Methods of using chamomile, beneficial properties and contraindications. Chamomile - who should use it?

Flowersdaisies- Flores Chamomillae recutitae

Chamomile - Chamomilla recutita L. (syn.Matricaria chamomilla L.)

Familyasteraceae- Asteraceae

Other names:

- mother herb

- chamomile

- peeled chamomile

- camila

- blush

- morgun

- romanova grass

Botanical characteristics. Annual herbaceous plant 15-40 cm high. The stem is branched, bare. The leaves are alternate, sessile, doubly pinnately dissected into narrow lobes. Flower baskets are single, large, located at the ends of the stem and branches. The baskets have white pseudolingulate flowers located along their edges and numerous internal bisexual yellow flowers located on a conical, bare intrasexual bed. The baskets sit on long peduncles and bloom gradually: at the beginning of blooming, the false-ligulate flowers are directed upward, then they are located horizontally and the bed is extended. The fruit is an achene. The whole plant is fragrant. Blooms from May to July, bears fruit from June.

Spreading. Grows wild in the south and in middle lane the European part of the country, in the Caucasus. The main procurement areas are Crimea, Kherson and Nikolaev regions. Cultivated on many state and collective farms. The plant is cultivated in illuminated, moist, fertile soils. Fertilize the soil with rotted manure, phosphorus and nitrogen mineral fertilizers. Propagated by seeds. Sow in early spring, summer or better before winter. When sowing in summer, seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1 cm; before winter, they are sown on top of the soil. Row spacing is 45 cm. If the soil is dry, the seedlings die easily. The soil is loosened and weeds are destroyed. The yield of dried inflorescences is 5-10 c/ha. Field weed.

Habitat. In fallow lands, fields, littered places, near roads.

Procurement of raw materials, primary processing, drying. The collection of chamomile baskets is carried out in dry sunny weather, when the marginal flowers are located horizontally or directed slightly upward.

In natural thickets, baskets with remaining peduncles no longer than 3 cm are plucked by hand or using special combs. On plantations, raw materials are harvested using specially designed harvesting machines.

Chamomile flowers should be dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40°C, as well as under sheds and in attics with good ventilation, scattered in a thin layer and stirring occasionally. The yield of dry raw materials is 25-27% of the mass of freshly collected ones.

When collecting baskets, you should distinguish the inflorescences of plants similar in appearance for chamomile, but not medicinal. These include odorless chamomile and navelweed species. Mayweed Matricaria perforata Merat (= M. inodora L.) have a hemispherical, finely tuberculate, solid (without cavity) receptacle of the inflorescence.

Dog belly button Anthemis cotula L., navel field A. arvensis L. and Russian navel A. ruthenica Bieb. have a non-hollow receptacle from a cone-shaped to cylindrical shape, on which membranous awl-shaped bracts are noticeable.

Standardization of raw materials. The quality of raw materials is determined by the requirements of the State Fund XI and Amendments No. 1-6.

Security measures. It is necessary to leave a few plants when collecting for seeding, and try not to trample them.

signs and microscopically.

External signs. According to GF XI and GOST, chamomile baskets must have a hemispherical or conical shape without peduncles or with their remains no longer than 3 cm. False-ligulate flowers are white. The median flowers are bisexual, tubular, with a five-toothed corolla on a conical, hollow, bare receptacle. The basket wrapper is tiled. The taste is spicy, mucous. Chamomile baskets differ from fragrant chamomile in the absence of white reed flowers. The smell is strong. The quality of raw materials is reduced by long peduncles, baskets of a different color, grinding, and weeds.

Possible impurities. Odorless chamomile - Matricaria inodora L., which, unlike chamomile, has a continuous and larger bed (up to 12 mm). Flower baskets without scent. Field navel - Anthemis arvensis L. has a membranous conical incomplete bed. The baskets are larger and odorless. Dog's navel - Anthemis cotula L. external signs almost no different from chamomile, but the bed is non-hollow and membranous at the top. The smell is unpleasant. Thus, the main feature of the difference between chamomile and fragrant chamomile from impurities is the receptacle: in the former it is hollow inside, and in impurities it is solid.

