Treatment of runny nose in children is the most effective medications and folk remedies. Proper treatment of a runny nose in a child Proper treatment of a runny nose in children

Autumn is, in its own way, a wonderful time. Everywhere there is a variety of yellow, red and orange colors, fallen leaves rustling underfoot, the last warm days. But, besides this, autumn brings with it the first cold puddles, wet feet, and colds.

Even though autumn has just begun, we have already managed to earn our first in the new season. We went to the clinic not specifically because of a runny nose, but for a scheduled monthly audience, but since it coincided, we asked the doctor about the runny nose.

I think we were lucky with the local pediatrician. An intelligent, qualified and responsive woman. True, she is not very talkative, but this time she surprised us. Despite the long queue, she found time to draw our attention to the most important points related to the treatment of a runny nose in a child is probably a really relevant topic. What she said seems obvious; I’ve heard it more than once, but I didn’t pay enough attention, believing that a runny nose could be cured with simple vasoconstrictor drops. She also told how to treat a runny nose without drugs, without harming the child, in a short time.

This openness and importance of her knowledge prompted me to write this post in order to share with you, dear readers, this undoubtedly useful and necessary information for every mother.

That annoying runny nose

Runny nose- an unpleasant phenomenon, but inevitable, I think that a family to which this guest has never visited probably does not exist. There are many reasons for a runny nose, depending on which you can qualify a runny nose on the:

  • Runny nose as a manifestation of allergies;
  • Physiological runny nose - a reaction to teething;
  • Runny nose as a manifestation of a cold;
  • Runny nose as a manifestation of an acute viral infection;

With the first, third and fourth varieties, I think everything is clear. Runny nose during teething caused by increased blood circulation in the jaw area, which in turn increases blood circulation in the nasal area, thus causing a runny nose (the same principle can sometimes be observed. A physiological runny nose goes away in a couple of days. As the pediatrician said, we most likely have it is, since the child, besides a runny nose, is only bothered by his teeth, and his body temperature remains normal.

Treatment of a runny nose

I am telling you verbatim what the doctor told us. The main task of parents in a situation where a child has a runny nose is NOT “turn on the heater” and NOT “rather put some drops in your nose vasoconstrictor drops", A don't let the snot dry out !

Without going into medical details, the above rule boils down to the following: if liquid snot - everything is fine, they will either flow out on their own, or they can be easily removed mechanically using a special aspirator or enema. In such a situation, there is every chance that runny nose will go away quickly and painlessly. If the snot will dry up – it is obvious that it will be impossible to clear the nose, breathing will be difficult and the risk of complications will significantly increase, since the mucus can descend into the lower Airways and subsequently cause bronchitis and even pneumonia!

Everything is built on this obvious rule. treatment of runny nose : all means aimed at moisturizing the nasal mucosa and maintaining the desired air temperature in the room to avoid drying out of the mucus are suitable for this. Thus, to basic medications for the common cold include the following:

Cure for a runny nose

  • Saline or sea ​​water for nasal rinsing . You can buy saline solution at the pharmacy, or you can make it yourself: a teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water. Sea water sold at the pharmacy (Aquamaris, Humer (aerosol), etc.). The only thing is that before using the aerosol, be sure to pay attention to the age of the child from which the aerosol can be used. This is very important, because if you use the aerosol earlier permissible period you can create excess pressure in the nasopharynx, and this is fraught with undesirable consequences;
  • Enemas and special aspirators for mechanical removal of snot (relevant for young children who do not yet know how to blow their nose on their own);
  • Baby abundantly give something to drink;
  • Provide fresh, clean and cool indoor air (turn on the humidifier, ventilate often, do wet cleaning);
  • More walk outside;

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Often, when mothers have a runny nose, they give their children vasoconstrictor drops, considering them the only ones possible medications from a runny nose. But such drops should be treated with caution; they are not as harmless as they seem!

