Cervical spine and therapeutic exercises. Exercises for the cervical spine: relieve pain in a few minutes

Therapeutic exercise (physical therapy) for cervical osteochondrosis- an important aspect of therapy for this disease. Systematic exercises eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as spasms, dizziness, migraines, and numbness of the limbs. Blood supply improves, muscles gain tone and strength, and the vertebrae straighten. You just need to choose the right complex and start exercising regularly.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is carried out in the absence of acute pain symptoms. With the help of gymnastics, muscles are worked out, increasing their flexibility and plasticity. In hard and soft tissues Blood circulation increases, the spine and the muscles around it receive more intense nutrition. Active blood circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the problem area, while simultaneously removing waste products and toxic substances. Helps cleanse the body and lymphatic system, helping to remove waste elements or harmful microorganisms from the intercellular space.

Exercise therapy can be done at home using a rubber band (expander)

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common disease of our time. Owners of “sedentary” professions are especially susceptible to this problem: programmers, accountants, office workers. They spend most day in a forced position at the table. Naturally, few of them remember correct posture and preventive five-minute exercises. Asymmetrical postures, a pulled neck into the shoulders, and lack of rest have an extremely negative impact on the spine. But it's not just professional costs that are to blame for the dysfunction. cervical region. The following can do a bad job:

  • excess weight;
  • impaired metabolism (salt deposition);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • sleeping in an uncomfortable position, on an uncomfortable mattress and pillow;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking.

Dystrophic changes in the spine provoke neuralgia, which means pain. As a result, the head may feel dizzy, the arms may go numb, and the person will periodically feel like they are “shooting” between the ribs. The symptoms are not fatal, but unpleasant because they worsen general health, reduces the quality of life. How to help yourself without resorting to medications? There is a way! It is simple, does not require material investments, and therefore is publicly available. This is a complex of physical therapy (physical therapy), specially designed for the cervical spine. More precisely, he is not alone. There are many opinions and approaches on how to protect yourself from problems with cervical discs.

Exercise therapy is a set special exercises for rehabilitation and prevention. They need to be performed smoothly and in a gentle manner. The main goal is deep muscle relaxation. The complex must be accompanied by proper breathing. The cervical region is the most mobile, and sudden careless movement can cause pinching of blood vessels and disruption of blood circulation.

Exercises can be static - freezing in a certain position - and dynamic.

Therapeutic gymnastics causes the following positive changes in the cervical region:

  • increased blood circulation;
  • muscle fitness;
  • normalization of vertebral mobility;
  • increase in range of motion;
  • restoration of nerve endings.

With the help of exercise therapy it is possible to comprehensively improve the health of the body. With a small caveat: the patient must be prepared for moderate physical activity. Musculo-articular gymnastics also implies the absence of concomitant diseases, which are contraindications.

Contraindications and side effects

You need to know that, alas, physical therapy is not useful for everyone, and in some cases it is prohibited. If such diseases have been previously detected, you should refrain from physical activity:

  • severe myopia;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • blood clotting pathologies (predisposition to bleeding);
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • recovery after spinal surgery (early period);
  • vestibular disorders;
  • diseases of the central nervous system with impaired coordination of movements (ataxia);
  • acute stage of the disease (any);
  • infectious diseases.

Elderly people should be especially attentive to contraindications for exercise therapy.

If, while performing another exercise, you feel dizziness, pain, nausea, or other discomfort- you need to stop it and move on to the next one. If the entire set of exercises causes discomfort, rush to consult a doctor to choose another system that will take into account individual characteristics.

Indications for therapeutic exercises

There are special sets of preventive exercises to prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis. This is especially true for people after 40 years of age, when cartilage begins to thin out and joints lose their former ease of movement.

Some doctors consider osteochondrosis to be a purely commercial diagnosis. After all dystrophic changes spine is not a disease, but a sign of aging.

The doctor will prescribe therapeutic exercises if osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has already revealed itself in a number of manifestations:

  1. Vertebrogenic pain, myelopathy (originating from the spine);
  2. Danger of vertebral fusion due to damage to intervertebral discs;
  3. Clinical symptoms of the disease:
    • crunching and pain when moving the head;
    • pain in the neck, radiating (radiating) to the back of the head, arm, shoulder;
    • numbness and tingling of the extremities, discomfort and burning in the interscapular area;
    • headache that goes from the back of the head to the temples;
    • dizziness with sudden movements;
    • weakness, weakness, loss of tone.

