I pierced my leg with a nail and used ointment to treat it. I pierced my leg with a nail: what to do, how to treat it? Life after injury

Accidentally pierced leg with a nail, and if suddenly this nail turns out to be rusty, then the first thing that needs to be done is to correctly provide first aid. How to cure a puncture of a leg with a nail? The first thing to do is clean the wound.

How to properly help yourself or someone else? What actions can be called correct when piercing a leg with a nail?

A bruise, cut, or puncture of a leg with a nail can happen to anyone. But if we are talking about skin damage while working in the garden or coming into contact with a rusty nail, just treat the wound with an antiseptic.

First of all, if you are wounded by a rusty nail, you need to disinfect the wound. At the same time as disinfection, it is necessary to examine the wound to assess how deeply the rusty nail managed to penetrate into the leg.

If the nail has penetrated deeply, then you should definitely go to the hospital, since in this case only a doctor can carefully examine the wound. If this is not done, the wound may begin to fester and turn into gangrene, or there may be blood poisoning. The nail can damage the tendons in the leg, which can lead to deterioration in the motor functions of the leg. What is the first aid for a puncture with a rusty nail?

What to do if you step on a nail

What does first aid include when someone gets stabbed in the foot by a rusty nail? When injured by a rusty nail, it is imperative to disinfect the wound. If the nail is 1-2 cm in size, then you need to inspect the wound, wash it and disinfect it. After which the puncture must be bandaged to prevent dirt from entering. If your leg begins to swell and your body temperature increases, you should go to the emergency room. There is no need to bring your condition to a severe deterioration in health, since in this case there may be a need for surgical intervention.

Puncture with a rusty nail

If you pierced your leg with a rusty nail, then in addition to treating the wound with an antiseptic and applying a bandage, you need to take some other measures, since there may be tetanus spores on the surface of an old dirty nail. If a person is not vaccinated against tetanus, then in ¼ of cases of tetanus infection it ends in death. For emergency assistance it is necessary to inject PSA 0.5 ml subcutaneously in the emergency room.

Danger of tetanus when pierced with a nail

Tetanus is dangerous because in the case of the most serious forms of the disease, its toxins manage to enter the central nervous system along with the bloodstream in 5-8 days and damage neuromuscular junctions. As a result, a patient with tetanus develops convulsions and changes in the structure of muscle and bone-articular tissues occur. In addition, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Death is possible due to paralysis of the heart muscle or asphyxia, which is caused by spasm respiratory tract.

Tetanus is treated for 3 months or less in a hospital, but for two years the patient needs to be observed by a neurologist. At the same time, the patient may continue to experience the consequences of the disease, which include spinal deformity, muscle weakness, and limited joint mobility.

Proper help when piercing a leg with a nail

What first aid should be provided?

1. Squeeze out some blood from the wound. Wash the wound using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, weak solution potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine 0.05%;

2. Treat the area around the puncture with brilliant green or 5% iodine solution;

3.Apply an aseptic bandage;

4.Soon after the puncture you need to visit the emergency room

If the victim has not been vaccinated against tetanus or more than 10 years have passed since the vaccination, he will need to be given anti-tetanus serum. If a person is vaccinated against tetanus, then it is enough to do foot bath, adding to it sea ​​salt so that the wound heals faster. When the first signs of suppuration appear, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics and topical ointments (Levomekol, Vishnevsky liniment).

In today's article we will look at one of the popular summer questions: what to do and how to treat it if you pierced your leg with a nail? The idea of ​​this article did not arise by chance, the fact is that just a few weeks ago I myself was wondering what to do when my leg is pierced, since my child stepped on a nail and pierced his leg. It happened in the courtyard of the house, unexpectedly, we just went for a walk to play badminton... the blood was the sea. But, fortunately, everything is in the past, the wound has healed, and the son has already forgotten about it and is running around in the yard again)). We were lucky and the nail was not rusty, but in the article we will still consider the question of what first aid to provide to an adult and child at home if they pierced their leg with a rusty nail, what to do first. At the end of the article, I will talk about what we did immediately after Lenya pierced his leg, and what we did and how we treated the leg in the following days.

