How to eliminate panic attacks. Panic attacks: how to fight through new internal attitudes. Is it possible to get rid of panic attacks on your own?



How to deal with panic attacks, what prevents them and how to get rid of them panic attacks and VSD on your own, what to do, the main steps.

Good afternoon everyone! I immediately apologize that I haven’t published the promised article for a long time and haven’t responded to your comments for a long time, I simply didn’t have the opportunity, I have to deal with urgent matters.

In the previous article we looked at what it is, as well as the symptoms of this problem (I recommend reading it).

Let me just remind you here that PA in its essence is autonomic symptom(a surge of internal reactions), behind which ordinary fear is hidden only in its maximum manifestation. And this is a normal reaction of the body to severe stress.

Now you have developed a conditioned reflex that automatically triggers a panic attack, that is, the body and, in particular, the unconscious psyche remembers and instantly reacts with an attack. You may just approach some place, for example, the subway, a store, etc., where you had a panic attack, or some thought flashes through your mind, and your body instantly begins to react with some sensations (symptoms) ).

Where to start, what to do and how to deal with panic attacks.

The first step, as in the case of OCD (), is to do an examination - an ultrasound of the heart, a tomogram of the brain and disturbing organs.

This will eliminate the physiological factor. And if it turns out that there are no physical diseases, then the reason psychological nature, which is what happens most often. And here it is no longer necessary to treat your symptoms, but to eliminate the very causes of panic attacks, that is, take care of your psyche (thoughts and emotions) and, in particular, work with your fear.

I understand that the article may be difficult to understand and dubious, especially for those who are new to my blog and have not read other materials on this topic. Therefore, before we move on to the very method of dealing with panic attacks, I want to say that you should not immediately draw any hasty conclusions, remember that the meaning of speaking confidently about something appears only when a certain stage has been passed and received own, practical experience. And psychology in general is a paradoxical thing in many ways.

When a woman gives birth for the first time, she cannot know what and how, and this scares her. Yes, she is guided by the knowledge and experience of other women, relies on specialists, which reassures herself, but all this does not eliminate anxiety about the unknown and a new event.

What prevents you from overcoming panic disorder once and for all?

There are two main points here: 1. this is “defensive” (avoidant) behavior; 2. "fear of fear" Having dealt with these moments, I can safely say that you will never have to suffer from panic attacks again.

So, in our life there are ineffective actions, there are completely ineffective ones and there are effective ones. And here only our choice what to follow, what is easier at the moment or what is really effective.

Most ineffective action people suffering from panic attacks, phobias and OCD lies in what is called in psychology - “ defensive behavior”, which most often takes its roots from a pattern of behavior acquired earlier, in childhood. That is, a person resorts to this behavior of avoiding everything restless and exciting since childhood, and with age it only grows.

I have already described what “defensive behavior” is in an article about, in short, this is behavior that a person uses for the purpose of saving, protecting himself (loved ones) from some supposed (contrived) threats, in fact, all the fear here is an illusion , because it is only in the mind, a person is afraid that something might happen to him or his loved ones and does something to avoid it.

People susceptible to PA and OCD feel less anxious by avoiding frightening situations (places) or doing some kind of ritual, they become somewhat more comfortable, but this is only temporary relief, an illusion of comfort, which in the future creates even more anxiety and fears, because avoidant actions only fuel fear from within and people increasingly have the feeling that something might come back, and of course it comes back.

When you use “defensive behavior,” you seem to agree with this physiological reaction of the subconscious psyche, you kind of tell it something; “Yes, indeed, since I’m running, it means there is danger and it’s real.” And the psyche reinforces this reaction, considering it correct and necessary.

Continuing to act this way, a person increasingly loses control over the situation, which leads to despair, because no matter how hard he tries to get rid of the problem, nothing changes, fear only grows, and in all directions.

And now, in order to eliminate this developed conditioned reflex of the psyche (initiation of a panic attack), it is pointless to try to persuade yourself into something or only suppress symptoms with the help of sedatives and antidepressants, but at the same time not change anything in your behavior.

Have you often in your life managed to change some opinion about yourself and situations or console yourself by telling yourself that there is no point in being nervous or that I am confident, beautiful, worthy, good, etc., have you begun to feel this way in reality?

Take a closer look, you will notice that when talking to ourselves, we seem to want to believe ourselves, but the unconscious psyche does not directly listen to us, does not listen to our conscious opinion, no matter how much we want to - we said to ourselves “everything is fine,” but inside we are still restless, you say to yourself; “I understand everything and renounce this belief,” but it doesn’t matter remains and operates.

This is because the deep psyche cannot be convinced simply by words; actions are needed, and repeated actions, since the subconscious needs a “check” that, they say, this is really safe and it will be better this way. The subconscious will not listen until it receives real, practical experience and hard evidence.

And you can continue to rely only on logic as much as you like, continue to look for answers, answer your own questions and expect that “knowledge” alone should already help you, but getting rid of internal problems occurs not thanks to logic, and through effective actions(new behavior) and conscious experience of emotions and feelings when you encounter fear, do not run, but allow yourself consciously observe and endure the sensations without doing anything with them.

In this moment Our body itself is dealing with the problem. , not logic. And so in everything, does logic heal any wounds? No, the body does this, although in cases serious injuries we can help him by using some external means (medicines, bandages, etc.). In psychology, everything is the same - logic guides and supports, and our body eliminates the problem!

When you don't use “defensive behavior” and face your fear, you let that emotion pass through you, allowing your body to adapt to it. Having done this a certain number of times, the subconscious will gain security experience, will listen and cancel this reaction, cancel the panic attack.

Now let’s move on to the main thing, how to behave if a panic attack has already occurred or you acutely feel its approach.

How to deal with panic attacks and get rid of them yourself.

Keep in mind that when I write how to “fight” panic attacks, I do not mean a direct fight, which involves suppressing fear and symptoms, this is a futile action. The fight against PA is the use of the most effective cognitive-behavioral technique, recognized in world psychology, with certain steps that will gradually allow you to stop feeling the horror of a panic attack and completely get rid of PA.

So, the steps themselves are what to do during a panic attack.

New Goal for Panic Attack

First of all, it is very important to set yourself the right goal, everything always begins with a goal, and we need to be clear about what we can do and what we need to strive for.

The wrong goal at the very beginning leads to the wrong actions and leads to a dead end. Just like with hope and perseverance, if directed in the wrong direction it can lead to great suffering, but if directed in the right direction it can bring great benefit.

Your goal now is to “fight and get rid of panic attacks,” strange as it may seem, but this false and harmful target.

You might think how this could be a false goal, when it is so natural to want to get rid of what is so tormenting and interfering with life. Yes, all this is true, except that this goal is impossible to achieve as long as you continue to be afraid of attacks.

Every day, almost all the time you just think: “How to get rid of panic, what to do, and when it’s all over, a nightmare, again these symptoms and thoughts...”, and every day in a circle you continue to think, be afraid and unsuccessfully get rid of it.

Goal: “Get rid of” - doesn't work, it just directs you in the wrong direction, because, I repeat, it is impossible to get rid of panic attacks without ceasing to be afraid of them.

Remember the phrase: “What we internally begin to feel calm about no longer controls us,” because peace of mind does not mobilize our body, there are no unpleasant emotions, and therefore no vegetative reactions (). And for this calm to come, you need to eliminate fear and anxiety, because this brings back panic attacks and certain symptoms.

Therefore our new goal- not to get rid of panic attacks, but stop being afraid of them , remove the mental phenomenon that supports panic attacks, “fear of fear.”

You should develop a clear idea that when PA happens, nothing bad will happen to you, you simply won’t be afraid of it and will know what to do. And when this confidence grows in you, and you stop being afraid of the attack returning, then this will be a very big step in getting rid of panic disorder.

It is also very important to understand that this does not happen, that they have attacks and then immediately disappear, this is simply unrealistic, you must always look at life realistically and understand that you need to work on yourself and time. And often, in solving internal problems, all that is needed is time.

Now let's look at 5 steps to help you stop fearing panic attacks. If you are worried about the number of these steps, do not be afraid, do not get confused, and all the steps result in actions that are easy to understand, and with practice it will all begin to merge into simultaneous or almost simultaneous (parallel) actions.

Step 1 in the fight against panic – Turn on awareness.

Before an approaching panic attack and, even more so, during it, people begin to behave extremely unconsciously; logic is completely subordinated to fear.

And here, first of all, it is necessary turn on awareness , thus, slow down the flow of unconscious, panicky thoughts that only increase fear and then remember the knowledge that you already have that a panic attack absolutely safe, like all its symptoms (we already discussed this point in the previous article), it does not drive you crazy, it does not threaten your life, and you will not lose control either. This has been proven by numerous studies, although PAs look very terrible.

Also remember that all your previous attacks didn't end badly, although you felt disgusting weakness and anxiety after the attack.

Just remember this, trying not to go into further thinking and arguing with disturbing thoughts. Don't fight with panicky thoughts, otherwise it will only get worse, just try not to get hung up on them and watch your thoughts and everything that happens more. In general, study only consciously observe , that's the most important thing here.

Step 2 – Relaxation, breathing and muscles.

Do you know what is the most important thing in life for any of us? Self-care , about our source of strength, without which we are not able to feel good and give a lot, not to ourselves, not to others. And this care begins with conscious relaxation of your body, this also includes breathing.

Breathing directly affects our condition, and muscle tension itself signal the brain that there is a threat, that is, the mind automatically perceives muscle tension as a danger, even if it is not even close. And for this reason alone, people often experience unreasonable anxiety.

Therefore, the next step will be relaxation breathing and relieving tension in the body.

As soon as you regain awareness, use techniques to relieve tension in the muscles of the body, help your breathing become deeper, and then make sure that it does not speed up.

Don’t be confused: you don’t need to try in every possible way to control your breathing, it flows on its own, just move it to your stomach, that is, start inhaling air with your stomach, and not with your lungs, this is diaphragmatic breathing that promotes relaxation. And then take several (3-5) deeper and slower inhalations and exhalations, and now just start watching for breathing. The observer influences the observed; through your observation, the body itself will select the optimal rhythm.

To do better, pay more attention to exhalation; it is with exhalation that relaxation occurs.

When you breathe quickly and shallowly, there is a more intense flow of oxygen into the body, and this enhances internal reactions because oxygen actively promotes the release of more hormones and glucose into the blood. By calming and leveling this process, you do not contribute to the intensification of the attack, that is, you deprive it of additional energy and, thus, it will often be possible to prevent the attack altogether, but let me remind you that this is not our main goal now.

If you have a fear of breathing, and observing this process, you will notice that it begins to get confused, don't try to prevent it, in this case, the most important thing for you is a little bit let go of all control and just watch how your breathing first speeds up, somewhere it starts to get confused, but after some time, if you you will not interfere with attempts to control, faster or slower, but it will gradually return to normal. And it is extremely important for you to gain this experience.

It’s the same with the heart, if you are afraid of an accelerated heartbeat, watch carefully and let go of control a little, let the heart speed up, beat and return to normal on its own, and you just, without interfering, watch everything.

Muscle relaxation. Fear is an emotion that always causes muscles to clench, and this happens instantly. Many muscles in the body contract, starting from the face, shoulders, arms, and back.

Many people underestimate this moment and do not attach importance to it. It seems to people that everything bad inside should somehow go away on its own, but at the same time they can continue do whatever you want with your body, regardless of stress, tension and way of thinking.

Through observation of the body, we remove muscle control where it is felt, for example, clenched hands, teeth, tension in the eyes (necks, cheekbones), and try to do this with complete attention.

Imagine that you have a clenched fist; when you begin to observe it and release control over the muscles, your fingers will unclench on their own, you will not have to make any effort, and this is how relaxation occurs throughout the whole body.

The same thing with the brain: consciously relax your brain, try to take a closer look right now and do this, you may notice how it becomes softer and tension goes away, this is because the muscles of the cerebral cortex relax and spasms are eliminated.

In this way, we relieve unnecessary tension that increases fear and symptoms.

Note. Many people try to use conscious relaxation against panic, thus trying, at all costs, to extinguish the attack. In fact, by relaxing we are not fighting a panic attack, because it is pointless, but simply eliminating unnecessary tension, which maintains and intensifies an already powerful attack.

By reducing the tension, you will not fuel the panic attack and it will pass somewhat faster and calmer.

So don't try to use relaxation only in the context of dealing with panic, it's just a supporting step so that we can be more prepared and focused and can consciously move through a panic attack.

Our the main task now- without panicking in your mind, go through the first attacks and gain some conscious and subconscious experience, see that nothing bad is happening, and you are now, in general, able to manage the situation, and in some cases even prevent attacks.

Step 3 – Detailed observation and disidentification

When fear completely covers you to the point of a white fog, begin to carefully examine all its manifestations within you, in technical plan.

Without losing concentration, try to feel everything down to the smallest detail, every wave of heat or cold, consider in what place, at what depth some sensations arise, carefully and in detail consider the most vivid sensation, it can clearly manifest itself in the chest, stomach, head, etc. Try your best immerse yourself in study this bodily feeling.

Then you can try to visualize the emotion: what color, shape, temperature it appears. This may not always work out for everyone, but it often manifests itself in many people.

At this moment it is very important just watch And Nothing at all don't analyze , no matter how much you want it and how important it may seem. Don’t think what your mind suggests to you, don’t try to understand something or find a logical solution to a problem, this will only ruin everything, focus on the sensations and you will see how something that is no longer as scary as interesting will happen. Observe how the emotion changes over time.

