Blueberry reception. Blueberries: calorie content, composition, beneficial properties and contraindications. Benefits for the brain

Blueberries are a type of perennial low-growing shrub belonging to the Heather family. Common blueberries are also called myrtle-leaved blueberries.

Blueberries grow in the form of a small shrub, from 10 to 50 cm in height, and in the rather cold climate of the tundra and north, the height of a blueberry bush may not exceed a few centimeters.

Blueberries are eaten and used in medicinal purposes like blueberry leaves. Blueberries are juicy and very tasty; they are deep black in color with a shiny bluish-blue tinge. The pulp of blueberries is dark red, soft and very juicy, and contains a huge number of small seeds.

IN natural conditions In nature, the ripening period for blueberries varies from mid to late summer. Blueberries are also grown by gardeners; they are also sometimes used to decorate alpine slides.

Interestingly, based on multifaceted research by American scientists, we can confidently say that in the compiled list of popular drinks that are good for human health, fresh blueberry juice occupies a very honorable fourth place.

Composition of blueberry juice

A significant amount (about 30%) of sugars was detected in blueberry juice; it is enriched with organic acids (oxalic, succinic, malic, citric, quinic, lactic), about 7% of plant acids were detected in the berries. Blueberries contain 12% tannins, a significant amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins and pigments. The pigments in blueberries give them their dark blue color and are related to the dye anthocyanin. In addition to anthocyanin, the juice contains protoanthocyanidins (functioning as antioxidants), tannins, and flavonoids.

A significant advantage of blueberries is certainly their low calorie content - 38 kcal per 100 grams of berries. Despite their low calorie content, blueberry juice and berries are rich in vitamins, as well as other valuable substances, vitamin C, potassium, and iron. The composition of blueberry juice is enriched with fiber.

By freezing blueberries in the refrigerator, after defrosting you will receive the same healthy and beloved product, which is not inferior in its properties to fresh berries. Dried blueberries retain everything valuable properties fresh product.

Making blueberry juice

Berry pickers know that blueberries are very fragile, so they are processed immediately after the picking process. For long-term storage, blueberry juice can be prepared at home. It is enough to wash the berries with running water, grind them using a meat grinder or grind them in a blender and place them in an enamel container. It is recommended to take 100-120 ml of water per kilogram of berries. Next, you need to heat the berries to 70°C; at this temperature, the blueberries should be kept for no more than 20 minutes. Then squeeze the juice from the softened berries. Next, the squeezed juice should be allowed to stand for about 2-3 hours, after which the liquid should be carefully drained, leaving sediment, then strain using gauze. The resulting juice must be heated to 95°C, poured hot into sterilized jars, and covered with lids. The last step in preparing blueberry juice is to sterilize the jars at a temperature of 85-90°C, then seal them. Final stage- This is cooling the cans at normal room temperature.

Benefits of blueberry juice

Juice made from blueberries has long been used traditional medicine during the treatment of the most various violations health. Thus, the juice from these berries serves as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, and fixative. Blueberry juice is used for stomach diseases (dysentery, gastritis, colitis, vomiting).

The fact that blueberry juice is enriched with tannins allows it to be an important assistant in treating the problem of low stomach acidity; these valuable substances also have a good effect on the functioning of the entire human digestive system.

Blueberry juice for eye health

Ophthalmologists, studying the effect of blueberries on vision, determined that regular consumption of all blueberry products has a very positive effect on the health of the retina. Exactly healing composition Blueberries contribute to the rapid adaptation of the organ of vision to twilight and insufficient visibility.

It is interesting to know that today Fresh Juice made from blueberries is considered an essential component of the diet of astronauts; moreover, it is indicated for pilots, on whose state of vision human lives often depend.

Medicinal properties of blueberry juice

The medicinal properties of blueberry juice include its benefits in the treatment of urinary incontinence and getting rid of sand in the kidneys. Blueberry juice has diuretic properties. With the help of blueberry juice, problems with the upper respiratory tract, sore throat and stomatitis are treated.

