Baby teeth eruption time in children. Baby teeth in children: detailed diagram and eruption schedule. Why do baby’s teeth have a tint?

Cutting and changing milk (temporary) teeth to permanent ones - this is inherent in nature physiological process. The timely and consistent appearance of teeth is directly dependent on the general health of the child and indicates normal development his body. First teething teeth (central incisors) occurs at the age of 6-8 months. A deviation in the time of the onset of teething by 1-2 months from the usual period is not a cause for concern for the child’s parents. There is a formula counting baby teeth (N) depending on the age of the child: N = n - 4, Where n – child’s age in months. This formula makes it possible to judge quite reliably the timing of teething and understand whether it should happen at a particular age.

Deviations from the norm in the timing of teething

Delay in eruption may be associated with a previous infectious disease, long-term dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(dyspeptic disorders), metabolic disorders (for example, with congenital deficiency enzyme phenylalanine oxidase (phenylketonuria disease), vitamin D deficiency (rickets), pituitary insufficiency, genetic factors.

Early teething observed in various endocrine disorders (for example, Albright's syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hypergonadism). In rare cases, the cause of premature teething may be a growing tumor (eg, eosinophilic granuloma), then teeth may erupt ahead of schedule entire groups of teeth.

How does teething affect a child’s well-being and health?

Beginning of eruption , as a rule, affects the child’s well-being. Often the process of teeth emerging is accompanied by malaise, restless behavior, sleep disturbances, and capriciousness of the child. Body temperature may rise to 37.5 0 C. Dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea), rashes on the skin of the face, and decreased weight gain of the child are also possible.

A decrease in the body's protective properties, observed during teething, can provoke the development of infectious and respiratory diseases.

If teething accompanied by an increase in body temperature, inflammation, indigestion, then such symptoms may be associated with the development infectious disease. Significant deviations in tooth eruption may be the result of problems with general health child. With this development of events, it is necessary to examine the pediatrician and monitor the child’s condition.

Violation of deadlines and sequence teething , the absence of one or more teeth should alert parents. Such violations can lead to the formation malocclusion(dental anomaly). Malocclusion may be characterized by a number of deviations: tooth eruption outside the arch of the dentition, retention (the tooth remains in the jaw bone) of the tooth (teeth), incorrect arrangement of teeth in the dentition, rotation or tilt of the tooth, etc. Such changes should be a reason to contact an orthodontist. will help return your teeth to their place. That is why it is very important to notice the wrong teething.

Timing of teething

Newborn has no teeth , although, extremely rarely, there are cases of the birth of a child with erupted 1-2- me with my teeth. Children's first teeth (central incisors) lower jaw) appear to 6-8- m month of life. Then the central incisors erupt upper jaw. IN 8-12 Within months, the lateral incisors appear first on the lower and then on the upper jaw. TO 12-16 month, the first molars erupt, 16-20 months - canines and by 20-30 months - second molars. This completes the formation of the primary bite, which consists of 20 teeth. Teething the child may be accompanied feeling unwell, fever, dyspeptic disorders.

Changing baby teeth permanent starts at age 7. Teething permanent teeth coincides with the resorption (resorption) of the roots of baby teeth. The change from a temporary bite to a permanent one begins with the appearance of the first molars of the lower jaw. Then the central incisors erupt at 8-9 years of age. The next ones to erupt are the first premolars (at 9-10 years), canines (10-11 years), second premolars (11-12 years), and second molars (12-13 years). The formation of a permanent bite ends by the age of 15-18 years. Third molars () erupt much later, at the age of 20-25 years.








(tooth buds)


6 - 8 at 10 at 4-5 years old

at 8 months



8 - 9 at 10 at 4-5 years old

at 8 months



Fangs 10 - 11 at 13 years old at 6-7 years old

at 8 months




9 -10 at 12 years old at 5-6 years old at 2 years old


11 - 12 at 12 years old at 6-7 years old at 3 years old
5 - 6 at 10 at 1-3 years

in the 5th month



12 - 13 at the age of 15 at 7-8 years old at 3 years old

Even from the maternity hospital, the mother is given recommendations on how to care for the newborn, rules of feeding, bathing, etc. At this time, it seems too early for parents to think about the baby’s future teeth. But time flies by unnoticed, and now baby teeth begin to emerge, and with them many questions arise for parents. In this article, we will look in detail at the order in which children’s teeth erupt.

Rules for tooth growth

Babies teeth come in pairs.
  • If the first one appears, after a short period the second one will appear, there are cases when two teeth erupt at the same time;
  • Normally, the lower teeth erupt first. After the appearance of the lower ones, the same ones appear on the upper jaw. Canines and molars also erupt. But the incisors are cut from above first.
  • There is a formula that helps you figure out how many teeth are needed at a certain age. Formula: “age of infants” - 4. Example: age 6 months, i.e. 6-4=2. This formula will help parents figure out how to count teeth.

