What to choose for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: new and proven developments. Treatment of Alzheimer's new drugs Medicines for Alzheimer's help

Alzheimer's disease is named after the psychiatrist who first described it. clinical picture. This pathology is typical for elderly people (over 60 years old). However, in rare cases it occurs in young people. In this situation, a person develops dementia. Therefore, it is necessary to know the causes and first symptoms of the disease. Modern drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease do not eliminate the pathology, but can slow down or stop further destruction of neurons and their connections.

Modern medicine has not yet answered the question of what causes the development of Alzheimer's disease. That is why there is no way to effectively treat a sick person. After all, without knowing etiological factor, it is impossible to eradicate it. In the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, drugs combat only clinical manifestations.

There are a number of factors that can lead to the development of pathology:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. IN in this case The chances of getting sick increase sharply if close relatives suffer from this disease.
  2. Tobacco smoking and overuse Alcoholic drinks lead to weakening of the body, against which various pathological conditions arise.
  3. Open and closed injuries heads with brain damage.
  4. The presence of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
  5. Refusal of a healthy lifestyle. If you do not give the body physical and mental stress, then there is a high probability of personality degradation.

Clinical picture

The first signs of the disease appear long before the pathology is detected, but are not characteristic. They are easily confused with chronic fatigue, stress and psychological age-related crises.

Symptoms depend on the stage of the pathological process:

  1. The early stage is characterized by deterioration short term memory: a person forgets events that happened to him recently, but he remembers what happened many years ago in every detail. Remember important information it gets difficult. Some words simply fall out of memory, and the patient cannot remember them.
  2. The middle stage of pathology development has a brighter expression:
    - sharp deterioration memory;
    - a person becomes fixated on the same situations or phrases (constantly repeats them);
    - aggression can be traced in behavior and actions;
    - disorientation in time and space;
    - the patient does not recognize familiar people.
  3. Severe stage of the disease. A person loses the ability to take care of himself independently. Marked serious violations from the psyche, speech, motor function, vision and hearing. Severe dementia develops.

Coping with the disease is not so easy: no effective medicines from Alzheimer's disease. All drugs, even the newest ones, that are used in this case, have a preventive, symptomatic and supportive effect.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease are selected individually, based on a number of factors:

  • degree of development of pathology;
  • physical and mental condition patient;
  • the opinion of relatives or close people;
  • patient's age;
  • prognosis for the development of pathology;
  • what medicine is already being used.

Therapy includes not only the use of medications, but also careful care of the patient. He needs to be provided with both medical and psychological social assistance. Of no small importance is the complete and balanced diet which will help maintain the vitality of the body.

Drug treatment

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors are drugs that help slow the development of pathological changes in brain tissue. This disease leads to the destruction of important chemical substance– acetylcholine. It is responsible for memory and thinking. When it is deficient, memory and other cognitive processes deteriorate. The medications should be taken in courses lasting no more than one year. The doctor makes the exact prescription based on the patient’s condition.

The most popular drugs in this group used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease:

  1. "Aricept." These are tablets for oral administration and resorption. They are prescribed regardless of the stage of the disease.
  2. New drug "Razadin" (old name "Reminil"). Available in various dosage forms: solution, capsules, tablet preparations for resorption in oral cavity. This drug is prescribed for the treatment of early and middle stages of development of the pathological process.
  3. "Exelon". There are several types this drug: solution, gel and capsules. It is used to treat the initial stages of the disease.

Side effects of medications in this group are varied, but are not life-threatening:

  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, loose stools);
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite.

The drug "Namenda" is often prescribed in combination with the above medications. It helps improve the patient's condition:

  • improves memory;
  • speeds up thought processes;
  • the patient becomes more active.

This medication is indicated for the treatment of patients with moderate and severe stages of the disease. Side effects are:

  • headaches;
  • fatigue;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased intestinal motility (constipation).

