Strepsils - application and reviews. What is good and what is bad? Detailed description of the drug, analogues... Strepsils - official instructions for use

Strepsils for sore throat is a combination drug that has a local effect.

It is used in the treatment of diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the mucous surfaces of the pharynx and mouth.

The drug is used for antibacterial and antifungal treatment. It is characterized by a destructive effect on a wide range of microorganisms.

In the event of an acute respiratory infection, there is often not enough time to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease. Doctors usually prescribe the use of antibiotics. Their use is not always beneficial. This is especially true for self-medication options.

When symptoms of acute respiratory disease the most effective solution would be to use this drug.

The medicine has found wide use in the treatment dental diseases. It contains natural ingredients that have a softening effect on the surface of the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx.

After its use they decrease painful sensations when swallowing.

How to use the drug

The medicine does not require a medical prescription. It can be taken by adults and children from the age of five. The instructions indicate that the recommended dosage is one tablet. There should be a two-hour gap between doses. You can take no more than 8 tablets per day.

You should not bite the tablet. It should be placed under the tongue and slowly dissolved. The saliva will act on the medicine and it will dissolve. If there is no result from the treatment, you should consult a doctor.

In what forms is the drug available?

Strepsils for sore throat can be produced in the form of tablets. You can see many varieties in pharmacies. They are distinguished by taste, smell and color.

1. The classic version is produced in the form of tablets with an anise scent. At in good condition has an uneven color with a white coating. Bubbles can be found in the caramel mass. The drug contains several auxiliary components.

2. Herbal Strepsils with the addition of lemon. Available in the form of yellow tablets with a lemon flavor. The medicine is made with the addition of tartaric acid, maltitol syrup, and lemon flavor.

3. Lemon preparation with honey is in the form of round tablets. They are characterized by a honey-lemon taste. Produced with the addition of peppermint oil, lemon oil, tartaric acid, and honey.
Strepsils with added vitamin C.

Contains ascorbic acid. May have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.

4. A medicine containing eucalyptus and menthol has an analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces swelling of mucous surfaces, makes breathing easier.
Who should not take the drug?

Strepsils for sore throat and its contraindications

It has the following contraindications:

  • Intolerance to components.
  • Ulcerative diseases in acute forms.
  • Presence of bronchial asthma.
  • You should be careful when taking medication if these factors are present:
  • Advanced age.
  • Presence of renal failure.
  • Presence of swelling.
  • Hearing problems.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • The occurrence of side effects.

Possible side effects may manifest themselves in the form of distortion of taste perceptions. There may be a tingling, tingling or burning sensation.

Sometimes small ulcers appear in the mouth. The occurrence of major side effects is associated with an overdose of the drug.

In such cases, you may experience:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal system - the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms, problems with the functioning of the liver, the occurrence of ulcers.
  • Problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Anemia may occur.
  • The occurrence of headaches and dizziness, sleep disturbance.
  • The appearance of edema, disturbances in kidney function.
  • Can the drug be used to treat children?

When deciding to use Strepsils for a sore throat, you must take into account that it contains substances that can have strong impact on the body. Therefore, childhood colds should be treated with strepsils very carefully.

It is necessary to completely exclude the use of this medicine for children under 5 years of age. The use of more intense dosage forms can begin after reaching 12 years of age.

Children's doses of the drug should be significantly reduced in relation to adult dosage. So, in case standard use medications, you need to take one tablet for 2 hours, in the intensive phase of the disease. For children, this time period should increase to 4 hours.

If you exceed the permissible dose, there is a high probability of unpleasant symptoms. Allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea may occur. To prevent this from happening, you should strictly adhere to the dosages indicated in the instructions.

In case of unexpectedly missing a medication dose, there is no need to increase the dose. The drug must be continued to be taken according to the chosen schedule.

The dosage of the drug and the duration of the therapeutic course should be determined by the attending physician. When treating a throat, it is possible to prescribe complex drugs. They contain active substances.

