Should I give fish oil to my baby or not? Will this supplement benefit my baby’s growing body? Beneficial properties of fish oil for children and adults - composition, instructions for use in capsules and price

Fish fat has been used for 150 years. This one is unique in its composition natural product is a source of polyunsaturated compounds for the body fatty acids(omega-6 and omega-3), but they are not synthesized in the body itself.

According to statistics, peoples whose main food is food have significantly fewer cardiovascular diseases.

Of course you can get these necessary ingredients with food. To do this, it is worth including in the child’s diet up to 350 g per day, 2–3 r. in Week. The richest types of fish in fatty acids are lake trout, tuna, salmon, herring, sea bass, mackerel, eel, and haddock. It is not recommended to use katran. It belongs to the genus of sharks, feeds on waste and therefore contains toxic substances that are harmful to health.

Are walnuts, flaxseed and pumpkin seeds, oils (olive, flaxseed, soybean, rapeseed, pumpkin).

However, not every family can eat such types of fish so often. And fish may contain toxic substances due to pollution of the seas and oceans. A child will also not eat enough oil to provide the body with fatty acids. Therefore, you will have to be content with fish oil. The latter contains:

  • polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3);
  • oleic and palmitic acids;
  • fat-soluble vitamins E, ;
  • trace elements (phosphorus, bromine, selenium, manganese, chlorine, magnesium, etc.).

Is fish oil good for children?

The effect on the body of all these substances is very great, especially in childhood. Polyunsaturated fatty acids participate in metabolic processes, expand blood vessels, contribute metabolic processes in brain tissue.

These changes improve brain activity, contribute to the mental development of the child, increase the intellectual quotient. Children's ability to understand and better absorption information.

Hyperactive children become more diligent and their ability to concentrate increases. The baby develops faster fine motor skills handles Children learn to write and read faster and get tired less.

Clinical observations showed that children who were six months behind in their development caught up with their peers after only a three-month course of taking fish oil.

Psycho-emotional changes also become noticeable: fatty acids prevent stress. This effect is associated with stimulation of the production of the biologically active substance serotonin, which is also called the hormone of happiness. Thanks to this, fish oil improves mood, which is especially important for depression in adolescence.

Modern kids are often addicted to fast food. A hamburger or sandwich with sweet carbonated water contributes to metabolic disorders and the development of obesity. Fish oil will help reduce the amount of omega-3 in the blood of these children. saturated fats and promote normalization of body weight. In many highly developed countries, fatty acids are added to foods (margarine, butter).

The influence of fatty acids on immune system: they strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of allergies and asthma, reduce inflammatory reactions, and increase resistance to infections. This effect of fish oil is associated with its stimulation of the production of prostaglandins (biologically fat-like active substances with diverse functions in the body).

Fish oil vitamins are also very beneficial for children. , for example, prevents the development of rickets in infants. In addition, it is necessary for the absorption and regulation of phosphorus and calcium metabolism. It is vitamin D that is responsible for the growth and mineralization of teeth and bones, and the normal formation of the skeleton. With a deficiency of calciferol, bones soften and become deformed, the formation of tooth enamel is disrupted, and nervous excitability and convulsive readiness increase.

Needed for good functioning of the organs of vision, night vision and perception of the colors of the surrounding world. It eliminates brittleness of hair and nails, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory systems. Retinol promotes wound healing when the skin is damaged.

Vitamin E has a pronounced antioxidant effect, i.e. it neutralizes free radicals formed during metabolism, allergies, and inflammatory reactions. The vitamin helps reduce the risk of developing malignant diseases. It is necessary for adolescents during the formation of sexual function. at this stage may lead to disruption menstrual cycle in girls and infertility in their future.

Which children should use fish oil?

Fish oil is approved for use by children of any age. For details of its use in infants, see below.

Indications for use of fish oil:

  • prevention of rickets;
  • disorders of physical development, growth disorders;
  • neuropsychological development disorder;
  • child hyperactivity;
  • frequent seizures;
  • memory impairment;
  • attention deficit disorder in a child;
  • children who are often and long-term ill;
  • allergic diseases;
  • visual impairment and eye diseases;
  • depressive states;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • aggressiveness, irritability;
  • hemophilia;
  • hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins A and D);
  • obesity;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • decreased immunity;
  • treatment of burns and wounds;
  • postoperative period;
  • dry skin.