If other symptoms are present: tinnitus, visual disturbances- it is advisable to check for the presence concomitant diseases(hypertension, cardiovascular diseases). And only then begin physical therapy exercises.

Preparing to do the exercises

The correct organization of exercise therapy begins with determining a suitable complex and becoming familiar with the instructions for performing gymnastics. Rules to follow:

  1. Before physical education, you need to ventilate the room and wear comfortable clothes.
  2. 1–2 hours before physical activity, it is advisable to eat something that is not too heavy, but nutritious enough.
  3. Movements should be smooth and unhurried. It is worth complicating them gradually: moving from basic to more complex ones.
  4. You need to monitor your well-being during each exercise and breathe correctly. If pain or discomfort bothers you, then it is better to stop, or move on to relaxation or stretching exercises. At the same time, a little discomfort is acceptable.
  5. Pay attention Special attention correct technique. Your posture should be slender, your shoulders and head should be level.
  6. It is important to maintain regularity. Ideally, practice daily; if this does not work out, then at least once every two days.

A specialist physiotherapist will help you choose a set of exercises that is useful for a specific stage of the disease. His recommendations will depend on the patient’s physical fitness, concomitant diseases and the duration of the last exacerbation. There is an opportunity to join exercise therapy both in special rooms at the clinic and at home. Optional.

What should not be done by patients with osteochondrosis:

  • It is not recommended to exercise during exacerbations;
  • It is forbidden to lift weights - this can provoke a deterioration in well-being;
  • unnecessary shocks are not recommended: running, jumping, throwing anything;
  • people with osteochondrosis should not hang on the crossbar or take poses with emphasis on their hands.

A person who was involved in sports before diagnosis can continue their usual workouts, after adjusting them. The doctor will help eliminate risky exercises that lead to complications of the disease. Otherwise, you can continue your usual activities.

Method of execution and stages of exercises

There are different approaches to solving the problems of cervical osteochondrosis. The most popular of them are well-known: these are the original methods of domestic scientific medicine (Bubnovsky, Shishonin), and complexes of traditional teachings of the East (qigong, yoga), this also includes the development of alternative areas of treatment (Norbekov, Popov). Exercises can be dynamic, static, isometric. The methodology for their implementation is determined by how the authors see the problem and its causes.

The main rule of any medical complex: a gradual step-by-step transition from simple to more complex exercises. Don't expect too quick results. The disease does not come suddenly; its development takes years. Also, healing is a slow process, but the main thing is to start it. Regularity and consistency are important postulates of training. You can achieve success through persistent training, always observing safety precautions, and keeping an eye on contraindications.

A set of exercises by Shishonin-Bubnovsky

Professor, doctor medical sciences CM. Bubnovsky, the founder of kinesitherapy (kinesis - movement + therapia - treatment), at one time independently recovered from severe injuries received as a result of the accident. Bubnovsky says that neck pain occurs in spasmodic muscles. And it is they who need to be influenced. How? Movement! His method consists of the therapeutic application of a certain set of correct movements (from simple to complex). Thus, cell nutrition processes, including metabolism in bones and muscles, are gradually restored neuroreflexively. Special rehabilitation simulators (sling sling systems) are used in treatment, but this is not necessary. There are exercises for doing at home, without auxiliary equipment. Portable sports equipment such as an expander, fitball, back roller, etc. can also be used. The therapeutic effect is closely related to technique correct breathing during training. According to Bubnovsky, it should be diaphragmatic, in other words, you need to breathe with your stomach, not your chest.

Kinesitherapy consists of active exercises (therapeutic exercise, mobile games) and passive procedures (massage, mechanotherapy, stretching).

In gymnastics according to Bubnovsky, the emphasis is on strengthening skeletal muscles. Their work affects all systems of the body. After all, it is the muscles that a person is able to control at will, unlike other major systems in the body.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Academician A. Yu. Shishonin proposed a complex of simple but effective exercises which do not require additional devices and are performed in a sitting position. A treatment and prophylactic complex was developed in the clinic of Shishonin’s colleague, Dr. Bubnovsky. Hence its double name.

It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD);
  • migraines and dizziness;
  • hypertensive syndrome;
  • disturbances of the daily rhythm (sleep and wakefulness);
  • memory and concentration disorders.