Microscopy. For microscopic examination surface preparations of flowers and involucre leaves are used. Essential oil glands, consisting of 6-8 excretory cells, arranged in 2 rows and 3-4 tiers, are of diagnostic importance. They are present on the surface of flowers and involucre leaves. In addition, secretory passages run along the central vein of the involucre leaves. The mesophyll of tubular flowers contains small crystals of calcium oxalate Numerical indicators. The content of essential oil is not less than 0.3%, it is determined according to the State Fund XI (method 1 or 2); humidity no more than 14%; total ash no more than 12%; ash, insoluble in a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid, no more than 4%; leaves, stems, baskets with remnants of peduncles longer than 3 cm no more than 9%; blackened and browned baskets no more than 5%; organic impurities - no more than 3%, mineral - no more than 0.5%.

Chemical composition. Flower baskets contain 0.2-0.8% essential oil, which includes chamazulene. Essential oil is a thick, dark blue liquid that is sparingly soluble in water. The blue color is due to the presence of chamazulene. When storing essential oil, chamazulene is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and the oil first turns green and then brown. The essential oil also contains sesquiterpenes, cadinene, farnesene, sesquiterpene alcohol bisabolol, caprylic and isovaleric acids.

From the white reed flowers of chamomile inflorescences, the flavone glycoside apiin (producing apigenin, glucose and apiose upon hydrolysis), prochamazulene matricin and lactone matricarin (with high temperature both of these substances are converted into chamazulene), dioxycoumarins, umbelliferone and its methyl ester herniarin, triacanthin, choline, phytosterol, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, carotene, bitterness, mucus, gum. In addition, bitter substances are present.

In addition to classic raw materials, mechanized harvesting raw materials are allowed for use. FloresMatricariae contusae - threshed chamomile flowers.

Collected during the flowering period, dried and threshed flowers of the cultivated annual plant chamomile are used as a medicine for external use.

The quality of this raw material is regulated by VFS 42-974-80 and FSP 42-0045-0066-00 (“Medifarm”). According to external features, it is a mixture of tubular and marginal flowers, a bed of inflorescences, less often whole baskets, as well as pieces of stems and leaves.

Numerical indicators. Essential oil content not less than 0.2%; humidity no more than 14%; total ash no more than 12%; particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 5 mm, no more than 10%; particles passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 0.315 mm, no more than 8%; leaves, stem parts no more than 35%; organic impurities - no more than 4%, mineral - no more than 1%.

Storage. In dry rooms, on racks, packed in plywood boxes lined with paper. Shelf life up to 2 years. Warranty period - 1 year.

Pharmacological properties. Chamomile essential oil in animal experiments enhances reflex activity, stimulates medulla, increases breathing and heart rate, dilates brain vessels; in large doses, it depresses the central nervous system and reduces muscle tone.

Liquid extract, water infusion and essential oil at experimental studies reduce the intensity of contractions of an isolated segment small intestine, reduce its tone and relieve spasm caused by acetylcholine and barium chloride. Choleretic effect provide liquid chamomile extract and essential oil.

Chamomile is a diaphoretic, carminative and antispastic agent, and has calming and analgesic properties. Chamomile preparations accelerate the processes of epithelial regeneration in experimental ulcers and delay the development of experimental inflammation.

Chamomile essential oil has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of chamazulene in it. Chamomile preparations reduce the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. The antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile preparations and essential oils are also associated with chamazulene. Chamomile essential oil administered orally to animals in doses of 0.05-1 ml/kg does not have any effect toxic effect on general state, hematological picture and internal organs, does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chamomile glycosides have a weak atropine-like effect, relax smooth muscles, eliminate organ spasms abdominal cavity. The drug Camilloside, which has ulcer-healing properties, was obtained from chamomile and experimentally studied.

Medicines. Chamomile flowers, infusions, mixtures, briquettes, the drug "Romazulan".

