Functions of lipids. Fats: Important facts that are interesting to know What functions they perform in the body

What are lipids, what is the classification of lipids, what is their structure and function? The answer to this and many other questions is given by biochemistry, which studies these and other substances that have great importance for metabolism.

What it is

Lipids are organic matter, insoluble in water. The functions of lipids in the human body are diverse.

Lipids - this word means "small particles of fat"

This is first of all:

  • Energy. Lipids serve as a substrate for storing and using energy. When 1 gram of fat is broken down, approximately 2 times more energy is released than when protein or carbohydrates of the same weight are broken down.
  • Structural function. The structure of lipids determines the structure of the membranes of the cells of our body. They are arranged in such a way that the hydrophilic part of the molecule is located inside the cell, and the hydrophobic part is on its surface. Thanks to these properties of lipids, each cell, on the one hand, is autonomous system, fenced off from the outside world, and on the other hand, each cell can exchange molecules with others and with environment using special transport systems.
  • Protective. The surface layer that we have on our skin and serves as a kind of barrier between us and the outside world is also made up of lipids. In addition, they, as part of adipose tissue, provide thermal insulation and protection from harmful external influences.
  • Regulatory. They are part of vitamins, hormones and other substances that regulate many processes in the body.

The general characteristics of lipids are based on their structural features. They have dual properties, since they have a soluble and insoluble part in the molecule.

Entry into the body

Lipids partly enter the human body with food, and partly can be synthesized endogenously. Splitting the main part dietary lipids occurs in the duodenum under the influence of pancreatic juice secreted by the pancreas and bile acids as part of bile. Having broken down, they are resynthesized again in the intestinal wall and, already as part of special transport particles ─ lipoproteins, ─ are ready to enter the lymphatic system and general blood flow.

A person needs to receive about 50-100 grams of fat from food every day, which depends on the condition of the body and the level of physical activity.


Classification of lipids depending on their ability to form soaps certain conditions divides them into the following classes of lipids:

  • Saponifiable. This is the name for substances that, in an environment with alkaline reaction form salts of carboxylic acids (soaps). This group includes simple lipids, complex lipids. Both simple and complex lipids are important for the body; they have different structure and, accordingly, lipids perform different functions.
  • Unsaponifiable. In an alkaline environment they do not form salts carboxylic acids. Biological chemistry includes fatty acids, derivatives of polyunsaturated fatty acids - eicosanoids, cholesterol, as the most prominent representative of the main class of sterols-lipids, as well as its derivatives - steroids and some other substances, for example, vitamins A, E, etc.

General classification of lipids

Fatty acid

Substances that belong to the group of so-called simple lipids and are of great importance for the body are fatty acids. Depending on the presence of double bonds in the non-polar (water-insoluble) carbon “tail”, fatty acids are divided into saturated (do not have double bonds) and unsaturated (have one or even more carbon-carbon double bonds). Examples of the first: stearic, palmitic. Examples of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, etc.

It is unsaturated fatty acids that are especially important for us and must be supplied with food.

Why? Because they:

  • They serve as a component for the synthesis of cell membranes and participate in the formation of many biologically active molecules.
  • Help maintain normal functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems.
  • Help prevent or slow down the development of atherosclerosis and many of its consequences.

Fatty acids are divided into two large groups: unsaturated and saturated

Inflammatory mediators and more

Another type of simple lipids are: important mediators internal regulation, like eicosanoids. They have a unique (like almost everything in biology) chemical structure and, accordingly, unique Chemical properties. The main basis Arachidonic acid, which is one of the most important unsaturated fatty acids, is used for the synthesis of eicosanoids. It is eicosanoids that are responsible for the course of inflammatory processes in the body.

Their role in inflammation can be briefly described as follows:

  • They change the permeability of the vascular wall (namely, they increase its permeability).
  • Stimulate the release of leukocytes and other cells immune system in fabric.
  • By using chemical substances mediate the movement of immune cells, the release of enzymes and the absorption of particles foreign to the body.

But the role of eicosanoids in the human body does not end there; they are also responsible for the blood coagulation system. Depending on the current situation, eicosanoids can dilate blood vessels, relax smooth muscles, reduce aggregation or, if necessary, cause the opposite effects: vasoconstriction, contraction of smooth muscles. muscle cells and thrombus formation.