Symptoms of teething

Increased saliva productionBody temperature rises
Appetite decreases or interest in food completely disappearsExcessive salivation causes cough and runny nose
The desire to gnaw everythingThe stool becomes slightly thinner
Swelling and redness appear at the site of eruptionIrritation and redness of the skin on the chin and chest
Sleep disturbance

In what order are baby teeth cut?

The rudiments of teeth are formed in the mother's womb. The baby has 20 follicles, which are located on the lower and upper jaw, from which baby teeth develop.

The first to appear are the incisors, first the central ones (4 pieces), and then the lateral ones in the same number.

Another name for these baby teeth is molars. They are divided into the first and second. The first group of molars is located on both jaws near the canines, and erupts at the age of one year. The second ones appear after 2 years and are located immediately behind the first ones.

Visually detailed diagram of the appearance of teeth

Order of appearance of teethApproximate age (in months)
Central incisors (lower jaw)6–10
Central incisors (upper jaw)7–12
Lateral incisors (upper)9–12
Lateral incisors (lower)7–16
First molars from above13–19
First molars on the mandible12–18
Second molars from below20–31
Second molars from above25–33

Permanent teeth eruption calendar

  1. The “sixes” appear first. They immediately erupt as permanent teeth, are located next to the second molars, and children over 6 years of age acquire them.
  2. The central incisors are coming in to replace the lost teeth. The lower ones are replaced at the age of seven years, and are formed in place of the upper ones at the age of eight years.
  3. The lateral incisors erupt before the age of 9 years.
  4. The first and second premolars replace the deciduous ones not earlier than 10 years on top, and on the bottom – at 11-12 years.
  5. Primary canines are replaced by permanent ones up to 12 years of age.
  6. Wisdom teeth appear between 16 and 25 years of age, and may also be absent altogether.
When lower molars erupt, it is important not to get infected.

Why is the growth of a child’s teeth delayed?

If babies do not have any before one year of age baby tooth– you need to consult a doctor and conduct examinations to identify the cause. The most common reasons:

  • Hereditary factor. If the parents’ family has already encountered cases of late eruption, then there is a huge probability of a repetition of this situation in the child;
  • Lack of calcium in the body, which leads to the development of rickets;
  • Lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
  • Problems absorbing and digesting essential nutrients;
  • There are no rudiments of teeth;
  • Severe degree of prematurity (all dates for the appearance of teeth are shifted);
  • Development of infectious diseases.

There may also be certain teething problems, such as:

  1. Edentia. Missing several or one tooth. Characterized by malocclusion, poor diction, large gaps between teeth, and receding cheeks.
  2. Retention. The buds of the teeth cannot erupt through the gums. Reasons: gums are too dense; When leaving, the tooth bumped into one that had not yet fallen out. Manifested by pain, swelling, increased body temperature. It is corrected by removing the interfering tooth, or by cutting a dense area of ​​the gum.
  3. Early eruption.
  4. Late eruption.
  5. Sequence violation.
  6. Enamel hypoplasia. There are roughness, grooves or pits on the surface of the teeth. When eating hot or cold food appear painful sensations.

Necessary help for a child when teething

Modern teethers are filled with gel, which allows babies to help themselves.

Teething causes tremendous discomfort for infants. The use of special teethers filled with gel will help facilitate this process. Cooled gels perfectly eliminate itching and burning. Instead, it is possible to use silicone or latex nipples, which also relieve itching when chewed.

It is also necessary to massage the gums of children, soaked in cool water or chamomile solution, with gauze swabs. Thanks to such manipulations, discomfort is relieved, and at the same time hygiene procedures oral cavity. To avoid irritation around your baby's mouth, you need to regularly wipe away saliva.

Medicines to ease teething

If the process of teeth appearing in babies is quite difficult, and traditional ways do not alleviate the child’s condition, you can resort to pharmaceuticals(only after consultation with a pediatrician).

Examples of commonly used tools:

  • Solcoseryl. A gel that is used for open sores on the gums.
  • Kalgel. Basics active substance– lidocaine. Promotes pain relief. May cause allergic reactions.
  • Dentinox. Contains chamomile-lidocaine complex. This allows you to effectively relieve pain and inflammation. Release form: gel. Use no more than three times a day.
  • Baby doctor first teeth. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and an analgesic effect. Hypoallergenic. Contains only herbal ingredients.
  • Holisal. Contains choline salicylate, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Homeopathy. Dantinorm baby: eliminates inflammation, pain, normalizes digestion.

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Caring for baby's baby teeth

After the introduction of the first complementary foods and after the appearance of the first tooth, it is necessary to begin regular oral hygiene procedures. At the age of up to one year, care is carried out using a soft toothbrush (for children) or a napkin, which has been previously moistened in boiled water.

