Is it possible to get bronchitis through airborne droplets? Is bronchitis contagious to others, is it transmitted by airborne droplets from a patient

Bronchitis is a respiratory disease characterized by involvement of inflammatory process bronchial mucosa, dry or moist rales, which can be heard when listening to the chest and back. The disease is accompanied by coughing and sometimes whistling breathing. Both newborns and adults are at risk. There are several main forms of the disease, which are classified depending on the symptoms and course of the disease.

ARVIs are the most common agents of bronchitis. In children early age bronchitis develops with obstructive syndrome. Among the viruses highest value have influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, RS virus, rhinovirus and ECHO viruses. Bacteria are the second most important agents that can cause bronchitis or its exacerbation. The most significant in this process are pneumococci, streptococci, hemophilus influenzae, mycoplasmas, less commonly staphylococci, chlamydia.

In addition, we should not forget about chemical and physical factors– dust (especially in a professional environment), tobacco smoke and other, including chemical, substances.

Risk factors for the development of bronchitis:

  • smoking, including passive smoking;
  • existing respiratory diseases, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases;
  • immunodeficiency conditions (congenital or acquired);
  • allergic diseases (cause bronchial hyperreactivity);
  • hypertrophy of adenoids and pharyngeal tonsils;
  • outbreaks chronic infection(caries, chronic sinusitis and so on);
  • work at harmful conditions labor;
  • abnormalities in the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • hypothermia.

In order to reduce risks, it is necessary to prevent the development of infection in the body.

Potential danger different types pathology

Type of bronchitisAverage durationAverage durationDoctors' recommendations
Spicy1.5 – 2 weeks (up to a month)Incorrect treatment or lack thereof can lead to the development of pneumonia; there is always a risk of chronic pathologyTreatment under the supervision of a specialist, reduce the risks of developing pathology
ChronicDuration of cough for at least three months over the past two consecutive years or moreThere is always a risk of developing chronic pulmonary heart, chronic respiratory failure (shortness of breath, cyanosis)Treatment under supervision, reduce the risks of developing the disease

In order to understand and understand whether it is possible to become infected with bronchitis, it is necessary to become familiar with the methods of transmission of infectious agents that provoke the development of the disease. If acute bronchitis(or exacerbation of the chronic form) is a consequence of ARVI, it becomes clear that a specific virus (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus) is transmitted by airborne droplets and in susceptible individuals, symptoms of bronchitis may develop (again against the background of ARVI). Therefore, during the season of epidemics of influenza and other respiratory viral infections, there is a peak incidence of bronchitis (and its exacerbations).

A completely different picture is observed with occupational dust and chronic bronchitis. A bacterial infection that is seeded on nutrient media(sputum culture) for chronic bronchitis, belongs to the nonspecific opportunistic flora found in the majority of surrounding people. In this regard, in in this case patient with chronic bronchitis is not dangerous and contagious to others, just follow the rules of hygiene:

  1. When clearing your throat, cover your mouth with a handkerchief;
  2. Carry out daily wet cleaning in the premises of stay, observe the ventilation regime;
  3. Spit all sputum into those places (spittoons, sinks) that are thoroughly sterilized (repeatedly during the day) with disinfectants.

All these measures are necessary in order not to accumulate microflora in the environment that are resistant to the action of antibacterial drugs(they are prescribed many times more often to chronic patients).

Understanding that almost every person in contact with a carrier of the infection is at risk, quite adequate questions arise: how can you protect yourself or minimize the risk of contracting this infection? Who is more susceptible to the disease and who should not worry?

Let's look at the simplest and effective ways protection and prevention of infection with this disease.

  1. The most simple rules hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of a virus in your body. These include simple actions such as washing your hands before eating and after visiting public places. During epidemic periods, public places should be avoided.
  2. A mandatory measure that must be observed in any weather is ventilation of the room; this must be done both in public places and at home. In addition, humidity should be kept within 40-60%, since cool and humidified air in the room contributes to more light current respiratory viral infection and expectoration of sputum.
  3. It is recommended to wear a special mask during ARVI epidemics that can protect your body from viruses and infections of various types.
  4. Smoking as little as possible and being around smokers. Harm passive smoking has been proven a long time ago. Equip special places for smoking.
  5. Save a person from pathogenic viruses entering his body various diseases Ordinary oxolinic ointment can be used; it is advisable to use it during periods of exacerbation of viral infections, especially in public places such as schools, kindergartens, universities and others.
  6. Strengthening the immune system is actual question in all seasons, in winter this can be done using medications(on the recommendation of an immunologist), in spring, summer and autumn periods It is necessary to eat as many fruits and vegetables enriched with vitamins as possible. Strengthening the immune system can also be associated with hardening, swimming, and daily physical activity.
  7. You can also protect yourself through vaccination, this is especially true for people who suffer from chronic forms of the disease, children and the elderly.