Eicosanoids are a large group of physiologically and pharmacologically active compounds.

Studies have been conducted that show that people sufficient quantity who received the main substrate for the synthesis of eicosanoids ─ arachidonic acid ─ with food (located in fish oil, fish, vegetable oils) suffered less from diseases of cardio-vascular system. Most likely, this is due to the fact that such people have a more advanced eicosanoid metabolism.

Substances of complex structure

Complex lipids are a group of substances that are no less important for the body than simple lipids. The main properties of this group of fats:

  • They participate in the formation of cell membranes, along with simple lipids, and also provide intercellular interactions.
  • They are part of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, necessary for the normal transmission of nerve impulses.
  • They are one of the important components of surfactant ─ a substance that ensures breathing processes, namely, preventing the alveoli from collapsing during exhalation.
  • Many of them play the role of receptors on the surface of cells.
  • The significance of some complex fats secreted from cerebrospinal fluid, nervous tissue, cardiac muscle is not fully understood.

The simplest representatives of lipids in this group include phospholipids, glyco- and sphingolipids.


Cholesterol is a substance of lipid nature with the most important value in medicine, since disruption of its metabolism negatively affects the condition of the entire organism.

Some of the cholesterol is ingested with food, and some is synthesized in the liver, adrenal glands, gonads and skin.

It is also involved in the formation of cell membranes, the synthesis of hormones and other chemicals. active substances, and also participates in lipid metabolism in the human body. Indicators of cholesterol in the blood are often examined by doctors, as they show the state of lipid metabolism in the human body as a whole.

Lipids have their own special transport forms - lipoproteins. With their help, they can be transported through the bloodstream without causing embolism.

Violations fat metabolism They are most quickly and clearly manifested by disorders of cholesterol metabolism, the predominance of atherogenic carriers (the so-called low- and very low-density lipoproteins) over anti-atherogenic ones (high-density lipoproteins).

The main manifestation of the pathology of lipid metabolism is the development of atherosclerosis.

It manifests itself by narrowing the lumen of arterial vessels throughout the body. Depending on the predominance in blood vessels various localizations narrowing of the lumen develops coronary vessels(accompanied by angina), cerebral vessels (with impaired memory, hearing, possible headaches, noise in the head), kidney vessels, blood vessels lower limbs, vessels of the digestive organs with corresponding symptoms.

Thus, lipids are at the same time an indispensable substrate for many processes in the body and, at the same time, if lipid metabolism is disturbed, they can cause many diseases and pathological conditions. Therefore, fat metabolism requires monitoring and correction when the need arises.

Lipids - these are fat-like organic compounds, insoluble in water, but highly soluble in non-polar solvents (ether, gasoline, benzene, chloroform, etc.). Lipids belong to the simplest biological molecules.

Chemically, most lipids are esters of higher carboxylic acids and a number of alcohols. The most famous among them are fats. Each fat molecule is formed by a molecule of the triatomic alcohol glycerol and the ester bonds of three molecules of higher carboxylic acids attached to it. According to the accepted nomenclature, fats are called triacyl glycerols.

Carbon atoms in molecules of higher carboxylic acids can be connected to each other by both simple and double bonds. Of the saturated (saturated) higher carboxylic acids, palmitic, stearic, and arachidic acids are most often found in fats; from unsaturated (unsaturated) - oleic and linoleic.

The degree of unsaturation and chain length of higher carboxylic acids (i.e., the number of carbon atoms) determine physical properties one kind of fat or another.

Fats with short and unsaturated acid chains have a low melting point. At room temperature These are liquids (oils) or ointment-like substances (fats). Conversely, fats with long and saturated chains of higher carboxylic acids become solid at room temperature. This is why, when hydrogenation occurs (the saturation of acid chains with hydrogen atoms at double bonds), liquid peanut butter, for example, becomes creamy and sunflower oil turns into hard margarine. Compared to the inhabitants of southern latitudes, in the body of animals living in cold climates (for example, in fish arctic seas), usually contains more unsaturated triacylglycerols. For this reason, their body remains flexible even at low temperatures.