Once your child reaches two years of age, you can use special toothpastes for children that do not contain fluoride. Toothbrushes should be changed every three months.

After the first tooth erupts, you need to visit the dentist, and then carry out preventive examinations every six months.

It is necessary to teach your child to brush their teeth several times a day, especially before bed; this can be easily done by purchasing special toothbrushes that your child will be happy to use. To prevent tooth decay, limit foods high in sugars in your child's diet.

The period when teeth are being cut is difficult for the baby, he needs increased attention and maternal care. It is necessary to pick up and put the baby to the chest more often, and play with him. Then it will be easier for the baby to survive this period.


While the baby smiles widely with toothless gums, the main concern of the parents is to feed him well, bathe him and put him to bed on time. The child gradually grows and develops. The first milk teeth become a symbol of a baby's growing up. Teething in children is a huge challenge not only for babies, but also for the whole family. Few people react calmly to their appearance. Mostly, teething symptoms cause pain and discomfort.

When do babies start teething?

The time when the first teeth begin to cut varies for each child. Not a single pediatrician can tell you the exact timing of teething.

It all depends on several factors:

  • genetic characteristics;
  • the baby’s nutrition (does he have enough calcium entering the body);
  • climatic conditions of residence (it is known that children living in countries with cold climates erupt teeth later);
  • gender Teething begins earlier in girls than in boys;
  • the presence of diseases associated with the endocrine and nervous system;
  • proper care of the baby;
  • impact harmful factors during pregnancy (smoking, drug addiction, alcohol, radiation exposure, air pollution in the place of residence, late toxicosis).

Expect your first teeth healthy child follows from 4 to 7 months.

If a child experiences a significant delay in their appearance, accompanying deviations are possible:

  1. Rickets- a pathology inherent in infants. The disease develops due to a lack or insufficient absorption of vitamin D, on which the amount of calcium in the body depends. This element is necessary for intrauterine formation of teeth, strength and growth of bones.
  2. Edentia partial or complete– an unpleasant congenital dental anomaly, in which x-rays reveal the absence of tooth rudiments in the jaw row.
  3. With abnormal development of teeth(unnatural color, incorrect size, shape), doctors prescribe additional examinations in order to accurately diagnose.
  4. If the teeth are cut at an angle from the general jaw row, incorrect localization of the dental axis is possible.

Early teething indicates problems with the baby’s endocrine system.

Sequence of teething in infants

Scheme of the order of teething in a child under 2.5 years old

The order in which teeth appear is approximately the same for everyone. The first to emerge from the center are the lower incisors. They can appear separately or simultaneously. Next, in pairs, the upper incisors are shown. Then the lower and upper teeth are cut on the sides. Most babies who have reached the age of one can already boast 4 teeth on top and 4 teeth on the bottom.

After the incisors erupt, the fangs emerge. They stop growing, giving way to distant molars, and form dental gaps. By the age of three, the number of baby teeth is 20. Since teething is an individual process for each child, this number may appear in the mouth of a 2.5-year-old toddler.

Interesting fact: In medical practice doctors faced interesting case, when a completely healthy boy began teething intensively at the age of 7 months. By the age of one and a half years, there were 19 of them in his mouth. But he had to wait for the last 20th tooth for 14 months.

Symptoms and signs of teething

You can understand that a child is teething by his behavior and well-being. The whole process, despite its naturalness, affects almost all systems of the body, sharply worsening its condition. The immune system crumbs are greatly weakened, so attentive parents, when teething, should protect the child as much as possible from contact with a large number of people in order to avoid unwanted infectious or viral disease. Vaccinations and other extreme procedures should also be postponed.

Signs of teething appear depending on the general health of the child.

The main symptoms, predominantly found in children during this difficult period, include:

  • loss of appetite, refusal to eat;
  • swelling, redness, swelling of the gums;
  • sleep disturbance, irritability, moodiness, tearfulness;
  • the child’s desire to bite, squeeze with his gums, and gnaw on any objects that fall into his hands;
  • increased salivation.

During this period, it is very easy not to notice the onset of the disease. Therefore, you need to be even more careful.

What to expect during teething

Due to allocation large quantity saliva, a number of additional signs appear, by which we can accurately say that the toddler is teething:

  • cough, hoarseness as a result of excessive liquid entering the throat and irritation of the mucous membrane - about cough in children without fever;
  • rash, redness around the lips, on the chin, cheeks, chest area - the result of rubbing the child’s saliva with his hands due to its constant leakage from the mouth;
  • diarrhea due to inflamed gums and swallowing large amounts of saliva with food - the danger of diarrhea for babies;
  • runny nose when oral fluid gets into the middle ear.

