Preparation for ultrasound of lymph nodes. What does ultrasound of lymph nodes show and how is it performed? Submandibular and postmandibular region

Pathological changes cervical lymph nodes are often a consequence dangerous disease. The role of lymph nodes is to neutralize microorganisms foreign to humans, toxins, viruses, tumor cells, and bacteria. Inflammation almost always indicates an immune failure, the presence of an infection in the body and requires serious examination.

A doctor performs an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes

One of the methods for studying the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes is ultrasound, or ultrasound. Most often, ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is prescribed. The procedure allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

The condition of the lymph nodes in adults and children is somewhat different. If for a growing organism a slight increase in the lymph nodes located on the neck, not accompanied by other symptoms of the disease, is a variant of the norm, then in adults it indicates serious problems with health.

Why ultrasound?

Advantages ultrasound examination cervical lymph nodes is that it shows structural pathology. By examining the shape, structure and size of the cervical lymph node, the doctor is able to identify diseases internal organs, body systems, including the lymphatic system itself. Moreover, the study is painless, safe and highly informative.

Palpation of regional lymph nodes in a child

Inspection and palpation of such high results will not be given, and therefore examination of lymph nodes using ultrasound is the most common diagnostic procedure. Diagnosis is based on comparing the length/width ratio of the lymph node, as well as the nature of its echogenicity (degree of tissue density).

It is based on the use of the properties of an ultrasonic wave, which is capable of penetrating very deeply into tissues human body and extremely accurately determine the condition of a particular organ under study. Lymph nodes in the neck area can change even before the main symptoms of the disease appear, and therefore the method is good for early diagnosis.

Indications for ultrasound examination

In adult patients, indications for ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes are associated with the identification of diseases of varying severity and pathological processes occurring against their background. Ultrasound examination allows you to confirm or refute a preliminary diagnosis, select effective scheme treatment and then monitor its results.

Indications for ultrasound examination of lymph nodes are as follows:

  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the lymph nodes themselves;
  • their pronounced asymmetry;
  • compaction of the lymph node structure;
  • uncharacteristic mobility;
  • symptoms accompanying these signs in the form of headache, fever, weakness, etc.

The girl independently palpated the enlarged lymph node

Most often, examination of lymph nodes is prescribed if the following pathologies are suspected:

  • tumor processes in the lymphatic system;
  • abscess;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the area of ​​various internal organs (benign and malignant);
  • inflammatory process.

As a result of the study, in a matter of minutes it is possible to obtain reliable diagnostic information necessary for prescribing the most effective method treatment.

When is ultrasound contraindicated?

The uniqueness of ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the neck is that there are almost no contraindications for the procedure.

If the skin in the area of ​​influence of the ultrasound machine manipulator is damaged, you should wait for it to heal, since the results of examining the lymph nodes on injured skin are unreliable.

In addition, the presence of infectious diseases (Koch bacillus, syphilis, leprosy) is grounds for refusal to conduct the study.

What diseases can be identified?

Enlarged cervical lymph node in a child

Assessment of the structure of lymph nodes, their sizes, contours, relationship with vascular system and tissues is important. The following diseases and pathological conditions can be identified:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • mumps;
  • laryngitis;
  • angina;
  • chicken pox;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • disease of the lymphatic system;
  • glandular fever;
  • oncology.

Many of these diseases are age-related, so it is advisable to conduct an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes in a sick child to confirm the pediatric diagnosis.

Features of cervical lymph nodes in children

Lymph nodes larger than two centimeters in diameter require immediate medical attention. If they have increased to a centimeter or one and a half centimeters, then consulting a doctor is highly advisable. Most likely, you will have to do an ultrasound. A centimeter-long lymph node that can be easily felt under the skin can be ignored: its size is within normal limits.

Inflammatory enlargement of a lymph node is called lymphadenotopia. It may be a consequence of the inflammatory process as a result of a viral infection, there is no need to worry. Visual enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes in this case is protective in nature and is a sign of increased work lymphatic system. However, as prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary to do an ultrasound to make sure that nothing dangerous is happening to the child.

In addition, the reasons for an enlarged lymph node can be suspected: extensive caries, decreased immunity, eye diseases, as well as the child’s body’s reaction to bites and scratches from pets.

However, in some cases, lymphadenitis is a consequence of infection with tuberculosis, diseases connective tissue, malignant neoplasm. In this case, ultrasound diagnosis of the cervical lymph nodes will only a small part deeper research.

How is the procedure performed?

No preparation required. A special gel is applied to the skin, and the diagnostician runs a manipulator over the treated area. The result is instantly reflected on the monitor screen and recorded. To obtain the most accurate data, the lymph node area is examined in several projections.

Ultrasonic sensor

The result is given to the patient in writing. This is the basis for prescribing adequate treatment.

Ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes is a modern, highly informative procedure that allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose the disease and begin immediate treatment. Ultrasound examination has a number of advantages compared to other methods, and therefore is widely used in medical practice.

Ultrasound of lymph nodes is a method for diagnosing the state of immune components, thanks to which it is possible to determine their size and deviations from the norm. U healthy person formations have a diameter of no more than 1 cm.

Inflammation of any etiology that occurs in the body is often reflected in the lymph nodes. They increase in size. The cause of hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue is malignant formations. Deviations from the norm detected on ultrasound are considered a reason to examine the patient.

During diagnosis, pay attention to the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • body features.

Doctors explain what any lymph node looks like on an ultrasound in people over 60 years of age. In such patients, due to the connection of immune glands, long (up to 3.5 cm) formations often appear. In most cases, in young and middle-aged people The lymph nodes They have a somewhat elongated shape and resemble beans in appearance.

Intrathoracic lymph nodes are almost invisible on ultrasound, but the formations abdominal cavity available for research.

Indications for ultrasound of lymph nodes

The diagnostic method is used if:

  • increase in palpable immune links;
  • the occurrence of pain in the area under the jaw, on the sides of the neck, when palpating the lymph nodes;
  • preservation of formations enlarged for 14 days after recovery from infectious pathology;
  • redness of the skin at the site of regional lymph nodes for more than 2 hours;
  • persistent fever;
  • presence of previously transferred malignant diseases, including breast or thyroid tumors.

Study preparation and execution

Typically, no preparation is required for an ultrasound of any lymph nodes. For the correct results of ultrasound of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, it is necessary to exclude from the menu dishes that increase gas formation a couple of days before the procedure. Dinner should be no later than 8-10 hours before the test.

To prepare for an ultrasound of lymph node areas that have hairline(for example, armpits), you need to get rid of unwanted hair in advance. The study is then carried out as usual.

In case of Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's ultrasound covers all affected areas, i.e. not only immune components, but also neighboring organs.

How is ultrasound of lymph nodes performed?

Most often, the patient does not need to take any special actions during the procedure. If inguinal lymph nodes or abdominal masses are being examined, the doctor usually asks the person to take a deep breath. Access to immune links axillary region carried out by raising the patient's hands.

Education indicators are normal

First of all, the reticular tissue of the lymph node is examined. The cortex and medulla are isolated. The ultrasound doctor’s conclusion largely depends on their characteristics.

The echogenicity of any lymph nodes is of the following types:

  • hyperechoic (high);
  • hypoechoic (medium);
  • anechoic (low).

These concepts are used when drawing up an ultrasound report. The cortex on the monitor appears as a homogeneous rim of hypoechoic structure. The central parts of the lymph node are hyperechoic.

In older people, fatty infiltration is often detected, accompanied by destruction of the immune capsule. This does not indicate a serious pathology. On the monitor, fatty lymph nodes have a round shape and an increased degree of echogenicity is revealed. Inside the glands, heterogeneous contents are found, often in the form of a mesh with a rim.

The description of the condition of any formations (axillary, subscapular, etc.) is based on their relationship with nearby organs. To avoid diagnostic error Ultrasound is supplemented by information obtained during colorectal dosing, since cross-sections of muscles and blood vessels are very similar to similar sections of the immune system.

What does ultrasound examination of nodes show in pathologies?

The characteristics of lymphoid tissue in case of deviations from the norm are presented in the table:


Features of pathology and ultrasound results of lymph nodes
  • the peripheral area of ​​the formation has medium echogenicity, and the central one has high echogenicity;
  • an inhomogeneous (heterogeneous) lymph node can be traced, with clear and even boundaries, increased blood flow in the gate

Tuberculous lymphadenitis

  • deviations usually affect the immune parts of the neck, groin, and axillary zone;
  • formations sometimes have dimensions of 3-10 cm, connect with each other, forming conglomerates;
  • have a heterogeneous structure consisting of many cystic formations, calcifications

Metastatic disease of lymph nodes

  • formations change shape, contours become unclear;
  • liquid contents are detected;
  • many anechoic areas are formed;
  • the central segment of the lymph node is thinned;
  • There is proliferation of blood vessels, as well as an atypical vascular pattern.

Hodgkin's lymphoma

  • is growing lymphoid tissue supraclavicular, submandibular, cervical regions;
  • a group of lymph nodes is visualized, round in shape, with a clear capsule and homogeneous structure medium degree echogenicity;
  • the structure of the formation reflects the vascular pattern.

Non-Hodgin lymphoma

Ultrasound of lymph nodes - modern method examinations, allowing timely determination of early stages any pathology. Using ultrasound equipment, it is possible to diagnose and evaluate the condition of almost all lymph nodes in the human body.

What is the procedure?

Ultrasound of lymph nodes is a method ultrasound diagnostics internal organs, the ability of tissue to reflect ultrasound waves. It is the difference in the acoustic display of the ultrasonic wave from the tissues that makes it possible to show one or another pathological process occurring in the body.

What can an ultrasound of the lymph nodes show?

Ultrasound of regional and peripheral lymph nodes during research allows us to show and diagnose the following diseases:

  1. Viral infections and HIV, measles and herpes, as well as the development of connective tissue lesions.
  2. Oncological pathologies, for example, with enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit, there may be a suspicion of breast cancer.
  3. Increase submandibular lymph nodes or the soft tissues of the neck may indicate localization in a particular area of ​​inflammation.
  4. Lymph node examination groin area often shows inflammatory processes in the lower extremities.
  5. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes located directly in the neck area shows the course of the pathological process provoked by an STD.

This is far from full list diseases that can be diagnosed with ultrasound equipment.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasound

Indications for ultrasound for a child and an adult can be very different - it all depends on the preliminary diagnoses of the doctor. For its actual confirmation or final refutation, the described ultrasound diagnostic method is prescribed.

Ultrasound of cervical lymph nodes. It is prescribed if there is a certain deviation in the neck, in its structure, or one or another pathological process is occurring:

  • damage to the lymph of any nature - lymphoma, cancer;
  • during the course of lymphosarcoma and Sezary's disease;
  • when metastases affect the neck area from other organs - the lungs and larynx, tongue or trachea.

Ultrasound of soft tissues and lymph nodes located under the jaw, doctors prescribe for:

  • deformation bone structure both dental systems and soft tissues;
  • if there are signs indicating the course of leukemia - bleeding gums, increased sweating at night and so on.

Quite often, at an appointment with a mammologist, a woman may be diagnosed with an enlarged intramammary lymph node of the mammary gland. Or other deviations in its structure or functioning have been identified. Thus, the doctor can refer for an ultrasound:

  • with inflammation and pronounced pain syndrome, hyperemia in the chest area;
  • if during palpation the doctor reveals a lump in the mammary gland, an inflammatory process is diagnosed;
  • after surgical intervention and chest injuries, control general condition inserted implants;
  • before choosing hormonal drugs contraception if dysfunction of the ovaries is detected and with an increase in size axillary lymph nodes;
  • for prophylaxis as necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Ultrasound of axillary lymph nodes shown when:

  • oncology in the mammary glands, breasts.
  • after removal of the mammary gland - to detect metastasis.

Ultrasound of the groin area. The course of the oncological process and some venereal diseases. Inflammation and injury to the groin area are grounds for diagnosis using ultrasound equipment.

Ultrasound of the abdominal and retroperitoneal space. Most often, ultrasound in this format is prescribed for diagnosing pathologies, the presence of metastases from retroperitoneal organs such as kidneys and bladder, genitals. If the patient has previously had an ultrasound of the abdominal/retroperitoneal space, deciphering the results obtained will show the course of the inflammatory process. As well as oncology and venereal diseases.

Diagnostics of lymph nodes with ultrasound equipment as a protocol has no contraindications in its purpose. It is safe for children and pregnant women and does not harm the body.

Preparing for the examination

No preparation is required for children or adult patients. The only exception is following a diet 2-3 days before the examination. By removing foods that cause excessive gas from your diet. Also a day before, a cleansing enema is given, which can give accurate and reliable results diagnostics using ultrasound equipment.