Summer is the time for vacations and trips to the country. Many people start repairs and renovations at this time of year. construction works. This is where we get it different kinds injuries - bruises, cuts, punctures. We can cope with a large number of injuries on our own by providing ourselves with first aid. There is nothing difficult about washing the wound and covering it with a plaster. However, there are also situations when it is necessary to consult a traumatologist.

I pierced my leg with a nail, what should I do and how to treat it?

Careless behavior on personal plot can lead to getting quite serious injuries. Therefore, do not be surprised if your husband comes up to you with a question: I pierced my leg with a nail, what should I do, how should I treat it?

We offer you measures for primary medical care and further treatment:

  • The first step to help yourself is to remove the nail from the wound, wash and treat it antiseptic.

Please note that if foreign object entered the leg too far - removing it yourself is very dangerous. Damage to the tendons is possible, so it is necessary to urgently go to the emergency room and have it removed foreign body professionals.

  • After the wound has been treated and bandaged, even if it is not very deep, it is still recommended to contact a traumatologist.
  • You will most likely get a tetanus vaccine. If your last tetanus shot was given no later than five years ago, you will not need to be vaccinated.
  • If the nail wound is deep and it is difficult to fully treat it, you need to take medical supplies antibacterial purposes.
  • For severe pain in the leg, you need analgesics, which are taken either internally or topically.
  • Please note that you need to bandage your leg in such a way that it does not sweat.

Be careful, do not self-medicate. If the wound turns out to be deep or your health worsens after self-treatment, immediately consult a doctor, he will be the one who will be able to prescribe correct treatment and necessary medications.

A child stepped on a nail, what to do?

When we are wounded, we worry about ourselves, but when it comes to our children, the power of worry and panic increases significantly. Initially, you need to closely monitor the children. During the game, a small wound may not be taken seriously by the child, which means that parents will learn about its existence much later. For attentive parents, the problem of a child stepping on a nail, what to do, arises much less frequently, however, they should also be prepared for it.

The first thing parents should understand is that a child’s immunity is lower than that of an adult. Therefore, even if the wound was not deep and you managed to wash and treat it yourself, a trip to the doctor should definitely take place soon. Before you go to a specialist, do not forget your child’s vaccination card. Using it, the doctor will determine whether it is necessary re-vaccination from tetanus. If you don’t have the card with you, the vaccination will be done at mandatory. Too many vaccinations of the same type can also lead to negative results(swelling at the injection site and unnecessary visits to doctors).

Self-medicating a child or leaving a wound without proper attention is also prohibited. Incorrect actions can lead to a swollen leg, severe pain and even blood poisoning. The most correct solution To prevent such a situation, go to a qualified specialist, despite your busy work schedule and other natural situations.

Your child's health should always come first.

I pierced my leg with a rusty nail, what to do at home

Piercing your leg with a nail is not a pleasant situation, but it can become more complicated if the iron object turns out to be rusty, and the distance to the doctor is very far. This is where the question arises: I pierced my leg with a rusty nail, what should I do at home?

  • Initially, it is necessary to determine how deep the nail is in the leg and whether it can be removed from the wound independently. If the depth of penetration is no more than one or two centimeters (depending on the size of the leg), you can remove the nail yourself, otherwise a doctor can handle this better.
  • The nail was safely removed. But it turned out to be rusty. In this case, there is a high probability that rust particles remain inside the wound and can disturb your body for a long period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to squeeze out a certain amount of blood from the wound site so that it comes out most of rust.
  • Let's start cleaning the wound. To do this, first of all, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vodka. Do not forget that the nail was rusty, so you will need to rinse it again with hydrogen peroxide or spray the wound site with Miramistin.
  • After washing, walk around the perimeter of the wound with iodine or brilliant green and bandage your leg. It is necessary to bandage so that the leg does not sweat afterwards.
  • Remember the last time you got a tetanus shot? If it is later than five years ago, vaccination is required.
  • For more productive and rapid healing of the wound, it is necessary to take salt baths (salt should be sea salt) about two to three times a day.