Shishonin sees the main problem of poor health as circulatory failure. The cause is spasmodic neck muscles, which swell and compress nerve endings and blood vessels. Hence the pain, dizziness, slowness of thought.

Shishonin-Bubnovsky's home complex consists of 7 exercises and is aimed at stretching and relaxing the cervical spine. Recommended for people of all ages, subject to correct technique, and the absence of contraindications. Perform each exercise 5–10 times:

  1. Sitting and keeping your back straight, smoothly lower your head onto one shoulder and hold in this position for 30 seconds. Slowly return to the original position. Do the same in the other direction.
  2. Gently lower your head onto your chest (chin touching your chest), fixing it in this position for half a minute, then slowly stretch your neck forward and lift it up.
  3. Tilt your head and slowly turn it to the right and then to the left, stopping in each position for 30 seconds.
  4. The right hand is placed on left shoulder, elbow raised. Then you need to slowly turn your head towards the raised hand (in this case to the right). Stay in this pose, pay attention to muscle tension.
  5. Performed as the exercise from step 3, only the position of the hands changes: they are connected and raised above the head.
  6. Sitting straight, place your hands on your knees. Next, clasp your hands and slowly move them behind your back, stretching your neck upward.
  7. An exercise to stretch and relax the neck muscles, it completes the complex. Stand up straight, arms along your body. Stretch your neck forward and turn your head left and right, trying to reach your chin to your shoulder.

This type of gymnastics is recommended for people with sedentary work, susceptible to stress and psycho-emotional overload. It will not harm those who abuse poor nutrition, which affects the deposition of salts in the joints.

Gymnastics against neck pain (Bubnovsky) - video:

Norbekov's healing system

According to a specialist alternative medicine M. S. Norbekov, the cervical spine needs to be trained in isolation. This means that the upper and lower thoracic regions, as well as the lumbar region, remain motionless.

The main movements in his gymnastics are: flexion - extension, twisting - unwinding, straightening - compression. It is recommended to breathe only through the nose. In the nose, oxygen is ionized, and this way the blood absorbs it better.

Norbekov’s exercises for the neck (perform each 10–15 times):

  1. In a sitting or standing position, with your back straight, your shoulders fixed motionless, clasp your palms and place them in front of your eyes. You need to stretch the top of your head towards the ceiling, trying to look out from behind the “fence” that your palms form. Stretching your neck using only the cervical vertebrae, turn your head to the right and left.
  2. Straighten up, lift your chin, looking into the distance. Start to smoothly slide your chin down your chest until it stops. The neck is moderately tense. After performing a reverse slide, return to the starting position.
  3. Keeping an even posture, smoothly move your head back, touching your back with the back of your head, while simultaneously pressing your head into your shoulders. Then slowly tilt your head forward, continuing to pull it into the spine, and begin to slide your chin along your chest in the direction of your navel. You need to perform the exercise without tension, gradually adding strength.
  4. The spine is straight, the shoulders are immobilized. Smoothly tilt your head to the side, alternately to each shoulder. Try to achieve maximum range of motion. This won’t happen right away, but after a while it will become easier to cope with.
  5. The head is exactly in line with the back. Smoothly move your eyes to the right, then to the left, while simultaneously turning your head in the direction of your gaze, bringing it all the way, trying to look behind your back. Do it without tension.
  6. Mentally draw an imaginary axis, one end of which passes through the nose, the other through the back of the head. Turn your head around this axis, moving up and to the side. This exercise is performed in three versions: a level position of the head, tilting it forward, or tilting the head back.
  7. Keep your back and shoulders straight. Stretch your neck forward, parallel to the floor, pointing your chin up and to the sides: left and right.
  8. Perform rotational movements with your head, smoothly rolling it over your shoulders. Do it relaxed, without tension.

Cervical spine exercises additionally train the vestibular apparatus and relieve dizziness. A person stops getting motion sickness in transport, and even seasickness goes away. It must be said that Norbekov pays special attention to mood, offering to mentally draw images of youth and health in problem areas your body that the exercises are aimed at.

