The main characteristics of the pulse. Causes of high heart rate, its symptoms, possible complications and treatment

Heart rate is an important indicator in assessing the work of the heart. Its definition is a component in the diagnosis of arrhythmia and other diseases, sometimes quite serious. This publication discusses the methods of measuring the pulse, the age norms in adults and children, and the factors influencing its change.

What is a pulse?

Pulse is the fluctuations of the vascular walls that occur as a result of contractions of the heart muscles. This indicator allows you to evaluate not only the strength and rhythm of the heartbeat, but also the state of the vessels.

At healthy person the intervals between pulsations should be the same, while uneven heart beats are regarded as a symptom of disorders in the body - this can be either a pathology of the heart or another disease, for example, a malfunction of the endocrine glands.

The pulse is measured by the number of pulse waves, or beats, per minute and has certain values ​​- in adults it is from 60 to 90 at rest. The pulse rate in children is somewhat different (the indicators are presented in the table below).

The pulse is measured by the beats of pulsating blood in the radial artery, more often at the wrist with inside, since the vessel in this place is closest to the skin. For the greatest accuracy, the indicators are recorded on both hands.

If there are no rhythm disturbances, then it is enough to count the pulse in 30 seconds and multiply it by two. If the heart beats are not rhythmic, then it is more expedient to count the number of pulse waves in a whole minute.

In more rare cases, the count is carried out in the places where other arteries pass - the brachial, femoral, subclavian. You can measure the pulse by placing your fingers on the neck at the passage of the carotid artery or to the temple.

If a thorough diagnosis is necessary, for example, if serious diseases are suspected, then other examinations are also performed to measure the pulse - Voltaire mounting (calculation per day), ECG.

The so-called treadmill test is also used, when the work of the heart and blood pulsation are recorded by an electrocardiograph while the patient is moving on a treadmill. This test also shows how quickly the work of the heart and blood vessels returns to normal after exercise.

What affects the heart rate?

If the heart rate in women and men at rest remains within 60-90, then for many reasons it can temporarily increase or acquire slightly increased constant values.

This is influenced by age, physical activity, food intake, changes in body position, temperature and other environmental factors, stress, and the release of hormones into the blood. The number of pulse waves that occur per minute always depends on the number of heartbeats (abbr. heart rate) during the same time.

Usually, the pulse is normal in men by 5-8 beats lower than in women (60-70 per minute). Normal indicators differ in children and adults, for example, in a newborn child, a pulse of 140 beats is considered normal, and for an adult it is tachycardia, which can be both a temporary functional state and a sign of a disease of the heart or other organs. Heart rate also depends on daily biorhythms and it is highest in the period from 15 to 20 hours.

Pulse rate table by age for women and men

In the table of norms of pressure and pulse by age, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated for healthy people who are at rest. Any changes in the body can provoke a deviation of the heart rate from these indicators in one direction or another.

For example, during menopause, women experience physiological tachycardia and some increase in pressure, which is associated with a change in hormonal levels.

When is the pulse high?

In the absence of pathological changes affecting the heart rate, the pulse may increase under the influence of physical exertion, whether intensive work or playing sports. The following factors can also increase it:

  • stress, emotional impact;
  • overwork;
  • hot weather, stuffiness in the room;
  • strong pain sensations.

With a functional increase in the pulse, there is no shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches and chest pain, does not darken in the eyes, the heartbeat remains within the maximum norm and returns to its normal value in 5-7 minutes after the exposure is stopped.

They say about pathological tachycardia if any disease occurs, for example:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (for example, a frequent pulse in hypertensive patients, people with coronary artery disease);
  • arrhythmia;
  • nervous pathologies;
  • heart defects;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • infectious diseases, fever;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • anemia;
  • heavy menstruation (menorrhagia).

Some increase in the number of pulse waves is observed in pregnant women. In children, functional tachycardia is the norm, observed during active games, sports and other activities and allows the heart to adapt to changing conditions.

An increase in heart rate, and therefore a high pulse rate, is observed in adolescents with vegetative-vascular dystonia. During this period, it is important to carefully consider any changes - chest pain, the slightest shortness of breath, dizziness and other symptoms serve as a reason to show the child to the doctor, especially if there are diagnosed heart diseases.

Norm, lower and upper bar

The pulse is the vibration of the walls of blood vessels as a result of the movement of blood ejected by the heart. Even a non-professional is able to understand something about the state of his "motor" by the number of heartbeats.

The pulse rate (HR) is determined by the age and sex of a person. In women, the heart beats 7-8 beats more often compared to the stronger sex. The pulse changes with physical exertion and stress, depending on weight. But the average for an adult should be in the range of 60 to 80 beats per minute.

To determine whether the heart is doing its job well, you need to know the heart rate by age. A table of values ​​will help with this.

These are averages and should only serve as a guideline. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account many other factors, in addition to age.

In a critical situation, such a table is not always at hand. To check if the heart rate has exceeded the limit, you can use in a simple way: count the pulse, subtract the number of your years from 220. If the result is this (or more), then you should immediately call an ambulance, as urgent medical attention is needed.

What affects the number of heartbeats?

The number of years lived is not the only thing that determines the pulse rate. The norm by age, of course, should be taken into account when assessing the work of the heart. But there are other factors to take into account:

  • growth. The larger it is, the less often the heart beats;
  • time of heart rate measurement. During a night's rest, the pulse slows down, and in the afternoon it becomes more frequent;

  • body mass. If a person has a lot of weight, then his heart is forced to work with a heavy load, which leads to an increase in the pulse;
  • physical exercise. During and after them, the heart of an untrained person accelerates its rhythm in order to meet the increased need of the body for oxygen;
  • weather. They can greatly affect the heart rate and the frequency of its contractions. In the heat, the usual indicators weather dependent people can increase by 3 times;
  • functional factors. They, too, can make the heart work faster. For example, this often happens in women during menopause or menstruation.