Phytoncides of blueberry juice are used effectively in the treatment of diseases caused by pathogens of staphylococcus, dysentery bacillus, typhoid fever, diphtheria.

The popularity of blueberry juice as a method of prevention and treatment is due to its anti-inflammatory, antianemic, antiallergic, vascular strengthening, antidiabetic, astringent, antibacterial, hemostatic, diuretic and biliary properties.

Juice made from blueberries helps improve the functioning of the visual organ; it is known for its pronounced antiseptic effect. The benefits of juice for acute enterocolitis, gastritis (with low acidity gastric juice), dysentery, hepatitis and other stomach problems. Blueberry juice is used for medicinal purposes for heartburn, urethritis, rheumatic pain, and cystitis.

Practical uses of blueberry juice

In practice, blueberry juice is used not only independently, but also together with juice from strawberries. Juices in this combination are drunk during treatment. urolithiasis, diabetes and anemia. If you have the above health problems, you should drink 100 ml of blueberry juice no more than three times a day before meals; it is useful to combine blueberry juice and honey.

If the health problem is associated with cystitis, rheumatic pain, urethritis, and also as an anthelmintic or antibacterial drug It is recommended to drink blueberry juice (but no more than half a glass at a time).

Use blueberry juice to rinse the throat (and, if necessary, the mouth). It is necessary to rinse at least several times a day, taking 1/3 cup. Rinsing with juice from blueberries is done for stomatitis, sore throat, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For rinsing purposes, an infusion of blueberries is also used.

Blueberry juice is also used externally. They treat skin diseases (squamosal, eczema).

Contraindications to taking blueberry juice

Typically, there are no contraindications for taking blueberry juice, but drinking it too much can negatively affect the well-being of people suffering from biliary dyskinesia. Also, blueberries and all products prepared from them are not recommended for oxalaturia. And of course, everyone human body is individual, therefore, one should also take into account the personal intolerance of one or another person to the substances included in blueberry juice.


Do you know which wild berry is the most difficult to pick? Blueberries. It grows in coniferous forests, and unlike strawberries, not in sunny meadows, but in gloomy corners, where life-giving rays have difficulty penetrating, but are full of mosquitoes, which no repellents seem to kill.

Thousands of people flock to the forests to pick berries for their families and to sell - blueberries are in great demand due to their healing qualities.

What medicinal and simply beneficial properties does blueberry have? Are there any contraindications for use or harm? The benefits of blueberries for eyes and vision - truth or myth? Let's figure it out!

Benefit for health

Dishes with blueberries are included in the astronaut menu. “Ballast” will not be sent into orbit - only the best, most necessary and nutritious foods.

What are the benefits of fresh blueberries? It has a unique composition. Lots of vitamins (A, B, C, PP), organic acids, lots of microelements - , .

Manganese is valuable, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. No other product contains such an amount of manganese.

Contains essential oils, tannins . The rich composition determines its practical benefit in the field of medicine.

Here are the capabilities the berry is known for:

The question of the benefits of blueberries for restoring vision is debatable.

Some believe that this is a myth, others stand their ground: it is very good for vision. If you look at the pharmacy, you will find eye medications containing this wild plant.

So are blueberries good for the eyes and vision and why? What should the average consumer do? The best thing is to admit that the truth is in the middle.

Yes, blueberries are good for vision, but they are not a panacea, however the unique substances contained in its composition have a positive effect on blood vessels, activating blood flow even in the smallest capillaries - that’s all beneficial features for eyes.

The tension accumulated in the eyes is relieved, and vision becomes sharper. Isn't this the result? For serious medical care you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Scientists have found that even blueberry leaves have medicinal properties , therefore they are used in official and folk medicine.

For women

Since ancient times, these fruits have been called “rejuvenating”, that's why they are so valued by women. Antioxidants protect the body from aging, and can even reverse this mechanism - the berry rejuvenates cells and organs.