The fact is that vasoconstrictor drops have quite a lot side effects and are addictive, so in most cases it is better to refrain from using them. Cases in which such drops must be applied clearly defined. To my shame, I didn’t know them, so I wrote them down right in the doctor’s office:

Cases in which it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drops:

  • At acute otitis media;
  • If the child can't breathe through his nose at all(breathes only through the mouth);
  • If you have difficulty breathing through your nose and difficulty breathing through the mouth(shortness of breath, croup, asthma);
  • If you have difficulty breathing through your nose in a situation where there is a child in the room very hot and nothing can be done about it;
  • With difficulty breathing through the nose and Very high temperature baby's body(more than 38.5 degrees);

So, with a normal runny nose, it is better not to use vasoconstrictor drops.

This is probably all about the treatment of a runny nose. As you can see, it comes down to regular rinsing of the nose, humidification of the air in the room and drinking plenty of fluids. Everything is very simple, but at the same time very important for the child’s health.

Good health to you and your kids!

With love,

Marina Kruchinskaya

Rhinitis, or, as we used to call it, a runny nose, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by characteristic discharge. A runny nose may be accompanying symptom of certain “problems in the body,” but can also act as an independent, separate disease. Let's try to figure out how to cope with this illness in a child.

How does a runny nose develop?

There are three stages of development of a runny nose:

The reflex stage is the shortest, lasting only a few hours. The mucous membrane becomes pale, and the blood vessels sharply narrow. The process is accompanied by the appearance of dryness and itching in the nose.

Catarrhal stage. Its duration is approximately two to three days. The nasal mucosa turns red, swells, and the blood vessels dilate, making breathing difficult. This period can be called the peak of the common cold.

Recovery stage. During this period, recovery occurs functional abilities nose Swelling, redness subsides and returns to normal nasal breathing, burning, dryness and itching in the nose disappear. The contents of nasal discharge become yellow-green and thick. If you start timely and correct treatment of rhinitis, the child’s disease will last no more than 7-10 days.

Treatment of a runny nose

No matter how strange it may sound, the main thing in treating a child’s runny nose is to prevent the mucus from drying out in the nasal cavity. There are situations when the baby has a runny nose, but there are no drops on his hands. Then pediatricians advise preparing a saline solution, which should be dripped into each nostril, three to four drops, at intervals of every half hour to an hour. Instead of saline solution can be used oil solution vitamins “E” or “A” - this helps to moisturize the nasal mucosa, in addition, irritation is relieved, resulting in regeneration of the nasal cavity.

Of course, drops will help you fight a child’s runny nose. Today there is great amount products, among them especially complex furacilin drops, collargol and protargol and some others should be highlighted.

According to the majority, the most “valuable” remedy in the fight against the runny nose is protargol. You will ask why? The thing is that this product contains approximately 8% silver. The drops have an astringent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of an “impending” runny nose in your child or yourself, just drop a few drops into your nose before going to bed. this drug. It is worth noting that protargol is safe even for newborns.

Another drug that we mentioned is collargol. This remedy has the same properties as protargol - the drops also contain silver, so at the first manifestations of rhinitis, drop it into your baby’s nose before bed. Pediatricians recommend using this remedy even for inflamed adenoids. However, do not forget to consult your pediatrician before purchasing this medication.

Complex furacilin drops will be very useful if the baby has chronic or persistent runny nose. The components contained in the drops have antihistamine and antimicrobial effect, while promoting vasoconstriction and eliminating tissue swelling. Use drops 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. You can use cotton swabs soaked in this solution, the maximum “holding time” of which in the nasal cavity is 3 minutes.

Drugs that promote vasoconstriction:

Vibrocil - used at the very beginning of a runny nose, it helps to “thicken” the contents of the nose. Dosage: 1 drop 3 times a day.

Nazivin, on the contrary, is used to dilute nasal contents. Dosage: 1 drop 3 times a day.

Please note that both Vibrocil and Nazivin can be used for no more than 3 days in a row.

Active substance

Name of medicine

Age restrictions

Duration of action

Dose and mode of use


Symptomatic medicines for colds: Rinza, Coldrex, Antiflu, etc.

In pediatrics they are used very limitedly. Approved for the treatment of children over 12 years of age

Few hours


Drops - can be used on infants.

Spray and gel - from 6 years.

