Cyst of the main sinus of the nose operation. Symptoms and consequences of a cyst in the nose. Examination and treatment tactics

A sinus cyst is a fluid-filled formation with elastic walls, the localization of the cyst affects the symptoms of the disease. Most often, cysts form in the maxillary sinuses. The reasons for the development of cysts in the sinuses of the nose are diverse, there are a number of reasons for the appearance of a neoplasm:

In the oncology department of the Yusupov hospital, you can undergo an examination using MRI, CT, ultrasound, diagnosis of diseases of the paranasal sinuses if you suspect a tumor of the nose. The patient can pass full examination in diagnostic center, take tests in the laboratory of the hospital, get advice from an otolaryngologist, an oncologist and other specialists.

Cyst in the sinus of the nose: symptoms and consequences

Cyst of the sinus of the nose, the symptoms of the disease depend on the localization of the cyst, it can be false and retention. The cyst can grow in size and eventually block the sinus cavity. A false cyst in the sinuses of the nose can develop due to an inflammatory, allergic process, a true cyst develops due to blockage of the ducts of the gland that secretes mucus. Cyst paranasal sinuses nose may not show severe symptoms long time, then nasal congestion, headache, pain in the face, from the side of the affected sinus cyst begins to bother. The pain may intensify when diving, very often inflammatory processes in the nose develop.

Cyst maxillary sinuses as it develops, it manifests itself in the following violations:

  • Persistent nasal congestion.
  • Respiratory dysfunction.
  • Pain in the affected area of ​​the sinus cyst.
  • discomfort and false symptoms increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Purulent discharge (concomitant development of sinusitis).
  • Partial or total loss smell.

The consequences of cyst development are negative:

  • A growing cyst provokes an inflammatory process, which can lead to the development of sinusitis.
  • Reduces the quality of life of the patient, causes constant severe headaches.
  • A large cyst of the sinuses of the nose can lead to the destruction of nasal tissues, reach the nasopharynx, disrupt respiratory function, deform the face.
  • Some cysts of the sinuses of the nose can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

The main sinus cyst: symptoms, treatment

A cyst of the main (sphenoid) sinus of the nose develops more often in young people and rarely in older people. The cavity of the main sinus of the nose is covered with a mucous membrane. The glands of the shell secrete mucus, disruption in the work leads to blockage of the ducts of the gland and the formation of a cyst of the sphenoid sinus of the nose. Negative influence inflammatory processes, injuries, allergic reactions exert on the mucous membrane. A growing cyst of the sphenoid sinus is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the nose, nausea and dizziness may occur, a headache that radiates to the back of the head, visual disturbances rarely develop.

If a sinus cyst is found, treatment is carried out after a complete examination. The doctor prescribes diagnostic tests to the patient using:

  • X-ray, which allows to determine the localization of the cyst, a change in the condition of the facial bones, the nasal septum.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which determines the state of the bones of the skull, tissues, blood vessels. More informative study than radiography. Computed tomography has the same capabilities. Researches are carried out according to doctor's prescription.
  • Research using an endoscope allows you to examine the nasal cavity, to biopsy the tissues of the nose.

After the studies, a conservative or surgery. Conservative treatment is aimed at pain relief, removal of an allergic reaction, treatment of the inflammatory process. If a conservative treatment is ineffective or the cyst is large, the patient is sent for removal of the formation.

Sinus cyst removal without surgery

If a sinus cyst is found, treatment without surgery is carried out using decongestant sprays, antibiotics, painkillers, mucolytic agents, steroid and antihistamines. Carry out treatment concomitant diseases- allergies, sinusitis, inflammation of the gums, teeth, nasal mucosa. Used in conjunction with these drugs various means for washing the nasal cavity, regenerating and restoring sprays. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the examination of the patient.

How to remove a cyst from the sinus of the nose: treatment methods

If a large sinus cyst is found, surgery is effective method removal of education. Removal of the cyst of the sinus of the nose, the price of which depends on the method of treatment, is carried out in many clinics specializing in the treatment of diseases of the ear, throat, nose, in the oncology departments of hospitals, if the cyst is large and it is accompanied by complications. Removal of the cyst is carried out using the endoscopic, classical method and laser vaporization.

Cyst in the sinus of the nose: operation, reviews

Patient Reviews Prefer endoscopic method cyst removal. The classical method and laser vaporization require an incision under the upper lip to gain access to the cyst. The classical removal of the cyst of the sinus of the nose takes place with a dissection of the soft tissues under the upper lip from the frenulum to the first molar (the Caldwell-Luc method) or using the Denker method, which is also carried out through the front part. Classical operations are more traumatic, with a long postoperative recovery, but these techniques allow access to the cyst located in hard to reach place. Endoscopic removal passes with the help of an endoscope device, the cyst is removed through a small burr hole, the operation takes place under local anesthesia.

