pieces are small, they are easily swallowed by animals. 1-2 packs satisfy pets’ daily needs for calories, vitamins A and E, iron and a number of other substances.


  • Absence allergic reactions in cats;
  • Improved appetite after consumption;
  • Good consistency;
  • Average humidity level – 75%;
  • Suitable even for Persians and other purebred cats.


  • Not the best high content fatty acids (0.6%);
  • Contains sugar.

Which wet food is best to buy for a cat?

The composition must contain some percentage of meat, not just liver and other offal. The most expensive foods include beef and pork, while the more economical ones contain chicken. You can alternate different flavors - with rabbit, salmon, tuna, etc. It is important that they do not contain artificial colors and flavoring additives that are harmful to the cat’s body. Plant components should account for no more than a third.

When making a choice in favor of one or another wet cat food from this rating, consider its purpose:

  • For purebred neutered cats best choice will be Royal Canin Neutered Weight Balance.
  • Regardless of the breed, Perfect Fit “Sterile” canned food is suitable after castration of a pet.
  • From medicinal products for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, Purina Pro Plan and canned Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets work well. EN.
  • Small kittens need to choose only food specially created for them; in this rating we are talking about Brit Care and Perfect Fit.
  • Among inexpensive and high-quality products, Purina Felix remains in the ranking

The best wet food for cats can only be one that does not contain harmful additives, dyes and flavors. It is advisable to choose trusted companies whose products are considered in the rating.

Cat food is a deposit good health pet, and the issue of choosing food is always relevant. Naturally, ideally, eating natural food will bring more nutrients, but then the owner has to constantly prepare it. Since most modern people There is no time for this, dry cat food is a way out of the situation. What are the features of dry food? Is dry cat food harmful and what is the best? Read further in the article.


Features of dry food

When dry food enters the animal's stomach, it becomes soggy and larger, thus creating a feeling of fullness. It is also better for your cat's teeth than other types of food. When biting small pieces, the cat's teeth are cleared of plaque. Dry food has an advantage over other types - convenience, so cat food can lie in a bowl for a long time, and it will not spoil at all.

Dry food for kittens and adult furry cats of the “Super Premium” class is of high quality. They do not contain any ballast components or ingredients of plant origin. If the owner feeds his pet with similar food, then there is no need to worry about his health. You can also distinguish a group of Lux class feeds. Among the representatives of enterprises that produce such food there are companies specializing only in animal food.

These are not large corporations that have their own scientific base and conduct research into the usefulness of this or that product for the body of four-legged animals. Today, the choice of pet food is limited only by the financial capabilities of its owner. Any food can cause allergies or the animal may simply not like the food. Therefore, it is best to introduce it into the animal’s diet gradually. We invite you to watch a cute video of a cat having a meal.

Species rating

For kittens

NameDescriptionComposition and indicationsPhoto
Innova Cat and KittenDry food of the “holistic” class. It is one of the highest quality. Manufactured in the United States. It is produced by the company Natura pet Products.Contains protein at 38 percent, contains chicken, turkey, potatoes, whole eggs, and various vegetables. The food contains components from 5 basic food groups and has a meat base for the intake of proteins into the animal’s body. Added to feed important fats and oils to improve the condition of kittens’ fur and skin and strengthen the immune system.
Orijen cat & KittenContains vitamin A, D3, E, B12, thiamine, choline, riboflavin, niacin and other trace elements. It contains sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, selenium, iron, zinc and other minerals. Indicated for kittens as a complete diet.
Felidae Cat and Kitten FormulaHolistic class dry food. Manufacturer СANIDAE Natural Pet Food Co, USA.Does not contain harmful preservatives, corn, soy and wheat. Brown rice in the product is a source of carbohydrates that is used to increase energy and health. Indicated for kittens as daily diet. Contains: enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, chelated minerals and vitamins. Suitable for capricious kittens.
Acana GRASSLANDS CATDoes not contain GMOs, corn, wheat, soy and gluten, Palm oil, animal by-products, hormones, artificial flavors and preservatives. Animal products are used only from animals that are considered suitable for human consumption. Very nutritious, suitable for daily feeding of a kitten.
ProPlan JuniorContains crude fats, proteins, ash, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, linoleic acid. It has a combination of powerful antioxidants that are essential, as well as fatty acids and trace elements that strengthen natural defense mechanisms kitten

