Which brewer's yeast is best for weight gain? Brewer's yeast is an effective method of gaining weight and cleansing the body. Is it possible to gain weight by consuming brewer's yeast?

Brewer's yeast is used to ferment sugar in the production of beer. These are living single-celled fungi, which are grown during the fermentation of beer wort from malt and hops.


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Brewer's yeast is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine. The product is available in liquid form, in the form of powder, granules, tablets, capsules. In the pharmacy you can find nutritional supplements with the addition of additional elements.

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    Composition of brewer's yeast

    The finished dietary supplement contains:

    • vitamins: C, D, F, E, PP and group B;
    • protein compounds;
    • 17 amino acids;
    • unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, arachidonic, folic;
    • minerals: calcium, selenium, potassium, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, copper.

    Benefits of the supplement

    Brewer's yeast is widely used in medicine. The benefits of the supplement for humans are due to the fact that the components of its composition are necessary for the body to normal functioning. Yeast is of particular value for vegetarians whose diet includes little protein.

    The supplement is used as a means to restore immunity, increase performance, and develop resistance to stress and depression. Noted positive influence yeast on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of a dietary supplement helps increase appetite, improve absorption and digestion of food, as well as remove toxins from the body and speed up metabolism.

    Brewer's yeast is a unique product that can be used for both weight gain and bulking muscle mass and for weight loss. The additive has pronounced wound-healing, regenerating, antibacterial properties, and has a positive effect on the condition nervous system, slows down the aging process, normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens nails and hair, relieves fatigue and restores strength after intense exercise. physical activity.

    Indications for use

    In some cases, taking brewer's yeast becomes a necessity. Indications for use of this dietary supplement are:

    • insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • cold;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • overweight, obesity;
    • skin lesions, eczema, wounds, cuts;
    • Iron-deficiency anemia;
    • lack of vitamins in the body;
    • metabolic disease;
    • alcohol intoxication and other types of poisoning;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
    • postoperative complications.

    The best gainer for lean weight gain - rating and rules of use

    Contraindications and side effects

    Despite numerous beneficial features, brewer's yeast has a number of contraindications and can cause side effects. This product should not be used:

    • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • children under 3 years old;
    • To old people;
    • for fungal infections: thrush, mycosis;
    • with cholecystitis, renal failure, dysbacteriosis and osteoporosis.

    An absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance by the body to its individual components.

    Side effects in most cases occur as a result of an overdose. Among them are:

    • allergic manifestations;
    • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
    • bowel dysfunction, flatulence;
    • the occurrence of swelling;
    • increased appetite;
    • fungal skin infections.

    Besides, this remedy negatively affects men's health reproductive system. Constant use of this dietary supplement leads to the fact that the body ceases to independently produce part of useful substances. After stopping its use, a man begins to experience difficulties with potency.

    Whenever side effects When using a dietary supplement, you must stop using it. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause harm to the body.

    Myths about brewer's yeast

    In addition to brewing, brewer's yeast has found wide application in the field of cosmetology and traditional medicine. This is the reason for many myths about their effects on the human body.

    The most common myths about brewer's yeast:

    1. 1. The product promotes weight gain. In fact, yeast is used as a stabilizer of metabolic processes in the body. As a result of their use, people who are overweight get rid of it, and people who are underweight gain the missing kilograms.
    2. 2. Brewer's yeast does not provide any benefit to the body. But the nutritional supplement contains a whole range of vitamins, including group B, amino acids and enzymes.
    3. 3. Yeast is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause intestinal disorders. In fact, the use of this product, on the contrary, enhances secretion gastric juice, which can lead to dysfunction.
    4. 4. Brewer's yeast has the only contraindication: individual intolerance to its components. In fact, the supplement has other contraindications. People suffering from thrush, gout or kidney pathologies should consult a specialist before using the product.

    Release forms

    Brewer's yeast has several forms of release:

    1. 1. Liquid product. It can be purchased at the brewery. Live drinking yeast is considered the most useful. At room temperature they can be stored for 8 hours.
    2. 2. Dry yeast. Available in powder or granule form. Their shelf life is much longer.
    3. 3. Tablets in biological form active additives. Available in pure form or with the addition of minerals and vitamins.