When prescribing certain tablets, the doctor is guided by the current condition of the patient. He pays attention to clinical symptoms and the patient's age. Immediately before treatment, diagnostic measures are carried out.

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A smear is collected from the mucous surface of the pharynx. Next, microbiological analysis is carried out. If, along with a sore throat, you experience fever, rash, hoarseness, or difficulty swallowing, you should urgently call a doctor and not self-medicate.




Combined antibacterial and fungicidal drug for use in dentistry and ENT practice.
The drug contains 2 main antimicrobial components - amylmethacreazole and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol.
These substances have wide range antimicrobial activity, including effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
A drug has bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects due to the destruction of the bacterial cell membrane.
In addition, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol dehydrates microbial cells, which leads to their death. Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus salivarius, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella aerogenes, Proteus spp., Aerobacter spp and other aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms are sensitive to the action of the drug.
The drug is also active against fungi of the genus Candida, which is an important selection criterion in the treatment of inflammatory diseases aggravated by fungal infection.

On Pharmaceutical market Strepsils presented in five variants. In each of the options antibacterial effect amylmethacreazole and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol are supplemented with natural ingredients for more effective therapeutic action at various types diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.
Strepsils Original- a classic version of the drug Strepsils, which, in addition to antibacterial components, includes a complex of essential oils of anise and peppermint. These essential oils have a softening effect on the mucous membrane due to the reflex enhancement of secretion salivary glands.
An increase in saliva also has antibacterial effect since saliva contains the natural antibiotic lysozyme.
In addition, when contacted with the mucous membrane, essential oils cause hyperemia in this area, which leads to improved microcirculation and accelerates the healing process.

Strepsils with vitamin C– in addition to antibacterial components, it contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and helps increase immunity, reduce capillary permeability, and has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.
Ascorbic acid inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and histamine, helping to reduce swelling and inflammation.
Strepsils with menthol and eucalyptus– a combination of menthol and essential oil Eucalyptus has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and some expectorant effects. In addition, menthol and eucalyptus vapors have a vasoconstrictor effect, thus relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa and facilitating nasal breathing.

Strepsils without sugar with lemon and herbs– has pleasant taste, has a softening effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect, eliminates inflammation and hyperemia.
Does not contain sugar and is therefore recommended for children and people suffering from diabetes mellitus and limiting sugar consumption.
At the same time, the drug does not contribute to the development of caries.
Strepsils with honey and lemon– has a softening, anti-inflammatory effect, increases the body’s ability to resist infections.
Honey has a bactericidal effect, helps improve metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body.
The pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied.

Indications for

For acute and chronic inflammatory diseases oral cavity and pharynx caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug;
- used in the treatment of such diseases: laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, aphthae, periodontal disease;
- in the complex treatment of sore throat;
- in dentistry and ENT practice after surgical interventions, to prevent infection and the development of the inflammatory process, in particular used after tooth extraction, tonsillectomy.

Mode of application:

Adults and children over 5 years old Usually prescribed 1 tablet with an interval of 2-3 hours.
Maximum daily dose 8 tablets.
It is recommended to take the drug after meals or 30 minutes before.
The tablets must be dissolved until completely dissolved.

Side effects:

Maybe development of allergic reactions.
Rarely a change in taste sensations is possible.
Other side effects should not be expected, since the components of the drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- for the drug Strepsils with honey and lemon - hypersensitivity to bee products;
- intended for children under 5 years of age.
Strepsils (except Strepsils without sugar with lemon and herbs) prescribe with caution For patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and limiting their sugar intake, it is necessary to take into account that one lozenge contains 2.6 g of sugar.

other medicinal
by other means:

No clinically significant interactions between Strepsils and drugs from other groups have been identified.


There are no contraindications for the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.
The components of the drug, when applied topically, do not have teratogenic, mutagenic or embryotoxic effects.
When using the drug according to the instructions, the components of the drug are not excreted in breast milk.


Due to low systemic absorption, overdose is unlikely.
Symptoms: discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract.
Treatment: carry out symptomatic therapy.