When you simply observe, studying bodily manifestations in detail, you stop identifying yourself with your emotions, and you are able to look at all the sensations from the outside, without commenting or evaluating them to yourself.

This way you give the unconscious psyche the opportunity to receive new experience regarding your fear and its internal sensations.

We will, as it were, say to the subconscious: “Look, I I'm not running away, but on the contrary, I observe and allow fear to manifest itself, you see, I just look and I don't interfere, because I know that nothing bad will happen, and your old reaction is meaningless.”

Gradually, not right away Having received such an experience, the psyche will begin to cancel this reflexive, frightening and unnecessary reaction.

Of course, the sensations at such moments can be completely creepy and unpleasant, but this doesn't last forever and I didn’t say that everything would be easy and smooth. Sometimes we are forced to go through something and endure somewhere in order to get something a thousand times much more important.

Note. Many people think that in a serious condition it is impossible to do this, it is impossible to observe and endure difficult sensations. But just at difficult situations and poor condition and you need to learn to do this, if you try to turn on awareness and observe only when you feel good and are calm, and don’t do it in difficult situations or when you feel bad, this does not give much benefit.

Step 4 – Accept and Trust.

With all our desire, no matter how much we understand and recognize the validity of the knowledge acquired, even if it has been tested many times, latent thoughts of doubt, anxiety and uncertainty always remain at the first stages.

You’ll always think something like this: “What if something happens, maybe it won’t work in my case, what if the doctors made a mistake, what if they didn’t notice something, and what if I’m doing something wrong, but if I don’t understand something,” etc.

In such difficult moment it's time give some responsibility wise body because he is the one who works with your problem, and also trust what you believe in.

Believe in God - trust God, rely on him and ask him to help you endure and live through a wave of frightening and painful sensations, believe in the universe, nature, energies - the same thing.

Now we unable to directly influence thoughts, fears and symptoms will not disappear according to our wishes. And we cannot foresee everything, know for sure and check 100%; it is simply physically impossible.

That's why show some dedication , trust first of all your body, as well as fate, God, the universe, so that they will help you take a step towards meeting your own fears and go through them.

There is still no other way, let me remind you: theory alone has nothing to do with it, theory will prompt, reassure and support somewhere, but without concrete actions it is worth nothing.

Use logic not to try to suppress fear, but as support, which will give you determination and direct you to necessary and effective actions.

Step 5 of getting rid of panic attacks - The Warrior's Path.

Psychology, as I have already noted, is a paradoxical thing and what, at first glance, seems obvious, may turn out to be false.

Have you ever thought that if you try long and hard to do something, it doesn’t matter whether it concerns personal relationships, work or internal problems, but positive changes are not happening, then perhaps it’s not a matter of perseverance, but the fact that something completely opposite needs to be done, even if, at first glance, it seems dubious or even absurd?

This is exactly what we will do now.

When you already have a good understanding of how a panic attack works, what autonomic reactions and adrenaline are, and you the first ones have already been done, tentative steps in this direction, then you can go further and apply very effective technique which will help to finally overcome panic disorder, if you use it.

This method has been used in the West for quite some time, has proven itself well and is currently recognized as the most effective in getting rid of phobias.

For myself, I called it “The Way of the Warrior”; it really reminds me of the concept of “peaceful warrior”, which I think many of you have heard or read about.

A peaceful warrior is a person who is able to overcome his weaknesses, including fear, and develop spiritually, because this is the only way to become stronger, independent, happy and successful.

And in order to get rid of panic attacks forever, we need to approach not as a “victim”, but to show some belligerence.

An athlete who, when going on the platform, does not show healthy, sporting anger, does not fight for results, but arrives in the mood, saying: “Why try and do something when I will most likely lose,” will not achieve much. According to the sports fighting spirit, this is already part of the victory.

And now, instead of giving in and running from fear as before, we will do the opposite - we we'll attack him ourselves .

When a panic attack hits, show sportive anger and address your fear. Say something like: “Well, come on, fear, show what you are capable of, I want you to attack, I’m interested in what you are like, I’m really looking forward to you, show me what you can do with me, let’s show up stronger...” etc. .P.

Turn to fear more often, be more decisive, now you are no longer a victim, not a doll to fight, but a warrior ready to face any danger, especially since this danger is nothing more than an illusion (assumption) of your mind. So you begin to play with fear, and although the game is difficult at first, it is already your game, a game according to your scenario.

Specifically wait for a panic attack, cause it, provoke it to appear and then attack it yourself.

And you may be very surprised, because he won’t do anything to you, often he doesn’t even show up at all, because when you specially cause an attack, it often cannot even manifest itself.

These actions expose the absurdity of a panic attack and fear gradually replaced by knowledge And personal, positive experience, which turn into a strong belief. Faith supported by knowledge, facts and personal experience is not at all the same faith that is not based on anything other than assumptions.

Gradually, the whole situation will begin to seem to you no longer so hopeless, because you will feel the freedom of choice, you will feel that everything ultimately depends on you, the painful sensations change and slowly go away, and now you choose to run or not to run, you choose to do something... do it or don't do it.

Panic attacks, how to deal with them. Additional points

Applying these steps, try, periodically, to come back and look at the breathing and muscle tension in the body, this can be done for just a few seconds. It is important to do this because, unbeknownst to you, breathing can become shallow again, and unnecessary tension can arise in the body.

Having noticed this, simply observe your breathing and release control of the muscles in the place where you felt tension, allow your shoulders to fall along the body, neck and facial muscles to soften, your hands to unclench, your brain to relax, etc., and then again begin to observe the emotion and its bodily manifestations.

You may noticethat some particular action helps you live the situation better. Then pay more attention to this, we are all unique and one thing will help someone better, another will help another.

You can also use something of your own that helps you act; these could be some additional words or auxiliary actions.

For some, for example, visualizing fear will help very well, when visualizing an emotion you can simultaneously present fear in the form of a funny image, a cool picture, for some this will really help.

And for some it will be more important to concentrate more on observing thoughts if they constantly roll in like a stream and your awareness is constantly lost. Working with thoughts is the most important point, observe the thought process more often.

In general, everyone can use something different that will help them get through fear; the important thing here is to just look for something that suits you and try it. The basis of the work remains the same, but additional measures There may be different ones to help yourself.

Small steps. While some people can immediately show decisiveness and act more assertively, many others need to do everything carefully and just a little bit at a time.

Jumping into the pool headlong without insurance and without at least some margin of safety is also unwise. Actions can be absolutely correct, but they are very difficult, especially for beginners.

For example, you have obsessive thoughts, panic attacks, severe psycho-emotional and physical fatigue (), plus agoraphobia, etc., that is, a whole bunch of disorders that continue for a long time.

You hardly go out into the street and then you decide to go out and immediately move far from home or take a few stops on public transport. This approach can be a big shock for you, your psyche is still unaccustomed to this, such sudden and large steps can aggravate the condition and stop you on the right path. It's not good for you to try too hard and beat yourself up.

Remember about small steps, they are the ones that determine success, go outside and walk a little, and then come back, or to start, just stay 10-20 minutes near your house, decide to take the metro, then one stop, etc. That is we are gradually immersing ourselves in the situation.

Many have spent their entire lives so diligently avoiding unpleasant feelings and emotions that their inner intolerance to them has reached enormous limits and during a panic attack it will be difficult for such a person to endure even 30 seconds and consciously observe what is happening. In this case, the first step would be to observe for only 10 seconds and then apply your usual “defensive behavior”, but in the future increase this time a little bit.

The main thing is to take the first few steps yourself, and then it will go easier and with more confidence.

But even doing this will be very difficult for many, and in order to move forward, special preparation is needed, which I described.

Don't focus on the symptoms. When fear comes, we observe everything, this is a necessity, but when it is not there, we do not need to constantly look for any manifestations of it in ourselves.

By continually scanning yourself for symptoms, you intimidate yourself with your attention and train your brain to accept the accompanying thoughts and behaviors. Every day, your anxiety is supported by many disturbing thoughts: “What if I’m left alone, who will help, and if I get dizzy, and if the symptom returns, and if...”, etc., these thoughts alarm you and trigger the symptoms of VSD, provoking new attacks.

There's something for everything golden mean , sometimes in life situations, if you feel something, it makes sense to take a closer look to understand what and why, and take appropriate measures, and sometimes it’s best to simply ignore and continue a normal, full-fledged life, not paying attention to every sound you hear and the slightest gust of wind.

During the day you are still out of habit you will return to scanning your body for symptoms, you will often remember some anxious thoughts, and here it is very important to learn to calmly ignore and smoothly switch attention from them.

What are we ultimately moving towards? Let me remind you that our main goal in the fight against panic attacks is to stop being afraid of attacks and their return. What happens when you stop being afraid of something? You stop reacting to it stop paying attention.

This is exactly what we ultimately need to come to. Of course, this does not happen right away, it takes time and work with yourself, but this is a guideline that you can turn to.

To experience or not to experience fear and anxiety, it doesn't depend on us, sometimes it’s just inevitability, the question is how we react - we always unquestioningly believe, obey and painfully experience the appearance of these emotions and then we begin to live in constant fear, or let's take these emotions calmly And they weaken themselves.

Your mistake now is that you evaluate fear as something abnormal, but do you know that many, bright stages of joy are impossible without the emotion of fear?

When jumping with a parachute, you will feel fear during the flight, but when you land, you will experience relief and intense joy. Fear reactions inside will still continue and these reactions will combine with joy hormones (serotonin, endorphins). At this moment, unusual chemical processes occur in the body during which we feel a powerful surge of energy and mood (euphoria). People experience the same thing when riding on carousels, large slides, while driving fast, or while on a date. Therefore, some, having experienced these feelings, begin to love extreme sports.

In general, in life in general, try easier refers to fear, less painful bias, fear has come, tell him, “Well, so be it, I don’t care, be as much as you want.” Even try to discern something exciting and pleasant in it, because it really is, you just don’t notice it now because you are still afraid of this emotion and fight it, because of this the reactions are so acute, frequent and long-lasting.

Physical activity during PA

I won’t say much here, I’ll just note that smart sports are an excellent way to successfully combat panic attacks and, in general, any psychological disorders. During a panic attack, there is a powerful release of adrenaline and accumulated “precipitates” of unexpressed emotions.

While studying active species sports, you throw out these “precipitations” and excess adrenaline naturally, and this greatly helps to reduce attacks. You are simply wasting the resource on which a panic attack is formed.

In addition, physical activity trains not only the muscles, but also the entire body, including the nervous system, and this also helps relieve some of the acuity unpleasant symptoms during panic attacks.

Medicines and PA

It happens that a person dreams of getting rid of panic attacks, but in a simpler way, smoothly, quickly and without entering into frightening situations, that is, so to speak, for free.

But if in life you can still use a freebie somewhere and get something, then in psychology this does not work. And medications that provide quick but short-term relief also refer to “defensive behavior,” although not everything is so simple here.

If a person takes medicine for years trying only to solve everything and improve his condition with their help, then this is simply an escape from the problem.

But in some situations, when, for example, a person is in a very exhausted, depressed and anxious state, at first, medicine can be a good help, but not just to relieve some symptoms, but to use the improvement to solve the problem – act and apply techniques. In general, I will say that many people got rid of panic attacks without any medications.

Resets - panic attacks return.

Somewhere something returns, the usual rollback occurs and that’s it, despair consumes and the person quits. “Everything doesn’t work out for me, I’m probably not like that, I’m not capable” and gives up just somewhere halfway, or without even walking perhaps a few steps until that desired moment when everything would return to normal.

That’s why it’s so important to have patience, to be patient and give yourself time, because everyone’s time is different, we all have our own body characteristics, some may need three months, while others only one, and this happens.

But the main thing is that one thing remains: learn to live through a panic attack, let it pass through yourself and not be afraid of the attack returning; if you are afraid, then you have not solved the problem.

Remember more often - panic attack is just a symptom, the same symptom of the body as all other symptoms, it is a physiological, protective reaction to overwork, severe stress and tension. Thus, the body tries to throw out the negative layer of emotions accumulated inside and give itself a break.

Finally, how to get rid of panic attacks.

Remember, not only you suffer, but also your relatives, they also bear a heavy burden, many of the burdens of your problems are transferred to their shoulders. Of course, it is impossible for your loved ones to understand you, but this is not their fault, they simply have not experienced and do not know what PA is, and they do not know how to explain to their friends what their loved one is suffering from. Be more responsible in dealing with panic attacks and think not only about yourself.

Feel sorry for yourself less, the “poor me” syndrome immediately puts a person in the position of “victim” and often this is our main enemy. Pity is a consequence of our inability to control our lives. Feeling sorry for ourselves all the time, we allow the people around us, conditions and circumstances to control us and we have no choice but to limply push everything to fate.

There is nothing wrong with sometimes feeling sorry for someone or yourself, if again it does not go to the extreme, but believe me, redundant pity will never help you create strong relationships, arouse respect for yourself and, even more so, solve internal problems.

Agree that you, one way or another, continue to experience suffering, continue to experience attacks of panic attacks, many continue to be tormented by obsessive thoughts, constant doubts and anxieties, and now you are experiencing all this in despair, meaningless struggle and flight from yourself, and now, experiencing these states, you will go through them consciously . “”, that’s the most important thing in everything.

You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop crying and rely on something or someone other than yourself, then you will be able to overcome panic attacks once and for all.

