Bird's knotweed. Composition, beneficial properties and use of knotweed How is knotweed useful? show

According to the description, knotweed or knotweed is a medicinal annual plant. Belongs to the Buckwheat family. The thick, vertical root branches little. Ascending, spreading stems grow up to 60 cm. Small lanceolate, green and blue leaves up to 2 cm long and up to half a centimeter wide are arranged alternately on short petioles.

Small green flowers sit in the axils of the leaves. Their flowering can be observed throughout the summer. Closer to August, fruits appear in the form of dark triangular nuts. Birds love to eat grass, which is reflected in the name.

The plant is unpretentious. Distributed throughout Russia. Grows as a weed in arable lands and along roads. Found on sandbanks.

All parts of the plant are harvested. The weather for collection is dry, summer. When cutting, leave about 10-15 cm from the ground. Dry in natural and artificial conditions. The oven temperature is set in the range of 50-60 °C. The fragility of the stems will indicate the readiness of the dry harvest. Then it is packed in cloth or paper bags and stored for three years.


Dear readers, do you know such a herb as knotweed? If not, then I highly recommend paying attention to it. Everyone needs this herb. Why everyone? To begin with, I will briefly say that it removes metal salts, treats arthritis, arthrosis, is good for the kidneys, in gynecology, treats tuberculosis, even helps crush small stones, strengthens blood vessels and solves other health problems. Today I want to tell you about useful and medicinal properties knotweed, where and how this herb is used and whether everyone can take it.

Ant-grass, ant-grass... This is how Russian fairy tales and epics speak so affectionately and poetically about one quite ordinary plant, which is probably familiar to each of us from childhood. Knotweed or knotweed grows literally under our feet; the plant is the most ordinary and inconspicuous, but very useful.

This grass can be found near roads and paths, in courtyards near residential buildings, near the shores of small reservoirs, it grows everywhere and small birds feed on its seeds until the frosts. You've probably seen flocks of sparrows along the roads, swarming in the short grass in the fall, chirping cheerfully; this grass is knotweed. As soon as people don’t call it: knotweed, ant-grass, bird's buckwheat, goose grass, trampling grass, sparrow tongues, but all this is the same plant called knotweed.

I first met her a long time ago. Even when I lived on Far East. A friend of mine brewed it in a thermos and treated it gynecological diseases. This herb helped her a lot then. Now I myself am finishing a course of treatment with this herb. I take it for prevention - to cleanse the body so that salts do not accumulate, and it very well relieves inflammatory processes in the body, if there is something somewhere, it is good for blood vessels. The course of treatment is usually 3 weeks. Let's see what this grass looks like.

Knotweed grass. Photo

Knotweed (knotweed herb). Useful and healing properties

The beneficial and medicinal properties of knotweed have been known for a very long time; it was used in ancient times as a hemostatic and wound-healing agent. Our wise ancestors squeezed the juice from the grass, soaked the fabric in it and applied it to wounds, ulcers, bruises, thereby avoiding complications and speeding up recovery.

Currently, the properties of this plant have been studied more deeply, which makes it possible to expand the spectrum of its action. This inconspicuous-looking herb contains vitamins C, K, E, mineral salts, carotene, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, resins, saponins, coumarins, various acids and much more.

Knotweed grass is widely used in official and folk medicine, as well as in homeopathy, preparations based on it have the following properties:

  • diuretic
  • astringent
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antipyretic
  • disinfectant
  • hemostatic
  • tonic
  • blood purifying
  • hypotensive
  • strengthens blood vessels

Medicinal herb knotweed (knotweed). Application

The range of uses of knotweed (knotweed) is quite impressive, and the herb is considered low-toxic and has a minimum of contraindications, which makes it possible to take it for a long time for various diseases