Accompanied by an increase in heart rate, some diseases that are not associated with cardiac pathologies: diseases endocrine system, neoplasms, diseases of the respiratory system and the central nervous system.

The emotional factor greatly affects the performance of adults and young patients. Strong excitement, fear can significantly affect the pulse. The norm by age in children is given on the basis that the child will be calm when measuring heart rate. But not all kids react indifferently to such a procedure. Crying and worrying can give the wrong idea of ​​whether a little person's heart is working properly. This must be taken into account when evaluating the test results.

The pulse may increase after bathing, intercourse, smoking, and drinking alcohol. If a person is very hungry or has been in the cold for a long time, then the heart rate becomes less frequent.

How to measure the pulse correctly?

In infants, it is better to measure the pulse on the temporal and carotid arteries. In older children and adults - on the radial artery. Doctors usually measure the pulse first on one, then on the other hand. It is enough for an ordinary person to measure heart rate on one arm.

To measure, prepare a watch with a stopwatch option. On the back side hands, in the wrist area, the arteries are located superficially, so it is easy to feel them. The pulse should be measured with the index, middle and ring fingers. Press the artery with three fingers (it is not located in the center of the wrist, but on the side, opposite thumb), then count the pulsation of the blood for 30 seconds. The result is multiplied by 2.

After the pulse is measured, the age norm in adults will serve as a result criterion. If the average for this category is exceeded by 20%, then we can talk about heart palpitations. Does this mean that there are violations in the work of the heart? Not necessary! If, along with a rapid heartbeat, there are symptoms such as shortness of breath, heart pain, dizziness, decreased vision, weakness and fainting, then you need to check with a cardiologist.

How dangerous are tachycardia and bradycardia?

Bradycardia is the slowing of the heart rate to 60 and fewer strokes in a minute. Functional bradycardia - common occurrence for athletes. In healthy people, it is observed during sleep. A slow pulse in an ordinary person can be a sign of myocardial infarction, inflammation of the heart muscle, ulcers, high intracranial pressure, poisoning. Taking certain medications also provokes a decrease in heart rate.

Tachycardia (an increase in the heartbeat in an adult from 100 beats) can also be physiological (when playing sports, excitement, joy) and pathological (a sign of disturbances in the work of the heart). An increase in heart rate is also observed during a hypoglycemic attack.

Symptoms of tachycardia or bradycardia, if they occur frequently and without visible reasons, cannot be ignored. They may indicate problems in the work of the heart or other organs.

Measurement of the pulse (it is carried out at the same time in the same position) will help to notice dangerous health disorders in time. And in order for it to always be normal, it should be abandoned bad habits, lead an active lifestyle, keep calm and take care of yourself.

Acceleration of heart contractions

Rhythmic oscillations of the walls of blood vessels, provoked by contractions of the heart muscle, are called the pulse.ohm.

It can accelerate or slow down depending on the presence of physiological and external factors influence. Increased heart rate, as a rule, is caused by such reasons:

  1. strong emotional excitement;
  2. physical fatigue;
  3. significant stress on the body;
  4. use alcoholic beverages and coffee.

There are also other factors against which the pulse can be accelerated. These include: time of day, increased body and air temperature, food intake. Age plays a role gender person. It has been proven that in women, the pulse rate is slightly higher than in men, by about 7-8 beats. The indicators can be influenced by the functional state of the body, various diseases and organic lesions. The speed of pulse fluctuations even depends on growth - the higher the person, the slower his heart contractions occur.

It is noted that the slowdown of the pulse in people is observed at night, and the natural acceleration is typical for the second half of the day. A feature of this criterion of the work of the heart is that the same pulse rates indicate different conditions. For example, for a newborn, a heartbeat of 140 beats per minute is considered normal, but for an adult, this is an overly accelerated pulse, indicating a violation of the heart. It is also worth noting that the pulse rate in the elderly is higher than in young and middle-aged people.

Heart rate by age

In order to accurately characterize allowable norms and possible deviations pulse fluctuations for people different ages Let's use a table.

Person's age Minimum permissible value pulse Maximum allowable heart rate Average heart rate
Neonatal period (from 0 to 1 month) 110 170 140
From 1 to 12 months. 102 162 132
1 to 2 years 94 154 124
4 to 6 years old 86 126 106
6 to 8 years old 78 118 98
8 to 10 years 68 108 88
10 to 12 years old 60 100 80
12 to 15 years old 55 95 75
15 to 50 years old 60 80 70
50 to 60 years old 64 84 74
60 to 80 years old 69 89 79

Using such a table, you can correctly evaluate the results of measurements of pulse fluctuations. But, in addition to the fact that everyone should know the normal value of the pulse for their age, one should understand what a slow or accelerated heartbeat indicates.

If the pulse rate exceeds the maximum allowable value, then this should be a reason to seek medical help.

Increased heart rate may be due to functional factors. For example, a pulse of up to 90 beats per minute and above is observed in women with the onset of menopause and indicates an attack tachycardia. A decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood, caused by other reasons, also leads to an acceleration of the heartbeat.

How to distinguish functional changes in the pulse from pathological? In the first case, people have no complaints about symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • chest pain;
  • visual impairment;
  • dyspnea;
  • pre-fainting state.

If the listed signs are present, then the increase in pulse fluctuations is associated with pathological causes.

Diseases that can provoke tachycardia (increased heart rate):

  • congenital heart defects, organ pathologies;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • CNS lesions;
  • tumor formations;
  • some infectious diseases.

