Biology: The human body as a whole, Abstract. The human body as a single biological system

By connecting with each other, different tissues form organs. Authority called a part of the body that has a certain shape, structure, occupies an appropriate place and performs specific function. Various tissues take part in the formation of any organ, but only one of them is the main one, the rest perform an auxiliary function. For example, connective tissue forms the basis of the organ, epithelial - the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs, muscular - the walls of hollow organs (esophagus, intestines, bladder etc.), nervous tissue is presented in the form of nerves innervating the organ, nerve nodes lying in the walls of the organs. Organs vary in shape, size and position. In addition to individual differences, there are also gender and age differences.
Organs that are similar in structure, origin and perform a single function are called system. The following organ systems are distinguished in the human body:
1) digestive - unites the organs with the help of which food is digested in the body and assimilated;
2) respiratory - includes the respiratory organs, in which gas exchange occurs between the blood and its environment;
3) cardiovascular - unites the heart and blood vessels that provide blood circulation;
4) urinary - carries out the release of metabolic products from the body (salts, urea, creatinine, etc.);
5) nervous - connects all organs and systems into a single whole, regulates their activity;
6) sensory system - perceives irritations from the external and internal environment;
7) endocrine - regulates all processes in the body with the help of special substances (hormones).
Some organs are combined according to a functional principle into apparatuses (for example, musculoskeletal, endocrine). Sometimes such organs differ in their functions, but are related genetically (for example, the genitourinary apparatus).
The totality of organ systems and apparatuses forms an integral human body, in which all its constituent parts are interconnected, while the main role in unifying the body belongs to the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. These systems operate in concert and provide neurohumoral regulation body functions. The nervous system transmits signals in the form of nerve impulses, and the endocrine system releases hormonal substances that carry blood to target organs.
The interaction between the cells of the nervous and endocrine systems is carried out using various cellular mediators formed from amino acids (liberins, endorphins, etc.). Produced in the nervous system in small concentrations, they have an extremely large effect on the endocrine apparatus.
In addition to the joint regulation of the body’s vital functions, nervous and endocrine system can act independently.
Self-regulation of physiological functions is the main mechanism for maintaining the vital functions of the body at a relatively constant level. The relative constancy of the internal environment in humans is maintained by neurohumoral physiological mechanisms regulating the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, digestive organs, kidneys and sweat glands, which ensure the removal of metabolic products from the body.
Thus, the nervous and endocrine systems ensure the dynamic development of the body and the stability of its basic physiological functions.

By connecting with each other, different tissues form organs. Authority is a part of the body that has a certain shape, structure, occupies a corresponding place and performs a specific function. Various tissues take part in the formation of any organ, but only one of them is the main one, the rest perform an auxiliary function. For example, connective tissue forms the basis of the organ, epithelial tissue - the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs, muscular tissue - the walls of hollow organs (esophagus, intestines, bladder, etc.), nervous tissue is presented in the form of nerves innervating the organ, nerve nodes lying in the walls of organs. Organs vary in shape, size and position. In addition to individual differences, there are also gender and age differences.

Organs that are similar in structure, origin and perform a single function are called system. The following organ systems are distinguished in the human body:

1) digestive - unites the organs with the help of which food is digested in the body and assimilated;

2) respiratory - includes the respiratory organs, in which gas exchange occurs between the blood and its environment;

3) cardiovascular - unites the heart and blood vessels that provide blood circulation;

4) urinary - carries out the release of metabolic products from the body (salts, urea, creatinine, etc.);

5) nervous - connects all organs and systems into a single whole, regulates their activity;

6) sensory system - perceives irritations from the external and internal environment;

7) endocrine - regulates all processes in the body with the help of special substances (hormones).

Some organs are combined according to a functional principle into apparatuses (for example, musculoskeletal, endocrine). Sometimes such organs differ in their functions, but are related genetically (for example, the genitourinary apparatus).

The totality of organ systems and apparatuses forms an integral human body, in which all its constituent parts are interconnected, while the main role in unifying the body belongs to the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. These systems act in concert and provide neurohumoral regulation of body functions. The nervous system transmits signals in the form of nerve impulses, and the endocrine system releases hormonal substances that carry blood to target organs.

The interaction between the cells of the nervous and endocrine systems is carried out using various cellular mediators formed from amino acids (liberins, endorphins, etc.). Produced in the nervous system in small concentrations, they have an extremely large effect on the endocrine apparatus.