6 - 8 hours

No more than 3 - 4 times a day. Children over 6 years old - 3–4 times a day in each nasal passage, 3–4 drops or 1–2 spray injections. Children under 6 years old - only drops 3-4 times a day. From 1 year to 6 years - 1–2 drops, up to 1 year - 1 drop

Nazol Baby 0.125%

From 1 year.

Average duration of action

No more than once every 6 hours. For children over one year old, 1-2 drops. For children over 6 years old 3-4 drops


Naphthyzin 0.025%

From 2 to 6 years

Short duration of action

Imidazoline (xylometazoline)

Otrivin (children)

From the first day of a child's life

10 - 12 hours

3 - 4 times a day for no more than 10 days. 1-3 drops in each nasal passage.

Xymelin 0.05%

From 2 to 12 years

10-12 hours

Instill into the nose no more than 3 times a day for no more than 5-7 days. Children from 2 to 6 years old - 1-2 drops or 1 dose of spray in each nasal passage, children over 6 years old - 2-3 drops or 1 dose of spray

Xymelin 0.1%

Over 12 years old

10-12 hours

Nazivin 0.01%

For the treatment of runny nose in newborns and children 1 year of age

10-12 hours

Place 1 drop into the nose 2-3 times a day. Use no more than 3-5 days.

Nazivin 0.025%

For the treatment of runny nose in children aged 1 to 6 years

Till 12 o'clock

1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. Use no more than 3-5 days

Nazivin 0.05%

For the treatment of runny nose in children over 6 years of age and adolescents

Till 12 o'clock

Sodium deoxyribonucleate

From the first day of a child's life

Till 12 o'clock

2 drops of the drug are instilled into each nasal passage 2-4 times a day for 7-10 days.

Water procedures against runny nose

You can fight a runny nose with hot baths adding a few drops essential oil, the leader among which is rightfully considered to be oil tea tree. About 5 drops of oil are enough for a bath. It is worth noting that children are not recommended to take an aromatic bath for longer than 15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rub the baby with a towel and put warm pajamas on him, after which you need to immediately put the baby to bed. This procedure is very effective not only in the fight against a runny nose, but also against an incipient cold.

The importance of fresh air

Pathogenic microbes that are in the air only aggravate the already not very good condition child's health. And in order for the air to become our ally in the fight against dangerous microbes, it is necessary to humidify and disinfect it. And a specially prepared mixture will help us with this: take 100 ml of alcohol, add 20 drops of tea tree oil and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to it. The finished mixture must be sprayed into the air every hour.

You can also use ready-made preparations produced in the form of aerosols, because they contain essential oils (rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus, cloves), which have an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. In addition, you can moisten a cloth with the appropriate mixture and place it at the head of the sick child.

And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room.

Treatment of a runny nose with inhalations

Inhalations are extremely useful and important procedure in the fight against inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory tract. After taking inhalations, you should never go outside (at least two hours). It is important to remember that the temperature of the water for inhalation should not exceed 40 o C.

Inhalations with pine buds. For 1-2 liters of water, take 3 tbsp. spoons pine buds, which need to be properly steamed until they swell.

Inhalations with eucalyptus. Eucalyptus leaves are sold in pharmacies. For 1 liter of water you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves, which must first be boiled. If you were unable to purchase eucalyptus leaves, then a few drops of the essential oil of this plant can be successfully replaced. According to experts, this medicinal plant from time immemorial it has helped people heal from a runny nose in just three days.

Inhalations using blackberry and coltsfoot leaves. For inhalation, take 200 ml of water, 15 grams of coltsfoot leaves and 20 grams of blackberry leaves. A separate decoction is brewed from each plant, which is then poured into one container for inhalation.

Inhalations of calendula flowers (marigold) and raspberry leaves. Take 20 grams of raspberry leaves for 200 ml of water. The same amount of water takes 10 grams of calendula flowers. Then both infusions are mixed. This type inhalation is very effective for chronic runny nose.

Traditional medicine against runny nose

1. Take 5% iodine and apply it with a cotton pad to the baby’s heels, and put warm woolen socks on top.

2. Nasal drops made from honey. To prepare the drops, you need to take warm water and dissolve honey in it, based on a 4:1 ratio. Use no more than three times a day. Excellent product to combat runny nose even in the youngest children.