For any of these conditions, fish oil will have a beneficial effect. But it is still better to consult a doctor before starting to use it and agree on the dose and duration of use of the drug.

Are there any contraindications for fish oil?

Despite the fact that fish oil is a natural product, the drug has contraindications.

These include:

  • individual intolerance to fish and;
  • congenital diabetes mellitus;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • stomach diseases;
  • liver diseases and cholelithiasis;
  • kidney stones and kidney failure;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • chronic cholecystitis in the acute stage;
  • chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia with a tendency to low blood pressure;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • increased bleeding;
  • serious injury.

Should I give fish oil to infants?

In the first year of a child’s life, fish oil should only be prescribed by a doctor. This takes into account the closure of the fontanelles on the baby’s head and the peculiarities of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. If you give your baby fish oil uncontrollably, the fontanel may close early, which will negatively affect brain development.

Children who are on artificial feeding, need to be prescribed fish oil because. This threatens mental retardation in the future, especially in premature babies.

Therefore, if a child does not receive breast milk and due to his age it is too early to introduce fish into his diet, the only way out of the situation is to prescribe fish oil. The pediatrician will determine the dose of the drug and the duration of the course specifically for each child. It is usually prescribed from the baby's 4th week of age.

Which fish oil is best? How to choose it?

Fish oil is a transparent oily liquid of light yellow color with a characteristic taste and smell. Previously, fish oil was prepared only from the liver of fish (cod family). But the liver is an organ that accumulates harmful substances, toxins, and poisons. And since the seas and oceans are currently heavily polluted, this also affects the quality of the resulting fish oil. Now, along with the previous method, there is another method for obtaining higher quality fat: from a fish carcass using the cold-press method.

These 2 product options also differ in their composition. Liver fat does not contain omega-3 fatty acids, but the concentration of vitamins A and D is increased, and therefore it should not be taken for more than 3 months. Fatty acids, so necessary for children, are contained in higher quality fat from carcasses. If necessary, it can be combined with any vitamin preparations.

Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6): fish, avocados, nuts, vegetable oils(flaxseed, pumpkin, olive). But not all of this is recommended for children!

Therefore, when purchasing fish oil, you should clarify the method of obtaining it. Of course, it is better to purchase a higher quality product obtained from ocean fish carcasses. To ensure the quality of the product, you should read the certificate, which should indicate the raw materials for the manufacture of the drug (salmon carcasses, seal lard or whale fat, ocean fish meat). The type of fish also matters - shark fish are not a safe source of fat.

Pharmaceuticals today offer not only liquid, but also encapsulated fish oil. There are different opinions about the effectiveness of the drug depending on the form of release - liquid or capsules. Preference should still be given to the drug in capsules.

And the point is not only that the capsules eliminate the taste and smell that is unpleasant for all children. When exposed to air, fatty acids lose their properties. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers add a significant amount of vitamin E to the liquid form as a preservative, and its excess is harmful to the body.

The pharmacy may offer special fish oil for children. It differs in that some vitamins are additionally introduced into its composition. Before purchasing this form of the drug, you should consult with your pediatrician regarding the need for this child of these supplements and the duration of their use. In addition, manufacturers can introduce flavoring additives (sweeteners and colorings) into children's forms. Before giving such fish oil to a child, it is advisable to make sure that these supplements are natural.

It is believed that fish oil from Norway is one of the highest quality and environmentally friendly, because there are no toxins or salts in the seas where fishing is carried out heavy metals, petroleum products (there are no industrial enterprises on the shores of these seas that pollute sea water).

How to use fish oil for children?

Depending on the age of the child, you can choose liquid or capsule form. It is better to give it to the child immediately before feeding (if the drug is in liquid form) or during meals (if it is in capsules). Liquid fat can be added to vegetable salad.

Some (few) children like the taste of fish oil. If this is not the case, then, of course, you need to choose the drug in gelatin capsules (provided that the child is already at an age that can swallow the capsule). Then the baby will not feel the taste or smell of fat, which greatly simplifies the course of treatment.

Capsules can also be made from fish gelatin - this drug is healthier, but its cost is higher.

Fish oil is also medicine, therefore, its dosage and duration of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Even the type of fish oil (made from cod liver or fish carcasses) will be chosen by the doctor depending on the purpose of the drug: when preventing rickets, for example, the concentration of vitamins in the drug is important, but in another case the need for fatty acids may be higher.

The dosage and duration of fat consumption depends on the age of the child and the purpose of use (therapeutic or prophylactic). Of course, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to give the child the drug daily, and not occasionally. Treatment course usually lasts 1–1.5 months. If necessary, the course is repeated after a 3-month break.

Fish oil can also be used externally to treat a burn surface or wound and to irrigate a wound dressing.

How should fish oil be stored?

Fish oil in liquid form should be packaged in dark glass bottles. In light, fatty acids are broken down and the drug loses its properties. The medicine easily becomes unusable and when high temperature Therefore, the drug should only be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +10 ˚С. It is better not to take it during the summer.

After taking a single dose of the medicine, the bottle must be tightly closed so that the fat does not deteriorate when exposed to air, otherwise the child may be poisoned. Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the drug.

Despite the fact that the shelf life of fish oil is 2 years, it is better to buy a recently manufactured product, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee that the rules for storing it and temperature regime were not disturbed in the summer.

Is it possible to overdose on fish oil? Does it have any side effects?

If you take the medicine on an empty stomach, you may experience loose stool. To avoid this, you should consume fat with food.

There is no overdose when taking fat made from fish carcasses. The use of liver fish oil can lead to an overdose of vitamins with long-term use of the drug, which can manifest itself in the appearance of loose stools, nausea, and abdominal pain. Exacerbation is also possible chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis.

These phenomena are observed in rare cases and disappear when the drug is discontinued.

Summary for parents

Fish oil is a medicine that has a multifaceted effect on the child’s body. Its therapeutic and preventive effectiveness is time-tested. This natural drug ensures not only normal growth, but also the development of children, strengthens the immune system, and increases intellectual abilities. But, like any other medicine, fish oil should be given to children only as prescribed by a doctor, observing the dosage and duration of use.

Video version of the article:

The program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” talks about the benefits of fish oil, including for adults:

Every growing organism urgently needs minerals and vitamins. Without a sufficient supply of these substances, normal mental and physical development impossible. Against the background of deficiency, immunity weakens, pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine system, metabolic processes are disrupted. Fish oil for children, which even babies can take, will help improve health.

Statistics show that fish oil is the most popular dietary supplement in Russia and the CIS countries. The main production of this product occurs in the USA and Norway. Produced in these countries great amount the most famous and high-quality drugs.

Norwegian sailors for the most part specialize in the extraction of cod oil. From cod liver they are able to obtain three different types product: white, red and brown. Fat production looks like this:

In the USA, herring and other varieties of fish living in cold seas are used for fat burning. Most often these are mackerel, tuna, salmon, lamprey and many others. The useful substance is extracted from fish mass by squeezing it out with giant presses. The resulting raw materials undergo several stages of purification, after which they are suitable for use for medical purposes.

Composition and benefits for babies

The development of the future baby begins in the mother's womb. After his birth, active reproduction and cell growth occurs during the first 16 years of life. To maintain the rate of cell division it is necessary sufficient quantity building material. The process involves polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, vitamins A, D, E and many others.

Fish oil contains the following substances: necessary for both infants and adolescent children:

“Most doctors believe that fish oil can be given to babies from a very early age. Without preliminary consultation This should not be done with a pediatrician. Only a doctor can recommend the most suitable drug and determine the correct dosage.”

Fish oil is useful for children, as it can protect against many dangerous pathologies. It has the following effects on the body:

Many people are confident that regular use any useful substance helps to avoid health problems. They don’t understand why watch their diet if everything useful material can be obtained by drinking capsules pharmaceutical vitamins. Unfortunately, even unique properties Fish oil will not make a schoolchild who abuses sweets, fast food and sweet soda healthier.

Parents should understand that the diet of a child and teenager must be carefully monitored. A child at any age should receive most of the substances his body needs through food.

“Consuming children's fish oil will not cover up the benefits of natural fish. It must be included in the diet at least twice a week. And also make sure that the menu has enough vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries and nuts.”

Pharmacies offer a huge range of various dietary supplements. There are drugs in capsules, chewable tablets, syrup, drops and liquid form. Capsules and chewable tablets It is recommended to give to children who have reached the age of three years. Depending on the age of the child, you will need to take from three to six capsules per day.

Liquid preparations are suitable for infants. They are convenient to give in small dosages. For example, two or three drops several times a day. Gradually the dose is increased. One year old baby They usually give a teaspoon of the product.

Even experienced parents find it difficult to decide which fish oil to choose for children. To avoid making a mistake, you should always consult a doctor before purchasing. The specialist will not only select the drug, he will determine the duration of the course and the required dosage.

The best drugs

Oil obtained from fish is not an officially recognized medicine. It belongs to the biological active additives, therefore, its production is not regulated by strict standards and norms. Choosing the best fish oil for children can be difficult. Therefore, when purchasing It is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

The drug is available without a prescription.

Add to list the best drugs for children includes:

Contraindications and side effects

Several years ago, doctors believed that fish oil for children was healthier and safer than fish oil. The fact is that fish is made from the muscle tissue of fish. While fish from their liver. It is known that the liver accumulates a large number of toxic substances. For example, mercury, lead, arsenic and many others.

Thanks to modern technologies and multi-stage purification methods managed to obtain a safe product from fish liver. All dietary supplements that have a quality certificate are completely free of toxins. For their production, fat obtained from both the liver and muscle of fish is used.

A high-quality product purified from harmful substances is safe, provided that the dosage prescribed by the doctor is followed. It is dangerous to increase the dose of the drug on your own. In addition, you should not take it on an empty stomach, as in this case The following side effects may develop:

Despite great benefit substances, in some cases it is contraindicated. Pregnant women can take it only with the permission of a gynecologist. It is necessary for adults and children to completely abandon dietary supplements with the following pathologies:

For children who are allergic to fish, taking fat is contraindicated. If their body needs an additional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, they may be prescribed medications containing Omega-3. For example, a natural source of this substance is linseed oil. It can be added to complementary foods from the age of six months.

“To prevent vitamin D deficiency, infants are prescribed a drug from Carlson Labs, Baby’s Vitamin D3, from the first days of life. It is designed specifically for children breastfeeding and no potentially hazardous substances does not contain."

Taking dietary supplements helps compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, but you should not count on their help alone. They must be taken in courses and only with the permission of a doctor. And it is imperative to ensure that the child’s nutrition is healthy and varied every day.

ABOUT healing properties fish oil, its benefits for a growing body were well known to our great-grandmothers. The therapeutic and prophylactic qualities of such a product have been confirmed by many scientific and medical studies. Their conclusions are clear: fish oil for children is a necessary and nutritious supplement.

Fish oil contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids. It is thanks to the high concentration of such components that it has a healing effect on the body. The main thing is to choose the right nutritional supplement. You should also know how to give this product to your child so that the therapy has a beneficial effect on his health.

A unique composition that fish oil has - omega acids, vitamins A, D and the optimal combination of microelements make it an indispensable product.

The drug is effective in children with the following problems:

  • impaired bone growth;
  • insufficient twilight vision;
  • allergies;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • reduced immunity (the remedy is indicated for frequently ill children).

Fish oil can also be used externally. It can be used to treat traumatic injuries skin and mucous membranes. The drug is applied to burns and wounds. Before any use of the product, you must study the instructions contained in the instructions.

Who is this natural remedy indicated for?

Correct height and the development of the child is ensured by vitamins. Their deficiency can lead to rickets or cause other pathologies. The use of a natural supplement - fish oil in transparent capsules - completely compensates for the lack of vitamins. It is also necessary for the child to form correctly bone and tooth enamel.

Taking fat obtained from fish stimulates the production of serotonin. The hormone is especially useful in childhood. The presence of such a substance leads to improvement general well-being, relieving irritability. Children's hair becomes thicker and begins to grow well. The condition of the skin improves.

It is advisable to give fish oil to children prone to obesity. This supplement ensures proper absorption and rapid burning of calories.

Only fish oil has polyunsaturated acids. The human body cannot synthesize them on its own. These substances help improve performance and increase brain activity. This impact helps the child to be successful in school. He masters the program easier and gets less tired. The property of fatty acids to stimulate stress resistance is known.

If you give your baby fish oil in the doses recommended by the instructions, then his fine motor skills will develop well.

One of the problems that children and their parents often face is allergies and asthma symptoms. The development of such painful conditions can be prevented by giving your child the drug in capsules. Fish oil is an inexpensive but very effective alternative to salmon and other seafood. It is only useful if it is of high quality and environmentally friendly.

How to choose vitamin complexes?

When choosing fish oil for children, the first thing you need to pay attention to is quality. For its production, high-quality fish carcass must be used. Then this drug will become a reliable source of vitamins and invaluable fatty acids. Before purchasing such a product, be sure to read what is written on the label.

On sale now you can see fish oil, which is extracted from cod liver. This drug is not entirely useful. It contains vitamins, but does not contain omega-3 acids. It is known that the liver gland is a collector of toxic substances. Therefore, such an addition to the children’s diet will not have the desired effect.

It is much better to choose a capsule product made from ocean fish carcasses. Optimal balance of omega acids and vitamin complex, will allow you to give this fish oil for a long time. He's really helpful.

A very important point is the packaging of the product. Everyone knows that it has a very unpleasant smell and taste. To prevent the child from refusing to take the drug, it is advisable to take it in capsules. For children younger age They will not be able to swallow such a tablet, so they can buy the product in liquid form.

There is one more argument in favor of purchasing the drug in capsules: contact of omega fatty acids with air is undesirable, as this neutralizes their beneficial properties.

To avoid such troubles, manufacturers add a preservative – vitamin E – to its composition.

Rules for taking fish oil

The drug must be accompanied by instructions that contain the rules of administration, course duration and recommended dose. The standard guidelines for using this product are as follows: it should be taken with meals. It is better to swallow the capsule along with the first dish.

It is prohibited to use this drug on an empty stomach. Such actions will cause harm instead of benefit: children may experience digestive problems.

It is best to carry out a course of healing in this way natural remedy from autumn to spring. 2-3 month courses are enough. It is not recommended to increase the duration of use of the drug.

Who should not take a fish supplement?

The healing characteristics of fish oil have been proven by practice and serious research. However, it is still worth consulting with your pediatrician first.

This drug is contraindicated in the following categories of children:

Many parents are interested in what age is it legal to use the drug? It can be included in the diet of a 4-month-old baby. The product is given 3-5 drops, no more than 1 month. Then they take a break.

To ensure that your child grows up healthy, strong, active and smart, include fish oil in his diet. Its benefits, especially in childhood, are undeniable. The main thing is not to forget about the quality of the drug and use the correct dosage.

The ambiguous attitude towards “fish oil” as a healthy food supplement makes it necessary to treat its purchase with special care. In our rating the best manufacturers fish oil, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are described, allowing you to choose the best quality drug.

Fish oil is the most important source of OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which our body does not synthesize, and its reserves must be replenished with food or in the form of vitamins. Many of us remember that in Soviet time this drug was in a liquid state and had a rather unpleasant odor.

IN these days global manufacturers food additives Conduct ongoing research to improve the quality of this drug. And the main form of release of polyunsaturated fats is considered to be a capsule. This type is the most convenient to take and does not cause any side effects.

Areas of application

The main purpose of Omega-3 is to replenish fatty acids human body. However, this drug has other uses:

  • it is included in cosmetics, improving beneficial properties for hair and skin care;
  • as an external medicinal product for the treatment of joints and minor wounds;
  • widely used in various diets as a means of losing weight;
  • athletes take the drug to build muscle mass;
  • Many pet lovers give fat to their pets as a source of vitamins.

Each area of ​​fish oil use has its own recommendations, indicating the quality and dosage regimen.

What are the benefits and harms of fish oil?

It is almost impossible to harm yourself using this drug. This can only happen if you drink it in large dosages without following the instructions. The strongest side effect in case of overdose, fish oil is considered to thin the blood, which can lead to heavy bleeding even with minor injuries or internal hemorrhages.

Since omega-3 is found only in seafood, and even then in small quantities, there are many indications for the use of these acids. The main advantages of using fish oil are:

  1. Positive effect on brain function.

It is impossible without fatty acids normal functioning human brain. If there is a lack of this substance, a person is unable to concentrate for a long time, memory abilities decrease, irritation appears, and mood changes occur frequently. These manifestations will intensify until a sufficient amount of Omega-3 enters the body.

  1. Normalizes heart function.

Many heart diseases can be avoided if you start using this drug on time. The ability of fish oil to thin the blood, relieve it from cholesterol plaques, thereby cleansing the blood vessels, will help prevent many heart diseases.

  1. Positive effect on joints.

Fish oil, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, reduces the risk of swelling and pain associated with arthritis.

Learn more about the benefits of fish oil in the video:

Rules for taking the drug

The dosage of the drug directly depends on the age of the person to whom fish oil is prescribed.

The range of required amount of fish oil for an adult body varies from 0.25 g to 1 gram per day. This is about 40% of daily norm. Therefore, depending on the manufacturer of the dietary supplement, you should take from 6 to 12 capsules per day, distributing them in even portions 2-3 times. The drug should be taken with food for better absorption. The minimum course of admission is 1 month.

However, for the treatment of certain diseases (in combination with other medications), the dosage is increased. Thus, to reduce cholesterol levels, 1.6–2.4 grams per day are prescribed, to treat arthritis, skin diseases, asthma and diabetes - 1.6 grams per day.

For children, the use of the supplement is limited and it is necessary to consult a doctor before use. As a rule, all manufacturers produce a children's version of fish oil, which contains a complex of vitamins and amino acids. For example, there is a dietary supplement with calcium, in liquid form and in the form of syrup.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindication is a person’s individual intolerance to seafood or components included in dietary supplements. Exacerbation hemorrhagic symptoms also often occur in people who drink fish oil. It is also not recommended to take Omega-3 if:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • kidney and bladder stones;
  • infancy;
  • active tuberculosis and peptic ulcer disease (only with the permission of a doctor).

Basic criteria for choosing a drug

To understand how to choose a dietary supplement, and which company is better, there are several tips.

When looking through the packaging of dietary supplements, pay attention to the labels describing the product. If you see the words “food” or “veterinary”, this indicates that cheaper raw materials were used in production, and, accordingly, the quality of their fish oil is lower. It is necessary to choose a drug with the indication “medical”. This species will have better characteristics.

Read more about the difference between fish oil and fish oil:

What else is different? cheap drug from expensive? Release form. A more economical option is in bottles. Only the glass of the vessel must be dark in color (in light the dietary supplement loses its properties), and the liquid must reach the neck so that the drug has less contact with oxygen. Expensive drugs Available in capsules or chewable lozenges.

You can often find an inscription on the packaging that the product was produced by the “molecular differentiation” method. This means that the fatty acid content in it is increased. Pay attention to the dosage of the drug. The higher it is, the fewer capsules you will need to drink at a time, which is very convenient.

An important factor influencing the choice of dietary supplements is the country of production. There are preparations made from fish that live in contaminated areas. These manufacturers should be treated with great distrust due to the quality of the raw materials obtained.

The presence of additional vitamins and minerals in each capsule will help to more fully heal your body.

Pay attention to the date of manufacture of the supplement. The shelf life of this product is only two years, after which its use will not give any results. Therefore, you need to choose the most recent drug.

International standards for fish oil purity

The purity of fish oil is considered a very important factor characterizing the quality of the drug. If you purchase a dietary supplement made from low-quality fish or that has undergone insufficient purification, then there will be little benefit from it. Therefore, there are several types in the world that indicate the quality of fats.