  1. For diseases kidneys and Bladder long-term use of decoctions and infusions allows you to dissolve and remove sand and stones from the kidneys, reduce swelling, relieve inflammatory process for cystitis. If you are prone to stone formation, knotweed is taken as a preventive measure.
  2. For inflammatory diseases liver and gallbladder a decoction of knotweed is also used, but in this case you need to consult a doctor and do an ultrasound abdominal cavity to make sure there are no large stones in gallbladder. Knotweed copes with small pebbles, but in the presence of large stones any choleretic agents contraindicated.
  3. For diseases vessels, with hemorrhoids, knotweed helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and normalize arterial pressure.
  4. At internal and uterine bleeding , for hemorrhoids, knotweed improves blood clotting, thereby speeding up the healing process. But you need to understand that like all herbs, knotweed is used in complex treatment, especially in severe cases, which include internal bleeding. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.
  5. The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of knotweed (knotweed) make it possible to use him at colds With elevated temperature, as well as for sore throat and inflammation of the gums.
  6. Due to its tannins and antimicrobial properties, knotweed is used for treatment of various wounds , cuts, long-term non-healing ulcers.
  7. Knotweed is also used in the treatment of gout, it helps remove salts from joints uric acid, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.
  8. Tuberculosis, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines are also included in the list of diseases for which knotweed provides therapeutic effect on the body.

How to take knotweed

Knotweed (knotweed) is taken in the form of infusions, decoctions or as part of complex medicinal fees. It is best to prepare decoctions and infusions for one day, since after just a day their properties decrease.

Infusion of knotweed (knotweed)

It is very simple to prepare an infusion; you need to take a tablespoon of dry crushed herb per glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Decoction of knotweed (knotweed)

The decoction turns out to be more concentrated; to prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of herb in a glass of boiling water, put it all on water bath for 15 - 20 minutes, then cool, strain and add boiled water to a full glass. Take 1-2 tablespoons of decoction before meals.

You can prepare a decoction without a steam bath, simply boil the herb for 3 - 5 minutes over low heat, then remove from heat and strain after 20 minutes.

Knotweed juice

Knotweed juice is squeezed from fresh grass, which is harvested during its flowering. It is recommended to take 1–2 tablespoons of juice two to three times a day before meals for hypertension, convulsions, tuberculosis, intestinal diseases and kidney diseases.

To treat wounds and other skin damage, you can also use the juice, which is used to wash the wounds and apply bandages soaked in the juice. You can do it even simpler: wash the grass, dry it and grind it into a paste, which is applied under a bandage to the damaged areas of the skin.

I suggest watching a video about the beneficial and medicinal properties of knotweed herb.

Knotweed grass. Treatment. Recipes

Traditional medicine uses many recipes with knotweed for treatment various diseases, it is taken both separately and in combination with other plants that enhance therapeutic effect knotweed. I will give you some of them, perhaps they will be useful to someone.

  • For kidney stones mix knotweed herb, bearberry herb and bean leaves in equal parts, pour 15 grams of the collection (this is approximately a full tablespoon) with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink the resulting infusion in large portions throughout the day
  • For cystitis prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of knotweed and a glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for a week
  • For inflammation of the gallbladder prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of knotweed herb, keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain after 20 minutes and take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day
  • For hemorrhoids In summer, during flowering, pick fresh grass and immediately squeeze the juice out of it. Take a tablespoon twice a day
  • For joint diseases Boil a glass of fresh chopped knotweed herb (knotweed) in a liter of water for 5 minutes, leave for at least an hour. Apply lotions from this decoction to sore joints and add it to foot baths.
  • For uterine bleeding three teaspoons of dry herb are poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 40 minutes and taken 3-4 times a day, regardless of food
  • For anemia prepare an infusion of knotweed herb by brewing a tablespoon of dry raw material with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, strain the infusion and mix with beet juice in equal proportions. Take one spoon 3 times a day before meals for a month
  • For tuberculosis lungs, mix a tablespoon of crushed dry knotweed herb and crushed licorice root, pour two tablespoons of this mixture into 1/2 liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, strain after 30 minutes and take 4–5 times a day 1/4 cup each
  • For bronchitis, pneumonia prepare a mixture of knotweed grass, coltsfoot leaves, black elderberry flowers, taking a teaspoon of each. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave until it cools and take a tablespoon 3 – 4 times a day
  • For stomach diseases With increased acidity gastric juice prepare a mixture of knotweed herb, peppermint, plantain, St. John's wort and calamus root. Mix everything in equal parts. Prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of the mixture and a glass of boiling water.

Knotweed. Grass collection, preparation

Knotweed grows everywhere, but, of course, you cannot collect it in the city; you need to look for it away from city roads and railway tracks.

It is also necessary to distinguish it from other types of knotweed, which medicinal properties do not possess. This is not difficult to do, look carefully at the photographs; in knotweed, the stem begins to branch from the very ground, the stems are divided into knees, the leaves have an elliptical shape, and small, inconspicuous flowers are located in the axils of the leaves and have a dirty white color with a pink tint.

For medicinal purposes, knotweed is harvested at the beginning of flowering, this usually happens in late June - early July, the aerial part is cut off at the base, leaving the lowest leaves, then dried with any in an accessible way without exposing to direct sunlight.

It is not recommended to store dried herbs for more than two years; over time, it loses its healing properties. Glass jars, thick paper bags or linen and cotton bags are suitable for storage.

Where to buy knotweed grass? Price

If you don't want to harvest the herb yourself, buy it at the pharmacy. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. It's very inexpensive. I recently bought it here in Yaroslavl for 30 rubles. Packaging 50 grams.

Knotweed grass. Contraindications

As always, when describing the medicinal properties of any plant, I want to warn you this time that knotweed (knotweed) is a potent plant and taking medications based on it has its contraindications.

An absolute contraindication to taking knotweed is pregnancy. They should not be used by people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins, to everyone who is prone to the formation of blood clots, since taking knotweed, which increases blood clotting, can lead to an attack of angina pectoris and even to a heart attack and stroke.

Knotweed is not prescribed to those with low blood pressure.

Despite the fact that knotweed is able to soften and remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, people with cholelithiasis and kidney stones can take knotweed with caution and only after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation, since the stone can block bile ducts, which poses a threat to life.

People who have stones in the urinary ducts larger than 6 mm should also not take knotweed.

Here is the information for you today about the beneficial properties of knotweed and its contraindications.

And for the soul today we will listen to an old waltz Autumn dream. Many considered it a native work, written in Russia, but its homeland is in distant, foggy Albion. It was written by pianist and composer Archibald Joyce in 1908. Just such nostalgia... A brass band and an amazing waltz.

I wish you all health, good mood, simple joys of life and all the warmest and kindest.

see also








    07 Mar 2017 at 0:19


    07 Feb 2017 at 14:09










Bird's knotweed - Polygonum aviculare L.

Buckwheat family - Polygonaceae

Other names:
- knotweed
- bird's buckwheat
- gooseneck
- chicken beetle
- ant-grass
- stomper

Botanical characteristics. Annual low growing herbaceous plant with a stem strongly branched from the base or recumbent. The leaves are elliptical in shape, entire, alternate, small, attached to white bells. The flowers are also small, without inflorescences, and sit several in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a nut. Blooms from July to late autumn.

Spreading. Ubiquitous.

Habitat. In fields, vegetable gardens, along roads, pastures, on riverine sands, in populated areas(popularly called “goose grass”). Grows like a weed.

blank, primary processing and drying. Knotweed is harvested during flowering, in dry weather. When collecting, its grass is cut with a knife or sickle, and in case of dense standing, the upper parts of plants up to 40 cm long are mowed down with scythes. It is not recommended to collect raw materials in areas of livestock grazing and near dwellings, in heavily polluted places, near industrial enterprises and highways.

Dry in attics with good ventilation, under awnings or outdoors in the shade, spread out in a thin layer. During drying, the grass is turned over 1-2 times. When drying in artificially heated dryers, the temperature should not exceed 40-50°C.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by the requirements of the Global Fund XI, Amendment. 1.