P.S. There will be another article on the topic of how to deal with panic attacks on your own, where we will talk about some hidden issues, in particular, interfering beliefs. If this is important to you, subscribe to updates in the form below. I would also like to add that we can endlessly read smart articles and books, watch videos and engage in self-analysis, all this is also important, but this is only the initial stage, which will not yield results if we do not follow the path of change. I wrote a book in which I described in detail the tools and emphasized how we can transform existing problems and change life for the better, you can use it (link in the picture below).

Best regards, Andrey Russkikh

A book on how to independently deal with obsessive thoughts, panic fears and VSD

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    Good article!
    Andrey, you have already chewed everything, all you have to do is put it in your mouth and swallow it))) Those details that you describe are really like a lifesaver, for those who cannot or want to, but are not yet able to cope with PA. Everything you describe is 100% effective, this is the only way I’ve dealt with PA myself. Thank you very much for helping people in such a detailed format as you do! It is the chewed-up information that is so important to us anxious comrades, and it personally helped me a lot at the time! And this article is absolutely brilliant, it would be a shame not to use it, so guys, Andrei has already given you all the tools, take them and use them!
    Thank you!
    Sincerely, Irina

    • please and thank you for your feedback

      • Andrey, good evening. You have wonderful articles. You are right about everything. I won’t write much, I’ll just say that 10 years ago I suffered from terrible PA for two years. During the first PA, a terrible fear arose, and the body remembered it. I found a good psychologist, he taught the same approach as you! In any fear, go to the end. The first one was extremely difficult. But over time, I came to terms with my conditions. I decided, come what may, and everything passed gradually. For about 5 years I didn’t have PA at all, I became calmer, I managed to strengthen my spirit well. But after 5 years, PAs began to appear again. Of course, I already know what to do. Overall, much better than 10 years ago. Only one question remains. Tell me, if the PAs have returned, probably somewhere in the depths, I am afraid of their return. Do I understand correctly? And my final step is their complete acceptance. Please advise how to finally come to the acceptance of these PAs. I am ready to receive your consultation for a fee. Best regards, Ekaterina

  1. Excellent article, but you did not describe one point, there are people who constantly feel bad, all the symptoms of VSD + dereal, depers. What to do in a situation where he constantly holds? It is extremely difficult to distract yourself from such a state. Once upon a time I was in such a state, now I am left with dereal and periodic PAs with which I cope. But for some reason the VSD does not go away.

    • Vlad, I won’t give you an answer to this question.. How do I know your lifestyle, how you eat, physical activity, whether you use the described practices and techniques to calm your mind and relax, what generally makes you experience depression (what are the reasons). In addition, you write about periodic attacks of PA, this means that you do not solve the problem, but continue to do something that does not allow you to completely get rid of the attacks, of course, the symptoms of VSD will continue until you figure it all out..

      Physical activity (reasonable sports), self-realization (some kind of activity, hobby), work with thinking, a reasonable approach to nutrition... this is what you need to reduce the severity of some symptoms, and then it will increase. Then “distraction” will be more natural and easier to achieve because you will already feel better.. And now just learn to mentally not focus on these symptoms, it will be easier..

      • Andrey, I have a healthy lifestyle, I do exercises in the morning, I run 2-3 times a week, I ride a bike, I also do a contrast shower in the morning, when I can I go to the pool, I try to walk a lot. I eat right, eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey. I don't smoke, I drink rarely and little. Regarding rest, I can’t really rest, because... My wife and I have two small children. Your site has helped me a lot in many ways, you explain things clearly. My VSD began after a strong fright; at first the symptoms were very strong; over time, I learned to cope with them. The only thing that bothers me is the constant flow of thoughts, you write that it is necessary to observe him without going into their details, I am unable to observe them, I begin to observe and over time I seem to get fixated on them, going deeper and deeper. Dereal also happens, but it doesn’t really bother me; after playing sports it disappears altogether. From time to time, irritation flares up inside at all sorts of little things, I try to observe this feeling, explaining to myself that this is a trifle and there is no need to get irritated by it, as you wrote. I can’t do the relaxation technique; as soon as I start doing it, I immediately feel nervous and want to get up and leave. What am I doing wrong?

        • Vlad, you can see your own problem areas, this is what we need to work with.. What is nervousness, why does it occur? think... some of your beliefs are at work here... for example, only by fussing can I achieve what I want. Or why irritation? perhaps because someone is annoying you with their “misunderstanding”, or “being right” is important to you.. Why don’t you allow yourself to rest, because you are striving to achieve something, but at the same time treating yourself irresponsibly, not caring about your well-being at some moments.

          Responsibility should not be half, but 100%, and if you are a good father, work and play sports, this does not mean that you take full responsibility for yourself and solving your problem. .. All these moments of nervousness, irritation, etc. trigger negative, internal reactions and your VSD intensifies, this is what you need to work with in addition to physical activity (physics alone is not enough)... that is, you need to work with thinking... This is the only way you will solve the problem over time.

          Also pay attention to the “fuss”, learn to do everything calmly, without fussing... and since practicing mindfulness and relaxation gives you discomfort, it’s important to pay more attention to this... Do it a little bit, without trying too hard, calmly as if you didn't care.. Trying too hard is just as harmful as doing nothing. Gradually, by doing the practice, nervousness will begin to go away, you will experience a state of mental and physical peace better and better... After all, look, many people want peace in their souls, but the “peace” itself makes them nervous, does this mean something? And for many, this peace of mind does not work out at all, then all the more it is necessary to accustom the mind to this, otherwise how can you relax when thoughts continue to excite the nervous system all the time.

          In addition, in this practice a lot of painful things related to beliefs and character come up, and through practice you work with this. Our main task in practice is not so much to relax as to work through some unpleasant, deep moments.

          • Andrey, thank you very much for the advice. I will try to understand my irritation, I will rest more often and, of course, practice mindfulness. I’m just tired of all this, you’re eager, you try, but there’s practically no effect or there’s a rollback altogether. You said correctly, we need to be more measured.

          • please.. just remember., ambitions are important, but strangely enough, they lead to emotions that prevent us from achieving our goals.. that’s why it’s so important to calm down ambitions and not expect anything, not to look forward to the result, then everything immediately starts to work out easier and simpler. better.
            This is another paradox, in order to solve the internal problem with PA and obsession, you need to give up the fight and such words as “victory”, “deliverance”, etc., and just regularly do the necessary actions and then everything will quietly go away.

          • Vlad, and here you also write that you no longer have the strength, that you put all your strength into something and cannot get results. If you are doing something, running, a healthy lifestyle, realize and do it not for something or someone (not so that neurosis goes away, this is a harmful belief), but in order to be healthy and keep yourself healthy. youth, simply because this is what you want, you like it and you get satisfaction from it. Approach everything in life from this position, YOURSELF, not to the detriment of others, and of course, rest, since you, unnoticed by yourself, have driven yourself.

          • a goal is generally where it all begins, it’s just extremely important to understand your real goal... I’m still going to write a separate article about this, unless of course nothing happens.

  2. I just got to this article... Well, it’s very correct, 120% correct. Thanks Andrey for this detailed article, everyone who has already coped with PA goes through all this, but even after getting rid of it, many cannot describe it in so much detail; defense mechanisms block it during recovery (full awareness is needed).
    Vlad, I can advise you to look at life a little differently, it helped me get out of a similar state. Try to have a neutral attitude towards life, don’t expect good or bad in the future, live in the present, what you see and feel at the moment, don’t rush your recovery, but accept it consciously and love yourself in this state (tell yourself, yes, I’m like this now, and I really love myself in any state, and if I’m destined to live my whole life like this, I accept it). I also had obsessions, but they left me only after the anxiety subsided and the main ones were identified. life goals, and the obsessions themselves were translated into the framework of absurdity, but I’m not saying that I don’t think about them, no, they visit me, but I no longer react to them (after all, these are just thoughts, and anyone can think about anything, although better, of course, about the good). Good luck to everyone, great article..

    • thank you for the review and very intelligent comets.. I can see from him alone that the person has really completely solved this problem.. And I strongly recommend everyone to read it carefully, even re-read it.. here there is another key to the solution - the present moment... By the way, I also wrote about this in the book... In general, I will say to those who lack vital energy, it is not only in positive thoughts, she is more in the present moment.

  3. And also to Vlad about the flow of thoughts, I had exactly this situation, when the first thought popped up I tried not to pay attention to it, but after I switched my attention to it, after 15 minutes I caught myself thinking that it was already me It’s taken over and I can’t get away from it. To do this, I learned to disidentify myself, my thoughts and body reactions (observing everything from the outside). What did it give me? I realized that obsessions come only after certain reactions of the body arise, these are either external factors or, in my case, it is an internal manifestation of VSD (minor fluctuations in pressure, rapid heartbeat), I did not consciously try to fight VSD, and this was a dead end . VSD - if I understand correctly, this is a reaction of the body, I think it can manifest itself in many things, including the weather, but our attitude towards it is another matter. What did I mean by this? Try to analyze the internal or external mechanisms that trigger these obsessions in you and change your attitude towards them (let them be, since this is the functionality of the body and stop wanting to get rid of it). Over time, you will notice that all these reactions have not gone away (and where will they go if it is natural for your nature, you already had them before, you just didn’t pay attention to them before), but you no longer react to them.

    • that’s right - struggle (as everyone understands it) is a dead end... changing perception is what we need to move towards. In general, I see that you give such deep and excellent advice that I don’t rule out that you will teach me something. Thank you! And I highly recommend everyone to read Alexey’s comments.

    • Alexey, thank you very much for your advice. In general, I need to stop fighting VSD. And I agree that obsessions are associated with certain symptoms; I have noticed this many times, but to be honest, I did not think about it and did not connect them with the symptoms of VSD. I will try to understand your advice, try them and write about the result here. I think many will find it useful to read this information.

  4. Thank you Andrey for your attention to my comments. I very rarely visit the site anymore, it’s just that when I have time, I want to come to you and maybe, with my comment, give people who despair of recovery, with my example. The only thing is that I can hardly teach you anything, because I got to this point only thanks to the material on your site and it’s all there. good luck to you).

    • please, good luck to you too!.. And I will be glad to see your further participation on the blog, because you all recommend everything very effectively, and one day I realized one thing - it’s not so important how useful the advice is and what person gives it, as the phrase itself (what words) that can penetrate the soul and turn everything around, you do very well.

    • Alexey, please tell me how long it took you to realize all this?

      • Mara, in my case, I was able to realize all this only after a couple of years. But.. For a long time I tried to fight the consequence of anxiety, and not the root cause. Because of this, he started his own fortune. The time is not important, but the result is important. When you are in such a state, you don’t believe in yourself because you can’t control yourself. This is what scares me the most. And it already seems that you will live in this state for the rest of your life; it plagues you and takes away all your vital energy. Don’t believe yourself, all this will pass and after recovery you will live and enjoy as before. I gained a lot of useful information from this course. life stage. It seems that I used to live automatically, but now I live consciously.

          • remember the time...quickly there is only cheese in the mousetrap.

  5. Andrey, good afternoon! Thank you for the article. How can I contact you? I am writing to you by email, which is indicated in my contacts... And I do not receive a response from you.

    • good time.. I'm traveling now so I don't have time.... check your email.

  6. Oh, Andrey, thank you SO MUCH!!! I have been with you since the end of March, I have been putting everything into practice, I can say that there is a result, but there is still something to work on. I ask you to clarify this point: the triggering factor for VSD is a rapid pulse, which triggers anxiety and nervousness. So how should I feel about him, should I try to take him for granted? I started taking heart drops to calm me down, especially when the weather changed. Please advise!

    • Yes... take it for granted.. acceptance of what is happening leads to calm and deep relaxation.. try to sincerely stop resisting and get rid of what bothers you and watch what happens... And drops by drops, as an adjuvant, there is nothing wrong with this, but for It is extremely important for everyone to learn how to eliminate nervousness and tension themselves... this is the basis of a healthy life and well-being

      • Thank you very much for the answer!

  7. Thank you for the article. I didn’t seem to think that this was important to me, but while reading, I kept remembering my mother. She often calls with a tone like in the movies: “The cast is being removed! The client is leaving!” And for any reason. What is this if not panic attacks? Now I need to somehow delicately explain to her what I learned from this article.

  8. Hello Andrei! I read your article. It made me feel a lot better. I also suffer from PA and intrusive thoughts. It started when I felt very hungry one morning. I wanted to have breakfast, but while eating I felt sick. I went out into the fresh air to get some exercise. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t walk, it was as if my strength had been taken away. I went to the doctors, got tested, all the tests showed positive results. A psychotherapist diagnosed me with self-depression. Assigned a trunk. And a neuroleptic. The condition improved, but not for long. I am currently taking antidepressants. But I still feel bad. Feel constant fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, lump in the throat. I try to eat but I’m afraid every time. No appetite. Obsessive thoughts do not give you peace. In the evening I feel better. At least there are thoughts, but they don’t bother me. I think if I don’t eat, I’ll completely collapse. It all started with food. That's why I have a fear of eating. How can I overcome all this? Thank you in advance!

    • Good afternoon Gulya.. what exactly are you afraid of while eating?.. what specific thoughts come to mind? ..