With more serious damage You should definitely seek the help of a qualified surgeon.

What to do if you pierced your leg with a nail and it is swollen

Lack of attention to yourself, poor wound cleaning, and a late trip to the doctor can cause leg swelling. What to do if you pierced your leg with a nail and it is swollen?

If the tumor is not accompanied by an increase temperature regime body and the wound remains clean (without pus), then most likely it is just swelling that can be cured at home. Troxevasin ointment or iodine mesh will be an effective assistant for swelling.

Please note that the ointment and mesh are not applied to the wound itself, but to the site of swelling.

In the event that a leg tumor is accompanied by high fever and suppuration, there is a possibility not only inflammatory process, which can lead to blood poisoning and gangrene, but also to tetanus. In this case, the leg begins to change color to burgundy, and the swelling itself becomes hot. None of the above dangers can go away on their own; immediate medical intervention is important.

Here are some important and useful tips for this case:

  • The first step is to see a doctor: go to the emergency room or call ambulance to your home if you can no longer move independently. This point is more necessary than ever, since we are talking not only about the safety of your leg, but also about your life.
  • If the situation worsens, it is better to entrust the dressing and treatment of the painful area to a specialist. Inexperienced actions in this case will not only not help, but will also cause harm.
  • If there is pus, do not try to remove it yourself. Just like removing dead tissue, this should be left to a professional.
  • Follow all doctor's instructions correctly. Including taking pills or injections. Without them, in such difficult situations it will not be possible to get out without major losses.

As mentioned above, leg swelling and heat may be a precursor to tetanus infection. The disease can develop a week after the leg is punctured. First of all it suffers nervous system, the patient experiences convulsions, the cardiac system undergoes disturbances.

Treatment of tetanus - long procedure, capable of causing severe complications. And in some cases, doctors simply remain powerless in the face of a developed disease, which leads to the death of a person.

Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor when piercing a leg with a nail and proper adherence to his instructions is the most important factor maintaining your health.

Our experience: what I did when my child stepped on a nail and pierced his leg

As promised, I’ll tell you our story about what I did when my son pierced his leg. It was Saturday and the children (my son and daughter) and I went for a walk in the yard - to play badminton, run, play and breathe fresh air. The son was walking along the path to the playground and suddenly stopped and began to take off his sandal. As he later explained, he thought that the pebble had gotten into his sandal. But it turned out to be not a pebble, but a carnation that was lying on the path.

After the sandal was removed, blood began to drip into the large quantities(later the doctors told us that the baby damaged a blood vessel because of this and there was so much blood). This probably frightened my child more than the pain from being pierced by a nail. I grabbed the child in my arms and grabbed a nail (to show the doctors later, we were lucky - the nail was not rusty and looked more or less clean).

At home, the leg was washed, treated with hydrogen peroxide, and the wound was examined. And we decided to go to the emergency room, taking with us outpatient card with the vaccinations my son received (fortunately, the card was at home and the child had all his vaccinations). Before going outside, I covered the child’s wound with an adhesive plaster, put on clean socks and sneakers so that dirt wouldn’t get into the wound (later, after bandaging the leg at the emergency room, it was difficult for us to put on the sneakers, but we still managed to put them on).

It’s a long way for us to get to the emergency room; it’s located in another part of the city. After we arrived, we explained the situation and showed the lists of vaccinations that we were given and the ill-fated nail - they examined our leg. And they said that it was necessary to give an injection, because... Despite the fact that the nail looks clean, it was still on the street and it was not recommended to take risks.

To be honest, I really hoped that we would be able to avoid the injection, but alas... I signed the documents consenting to the injection and went to the treatment room (my daughter sat next to me the whole time and watched how her brother was examined and treated).