In addition to joint regulation of the body’s vital functions, the nervous and endocrine systems can act independently.

Self-regulation of physiological functions is the main mechanism for maintaining the vital functions of the body at a relatively constant level. The relative constancy of the internal environment in humans is maintained by neurohumoral physiological mechanisms that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, digestive organs, kidneys and sweat glands, which ensure the removal of metabolic products from the body.

Thus, the nervous and endocrine systems ensure the dynamic development of the body and the stability of its basic physiological functions.

By connecting with each other, different tissues form organs. Authority is a part of the body that has a certain shape, structure, occupies a corresponding place and performs a specific function. Various tissues take part in the formation of any organ, but only one of them is the main one, the rest perform an auxiliary function. For example, connective tissue forms the basis of the organ, epithelial tissue - the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs, muscular tissue - the walls of hollow organs (esophagus, intestines, bladder, etc.), nervous tissue is presented in the form of nerves innervating the organ, nerve nodes lying in the walls of organs. Organs vary in shape, size and position. In addition to individual differences, there are also gender and age differences.

Organs that are similar in structure, origin and perform a single function are called system. The following organ systems are distinguished in the human body:

1) digestive - unites the organs with the help of which food is digested in the body and assimilated;

2) respiratory - includes the respiratory organs, in which gas exchange occurs between the blood and its environment;

3) cardiovascular - unites the heart and blood vessels that provide blood circulation;

4) urinary - carries out the release of metabolic products from the body (salts, urea, creatinine, etc.);

5) nervous - connects all organs and systems into a single whole, regulates their activity;

6) sensory system - perceives irritations from the external and internal environment;

7) endocrine - regulates all processes in the body with the help of special substances (hormones).

Some organs are combined according to a functional principle into apparatuses (for example, musculoskeletal, endocrine). Sometimes such organs differ in their functions, but are related genetically (for example, the genitourinary apparatus).

The totality of organ systems and apparatuses forms an integral human body, in which all its constituent parts are interconnected, while the main role in unifying the body belongs to the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. These systems act in concert and provide neurohumoral regulation of body functions. The nervous system transmits signals in the form of nerve impulses, and the endocrine system releases hormonal substances that carry blood to target organs.

The interaction between the cells of the nervous and endocrine systems is carried out using various cellular mediators formed from amino acids (liberins, endorphins, etc.). Produced in the nervous system in small concentrations, they have an extremely large effect on the endocrine apparatus.

In addition to joint regulation of the body’s vital functions, the nervous and endocrine systems can act independently.

Self-regulation of physiological functions is the main mechanism for maintaining the vital functions of the body at a relatively constant level. The relative constancy of the internal environment in humans is maintained by neurohumoral physiological mechanisms that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, digestive organs, kidneys and sweat glands, which ensure the removal of metabolic products from the body.

Thus, the nervous and endocrine systems ensure the dynamic development of the body and the stability of its basic physiological functions.

Questions for self-control

1. Tell us about the structure of a cell and define the concept of “tissue”.

2. Name the types of fabrics.

3. Which tissues are epithelial, explain the features of their structure and function.

4. Tell us about the structure and role of connective tissue in the body.

5. Name the types of connective tissue and characterize them.

6. Composition and role of blood in the body.

7. List the main functions of blood.

8. Explain about osmotic pressure and blood pH.

9. Describe the structure of red blood cells.

10. Classification of leukocytes and their functional role.

11. Explain the structure of granular leukocytes.

12. Tell us about the structure of non-granular leukocytes, their composition and significance.

13. What is leukocyte formula, her practical use?

14. What are the structural features of platelets? Their role in the body.

15. What are blood groups?

16. What do you know about the Rh factor?

17. Explain the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and its clinical significance.

18. Classification of muscle tissue.

19. Explain the structure of smooth muscle tissue.

20. Structure and function of striated tissue.

21. Name the structural and functional features of the muscle tissue of the heart.

22. Tell us about the structure and significance of nervous tissue.

23. Features of the structure of a neuron.

24. Types of nerve fibers and their structure.

25. Define the concepts “organ”, “system” and “organ apparatus”.

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1. Human organ system



The human body is a single whole. Man with his complex anatomical structure, physiological and mental characteristics represents the highest stage of evolution organic world. Characteristic of every organism is a certain organization of its structures. During the evolution of multicellular organisms, cell differentiation occurred: cells of various sizes, shapes, structures and functions appeared. From equally differentiated cells, tissues are formed, the characteristic properties of which are structural unification, morphological and functional community and cell interaction. Various fabrics specialized by function. Thus, a characteristic property of muscle tissue is contractility; nervous tissue - transmission of excitation, etc. Several tissues, combined into a specific complex, form an organ (kidney, eye, stomach, etc.).