For adult cats

NameDescriptionComposition and indicationsPhoto
Innova Evo CatHolistic food. It is one of the highest quality. Manufactured in the United States. It is produced by the company Natura pet Products.This food is indicated for active and healthy pets. Contains a fairly large amount of protein in its composition. All protein is of animal origin. The food contains no ingredients causing allergies in animals. Can be used by both long-haired and short-haired cats. Flavorings are natural and are used to attract cats to food. Not addictive. Contains probiotics and enzymes to aid four-legged pet's digestion.
OrijenDry food of the “holistic” class. Products from Champion Petfoods. Made in Canada.It contains nutritious animal proteins and is suitable for both long-haired and short-haired pets. Contains vitamin A, D3, E, B12, thiamine, choline, riboflavin, niacin and other trace elements. Indicated as the main diet for cats.
CanidaeHolistic food. Manufactured in the United States of America.Consists of one hundred percent natural products. Even people can eat it. Consists of chicken, turkey, fish and lamb, as well as white and brown rice. Natural supplements of balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 are included in the product. Indicated both for healthy cats, as a complete daily diet, and for animals with skin and coat problems.
AcanaSuper premium food. Manufactured in Canada by Akana.Balanced, complete food made from fresh ingredients for cats of any breed. Contains 71% regional animal ingredients, 32% regional vegetables and fruits, grain-free, includes 4 types of fresh protein. Indicated as the main diet for cats.
Pro PlanPremium food. Manufactured by Purina, USA.The food is made from the highest quality products: it contains chicken, salmon, turkey or duck as a base component, which serves as an excellent source of protein. The feed does not contain preservatives or dyes. A balanced content of rice improves digestion. Indicated as the main diet for cats.

Is there any harm from a dry menu: opinions of veterinarians

Each owner decides which food to choose independently. However, in order to accept correct solution in feeding, many owners of four-legged animals are also interested in reviews from veterinarians. According to many veterinarians, feeding cats dry food is beneficial. The whole point is that ready-made food has a balanced composition. Long-haired or short-haired pets will not only be healthy, but the owner will also spend less money on dry food.

Also, such cat food is well stored and has moderate consumption due to low content water in the product. In reviews, veterinarians also note disadvantages. Thus, dry food is not as appetizing as natural or canned food. But by adding water to it, it will become more attractive to your pet. The reviews also provide a recipe for such a process.

You need to add 230 ml of water to 425 grams of dry food, the temperature of which does not exceed forty degrees.

The reviews also list another disadvantage of dry feeding. It lies in the fact that such food contains only dry ingredients, which impair digestibility. In the production of feed, meat flour and other components that have been processed are used. Violation of the drying regime, in turn, greatly reduces the amount of nutrients. However, among dry cat food, there are also those for the production of which various fresh meat ingredients are used.

Thanks to this, the feed granules contain more fats and proteins with high biological value. Also, according to veterinarians, today Russian market There are no feeds that would be perfectly balanced. Almost all of them contain a lot of carbons, most of them have a high glycemic index. Many feeds, even those of the super premium class, exceed the carbon standard by forty percent. In a pet, exceeding this norm can lead to unwanted fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and other health problems are possible.

Video “Raccoon steals food”

Did you know that not only cats love dry food? In the next video you will see how a raccoon steals food from unsuspecting cats. Still would! Who would have thought that the impudent man would have so much courage?

Friends, we welcome you to the page of our “educational” project, which unites professionals and animal lovers, experienced cat owners and beginners. We love our graceful, fluffy, funny and at the same time fragile pets very much and we are sure that you will too.

Probably everyone will agree that spending a few minutes on a free analysis of cat food is much faster, easier and, most importantly, more humane than then spending money on expensive tests and treatment of the pets themselves. Yes, yes, don't be surprised correct selection food for cats and kittens lays the foundation for the health of the animal and, to a large extent, is the prevention of many chronic diseases.

Rating Purpose: Cat Food Analyzer

We bring to your attention a rating of cat food - not simple, as they say, and not even golden, but honest, convenient and, we hope, educational. We warn you right away that we are not interested in the marketing classification of food: for cats, such definitions on food packaging as “premium”, “super premium”, “holistic”, etc. mean nothing. What’s more important to animals is what’s inside – the composition of the dry food and, accordingly, their lunch. We think you will too.

Our resource was originally created as a full-fledged cat food analyzer. As the project develops, we will add various filters for users, but currently you can sort the feed database by overall rating, brand or diet name. The last two options are rather convenient for those who have already purchased or are planning to purchase a specific food and want to test it.

How it works?

If your goal is to select cat food that best suits the needs of these charming predators, we recommend setting the sorting in descending order overall assessment. Then, first, those products will appear in front of you that, based on the results of an objective analysis of the main ingredients, have received a greater number of points (max. 50). You can read more about how exactly the components are evaluated in our Criteria section.

The busiest and most loyal readers, of course, can limit themselves to only this information when choosing food; for everyone else, we suggest clicking on the name of the product under the picture and getting deep Scan cat food. It includes: a list of ingredients (each item can be “expanded” in more detail), a guaranteed analysis and a general expert opinion.

Cat food comparison

Comparing cat food, if necessary, is not difficult. There is no need to memorize, write down or print out information on the products you are interested in (although the print function is also implemented). Just click on the “Add to comparison” service while in the description section of a specific food. The number of items to choose from is not limited - all of them will be stored in the “Delayed feed” tab (always available at the top and bottom of the page).

We are waiting for your response

If our review of cat food was not useful to you: you did not find what you were looking for, or you still have some questions, suggestions, additions - you can always report an error to us (button at the bottom of the page), leave a free request for analysis your food or contact us with other questions (button in the upper right corner of the page).