Features of the event

The procedure for ultrasound diagnostics of lymph nodes is simple and at the same time gives accurate and reliable results about the condition of internal organs and systems. In its features, diagnostics using ultrasound equipment requires preliminary clearing of the diagnostic area from clothing. Next, the skin is lubricated with a special gel. And the doctor runs a sensitive sensor along it - the entire image of the ultrasound reflection from the organs is taken from it. Subsequently, it is displayed on the monitor screen. The procedure itself is painless and does not cause pain in the patient. discomfort, takes no more than 15-20 minutes. Upon completion, the patient can go home.

Interpretation of diagnostic results

When deciphering, the doctor makes an objective assessment of such indicators as the size of the lymph node and its structure, number, location, and cross-sectional size. The structural density of the tissue and its ability to reflect ultrasound are also taken into account. The shape of the lymph node and the presence of abnormal growths in or around it. If there is a deviation from the norm, doctors talk about pathological process and based on the results obtained, they prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Are there alternative diagnostic methods?

In the process of diagnosing lymph nodes, errors are possible in the interpretation of a cystic neoplasm - congenital lateral or its middle type. As well as an abscess, which has equivalent echogenicity. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, doctors prescribe a biopsy and color sampling using staining reagents.

Also, ultrasound can show an inaccurate picture of the general condition of internal organs and systems in case of aneurysm and hernias, hematomas. For staging accurate diagnosis– doctors prescribe additional alternative methods diagnostics such as MRI and biopsy. In all other respects, the method is effective and accurate, allowing you to assess the internal state of organs and systems. And minimal contraindications to its implementation make it universal method diagnostics

Lymph nodes are important peripheral system body, which is a kind of biological filter that cleanses the lymph of important organs and parts of the body. One of the basic instrumental methods examination of the lymph nodes, which allows timely identification of pathologies of all types of regional elements, is an ultrasound examination.

What are the main indications for prescribing ultrasound in in this case? How to prepare for it? What does an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes of the neck and other areas of the body show? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Indications for ultrasound

Lymph nodes are not only a kind of mechanical filter against pathogens and foreign substances, they take part in all types of metabolism, but also maintain the balance of the distribution of interstitial fluid volumes, and also produce lymphocytes, phagocytes and antibodies.

These elements are grouped in vital locations of the body– inguinal, popliteal, occipital, ear, cervical, jaw, axillary, abdominal, thoracic and other areas. In total there are from 5 hundred to 1 thousand, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body.

IN general case, Ultrasound of lymph nodes can be prescribed for:

  • Direct increase in these elements, which does not disappear over time;
  • Increased fatigue, regular chills, insomnia, decreased appetite, body aches and pain in the lymph nodes;
  • A routine examination after a mastectomy, in case of deformations of the bone tissue of the dentofacial system, after any surgical intervention in adjacent areas.

In particular cases, ultrasound of lymph nodes is prescribed if a number of diseases, pathologies, syndromes are suspected - from autoimmune reactions, actinomycosis, oncology and syphilis to Caesarea disease, lesions thyroid gland, tuberculosis and other problems.

Depending on the location, ultrasound is prescribed:

  • Lymph nodes of the neck. If you suspect pathologies of the throat, sinuses, palate, salivary glands, in case of difficulty breathing, pain when swallowing saliva, and so on;
  • Axillary lymph nodes. After a mastectomy, in the presence of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the mammary glands, pain when pressing on the armpit;
  • Retroperitoneal lymph nodes. With fever, severe pain in the abdominal area, in case of detection of metastases and tumor markers, with accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation;
  • Abdominal lymph nodes. With sharp pain in the lower abdomen, stool disorders, pain during localization palpation;
  • Submandibular lymph nodes. If leukemia is suspected;
  • Inguinal lymph nodes. Suspicion of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Subclavian and supraclavicular lymph nodes. Suspicion of oncology of various spectrum.

Preparing for the study

In general, an ultrasound of the lymph nodes is not required. special training. There are two exceptions special occasions- This is an ultrasound examination of the inguinal elements and ultrasound of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

In the case of an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes of the groin area, before the event, the venereologist may prescribe an additional examination to look for classic infections of the venereological type, using laboratory techniques.