3. For acute and chronic forms of runny nose, it is recommended to use beet juice and honey in a 2:1 ratio. Such drops can be used up to 5 times per day. Particularly effective this remedy in the acute form of the runny nose, but it also helps many in the chronic form of the disease. Used in the treatment of inflammation of the adenoids in very young children.

4. Onion drops for a runny nose. Take one large onion and grate it. For a quarter glass of warm water - 3 tbsp. spoons of onion gruel and 1 teaspoon of honey. Everything is mixed thoroughly, after which it is infused for about 30 minutes. The resulting mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve. They can be used up to 5 times a day; it is also recommended to use them for rinsing the nose.

5. A solution that can be prepared in a matter of minutes will help overcome a baby’s runny nose: for this, take warm water(1 liter) sea salt (1 tsp) is added to it, baking soda(? tsp) and 5% iodine (6 drops).

Irina Vasilyeva

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Below are the most common causes of runny nose in children.

  1. Viral infections. Coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and other pathogenic agents cause sharp forms rhinitis
  2. Bacterial and fungal infections. Less commonly the cause of a runny nose, as a rule, they are pathogens on late stages rhinitis during the transition from acute to chronic stage diseases.
  3. Hypothermia or sudden temperature change. Local or general hypothermia/temperature difference child's body is not considered a direct cause of a runny nose, but it significantly reduces the immune response, which in turn allows viruses, bacteria and other pathogens to become active almost unhindered and provoke the development of the underlying disease.
  4. Allergens. Allergic rhinitis is a real scourge modern society, especially for a child living in a large metropolis. Seasonal pollen, hair or saliva of pets, dust, waste products of mites, and other types of allergens can provoke the development of acute and chronic runny nose, which does not go away on its own and requires special therapy.
  5. Manifestations of other underlying diseases. A runny nose almost always accompanies diseases such as influenza, measles, diphtheria, and so on.
  6. Exposure to smoke chemical substances, other irritants to the mucous membrane.
  7. Contact with mucous membranes foreign body.
  8. Side effect row medical supplies(medicinal rhinitis).


The symptoms of a runny nose are quite clear and have a clear clinical picture.

  1. First stage. Dry irritation of the mucous membrane with its hyperemia. There is a burning sensation in the nasal passages; the child constantly wants to sneeze and “cry.” Subfebrinal temperature often appears, moderate pain syndrome heads, general malaise, weakness, in some cases - signs of intoxication with aching in the limbs. As a rule, this stage lasts a day, maximum two days.
  2. Second stage. Swelling forms on the mucous membrane, breathing through the nose is difficult, due to the narrowing of the nasal passages, nasal congestion develops, and in children the ability to sense taste and detect smell is often impaired. Moist serous discharge actively appears, often liquid and colorless - this seeps through weakened small-caliber vessels, the liquid fraction of the blood plasma, which in turn provokes forced secretion already on the mucous membrane. Around the nasal passages, on the wings of the nose and upper lip, irritation appears caused by the serous components of the secretion - sodium chloride and ammonia.
  3. Third stage. When enough strong immunity in a child, a cold may go away in 3–5 days and end in the second stage. If this does not happen, then after some time, you will be able to observe yellow/green mucopurulent discharge from the nose with an almost complete blockage of the nasal passages due to severe swelling. The child breathes exclusively through the mouth, and there is a partial hearing loss due to ear congestion. Under favorable circumstances, after another 3–4 days, the above-described symptoms weaken, the swelling begins to subside and healing occurs 14–18 days after the onset of the runny nose. However, in the absence of proper treatment, in most cases, rhinitis passes into the chronic phase.

Satisfied most of Parents do not perceive a runny nose as a disease and let it take its course, believing that after a while, the child’s immunity will cope with the disease on its own. Unfortunately, modern generation children have weakened immune system, which in turn creates certain risks of complications even after a common cold. A child’s runny nose can and should be treated!

