Calcium preparations for fractures. When is their use really justified? What calcium supplements are used for bone fractures? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Bone fractures are a common phenomenon, ranking third among the overall morbidity rates. Every day, every person is exposed to traumatic forces that can throw his skeletal system out of balance. But for today pharmaceutical market filled with medicines, among which calcium preparations for bone fractures occupy high places.

Factors influencing bone fusion

The quality and speed of bone strengthening depends on many factors. In order to fully understand clinical picture, these same factors should be divided into several groups:

1. General factors. This category includes factors such as:

  • Patient's age. The number of years of a person determines his general condition, his body’s ability to recover and rehabilitate. Research has shown that children's body has a great ability to regenerate bone tissue, weeks old;
  • Physical and neuropsychic state: victims are usually in a state of stress after a traumatic event, which clearly does not contribute to successful bone healing;
  • Constitution and physique;
  • Functionality hormonal system, hormonal background, metabolic status and nutritional quality;
  • Background diseases. The performance of organs and systems directly affects the quality of healing of broken bones. Diseases such as diabetes or blood pathologies negatively affect bone health;
  • Taking medications. Prednisolone, cortisone and others hormonal agents impair the strengthening of the human bone system;
  • Physical culture, exercises, exercise therapy, massage and self-massage, rational and balanced diet, including vitamins. All this is used to help bones heal faster.

2. Local factors. This group includes:

  • Nature and location of the fracture. The rate of bone healing in a total fragmentary fracture is significantly lower than, for example, in a stable fracture;
  • Damage to nearby soft tissues;
  • Damage to passing nerves and others.

What to take for fractures

The main microelement contained in bone tissue is calcium, it is not for nothing that people previously called this substance “soft stone”. In addition to calcium, the body also requires other elements: zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamins: C, D, B6 and 12. In addition to the microelements themselves, there are foods rich in calcium, namely:

  1. Dairy products;
  2. Almond;
  3. Salmon;
  4. Shrimps;
  5. Nuts;
  6. Herring;
  7. Wholemeal bread;
  8. Green and leafy vegetables;
  9. Sardines and spinach.

For greater effect, substances should be combined. The effect of calcium, like many other trace elements, depends on the presence of other minerals.

For better absorption of calcium, you should take zinc and vitamins D: they act as a catalyst. Large amounts of zinc are found in food products plant origin: pumpkin, mushrooms, buckwheat and oatmeal.

We must not forget about the main building material of all structures of a living organism - proteins. It is also included in the diet for fractures. Of course, in addition to those close to natural substances of the body, there are many means for healing bones during fractures. This includes bone healing tablets.

Calcium for fractures

Every bone fracture has its own stages. The most vulnerable phase of bone fusion is the calcification stage. It is during this period that the body sends its calcium reserves to the affected area for successful calcium deposition.

But with severe fractures, your own microelement may not be enough, then calcium comes to the rescue. This substance is prescribed primarily in combination with vitamin D. Doctors say that calcium is absorbed and absorbed better in the evening: at night, the microelement is washed out, and consuming it in the evening helps slow down this process.

It is important to know that it is better to drink calcium after dinner or during dinner, so it is absorbed better. For the best absorption of calcium, electrophoresis is used.

With its help, microelement particles move to the affected area under the influence of an electric field. This technique ensures deep penetration of the substance into the bone.

Preparations for rapid bone healing

The body is a highly organized self-regulating system, capable of independently correcting defects such as bone fractures. However, due to certain conditions, sometimes the body’s strength is not enough for successful healing, and then bone fusion occurs slowly or along the wrong path.

Then drugs that have an accelerating effect on bone healing come to the rescue. The following drugs are proven on the drug market:

  • Calcium D3 nycomed is combination drug, containing not only calcium itself, but also vitamin D3. A means for healing bones during fractures regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism, compensates for the lack of calcium in the blood and promotes the mineralization of dental tissue;
  • Calcemin is a mineral-vitamin complex. This drug also contains the trace element calcium. In addition to its effect on bones, the complex regulates the integrity of vascular walls, participates in muscle contraction, and promotes better implementation neuromuscular impulse and has a positive effect on blood clotting processes;
  • Dimexide. This drug has a number of distinctive features: it penetrates through many biological barriers, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and fibrinolytic effects.

Folk remedies

Popular means for fusing bones for fractures in the area traditional medicine are.

A bone fracture is considered quite serious damage, in which it is important that rehabilitation period was successful. To speed up the recovery process, experts advise taking various drugs calcium for bone fractures.