Application. Chamomile is sold from pharmacies for the preparation of infusions and is included in medicinal fees. In the form of an infusion, it is used internally as an antispasmodic for gastritis, spastic chronic colitis, accompanied by fermentation in the intestines, to stimulate bile secretion and improve digestion. At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, accompanied by pain, heartburn and nausea, prescribe chamomile infusion 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals or a collection of chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and marsh grass, taken equally. To prepare an infusion from this collection, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours, take 1 tablespoon warmed 4-5 times a day before meals. For stomach diseases, chamomile is combined with yarrow herb, St. John's wort herb, peppermint leaves, lime color, mucilage of flaxseed or plantain. Chamomile flowers with valerian root and caraway fruits are included in the carminative collection.

For inflammation hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, cleansing emulsion enemas are prescribed (1 tablespoon vegetable oil, chamomile decoction 6.0:200.0 per enema). For therapeutic microenemas for colitis, flatulence, proctitis, paraproctitis, inflammation of hemorrhoids, use 30-50 ml of warm chamomile decoction or infusion of chamomile, calendula and yarrow.

Chamomile infusion is prescribed to patients as a mild sedative and antispastic agent. bronchial asthma 1/3 cup warm at night to prevent asthma attacks. Patients with bronchial asthma and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases that provoke exacerbation of the disease undergo nasopharyngeal sanitation, including inhalation of chamomile infusion. Chamomile infusion is used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. Chamomile is often combined with other medicinal plants, for example, with linden flowers in equal parts (brewed like tea).

The drug Romazulon comes from Romania, containing 96 ml of chamomile extract and 0.3 ml of chamomile essential oil. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and deodorizing agent for mouth rinsing for sore throats and chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, diseases of teeth and gums, for preventive sanitation of the upper respiratory tract. For rinsing, dilute 1-2 teaspoons of romazulone in 1 glass. warm water. The same solution is used externally for skin diseases, neurodermatitis, urticaria, insect bites, trophic ulcers ah, minor wounds. For installations and douching, romazulone solution is used for colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and other diseases.

For exacerbations of gout, joint diseases, general or local baths with chamomile decoction (20 g per 1 liter of water), lotions and compresses on the joints made of multi-layer gauze moistened with chamomile decoction, herbal poultices (applied hot to the joints, covered with parchment or film, wrap for 1-2 hours).

Chamomile decoction is used internally hot (1 glass per dose) as a diaphoretic.

Chamomile - cosmetic product, used to give hair a golden hue and skin velvety and soft. In perfumery, chamomile flowers are used in the manufacture of nourishing creams, lotions and shampoos.

An infusion is prepared from 10 g of crushed chamomile flowers per 200 ml of water; heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool, leave for 3-4 hours, filter, squeeze out the residue. Add boiled water to the original volume. Chamomile infusions are prepared by prolonged boiling, since matrixin and prochamazulene are converted into chamazulene at high temperatures, which increases the activity of the drugs. The infusion is taken orally 1/2-1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

Fragrant chamomile is used in medicine only for external use: poultices, lotions, rinses, enemas, compresses.

Chamomile is sometimes called the most calming plant in the world. Its flowers are usually used as a tea to help relax and relieve symptoms of intestinal diseases. In concentrated form, the plant is increasingly used in the form of tablets, tinctures and liquid extracts; it is also used in products to treat skin rashes and ulcers.

Composition and release form


  • Capsules
  • Dried flowers/tea
  • Liquid extract/tincture
  • Oil
  • Cream/ointment

Medicinal properties of Chamomile

Under the name “chamomile”, two types of herbs are usually used in medicine - R. apothecary and R. romanum (nobilis). More famous (and described in this book) is chamomile. Its preparations are obtained from the dried inflorescences of Chamomilla recutita (its other Latin names are also found in the literature - Matricaria chamomilla and Matricaria recutita).