It is very important to understand the cause of a runny nose. If a runny nose is caused by ARVI or a common cold, then there is no need for “active” treatment. First of all, you need to secure an apartment fresh air(ventilate frequently). Secondly, make sure that the air in the apartment is humid. Moisten the nasal passage with regular saline or a preparation such as Salina. In 90% of cases, this is more than enough to treat a child’s runny nose.

What to do if your child has a runny nose

  1. First of all, identify the cause of the runny nose, and do not run to the pharmacy for vasoconstrictor medications.
  2. If the child is small, make sure that mucus does not accumulate in the nose; regularly clear the nasal passages of snot using an aspirator. Can your baby blow his nose on his own? Provide him with disposable wipes that he can throw in a bucket after use to wash his hands. Leave tissue handkerchiefs in the last century - bacteria accumulate on them.
  3. Without emergency do not use antipyretic drugs - the body’s correct immune response presupposes the occurrence of subfebrinal temperature, therefore it is rational to use paracetamol and other medications only in case of severe fever and the indicator rises above 38 degrees.
  4. Try to protect your child from drafts, while regularly ventilating the rooms where he is located, providing, if necessary, normal level humidity.
  5. Avoid nasal drops based on eucalyptus, mint, milk, etc. oils. - in a child, this can not only aggravate the disease, causing additional irritation, an active allergic response, and in some cases even sinusitis, when a viscous substance gets into the nasal sinuses and accumulates there.


  1. , providing temporary relief of edema - Vibrocil, Brizolin, Otrivin, Nazivin for the appropriate age. They can be used for no more than 10 days in a row, since the mucous membrane quickly becomes accustomed to the main substance. active substance medication and its effectiveness is significantly reduced. Moreover, with prolonged use, vasoconstrictor drugs can cause the opposite reaction - drug-induced rhinitis.
  2. - drugs Dolphin, Aqua-Maris, etc. This is done after using vasoconstrictor drugs and thoroughly blowing your nose. If the child is too small and this procedure it is impossible to carry out - use the usual instillation of saline solution or preparations like Salina according to the given scheme.
  3. Local use antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, the drug "Protargol" from the Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory. When instilled, "Protargol" not only prevents the proliferation of bacteria, but also has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Silver ions contained in the Protargol solution block the growth of bacteria and form a protective film by binding to mucus proteins. This helps reduce inflammation in the nasopharynx
  4. With an allergic nature of a runny nose - antihistamines Loratadine tablets or Erius syrup.
  5. Antiviral and antibacterial local drugs. In case of confirmed infectious nature of the disease - use local antibiotics and antiviral sprays such as Bioparox, Isofra.
  6. The use of non-narcotic analgesics and antipyretics of low toxicity with an antipyretic effect as needed - paracetamol, ibuprofen tablets, rectal suppositories or syrup.
  7. The use of immunomodulators in instillation solutions (Derinat) or tablet/syrup forms based on interferon and its derivatives/combinations.
  8. Vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamin C.
  9. Conservative physiotherapy - diathermy, UHF, UV irradiation, inhalation using a nebulizer.

Treatment with folk remedies

Any folk remedies, used in relation to a child in the treatment of a runny nose, should be mandatory Check with your pediatrician!

  1. Squeeze the juice from beets or carrots, dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 1 clean water and place one drop in each nostril three times a day for a week.
  2. Perform inhalations based on chamomile decoctions or salt solutions.
  3. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in 100 milliliters of water, moisten 2 tampons with the solution and place them in the child’s sinuses for 5 minutes.
  4. Take the required amount of onion and honey in a 1 to 1 ratio, make a mixture of the ingredients as much as possible and take one teaspoon 4 times a day thirty minutes before meals for a week.
  5. Brew 50 grams of pine buds in 1 liter of water, boil the broth for 10 minutes, strain and give the child a glass to drink 4 times a day along with honey or jam.
  6. Take dry mixtures of calendula, yarrow and chamomile in equal proportions. Pour one teaspoon of the mix with a glass of boiling water and place on water bath(about twenty minutes). Cool, strain and drop two drops into your nose three times a day for a week and a half.
  7. Cut the onion in half, grate the garlic, and place the ingredients on a plate. Let the child breathe in the released phytoncides until the appearance of a lung burning sensation in the nose/throat. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day until recovery.

