Hong Kong flu epidemic, causes, symptoms and treatment. A gift from Asia. What is the danger of the Hong Kong flu expected this winter?

Everyone is susceptible to influenza and ARVI. Many people know how to deal with such diseases, everyone is familiar with effective methods prevention. Another thing hong kong flu. Those who hear about this exotic disease for the first time are wondering what it is? Today we will look into this in detail.

Doctors are afraid of this virus, as there is a high probability that it could cause a real pandemic. This is by no means an exaggeration; a similar thing already happened back in 1968. This year, the virus flourished in Hong Kong, as well as in other countries. It was then that the strain received the appropriate name. Sad examples from the past show that the disease must be treated for its early stages.

Worrying symptoms

After the virus enters the human body, the incubation period is 2-3 days. The difficulty lies in the fact that the symptoms are similar to other types of flu:

These symptoms of Hong Kong flu are standard. Unpleasant problems arise painful sensations in the stomach, indigestion, vomiting.

Important! The disease is especially dangerous for older people and children under two years of age. They often experience various complications.

How does an exotic virus differ from a regular one?

How is the Hong Kong flu different from the regular flu? These questions are primarily asked by patients. However, this doesn't really matter. The Hong Kong strain carries just as much danger as the regular one. This strain does not have any striking differences compared to the usual one.

Important! For this disease, the so-called “ folk remedies", which include honey, hot milk, onions, garlic. These funds can only be used for common ARVI.

Therefore, it would be wiser to start effective and immediate treatment. To do this, first of all, you need to call a doctor at home. Most likely, he will prescribe the same medications as for regular flu. How to treat and about vaccination will be discussed in detail below in the article.

Treatment method

If the above-described signs of illness begin to appear, this is the first signal that you need to stay home. If you ignore this rule and continue to lead your usual lifestyle, you can infect others.

Important! Do not self-medicate or self-diagnose, contact qualified doctors. This way you will stop the disease in the early stages of its development and protect yourself from complications.

Treatment is carried out at home, with bed rest, according to the recommendations of doctors. Hospitalization may be required when the disease is particularly severe.

What is included in mandatory procedures treatment:

  • You need to drink plenty of fluids and exclude heavy foods from your diet;
  • strict bed rest;
  • standard antiviral therapy, which is prescribed by a doctor;
  • symptomatic treatment.

It should be emphasized that the use of antiviral drugs is not always appropriate. They are used only in cases where the disease is advanced and has complications. If the disease is not severe, the body will fight the infection on its own.


How to treat? The following is a standard list of medications:

  1. Antipyretic drugs. The most effective are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Other antipyretics can also be used medications. With this exotic virus, it is forbidden to use Aspirin.
  2. Medicines for sore throat. You can use lozenges, sprays, and rinses. You can also resort to “traditional medicine”. It is very effective to use a solution of table soda with salt and iodine. You need to gargle as often as possible, especially after eating.
  3. Cough syrups. In this case, it all depends on the nature of the cough. If there is a cough with phlegm, the use of expectorants is prescribed. For a dry cough, take soothing lozenges or syrup.
  4. Antibiotics. They are used when a viral infection is joined by a bacterial one.
  5. Sorbents. They are able to reduce intoxication of the body. They must be used in the first days of illness.
  6. Vitamins. They are responsible for maintaining immunity. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is often prescribed.


If you start the disease and do not treat it at all, you may experience:

In rare cases, liver dysfunction occurs, endocrine glands, kidney. But the above complications are possible if there is no treatment at all for of this disease and carry it on your feet.

As you can see, the Hong Kong flu virus causes very unpleasant and disastrous consequences. This once again reminds us that we should not be negligent about the disease and our health.

How long does the treatment last?

This question worries many patients. The main thing in this matter is not to rush. Even if there is no elevated body temperature on the second day, this is not a reason to go to work or school. How many days the disease is treated depends on the human body and the severity of the disease.

For example, in most cases the fever disappears already on the third day. Treatment lasts about 10 days. During this time, you must stay at home and stay in bed. How dangerous is this virus? If treatment is interrupted prematurely, the infection will begin to progress with even greater force and may lead to complications.

