Bad for the cardiovascular system. Dietary supplements for blood vessels

High blood pressure with pain and discomfort in the region of the heart, decreased memory and attention, discomfort in the legs with chilliness and pain, at rest and in motion, recovery from myocardial infarction. Or atherosclerosis in the vessels lower limbs or of the brain, ischemic or hypertension, chronic heart failure. Or a hereditary predisposition to these diseases when close relatives suffer from them, or preparation surgical intervention, or rehabilitation after operations on blood vessels and heart. For any of these phenomena or their prevention, natural dietary supplements for the heart.

Calming effect on nervous system reduce pain, eliminate failures and reduce the risk of heart rhythm disturbances, reduce vasospasm and normalize sleep. The use of dietary supplements for the heart increases coronary blood flow, improves blood supply to the heart, increasing its contractility and expanding the energy reserves of the heart muscle. An increase in the efficiency of the heart in the case of physical activity or degenerative disorders associated with old age leads to an increase in minute volume and endurance.

Improving lipid metabolism, dietary supplements for the heart reduce sclerotic phenomena, lead to a decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, affect the quality content of lipoproteins, increasing the level of beneficial high density, reducing the level of harmful low density. Regular use of bioactive supplements for the heart leads to a decrease in blood viscosity, vasodilation, elimination possible spasms and a noticeable improvement in blood flow, and also has a positive effect on the state of the endothelium on the inner walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity.

Biologically active additives Is a set of components taken with food or included in its composition. They are not drugs.

What are the benefits of using dietary supplements

The product first appeared in the United States thanks to Karl Rehnborg. He worked for a long time in China, where he ended up in prison. It was there that the chemist made the first supplement to enrich his meager diet. Crushed nails, plants and herbs were included in the first dietary supplement.

Back home, Karl makes a multivitamin supplement and distributes it to his acquaintances.

1950 became important period in the history of dietary supplements. Agency for the Control of food and drugs gives the right to the existence of drugs.

In Russia, Rospotrebnadzor regulates them. All funds must undergo strict mandatory certification, as in European countries and the USA.

Table of dietary supplements for cardiovascular activity

Classification of dietary supplements for the effect on CVS:

1. Drugs required to maintain the function of the heart and blood vessels.

2. Means to help normalize lipid metabolism.

3. Dietary supplements, normalizing peripheral (capillary) blood circulation, including cerebral.

Here are some examples of the most popular ones:


  1. Red wine extract
  1. Grape seed extract
  1. Hawthorn extract
  1. Resveratrol
  1. Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin)
  1. Potassium and magnesium for the heart
  1. Asparkam
  1. Ascorutin
  1. Vitrum Cardio
  1. Will direct
  1. Cardio Forte
  1. Doppelherz Cardiovital
  1. CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10)
  1. Cardiohels
  1. Synchron-7

Let's take a closer look at the functions of each of the tools.

Red wine extract

The drug is enriched with useful components necessary for normal functioning all systems:

  • Vitamins of group B and PP,
  • Amino acids,
  • Macro and microelements,
  • Bioflavonoids,
  • Anthocyanins,
  • Organic acids, etc.

The tool prevents the risk of developing such ailments as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's. In addition, the extract slows down the aging process, improves the permeability and elasticity of blood vessels, and restores the work of brain cells.

Grape seed extract

In terms of its antioxidant qualities, the dietary supplement is much superior to all other known antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. Due to this, the drug protects against the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases and also restores brain cells. The effectiveness of the supplement was noted in case of tissue edema after trauma or surgery, in case of damage to the skin.

Hawthorn extract

The drug has antiarrhythmic, cardiotonic, hypotensive, antiatherosclerotic, antispasmodic and antioxidant effects. In addition, the coronary and cerebral circulation improves, heartbeat, the excitability of the central nervous system decreases.

Resveratrol is a dietary supplement that acts as an antioxidant.

The drug is highly effective in the fight against heart and cancer diseases. It also performs a hepatoprotective function in the body, reduces inflammatory processes, reduces blood viscosity, provides free blood flow in the vessels, promotes the normal ability of functional platelets, maintains the elasticity of vascular cells, lowers cholesterol levels.

Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin) is a substance vegetable origin obtained by extraction from the butt part of larch growing in the regions of Siberia and Lake Baikal, followed by fine cleaning.

  • Cardiovascular: angina pectoris, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, hypertension, vascular dystonia.
  • Respiratory system: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and others.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncological.
  • postoperative measures (chemotherapy).
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Potassium and magnesium for the heart

These substances fulfill the list important functions in the human body.

Magnesium forms bone tissue, improves metabolism, regulates the work of the central nervous system.

Potassium contributes to normalization buffer systems the body and the transmission of nervous excitement along the fibers. Together, these two elements are involved in activating muscle contraction myocardium and are constituent parts many enzymes. The blood supply to the heart depends on them.

It is important to observe the dosage of the components. The optimal ratio of magnesium to calcium should be 7:10.


The drug compensates for the lack of vitamins C and P, participates in redox processes. Rutin prevents destruction ascorbic acid and promotes its absorption by tissues. Both substances reduce the permeability of blood vessels, strengthen their walls. Especially pronounced in relation to capillaries. Other indications for use:

  • infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles, typhus);
  • rheumatism;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • radiation sickness;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • prevention of influenza and other viral infections.

The tool also has limitations in the form of individual intolerance; 1st trimester of pregnancy, age up to 3 years, diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis disease, padagra, thrombophlebitis, increased coagulability blood.

Asparkam is a drug that is a source of potassium and magnesium. Indications for use:

  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Ischemic disease;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.

The tool also has a number of limitations in its use:

  • Hypersensitivity to dietary supplement components;
  • Disorders of amino acid metabolism;
  • Hyperkalemia / magnesium;
  • Renal failure;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Myasthenia gravis;
  • Age under 18, etc.

First of all, Asparkam eliminates the imbalance or deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body, and also has the ability to regulate metabolic processes.

Vitrum Cardio - high performance poly vitamin complex... The manufacturer is the American pharmaceutical company Unipharm.

The dietary supplement contains such components as vitamins A, C, E, group B, minerals (selenium, chromium, zinc), fish fat, soy lecithin, etc. Resins, pectins and others included in the fiber useful components, help to reduce the "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Indications for use:

Will direct

The biocomplex contains magnesium and potassium aspartate, extract of hawthorn flowers, ginkgo biloba and rose hips. Indications for use:

  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Reducing the risks of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and their consequences;
  • Improving blood circulation;
  • Normalization blood pressure;
  • Recovery of heart muscle cells;
  • Gain contractile function myocardium.

The general course of treatment is 1 month. With more long-term use means addiction arises.

Cardio Forte is a dietary supplement for the heart and blood vessels, which contains valerian extract, cinnamon extract and beta-carotene. The drug can be used both as a prophylaxis and for treatment and recovery in the postoperative period.

The remedy normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, smoothes the manifestation of dystonia. The drug is taken for one and a half months, 2 capsules with meals. The dosage is adjusted if necessary.

Doppelgerz Cardiovital is a herbal dietary supplement.

The dry extract obtained from hawthorn is characterized by a number of healing effects... Including, it has a tonic effect on the heart.

Dietary supplements for the heart have antispasmodic and sedative properties. Due to the selective expansion of the cerebral vessels, blood pressure is normalized.

CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10)

The main functions of the drug:

    Maintaining energy potential... Q10 normalizes the work of mitochondria, in which energy is extracted from nutrient compounds that have entered the body.

  1. Free radical protection. Coenzyme Q10 inhibits membrane lipid oxidation.
  2. Fight aging.
  3. Decrease negative impact statins on heart and health in general.
  • suffering from neurological disorders;
  • using statins;
  • patients with heart failure, arrhythmia, hypertension;
  • athletes.


The dietary supplement contains a complex of vitamins A, C, E, B3, B12, folic acid, magnesium, selenium, potassium, exclusive form (garlic, white willow bark, hawthorn, ginkgo biloba extract, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine).

The drug promotes the level of the amino acid homocystine, which damages the vascular walls.

Coenzyme Q10 is involved in the production of energy at the cellular level, increases the metabolism in the myocardium and other internal organs.

Supplements for blood vessels have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


This dietary supplement includes seven natural forms of ascorbic acid and pectin, which helps lower "bad" cholesterol and prevents the appearance of plaque on the walls of blood vessels.

The drug is popular in cardiology in the treatment of myocarditis, heart defects, atherosclerosis. Synchron-7 has a number of contraindications:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Kidney disease.

An allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug is possible.

To avoid further complications and side effects, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

The health of most people gives many reasons for turning to additional funds in order to maintain and activate the internal systems. First of all, cardiovascular diseases suffer from an incorrect lifestyle. vascular system... To minimize negative impact on the heart, there are auxiliary preparations with vitamins and microelements.

Biologically active food additives (BAA) are concentrates natural substances contributing to the maintenance of health, normalization of the balance of substances. These are drugs that have an adaptogenic and tonic effect. Stimulating effect of supplements on the physical, mental and mental health human body is explained by their formula containing extracts medicinal plants, animal organs, beekeeping products, mummy, algae.


The classification of dietary supplements is very extensive. Supplements are divided into several groups: depending on the composition, by the nature of use, for different situations, by sources of production, by effects on the body, by components. The classification of dietary supplements allows you to determine the choice of the desired drug formula.

Bioadditives for the heart and blood vessels

It is necessary to think about the state of the heart as early as possible, preventing the occurrence of diseases, but preventing them. This helps prevention through the use of dietary supplements. Cardiologists especially recommend taking additional drugs that support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels for certain groups of people:

  • athletes;
  • people over 35;
  • patients with vascular pathology of the head and lower extremities, severe heart disease;
  • workers in hazardous production and people of hard physical labor;
  • adolescents and children.

For these categories of people, the intake of dietary supplements should be coordinated with a doctor. There is a clear relationship between the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases and the absence of some necessary components in nutrition, represented by a set of such elements:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • plant fibers;
  • medicinal and edible plants.

Among antioxidants for the heart and blood vessels are especially necessary: ​​vitamins C, A, E, B1, B6, F, P, bioflavonoids, coenzyme Q10. Vitamin C reduces cholesterol and plasma triglyceride levels. When combined with bioflavonoids, it strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Vitamin C activates the properties of oxidized vitamins A and E. Bioflavonoids are synergistic with vitamin C, enhancing each other's action. They also reduce low-density lipoprotein levels, expand coronary vessels, reduce the formation of blood clots.

A decrease in plasma and tissue levels of one of the most effective antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, leads to ischemic heart disease. It takes part in the supply of energy to the myocardium, activates enzymes, stabilizes membranes and has an antiarrhythmic effect. The most common dietary supplements for vascular and heart health include such drugs as Kapilar, Kudesan Forte, Kudesan with potassium and magnesium, Coenzyme Q10 with Ginkgo, Capilar cardio with coenzyme, Cardio Active and many others.


There are dietary supplements of the Tianshi company, which have a multifaceted effect on strengthening the human body. Tyansha's preparations neutralize side effects medicines, increase the reserve strength of the body, strengthen the immune system. In addition, Tyansha's dietary supplements are used in the treatment of worms. In the process of healing, the Tianshi complex is taken, consisting of a set of several components:

  • Tianshi cordyceps, which has an antibiotic effect and acts directly on worms;
  • chitosan, accelerates the withdrawal of affected worms;
  • anti-lipid tea detoxifies caused by worms;
  • Tiansha biocalcium has an anti-allergic effect and restores immunity;
  • biozink enhances cell regeneration;
  • Icahn capsules from Tiansha restore liver function.


In certain cases, exercise is ineffective for gaining weight and muscle mass... Increasing the intensity of training only leads to health problems. Eating plentifully leads to weight gain due to fat, which is also not good for the body. In such a situation, dietary supplements come to the rescue, for example, brewer's yeast.

Brewer's yeast has a unique composition that helps restore metabolism and gain body weight. In addition to a large number vitamins and microelements, brewer's yeast contains fatty acids, glucose, protein and amino acids necessary for human health. Weight gain occurs as a result of improved functioning digestive system, increasing appetite. The blood glucose level is stabilized, which also has a positive effect on digestion.

Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the liver by blocking the accumulation of fat. The body is cleansed of toxins, removes excess fluid, and stabilizes the energy balance. All these processes bring weight back to normal. Weight gain occurs in accordance with the needs of the body. It is possible to regulate the gain of muscle mass in the desired areas of the body through the selection of exercises. Increased appetite from yeast should be combined with exercise and proper nutrition. Then the weight gain will be due to muscle mass, not fat.

Gainers and weight gainers are also popular among athletes. protein shakes... Gainers are drugs in the form of drinks or bars that give the body energy and help to gain weight. The formula combines protein and slow carbohydrates for fast muscle gains. But the excess amount of protein in the dietary supplement is dangerous for the health of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is necessary to get a doctor's advice before using them. Protein shakes are easy to make yourself. It is enough to mix low-fat dairy products with egg white and carbohydrates in the form of honey, dried fruits. Here you can add L-carnitine, B vitamins.


Supplements from have a formula that allows you to reduce the number of attacks with asthma and rhinitis, and can also completely eliminate intolerance to certain agents. Weakened the immune system unable to cope with antigens that cause an allergic reaction in the body. It is often impossible to completely eliminate the allergen; in this case, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. There are dietary supplements such as VMM, Ming Gold, Anatomix. There is also a supplement with a set of twelve natural enzymes - D-Zyme. It is known that enzymes contribute to the removal of allergens from the body by destroying the protein compounds of the antigen with the antibody.


Dietary supplements for women are represented by various kits for beauty and health. The formula of such preparations contains natural ingredients, antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. Dietary supplements for women are divided into nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. The former contain a set of substances to improve appearance, metabolism. The latter are used as an adjunct to medicines and prevention during pregnancy, menopause.

The attitude of doctors to dietary supplements is ambiguous, since such drugs are not tested before sale and do not belong to drugs. There are also many contraindications that require careful study of the instructions before use. To be wary of a large number counterfeits and buy dietary supplements only in special stores... Yet the effectiveness of many of them helps to improve health.

Before using dietary supplements, you should trust the doctor's recommendations

Patients of cardiac surgeons are getting younger, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. Stressful situations, lack of sleep, not proper nutrition- all this together or separately leads to frightening conclusions: the number of heart diseases is growing. Prevention is capable of resisting growth, one of the effective ways- taking vitamins.

Methods for improving the heart

Popularity healthy way life is an important point. List of methods used to minimize heart and vascular diseases includes proper nutrition, rest, regular physical exercise(aerobic) and doctor visit. Strengthening the heart muscle is facilitated by vitamins for the heart and blood vessels, which will also increase endurance, improve the condition of blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes and slow down aging.

Vitamins for strengthening blood vessels

Maintain the "blood lines" in good condition helps with proper nutrition and vitamins for blood vessels. Getting everything you need only from food is an ideal, but almost unattainable option. To strengthen the blood vessels, you need to replenish the supply with a complex of vitamins daily, and it is very difficult to do this only by eating. To maintain vascular tone and strengthen their walls, the following should be taken useful material:




Vitamin C

It prevents the formation of cholesterol, accelerates metabolic processes, makes vascular walls strong.


Antioxidant, increases protective functions tissues, reduces capillary fragility.

Helps to reduce pressure, strengthens the walls of the arteries.

Improves metabolic processes, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamins for the heart with arrhythmia

Palpitations, dizziness, fast fatiguability, shaking hands are the main symptoms of pathology. How to strengthen the heart muscle to prevent the development of arrhythmias? Help the body to maintain normal condition the cardiovascular system is called multivitamins, if the disease progresses, then the doctor may prescribe sedatives, tranquilizers or homeopathic remedies.

In order not to face the problem of arrhythmia, it is recommended to take the following vitamins:

  • Coenzyme Q 10 (ubiquinone) is a useful substance that helps to restore the metabolic process in the myocardium. The production of this natural antioxidant in the body is regulated by enzyme systems, and the deficiency of this beneficial substance is noticeable in a decrease in energy, which affects the work of the heart muscle.
  • Megapolien - source fatty acids to lower blood cholesterol. Omega-3 acids serve as a source of youth, the composition of the legendary substance based on fish oil is considered the best prophylactic from a heart attack and helps to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Products useful for the heart and blood vessels

Mandatory item among the list preventive measures... Use certain types products helps to maintain or restore normal work heart muscle. The general strengthening effect of products useful for blood vessels and the heart has a positive effect on the condition of capillaries, veins, and walls of blood vessels. Products such as:

  1. Fish is an irreplaceable source of nutrients for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Olive oil- the product of the first pressing is rich in polyphenols and monounsaturated fats, so the vascular system will be protected from formation cholesterol plaques.
  3. Nuts - The presence of arginine in them can reduce the risk of heart disease by half if these fruits are consumed at least three times a week.
  4. Dried apricots - dried apricots are considered powerful natural antioxidants and richest source potassium.
  5. Grapes - fresh fruits, like wine, are rich in polyphenols, and besides, it is the fruit that contains the largest natural complex of vitamins for the heart.
  6. Dark chocolate is a delicacy with beneficial flavonoids that promote vasodilation, help reduce blood pressure, and support brain function.

The most effective vitamin complexes

There are many such drugs, some are intended for the prevention of heart disease, others are prescribed in combination therapy. It is necessary to choose useful complexes of vitamins for the heart together with a doctor, because only taking into account the anamnesis will it be possible to choose the most effective ones. Should be guided by the composition of multivitamin complexes, the main action, the form of release (tablets, capsules, syrups or injections for an injection). The list of the most popular vitamin complexes looks like this: Askorutin, Vitrum Cardio, Doppelgerts, Send, Synchron-7.


Useful vitamins for blood vessels, heart muscle based on ascorbic acid and rutin. The list of properties that this multivitamin complex possesses includes the ability to reduce capillary permeability, accelerate tissue regeneration and normalize carbohydrate metabolism... Ascorutin will help make the walls of blood vessels strong, eliminate their swelling and increase the protective functions of the body.

Vitamins for the Heart Guide

Multivitamin complexes include the content of minerals, trace elements. Such drugs for the heart, as Direction, promote the restoration of the heart muscle, help to improve its contraction. By feeding the body with biologically active substances (B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, ginkgo biloba extract, rose hips), this drug can slow down the development of atherosclerosis, therefore it is often prescribed for complex therapy or if you are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Potassium and magnesium tablets

These are two minerals related to each other and extremely necessary for the body to protect against a heart attack. If the level of potassium falls below normal, there will be a decrease in magnesium, and this is not recommended. A lack of potassium can trigger a heart attack, as a deficiency of this mineral in the blood can affect the heart rate. When magnesium levels are low, the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias in an adult increases by 75%. Injections help to quickly restore balance, and heart pills help to maintain the required level: Panangin, Asparkam, Magnerot.

Hawthorn forte

Food supplement based on the fruits and flowers of this plant, it also contains other useful substances: potassium aspartate, magnesium. This combination of components helps to normalize the heart rate, lower blood pressure, protect blood vessels, and eliminate spasms. The content of quercetin, rutin, hyperoside in Hawthorn Fort contributes to the improvement of capillaries, these same substances help the drug to eliminate inflammation of the walls of blood vessels.

Doppelhertz for the heart

It is prescribed when it becomes necessary to normalize blood pressure. This vitamin complex based on hawthorn extract acts selectively on the brain and heart. In the treatment of heart failure, Doppelherz is used more often than other drugs to strengthen blood vessels, because it is distinguished by a combination of sedative, cardiotonic and antispasmodic effects.

Video: vitamins Evalar

Supplements for blood vessels - complexes biologically active substances, which are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, which are often caused by unbalanced diet... Scientists have proven that there is a clear relationship between insufficient intake of certain compounds in the body and the occurrence of cardiac and vascular pathologies... Taking dietary supplements helps to make up for the lack of compounds useful for the heart and blood vessels. Which remedies are most effective? To find out this will help our rating, compiled on the basis of feedback from patients and doctors.

The best dietary supplements for blood vessels

When choosing dietary supplements for blood vessels, pay attention to the composition. Good remedies must contain antioxidants (vitamins C, A and E, coenzyme Q10, bioflavonoids), the essential amino acid lysine, plant extracts (ginkgo biloba, grape seed, garlic, hawthorn).

  • Vitamin C is a well-known natural antioxidant. Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels when used regularly. Strengthens the walls blood vessels, prevents their fragility (especially in combination with bioflavonoids). Activates vitamins A and E, which are also powerful antioxidants.
  • Dihydroquercetin and other bioflavonoids act similarly to vitamin C and enhance its activity. The compounds improve blood microcirculation and increase the elasticity of the vascular walls. Also, dihydroquercetin prevents an increase in cholesterol levels, reduces blood viscosity, and improves oxygen saturation of cells.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (aka ubiquinone) is an effective antioxidant that is part of the lipids of cell membranes and some others structural elements cells, Ubiquinone participates in the processes of energy production, has a pronounced membrane stabilizing and antiarrhythmic action, supports the activity of enzymes that ensure the normal functioning of myocardial cells. Coenzyme is incorporated into the structure of lipoproteins, preventing their oxidation, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Lysine is an essential amino acid that prevents the deposition of lipoproteins in the vascular walls. In certain concentrations, lysine binds already deposited lipoproteins, reducing the size of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Ginkgo biloba extract contains unique substances - ginkgolides, which prevent thrombus formation. Means with ginkgo biloba have a vasodilating and antiarrhythmic, antioxidant effect, improve microcirculation in brain tissues, restore the structure of vascular walls, and reduce their permeability. In addition, the plant extract reduces fear, increased anxiety and anxiety, improves memory, slows down the deterioration mental abilities on early stages Alzheimer's disease.
  • Garlic extract reduces the synthesis of cholesterol and lipids, stimulates their excretion from the body. By reducing blood clotting, it reduces the risk of blood clots. Normalizes blood sugar, exhibits antioxidant properties.
  • Grape seed extract. Contains valuable polyphenols, essential amino acids(including lysine), vitamins PP, group B, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins and others useful compounds... The extract strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and reduces permeability.
  • Hawthorn extract. Contains quercetin and other flavonoids (useful for blood vessels), choline (normalizes cholesterol levels), hyperoside (enriches myocardial cells with potassium ions, improves energy processes in the heart).


The dietary supplements contain only natural ingredients. Their regular and long-term intake:


In order for biologically active additives to have a positive effect, they must be used for a long time, in courses. In addition, all dietary supplements for blood vessels must be taken with meals, which is not always convenient, especially if it is recommended to drink the funds 3 or more times a day. Finally, funds can cause allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to a particular component.

Rating of the best dietary supplements for blood vessels

Rating #1 #2 #3
Mild effect on the body
Ease of use Manufacturer popularity Improving heart function and normalizing blood pressure Complex body strengthening

The dietary supplement includes three types of capsules: "morning", "afternoon" and "evening", which differ in composition. Morning capsules contain lecithin, nicotinamide, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, biotin, magnesium oxide. The daily capsules contain vitamin E and fish oil, evening capsules contain vitamins C and E, isoflavones, lycopene, iodine, zinc, selenium, chromium. A specially developed complex provides the body with all the substances necessary for the cardiovascular system throughout the day. Recommended for normalizing cholesterol content, functional activity of the cardiovascular system.

  • Multicomponent composition, which increases the risk of developing allergic reactions.
  • High price- 1300 rubles packing.

A dietary supplement based on coenzyme and ginkgo biloba extract has a pronounced antioxidant and vasodilating effect, stimulates cellular metabolism and cerebral circulation. Recommended for prophylaxis and in the complex therapy of heart failure, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis.

  • Renders complex action... It has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, it is also recommended for diabetes, obesity, syndrome chronic fatigue, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases, chronic infections.
  • Helps with bleeding gums, periodontal disease, periodontitis.
  • Coenzyme comes in a fat-soluble form that is more stable and easier to absorb than the water-soluble formulation.
  • Affordable remedy is always easy to get.
  • High cost - the price of a pack of 100 capsules is 2200 rubles on average.