Calcium preparations

If the body lacks calcium, this leads to fractures and the inability to quickly recover from them. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen the bones by taking various drugs that contain this metal.

Such medicines exist big variety belonging to various groups:

Choosing the right drug

It is important to choose the right calcium supplement. To do this, you should consider the following nuances:

  • Effective absorption of calcium. It is necessary to thoroughly study the instructions for use and strictly adhere to the recommended dose and not exceed it. For an adult, it is in the range of 800-1200 mg. Better absorption occurs from substances such as calcium citrate or calcium lactate. For example, gluconate is not as well absorbed. To enhance it useful properties It is recommended to crush the tablet and add a little lemon juice. Thus, the mineral is more easily absorbed by the body.
  • To achieve better results, it is recommended to take medicines, containing calcium simultaneously with a multivitamin complex, which contains magnesium and zinc, which play an important role in strengthening bones. It is important to remember that you should consume not only calcium for fractures, but also vitamin D. They can be taken either individually or in combination.
  • Continuous use of products containing calcium is prohibited. The required course is prescribed by the doctor, but you are allowed to continue taking the drug on your own for several months, after which you take a break, during which calcium-enriched foods should be introduced into your diet.

Calcium fortified foods

To keep your bones strong, you need to eat certain foods that will help your medications be absorbed more efficiently. Such food should always be present in the diet. Among the products enriched with this metal are:

  • Milk products;
  • Sesame;
  • Spinach;
  • Almond;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetables;
  • Hard cheese.

Coffee and alcoholic drinks It is better to exclude them from the diet, as they negatively affect the absorption of the mineral. The diet should contain only fresh products.

Lack of calcium in the blood

A lack of calcium in the blood is called hypocalcemia. This occurs when its concentration drops below 2.1 mmol/l.

Signs of hypocalcemia development:

  • Increased neuro-reflex excitability.
  • Various paresthesias.
  • Heart problems manifested in the form of paroxysmal tachycardia.
  • Muscle tetany.

Excess calcium in the blood

Signs of hypercalcemia development:

  • A person quickly gets tired and tired.
  • Experiences general weakness.
  • Slow neuro-reflex processes.
  • Muscle hypotension.
  • Violation gastrointestinal tract. This causes nausea, vomiting, constipation and bloating.

Indications for use

Calcium-containing medications may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • The period of gestation and childbirth.
  • When breastfeeding.
  • Children in adolescence.
  • Elderly people.
  • Menopause.

Traumatologists quite often prescribe calcium supplements for fractures. Especially older people are more likely to experience hip fractures. In this case, bone damage occurs in the thinnest area. As a rule, for a fracture of the femoral neck it is necessary surgical intervention, after which the process of callus formation can last for a long time. To speed up the rehabilitation period and for preventive purposes For osteoporosis, patients are prescribed medications containing calcium.

In severe accidents, when there is a large number of damage to the victim mandatory prescribe such medications. However, people with heart and kidney diseases are prohibited from taking these medications. In this case, you should consult your doctor.

By following all the doctor’s instructions and taking the correctly selected medicine, rehabilitation process it will go faster and more successful.

After a fracture, the victim has to wear a cast for a long time to form a callus that will connect the fragments. This is associated with many inconveniences, since due to prolonged immobilization it is possible venous stasis and muscle atrophy. That is why calcium preparations are now widely used for bone fractures, promoting faster restoration of bone tissue and normalization of blood flow. Systematic intake of calcium supplements for bone fractures can significantly reduce rehabilitation time and allow you to quickly return to normal life.

The body is a highly organized self-regulating system capable of self-healing. However, sometimes the body does not have enough of its own strength to heal successfully, as a result of which the recovery process can slow down or take the wrong path.

A fracture of any bone has its own stages of healing. The period of calcification is considered the most vulnerable, since it is during this time that the victim’s body redirects the lion’s share own reserves calcium into the affected area for successful deposition of this substance. However, in case of severe injuries, the body’s reserves may not be enough, and then calcium supplements come to the rescue during fractures.

Calcium for fractures must be prescribed along with vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of this microelement. In addition, experts say that the substance is absorbed much more effectively in the evening. Since this element is usually lost by the body at night, taking it in the evening will help slow down this process.

In addition, it is important to remember that it is better to consume the microelement during or after dinner, since it is better absorbed this way. Also, periodic electrophoresis will contribute to better absorption of calcium. Thanks to it, calcium molecules move towards the affected area under the influence of an electric field. Moreover, this type of physiotherapy promotes deeper penetration of the microelement into bone tissue.