    Brewer's yeast enriched with microelements

    For increase healing properties Various beneficial components are added to brewer's yeast. Right choice The preparation is carried out taking into account the body's needs for certain elements.

    The dietary supplement can be enriched with the following components:

    • iron- helps increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, recommended for anemia;
    • zinc- reduces the amount of cholesterol, has antibacterial and antiviral properties, helps increase male potency;
    • magnesium- takes part in protein synthesis and is a necessary element for the functioning of the heart;
    • succinic acid- helps restore the elasticity of muscle fibers;
    • selenium- is an immunomodulatory substance that slows down the aging process of the body;
    • sulfur- cleanses the body, strengthens nail plates and hair;
    • calcium- is a necessary element to ensure the strength of bone tissue;
    • iodine - supports work thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system and has a calming effect on the nervous system;
    • potassium- improves blood supply to the brain, reduces blood pressure, and supports the functioning of the heart muscle.

    Brewer's yeast for weight gain

    Brewer's yeast has been successfully used to increase body weight.

    The active components of the product stop reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, which feed on substances entering the human body. Thanks to the probiotic effect, through the use of yeast, it is possible to restore the intestinal microflora, speed up the process of digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Therefore, taking dietary supplements allows you to gain weight.

    In addition, the supplement helps strengthen the immune system and helps cope with diarrhea during functional disorders Gastrointestinal tract, normalizes hormonal levels, saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. Having achieved this effect, you can gain a little weight.

    Among the drugs for weight gain, the most popular are:

    1. 1. Ecco-Plus. The food supplement with this name is supplemented with a complex of minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, folic acid and iodine. The drug is prescribed for anorexia and lack of vitamins in the body.
    2. 2. Nagipol 100. The dietary supplement contains amino acids, trace elements and proteins. This brewer's yeast is prescribed to men for weight gain. The complex is aimed at strengthening the immune system and restoring energy balance.
    3. 3. Naturlivit. This classic drug to strengthen the body, normalize gastrointestinal function and restore weight. Contains a large number of B vitamins.
    4. 4. Evisent. Brewer's yeast is made with the addition of a complex of vitamins, minerals and sulfur. The dietary supplement is indicated for increased physical and psychological stress, poor nutrition and insufficient intake into the body useful components. The supplement is more suitable for women, as the composition helps improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
    5. 5. AMT - brewer's yeast. The dietary supplement contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids. Available in tablet form, sometimes with the addition of sulfur and other trace elements. The product promotes weight gain and accelerates metabolism in the body. Not prescribed for individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

    All of the above products can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores. Each of them comes with instructions for use, which describe how to take them correctly. The choice of dietary supplements should be made after consultation with a doctor.

    Weight loss in most cases indicates exhaustion of the body or development serious illnesses: diabetes mellitus, oncology, anorexia, etc. Consumption of brewer's yeast is not always able to solve the problem of lack of weight. It is important to promptly determine the reason for its decline. In some cases, in addition to introducing active food additives into the diet, nutritional correction and lifestyle changes are necessary: ​​walking fresh air, sports activities.

    Admission rules

    The dosage of the drug is calculated depending on the purpose of its use, the patient’s age and weight category.

    At various diseases Brewer's yeast intake varies:

    • with vitamin deficiency or acne it is recommended to take the product diluted in milk;
    • with reduced stomach acidity It is recommended to drink live yeast;
    • for colitis, the remedy is diluted in fresh carrot juice and consumed in the intervals between meals;
    • for achievement hypnotic effect It is recommended to dissolve brewer's yeast in a glass of warm milk and add a pinch of ground cardamom. You should take the composition before going to bed.

    The dosage for adults and children, as well as the course of administration, are indicated in the instructions for use of the drug and must be agreed with the doctor.

    Brewer's yeast and medicines

    Brewer's yeast contains active substances that can influence the action medicines when used simultaneously. Therefore, joint use should be discussed with your doctor. Possibly upon appointment medications the use of brewer's yeast will have to be postponed during the therapeutic course.