  9. Hello Andrey, thank you very much for the articles, it helps like medicine. I am finishing my fight with the PA, it seems that there is not long left until an unconditional victory. In this regard, I have a question. Clearly understanding the reasons for what happened (acute stress at work + unhealthy lifestyle), I naturally began to get rid of the reasons. I haven’t drunk or smoked since the first attack. Regarding smoking, I would like to say more thanks to the body for sending the signal, and I have no desire to resume, even more so. But I have doubts about alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a drunkard at all, but sitting down to eat and drink well is still one of the most enjoyable activities for me. Naturally, now this will be much less common. Yes, I understand that the desires are low, but I’m not ready to say that I was “reborn” thanks to this situation, yes, I became imbued with importance, and I realized that someday I will have to reconsider some more of my life habits, but I’m not mentally ready to refuse right now. I understand that from a pedagogical point of view, you are obliged to tell me that this is wrong, but from your articles I also learned that internal harmony is also important. Without these it is certainly not the most best wishes I won't feel complete. Please give me some advice on how I should feel about this: should I try to eradicate it at all costs, or should I consciously come to this? Naturally, taking into account my recent psychosomatic events. Sincerely and Thank you.

    • Good time Yura.. Who said that alcohol is completely bad? TO THE MEASURE it even has some benefits. I myself can sometimes drink in the company of friends, we live for pleasure and full life. What's the point of living if you don't try anything and don't have fun? the incentive just disappears, and I won’t explain everything here about the moral aspects and meanings of life, it’s long, but I answered briefly..

      And sometimes (not often) have a drink and at the same time have fun, unwind, relax, have a blast, this is normal, after all, we are not Buddhist monks denying ourselves all worldly desires, but ordinary, secular people. And if this doesn’t develop into an enviable consistency, then it’s okay... so calm down and just watch yourself so that it doesn’t work out like so many people do. By the way, as you develop, I think you will notice that you will want it less and less.

  10. Andrey, thank you very much for detailed explanation and recommendations.
    For me it all started from afar: first problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then with bladder (constant feeling fullness), although the tests were normal, from which I concluded that it was more psychosomatic. In fact, I am subject to obsessive thoughts and experiences; I cannot get rid of this mental trait. Since childhood, I have been terrified of being left alone, spending the night alone, and so on.
    Now the attack came after a conflict with my husband, because of nonsense, apparently the tension had been accumulating for a long time and splashed out. She began to cry, sob hysterically, could not calm down for a long time, as soon as he tried to say something, the tears flowed again.
    It seemed to go away as soon as I was distracted.
    Then, as a sign of reconciliation, I invited him to the cinema, took popcorn and drinks.
    We left the theater after the film and felt like there was a lump in the throat, along with increased salivation. I drank some water and felt a little better.
    The next day at work I went to lunch, and again the feeling of a lump in my throat came over me, but now also in my chest, so much so that it became difficult to breathe and very scary.
    I went to the clinic to see a therapist, she checked my blood pressure, did an ECG, listened to my breathing, and everything seemed to be normal. There are no objective reasons for panic, but the shaking state continues, up to the point of being forced to lie on the couch, with trembling lips and numb, icy hands.
    She also began to say that it was all in my head, gave me some sedative drops, and advised me to take control of myself.
    I myself was not able to go home; my husband took me.
    But the strange thing is that a day has passed, and the disturbing symptoms have not completely gone away.
    It’s difficult to talk to people; you feel the urge to cry hysterically and shake. It is difficult to eat, there is a disturbing sensation of a lump in the throat, then in the chest, pain in the stomach area, radiating to the ribs, heart, and so on.
    If I eat, I chew for a long time, otherwise I am afraid of choking or that the piece will stick to the larynx and will not pass further down.
    What should I do? I asked to take a week off from work, but suddenly I don’t get back to normal during this time?
    The therapist said that people with such complaints are not admitted to the hospital, it is not a stroke or a heart attack, and they do not give sick leave either.
    How to get back to normal? Is it worth contacting paid psychotherapists or taking strong drugs like phenozipam? I can imagine what the side effects are after them, I’m not particularly enthusiastic.
    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    • Good afternoon... It’s important for you to learn how to relax tense areas of the body... for example, if you feel tension and anxiety when you eat, consciously relax the muscles of your throat and neck... You should eat slowly, but tension due to fear creates a lump in throat, learn to relax it while eating.. the same with the chest.. As soon as you begin to relax and you calm down internally, the symptoms will begin to disappear.. Yes, I recommend contacting a psychotherapist if you can’t cope with it yourself..

      • Andrey, thank you very much for your answer.
        I visited a psychotherapist and am taking the medications he prescribed. I went to work, everything was fine. And today on the weekend I had a feeling increased salivation, sore throat. I had to leave the language course early. There was a desire to constantly spit out excess saliva, as if it had become too viscous and this made it unpleasant. It's a little hard to say. Tell me, is it normal that such symptoms continue to remind of themselves? Is it possible to live and work fully when you don’t know what to expect from your body?

        • Good afternoon.. it is important for you to learn to relax, Sveta, and also to apply the techniques that I describe on the site to relieve chronic anxiety.. and also learn to pay less attention to the body’s reactions, which are simply reactions to stress. Relax, calm down and allow yourself to just rest morally and see what happens with these symptoms

  11. Andrey, thank you very much for the article!
    I have been suffering from PA for only 2 months, it all started suddenly, while jogging at the stadium, I was running, listening to music and was not afraid of anything and there were no previous stresses... I felt very dizzy and thought I would lose consciousness, then somehow it passed an hour later in the evening blood pressure and pulse began to jump strongly, ambulance... My main fear is losing consciousness, please tell me again, are you sure this doesn’t make you lose consciousness? (the pressure is jumping!)
    P.S. Sami (slight dizziness began with me at the age of 10, repeated periodically, I always thought it was due to a change in the weather :)
    On September 1st I sent my daughter to kindergarten (for only 4 hours a day), she likes it there, maybe subconsciously, but I’m afraid for her? So, on September 1st, severe periodic dizziness began, and on the 10th, PA happened, they called an ambulance, the pressure was 160...
    Passed full examination- I am physically healthy, and the neurologist diagnosed: neurasthenia, anxiety-depressive syndrome, panic attacks... Three diagnoses... Is it possible to cope with this on my own? While I'm taking antidepressants...

    • Hello Elena.. you can and should do it yourself.. follow the article.. and be sure to read other articles on the blog and most importantly - APPLY, see what changes.

  12. Good evening, Andrey!
    I have re-read many of your articles. I’m gradually applying your advice, a number of restless thoughts fade into the background. At the same time, I cannot completely get rid of anxiety. Some transfers are replaced by others. It feels like I'm used to worrying and can't get rid of it. But the saddest thing is that I can’t get rid of the fear of swallowing. I'm afraid I won't be able to swallow. It's as if the reflex won't work. And it turns out that I constantly control the process of chewing and swallowing. I’m chewing and thinking I should swallow, but I don’t swallow, now I’ll swallow and, naturally, at some point it doesn’t work, but then I swallow right away. I understand perfectly well that sometimes this happens, because I am trying to control what happens uncontrollably. But when I start eating or drinking, an association with fear immediately arises. If I still manage to distract myself, do some action, that is, shift my attention away from swallowing, then naturally, I swallow normally. Sometimes I even catch myself forgetting about my fear and eating normally. The question at the moment is that there seems to be some kind of aggravation and I again cannot free myself from this fear for many days now. How to forget about your fear while eating and start enjoying food again.

    • Good morning Marina.. It is important for you not to forget about your fear, because it has already been deposited in your memory and there is no point in fighting with memory, you need to start not being distracted from fear, but while eating, RELAX your throat and neck... You just have... due to fear, there is a predisposition to such a symptom as tension in the muscles of the larynx... that’s why you can’t swallow when you feel fear and watch the swallowing.
      Do the same thing, eat, but at this moment do not try to be distracted, but focus more attention on relaxing your throat and everything is as in the article... consciously observe the sensations... As soon as you begin to achieve relaxation and you see this, the fear YOURSELF will subside, you will simply be able to let go of this unnecessary control through relaxation

      • Andrey, thank you very much for your advice. I myself am very interested in psychology, sometimes I want to retrain. Sometimes, when communicating with people, I saw that my advice helped others understand some life issues and experiences. But it’s difficult to help yourself. I understand everything, but in reality it doesn’t always work out. Well, the main thing is not to give up. I will work on myself with the help of your articles.
        Good luck to you and thank you very much again!

        • You're welcome.. and thanks for the wishes! Mutually!

          • Andrey, good afternoon. Your advice to relax while eating helps. And everything seems to be fine for a few days. Thoughts are present, but I eat normally, and then at some point I think about the swallowing process again and the swallowing reflex seems to disappear, then of course I swallow, but there is a terrible feeling of frustration that nothing is working out. Tell me, in your practice, have people with the same problem gotten rid of this fear of “not being able to swallow” or is it forever? I apparently made one mistake here. The other day I went online to read forums about anyone who had encountered such a problem. So they only write that they can’t cope and everything is only getting worse... this just makes me sad. Everything is fine in my family, I have a caring husband, two sons, one of them is 5 months old, thank God they are all healthy, but instead of enjoying life, I torment myself with this fear. I'm afraid that I'll lose the ability to eat altogether and go crazy...

          • Good time.. and don’t wait for the fear to pass.. because the reason it doesn’t go away is that you are waiting all the time, trying to control the situation, and this creates internal resistance. I have already written more than once in articles that you need to treat it with acceptance. I managed to relax now - good, it didn’t work out, so it’s not time yet. This reaction gradually dissolves when a person sincerely comes to terms with it and allows himself to completely relax. After all, when you don’t think about the problem, the problem disappears, you relax and everything is fine... but then you create the problem yourself when you start waiting and thinking about it. Even in the article about obsessive thoughts, I wrote - to catch this “desire to get rid” itself and observe it, otherwise you end up with the same struggle, only from a different door. - this fight ruins everything.

          • Andrey, good afternoon. Six months later, I learned to cope with the fear of swallowing, or rather control it, thanks to your advice and articles. But then a new obsessive thought arose. Or it simply replaced the previous problem. Now I have a fear of harming loved ones. I see a news story somewhere about a good-for-nothing mother and start thinking. She seemed to be normal in appearance, but she behaved like that. And then fear arises, why does she seem to be normal, but she did this, and what if I do the same, what if I can’t control myself. Sometimes I seem to get distracted, my thoughts go somewhere. Then I look at my child and panic - he is so good, sweet, he feels safe next to me, what if I harm him. Then, looking at him, I kind of check myself to see if I have bad thoughts in relation to him, then terrible annoyance and remorse, or something, that I even think about it. Some kind of nightmare. I’m already trying not to respond to these thoughts, as if I’m not entering into dialogue, but it’s not working yet. At this point I’m already thinking it would be better if I was afraid to swallow. Apparently I have some kind of advanced case. Please help me with advice. Tell me, is there any point in understanding where this anxious state came from? Sometimes I feel like I can't help but worry about something and when one fear passes, another appears.

          • Hello Marina! The fear of losing control is one of the most poisonous things in life. In fact, this is only an apparent impression reinforced by the feeling that I am not in control of myself. But you still control yourself in life, take a closer look, you may not always restrain some of your impulses, but nevertheless your behavior depends on you! In general, I had such a fear, it occurs in people who cease to control life, but strangely enough, the more we try to control something, the less we control it, because such strict control stresses, tires and deprives us of vital energy.
            The most important thing is awareness in life, relaxation and disinhibition, awareness is the highest degree of control, and soft, natural, not requiring double-checks, changes of mind and tension! And when we are relaxed, we do everything better, our hands don’t tremble, our legs don’t give way, there’s no “fog” in our heads from anxious thoughts, everything is grasped and grasped faster and more clearly.

            It is important for you to gradually let go of tight control, and stop “double-checking” thoughts (whether they exist or not) and assumptions like, “what if something..” Try more to live with attention in the present!

  13. There are situations in life that lead to panic, nervousness and simply prevent you from enjoying peace. They are usually caused for various reasons and events that will soon overtake. This is, perhaps, fear of upcoming exams and fear of marriage (this also happens), as well as fear of losing someone close to you. You need to find the strength to overcome yourself, conquer your fate, covering fear with neutral or bright colors, switching to another event, you don’t need to constantly think in a negative way in order to drive away bad thoughts Push. First of all, it's psychology.

  14. Andrey, your advice helps me a lot, I experience panic and commotion intermittently... For six months everything was just fine, but this terrible word is setback. I scared myself again and again. But now it’s easier for me, I try to be distracted as much as possible. By evening everything goes away and I calm down. But what do you do at work when you yourself don’t notice how you’re doing things and your thoughts are carried away into the distance and you can’t stop them... and it begins, panic grows, but you have to pretend that everything is fine, people will think what they think. And this makes the situation worse. I wrote to you a long time ago, I had a lot of everything, I overcame this, but now I have an obsession to explain everything and analyze everything, how I think, how I speak, etc. I understand that this is impossible, it’s all natural, like breathing. But, you understand. Are you going to convince yourself to panic? I’ll repeat in the evening, everything works out, I’m distracted by my family, business... How to cope at work?
    This is very important for me..I want to become strong and control myself..Because I lost my child last summer, it really hit me. But on the other hand, it made me stronger.. And I have a goal to give birth to a healthy baby, but you yourself understand with my nerves this is extremely problematic.

    • hello.. It is important for you to read and START APPLYING the article about mindfulness (available on the blog), the answer is there.. and do mindfulness practice more often, then no matter where you are, you will always be able to stay focused. - in short, read how to shut up with your mind.

  15. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Andrey Russkikh. He is the best psychologist I have ever read. Thank you very much

    • Alexander! I agree with you 200%!
      Andrey, thank you for your articles. Psychology is 100% your calling!