Release form:

Tablets for resorption Strepsils original 8 pieces in a blister, 3 blisters in a cardboard box.
Strepsils lozenges with vitamin C, 8 pieces in a blister, 3 blisters in a cardboard package.
Strepsils lozenges with menthol and eucalyptus, 8 pieces in a blister, 3 blisters in a cardboard package.
Strepsils lozenges without sugar with lemon and herbs, 8 pieces in a blister, 2 blisters in a cardboard package.
Strepsils lozenges with honey and lemon, 8 pieces in a blister, 1 or 3 blisters in a cardboard package.

Strepsils Plus tablets for resorption- 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 or 24 pcs.
Spray Strepsils Plus For local application dosed - in a 20 ml bottle (70 doses) with a dosing device.

Storage conditions:

The drug should be stored in a dry place protected from direct sunlight. room temperature.
Best before date- 3 years.

1 tablet of Strepsils for resorption contains:
- active ingredients: 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol - 1.2 mg, amylmetacresol - 600 mcg;
- Excipients: peppermint oil, anise oil, levomenthol, tartaric acid, ponceau edicol, carmazine edicol, hardener made from liquid confectionery sugar and liquid dextrose.

For cough, sore throat, pain and discomfort in the throat, doctors prescribe antiseptics for local (local) use. Medicine Strepsils successfully fights the first signs of a cold, suppresses infectious and inflammatory processes, and normalizes the patient's condition. The medication is recommended for use in otolaryngology and dentistry. Self-medication is contraindicated for them.

Composition of Strepsils

The medication is produced in the form of round lozenges with a fruity taste. Lollipops yellow color– with honey or lemon without sugar, orange – with orange flavor, turquoise – with menthol and eucalyptus, deep orange – with a pronounced warming effect, red – with anise aroma. Tablets are packaged in blisters of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 pcs. 1 or 2 blisters are packed into 1 cardboard box and instructions for use are included. Chemical composition depends on the pharmacological properties of Strepsils:

Release form

Active components, mg


lemon tablets without sugar

2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol (1.2), amylmetacresol (0.6)

tartaric acid, sodium saccharinate, lemon flavor 74940-74, isomaltose, maltitol syrup, quinoline yellow dye

with lemon and honey

tartaric acid, liquid dextrose, sugar syrup, honey, leaf oil peppermint and lemon, quinoline yellow dye

with eucalyptus and menthol

2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol (1.2), eucalyptus leaf oil (2.57), amylmetacresol (0.6)

liquid sucrose, tartaric acid, indigo carmine, liquid dextrose

with vitamin C and orange flavor

2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol (1,2), ascorbic acid(100), amylmetacresol (0.6)

orange flavor 78300-34, propylene glycol, crimson dye Ponceau 4R, levomenthol, liquid sucrose, sunset yellow dye, tartaric acid, liquid dextrose

with a warming effect

amylmetacresol (0.6), 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol (1.2)

medium chain triglycerides, anthocyanin, tartaric acid, flavors – plum, ginger, cream, with a warming effect, sugar syrup, liquid dextrose

Types of Strepsils

The medicine is sold in a pharmacy. A large assortment of pharmaceutical products of the Strepsils series with a local effect on the site of pathology is presented:

Pharmacological properties

Strepsils tablets are a multicomponent antiseptic drug for local use in dentistry and ENT practice. Lollipops with antimicrobial properties reduce the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative, anaerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and strains. Therapeutic effect create the active ingredients of the drug and their interaction. Main pharmacological properties:

  • destruction of the bacterial cell membrane;
  • cell dehydration pathogenic microorganisms;
  • fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida;
  • pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect;
  • softening the oral mucosa;
  • reduction of throat irritation, rapid pain relief.

The active ingredient, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, is quickly adsorbed from the digestive canal and penetrates the bloodstream. Metabolized in the liver. Inactive metabolites are excreted by the kidneys and urine. According to the instructions, for renal and liver failure chronic form Individual adjustment of the daily dosage is not required.