In the Yusupov hospital, patients will be able to undergo a complete examination using modern diagnostic equipment. The hospital receives doctors from various specialized fields, a clinical laboratory operates, rehabilitation center. In the hospital, you can undergo recovery after surgery, illness, and a round-the-clock hospital is at the service of patients.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • Cherenkov V. G. Clinical Oncology. - 3rd ed. - M.: Medical book, 2010. - 434 p. - ISBN 978-5-91894-002-0.
  • Shirokorad V. I., Makhson A. N., Yadykov O. A. Status of oncourological care in Moscow // Oncourology. - 2013. - No. 4. - S. 10-13.
  • Volosyanko M. I. Traditional and natural methods cancer prevention and treatment, Aquarium, 1994
  • John Niederhuber, James Armitage, James Doroshow, Michael Kastan, Joel Tepper Abeloff's Clinical Oncology - 5th Edition, eMEDICAL BOOKS, 2013

Service prices *

Name of service Price
Consultation with a chemotherapist Price: 5 150 rubles
Administration of intrathecal chemotherapy Price: 15 450 rubles
brain MRI
Price from 8 900 rubles
Chemotherapy Price from 50 000 rubles
Comprehensive program cancer care and HOSPICE Price from 9 690 rubles per day
Gastrointestinal oncology program Price from 30 900 rubles
Lung Cancer Program Price from 10 250 rubles
The program of oncodiagnostics of the urinary system
Price from 15 500 rubles
Oncodiagnostics program " women Health"
Price from 15 100 rubles
Oncodiagnostics program " man's health" Price from 10 150 rubles

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

A cyst in the nasal sinus is a pathological formation in the nose that wears benign character and is a capsule filled with a liquid substance. Most often, the formation is found in the paranasal sinuses. Their structure is best adapted to transmit air, but at the same time perform protective function. The sinuses are lined with a mucous membrane, in the cavity of which there are glands that secrete mucus. This structure protects the sinuses from drying out and respiratory infections. By various reasons the ducts can close, then the mucous fluid will accumulate in the epithelial bladder. In some cases, the formation may also appear from its own tissue.

In 4/5 cases, the bubble is formed in the frontal parts of the sinuses, this provokes frequent headaches, breathing complications. 15% of patients have a cystic formation in the ethmoid labyrinth and only 5% in the maxillary sinuses. Symptoms and treatment for each type of pathology are somewhat different.

Having received an unpleasant diagnosis, it is quite natural that the patient is puzzled by the question of whether the disease is dangerous. To begin with, you should calm down and understand that such structures are not prone to malignancy. However, the cyst does not resolve on its own, therefore, in any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow all therapeutic instructions.

Causes of a cyst in the nose

As already noted, tumors in the nose in most cases owe their appearance to blockage of the secretory fluid ducts from the gland. However, it must be understood that the reasons provoking such a blockage are completely different:

  • nose injuries - hematomas can provoke the development of education;
  • abnormal tissue growth that interferes with normal airflow, leading to increased sinus pressure and capsule formation
  • allergic reactions, in which the production of mucin increases, the ducts may simply not be able to cope with such an amount of fluid;
  • colds - with a cold, the body is weakened by the inflammatory process, and the vessels in the nasal cavity narrow, which together can cause blockage of the glands.

Practice shows that even dental problems can cause a similar pathology, since the dental roots from above are very close to the location of the disease. The non-anatomical structure of the nasopharynx may also be to blame for the occurrence of a cystic capsule. A congenital or acquired defect of the nasal septum, for example, leads to the fact that through the right and left nostril passing through different volumes of air. Where there is more air, it does not have time to heat up. Thus, there is a high probability of getting sick. And as a result of the inflammatory process, a cyst is formed.

Allergy sufferers, people with chronic inflammatory diseases, with an incorrect septum, with neglected dental problems. Such conditions do not mean that without fail a person will be diagnosed with a cyst, however, the likelihood of its occurrence is still higher.


According to the mechanism of formation, the following types of cysts are distinguished:

  1. True - the bladder is filled with secretory fluid, and its walls are formed from epithelial cells, the cause of their appearance is considered to be swelling of the mucosa due to inflammation.
  2. False - such a cyst is not provoked by the pathology of the nasal part, but by inflammatory processes in the tooth root, the cyst from the tooth grows into the maxillary sinus and is located there, such a formation is also called the maxillary cyst.

According to the placement of the capsule in the nasal sinus, there are:

  • frontal;
  • cysts in the sphenoid sinus of the nose;
  • cystic capsules in lattice cells;
  • maxillary formations.

Given the symmetrical structure of the nasopharynx, the side of the formation is also specified - in the right or left sinus.