Another species of plant, known as R. germanica or noble navel (Chamaemelum nobile, or Anthemis nobilis), has similarities with R. pharmaceutical properties. It is sold mainly in Europe. This is a plant for a long time used to make soothing tea. Thanks to its pleasant apple aroma and taste (the name Chamomilla comes from the Greek words kamar melon - "earth apple"). Many people find making and slowly sipping tea from it a relaxing experience.

Concentrated plant extracts are added to creams and lotions or released in the form of tablets or tinctures. Healing properties partly due to its volatile oils containing the substance apigenin, as well as other medicinal compounds.

Mechanism of action of the plant

Chamomile is a great healer. Its anti-inflammatory, anti-spastic and anti-infective properties can be beneficial for the entire body - both inside and out. When taken orally, it soothes upset digestion, stops spasms and relaxes the nervous system. Using the product has a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, as an external remedy, fighting rashes, ulcers and inflammation.

Prevention of diseases when using Chamomile

When taken externally, it helps fight skin inflammation. It contains antibacterial compounds that can speed up the healing of infected lesions. Bandages soaked in chamomile solution often help with minor burns. The herb may also be useful for skin diseases such as eczema.

For sunburn, chamomile oil can be added to cool baths or mixed with almond oil and lubricated with this mixture on the burned areas. Creams can help with sunburn, skin rashes and eczema. Chamomile inflorescences can be successfully used in the treatment skin lesions, received at radiation therapy cancer. Some data indicate the effectiveness of taking the plant in the treatment of colds.

Effect on the human body

Warm chamomile tea helps you fall asleep. Animal studies have shown that the plant contains substances that act on the same parts of the brain and nervous system in general, the same as sedatives. Chamomile has a mild sedative effect, but more importantly, it has a calming effect on the entire body, and people who take it can easily fall asleep.

In addition, it has a relaxing, anti-inflammatory effect on smooth muscles digestive tract. It helps with a variety of gastrointestinal problems, including heartburn, diverticulitis and inflammatory diseases intestines. The flower is also useful for inflammation of the vagina. Its use can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids and eliminate diarrhea in children.

Indications for use of Chamomile

  • For general relaxation and anxiety relief
  • To make it easier to fall asleep
  • For mouth ulcers and gum disease
  • For skin rashes and burns, including sunburn
  • For intestinal inflammation, indigestion and heartburn


Preparations containing this flower are not recommended for people with a history of heart disease, anxiety, abnormal bleeding, as well as those using herbs or supplements with similar action. If you are sick, pregnant or nursing, or taking anticoagulants, consult your physician before taking these supplements.

Side effects

  • There have been reports of ulcers and inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, but this reaction seemed to occur only in people who chewed fresh leaves(common practice until chamomile supplements became available).
  • In some cases, stomach irritation, indigestion, gas, constipation, diarrhea, bloating or heartburn may occur.
  • Contact with the flower may cause skin rash. People who experience this reaction should not take the medication by mouth. It should not be used by anyone who is allergic to plants from the Asteraceae family (chrysanthemums, daisies, marigolds, ragweed, etc.)
  • One more side effect are withdrawal symptoms, including headaches, anxiety, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, muscle stiffness and joint pain

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

  • Tea/infusion - The usual dose is 10 tablespoons or 5/8 cups of boiling water per 2-4 g of fresh inflorescences. Leave for 10 minutes, take orally 3 times a day. You can use 1 to 4 cups of chamomile tea (from bags) per day.
  • Liquid extract/tincture - 1/5-3/4 teaspoon liquid extract (1:1 in 45% alcohol) PO 3 times daily, 1 tablespoon tincture (1:5 in alcohol) 3-4 times daily .
  • Capsules/tablets - take 400-1600 mg per day orally in divided doses.

Reception regimen:

  1. Chamomile for skin diseases - Some publications recommend pastes, patches or ointments containing 3 to 10% of the plant.
  2. Mouth rinse - 1% liquid extract or 5% tincture.
  3. Baths - 5 g of raw material per 1 liter of water.
  4. For migraines, 0.5 mg of the active ingredient, parthenolide, is required per day. For this, take 60 mg of powdered leaves or 75 mg of dried crushed leaves per day. Experience suggests that it is important for migraine sufferers to take the herb daily over an extended period of time because stopping use may cause the headaches to return.