Irritable, moody, bad nap, unexpected mood swings are a sure sign of teething. This behavior is caused by the pain experienced by the child when the superficial gum tissue is torn. Itches and hurts not only problem area, but also cheeks, ears, face. The baby constantly rubs these places, and pulls his fists into his mouth.

Special teethers can help a newborn during this difficult period. They are different types, and are made from various materials - it’s up to you to choose.

The appearance of a runny nose and cough

During coughing attacks should be eliminated pain syndrome. To do this, the child is given a gum massage, given a chilled teether, and ointment, syrup, or gel for teething gums are used. To prevent a mucus-clogged nose and coughing fits from preventing your baby from sleeping at night, pediatricians recommend rinsing the nasal passages saline solution and suck out the accumulated fluid with a rubber bulb or nasal aspirator.

You can help your baby get rid of phlegm and excessive saliva by lifting his head when the baby is lying in the crib.

Typically, teething symptoms, which do not require seeing a doctor or taking medications, go away within 2-3 days.

Diarrhea in an infant

Teether is an indispensable thing

Short-term diarrhea during teething in infants occurs due to inflammation of the gums. Digestive system closely related to oral cavity and reacts violently to all the processes that occur in it. Suitable flora for reproduction is created intestinal bacteria. Severe diarrhea due to teething does not occur in every child. If there is no intestinal infection, the stool does not change its usual color and smell. Defecation can occur 3-4 times a day. Some babies may experience diarrhea more often (up to 10 times a day)

Whether this is normal or not, only a doctor can say. Parents should be on guard at this time and monitor the condition of the baby. If teething and a weakened stomach are accompanied by vomiting and high fever, you should call a doctor. For the presence of poisoning and intestinal infection often indicates putrid smell, green stool, interspersed with mucus and blood. In this condition, the child rapidly loses fluid, and this is extremely dangerous.

If no pathologies are found, the baby has an upset stomach due to teething, you can help him in several ways:

  • Regularly and thoroughly wash all toys that the baby puts in his mouth. This will help avoid infection and dirt, which his body is unable to cope with due to reduced protective ability;
  • take off painful sensations in the gums you can use hard objects, special toys, a piece of apple, crackers;
  • It is recommended to treat the gums with a decoction of chamomile, sage, oak bark, and soda solution;
  • at severe pain It is allowed to give painkillers to children.

If the signs of indigestion have not decreased, after the tooth appears, the child continues to cry constantly, has diarrhea, bloating, flatulence and poor appetite, you need to see a doctor and not wait for the disease to develop.

Temperature rises when teeth are cut

A short-term increase in temperature is considered normal

Availability pathological signsstrong increase temperature, which can persist even after taking antipyretic drugs, frequent diarrhea, rash, etc. do not always begin due to teething. By leaving these manifestations without proper attention, parents risk missing the onset of a serious infectious disease in the child. Fever and diarrhea may be a sign intestinal poisoning, and a runny nose and irritability almost always accompany viral diseases.

The temperature during teething may rise briefly (no more than 3 days) and not exceed 38 degrees. If the problem does not go away or the symptoms increase, you should consult a doctor.

Features of teething

Caring mothers are often concerned about the late appearance of teeth in their children. Doctors laugh it off and say: “later they grow, later they will fall out.” In fact, dentists know that it is impossible to artificially influence physiology. If there are no visible pathologies, there is no need to worry. Some parents, listening to the advice of incompetent people, deliberately cut or damage their children's gums. This cannot be done. Not only does it cause pain to the baby, but it can also cause infection in the wounded oral cavity. This will not help the tooth erupt in any way.

There are atypical cases when teething in babies have some characteristics:

  • the emerging tooth has a yellow-brown color. So mommy accepted antibacterial drugs at the moment when the rudiments of teeth in the fetus were formed;
  • a darkish edging appears on the root neck of a newly hatched tooth - this is the effect of iron-containing medications or a sign chronic disease The child has;
  • a yellow-green tint to the teeth indicates liver disease, impaired bilirubin metabolism, and death of red blood cells;
  • enamel with a reddish tint indicates that the mother was taking tetracyclines during pregnancy;
  • teeth positioned incorrectly in the jaw row may be a consequence small size jaw, trauma, congenital anomalies metabolic process connective tissues, neoplasms.

If children’s teeth that appear on time grow correctly, then we can talk about the normal development of the body. Normally, during teething, the gums change from pale pink smooth to lumpy, loose, and reddened. The swollen areas become more sensitive, a slight hemorrhage occurs, and in its place the tip of the tooth soon appears.

But sometimes complications arise here too:

  • for difficult teething soft fabric You can notice that the gums have turned blue, a hematoma has appeared, and the swelling has increased. The baby behaves extremely restlessly, sucks poorly on a bottle or breast;
  • the addition of a fungal infection or viral nature to the wounded gum may manifest itself as a whitish or grayish coating, a rash in the form of small ulcers and erosions - a white coating on the child’s tongue.