External signs.Whole raw materials. Whole or partially crushed leafy shoots up to 40 cm long. Stems are thin, branched, geniculate. The leaves are alternate, from broadly elliptical to almost linear, up to 3 cm long, up to 1 cm wide. Characteristic is the presence of membranous bells of a silvery-white color at the base of the leaves. The flowers are axillary, 1-5, with a simple, deeply incised perianth, white or pink. The smell is weak. The taste is slightly astringent.

Crushed raw materials. Pieces of stems, leaves and flowers various shapes passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm. The color is grayish green.

Microscopy. When examining the leaf from the surface, epidermal cells with straight, thickened walls, often with brown contents, are visible; the walls of the cells of the upper epidermis are often distinctly thickened. The stomata are often surrounded by three parastomatal cells (anisocytic type). Characteristic is the presence large quantity drusen of calcium oxalate and mechanical fibers with a sinuous contour and thick sheaths located above the veins and along the edge of the leaf blade.

Numerical indicators.Whole raw materials. Humidity no more than 13%; total ash no more than 13%; browned and blackened parts of grass no more than 3%; roots no more than 2%; organic and mineral impurities no more than 2%.

Crushed raw materials. Humidity no more than 13%; total ash no more than 13%; particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm, no more than 10%; particles passing through a sieve with holes measuring 0.5 mm, no more than 10%.

The quality of raw materials is also assessed based on the results of qualitative and quantitative analyses. At the same time, flavonoids are found in 70% alcohol extract by yellow-green coloration in reaction with aluminum chloride. Determined by the spectrophotometric method, the content of the total flavonoids in terms of avicularin should be at least 0.5%.

Chemical composition. The herb contains tannins, flavonol glycoside avicularin, not less than 0.5% according to GF XI, ascorbic acid up to 900 mg% (on absolute dry weight), vitamin K, carotene (39 mg%), silicic acid compounds (4.5% ), tannins, carotene, essential oil(footprints). Flavones are found in knotweed flowers, and anthraquinones are found in the roots.

Storage. In dry, well-ventilated areas, packed in bales. Shelf life: 2 years.

Pharmacological properties. Antique folk remedy, introduced into scientific medicine as a hemostatic agent, as well as for urolithiasis. Knotweed has an astringent and diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect due to tannins.

In animal experiments, aqueous extracts from knotweed herb increase blood clotting, enhance uterine contractions, increase diuresis, and have astringent properties.

Avicularin glycoside increases the rate of blood clotting in rabbits without changing blood viscosity, and has a tonic effect on the muscles of the uterus.

Galenic forms of the plant have an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, protecting the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract from irritating effects. Thanks to the presence of provitamin A, it improves functional state epithelium of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract; tannins, vitamin K and bioflavonoids reduce the permeability of vascular walls, normalize the processes of absorption and exudation in the intestine.

Silicon acid salts help bind various toxic substances of endogenous and exogenous origin in the intestines, removing them from the body. In case of uric acid diathesis, they promote the excretion of stone-forming salts in the urine.

Knotweed infusions increase diuresis, reducing the reabsorption of sodium and chlorine, which increases the excretion of water.

Silicic acid promotes compaction, petrification of tuberculosis lesions and their faster healing. In this case, the hemostatic properties of knotweed are also taken into account.

Medicines. Knotweed herb, infusion, collection by M. N. Zdrenko.

Application. Galenic preparations of knotweed are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and stone-promoting agent for urolithiasis, as a hemostatic for hematuria, and also used in postoperative period after removal of stones for anti-relapse treatment.

Infusions and decoctions of knotweed are used for tuberculosis of the kidneys and lungs, for bleeding after abortion, childbirth, due to uterine fibroids, chronic inflammatory diseases, with juvenile and menopausal hypermenorrhea.

In the form of a decoction or infusion for rinsing, it is used for inflammation of the oral mucosa and angular cheilitis, and for gingivitis in the form of applications.

Used as a general strengthening and tonic. Used in modern homeopathy. Exported abroad.

An infusion of knotweed is prepared from the herb in a raw material to extractor ratio of 1:10. The herb is crushed, placed in an enamel bowl, poured with boiling water, placed in a boiling water bath for 5-10 minutes, removed and left to stand for 1-2 hours, filtered, and taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Water infusions are used in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach, salt metabolism disorders. At skin diseases For children, knotweed baths are recommended. The collection of M. N. Zdrenko is used as symptomatic remedy for malignant tumors.

Murava, chicken beetle, goose grass, ostudnik) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the buckwheat family. Its root is woody and thin. The stem is thin, elastic, branching from the base, recumbent or erect, densely seated with small reed leaves (lanceolate or elliptical) and thin membranous bells. The fruit is a dark brown matte triangular nut. The flowers are small, barely noticeable, five-membered, pinkish or white, located in the axils of the leaves. Knotweed blooms all summer and until frost, which is why it is called knotweed (from “sporo” - rapid restoration of damaged shoots). The knotweed plant bears fruit until late autumn.

This unpretentious grass grows everywhere, literally under your feet: field and forest paths, village streets, vacant lots, banks of streams and rivers, parks, courtyards, stadiums, airfields, dry pastures, hippodromes, roadsides,

You can meet the knotweed on all continents (it is only absent in the Arctic and Antarctica).

Harvesting knotweed for medical purposes

IN medicinal purposes The above-ground part of knotweed is used - grass, less often - roots.

The above-ground part (without roots) is collected during the flowering period or pulled out by the roots. You should not collect it directly on paths, in animal grazing areas and in other overly polluted places. After collection, it must be dried at a temperature of no more than 50°, in the shade, on clean paper or burlap, after which it is placed in a protected place. sunlight place.

Chemical composition

Knotweed grass contains resins, mucus, fats, bitterness, carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, glucose), essential oil, hyperin, coumarins (scopoletin, umbelliferone), myricitin, kaempferol, phenolcarboxylic acids (salicylic, gallic, caffeic, acetic, chlorogenic, valeric, malic, coumaric, formic), flavonoids (avicularin, quercetin, hyperin, isorhamnetin), anthraquinones, vitamins (E, K, provitamin A, ascorbic acid), trace elements (calcium, copper, vanadium, iron, magnesium, silicon, silver).

Anthraquinones (emodin with its glycosides and chrysophanol) and anthocyanins were found in the roots.

Properties and uses of knotweed

From ancient times to today, people have used knotweed as a hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. It has also proven itself well as an antispasmodic, diuretic, antipyretic, tonic, diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic, tonic, wound healing, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, laxative, antihypertensive drug.

Infusions and decoctions of mountaineer are used for bronchitis, colds, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, bronchial asthma, hemorrhoids, kidney diseases or problems urinary tract, headaches, gout, liver and bladder diseases, long-term non-healing ulcers and wounds, tumors. It has also been established that knotweed reduces the permeability of the walls of our blood vessels and increases blood clotting.

Knotweed herb is also used for metabolic disorders or water-salt metabolism, for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lips and oral cavity, for urolithiasis or cholelithiasis (prevents and treats the formation of stones), vitamin deficiencies, pneumonia, ulcerative pleurisy, any type of gastritis, angina pectoris, diarrhea, catarrh, malaria, neuralgia and radiculitis, dysentery, thrombophlebitis, bleeding (intestinal, hemorrhoidal or uterine), infertility and diabetes.

IN Lately the plant is even used in the treatment of tumors of different origins; it is included in the Zdrenko collection, which is used in the treatment malignant neoplasms. It is also found in “Breast tea”, used for whooping cough and other diseases accompanied by cough.

Polygonum preparations are good for heart ailments: they speed up the pulse and lower blood pressure, and Fresh Juice, moreover, has powerful phytoncidal activity.

Externally, knotweed is used for skin diseases (boils, acne, etc.), in the treatment of bruises, ulcers and wounds.

Decoctions of knotweed in milk help with cramps of various origins.

And now I bring to your attention some time-tested recipes with knotweed.

For internal use, make a decoction or infusion.

To obtain a decoction, 20 grams of the aerial part are crushed and poured with boiling water, left for half an hour in a water bath, then cooled and strained. They take two per table. spoons before meals, three times a day.

When preparing the infusion: place a glass of boiling water on the table. a spoonful of knotweed. Simmer for half an hour in a water bath and drink 100 ml of this infusion 10 minutes after drinking the rosehip root decoction.

At gynecological diseases inflammatory in nature, with obesity or thinness (due to normalization of metabolism), with weakness or nervous exhaustion, to strengthen strength in older people and after illness, as well as for the ability to conceive, the following recipe will help: take 3-4 tablespoons for half a liter of boiling water. spoons of knotweed and infuse for 4 hours in a thermos or simply in a warm place. Take half a glass half an hour before meals, 4 r. in a day.

At painful menstruation: 1 part knotweed herb and 3 parts centaury herb and 5 parts herb Brew the table. spoon of this mixture in 200 grams of water, leave for an hour, strain and sip throughout the day.

For infertility, knotweed is used as follows: brew 20 grams of herb with a glass of water, heat it in a water bath for a quarter of an hour and 45 minutes. infuse, squeeze and take 2 tablespoons before meals. 3 r. in a day.

Fresh herb juice is used to treat old or bleeding ulcers and wounds. bird knotweed: moisten a napkin with it and, having washed the wound with the same juice in advance, place it on the damaged tissue.

Contraindications to the use of bird knotweed

Knotweed is low toxic, but in cases acute inflammation bladder and kidneys, it is contraindicated. It is not used during pregnancy either, as it has an abortifacient effect. It should be used with caution in case of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypotension and angina pectoris and in case of excess sputum.

Be treated with natural remedies, it is both inexpensive and effective. But before using knotweed, consult your doctor.

A common weed that grows all over the ground. Summer residents call this plant grass-ant. And they don’t like it, because the plant grows, overwhelming garden crops everywhere. However, this weed, called Knotweed, is fraught with a whole storehouse of beneficial properties. What benefits can knotweed bring? The answer to this question will be described in this article.

Knotweed, also called bird knotweed, is a plant that grows one year from the Buckwheat family. Knotweed is tall - branches reach up to 80 centimeters in length. It only grows on the ground. The flowers are small and inconspicuous green-white, sometimes tinged with pink. The leaves are small, similar to an ellipse. Small fruits in the form of triangular nuts. A favorite delicacy of birds, that’s why it was nicknamed bird buckwheat.

A weed that contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, sugar, resin, tannin, carotene is high in vitamin C and silicon.
The plant contains vitamin A, which makes the skin glow and look healthy.

Because of great content Iron weed has a great effect on the blood.

Knotweed is not only rich in composition, it is also tasty - based on it, you can make an excellent salad by mixing it with boiled egg, dill and sour cream.

The medicinal properties of the herb are used in diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, skin, intestines, and intestines. Works great on circulatory system, increasing blood clotting.

  • Knotweed is used for kidney stones due to its silicic acid content.
  • The acid breaks down the salt in the stones and crushes it into molecules, which are subsequently excreted naturally, through the urinary It only works on small stones; large stones are not removed.
  • The weed in general has a great effect on the kidneys; taking a decoction or infusion of the herb can relieve inflammation and remove water from the body, as it has a diuretic effect.
  • Effective as a hemostatic agent. By applying a decoction to a bleeding wound, you can stop the bleeding. After drinking herbal infusion can be reduced bleeding after childbirth or abortion. Knotweed will also help restore strength after surgery.
  • Will help women who cannot get pregnant, it restores reproductive function by increasing the tone of the uterine walls.
  • Perfectly boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, promotes fast healing wound
  • Knotweed is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, relieves swelling in the legs, and many other diseases and ailments that knotweed fights.

Knotweed has wonderful healing properties For common weed, but like anyone remedy it has contraindications.

  1. Since knotweed helps to clot blood when consumed, it can cause thrombosis, which will cause an attack of angina, and perhaps, even worse, cause a stroke or heart attack. Contraindicated for people with heart disease and the elderly.
  2. When taken, knotweed stimulates intestinal motility, while simultaneously lowering blood pressure, which will lead to feeling unwell people suffering from cholelithiasis and constipation.
  3. If treated cholelithiasis, not all stones dissolve. A stone that has not dissolved may completely block the bile duct.
  4. Contraindicated during pregnancy, it causes tone, which leads to premature birth.