Complications after a runny nose in a child

To the list possible complications runny nose in children include the formation of a chronic form of rhinitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, all types of sinusitis, diseases of the lower respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), and in some cases - meningitis.


To basic preventive list measures to prevent the appearance of a runny nose in a child include hardening, normalization of lifestyle with organization proper diet nutrition and a full cycle of work/rest/sleep, taking general strengthening and immunomodulating agents, as well as the use of external protective ointments, applied to inner surface nasal passages ( oxolinic ointment) during epidemics, timely treatment pathologies of the nasopharynx (adenoids, deviated septum, etc.).

Useful video

Runny nose and medications for the common cold - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Komarovsky about children's runny nose

In children?" First, let's find out how it appears.

In the nasal cavity, the inhaled air is cleaned of dust particles and allergenic substances, as well as moistened and warmed. When the immune system weakens, they penetrate into the nasal mucosa pathogenic microbes, which multiply very quickly and damage its integrity. Top part the epithelium begins to peel off, and inflammation occurs. This is called a runny nose. Children are especially susceptible to this problem, because the defenses of a small organism are not yet very strong. So, in children? It all depends on its type. By the way, a runny nose is practically not the only symptom. Very often it starts with a common cold, flu, measles, and joins a runny nose elevated temperature, headache, aches throughout the body. This makes you feel even worse. Therefore, it is necessary to act in a comprehensive manner. An experienced doctor will tell you how to properly treat a runny nose in a child.

Most often observed in children infectious rhinitis. According to most pediatricians, there is no need to rush and use medications for treatment. To begin with, it is enough to bury the baby’s nose with saline solution and rinse it warm water With sea ​​salt or decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula. They will also help natural remedies from aloe and kalanchoe. The juice of these plants perfectly cleanses the nasal passages.

If the runny nose does not stop for more than two weeks, the nasal discharge is thick and purulent, the child complains of headache, his temperature periodically rises to 38ºС, then you must immediately consult a doctor. He will put accurate diagnosis and will tell you how to treat a runny nose in children in this case. In all likelihood, this is sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses (sinuses) of the nose. You will need to donate blood, do a tomography or x-ray. If sinusitis starts, it will turn into chronic form. Vasoconstrictor drops are used for treatment; they help relieve swelling. It is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs in combination. But if the condition is severe, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

The largest ones, the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses, become inflamed most often. This is sinusitis - the most common type of sinusitis. In this case, you need to act immediately and find out from the doctor as soon as possible how to treat a runny nose in children in this situation. It is necessary to quickly remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa and remove phlegm from the nasal mucosa. Most likely, the doctor will recommend this process using soft catheters. The patient is placed on his back on the couch, and the doctor inserts catheters into both nostrils, then slowly pours water into one of them. medicinal solution, and from the second it is sucked out. This procedure is absolutely painless and helps to rinse both halves of the nasal cavity without affecting the respiratory tract and nasopharynx. are cleaned, the pus is removed, and the inflammation gradually subsides.

In any case, at the first signs of an incipient disease, it is best to consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will tell you how to treat a runny nose one year old child, as well as older children and adults.

In children, a runny nose occurs more often than in adults and is usually more severe. Small children cannot blow their nose on their own, and mothers have to show miracles of ingenuity to rid the baby of mucus accumulated in the nose. In older children, treatment is often complicated by enlarged adenoids - this is what doctors call inflamed nasopharyngeal tonsils.

A seemingly banal runny nose can also cause more serious ones, such as sinusitis or otitis media. At the same time, it happens that snot appears in healthy children, and here the main task of parents is to consider and try to eliminate the cause.

Nasal congestion in a child may occur due to too dry air in the apartment. In this case, it is enough to open the window more often. If this is not enough, but you don’t want to use store-bought air humidifiers, you can hang a damp towel on the steam heating radiator.

Sometimes the baby's reaction causes him to sniffle. Watch your child. Perhaps he starts rubbing his nose when a cat appears nearby, or after he eats a certain food.

Or maybe you recently bought him a new toy or changed his washing powder? Be sure to tell your doctor about your suspicions and try to get rid of the possible allergen as quickly as possible.