Formations are also distinguished by the type of internal contents - in the capsule there may be:

  • glandular secret;
  • pus;
  • blood and plasma.

A detailed classification into varieties shows how acute the problem is. And at the same time she makes it clear that modern medicine makes every possible effort to study pathology and find the most effective means treatment.


Cyst in the nose for a long time may not express himself. Asymptomaticity is characteristic of the early stage of the pathology, and the detection of the disease occurs in most cases completely by accident. But with the growth of the capsule, the manifestations become visible, and the larger the bubble, the stronger the symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, it is impossible to change the situation with the help of modern drugs;
  • pain in the nasopharynx, as a rule, localization corresponds to the zone of the bladder, with pressure on the corresponding areas pain intensify and even give into frontal part heads;
  • feeling foreign body in the nose;
  • if the formation presses on ophthalmic nerve, then double vision is possible;
  • if the cyst is caused by inflammatory processes, and its contents are pus, then the symptoms overlap with the symptoms of sinusitis (headache, runny nose, heat, general weakness).

If the patient continues to ignore the symptoms that have appeared and does not go to the doctor, then they intensify along with the growth of the neoplasm, which in the end is fraught with rupture of the capsule. Signs of such a state will be purulent discharge from the nose, swelling of the nasolabial zone, fever.

In children who have not yet had the replacement of the milk dentition with the root, the disease is often caused by dental disorders and manifests itself severe pain in the area of ​​the upper jaw, nasal congestion, tearing.

The modern level of diagnostic medicine makes it possible to detect the formation at the most early stages when the symptoms are not yet pronounced. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the less painful the manifestations of pathology will be, and treatment will pass faster.


Symptomatic diagnosis of a cyst in the sinus is not complete, since many diseases of otolaryngology have similar symptoms. To determine the disease Special attention is given to methods of hardware diagnostics and laboratory tests:

  • X-ray - performed in two projections for an objective assessment and helps to assess the shape and size of the formation, but with deformation of the nasal septum, the image may be distorted and not provide the full amount of information;
  • endoscopy - for internal examination of all cavities of the nasopharynx, modern devices also allow tissue sampling for a detailed analysis of the formation;
  • genimorography - an examination with the introduction of a contrast agent into the cavity accurately determines the location of the formation and its size;
  • MRI - for a thorough analysis and determination of the nature of the capsule, the examination allows you to distinguish true cysts from odontogenic (false), determines their shape and size. For the same purpose, computed tomography can be performed, which gives at least accurate results, however, the principle of CT operation implies the use radioactive radiation, that's why this method not suitable for frequent re-examinations.

If during the diagnosis an odontogenic cyst is found, which from the inflamed tooth roots has grown into the sinuses of the nose (a similar condition is possible even in a child), consultations with a dentist are prescribed, who will also assess the condition of the oral cavity. In many cases, after removing cystic formation the sinuses of the nose will require the removal of a dental unit, although, if possible, the dentist performs the restoration.

Complications and consequences

If examinations showed the presence of small formations (up to 10 mm in diameter), then the doctor may recommend dynamic monitoring and treatment with drugs. However, the slightest deviation from medical prescriptions or their complete failure to comply will lead to a number of serious complications. If therapy is not started in time, then cyst growth can lead to pressure on neighboring tissues and organs, the following zones are affected:

  • eye area - normal vision is disturbed, the eyes often get tired, the patient cannot read for a long time;
  • the facial nerve, the pressure on which causes severe migraines;
  • jaw area - strong pressure can even lead to bone deformity and stress fractures.

The consequences of an untreated cyst may be suppuration, chronic sinusitis and even sepsis if the fluid enters the bloodstream. A complication of breathing due to a large formation leads to a general lack of oxygen in the body, disruption of cardio-vascular system and even problems with the central nervous system. Knowing how dangerous a cyst is, few people are ready to ignore the problem.

Treatment Methods

The method of treating a cyst in the nose depends on the type of formation, its location and size. Non-purulent formations up to one centimeter in diameter, as a rule, do not cause severe discomfort at the patient. And the doctor will recommend conservative methods therapy - drops, sprays, medicines, and systematic monitoring of progress in treatment. But large formations or with purulent compounds must be removed. Surgery will also be recommended if medical treatment fails.

Some patients prefer to be treated with folk remedies. Many doctors do not reject the usefulness of such methods, but insist on their auxiliary nature. Any procedures for the treatment of education in the nose should be carried out in consultation with the doctor.

Medical treatment

conservative therapy in this case aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and diseases-provocateurs of pathology. Completely cure the cyst, that is, remove the formation, will not work. The fact is that most of the formations have a fairly dense structure, which the drugs do not dissolve.

AT drug therapy apply:

  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic preparations- to combat the inflammatory process, cleansing the mucous surface of the organ;
  • vasoconstrictor - for normalization respiratory process, removal of puffiness;
  • mucolytic - to normalize the outflow of mucus;
  • antihistamines, if swelling is caused by allergies;
  • sprays and drops to normalize the flora.

Additionally, painkillers may be prescribed. The procedure for applying funds in complex therapy the next - first, the nasal sinuses are washed with sprays, get rid of excess fluid, and then drugs of a specialized effect are introduced into the cavity.

Removal operations

Surgical treatment of a cyst is prescribed when the diameter of the formation in the sinuses exceeds 8 mm; surgery is also indicated for pronounced symptoms and the development of a purulent process.

Some specialists resort to puncturing the cyst, during which the formation capsule is pierced with a thin needle and its contents are pumped out. With such an intervention, the result gives only temporary relief, since after a certain time period the fluid accumulates again. To completely remove the pathology, you need exactly surgical operations to remove formations in the sinuses of the nose. Let us consider in more detail what methods are used to remove a cyst in the sinuses.

Operation Caldwell-Luc

This is a radical maxillary sinusectomy, which is a classic method of dealing with cysts in the nose. During the procedure, instruments are inserted through an incision under the upper lip in the mouth and deeply located formations are removed. Since the operation is performed without the use of expensive equipment, its cost attracts most patients with similar pathologies. But the technique also has a number of disadvantages:

  • traumatization of the mucous, submucosal and bone tissue occurs;
  • the operation is performed under general anesthesia;
  • the treatment technique may cause pain to the patient;
  • there is a high probability of bleeding;
  • you need to stay in the hospital from a week to 10 days;
  • a scar forms at the site of the wound, adhesions may form;
  • after surgery, there is a high probability of developing sinusitis, rhinitis, prolonged discharge from the nose, may become numb and lose sensation in the cheeks and lips.

Laser removal

Laser removal of the cyst is also performed through an incision above the lip in the mouth, but in this case a laser LED is inserted there, destroying the abnormal outgrowth, while simultaneously disinfecting the cavity formed after the removal of the cyst and completely stopping the bleeding. This method can only remove small capsules with a diameter of not more than 4 mm.

Endoscopic method

The most sparing is considered to be endoscopic surgery to remove the cyst, which is performed special device, endoscope. Endoscopic removal of the formation does not require any incisions or punctures to be applied to the patient, all manipulations are performed through physiological openings (nasal passages, anastomosis).

We list the main advantages of removing cystic nodes by the endoscopic method:

  • during the manipulation, tissues are not injured;
  • the area where the cyst was removed heals quickly, without scarring or adhesions;
  • because the intervention is under control optical instrument, all actions are accurate and do not go beyond the working field;
  • low probability of complications and recurrences of cyst formation;
  • you need to stay in the hospital for no more than 2 days, it is possible to perform the operation on an outpatient basis;
  • this technique can be applied in pediatrics;
  • can be carried out under local anesthesia.

Folk remedies

Treatment without surgery with folk remedies can only be used as an emergency medical care or as an addition to the main therapy. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the cyst solely with their help, you can only temporarily alleviate the symptoms, which means that the use of any "grandmother's" recipes must be agreed with the attending physician. Here are some of the most popular recommendations for home use with cystic formations in the nose:

  • if the cystic capsule burst, rinse immediately nasal cavity. This can be done with a pharmacy saline solution. If it was not at hand, you can take 0.2 liters of water and dilute 5 g of salt and 5 g of soda in them. This solution must be forcefully drawn into the nostril and released through the opposite opening;
  • honey has good healing properties. It does not allow infection of cystic cavities after bursting, while exerting a mild effect on the mucosa. To achieve positive effect you need to put turunda smeared with honey in the nose for 20 minutes from the side of the existing formation;
  • onion juice can be used to eliminate congestion and prevent the spread of microorganisms. This should be done very carefully so as not to burn the nasal mucosa. To do this, dilute a few drops of juice with water and instill up to 5 times a day in the nose.


To prevent the formation of neoplasms in the sinuses of the nose, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • timely diagnose and treat sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • prevent the inflammatory process in the teeth and gums, treat or remove diseased teeth in time;
  • correct bite in childhood;
  • prevent chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • remove polyps from the nose and paranasal voids;
  • avoid contact with allergens and treat any allergic manifestations.

In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary at the first symptoms of a cystic formation in the nose to seek help from an otolaryngologist.

A sinus cyst is a neoplasm in the maxillary sinuses that contains fluid, often mixed with mucus.

A cyst in the nose is always only benign and never degenerates into malignant tumors.

Basically, the cyst is formed on the maxillary appendages of the maxillary sinuses, it is called the cyst of the maxillary sinus of the nose.