    Folk recipes

    Exist folk remedies based on brewer's yeast for weight gain, which can be prepared at home. The most effective of them are presented in the table.

    Type of drink


    Admission rules


    1. 1. Take 15 g of black bread, cut it into small pieces.
    2. 2. Brown in the oven.
    3. 3. Pour 300 ml of boiling water, cover the container and leave for 3 hours.
    4. 4. After the specified time, strain the drink, add 45 g of yeast, put on fire and bring to a boil
    5. 5. Remove from heat, pour in another 5 g of yeast.
    6. 6. Mix everything and leave for 8 hours to ferment

    Take half a glass 5 times a day half an hour before meals


    1. 1. Take 200 g rye bread, cut into cubes and keep in the oven until golden brown.
    2. 2. Pour a liter of boiling water over the bread and leave for 4 hours.
    3. 3. Strain and add the zest of half a lemon and 200 g of liquid yeast.

    Drink half a glass 4 times a day

    Yeast with sugar

    1. 1. Mix 10 g of yeast with 10 g of sugar.
    2. 2. Pour 100 ml warm water and leave to ferment for 1 hour

    Take 30 minutes before meals once daily

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Few people today can be surprised by the desire to find the most successful and easy way losing weight, however, there are also situations when a person wants to gain weight. In this case, brewer's yeast for weight gain can help, but you should first consult a doctor who will identify the cause. low index body weight.

If the doctor does not find any significant pathologies in the body, then in any case he will prescribe yeast, which will allow you to quickly and comfortably gain the desired weight. Most often, people with too high a metabolism cannot gain weight; in addition, some people, in principle, do not experience psychological dependence on food, and accordingly, their body mass index is minimal. It is almost impossible for such a person to recover on his own, since too frequent consumption of bread and fatty foods may be too harmful for the heart and stomach. There is only one way out - consult a doctor and choose which brewer's yeast your body needs specifically for weight gain. You should not choose a medicine for yourself to increase body weight, since this will be tantamount to self-medication: you can cause significant harm to your health. In addition, yeast can significantly change the background hormonal women or girls, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to purchase brewer’s yeast for weight gain without consulting a specialist.

How does yeast work?

If you do not suffer from serious illnesses, then already in the first week of taking this medicine you will be able to notice a certain weight gain, and you should not experience any discomfort from taking it. Moreover, the fiber contained in brewer's yeast will help eliminate intestinal contamination, as well as cleanse the body of substances that it does not need at all and interfere with its normal functioning. Brewer's yeast for weight gain allows you to remove toxins and microorganisms harmful to it from the body, leaving only beneficial bacteria. Accordingly, after such cleaning the best way digestion of proteins and fats will occur, which in turn will lead to the preservation of energy balance. All food entering the esophagus will be of maximum value to a person, which will lead to gradual weight gain. In addition, brewer's yeast for weight gain helps increase appetite and slightly stabilizes metabolism, which is especially useful for people with an overly accelerated metabolism. As part of this natural medicine There are potassium and phosphorus, thanks to which the endocrine system works faster and the load on the heart is reduced. At the same time, the absorption of nutrients is accelerated due to increased blood flow.

Rules of use

However, you should not think about what to achieve excellent result You can only use brewer's yeast. Firstly, you should pay attention to high-calorie but nutritious food, and you need to have four or five meals a day, the last of which should be no earlier than two hours before bedtime. It is also advisable to exercise and drink at least two liters of water per day.

From the name it is clear that we will talk about yeast, which is used in the process of creating beer drinks. But how do they work in the field of sports and health as active vitamins and nutritional supplements?

Brewer's yeast is a saccharomyces fungus that is used for brewing because of its properties: it absorbs vitamins and microelements from environment and therefore have a unique composition:

  • protein – 480,000 mcg;
  • vitamin B1, B2, B6 – 120 mcg, 60 mcg, 40 mcg respectively;
  • vitamin PP – 650 mcg;
  • vitamin E – 30 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid – 120 mcg;
  • choline – 3000 mcg;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

All vitamins and minerals are found in yeast not in their natural form, but as part of protein compounds. And that is why they are so popular among athletes.