Regardless of what reasons provoked an acceleration of the heartbeat, you need to seek medical help in cases where the maximum heart rate by age is exceeded.

The maximum permissible value without a table can be calculated by the formula: subtract the number of full years of a person from 220.

Both an increase and a decrease in the speed of contractions of the heart muscle can be of a functional or pathological nature. Slow heart rate to 60 beats per minute or less is a symptom bradycardia .

Diseases in which there is a slowdown in the pulse:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • organic lesions of the heart;
  • ulcer pathology;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the heart muscle.

Bradycardia may also be due to the use of certain types of medicines.

It is important to regularly measure and monitor the indicators of pulse fluctuations, and in case of abnormalities, contact a cardiologist!

Critical indicators

In an adult, the heart rate is in the range of 60 to 80 beats per minute. For kids preschool age this parameter increases to 100. If there are 50 beats per minute, doctors state a critical, pathological low rate pulse. This proves violations in the work of the heart and blood vessels.

What symptoms may indicate high blood pressure with a low heart rate? If the heart rate is slightly reduced, the patient feels only Negative influence high pressure. A person is disturbed by severe headaches, tinnitus, a feeling of heat, shortness of breath, nausea appears, and the skin turns red. The patient does not even realize that high blood pressure and low heart rate can be observed at the same time. You can confirm your assumptions only with the help of an electronic tonometer, which, simultaneously with measuring pressure, determines the pulse of a person. If the rhythm drops to 50 beats per minute, the patient may lose consciousness.

Possible etiology of the problem

The reasons that cause a state of high blood pressure with a reduced rhythm of the heart muscle may be as follows:

  1. 1. Pathology of the heart.
  2. 2. Diseases thyroid gland, endocrine system. Hormonal disbalance often causes difficulties in the work of the vascular system.
  3. 3. Frequent use of drugs that have side effects to the work of the heart.
  4. 4. Adaptation of patients with hypertension during the period of change of residence and changes in temperature.
  5. 5. Excessive fatigue and increased mental stress.

Pathologies at work with a low pulse and high pressure:

  1. 1. Part of the heart (sinus node) is responsible for the normal production of impulses. If this scheme is violated, then the heart rhythm changes and goes astray. As a rule, older people suffer from this problem. To date, young people are also included in the list of patients with this disease. This is due to injury nervous system various origins. Pathology can be caused by cancer, inflammatory processes occurring in the body as a result of surgical intervention.
  2. 2. Endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. Most often occurs as a result of rheumatic fever or a consequence of surgery. In some cases, this pathology occurs due to bacterial or viral infection organism.
  3. 3. Heart disease is a common cause of low heart rate. Treatment is prescribed depending on whether the defect is congenital or acquired.
  4. 4. Vegetovascular dystonia is a set of symptoms that characterize pathology in the functioning of the human heart and vascular system.

The opposite of low heart rate and high blood pressure- low blood pressure and rapid pulse. As a rule, patients in this condition feel frequent mood swings, shortness of breath, fatigue, drowsiness and fainting. If a this situation is a one-time event, so there is no need to worry. Regular manifestations low pressure and rapid pulse may indicate diseases of the nervous system and blood vessels.

Means of treatment

Is it possible to increase the pulse rate at home with high blood pressure? It must be remembered that the pulse rate at high pressure should not be raised with coffee and caffeinated drinks. There are many other homemade recipes that will help you get your heart rate up quickly. When the patient has nervous breakdown, the best remedy normalize the pulse - Corvalol. This drug perfectly calms, increases the pulse rate, normalizes sleep and relieves general stress. Positive effect from the drug persists for 8 hours.

Lungs physical exercise and loads can help in this case too. Swimming, light jogging, outdoor walks - all this has a positive effect not only on the normalization heart rate but also on the general condition of the body.

It is believed that massaging the earlobe helps raise the heart rate. At home, you can also use mustard plasters. They are applied to the body in the area slightly to the right of the heart. Keep the mustard plaster should not be longer than 3 minutes.

Taking a glass of red wine helps not only expand the blood vessels, but also normalize the heart rhythm and bring the pressure indicator back to normal.

Nut tincture is another home remedy. For its preparation 0.5 kg of kernels walnut carefully crushed, mixed with 1 glass of sesame oil and sugar. Add 4 sliced ​​lemons to the resulting mixture. Medicine apply at least 3 times a day for 1 tsp.

As practice shows, the most effective tool folk medicine, helping to normalize the pulse, is a herbal mixture that includes marigold color, violet, sedum, valerian and tartar. Mixing all the ingredients in a certain proportion, pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and let it brew for at least 2 hours. The resulting product is consumed at least 3 times a day before meals. Yarrow is a plant whose herbal decoction helps not only to normalize the rhythm of heart contractions, but also improve heart function. Grass is poured with boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes, then the broth is allowed to brew. Take it should be 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day until complete normalization of the heart.

To stabilize the heart rate, it is important to give up all bad habits and, if possible, lead a healthy and active lifestyle. It is important to alternate fruitful work with good rest. The diet must comply with the principles healthy lifestyle life and contain low-calorie and healthy foods. If all of the above tips have not worked, the patient should see a doctor as soon as possible for hospitalization and a complete examination.

A person's pulse is an important indicator of the state of the heart. normal pulse indicates that the heart is working without disturbance. Each person needs to know how many beats per minute the heart should beat, but most people do not attach importance to such an important indicator and do not pay attention to its deviations.

Experts call the pulse a mirror of the cardiovascular system. If the pulse rises or vice versa, it decreases, this indicates the development or consequence of an already developed pathological process in the heart. Therefore, if there is a deviation in the pulse rate from the norm, you should consult a doctor.