Causes of formations

There are several reasons for the formation of a nasopharyngeal cyst:

  1. The most important factor influencing the occurrence of a cyst in the sinus is sinusitis, in which the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses swell, as a result, the excretory ducts are clogged and one or more cysts are formed in the sinuses.
  2. Decreased immunity - as a result, the human body weakens, often exposed to colds and inflammatory processes.
  3. Advanced diseases of teeth and gums.
  4. The formation of a cyst may also be the result of an allergic reaction. An allergy can be to anything: food, means household chemicals, medical preparations, pet hair, seasonal reactions to flowering plants.

Neoplasm symptoms

Signs of a cyst in the sinuses depend on the size. This means if small size cysts in the nose, symptoms do not appear at all. Conversely, when the cyst is large, the following symptoms may be observed:

  1. The nasal sinuses constantly hurt in the place where the focus of cyst formation is located.
  2. Often stuffy nose, appear yellow discharge with impurities of pus.
  3. The patient periodically has unpleasant and painful sensations in the upper jaw.

What should be the treatment?

In the case when the cyst in the sinus of the nose is small and the patient does not experience discomfort or any other symptoms of the disease, treatment is not required.

If the formation of a cyst in the nasopharynx is caused by any dental or gum disease, then treatment should be carried out by a dentist. When a cyst is a consequence allergic reactions, you need to immediately get rid of the allergen and allergies.

If the cyst is of medium size, then the piercing method is sometimes used. The maxillary sinus is pierced with a special needle along with the cyst, the contents are removed (as a result, the cyst decreases several times in size), and the membrane remains intact. This method cyst treatment is used extremely rarely, since its effect is short-lived - due to the fact that the cyst shell remains, over time it fills up again, which requires repeated piercing.

If the cyst is greatly enlarged and causes a lot of inconvenience, then the removal of the cyst in the nose is prescribed. This operation can be carried out in several ways, but not all of them are effective.

In endoscopic surgery, the entire intervention is performed using an endoscope, which is first inserted into the nostril. The endoscope is operated by an otorhinolaryngologist, and the entire process is viewed on a special monitor. During the operation, the cyst is completely removed, and the maxillary sinuses and mucous membrane are not disturbed. The operation is simple and absolutely painless, so it can be performed without anesthesia.

Sometimes the removal of a sinus cyst is carried out through upper lip. The incision that is made under the lip should not exceed 5 millimeters. With this surgical intervention, the maxillary sinuses and the nasal mucosa are not affected.

During the operation, both general and local anesthesia. After the operation, special tampons are inserted into the nose, which are removed after 2-3 days.

This operation requires maximum accuracy and clarity, so it must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. In order for the effect of the operation to be preserved for a long time or forever, it is necessary after surgical intervention for some time to be regularly observed by the attending physician.

The usual operation to remove a cyst in the nasopharynx through the maxillary sinuses gives the patient a lot discomfort both during and after the intervention. In addition, after the operation by this method, the patient may need a long rehabilitation period and Plastic surgery to remove the scar on the face left after the removal of the cyst.

Possible Complications

If a cyst large sizes located in the sinuses, not cured in time, it can lead to chronic inflammation of the nose. Due to the large size of the cyst, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe through the nose, if this condition continues for a long time, then oxygen starvation occurs. At first, this is manifested by pains in the head, a person begins to get tired very quickly even with the most minimal loads, then problems with memory appear, attention becomes scattered. Over time, they may develop various diseases heart and blood vessels.

People who have oxygen starvation of the body are constantly wanting to sleep.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid cyst formations in the sinuses, it is necessary to treat all colds in time, especially inflammation in the nose. Diseases of the gums and teeth should, at the first inflammatory processes, be treated immediately.

In order not to form a cyst in the nose, which is the result of any allergic reactions, it is necessary to treat it immediately when an allergy occurs.

Keep a close eye on work immune system, if necessary - to strengthen the immune system. If a person is often exposed to colds, then in order to prevent, you should regularly see a doctor.

What is a cyst of the paranasal sinus, and why is its growth dangerous?

A sinus cyst is an abnormal, but not malignant, nodule-shaped hollow formation with a cavity filled with liquid secretion, which is formed from the mucosal tissue of the paranasal sinuses.

The paranasal sinuses or sinuses are air chambers that communicate with the nasal cavity through natural openings - anastomoses. These include the maxillary or maxillary sinuses, the sphenoid, frontal and two ethmoid labyrinths.

Most often, a cyst in the nasal cavity is diagnosed in frontal sinuses(almost 80% of all clinical cases), in the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses they occur in only 5% of patients, formations in the ethmoid labyrinth are observed in 15% of case histories.

Features of the cyst of the paranasal sinuses:

  1. Not capable of malignant transformation.
  2. It almost never resolves on its own and with therapeutic treatment.
  3. It can form as a single formation or in the form of multiple nodes.
  4. The appearance of nodes in the maxillary sinus is diagnosed as cystic sinusitis.

Is the condition dangerous when a cyst appears in the nose, and what consequences can the growth of a cystic node lead to?

A cyst is not a tumor, since it is not a dense tissue formation, but simply a capsule with a shell and liquid contents, and a cancer process cannot begin in it, but its growth is dangerous for the patient with serious consequences.

Among the complications that a cyst of the paranasal sinuses leads to include:

  1. Disorder of nasal ventilation and nasal breathing. For this reason, the cells of the brain and other organs suffer from constant oxygen starvation. With such a condition, headaches, memory impairment develop, in childhood and adolescence - developmental delay, a noticeable lag behind peers.
  2. Increasing the frequency of diseases of the bronchi, lungs, ENT organs.

In the course of an increase in the cyst of the main sinus of the nose, serious consequences arise:

  • changes in the facial bones due to the pressure of a large cyst;
  • exophthalmos or displacement of the eyeballs;
  • inflammation and purulent processes that pass to the organs of vision, brain and bone tissues;
  • the appearance of fistulas during the development of an odontogenic cyst;
  • decreased function of the kidneys, myocardium, brain, liver, damage to blood vessels, bones and joints due to constant oxygen deficiency;
  • destruction of bone and cartilage tissue of the nose and upper jaw;
  • rupture of the walls of the node and the penetration of pyogenic bacteria into the lymph nodes and blood vessels, if a cyst infected with microbes has burst.

Main symptoms

Until the cyst in the nose reaches a size of 5 - 8 mm, it may not be felt by the patient. And not always the signs of a formation growing in the sinuses are associated with its size.

So, a large outgrowth in the lower segment of the maxillary sinus can not manifest itself for a long time, and a small nodule in the upper section can cause pain, squeezing the nerve plexus.

As a rule, a cyst in the sinus of the nose manifests itself with a number of symptoms:

  1. Feeling of nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, while vasoconstrictor medications help less and less as the formation grows.
  2. Persistent ones appear dull pain under the eyes, in the area of ​​the temples, forehead, bridge of the nose or the back of the head. In this case, the pain can increase with a change in the position of the head - especially with forward bends, as well as during air travel, scuba diving.
  3. Feeling of pressure, fullness in the sinuses.
  4. Blurred vision, double vision.
  5. Mucous or yellowish (with bacterial sinusitis) discharge from the nose.
  6. Dizziness, sleep disturbance, memory impairment, irritability, decreased performance.
  7. Development or exacerbation of sinusitis.
  8. Edema over the site of growth of the cyst of the paranasal sinuses, shift of the eyeball.

These signs are characteristic of cysts of the left and right sinus, but can occur with sinusitis, polypous growths in the nose.

The reasons

There are two types of nasal cystic nodes with different mechanisms of formation:

  1. True or retention cyst

It is formed due to swelling and thickening of the mucous membrane due to frequent or long-term inflammation. This leads to obstruction of the excretory channels of the glands that produce mucus. A secret accumulates in the ducts, and a cavity bubble is formed, gradually filled with liquid.

  1. False or pseudocyst.

In medicine, such a formation is called an odontogenic cyst, since the cause of its appearance is usually an inflammatory and infectious process at the root of the tooth of the upper row. With the destruction of bone tissue, a dense odontogenic cyst grows into the maxillary sinus, localizing at its bottom.

The causes of the occurrence of abdominal nodes in the sinuses include:

  • frequent inflammation in the cavity and sinuses of the nose, leading to thickening and swelling of the mucosa and blockage of the ducts;
  • chronic ENT diseases, including rhinitis and sinusitis of a different nature;
  • purulent processes on the roots of the teeth of the maxillary row;
  • deformation of the nasal septum and other structures of the nose, including the descent of the hard palate, anatomically narrow fistulas.


To detect a cyst of the paranasal sinuses, first carry out x-ray examination, analyzing the radiograph (image) of the sinuses in two projections.

However, the medical interpretation of the data obtained remains subjective and depends on the quality of the images, the qualifications of the doctor, the characteristics of the pathology and the structure of the nose.

As reliable methods diagnostics consider:

  • hymography, performed with the introduction of a contrast agent into the sinus, which allows you to determine the exact place of formation and size of the node;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography, which is usually prescribed in doubtful cases in order to differentiate the retention cyst from the odontogenic, polyps and tumors, to determine the size and structure;
  • endoscopy of the nasal cavity and sinuses, performed using a micro-camera to repeatedly enlarge suspicious areas and confirm the diagnosis.

During diagnostic endoscopy, a biopsy is mandatory - a tissue fragment of an abnormal outgrowth is taken for histological, cytological, biochemical and microbiological research. This is necessary to exclude the diagnosis of a cancerous process, to identify pathogens in a purulent process.



Therapy of cystic nodes in the nose with drugs does not lead to a cure for the pathology, since the cyst in the nose cannot dissolve or disappear under the influence of pharmacological and folk remedies. But medicines eliminate inflammation in sinusitis, slow down the process of growth of anomalies.

Main drug groups:

  1. Antibiotics necessary for the microbial process: Azithromycin, Amoxiclav-solutab, Suprax, Macropen.
  2. Sprays and drops that kill pathogenic flora: Bioparox, Sialor, Isofra, Framinazin, Polydex.
  3. Mucolytics that increase the fluidity of mucus and its outflow: Fluditec, Nazol, Rinofluimucil, Leconil, Mucodin, Oxymetazoline.
  4. Antihistamine sprays and drops hypersensitivity to allergens: swelling, inflammation: Allergodil, Tizin-Allergy, Zodak, Vibrocil.
  5. Moisturizing aerosols: Dolphin, Vivasan, Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor, Humer.
  6. Glucocorticoid nasal sprays - Flixonase, Nasonex, Baconase, Fluticasone - powerful means to suppress swelling and inflammation.

Surgical Techniques

Excision of the cyst in the sinuses is prescribed for growths of more than 8 - 10 mm, severe symptoms, purulent process.

Sometimes they resort to puncturing the cystic capsule, which is not considered surgical intervention. The procedure is carried out by piercing the cyst and drawing out its contents with a syringe under local anesthesia. However, this method provides only temporary relief. In the future, the capsule is again filled with liquid.

For the complete elimination of pathology, it is necessary surgical care, which allows to avoid complete filling of the sinus with an abnormal formation and severe consequences.

Traditionally used methods:

  1. Operation Caldwell-Luc

This classic method is used to remove . The technique of radical maxillary sinusotomy involves the introduction of instruments through the opening under the lip in the mouth. The operation allows you to remove deeply localized nodes without the use of expensive complex tools and equipment.

The main disadvantages of the technique, which is considered obsolete, include:

  • damage to the mucous, submucosal and bone tissue;
  • need general anesthesia, bleeding, soreness;
  • long-term hospital stay (up to 7-10 days);
  • cicatricial wound healing, adhesive processes;
  • frequent postoperative development of sinusitis, rhinitis, long-term discharge from the nose, numbness of the cheeks, lips, loss of sensitivity.
  1. laser removal

With this technique, a laser LED is inserted into the oral cavity through an incision under the lip, which destroys the abnormal outgrowth, while disinfecting the cavity and completely stopping the bleeding.

The method is rarely used, since it can be used to “evaporate” only small (up to 4 mm) knots with a laser. And most importantly, the access of the laser head to the location of the cyst requires the same manipulations as with the Caldwell-Luc method.

  1. Endoscopic surgery

The method of treating cysts of the paranasal sinuses using an endoscope with a video camera is considered the most sparing today. To remove the node, the instruments are inserted through the physiological openings - the nasal passage and fistula, without making any incisions or punctures.


  1. No tissue damage during the procedure.
  2. Fast healing without adhesions and scars.
  3. Accurate manipulations in the working field thanks to video surveillance using a camera.
  4. Rare complications and relapses of repeated cyst formations.
  5. Short time spent in the hospital (1-2 days) and the possibility of performing the operation on an outpatient basis.
  6. most comfortable and safe method in pediatrics.
  7. The possibility of using local anesthesia.

If symptoms of a pathology such as a cyst in the nose appear, contact a specialist without delay.

Frequent runny nose, sneezing, a feeling of congestion in the nasopharynx are signs that characterize nasal diseases. But few suspect that the reason lies in the neoplasms inside the nasopharyngeal sinuses. A sinus cyst is usually discovered incidentally when examining the nasopharyngeal cavity. After the doctor informs the patient of the diagnosis, shock sets in. After all, few people represent such a pathology. ?? This article is intended to familiarize you with such a pathology in order to avoid trouble.

Cyst in the sinuses

A cyst in the nose is a spherical formation of a benign nature from mucous tissue. It is located inside the nasopharynx. This formation is filled with liquid mucus. The membrane lining the sinuses contains few vessels and nerve endings, so the development of the cyst goes unnoticed by the patient.

According to medical statistics, this pathology occurs in 1/10 of the inhabitants of the Earth. People live with a cyst, not suspecting that such a formation appeared in the nasal passage. Such a pathology rarely causes discomfort and therefore does not require treatment. But sometimes overgrown tissues lead to serious consequences in the nasal cavity.

The development of the cyst occurs due to blockage of the passages, which provide the exit of liquid secretion to moisten the mucosa. And since the glands continue to function, the tissues lining the nasopharynx swell from the fluid that fills them. This is how the cavity grows with pathogenic liquid contents.

Cyst in the nose - view


There are several types of sinus cysts:


The formation that arose from the tissues of the mucosa is called the retention cystic cavity (or true). It consists of two layers, and liquid is collected inside.

If the cyst is small and does not become inflamed, the fluid inside it is transparent, it is not worth treating such a pathology. She grows slowly, with such cystic pathology live for many years without even knowing that it is in the nasopharynx.

Treatment, and more often removal, requires an inflamed cyst filled with pus. In this case, sinusitis or sinusitis develops.


If the cystic cavity was formed from another tissue, it is called false. Usually it grows in the maxillary sinuses, and provoke it chronic inflammation tissues of the nasopharynx or teeth. One of its walls does not consist of mucous tissues, but of maxillary ones.

Among these pathologies, there are also odontogenic ones that occur during inflammation of the tooth root. The formation is localized at the bottom of the sinus of the upper jaw, covering the alveolar region.

Odontogenic cysts, in turn, are divided into two types: follicular (with the development of follicles in adolescents), radicular (formed with periodontitis, injuries of the upper jaw).

Other types of classification

According to the location of the cysts are divided into:

  • maxillary;
  • frontal, accessory type;
  • lattice (in the form of a labyrinth);
  • wedge-shaped accessory.

The main causes of cysts

A similar disease can occur in both adults and children. Causes pathological processes inside the ducts are:

  • inflammation upper teeth or jaw;
  • abnormal structure of the nose and nasopharynx;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • polyps in the nasopharynx;
  • chronic diseases of the nasal sinuses;
  • the body's tendency to allergic reactions;
  • rhinitis and other pathologies.

Sometimes the disease develops bad conditions labor. These are, for example, polluted or hot air in the room, evaporation of chemicals, etc. Such conditions entail hyperactivity of the mucous membrane, attempts by the body to compensate for the lack of moisture.

Cyst formation


Usually, the formation is detected by the ENT when examining the nose. The patient comes to the office for a completely different reason, and leaves with a new diagnosis.

An effective way to confirm the diagnosis in this case is a radiograph (image). It shows the size, outlines of the cystic sac, location. But not everyone is shown x-rays.

Cyst on x-ray

Pathology is detected with punctures of the paranasal sinuses during the treatment of sinusitis or sinusitis. But the most informative is computed tomography. In this study, the size of the formation and its location, the detailed structure is established.

Endoscopy of the maxillary sinuses is prescribed if the formation is small. At the same time, tissue biopsy is also done, if possible, removed. The procedure is also prescribed when it is required to find out the nature of the contents of the cyst.

Haimography is a type of radiograph. Before its implementation, the sinus cavity, where the pathological formation is supposed to be localized, is injected contrast agent, allowing you to clearly show its outlines.

Based on the results of the examination, a decision is made whether to treat the cyst or remove it. If no measures are taken, over time, inflammation or rupture of the cyst will lead to purulent processes and cause decay of the bone tissues of the nose.

If the cystic tumor is small, with properly prescribed therapy, the result will be quite effective.


The outcome of the disease depends on the type of cyst in the nose, the duration of its development, size, causes, location.

Nasal congestion and pain

Sometimes the cyst disappears by itself, or opens and flows out. But more often, the intervention of a surgeon is required to remove a pathological formation.

The pressure caused by the cyst provokes headache, bleeding. A cyst in the nose can lead to grave consequences. Therefore, the doctor should prescribe treatment. He also recommends prompt removal if necessary.


One of the directions alternative medicine is psychosomatics. It evaluates everything that happens in the human body from a psychological point of view. On the Latin this term means the words: body, soul. This science considers nervous disorders in the body to be the causes of the disease.

If a person is angry, constantly tired, his psychological ill health can lead to physical pathologies. And until the nervous system is brought into normal condition no treatment will help. Psychosomatics studies the relationship of spiritual factors with physical ones, explains the development of certain pathologies.

Observing patients, doctors have long noticed that their development does not always lead to the appearance of pathology. If someone is very tired, irritable, a lot of nervous, the development of the disease "will not take long." Often psychological factors become the main ones when the disease appears.

The authors of psychological interpretations of the healing of consciousness from ailments associate the appearance of formations in the nose with negative emotional upheavals. They offer to treat such problems with positive affirmations, emotional self-control.


Preventive measures include:

  • regular visits to the dental office;
  • treatment of the common cold;
  • correction of an abnormal nasal septum;
  • oral hygiene.

If pathological abnormalities appear, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous here.