Difficulty breathing in children may be caused by foreign object, which an inquisitive kid accidentally stuck into his nasal passage. If you suspect that this has happened, do not try to examine the child yourself or, worse, remove a foreign object. Contact your doctor immediately.

However, the most common reason runny nose in children - acute viral infection. In this case, snot helps the baby’s body fight the infection. However, they “work” only if they do not linger in the nose. Turning into a thick mass that makes breathing difficult, snot turns into an excellent nutrient medium for harmful microorganisms.

How to get rid of snot in a child

Use an aspirator

If the snot is liquid, then a special aspirator, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy, will help remove it from the nasal passages.

Put saline solution in your nose

The saline solution will prevent the mucus accumulated in the nasal passages from thickening. Saline solution can be used to combat runny nose even in newborns and infants. You need to instill 2-3 drops of saline into the nasal passages, previously cleaned with an aspirator.

The technique is as follows: the baby is placed on his side, dropped into the nose from a pipette, and then lifted into his arms. This procedure can be performed up to five times a day.

For older children, you can not only instill saline solution into the nose, but also do inhalations with it through a nebulizer. You can rinse your nose with a syringe or special device"Dolphin", which is sold in the pharmacy. It is important not to overdo it here: the pressure should not be too strong, otherwise the infection may get into the sinuses or the middle ear cavity.

It is not necessary to place a child over one year of age on his side. Have your baby sit down and ask him to tilt his head slightly. Gradually pour the saline solution into the nasal passage, wait until it pours out along with the mucus, and repeat the same for the other nasal passage.

Ask your baby to blow his nose

It is important that the baby blows his nose carefully and without straining, first pinching one nostril with his finger and then the other.

Important detail: before rinsing your child’s nose preschool age, explain to him the essence of the procedure and try to turn this procedure into a game. If the baby is afraid to rinse the nasal passages or resists it, you will not be able to rinse the nose efficiently.

How to teach a child to blow his nose

Ideally, you should teach a child to blow his nose when he is healthy, and do it in game form. Offer to play “locomotive” or “hedgehog”, explain how the nose should puff and blow out air.

If your baby is sick, you can teach him to blow his nose when he is not having difficulty breathing. Pinch one nostril with your finger and ask your child to blow through his nose, but do not encourage him to blow too much air. Repeat the procedure for the other nostril.

What to do if thick snot prevents your child from breathing

When the snot becomes thick and nasal breathing is very difficult, without vasoconstrictor drops not enough. You can only use those that are recommended for young children.

In this case, instilling saline solution into the nose will also be very appropriate. It will gradually make the snot more liquid.

What to do if your runny nose doesn't go away

Be sure to show your child to the doctor if:

  • runny nose does not go away within a few days;
  • the snot has acquired a yellow tint;
  • the child complains about .

Otitis media often becomes a complication of a prolonged runny nose. You can suspect otitis media in a baby if the baby screams during feeding or constantly rubs his ear.

Is it worth using “folk” remedies to treat a runny nose?

There are a huge number of recipes for treating a runny nose using folk remedies. But there are even more complications that infatuation can lead to. alternative medicine. Let's look at some of the most popular methods.

ENT doctors are horrified when mothers tell how they put beetroot, onion or garlic juice. Some mothers use Kalanchoe juice to clear the baby's nose of mucus accumulation. It is diluted with water 1/1 and a couple of drops are instilled into each nostril. The baby sneezes heartily and thus blows his nose. Doctors are not very fond of this method: there is always a danger.

We often hear that nursing mothers treat runny noses in children by putting drops in their nose. breast milk. There is no benefit from this, but the harm is obvious. Milk is an excellent environment for the development of microorganisms.

Another way to treat a runny nose without medication is dry mustard. It can be poured into the socks of a child over two or three years old, but only if the baby does not have a fever. Mustard has a warming effect, the heat affects the reflexogenic zones, and the runny nose gradually recedes.

But you shouldn’t warm up your nasal sinuses, especially with prolonged rhinitis, without consulting an ENT doctor. This can cause sinusitis.