Such supplements are used as an additional vitamin complex, which helps not only to gain weight, but also improves metabolism, increases metabolism and has a comprehensive effect on the body, normalizing all processes in it.

Of course, yeast is not a cure-all for all ills and does not cure incurable diseases. Their scope of application is narrow and they are mainly used:

  • to improve performance gastrointestinal tract and internal organs;
  • promotion defense mechanisms immunity;
  • normalization and equalization of hormonal levels;
  • weight gain and muscle tissue gain;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • relief of protein deficiency;
  • for a speedy recovery process after any illness or surgery;
  • for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, insomnia, and nervous diseases.

They are especially popular among athletes who strive to gain mass or weight, but due to genetic characteristics cannot do this.

Brewer's yeast is much safer than any other hormonal drugs, are available in regular pharmacies and are relatively inexpensive.

Which brewer's yeast is best to drink for weight gain: review, cost

Today they can be bought in the form of cute tablets, regular powders and in liquid form.

They are very popular and therefore the market is full of a variety of companies and manufacturers who offer to buy their yeast.

What is the best brewer's yeast for weight gain? What are their differences?

The most popular drugs can be collected in one small list:

You can select the drug after preliminary consultation with your doctor and based on your personal needs. Each drug has different personal characteristics and properties and is designed to solve specific problems.

After all, no one wants to gain excess weight instead of solving a skin problem?

How to take brewer's yeast for weight gain for men and women

In order to increase body weight, brewer's yeast is consumed after meals, 3 tablets (content 0.5 g) 3-5 times a day for at least one month.

But since modern drugs come fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, you must carefully read and follow their instructions.

Some athletes find that they gain weight much faster from consuming powdered yeast. They are diluted in half a glass of water and drunk half a teaspoon three times a day.

Women's bodies are different from men's, so it may take women less time to reach their goal weight.

Recommended nutrition for consuming brewer's yeast

When taking brewer's yeast as an active additive, you must carefully monitor your diet. It should be balanced and consist of 4-5 daily meals. Breakfast occupies a special position - it should be dense and nutritious. Foods that contain excessive amounts of carbohydrates, fats or salt are excluded from the diet. You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day (the exact amount is calculated based on your height and weight).

A prerequisite for taking yeast-based drugs is constant physical activity.

Strength training in the gym or fitness is perfect. However, it is worth giving the body sufficient rest time.

The main thing to remember is that the mandatory effect of such supplements is an increase in appetite, so you just need to constantly control yourself and closely monitor your diet.

Recipes for brewer's yeast drinks for weight gain

Brewer's yeast is usually available in tablets, powders or liquid form. If everything is clear with tablets, then you can prepare special drinks from powdered and liquid yeast to diversify your diet.

A delicious infusion with a lemony tang that's great for cooling in the summer.

  • rye bread – 0.2 kg;
  • yeast – 0.2 kg;
  • lemon zest – from ½ piece;
  • water – 1 l.


  1. Cut the rye bread into pieces and make crackers out of them;
  2. Pour water and leave for 4 hours;
  3. After a while, drain the liquid through a sieve and add zest and yeast;
  4. Allow the drink to ferment (about 8 hours) and drink half a glass 4 times a day.

Traditional drink

This is a versatile cooking option. nutritional mixture from brewer's yeast.


  • yeast – 15 g;
  • boiling water – 300 g;
  • bread (black) – 15 gr.


  1. Dry the bread in the oven and pour boiling water over it;
  2. Wrap the container with bread and let it brew for 3 hours in a warm place;
  3. Strain and add yeast (45 g);
  4. Place on the stove and let it boil;
  5. Pour in the remaining yeast and leave for 8 hours;
  6. Drink up to 6 times a day, ½ glass.

Contraindications and side effects

When using any food additives (dietary supplements) or vitamin complex You must first consult with your doctor. If a person has problems gaining weight, this may be an indicator of a serious illness and in this case it is necessary to carry out additional research. Brewer's yeast should not be used if a person has:

Any negative effects from this supplement usually manifest as:

  • belching;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • general malaise;
  • rash;
  • increased gas formation.