Herb-ant helps with infertility

When taking a decoction of the herb, the uterine muscles are activated and return to normal. hormonal background, breathing returns to normal, the body receives oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

The decoction has positive influence on reproductive function, which accelerates the onset of pregnancy.

It is better for two spouses to take the decoction to achieve a quick effect.

As soon as pregnancy occurs, knotweed should be stopped. When pregnancy occurs, the grass will cause a miscarriage.

Stones in the kidneys

Taking the herb helps break down kidney stones and remove salt accumulations. Knotweed is also used to prevent kidney stones.


The weed is used for bleeding, such as uterine, intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal. The herb accelerates blood clotting. The bleeding stops. For hemorrhoids, use warm baths at night with a decoction of the weed.

Gastrointestinal tract and cholecystitis

Knotweed normalizes digestion, normalizing the outflow of bile, eliminating inflammation, intestines and gastric mucosa, healing ulcers duodenum and stomach.

Skin diseases

Knotweed fights skin diseases such as eczema, wounds, ulcers, mucous inflammation membranes of the lips, inflammation of the oral cavity, bleeding gums. The herb prevents putrefactive processes from developing, relieves pain, is an excellent antiseptic, and promotes rapid healing. For diseases of the oral cavity, use the infusion for rinsing. For wounds, wash the wounds with infusion or apply a compress.

Hair treatment

If you have hair loss, you need to prepare an infusion of knotweed and rinse your hair after washing. The grass will strengthen hair follicles, feeding them with vitamins and beneficial properties. You need to rinse your hair every day for twenty days.

You need to take three tablespoons of dry herb and pour boiling water in the amount of two hundred grams, then heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes, cool, strain and add boiled water to make two hundred milliliters. Take one-half glass before meals.

Decoction of knotweed

Grind the grass, add water one to ten. Place in a water bath to cook for half an hour, cool for fifteen minutes, strain, drink a tablespoon three times a day. For gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, drink a cup three times a day.


Use only during plant growth. Take one glass twice a day before meals, half an hour, mixed with honey. Excellent for hypertension, diseases related to the lungs and genitourinary system.

The juice is used for wounds, ulcers and bruises by soaking a napkin in the juice and applying to the damaged area.


  1. a spoonful of herbs is poured with boiling water, heated for twenty minutes, in a water bath, leave for an hour. Take forty grams four times a day. Helps you get pregnant.
  2. steam twenty grams of herb in a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for about thirty minutes. Insist on drinking half a glass. Good remedy from cholelithiasis.
  3. If you are obese, drink a decoction of knotweed. Pour four tablespoons of herb leaves into three glasses of water. Infuse in a thermos and take half a glass four times a day.
  4. tea made from knotweed herb. Helps well with lung diseases and colds. Mix twenty grams of herb with two glasses of water, boil, drink two cups a day.
  5. There is also a recipe for children using knotweed herb. Stir two tablespoons of herbs into half a liter of milk and boil for five minutes. Take one hundred grams four times a day.

The grass is harvested only when it is in flower, from June to autumn. Knotweed is an annual plant. Grows in different sides, branchy, entwining the ground. Leaves and stems are used for harvesting. It is necessary to collect only in clean fields away from roads, landfills and livestock pastures.

Cut off the top with a knife or mow it with a sickle. The weed grows well after mowing and more than one harvest can be harvested during the season. If the plant has grown, you can mow it with a scythe and then remove it from other grass.

Dry knotweed in the shade in a ventilated area. Spread the grass in a thin layer on paper or style. The grass is stirred periodically during drying to ensure even drying.

The workpiece is well prepared, consists of stems no more than 30 centimeters long, grey-green color. The leaves are small and the flowers are faintly colored. The workpiece should not contain brown leaves and roots. The smell of the herb is weak, the taste is tart and astringent.

Store dried knotweed in paper bags in a cool, dry place. Shelf life is no more than three years.