All of the above preventive measures can reduce the risk of infection from a sick person. They should be used in schools, preschool institutions, and places Catering, in organizations that work with people. Regardless of whether bronchitis is contagious or not, although the answer to ARVI is clear - yes, you can get infected, preventive measures can protect you from infection. In kindergartens and schools, it is also necessary to ensure that children’s nutrition helps strengthen their defenses child's body, there were a lot of vitamins in the diet.

Bronchitis is a disease that requires medical supervision. Moreover, it is important to understand what younger child or older old man, the greater the risk of complications. If we talk about newborns, doctors usually recommend mandatory and immediate hospitalization of the child.

Attention is required by the fact that in the absence of treatment and incorrect treatment tactics for the disease, children (and adults) can develop pneumonia, which can subsequently lead to death. Check out some tips for treating bronchitis, they are suitable for both acute form course of the disease, as well as for chronic.

  1. Be sure to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe you medical supplies for treatment. Be sure to use them. Don't rely on self-medication, you can only complicate things.
  2. Avoid not only the act of smoking, but also smoking areas.
  3. Strengthen your immune system with proper nutrition.
  4. Exercise physical exercise, sport is health.
  5. Take at least two inhalations a day, this will help clear the bronchi of excess mucus.
  6. Spend as much time as possible on fresh air. If it is cold, then inhale it only through your nose.

Bronchitis is a disease that requires special treatment If you self-medicate or generally neglect the advice and recommendations of doctors, you risk developing chronic bronchitis. Is bronchitis contagious? Yes, if it develops against the background of a viral infection. But this disease can be avoided if you do not neglect preventive measures and monitor your health.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract. Today it is one of the most common pathologies that affects both children and adults. At the same time, bronchitis, depending on the etiology and course, can either pose a danger to others or be completely non-contagious.

Bronchitis is a pathology in which inflammation of the bronchial mucosa occurs. In rare cases, it is also possible that the entire bronchial wall may be involved in the destructive process. Damage to the epithelium of the respiratory tract can be primary, that is, isolated, or secondary, that is, arising against the background of any pathological processes developing in the body.

Due to pathological processes of various etiologies the integrity of the mucous membranes is compromised, excessive secretion is produced, and the functionality of the epithelial cilia is disrupted. Depending on the origin, the disease is divided into several subtypes depending on the etiology and pathogenesis:

  1. Acute bronchitis is an acute inflammatory process that affects the epithelial layer of the bronchial wall. Due to the sharply increased amount of secretion, patients develop moist cough, liquid mucous sputum is released.
  2. Chronic bronchitis is a long-term destructive process that results in changes in the secretory glands of the upper respiratory tract. As a result of a chronic disorder in the bronchi, the natural cleansing of the respiratory organs practically ceases.

Attention! Acute and chronic bronchitis differ greatly not only in the course and treatment methods, but also in the level of invasiveness.

Peculiarities various types bronchitis

Type of bronchitisCharacteristicsTherapy
SpicyViral, bacterial or fungal infection, absence of concomitant pathologiesRemantadine, Interferon, Oseltamivir
Chronic uncomplicatedThe patient is under 50 years old, the patient has no bad habits, less than 4 exacerbations per yearAminopenicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines
Chronic complicatedPatient age over 50 years, more than 4 exacerbations per year, decreased respiratory functionCephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones
Chronic obstructivePersistent bronchospasm, constant secretion of thick sputum, recurrent pneumoniaSelective antibacterial drugs

Is acute bronchitis contagious?

Bronchitis can be caused by factors of both infectious and non-infectious nature. In the second case, pathology develops for the following reasons:

  • respiratory tract burn;
  • chemical or radiation effects on mucous membranes;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • harmful influence bad habits;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

Bronchitis of non-infectious origin is not transmitted from one person to another, and therefore does not pose a danger to others.

Attention! In most cases, non-infectious respiratory tract damage takes chronic form currents.

