Why does my jaw hurt when opening my mouth and chewing? What should I do if it’s jammed? My jaw hurts. Pain under the jaw, pain radiating to the ear, inflamed jaw lymph nodes, pain when opening the mouth, jaw clicking. What to do with these symptoms? It hurts to move

What we mean by the word "jaw" is a composite organ and is formed from the lower jaw, the upper and the connecting temporo- jaw joint.

One of the fairly common problems that people turn to dentists for is jaw pain. It usually appears during the process of chewing, that is, during the movement of the jaw, pressure on it and the work of the jaw joint. This can be either on the left side or on the right; less often - from both at the same time.

However, despite the apparent simplicity of the solution - contact dental clinic, this problem is not always exclusively dental. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is even not considered an independent disease, but only a manifestation, a primary symptom of disease varying degrees difficulties.


To determine which disease or problem the pain in the jaw is a symptom of, it is necessary to find the cause. Correct diagnosis and an accurate determination of the reasons causing such a symptom is already half of successful treatment. That is why so much space is devoted to describing the reasons.

In fact, the reasons similar pains quite a large number. They can even be divided into several large groups, according to the main diagnostic criterion - trauma, neurology, infectious diseases, orthodontic problems, and so on.

It is worth talking about all these groups and in more detail about some of them, which are the most common.


Sometimes the nature of the pain of various origins may be so similar various problems that it is possible to determine injury as the main cause only if the injury itself is present. By the way, they can also be of different types.

There are three main types of jaw injuries that can cause pain in this area when chewing.

  • Fracture– may occur after a strong mechanical injury, and this applies to both the upper and lower jaws, and sometimes both at once.
  • Dislocation– can be caused by sudden movement of the joint.
  • Injury– also a mechanical injury, but not serious enough to cause a bone fracture.

The symptoms are described in more detail below in the corresponding section.

Consequences of wearing dentures and braces

This category includes various orthodontic and orthopedic structures. IN various cases pain is normal, especially with various devices used for orthodontic treatment, such as braces.

These devices are used to correct the bite, that is, they act directly on the teeth and their position in the jaw itself.

Usually, before installing braces, the doctor warns about the possibility of such pain and that this is a normal and temporary phenomenon.

Moreover, such unpleasant manifestations are a sign correct installation orthodontic apparatus - the teeth move so as to form a correct bite, which is initially unusual for this person.

The same symptom may appear after the installation of various removable dentures. This is also considered normal, since the jaws are still getting used to this design. The pain should decrease over time and go away completely.


Patients who have serious violations in the structure of the masticatory apparatus, that is, malocclusion, may also suffer from pain that appears in the jaw when chewing. This indicates that it is necessary to urgently contact an orthodontist for appropriate treatment.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

This type includes various abscesses, phlegmons, boils, as well as osteomyelitis. Let's talk in more detail about each reason.

  1. Furuncle. This is a fairly large purulent focus, which is located in the soft tissues. It is usually clearly visible, despite the fact that the center is under the skin. Sometimes the boil can reach large sizes and at the same time put pressure on the nerve endings, which causes pain in the jaw.
  2. Abscesses and cellulitis. They are a much bigger problem. They differ as follows: an abscess is a closed process, and phlegmon can spread further, especially through the blood vessels. When these diseases affect the tissues of the lower part of the oral cavity, sharp and severe pain in the jaw may appear.
  3. Osteomyelitis. This disease also belongs to the inflammatory type, but in in this case bone tissue is affected. It can develop due to injury or be a consequence of infectious diseases of the teeth, when the infection penetrates further through internal channels in the absence of treatment.

Various neoplasms

When different types tumors, pain in the jaw during chewing may not be as severe as with other diseases. It is classified as chronic, since these are the symptoms that are characteristic of tumors.

It does not matter what type of formation develops in the body - benign or malignant.

Benign tumors

Can be of several types

  1. Adamantium– leads to an increase in the size of the jaw, which provokes problems in the functioning of the entire joint, in particular when chewing. The sensations at first are simply unpleasant, but as the tumor grows, they intensify.
  2. Osteoblastoclastoma– the pain at first is not very pronounced and aching in nature, as the formation develops it becomes constant and sharp when chewing.
  3. Osteoma– strong unpleasant and sharp sensations appear from the very beginning, but then they are usually observed at night. As it develops, the symptom also appears during chewing.

Malignant tumors

May also belong to different types. However, despite different action on the body and prognosis, in many cases it is impossible to distinguish them from benign ones, since the manifestations in the form of jaw pain during chewing and others are almost identical.

This type includes cancer, sarcoma and osteogenic sarcoma. The latter disease is different in that it originates from the tissue of the jaw bone (usually the lower one).


Often, the pain that appears when chewing in the jaw area can be of neurological origin. This is due to pinching or damage to various nerves, then “recoil” occurs specifically in the area of ​​the masticatory apparatus.

Painful sensations near the ear

This symptom is characteristic of pathologies of the temporomandibular joint.

There are three main manifestations belonging to this type - arthrosis, arthritis and dysfunction. In the presence of each of these diseases, the symptoms are very characteristic - this is not just pain in the jaw when chewing, but at the same time it also radiates to the ear. In rare cases, such sensations extend only to the ear.

