Patchouli oil - properties and uses. Medicinal properties and uses of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil has been famous for over a hundred years and is one of the most versatile and popular essential oils. Its aroma is unique, ambiguous, it is one of those smells that either captivate you forever, or will be rejected from the first moment. And the use of oil is the most diverse, from medicinal purposes and cosmetic procedures for hair and skin to money-making and aromatic uses.

The essential oil is obtained from the evergreen perennial plant which grows up to 1 m tall. It has a strong hairy stem, large fragrant leaves and small whitish flowers with a purple hue. Patchouli close relative mint, sage and lavender.

The shrub is native to Southeast Asia. Today it is grown and widely used in China, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, it also grows in South America and other tropical regions such as Hawaii.

Essential substances are extracted from slightly fragrant leaves and white-lilac flowers. According to its properties, the oil turns out to be thick, the color from light yellow to brown. Patchouli has a strong musky smell, slightly sweet, reminiscent of damp soil.

Is different essential oil patchouli from other vegetable oils in that with age its quality only increases, and the smell becomes deep, noble and sensual. Recognized as the best base note and fixative in natural perfumery, nothing beats patchouli. This is truly a versatile oil.

Application of patchouli oil

The properties of patchouli have been used for thousands of years. He was highly valued, European merchants gave a kilogram of gold for a kilogram of patchouli oil. AT Ancient Rome it was taken to increase appetite, while in Egypt, Pharaoh Tutankhamun ordered that several jugs of oil be buried with him in the grave.

Patchouli has taken a strong position in traditional Asian medicine, especially in Malaysia, China and Japan. Its use is very wide: for the treatment of skin and hair problems, dermatitis, eczema, acne, dry cracked skin, dandruff, oily scalp. The properties of patchouli essential oil contribute to rapid healing wounds and scars, make them less noticeable. Information about the increase in sexual desire, most likely, comes from India, where it is used in tantric sexual practices.

Napoleonic times "breathed" patchouli. The fabrics that were brought from the East were interlaced with dry plant branches to protect them from moths, insects and rodents. While the ship was sailing, expensive silks and woolen cloth were so saturated spicy aroma that luxurious outfits sewn from it retained a musky smell for a long time.

However, the smell of patchouli was not appreciated in England. During the Victorian era, Indian cashmere shawls brought in for sale were generally not a hit. The smell of patchouli “frightened away” the then fashionistas.

In the East, a tradition has been preserved, dry leaves of a shrub are kept in a sachet in its pure form or mixed with other fragrant herbs. Fragrant bags are placed in linen cabinets. In addition to giving fragrance, patchouli "protects" things from moths and bedbugs.

This smell, especially in a diluted form, has many fans around the world. Of course, manufacturers use this to their advantage. Entire series of products that are scented with patchouli oil have been created - they are sold with constant success and collect thousands positive feedback: perfumes, creams, personal care products, air fresheners, detergents wet wipes, paper towels, etc.

Aromatherapy recognizes patchouli essential oil as a great relaxant. With it, anxiety, insomnia, anxiety and even prolonged depression go away. Its calming and relaxing effect is appreciated by people who conduct meditation and relaxation sessions. Just two drops of oil in a vaporizer is enough to fill the room with a soothing scent.

12 Healing Benefits of Patchouli Oil

Therapeutic properties of essential oil:

  • antidepressant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • exciting;
  • astringent;
  • deodorizing;
  • diuretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • fungicidal;
  • insecticidal;
  • soothing;
  • tonic;

If we talk about medicinal properties, then it is used for:

Essential oil tones, so it makes you feel cheerful, active. In addition, it promotes active digestion and accelerates the processes of food processing in the stomach, intestines, activating metabolic processes. Patchouli regulates the endocrine secretion of hormones and enzymes, improving the body's nervous and immune response.

How does patchouli oil work?

Like any fragrant oil, it can simply be enjoyed by inhaling the deep, warm, earthy aroma. It doesn't matter if you apply it directly to the skin or put it in a scented lamp, the special volatile substances affect the brain and limbic system controlling emotions. But oil should be used carefully in any case, since strong concentrations can suppress a person, and besides, this smell easily permeates fabrics and furniture.