Calcium fortified foods

Calcium – main construction material bone tissue, so it is not surprising that people used to call it “liquid stone”. Calcium is indispensable for bone fractures, and that is why in case of injuries of this kind, most victims immediately try to purchase a medicinal form of the substance. However, calcium-containing medications, like other medications, should only be used when there are no other alternatives.

As a rule, doctors advise first of all to adjust your own diet by including foods rich in calcium. The fact is that the element in products is in a more easily digestible form and is more suitable for humans. Therefore, any competent specialist, when asked which calcium is best to take for fractures, will point to organic.

This calcium is found in the following foods:

  • green, leafy vegetables (spinach);
  • fish (salmon, herring, sardines);
  • whole wheat bread;
  • milk products;
  • nuts (almonds);
  • poppy, sesame;
  • shrimps.

For more effective absorption of the substance, it must be combined with other microelements. Zinc and vitamin D are especially important. They act as catalysts. So, sources of zinc can be pumpkin, buckwheat, oatmeal and mushrooms.

Calcium preparations

In the pharmacy chain you can find many drugs that contain calcium. Since this element is the main component of bones, a person who has broken one of the bones tries to purchase a product with the maximum high concentration calcium. And he doesn’t really delve into which drug is best for him. But with such medications, everything is not so simple.

As already mentioned, in certain products calcium is in a form that is poorly absorbed by the body. In addition, with this element it is also important to maintain the dosage and control the level of the substance in the blood, because excess calcium is just as destructive as its deficiency. Hypercalcemia can lead to heart problems, as well as provoke the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder. So you also need to approach the choice of calcium-containing drugs wisely.

Calcium gluconate

This drug is monocomponent. Calcium gluconate is widely used to heal bones in fractures. The product is available in two pharmacological forms– solution for injection (in ampoules) and tablets. The dose of the drug in each individual case prescribed by a doctor, but, as a rule, the drug is taken three times a day, before meals, in parallel with vitamin D. The drug should be washed down clean water, since tea and coffee impair calcium absorption. The daily dose of the drug for an adult should not exceed 9 g.

During hospitalization, calcium gluconate can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously. The drug is prescribed with caution to pregnant and lactating women and only if the benefit from taking the drug exceeds possible harm. But throughout the entire period of taking the drug, the level of calcium in the blood is monitored.

The most common side effects while taking the drug are constipation, stomach discomfort, as well as nausea and vomiting. In addition, with an increased dose of the drug, signs of hypercalcemia may be observed: drowsiness, weakness, irritability, abdominal and muscle pain, increased blood pressure and disturbances in heart rhythm.

In addition, calcium gluconate also has contraindications:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • tendency to develop blood clots;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

That is why it is advisable to take the drug only after agreement with the doctor and after a thorough study of the instructions for the medication.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed

This pharmacological agent also prescribed for fractures for rapid fusion of bones. Since the drug contains both calcium and vitamin D3, it is excellent in the gastrointestinal tract and is evenly distributed in the tissues of the body. The drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed for fractures promotes rapid bone regeneration and helps replenish the deficiency of microelements.

The drug is produced in the form chewable tablets with mint and orange flavors, which especially appeals to children. Another advantage is that the product can be taken regardless of meals. The dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the doctor. The age of the patient is taken into account, as well as the severity of his condition. But often the dose does not exceed 2-3 tablets per day.

The product has almost no side effects, and it is quite easily tolerated by patients. For women during pregnancy and lactation, it is prescribed strictly by a doctor with subsequent monitoring of calcium levels in the blood. However, it is better for the following persons to refrain from taking the medication:

  • With increased concentration Ca and vitamin D in the body;
  • in case of excessive sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • with renal failure;
  • with phenylketonuria;
  • with sarcoidosis.


This is a multicomponent drug that includes not only calcium and vitamin D, but also zinc, magnesium, copper and other elements. This composition promotes better absorption of the drug in the intestines and more efficient absorption of calcium in the body. Calcemin is produced in tablet form, but as with other calcium preparations, the dosage and number of doses are determined by the doctor. Typically, adults are prescribed 2 tablets per day (taken in the morning and evening), while children only need one tablet. Since the composition already contains vitamin D, it does not need to be consumed additionally to avoid an overdose.

The drug is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • for kidney stones;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drug;
  • at increased risk blood clot formation.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting or discomfort in the heart while taking the medication, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

How to check calcium levels in the body

Since treatment with calcium preparations involves regular monitoring of the concentration of the substance in the body, patients regularly have to undergo tests. Since a direct test for calcium in bones is not possible, a blood test is usually performed. In progress laboratory research The level of calcium is determined, which is contained in the blood serum in three forms: free calcium bound to albumin and substances derived from it.