It is impossible to imagine the human body as a set individual organs, performing their own functions and not being influenced by neighboring ones. Our body is a single whole, the components of which are the most perfect and harmonious creation of all those that nature could create. All organs and their purposes are interconnected. Organism – biological system, consisting of interconnected and subordinate elements, the relationships of which and the features of their structure are subordinated to their functioning as a single whole. The human body consists of organ systems that interact with each other. Each organ performs its own function. Therefore, the vital activity of the entire organism largely depends on the proper functioning of all organs. However, many complex processes, such as breathing, excretion, etc., cannot be performed by one organ. They are carried out by the organ system.

1. Human organ system

An organ is a part of the body that occupies a permanent position in it, has a certain structure and shape, and performs one or more functions. An organ consists of several types of tissues, but one of them always predominates and determines its main, leading function. Skeletal muscle, for example, includes striated muscle and loose connective tissue. It contains blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves.

Organs are working apparatus of the body, specialized in performing complex activities necessary for the existence of a complete organism. The heart, for example, functions as a pump, pumping blood from the veins to the arteries; kidneys - the function of excreting metabolic end products from the body; Bone marrow- hematopoietic function, etc. Organs were formed during the evolution of the animal world. An organ is a historically established system of various tissues united by a common basic function, structure and development for a given organ.

There are many organs in the human body, but each of them is part of a complete organism. Several organs that work together to perform a specific function form an organ system. An organ system is an anatomical and functional association of several organs involved in the performance of any complex act of activity.

All organ systems are in complex interaction with each other and, anatomically and functionally, constitute a single whole - the organism.

Often two or more organ systems are combined into the concept of apparatus. But, having a complex organization, a living organism is a single whole in which the activity of all its structures - cells, tissues, organs and their systems - is coordinated and subordinate to this whole.

The integrity of the body is manifested in the anatomical and functional connection between all human organ systems. A living organism, consisting of many organs, exists as a single whole.

1. The system of movement organs ensures the movement of the body in space and participates in the formation of body cavities (thoracic, abdominal), in which internal organs. This system also forms the cavities that contain the brain and spinal cord.

2. The digestive system carries out mechanical and chemical processing of food entering the body, as well as absorption into internal environment body nutrients. This system removes remaining undigested substances from the body into the environment.

The human digestive apparatus is represented by the digestive tube, large glands digestive tract (salivary glands, pancreas, liver), as well as many small glands located in the mucous membrane of all parts of the digestive tract. The total length of the digestive tract from the mouth to anus is 8–10 m. For the most part, it is a tube bent in the form of loops and consists of parts that flow into one another: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum.

For food to be digested, it must first be chewed and swallowed. Then the food enters the stomach and intestines, where digestive juices are secreted. Only the coordinated work of all digestive organs makes it possible to completely digest food. Every organ in in this case does part complex process, and together they carry out digestion. This means that there is a physiological dependence between the departments of one organ system.

For normal operation digestive system it requires the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of its organs. Carbon dioxide and other harmful substances must be removed from the cells. In other words, the digestive system is closely connected physiologically with the system of circulatory, respiratory, excretory, etc.

3. The respiratory system ensures gas exchange, i.e. delivery of oxygen from external environment into the blood and removal from the body of carbon dioxide, one of the end products of metabolism, and also takes part in the sense of smell, voice formation, water-salt and lipid metabolism, and the production of certain hormones.

In the breathing apparatus, the lungs perform a gas exchange function, and the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi perform an air-conducting function. Getting into airways, the air is warmed, purified and humidified. In addition, the perception of temperature, mechanical and olfactory stimuli occurs here.

4. System urinary organs removes metabolic products (urea, etc.) from the blood and body. The urinary organs, which are also called excretory organs, cleanse the body of toxins (salts, urea, etc.) formed as a result of metabolism.

5. The reproductive organ system supports the life of the species, i.e. carries special function reproduction. The genital organs are divided into external and internal. The internal male genital organs form the testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, prostate and bulbourethral glands. The external male genitalia are the scrotum and penis.