In phospholipids, one of the extreme chains of higher carboxylic acids of triacylglycerol is replaced by a group containing phosphate. Phospholipids have polar heads and nonpolar tails. The groups forming the polar head group are hydrophilic, while the non-polar tail groups are hydrophobic. The dual nature of these lipids determines their key role in the organization of biological membranes.

Another group of lipids consists of steroids (sterols). These substances are based on cholesterol alcohol. Sterols are poorly soluble in water and do not contain higher carboxylic acids. These include bile acids, cholesterol, sex hormones, vitamin D, etc.

Lipids also include terpenes (plant growth substances - gibberellins; carotenoids - photosynthetic pigments; essential oils plants, as well as wax).

Lipids can form complexes with other biological molecules - proteins and sugars.

The functions of lipids are as follows:

Structural. Phospholipids together with proteins form biological membranes. The membranes also contain sterols.
Energy. When fats are oxidized, a large amount of energy is released, which goes towards the formation of ATP. A significant portion is stored in the form of lipids energy reserves organism, which are consumed due to lack of nutrients. Hibernating animals and plants accumulate fats and oils and use them to maintain vital processes. High content Lipids in plant seeds ensure the development of the embryo and seedling before they transition to independent nutrition. The seeds of many plants (coconut palm, castor bean, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, etc.) serve as raw materials for obtaining vegetable oil in an industrial way.
Protective and thermal insulating. Accumulating in subcutaneous tissue and around some organs (kidneys, intestines), the fat layer protects the animal’s body and its individual organs from mechanical damage. In addition, due to low thermal conductivity, the layer of subcutaneous fat helps retain heat, which allows, for example, many animals to live in cold climates. In whales, in addition, it plays another role - it promotes buoyancy.
Lubricating and water repellent. Wax covers the skin, wool, feathers, makes them more elastic and protects them from moisture. The leaves and fruits of many plants have a waxy coating.
Regulatory. Many hormones are derivatives of cholesterol, such as sex hormones (testosterone in men and progesterone in women) and corticosteroids (aldosterone). Cholesterol derivatives, vitamin D play a key role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Bile acids are involved in the processes of digestion (emulsification of fats) and absorption of higher carboxylic acids.

Lipids are also a source of metabolic water. Oxidation of 100 g of fat produces approximately 105 g of water. This water is very important for some desert inhabitants, in particular for camels, which can do without water for 10-12 days: the fat stored in the hump is used precisely for these purposes. Bears, marmots and other hibernating animals obtain the water they need for life as a result of fat oxidation.

In the myelin sheaths of axons nerve cells Lipids are insulators during the conduction of nerve impulses.

Wax is used by bees to build honeycombs.

Lipids - what are they? Translated from Greek, the word "lipids" means "small particles of fat." They are groups of natural organic compounds of a broad nature, including fats themselves, as well as fat-like substances. They are part of all living cells without exception and are divided into simple and complex categories. Simple lipids contain alcohol and fatty acids, while complex lipids contain high-molecular components. Both are associated with biological membranes, have an effect on active enzymes, and also participate in the formation of nerve impulses that stimulate muscle contractions.

Fats and hydrophobia

One of them is creating the body’s energy reserve and providing water-repellent properties. skin coupled with thermal insulation protection. Some fat-containing substances that do not have fatty acids are also classified as lipids, for example, terpenes. Lipids are not susceptible to exposure to an aqueous environment, but are easily dissolved in organic liquids such as chloroform, benzene, and acetone.

Lipids, the presentation of which is periodically held at international seminars in connection with new discoveries, are an inexhaustible topic for research and scientific research. The question "Lipids - what are they?" never loses its relevance. However, scientific progress does not stand still. IN Lately Several new fatty acids have been identified that are biosynthetically related to lipids. Classification organic compounds may be difficult due to similarity in certain characteristics, but with significant differences in other parameters. Most often created separate group, after which the overall picture of the harmonious interaction of related substances is restored.

Cell membranes

Lipids - what are they in terms of their functional purpose? First of all, they are essential component living cells and tissues of vertebrates. Most processes in the body occur with the participation of lipids; the formation of cell membranes, interconnection and exchange of signals in the intercellular environment cannot do without fatty acids.