Then these diseases may even be confused with otitis media– inflammation of the ear – until pain when chewing also appears. Also, along with severe painful sensations, a burning sensation may appear.

To eliminate symptoms and causes, a whole range of measures is usually used, which includes orthodontic treatment, wearing trainers, prosthetics, treatment and re-treatment of teeth, as well as surgical interventions. Acupuncture may also be used.

Without treatment for such diseases, severe deterioration in the functioning of the joint is possible, even up to its complete immobilization. And since diagnosis is very difficult, during a visit the dentist must definitely prescribe an x-ray of this particular area.

After the blow

With an ordinary bruise, even a severe one, only the soft fabrics and perhaps nerves are affected. It is accompanied by hematoma and edema. Usually, when complete healing occurs, the symptoms disappear.

To speed up this process you can use special ointments that penetrate deep into the tissues and eliminate the consequences of a bruise from the inside.

Most often, such injuries occur if you open your mouth very sharply. When a dislocation occurs, the traumatologist resets the joint manually. After this, all symptoms soon disappear.

The most complex injury is considered to be a fracture, which can occur with a very strong blow. In this case, treatment is carried out in the maxillofacial surgical department.

If pain appears after recovery (usually aching character), then you should take painkillers and consult a dentist. This is due to the fact that the damage affected not only the jaw, but also the teeth.

What to do?

Most of these problems can be eliminated without the use of surgical methods., however not all. For example, tumors, boils, abscesses and similar formations must be removed by a specialist, as well as some disorders of the functioning of the temporomandibular joint.

About 80% of cases allow you to avoid serious surgical intervention if you use the following measures:

If simple measures do not bring results, you may need to take analgesics and other medicines that will eliminate the root cause of pain.

If pain appears in the jaw area while eating, it is advisable not to waste time, but to immediately contact a specialist so as not to trigger the disease. In addition to the dentist, specialists also include a surgeon and a neurologist.

We will be shown several jaw massage techniques in the following video:

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If your cheekbone or jaw hurts, medication is prescribed, folk remedies or physiotherapeutic procedures. Only a doctor can choose the right treatment tactics for the disease.

Pain in the cheekbone, jaw, and near the ear is a frightening symptom. Such painful sensations may indicate the presence large quantity diseases in organs and systems. Teeth, ears, gums, lymph nodes, sinuses, soft tissues of the face - diseases associated with these organs lead to pain.

  • If unpleasant sensations appear in the cheekbone area, you should immediately consult a doctor. But it is important to know which doctor to go to: a dentist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon or another.
  • It is better to first contact a therapist, who can refer you to the necessary specialist. When diagnosing, doctors are helped by various laboratories and instrumental methods.
  • To understand the factors causing pain, you can consider possible reasons using a special algorithm of actions. So, your jaw hurts, it crunches painfully, there is pain when chewing - what to do in these cases and where to go? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

If there is pain in the jaw, then you don’t need to console yourself with hopes that it will go away on its own. This symptom occurs when a serious disease appears that needs to be treated. If this is not done in a timely manner, the condition may worsen and the disease may develop into a chronic stage.

Causes of pain in the cheekbones, jaw near the ear on the left and right, and when it hurts to chew:

  • Diseases of the dentofacial apparatus, gums and temporomandibular joint. These problems are dealt with by dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. If jaw abscesses and phlegmon occur, you will need an operating dentist.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses. On the sides of the nose there are the maxillary sinuses, and behind the ear there is a cavity located inside the process of the temporal bone. The mucous membrane of this cavity can become inflamed and cause aching pain in the cheekbone area. An ENT specialist deals with such problems.
  • Diseases of the larynx, tonsils and tissues around them. The disease appears as a result of a purulent-inflammatory process, infectious disease and tumors. An ENT doctor can cure such a pathology.
  • Disease of the peripheral nervous system. Inflamed nerve cells, causing accumulation of processes and pain. You should contact a therapist or neurologist.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. They become inflamed if infected lymph from the nose, larynx or ears enters their tissues. Diseases of this system are dealt with by general practitioners or pediatricians (in children).

If diseases are started by delaying a trip to the doctor, then other concomitant, no less complex pathologies may develop:

  • Purulent and inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon.
  • Infections in oral cavity, nose or ears.
  • Dysmetabolic abnormalities in electrolyte balance.
  • Injuries - can occur due to strong opening of the mouth when yawning, opening bottles and other hard or metal caps with the teeth.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Inflammation peripheral vessels and nerves.

If your jaw hurts after going to the dentist or having a tooth removed, you should immediately contact a specialist. A consultation may not be necessary if braces have been installed. In this case, mild or tolerable pain occurs during the formation of a correct bite. But, if this condition does not go away after 2 months, then a consultation with the treating dentist is necessary.

Important: You should contact a trauma surgeon if your jaw or cheekbone begins to hurt after an injury. In this case, pain can arise either from a banal bruise or from a serious fracture, dislocation or abscess.