  1. Category dietary supplement made from cod liver. These supplements are the cheapest and least pure. Often contains toxins and other chemical elements, the entry into the body of which is undesirable. The presence of vitamin A in the supplement predetermines its careful use to avoid overdose.
  2. Category, is purified fish oil. These are supplements with an average price and the same quality. This drug is purified but has a characteristic taste and odor. Capsules of this category contain 300 mg of Omega-3. Such products contain small amounts of toxins and chemical impurities, so long-term use is not recommended.
  3. Category of ultra refined product. This dietary supplement is pharmaceutical and does not contain any impurities. And due to the high concentration of OMEGA-3, you can take it without fear. But the cost this drug quite high.

Who produces dietary supplements?

In many countries pharmaceutical companies engaged in the production of fish oil. The composition and price of the drug depends on where the additive is manufactured. The following groups of manufacturers are distinguished:

  • American. These factories carefully purify their drugs based on the fact that sea ​​fish may contain different kinds toxins and making the drug as pure as possible.
  • Russian. Companies specialize in extracting fish oil from cod liver. The most famous is the Murmansk factory.
  • Norwegian. Manufacturers of these drugs evaluate the additive not by the weight of the acid, but by the quantity in each capsule. These are the most expensive and high-quality dietary supplements.

Rating of the best fish oil manufacturers

Biafishenol "Salmon"

Capsules from the Russian company BioPharm. The package contains 100 capsules. Eat various dosages 0.3 g, 0.4 g, 0.45 g. Made from fish caught in the Arctic, which is a good indicator, since in cold water fish has better quality fat. Capsules can be taken by children over 14 years of age. They additionally contain vitamins A and D. The price of the drug ranges around 150 rubles.

Biafishenol "Salmon"


  • low price;
  • ease of administration for various dosages;
  • the presence of additional vitamins.


  • not very high concentration of Omega-3;
  • refers to “food”.

Dietary supplement Mirrolla "Omega-3"

This fish oil from the Russian company Mirolla is available in combination with various additives, for example, calcium, valerian and motherwort, garlic oil, etc. You can choose more suitable option. Pack of 100 capsules with a dosage of 50 mg Omega-3. The cost ranges from 80 to 130 rubles per package.

Dietary supplement Mirrolla "Omega-3"


  • low cost;
  • various additive options.


  • inconvenient packaging;
  • not the cleanest fat.


This is another drug from a Russian company. Also available in packs of 100 pieces, available various combinations vitamins and nutrients. Omega-3 dosage per capsule is 0.3 g. The cost of the drug is 85 rubles. Belongs to the category of “fish” oil.



  • very low price;
  • Lots of options for supplements and vitamins.


  • low quality polyunsaturated fats;
  • low concentration.

Omega-3 Fish Oil (Solgar)

This is an American concentrated premium product. Made from salmon fish that live in cold waters, which improves its quality. The dose of Omega-3 per capsule is 50 mg. Various packages of 60 and 120 capsules are available. The cost for a 60-piece package reaches 900 rubles.

Omega-3 Fish Oil (Solgar)


  • high quality fat that is purified from mercury and other impurities.


  • high price.

Teva fish oil

Teva made this dietary supplement mainly for prevention. various diseases and lack of Omega-3. A pack of 100 pieces can be enough for for a long time, taking one capsule per day. Therefore, the lowest price is not justified long-term use drug. However, it is a non-medicinal fat. The cost of packaging reaches 1200 rubles.

Teva fish oil


  • single dose;
  • natural concentration of fish oil.


  • high price;
  • not too high quality polyunsaturated fats.

Cod Liver Oil (Carlson Labs)

This fish oil is made from fish that live in the cleanest places in Norway. Due to the high quality of the fish, the fat is minimally processed, which allows all the beneficial substances to be preserved unchanged. Fat is available with various additives, which allows you to choose the most best option for your needs. A package of 100 capsules costs from 650 to 1000 rubles.

Cod Liver Oil (Carlson Labs)


  • high medical quality fish oil;
  • additional beneficial supplements.


  • quite high price.

Having purchased fish oil from any manufacturer you like, do not forget that it should be stored for no longer than 2 years and always in a dark place inaccessible to children. Before purchasing, be sure to consult with your doctor and clarify why you need it: for prevention purposes or to replenish the supply of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats. And then go to the pharmacy for the drug you need.

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