Lipids - what are they if we consider them from the perspective of spontaneously occurring steroid hormones, phosphoinositides and prostaglandins? This is, first of all, the presence in the blood plasma of which, by definition, are individual components of lipid structures. Because of the latter, the body is forced to produce highly complex systems their transportation. Fatty acids of lipids are mainly transported in complex with albumin, and lipoproteins, soluble in water, are transported in the usual manner.

Classification of lipids

Distribution of compounds having biological nature, by category - this is a process associated with some controversial issues. Lipids in connection with biochemical and structural properties can be equally attributed to different categories. The main classes of lipids include simple and complex compounds.

Simple ones include:

  • Glycerides are esters of glycerin alcohol and fatty acids of the highest category.
  • Waxes are an ester of a higher fatty acid and a 2-hydroxy alcohol.

Complex lipids:

  • Phospholipid compounds - with the inclusion of nitrogenous components, glycerophospholipids, ophingolipids.
  • Glycolipids - located in the outer biological layers of the body.
  • Steroids are highly active substances of the animal spectrum.
  • Complex fats - sterols, lipoproteins, sulfolipids, aminolipids, glycerol, hydrocarbons.


Lipid fats act as material for cell membranes. Participate in the transport of various substances around the periphery of the body. Fat layers based on lipid structures help protect the body from hypothermia. They have the function of energy accumulation “in reserve”.

Fat reserves are concentrated in the cytoplasm of cells in the form of droplets. Vertebrates, including humans, have special cells - adipocytes, which are capable of containing quite a lot of fat. The placement of fat accumulations in adipocytes occurs thanks to lipoid enzymes.

Biological functions

Fat is not only a reliable source of energy, it also has insulating properties, which biology contributes to. In this case, lipids allow you to achieve several useful functions, such as natural cooling of the body or, conversely, its thermal insulation. In the northern regions, different low temperatures, all animals accumulate fat, which is deposited evenly throughout the body, and thus a natural protective layer is created that performs the function of heat protection. This is especially important for large marine animals: whales, walruses, seals.

Animals living in hot countries also accumulate body fat, but in them they are not distributed throughout the body, but are concentrated in certain places. For example, in camels, fat accumulates in the humps, in desert animals - in thick, short tails. Nature carefully monitors the correct placement of both fat and water in living organisms.

Structural function of lipids

All processes associated with the life of the body are subject to certain laws. Phospholipids are the basis of the biological layer of cell membranes, and cholesterol regulates the fluidity of these membranes. Thus, most living cells are surrounded by plasma membranes with a lipid bilayer. This concentration is necessary for normal cellular activity. One biomembrane microparticle contains more than a million lipid molecules, which have dual characteristics: they are both hydrophobic and hydrophilic. As a rule, these mutually exclusive properties are of a non-equilibrium nature, and therefore their functional purpose looks quite logical. Lipids in the cell are an effective natural regulator. The hydrophobic layer usually dominates and protects the cell membrane from the penetration of harmful ions.

Glycerophospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and cholesterol also contribute to cell impermeability. Other tissue structures are located membrane lipids, these are sphingomyelin and sphingoglycolipid. Each substance performs a specific function.

Lipids in the human diet

Triglycerides are an effective source of energy. Meat and dairy products have acids. And fatty acids, but unsaturated, are found in nuts, sunflower and olive oil, seeds and corn grains. To prevent cholesterol levels from increasing in the body, it is recommended daily norm limit animal fats to 10 percent.

Lipids and carbohydrates

Many organisms of animal origin “store” fats at certain points, subcutaneous tissue, in the folds of the skin, and other places. The oxidation of lipids in such fatty deposits occurs slowly, and therefore the process of their transition to carbon dioxide and water allows you to get a significant amount of energy, almost twice as much as carbohydrates can provide. In addition, the hydrophobic properties of fats eliminate the need to use large quantity water to promote hydration. The transition of fats into the energy phase occurs “dry”. However, fats act much more slowly in terms of energy release and are more suitable for hibernating animals. Lipids and carbohydrates seem to complement each other during the life of the body.