The nurse who gave the injection told us that the needle was thin and the injection did not hurt, so there was no need to be afraid. And indeed, to my and my son’s joy, the injection was not painful and my son tolerated it easily. By the way, they placed it under the shoulder blade.

Finally, we were given a referral to a surgeon at our place of residence and advised not to get the injection site wet for a day or two. Rinse the wound with miramistin.

There were no consequences after the injection - the injection site hurt a little (for a couple of days) and slight redness, which soon went away.

The surgeon at our clinic was on vacation, so we went to dressing room(on the recommendation of the girl from the reception desk). There they looked at our leg, treated it and told us to take salt baths (a glass warm water and a tablespoon of salt). And moisten the gauze with the same solution and tie it to the wound.

My son did not go to kindergarten for 7-10 days (he could have gone earlier, but I decided that he should sit at home until his leg healed completely). Now he goes to kindergarten, runs and doesn’t remember the recent incident.)

I will be glad if I could help you with the question of what to do and how to treat it if an adult or child pierced their leg with a nail. Be attentive to yourself and your health, use the tips from today’s article on first aid for puncturing your leg, consult a doctor in a timely manner, get tetanus vaccinations and be healthy.

I pierced my leg with a nail, what to do - video

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No one is safe from cuts, bruises and punctures of the lower extremities. You can almost always deal with minor damage on your own, but how to behave correctly if you step on a rusty nail, what to do in this situation. The main thing is not to panic. The correct course of consistent actions will ensure the absence of problems both at the initial stage of treatment and in the future.

To answer the question of what to do if you step on a nail, you need to know a number of measures necessary to perform in case of a leg injury. Damaging lower limb, you should not hesitate and, if possible, immediately seek help qualified doctor, since a nail in the foot, especially a rusty one, can bring a lot of serious complications. After all, depending on how quickly it is appointed therapeutic treatment, the speed of healing of the resulting wound also depends. It is necessary to immediately contact emergency centers for children or adults, depending on who suffered the accident. Children are the most sensitive to various types of injuries and cannot always describe how they received a leg injury and, accordingly, their painful sensations.

Therapeutic intervention is essential for everyone age categories with a deep puncture of the leg with a rusty nail. In case of shallow damage and in the absence of the possibility of getting the first necessary help traumatologist or surgeon, you can, at the initial stage, independently cope with the consequences of the injury, by helping your child or yourself all possible help.

Finding yourself in a difficult situation and not having basic first aid skills, a person becomes lost and panics, not knowing what to do if he steps on a rusty nail. At independent decision problems, you need to soberly assess the situation and take actions to prevent the consequences associated with further serious health complications, in which the damaged limb may undergo a process of suppuration, and then an abscess and swelling. Events first aid boil down to the following recommendations:

  1. The initial action when a leg is injured by either a rusty or other object should be to carefully remove it from the body. But in this case, you need to assess the situation and your own capabilities. If the nail does not go deep into your leg, you can remove it yourself. If it penetrates deeply into the flesh, do not try to remove the nail, but seek the help of a qualified doctor as soon as possible, since injury may damage the vessels located inside the limb. If a child steps on a nail, you cannot act independently. In case of childhood injuries, only qualified medical worker can provide quality assistance that guarantees fast healing child's wounds.
  2. The second step in providing first aid for a leg puncture is to examine and treat the resulting wound. In this case, it is necessary to use all kinds of drugs available in the medicine cabinet at home. The presence of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or furatsilin will ensure high-quality treatment of the damaged surface. Whichever antiseptic is chosen, it will fulfill its purpose as it should. Peroxide is used as it is, but furatsilin and manganese crystals must be diluted with boiled water. To prepare a furatsilin solution, dissolve two tablets in a glass of water, and the manganese solution is brought to a dark, rich color. It is necessary to use homemade antiseptics at home as baths for half an hour, which will ensure good disinfection. Also, if you step on a rusty nail, it is recommended to treat the wound using more modern antiseptics, for example, "Miramistin". He has wide range actions that provide a significant level of antiseptic effect. Its properties prevent the formation of pathogenic viruses and fungi, stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues early stage defeats. There is no need to dilute the drug, since it is already ready and convenient form applications.
  3. After treating the wound with an antiseptic, it is necessary to dry and anoint the edges of the injury using the simplest and most readily available antiseptics - iodine or the so-called brilliant green. Further puncture wound The foot is bandaged with a sterile gauze bandage to prevent harmful infection from reaching its surface. Gauze must be used in an amount that prevents the foot from fogging. Do not bandage too tightly, thereby ensuring free circulation of blood in the limb.