      • Answer
  16. Hello Andrey! In 2000, I experienced Pa. with a spasm in my breathing and all the delights of this scourge. After rushing around to doctors, I ended up with an experienced psychotherapist (a rarity in Israel and I was just lucky). She worked with me using the method exactly described in your article + therapy with Bach's infusions. within a year I returned to normal life. 16 years passed and everything happened again. But I remembered the instructions, so I coped with the attack (with difficulty). Immediately fears of loneliness and the elevator appeared (I live on the 7th floor) and I set myself a goal - get rid of this on your own. I hope it works..

    • Hello.. it will definitely work. .. the main thing is to act correctly

    • Inna, good afternoon!
      Please tell me a doctor in Israel.

  17. Good evening! WITH today I started reading your articles. Everything is accessible and extremely clear. For the first time in 13 years of my torment (PA, dizziness, tachycardia, tremors, faintness, clouding of consciousness, periodic weakness, terrible thoughts, occasional depression, claustrophobia, acrophobia, agoraphobia and much more. Over the years, one thing replaces another), I realize that they understand me. It is for this reason that there is great hope that at least something will change a little. Thank you!

  18. Andrey, good afternoon! Thank you very much for your wonderful and very useful article. My PA is accompanied by very high blood pressure. This is what scares me most of all with the terrible consequences. I don’t know what to do, sometimes even medications don’t help. I have to call an ambulance. What do you recommend doing in such situations?

    • Hello.. Elena, your blood pressure rises for natural reasons.. read the article about VSD. (he described why and what), and the best thing here is to calm down, then you can notice that the pressure will drop and generally return to normal. What is important for calm? relaxation, not worrying yourself with anxious thoughts and deep moral rest, this is the first thing.

  19. Good afternoon Andrey, may God grant you all the best as you help many people get out of a certain situation such as the state of VSD. I also had VSD for many years. And I wanted to personally ask some personal questions, I just don’t want to ask a question publicly, then the VSDnishki will also take it into their heads!

    • can ask personal questions through the contact form on the website

  20. Thank you very much for the article Andrey, I haven’t monitored the Internet for such articles for a long time, today I decided to look into it and came across you. I think this is a godsend for me. I had already found a lot of this, but for the most part the information was presented incompletely or simply “do this and that’s it,” it was very difficult to work with it and it gave little benefit. Since I was 13 years old, I have caught a cold of this kind and pain, plus agoraphobia and claustrophobia (and another mountain, I won’t make you suspicious). I'm very Small town, there were no specialists or my parents didn’t find them, in the end the diagnosis was made only at the age of 25, now I’m already 33. I’ve been taking clono and phenazepam for 8 years, I’ve lost all my friends and my relatives don’t believe in my illness. I tried to leave 2 times, but as you wrote, fear is on our side, I don’t even know...what would be better. It’s just that they’ve been injecting penicillin and analgin for so many years. don't even know. I don’t even know if I can go through these stages, I’m very weak both physically and mentally. There is hope, of course, I just have PA in almost a split second, it’s impossible to breathe, sometimes to get home I pour water in my bosom, even in winter, I come home all wet and until the door closes I don’t even remember what was going on there, no nothing cold (I don’t even catch a cold). I want to believe that I can do something, thank you. Many people charge money for such information, but I know from experience that there is nowhere to get it. I’ve been trying to get a job for about 6 years, I’ve never been anywhere for more than 2-5 days. My best friend a bicycle and a grandmother who feeds me and thanks to whom I am still alive. It’s very bad that such information is often inaccessible to children and people who don’t even know what to look for. Why, even doctors know little about it (in small towns).

    Thank you, best regards Vyacheslav

    • Hello Vyacheslav..Pa covers you in a split second precisely because your body is WEAK. I strongly recommend that you start doing sports a little at a time (any sport to suit your taste), you can start with squats, press push-ups. It is from working with the body that you have the opportunity to work on the psyche... otherwise you simply won’t be able to work through your emotions. Also, read other articles on the blog - especially about obsessive thoughts, awareness, mindfulness practices, VSD - they will help a lot.

  21. Could you tell us about the internal conflict, about internal tension? How does it arise, what provokes it? And most importantly, how to deal with it? It’s hard to live when there is no feeling of comfort and lightness in the body. Thanks a lot!!!

    • the article “How to treat neurosis”

  22. Hello Andrei! We urgently need your advice. I think that I easily believe in things, finding only some weak logical relationship.

    Strong fear is preceded by some thought, for example, that I have gone crazy. I do some logical reasoning, after which I come to some conclusion, a very scary one. And then strong fear sets in. I feel like it comes from the fact that I don’t want to believe it. And I refuse to believe it. It also seems to me that if I believe and resign myself, say “okay, I’m crazy, I’m so crazy,” resigning myself that my life is over, and I believe with this idea, then the fear itself will go away, because of humility. And I speculate that maybe later I will start living again and understand that it was not so, and thus solve the panic attack. But I don’t share this, because I’m afraid that such a method could lead to disastrous consequences if, with every such fear, I really agree with the idea and accept what scares me. For example, toe

    What to do, believe or refuse to believe in such, usually speculation-thoughts, or refuse to believe? Or please explain what I think is wrong.

  23. Good day, Andrey!
    My gratitude to you for helping people with your articles.
    I myself have Panic Disorder and would like you to read it and maybe give me some advice on some minor points.
    In general, the disorder has been around for about 5 years. I have been using your methods for about 3 months, in general, life has become easier, sometimes fear after fear comes flooding in, a feeling of misunderstanding and uncertainty appears, but still I try hard not to talk to frightening thoughts, but to follow them, I also go against fear meeting and doing what I’m afraid of, over time the fear passes and becomes easier. But over the last 2-3 weeks, such fear has come over me that I can no longer get rid of this feeling of tension and anxiety, for the reason that I got into something unclear. It arose because of such an alarming thought: “What if I’m doing the wrong thing and in a situation of looking fear in the eyes, I’m supposedly looking at the wrong fear. Let me explain, let’s say there’s a situation, I’m worried, and a person starts a dialogue with me, I feel like in my heart I would like to talk to him, but I feel that because of anxiety and a feeling of fear, I will not be the best interlocutor, and before this, on the contrary, I started a dialogue with the meaning that I don’t care what kind of interlocutor I am, even if I’m under the influence I feel anxious about talking nonsense, then over time the body will adapt and understand that even if I talk nonsense, the fear will go away and in reality it went away later. But then I had the thought that what if I’m not afraid of this, what if I’m afraid, that I’ll just be silent and maybe then I need to be silent so that the fear goes away. And so now I have this doubt with all my actions, then I’m driving, although it’s acceptable to have fear of the road, before I specifically sat behind the wheel to overcome it , and now I’m thinking, what if I’m afraid that I’ll never be able to drive and will sit at home all the time, which means that in order to overcome it I need to sit at home?
    Or let’s say, if I have thoughts that suddenly I’m very worried, I won’t control myself, and I suddenly want to harm some loved one, then in order for this fear to go away, I need to go and cause harm, so that the brain understands that there’s nothing wrong with it no?))) it’s funny here"
    Damn, I apologize, I read it myself and see that it sounds like some kind of nonsense, but I would still like to know the answer.
    Thanks in advance;)

    • Good afternoon.. Pavel, you always have a conscious choice and that’s the main thing! In awareness there is maximum vigilance, this is the natural and softest and most important control of all possible, and for this you do not need any tension and effort as with ordinary control, when you control everything with your mind. And of course, it’s stupid to prove something here so that the fear of “causing harm” goes away; here it’s important to gain experience that everything depends on your awareness in situations, all your actions! You control yourself..

  24. Andrey, good afternoon! Once I tried to quit smoking, thoughts appeared about what I would do now, how to live without it, etc., and then one morning I woke up and felt tightness in my chest, and I was very scared of this feeling and since then it has not given me peace, different thoughts come to me head, what if this happens or this and this fear sits in my chest in the form of unpleasant sensations. Do I need to stop being afraid of these sensations?

    • Hello.. You betrayed the meanings and screwed yourself up with this fear.. you got stuck, and it’s precisely because you continue to get hung up and afraid that it continues to sit inside! Fear causes the emotion of anxiety, and that, in turn, causes unpleasant bodily sensations, and so on in a circle... learn to take it calmly... And if you want to quit smoking, I recommend the book “How to Quit Smoking Easily” (Allen Carr)

  25. Good afternoon. Maybe someone has encountered something similar, or uv. Andrey will be able to give some commentary to help. I have suffered from depression and obsessive thoughts for as long as I can remember. I was suppressing all the time, didn’t analyze, just suffered. At 17 years old Family doctor I assumed VSD, as there were attacks of rapid heartbeat. Difficult life. And to this day it hasn’t gotten better. I understand that it is my own fault. She didn’t do what could correct the situation, but endured it and suppressed her emotions. A kind of existence, without joy in life.
    For 2-3 years I felt sick after eating sweets. Pressure in the back of the head (not after sweets, but in stressful situations). After a couple of years, I quit my job, met my ex, went to live with him in another country, I thought “everything will work out here,” and he gave me such a “sweet life” there, nervous, inadequate person. The year has driven me crazy. And here again, I could have left, but no, I endured it (there was nowhere to go, the situation at home was still the same). As a result, I began to feel worse, not only do I feel bad from sweets, I also can’t eat flour - I feel hungry from it. In general, I don’t really feel full, and in between meals it even starts to feel like a panic attack until I eat (but only meat helps), something light will be just as bad. I went to the doctor, took a test for insulin resistance, insulin was slightly elevated (not much). Sugar is normal, and so is blood pressure. But they still sent me to an endocrinologist-diabetologist, and I’m waiting for an appointment in a month. But it became bad, every day, between meals and I don’t feel full when I eat. Yesterday I spent half a day in the hospital and woke up feeling that I was no longer very well. I went to pour sedative drops, already in a state where my heart was beating, my palms were wet, I could barely stand. This time the motherwort did not help. She called an ambulance, was diagnosed with a psycho-vegetative disorder, was given a sedative, and was told to see a psychologist.
    Could there be symptoms similar to diabetes due to nervous tension? The tests were normal, even when the other day I went to my family for sick leave, I felt very hungry and had a panic attack. I measured my blood pressure and sugar - everything is normal. At the hospital they took blood for analysis - everything was normal.

    • Hello Yulia... since you were checked and you were told that you do not have diabetes. that means it is so. And your gluttony means that you are constantly under stress and tension, simply gorging on food negative emotions, and since they are constant, you cannot satisfy your hunger. You need to learn to relax, calm down and accustom yourself to this state. Some of your thoughts, beliefs and views on life interfere with this, for example, that I can’t cope on my own, that nothing is working out, etc. But in order to calm down and gain confidence, it is important for you to learn to rely on yourself, solve situations yourself and act.

      In general, read the articles on the blog “vegetative-vascular dystonia” “Awareness is the way to yourself” “Neurosis, what it is and how to treat it” .. this will help you figure it out and start moving in the right direction. Now try to eat more slowly, feeling the sensations of food, its taste, temperature, density, try to immerse yourself in this process with all your attention.

    • Julia, you write that it’s hard for you, initially I also wrote that way, then after Andrey’s blog and book, your life will change for the better, that all the writing is just your entire condition!

  26. Hello, friends, my name is Anvar, I’m from sunny Tashkent, I suffered with this crap for many years, I literally tried everything, recently I despaired and thought that I would live with this crap all my life, then my friends recommended Andrey Russkikh’s blog, I read it first blog, and most importantly, don’t rush, read all the articles, after which be sure to read Andrey’s book! The book says in more detail, at present, I have completely freed myself from PA, etc. Now I’m having fun, I’m in the mood for everything 💯 the main thing is that my life changed only in good side! Brothers, one more thing Andrey Russkikh, he is not my brother and not my matchmaker! I am Uzbek and he is Russian! I am writing this so that you understand that a blog will change your life! I wish good luck to everyone!

  27. Andrey, hello! Thank you for the article. Here's my story. I had PAs since childhood, I somehow got used to them and didn’t pay much attention - well, just think, bodily reactions come in the form of reddened cheeks, increased blood pressure and heartbeat in some life situations, but these situations are not so frequent, let’s say , going to the doctor (this is like the fear of the white coat), speaking in front of the public, exams, some aspects of work. Moreover, I never particularly tried to deliberately avoid these situations that were uncomfortable for my body, living a completely normal life. But recently an event occurred in my life that turned my life upside down - my wife and I had a child. It would seem to be a joyful event, and it is actually joyful. But along with this came insomnia. It so happened that my delicate psyche could not cope with such significant changes in life and rewarded me with neurosis, as a result of which I had problems falling asleep for two days in a row, and then for two days in a row I was unable to fall asleep. Now for the second month I have been afraid of falling asleep, nights without sleep alternate with nights when I sleep, simply passed out from fatigue. Sometimes PA hits right before going to bed, sometimes I just feel nervous overexcitement that doesn’t let me sleep. I am clearly aware that I have a neurosis, but I have no idea where to start solving this problem. I went to a psychotherapist, she told me to write down in a notebook my thoughts that precede and accompany PA. For some reason, my common sense distrusts this approach, because PA does not always accompany my insomnia. I tried to breathe regularly, recently, against the backdrop of fatigue from a sleepless night, this seemed to even help - I fell asleep quickly enough and slept well. I was already glad that I had found a way to calm down, but it was not to be - the next night passed without any sleep at all. I can’t imagine how to deal with all this, from information from the Internet head goes all around. The thing is that when I’m lying in bed, I want to sleep, so the advice to get up and go do something until I want to sleep seems strange to me - I already want to sleep. Or is it still better to overcome yourself and get up? During the day, after a sleepless night, I feel overwhelmed, depression appears, and bad thoughts enter my head. At the same time, if I managed to get enough sleep, I feel good, there are no hints of depression. I don’t suffer from any diseases, I’ve been interested in sports all my life. I don’t take pills, I took Valocordin several times, but I quickly stopped. Can you tell me the best way to proceed?