In this case, consultation with a dentist is required. The child may need to cut through the mucosa to ensure unhindered tooth eruption and use. medicines, to fight infection in the mouth.

How to help your child with the appearance of his first teeth

Sequence of teething in children

The initial stages of tooth formation in a child occur when he is not yet born. At the age of six to seven months, the child begins to erupt his first milk teeth, although there have been cases of birth with teeth already appearing.

Teething occurs in almost the same way for all children. The table for the timing of baby teeth eruption in children will help you find out the timing of teething.

The first to grow are the lower incisors; they are located exactly in the middle of the jaw. This usually happens when the child is six months old. Behind the lower incisors appear the upper ones, which are also located in the middle part of the jaw. By 12 months, the lateral incisors above and below have time to grow alternately, and a total of 8 teeth can be counted. Don't be alarmed if your child suddenly has a little less or more teeth - this is quite normal.

Over the next half of the year, the “small molars” should appear. After 18 months, the growth of canines begins, which fill the void between the small molars and lateral incisors. If the child’s body develops without deviations, then all twenty milk teeth will erupt and form by the age of 3.

Table of timing of baby teeth eruption in children

Timing of teething in children table

Teeth do not necessarily grow one after another. It may happen that several teeth erupt at the same time. Their germination time may be extended if various infections, diseases, digestive disorders and functions of the cardiovascular system.

Despite the fact that teething is accompanied by changes in the child's behavior, many parents do not notice this. The baby's salivation increases and he constantly wants to chew on something. When the tooth finally sprouts, the temperature may rise, a cold may appear, or digestion may be upset. It is very important to ensure that the child does not put dirty things in his mouth - this can cause an infection and worsen his well-being even more.

How to help your baby teething?

To relieve pressure in the jaw and irritation throughout the mouth, doctors recommend giving your baby something cool and hard. An ordinary crust of bread can serve as such an object. The crust should be large enough so that the child does not swallow it, but can bite it. If you don't have bread on hand, you can use fresh fruits or vegetables.

An apple or cucumber will not only relieve pain, but also provide the child’s body with vitamins and minerals. Also in Lately In pharmacies you often find special cooling rings, which are carefully sterilized and given to the child as a toy.

Gently massaging the places where teeth will soon appear will not only relieve pain, but also calm the baby. By gently pressing your gums with a disinfected finger, you will improve their supply of blood and oxygen.

Simple rubbing from the corners of the mouth to the nose will soothe the pain of teething. If the pain is severe and does not disappear, you can use special gels. Due to their composition, they will serve as a mild anesthetic and relieve the child from pain.

When teething is particularly difficult, the baby may develop a noticeable fever. If it exceeds 38.5°C, you should give a small dose of some antipyretic drug for children and be sure to go to the doctor. In case of intolerance to such drugs, there is alternative way lowering the temperature - homeopathic suppositories for children. Put them on for the time required according to the instructions, and the baby will feel better.

Often, young children experience irritation of the skin around the mouth during the growth of their first baby teeth. This is caused by more intense saliva production. Creams with high fat content or baby lotions will help eliminate itching and burning.

Caring for your first teeth

From the moment a child's teeth appear, they require careful care. For the first time, wiping them is enough cotton swab. When your son or daughter has more than 10 teeth, feel free to start brushing them with a soft toothbrush. Do this carefully, as there is a high risk of damaging the enamel and delicate gum tissue.

From two to three years old, teach your child to brush their teeth daily. At this age, you can already add a small amount of fluoride-free toothpaste.

Video: timing of baby teeth eruption in children

Table of dental growth in children - norms and deviations from standard indicators

A newborn is born with embryonic teeth: twenty primary teeth and sixteen permanent teeth, which can be seen on an x-ray.

The dental growth chart for children is an average of the timing of the eruption of baby teeth, documented in the observation of infants around the world.

They depend on genetic properties, climatic zone, characteristics of pregnancy, baby’s health, nutrition.

Symptoms of teething in an infant

Primary teeth begin to appear in the first year of life.

The main manifestations accompanying tooth eruption in most infants are as follows:

  • the gums of the alveolar ridge are sensitive, swollen, and a whitish tubercle is clearly visible through them;
  • increased salivation is manifested by profuse salivation, sometimes rashes on the chin, neck, chest from irritation with saliva;
  • appetite suffers, weight gain may decrease to minimum indicators or completely absent;
  • Infants' sleep is restless and restless due to constant itching and soreness;
  • Children are whiny, prone to whims, put their hands and objects in their mouths, and try to bite.

Pediatricians consider the following to be secondary signs:

  • short-term increase in body temperature - possibly due to inflammation of the gum tissue;
  • dyspeptic disorders: regurgitation, loose stool- due to a violation of the diet;
  • sometimes catarrhal phenomena occur due to a decrease in local immunity in the nasopharynx and oropharynx.