This, of course, does not happen by magic, it’s just that the existing components give an impetus to the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for cell rejuvenation.

Among the results visible to the naked eye are: improving skin structure, increasing its tone.

What else are blueberries good for a woman? It is possible to regulate the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the entire female reproductive system.

Women are more likely than men to suffer from varicose veins. Wild plants (the so-called gifts of nature that grow in forests without human intervention) Helps tidy up veins, improves circulation in blood vessels.

For men

In questions men's health berries are also not on the sidelines. Several hundred gram servings per week improve sexual health, increase potency.

The beneficial qualities of blueberries are used for the treatment of inflammation prostate gland in men. Blueberries have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and this is a “weak link” for middle-aged men.

For children

Blueberry is one of the good heroes of the famous fairy tale about Cipollino, his true friend, guarding the house of godfather Pumpkin in the forest. Tell your children about this if they suddenly don’t want to eat this wild berry.

It is useful to give it to children, while the wild plant harvesting season is in full swing - as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug to increase the immunity of a growing organism, to protect it from possible colds, viral infections.

Rare case: the berry can be given to babies as early as seven months of age. First, add a handful at a time (previously kneading with a spoon) into the finished fruit puree.

Older children are given the whole fruit, from half to a whole glass per day. For those who are already three years old, the portion is increased to two glasses per day.

Have experience treatment of diarrhea in children with this natural product.

When there are no medications at hand or for some reason their use is undesirable, severe intestinal upset can be relieved with dried berries (three tablespoons per glass of boiling water).

For pregnant

Let's find out if blueberries are good for pregnancy?

Women in this position need a complete, fortified diet.

If your pregnancy occurs during the berry season, It is advisable to eat fresh blueberries regularly, to maintain the required level of hemoglobin in the blood, and direct the existing one to strengthen bone structure child so that it is formed correctly.

Expectant mothers are usually very careful when using medications, but no one is immune from diseases, so blueberries, which have antiviral and antipyretic properties, can be very useful if a woman gets a sore throat or flu.

Gargle the throat and tonsils with juice (a couple of tablespoons per glass of water). The same procedure will be effective for stomatitis.

The program “Live Healthy!” talks about the healing properties of blueberries:

Fresh or processed

In what form are blueberries most beneficial? Certainly, fresh berries contain more valuable substances than heat treated.

Therefore, you need to make the most of the berry season and not be lazy about going into the forest, even when its “peak” is behind you, but you can still pick a handful or two from the empty bushes.

And even processing can be approached in such a way that it is gentle.

Housewives prepare everyone’s favorite open-faced blueberry pies like this:: the “base” of the pie is sent into the oven, lightly greased with any jam, and at the final stage, berries are poured onto the top of the cake, leaving to simmer in the oven for a minute or two.

Then take the pie out of the oven and lightly sprinkle it with granulated sugar. Most of vitamins remain intact.

When and how best to eat

Fresh berries are consumed as an “independent dish” or in combination with yogurt, nuts. Nutritionists recommend eating them before lunch as a light snack - this way they will bring more benefits to the stomach and intestines.

Daily value: 50 to 100 grams or more, depending on the needs of the body.

Drying will preserve the properties of blueberries for a year. Prepare an infusion of crushed berries: four teaspoons per glass of water at room temperature.

It will be ready in 8 hours and will retain both vitamins and minerals.

Use in cooking

In 2012, a blueberry pie more than seventy meters long was included in the Russian Book of Records.

However, according to nutritionists, the smartest way to cook is not pies, but dishes that are not cooked, which means they are healthier.

What could it be:

Potential health hazards

We have figured out why and how useful the berry is for vision, what beneficial properties blueberries have for the health of men, children and women (including pregnant women). But not only the benefits lie in delicious fruits.

As with any other product, You may have an allergic reaction to blueberries, although such cases are rare.

If you do not have experience eating this wild plant, you need to be careful and eat a very small portion. Special measures precautions must be taken in relation to children.