How to take Chamomile

  • Tablets and liquid forms contain concentrated chamomile extracts. Look for standardized extracts that contain at least 1% apigenin, one of the healing ingredients.
  • Check the labels of chamomile skin products carefully. Some of them depict the plant, but they contain only small quantities of it. Buy creams and ointments containing at least 3% chamomile.
  • Chamomile baths can have a significant relaxing effect and improve dry, irritated or sunburned skin. Add 10 drops of oil or a few cups chamomile tea take a cool bath and soak for half an hour or longer.
  • To treat burns, it is better to use chamomile creams or tea rather than greasy ointments. These ointments contain oils that keep the skin cool, slow healing, and increase the risk of infection. Creams are usually made on a non-oil basis.
  • Some people successfully grow a flower in their gardens from seeds, simply scattering them on the surface of the soil.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Chamomile in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Chamomile, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Many medicinal plants that have long been used by our ancestors are now actively used in official medicine. Based on them, a variety of medicines are prepared, which can be purchased without problems in almost all pharmacies. Such medications are considered almost one hundred percent safe for the body, they have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. However, their use should still be discussed with your doctor. One of the medicinal plants widely used in official medicine is chamomile. The instructions for using different forms of its release have their own characteristics, so let's talk about drugs based on it and the specifics of their use in a little more detail.

Chamomile has earned the title of the most calming plant in the world. Most often it is used to brew tea, which helps in short terms relax and soften a little unpleasant symptoms at various diseases intestines.

The familiar chamomile can be purchased at the pharmacy in a variety of forms - in the form of a dried plant and tea bags, in the form of a tincture - a liquid extract, as capsules and oil, as well as a cream and ointment.

What are the indications for use of the drug "Chamomile"?

Various types of chamomile-based preparations can be used as a sedative, which provides a general relaxation and relieves anxiety. Such formulations can also solve minor sleep problems, in particular, make it easier to fall asleep.

Consumption pharmaceutical chamomile V different shapes helps to cope with ulcerative lesions oral cavity and various gum diseases. Such medicines can also be used to treat skin rashes and burns, as well as sunburn. It is believed that the external use of chamomile will help cope with various kinds of infectious lesions of the dermis, cure eczema, etc. There are recommendations for the use of chamomile compositions to correct skin lesions resulting from radiation therapy.

Many experts advise taking chamomile preparations to correct inflammatory bowel diseases; such remedies also cope well with digestive disorders and quite effectively eliminate heartburn.

Treatment with chamomile

Dried chamomile flowers can be used to make teas. Four tablespoons of dried plant material should be brewed in an enamel container with one glass of just boiled water. Heat this product in a water bath for half an hour, then set aside and leave for another ten minutes. The resulting medicine must be filtered and the plant material squeezed out. The finished decoction should be stored exclusively in a cool place for a couple of days. Consume half a glass of it twice or thrice a day to achieve an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, as well as as an anti-inflammatory, sedative and diaphoretic composition. This product is also suitable for rinsing, preparing enemas and various types of lotions.

Pharmaceutical chamomile in the form of flowers can also be used for preparing baths. In this case, to prepare the infusion, you need to take five grams of dry raw materials for every liter of water.

You can also buy chamomile in bags at the pharmacy. It is brewed like regular tea and consumed one to four cups per day.

Liquid chamomile extract is usually consumed one to four teaspoons three times a day, and tincture - a tablespoon three to four times a day. These medicinal compositions can also be used to prepare mouth rinses. Rinsing with such products can be carried out very often - as needed, almost every half hour.

It is customary to drink tablets or capsules based on this plant at four hundred to six hundred milligrams active substance per day, divided into several doses. Reception is carried out at equal time intervals.

Chamomile-based creams and ointments are applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day - in the morning and evening. Today in pharmacies you can find formulations of this kind that contain from three to ten percent of the active substance.