Pediatricians do not yet have a single answer to the question of the interdependence of secondary signs and the process of tooth eruption.

How teeth grow in babies under one year old

Teething in children occurs in different ways, but there are two most common moments:

  1. paired eruption of dental units of the same name - they appear at approximately the same time or immediately after each other;
  2. the standardized scheme assumes primacy in the eruption of the lower teeth, and then the upper ones emerge, with the exception of the lateral incisors: first they appear at the top, followed by the lower ones.

The first teeth begin to erupt in six-month-old babies, and later the rest appear:

  • at the age of 6-9 months, the lower central incisors peck;
  • at 7-10 months the upper central incisors emerge;
  • at 9-12 months the upper lateral incisors appear;
  • at 11-14 months - lower lateral incisors.

The order of teeth growth in children under 2-3 years of age

In most children of the second year of life, the sequence of eruption is also paired, priority goes to the dental units of the lower jaw:

  • at 12-18 months, the first lower premolars erupt;
  • at 13-20 months - upper first premolars;
  • at 16-22 months the lower canines appear;
  • at 17-23 months - upper canines;
  • at 20-26 months the lower second premolars emerge;
  • at 26-33 months - upper second premolars.

Thus, by the age of two and a half, most children have a full set of twenty primary (temporary) teeth: 10 symmetrically located units in the lower and upper dental rows.

Growth pattern of baby teeth in children

So, the eruption of primary teeth occurs in an interdependent, pairwise sequence: in the first year of life, 8 incisors erupt: lower, then upper central; followed by the upper laterals, followed by the lower ones.

In a year and a half, the first premolars appear below and above, followed by the eruption of the lower and upper canines.

By the age of two or three, the second premolars (molars) emerge.

To make it easier to navigate the timing of the appearance of baby teeth, a special formula is used, which is also very approximate:

  • B - 6 = K, Where
    • IN- the expressed age of the baby in months;
    • TO- How many teeth should a baby have erupted by this age?

Norms and violations

There is no strict sequence or specific time period for the appearance of a particular tooth: everything is purely individual, however, there are conditions that indirectly indicate the presence of a disease.

  • A delay in the appearance of teeth of more than three to five months is alarming in relation to:
    • rickets;
    • infections;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • metabolic disorders in the baby’s body.
  • Too early - 2-2.5 months before the generally accepted norm, may be the result of a failure in endocrine system child.
  • Violation of the sequence of teeth appearance may be the result of a pathological pregnancy.
  • The reasons for the violation of the natural development of the tooth - its size, shape, location, color, the formation of enamel defects - are analyzed and corrected by a specialist.

Rarely, but abnormal eruption occurs, in which teeth appear already in prenatal period: A baby is born with teeth in its mouth.

How to help a child with painful sensations

There are many techniques and remedies to relieve itching and pain during teething in children. The effectiveness of each of them is individual; finding a remedy for a specific child is not easy, but it is quite possible:

  • Rings specially designed for children with liquid or gel filling that help reduce local manifestations. The disadvantage of these products is the need for constant cooling.
  • Among silicone or latex pacifiers, preference is given to specially designed orthodontic models. By biting them, children calm down the itching, but there is no Negative influence on bite, tooth growth.
  • Carry out a gentle massage of the gums with your finger or using a finger brush. Using this method, they not only relieve itching and anxiety, but also maintain proper oral hygiene and teach them how to care for their teeth.

IN severe cases resort to the help of local painkillers, relieving itching, cooling medications:

  • Dentinox (Germany)- a combination of chamomile flower extract and lidocaine relieves pain and inflammation. Release form: drops, gel.
  • Kalgiel (Poland)- anesthetic lidocaine in combination with antimicrobial agent, the drug has a sweet taste. Unlike other gels with lidocaine, use up to 6 times a day is acceptable.
  • Mundizal (Germany)- antimicrobial, cooling analgesic agent in the form of an anise-scented gel.
  • Baby Doctor First Teeth (Israel) - herbal preparation, contains extracts of calendula, marshmallow root, plantain, chamomile, and echinacea. It is tasteless, odorless and hypoallergenic. It has analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The frequency of application to the gums is not limited.
  • Dantinorm Baby (France)- a complex homeopathic solution for oral administration, containing only natural ingredients. Relieves inflammation, relieves pain, restores digestive function.
  • Solcoseryl (Switzerland)- adhesive dental paste that, when applied, adheres to the gum and remains on it for up to 5 hours. It has a quick local analgesic effect, enhances gum nutrition, and accelerates regeneration.