Indications for use

According to detailed instructions, medical drug Strepsils acts as part of monotherapy or as an adjuvant in the course of infectious and inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and the oral cavity. Indications for use:

  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • ARVI;
  • nasal congestion;
  • hoarseness of voice.

Directions for use and dosage

The tablets must be slowly dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved in between meals, not washed down with water. Daily treatment regimen: 1 pc. at intervals of 2–3 hours, but no more than 8 pcs. per day. Well drug therapy- 3 days. If there is no positive dynamics on the 4th day of therapy, you need to contact a specialist and change the medication.

Strepsils for cough

With pronounced cough reflex It is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet every 2 hours. The maximum daily dose is 8 lozenges. If the dynamics are positive, the specified time interval can be increased to 3–4 hours. It is recommended to continue treatment for 3 days, without exceeding the prescribed dosage. Additionally, according to the instructions, you can use expectorants, mucolytics.

Strepsils for sore throat

In acute inflammatory process The pharynx and oropharynx are also recommended for this pharmaceutical purpose. Use Strepsils for a sore throat (sore throat) in the same way as the treatment regimen described above. Noticeable improvements are observed the very next day. According to the instructions for use, the patient is recommended to take a three-day course without a break.

special instructions

Instructions for use of Strepsils but reports that taking pills does not inhibit functions nervous system, does not inhibit psychomotor reactions. During treatment, it is allowed to drive a vehicle, engage in types of work related to increased concentration attention. Other instructions for patients are also reflected in the instructions for use:

  1. When treating patients with diabetes, it is important to remember: 1 lozenge contains 2.6 g of sugar, so it is necessary to control blood glucose levels.
  2. Isomaltose and maltitol syrup cause a moderate laxative effect when they enter the intestines.
  3. If your body temperature rises and migraine attacks occur, you should consult a specialist for advice.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, such pharmaceutical use is not prohibited. Treatment by medical indications proceeds under strict medical supervision. Clinical researches these categories of patients have not been carried out, so before starting the course it is important to make sure that the benefits for the mother’s health are higher potential harm for the unborn or infant.

Strepsils for children

Strawberry lollipops are recommended for patients aged 5 years and older, lemon lollipops – from the age of 6 years. Children 5 years old and not allergic are allowed to give adult lozenges that contain honey and lemon, menthol and eucalyptus, orange, or are available without sugar. Strepsils with a warming effect is prescribed from 6 years of age. Strepsils Plus and Intensive sprays are designed for patients aged 12 years and older. Lollipops must be dissolved slowly, not washed down with water, irrigated with spray sore throat.

Drug interactions

In the detailed instructions for use of Strepsils, information about drug interactions lollipops with representatives of other pharmacological groups completely absent. This means that such an antiseptic drug is included in the composition complex therapy without harm to the patient's health. It is important to remember that self-medication is contraindicated.

Side effects and overdose

Strepsils is well tolerated by the body. Side effects occur rarely and are represented by allergic reactions. Appears on the skin small rash, hives, swelling and redness (hyperemia). The patient complains of itching and burning, and emotional balance is disturbed. If such symptoms appear, you must stop further use of the medication and consult a doctor.

If the daily dosage of Strepsils is systematically exceeded, the patient is concerned unpleasant symptoms dyspepsia, discomfort in the organ area digestive tract, stool disorder. Needs to be adjusted daily dosage medication, carry out symptomatic treatment according to indications. According to the instructions, there is no specific antidote.


Not all patients are allowed to use Strepsils lozenges for medical reasons. The instructions for use provide a list of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • age up to 6 years (up to 18 years for spray);
  • bronchial asthma(for lollipops with honey and eucalyptus);
  • hemorrhagic disorder, severe colitis, relapse of gastric ulcer (for Strepsils Intensive);
  • deficiency of isomaltase, sucrase, fructose intolerance.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Store tablets in a dry, cool, dark place at temperatures up to 25 degrees. It is important to avoid contact with small children. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of issue.