What is a pulse

Pulse is a rhythmic oscillation of the vascular walls, corresponding to heart contractions. Pulse is one of the main evaluation criteria normal operation of cardio-vascular system. This indicator indicates the rhythm of heart contractions, their strength and the filling of the bloodstream.

If the rhythm of the pulse fluctuation is disturbed, the doctor assumes the presence of a pathology of the heart. The following factors can influence this:

  • excessive consumption of coffee drinks;
  • psychological overload;
  • stressful conditions;
  • hormonal imbalance.

In addition to the rhythm of the pulse, the frequency of its oscillations is important. The oscillation frequency is the number of pulse oscillations in one minute. In a person without disorders of the cardiovascular system, in a calm psycho-emotional and physical condition this figure ranges from 60 to 90 pulse waves per minute.

How to measure the pulse

The most common method is to measure the pulse on the radial artery. It lies on the wrist from the side of the palm, two centimeters below the base of the thumb. On palpation, a person will feel a deepening in the form of a furrow. In this hole passes the artery, which is closest to the skin. This arrangement of the vessel allows you to easily feel the pulse of a person.

To measure the pulse on the radial artery, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Relax the hand on which the pulse is measured.
  2. Place three fingers (index, middle and ring fingers) in the hole in which the vessel lies, so that the person clearly feels the pulse wave.
  3. Open the stopwatch and note one minute, counting the number of oscillations of the vessel at this time.
  4. Record results.

For the results to be reliable, measurements should be taken on two hands at the same time.

If the pulse rhythm is not disturbed, you can measure the pulse for 30 seconds, and then multiply the result by two. If the rhythm of the pulse is disturbed, the measurement is carried out for 60 seconds.

In some cases, indicators are taken from the carotid, brachial, subclavian, femoral and temporal arteries.

What can disrupt heart rate

Since the number of pulse oscillations depends on the heart rate, factors that directly affect the heart should be considered. The main factors on which the fluctuation of blood vessels depends are:

  • Environment;
  • the gender of the person;
  • the person's age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • food ration;
  • heredity;
  • physical exercise;
  • mental stress.

Modern research suggests that a woman's normal heart rate is eight beats higher than a man's. The value can change up or down depending on the general condition organism, lesions of the cardiovascular system or time of day. The position of the body relative to the horizontal surface and even the air temperature in the room can affect the pulse rate.

In the evening, the heart rate decreases, and in the morning it reaches its maximum value. In a man, the normal indicator is 60-70 vibrations per minute.

Surprising is the fact that for a newborn child, 140 beats per minute is considered the norm. In an adult, this indicator is considered a strong deviation from the norm and is regarded as tachycardia.

Normal heart rate

The table shows the indicators of the pulse rate in children and adults by age. These indicators are typical only for healthy people who do not have hereditary or acquired pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the data in the table, it can be concluded that at birth, children have high frequency heartbeat, which is considered normal. But with age, heart rate decreases, and after fifty years it increases again. Heart rate is the heart rate, which corresponds to pulse fluctuations. In addition, doctors say that just before death, a person's pulse rises to 160 oscillations.

It should be borne in mind that in women during the onset of menopause, a functional increase in heart rate occurs. This is due to a decrease in the concentration female hormone(estrogen) in the blood, and not due to heart disease. During this period, changes in the normal blood pressure of a woman are observed.

Normal increase in heart rate

A high pulse is not always associated with the development of pathological changes in the body. In a healthy person, the pulse rises in the following cases:

  • emotional experiences;
  • stress;
  • injuries, wounds, pain syndrome;
  • low oxygen concentration in the room.

  • With an increase in body temperature even by one degree, an increase in the heart rate by more than ten beats per minute is noted. In such a state upper bound normal heartbeat is 90 beats per minute. If the indicator exceeds given value, the position is regarded as tachycardia.

    In the case when an increase in the frequency of the pulse wave carries functional character, the person does not experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, blackouts, or total loss vision.

    The heart rate should not exceed maximum rate, characteristic for age group patient. With functional tachycardia, the value normalizes within five minutes after the cessation of physical activity. In order to quickly calculate the maximum allowable heart rate, you should subtract the number of full years of the patient from the number 220.

    Pathological increase

    Tachycardia due to pathological changes occurs in the following situations:

    • acquired and congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • pathological changes nervous system;
    • hypertensive crisis;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • the presence of tumors;
    • coronary artery disease;
    • heart attack;
    • human infectious diseases.

    Doctors note cases when tachycardia occurs when copious secretions during menstrual cycle or pregnancy. This is due to anemic syndrome. Prolonged diarrhea, vomiting, or other massive loss of fluid in the body can cause an abnormally rapid pulse.

    Of particular importance are cases when there is an increased pulse during normal walking and normal pressure. If a person finds this symptom should immediately contact a qualified professional for additional diagnostic measures. This condition can indicate the presence of heart failure.

    In a child, a pathological increase in heart rate is much more difficult to track due to his lifestyle. Children are often involved in active games or experience vivid emotional experiences, which leads to constant tachycardia. If a teenager has vegetovascular dystonia, the doctor will note a persistent increase in heart rate.

    If you suspect a pathological increase in heart rate, you should consult with your doctor, because if you do not correct the body's processes in time, you may experience sudden loss consciousness, deterioration general well-being, choking or dizzy spells.

    Decreased heart rate

    A decrease in heart rate to 60 beats per minute and below indicates a pathological or functional abnormality. Functional pulse deficit is noted during sleep or in professional athletes.

    In people who play professional sports, there is a drop in heart rate to 40 beats per minute. This indicator is not a deviation from the norm, because athletes undergo a number of changes in the autonomic regulation of heart rate.