Symptomatic therapy

To improve the patient's condition and quality of life, it is necessary to get rid of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Symptomatic treatment:

  1. Neuroleptics (Haloperidol, Etaperazine, Droperidol and many others). They are used to relieve hallucinations and delirious state. But they have significant side effects:
    - tremor upper limbs and head shaking;
    - increase in the amount of saliva secreted;
    - muscle tension and stiffness of movement.
    Side effects develop due to a decrease in the content of dopamine in brain tissue, as tranquilizers promote its elimination.
  2. Antidepressants are necessary for patients with developing depressive syndrome, which includes manifestations panic attacks, aggressive behavior, obsessive fears and experiences. Such medications must be taken strictly as prescribed, as they lead to nervous excitement, and an overdose can lead to severe consequences(convulsions, hypertension, dyspeptic disorders) up to death.
  3. Mood stabilizers (for example, Carbamazepine) help normalize the patient’s mood.
  4. Cerebrolysin is used to improve cerebral blood supply.
  5. Glycine will help get rid of psycho-emotional stress. It is presented in the form of tablets for sublingual use (under the tongue).

Help from loved ones

Help and support from relatives and friends is of great importance in the treatment of this pathology. The sick person must be removed from depressive state. He needs to be encouraged, amused and cheered up. It is important to praise the patient even for the most minor independent actions.

So that a sick person can independently navigate in space, you can draw up a clear action plan for him. Experts advise signing objects and people in the photo so that the patient himself can remember the names.

It is necessary to work with a sick person physically and develop his mental abilities (read, solve logic problems and solve crossword puzzles).


Prevention includes preventing the development of predisposing factors. The main component in this case is healthy image life. Preventive actions:

  1. First you need to get rid of bad habits. You should give up cigarettes and alcohol, which have negative impact on brain tissue and cells.
  2. Proper, balanced nutrition. The diet should include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. You should pay attention to products containing omega-3 and omega-6 acids, selenium, antioxidants and various vitamins. Many experts recommend eating seafood and olive oil in sufficient quantities.
  3. It is worth abandoning the so-called food waste, which includes semi-finished products, food instant cooking, chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and packaged juices.
  4. IN for preventive purposes advise to use moderate amount coffee. It prevents the development of the disease, as it contains a large number of antioxidants. But the coffee must be natural, and it is better to grind it before brewing. Instant coffee does not contain essential useful substances, this should be remembered.
  5. Physical activity. Playing sports strengthens the body as a whole. You can choose any sport or just do your daily routine. morning exercises, take long walks.
  6. A person, especially in old age, needs to have an interesting activity that will captivate him. Knitting, embroidery, playing chess, reading and solving crossword puzzles train memory, attention and other mental processes.
  7. Take care of your health. It is necessary to promptly treat emerging diseases, undergo medical examination, refrain from self-medication, and take medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

A disease such as dementia (dementia) affects mainly older people. She tends to get worse mental abilities, as a result of which a person changes as a person, remembers worse, stops caring for himself, etc. Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common reasons dementia. A cure for this pathology has never been invented, so experts strive to slow down its development in order to prolong the patient’s life. That is why, in the presence of Alzheimer's disease, treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms that arise.

The course of therapy takes place mainly at home, but with strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations. Besides traditional methods Alzheimer's treatment, it is recommended to undergo a psychotherapy session and start taking special medications to improve your psycho-emotional state. Patients often suffer from depression, unreasonable aggression, disturbed sleep rhythms, etc. The support of family and friends can also help in the treatment of this disease, because a friendly atmosphere in the house has a good effect on a person’s mental state.

In order to understand whether Alzheimer's disease can be cured, you should consult the following doctors:

  • Psychotherapist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Psychologist.

Based on the results of the examination, the listed specialists will be able to answer how much it is possible to slow down the development of the pathology. However, there are certain factors influencing this process, namely:

  • Experienced diseases and the presence of chronic pathologies;
  • Age;
  • The severity of the illness.

Whether the disease is curable or not depends on the patient himself, as well as on his environment. For full-fledged therapy, it is necessary that there is always a friendly atmosphere in the house and that there are people looking after the person suffering from dementia. Otherwise, treatment may be incomplete, since the patient may forget to take pills, diet, etc.

During diagnosis, a person with Alzheimer's disease must remain in the hospital until diagnosis accurate diagnosis and prescribing a treatment regimen. After drawing up a course of treatment, the doctor will send him home, since most procedures can be performed at home.

Drug treatment

Scientists are trying to come up with something new in treating the disease, but no panacea for this disease has ever been found. Despite such a gloomy picture, doctors have long studied the mechanism of development of this pathology. It is known that the accumulation of amyloid plaques interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses and at the same time the amount of acetylcholine decreases. It is a mediator and is directly responsible for sending signals along the nerves, and cholinesterase regulates its concentration. It is for this reason that anticholinesterase drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease represent the mainstay of therapy. Among the medications that block cholinesterase and prevent the appearance of amyloid plaques are:

  • Donepezil;
  • Rivastigmine;
  • Galantamine.

When selecting medications, the doctor must take into account possible side effects, since many people are intolerant to such medications. In addition to capsules and tablets, you can use the Exelon patch. It is based on Rivastigmine, but causes less side effects than the tablet form. The main advantage of the patch is its duration and mechanism of application. It should be applied once a day, regardless of meals. Such simple use will be extremely useful for people with dementia, since they will not have to be afraid of missing the next appointment due to forgetfulness. However, this product also has its drawbacks, for example, the patch needs to be glued to a new place every day and it is advisable that it does not come into contact with clothing. That is why doctors advise alternating the adhesive plaster with Rivastigmine capsules.

Medicines for Alzheimer's disease from the anticholinesterase group help the patient improve memory and concentration, increase reaction time and restore the ability to communicate normally. On the background long-term use These medications reduce the degree of perception disturbance and the severity of personality disorder. That is why they are able to slow down the progression of the disease, but not more than for 1 year.

Other medications prescribed to slow down Alzheimer's include Akatinol Memantine. The essence of its action is to block glutamate, which also disrupts the transmission of signals between nerve cells. Akatinol Memantine, with long-term use, can increase mental activity. Due to this, the patient begins to remember better and concentrate on a specific action. In a treatment regimen, this drug is often combined with one medication from the anticholinesterase group.

Symptomatic therapy

You should not rely on just one specific drug, since the disease must be treated comprehensively, and symptomatic therapy plays an important role. It contains medications to improve blood flow in cerebral vessels and tablets with neuroprotective effects (Cerebrolysin, Actovegin). In addition to them, Sonapax is usually used for sleep disturbances, and Haloperidol is prescribed to relieve hallucinations and attacks of delirium.

Among other tablets used for symptomatic therapy The most basic ones can be identified:

  • Glycine. This drug is intended to improve brain activity and relieving psycho-emotional stress. Among the advantages of Glycine are: affordable price and the form of use, since it is enough to put the tablet under the tongue, and it will gradually dissolve;
  • Dimebon-Alzheimer. The benefit of this antiallergic drug is questionable. American scientists consider it useless for treating Alzheimer's disease, but Russian scientists disagree with them. Experts from Russia believe that Dimebon can improve memory and slow down the progression of pathology. American scientists spent about 1/3 billion on research and could not find any benefit from it. That is why whether to use it or not is still a controversial issue.

Alternative Medicine

Every year there are more and more fans of homeopathy. It is used quite often in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, as it can improve general state sick. Among the drugs from this group, Barita carbonica and other similar tablets are usually prescribed.

Treatment folk remedies not effective, since such methods are not capable of providing a full neuroprotective effect. Use alternative medicine possible only as an auxiliary therapy for calming nervous system and only after consultation with your doctor.

New therapy methods

To date, research into Alzheimer's disease is still ongoing. Scientists believe that nerve cells can die due to thrombosis due to the interaction of amyloid with fibrinogen. To prevent their relationship, a drug called RU-505 was created. It improves cognitive function by significantly reducing amyloid plaques and does not affect blood clotting. However, tests were carried out only on animals, since this medication is extremely toxic.