A person inadvertently stepped on a nail, what should you do if, after self-treatment and attempts to help yourself, your foot continues to hurt? The question implies only one answer: urgently go to the clinic to receive qualified help. medical personnel.

Therapeutic treatment

After providing independent initial assistance, consultation and recommendations on restorative care for the injured leg from a specialist are required. medical institution. After all, treatment involves not only treating the affected surface, but also the subsequent use of medications.

During the examination, the attending physician will assess the extent of the damage and explain in detail how to treat the injured leg. If the patient’s foot does not show pronounced inflammatory signs (swelling, redness, compaction, hematoma), the doctor prescribes the use of Vishnevsky or Levomekol antiseptic ointments. IN in this case the ointment promotes the healing of damaged flesh, preventing the formation of an inflammatory process. In more serious situations, the doctor will prescribe the patient the use of an antibiotic, which has a quick positive result on the existing inflammatory process.

When piercing a leg with a rusty nail, it is necessary to take into account the fact that harmful bacteria appear and multiply in the wound, which will not only allow the leg to swell, but will also contribute to the further formation of tetanus without timely therapeutic intervention. If the patient has not been vaccinated against tetanus for over ten years, he should be given an injection. If the period of immunization with anti-tetanus serum has not reached a critical value, vaccination is not repeated. The administration of anti-tetanus serum is necessary, since puncturing the leg with a nail can be fatal.

It is important that if you go to the doctor, you have an outpatient card with you, which contains all the information about the vaccinations you received. This will simplify the procedure in the hospital when providing assistance.

Tetanus disease

If a child (or an adult) pierces a leg with a nail, you should immediately consult a doctor, this will protect against possible appearance tetanus. The consequences of this disease are dangerous because at its most serious stage, the toxin present in the bloodstream is the shortest possible time- up to seven days - can affect the connection between neuromuscular cells. In this regard, the patient who has punctured his leg is treated with characteristic features diseases caused by rust getting into damaged flesh. In the case of tetanus, which appeared because the patient pierced the leg with a nail, a convulsive state is recorded. The structure of musculoskeletal tissue changes, a failure occurs cardiovascular system. Tetanus can also have more serious, borderline conditions that can be fatal. This happens with asphyxia caused by spasm of the respiratory system or paralysis of the heart muscles.

Tetanus can be cured only after three months of therapy and as a result of subsequent regular two-year observation by a neurologist. During this period, there is a high probability that the patient will retain characteristic symptoms in the form of spinal deformity, limitation of joint movement, muscle weakness.

It must be remembered that if someone pierces their leg with a rusty nail, the consequences can be disastrous and the person can die due to untimely consultation with a doctor or incorrectly applied therapy (often self-administered).

You need to take the situation in which a child steps on a nail especially seriously, as he may subsequently face either lameness or loss of the injured limb. You cannot ignore or neglect injuries of this type, because a rusty tip can cripple the life of a very small person.

Many of us find ourselves in difficult situations, and they can come right out of nowhere: we twisted our ankle on the stairs, got a splinter on the railing, cut our leg on the glass. “I pierced my leg with a nail, what should I do?” - this question can often be found on various forums and blogs, and it is to this question that we will devote this article.