When examining the retroperitoneal elements, the patient is prescribed a diet before the ultrasound examination– 3 days before the procedure, you must switch to fractional meals, eat steamed, boiled or baked food, avoid foods that cause increased gas formation and fermentation in particular rye bread, kvass, any yeast products, carbonated drinks, legumes, raw vegetables and so on. A day before the procedure, a cleansing enema is performed, and any food is excluded 10 hours (you can only drink plain clean water).

If the patient takes any medications, which are impossible to refuse a day before the ultrasound, then it is worth informing the specialized diagnostician about them before the ultrasound examination, indicating active substance, dosage and regimen.

Ultrasound diagnostics of lymph nodes

In general, the procedure ultrasound examination takes from 10 to 20 minutes. The patient is placed on the couch, the studied locations are lubricated with a special gel, after which the diagnostician begins to work with a systemic ultrasound complex, consisting of an ultrasonic vibration emitter, a receiver of signals reflected from tissues, a results interpreter and information input/output devices.

For ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck or other locations, which are a peripheral group of elements of the lymphatic system, classic linear sensors with a frequency of 5 to 12 Megahertz are used. In some cases (with deep lymph nodes), the convex type is used for internal organs, operating at a frequency of 2-5 Megahertz.

There are no contraindications to the procedure. At the same time, the diagnostic method itself has certain features, depending on the location of specific groups of lymph nodes in localizations.

You will be interested in:

In the neck and groin area, the enlarged above-mentioned elements are often very similar to cysts or old abscesses, since they have almost identical echogenicity - even an experienced diagnostician can make a mistake in this case, so a duplex examination is necessarily carried out as a supplement.

In some cases, if there are problems with the correct interpretation of the study results against the background of the presence of groups of lymphatic elements, various hernial protrusions, aneurysms or hematomas in the localizations, a specialized specialist may decide to conduct a parallel biopsy.

Ultrasound examination results

As modern diagnostic practice, it is ultrasound examination of lymph nodes that is considered the most difficult for diagnosticians in the context of correct interpretation of the examination results. Basic standards for them include the following information:

Both the size and shape of the lymph nodes depend significantly on the patient’s age, his constitution and location.

A variation of the norm is considered to be the length of individual elements up to 3.5 centimeters, and in older people prone to obesity, a physiological fact without the presence serious pathologies considered to be round structural formations of lymph nodes with a hyperechoic mesh central part and a rather thin hypoechoic “rim”, as well as a fragmented capsule of the node and replacement of individual sections of the element with classical adipose tissue.

Diagnosis of pathologies

Typical pathologies that can be identified and confirmed using ultrasound examination of lymph nodes in different places their localizations:

  • Lymphadenitis. A classic symptom indicating the presence of bacterial or viral infections. Most often found in the lymph nodes of the cervical and axillary regions. Ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes shows a uniform increase in the elements, their slight heterogeneity, while maintaining the proportions of thickness and length. In addition, there may be vascularization of structures with a general increase in the number of vessels (their normal structure does not change) and increased blood flow. In some cases, with prolonged lymphadenitis, there is a high probability of periadenitis (transition of the inflammatory process into the surrounding tissue) with the formation of an abscess;
  • Infectious mononucleosis. It's spicy viral disease affects not only the lymph nodes in all possible localizations, but also the pharynx, spleen and liver. On ultrasound, groups of elements become inflamed and form peculiar conglomerates, while the lymph nodes have clear rounded contours, classic hypoechogenicity on the periphery with a hyperechoic central scar, they are not fused, but the blood flow at the levels of the “gate” of the structures is significantly increased;

Lymph nodes play an important role in the human body. They are organs of the immune system whose main function is protective. Lymph nodes are delayed atypical cells, bacteria, viruses, toxins that circulate throughout circulatory system. If a person is healthy, then he does not feel the lymph nodes, they do not cause discomfort, do not bother and do not make themselves felt in any way. But if an inflammatory process begins in the body or any pathology develops, one of the first organs that will respond to changes will be the lymph nodes. As a result, the lymph nodes may increase in size, become denser and visible to the naked eye, more mobile, or the ratio of tissue components in them may change.