The internal female genital organs include the ovaries, uterus, the fallopian tubes, vagina, and to the external ones - the labia majora and minora, the clitoris, the bulbs of the vestibule of the vagina and the large glands of the vestibule. The external female genitalia are located in anterior section perineum, in the area of ​​the genitourinary triangle.

6. The cardiovascular system, consisting of blood and lymphatic systems, delivers nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues, removes metabolic products from them, and also ensures the transport of these products to the excretory organs (kidneys, skin), and carbon dioxide to the lungs. In addition, waste products of endocrine organs (hormones) are also carried by blood vessels throughout the body, which ensures the influence of hormones on the activities of individual parts and the body as a whole.

7. Organ system internal secretion Regulates the body's vital functions using hormones.

8. Reproductive organ system These are the testes in men, the ovaries and uterus in women. The reproductive organ system ensures the reproduction of offspring.

9. The nervous system unites all parts of the body into a single whole and balances its activity in accordance with changing environmental conditions. Being closely connected with endocrine organs, it provides, together with the latter, the neurohumoral regulation of the vital functions of individual parts and the organism as a whole. The nervous system (cerebral cortex) is the material substrate mental activity human beings, and also constitutes an important part of the sense organs.

The unified nervous system is conventionally divided into two large department- somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. The somatic nervous system ("soma" - body) primarily communicates the body with the environment, determining sensitivity (with the help of sensory nerve endings and sensory organs) and body movements, controlling skeletal muscles.

Since movement in space and sensitivity are characteristic of animal organisms (this distinguishes them from plants), the somatic part nervous system also received the name animal ("animal" - animal).

The autonomic nervous system is so named because it influences the “internal economy” of the body: metabolism, blood circulation, excretion, reproduction, i.e., the so-called processes. plant life (“vegetatio” - vegetation).

Thus, the human body, its whole, consists of several levels of organization in increasing order, namely: molecular level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, system-organ level and organismal level. Moreover, the unit is considered to be the cell, and higher levels, due to complex interactions, ensure the existence of the organism.

The organs and systems of the body are in such close connection and interdependence that pathological changes in one of them cannot but affect the others, which leads to a violation normal life the body as a whole.

Even minor changes, not to mention the constant influence of pathogenic factors environment, lead to deterioration general condition, the emergence of dysfunction various organs and as a result - to illness. And not just one organ, but the whole organism.

Back in the 30s of the 20th century, the famous domestic therapist D. D. Pletnev argued that “the doctor deals not with organopathology, that is, not with the disease of any organ, but with atropology, that is, human disease.” Modern medicine, theoretically proclaiming this statement, in practice ignores it.

Modern science considers the human body as a single whole, in which all organs and systems are in close connection with each other, and their functions are regulated and directed by the central nervous system. Because of this, the impact physical exercise on muscular system It also has an effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system, digestion, metabolism, excretion, etc., in other words, on the entire body.

Scientists have established the fact that there is a fixed energy field around the human body that influences it physical structure, convincingly proves the existence of the organism as a single whole.

2. Control in living organisms

An organism as a whole can exist only if its constituent organs and tissues function with such intensity and volume that they ensure adequate balance with the environment. According to I.P. Pavlov, a living organism is a complex isolated system, internal forces which are constantly balanced with external environmental forces. Balancing is based on the processes of regulation and management physiological functions.

I. P. Pavlov in his teaching about higher nervous activity humans and animals convincingly showed that the interaction and interdependence of internal and external manifestations The vital functions of the body are coordinated by the central nervous system. He established that there is not a single organ or function in the body that is not to one degree or another under the control of the central nervous system.

The human body is constantly connected with the external environment, from which it receives nutrients and oxygen and at the same time releases waste products into it. The body is affected by all changes in the external environment - temperature fluctuations, air movement and humidity, solar insolation, etc. Communication and active adaptation of the body to its external environment are ensured by the cerebral cortex, which is at the same time the highest regulator of all the activities of the body.

The integrity of the body is also expressed in the fact that during illness and injury, not only patients suffer, but damaged organs or parts of the body, but always appears and general reaction body. This is expressed in a change in the functions of nerve cells and nerve centers, which leads to the entry into the blood of necessary hormones, vitamins, salts and other substances involved in regulating the life of the body. As a result, its energy and protective capabilities increase. This helps to overcome the violations that have arisen, contributes to their compensation or restoration.

Control, or regulation, in living organisms is a set of processes that provide the necessary modes of functioning, the achievement of certain goals or adaptive results useful for the organism. Management is possible if there is a relationship between the organs and systems of the body. Regulation processes cover all levels of system organization: molecular, subcellular, cellular, organ, systemic, organismal, supraorganismal (population, ecosystem, biosphere).

Ways of control in the body. The main methods of control in a living organism include launch (initiation), correction and coordination physiological processes.

Triggering is a control process that causes a transition of organ function from a state of relative rest to an active state or from active activity to a state of rest. For example, under certain conditions, the central nervous system initiates the work of the digestive glands, phasic contractions of skeletal muscles, the processes of urination, defecation, etc.

Correction allows you to control the activity of an organ that performs a physiological function in automatic mode or initiated by the receipt of control signals. An example is the correction of heart function by the central nervous system through influences transmitted through the vagus and sympathetic nerves.

Coordination involves coordinating the work of several organs or systems simultaneously to obtain a useful adaptive result. For example, to carry out the act of walking upright, it is necessary to coordinate the work of the muscles and centers that ensure movement lower limbs in space, a shift in the center of gravity of the body, a change in the tone of skeletal muscles.

Control mechanisms. In the body, cells, tissues, organs and organ systems work as a single unit. Their coordinated work is regulated in two ways: humoral (Latin humor - liquid) - with the help of chemicals through the body's fluids (blood, lymph, intercellular fluid) and with the help of the nervous system.

The humoral control mechanism involves changes in the physiological activity of organs and systems under the influence of chemicals delivered through body fluids (interstitial fluid, lymph, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). The humoral control mechanism is the oldest form of interaction between cells, organs and systems, therefore in the human body and higher animals one can find various options humoral mechanism regulations that to a certain extent reflect its evolution. One of the simplest options is to change the activity of cells under the influence of metabolic products. The latter can change the functioning of the cell from which these products are released, and other organs located at a sufficient distance.

For example, under the influence of CO2 formed in tissues as a result of oxygen utilization, the activity of the respiratory center changes and, as a result, the depth and frequency of breathing. Under the influence of adrenaline released into the blood from the adrenal glands, the frequency and strength of heart contractions, the tone of peripheral vessels, a number of functions of the central nervous system, the intensity of metabolic processes in skeletal muscles, and the coagulation properties of blood increase.

The humoral control mechanism is characterized by a relatively slow spread and diffuse nature of control influences, and low reliability of communication.

The nervous control mechanism involves changes in physiological functions under the influence of control influences transmitted from the central nervous system along nerve fibers to the organs and systems of the body. The nervous mechanism is a later product of evolution compared to the humoral one; it is more complex and more perfect. It is characterized by high speed of propagation and accurate transfer of control actions to the control object, and high reliability of communication.

IN natural conditions the nervous and humoral mechanisms work as a single neurohumoral control mechanism.

The neurohumoral control mechanism is a combined form in which humoral and nervous mechanisms are simultaneously used; both are interconnected and interdependent. Thus, the transfer of control influences from the nerve to the innervated structures is carried out with the help of chemical intermediaries - mediators acting on specific receptors.

An even closer and more complex connection was found in some nuclei of the hypothalamus. The nerve cells of these nuclei become active when the chemical and physicochemical parameters of the blood change. The activity of these cells causes the formation and release of chemical factors that stimulate the restoration of the original characteristics of the blood.

Thus, special reactions react to an increase in the osmotic pressure of blood plasma nerve cells supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, the activity of which leads to the release of antidiuretic hormone into the blood, which enhances the reabsorption of water in the kidneys, which causes a decrease in osmotic pressure.

The interaction of humoral and nervous mechanisms creates an integrative control option that can ensure adequate changes in functions from the cellular to the organismal levels when the external and internal environment changes.

Controls. Physiological functions are controlled through the transfer of information. The information may contain a message about the presence of disturbances and function deviations. It is transmitted via afferent (sensitive) communication channels. Information transmitted via efferent (executive) communication channels contains a message about which functions should be changed and in what direction.

The humoral mechanism uses chemicals as means of control and transmission of information - metabolic products, prostaglandins, regulatory peptides, hormones, etc. Thus, the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles during physical activity is a source of information about oxygen deficiency.