    • Hello.. 1. you don’t need to count on a quick result and rush it with all your might, this will only do harm. 2. You need to identify the reasons that constantly lead you to stress, which is why you often worry, about people (that they will think differently or that you are doing something and you don’t like it), maybe something in life completely doesn’t suit you and you despair about it.. 3. Engage in thinking, learn to master your thoughts and deal with emotions (read articles on the blog about this)

  28. Hello! I read your articles and try to follow everything, thank you! I want to understand whether I understand my “diagnosis” correctly? I am 25 years old. My childhood was also difficult; in the end, my sister raised me. Now I have a higher education, two children, 3.7 years old and a second year old, on maternity leave, I haven’t worked anywhere yet, I only helped my husband. In May we moved to St. Petersburg far from relatives, there was no help, before that we lived with our parents. My husband works. In September, my youngest underwent surgery under general anesthesia on his kidney. Before the 30th, I had an incomprehensible condition. I couldn’t sleep, my thoughts were different. I can’t say exactly which ones, just a bunch of different thoughts flashed through my mind. Then it became a little difficult to breathe. I got up and felt bad. Fear. Starting to feel nauseous. I woke up my husband, they wanted to call an ambulance, but they didn’t, I started to really shake, the muscles in my legs, my fingertips were pricking. All this, as I read, indicates an obvious panic attack. I couldn’t sleep for a long time, my husband was also nearby, I didn’t let him go to another room because he was sleeping with his eldest son. Then the next day I constantly listened to myself. It was very scary. God forbid. Two small children. Then before Christmas I couldn’t sleep again... Anxiety, fear, I don’t know how to overcome it. I went to see a neurologist. He said 50% is not his profile but psychology. Prescribed glycine and vitamins and more rest. My blood pressure was low, 80/60. I visited a therapist and donated blood, because there may be low hemoglobin (anemia) and thyroid hormones. Hemoglobin is fine. There is no answer to hormones yet. Feelings of fear, thoughts, trembling sometimes lead to crying. I'm trying to distract myself... My husband works, I'm home alone with two children. So far no one knows what to drink soothing during such influxes because I am breastfeeding. And how did you write this? extreme case something to drink. The first time before ng I was really very scared. And now, apparently, “fear, fear” I have written down all the steps of this article for myself on a sheet of paper.
    On the 14th I went to the dentist, before the trip I got nervous, again these internal feelings, fear of going, I was not afraid to go to the dentist, but while I was walking I was scared, my head was spinning. And now I’m alone at home with the kids, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I read the steps. I try to listen, switch. But you understand that it is difficult right away. Is this already a panic disorder?

    • Hello. .read and truly apply knowledge (practice on awareness - do it). learn to relax more often (breathing techniques, removing muscles, for example).. Now you are psychologically exhausted, your nervous system is shaken. Because of this, there is increased heightened anxiety and it will not subside until you can deeply and thoroughly relax and MORALLY REST.
      To do this, learn to handle thoughts... it all begins with them... they are the ones that trigger emotions and all further bodily reactions. try to observe more of the same thoughts and what is happening in general, rather than analyze everything. Watch, you analyze in order to maintain control, it seems to you that while you are thinking, you are in control of the situation, but this is false control - so let go of this logical control and allow yourself to be an observer of your life. (this will help you relax)

      • Thank you very much, I will try my best. Yesterday, again, it was bad and I couldn’t calm myself down the whole day, it just passed and again, in the evening I didn’t have the strength to burst into tears in front of my husband. Today, in general, the weakness was terrible, because because of this state yesterday I didn’t even want to eat, I let myself get scared again, called my husband from work 🙁 we decided that my mother-in-law would take us and the children to her place, where we lived 2000 km away, and help with the children. So that I can rest, but without my husband I don’t want to do a lot of work, a vacation is only possible in March. But I understand it the only way out. I can’t rest alone in the apartment all day with the kids.

        • Answer

  29. You are very cool!!! How I would like to communicate with you personally... You can really put your brain in its place!

  30. Hello! I read your articles and everything is so clear and everything is laid out on the shelves, and while I was reading, I was tuning in. I don’t know what diagnosis to classify myself with, it seems like everything at once... My morning begins with the fact that when I wake up, I begin to listen to my body, where it hurts, where it hurts, where it presses. Getting ready for work, I go through all the circles of hell. I walk into the company and my legs give way, my heart jumps out, my whole body is like a taut string. I like the work, the team is good. I can’t even say what thoughts, all the time focused on my condition. My body is tense, I have the feeling that if I relax I’ll fall. My legs are trembling, my hands are shaking. Sometimes I can cope, but sometimes there’s such hopelessness. And then I run home and at home my conscience torments me that I left work. The first panic attack was at the airport, I thought I would suffocate, then in the store and now sometimes shopping seems unrealistic to me. Everything new is scary for me. Reading your articles, it seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes there is a fear of ending up in a psychiatric hospital. and this has been going on for several years, it was all half a year ok, now is the second month of eternal panic and anxiety.

    • Good afternoon Svetlana.. For now I’ll just give a recommendation.. spend the MORNING IN A NEW way - you start to catch and stop listening (checking) your body for symptoms - this is your first gross mistake, these thoughts about “sores” are exactly what trigger and intensify anxiety. Instead, start just observing everything around you, and while doing something, for example, getting dressed... all your attention on getting dressed, brushing your teeth, feeling the taste of pasta, making tea (coffee), looking at colors, smells - learn to spend at least the morning in this way and take a closer look at what happens (for the sake of experiment)

      Reply Reply
      • Hello.. Your child’s Marat is definitely not OCD.. This requires the ability to analyze, and a priori your child cannot have this ability now. At this age, children think instinctively... Ask your children's doctors what this could be

    • Thank you very much!The article is very complete and useful. Everything is as you described. But, unfortunately, I had to figure out a lot on my own, because the attacks of PA were quite a long time ago, and there was no Internet as such. But I just didn’t know that I needed to go to a psychotherapist, because... and it didn’t occur to me that someone else could have this, I thought that I was going crazy, and there was no cure for it. I managed on my own. These were instinctive actions that were dictated by the instinct of self-preservation: a daily prayer for fear to go away when PA hits; regular trips to the pool; regular walks in the forest and exercise in the fresh air, intense, so that you get tired. And I also want to add that, it seems to me, it is better to immediately consult a good doctor. If this is an intelligent doctor, he will not only numb you with pills, but will relieve anxiety with a small dosage of drugs and, against this background, will be able to help you understand the causes of neurosis. I received this experience much later, when PAs reappeared and I went to see a doctor.

  31. Hello Andrei. I am very grateful to you for your articles and book, I rely on them. I would also like to ask a question. My first attacks of fear were associated with the fear of suffocation, when the hospital said that there was nothing, I calmed down. A couple of years later I started going to a psychologist for consultations and breathing training ( autogenic training, different ways of breathing, focusing on breathing - similar to “Alone with Oneself”). I was somehow afraid that I would suffocate, so the PA started and off we went. The fear of suffocation, being alone, leaving the house, there is... With the help of your book and articles, I felt much better in a couple of months and I apparently stopped doing much. After 8 months everything returned with renewed vigor + fear of swallowing. It's like I haven't learned anything before. The problem is that I am a teacher at the university, there are couples every day (when there were the first attacks, there were almost no couples). Yesterday I probably had the most severe attack, I really wanted to call an ambulance... I don’t know how to go to work tomorrow, how to teach, before that I could barely cope, but now I feel worse, I’m afraid I’ll start suffocating there. I can't use the 5 steps during class because I have to give a lecture. What should I do? Going for a couple is creepy, not going is defensive behavior. I don’t like my job, I started looking for a new one, but I can’t imagine how to go for an interview in this state. I’m 30, married, no children yet (I want to treat the attacks first). Thank you very much in advance.

    • Good afternoon Maria. It is very important for you to understand that “fixations”, these old sores, come out due to a deterioration in the condition... that is, against the background of some kind of bad condition.. But what exactly leads to this deterioration, this is what is important to work with.. In addition Moreover, I see that you have not fully worked through the fear of PA, and while it exists, PA itself continues to be a problem.. As for the 5 steps... it is not necessary to do everything exactly. just in moments of severe anxiety, try to return your attention to the body.. consciously relax the body and make it calmer and deeper breathing, and doing something - just pay less attention to the symptoms... more to the task!

  32. Thanks for these articles. I am currently experiencing intrusive thoughts and PA. I try to use your techniques, sometimes it helps, sometimes not very much. Honestly constant feeling as if my soul hurts or my head is boiling. I am a mother of 2 children, the older one is disabled with cerebral palsy, the other is 2 years old. It started for me a month ago after a strong scare. I went to a psychiatrist and was prescribed antidepressants and talked to a psychologist. My mood always fluctuates, then everything is fine, then bam and I still want to cry and my head is boiling. Maybe you should change your lifestyle? I live in Turkey, my husband is always working. I'm the only one who speaks rudely to children. At home. It seems like I will never get out of this puddle.

    • Hello.. You definitely need to change your lifestyle.. do you have a favorite thing, creativity, or something that brings YOUR income? You definitely need to look in this direction - after all, it’s one thing to work with the condition itself, learn to master thoughts and change internal states, but another thing is to do something creatively, realize oneself and have the meaning of life not only in children and family, but also in something... something else personal! You need an activity that will make you happy. Think about the questions. .What do you want in life in general, how do you want, how to live, how to feel, what to do and what to have?

      • To be honest, I have been living in Turkey for 5 years and have drowned in everyday life. I want to go back to Russia, I already understood this, since I am the guardian of a disabled child and I cannot officially work. I want to complete some hairdressing courses or something like that and work from home. But now will the husband agree? I have no opportunity to work in Turkey. In general, I know how to paint walls, it’s not great, of course, but no one complained 😄. It’s a difficult situation, to be honest, I don’t know how to act correctly so as not to mess things up

        • Be sure to do something... find something you like and do it no matter what your husband says. .This is your life and your right to do what you want and have what you want! Without this step - creative realization yourself and lifestyle changes in general, it’s difficult to count on big changes for the better!

          • please :)


In this article we decided to talk about how, anxiety and fears. It is important to understand that each of these problems complicates life and limits a person's capabilities. But if you deal with them correctly, you can be sure that they will not only leave, but will never return. How to do it? This is exactly what will be discussed further.

How to get rid of panic attacks, neurosis and VSD forever?

Our story will be based on the experience of a person who successfully got rid of panic attacks and neurosis. For several years he suffered from severe panic disorder with very severe agoraphobia. Because he was constantly haunted by the feeling that he could lose control of himself at any moment, he began to leave the house less and less. The person was consumed by thoughts that during a panic attack he could harm someone. He had a fear of death, as well as a fear of getting sick. He constantly listened to his own heartbeat and limited physical activity. He thought that life would never return to normal. It seemed impossible for him to leave his home for a long time: exciting travels, trips and even ordinary walks around the city were a thing of the past.

A person who has learned how to get rid of panic attacks can calmly return to his previous life. The person whose experience in dealing with the disease is discussed in the article managed to get rid of panic attacks and cope with neurosis. He was able to see for himself: there is life after getting rid of such ailments, and it is wonderful. It is significant that in the last year alone he had to fly by plane more than fifty times, and in addition to this, make a huge number of other trips. After he managed to get rid of neurotic disorders and anxiety-phobic neurosis, he got married. Now they have a happy marriage and two beautiful children. During this time, there were several moves in his life: Saratov, then Sochi, Kazan and Sochi again. At the moment, his life is full and very dynamic, without any restrictions or fears.

Is it real get rid of panic attacks, neurosis and VSD in one day?

It is clear that in order to fully understand how get rid of panic attacks, neurosis and VSD, it takes time, and fears do not go away in one day. First the tension goes away, followed by agoraphobia. Let us return again to the experience of a person who managed to overcome his anxiety disorders. When he had health problems, in addition to nervousness, agoraphobia manifested itself very strongly. In those rare moments when he was going to leave the house, he always took pills with him, as he was constantly haunted by the thought: “What if I get sick?” It seemed to him that every exit from the house would now be accompanied by similar thoughts and fears. But later it turned out that this was not so. As soon as he began to gradually get rid of panic attacks and other anxious manifestations, these thoughts also began to disappear from him!

It's hard to believe

But experts note that often disturbing thoughts simply disappear. The person no longer thinks that he can become ill. Having gotten rid of panic attacks and other similar problems, it already seems funny to him that outside the home or anywhere else he could feel bad just like that, for no reason. Obsessive state also gradually passes. Now the person no longer has thoughts that he can harm himself or someone else.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that some usual symptoms are inherent in any person (fatigue, situational anxiety), so there is no need to rush to diagnose the return of any illness. Anyone can experience anxiety depending on the situation ( important event, birth of children, illness of loved ones). But this concern is quite weak. Therefore, experts note that after a person overcomes neurosis, his life becomes full. Old fears go away. Visiting cafes, transport, crowded places - nothing else scares him, he can move freely, travel and do whatever he wants. At the initial stage of getting rid of these problems, they can still cause slight discomfort or fear, but it no longer controls the person, does not consume him. These are just fleeting thoughts that go away almost immediately. The same applies to symptoms: they gradually go away.