If any of the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to immediately stop consuming brewer's yeast.

The main quality of brewer's yeast for weight gain, which speaks in its favor, is its naturalness. Indeed, yeast, unlike various synthetic food additives, is a completely natural origin, which means it has a safer effect on the body.

This is a metabolic agent that is effectively used for dysbacteriosis, diseases of the nervous system, and disorders of protein, carbohydrate, mineral and vitamin metabolism. Used in cosmetology to treat acne and excess oily skin.

How is yeast beneficial for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts?

Yeast is often prescribed to athletes to maintain natural metabolism, restore strength after heavy physical exertion, increase performance and strengthen the immune system.

Brewer's yeast is especially interesting for strength sports athletes, because it is a wonderful additional source of protein. And the content essential amino acids(including BCAAs) and B vitamins helps increase not only physical, but also mental performance. Today, tableted brewer's yeast (sold in pharmacies as a dietary supplement) has gained popularity, but as a source of protein they are not as effective as liquid (live) brewer's yeast - they are of the greatest value to athletes.

Gaining weight with brewer's yeast: how not to harm?

When gaining weight, it is important to remember a few things: The body weight itself will not increase or grow, but it will be fat. To gain weight evenly and gradually, only brewer's yeast will not be enough for weight gain. Yeast improves metabolic processes in the body, which means appetite too. To ensure that fats consumed with food do not accumulate in the liver, but are absorbed, the body needs vitamins B7 and D. Brewer's yeast also contains them.

Plus, it is important that there is no stagnation of fluid in the body, so that swelling and stagnation of lymph do not appear; together with the use of yeast, attend training to increase muscle mass, not fat mass, in order to avoid lethargy and sagging skin. Don't forget to give your body a rest for 2-3 days. You need to drink brewer's yeast until you have gained at least 70% of your desired body weight.

It is advisable to first consult a nutritionist to select correct mode and diet. Do not forget that brewer's yeast can quickly help you gain weight only after identifying the causes of weight loss.

Does brewer's yeast help you gain weight or gain weight?

Brewer's yeast will not allow you to gain too much weight to gain weight. Their action is based on reducing intoxication of the body, normalizing metabolism and restoring metabolism without increasing cholesterol levels in the blood. As a result: fat people lose weight, and thin people gain weight.

An unexpected but pleasant "side effect" of brewer's yeast -

How to use?

Like any nutritional supplement, brewer's yeast should be taken for at least a month. During this period, it is better to eat fractionally, about 4-5 times a day. Do not get carried away with salty, fatty, fried foods - salt and simple carbohydrates will lead to local accumulation of fat and edema, and not to a smooth normalization of weight. Special attention Pay attention to breakfast: it should be a complete meal. Consume clean water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

For consumption, brewer's yeast for weight gain is available in various forms: in tablets, flakes, powders (of all listed powder - maximum effective form ). Can be used on its own food supplement, or you can add it to protein shakes and gainers, combining it with creatine.

As mentioned earlier, brewer's yeast is available in additive and liquid form. Supplements should be taken strictly according to the instructions: as a rule, this is 1-2 tbsp. l. per day or from 8 to 16 tablets, depending on the concentration. Special drinks are made from liquid yeast.

Side effects and contraindications

As practice shows, brewer's yeast has no side effects. In rare cases, skin reactions may occur: itchy skin, urticaria. This is due to individual intolerance to the drug. Also, with intolerance, bloating occurs. Of course, when similar symptoms use of the drug must be stopped immediately.

Brewer's yeast should be taken with caution by people with severe renal impairment, gout, pregnancy and lactation. Important: due to the high phosphorus content, the drug is not recommended for use by people suffering from osteoporosis. Make sure you have enough calcium in your diet if you take brewer's yeast in large quantities.

During the period of taking brewer's yeast refrain from using diuretics, oral contraceptives and alcohol, as they reduce vitamin B1 levels. It would be useful to supplement the diet with dishes containing magnesium or appropriate medications - this element is actively involved in metabolic processes and also reduces the load on the heart.