More than 90% of cases of acute bronchitis occur due to exposure of the human body to viruses, bacteria or fungi. Disease caused by one of these pathogens is contagious. It especially often affects preschool or younger children school age, since their immune system is not yet fully developed.
Measures to prevent infection with acute infectious bronchitis:

  1. During an epidemic respiratory diseases You should avoid attending public events.
  2. Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands regularly.
  3. Do not bring to childcare facility child with symptoms of illness.
  4. Strengthen the body in the autumn-winter period, take vitamins.

Attention! People most susceptible to infection are those with weakened immune system. To improve health, it is recommended to play sports, take long walks hiking, eat right and follow a sleep and rest schedule.

Video - Acute bronchitis

Viral bronchitis

The viral form of bronchitis in most cases occurs due to exposure of the human body to pathogens of acute respiratory infections. These diseases are very invasive and easily transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person to a healthy one. The virus easily penetrates the irritated membranes of the respiratory tract, causing the destruction of epithelial cells and hyperfunction of the secretory glands.

Attention! Children visiting preschool institutions. Their disease begins as an acute respiratory viral infection, and then leads to complications that affect the bronchi and upper nasal sinuses.

Viral bronchitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Primary symptoms occur 2-3 days after infection.
  2. The patient poses a danger to healthy people for 7-9 days after the end of the latent phase of the disease.
  3. The pathology manifests itself with a sharp increase in temperature to 38-39°C.

Bacterial bronchitis

Bacterial bronchitis can be caused by various single-celled pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the disease most often develops against the background of a pathological process already occurring in the body.

Attention! Bacterial infection of the respiratory tract is contagious, but is not normally spread by talking, sneezing or coughing.

In most cases, bronchitis is caused by two types of microorganisms: chlamydia and mycoplasma. Mycoplasmas are single-celled organisms that are considered an intermediate link between bacteria and viruses. Chlamydia infection develops most often in adult patients. It is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. The percentage of children infected with chlamydial bronchitis does not exceed 15%.

Bacterial bronchitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • low-grade fever up to 39°C, which persists for 3 days or more;
  • prolonged wet cough with the separation of purulent-mucous thick sputum;
  • shortness of breath on exertion;
  • bouts of sweating and heat in the evening;
  • chills and intense cephalalgia.

In most cases, bacterial bronchitis is transmitted through direct close contact with an infected person or through the use of general subjects household and hygiene: towels, toothbrushes, dishes, bed linen.

Bronchitis due to fungal infection

Cases of fungal bronchitis are quite rare. Pathology occurs as a result of the spread and growth of microorganisms in the mucous tissue of the respiratory tract, which are often normally part of the microflora of the patient’s body.

The fungal form of bronchitis in most cases occurs as a result of a sharp weakening of the patient’s immune system. The disease usually develops due to the following reasons:

  • HIV or AIDS;
  • undergone chemotherapy;
  • treatment with corticosteroids or antibiotics;
  • severe autoimmune pathologies;
  • past viral or bacterial infections.

Fungal infection cannot be treated with standard pharmacological agents against bronchitis. Treatment of this pathology requires the use of specific drugs with a fungicidal effect.

Attention! Healthy people rarely become infected with bronchitis of fungal origin.

Is chronic bronchitis contagious?

Chronical bronchitis– progressive pathological process in the mucous tissues of the bronchi. Feature diseases – the formation of persistent abnormal changes in the structure of the walls of the respiratory tract. This disorder is extremely difficult to treat and often leads to the development of asthmatic phenomena.

This diagnosis is established if relapses of bronchitis recur every 3-4 months for two years or more. Moreover, often when examining the contents of the bronchi it is often not possible to identify any causative agent of the pathological process.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis differs from treatment of the acute form of this disease. The doctor prescribes complex use the following medications:

  • antibacterial drugs when bacteria are detected in sputum;
  • mucolytics to facilitate sputum discharge;
  • bronchodilators to expand the lumen of the bronchus;
  • cough suppressants;
  • analgesics for relief pain syndrome in the chest area;
  • immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system;
  • antihistamines.

Also, patients with chronic bronchitis are prescribed oxygen therapy, that is, oxygen treatment, breathing exercises, massage for sputum discharge, medicinal and herbal inhalations.

If the causative agent of the disease is destroyed, but pathological changes in the structure of the epithelium have already occurred, then the patient regularly experiences exacerbations of bronchitis. The patient complains of periodic coughing attacks with the release of liquid mucous or, in rare cases, mucopurulent sputum. This type of disease is not dangerous to others and is not transmitted to a healthy person.

Risk group

Bronchitis of infectious origin poses a danger to all people, but it is worth highlighting those who are most at risk of infection:

  • children of preschool and primary school age;
  • pregnant women;
  • allergies and asthmatics;
  • people suffering colds more than twice during the year;
  • patients with a weakened immune system, including those who have had abdominal operations or organ and tissue transplantation.

Bronchitis is a pathological inflammatory process that affects Airways person. Depending on the genesis and nature, this disease may be infectious or non-infectious in nature. In the first case, bronchitis is contagious. In the second, it causes disturbances only in the patient’s body, without being transmitted to healthy people.

How to determine whether bronchitis is contagious or not to others, and how does the inflammatory process proceed? Bronchitis is a hyperemic condition of the bronchial mucosa that occurs due to an infection or virus entering the body.

The disease develops when the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed. The causes of the disease are:

  1. The most common cases of acute bronchitis are infectious in nature.
  2. Physico-chemical factors. Changes in humidity, cold or warm air, dust.
  3. As a consequence of radiation exposure.

Based on the list described above, you can determine whether bronchitis is contagious. If the disease occurs from the last two factors, then there is no chance of infecting others. In the first case, the risk of disease transmission is quite high. How to determine whether it is an infectious disease or not? There are several signs:

  • no runny nose;
  • lack of temperature;
  • presence of dry cough.

How does bronchitis become infected?

How is bronchitis transmitted? A sick person can easily infect others by coughing and sneezing. The infection is most often transmitted by airborne droplets, because when the patient coughs, he exhales and produces sputum along with infectious microflora. It is important to emphasize that if a person infected with bronchitis from a patient received the same bacteria or viruses, this does not mean that he also became ill. Immunity plays a huge role.

If bronchitis is detected in children, you need to know how the disease is transmitted. The infection is transmitted in the same way as in adults - by airborne droplets, but this does not mean that it must necessarily affect the bronchi. If the child has a strong immune system, then the infection can stop on the surface, affecting only the ENT organs.

The disease has 2 forms: acute and chronic. Their division mostly depends on the duration of the disease.

Acute bronchitis

Microorganisms entering the body gradually cause an infectious disease. At the very beginning, inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs - rhinitis. Then everything depends on the immune system, and if it fails, the infection penetrates the throat, causing pharyngitis. Penetrating deeper into the body, the bacteria enter the bronchi, and then bronchitis is diagnosed.

Acute bronchitis is usually contagious. A virus or infection, reaching a certain area of ​​the body, begins its impact. All it takes for a person to catch a cold is for it to develop into bronchitis over time. Acute bronchitis is dangerous for smokers, people with lung diseases and those who frequently breathe dirty air.

List of symptoms of acute bronchitis:

  1. Labored breathing.
  2. Cough.
  3. Sputum production during coughing.
  4. Pain in chest when coughing.
  5. Increased body temperature.
  6. A whistling sound is heard when breathing.

Since most bronchial diseases occur from viruses, the use of antibiotics will not provide improvement. They are used only when an infectious disease or chronic bronchitis occurs.

Chronical bronchitis

With prolonged exposure to irritants on the bronchi, a chronic form of the disease occurs. It can also be caused by pneumococci, Pfeiffer's bacillus or respiratory viruses. Chronic bronchitis is often accompanied by various complications.

If long time The cough does not stop, this can lead to the destruction of the alveolar network of the lungs, which will cause pneumonia. It will significantly reduce immunity, and the body will become even more sensitive to various bacteria and viruses, as well as other irritants. Subsequent actions will have an impact on cardiovascular system. When pressure increases, changes will occur in the pulmonary circulation, which will cause the formation of cor pulmonale (pathology of the right side of the heart).

What should be used to determine whether chronic bronchitis is contagious, and whether it is possible to become infected by being close to such a person for a long time? It is necessary to determine how the disease transitioned from acute to chronic. If the cause is viruses, then during periods of exacerbation there is a possibility that the disease can be transmitted to a healthy person. In other cases, bronchitis is not contagious.

The chronic form of the disease has its own symptoms:

  1. Cough.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Presence of low temperature.
  4. Hoarse breathing.
  5. Large amount of sputum.

With a weak level of severity, exacerbations in the patient may go unnoticed. At this point, it is important to consult a doctor because complications may arise.

To avoid accidentally becoming infected from a patient, precautions should be taken.

After visiting the street, you must wash your hands with soap, wet clean the room daily and ventilate the room.

In this situation, the probability of ensuring a healthy lifestyle is high.

What threatens the chronic form of the disease?

As chronic bronchitis develops, it acquires specific symptoms. Shortness of breath and rapid breathing appear.

This indicates inflammation and damage to the lung tissue. Connective tissue it grows more and more throughout the bronchi and reduces the elasticity of tissues.

This negative development causes obstructive bronchitis- another form of the disease with an irreversible or partially reversible reaction of the respiratory passage.

Emphysema is another option for the development of a chronic disease condition. The lung tissue, consisting of alveoli, constantly loses elasticity and the ability to contract normally. The body can change optimal exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Occurs frequently respiratory failure. The first symptom of this complication is shortness of breath.

The video will introduce you to the signs and methods of treating chronic bronchitis of the lungs.

If the course of the disease becomes more complicated, it may develop into bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumosclerosis and even lung cancer.

If someone in the family gets sick with bronchitis, a logical question immediately arises: is bronchitis contagious to others or not? Bronchitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection, and can also occur as a type of allergy.

The latter case is not contagious, provided that other family members are not allergic to the same irritant from which the sick person suffered. Viral and bacterial infections may be involved in the development of the disease separately or together. The time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease is called the incubation period.

During the entire incubation period, a person is a source of viruses and bacteria for others. That is, he is already sick and can already spread the infection, but there are no manifestations of the disease yet. Depending on the state of the immune system and the type of bronchitis pathogen incubation period can range from one to five days.

Protection against bronchitis

Often the first cause of bronchitis is the parainfluenza virus or adenovirus. The victim may have a high fever for two to ten days, during which time the immune system actively fights pathogenic microorganisms. During this period, you can become infected from a person through airborne droplets, by using shared utensils, by kissing and inhaling the same air.

Bronchitis is contagious and is accompanied first by dry, and then wet cough, during which the victim actively secretes environment viruses or bacteria. In order for the treatment of bronchitis to proceed quickly and without complications, you need to contact a specialist.

Acute bronchitis is contagious and occurs with many unpleasant and performance-reducing symptoms, so an adult should definitely take sick leave for a period of ten to fourteen days for health reasons, and children should refuse to attend kindergarten and school during this time. Is it possible to become infected with bronchitis after a person's symptoms subside? heat? It is possible, it all depends on who comes into contact. Which categories of people are most vulnerable to infection:

  • people after surgical operations, after a serious illness;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under three years of age, especially newborns up to one month;
  • aged people;
  • persons with weakened immune systems, HIV-infected people suffering from chronic diseases, oncology, weakened after injury.

To protect those people for whom bronchitis is clearly contagious, they need to limit contact and communication with a sick person. If this is not possible, you need to use a respirator to protect your nose and throat.

The simplest version of a respirator is a mask, which is sold in any pharmacy. Bronchitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, so you need to use only individual dishes, do not drink from the same mug, and do not eat with the same fork. Some families do not understand the importance of individual hygiene, to the point of giving the baby food that has already been chewed by an adult. Such things should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Each person has a set of symbiont bacteria, that is, a set of useful or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. In close contact, such as between a married couple or a mother and infant, this set becomes common. Communication with secondary relatives should not imply such a dense exchange of microorganisms. Each family member for individual use should have:

  • Toothbrush;
  • towel;
  • clean dishes that no one has eaten from before;
  • for a child - a pacifier and a bottle.

Unfortunately, often irresponsible mothers begin to lick the nipple of a bottle or pacifier before giving it to the baby (for example, if the nipple fell on the floor beforehand). This behavior can provoke, at best, indigestion, and at worst, weaken the immune system. Children and adults who do not practice good hygiene are more likely to become infected from someone with bronchitis.

Diet for bronchitis

In order to support the immune system of surrounding family members, it is useful to prepare dishes during illness that contain:

  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • fresh herbs, parsley, green onions, dill.

Recent studies have shown that the role of vitamin C in strengthening immunity is not at all as significant as it was thought over the past twenty years. However, using lemon, lime or tangerines is useful in any case. Spices, herbs and garlic should be added to food after the main heat treatment, that is, immediately before use. This way you can retain the maximum beneficial properties.

When cooked for a long time, greens not only lose their taste, but also lose most of their vitamins. With ginger you can prepare not only tea, but also soups and main courses. In order for the taste to be pleasant, you need to purchase fresh root ginger and chop it finely. Only a doctor can tell how many days bronchitis will be contagious. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can become chronic in both adults and children.

For chronic bronchitis, a temperature above 38.5 degrees is not typical; usually it either does not rise or rises to 37.5 degrees.

Chronic bronchitis has remissions, when a person is conditionally not contagious. During remission, the victim does not suffer from severe cough, fever or swelling of the airways. Then a relapse occurs, during which all the typical manifestations of bronchitis are observed:

  • wet cough with a large amount of sputum;
  • weakness, headache, muscle soreness;
  • spasms when coughing, suffocating persistent cough, which is difficult to stop on your own.

During remission, the likelihood of becoming infected is quite low, for an adult with strong immunity it is completely absent. During a relapse, there are the same chances of transmitting the disease as with acute bronchitis.

How to quickly cope with bronchitis in a child?

Treatment of children should be carried out by a pediatrician on an individual basis. Do not give your child antibiotics or other medicines, if his classmate or classmate from kindergarten had “something similar.”

Prescription of drugs should not occur en masse, but separately in each specific case.

Children who do not have bacterial bronchitis do not need to take antibiotics for prevention. Many mothers do not understand that medications are selected depending on the specific type of pathogen. If the medicine is not used as directed, it will not be of any benefit.

Bronchitis can cause a lot of unpleasant complications. If the patient's temperature cannot be reduced within a week, this suggests that the infection has spread down the respiratory tract. Potentially, bronchitis can cause pneumonia; in children, bronchitis is often accompanied by otitis media. The infection enters the ear through the Eustachian tube. To avoid complications and cope with the disease as quickly as possible, you need to contact a competent pediatrician. Use methods traditional medicine on children only in consultation with the attending physician.

If the child has elevated temperature, do not apply any hot compresses, socks with heated salt, heating pads, mustard plasters or pepper plasters to the bronchial area. This promotes the spread of inflammation into deeper layers of tissue. Only a day after the temperature has steadily returned to normal, these methods can be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Foot baths with mustard or medicinal herbs can be used one day after the temperature drops.

Prevention of bronchitis

The victim must be provided with peace and bed rest for the entire duration of the illness. To school and to kindergarten do not go, do not play with other children.

Often mothers allow their child not to attend school, but do not forbid them to play with other children and go for a walk. At this time, children become infected from each other, especially on playgrounds. During illness, it is enough to ventilate the room; you can refuse to walk. To prevent your child from contracting bronchitis from a playmate, you need to strengthen his immunity.

People, please tell me!! Are bronchitis and pneumonia transmitted if you are in the same room?




If by airborne droplets, then YES.

Lyudmila Kuzmina

Bronchitis and pneumonia are not infectious diseases

Tatiana Voeiko

Yes, pneumonia can be contagious. When in contact with a child, wear a medical mask covering your nose and mouth. Ventilate the room where you are. During your illness, keep separate dishes and towels for yourself.

La Otra

In most cases, pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets. When a sick person coughs and sneezes, a large number of bacteria and microorganisms from the respiratory tract and oral mucosa, which enter the lungs healthy person lead to development inflammatory reaction with the formation of exudate. Exudate - a liquid rich in proteins and blood cells (lymphocytes, leukocytes) seeping from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation. It is a good environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. Pathogens can also enter the lungs hematogenously from other organs that already have foci of inflammation. In children, pneumonia often occurs due to ingestion of sputum and nasal discharge. The body becomes more vulnerable when its immune defense decreases, as well as when it is hypothermic and overworked.
The opinion that you cannot get bronchitis is wrong! If bronchitis cannot be contracted, then why does everyone get it so often?
Doctors distinguish viral and bacteriological causes of bronchitis. In the first case, the cause is influenza viruses or influenza viruses. In the second - pneumococci, streptococci, etc. Less commonly, fungi, allergens or toxic substances act as the cause of bronchitis.
Is bronchitis contagious? Yes! The main way bronchitis spreads is through airborne droplets: when infected droplets of saliva are inhaled during contact with a sick person (when coughing, sneezing, during a yawn, and even when talking).
For example, sneezing allows your body to cleanse the bronchial mucosa and pulmonary alveoli from excess sputum or dust particles. In this case, the speed of the released air is 150 km/h.
Just imagine, when you cough, sneeze or talk, millions of droplets (saliva or sputum) infected with viruses enter the air. In places large cluster people, these drops can be inhaled by other people. Poor ventilation significantly increases the likelihood of contracting bronchitis. That is why it is so important to follow simple precautions: ventilate the room, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, wash your hands after visiting public places and wear a mask.

Roman Konyshev

I will only add that if your eyelash apparatus works normally airways, then it is more difficult to get bronchitis. As a rule, when smoking, the cilia turn off for 3 hours, and their activity decreases with temperature changes. (when coughing and sneezing, cilia accelerate particles to a speed of about 60 km/h)

You made a mistake

During childbirth I had terrible bronchopneumonia. And I was terribly afraid that it would be passed on to my newly born daughter, considering also the fact that she has a fragile body. But, Thank God, having been in close contact with her and having been ill for almost 2 weeks, I did not infect her.


If bronchitis is bacterial in nature, then you can become infected if the patient just coughs. Much depends on the immunity of the person who is afraid of getting infected. Well. and pneumonia is also an infection, the most bacterial infection.

Is bronchitis contagious and how to prevent it?

There are so many opinions about whether you can get bronchitis or not. Some say that bronchitis is contagious, others that bronchitis is not contagious. So what is it really like? Is bronchitis contagious and how to prevent the disease? This question, I think, worries every person. After all, in Everyday life Quite often you meet people who suffer from bronchitis (in the clinic, in transport, in stores, etc.). If bronchitis is not contagious, then why are there so many sick people?

Is bronchitis contagious?

The conclusion suggests itself. Bronchitis is contagious! Infection occurs by airborne droplets. You can become infected with bronchitis by talking to a sick person, or by yawning or sneezing.

Reasons that contribute to infection with bronchitis:

1. viral infections;

2. bacteriological infections;

3. mushrooms, toxic substances, allergens (very rare).

When a sick person coughs, sneezes, or talks, billions of droplets contaminated with viruses enter the air. And in places where large numbers of people gather, there is a risk of contracting bronchitis.

I will give one more argument in favor of the fact that bronchitis is contagious. Many microorganisms (tuberculosis bacillus, smallpox virus and many others), even after drying, retain all their properties and are very stable. They are preserved, for example, in dust. So, anyone can get infected. It all depends on your immunity, on basic measures that help avoid infection.

How to prevent bronchitis?

The most basic measures will help prevent people from bronchitis:

1. washing hands after going outside;

2. ventilation of premises;

3. use a handkerchief when you have a runny nose, sneezing, or coughing;

4. wear a mask.

Also, walks in parks, forests, and exercises are very effective for the prevention of bronchitis. physical culture and sports. An excellent effect for the prevention of bronchitis comes from vacationing at resorts where the climate is moderately humid and where there are slight differences in air temperature. (Baltics, Black Sea, Crimea, Kislovodsk and many other famous resorts).

It should be remembered that any infectious diseases can lead to bronchitis, which is dangerous due to its complications. To prevent bronchitis, it is necessary to contact specialists in a timely manner, follow all doctor’s instructions, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, and take basic precautions when communicating with a sick person. You should not neglect your health and the health of those around you, because there may be children near you. So is bronchitis contagious? Yes! And once again - Yes!

Is acute bronchitis transmitted through a kiss?


Just Kseniya

Perhaps because exacerbations of chronic bronchitis quite often occur with the direct participation of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and infections - both mycoplasma and viral. Most of people in the winter, cold period of the year get an infection of the bronchi, windpipe - i.e., the upper respiratory tract. And in patients with chronic bronchitis, the penetration of harmful bacteria is deeper, they pass right up to the lungs, so in winter, patients with bronchitis often experience sharp exacerbations.


Not bronchitis, of course, but the infection that caused it - easily!

Ekaterina Kushnir

yeah better not kiss

Is bronchitis transmitted through dishes?


Postman Stechkin

If it's viral then yes!

Captain of the nuclear-powered ship Lynx.




Ksenia Fedorova

Transmitted by air, droplets, etc.

Victor Smirnov

Of course it is transmitted! By airborne droplets, saliva, etc.

Elena Tyrina

Let's go to people... If you don't know, don't talk!! !
Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. There are a lot of reasons. If this is a COMPLICATION of a viral or bacterial infection, then this same infection can be transmitted through dishes. I don't wash. An example is drinking from the same glass with the patient, eating with the same spoon, eating the same apple. A person can become infected with the virus itself (ARVI). But! This person does not necessarily have to have bronchitis. He may have a runny nose, cough and other cold symptoms. Bronchitis is already a complication!

Bronchitis is a disease of the lower respiratory tract, which is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi and is often of an infectious nature. Two groups of factors play a significant role in the pathogenesis of bronchitis:

  1. Reduced local defense. The mucous membrane includes several protective factors: cilia and mucus, which reverse a special protective apparatus - mucociliary clearance. The cilia, moving, lead to the removal of foreign particles along with mucus. If this apparatus is disturbed, then the mucous membrane is more susceptible to inflammation and the risk of developing an infection is higher.
  2. Pathogenic factors that adversely affect the bronchial mucosa. All of them are divided into infectious and non-infectious. Infectious microorganisms include various types of microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi. Non-infectious: various allergens, including dust, toxic substances, smoking.

Bronchitis develops against the background of changes in the bronchial mucosa, however etiological factor(the one that is the direct cause of the disease) are most often microorganisms.

The main symptom that is characteristic of bronchitis is cough. A person may also be concerned about an increase in body temperature, general weakness, sputum production. Moreover, in case viral nature bronchitis, the sputum is often transparent and mucous in nature, and in the case of bacterial it is green or yellow, purulent in nature.

Transmission routes

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, and the inflammation itself cannot be transmitted from person to person. However, infectious agents, which are precisely the cause of the disease, are transmitted.

What microorganisms can cause bronchitis and, accordingly, be transmitted to others?

  1. Viruses. Most often, the causative agents of bronchitis can be influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus and other nonspecific viruses. Viral diseases are more infectious, since viruses are more volatile and contagious than other microorganisms.
  2. Bacteria. Bacterial agents can also cause the development of bronchitis: staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasma, hemophilus influenzae. Bacterial infections are less contagious than viral ones.

Infectious agents that affect the bronchial mucosa are transmitted by airborne droplets. Most microorganisms are transmitted by coughing (and coughing is the main symptom of bronchitis) and sneezing. However, you can also become infected through normal conversation.

Much less likely become infected through household contact, but it still exists. When coughing, sneezing, or talking, sputum may be released, which contains many microorganisms. Bacteria or viruses settle on household items: dishes, toys, personal hygiene products. Thus, if another person uses an infected item, they may become infected. To do this, just use a cup or bottle of water from which the sick person drank.

Not every contact with a sick person causes infection. There is a simple way to do this scientific explanation. If infectious agents enter the human respiratory tract, defense mechanisms are activated. If a person is completely healthy, some of the microorganisms are neutralized in the nasal cavity (and excreted along with mucus), some - in bronchial tree. Ta small part, which reaches the final goal, is neutralized by the immune system. Infectious agents are affected immune cells(neutrophils, lymphocytes).

If a person’s immunity is reduced and local protective factors do not work, he will most likely get sick.

Prevention of infection

All preventive actions, aimed at preventing the development of the disease, are divided into two groups: specific and nonspecific.

Specific prevention includes vaccination (vaccinations according to the vaccination calendar, as well as annual vaccination against influenza).

Nonspecific prevention does not act directly on the pathogen, but includes measures aimed at preventing contact with the pathogen or at generally strengthening the body. In order to reduce the risk of developing bronchitis, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid contact with infected people (including the need to limit visits to crowded places during a flu epidemic or other infections).
  2. Wear individual means protection in places increased risk(gauze bandages, special masks when visiting hospitals and other crowded places).
  3. During outbreaks infectious diseases provide yourself with additional protection (apply " Oxolinic ointment"on the nasal mucosa).
  4. Carry out general strengthening of the body (hardening).
  5. Stick to healthy image life: eat right, give yourself regular physical activity.
  6. During periods of increased exacerbations of diseases, it is necessary to additionally take vitamin supplements (especially vitamin C) or increase the content of vitamins in food.
  7. Take regular medical examinations(including fluorography or chest x-ray).
  8. Give up bad habits (smoking) that adversely affect the condition of the respiratory tract.

Undoubtedly, preventing the development of a disease is much easier than treating it. That is why you should adhere to the rules of prevention.