How can you be sure that neurosis has disappeared forever?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that a person has a huge amount of work to do. internal work. This is the only way to completely remove anxiety and neurotic disorders. You need to change your worldview, work on your thinking. By analogy with diseases, no one can guarantee that a person will never develop any illness. The same principle applies here. But constant work on yourself and your resistance to stress minimizes the risk of the return of neurosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia. A person needs to become less suspicious, anxious, stop making “mountains out of molehills” and then the likelihood of stress will be negligible.

It's important to understand

In addition, it is important to understand how a person overcame his problems. If he constantly works on his condition, then he understands why his emotional background is improving. It’s a completely different matter when the effect is achieved with the help of pills and antidepressants. In this case, there is a high probability that these are temporary improvements. After all, a person does not understand the mechanism of getting rid of neurosis; he is sure that the problem disappeared by itself after taking the medicine. There is nothing wrong with using pills and other drugs, but in order for the disease to go away forever, it is important to understand what the person did wrong, why did he have panic attacks, anxiety, agoraphobia? Experts note that it is extremely important to follow certain rules and move in the right direction, with a clear understanding of where you are going. Then no panic attacks or other symptoms of neurosis will return.

It is necessary to learn how to react correctly to anxiety, to work on yourself, your worldview, your thinking. It is extremely important to understand your emotions and the nature of their occurrence. How does anger appear? Where does the feeling of guilt and shame come from? Why does fear arise? Having answered these questions and working on himself, a person gradually returns to a normal, familiar life and will finally understand how . There is a desire to communicate with other people, build some kind of relationships, and do something. Complexes and fears disappear, and the desire to achieve something arises. The main thing is to throw all the garbage out of your head and understand that the problem does not exist at the bodily level. There is no need to try to solve it with the help of pills, diets and other similar methods. After all, as long as the problem is at the level of consciousness, it will not go away.

In this article I will tell you how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. A panic attack is an uncontrollable, inexplicable fear and panic that literally paralyzes a person. Symptoms of a panic attack: rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, lack of air, trembling in the body, lightheadedness, lump in the throat and uncontrollable fear of death.

This article is not about what you need to do when a panic attack has already arrived, but about what you need to do so that panic attacks, anxiety disorders and fears go away from your life once and for all.

So, how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways.

How to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways

Method #1: Diaphragmatic breathing

One of the most effective ways to completely eliminate panic attacks is diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing. It is suitable for use at the time of a panic attack, so that it goes away, and in order to completely free your life from panic attacks.

Diaphragmatic breathing is, to put it very simply, breathing from the belly. We breathe this way from birth, but over time, fears, complexes, anxieties and psychological trauma cause us irreparable damage - we begin to breathe chestily, in fits and starts, restlessly and shallowly. Of course, we don't realize this. Most people have no idea how they breathe. Try to focus on your breathing and track it. Most likely, you will realize that you are breathing shallowly and intermittently.

Let's find out why your habitual way of breathing provokes anxiety and fear. We will also look at how diaphragmatic breathing helps get rid of a panic attack, and then we will try to breathe this way.

Causes of panic attacks

What are the causes of panic attacks? How are panic attacks and diaphragmatic breathing related? A panic attack is one of the body’s ways of self-regulation. It can even be called a method of cleansing the body. Such cleaning becomes necessary due to a lack of oxygen in certain tissues. As a rule, anxious and restless people are prone to panic attacks. And as we have already noted, complexes, fears and anxieties form in people an intermittent way of breathing; such people breathe shallowly with their chests. Such breathing does not provide the body with enough oxygen. As a result, the body creates a way of self-healing for itself. During a panic attack, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises and, as a result, oxygen penetrates into the large quantities into all tissues of the body. In this way, the body restores itself and is ready to work again.

Returning to diaphragmatic breathing will give you the opportunity to always receive sufficient quantity oxygen. Among other things, abdominal breathing calms the nervous system and puts thoughts in order. Consequently, the body completely eliminates the need for panic attacks.

Of course, panic attacks have many other causes. But all of them have created defective breathing in you. Over time, this began to work in the opposite direction. Your intermittent breathing, which you don’t even feel, provokes your fears and panic attacks. By restoring your breathing, you will get rid of anxiety.

Now let's try breathing diaphragmatically.

Diaphragmatic breathing technique

The diaphragm is the main breathing muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. You can read more about the diaphragm and its functions from an anatomical point of view Here.

The diaphragm plays a huge role in the breathing process, but, unfortunately, in most people, due to their indecisive nature, low self-esteem and negative beliefs about themselves, the diaphragm does not work properly. If you breathe shallowly and restlessly, then the diaphragm does not rise or fall completely when breathing. For many it is practically blocked. Not only can this cause panic attacks, but it also negatively affects all systems of the body.

So, how can you breathe with your diaphragm so that it works correctly, and the body recovers, and all its systems receive a sufficient amount of oxygen? Let's put this method into action right now.

Lie on your back and completely relax. Put left hand on the ribs, and the right one slightly lower, in the navel area. Breathe so that only your right arm rises. Inhale slowly, deeply, fill yourself completely with oxygen, and then exhale slowly. The exhalation should be slower than the inhalation, by 2-3 seconds. You can do this while lying down, sitting, standing, or while in motion. But be sure to do it lying on your back the first time to make sure that you are doing everything correctly and to consolidate the result. When you breathe, think about breathing. Think about what you are doing. Just like this: “Now I take a deep breath, my lungs expand, my right arm rises, as I exhale it lowers, oxygen enters the brain...”. Mentally focusing on your breathing allows you to fully engage with the process and get the most out of it.

During the first few days of practicing diaphragmatic breathing, you will feel dizzy and afraid. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs from an excess of oxygen. After a few days, your body will get used to it and the dizziness will go away.

Abdominal breathing also helps to get rid of a specific panic attack. During an attack, take a deep breath in your stomach, then hold your breath for 10 seconds (you only need to hold it during an attack) and exhale more slowly than you inhaled for 2-3 seconds. Mentally focus entirely on the breathing process. And most likely, the attack will pass in a couple of minutes.

Contraindications for diaphragmatic breathing are hypertension and any other diagnoses associated with increased blood pressure.

You need to practice diaphragmatic breathing purposefully for 10-15 minutes twice a day, morning and evening. It is advisable to do this in a ventilated room, in a calm environment, lying on your back.

In addition to getting rid of panic attacks, diaphragmatic breathing improves the functioning of the circulatory and vascular system, cleanses smokers’ lungs of tar, massages the intestines, the entire gastrointestinal tract and lungs, normalizes sleep, reduces excess weight and improves well-being. So you will not only get rid of anxiety and panic attacks, but you will also be healthy. A nice bonus, isn't it?

Method #2: Love panic attacks

Yes, yes, you heard right. Love. You have to love your panic attacks.

The main problem of all anxious people is the fight against their fears and panic attacks. Most likely, you, like many others, hate your panic attacks, are afraid of them and are ready to do anything to get rid of them forever. But it is precisely with this attitude that you provoke their next occurrence. There is a well-known fact in psychology - when you resist something, it only intensifies. If you fight with something, it begins to fight with you in response. And you will never win this fight.

Come to terms with panic attacks, fears and anxiety. Treat them calmly. Or better yet, love them. After all, anxiety is a part of you, so if you hate something about yourself, you can say that you hate yourself. Read about how to love yourself in this.

So, as long as you struggle with panic attacks, you will never be able to completely get rid of them. You will fight, and they will fight you in return, and they will always have the upper hand. Every time you have another panic attack, tell it, “Oh, hi. Long time no see. I accept and release you." And calmly, using, for example, diaphragmatic breathing, let go of the attack.

The first and most important step with any symptom, diagnosis or problem in life is to accept its presence. Accept and calmly deal with anxiety and panic attacks. Don’t forget, panic attacks are the body’s way of self-healing. You didn't give your brain and body enough air, and your body deliberately created a panic attack in order to save you from lack of oxygen. You could say that panic attacks save you from death. So be grateful to them for this. And after you learn to love, accept and treat them calmly, let them go, transforming them into other emotions.

Method #3: Here and now

The second way to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety is to be in the present moment. Perhaps this method works more productively than all others and claims first place. But most people don't want to use it because it requires a lot of work. As a rule, people experience panic attacks, fear them, hate them, but at the same time are too lazy to change themselves in order to get rid of them. If you are not one of them and are really ready to do anything to bring peace back into your life, read the second method.

The problem with all anxious people is that they are never in the present moment. You may object: “No, I’m always in the present.” But that's not true. The very fact that you experience fears, anxieties and panic attacks suggests that you are constantly mentally flying away either into the past or into the future.

The very essence of fears and anxieties is: “What if something bad happens? What if I can't? What if I have another panic attack at the most inopportune moment?” Thus, any fears and anxieties are always a mental presence in the past or future. But not in the present.

The key to completely freeing yourself from fears and anxieties is staying here and now. How to learn to always be in the present moment? When you do something, concentrate on it completely, 100%. For example, now, when you read this article, think only about it, about the meaning of each word and sentence. When you bake pancakes, think about each ingredient: “Now I’m adding flour. And now I’m pouring pancake into the frying pan.” While doing physical exercises, think: “Now I am reaching my right hand towards my left leg. I feel a pulling sensation in my muscles.”

This may seem funny to you at first. “Am I a fool or something to think about pouring pancake into a frying pan?” But in fact, at this moment you are learning a great art, which is mastered by the happiest and most spiritual developed people on the planet. There are only a few who have learned this.

In the first days, disturbing thoughts from the past and future will attack you in full. They will get into your head constantly. And you immediately replace them with thoughts about the present. For example, “What if I have another panic attack at work? No, I'm getting ready for work now. I put on my shoes, tie the laces, take the keys, open the door, put the key in and close the door. I'm calling the elevator." Well, in general, you understand. Interrupt anxious thoughts with thoughts about the present.

Create a special call for the present. When you notice that your thoughts have flown into the past or future, tell yourself, for example, “Come back here!” Think for yourself special team, which will help you constantly return to the present.

Watch yourself. Are you truly mentally where you are physically? Or did you experience a split? Let's say you're having lunch. The tongue tastes food, and at this time my thoughts are somewhere in the future: “I need to finish a report, wash things, check my mail.” Here it is, a split. You are in two worlds at the same time. And you don’t live fully in either one or the other. Bring yourself back to the present with the help of your team. Taste the food. This will help you chew more slowly and enjoy every bite. Over time, you will begin to think of food not as a plate of pilaf, which will now, in a few moments, settle in your stomach, but as the pleasant delicacy of every spoonful. You will learn to enjoy food. And everyone else too.

You ask: “What about dreams, plans, goals?” Of course, this should be in your life. But at a specially designated time. For example, today at 20:00 you will write a plan for tomorrow. And at this time you will think about the future, about tomorrow. But the rest of the time, train your brain to think about the present moment. Constantly bring yourself back to where you are.

When you check if everything is in order in your body, if nothing hurts, if your heart is not pounding, at these moments you also you are not present. You remember that it hurt you yesterday and check to see if it hurts today. Body and thoughts are one system. And so, when you remember that something should hurt, it starts to hurt. You cause this pain with your memories. Most anxious people who are prone to fears and panic attacks suffer from these problems only because they have had panic attacks or anxiety in the past. They tend to remember these moments and fear that it will happen again. Thus, they find themselves in a vicious circle - thinking and worrying about an attack in the past, they cause it in the present, and then in the future, again and again. And this will never end until they mentally move to the present moment of life.

Here is a parable that will reinforce your understanding of being in the present moment:

Every time we dwell in the past or worry about the future, we use up our energy. Read the article about how to let go of all the problems of the past. It talks about how to let go of all unfulfilled promises, unfinished business, people with whom you are offended. And you will find a technique that allows you to forgive and let go of resentment once and for all.

Only by living in the present moment can you feel the taste of the berry, the taste of life. This is the secret to finally and irrevocably getting rid of panic attacks. And at the same time - a long and happy life.


Congratulations, you are now much better informed about how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. We have presented to your attention three deep and in a serious way work on yourself, allowing you not only to free yourself from panic, anxiety and fears, but also to become healthy, happy and live a long life.

Many people suffering from panic attacks go to a psychiatrist or neurologist, who prescribes them antidepressants, pills that temporarily extinguish panic attacks. But sooner or later, of course, they come back again.

Most of those who suffer from panic attacks and know about the methods proposed in the article do not apply them because they are lazy, or they simply do not want to work on themselves. They are forced to suffer throughout their lives, suffering from panic attacks. If you are one of them, then you will get the same unfortunate result that the majority get.

Don’t live like the majority, work on yourself, and then you will be free from panic, calm, healthy and happy!

Don't forget to purchase my book How to Love Yourself. Today this can be done at a symbolic cost of 99 rubles. In it, I share the techniques with which I once raised my self-esteem, became confident and loved myself. As a psychologist, during my work with clients, I found out that the solution to any problem begins with self-love. This book will become your assistant on the path to getting rid of panic attacks and anxiety, and will generally make your life much happier.

In case you need individual assistance in getting rid of anxiety, fears or panic attacks, you can contact me for psychological help. I will help you become a calm person, free from fears and worries, and I will also help you free yourself from panic attacks by working with your personal reasons that created them.

You can make an appointment with me for a consultation through in contact with, instagram or . You can get acquainted with the cost of services and the work scheme. You can read and leave reviews about me and my work.

Subscribe to my Instagram And YouTube channel. Improve and develop yourself with me!

I am with you with all my heart and soul!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

A panic attack is a sudden, causeless attack of panic. The attack is accompanied by neurological and cognitive disorders and causes the patient a lot of discomfort. Everyone should know how to get rid of panic attacks on their own.

You should understand why a panic attack begins, symptoms and treatment at home. A panic attack is a short-term attack during which neurological, mental and motor disorders. The nature of a panic attack is a neurological disorder. The causes of the pathology have not yet been precisely studied. Probable Causes occurrence of panic attacks:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the patient's history of mental illness;
  • stress;
  • chronic diseases internal organs;
  • infectious diseases.

Seizures occur spontaneously under the influence of some negative factor. This may be due to stress and emotional overstrain, exercise stress, being in a crowd.

Seizures can occur as a result of various diseases and pathologies of internal organs. It is not uncommon for panic attacks to occur as a result of hormonal therapy, a stroke, or coronary artery disease.

Panic attacks often occur in emotionally unstable people. This condition is observed in drug addicts and patients who abuse alcohol. The trigger for the development of panic attacks can be any phobia or emotional stress.

Symptoms of a panic attack

A panic attack has the following symptoms:

  • sudden feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • fear for your life;
  • internal overvoltage;
  • emotional excitement;
  • lack of control over the situation.

Attacks are also accompanied by irregular heart rhythm, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting. Headache and nausea may also occur.

Patients report disorientation and dizziness during an attack. Many people complain of lack of air or pain in the heart area.

During an attack, chills, hand tremors, paleness of the face and increased sweating are possible. Many people note the sudden appearance of phobias. The symptoms of a panic attack are different for each patient and depend on many internal factors.

How does an attack go?

The duration of the attack and the accompanying symptoms vary. To start an attack, some kind of trigger is needed - a situation that causes panic. A strange smell may be such a trigger, loud noise or being in a crowd.

Attacks often begin while shopping in large stores shopping centers. In this case, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs due to being in an open space, in a crowd of people.

The first panic attack can occur during a strong experience or emotional overstrain. Failure of the nervous system is possible after severe stress.

At the beginning of an attack, a person only feels a rapid heartbeat or increased sweating. Then, after some time, the patient is overtaken by panic, which can manifest itself in different ways. Some patients report a sudden feeling of groundless fear for their life, while others experience panic and confusion.

A panic attack can last from a few minutes to two to three hours. Symptoms increase very quickly. This condition is more common in young women, however, men are not immune from sudden fear.

The first attack in a patient’s life does not last long. This condition passes quickly, leaving behind fear and concern. own health. Not everyone knows what a panic attack is, so patients begin to worry about possible pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and brain.

Why are seizures dangerous?

A panic attack does not kill, but the condition needs to be treated. Due to frequently repeated attacks, patients develop various phobias. In most cases, there is a fear of the next attack.

This condition can overtake a person anywhere. Because of this, patients try to minimize their own social relationships. The patient’s entire life is rearranged so that a possible recurrence of a panic attack does not overtake him in a public place. People stop going to large stores and going to crowded places. In especially severe cases, patients become recluses.

Since the disease is a disorder of the nervous system, the patient’s performance often suffers and the risk of complications is high. Such complications include:

  • asthenia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis;
  • phobias;
  • depression;
  • hypochondria.

The nervous system is depleted due to frequent attacks, which can lead to the development of asthenic syndrome. The worsening of phobias leaves an imprint on the patient’s daily activities, which leads to a forced change in the work schedule and daily routine.

For repeated panic attacks, treatment at home is carried out in two ways - medication and folk methods.

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis is made only after excluding organic pathology of the internal organs. First you need to see a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and refer you to another specialist for necessary examinations internal organs. To exclude pathologies and chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and cardiologist.

Examinations of the heart, brain and vascular condition are required. The final diagnosis is made either by a neurologist or a psychiatrist.

You should not be afraid of visiting a psychiatrist. This specialist will prescribe necessary medications and prescribe a treatment regimen and duration.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy carried out using the following medications:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics;
  • sedatives.

Treatment is aimed at restoring the activity of the nervous system and strengthening it. An important stage of treatment is the normalization of sleep.

Antidepressants help relieve stress and nervous tension. These drugs are taken over a long course, about 6-10 months.

The best way to combat panic attacks is tranquilizers. The drugs inhibit the activity of the nervous system and cause some drowsiness, but along with this, a feeling of fear, tachycardia, shortness of breath and pain in the heart area disappears. The disadvantage of such drugs is a number side effects. Tranquilizers are good to use as ambulance If an attack is imminent, it is not recommended to take these medications for a long time due to withdrawal symptoms.

Neuroleptics normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve blood supply to the brain and help get rid of emotional overexcitability. These medications relieve symptoms of autonomic dysfunction and relieve psychomotor disorders.

Sedative medications are prescribed to improve sleep. These drugs are quite weak and will not relieve an attack, but in combination with other medications sedatives help normalize the activity of the nervous system.

How to get rid of an attack using traditional methods

Treatment of panic attacks with folk remedies is carried out using soothing herbs.

  1. Mix Echinops, dandelion herb, chicory, licorice root, valerian root and St. John's wort in equal proportions. In total you will need 30 grams of a mixture of these herbs. Pour the resulting mixture with warm water and boil for about 15 minutes. After cooling, the collection is taken in a third of a glass daily. The course of treatment is three months. This collection has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep and relieves stress.
  2. Pour 10 g of oregano into a glass of boiling water, after cooling, drink half a glass. The course of treatment is two months. Every day you should drink half a glass of decoction half an hour before meals.
  3. Alcohol tincture of oregano: pour half a glass of alcohol over a large spoon of the plant and leave to infuse in a dark place for a week and a half. Then the medicine is taken daily in a teaspoon for two months.
  4. Motherwort is an effective remedy for combating stress. It is necessary to pour two large spoons of dry grass with two glasses of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Then the medicine is filtered and taken in a large spoon every day for a month.
  5. Soothing tea: mix a small spoon of lemon balm and mint, pour boiling water and leave for twenty minutes. You should drink one glass of tea daily before bed.
  6. A medicine for sleep disorders that will help remove nervous tension: Pour boiling water over two large spoons of linden and let it brew until it cools. Drink one glass of decoction daily before bed.
  7. Chamomile tea: grind chamomile flowers and pour boiling water. To make tea you will need a glass of water and a large spoon of flowers. You should drink one glass of tea daily.

Traditional methods of treatment are aimed at relieving nervous tension and calming the nervous system. These teas and decoctions help normalize sleep and relieve stress.

It is important to remember that some medicinal plants are poisonous and can cause side effects if taken incorrectly. Before starting treatment traditional methods you should exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction and consult your doctor about whether you can take folk remedies in a specific case.

How to help yourself

Typically, the onset of a panic attack is indicated by increased heart rate, confusion, or dizziness. How quickly the symptoms increase depends on various factors. At this stage, you can stop the attack with willpower alone, if you know how to relieve a panic attack.

Feeling the approach of a panic attack as the appearance of sudden fear, you should pull yourself together and try to calm down. Then it is recommended to perform several breathing exercises. To do this, take a shallow breath and then two long exhalations. At the count of “one,” a shallow breath is taken, while the stomach protrudes. The first exhalation is carried out on the count of “two”, and at this time the stomach is drawn in. Then, with the stomach drawn in, another exhalation is made on the count of three. The exercise should be repeated ten times.

Another exercise is to breathe into a bag. To do this, you need to take a thick bag, take a deep breath and exhale the air into the container. Then take a breath of air from this bag. The exercise is repeated ten times.

Before an attack begins, if you feel the first symptoms, it is recommended to rinse your face and hands with cool water, and also moisten your pulse points with water. You can drink a glass of clean, cool water, adding a little sugar to it.

Another way to combat attacks is auto-training for panic attacks. This will help both defeat a panic attack and reduce the frequency of attacks.

An artificial mood boost can help get rid of an attack. To do this, you need to sit down, relax and force yourself to smile. While smiling, you need to read aloud a positive poem, prayer, or several motivating statements. You need to try to distract yourself from your inner feeling. To do this, it is recommended to switch your attention to some foreign object.

Seizure prevention

It takes time to get rid of panic attacks. How to recover from panic attacks, as well as how to stop and prevent an attack, should be discussed with your doctor. To ensure that attacks occur as rarely as possible, it is recommended to adhere to preventive measures.

  1. A balanced diet will help strengthen the nervous system. In the menu you should give preference to fruits, vegetables and dairy products, avoiding everything fatty and fried.
  2. You should take a course of B vitamins twice a year, which strengthen the nervous system.
  3. Taking walks in the fresh air every night can help get rid of insomnia.
  4. possible through sports. Swimming and yoga should be preferred.
  5. It is important not to overuse caffeine and strong tea. There is no need to completely give up coffee and tea, but you need to limit your consumption of these drinks in the afternoon.
  6. You need to follow the regime and refuse night shifts and overtime. This will avoid stress.
  7. Normalizing sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. Sleep should be at least eight hours.

If you have recurring panic attacks, you need to learn to relax and get rid of stress on your own. To do this, you can sign up for group auto-training or visit a psychologist. It is also important to provide yourself with a lot of positive emotions.

Panic attacks should not poison a person’s life, so it is important to recognize the problem in time and not delay solving it. Drug therapy, preventive measures and folk remedies will help get rid of panic attacks forever.

Here are some simple tips to help you break the cycle of fear and overcome the habit of fear. You will learn about what fear of fear is from the article “Fear of fear: phobophobia”.

1. Believe that you can control your fear.

It is important to understand that you are scaring yourself. This means that you are able to control your fear. You can either strengthen it or stop scaring yourself. This can be learned. And the habit of being afraid of fear can be replaced by the habit of enjoying risk.

2. Get a medical examination

This point is for those who are afraid of the consequences of their fear. If you fear for your health or sanity, go medical examination. There will be less cause for alarm when you make sure that everything is in order with your body. To do this, you need to see a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and psychiatrist. If you are diagnosed with panic disorder, cardiac neurosis, then there is no threat to your health and psyche. These are just names for frequent manifestations of fear and horror. You are not sick with anything except your fear. If you are diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then you need to understand its causes. In most cases, vegetative-vascular dystonia is also not associated with a threat to life. And it is based on psychological reasons.

3. Find the reason for the fear

Overcoming the fear of fear is easier if you understand the reason for your fear. Then you can fight not with yourself - with your emotions or with your body. And with the real reason.

Think about why you were scared last time. And why did your body behave this way? Perhaps you already have one assumption - the reason is that you are not healthy. Then come up with and write down other explanations. Maybe you drank too much coffee? Or tired and didn't get enough sleep. Or your boss upset you. Or mom ate the brain the day before. Write down as many guesses as possible. Assess the likelihood of each of them. The next time you start to get scared, do the same. Look for “harmless” but very plausible explanations for your fear. And in the future, strive to eliminate all factors that can trigger fear.

4. Choose a relaxed lifestyle

The modern city dweller rushes at a breakneck pace. He is stewing in a cauldron of endless rush jobs and stress. Perhaps attacks of fear are a signal from the body that it needs a break, a request to take care of itself. This is your body telling you to slow down your pace of life. In order to reduce the likelihood of a fear attack, it is necessary to reduce tension. Strive to have less stress in your life. And more pleasure, relaxation and enjoyable activities.

5. Focus on the external

Researchers have proven that attacks of inexplicable horror are more common among people who are very sensitive to what is happening in their body. They easily notice the beating of the heart and perceive the slightest changes in breathing. Fluctuations in blood pressure can be easily felt. This is what increases the likelihood of a fear attack. Therefore, strive to focus your attention on external events, on the people around you and on the tasks facing you.

6. Be present

Fear grows because of your imagination. If you are transported into the future: you begin to imagine horrible consequences talking with your boss, flying or traveling, you increase fear. Focus your attention on the present, on the tasks in front of you, or on other people.

“And - God forbid - do not read Soviet newspapers before lunch,” said Professor Preobrazhensky in “ Heart of a Dog" Avoid reading or watching reports about murders, accidents and illnesses. Don't watch horror films or thrillers. Don't give such food to your imagination. And it will stop painting you terrible pictures.

7. Live your fear

Experiencing fear, moving through it, moving despite it is a very valuable experience that will allow you to cope with fears in the future. The brave man is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who is afraid but does it. Living through fear forms the habit of coping with intense fear. Know that unpleasant bodily sensations are caused by adrenaline. If you do not add wood to the fire of fear, the effect of adrenaline lasts about two minutes. And active physical actions help burn it.

8. Learn breathing or relaxation techniques

The ability to relax will help you cope with fear. You need to master relaxation techniques and breathing techniques at a time when you are calm. And train until the skill of relaxation becomes automatic. Only then will these techniques help you at the moment when horror hits.

The easiest way to calm down is to master diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, you need to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach. You will find detailed instructions in the article “Breathing with the belly: diaphragmatic breathing”. It helps a lot to relax if you exhale much longer than your inhalation. This is how sleeping people breathe. You will find instructions for this breathing method in the article “Breathing technique for complete relaxation”. Another way of breathing that helps cope with panic is the winner's breath. You will master it by watching a fragment of the program “About the Most Important Thing”.

9. Take risks

Avoiding scary situations helps you avoid fear. But it serves you badly. The more you avoid, the more fear is stronger. The stronger the fear of fear. And the more situations begin to frighten. It doesn't take long to become a recluse. By taking risks, you increase the number of situations in which you feel comfortable. This way you increase your comfort zone.

10. Take a course of psychotherapy with a psychologist or psychotherapist

You can fight the fear of fear alone. But it is easier to do this with the support of a psychologist or psychotherapist. With the help of a specialist, you will get rid of the fear of fear much faster.