Definition of indicators lipid profile blood is necessary for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The most important mechanism for the development of such a pathology is the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner wall of blood vessels. Plaques are accumulations of fat-containing compounds (cholesterol and triglycerides) and fibrin. The higher the concentration of lipids in the blood, the probable occurrence atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically take a blood test for lipids (lipidogram), this will help to promptly identify deviations in fat metabolism from the norm.

Lipidogram - a study that determines the level of lipids of various fractions

Atherosclerosis is dangerous due to the high probability of developing complications - stroke, myocardial infarction, gangrene of the lower extremities. These diseases often result in disability of the patient, and in some cases, death.

The role of lipids

Functions of lipids:

  • Structural. Glycolipids, phospholipids, cholesterol are the most important components of cell membranes.
  • Thermal insulation and protective. Excess fat is deposited in subcutaneous fat, reducing heat loss and protecting internal organs. If necessary, the lipid supply is used by the body to obtain energy and simple compounds.
  • Regulatory. Cholesterol is necessary for the synthesis of adrenal steroid hormones, sex hormones, vitamin D, bile acids, is part of the myelin sheaths of the brain, is needed for normal functioning serotonin receptors.


A lipidogram can be prescribed by a doctor both if an existing pathology is suspected and for preventive purposes, for example, during a medical examination. It includes several indicators that allow you to fully assess the state of fat metabolism in the body.

Lipid profile indicators:

  • Total cholesterol (TC). This the most important indicator lipid spectrum blood, includes free cholesterol, as well as cholesterol contained in lipoproteins and associated with fatty acids. A significant portion of cholesterol is synthesized by the liver, intestines, and gonads; only 1/5 of the TC comes from food. With normally functioning mechanisms of lipid metabolism, a slight deficiency or excess of cholesterol supplied from food is compensated by an increase or decrease in its synthesis in the body. Therefore, hypercholesterolemia is most often caused not by excess cholesterol intake from foods, but by a failure of the fat metabolism process.
  • Lipoproteins high density(HDL). This indicator has an inverse relationship with the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis - an increased level of HDL is considered an anti-atherogenic factor. HDL transports cholesterol to the liver, where it is utilized. Women have higher HDL levels than men.
  • Low density lipoproteins (LDL). LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to tissues, otherwise known as “bad” cholesterol. This is due to the fact that LDL is capable of forming atherosclerotic plaques, narrowing the lumen of blood vessels.

This is what an LDL particle looks like

  • Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). The main function of this group of particles, heterogeneous in size and composition, is the transport of triglycerides from the liver to tissues. High concentration VLDL in the blood leads to clouding of the serum (chylosis), and the possibility of the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques also increases, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus and kidney pathologies.
  • Triglycerides (TG). Like cholesterol, triglycerides are transported through the bloodstream as part of lipoproteins. Therefore, an increase in the concentration of TG in the blood is always accompanied by an increase in cholesterol levels. Triglycerides are considered the main source of energy for cells.
  • Atherogenic coefficient. It allows you to assess the risk of developing vascular pathology and is a kind of summary of the lipid profile. To determine the indicator, you need to know the value of TC and HDL.

Atherogenic coefficient = (TC - HDL)/HDL

Optimal blood lipid profile values

Floor Indicator, mmol/l
Male 3,21 — 6,32 0,78 — 1,63 1,71 — 4,27 0,26 — 1,4 0,5 — 2,81 2,2 — 3,5
Female 3,16 — 5,75 0,85 — 2,15 1,48 — 4,25 0,41 — 1,63

It should be taken into account that the value of the measured indicators may vary depending on the units of measurement and the analysis methodology. Normal values also vary depending on the age of the patient; the above indicators are averaged for persons 20 - 30 years old. The level of cholesterol and LDL in men after 30 years tends to increase. In women, indicators increase sharply with the onset of menopause, this is due to the cessation of the antiatherogenic activity of the ovaries. The interpretation of the lipid profile must be carried out by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person.

A study of blood lipid levels may be prescribed by a doctor to diagnose dyslipidemia, assess the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, and in some cases chronic diseases(diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver diseases, thyroid gland), and also as a screening study for early detection persons with lipid profile deviations from the norm.