Complex of longevity and rejuvenation from Popov

Traditional healer P.A. Popov advises that before starting exercises on the cervical spine, lubricate the sore spot with pre-prepared ointment: mix camphor oil, finely grated ginger and horseradish in equal quantities. This way the effect will be better. Additionally, if the room temperature allows it, it’s a good idea to wear a sweater with a high neck. There are a few more recommendations before starting physical activity:

  • the gymnastic complex is performed on a hard surface;
  • When doing each exercise, you need to try to tense all the muscles of the body;
  • breathe evenly, in time with your movements. Be careful not to hold your breath;
  • pay all your attention to the area of ​​the body you are currently working on;
  • you need to start with a small number of repetitions and low intensity of movements;
  • It is acceptable for discomfort to occur in the first 1–2 days after physical education. If you feel worsening immediately after doing the exercises, consult a doctor. He will advise on the advisability of their continuation;
  • The optimal time for Popov’s gymnastics is in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. At the same time, the doctor believes that each person has the right to individually determine the time for charging and its frequency;
  • The first results can be felt after 3-5 days, but you should not expect an immediate miracle. Improvements come gradually, but subject to regular implementation of the complex.

Examples of exercises (repeat 8–10 times each):

  1. Lying flat on your back, smoothly, but with effort, rotational movements (around the axis - the spine) turn your head left and right until it stops. This exercise is especially effective for dizziness, tinnitus, and headaches.
  2. In a horizontal position on your back, your arms are extended behind your head and clasped together, your knees are bent, and your pelvis is raised and held in weight. Energetically and smoothly tilt your head with your arms forward, while your pelvis moves down synchronously, but without touching the floor. Return to the reverse position. Exercise normalizes processes in cervicothoracic region.
  3. Lying on a bench, or on two chairs standing close together, hang your head and neck over the edge of the bench, clasp your hands and stretch them behind your head. Try not to bend your lower back too much, lower your head as low as possible, and turn it left and right until it stops.
  4. In the same position as exercise No. 3, tense the muscles of your arms and shoulders, and energetically (but not sharply) raise your arms together with your head in a forward and upward direction so that you get a semblance of a swing.

All exercises should be performed with caution by elderly people. Ideally, you need to get the approval of your doctor.

Qigong gymnastics

Alternative Eastern medicine brings to our attention its own method of preventing and treating the cervical spine. This is qigong gymnastics - a traditional Chinese system of breathing and physical exercises, presumably an offshoot of Chinese martial arts training.

Examples of exercises:

  1. In a standing or sitting position, the body is relaxed, warm up your hands by rubbing them together. Next, alternately rub the back of your neck with both palms using moderate force. Perform the movement 8 times. After this, rub the sides of the neck one by one - 8 times. Then outside palms make 8 similar movements from lower jaw to the place above the jugular fossa (pull point).
  2. While in the same position, bring your hands back, clasping them together. While inhaling, stand on your toes, raise your head, and press your hands on the lower part of the neck (dazhui point) in an upward and forward direction, gradually increasing the strength moderately. Perform 8–10 times.
  3. Standing straight, chin down on your chest, smoothly make circular movements with your head to the right, then to the left. During the exercise, you can mentally imagine circles described by your head during rotation. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Starting position of exercise No. 3. We turn our head, rolling our chin over our chest, drawing a semicircle from the right to the left all the way, and back. Only the head moves. Repeat 10 times.

These exercises for beginners are easy for anyone to do. But we must remember that qigong is also a spiritually oriented practice. It also includes meditative training: visualization and concentration on specific images, sounds, and special breathing techniques.

Qigong: warming up the cervical spine - video

Isometric exercises

Exercises based on the principle of statics and counteracting the resistance of various objects for 5–10 seconds. Aimed at working out skeletal muscles. This type of gymnastics is suitable for recovery from injuries. It gently acts on soft tissues without causing harm to the osteochondral system.

Examples of exercises:

  1. In a standing position, your shoulders are slightly pulled back, your posture is straight. Raise your right arm bent at the elbow to the side, palm parallel to your head. Place it on the side of your head just above your ear. We try to tilt our head in the opposite direction with our hand, while resisting with our head using the neck muscles. Perform 3 sets of 5 seconds. Do the same with the left side.
  2. Place your hands in a lock under your chin and moderately press it from bottom to top. At the same time resist with your head without changing its position. Perform 3 sets of 5 seconds.
  3. Place your hands in a lock on your forehead, trying to tilt your head back. Apply resistance with your head for 5 seconds. Do 3 approaches.
  4. We place our hands in a lock on the convex part of the back of the head, putting pressure on the head, trying to tilt it forward. Resist with your head for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

An important point of the complex is that it is the head that should provide resistance to the hand, and not vice versa.