Dietary supplement contains extracts of red clover and hawthorn, vitamin C and PP ( nicotinic acid), routine. The tool helps to normalize blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens vascular walls, and reduces the risk of blood clots.

  • Effectively lowers cholesterol levels (from 7.7 to 5.7 per month of admission).
  • Reduces tinnitus, dizziness, normalizes heart rate, reduces sensitivity to changes in weather conditions.
  • It has general tonic properties, after use, colds occur less often.
  • Convenient to take - just two capsules a day.
  • Affordable cost - 400 rubles per pack of 60 capsules.
  • Long-term use is required.
  • Some patients complain about the absence of the effects declared by the manufacturer.

The dietary supplement contains a high dose of hawthorn extract, potassium and magnesium (in the form of asparaginate). It is used to normalize blood pressure and heart function. The action of hawthorn is supplemented by potassium and magnesium, the lack of which can also lead to the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

  • Normalizes blood pressure, reduces the frequency of tachycardia attacks.
  • Removes arrhythmia.
  • Improves performance.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • To achieve the effect, you need to take 4 tablets per day, which is not very convenient, and a package of 40 tablets is enough for only 10 days.
  • Affordable price for one package (about 200 rubles for 40 tablets), but minimal monthly course it costs a lot - 600 rubles.

A drug based on the bioflavonoid dihydroquercetin helps to restore microcirculation in tissues, increases elasticity and reduces the fragility of vascular walls, has a pronounced antioxidant effect, reduces blood viscosity, preventing thrombus formation, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes cell oxygen saturation. It is used for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, as part of additional therapy for ischemic disease, hypertension.

  • Veins in the legs become less visible.
  • Does not cause side effects.
  • The capsules are large enough, but easy to swallow due to the smooth gelatinous shell.
  • Cheaper than similar products.
    • It does not always help, only with mild forms of venous insufficiency.
    • For the effect to be more pronounced, it must be used in combination with Venokorset gel.
    • Expensive - about 700 rubles per pack of 60 capsules (for a month of admission).


    Among the wide range of dietary supplements, it is not easy to find a good one, effective remedy that actually works, not a placebo effect. The fact is that the efficacy and safety of many dietary supplements has not been confirmed, since drugs, unlike drugs, do not undergo appropriate clinical trials.

    But there is another point. Any drug is registered and then re-registered (every 5 years). These are complex and costly procedures. And dietary supplements are much easier to register from a bureaucratic point of view, and economically cheaper.

    Therefore, many pharmaceutical companies in order to save time and money, they register their funds as dietary supplements (if, of course, the composition allows). There are many examples - vitamins of the brands Doppelgerz, Multi-Tabs, vitamins Duovit of the Slovenian company KRKA, vitamins for the eyes of Strix and others. They used to be medicines, and after re-registration, the status changed: the funds began to be produced as dietary supplements. At the same time, the composition, recommendations for admission and quality remained at the same level.

    With dietary supplements for blood vessels, the situation is similar. Therefore, our rating did not include products of dubious quality that are distributed over the Internet. The drugs listed by us can be purchased at the pharmacy. They contain those components, the effectiveness of which has been proven. clinical research... For example, the Doppelgerz Cardio system contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, fish oil (its ability to reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen the immune system has long been confirmed).

    There is no doubt about the dietary supplement with ginkgo biloba extract. There are many ginkgo biloba products in pharmacies registered as medications(Bilobil, Memoplant, Tanakan). These are drugs to improve cerebral circulation, which doctors often include in the schemes of complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

    Medicines for veins (Detralex, Phlebodia) are made on the basis of flavonoids, and dihydroquercetin, which is part of dietary supplements, is also a flavonoid, has beneficial effect on the veins. The heart health benefits of grape extract and hawthorn are also well known.

    Taking quality dietary supplements helps to maintain the health and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, many dietary supplements for blood vessels have restorative action, prevent development diabetes mellitus and others serious illnesses... But in order for the dietary supplement to benefit the body, two conditions must be met. The first - the remedy must be drunk for a long time and regularly, in courses. Second, the additive must be of high quality. We recommend purchasing those products that are sold through the pharmacy network, and not through Internet resources.

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