    Specialists note pathological bradycardia in the following cases:

    • inflammatory processes affecting the fibers of the heart;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • changes in the cardiovascular system associated with a person's age;
    • peptic ulcers of the stomach;
    • increased intracranial pressure;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • myxedema.

    A common cause of a low pulse is a violation of the conduction of the nerve fibers of the heart. This leads to an uneven distribution of the electrical impulse along the fibers of the heart.

    A slight decrease in the frequency of the pulse wave is difficult to feel on your own, but with more serious deviations in a person, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. As a result, dizziness, weakness, sticky cold sweat and loss of consciousness.

    We must not forget about the decrease in the frequency of the pulse wave due to medication. Some groups of drugs can cause bradycardia.


    In order to reliably determine the presence of a change in the pulse, specialists use instrumental diagnostics of cardio-vascular system. Electrocardiography (ECG) is considered the main method for detecting such deviations.

    In particular difficult situations Voltaire monitoring is prescribed. In this case, the registration of the work of the heart is carried out throughout the day. If a person is healthy, then his performance will correspond to the age or functional norm.

    Less commonly used is a treadmill - a test in which an electrocardiogram is taken from a patient while running. This method allows you to identify the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to stressful situations and track the rate of restoration of normal heart function after exercise.

    In an adult, it is much more difficult to find out the cause of deviations, because the number of factors affecting the heart rate increases several times. With age, the elasticity of the walls of the bloodstream decreases. This happens under the influence of the following factors:

    • the presence of bad habits;
    • alcohol consumption;
    • low mobility;
    • poor nutrition;
    • irregular daily routine;
    • individual age-related changes organism;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

    In people over 45, the body does not have time to adapt to constant changes in environmental conditions.

    Stress, environment, lifestyle, congenital pathologies and the influence of many other factors lead to violations in cardiovascular system. Any disturbance in this system leads to a change in the normal heart rhythm and pulse rate. Therefore, it is very important to know what the pulse of a healthy person should be and monitor it.

    Pulse, or, in other words, heart rate - the most important indicator human health status. The numbers obtained during the measurement are of great importance in the diagnosis various diseases. However, these indicators can change under the influence of many factors, therefore, it is necessary to know the norms of a person’s pulse by age in order not to miss the onset of the development of pathology.

    The frequency of the heart rhythm is called the fluctuations of the walls of blood vessels at the time of contraction of the heart and the movement of blood through them. In this case, the measured value signals the work of the cardiovascular system. By the number of beats per minute, the strength of the pulse and its other parameters, one can evaluate the elasticity of blood vessels, the activity of the heart muscle. Together with indicators of blood pressure (BP), these figures allow you to compile a complete picture of the state of the human body.

    The norms of the heart rate in the male and female parts of the population are slightly different. Ideal values rarely fixed. Healthy man most time is in motion, experiences physical activity, so the indicators vary up or down.

    When determining the pulse and comparing it with tabular norms, it should be remembered that each organism has individual characteristics. As a result, even in a calm state, the performance may differ from the optimal. If at the same time the patient feels normal, there are no unpleasant symptoms, then such deviations from the norm are not considered a pathology.

    If the normal pulse deviates in an adult, the cause that led to such changes is determined. Independent cardiac arrhythmias are quite rare, most often they are the result of a disease. There are the following deviations:

    • rapid heart rate, over 100 beats per minute (tachycardia);
    • slow heartbeat, less than 60 beats per minute (bradycardia).

    Important: After the age of 40, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist at least once a year and undergo thorough examination. Many pathologies of the cardiovascular system are asymptomatic and their early diagnosis help avoid complications.

    Pulse: influence of various factors

    The change in heart rate occurs under the influence of external and internal factors. Age, gender, physical and psycho-emotional stress, air temperature, body temperature, and much more can affect the number of heartbeats per minute.


    The pulse at rest or at night during sleep, depending on the age of the person, is significantly different. In newborns, the heart rate is the highest - over 130 beats / min. This is due to the fact that the heart is small and needs to contract more often to feed the whole body with blood.

    As the heart rate grows older, it becomes much less frequent and by the age of 18, the pulse rates are normally 60-90 beats / min. This frequency, with slight fluctuations, persists for many years. Changes that are noted in older people depend not only on age, but also on the presence of existing diseases.


    Heart rate at rest in the female half of the population is 8-10 beats higher than in men. These differences are also explained by the small volume of the heart, less ventilation of the lungs and blood volume. In female athletes, the pulse may be the same as in men who do not play sports.

    Physical training

    Regular sports loads increase the volume of the heart, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The pulse in people involved in sports is less than in untrained patients. A more pronounced decrease in heart rate is recorded during endurance exercises (cycling, skiing, long-distance running). Strength training also contributes to a decrease in heart rate, but to a lesser extent.


    In pregnant women, a slight increase in heart rate is not a pathology, unless it is associated with other disorders.

    Body temperature

    There is a direct relationship between body temperature and heart rate. An increase in temperature by one degree contributes to an increase in heart rate by about 10 bpm. This acceleration is explained by the body's ability to thermoregulate. The increased heart rate helps it release heat faster through the lungs and skin.

    Air temperature

    Under other normal conditions, resting heart rate may increase with temperature. environment. Indicators +18 - +22 °С are recognized as optimal for a person. When the temperature rises above 29 °C, the resting heart rate becomes higher. This is necessary for the body to normalize body temperature.

    Mental and emotional stress

    The lowest pulse is observed in a person in the morning, immediately after sleep. Further, during the day, depending on the intensity of mental activity or emotional stress, the frequency with which the heart works can increase or decrease. As a result, by the evening the heart rate becomes higher than in the morning.

    If the difference between the indicators in the morning and evening hours does not exceed 7 beats / min, the daily mental and emotional load is considered small. Deviations of 8-15 beats per minute indicate an average workload, and a difference of more than 15 indicates high loads.