Principles of use dental gels To relieve teething symptoms:

  • observe careful hand hygiene when rubbing the medicine into the child’s gums;
  • It is necessary to apply the product only for pain; in the absence of symptoms, the medication is not used;
  • most gels are used three times a day, no more than three days in a row;
  • if it is possible to avoid applying the medicine, they prefer to refuse its use.

The choice of a drug to relieve local manifestations during the eruption of baby teeth is carried out taking into account the recommendations of a pediatrician or pediatric dentist.

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Pattern of teething and tooth loss in children: growth chart, order and timing of appearance of milk and permanent teeth

The eruption of a baby's first tooth is a significant event that his family, and especially his mother, look forward to. Each person, including in infancy, is unique, which is why teeth begin to appear differently for each person. For some, the first teeth appear one after another from three months, while for others they emerge from under the gums only closer to their first birthday. In medicine, there are cases where newborns were born with only one tooth, but this is an anomaly and a huge rarity.

Formation of tooth buds in a child before birth

The formation of primordia occurs in the prenatal period. Their first symptoms were recorded at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. It is during this period that the fetus begins to form and develop, its future features and characteristics are laid in it, including teeth (the approximate timing of teething).

At the end of the first – beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, certain formations of enamel begin to divide into separate sections. These are the embryos. They can be clearly seen in the photographs. During the formation of the rudiments unbalanced diet mothers and bad habits(passion for sweets, carbonated drinks), as well as calcium deficiency in the body can negatively affect the quality of future teeth. born baby, and also influence the timing of eruption.

Timing and sequence in the eruption of baby teeth: calendar by age

The timing of the estimated eruption of the first teeth is influenced by numerous factors. First of all, heredity is noted. If dad or mom (grandparents) had them too early or late, then they will most likely appear in the baby according to the same schedule. Climate also influences the dental growth calendar in young children. intrauterine development(difficult pregnancy, complications, possibility of miscarriage, poor nutrition expectant mother, etc.), lifestyle of mother and child in the first months after birth, and so on. Despite the numerous factors and individuality of this process, scientists have compiled rough plan growth, which can be used to guide the period of waiting for the first tooth in infants.

Medical scientists have developed an indicative calendar. It contains information about all stages of the appearance of baby teeth in infants and older children. This teeth growth calendar displays all stages of their appearance. The timing and pattern of teething in children is a relative concept. They are not a strict norm and in each individual case teeth are cut differently.

Table. Approximate teething calendar:

The child’s parents should sound the alarm if the indicators differ too much from the diagram or information given in the table. Based on the data presented, we can conclude that by the age of 3, a child should have 20 temporary teeth. Sometimes the timing of teething shifts according to the calendar and some babies can boast a mouthful of snow-white “pearls” already at 2 years old. Below, the table for the eruption of replacement teeth shows the order in which the teeth grow. In dentistry, teeth are numbered.

Deviations from the norm: possible problems

Young children may experience the following problems during the eruption of their baby teeth when they grow abnormally and incorrectly:

Symptoms of teething in children under one year old

Each child is special, unique and experiences the teething process differently. For some, this period can go completely unnoticed - the mother can find out about the first tooth by hearing the sound of a spoon while feeding, while someone cries for weeks, does not eat, does not sleep, suffers from bronchitis, laryngitis, has a fever, feels nauseous, plus diarrhea on top of everything.

Local reactions

The first thing you should pay attention to is:

  • slight swelling, and sometimes even swelling of the gums in the place where the first tooth should soon appear;
  • also in this place, redness of the soft tissues may be observed, which indicates processes occurring under the gum;
  • the child constantly puts into his mouth everything that comes to hand (mother’s finger, his little fist, toys, pacifiers, spoon, etc.);
  • when pressing on the swollen gum, the child exhibits negative reactions, indicating that this action is painful;
  • There is profuse salivation.

Deterioration of general condition

Along with local signs of the approaching eruption of the first teeth, children may experience changes in their behavior and worsen general state health:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • poor sleep and appetite;
  • anxiety and constant worry;
  • complete or partial refusal of breastfeeding due to sore gums;
  • the desire to relieve one’s condition by massaging the gums with improvised objects (toys, fingers, other hard objects);
  • copious clear watery discharge from the nose;
  • increased body temperature in infants (can vary from 37.5 to 39 degrees).

First aid for a baby

When the first teeth come out, the child may experience not only discomfort, but also pain. At each stage of eruption there may be different symptoms, and to facilitate them, you can use pharmaceutical products in the form of dental gels for children. Which medical supplies effective in this case?

  • wiping the gums with a bandage soaked in soda solution;
  • hard vegetables and fruits;
  • refrigerated teether;
  • light soothing gum massage;
  • Frequent breastfeeding or pacifier feeding.

When teeth fall out: replacing milk teeth with permanent teeth

Milk teeth perform temporary functions in the child’s body. Their roots dissolve and are much weaker than permanent ones. Sooner or later, the moment comes when the milky ones fall out, the period of root formation ends and they change to permanent ones.