Other contraindications include the following: the presence of pancreatic diseases, decreased blood clotting, and a tendency to constipation.

Wild plants absorb radioactive elements. Collected in places of radioactive contamination, they are always dangerous.

Alternative areas and uses

This berry is highly valued by cosmetologists using it in preparations to moisturize the skin of the face and hands. And thanks to its healing abilities, creams and lotions are prepared with it for problem skin, treatment of rashes, pustules, acne.

For this purpose, traditional medicine uses fresh “raw materials”, applying it to areas of the skin affected, for example, by eczema. Apply a thick layer and cover with a piece of gauze. If the gauze dries to the skin, soak it in fermented milk whey.

Due to their low calorie content (44 kcal per 100 grams of product), berries are included in weight loss diets. Metabolism improves, and toxins that pollute it are removed.

The improvement extends to all organs: even the hair becomes silky and thick.

What other benefits do blueberries have? The berry has an unexpected purpose - it is "edible ink" in confectionery production and when branding meat before selling it on the market.

This natural dye is used to dye leather, fabrics, and yarn.

Are zucchini healthy? our article and get answers to all your questions about this vegetable.

How to select and store

Of course, it’s good to go into the forest yourself and collect more good and pure product. If you have to choose on the market, look carefully: are the berries intact, not damaged, not crushed?.

It’s good if they are sold in the same container (for example, a wicker basket) where they were collected.

The fact that the berries were not transferred several times and were not damaged is immediately noticeable: they are dry, without a wet sheen, with a slight bluish sheen.

How to save useful material in the berry and properties of blueberries for the winter? You can store high-quality berries for future use: dry or freeze. Jams and jams are, of course, tasty, but they will no longer be absolutely beneficial.

On an industrial scale, they use the method of shock freezing at a temperature of minus 40 degrees. Experts confirm: this method preserves all the healing properties of the product.

Buy frozen food in stores, but in transparent packages, in order to visually verify the quality of the berries - they must be whole, smooth, without traces of thawing.

Drying at home start with a temperature of +40 degrees, then increase it to 70.

There are special devices in stores for these purposes that will provide the necessary drying mode and save you from unnecessary hassle. Dried berries can be stored for two years.

Among the most gentle recipes with heat treatment, experts call blueberry juice, syrup, fresh berries, mashed with sugar, and five-minute jam.

All these blueberry products, of course, will lose half of their beneficial properties, but the remaining half will not be superfluous to you, especially during the season of vitamin deficiency, when the need arises to take them.

More often it happens like this: what is tasty is not healthy. Blueberries are a rare case of a combination of both.

There are very few contraindications to its use. You can enjoy healthy food and at the same time undergo a course of “berry therapy”.

In contact with

Blueberry is a shrub that grows in deciduous and mixed forests. Its most valuable part is the berries, which have healing properties. What are the benefits and harms of blueberries for the human body?

Blueberry composition

Blueberries contain active compounds which endow it with beneficial properties. The berry contains more than 7% tannins, which have a positive effect on the heart muscle.

The dark color of blueberry pulp is due to its anthocyanin content. The berry contains antioxidants that protect tissues from free radicals. Among them are flavonoids, tannin, etc.

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? The benefits of the berry are enormous, because it contains vitamins C, B1, PP and A.

Among useful acids, which are included in blueberries, stand out for their properties:

  • lemon;
  • dairy;
  • apple;
  • amber.

The berry is rich in carotenoids, which have a positive effect on human vision. Blueberries contain a lot of polysaccharides and essential oils.