Important! If the temperature persists for a long time, in this case it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe additional medications or transfer to inpatient treatment.

Treatment of children and pregnancy

It should be emphasized that Hong Kong flu during pregnancy is treated exclusively in a hospital, under the supervision of doctors. Drugs are used that do not affect the mother's fetus and do not pose a threat to the health of the unborn child. Treatment with antibiotics is strictly not recommended.

Hong Kong flu in a child is also treated inpatiently, under the supervision of doctors. Children are prescribed the use of antipyretic syrups and suppositories. An antibiotic is used if necessary.

Important! For pregnant women and young children, the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner, at the first symptoms of the virus.

Preventive measures

How is the virus transmitted? Transfer is carried out by airborne droplets. First of all, the main method of prevention is a gauze bandage on the face.

Important! If a virus epidemic has been declared in your city, then you need to wear a gauze bandage on your face when you leave the house.

Many people are concerned: is there a vaccine? After all, this will help completely eradicate the problem. Of course there is! The vaccination is given to children and adults. The vaccine must be given in advance so that immunity has time to form. Best time for vaccination, these are the autumn months of October-November.

Additional prevention:

  • minimizing contacts;
  • ventilation of working and living spaces;
  • regular wet cleaning of the apartment;
  • taking vitamins to maintain immunity;
  • regular hand washing.

You should take care of your health. Eliminate junk food from your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, go for walks more often fresh air, exercise. By adhering to the above rules, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of illness.

For many years now, Hong Kong flu epidemics have been occurring in different places on our planet. Moreover, in the majority of people who have been diagnosed this type flu can cause serious health complications, including death.

In this article we will look at the main features, symptoms and causes of influenza.

Disease history

From the name it already becomes clear that the roots of the Hong Kong flu come from China. It was first recorded at the beginning of the 20th century. It is also known as H3N2.

The virus spreads easily among people and this is the main danger. There are many known cases of epidemics and pandemics caused by this disease. The infection has a serious impact on people with weak immunity. Therefore, at the first signs of this disease in people, it is important to immediately vaccinate to reduce the risk of infection. Although the influenza virus was discovered relatively recently, its effects have been felt by millions of people over time.

The first outbreak of the epidemic was recorded in the 60s of the last century. A large number of people have become victims of this disease. The infection quickly began to spread to other countries.

Today, another outbreak of influenza can occur in any country. The main thing is that the epidemic threshold is moderate and does not pose risks to people’s health.

Features of the infection

The main causative agent of the infection is the RNA virus, which belongs to the myxovirus family. Such a virus can cause large epidemics and even pandemics. Most people are seriously affected due to weak immune system. For this reason, a sudden outbreak of pathology can affect a wide segment of the population.

The virus is also extremely unstable to environment. High temperature and disinfectants have a significant effect on the virus, as a result of which the virus cells die.

A spreader of an infectious disease is a person who can infect many people around him during the height of the disease. The duration of the disease can reach up to 7 days. The infection is transmitted through airborne capillary pathways from an infected person during verbal contact with surrounding people.

The main factors include the following:

  • Unsanitary conditions in the premises
  • Unfavorable working conditions
  • Improper personal hygiene Violation of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules

Symptoms and treatment of Hong Kong flu

The first symptoms appear on the second day after infection.

The following symptoms appear:

  • The patient becomes weak
  • Headaches appear
  • Nausea
  • The temperature rises sharply. It can be difficult to reduce with simple antibiotics.
  • The patient begins to shiver
  • The patient experiences pain
  • Pain and burning appear
  • Nasal and throat congestion

During this period, disruption may occur gastric tract, and this can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

After four days the body returns to its previous state:

  • Body temperature decreases
  • General condition is improving
  • Runny nose and sore throat go away

If after four days there is no general improvement in your well-being, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate that the body’s weakened immunity is not able to resist infection, which can result in serious pathologies.