If you are a creative person, patchouli will help you express yourself more vividly. It will sharpen your intuition, activate your brain and focus your energy on what matters most, giving you the confidence to reach your potentials, balancing and improving your perception.

patchouli safety

The oil does not pose any threat, it can be safely applied topically or inhaled. Use pure oil, mix it with another base oil carrier, it will show its properties equally effectively. Patchouli blends well and blends well with incense, clary sage, cedar, geranium, lavender, ylang-ylang and rose oil.

However, those people who have sensitive skin, runs the risk of getting a reaction to these oils, so be sure to perform a patch test before applying any natural remedy. And of course, protect the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose from getting patchouli essential oil.

If you decide to take this fragrant product inside, then it is better to warn the doctor about this and listen to his recommendations. This is especially important for those people who have some problems with the work of the digestive system. Most often, patchouli is taken internally with honey (2 drops of essential oil and 1 teaspoon of honey).

Women in the first trimester of pregnancy should also avoid patchouli, in the second and third trimester its use is allowed, but the advice of a specialist is still desirable, let him know before you decide to use this product.

The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology

Pure oil is concentrated, so 1 to 5 drops are enough to add to your daily skin and hair care product. The basis in this case will be shampoo, face cream, conditioner, rinse or hair mask. Depending on what the care product is intended for, patchouli will show its amazing qualities.

Using a shampoo or balm will save you from the appearance of dandruff, excessive oily hair. They will acquire liveliness, pomp, healthier structure and strength.

The skin immediately responds to the miraculous effect of patchouli. After 2 procedures, you will notice a significant difference, as they say, evaluate the result "before" and "after". Wrinkles are less noticeable, smoothed out, making the face and neck look younger. Peeling or excessive production of sebum can also be corrected, the skin tone improves, it becomes lighter and more even. (For 10 ml of cream - 5 drops of patchouli essential oil).

To restore the tone of the skin of the body, tighten it, also in the power of patchouli. Cellulite areas, weak and wrinkled skin of the abdomen after pregnancy, weight loss, lend themselves well to the caring effect of essential oil.

Women are anxious not only about their face, they care about the well-groomed hands, breast skin, nail health, and this list can be continued for a very long time. The properties of patchouli oil are incalculable. For breast skin, it is used as a lifting. Regular self-massage will improve skin turgor, tighten it, give it elasticity. You will need no more than 8 drops per 10 ml of cream that you usually use. For taking a bath - 6 drops.

The oil has a positive effect on various injuries skin. Its ability to improve cell regeneration avoids the formation of ugly and rough scars.

Applying a drop of oil to the armpit area can get rid of the smell of sweat for several hours.

According to readers, relieve stress, "clear" the head, streamline thoughts, cope with depression, a bath with patchouli essential oil is capable. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes, but the effect lasts for several hours.

Patchouli oil to attract money and success

This is a favorite oil of many people, interesting legends and stories are associated with it. Patchouli essential oil is believed to attract wealth and success in trade affairs. To attract money with patchouli oil, you need to lubricate the purse inside. Nobody should talk about it. Such a ritual will work to increase your cash income, strengthen and stabilize financial position. Repeat the procedure every six months so that money is attracted to your wallet like a magnet.

Those who decide to use the fragrant oil of the evergreen shrub will certainly like the result. It works great on its own and goes well with the same oils (bergamot, geranium, lavender, myrrh), reinforcing each other's actions.

Fans of home cosmetic procedures can take note of the recipes for using patchouli essential oil for hair, face and body care.

Essential oils of plants are substances with high level nutrient concentrations. For a long time and to this day they are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases, as well as in cosmetology, for personal care.

For example, for daily care for hair, moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, fighting stretch marks and cellulite, many women use patchouli essential oil at home.

Patchouli essential oil: properties and applications in cosmetology

The raw material for the manufacture of essential oil is the young leaves of the plant Pogostemon patchouli.

Previously, patchouli ether, as a cosmetic product, was used mainly by Asian women. The natural habitat of the shrub with the exotic name Pogostemon patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) is the islands of the Philippines, Seychelles, Java and Sumatra. Today, Europeans also appreciated it.

IMPORTANT: When patchouli ester began to be widely used in Europe, the plant was tried to be cultivated. It was not possible to achieve success in this, since the shrub is very picky, he loves warmth, direct sunlight and humidity. When the air temperature drops to zero in European winter, Patchouli Pogostemon simply dies.