There are other innovations in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, e.g. computer programs NeuroAD type. They serve to improve concentration and memory. This result is achieved through electrical stimulation of certain areas of the brain while the patient receives tasks of varying complexity. Research was conducted by scientists from Harvard. They claim that this technique is much better drug therapy, and when combined, stable remission can be achieved.

Due to Alzheimer's disease, nerve cells die, so a person gradually loses the ability to care for himself. Treatment of this pathology consists of slowing its progression and improving brain activity. If all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the patient can live much longer without making any special changes to his usual lifestyle.

The reality is that there is no cure for Alzheimer's or Alzheimer's disease today. senile dementia, as it is also called. Once a person begins to show the first symptoms of this pathology, there is no turning back. The progression of forgetfulness, difficulties with remembering, reasoning and assessing the world around us cannot be stopped. However, there are medications available to treat Alzheimer's disease that can slow the progression of the disease and relieve symptoms. Let's take a closer look at possible therapeutic options.

How medications work

To understand the mechanism of action of drugs used when treating Alzheimer's disease, you need to understand the essence of how the brain works. The human brain consists of nerve cells, which are also called neurons. Neurons are the main cells destroyed as dementia progresses.

Brain cells are tightly adjacent to each other. The places where neurons connect with each other, that is, the locations of direct impulse transmission, are called synapses. The transfer of information occurs due to the release of a special substance by one cell - a neurotransmitter. A neighboring neuron absorbs this substance, receiving and transmitting some of the information.

Alzheimer's interrupts the above process, destroys synapses and kills neurons. All communications of the brain simply stop functioning.

Basic medications prescribed for dementia affect the mechanism of impulse transmission in synapses, thereby relieving the symptoms of the disease. Such tablets are divided into two large groups:

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors
  • Antagonists of NMDA (n-methyl-d-aspartate) receptors.

Below we will try to describe both groups of drugs in more detail.

Improving memory and thinking

Cholinesterase inhibitors are prescribed to combat symptoms of dementia such as memory loss, difficulties with thinking, reasoning, speech and others. thought processes. The main properties of these drugs:

This group of drugs treats the initial and intermediate stages of Alzheimer's disease, that is, not very advanced variants. The main representatives of the group are donezepil (Alzepil), rivastigmine, galantamine.

NMDA receptor antagonists are used to treat moderate to severe severe forms Alzheimer's disease. Therapy with these drugs involves regulating the activity of glutamate, an important neurotransmitter in the brain. Attaching glutamate to special places cells - NMDA receptors, determines the flow of calcium ions into nerve cell. This process is important for the transfer of information between neurons and is key to long-term and short-term memory.

In Alzheimer's disease, excess glutamate is released from already damaged neurons. This leads to the introduction of excess amounts of calcium ions into cells, accelerating neuronal damage. NMDA receptor blockers partially stop this pathological process. The main representative of this group is the drug Memantine. It is sometimes used in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors.

Main characteristics of the medicine:

  • Temporarily delaying the progression of disease symptoms
  • During the appointment, memory and attention partially improve, patients can take care of themselves and perform simple tasks
  • Side effects include headaches, constipation and dizziness.

Tablets of both groups are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. And the retail pharmacy network is carried out exclusively prescription, that is, you cannot buy such pills on your own and treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Behavioral disorders

Many people find the behavioral disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease to be the most severe and problematic. Their main cause is the progressive destruction of neurons and personality disorders. On early stages dementia patients experience constant irritability, anxiety and depressive disorders. On late stages anger, aggression, lack of control over one’s own emotions, and emotional outbursts are added. Patients with dementia can literally attack their relatives and throw home furnishings at people. Later, hallucinations and sleep disturbances appear.

Behavioral disorders can be treated with the following medications:

  • Antidepressants (fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline)
  • Anxiolytics (lorazepam, oxazepam)
  • Antipsychotics (haloperidol, risperidone, clozapine)

Antipsychotics are serious drugs prescribed only when emergency, since they greatly affect the patient's mental state. Indications for the use of antipsychotics in Alzheimer's disease:

  1. Advanced behavioral disorders such as mania or psychosis
  2. The patient's symptoms and behavior are real threat for others
  3. The patient experiences constant hallucinations.