The danger of Hong Kong flu

During illness, patients may panic. They begin to worry about the dangers of exposure to the virus and what the risk of threat to their lives is. Any infection may present serious danger for human life if appropriate measures are not taken to treat the disease.

Since the last century, it has been noted that the Hong Kong flu provokes a number of complications that can be dangerous for humans:

  • Patients began to suffer from myocarditis
  • Severe pneumonia developed
  • A number of pathologies caused the development of encephalitis
  • Pathologies contributed to the appearance of meningitis

Flu can cause serious violations in the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Also, the kidneys and endocrine glands can become the object of pathologies.

Certain pathologies are noted:

  • Liver function is impaired
  • The functioning of the pancreas is disrupted
  • Kidneys suffer

The presence of chronic diseases also aggravates the situation, since infection complicates existing chronic pathologies.

Curative therapy for Hong Kong influenza

When the first symptoms appear in a patient, it is important to exercise common sense and not give in to panic. The patient must remain at home at all times. If the infection has infected children, then it is necessary to refrain from going to school and kindergarten, as this may further complicate the patient's current condition.

Treatment should have a comprehensive approach:

  • The patient must remain in bed
  • You need to switch to a balanced diet
  • It is necessary to undergo general antiviral therapy

If the human body cannot cope with the virus, then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. They also effectively fight the disease.

The most effective among them are:

  • Rimantadine
  • Oseltamivir
  • Viferon
  • Cycloferon

It is also important to take antipyretic medications. To reduce sore throat, you need to use gargles and lozenges. It is necessary to use sorbents to generally reduce intoxication processes in the body, as well as antihistamines.

To improve immunity, you need to consume a lot of vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid.

Vaccination against Hong Kong flu

One of the most effective ways The fight against Hong Kong flu is vaccination. If you do not want to become infected and experience further health complications, then get vaccinated in a timely manner. Getting a vaccine is no longer difficult. The product is entering the pharmaceutical market en masse. Vaccines such as Grippol and Sovigripp can easily save you from infection.

Children should be given special vaccinations. Especially the category of children who have not been vaccinated before. They are required to take a double dose one month apart.

In the Russian Federation, immunization against viruses is carried out at the expense of the state, as well as at the expense of patients.

Vaccination at state expense is carried out for the following categories of citizens:

  • Children from six months of age
  • Students of educational institutions
  • Students
  • Medical staff
  • Teachers
  • Educators
  • Teachers Civil servants various fields activities


It is likely that someone will not want to be vaccinated due to at will. In this case, you must comply preventive rules which will help reduce the risk of infection.

Let's note these rules:

  • Keeping all contacts to a minimum
  • Wash your hands often
  • Ventilate the room frequently
  • Carry out wet cleaning
  • Use antibacterial agents to clean mobile devices

The virus is just as dangerous for mothers. A pregnant woman already has great difficulty fighting infections, but the Hong Kong flu will be more difficult. The virus enters the body of a pregnant woman, causing a risk to the life of the child. This is most dangerous on early stages pregnancy, when the fetus is not yet fully formed.

The main risk groups are:

  1. Children under 2 years old
  2. Future mothers
  3. Elderly people. Elderly people are also at dangerous risk of infection, since their immunity is weaker than that of a young body.

It is necessary to approach the treatment of the disease comprehensively and, most importantly, under the guidance of an experienced doctor.

As you know, a new infection has arrived in Kazakhstan. Already 600 Kazakhstanis have become infected with the Hong Kong flu. The last time our citizens were sick with this virus was in the 60s of the last century. Doctors say that this generation has immunity, but the rest should be careful. We will tell you everything about the “Hong Kong enemy”: what are its features, why is it dangerous and how to treat it.

Why is the flu called Hong Kong flu?

“Hong Kong flu” (AH3N2) got its name “in honor” of the city where one of the massive outbreaks of the disease was observed in 1968-1969. Starting in Hong Kong, the pandemic began to spread to other countries. Despite the Chinese name, residents of the United States suffered the most: in the 70s, 33 thousand 800 people died there from the virus.

In total, this strain of influenza then claimed the lives of about half a million patients: this is not the most impressive harvest - 20 million people became victims of the famous “Spanish flu” at the beginning of the 20th century.

How dangerous is he?

The Hong Kong flu has been assigned the second category of the pandemic severity index: this means that the disease is fatal for 1-5 people out of 1000 cases. For comparison: swine flu first category - they die from it five times less often.

Hong Kong flu is especially dangerous for children in the first two years of life and the elderly; they most often develop complications of the disease. The rest also need to be on alert, since humans have no immunity to this disease, so anyone can get sick.

Viral infection can lead to bacterial pneumonia, damage to the heart muscle, meningitis, otitis media and other diseases, as well as aggravate existing ailments, causing exacerbation of asthma, diabetes, chronic diseases cardiovascular systems s.

Symptoms of the Hong Kong flu

The patient begins to feel the first signs of Hong Kong flu 1-2 days after infection. These symptoms are basically the same as for other types of influenza:

Severe intoxication, which manifests itself as weakness, headache, malaise and even nausea.

Very high body temperature, which cannot always be brought down the first time.

Pain in the lower back, back, arms, legs, eyes.

Nasal and throat congestion.

Dry cough.

Some patients, against the background of the described symptoms, develop digestive disorders - diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting.

The severe condition usually persists for 3-4 days. Then all the symptoms begin to gradually disappear: body temperature normalizes, well-being improves, runny nose, sore throat, cough go away. If the patient continues to feel unwell, the temperature does not return to normal or rises after a short period of improvement, you should sound the alarm. These signs indicate that the body is too weak to cope with the infection and complications may occur.

Complications of the Hong Kong flu

As the 1968 pandemic shows, the Hong Kong flu can cause serious complications:





state of shock.

In addition, the development of tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the ear and paranasal sinuses is possible. Long-term consequences of influenza can be dysfunction of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and endocrine glands.

It is also worth noting that people with chronic diseases internal organs, Hong Kong flu can provoke a serious exacerbation and decompensation of these ailments. Children with great danger birth defects heart disease nervous system, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, as well as adults suffering from cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

How to protect yourself from the flu if I am at risk?

Doctors strongly recommend getting flu vaccinations - there are currently drugs approved for use in children over 6 months of age, in pregnant women, and in HIV-infected people. In cases where vaccination does not protect against infection, it helps to transfer the disease without complications and in mild form.

Another thing is that now, at the height of the epidemic, it is too late to get vaccinated: if you are very susceptible to respiratory viral infections, avoid crowded places, prefer public transport- taxi, private car or hiking and consult a doctor at the first symptoms of illness: he will prescribe you prescription drugs with proven effectiveness against influenza (more on them below).

What should I do if I already have Hong Kong flu?

No one will force you to the clinic, but keep in mind that a doctor’s observation, firstly, will allow you to promptly suspect the development of complications, and secondly, take tests to clarify the causative agent of the infection and begin treatment directed against the causative agent (and not just relief of symptoms).

When the first symptoms of flu appear, the patient should stay home. Going to kindergarten, school, or work in this state provokes a protracted course of the disease, the development of complications and, most importantly, exposes others to the risk of infection. In addition, you cannot engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication - the patient needs a doctor who should be called to his home.

Treatment for Hong Kong flu is usually done at home. If the disease is severe, the patient may need to be hospitalized. Doctors are especially careful about influenza in young children, the elderly, people with chronic illnesses, and also in pregnant women. All these categories of the population may also be recommended inpatient treatment.

The treatment plan for Hong Kong flu usually includes:

Bed rest.

Light meals and plenty of fluids.

Antiviral therapy.

Symptomatic treatment.

Antiviral drugs are not used in all patients with Hong Kong flu. If the disease proceeds without complications, the body can fight the infection itself and does not need additional help in the form of antiviral drugs. In case of severe influenza, the patient may be prescribed drugs active against influenza A viruses: Rimantadine, Oseltamivir. In addition, interferon preparations (for example, Viferon) and stimulators of interferon formation in the patient’s body (Cycloferon, Mefenamic acid, etc.) can be used.

Special attention should be paid symptomatic therapy Hong Kong flu. People suffering from influenza are prescribed:

Antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to stock up on several medications (best of all, paracetamol and ibuprofen), since the temperature may not go down the first time, and you cannot exceed the dose of the drug. If a child is to be treated, then there should be different dosage forms– syrup, suppositories (syrups are more effective for high temperature, and candles are suitable for reducing low temperature and situations where the child vomits after taking the syrup). It is strictly forbidden to reduce the temperature during Hong Kong flu with aspirin; this applies to both adults and children.

The world first heard about the disease in 1968, when the influenza epidemic began in Hong Kong; its causative agent was the AH3N2 virus. As a result of a long study, experts found that the infection used to affect birds, but having mutated, it became dangerous for humans.

Hong Kong influenza virus

Influenza viruses are very dangerous because in the absence of timely treatment lead to death. Unlike other strains, the Hong Kong variety viral disease more difficult to tolerate and affects everyone without exception age groups of people. Especially dangerous disease is for the elderly and children whose body has reduced protection. However, such patients often develop complications when infected with atypical influenza.

The human immune system was not ready for this dangerous disease, so the disease, once in Russia, quickly caused a pandemic in 2016. At that time, the influenza A virus carried the H1N1 marker; in the coming year, at least one case of death of a Russian from the H3N2 strain was already recorded in the country. Doctors emphasize that with timely, competent therapy viral disease you can win.

Hong Kong flu - complications

In people with chronic diseases, Asian flu can stimulate a serious exacerbation or decompensation of these pathologies. Children with congenital diseases nervous system, heart defects, diabetes, asthma, as well as adults with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. A viral infection can have serious consequences. The most frequent complications Hong Kong flu is:

  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • myocarditis;
  • state of shock;
  • encephalitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • ear inflammation;
  • failure of the pancreas, kidneys,
  • dysfunction of the liver, endocrine glands.

Hong Kong flu - symptoms

The disease begins with general malaise person, while the symptoms do not differ from those inherent in a common cold or acute respiratory viral infection. Incubation period the disease lasts 1-2 days, after which the disease begins to make itself felt. Primary and secondary symptoms of Hong Kong flu:

  • Pain in the eyes;
  • high body temperature, which is difficult to bring down;
  • nasal congestion;
  • stomach ache;
  • indigestion (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea);
  • leg pain;
  • chills;
  • lower back pain;
  • throat congestion
  • headache;
  • pain in the hands;
  • severe intoxication;
  • weakness;
  • dry cough;
  • backache.

Usually, serious condition the patient persists for several days, later symptoms gradually become less pronounced. The temperature reaches normal levels, swelling of the throat goes away, coughing, sputum disappears, and overall health improves. If a person infected with this type of flu continues to feel unwell and does not feel any improvement, this indicates that his body is too weak to fight the infection and, probably, Chinese flu led to complications.

Hong Kong flu - treatment

If you experience new symptoms similar to those described above, it is strictly not recommended to leave your home. Visit public places this not only leads to a protracted course of the disease or the development of complications, but can also become the cause of an epidemic. In addition, doctors prohibit self-medication if there is a possibility of infection with the Hong Kong virus. Adequate therapy Only a specialist can choose, whose recommendations must be followed.

Treatment of Hong Kong flu involves drinking plenty of fluids, light meals and bed rest to quickly restore a person’s health. Therapy, except severe cases, carried out at home. It is recommended to call a doctor if the prescribed measures do not help and the patient looks worse and worse. IN in this case the person may be hospitalized. Symptomatic treatment of the disease includes antiviral therapy.

Medicines for Hong Kong flu

Not all patients affected by H3N2 influenza are treated with antiviral medications. If the disease has a calm course without complications, the adult’s body healthy person He is able to cope with it himself, so he does not need additional help. In severe cases of the Hong Kong type of pathology, the doctor prescribes effective means, for example, Oseltamivir or Rimantadine. In addition, stimulators of interferon formation (Mefenamic acid, Cycloferon) or directly interferon preparations (Viferon) can be used to combat the disease.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, they are prescribed the following drugs for Hong Kong flu:

  • anti-swelling/sore throat remedies (gargle solutions, lozenges or lozenges, sprays);
  • antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, others except aspirin);
  • vitamins;
  • antihistamines (help relieve swelling respiratory tract);
  • sorbents (reduce intoxication, therefore they are required to be taken in the first days after infection);
  • antitussives (expectorants or, conversely, moisturizers).

Prevention of Hong Kong flu

The most effective to date preventive measure against an atypical virus is a vaccination. However, not everyone prefers to be vaccinated, so doctors suggest Alternative option How to avoid illness and not get infected. The H3N2 virus will have minimal chance of infecting the body if you follow doctor's instructions. Prevention of Hong Kong flu is:

  • minimizing contacts with people, refusing to visit public places during the epidemic;
  • frequent and thorough hand washing;
  • application oxolinic ointment for the nose;
  • regular ventilation of the home and office;
  • periodic wet cleaning using disinfectants;
  • rinsing the nasopharynx saline solution after coming home;
  • correct rich in vitamins nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids;
  • regular exercise;
  • good rest.

Video: why is Hong Kong flu dangerous?

During the winter months, residents of our country often face an epidemic of influenza and ARVI. Winter 2016/2017 will be no exception. This time, a virus with the h3n2 strain is expected to spread across Russia.

The disease caused by this pathogen is called Hong Kong flu. In 1969, a killer virus raged through Hong Kong, claiming lives. Today the disease will not become a pandemic. This is because in our time medicine has means that can prevent the rapid spread of infection.

To protect yourself from the disease, you need to know its characteristics, symptoms and follow preventive measures.

Why does the disease attack in winter?

The Hong Kong flu, like most infectious diseases, spreads in winter. There is no consensus explaining this pattern, but there are several theories on this matter.

  • According to the first version, the winter epidemic is caused by people spending time indoors. By breathing the same air that spreads bacteria, people are at high risk of infection. To prevent this, you need to prevent the disease.
  • Scientists who have a different theory argue that susceptibility to disease in winter occurs due to a weakened immune system. Frosts, winds, lack of melanin and vitamin D make the immune system weak, which means the chance of contracting the flu increases.
  • There are also those who believe that cold winter air is the root cause of the spread of infection.
  • Science knows the theory that flu epidemics in the winter months occur due to the fact that air circulation in upper layers the atmosphere is disrupted.

Is vaccination necessary?

When a person who does not have special antibodies in his blood encounters a virus, the disease begins. Antibodies are present in the blood of only two categories of people: vaccinated or recovered. Remember that the vaccine will not protect against all viruses, but it will help prevent the flu.

Get vaccinated if the opportunity arises. However, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​waiting for a vaccine in a queue of sick people, since the source of the virus is only another person, and no other option is possible.

If vaccination is not possible, you can protect yourself and your children with simple preventive methods. It is enough to know what they are.


When the season of increased incidence begins, you need to protect yourself by refusing to stay in crowded places. In cases where this is not possible, for example, you have to get home by metro, you can protect yourself from the virus by wearing a medical mask. Mobile phone and other gadgets should be wiped down periodically disinfectants. After visiting crowded places, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It would be useful to use disinfectant gels and hand wipes.

Warm, dry air is an ideal environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes. If possible, free time It's better to spend it outside. In cool, humid air, the rate of destruction of bacteria is very high, so infection during a walk is practically impossible.

It is ideal if the temperature in the living room does not rise above 23 degrees Celsius. To do this, your apartment or office needs to be ventilated as often as possible. It is better not to turn on the heater, but if you feel cold, dress in warmer clothes. Air humidity plays an important role in preventing the spread of the virus. It’s good if its level is not lower than 40%. A special humidifier will help increase humidity. In addition, you need to wash the floor more often than usual.