The essential extract is extracted from the young leaves of the plant. Before applying the distillation method, the raw materials are slightly dried. At the output, a greenish-colored substance with a thick and viscous consistency, a persistent and pleasant aroma is obtained.

Like other esters, patchouli oil contains great amount biologically active substances useful for human health and beauty. These are terpenes, organic acids, arenes, alcohols, phenols, sulfides, ammonia compounds, etc. But three things make it truly unique:

  • patchouli alcohol (patchulol) - this aromatic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory substance accounts for 50% of the composition of the oil
  • eugenol - fragrant, natural antibiotic, antiseptic and pain reliever
  • benzaldehyde - an aromatic substance due to which patchouli ester has the property of promoting the regeneration of skin cells

IMPORTANT: Any essential oils, including patchouli, are useful, but aggressive. They are not used in their pure form, but are added to a certain amount of vegetable or cosmetic oils.

Patchouli essential oil has many beneficial properties, such as:

  1. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The substance is recommended for the care of problematic skin prone to acne and other rashes. It dries, relieves inflammation, but does not leave burns.
  2. Regenerative and moisturizing. Ether is used as a rejuvenating agent. In the form of a mask or as part of a cream, it tightens the skin of the face, makes its contour clearer, and helps fight age-related and mimic wrinkles.
  3. Pull-up. Used in patchouli massage oil chiropractors and massage therapists to combat body skin sagging, cellulite, stretch marks, improve breast shape
  4. Tonic. The substance can be used regularly to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face, body, and hair.
  5. Antifungal. Patchouli ether treats dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis

IMPORTANT: Valued not only beneficial features patchouli essential oil, but also its strong pleasant aroma. Ether has found application both in cosmetology and in the perfume industry. It is used to make perfumes and toilet waters, scented candles, smoking blends, etc.

Contraindications to the use of patchouli oil

Patchouli essential oil, like any herbal component of home cosmetic preparations, should not be used by those who have or may be allergic to it, as well as children.
It is recommended to use the substance with caution:

  • teenagers
  • pregnant
  • nursing mothers
  • those with sensitive skin

Application of patchouli oil for hair

You can use patchouli pogostemon essential extract at home for hair care to:

  • moisturize them and give them a healthy glow
  • strengthen hair follicles by improving blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp
  • normalization of work sebaceous glands and eliminate the problem of oily hair
  • fight against skin itching, peeling of the skin on the head, dandruff and seborrhea

RECIPE #1: Moisturizing mask for hair obedience.
Take 1 tablespoon of vegetable or cosmetic oil, you can olive or sesame. Enriched with 3 drops of patchouli oil and 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil. The oil mixture heated in a water bath to 37 ° C is rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the strands. Wash your hair after half an hour

IMPORTANT: You can wash off the oil mixture from your hair with shampoo or a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile

RECIPE #2: A remedy for oily hair.
The mask is prepared on the basis of olive oil and yolk. chicken egg. A mixture is prepared from these components, to which 5 drops of patchouli ether are then added. The mask distributed along the entire length of the curls is kept for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with water or a decoction with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees
RECIPE #3: Oil head massage.
To stimulate hair growth, improve them, do a massage with a mixture burdock oil(1 tablespoon), alma oil (1 tablespoon), rosemary extracts (2 drops) and cinnamon (2 drops), as well as patchouli ether (5 drops). The mixture is applied to the scalp, massaged for 10 minutes. During the procedure, heat and a slight tingling sensation are normally felt. If the mask burns, it must be washed off immediately.

patchouli oil for skin

The versatility of patchouli oil lies in the fact that it can be used as part of skin care for all types of skin:

  1. The ether dries oily skin, normalizes the secretion of fat by the subcutaneous glands, and narrows the pores. After it, the face does not shine and does not shine.
  2. The substance moisturizes, nourishes, refreshes dry skin. The face ceases to be gray and does not peel off, the skin looks fresh and radiant
  3. Improving the process of cellular renewal, patchouli ether helps to smooth fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Using it as part of anti-aging home preparations, you can increase the tone of the skin of the face, give it firmness and elasticity.
  4. Owners of problem skin are treated with acne oil, purulent inflammation remove scars left on the skin after acne

Carrying out regular care for normal skin, you can use the following recipes:
RECIPE #1: Nourishing mask with cocoa butter and patchouli ether.
1 st. a spoonful of cocoa butter is melted to a creamy consistency, 2 drops of patchouli oil are dripped into it. Use a mask for facial skin that has previously undergone deep cleansing. The procedure time is 30 minutes. After that, you can wash your face or wipe the skin with a special cosmetic tissue.
RECIPE #2: Moisturizing strawberry mask.
Beat fresh strawberries with a blender, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Three tablespoons of it are mixed with 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 3 drops of patchouli essential extract. After the mixture has been infused for a quarter of an hour, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal is added to it. Bringing to a homogeneous consistency, the mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. After the end of the procedure and washing, additionally use a moisturizer

VIDEO: Mask for oily skin with patchouli oil

Benefits of patchouli oil for wrinkles

RECIPE #1: Anti-aging mask
The basis of the drug cosmetic oil avocado, take 10 ml. In the base heated in warm water, add 2 drops of patchouli and leuzea esters, 4 drops of chamomile oil. Use the product after cleansing the skin of the face. The rejuvenating procedure takes a quarter of an hour. If during this time the oils are not completely absorbed into the skin, they are removed with a paper towel.
RECIPE #2: Wrinkle oil mask
Based on 1 Art. tablespoons of heated olive oil prepare a mixture of geranium, rosemary and patchouli oil, taken 2 drops each. To active substances funds contributed to the smoothing of wrinkles, it takes half an hour
RECIPE #3: anti age cream
The basis of the preparation with essential oils will be a regular baby cream or day face cream. 10 ml of cream is placed in a glass bottle, enriched with grapefruit (or bergamot), ylang-ylang and patchouli oils taken 2 drops each. Use the product regularly as a day cream.

patchouli oil for acne

Tired of acne? A steam bath or patchouli ester mask will help solve the problem.

To reduce the manifestation of acne, including teenage ones, you can do baths with essential oils. They steam the skin of the face well, open the pores, remove toxins and other impurities through them, improve blood circulation and cellular metabolism.
RECIPE: In 0.5 l of boiling water, 2 drops are dripped in any order of patchouli, leuzea, neroli oils. Bend over steaming water and cover with a towel for 10 minutes
Also, an oil mask will help with acne.
RECIPE: Sesame mask
10 ml of sesame oil is enriched with 5 drops of patchouli ester. Soak a cotton pad in an oily mixture and lose spots with acne to them. After 15 minutes, wash with a decoction of the string

Patchouli body oil. patchouli oil for stretch marks

If you regularly use patchouli oil in body care, you can tighten the skin and make it more elastic. Masks and wraps with ether help to improve blood circulation in the capillaries and burn fat. Manifestations " orange peel' become smaller.
RECIPE: Body wrap for cellulite and weight loss.
The base of the preparation for wrapping will be almond oil, 10 ml. 5 drops of orange and patchouli oil, 3 drops of cypress oil are added to it. On a cleansed and scrubbed body in problem areas oils are applied massage movements. Wrapped in plastic wrap and warmed for 45-60 minutes. After accept cold and hot shower

Sports, proper nutrition and patchouli oil wraps: say goodbye to cellulite!

IMPORTANT: Do not think that patchouli oil alone will help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite. It is recommended to be used as aid those who achieve a slim figure by eating right and exercising

In connection with hormonal disorders, a sharp weight gain or loss, metabolic disorders in skin cells, stretch marks (striae) may appear on it. The only way to get rid of them completely is through surgery. But to make stretch marks lighter and less noticeable, patchouli ether will help.

RECIPE: Clay and patchouli ester mask for stretch marks
Blue or pink clay (5 tablespoons) is diluted with water so that the mass is like thick sour cream. Add 5 drops of patchouli oil to it. Apply to areas of skin with stretch marks. During the procedure, which lasts about 15 minutes, it is better to lie down. If the clay begins to dry out and tighten the skin, a damp towel is placed on top of it.

Beneficial baths with patchouli oil

To improve blood circulation, metabolic processes in skin cells, nourish them useful components essential oils, it is recommended to take a course of baths.

They are made very simply: hot bath, about 40 ° C, add 5 drops of any citrus ether, any pine ether and patchouli ester. Take a bath for 20 minutes, make sure that the water does not cool down.
Repeat the procedure 10 times in two or three days.

Bath with patchouli oil - a pleasant and healthy procedure

IMPORTANT: There are contraindications to baths with oils, such as diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gynecological diseases, open wounds, skin ulcers, etc. Also, if discomfort occurs during the procedure, it should be immediately interrupted.