Such pain can be associated with both dental problems and diseases of the nerve endings. What other causes of pain in the jaw bone near the ear and in the muscles when pressed? Several important factors:

  • Injury— a strong blow to the head area can lead to a violation of the integrity of the facial bone. Constant It's a dull pain, as well as when pressed.
  • Wisdom tooth eruption. This process is almost always accompanied by painful sensations, in some people to a lesser extent, in others to a greater extent. Pain may occur when pressing on the cheekbone area.
  • Jaw osteomyelitis- a disease that affects the entire bone. The cause of its occurrence is active pathogenic microorganisms who sneak into root canals. The pain is strong and aching.
  • Caries and pulpitis can cause pain that intensifies at night, especially when pressing on the cheekbone in the area of ​​sore teeth.
  • Arteritis- pain in the form of a burning sensation in the jaw area.
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction- pain when opening the mouth and chewing food, when pressing.
  • Boils, fistulas, cellulitis and abscesses- The jaw hurts when pressed and at rest.

Any unpleasant sensations cannot be ignored! If pain occurs in the jaw area, when pressed, at night, or if the discomfort is permanent, you should consult a doctor.

Often when you yawn, your jaw cracks. But if you open your mouth too wide, then in addition to crunching, pain may appear. It does not go away for a long time, and appears during chewing, opening the mouth, or even at rest. What to do if your jaw cracks and hurts?

If the pain does not go away the next day, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms can occur with serious illnesses:

  • jaw arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • jaw muscle sprain;
  • dislocation of the jaw joints.

The doctor will examine you and order an X-ray. If the joints are in order, then the doctor may prescribe UHF and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Within 5-7 days after undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures, the pain will go away.

The clicking sound during mouth opening is most often painless. You only feel discomfort and hear a characteristic sound.

  • Many people get used to this crunch and stop paying attention to it.
  • This condition is explained by the fact that the jaw joint comes out of the joint capsule during movement. It moves to the side and when it returns to its place, a crunching sound is heard.
  • This may occur due to injury, malocclusion, excessive tension of the jaw muscles (singing, reading poetry).

What to do if the jaw clicks on one side and the jaw joint and cheekbone hurt when opening the mouth? Some tips:

  • Correct diagnosis. Often people go to the doctor with a problem in advanced cases. Determining the root cause is difficult, because you need to understand how this condition developed. To make a correct diagnosis, you must consult a doctor at the first sensation of pain. The doctor prescribes X-ray, MRI, computed tomography and arthroscopy.
  • Dentists treat dysfunctions of the jaw joint. Complex cases require consultation with a dental surgeon. For treatment, painstaking and lengthy work is carried out to correct the bite, refill teeth, replace dentures, and so on. Treatment of jaw joint dysfunction is carried out by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At home, you can alleviate the condition a little with the help of warm compresses, and in case of inflammation, applying ice will help. Do not load the jaw: soft and ground food, complete rest.
  • Relaxation techniques can help you cope with pain. It can be used to prevent the occurrence of such diseases.

Treatment of all diseases associated with clicking of the jaw joints and pain depends on the degree and nature of the development of the inflammatory process. General recommendations in this case it is complete rest of the jaw.

Colds and runny nose are accompanied by the spread of pathogenic microflora throughout the body. Inflammation begins, which is accompanied by pain. Therefore, to the question: can the cheekbone and jaw hurt during a cold, runny nose, or tooth extraction, we can confidently answer: yes.

  • If pain occurs in the cheekbone area, almost under the eye, then this is inflammation maxillary sinuses. Contact an ENT specialist.
  • Pain at the junction of the upper and lower jaw may occur due to colds and runny nose. Bacteria enter the joint sac, its surface becomes inflamed. It will help to get rid of the ENT problem.
  • A cold can cause inflammation of the jaw nerve. A neurologist treats this disease.
  • Cheekbones may hurt with otitis media. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. An ENT doctor treats otitis media.

Pain in the jaw during tooth extraction may be minor. But, if the pain is severe and intensifies over time, then the surgeon may not have removed the entire tooth, so you should immediately consult a dentist.

Often, when pain occurs, people panic and do not know which doctor to contact. If such a situation arises, you can contact a therapist, and he will refer you to the right specialist. What other doctor can you see if your cheekbone or jaw hurts? The following specialists will receive you:

  • dentist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • surgeon, orthodontist;
  • neurologist;

If the pain is sharp and unbearable, as with a dislocation or fracture of the jaw, then you should call an ambulance.

From the above, it is clear that there are many reasons for pain in the jaw joint. Diseases can be associated with ENT organs, neuralgia, inflammation of joint and soft tissues, inflammation of dental tissues.

  • Therefore, treatment for a sore jaw joint near the ear or in the cheekbone area should only be prescribed by a specialist.
  • He will be able to make the correct diagnosis or refer you to another highly specialized doctor.
  • Often, the treatment of pain in the cheekbone area is accompanied by the prescription of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. For almost any inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes UHF or other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Important: Do not self-medicate! This is dangerous to your health.

Osteoarthritis of the jaw is a chronic disease of the skull bones, in which the cartilage in the joints is destroyed, which leads to deformation, pain and decreased mobility.

Drug treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition and uncontrolled reaction of the body. The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of jaw pain:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal drugs: diclofenac, ibuprofen, etoricoxib, ketorol. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then drugs that reduce acidity in the stomach are prescribed in parallel: Omeprazole, Lansoprazole.
  • Vitamins - ascorbic acid(vitamin C), cholecalciferol (vitamin D), calcium.
  • Drugs that renew cartilage tissue- hyaluronic acid.
  • Intra-articular injections for severe pain: Disprospan. This treatment is carried out once every 6 months.

Women may be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during menopause, but under the supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Physiotherapeutic procedures will also be effective: electric current, paraffin, laser, magnet, massage, ultrasound.

In parallel with medicines, in the treatment of arthrosis of the jaw joint, folk remedies are used. Apitherapy is a therapy carried out using bee venom. It contains biogenic amines, which relieve pain and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Bee venom is used as follows:

This method has many contraindications (allergies, chronic diseases, malignant neoplasms, hypertension, diabetes). Therefore, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

In addition to bee venom, honey and gelatin can be used to treat arthrosis:

Video: Why does my jaw click?

Pain related to the jaw region brings a lot of inconvenience to a person, especially when it intensifies during communication or eating.

There are many reasons for their occurrence: dental disease, jaw injury, damage to nerve endings.

At the same time, the problem may be non-dental in nature, but indicate the presence of a certain disease.

To understand which specialist can help in this situation, it is worth paying attention to the nature and location of the pain.

Accurate and timely identification of the cause of pain when chewing food contributes to the correct diagnosis and provision of appropriate therapeutic procedures.

There are several large groups of factors that influence the occurrence of pain in the jaw apparatus.


Mechanical injury to the jaw is often due to the following reasons:

  1. Bruise caused by a strong blow or fall. The bones of the jaw apparatus retain their integrity, however, damage to the soft tissue occurs. When opening the mouth, pain occurs, a bruise forms and slight swelling of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. As a rule, all symptoms disappear within 2-3 days.
  2. Dislocation. This situation is possible with a sharp opening of the mouth, yawning, laughing, or opening a bottle with the teeth. Pathology often occurs when a person has joint diseases. The dislocation looks like this: the lower jaw is fixed with a skew to one side when the mouth is open. To get rid of a dislocation you will need the help of a traumatologist.
  3. Fracture of the upper or lower jaw. This problem is a consequence of mechanical trauma, such as a strong blow, an accident, or a fall from a height. There are fractures of both one and both jaws at the same time. In addition to acute pain, a fracture is characterized by the inability to chew, swelling and bruising.
  4. Traumatic osteomyelitis. The main cause of this disease of the jaw bones is an untreated fracture, complicated by low immunity and the presence of foci of infection in the oral cavity. Often the cause of the development of pathology is an infected tooth, from which the infection spreads into the jaw tissue. Osteomyelitis is characterized by throbbing pain and increased body temperature.
  5. Chronic subluxation of the lower jaw. This condition occurs as a result of certain actions, such as coughing, yawning, laughing, and is characterized by a displacement of the jaw forward or to one side. The situation is a consequence of stretching fibrous tissue, surrounding the joint between lower jaw and the cavity of the temporal bone, as a result of the lack of proper fixation of the articulation of the bones.

Consequences of wearing dentures or braces

The use of various orthodontic structures designed to correct the bite may be accompanied by minor pain, especially during the adjustment period.

Such devices are located on the teeth and promote their movement relative to the dentoalveolar line, which leads to the formation of uncomfortable sensations. This indicates that the process of correcting a pathological bite is proceeding correctly.

Important! If pain when using orthodontic appliances increases over time and interferes with eating or communicating, you should consult a dentist.

Installation of prostheses to restore lost crowns can also lead to slight pain during the initial stages of their use. After some time, the pain will disappear.

If this does not happen, you should consult a dentist to eliminate the possibility of incorrect installation of the orthopedic structure and the presence of an inflammatory process.

Dental diseases

The presence of certain dental diseases can cause pain when chewing:

  1. Pulpitis. The inflammatory process affecting the dental nerve is accompanied by the occurrence of paroxysmal pain, intensifying at night. In addition to the affected tooth, pain often spreads to the zygomatic, occipital region or to the opposite jaw.
  2. Periodontitis. Jaw pain in this disease is acute in nature, which is characterized by an increase and pulsation with an exacerbation of the process. When eating and pressing on the jaw, the pain intensifies.
  3. Alveolitis. The pain from the inflamed hole can radiate to the entire jaw, interfering with chewing food. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can develop into the form of limited osteomyelitis, accompanied by purulent melting of the jaw bones.

Wisdom teeth eruption

The growth of molars is often accompanied by pain. This is due to the fact that the jaw is already formed and there may not be enough space for the growth of additional molars.

This can lead to the appearance of impacted or dystopic crowns.

The eruption of these molars may be accompanied by aching pain in the cheek area, spreading to the throat and ear, difficulty chewing and swallowing, and inflammation of the bones and muscles located in the area of ​​tooth growth.

If you experience pain associated with the eruption of molar crowns, you should contact your dentist to avoid the formation of inflammatory processes due to their improper location.


The pathological location of the crowns relative to the line of the dentition can cause pain during chewing. This is due to improper distribution of loads and the need to apply additional effort.

A pathological bite may be accompanied by pain when opening the mouth, chewing, talking, headaches, and spasms of the jaw muscles.

This situation requires immediate attention to the dentist, since if left untreated, it can lead to the formation of dislocations caused by weakening of the ligaments due to improper positioning of the temporomandibular joint.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

An acute purulent process is another possible cause of pain in one of the jaws. The most common diseases are:

  1. Osteomyelitis characterized by inflammation of soft and bone tissue. It is accompanied by sore teeth, spreading to the entire jaw, swelling of the face and its asymmetry.
  2. Furuncle accompanied by the development of acute purulent inflammation of the skin. Often the area of ​​spread of the disease is limited, but has pronounced pain.
  3. Abscess most often develops against the background of mechanical damage to the jaw and concomitant infection. During the course of the disease upper jaw Characterized by difficulties in opening the mouth and swallowing, on the lower side there is pain when chewing. Externally, the abscess is expressed in swelling of the submandibular triangle and distortion of the shape of the face.
  4. Phlegmon. The symptoms of this pathology resemble osteomyelitis - sharp pain in the jaw row or under it, swelling of the face, increased temperature. The area of ​​inflammation in this disease tends to spread.


Soreness of the jaw during chewing in the absence of any trauma or inflammatory processes may indicate the presence of a benign or malignant neoplasm in the body.

Often such pain is mildly chronic, regardless of the type of tumor.

Benign ones include the following types tumors:

  • adamantium characterized by an increase in the size of the jaw, which leads to difficulty and pain in the process of chewing food, which gradually intensifies as the tumor grows;
  • osteoma- a tumor that grows slowly from bone tissue and accompanied by malocclusion, jaw deformation and limited degree of opening of the oral cavity;
  • osteoblastoclastoma is accompanied by a slight aching pain, which gradually increases, and with the increase of the tumor becomes incessant.

Malignant neoplasms include osteosarcoma and cancer. These diseases are accompanied by pain when pressing on the jaw, severe pain near the ear or in the neck area, and deformation of the jaw bones.

In this case, the area with the most severe pain can be found in the chin area.


Damage to certain nerves can also cause pain that radiates to the jaw. This often occurs due to the following inflammations:

  1. Damage to the ternary nerve causes a sharp paroxysmal pain, which concentrates on one side and intensifies at night. In this case, the pain does not extend to the back area of ​​the jaw.
  2. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerve accompanies strong pain on one side submandibular region, which can move to the face area and chest. The greatest intensity of painful sensations occurs when chewing or yawning.
  3. Key symptom neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve– severe pain in the tongue, gradually spreading to the lower jaw and face. It usually occurs during communication or eating. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, lasts about 2-3 minutes, after which it subsides.
  4. Carotidynia is a type of migraine caused by diseases of the carotid artery. The pain occurs in attacks and lasts up to several hours. It is usually localized on one side of the upper jaw, gradually radiating into the lower dental row, face, and ear.

Pain near the ear

Painful sensations when chewing, radiating to the ear, are characteristic of diseases of the temporomandibular joint - arthritis, arthrosis and dysfunction.

These joint pathologies can be caused by infection, hypothermia, high load, mechanical damage, or malocclusion.

Articular diseases of the jaw are characterized by incessant aching pain that flows into the ear area, discomfort and crunching when opening the mouth and chewing. In some cases, pain can spread to the entire face.

For more information about the causes of pain in the jaw joint, watch the video.


To find out the cause of jaw pain associated with eating, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

A dental examination will determine whether this symptomatology to dental diseases. In some cases, additional consultation with a neurologist, otolaryngologist or cardiologist may be required.

Treatment options

The method of eliminating jaw pain depends on the cause of its occurrence, established during the preliminary examination:

  • if there is a bruise, a fixing bandage is applied and compresses are prescribed;
  • a dislocation requires the jaw to be realigned by a traumatologist and a bandage applied;
  • acute purulent diseases are treated in a hospital setting with antibiotics;
  • in the presence of abscesses, they are opened and the purulent filling is removed;
  • carotidynia requires the prescription of painkillers and antidepressants;
  • pain caused impacted tooth wisdom, are eliminated after its complete eruption, which is facilitated by a small surgical incision;
  • in the presence of neoplasms that cause pain in the jaw area, they are surgical treatment with chemotherapy if necessary.

With the permission of the attending physician, as an addition to drug therapy You can use folk remedies. Here is one of them:

  1. 20 grams of crushed coltsfoot and oregano herbs are placed in a small container, 500 ml of vodka is poured in and infused in a dark place for 3-4 days.
  2. After this time, the tincture is filtered and used to rub the area with high pain.
  3. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Helps cope with jaw pain and physiotherapy. Orthodontists recommend performing the following exercises:

  1. Smile with closed lips.
  2. Consecutive lifting of the upper and lower lip until teeth are exposed.
  3. Puffing and retraction of the cheeks.
  4. Closing lips with a tube.

Each exercise must be performed 8-10 times twice a day. After finishing the gymnastic procedures, the face should be relaxed and lightly massaged.


To avoid jaw pain, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • timely cure viral and dental diseases;
  • use sufficient quantity vitamins;
  • stop using chewing gum;
  • apply local self-massage of the jaw;
  • perform myogymnastic exercises;
  • Make sure that your head is raised 30 cm above the bed while sleeping.

Pain almost always indicates either inflammatory process, or about a violation anatomical structure and tissue functioning.

Jaw pain spreads to all facial muscles, accompanied by headache.

The most common reasons pain when opening the mouth, there are dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint, as well as various.

It is important to find out what is causing your pain so that the course of treatment is effective.

Types of jaw pain

Pain varies, when making a diagnosis great importance has duration, intensity, nature of pain. First of all pain syndrome divided into acute and chronic. Acute pain appears and disappears unexpectedly, or appears after injury or injury. Chronic pain develops gradually, weakens or intensifies with movement.

The pain can be burning, cutting, pulling, aching. All these characteristics indicate the cause of the pain syndrome.

Aching pain often occurs with inflammation, burning pain with neuralgia, and severe cutting pain with bone injuries. Please note that if it hurts to open your mouth, this does not mean that the problem is in the bones; the reason may lie in the surrounding tissues.

This syndrome should not be confused with pain when opening the mouth. Clicking occurs when the lower jaw moves asymmetrically. This movement is caused by different lengths of the left and right masticatory muscle. occur on the side where the shorter muscle is located.

Incorrect positioning of the jaw can occur when the jaw muscles have pathological activity (teeth grinding). Due to bruxism, teeth wear out faster, and as a result of lowering the height of the bite, the jaw shifts even more. All this leads to joint deformation and damage to the ligamentous apparatus.

Video about why your jaw clicks

Folk remedies for pain relief

Since the main problem is pain itself, use several folk remedies:

  1. Apply an ice pack or frozen meat to the painful side. This method will help relieve swelling and dull the pain a little.
  1. Helps with swelling light massage. It will improve blood circulation, which means it will reduce swelling, which may also reduce pain.
  1. Relieves pain or cloves. To do this, place a tablespoon of ground herbs in a glass and fill it with hot, but not boiling, water. You need to insist for 30-40 minutes, after which you can drink.
  1. Valerian is strong remedy, which will help you sleep at night when your jaw hurts. To do this, place 20-30 drops in a small glass (50 ml) and drink just before bed.
  1. An unusual method is a mixture of sea ​​salt and ground garlic or hot onion. This mixture should be placed next to or around the sore spot. The mixture will cause a burning sensation, which will help shift your attention away from the pain.

Diseases that make it painful to open your mouth

The reasons why it hurts to open your mouth may be hidden in dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Arthrosis or arthritis of the joint leads to such problems. There are also several other diseases that lead to jaw pain.

Pathology Nature of pain Other symptoms
Arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint – destruction or “erasure” of the heads of the joints Pain occurs with active or passive movement.

It increases gradually with movement and goes away with rest.

At first it is not very pronounced, but over time it intensifies.

The joint is limited in movement.

When moving, a slight crunching sound is heard in the joint.

The medical history may include the following pathologies ( common reasons arthrosis):

- bruxism;

- anatomically abnormal development of the jaw;

- osteoarthritis.

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint - the process of inflammation of the joint The pain occurs at rest, and decreases with movement (due to increased blood circulation). There is often a history of trauma.

The mobility of the joint is unlimited.

There is a rise in local temperatures.

There is soft tissue swelling

The pain is localized in the affected area and can radiate to the lower jaw joint, eyes, and ears.

Pain may occur when the jaw moves (if localized near or in a joint).

When the tumor is localized in or in the temporomandibular joint, limited movement is observed.

Facial asymmetry is visible.

In this case, there is no temperature or swelling (the asymmetry is not caused by inflammation).

There may be a shift in the lower jaw.

With all the pathologies described above, pain is associated with jaw movement. Below are diseases in which pain is in no way related to chewing movements

Pathology Nature of pain Other symptoms
The pain is intense and has nothing to do with jaw movements (it does not weaken or intensify). Temporomandibular mobility

joint is unlimited.

Increase in local and general temperature.

Lack of appetite, weakness, chills.

The gums and skin swell.

Purulent discharge is sometimes visible in the mouth.

Soreness and enlargement of local

lymph nodes

purulent inflammation hair follicles The pain is localized in the skin and adjacent tissues.

With a large carbuncle it can radiate into the jaw.

It intensifies when pressing on the source of inflammation or the skin around it.

Visible purulent plugs, raised areas on the skin.

Around a boil or carbuncle

a ring of inflammation is observed.

When opening the abscess, inward movements are observed

signs of intoxication ( headache, weakness, increased general temperature).

Dental diseases The pain is localized on the right or left on one of the jaws.

The pain is aching, throbbing, causing particular discomfort at night

Temporal arteritis – autoimmune disease with damage to arterial walls The pain is localized in the temples, can radiate to the jaw, tongue

The pain throbs and intensifies when bending forward.

Pain when touching the scalp.

At laboratory analysis markers of an autoimmune reaction are detected.

The temples are red and swollen.

Increased body temperature, weakness, chills, headaches.

Sometimes there is blurred vision, drooping eyelids, and pain in the eyes.

With neuralgia, the pain is burning, increases gradually and remains stable. In case of defeat trigeminal nerve the pain is localized in the upper, lower jaw, eyes.

In case of defeat ear node the pain is localized in the back of the head, neck, shoulders, and lower jaw.

When the glossopharyngeal nerve is damaged, the pain is localized in the throat, ear, and lower jaw.

When the superior laryngeal nerve is damaged, the pain is localized in the lower jaw and larynx

The pain is localized in the tongue and is pulsating in nature.

The pain increases gradually, sometimes radiating to the lower jaw.

It hurts to chew food and swallow.

The tongue is swollen, red, and the papillae may disappear, making it appear smooth (lacquered tongue).

Putrid odor from the mouth.

Local lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.

Profuse salivation.

The pain is localized in the face and can radiate to the upper jaw, eyes, and nose.

The pain intensifies when bending forward.

Breathing through the nose is impossible or difficult.

Thick mucous or mucous comes from the nose purulent discharge, sometimes with an unpleasant odor.

Body temperature is often slightly increased - by 0.5-1 o C

Please note that pain in these diseases is chronic and increases gradually.

Injuries that make it difficult to open your mouth

There are several types of musculoskeletal injuries that can cause enough damage to make it painful to open your mouth.

Pathology Characteristics of pain Other symptoms
– soft tissue damage without bone damage Pain occurs with active movement (chewing food, talking)

Pain occurs when pressing on the bruise site

- falling on the face;

- bruised face on another object;

- blow to the face.

A bruise is visible on the face

Jaw function is not reduced, but pain occurs when moving

– displacement of joints relative to each other Severe pain on one or both sides of the jaw

Often the pain radiates to the temporal region, ear

Inability to move the mouth due to pain

The history includes one of the following events:

- a strong blow to the face;

- wide opening of the mouth when trying to bite a large object, covenant, laughter, etc.

Dislocation with wide mouth opening occurs in elderly patients.

Upon examination, the incorrect position of the lower jaw is visible, usually with advancement

Excessive drooling

Jaw fracture – bone damage Severe pain at the fracture site

Cannot open mouth due to severe pain

There is swelling in the painful area

There is a history of a severe blow to the face. This may not be the case with severe osteoporosis, when bones lose strength and break from mild impacts.

There may be a bruise at the site of the impact; if the upper jaw is fractured, it may be localized on the cheekbones.

Please note that all injury pain is acute. They appear abruptly, immediately after damage, and are intense.

What will an x-ray of the jaw reveal?

An X-ray is prescribed to clarify the anatomy of a part of the body; the image can provide comprehensive information. An x-ray may be required in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to establish the integrity or damage of the bone;
  • there is a suspicion of a cyst, tumor, or other pathological formation in the bone;
  • it is necessary to find out the location of the damage, its shape;
  • it is necessary to establish the presence and location of foreign bodies;
  • it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the sinuses, bite, and other internal tissues.

X-ray provides information in the form of a black and white picture:

  1. White color – dense structures, such as fillings, pins, foreign objects. The bones look a little darker (but also white).
  2. Gray and dark gray color – fabrics and liquids. The most common color on a radiograph.
  3. Black color – cavities. This shade can be seen in the oral cavity with a profile x-ray.

Contrary to popular belief, x-rays are a relatively harmless procedure. You can take up to 40 panoramic photographs per year, of course, if you are photographing not just one part of the body, but different ones. Therefore, you can take 2-3 pictures within 1 month. X-rays are also available to pregnant women, but only for one-time use.

Please note that x-rays can be replaced with equally effective, but safe methods studies such as CT and MRI.

What to eat when it hurts to open your mouth?

The logical solution is any liquid food. You'll have to go on a liquid diet, but that doesn't mean you have to starve. First of all, food should be high in calories and balanced in vitamins and amino acids. Here is a sample list of recipes:

  1. Eat vegetable drinks first. To do this, peel any vegetables or fruits, put them in a blender and bring to a semi-liquid state.
  2. Amino acids will help replenish dairy products. For example, yogurt, biokefir, milk.
  3. Honey will give you calories. You can’t eat much of it a day because tart taste, but if you dissolve 2-3 spoons in other consumed lunches and drinks, then you won’t have to starve.

The influence of teeth on the condition of the jaw

Missing teeth will greatly affect the condition of the jaw:

  1. When there is a hole in the dentition, closely spaced teeth begin to loosen faster. Due to the lack of support, they gradually shift, resulting in a crooked bite. This is especially true for young people whose bite is subject to changes before the age of 18 (before the formation of the musculoskeletal system).
  1. Gums need teeth. Without them, they degrade and gradually become thinner. A missing tooth causes the cavity in its place to become even deeper. This again contributes to the loosening of neighboring teeth.
  1. Finally, the absence of molars (especially several) leads to the fact that the load during chewing falls not on the teeth, but on the jaw. This is exacerbated by decreased gum thickness. As a result, an abnormal load is placed on the temporomandibular joint, which ultimately leads to premature wear of the joint (arthrosis).

VIDEO Pain in the jaw joint

When pain in the jaw when chewing takes you by surprise, the need to take painkillers comes to the fore. In most cases, the pain syndrome is well relieved and therefore forgotten quite quickly. However, the real problem can lie low for a while and at an opportune moment make itself known.

Thus, soreness in the jaw area can be regarded as the result of awkward movements while eating. There is no need to find an excuse for a subsided illness, it is better once again visit qualified doctor and find out the cause of the discomfort. Only the attending physician will be able to recognize or exclude the disease, give recommendations or prescribe treatment.