If after 3 days of drug therapy there is no positive dynamics, the doctor prescribes another medication. Reliable analogues of Strepsils and their characteristics:

  1. Agisept. These are lozenges with different flavors. According to the instructions, you should take 1 piece. every 2 hours, but no more than 8 pcs. Course – 3–5 days.
  2. Hexoral. This is a solution and aerosol with antiseptic properties. The first release form is recommended for gargling, the second - for irrigating foci of pathology.
  3. Astrasept. Local antiseptic for resorption. According to the instructions, you are supposed to take 1 lozenge every 2 hours, but no more than 8 pieces. course – up to 5 days.
  4. Gorpils. Cough lozenges with different flavors. It is recommended to dissolve 1 piece under the tongue, but no more than 8 pieces. per day. Course – 3 days.
  5. Rinza Lorsept. Lozenges with antiseptic and local anesthetic effects. According to the instructions, the drug is recommended for patients over 12 years of age, the course is up to 7 days.
  6. Koldakt Lorpils. Local antiseptic, effective for inflamed mucous membranes of the throat. Lozenges should be taken every 4 hours.
  7. Terasil. Lozenges with black currant flavor, which according to the instructions need to be slowly dissolved in the mouth, 1 pc. every 2–3 hours.
  8. Suprima-ENT. Orange tablets, 16 pcs. packaged. At acute stage you should take 1 pc. every 2 hours, with relief - every 4 hours.

Strepsils price

The cost of the medicine in Moscow pharmacies is 150–300 rubles. The price depends on the form of release, the number of lollipops in 1 package, and the place of purchase.

Strepsils – medicine from the group of local antiseptic drugs that are used in dental practice, as well as in otorhinolaryngology.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Strepsils?

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug Strepsils in different tablets for resorption, some of them are red, round in shape with an anise smell, with the letter “S” on both sides. Normally, a whitish coating is allowed on the medicine, and uneven coloring and the presence of small air bubbles directly inside the caramel mass are also characteristic.

The active substances of Strepsils are represented by 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, and amylmetacresol is also present. Auxiliary Connections antiseptic drug the following: peppermint oil, tartaric acid, anise oil, carmazine edicol, there is levomenthol, ponceau edicol, a hardener made of liquid dextrose and confectionery sugar.

The following lozenges are yellow, round, have a lemon flavor, and the letter “S” can be seen on the surface of the dosage form on both sides. Minor present white coating, and also characterized by uneven coloring and uneven edges. Active connections identical to the above. Auxiliary components: tartaric acid, lemon flavor, sodium saccharinate, yellow quinoline dye, isomaltose, in addition, maltitol syrup.

The following Strepsils tablets have a honey-lemon flavor, they are also round, there is a letter “S” on both sides of the dosage form, a white coating is allowed, uneven edges, in addition, you can notice the presence of small air bubbles inside the drug. Excipients: lemon oil, honey, tartaric acid, peppermint oil, quinoline yellow, and a hardening agent of confectioners' sugar and dextrose.

The tablets are sealed in blisters of four, six, eight and twelve pieces, which are placed in cardboard packs. The drug is valid for three years from the date of pharmaceutical release. Sold in the over-the-counter department. It is necessary to put the medicine in a dry place, if Strepsils is in an excessively humid room, it medicinal quality may be lost.

What is the effect of the drug Strepsils?

The antiseptic drug Strepsils is used topically in dental practice and in otorhinolaryngology; it has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Active against many pathogenic microorganisms. Natural additives that are present in the tablets have a softening effect directly on the mucous membrane.

What are the indications for use of Strepsils?

Strepsils tablets are indicated for use in diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity of an inflammatory and infectious nature; as a result, pain when swallowing decreases.

What are the contraindications for use of Strepsils?

The drug is not prescribed for children under five years of age, as well as for hypersensitivity to drug substances.

What are the uses and dosage of Strepsils?

Adults are prescribed one Strepsils tablet every two or three hours; they are recommended to be gradually dissolved in the mouth; the dosage form should not be bitten, it should dissolve on its own under the influence of saliva. The maximum daily dosage should not be more than eight tablets.

Overdose from Strepsils

In case of drug overdose Strepsils instructions according to use, it assumes the likelihood of the patient experiencing discomfort from digestive system, which can be expressed by nausea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms.

In this case, it is recommended to induce vomiting; for this, the patient is given a certain amount of water to drink to rinse the stomach. Then you need to consult a doctor who, if necessary, will provide symptomatic treatment.

What are the side effects of Strepsils?

Strepsils tablets sometimes cause the development of side effects, which are mainly expressed in the form of allergic reactions; they are extremely rare, but, nevertheless, registered.

If allergic reactions become severe, causing the patient significant discomfort, then it is recommended to refrain from subsequent use of the antiseptic. The patient is given symptomatic treatment with prescription antihistamines.

special instructions

The drug Strepsils is available in three different tablet forms, while the lemon-flavored drug can be used by patients with diabetes mellitus, due to the fact that these tablets do not contain sugar.

When prescribing tablets with a different flavor, in particular with anise and honey-lemon, patients with diabetes need to know that in one dosage form for resorption contains up to 2.6 grams of sugar.

How to replace Strepsils, what analogues should I use?

The medicine Adjisept, Astrasept, Gorpils, in addition, Terasil, Koldakt Lorpils, the medicine Elfasept, the drug Rinza Lorsept, as well as Suprima-ENT are analogues.


Use antiseptic It is necessary as prescribed by a qualified doctor, and the maximum permissible daily dosage must not be exceeded. If the patient has allergic reaction on Strepsils tablets, in this case it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment, including antihistamines.

The patient must independently study the instructions for use of the prescribed drug. Be healthy!

Throat. And if the treatment of the disease must be comprehensive, then it can be alleviated by sucking lozenges or.

Composition, release form, packaging

Main active ingredients amylmetacresol, 2,4 dichlorobenzyl alcohol.

Among the auxiliary components we indicate:

  • tartaric acid;
  • peppermint oil;
  • carmoisine;
  • levomenthol;
  • glucose solution;
  • star anise oil;
  • Ponceau 4R;
  • sucrose solution.

The medicine is produced in the form of lollipops. They are red in color and have the letter “S” embossed on both sides.

Lollipops are produced in cardboard packs containing blisters. Each blister contains 8 lollipops. There may be 1, 2, 3 such blisters in a package. Lozenges are produced in several types:

  • original;
  • with menthol;
  • with vitamin C;
  • with lemon, herbs, no sugar;
  • with honey and lemon.

Release forms


Manufactured in the UK by Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare.


The medication is prescribed in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (acute, chronic). Successfully used in the treatment of:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • aphthae.

The drug is used in ENT practice, dentistry in for preventive purposes after surgery (tooth extraction, tonsillectomy). It prevents infection and development.


This medication has a list of contraindications for use:

  • children under 5 years of age;
  • increased sensitivity to;
  • individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.

Mechanism of action

The active substances included in the medication destroy the cell membrane of bacteria and have a dehydrating effect on microbial cells. Thus, there is a bacteriostatic, bactericidal effect.

Experts have established sensitivity to this drug such bacteria: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus spp., Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus salivarius, Diplococcus pneumoniae Aerobacter spp., Staphylococcus pyogenes, aerobic/anaerobic microorganisms.

It has a fungicidal effect on fungi of the genus Candida. Therefore, lollipops are very effective in the treatment of diseases of the throat and pharynx that are aggravated.

The presence of lollipops helps soften the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx due to increased salivation. An increase in the volume of saliva released during resorption of the medication increases the antibacterial effect.

Instructions for use

The lollipop should be sucked until it is completely dissolved. You should not take more than 12 lozenges per day. The course of treatment usually varies. Its duration is influenced by the following factors: clinical presentation of the disease, severity of the disease.

For children over 6 years old and adult patients, it is enough to take 1 lozenge every 2 to 3 hours.

How to quickly cure a sore throat:

Side effects

Among side effects Special attention deserves manifestation . Occasionally, cases of changes in taste sensations were recorded. If you take the medication in a dose exceeding that recommended by a specialist, the following side effects may occur.