The nervous mechanism, as a means of control and information transmission, uses excitation potentials (AP, impulses), which are combined into certain patterns (excitation “patterns”) by frequency, set in “packs,” characteristics of interpulse intervals and encode the necessary information. It has been shown that the excitation patterns of hypothalamic neurons during the formation of hunger motivation are specific and differ significantly from the equally specific excitation patterns of neurons responsible for the formation of thirst motivation.

Forms of management. Humoral and nervous mechanisms involve the use of several forms of control. Autocrine, paracrine and humoral forms are characteristic of an evolutionarily more ancient mechanism.

The autocrine form of control involves changing the function of the cell by chemical substrates released into the intercellular environment by the cell itself.

The paracrine form of control is based on the release of chemical controls by cells into the interstitial fluid. Chemical substrates, spreading through intertissue spaces, can control the function of cells located at some distance from the source of control influences.

The humoral form of control is realized when excreting biological substances into the blood. With the blood flow, these substances reach all organs and tissues.

At the core nervous mechanism control lies in the reflex - the body’s response to changes in the internal and external environment, carried out with the participation of the central nervous system. Control through reflexes involves the use of two forms.

Local reflexes are carried out through the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, which are considered as nerve centers, brought to the periphery. Due to local reflexes, control occurs, for example, the motor and secretory functions of the small and large intestines.

Central reflexes occur with the obligatory involvement of various levels of the central nervous system (from spinal cord to the bark big brain). An example of such reflexes is the release of saliva when the receptors in the oral cavity are irritated, the lowering of the eyelid when the sclera of the eye is irritated, the withdrawal of the hand when the skin of the fingers is irritated, etc.

Under natural conditions, the nervous and humoral mechanisms are united and, forming the neurohumoral mechanism, are implemented in various combinations that most fully ensure adequate balancing of the organism with its environment. For example, physiologically active substances, entering the blood, they carry information to the central nervous system about the deviation of any function. Under the influence of this information, a flow of control nerve impulses to the effectors is formed to correct the deviation.

In other cases, the flow of information into the central nervous system through nerve channels leads to the release of hormones that correct the abnormalities that have arisen. The neurohumoral mechanism creates multi-link ring connections in control processes, where various shapes The humoral mechanism is replaced and supplemented by the nervous one, and the latter ensures the inclusion of humoral mechanisms.


Currently, the human body is usually considered not just as a multicellular colony, but as a complex system with several levels of organization.

The lowest is the basic level, this is the cellular level. A collection of cells similar in structure and properties forms more high level- fabric.

Organs are made up of a collection of tissues; this is an even higher level of organization. Finally, the collection of organs that perform similar functions forms organ systems and allows the multicellular colony, which is essentially a person, to exist as a single whole.

Thus, the body is a collection of organ systems.

Organ systems are a collection of organs. Organs are a collection of tissues. Tissues are a collection of cells. So it turns out that the human body is a complexly organized system, in which each of its elements is itself a system, i.e. A multicellular organism is a system of systems.

Each organ system performs its own specific function, but in the whole organism it acquires a new property - to communicate with the external environment in order to respond to any change in the environment in such a way as to change the functioning of organs and organ systems so that chemical composition And physical properties the internal environment has not changed. This is necessary to preserve and maintain the consistency of the internal environment.

Organ systems do not work in isolation, but combine to achieve useful result, forming a temporary association – functional system. The functioning of the body as a whole is ensured by the interaction of the nervous and humoral regulation.

Bibliographic list of references

1. Belchenko L.A., Lavrinenko V.A., Human physiology. The organism as a whole. Textbook. - M., 2006.

2. Milovzorov G.I. Human physiology. - M., 2007.

3. Smirnov V.M. Human physiology. – M., 2007.

4. Tkachenko B.I. Normal human physiology. - M.: Publisher: Medicine, 2006.

5. Human physiology. / Ed. V.M. Pokrovsky, G.F. Korotko. - M.: Publishing house "Medicine", 2006.

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1. Human organ system

2. Control in living organisms


Bibliographic list of references


The human body is a single whole. Man, with his complex anatomical structure, physiological and mental characteristics, represents the highest stage in the evolution of the organic world. Characteristic of every organism is a certain organization of its structures. During the evolution of multicellular organisms, cell differentiation occurred: cells of various sizes, shapes, structures and functions appeared. From equally differentiated cells, tissues are formed, the characteristic properties of which are structural unification, morphological and functional community and cell interaction. Different tissues are specialized in function. Thus, a characteristic property of muscle tissue is contractility; nervous tissue - transmission of excitation, etc. Several tissues, combined into a specific complex, form an organ (kidney, eye, stomach, etc.).