It is important to understand that early diagnosis reduces risk possible complications and guarantees a favorable outcome of the pathological condition. Because the jaw bone can become ill for several reasons, it is worthwhile to dwell on each of them in more detail.

In the first place as possible causes of pain in the projection of the jaw bone is injury. Usually, mechanical damage manifest themselves quite quickly. A dislocation can cause sudden movement in the joint. A bruise is often the result of either accidental or intentional injury. As for cracks and fractures of the jaw, their implementation must be preceded by strong impact from outside. In all cases, the jaw hurts when opening the mouth, and clenching the teeth is much easier.

Dangerous inflammatory processes

Osteomyelitis is serious illness bone tissue, characterized by suppuration and decay of solid structures. Because the outbreak spreads quickly, then in pathological process The surrounding soft tissues are also involved.

Cellulitis is insidious pathological condition, which could lead to serious consequences. Since inflammation spreads through blood vessels, then it is almost impossible to stop without the intervention of a specialist.

An abscess is a closed cavity with purulent contents, which when certain conditions ready to go outside. You should not wait for the “bag” of pus to open and permeate nearby tissues with pathological exudate. Thus, the spread of infection can lead to serious complications.

Bite defect as a source of pain

An incorrect bite not only makes significant adjustments to the aesthetics of a smile, but also becomes a stumbling block when eating. Teeth that are unevenly positioned in relation to each other naturally lead to disruption of the digestion process already at the initial stage. Some foods are completely excluded from the diet because they are difficult to chew.

Therefore, often when clenching the jaws, pain occurs due to a clear discrepancy between the upper and lower dentition.

The unpleasant pain subsides immediately after the pressure on the curved tooth surfaces ceases.

Orthodontic structures and pain

As a rule, the process of getting used to braces or dentures proceeds completely differently in patients. In most cases, the adaptation period takes up to three weeks. But often when wearing " foreign body“Pain sensations occur inside the oral cavity, which may indicate correction of a defective bite or the grinding of dentures to the patient’s gums.

This kind of unpleasant sensation can more likely be attributed to temporary discomfort rather than to painful adaptation. As is known, patients perceive even filling material for some time as a hindrance in the oral cavity.

Joint pain

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in most cases becomes a real problem. Patients make every effort to unclench their jaws, but their mouth does not want to open.

Arthritis signals itself by characteristic swelling (swelling) of the joint and pain of varying intensity. When opening the mouth, it is obvious that the patient cannot move the lower jaw in full.

Arthrosis is characterized by peculiar movements of the jaws, similar to a zigzag. It seems that when moving, both jaws live a separate life. At the same time, patients note that their ear hurts, and less often their cheekbone.

Ankylosis of the jaw joint develops gradually, so pain in the jaw and around the ear should not be ignored by specialists. And pronounced stiffness of movement or complete blocking of the TMJ requires immediate help from specialized specialists.

Often, advanced forms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with pain syndrome are the result of patients’ negligent attitude towards their health.

Jaw pain due to neuralgia

Pinched or inflamed nerve endings usually lead to shooting pains that can radiate to the cheekbone, temple, or even the back of the head. The patient complains of constant discomfort when opening his mouth, because any movement provokes “lumbago.”

If your jaw hurts when opening your mouth due to neuralgia, it is important to mandatory apply for a qualified medical care. Launched forms neuralgia is fraught with serious complications.

Pain during tumor process

Neoplasms that can long time do not manifest themselves, can be benign or malignant. In most cases, tumors develop asymptomatically until they compress nerve endings. neighboring organs and fabrics. If your jaw hurts when you open your mouth, the pathological formation has probably already penetrated into the depths of the nervous tissue.

Adamantioma is a neoplasm characterized by relatively rapid growth. The characteristic protrusion of the jaw bone develops gradually. This suggests that there is too little room for the tumor to grow. further development. If your jaw hurts when you open your mouth, bone destruction may progress and at the same time compression of soft tissues, nerve endings and blood vessels occurs.

Osteoblastoclastoma is distinguished by its insidious character. During the period of tumor initiation, the patient does not make any complaints regarding the facial area. Over time, the aching pain turns into acute pain, which means that the process has already affected the nerves and surrounding tissues.

Concerning malignant neoplasms, then they prefer to lead a secret lifestyle. Cancer is often discovered quite late, because the patient did not seek qualified help at the first pain. Most patients associate pain with dental problems, so they relieve the pain syndrome on their own and prefer to forget about it. Meanwhile, cancer slowly but surely attacks healthy cells and covers large areas.

Important questions

If your jaw hurts near your ear, what should you do? It is important to consider that pain in the ear area or just below can be a manifestation of both a disease of the ENT organs (otitis) and pain dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

What should you do if your jaw hurts when you chew and when you open your mouth? Any pain in the jaw while eating should not be ignored. Constant pain against the background of painkillers, they can subside only for a while, and then return with a vengeance. And at low pain threshold and not let you live in peace at all.

Why does my jaw hurt near my ear? It is important to note that pain in the jaw near the ear is most often associated with ear pathology. Thus, temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome can hide its face.

How to treat pain syndrome of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with folk remedies? It is important to know that if the jaw joint near the ear hurts, treatment should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Uncontrolled therapy can lead to irreversible functional impairment.