How to use patchouli oil for feminine beauty: tips and reviews

Most women who do beauty treatments with patchouli oil find them very pleasant and effective. The oil is inexpensive, preparations with it are prepared simply, and the caring procedures themselves quickly become a habit.

Video: Patchouli Oil - Benefits, Properties and Uses of Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli essential oil causes a surge of vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect. In cosmetics, it is used to care for dry, tired skin. Patchouli essential oil nourishes, refreshes, renews and smoothes dry skin. Helps to increase skin elasticity, renew epidermal cells, eliminates irritation and flaking. Eliminates sagging bust, abdomen and hips. Used for cellulite. Strengthens hair, gives them strength, elasticity and shine. Stimulates sexual desire - is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.


The extract is clear liquid yellow-brown, often turning green-brown. For some manufacturers, it is thick and dark brown. The opinion is expressed that the reason lies in the oxidizing metal stills for distillation. Such oils undergo secondary distillation and additional filtration before bottling. Scientific research there are no changes in the composition after re-distillation, but perfume manufacturers prefer to use a higher quality product.

The smell of patchouli is distinguished by a musky hue, in which there are notes of wet earth and wood.

Interesting: Essential oil connoisseurs can be roughly divided into two groups. The first ones fell in love with patchouli aroma from the first meeting. In the second, he immediately aroused negative emotions.

Plant characteristic

Before the advent of essential oils in medicinal and cosmetic purposes used the plant itself. It is a herbaceous evergreen shrub with large leaves. The height of the plant is approximately one meter. Patchouli blooms in small whitish small inflorescences with a purple hue.

According to various sources, the homeland of the plant is India or the Philippines. Today, the shrub is grown on an industrial scale in Malaysia, Indonesia, and China.

Fragrant patchouli leaves are used in places of growth for flavoring linen, for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. With the advent of technology for the production of essential oils, the plant extract, which received its best properties, began to be used instead of vegetable raw materials.

Production technology

The extract is produced by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of the plant. The process lasts from 6 to 24 hours. The longer the distillation, the better the product will be obtained. Thanks to this technology, patchouli essential oil has received its properties and applications.

One of the conditions for obtaining a quality product is the use of specially prepared raw materials. For production, freshly harvested and quickly dried parts of the plant are needed. They prepare near plantations so that freshly picked leaves and flowers are not damaged during transportation.

Sometimes patchouli oil is distilled here, at the place of collection. Due to not quite suitable conditions production (use of metal cubes) results in a low quality product.

At the moment, the main oil producer is Sumatra (about 450 tons per year out of 500-550 tons consumed). The second position (with a significant lag) is occupied by China - about 80 tons. Next, you can name India, but all products manufactured in the country remain on the domestic market.


About a quarter of the substances contained in the essential oil are patchulol (patchouli alcohol), patchoulene, norpatchulenol (the last two are sexviterpenes). These components give the oil its unique aroma. Alcohol is especially important - the higher the percentage of its content in ether, the better the product.

Substances that make up the ether act primarily on emotional sphere, but this does not prevent the use of the extract for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Patchouli oil properties

The properties of patchouli oil are diverse. Ether effectively affects the emotional sphere:

  • relieves depression nervous tension;
  • helps to concentrate;
  • increases sexuality (helps to cope with frigidity).

The extract is in demand in the field of cosmetic procedures:

  • normalizes the secretion of fat through the pores;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal agent;
  • regenerates the epidermis.

Decoctions and infusions from the leaves and flowers of the plant have a diuretic effect, help reduce appetite.

Scope of application

Patchouli oil is indispensable in the perfume industry. Perfumes, toilet and perfumery water, hygiene products care with this exquisite fragrance are popular. And it is not only about women, but also men.

Due to its anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antifungal properties, the oil has found application in cosmetology. It is recommended for skin problems, used to strengthen and restore hair.

Health genitourinary system- Another area of ​​​​application of patchouli extract. Baths with ether have a diuretic effect. Carrying out these procedures contributes to the rapid removal harmful substances from the body.

Neurosis, stress, depression, low self-esteem will not be terrible if you regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions after labor day or wear an aroma pendant with 1-2 drops of a unique extract.

Interesting: In India, patchouli leaves were considered the only remedy for bites of poisonous insects and snakes.


Patchouli oil, although considered unique, has some limitations.

Sometimes, in diseases of the stomach and intestines, decoctions and infusions of patchouli leaves are used inside. When diagnosing gastritis and ulcers, it is recommended to refuse to use the plant for treatment.

Important: You can use patchouli preparations inside only after consulting a doctor.

Where to buy and how much patchouli oil costs

Not in all outlets you can buy high quality natural patchouli essential oil. It should be remembered that not all manufacturers use the appropriate equipment. Sellers often give out synthetic counterparts for a natural product.

For patchouli oil, the price in the pharmacy is marked in the range from 140 to 1750 rubles per 10 ml. When choosing, remember that high price does not always mean high quality. When determining the price, sellers take into account the cost of raw materials (it differs in different regions), the cost of delivery of products. Extracts of popular brands will definitely cost more. In retail outlets that receive oil through intermediaries, the cost will also be higher. We recommend that you opt for retail outlets that work without intermediaries and with reliable manufacturers.

Oleos patchouli essential oil

Compound: 100% patchouli essential oil obtained by steam distillation.

Volume and form of release: 10 ml in dark glass bottles.

Storage: store in tightly closed vials, at t from 5 to 25 ° C, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Best before date: 3 years.

Oil ethereal patchouli has anti-inflammatory, resolving, antispasmodic, regenerating, rejuvenating effect. Aphrodisiac, eliminates impotence, frigidity. Relieves excessive nervousness, antidepressant. Increases concentration. Repels moths.


Patchouli essential oil is used in the perfume industry, medical and cosmetology, aromatherapy, and even as a magic tool that can solve financial problems.

The magic of patchouli

Many experts in the field of esotericism attribute magical properties to the aroma of patchouli essential oil. It is believed that it performs the function of a talisman and attracts financial well-being. Ether is dripped on clothes to avoid trouble. Some are convinced that 1-2 drops of phyto essence in a wallet will fill it with a solid amount of bills. There are also those who wet credit cards with the extract.

It is not known how true such claims and defenses are. Most likely, it is a matter of coincidences and the ability of a person to believe in the magical properties of the aroma.

In medicine

In the field of medicine, patchouli essential oil is used as a wound healing agent. A mixture of 5 k. extract and 10 ml of soy, olive or jojoba oil will quickly heal scratches and abrasions. Baths of 7-8 patchouli ester and 300 ml warm water help to cope with gynecological problems.

ATTENTION! Essential oils are highly concentrated phyto essences. For cosmetic purposes, it should only be used in mixture with vegetable base oils.

Before using an essential oil, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction.

Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1/3 teaspoon vegetable oil and put on inner surface forearms or behind the ear or apply 2-3 drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale periodically throughout the day. The use of the test oil is possible if after 12 hours there is no allergic reaction on the skin, headache, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, swelling of the face.

In cosmetology

Cosmetology is an area in which the use of patchouli oil knows no boundaries. The face, chest, body will look young and toned for a long time if you regularly apply caring compositions with the phytoessence of a tropical plant. It moisturizes dry skin, normalizes oiliness, tightens aging skin, fights inflammation (pimples and blackheads), and restores hair structure.

Patchouli face oil

To look good, you need to take care of your face. Ordinary cosmetics can not always solve the tasks. By choosing patchouli oil for the face, it is easy to preserve beauty, prolong youth, and sometimes return it.

For dry skin

Moisturize dry weathered skin, relieve irritation will help a mixture of oils: chamomile, leuzea and patchouli (10 ml, 4 k., 2 k., respectively). It is applied to the face in circular motions and left for 30 minutes.

For oily skin

To normalize the amount of secretions from the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to wipe the face with an enriched lotion twice a day. Patchouli oil is added to it at the rate of 1-2 k. of ether per single dose.

For acne

Acne can be very damaging to the face. A composition of 10 ml of grape oil and 5 k. of patchouli ester will help eliminate it. Apply twice a day.

For aging skin

After 30 years, the skin needs additional nutrition. To correct the contours of the face, it is recommended to use a combination of oils:, patchouli and (2 k each). It is added to 10 ml of almond oil. You can use any vegetable.

For rejuvenation

Start the process of cell regeneration, smooth wrinkles will help the composition of 3 k. Patchouli extract and 20 ml of olive oil (you can use 10 ml of oil and 10 ml of honey). The mixture is applied for 10 minutes.

For body

The skin of the body also needs care with age. Patchouli essential oil will help make it beautiful, toned and more elastic.

From cellulite

To get rid of the hated "orange peel", it is recommended to mix 6 k. Patchouli and 20 ml of any vegetable oil (ideally apricot or almond). Massage 3 times a week with this composition will help you feel young and slim again.

For chest

Women are aware of age-related problems associated with breasts that have lost elasticity. A massage mixture of oils of almond and (25 ml each), and geranium (5 k. each), and patchouli (2 k. each) will help restore former forms.

Patchouli for hair

Beautiful hair is a worthy decoration. What to do if they become dry, lifeless or, conversely, greasy? Weakened hair is another problem that has to be dealt with. Patchouli essential oil for hair easily eliminates these problems.

For dry hair

You can return beauty, shine and vitality to your hair regularly (2 times a week for two months) by making a mask of 30 ml of base oil (coconut, almond) and 6 k. Patchouli ether. The composition is applied to the hair for 40-45 minutes.

For oily hair

You can get rid of oily sheen by making a mask of 4 k patchouli extract and 30 ml of base oil once a week for three months. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add 2 egg yolks to the mixture (they do an excellent job with fat content).

To strengthen hair

Strengthening the hair contributes to the impact on the hair follicles. It is recommended to mix 6 drops of patchouli phytoessence and 20 ml of base oil (for dry hair - coconut or almond, for oily hair - burdock or jojoba). The composition is intensively rubbed into the scalp in the evenings and left overnight.

In aromatherapy

The scent of patchouli has made the oil one of the most popular in aromatherapy. It charges with vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect. After procedures with plant oil, artistic inclinations are revealed, concentration of attention increases.

You can use the extract when taking a bath (15 k.) and for aromatizing the room (5-7 k. per aroma lamp).

Like an aphrodisiac

Patchouli essential oil is one of the best aphrodisiacs. It works effectively on both men and women. Before a romantic date, you can not only take a bath or light an aroma lamp, but also make an exciting massage. 5 k. patchouli oil and 10 ml of apricot or peach will return male power, liberate a woman and relieve her of frigidity, increase sexual desire, help to feel confident.

The properties of patchouli oil give no reason to doubt its invaluable benefits for the human body. Patchouli oil is used both to get rid of diseases, and as a "magnet" that attracts money.


  • Patchouli essential oil: description of properties

    The properties of patchouli essential oil and its uses are endless. The composition of the ether contains such a component as patchouli alcohol, which gives the oil a unique aroma and attractiveness.
    In addition, among the components there are vitamins of groups B, PP, E, as well as useful trace elements. Ether is considered a powerful antidepressant and aphrodisiac.
    The oil also has the following properties:
    • bactericidal
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Regenerating
    • Healing
    • Tonic
    The oil is popular among people who want to lose weight. Regular use of ether improves metabolism. This subsequently contributes to the removal of toxins from the human body and leads to getting rid of extra pounds.

    Use of patchouli essential oil

    Patchouli essential oil is used in medicine, cosmetology, for cooking alcoholic beverages and various dishes.
    Ether effectively fights against:
    • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, acne)
    • Absent-mindedness (improves concentration)
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Problems with the endocrine system
    • Headaches
    • The first signs of aging, and age-related changes skin
    Note. To quickly remove headache and fatigue after a hard day's work, 1 drop of oil is applied to both temples with light, circular movements.

    How to use patchouli oil for hair

    Among a large number esters, which are used in cosmetology, the most popular is patchouli oil. It is used for hair additional component, adding to masks, shampoos, balms. And also used for restoring express compresses.
    To quickly restore vitality to the hair, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of ether to one serving of shampoo with each shampoo. Cosmetologists recommend conducting sessions of aroma combing. It promotes deep penetration beneficial trace elements into hair follicles and scalp.
    To quickly restore curls, there is an effective mask:
    • Mix 3 dessert spoons of vegetable oil (linseed or sunflower), 1 egg yolk (beaten with a whisk), and 3-4 drops of patchouli ester. Apply the mask to your hair from roots to ends. Next, you need to cover your head with cling film and wrap it with a warm towel. Exposure time 30-40 minutes. The agent is washed off warm water. The recommended recovery course is 21 days. Apply 3 times in 7-10 days.