The normal level is considered to be between 2.15 and 2.5 mmol/l. Nevertheless, these results are quite relative, since a situation is possible when, with relatively high levels of calcium in the blood, a deficiency is noted in the bones, as well as vice versa.

In severe injuries involving fractures, the process of fusion of fragments and formation can take a long time. Considering that during this period complete immobilization of the limb is required, with a low speed of the healing process, complications may appear, expressed by congestive processes, atrophy of muscle tissue and other disorders.

To accelerate the healing of damaged bone elements, a complex of drugs is prescribed to help activate regeneration processes.


When considering various preparations for healing bones during fractures, first of all you should pay attention to mumiyo, that is, healing mountain resin. This is a multicomponent biological stimulant.

The use of mumiyo for fractures has positive effect on general condition and promotes faster recovery bone structure. This remedy helps increase the speed of metabolic processes.

In addition, the use of mumiyo for fractures reduces the risk of complications, because helps reduce soft tissue swelling and intensity inflammatory process. This remedy has a suppressive effect on pathogenic microflora, therefore reducing the risk of the formation of purulent foci.

When treating bone fractures, 1 mummy tablet should be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. This solution should be taken 1 to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy with this drug is from 5 to 10 days.


Medicines for fractures containing calcium are prescribed to patients of all ages. Such funds contribute fast healing damaged bone elements. Only when correct selection drugs can achieve a positive effect.

Calcium without additional components poorly absorbed by the body. Good effect can only be achieved when taken in combination with vitamin D. There are a number of other elements that can increase the rate of calcium absorption. Often used the following drugs calcium for fractures:

  1. Calcemin.
  2. Vitrum-Calcium.
  3. Calcium-D3 Nycomed.
  4. Calcium gluconate.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually. In case of a fracture, you should take 2-3 tablets per day. The product should be taken with water. The simultaneous use of calcium supplements with coffee reduces their effectiveness.

You cannot take calcium supplements on your own or exceed the dosages prescribed by your doctor, since an excess of this trace element in the body can cause irreparable harm.

Excess can settle in the liver, gallbladder and kidneys, causing the formation of stones. In addition, they can cause some diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Such severe injuries, like fractures, have a negative impact on general condition. Vitamin complexes are prescribed to support the body. Tablets for fractures are rarely used, because... useful material of these are less easily absorbed.

The best effect is given by drugs in the form of injections. B vitamins promote rapid bone recovery. Multicomponent complexes are often used, which additionally include vitamins D, K, and C.

Often prescribed drugs that contain magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and folic acid. These substances, in combination with calcium supplements, contribute to speedy recovery bone tissue. Vitamin complexes and dosages are selected by the doctor for each patient individually.


The use of ointments is justified only during the rehabilitation period, that is, after the removal of the cast. The use of certain drugs in this dosage form helps eliminate hematomas and stagnant processes. In addition, the use of ointments can eliminate pain.

For fractures, the following remedies are often used:

  1. Troxevasin.
  2. Traumeel S.
  3. Heparin ointment.

Medicine for bone fractures should be prescribed by a doctor. Traumeel S is homeopathic remedy, used to improve blood circulation and eliminate the inflammatory process. In addition, this medicine reduces the intensity pain syndrome, arising in recovery period after a fracture.

In addition to tablets to strengthen bones, Heparin ointment is often prescribed during the rehabilitation period. It helps improve blood circulation in soft tissues, elimination of hematomas and stagnant processes. Troxevasin gel allows you to quickly eliminate problems with venous circulation that may appear if the limb long time was immobilized with plaster.


Correctly selected medications for fractures for rapid fusion bones are needed. In young people, the process of bone tissue regeneration proceeds quickly. This is due to more high level metabolism. With age, the recovery process after a fracture can be delayed.

In some cases, complications in the form of suppuration may occur. Then the patient needs to take antibiotics and other potent drugs that negatively affect the condition of the entire body.

To reduce the risk of such an unfavorable course, it is imperative to take medications prescribed by a doctor to promote the healing of bone elements and soft tissues.


Often, for complex fractures, the drug Osteogenon is prescribed, which helps restore calcium-phosphorus metabolism and accelerate metabolism in bone tissue. Adults with fractures are prescribed to take 4 tablets per day. The duration depends on the degree of damage.

Osteogenon should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and in the dosages indicated by him. In rare cases, with prolonged use of the drug, hypercalcemia may develop. When this appears side effect it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug. In addition, irrational use of Osteogenon can cause digestive problems and allergic reactions.

To stimulate growth cartilage tissue at the initial stage of formation, medications containing chondroitin can be of great benefit. They contribute not only to the activation of tissue healing processes, but also influence the quality of the developing tissue. Taking medications containing chondroitin allows you to normalize the nutrition of damaged tissues and increase bone density. This increases the rate of healing of elements during fractures.

Preparations containing chondroitin are available in the form of tablets, powder, injections and gels.

The most commonly prescribed medications are in tablet form. For fractures, Teraflex is often used. The tablets should be swallowed whole without chewing. The drug should be taken approximately 30 minutes before meals. The tablet can be taken with a small amount of water. In most cases, to achieve the effect, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 times a day. After about 3 weeks, the dosage is reduced. The duration of therapy should not exceed 6 months.

After removing the cast, gels containing chondroitin can be used. They should be applied to the damaged area 3 times a day. The course of treatment with such drugs should not exceed 3 months.

In addition, powders containing chondroitin can be used topically. To prepare the product you need to take 1 tsp. powder and dilute with 5 ml of Procaine solution. The composition should be stirred until smooth and applied to the affected area, covering with a bandage. The compress should be kept for 2 days, after which the residue can be washed off. The course of treatment with such compresses should not exceed 30 days.

For complex fractures, chondroitin in the form of injections may be indicated for intramuscular injection. The course of treatment should not exceed 35 injections. One injection is enough for 48 hours.

Not all patients can take drugs containing chondroitin, since these drugs have some contraindications. They are not recommended for use by people with chronic diseases liver. Moreover, only in extreme cases Chondroitin is prescribed to children under 15 years of age. Such drugs should not be taken by people who have hypersensitivity to their individual components, and by women during pregnancy and lactation.

necessary. During the recovery period, it is important to eat properly - eat foods containing this mineral. We must not forget about fruits rich in... Preparations with will be of significant benefit, since it is easily absorbed and harmless.

Do I need to take calcium for fractures?

Should I take calcium for fractures?? Undoubtedly. This mineral is an important component of the bone matrix, which is the basis of bone.

Recovery is especially difficult after osteoporotic fractures. In this case, the patient needs a remedy that will help him get back on his feet faster. In addition, it is important that such a drug acts on the main causes - metabolic disorders and lack of sex hormones.

How to recover quickly after a fracture? First, give up some foods, such as coffee. It has been established that caffeine promotes calcium leaching. The same is true for carbonated drinks. Also, during treatment of fractures, you should reduce your salt intake. Alcohol and nicotine harm the rapid healing of bones, so if you want to heal faster, give up bad habits.

And secondly, you need to remember that calcium for fractures extremely useful. In this case, it is better to take not ordinary vitamin-mineral complexes, but specially developed drugs that improve bone fusion: and. In addition to calcium in a bioavailable form, they contain drone. Thanks to this beekeeping product, recovery from injuries is significantly accelerated. The secret to the effectiveness of the homogenate is saturation of the body microelements and insect prohormones. As a result, testosterone begins to rise, which promotes growth.

Osteomed improves the consolidation of fractures, this has been proven by scientists from the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. See more details

After an injury, it is important to normalize blood supply, to bone cells received . It’s not enough to eat right, you need to healthy vitamins and the minerals got to their destination - into the bones. Therefore, as soon as possible, do feasible exercises. Also, to improve blood circulation, it is useful to take drugs such as Plus And P.

Why is calcium citrate healthier than its analogues?

It has been proven that calcium citrate much more effective than calcium carbonate. The first of them is absorbed by 40-50%, while carbonate is only absorbed by 17%. But even for such a small absorption, normal stomach acidity is necessary. In old age, acidity in the digestive organ is reduced, and therefore the effectiveness of such drugs after 60 years is close to zero.

Calcium citrate- a salt of citric acid, does not occur in nature, while calcium carbonate is well known to everyone. This is ordinary. It’s not difficult to get such a cheap ingredient and then use it in production.

Despite the fact that doctors recognize the greater effectiveness of citrate, drugs with carbonate still dominate the market. Why? Thanks to advertising and illiteracy of the population regarding pharmaceutical products. But calcium for fractures we need an effective one to quickly return a person to normal life.

Osteomed Forte includes calcium citrate, which is safe, easily digestible and promotes recovery from fractures. Ideal for treating complex bone injuries as it contains more Osteomed quantity calcium citrate, and also includes vitamins D3 and B6.

Osteomed Fortereliable protection from fractures and osteoporosis!