    Heart rate can be affected by various pathological conditions of the human body. Bacteria, viruses, their metabolic products, various toxins daily have a strong effect on the body, provoking an increase in heart rate. Most often, deviations from the norm are observed in the following diseases:

    Other factors

    An increase in heart rate compared to the norm in adults and children can occur after eating. Smoking and drinking caffeinated drinks affect the heart rate. The latter have a stimulating effect on the body, therefore, before measuring the indicators, it is forbidden to drink coffee and smoke. Deviations in heart rate can be observed when taking various medications.

    We measure the pulse correctly

    by the most simple method measurement of heart rate is its definition on the radial artery. To do this, four fingers are pressed from the inside of the hand to a point located just below the wrist, and count the number of strokes for a fixed period of time. If the pulse is poorly palpable, it is possible to determine it in other vessels located on the shoulder, neck, and thigh.

    Typically, the count is carried out for 30 seconds, and then the result is multiplied by two. To get a more accurate picture, you can take measurements on both hands. Difficulties in determining the number of beats per minute may arise with some cardiovascular diseases, for example, with arrhythmia. In this case, to obtain more reliable data, it is recommended to make an electrocardiogram.

    Normal heart rate

    As already mentioned, the frequency of heart pulsations directly depends on the age of the patient. But in addition to heart rate, when measuring indicators, it is important to take into account other characteristics of the pulse:

    1. Voltage. When determining the pulse, do not apply force. Pulsation is easily palpable if you simply put your fingers on the vessel. If at the same time there is a feeling of resistance, we can talk about pathological changes in the arteries.
    2. Synchronicity. When measuring the pulse on both hands at once, the blows should occur simultaneously.
    3. Regularity. The pulsation in the arteries should be constant. If there are intervals between fluctuations, sharp jumps and slowdowns, then this may be a sign of a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, arrhythmias.

    It should also be noted that a single measurement is not enough to assess the patient's condition. Indicators must be monitored in dynamics in order to exclude single deviations from the standard values. If anomalous phenomena persist for a long time, this is a reason to contact medical institution for a thorough examination.

    Below is a table by which you can determine what a person’s pulse should be, depending on age:

    Now it is easy to determine what should be the normal pulse of an adult over the years, because this table is quite simple. Doctors use the same standards when conducting a medical examination.

    Causes of a frequent or rare pulse

    Diseases can affect not only the blood flow velocity of the entire cardiovascular system, but also the functionality of the heart muscle, the state of the walls of blood vessels. If the heart rate deviates from the norm, there is an irregularity of the pulse or its excessive tension, we can talk about the development of pathology.

    Causes of palpitations

    Causes of a low heart rate

    The minimum allowable heart rate should not be lower than 55 beats / min. With such a rare pulse, fainting occurs and the risk of death increases. The following are diseases in which a decrease in heart rate to a minimum is possible.

    It can also occur due to vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), hepatitis, peptic ulcer.

    How to normalize indicators

    An increased heart rate can be seen with both high and low blood pressure. Too low a pulse is equally dangerous, so patients need to know what to do in such situations, since such conditions lead to serious consequences.

    Rules for reducing the pulse

    It can be difficult to understand what caused the heart palpitations. The rules below will help you not to get confused in such a situation and help the patient before the ambulance arrives. You need to do the following:

    If the reason increased heart rate hypertension, it is first necessary to lower blood pressure. If the attacks of tachycardia are repeated, and their cause is not clear, you should immediately contact the medical institution to establish an accurate diagnosis.

    Raise the pulse at home

    All patients at risk of developing such conditions should know how to quickly increase the heart rate. Regular decrease in heart rate, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, often leads to malnutrition of some organs, so you need to act in such situations immediately. To increase the heart rate will help:

    • strong hot tea or coffee;
    • hot bath;
    • rubbing the upper and lower extremities;
    • walking outdoors;
    • intense massage of the earlobes.

    In addition, spicy food, dark chocolate can increase the heart rate. If possible, it is worth visiting a bath, sauna or steaming your feet well with mustard.

    If all of the above methods do not help, the heart rate regularly drops below the norm for the pulse by age, and at the same time the state of health worsens, you should consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis.

    The pulse is one of the main factors that allows you to get information about the state of the human cardiovascular system. It makes it possible to assess the frequency of heart contractions and their intensity, speaks about the state of the body on this moment. That is why it is important to know the rate of a person’s pulse in order to be able to timely identify pathological changes that indicate the presence of any diseases.

    It is important to understand that there is no single figure that could be common for each person. Normal pulse is determined individually, depends on physical health and body condition, as well as age. There are a number of additional factors that affect the change in heart rate. They don't always have to be a concern. Let's consider in more detail.

    Indicators of a normal heartbeat

    The main factor determining the normal pulse of a person is his age. For newborns, a heart rate of about 130-140 beats per minute is considered the normal limit. In one-year-old children, the heartbeat slows down to 125 beats / min. For middle-aged people, the optimal indicator is a pulse of about 70-80 beats. Elderly people record a heartbeat equal to 65 beats / min.

    Interesting! Statistics show that there is some dependence of normal indicators of heart contractions on gender. Heart rate in women is usually 5-9 units higher than in men. At the same time, during menopause, their pulse additionally increases by 7-9 units, which is provoked by a decrease in estrogen levels.

    The next factor that determines the heart rate is physical activity. Let's take an example of an adult. At rest, it varies between 60-80 beats in 60 seconds. When walking, the heart rate rises to 100 (maybe a little more) depending on its speed. Under the influence of intense physical exertion, the heart begins to contract at a frequency of about 140 beats / min. If marked too strong heartbeat, this means that the load is very large, it should be made smaller.