Isometric exercises for cervical osteochondrosis and instability of the cervical spine - video

Possible consequences or how not to overdo it?

It is ideal to engage in exercise therapy under the supervision of a physician. A professionally selected load, immediate adjustment of the execution technique are advantages that will help you gain benefits while avoiding possible negative consequences.

The most common reason complications after physical therapy - the patient’s unjustified zeal. Without paying much attention to technical correctness and contraindications, people begin to actively practice. According to the principle: the more (faster, stronger) the better. However, in the case of therapeutic exercises, this is, to put it mildly, not so.

Therapeutic exercise and sports are different concepts. The goal of therapy is not Olympic records or winning competitions. The task of exercise therapy is to restore the health and physical potential of the body. If the rules say to do the exercise 15 times, and you feel unwell, you don’t need to try to finish the repetitions by force, blindly following the instructions. In the process, you need to listen to the body and notice its slightest clues. It’s better to do less, but with technical quality.

Inaccurate or sudden movements when stretching the spine can cause microdamage: tears and cracks. Which will eventually turn into a hernia.

Exercises for stretching the vertebrae are useful in recovering from injuries, but their relevance in degenerative processes causes heated debate among doctors.

The consequences of a negligent approach to exercise therapy can be:

  • sudden pain from a sprain;
  • muscle spasms;
  • disc microcracks.

At sharp pain and sprains need to be stopped urgently active actions. It is recommended to apply a cold compress, take a painkiller tablet, and rest for a while. If the pain does not go away for several days, you should see a surgeon or traumatologist. He will prescribe an x-ray or other examination - at his discretion. Temporarily avoid procedures that cause complications. This does not mean that in the future gymnastics exercise therapy is contraindicated for you. But the approach will definitely need to be adjusted and changed. To begin with, cure the complications that have arisen.

Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is main way stopping this disease. Any doctor will confirm this. If you are diagnosed with Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, video gymnastics will normalize joint mobility and tone of muscle fibers, strengthen the neck muscles, and also increase elasticity blood vessels and blood supply to the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs.

Cervical exercises for osteochondrosis in combination with rhythmic breathing will restore normal cerebral circulation. This will lead to improvement mental performance– will prevent memory loss and help better process memorization.

The vast majority of people consult a doctor when they have neck pain that can no longer be tolerated. If they are not caused by other reasons, for example, myositis or a fracture, then when clarifying the diagnosis using an X-ray or MRI image, as a rule, a polysegmental type of disease will be detected - the presence of at least one intervertebral hernia “surrounded” by protrusions of neighboring discs.

Physical therapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis in acute period and during an exacerbation they solve the same problems:

  • assistance in pain relief;
  • eliminating muscle hypertonicity, promoting muscle relaxation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increased blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • promoting scarring of ruptures of the disc fibrous ring.

Objectives of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the second period of treatment and during remission:

  • preventing the development of discomfort or pain;
  • improvement of tissue nutrition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • increasing the tone and strength of the muscle fibers of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • prevention of the formation of adhesions and osteophytes (inert growths);
  • restoration and maintenance of the natural, physiological curve of the cervical spine.

It is necessary to do an individual exercise therapy complex for cervical osteochondrosis daily and several times. Only regular loads will help you achieve your goal.

Attention. The price of non-treatment or occasional exercise is the progress of pathology, which will definitely end surgery, or the development of cervical myelopathy (destruction spinal cord), ending in paralysis and disability.


In this article, we present a selection of exercises that can be performed in almost everything, without seeking approval from a physical therapy specialist. However, this simple complex also has its contraindications.

This complex of Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (video) is prohibited from being performed if you have the following diseases or conditions:

  • acute pain in any part of the spine;
  • arterial hypertension or high blood pressure before the start of exercise;
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure;
  • acute period of any disease, accompanied by a body temperature above 38 ° C;
  • “fresh” traumatic brain injuries and concussions, the acute period after craniocerebral operations and interventions on the cervical vertebrae.

For your information. Breathing exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is mandatory, and there are no restrictions for it. Breathing exercises in a lying position, accompanied by hand movements, are indicated even after serious abdominal or neurosurgical operations.