At what age and after how long are dairy products completely replaced by indigenous ones? The replacement scheme may also differ in each specific case, but here, too, there are certain age limits and the order of loss of baby teeth, which can be displayed in the table. The order in which they appear may vary, but in most cases it is the same.

Most moms and dads believe that molars are permanent teeth that are replaced.

In fact, molars are both temporary and permanent.

The first inhabitants of the oral cavity

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much if the tooth erupts early or a little later than expected. But it is worth paying attention to the order in which the teeth erupted and fell out, since there is still an approximate order in which the teeth appear.

Signs of the appearance of molars

The eruption of molars in children is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, it is the first molars that cause the most trouble for a child.

He experiences painful sensations, becomes capricious and irritable, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat, or, on the contrary, often demands the breast.

The gums at the site of eruption swell and itch, the child tries to put everything into his mouth. A special one, as well as wiping the gums with a bandage dipped in cool water, can help the child during this period. If prescribed by a doctor, the gums can be lubricated with an analgesic gel.

Teethers for babies

The process of eruption of molars usually lasts 2 months, during which time the baby experiences increased salivation.

To avoid irritation of the skin of the chin, it must be constantly wiped and lubricated with a protective cream. The child may develop a runny nose and a wet cough.

Moreover, the temperature can appear not only when the first molars erupt, but also when permanent molars appear, when the child is from 9 to 12 years old.

This is understandable: when the gums become swollen, blood flow increases, and the body begins to synthesize biologically active substances, whose main task is to eliminate swelling and eliminate pathology. In other words, the body reacts to the appearance of teeth as if it were a disease, resulting in an increase in temperature.

At high temperature The doctor may prescribe the child antipyretics based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, which will also eliminate pain.

How permanent teeth erupt in children - timing and diagram

Dairy VS permanent

Many people think that only permanent tooth there is a root, but the temporary one does not, because of this it easily falls out. This opinion is wrong; everyone has both a root and nerves, and they have more complex structure than permanent ones, so they are more difficult to treat.

Temporary teeth are less mineralized, they are smaller in size, have a bluish tint, are softer, and their roots are weaker. In addition, there are only 20 of them, while there are 32 permanent ones; if a person’s “wisdom” teeth have not erupted, then 28.

When the time will come a temporary tooth falls out, its root will dissolve, and its crown either falls out on its own or is quickly and painlessly removed by a doctor.

Permanent molars - when do they appear?

A permanent dentition begins to appear from 5-6 years to 12-15 years, usually during this time all teeth emerge, although some teeth emerge only after 30, and some do not have them at all. They grow in the same order in which they fall out.

It is necessary to monitor the process of appearance of permanent molars; if they erupt 3 months later, this may indicate a serious pathology, for example, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency or rickets.

This diagram of the eruption of permanent teeth in children is approximate. But the sequence of teeth appearance in the absence of pathology should be constant.

From the beginning, when the baby turns 6-7 years old, his first permanent molars (molars “six”) will erupt behind the entire deciduous row. They will appear in places where baby teeth never grew. Then the temporary teeth are replaced by permanent ones, in exactly the same order as they erupted.

First, two incisors are replaced on both jaws, then two more. After them, small molars (“fours”) or premolars erupt.

They change when the child is between 9 and 11 years old; the second premolars or “fives” should erupt before the age of 12. Until the age of 13, fangs erupt.

Following them, in an empty space at the end of the dentition, the second large molars (“sevens”) erupt. They change until they are 14 years old.

The last to erupt are the third molars, “eights” or “wisdom teeth”. For some, they appear before the age of 15, for others much later, and for others they may not appear at all.

What are they like from the inside?

Permanent molars are divided into small (premolars) and large (molars). An adult has 8 small molars, located 4 above and below. Their main function is to crush and crush food.

They appear in place of lost baby molars. Premolars combine the features of large molars and canines.

They have the shape of a rectangle; on the chewing surface there are 2 tubercles separated by a fissure. The small molars of the upper jaw are similar in shape, but the first premolar is slightly larger than the second and has 2 roots, while the second has only one root.

The lower premolars are round in shape, each of them has 1 root. They differ in size: the first premolar is slightly smaller.

Large molars grow behind the second premolars. There are only 12 of them, 6 pieces on both jaws. The biggest "sixes". The upper first and second molars have 3 roots each, the lower “sixes” and “sevens” have 2 roots.

The structure of the third upper and lower molars (“”) differs from each other both in shape and in the number of roots. Some people don't have them at all. Very rarely, as a rule among representatives of the eastern equatorial race, additional fourth molars are found.

Out of my head…

If a permanent tooth has hatched in place of a temporary tooth, and the baby tooth is not yet going to fall out, the doctor will advise you to remove it.