    Important! For people involved in sports, there is a formula by which the maximum allowable heart rate is determined. To get them, just subtract your age from 220.

    The pulse also differs depending on the time of day. For example, during the day, its performance is at around 60-80 beats per minute, in the evening they rise to 90. At night, the heartbeat slows down to 50 contractions in 60 seconds. These are the norms.

    Body position also somewhat affects heart rate. When a person lies down, the heart contracts 5-7 beats slower than in an upright position. Experts recommend measuring the pulse while lying down. In this case, data will be obtained that are as close as possible to the real work of the organ.

    What affects the change in heart rate

    The above are normal heart rates observed in a healthy person. Deviations from these figures indicate the presence of any pathologies or a change in the state of the body. However, in some cases there is no cause for concern. Don't worry when it comes to physiological causes increased heart rate (when the heart rate recovers on its own over time), which does not indicate the presence of diseases. A temporary increase in heart rate is caused by such factors:

    • eating, especially hot;
    • drinking alcohol or energy drinks;
    • increased physical activity;
    • physical fatigue;
    • stress, increased adrenaline levels;
    • long stay in a stuffy room.

    To restore a normal pulse in these cases, it is enough just to wait a while, eliminating the factor that affects the increase in heart rate. With physical exertion, they need to stop, rest for a few minutes. If we are talking about a stressful state, then you can normalize the work of the heart by stabilizing the emotional background. After eating, the heartbeat recovers on its own after 30-40 minutes.

    Important! Causes an increased SS rate and heat body. Its increase by 1 degree contributes to the increase in heart rate by 10 units. To restore its normal performance, it is enough to bring down the temperature.

    If speak about pathological causes increase in heart rate, then they include diseases such as:

    • cardiological diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • disruption of the endocrine system;
    • the presence of tumors.

    In these situations, there is a systematic increase in heart rate, which is noted for several days, provided it is measured at the same time. Also one notices additional symptoms indicating health problems. For example, heart disease manifests itself painful sensations in the chest area, shortness of breath, excessive sweating. There is blanching skin, fatigue, puffiness. If we talk about tumors, there are pains in the area of ​​the affected organ, there is also a decrease in working capacity, loss of appetite. When the neoplasm is big sizes, it is detected by palpation.

    In these cases, you should seek medical help: visit a doctor, undergo full examination, receive information about your health status and required treatment. Ignoring health problems is a high danger, because in any case there is a high risk of developing additional diseases against the background of already existing ailments.

    How to measure the pulse correctly

    To obtain objective information about the frequency of heart contractions, it is necessary to conduct a study in a calm state. You need to put the index and middle fingers on the radial artery, pressing them a little to feel the pulsation. You should count the beats for 30 seconds, then multiply the resulting figure by 2. This will be the pulse rate for one minute. If is checked, counting should be done exactly 60 seconds.

    During the contraction of the heart vascular system more blood is expelled. Its blow to the wall of the artery creates vibrations, which, propagating through the vessels, gradually fade to the periphery. They got the name of the pulse.

    What is the pulse like?

    There are three types of veins and capillaries in the human body. The ejection of blood from the heart affects each of them in one way or another, causing their walls to oscillate. Of course, arteries, as the vessels closest to the heart, are more affected by cardiac output. The fluctuations of their walls are well defined by palpation, and in large vessels they are even visible to the naked eye. That's why arterial pulse most important for diagnosis.

    Capillaries are the most small vessels in the human body, but even they are reflected in the work of the heart. Their walls fluctuate in time with heartbeats, but normally this can only be determined with the help of special devices. A capillary pulse visible to the naked eye is a sign of pathology.

    The veins are so far from the heart that their walls do not oscillate. The so-called venous pulse is a transmission vibration from closely spaced large arteries.

    Why determine the pulse?

    What is the significance of the fluctuations of the vascular walls for diagnosis? Why is it so important?

    The pulse makes it possible to judge hemodynamics, how effectively it is reduced about the fullness of the vascular bed, about the rhythm of heart beats.

    With many pathological processes the pulse changes, the characteristic of the pulse ceases to correspond to the norm. This allows you to suspect that not everything is in order in the cardiovascular system.

    What parameters determine the pulse? Pulse characteristic

    1. Rhythm. Normally, the heart contracts at regular intervals, which means that the pulse should be rhythmic.
    2. Frequency. Normally, there are as many pulse waves as there are heart beats per minute.
    3. Voltage. This indicator depends on the value of systolic blood pressure. The higher it is, the more difficult it is to squeeze the artery with your fingers, i.e. pulse pressure is high.
    4. Filling. Depends on the volume of blood ejected by the heart in systole.
    5. Value. This concept combines content and tension.
    6. The shape is another parameter that determines the pulse. Pulse characteristic in this case depends on changes in blood pressure in the vessels during systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation) of the heart.

    Rhythm disturbances

    With violations of the generation or conduction of an impulse through the heart muscle, the rhythm of heart contractions changes, and with it the pulse also changes. Separate fluctuations of the vascular walls begin to fall out, or appear prematurely, or follow each other at irregular intervals.

    What are rhythm disturbances?

    Arrhythmias when the work of the sinus node changes (a section of the myocardium that generates impulses that lead to a contraction of the heart muscle):

    1. Sinus tachycardia - an increase in the frequency of contractions.
    2. Sinus bradycardia - a decrease in the frequency of contractions.
    3. Sinus arrhythmia - contractions of the heart at irregular intervals.

    Ectopic arrhythmias. Their occurrence becomes possible when a focus appears in the myocardium with an activity higher than that of the sinus node. In such a situation, the new pacemaker will suppress the activity of the latter and impose its rhythm of contractions on the heart.

    1. Extrasystole - appearance of an extraordinary heart contraction. Depending on the localization of the ectopic focus of excitation, extrasystoles are atrial, atrioventricular and ventricular.
    2. Paroxysmal tachycardia - a sudden increase in rhythm (up to 180-240 heart beats per minute). Like extrasystoles, it can be atrial, atrioventricular and ventricular.

    Violation of impulse conduction in the myocardium (blockade). Depending on the location of the problem that prevents normal progression from the sinus node, blockades are divided into groups:

    1. (the impulse does not go beyond the sinus node).
    2. (the impulse does not pass from the atria to the ventricles). With complete atrioventricular blockade (III degree), a situation becomes possible when there are two pacemakers (the sinus node and the focus of excitation in the ventricles of the heart).
    3. Intraventricular block.

    Separately, one should dwell on the flicker and flutter of the atria and ventricles. These states are also called absolute arrhythmia. The sinus node in this case ceases to be a pacemaker, and multiple ectopic foci of excitation are formed in the myocardium of the atria or ventricles, setting the heart rhythm with a huge contraction rate. Naturally, under such conditions, the heart muscle is not able to adequately contract. Therefore, this pathology (especially from the side of the ventricles) is a threat to life.

    Heart rate

    The pulse at rest in an adult is 60-80 beats per minute. Of course, this figure changes throughout life. The pulse varies significantly with age.

    There may be a discrepancy between the number of heart contractions and the number of pulse waves. This happens if a small volume of blood is ejected into the vascular bed (heart failure, a decrease in the amount of circulating blood). In this case, oscillations of the vessel walls may not occur.

    Thus, the pulse of a person (the norm for age is indicated above) is not always determined on the peripheral arteries. This, however, does not mean that the heart also does not contract. Perhaps the reason is a decrease in the ejection fraction.


    Depending on the changes in this indicator, the pulse also changes. The characteristic of the pulse according to its voltage provides for the division into the following varieties:

    1. Solid pulse. Due to high blood pressure (BP), primarily systolic. It is very difficult to pinch the artery with your fingers in this case. The appearance of this type of pulse indicates the need for urgent correction of blood pressure with antihypertensive drugs.
    2. Soft pulse. The artery compresses easily, and this is not very good, because this species pulse indicates too low blood pressure. It can be due to various reasons: a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, a decrease in vascular tone, inefficiency of heart contractions.


    Depending on the changes in this indicator, there are the following types pulse:

    1. Full. This means that the blood supply to the arteries is sufficient.
    2. Empty. Such a pulse occurs with a small volume of blood ejected by the heart in systole. The causes of this condition can be a pathology of the heart (heart failure, arrhythmias with too high a heart rate) or a decrease in the volume of blood in the body (blood loss, dehydration).

    Pulse value

    This indicator combines the filling and tension of the pulse. It depends primarily on the expansion of the artery during the contraction of the heart and its subsidence during the relaxation of the myocardium. The following types of pulse are distinguished by magnitude:

    1. Big (high). It occurs in a situation where there is an increase in the ejection fraction, and the tone of the arterial wall is reduced. At the same time, the pressure in systole and diastole is different (for one cycle of the heart, it increases sharply, and then decreases significantly). Causes leading to the occurrence of a large pulse may be aortic insufficiency, thyrotoxicosis, fever.
    2. Small pulse. A little blood is ejected into the vascular bed, the tone arterial walls high, pressure fluctuations in systole and diastole are minimal. Causes given state: aortic stenosis, heart failure, blood loss, shock. In especially severe cases the value of the pulse may become insignificant (such a pulse is called filiform).
    3. Even pulse. This is how the value of the pulse is normal.

    Pulse shape

    According to this parameter, the pulse is divided into two main categories:

    1. fast. In this case, during systole, the pressure in the aorta rises significantly, and quickly drops in diastole. A fast pulse is a characteristic sign of aortic insufficiency.
    2. Slow. The opposite situation, in which there is no place for significant pressure drops in systole and diastole. Such a pulse usually indicates the presence of aortic stenosis.

    How to properly examine the pulse?

    Probably everyone knows what needs to be done to determine what kind of pulse a person has. However, even such a simple manipulation has features that you need to know.

    The pulse is examined on the peripheral (radial) and main (carotid) arteries. It is important to know that with a weak cardiac output on the periphery, pulse waves may not be detected.

    Consider how to palpate the pulse on the arm. radial artery available for examination at the wrist just below the base of the thumb. When determining the pulse, both arteries (left and right) are palpated, because. situations are possible when pulse fluctuations will be unequal on both hands. This may be due to compression of the vessel from the outside (for example, by a tumor) or blockage of its lumen (thrombus, atherosclerotic plaque). After comparison, the pulse is evaluated on the arm where it is better palpable. It is important that when examining pulse fluctuations, not one finger, but several, is on the artery (it is most effective to clasp the wrist so that 4 fingers, except for the thumb, are on the radial artery).

    How is the pulse on the carotid artery determined? If the pulse waves are too weak on the periphery, you can examine the pulse on main vessels. The easiest way is to try to find it on the carotid artery. To do this, two fingers (index and middle) must be placed on the area where the indicated artery is projected (at the front edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle above the Adam's apple). It is important to remember that it is impossible to examine the pulse from both sides at once. Pressing two carotid arteries can cause circulatory disorders in the brain.

    The pulse at rest and with normal hemodynamic parameters is easily determined both on peripheral and central vessels.

    A few words in conclusion

    (the norm by age must be taken into account in the study) allows us to draw conclusions about the state of hemodynamics. Certain changes in the parameters of pulse oscillations are often characteristic features certain pathological conditions. That is why the study of the pulse is of great diagnostic value.