You can often hear that brewer's yeast helps you gain weight, while others say that it helps you lose weight. In this article we will help you figure out how to properly consume brewer's yeast for weight gain.

Brewer's yeast is a single-cell fungus that helps increase the rate of fermentation and oxidation of organic substances.

Brewer's yeast contains:

  • B vitamins.

  • Vitamins E, H, D, PP.

  • Calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

  • Enzymes.

  • Fatty acid.

Let’s take a closer look at what it is and why we need the vitamins and macro- and microelements that make up yeast.

Vitamin B1 is involved in the transmission of nerve signals, in the metabolism of fatty acids, and in metabolic processes in cells and tissues.

Vitamin B4 is involved in the formation of the protective sheath of nerves, accelerates the restoration of liver tissue, and also improves its functions.

Vitamin B5 is involved in the formation of antibodies, helps speed up the absorption of other vitamins, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, and participates in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the biosynthesis of histamine, serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine. Necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 is involved in the transport of methyl groups, translation processes, and synthesis nucleic acids, metabolism of lipids, amino acids and carbohydrates. Essential for cell growth and replication processes.

Vitamin E is involved in the productive formation of fibers of the intercellular substance, in blood circulation, tissue regeneration, protects cells from damage, and ensures good blood clotting.

Vitamin PP is involved in redox reactions, in the production of energy from fat, in the synthesis of hormones, and regulates the level of “good” and “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin H is involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of glucose, in the metabolism of leucine, in the transformation of amino and fatty acids, cholesterol.

Provitamin D is involved in the absorption of magnesium and calcium, during cell growth, affects the immune system, coordinates the production of insulin, and maintains optimal calcium levels in the blood.

Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis and the storage function of the body.

Zinc increases resistance to colds and stress, and also has antitoxic and antiviral properties.

Iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin in the blood and the prevention of anemia.

Selenium can increase the body's resistance to diseases, has antiviral protection, has a positive effect on the liver and improves immunity.

Why choose yeast

Yeast has many positive effects:

    • Thanks to high content zinc, improves the regulation of carbohydrates in the blood. Scientists have proven that if the body lacks zinc, the risk of diabetes increases several times.

    • Apathy, fatigue, drowsiness and irritability disappear.

    • Yeast has a positive effect on the production of energy from fats and sugars.

    • Improve appearance hair, skin and nails.

  • Prevents and slows down the aging process, fights free radicals.

  • Regulates the percentage of “bad” and “good” cholesterol.

  • The secretion of the pancreas improves.

  • Yeast completely replenishes B vitamins.

Does brewer's yeast help you gain weight?

By taking brewer's yeast, you provide the necessary amount of amino acids to build muscle mass, which is known to be much heavier than fat.

Also, due to the larger number of muscles, calories are burned, which ensure the vital activity of the muscles.

When taking brewer's yeast to gain weight, you need to go to the gym 3 times a week. Then your body will begin to take on sexual shape.

To gain fat mass, just consuming yeast is enough. Due to increased metabolism and normalization of microflora, there is an increase in appetite, as a result of which sedentary lifestyle life and the percentage of body fat increases.

How to take brewer's yeast for weight gain

You should take yeast as a dish to gain muscle mass only after preliminary examination, passing all tests and identifying other diseases that contribute to metabolic failures.

Uncontrolled consumption of yeast in food can lead to the activation of dominant diseases, for example, oncology.

Brewer's yeast can be purchased at the pharmacy in tablet form. Should be taken after meals in the amount of 3 pcs. Course - 3 months.

Also on the modern pharmacological market there are many yeasts with additives such as calcium, zinc, selenium, etc.

Taking such yeast should be strictly according to the instructions indicated, so that there is no excess of vitamins and macro- and microelements.

It is also important to comply water balance body. When taking yeast, consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Side effects

There are no side effects as such when the drug is taken correctly.

Depending on individual characteristics, there may be allergic reactions, accompanied by itching and urticaria, which are caused by intolerance. As well as bloating and flatulence due to increased fermentation reactions in the intestines.


There are several contraindications to taking brewer's yeast:
