How to reduce pressure in the eyes at home? How to treat eye pressure with folk remedies? Reduce eye pressure

With high eye pressure, eye diseases develop: glaucoma, cataracts, which are accompanied by a decrease or even loss of vision. Those at greatest risk are people over 40 years of age, as well as those who have genetic inheritance To eye diseases. Sometimes it manifests itself in children. A gradual decrease in vision manifests itself unnoticed.

Is it possible to reduce houses?

It is quite difficult to check high eye pressure on your own, without the help of a specialist, so at the first suspicion and sensation unpleasant symptoms you need to contact an ophthalmologist. For prevention and first aid at home to reduce intraocular pressure, you need to:

  • Avoid eye strain. When working, take breaks every half hour.
  • While working at the computer, pay attention to the lighting. It should be bright, but not glaring.
  • If you have this disease, it is not recommended to go to the cinema.
  • You should sleep on orthopedic high pillows.
  • Do not wear tight ties, collars, or scarves.
  • Recommended use complex vitamins to reduce eye pressure.
  • Play sports, but weightlifting is prohibited.
  • Do massages around the eyes.
  • Balance your diet. Add more fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to your food. Exclude: fried, salty, spicy, alcohol.

Treating eye pressure at home is possible only after full examination and the diagnosis made. After completing the course of therapy, come for an examination by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment options

The problem can be solved by taking a number of medications.

Increased performance with eye pressure quite often have a secondary basis. Their occurrence is caused by other diseases: injuries, tumors. Stabilization methods intraocular pressure the following:


All should be prescribed by a doctor, as they can cause side effects and develop unwanted symptoms. He also selects individual treatment eye pressure and monitors its progress. List of prescribed medications that can help with glaucoma:

  • Beta blockers. They help reduce the synthesis of fluids inside the eye. They are often prescribed with another medicine - prostaglandin. Available in the form of drops. In case of diabetes mellitus or lung diseases can cause unpleasant consequences. Prominent representatives are “Timolol” and “Cumol”.
  • Cholinomimetics. Medicines that constrict the pupil and thereby promote the outflow of excess fluid from the fundus of the eye. Pilocarpine drops are popular.
  • Prostaglandins. Promote churn intraocular fluid. Drugs that cause a rapid decrease: Travatan, Xalatan, Taflotan.
  • Inhibitors. Serve as an obstacle to the production of eye fluid. Side effects are redness and burning in the eyes, a bitter taste in the mouth. Representatives: Azopt, Trusopt.
  • Combined means. They help reduce production levels and increase fluid outflow. An example is “Proxofelin”.
  • Diuretic tablets to stabilize high blood pressure are used only as part of complex therapy.

Folk remedies

Honey with water can be used for local procedures.

To cure and completely get rid of the problem, only alternative medicine not enough. Treatment folk remedies Suitable only for prevention or part of complex therapy. Beekeeping products are considered more effective and healing herbs. Recipe examples:

  • For a compress, you need to dissolve a spoonful of honey in boiled water, moisten a bandage or cotton wool and apply it to your eyes.
  • First aid to relieve blood pressure is dill tincture. Dry the plant seeds and grind them. Add 1 tablespoon of dill to 500 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. Drink 10 minutes before meals.
  • A compress before going to bed based on seeds placed in boiling water and left to cool completely.
  • Eyebright grass. Make a decoction based on this plant, soak bandages or cotton pads in it. Apply throughout the day.
  • Grind 2 potato tubers to a puree, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and leave for half an hour. Place this mixture on a bandage and apply to your eyes.
  • Eating it will help. fresh berries blueberries, compotes, tinctures from them.
  • Carrots help a lot. Grated fresh with a little addition of apples or sugar. Drink concentrated Fresh Juice from her.

Eye pressure, the symptoms and treatment at home of which will be described below, can lead to deterioration of vision, up to its complete loss. Is it possible to normalize it without the use of drugs? Which folk recipe is the most effective?

The pressure rises when the contents eyeball begins to put pressure on the outer membranes - the cornea, sclera. This is especially noticeable when you press your finger on a closed eyelid.

Often patients note a feeling of heaviness in the eyes when they are closed. Unpleasant symptoms become more pronounced when colds, increased blood pressure, sinusitis.

A constant feeling of heaviness in the eyes is observed with glaucoma. This disease is characterized by a gradual decrease in vision, reaching blindness. Its occurrence should be prevented as early as possible.

The normal eye pressure for an adult is 8-25 mm. rt. Art. In various pathological conditions, increased production is observed biological fluids eyes, the functions of the cardiovascular system are impaired.

This is what leads to a constant change in pressure. It can also increase due to increased physical activity and consumption of large amounts of fluid. A temporary increase in this indicator occurs when coughing, lifting heavy objects, or vomiting. Alcohol and coffee consumption negatively affects the condition of the fundus vessels.

Chronic increase in eye pressure develops for the following reasons:

  • deficiency or excess of fluid, disruption of its outflow;
  • changes in the structure of the visual organs;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • genetic diseases;
  • surgical interventions;
  • retinal disinsertion.

On early stage severe symptoms are not observed, a person may complain of a feeling of heaviness in the eyes and their increased fatigue. Most patients attribute the presence of these signs to overwork.

It is impossible to get rid of increased eye pressure even with a long night's sleep. Constantly developing disease Over time it begins to cause a lot of inconvenience. The main symptoms can be considered:

  • blindness in the evening;
  • the appearance of spots before the eyes;
  • increased fatigue;
  • persistent headaches;
  • redness of the skin at the temples.

With long-term high blood pressure optic nerve do not get sufficient quantity nutrients, which contributes to the development dangerous complications. If the symptoms described above persist for several days, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist.

The symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, which will be discussed in detail below, often worries patients over 40 years of age. Is it possible to measure it at home? There are several ways to do this.

When using the palpation-orientation method, a person should look down, thumbs rest on the forehead, and place the index fingers on the moving eyelid. Fix the eye with one finger, and lightly press the eyelid with the other. With normal or reduced pressure, slight impulses of the sclera are felt.

At high blood pressure the finger has to be held with some effort. The sclera undergoes changes, no shocks are felt. By palpation, you can determine the density eye shell. At normal pressure it is moderate, at high pressure it is hard.

There are also special devices, capable of measuring the above indicators. Maklakov's tonometer flattens the cornea; the procedure is performed under local anesthesia for each eye separately. The action of portable tonometers is based on weak blows to the center of the cornea.

They are suitable for use at home. Non-contact devices take measurements using a directed air stream. During the procedure the patient does not experience any discomfort. How to lower eye pressure, what medications and folk remedies are the most effective?

Methods of treating the disease

An ophthalmologist can select special exercises or recommend drops for eye pressure. If necessary, you will have to wear glasses. In addition, you should change your daily routine.

In the early stages, you can use folk remedies. In advanced forms of pathology, surgical reduction of intraocular pressure is indicated. However, experienced ophthalmologists advise starting with drug therapy.

Beta blockers usually contain timolol. This substance reduces the secretion of ocular fluid. Eye pressure drops should be used under the supervision of a physician.

Medicines containing latanoprost promote increased fluid outflow. They must be instilled when increased ophthalmotonus is detected. Removal excess water prevents the development of glaucoma.

Cholinomimetics stimulate fluid outflow and constrict the pupils. This group includes eye drops from pressure Pilocarpine. Combination medications help quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Drug methods for normalizing eye pressure should be combined with proper nutrition. It is necessary to include as many foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Polyunsaturated fatty acid maintain retinal health and improve vascular condition.

Over time, drops to reduce eye pressure stop working; you should definitely inform your ophthalmologist about this. Chronic use of the drug Visin harms the eyes.

The doctor may prescribe pills that reduce arterial pressure and blood sugar levels. Their detailed list the patient can study it at an appointment with a specialist. Diuretics help remove excess fluid from tissues and organs.

Against this background, there is a decrease in eye pressure. How to relieve symptoms of the disease using alternative medicine?

Traditional methods of treatment

Normalization of IOP is possible with long-term use medicinal plants and beekeeping products. Honey eliminates signs of inflammation, improves general state body. It is diluted with boiled water, the resulting solution is soaked in cotton wool, which is applied to the eyes. This is an effective folk recipe that prevents the development of conjunctivitis and cataracts.

Another safe way Treatment of the disease is based on the use of eyebright herb. 25 g of raw material is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for an hour, cooled and filtered. Cotton wool soaked in the decoction is applied to the eyes 3-4 times a day.

Therapy lasts 30 days, after which they take a short break. Dill infusion is no less effective. The seeds of this plant are ground, poured with boiling water and infused for 6 hours.

Take 50 ml one hour before meals. Dill decoction is also excellent for external use. Cotton pads moistened with this product are applied to the eyes before going to bed.

Helps normalize eye pressure next remedy: 4 medium aloe leaves are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, simmered over low heat, filtered and used to wash the eyes. The course of treatment lasts 45 days.

Can be used to reduce eye pressure next recipe: peeled potatoes are grated on a fine grater, mixed with 1 tsp. vinegar, infuse for 30 minutes, use as applications.

100 g of nettle mixed with 1 tsp. lily of the valley, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. The infusion is kept in a dark place for 10 hours, after which it is used in the form of lotions. It is good for the eyes regular use blueberries How to reduce intraocular pressure with exercise?

When working at a computer or watching TV, a person blinks less frequently, which leads to eye strain. The following exercise will help to relax them: you need to close your eyes with your palms and blink. Focusing your gaze on close and distant objects helps strengthen muscles and restore vision.

If you have high blood pressure, you should limit your time working at the computer and watching TV. It is necessary to diagnose and eliminate the disease that increases blood pressure in a timely manner.

You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, salty foods, and coffee. With this pathological condition, like increased eye pressure, treatment with folk remedies is possible only in the early stages. Any such medicine can also be used as a prophylaxis.


Human visual acuity depends on intraocular pressure (IOP). In another way it is called ophthalmotonus. The definition refers to the force with which the liquid acts on the outer shell. If there is too much moisture due to excessive synthesis or impaired outflow, the eye hardens and a characteristic pathological process clinical picture. If suspicious symptoms are detected, you should contact an ophthalmologist to formulate a treatment regimen. As a complement to the treatment of increased intraocular pressure, folk remedies are suitable the best way. They actually have no contraindications and rarely cause adverse reactions.

Treatment of eye pressure with folk remedies consists of using herbs with healing properties. They are prepared in the following forms:

  • An infusion is made from leaves and buds. Pour boiling water over the ingredients and cover the container with a lid. After 30-60 minutes the medicine is ready.
  • The decoction is made mainly in the presence of solid components (roots, stems, bark). Place the container with them on the stove until it boils, and then cook for a little more time if necessary.
  • The tincture is made from any ingredients. They are filled with alcohol or vodka and allowed to brew in a dark, cool place.

Each recipe has its own application scheme. The duration of treatment is mainly 1-2 months. A break follows. To prevent allergic reactions, it is advisable to do a preliminary test and consult a doctor. If there are other pathologies, consultation with a specialist will be required. mandatory. Children under 18 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation, and the elderly should use such products with caution.

You can understand how to reduce eye pressure using folk remedies by focusing on the recipes below:

  • Mix fresh honey 1:1 with plain water and rub the resulting mixture over the eyelids. With absence allergic reaction The product may be used in its pure form. The product helps reduce blood pressure and relieve signs of pathology. It is especially in demand as a prevention of glaucoma.
  • Honey syrup will relieve symptoms higher level ophthalmotonus. It is prepared from honey and vinegar in equal parts. The mixture should be filled with water and drunk in the morning before meals.

  • A compress of honey and celandine juice reduces increased eye pressure and severity clinical picture. Mix both components in equal proportions and place on water bath. When the consistency becomes thick, turn off the heat. The product is used daily. Keep the compress for 15 minutes.
  • Kefir can relieve signs of increased intraocular pressure and stabilize the patient’s condition. To achieve results, it is enough to drink 1 glass every day. You can improve the effect by adding cinnamon.
  • Eyebright has been used for a long time if IOP is elevated. The infusion for lotions is prepared from 15 g of dry ingredient poured into a glass of boiling water. After cooling, moisten gauze or other cloth with it and apply it to the eyes. The medicinal herb also has a reducing effect on ophthalmotonus when taken internally. For this purpose, it should be crushed and mixed with milk in a ratio of 1 tsp. main ingredient per 100 ml of liquid. The drink should be prepared for 1 dose and consumed 3 times a day.
  • An infusion is made from dill seeds to reduce ophthalmotonus. Pour boiling water over the main ingredient at a ratio of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 l. After 2 hours, remove the raw material from it and drink ½ cup before meals. Treating intraocular pressure with tincture of dill seeds is allowed for no more than 10 days. Another way to use them is as lotions. The seeds should be wrapped in gauze and placed in a container of boiling water. After cooling, apply the cloth to your eyelids for 15 minutes.
  • Young nettle is especially useful in late spring. To prepare the decoction, you will need to dry it and pour boiling water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l. for 500 ml. After cooling, remove the remaining plant and consume 1 cup. Prepare the infusion for 1-2 doses. Apply it once daily.

  • Lily of the valley in combination with nettle relieves tension from the eyes and lowers ophthalmotonus. Apply lotions every day 3 times. To prepare the decoction, take 90 g of nettle and mix with 60 g of lily of the valley buds. Pour 400 ml of boiling water on top. After 6-8 hours, remove the raw materials from the infusion and add 30 g of soda to it. Moisten gauze in the resulting product and apply to the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Chickweed juice has been used to stabilize intraocular pressure for many decades. To prepare the tincture, take 50 ml of the main component and pour it into a container with 500 ml of vodka. The medicine can be taken after 2 weeks of infusion, 50 ml before meals.
  • Drops are made from caraway seeds to reduce high ophthalmotonus. The product can be used 2 times a day. It is prepared from 30 g of seeds, filled with water. Place the container on the stove until it boils, and then cook for another 5 minutes. Before use, the product must be strained.
  • Aloe juice is used in many ways. Lotions and drops are mainly used as a treatment for high IOP. For the first option, you will need to pour 50 ml of juice with 250 ml of water and put on low heat. After 10 minutes, remove the broth from the stove. After cooling, dip gauze into it and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes. The second preparation method is to mix aloe juice with cold water(1:10). The highest effectiveness of the finished medicine lasts for 3 days, and then you will need to do everything again. The resulting product should be applied to the eyes 2 times a day for at least 2 weeks.
  • Motherwort has sedative and vasodilating properties. It is used in the form of an infusion. To cook, you need to take the main ingredient (90 g) and pour boiling water over it for 30 minutes. Drink instead of tea 1-2 times a day with 1 tsp. honey You can improve the effect by adding kidney tea (30 g) and dried dried fruit (60 g) to the product. It will acquire a diuretic effect, due to which the decrease in ophthalmotonus will occur much faster.

  • Blueberries have an invaluable composition for maintaining high visual acuity, thanks to which the berries are used for the treatment and prevention of many eye diseases. Juice is extracted from it and drunk 1/2 cup 2 times a day, or prepare a decoction. For this purpose, you should take 100 g of leaves, berries and stems, pour them into a container with 1 liter of water, and then put it on the fire and cook for 10 minutes. You can drink the resulting medicine half a cup before meals. It retains its beneficial features during the day, so you will have to cook every day.
  • Potatoes are used to reduce IOP in the form of lotions and tinctures for oral use. In the first case, you should take 1 small root vegetable and grind it to a porridge. Add 1 tsp to it. vinegar and stir. After half an hour of infusion, use for compresses on the eyelids. The tincture is prepared from white sprouts that appear when long-term storage potatoes. They should be torn off, peeled and ground. The resulting mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of alcohol and put in a cold place for 7 days. Ready tincture drink 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.

Traditional recipes do not have to be used in a course of 1-2 months, you can limit yourself to 1 time, but the result will be much less durable. Special side effects they do not cause, but sometimes can provoke the development of an allergic reaction due to intolerance to the composition.

  • With increased ophthalmotonus, it is necessary to sleep on high pillows so that the head is slightly higher than the level of the body.
  • Before starting a course of treatment, intraocular pressure should be measured. If the patient has a low level, then medications and folk remedies that increase the level will be required. Otherwise, the condition will only worsen until loss of vision.
  • When sitting at a computer or reading a book, you must remember to have good lighting to reduce eye strain.

  • At work, you should remember to take breaks. Once every 1-2 hours it is recommended to look away from the monitor and do therapeutic exercises for eyes. It will reduce tension and strengthen the extraocular muscles. As a means of moisturizing and relieving irritation, you can use drops like Visine, Systane Ultra, and Tears.
  • It is advisable to limit trips to the theatre, cinema and other darkened places, as it is too heavy load falls on vision.
  • Tying a tie tightly and fastening the buttons on a shirt all the way is contraindicated in case of high IOP. Blood circulation is disrupted and the patient’s condition worsens.
  • When working in the garden or performing everyday activities, you must remember that you cannot lower your head, as the ophthalmotonus will increase even more.
  • Heavy mental and physical work should be limited, especially with glaucoma.
  • For constant monitoring of IOP at home, it is recommended to purchase a special tonometer. It is especially relevant for people who have been diagnosed with glaucoma or have a predisposition to it.
  • Bad habits should be strictly limited. Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes have a detrimental effect on the circulatory system and the entire body as a whole, so they are contraindicated in cases of high intraocular pressure.
  • Large fluid intake with high phthalmotonus is undesirable. Its permissible norm should not exceed 2 liters per day.
  • Try to protect yourself from conflicts and stressful situations. It is better to solve problems after recovery.

  • Change your diet. It is necessary to remove sweets, fast food and other unhealthy foods from it in favor of vegetables, herbs and fruits. It is better to eat 6 times a day in medium portions, and cook by steaming or boiling.
  • Moderate exercise will improve the condition. Will do at first morning work-out, and then you can add running, swimming, cycling and other activities.
  • Massaging the eyes and neck improves blood circulation. The pressure will begin to drop and the outflow of intraocular fluid will increase. It is necessary to massage the eyelids index fingers, leading them in a circle. You don't need to put a lot of force into the movements. Technicians neck massage can be seen on the Internet, but it is advisable to leave this area to a specialist.

You can reduce ophthalmotonus with the help of means traditional medicine, especially if the problem is caused by overstrain of the eyeballs. IN severe cases They complement traditional drug treatment. The use of such methods is allowed only after consultation with a specialist. He will assess the patient’s condition and recommend the most effective traditional methods and adjust drug dosages.

Intraocular pressure is the pressure under which the ocular fluid is in the cavity of the eyeball. Ideally, IOP does not change, which creates stable physiological conditions for all eye structures. Normal pressure inside the eyes provides normal level microcirculation and metabolism in eye tissues.

When pressure decreases or increases, it poses a danger to normal functioning visual apparatus. A persistent decrease in intraocular pressure is called hypotension, a persistent high blood pressure characteristic of the development of glaucoma.

Unfortunately, even today, in the age of developed medical technologies, many people cannot boast that they have checked their intraocular pressure at least once in their lives. It is this behavior that leads to the fact that approximately 50% of patients come to the doctor too late, when treatment options are already very limited.

Intraocular pressure is normal in adults

Intraocular pressure is usually measured in millimeters of mercury. During the day it can have different indicators. So, for example, during the day the numbers can be quite high, and in the evening they drop. The difference, as a rule, does not exceed 3 mmHg.

Normally, intraocular pressure in adults should be within the range of 10-23 mm. rt. Art. This level of pressure allows you to maintain microcirculation and metabolic processes in the eyes, and also maintains the normal optical properties of the retina.

Increased intraocular pressure

IN ophthalmological practice most often there is an increase in IOP. Basic clinical form Increased intraocular pressure is glaucoma.

The causes of this disease are:

  • increased tone of arterioles of the ciliary body;
  • disruption of the innervation of the vessels of the eye by the optic nerve;
  • disruption of IOP outflow through Schlemm's canal;
  • high pressure in the scleral veins;
  • anatomical defects in the structure of the eye chambers;
  • inflammatory lesions of the iris and choroid eyes – iritis and uveitis.

In addition, increased pressure inside the eye comes in three types:

  • Stable – IOP is constantly above normal. This pressure inside the eyes is the first sign of glaucoma.
  • Labile - IOP periodically increases, and then returns to normal normal indicators.
  • Transient - IOP increases once and is short-term in nature, and then returns to normal.

Increased ophthalmotonus can be caused by fluid retention in certain kidney diseases and heart failure. In addition, it is caused by Graves' disease(diffuse toxic goiter), hypothyroidism (disease thyroid gland), menopause in women, poisoning by certain medicines, chemicals, tumor processes And inflammatory diseases eyes, eye injuries.

All of the above reasons contribute to the periodic appearance of increased intraocular pressure. If the disease lasts long enough, it can contribute to the development of glaucoma, which will require long and complex treatment.

Another common complication of increased intraocular pressure is optic nerve atrophy. Most often, there is a general decrease in vision, up to its complete loss. The affected eye becomes blind. Sometimes, if only part of the nerve bundles atrophies, the field of vision changes, and entire fragments may fall out of it.

Low eye pressure

Low eye pressure is much less common, but poses a much greater threat to eye health. The causes of low intraocular pressure can be:

  • surgical interventions;
  • eye injuries;
  • underdeveloped eyeball;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • detachment of the choroid;
  • underdevelopment of the eyeball.

If left untreated, decreased internal pressure in the eyes can lead to significant visual impairment. If atrophy of the eyeball occurs, pathological disorders become irreversible.

Symptoms of eye pressure

Let's list the symptoms increased intraocular pressure:

  1. Impaired twilight vision.
  2. Vision deterioration is actively progressing.
  3. The field of view is significantly reduced.
  4. The eyes get tired too quickly.
  5. Redness of the eyes is observed.
  6. Intense headaches in the suprafrontal arches, eyes and temporal area.
  7. Midges or rainbow circles flash before your eyes when you look at the light.
  8. Discomfort when reading, watching TV or working on a computer.

Now in more detail about the manifestations low intraocular pressure. They are not as obvious and noticeable as with promotion. Often a person does not notice any changes at all and only after a year or several years does he discover that his vision has deteriorated. And yet there are some possible symptoms, rather related to related problems and pathologies that may allow one to suspect a decrease:

  1. Decreased visual acuity;
  2. Visible dryness of the cornea and sclera;
  3. Decreased density of the eyeball to the touch;
  4. Retraction of the eyeball in the socket.

In the absence of medical correction, this condition can cause subatrophy of the eye and complete loss of vision.

How is intraocular pressure measured?

Preventative checks of intraocular pressure are recommended as needed, and for persons over 40 years of age every three years.

A specialist can measure intraocular pressure without using any devices. This method is called palpation. A man looks down, covering his eyes with his eyelids, and the doctor presses his fingers on upper eyelids eye. This is how the doctor checks the density of the eyes and also compares their density. The fact is that in this way you can also diagnose primary glaucoma, in which the pressure in the eyes varies.

For more accurate diagnosis A tonometer is used to measure intraocular pressure. During the procedure, special colored weights are placed on the center of the patient's cornea, the imprint of which is later measured and deciphered. To ensure that the procedure is painless, the patient is local anesthesia. The norm of intraocular pressure is different for each device. If the procedure is carried out using a Maklakov tonometer, then the normal intraocular pressure is up to 24 mm. rt. Art., but normal pneumotonometer readings are within 15-16 mm. rt. Art.


To figure out how to treat intraocular pressure, the doctor must not only diagnose it, but also determine the cause of its development.
An ophthalmologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions associated with increased or decreased intraocular pressure.

In parallel, depending on the cause of the violations, consultations with the following doctors may be prescribed:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist and neurosurgeon;
  • traumatologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • nephrologist.

The doctor asks the patient in detail about his symptoms, and then conducts an examination of the fundus. If there are appropriate indications, the patient will be sent for a procedure to measure intraocular pressure.

Treatment of intraocular pressure

Choice therapeutic tactics depends on the reason that provoked a decrease or increase in intraocular pressure in an adult.

At increased intraocular pressure The following conservative measures can be used as treatment:

  1. Drops that improve nutrition of eye tissue and fluid outflow.
  2. Treatment of the underlying disease if the increase in intraocular pressure is symptomatic.
  3. If ineffective medicinal methods laser treatment is used.

Here's what you can do when decrease in intraocular pressure:

  1. Oxygen therapy (use of oxygen).
  2. Vitamin B1 injections.
  3. Drops based on atropine sulfate.
  4. Injections (subconjunctival) of atropine sulfate, dexamethasone or sodium chloride solution.

In general, treatment for low intraocular pressure consists of treating the underlying disease that led to the disorder.

Most radical method treatment of intraocular pressure - microsurgical technologies: goniotomy with or without goniopuncture, as well as trabeculotomy. During goniotomy, the iridocorneal angle of the anterior chamber of the eye is dissected. Trabeculotomy, in turn, is a dissection of the trabcular meshwork of the eye - the tissue connecting the ciliary edge of the iris to the posterior plane of the cornea.


To avoid discomfort in the eye organs, it is necessary to avoid stress and not overwork. If you need to spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen, you should take five-minute breaks every hour. Closing your eyes, you need to massage your eyelids and walk around the room.

Nutrition is also important. Products should be fresh and healthy; you should avoid those products that can lead to the accumulation of cholesterol. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to take vitamins.

How to reduce eye pressure? This question is often asked by people suffering from glaucoma.

Eye pressure can lead first to the progression of the disease, and then to complete blindness.

What eye pressure treatment can be done at home? How to normalize it without drugs?

Increased intraocular pressure (ophthalmic hypertension) occurs when the contents of the eyeball press on the outer layer of the eye (sclera, cornea).

Eye pressure is especially felt when you press lightly on closed eyelids with your fingers. But often patients may complain of heaviness in the eyes and when open. The feeling of pressure intensifies against the background of a cold, runny nose, or headache.

If eye pressure is persistently elevated, glaucoma may develop. This disease leads to decreased vision and even blindness. The occurrence of such problems should be prevented as early as possible.

Normal eye pressure in men and women is 8-26 millimeters of mercury. But with various malfunctions in the body, the secretion of natural fluids of the eye may increase, disruption of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels occurs, which leads to pressure surges.

Also, intraocular pressure may depend on physical activity and the amount of fluid consumed.

A temporary increase in intraocular pressure occurs when:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • caffeine consumption;
  • cough;
  • vomiting;
  • lifting weights.

There are other reasons for persistent increased eye pressure:

  • excess or lack of intraocular fluid produced;
  • excess or lack of drainage of intraocular fluid;
  • change anatomical structure eyes;
  • presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hereditary farsightedness;
  • use of certain medications;
  • eye injuries;
  • eye surgeries;
  • eye diseases (retinal detachment and others).

At an early stage of the disease, a person may not notice it. Heaviness in the eyes fast fatiguability often attributed to overwork and lack of sleep.

You can't get rid of high eye pressure just by getting enough sleep. The disease gradually progresses and provides many inconveniences.

The most noticeable signs:

  • sharp decrease in vision;
  • twilight vision impairment;
  • increased fatigue;
  • cloudiness, spots in the eyes;
  • increased frequency of severe headaches, which are localized in the area of ​​the eyes and temples;
  • redness of the eyes, temples.

Due to long-term pressure, the optic nerve atrophies, and the patient loses vision. If these symptoms have been bothering you for several days, you need to run to an ophthalmologist.

Ocular hypertension is common in people over forty years of age. How to measure eye pressure at home?

Glaucoma. How to prevent blindness

Methods for determining intraocular pressure

Eye pressure can be determined in different ways:

What to do if you have high eye pressure?


Your doctor may recommend eye exercises and prescribe eye drops. If necessary, recommend wearing glasses. You may have to reconsider your regime, limit the time spent at the computer and in front of the TV.

During the period of therapy, the patient must avoid activities that strain the eye muscles: excessive physical exercise, power sports.

If the disease is initial stage, treatment can be carried out using traditional medicine.

If the disease is actively progressing, only drastic measures are effective - surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention - last resort. Doctors usually try to prescribe medication first.

The most common drugs:

Eye pressure should always be monitored. Drops can be used up to ten times a day (after doctor's permission). The dosage cannot be exceeded.

Gradually, the effect of the drug may weaken; you should tell your doctor about this. Constant use of Visine harms the eyes and does not bring positive results.

The doctor may also prescribe pills that will eliminate arterial hypertension or diabetes. These diseases can lead to complete loss vision.

Diuretics draw excess fluid from organs and tissues. If the fluid is redistributed, eye pressure will decrease.

Bee products and various herbal remedies may be effective in treating high intraocular pressure. Application of honey:

  1. Honey can relieve inflammation well. You need to dilute honey in boiled water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to your eyes. Helps with the development of cataracts and conjunctivitis.
  2. Pure honey is also rubbed onto the eyelids.. Or add dandelion decoction to it.

Other recipes:


It is worth discussing with your doctor the need to perform special exercises for eyes:

What else should you do about eye pressure:

  1. During the treatment period, it is necessary to reduce the time of focusing the eyes at close distances. That is, you should limit working at the computer and watching TV.
  2. It is necessary to identify and treat the disease that has led to increased eye pressure.
  3. You need to sleep on a high, dense pillow.
  4. Limit the consumption of alcohol, foods containing salt, coffee, tea.
  5. Reduce blood insulin levels. Avoid sugar, cereals and flour products.

You can lower eye pressure at home if the disease is not advanced.

Traditional medicine is suitable as prevention or complementary therapy. You need to have your eyes checked every six months. Self-medication will harm your eye health.