During the period of the spread of the virus (winter 2016-2017), you need to enrich your daily diet products containing maximum nutrients and microelements. The menu should include as many fruits, vegetables and herbs as possible, as well as foods containing Ca. You can also increase the body's resistance to infection with the help of pharmacy multivitamin complexes.

One of the most effective preventive measures is to moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Pharmacies sell special sprays containing sea ​​salt, for example, "Aqua Maris". This type of product is easy to prepare with your own hands. To do this, dilute 1 tsp in a liter of distilled water. table salt. Pour the solution into an empty drop bottle with a spray nozzle. Moisten the mucous membrane as often as possible by spraying the nasal cavity with the solution. This should be done especially often when you are in a crowded room, for example, in a clinic.


Some people who had the Hong Kong flu in 1968 got serious consequences. Among them are:

  • inflammatory process in the heart muscle;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
  • states of shock;
  • inflammation of the brain caused by infectious pathogens.

In some cases, bronchitis or tracheitis may develop. Happen inflammatory processes in the ear and sinuses. Among the consequences there are malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, endocrine system and pancreas.

People suffering from any chronic disease internal organs, should be aware that the virus often provokes exacerbation of other diseases. In the presence of lung diseases, as well as vascular and heart pathologies, the risk severe complications increases significantly.

Children with diseases of the nervous system, as well as babies born with heart defects, are at greater risk than other people.


If you are not vaccinated against a strain of the virus, there is a considerable chance of getting sick. Symptoms of the Hong Kong flu are felt within a couple of days after infection occurs. Characterized by the following features:

  • general intoxication of the body. Manifests itself in the form of weakness, malaise, nausea and headache;
  • increased body temperature, which often cannot be brought down quickly;
  • a painful sensation of cold, usually occurring when a person has a fever;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa and difficulty breathing;
  • severe sore throat and dry cough.

In some people, the flu also manifests itself with digestive disorders, for example, diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines.

The symptoms accompanying the disease usually subside after 3-4 days. By this time, the serious condition begins to give way to a normal one: the body temperature drops, the sore throat and runny nose subside. The consequences of the gastrointestinal tract disorder disappear.

If treatment does not bring the desired results, the patient still feels lethargic, and the symptoms of the disease persist, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A weakened body cannot always protect itself from the progression of the disease, so in some cases hospitalization is necessary. This measure will help avoid complications caused by the flu.


Hong Kong flu is a disease that cannot be treated only with drugs traditional medicine. Having seen the first symptoms of an incipient disease, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  • Bed rest. A sick person should spend time lying in bed. You should not send your child to school or kindergarten. This will negatively affect the course of the disease, as a result of which the child’s well-being will noticeably worsen. Complications from internal organs and the brain may occur.
  • Fight against increased body temperature. The body's resistance (especially in children) to infection can lead to high fever (about 39 °C). In such cases, it is appropriate to use a medication that has an antipyretic effect. Many drugs today cope with this task, for example, Ibuprofen.
  • Diet. A sick person is unlikely to have a great appetite. During illness you can not use a large number of food, however drink plenty of fluids you can't refuse. The daily menu should include fresh juices, fruit and berry compotes and tea. You can start taking a fortified infusion of rose hips.
  • Drug treatment. Hong Kong flu is a serious illness. Antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed to treat it. Antiviral drugs will be useful in the fight against infection. Among effective drugs highlight "Rimantadine", "Tsitovir-3" and "Arbidol". Coughs and sore throats can be treated with sprays and tablets. Medicines with an antihistamine effect will help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier. During illness, taking vitamin C is beneficial ( ascorbic acid). It is possible to use sorbents, for example, Polysorb, which reduces intoxication of the body.

You cannot self-medicate or select medications without consulting a medical specialist. The unfavorable course of the disease can result not only in complications, but also in hospital treatment. In particularly advanced cases, the virus can be fatal.


Hong Kong flu has symptoms similar to many respiratory diseases. It is more dangerous than the regular flu, so do not delay contacting your doctor if you feel unwell.

Home treatment with onions, garlic and anti-virus medications will not give the desired effect. If the disease affects a child, you need to seek qualified help as soon as possible.

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