You can cope with behavioral disorders not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. The main behavioral strategy is to determine what exactly a person with Alzheimer's disease needs. After all, such patients are unable to express their discomfort or voice their needs as the disease worsens.

Here are the main steps to help cope with behavioral problems using so-called folk remedies, that is, simply change your approach to the patient:

By doing these simple rules, which doctors jokingly call folk remedies. Over-prescription of medications can be avoided. Listen to Alzheimer's patients, and they themselves can tell you how to behave correctly.

Treating Alzheimer's disease is very difficult, as the disease steadily destroys the patient's brain despite the best efforts of doctors. Constantly held clinical trials, new ones are being introduced into practice medicines. Perhaps a miracle drug is on the way. A cure for this disease will be invented. In the meantime, people are trying to save their loved ones, including using folk remedies. This is also acceptable, only desirable preliminary consultation with your attending physician.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

Loss of cognitive abilities, skills, abilities, and then complete helplessness. This is the typical prognosis for a patient with. Treatment with drugs allows you to stop personality decay, dementia, and improve a person’s condition. But at the present stage of medical development, this pathology is incurable.

Features of treatment of the disease

Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in the early stages is difficult because the process of destruction of brain cells is imperceptible. There may be slight deviations that those around and the patient himself do not associate with any pathology. Gradually, cognitive impairment increases.

Features of the treatment are:

  • chronic course with gradual deterioration;
  • drugs for Alzheimer's disease that slow down the destruction of neurotransmitters are not always effective;
  • in the arsenal of doctors there is only a small number of drugs with proven effectiveness;
  • additional therapy is indicated with the use of nootropics, antidepressants, drugs with antiplatelet and antithrombotic effects to prevent;
  • sedatives are also prescribed to the patient’s relatives;
  • The main treatment for Alzheimer's disease is.

The “Memory Therapy” technique and sensory integration are used as psychotherapeutic assistance. Such classes enable the patient with mild form diseases to adapt to the current state.

Prescribed drugs

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with drugs can reduce the production of deposits that destroy brain cells. Additionally, symptomatic therapy is indicated to improve the patient’s condition and help prevent the development of a stroke or heart attack.

List of medications for Alzheimer's disease:

  1. Anticholinesterase group - the active substances of the drugs are inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. They help slow down the breakdown of acetylcholine.
  2. Akatinol and its analogues block the destructive effect of glutamate on brain tissue. This helps strengthen the patient's memory.
  3. Nootropics – to improve blood circulation and cognitive functions.
  4. Sleeping pills and sedatives. Sedative medications are also indicated for relatives caring for a patient with Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Anticoagulants, statins - for prevention ischemic stroke, formation of blood clots and emboli.
  6. Neuroleptics – when signs of aggression, mental instability appear, to reduce the patient’s excitability.
  7. Antidepressants - to relieve symptoms of depression and neurogenic pain.

For Alzheimer's, drugs are selected strictly individually, taking into account the degree of destruction of the patient's brain, his age and the presence of chronic diseases. Almost all medications for the treatment of this pathology are sold from pharmacies with a prescription.

Currently, scientists have developed a drug that blocks the key protein mass in brain tissue. It was called neurostatin. The main component is bexarotene, which inhibits the production and accumulation of amyloids that destroy neurons.

The drug has proven its effectiveness in laboratory tests on animals. Volunteer studies of neurostatin are currently being conducted in the United States.

Medicines for severe forms

In severe forms of the disease, there is a complete loss of higher nerve functions with a gradual decline in physical activity.

The patient cannot speak, move, and loses control over urination and bowel movements. Subsequently, the patient is unable to eat, and the act of swallowing becomes impossible. Tube feeding is indicated. But at the same time, the patient may show aggression towards others. Treatment at this stage is limited to palliative care.

The main treatment for Alzheimer's disease in severe dementia is memantine hydrochloride. Active substance is an antagonist of NMDA receptors. The amount of the drug is gradually increased. The maximum permissible dosage is 20 mg per day.

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor who has experience in treating this disease. The drug is continued until positive dynamics are observed in the absence of side effects.