You can also purchase a liquid consisting of chamomile extract and its essential oil in pharmacies. Given medicine has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has deodorizing properties. It is used for rinsing, washing and preparing compresses for inflammatory lesions oral cavity, therapy of inflammatory dermatoses, trophic ulcers, lesions genitourinary system(urethritis, vaginitis, cystitis), inflammation of the external ear, etc. Also this medicine can be consumed internally - for the correction of gastritis, colitis and other ailments accompanied by flatulence.

For external application and enemas, a couple of tablespoons of the product should be diluted with a liter of water. Internal use involves dissolving half a tablespoon of the composition in a glass hot water.

Can chamomile be dangerous? Contraindications and side effects

Pharmaceutical chamomile preparations extremely rarely cause various side effects, however, their likelihood is worth considering. If the patient has any diseases, as well as when consuming any medicines, bearing a child or carrying out breastfeeding, the advisability of therapy with pharmaceutical chamomile should be discussed with your doctor.

A flower with this name is known to everyone; you can find chamomile in the summer in any region. There are many known species, the most popular among them being chamomile.

An unpretentious flower, which is a storehouse of beneficial properties, is used to treat numerous diseases. Modern medicine Chamomile has not been ignored: many medicines are prepared on its basis.

Contents of the article:

A little about chamomile

Chamomile is a simple flower at first glance, but at the same time graceful. The petals of chamomile are lowered down or arranged horizontally, the receptacle is characterized by a convex conical shape, the flower head is hollow.

Its unique composition is determined by glycosides and essential oils. A large number of flavonoids help resist viruses, gamazulene has an antimicrobial effect. Chamomile contains large quantities nicotinic, ascorbic salicylic acid and trace elements (copper, iron, magnesium).

You can buy chamomile at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. A quality product should not contain debris or other grass; the flowers should be whole, not crushed.

The main actions that are inherent in chamomile:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • diuretic.

The required result is achieved after taking infusions or decoctions for about 2 – 3 months.

Medicinal properties

Benefits of chamomile:

  • removes inflammatory processes(is natural antiseptic), used as a supplement to the main remedy, in some cases successfully replaces tablets;
  • regulates the activity of the digestive organs;
  • has an antipyretic effect at high temperatures;
  • used in gynecology (the second name is uterine herb);
  • has an analgesic effect (for bloating, pain in the intestines, stomach, headaches);
  • provides antiviral effect at colds;
  • antiallergic effect noted;
  • chamomile oil is used for seizures (has the ability to relax smooth muscles);
  • used to treat bronchitis;
  • used in cosmetology for lotions, masks, creams.

Gamazulen provides chamomile with antiallergic and local anesthetic effects.

Indications for use

Used in the form of infusions and decoctions for rinsing at:

  • periodontal disease;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • stomatitis.

A warm infusion of chamomile helps with insomnia:
Studies have confirmed that chamomile contains substances that affect the nervous system and brain, similar to sedatives. Therefore, it has a slight sedative effect, and the infusion taken orally helps to fall asleep.

Chamomile decoctions and infusions are taken orally for:

  • flatulence;
  • colitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • stomach cramps;
  • cystitis;
  • renal colic;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism.

Chamomile preparations have been successfully used for the purpose of preventing atherosclerosis(relieves spasm cerebral vessels, improve nutrition, provide oxygen). Chamomile is used in the treatment of bruises, hematomas and cuts, eliminates increased sweating palms and soles.

For external use powders and ointments prepared with chamomile oil are used. The drugs are effective for:

  • infected wounds;
  • skin ulcers;
  • eczema;
  • arthritis.

Baths using chamomile(several glasses of infusion or 10 drops of chamomile oil) have a relaxing effect, improve skin condition (dry or after sunburn). Chamomile creams are effective for treating burns. For minor burns, bandages soaked in chamomile infusion help.

At gynecological diseases For douching and baths, a weak chamomile decoction is recommended. Stronger concentration causes discomfort, dryness. At painful menstruation It is recommended to use chamomile tea.