The berry contains the following micro- and macroelements:

  1. Copper.
  2. Manganese.
  3. Calcium.
  4. Potassium.
  5. Magnesium.
  6. Iron.
  7. Phosphorus.
  8. Sodium.

The nutritional value of blueberries is 43 kcal per 100 g of berries.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

The berry has many healing qualities:

  • Blueberries having vitamin composition, can increase the body's defenses and not cause allergies. Because of these properties, the berry can be consumed by adults and children.
  • In the absence of insulin dependence ( mild form diabetes) blueberries can be used to treat the disease. It is able to normalize blood glucose levels, which is especially important for these patients.
  • The tannins in the berries can relieve diarrhea. In this case, it is useful to drink blueberry compote.
  • The anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of the berries are used to treat the throat, nasopharynx and other ENT diseases.
  • Flavonoids help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • The presence of iron in blueberries contributes to the treatment of anemia in children and adults.
  • At cholelithiasis It is useful for people to take a decoction made from dried berries and blueberry leaves. It helps remove stones from the diseased organ.
  • Blueberries occupy a leading position among foods that increase visual acuity. You can eat the berry to prevent cataracts and strengthen the eye muscles.
  • Blueberries can normalize arterial pressure, prevents salt deposition in joints.
  • Berries remove toxins from the body and harmful substances. They prevent chronic constipation and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Blueberries are included in medications that treat the effects of radiation sickness. It removes heavy metal salts from the body.
  • With the help of crushed fruits, which are applied to the affected area, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis can be cured.

The beneficial properties of blueberries are enormous; they are effectively used to treat many diseases.

Benefits of blueberries for men

Fresh blueberries have such useful qualities for men's health:

  1. The berry can improve testicular function, which improves sperm quality. She's in control reproductive function body. Blueberries should be eaten by couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child.
  2. The flavonoids that make up the berry support for a long time male power.
  3. Blueberries can alleviate conditions associated with prostate disease.

At regular use Eating blueberries for men can significantly improve their health.

Useful qualities of blueberries for women

What are the benefits of blueberries for a woman's health? The berry has the following medicinal properties:

  • Blueberries have been used for facial skin rejuvenation since ancient times. A complex of vitamins and amino acids helps preserve moisture and oxygen in skin and the production of collagen and elastin.
  • The antioxidants contained in the berries prevent skin aging and promote its restoration. Blueberries accelerate blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on women's health.
  • To reduce muscle spasms And discomfort Doctors recommend eating berries during menstruation.
  • Due to its effective effect on hair, blueberries can be used to make masks and other cosmetics.
  • Women suffer from varicose veins, so to reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve blood circulation, berries are recommended to be consumed regularly.

Blueberries have beneficial properties, which allows them to be used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

What are the benefits of blueberries for pregnant women?

What are the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy? Women expecting a baby can eat berries in the following cases:

  1. Pregnant girls feel a lack of vitamins in their bodies, because they must provide them for themselves and the unborn child.
  2. The berry normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, forms the nervous and skeletal system fetus
  3. Helps a woman control her blood pressure.
  4. At colds Blueberries will quickly reduce the symptoms of the disease because they have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. The berry will reduce high fever and fight sore throat and flu.
  6. You can rinse with blueberry juice oral cavity to reduce the symptoms of stomatitis.
  7. If a woman consumes berries during pregnancy, she will not have problems with hair, skin and nails.
  8. To reduce swelling lower limbs and remove excess liquid, you can prepare a decoction of dried blueberries.

During pregnancy, to prevent many symptoms of diseases, you need to eat medicinal berries.

Use of blueberries in medicine

The benefits of blueberries for vision include the inclusion of its extracts in various medications. Useful properties of the berry:

  • improves blood microcirculation in the eye area;
  • accelerates the production of collagen in connective tissue;
  • helps improve visual acuity.

Blueberry juice contains anthocyanins, which strengthen and heal the retina of the eyes.

Blueberries for children

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? For children, the berry is used as a preventive measure, which improves children's immunity.

Blueberries can be given to a child starting at 7 months of age. First, the ground berries are added to ready-made fruit purees.

Older children are given up to a glass of blueberries per day. After 3 years, up to 2 cups of berries are included in the diet.

Blueberries are effective in treating diarrhea. Intestinal upset is relieved with medicinal infusion. Pour 3 tablespoons of dried berries into a glass of boiling water and infuse. Drink 1/2 glass before meals.

Blueberries for the winter

The berry is used not only fresh, but it is also used to make preserves, jams and dried. What preparations can be made for the winter from blueberries?

From the berry it turns out delicious jam. In this form, it benefits blood vessels and the heart, improves digestion and has a positive effect on the liver. Regular consumption of blueberries eliminates insomnia and anxiety, improves mood and increases resistance to stressful situations.

Both adults and children can enjoy jam. Calorie content per 100 g of product is 214 kcal.

Preparing blueberries for the winter: the berry is well preserved if you twist it together with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Store in glass jars in a cool place. Sterilize the dishes.

Blueberries can be frozen and stored in plastic bags or containers in the freezer at a temperature no higher than minus 18 degrees.

Berries can be stored dried. The drying process must be carried out correctly:

  1. Wash the blueberries, sort and dry. Remove spoiled and wrinkled ones.
  2. The prepared berries need to be processed aqueous solution pectin, and then lemon juice. The water should drain.
  3. The prepared blueberries are placed in a thin layer on special screens and then sent for drying.
  4. The process takes from 4 to 12 hours, the berries become dry and fully retain their properties.

You can dry the berries in a natural way, but it will take much longer. If the weather is good, the process will take several days.

Blueberry Recipes

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? The berry has many positive properties that are widely used in cooking.

You can make fruit juice from blueberries. The recipe includes:

  • liter of water;
  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 1/2 cup sugar.

Sort the berries, wash and dry. Mash the blueberries, separate the juice and put in the refrigerator. Pour water over the squeezes and boil. After 10 minutes of boiling, strain and combine with juice. Add sugar to the broth and stir.

The benefits of blueberries with milk are enormous, because both components have a positive effect on the human body.

To prepare the drink take:

  1. 4 cups fresh berries.
  2. 1 glass of cream.
  3. 1/2 cup powder.

Wash the berries, dry them and squeeze the juice out of them. Then pour the cream into it, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Cool the finished drink and serve.

For breakfast you can make milk with blueberries. For the drink take:

  • 1 glass of chilled milk;
  • 1/2 cup blueberries;
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar.

Mix all ingredients and healthy breakfast ready.

Possible harm

We talked about the benefits of blueberries. And now we will consider contraindications to its use. The berry has many medicinal properties, but it can also cause harm to the body.

Blueberries should not be consumed large quantities. At chronic constipation It is not recommended to eat fresh or dried berries.

Blueberries are difficult for the stomach to digest, so it is better to include them in children’s menus after permission from the pediatrician.

Blueberries have 2 more limitations: individual intolerance and allergic reactions, although such cases are quite rare.

If you have no experience consuming this berry, then initially you need to eat a small dose.

Blueberries should be taken with caution in case of diseases of the pancreas and urolithiasis.

It is imperative to pay attention to where the blueberries grew. It is better to collect it in an ecologically clean area.


Blueberry - amazing berry, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. It can be used not only by adults, but also by children. Blueberries can reduce the symptoms of many diseases. Pregnant women can normalize their condition by eating it.

You can make jams, preserves and various desserts from the berries.

Eating blueberries allows many people to enjoy food and undergo a course of “berry” therapy.

Blueberries are an amazing combination of tasty and healthy, which, you see, does not happen so often in our lives. In any condition, whether fresh or dried berries- they contain a huge amount of vitamins and many other microelements, so necessary for a person at the modern pace of life. Blueberries have been called “rejuvenating” since ancient times. The beneficial properties of blueberries have been recognized by both scientists and traditional medicine. The main thing is that it is collected in environmentally friendly areas. So, the benefits and harms of blueberries.

Blueberries - a useful composition

The main advantage of this berry is its antioxidants. They affect low-quality tumors at the cellular level without giving reasons for formation, that is, they represent good prevention. Anthocyanins are blueberry antioxidants that are effective in preventing cancer. In addition to blueberries, these antioxidants are present in other vegetables and fruits: dark cabbage, red cabbage, but in terms of quantity they are all inferior to the “rejuvenating” berry.

Moreover, it contains pectins, which cleanse your intestines of toxins and metal salts.

Blueberries - beneficial properties

Many of you have probably heard that blueberries improve vision. To see if this is actually true, watch the following video:

Blueberries are an excellent antiseptic and natural antibiotic. When treating a cough or throat, blueberries are used; they help due to their beneficial properties. Both the berries themselves and a decoction of the leaves are used.

The gastrointestinal tract will also be cured by the same blueberries. Stomach diseases and colitis are treated with juice and decoction, berries, both fresh and dried. Interestingly, constipation can be treated fresh berries blueberries, and diarrhea - dried.

The thing is that blueberries contain substances that have a disinfecting effect on the stomach. At the same time, the intestinal microflora improves, and putrefactive processes inside the intestines are prevented.
Blueberries have an anti-inflammatory effect and are used for diseases of rheumatism, gall bladder, and liver.

The beneficial properties of blueberries can also manifest themselves during illness. genitourinary tract. In ancient times, healers recommended blueberries to regulate menstrual cycle. Today, blueberry-based preparations fight diseases Bladder and kidneys.

For complications caused by diabetes, blueberries will also help you reduce blood levels and stabilize the functioning of organs and glands.

Like many forest berries, blueberries are also used in cosmetic preparations intended to moisturize the skin and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Another useful property of blueberries is its ability to remove toxins (free radicals), which are directly related to the process of aging and destruction of the whole organism.

Blueberries are used not only for diseases, but also for prevention. The use of drugs containing blueberries, as well as the berries themselves, leads to increased immunity and prevention of the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system, improves the functioning of all organs.

This whole range of beneficial properties of blueberries would be incomplete if we did not talk about their dietary value. Just a few dozen calories, and you're already rich a huge amount vitamins and minerals, but berries faster than tablets are absorbed in the body.

When losing weight, pay attention to this berry. Here is everything the body needs: carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and, accordingly, few calories.

The pancreas is the one important organ hampering development diabetes mellitus. Scientists have found that blueberries - excellent remedy to cure this disease. But not only the berries themselves, but also the leaves.

Blueberry leaves - beneficial properties

Blueberry leaves contain a lot of tannins, triterpene acids, flavonoids, vitamin C, essential oil, glycoside arbutin, carotenoids. Nai best time for collecting leaves - blueberry blossoms. The leaves are carefully cut with scissors and dried in a well-ventilated area, then packed into bags.

Blueberry leaves have almost the same beneficial properties as the berry itself. They knit, tone and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Our ancestors did not disdain to use blueberry leaves as tea leaves. But most often the leaves are used for skin lesions and diseases: treatment of wounds, burns, weeping eczema and other skin diseases. To do this, you will need a leafy infusion of blueberries: two tablespoons of leaves are crushed and brewed with boiling water. After half an hour you can strain and use.

Blueberries - contraindications

If oxalaturia is the excretion of oxalic acid salts in the urine, it is contraindicated to consume both blueberries themselves and their juice. People with allergies to this berry should also avoid contact with it.

Blueberries in environmentally polluted places accumulate harmful substances, so be careful. If you buy blueberries and do not pick them yourself, be sure to watch the following video from the Test Purchase program:

How to collect?

The berries usually ripen by the end of June or beginning of July. The best time for collection is morning or evening. For mass collection there are so-called combines, rakes-shaped buckets, but they often seriously damage bushes that grow for a very long time. To preserve this delicate berry, you must immediately place it in a basket and not pour it into various containers, since the skin of the berry is very delicate and can easily be damaged. Therefore, it is better to collect by hand.

If you live in the city and there is no way to collect this miracle berry yourself, you can easily purchase it on the market, but before buying you need to figure out how to choose it correctly, as well as fulfill the conditions for the best preservation.

How to choose?