It is impossible to imagine the human body as a set of separate organs that perform their own functions and are not influenced by neighboring ones. Our body is a single whole, the components of which are the most perfect and harmonious creation of all those that nature could create. All organs and their purposes are interconnected. An organism is a biological system consisting of interconnected and subordinate elements, the relationships of which and the features of their structure are subject to their functioning as a single whole. The human body consists of organ systems that interact with each other. Each organ performs its own function. Therefore, the vital activity of the entire organism largely depends on the proper functioning of all organs. However, many complex processes, such as breathing, excretion, etc., cannot be performed by one organ. They are carried out by the organ system.

1. Human organ system

An organ is a part of the body that occupies a permanent position in it, has a certain structure and shape, and performs one or more functions. An organ consists of several types of tissues, but one of them always predominates and determines its main, leading function. Skeletal muscle, for example, includes striated muscle and loose connective tissue. It contains blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves.

Organs are working apparatus of the body, specialized in performing complex activities necessary for the existence of a complete organism. The heart, for example, functions as a pump, pumping blood from the veins to the arteries; kidneys - the function of excreting metabolic end products from the body; bone marrow - hematopoietic function, etc. Organs were formed during the evolution of the animal world. An organ is a historically established system of various tissues united by a common basic function, structure and development for a given organ.

There are many organs in the human body, but each of them is part of a complete organism. Several organs that work together to perform a specific function form an organ system. An organ system is an anatomical and functional association of several organs involved in the performance of any complex act of activity.

All organ systems are in complex interaction with each other and, anatomically and functionally, constitute a single whole - the organism.

Often two or more organ systems are combined into the concept of apparatus. But, having a complex organization, a living organism is a single whole in which the activity of all its structures - cells, tissues, organs and their systems - is coordinated and subordinate to this whole.

The integrity of the body is manifested in the anatomical and functional connection between all human organ systems. A living organism, consisting of many organs, exists as a single whole.

1. The system of organs of movement ensures the movement of the body in space and participates in the formation of body cavities (thoracic, abdominal), in which internal organs are located. This system also forms the cavities that contain the brain and spinal cord.

2. The digestive system carries out mechanical and chemical processing of food entering the body, as well as absorption of nutrients into the internal environment of the body. This system removes remaining undigested substances from the body into the environment.

The human digestive apparatus is represented by the digestive tube, large glands of the digestive tract (salivary glands, pancreas, liver), as well as many small glands located in the mucous membrane of all parts of the digestive tract. The total length of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus is 8–10 m. For the most part, it is a tube bent in the form of loops and consists of parts that pass into each other: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, thin, thick and straight intestines.

For food to be digested, it must first be chewed and swallowed. Then the food enters the stomach and intestines, where digestive juices are secreted. Only the coordinated work of all digestive organs makes it possible to completely digest food. Each organ in this case performs part of a complex process, and together they carry out digestion. This means that there is a physiological dependence between the departments of one organ system.

For the normal functioning of the digestive system, the cells of its organs require nutrients and oxygen. Carbon dioxide and other harmful substances must be removed from the cells. In other words, the digestive system is closely connected physiologically with the system of circulatory, respiratory, excretory, etc.

3. The respiratory system ensures gas exchange, i.e. delivery of oxygen from the external environment to the blood and removal from the body of carbon dioxide, one of the final products of metabolism, and also takes part in the sense of smell, voice formation, water-salt and lipid metabolism, and the production of certain hormones.

In the breathing apparatus, the lungs perform a gas exchange function, and the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi perform an air-conducting function. Once in the airways, the air is warmed, purified and moistened. In addition, the perception of temperature, mechanical and olfactory stimuli occurs here.

4. The urinary organ system removes metabolic products (urea, etc.) from the blood and body. The urinary organs, which are also called excretory organs, cleanse the body of toxins (salts, urea, etc.) formed as a result of metabolism.

5. The reproductive organ system supports the life of the species, i.e. has a special reproductive function. The genital organs are divided into external and internal. The internal male genital organs form the testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, prostate and bulbourethral glands. The external male genitalia are the scrotum and penis.