    How to use patchouli oil for face

    For the face, patchouli oil is used not only in cosmetology clinics, but also at home, for the preparation of anti-aging products.
    Due to its composition, ether:
    • Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, as well as saturates the cells useful substances
    • Stimulates cell regeneration and effectively fights skin aging, eliminating signs of aging
    • Prevents the appearance of various rashes on the skin (acne, pimples, etc.). It also treats existing problems.
    Important! There are contraindications during pregnancy, individual intolerance, as well as during certain diseases. Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

    The magical properties of patchouli oil: to attract success and money

    Ether is used not only in medicine and cosmetology, patchouli oil also has magical properties and is used for various rituals. In ancient times, it was used during a session to rid girls and women of infertility.
    Now the ether is used to revive the former passion in a relationship or to find a long-awaited love. But most often, patchouli oil is used to attract success and money, as well as a "trap" that attracts good luck in any career endeavors.
    It is interesting. If you pick up a bottle of oil, think about money, and then smear a bill or wallet with a drop of ether, then improvement is expected in the near future financial condition. Ether is also applied to the wrists and earlobes. This helps to achieve success in work and climb up the career ladder.

    Is patchouli oil used as an aphrodisiac?

    Patchouli oil is a well-known aphrodisiac, so it is used to increase sexual desire. This is explained by the fact that the components that make up the ether directly affect the subconscious of a person, which can cause feelings of passion and romanticism.
    Main scope:
    • Aromatization of bedding and air
    • Aromatic baths
    • For a relaxing massage
    • Local application of drops to pulsating points of the body
    To attract the attention of the opposite sex, patchouli and jasmine oils are mixed 1 drop each, and then the mixture is applied to the wrists or behind the earlobes. Can be used in combination with your favorite perfume. This will only enhance the effect of aphrodisiacs and give some alluring plume.

    Patchouli oil in cosmetology: video and reviews

    The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology can improve the condition skin. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, deeply nourishing it with useful substances. Suitable for all skin types and daily use.
    To fight cosmetic defects make various means with the addition of patchouli ether. In cosmetology clinics, oil is used for relaxing and anti-cellulite massage.

  • Patchouli essential oil is obtained from the leaves of a tropical shrub. The Philippines and Malaysia are considered its homeland. Pre-dried raw materials are subjected to extraction by distillation. The result is a dark brown viscous liquid with a greenish tint.

    Patchouli oil has a deep rich aroma with woody-herbal undertones. It is widely used in perfumery as a fixative in oriental-type perfumes.

    patchouli oil is natural antidepressant. It relieves nervous tension, stimulates mental activity and increases concentration. Its aroma activates creative activity and is used for meditation. Patchouli oil is recommended for insomnia, depression and irritability.

    The essential oil has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Rectal application helps eliminate hemorrhoids. Due to its mild diuretic action, it is indicated for inflammation of the urinary organs. Used as part of funds for intimate hygiene, preventing the development of diseases of the genital area caused by bacteria.

    Essential oil refers to erotic stimulants, increasing sexual desire. It enhances potency, balances hormonal background and rejuvenates endocrine system organism.

    Patchouli oil exhibits an antifungal effect, promotes accelerated tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used to heal wounds, burns and cracks. Effective in treatment allergic dermatitis and eczema, helps with fungal infections, acne. Eliminates dandruff, nourishes and strengthens hair, gives it shine and elasticity, promotes growth.

    In cosmetology, patchouli essential oil is valued as a skin care product, especially for dry and sensitive skin. It has a nourishing, rejuvenating and smoothing effect. Eliminates irritation and flaking problematic skin. Helps eliminate excessive sweating feet and armpits.

    Patchouli oil removes excess fluid from the body, and also reduces appetite, so it is recommended for people who want to lose weight. It is actively used to achieve a lifting effect and give the skin elasticity. The oil has the ability to eliminate cellulite, is included in the compositions for massage, relieves flabbiness of the bust, abdomen and hips.

    There are contraindications to the use of patchouli essential oil. It is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 1 year old, as well as for individual intolerance.

    There are many different ways to use oils. It can be used in aroma lamps, aroma medallions and for taking baths. Adding a few drops of the product to the face cream enriches it and gives it new properties. For the treatment of seborrhea, it is recommended to drip a little oil into the shampoo every time you wash your hair.

    It is part of massage products, used for douching and microclysters. Dosage must be observed and patchouli oil should not be used undiluted.