In severe forms of the disease, cases of hallucinations have been described. Possible side effects are dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

Symptomatic therapy

Patients with Alzheimer's disease resemble a small, helpless child. And as medical statistics show, this disease does not end in death. Associated diseases lead to death pathological processes, infections, strokes and heart attacks, injuries, long periods of lying down.

Concomitant therapy drugs:

  1. Antibiotics wide range actions - to suppress bacterial infections, causing inflammatory processes in the lungs, kidneys, and other organs.
  2. Antimycotics - in case of fungal invasion.
  3. Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs - for relief inflammatory processes non-bacterial in nature, such as arthritis, arthrosis.
  4. Sleeping pills – to normalize sleep and reduce anxiety.
  • Drugs that prevent blood thickening and clotting. The use of antiplatelet agents for Alzheimer's disease helps prevent the development of ischemic stroke, since such a violation of the blood supply accelerates the progression of the disease, worsens the prognosis and can be fatal.

The drug of choice is aspirin and dosage forms based on it.

  • Antidepressants - to reduce anxiety, relieve neurological pain, and normalize sleep. The doctor will prescribe Amitriptyline, Miaser, Fluoxetine or their analogues.
  • Neuroleptics are drugs to suppress increased anxiety, stop attacks of aggression, and antisocial behavior. A typical representative is Haloperidol.

These medicines are used symptomatically. They are not intended for continuous use.

At any stage of Alzheimer's disease, the administration of B vitamins in tablets or injection form, ascorbic acid to increase the level of immune protection.

Things to remember

Responsibility for the patient’s condition and treatment lies with his relatives. With this disease, the state does not provide free conditions for the patient to stay in specialized medical institutions.

Memo for relatives:

  1. Stick to your daily routine. This will make the patient feel confident.
  2. Encourage independence regarding bowel movements. Leave the toilet door open.
  3. Give the patient the opportunity to do what he loves.
  4. Speak clearly and in short sentences. Try to draw attention to yourself through touch.
  5. Avoid situations in which the patient may behave aggressively.
  6. Stay calm even during an attack of aggression. Try to keep some distance, as the patient considers approaching a threat to herself.
  7. If delirium or psychosis develops, do not argue with the patient. The need to defend one's views can provoke aggressive behavior.
  8. Place a note with the patient’s details in your clothing pocket – last name, first name, address, coordinates of the next of kin. In this condition, patients are prone to wandering.
  9. Install complex locks on doors and windows, and turn off the gas if you leave the patient unattended.
  10. Install devices in the bathroom that make it easier to take hygiene procedures. These are handrails and non-slip mats.

A cure for Alzheimer's disease modern stage the development of science has not been developed. But drugs are released latest generation, allowing to slow down the process of destruction of brain tissue, improve the patient’s condition of life and make it easier for relatives to care for him.

Their prices vary, from expensive to budget options. But pick up drug therapy Only a doctor can, based on the results of the patient’s examination and his response to the treatment.

Is serious problem and ranks fourth among deadly diseases.

The disease was first described by the famous German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer, the disease was named after him.

Most often, the disease affects patients over 60 years of age. The disease is treated by psychiatrists and neurologists.

In addition, the disease may occur due to various injuries, inflammatory diseases brain

The disease has organic nature . A toxic protein (beta-amylode) is deposited between the neurons of brain cells.

Appear amyloid plaques, destroying connections between neurons. Neurofibrillary tangles form in the cells, which provoke complete cell death.

Another participant in the destructive process is lipoprotein ApoE.

Unfortunately, today there are no drugs that can cure dementia completely.

Alzheimer's disease - irreversible process . It will inevitably progress. With absence adequate treatment Personal degradation and death of the patient will occur much faster.

Is Alzheimer's disease curable? Completely cure such patients modern medicine unable.

Treatment is aimed at prolonging initial stage, maintaining intellectual skills for as long as possible.

Effective therapy combines application of modern medical supplies, funds traditional medicine and methods of psychological assistance.

The success of treatment depends on correctly selected complex techniques.