The doctor gives the patient a referral for a lipid profile

Preparing for the study

Lipid profile values ​​can fluctuate not only depending on the gender and age of the subject, but also on the impact on the body of various external and internal factors. To minimize the likelihood of an unreliable result, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. You should donate blood strictly in the morning on an empty stomach; in the evening of the previous day it is recommended light dietary dinner.
  2. Do not smoke or drink alcohol the night before the test.
  3. Avoid 2-3 days before donating blood stressful situations and intense physical activity.
  4. Stop using all medicines and dietary supplements, except for vital ones.


There are several methods laboratory evaluation lipid profile. IN medical laboratories analysis can be carried out manually or using automatic analyzers. The advantage of an automated measurement system is the minimal risk of erroneous results, the speed of obtaining analysis, high accuracy research.

Serum is required for analysis. venous blood patient. Blood is drawn into a vacuum tube using a syringe or vacutainer. To avoid clot formation, the blood tube should be inverted several times and then centrifuged to obtain serum. The sample can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Taking blood for lipid profile

Nowadays, blood lipids can be measured without leaving home. To do this, you need to purchase a portable biochemical analyzer that allows you to assess the level of total cholesterol in the blood or several indicators at once in a matter of minutes. A drop is needed for research capillary blood, it is applied to the test strip. Test strip is saturated special composition, for each indicator it is different. The results are read automatically after inserting the strip into the device. Thanks to the small size of the analyzer and the ability to operate on batteries, it is convenient to use at home and take with you on a trip. Therefore, persons with a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases It is recommended to have it at home.

Interpretation of results

The most ideal result of the analysis for the patient will be a laboratory conclusion that there are no deviations from the norm. In this case, a person need not fear for the condition of his circulatory system- the risk of atherosclerosis is practically absent.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes the doctor, after reviewing the laboratory data, makes a conclusion about the presence of hypercholesterolemia. What it is? Hypercholesterolemia - an increase in the concentration of total cholesterol in the blood above normal values, with high risk development of atherosclerosis and related diseases. This condition may be due to a number of reasons:

  • Heredity. Science knows cases of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), in such a situation the defective gene responsible for lipid metabolism is inherited. Patients experience constantly elevated levels of TC and LDL; the disease is especially severe in the homozygous form of FH. Such patients have an early onset of coronary artery disease (at the age of 5-10 years); in the absence of proper treatment, the prognosis is unfavorable and in most cases ends in death before reaching 30 years of age.
  • Chronic diseases. Increased level cholesterol is observed in diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, kidney and liver pathology, and is caused by lipid metabolism disorders due to these diseases.

For patients suffering from diabetes, it is important to constantly monitor cholesterol levels

  • Poor nutrition. Long-term abuse of fast food, fatty, salty foods leads to obesity, and, as a rule, there is a deviation in lipid levels from the norm.
  • Bad habits. Alcoholism and smoking lead to disruptions in the mechanism of fat metabolism, as a result of which lipid profile indicators increase.

With hypercholesterolemia, it is necessary to adhere to a diet with limited fat and salt, but in no case should you completely abandon all foods rich in cholesterol. Only mayonnaise, fast food and all products containing trans fats should be excluded from the diet. But eggs, cheese, meat, sour cream must be present on the table, you just need to choose products with a lower percentage of fat content. Also important in the diet is the presence of greens, vegetables, cereals, nuts, and seafood. The vitamins and minerals they contain perfectly help stabilize lipid metabolism.

An important condition for normalizing cholesterol is also avoiding bad habits. Constant physical activity is also beneficial for the body.

In case if healthy image life in combination with diet did not lead to a decrease in cholesterol, it is necessary to prescribe appropriate drug treatment.

Drug treatment of hypercholesterolemia includes the prescription of statins

Sometimes specialists are faced with a decrease in cholesterol levels - hypocholesterolemia. Most often, this condition is caused by insufficient intake of cholesterol from food. Fat deficiency is especially dangerous for children; in such a situation, there will be a lag in physical and mental development, cholesterol is vital for a growing body. In adults, hypocholesteremia leads to disorders emotional state due to malfunctions nervous system, problems with reproductive function, decreased immunity, etc.

Changes in the blood lipid profile inevitably affect the functioning of the entire body as a whole, so it is important to systematically monitor fat metabolism indicators for timely treatment and prevention.