Possible harm

The use of chamomile in some cases can cause vomiting, increased blood pressure. There may be a risk of bleeding, headache, weakness.

In case of an overdose, hoarseness, cough, fatigue, and depression may occur. Manifestation Data allergic reactions not confirmed.


Despite the fact that chamomile is effective, with an overdose and long-term use, the result may be the opposite of what was expected. It is not advisable to use chamomile with a tendency to. At mental disorders(schizophrenia) taking chamomile is not recommended.

Essential oils of chamomile can tone the uterus, so during pregnancy it cannot be used.

Can pregnant and lactating women drink it?

Can be used externally in any form without restrictions. If you experience frequent stress and nervous tension during pregnancy, it has a calming and relaxing effect. green tea with chamomile.

However, chamomile tea stimulates the production of estrogens, so it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy: in the short term, chamomile preparations can cause bleeding and miscarriage, and in later periods they can cause premature birth.

Before using chamomile, you should consult your doctor.

After healing umbilical wound You can add chamomile infusion to the bathing water for newborns. At first, the infusion should be weak; if no negative reaction is observed, the concentration can be increased.

This procedure helps protect the baby’s skin from diaper rash and reduce the risk of irritation. It is not recommended to take such baths every day; a break is necessary.

Children under 1 year of age should be given chamomile infusion with caution: possible allergic manifestations. Chamomile tea for newborns helps eliminate flatulence and intestinal colic, normalizes intestinal activity.

Chamomile tea has an antiseptic, soothing, restorative effect, helps prevent dysbiosis. It relieves excessive excitability, has an antimicrobial effect, and is used to quench thirst and thin sputum.

How to prepare the infusion correctly?

To save healing qualities chamomile needs to be brewed correctly. There are several ways to prepare infusions, which depend on the purpose:

Problem Components Dosage Application
Flatulence Herbs of chamomile, mint, caraway, fennel, valerian root 1 tsp. Pour boiling water (2 cups), after steeping, strain, drink 100 ml in the morning and before bed.
Insomnia, overwork Chamomile flowers 1 tbsp. l Infuse the herb with a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, take ½ cup before bed.
Stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat Dried chamomile flowers 1 tsp. Pour a glass of hot water (not boiling water!), wrap in a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Gargle.
Boils Dry chamomile 3 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Apply a cotton swab moistened with infusion to the affected area.
Flatulence, colitis, enteritis Dried chamomile flowers 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Strain and drink little by little throughout the day.
Joint pain Dried chamomile flowers 2 tbsp. l. Add hot water (3 tablespoons) to the raw material, wrap the resulting mass in a cloth, and apply to sore spots.

When collecting chamomile, you should pick off the flower baskets with a small section of the stem. Optimal time for collection - July-August (cannot be collected near the road), for drying you need to spread it in a thin layer on a sheet of paper and leave it in a ventilated area. It is recommended to store raw materials for no longer than 1 year.

Tablets and liquid forms containing chamomile should contain at least 1% of the bioflavonoid apigenin (the healing component of the plant). When purchasing creams with chamomile, you should pay attention to its content (should be at least 3%).

Chamomile officinalis - amazing flower, which has a beneficial effect on various ailments.

Known to people for a very long time. This is a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It is used widely in various branches of medicine. You can buy pharmaceutical chamomile in powder form (crushed dried herb) or in brewing form. In ancient times, women independently collected chamomile in the fields and made medicinal preparations. The plant helps relieve inflammation and is used to prevent colds. However, there are also contraindications. Before using pharmaceutical chamomile, you should study the instructions for it.

Composition and properties

Pharmacy chamomile has other names. Instructions for use contain the botanical name - Chamomilla recutita. The plant is also called mother grass, or romanova grass. The composition of inflorescence chamomile includes essential oil, organic acids, bitterness, coumarins, vitamins and minerals. The plant helps suppress fermentation in the intestines, improves digestion, and relieves inflammatory processes in the body. Daily consumption helps strengthen the immune system.

An ideal remedy for the prevention of diseases of the gastric mucosa is chamomile. Instructions for use describe the dosage in which to use the medicine. You can read more about this below. can be used both externally and internally.

How should chamomile be used?

Instructions for use describe several methods. The infusion is widely used for compresses and baths. For diseases of the oral cavity, rinses are indicated medicinal tea. For stomach pain, you should prepare a drink based on this plant and drink it several times a day.

Chamomile is widely used for colds. Instructions for use indicate that the medicine can be used for inhalation. For flu, inhale chamomile vapor. It is worth remembering that this is not the only method of treating a particular disease. At infectious pathologies can't do without antibacterial agents. The plant will only help to quickly restore normal well-being.

For diseases of the central nervous system, chamomile in bags is also widely used. The instructions for use indicate that this tea at night will be useful for people suffering from insomnia. The infusion is excellent for migraines and cramps. It is necessary to take the medicine one teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Chamomile-based preparations

In production various medications Pharmaceutical chamomile is widely used. Instructions for use describe for which diseases this or that drug should be used. In gynecology, Recutan is often prescribed. The solution has a local anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used for cervical erosions and colitis.

IN dental practice Rotocan solution is used. This medicine is also intended for local application. With its help, it is possible to relieve inflammation of the gums and carry out prevention after tooth extraction.

An ethereal agent is considered to be a fairly strong bactericidal agent. The medicine is often prescribed for the treatment of colds accompanied by cough and runny nose. At local use can be achieved excellent results in therapy acne, burns, herpes.

Who should not be prescribed chamomile?

Instructions for use, contraindications, dosage - all this information is worth studying. It must be remembered that chamomile suppresses the activity of the central nervous system. Therefore, taking the medicine in excessive doses can lead to dizziness and weakness. For young patients, only a pediatrician can prescribe chamomile. Instructions for use for children describe in what doses the tincture should be used.

Chamomile-based medications are contraindicated for diarrhea. Some patients may develop individual intolerance. It will manifest itself in the form of skin reactions.

Use in folk medicine

Doctors quite often prescribe chamomile. Instructions for use indicate for which diseases it can be used medicinal plant. At the same time, experts argue that the herb cannot serve as the only means of therapy. And here traditional healers We are sure that with the help of pharmaceutical chamomile alone you can get rid of many health problems.

For gastritis, flatulence and colitis, it is recommended to take chamomile infusion orally. Three tablespoons of dry herb are poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours. Next, the infusion is filtered and drunk as tea. It is enough to drink 100 ml of this drink several times a day.

Cold infusion

This chamomile infusion can be used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the gums or sore throat. Two spoons of dry grass are poured into a glass cold water and leave for at least 8 hours. This medicine can also be used by women for douching. However, do not forget that any treatment should be carried out in consultation with a doctor.

Chamomile for hair

The medicinal herb also has a positive effect on the hair. You can not only strengthen the roots, but also lighten the strands. In order to prepare a rinse, you need to pour 200 grams of dried flowers with a liter of hot water. The solution should be boiled for 5 minutes. Once the broth has cooled, it can be used. Rinse hair immediately after washing. If you regularly use this recipe, you will notice that the roots have become stronger. At the same time, the hair becomes lighter and shinier.

The decoction can also be used to prepare various healing masks. Two tablespoons of chamomile tincture prepared in advance are combined with a tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for several hours. To achieve the best result, you should wrap your hair with cling film and then with a terry towel. The mask can also be applied at night.

Pharmaceutical chamomile and pregnancy

Can chamomile be harmful? Instructions for use during pregnancy must be carefully studied. The problem is that any drug can have both benefit and harm. This is especially important to remember during pregnancy. Chamomile for an expectant mother should only be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot self-medicate! Women who are prone to developing allergic reactions should refrain from using the plant.

If there are no direct contraindications, you should take no more than two cups of chamomile tea per day. Exceeding the dosage often leads to uterine tone. And this is one of the most common causes of premature birth.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is an excellent medicine! But you should use it correctly, having first studied the instructions!