If someone pierces their foot with a nail, the wound should be disinfected as quickly as possible. As you disinfect your wound, examine it carefully and try to see how deep the nail is in your leg. If the nail penetrates deeply, you should immediately go to the hospital or the nearest emergency room, where you can receive qualified and more professional help.

Don't put off going to the hospital! If the nail penetrates deeply, the wound can fester and thereby develop into such a terrible disease as gangrene. If a nail damages a tendon, it can have a significant impact on motor functions legs. What does first aid include when someone gets stabbed in the foot by a rusty nail?


If the nail was small (no more than 2 cm), then you should carefully examine the wound, wash it and bandage the leg. If you feel headache If your temperature starts to rise and your leg becomes noticeably swollen, consult a doctor immediately. Do not delay going to specialists, because this can lead to quite sad consequences.

Deep puncture with a rusty nail

I pierced my leg with a nail - what should I do first? First, you should treat the wound with a disinfecting solution (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc.), then apply a bandage. Next, you should carefully monitor changes in your health: if you are vaccinated against tetanus, then you practically do not need to worry, but if not, then you should immediately consult a doctor. For what? And then, so as not to add to the statistics of the unfortunate who neglected medical care. Keep in mind that every fourth person who gets sick dies from tetanus!

Tetanus: what is the danger?

I pierced my leg with a nail - what should I do? This question is answered in the above points. Now we should consider a disease such as tetanus. First of all, it is dangerous due to its toxins, which very quickly penetrate the body along with the bloodstream. Within 5-7 days, tetanus can cause damage to neuromuscular synapses.

Symptoms include seizures, changes in bone and muscle tissue. Among other things, it violates cardiovascular activity, respiratory tract spasms may occur. Symptoms of the disease also include pain in the spine.

Now you are savvy in the question: “I pierced my leg with a nail, what should I do?” If this trouble happens to you, don’t be upset. All in your hands! Knowledge backed by practice has never hurt anyone. But it’s best not to get into such unpleasant situations.

In a situation where you yourself or close person If you stepped on a nail, you need to get help and treat the wound as soon as possible. In this article you will learn what needs to be done urgently and what the consequences of such an injury may be.

If you step on a nail: what could be the consequences?

Rusty nails can wait for us at the dacha, visiting grandma, and even in our own entrance among a pile of wooden waste after a neighbor’s renovation. It is not necessary to walk barefoot; with a fast step and thin shoe soles, such an injury is not uncommon.

The consequences of untreated injury include bacterial infection and inflammation, severe blood loss and a terrible disease - tetanus. If the nail has been in the ground for a long time, it is not known what bacteria from the soil managed to settle on it, so blood poisoning cannot be ruled out. The last two diseases are fraught with death, so seeing a doctor - a traumatologist or surgeon - is more than necessary. To minimize the consequences, it is necessary to provide emergency first aid.

I stepped on a nail: what to do?

If you feel sudden pain in your foot and see the iron “culprit”, do not panic. Not everything is as scary as your grandmothers loved to scare you as a child. The right help will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection, and, most likely, this trouble will remain only a memory. To do this, follow the instructions:

· try to sit down. So you will reduce blood pressure, which will help stop bleeding. At this stage it is better to call for help or if there is a deep wound and heavy bleeding call an ambulance;

· by using disinfectants from the first aid kit (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, iodine) wash the wound. If you don’t have a first aid kit, but have alcohol or pure alcohol without aromatic or other additives, you can use that too. At the very extreme case rinse your foot with drinking water or mineral water(but not water from a tap or from a standing pond);

· if the bleeding has already stopped, apply a bandage using sterile products from the first aid kit, and if it is not available, use the cleanest fabric within the radius of your stay.

If a child steps on a nail, you should consult a doctor immediately.

With these simple steps you can prevent serious serious consequences. Therefore, you should not neglect them under the motto “everything will go away on its own.” This can cost not only your health, but also your life.