Remember that lymph nodes never become inflamed for no reason. Any deviation in their activity is not due to a local problem; a change in the shape or size of the lymph nodes is a signal that a pathological focus has appeared in the body, which requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. If the lymph nodes in the neck area are inflamed, this may indicate an illness in several organs and organ systems, which means that it is not enough to limit ourselves to diagnosing the larynx, for example, to determine the cause of the abnormal behavior of the lymph node.

Ultrasound of soft tissues of the neck and lymph nodes

An experienced doctor can only use palpation to determine the condition of the lymph node and the cause of its inflammation. However, not all clinical cases allow this method of diagnosis. As a rule, therapists refer the patient for instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

The easiest way to monitor a troubling lymph node is ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the neck and lymph nodes is absolutely safe, painless and extremely informative. Ultrasound diagnostics can be performed on pregnant women at any stage and on children; there are practically no contraindications for ultrasound, and preparation for the procedure will not cause problems for the patient. Moreover, the price of ultrasound of the neck lymph nodes is quite affordable and affordable for the vast majority of the population.

What does an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes show?

Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck reveals the following characteristics of the lymph nodes:

  • their size;
  • echogenicity;
  • shape;
  • ratio of length and width.

The results of the study are displayed on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, the diagnostician correlates the data obtained with normal indicators, makes a conclusion and writes recommendations.

IMPORTANT! Ultrasound results are not a final diagnosis. To make a diagnosis, as a rule, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations, and only after this the attending physician can determine your illness and prescribe a course of therapy.

But the most important thing is that the condition of the lymph nodes can be used to diagnose the development of oncological diseases. If metastases are diagnosed in the lymph nodes, this indicates that cancer has affected nearby organs. Therefore, it is so important, at the slightest complaint of discomfort in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, to immediately sign up for an ultrasound and make sure that the inflammatory process is not associated with a benign or malignant tumor. It is especially necessary for women to pay attention to inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes - it can signal breast cancer. As for the cervical lymph nodes, the threat may hang over several nearby organs and organ systems.

When is it necessary to do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck?

  • enlarged lymph nodes is the main sign that immune system person there was a failure. Enlarged lymph nodes can not only be felt by palpation of the neck, but also seen with the naked eye, especially with inflammation of the cervical, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. If the lymph nodes are enlarged during acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, this is the norm, but if their size has not decreased two weeks after recovery and the disappearance of other symptoms of the virus, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • If a healthy (at first glance) person has enlarged lymph nodes, then next symptom there may be causeless fatigue, nausea, headache or dizziness, as well as increased body temperature. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes may be accompanied by constant pain in the throat or when swallowing.
  • Swallowing can be not only painful, but also difficult, as well as breathing. If a patient feels suffocated, delay in diagnosis and consultation with a doctor can cost him his life.
  • Another symptom may be redness or darkening of the skin in the area of ​​the cervical lymph nodes. Doctors say that this sign of an abnormal condition of the lymph nodes is quite rare, but still occurs in some patients.
  • Sometimes the inflammatory process can be painless, but, as a rule, touch or any action in relation to inflamed lymph nodes hurts.
  • The atypical condition of the lymph nodes can also be diagnosed by their consistency. In this case, the consistency of one lymph node will be significantly different from another located nearby.
  • It is recommended to carry out ultrasound diagnostics of cervical lymph nodes not only if the patient has complaints and characteristic symptoms, but also if certain diseases are suspected. The fact that a person is infected with a particular virus, or that he or she develops a certain pathology, can be confirmed using ultrasound diagnostics of the lymph nodes. Such diseases include:

    • organ cancers;
    • benign and malignant lymphomas (oncology of lymphatic tissue);
    • lymphosarcoma;
    • viral or infectious diseases;
    • Sezary syndrome (erythrodermic form of malignant lymphoma of the skin);
    • metastases of nearby organs - trachea, lungs, throat, bronchi, larynx, tongue;
    • abscesses (inflammations) of various types in the cervical region;
    • actinomycosis;
    • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
    • tuberculosis;
    • syphilis;
    • leprosy

    Where to do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck?

    Exists a large number of medical centers, where you can do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck. The DoctorRu network of clinics has the latest equipment for conducting research; we employ highly qualified doctors who are able to most accurately diagnose a diseased organ and prescribe effective treatment.

    Ultrasound of neck lymph nodes, price

    The cost of ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the NECK is 850 rubles.