All berries must have a uniform color and be large in size. If, upon closer examination, you find a bluish coating, then rest assured that such a berry was recently picked and was not mixed in different containers. And to be sure, it should be a uniform dark color, dry, with a smooth surface.

How to store?

Blueberries keep well if mixed and rubbed with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, and then placed in sterilized jars.

It is advisable to store blueberries in a freezer that can be quickly frozen. But remember that you don’t need to wash the blueberries - just sort through the berries and remove leaves, moss, small twigs, etc. The drying method is also suitable. The berries need to be dried in the shade fresh air, and then you need to dry them at a temperature of 50-70 degrees.

How to cook blueberries while preserving their beneficial properties as much as possible?

All of the above beneficial properties of blueberries are preserved only in fresh form; freshly squeezed juice is in second place in terms of preserving beneficial properties, and fresh blueberries ground with sugar are in third place. If, in the old fashioned way, you cooked compote from it or made jam, pie or something else using high temperature, know that you have killed most of the beneficial properties in it.

Be careful! Below is a video about 137 blueberries contaminated with radioactive cesium, be sure to watch:

North America is considered the birthplace of blueberries. Indigenous people called blueberries "starberries" because of their star-shaped blooms. The abundance of blueberries on the North American continent made them a staple of the local population, especially during periods of famine. Now growing blueberries is one of the main types of profit North America. More than 500 tons per year are sent to Japan and Iceland alone.

There are many types of blueberries, but they can all be divided into wild and cultivated. Wild is more tart, and homemade is sweet.

Blueberries are added to smoothies, jams, pies and included in meat dishes. Blueberries can also be consumed separately by washing the berries and removing the white coating from the surface.

Blueberry composition

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C. Let's consider how many vitamins and minerals are contained in 100 grams of fresh blueberries.

Vitamins in 100 gr. from daily value:

  • K – 24%;
  • C – 16%;
  • B6 – 3%;
  • E – 3%;
  • B2 – 2%.

Minerals per 100 g. from daily value:

  • Manganese – 17%;
  • Copper – 3%;
  • Potassium – 2%;
  • Iron – 2%;
  • Calcium – 1%.

Blueberries contain folic acid, tannins and essential oils.

Due to its rich composition, blueberries have a positive effect on all body systems.

For bones and joints

Blueberries support strong bones and joints as they are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin K.

For the heart and vessel walls

Thanks to vitamins B4, C and folic acid in blueberries, you can reduce the risk of a heart attack, prevent heart attacks and strokes. Blueberries reduce the amount bad cholesterol in the blood, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and preventing their damage.

For the lymphatic system

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants. They strengthen the immune system and stabilize the functioning of the glands, resolve blood clots and improve the condition of the vessels that make up the lymphatic system.

For the nervous system

Eating blueberries will help improve motor functions, coordination of movements and memory, the functioning of which deteriorates with age.

For vision

Vitamin A in blueberries renews the retina of the eye, improves visual functions, normalizes eye blood circulation and allows the eyes to withstand heavy loads.

Blueberries effectively fight against inflammation, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

For the respiratory system

Vitamin C helps blueberries fight respiratory diseases. Berry – good remedy for cough, sore throat and pharyngitis. It has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

For the intestines

Blueberries treat colitis, improve intestinal microflora, relieve bloating and flatulence, cope with constipation and diarrhea, and also effectively treat hemorrhoids.

Blueberries are used for weight loss due to their fiber.

For the gallbladder and liver

Blueberries are useful in the treatment of gallbladder and liver diseases. It is often used for cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system.

For skin

Eczema, ulcers and lichens can be cured with blueberries. Vitamin C in the composition produces collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Eating blueberries will prevent skin damage caused by exposure environment and direct sunlight.

For immunity

The antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of blueberries help the body fight viruses.

Fight cancer with blueberries

Blueberries can stop development cancer cells, reducing the risk of developing breast, esophageal, colon and small intestine. This is possible thanks to the free radicals present in blueberries.