Forms of exercise therapy

The forms of prescribed exercise therapy depend on the period of the disease:

  1. In the acute period or during exacerbation, treatment includes:
  • isometric exercises for the neck muscles with overcoming resistance;
  • combinations of static positions that help relax the biceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles (see photo above);
  • passive abduction of the arm, smooth swinging movements in shoulder joints in an accessible amplitude;
  • if necessary, a course of a special Kogan-Malevik post-isometric relaxation complex - tensing the shoulder muscles, followed by passive movements of the arm;
  • breathing exercises.
  1. In the second period and during remission, exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine video consists of:
  • static (isometric) exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • pendulum-like swings and swinging movements of the arms (ballistic stretching);
  • exercises for the shoulder girdle with gradually increasing weights;
  • slow and smooth dynamic movements in the cervical region;
  • swimming.

On a note. In the acute period, do not forget to include in the complex physical therapy exercises with cervical osteochondrosis, chest and abdominal breathing. It will help return to normal the reduced excursion of the chest formed due to the unnatural position of the spine, which alleviated the pain syndrome.

Execution Rules

Instructions for performing a selection of exercises Gymnastics for the cervical spine with osteochondrosis:

  1. If necessary, the exercises can be performed while sitting.
  2. If the cervical vertebrae are unstable and you are wearing a Shants splint, perform the exercises as much as possible without removing the corset.
  3. All dynamic movements should be slow and smooth, without jerking or jerking, and their amplitude should be maximum, but not cause painful sensations.
  4. You can eat food 30 minutes after the end of the lesson, and the start of the complex should be only an hour after the main meal.

On a note. Before performing this complex of Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the video shows self-massage of the neck muscles, rubbing in an ointment or gel prescribed by a doctor or, for example, Dolobene-gel, Troxevasin-gel or Decontractile cream.

A selection of exercises and positions for the treatment of neck osteochondrosis

After a few minutes of self-massage, you should perform warm-up exercises. They are familiar to everyone and do not require video placement in this article.


  • Perform movements in the cervical spine several times in different projections:
    1. bending forward and backward;
    2. turns left and right;
    3. tilts left and right;
    4. moving the chin forward and backward (in the photo above - right-bottom);
    5. combined turns with tilt;
    6. circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Do any exercises to warm up your fingers.
  • Warm up the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle:
    1. synchronous and asynchronous lifting and lowering of the shoulders;
    2. simultaneous rotational circular movements in the shoulders.

Isometric neck muscle tension

Perform “tilts” of the head to the left, right, forward, backward, as well as “turns” to the right and left, overcoming the resistance of the hand and remaining motionless, as shown in the photo above; in addition, this exercise is an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Follow the following algorithm:

  1. Block: 3 seconds of tension (inhale through the nose) – 6 seconds of relaxation (exhale through pursed lips).
  2. Repeat each block 3 times, then make one head rotation clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Perform the first block with minimal, the second with medium, and the third with maximum muscle tension and pressure of the arm(s). Thus, during the first two blocks the red ones will train muscle fibers and the capillary network is strengthened, and when performing the third block, white muscle fibers will be activated, the tension of which will strengthen the strength of the muscles and slightly increase their volume.
  4. After a few days, increase the duration of tension to 4 seconds, and relaxation to 8. It is worth increasing the duration of one isotonic tension to 7 seconds, no more. In this case, exhaling and relaxing the muscles will take 14 seconds.

This exercise can be performed either standing or sitting in any position. Bend your arms and place your fingers on your shoulders, keeping your elbows straight to the sides as shown in the photo above.

Make a few movements with your elbows up and down, then 4-5 raises in front of you and maximum extensions back. After this, simultaneously draw circles “forward” and “backward” with your elbows.

Important. During the exercise, your back and neck should be straight, and the top of your head should reach toward the ceiling.

Strengthening the deltoid muscle

Join your arms above your head in a bear lock as shown in figure (1):

  1. Tighten all the muscles of your body trying to break the “lock”. Do isometric tension while holding your breath for 3 to 10 seconds (maximum). Then, as you exhale, relax your muscles and make one circular movement with clasped hands, once in each direction (2 in the picture). Repeat this alternation of statics and dynamics (1-2) two more times. Do not forget that the tension should be weak at first, then medium, and the third time - maximum.
  2. Place a “bear lock” in front of the solar plexus, placing your elbows exactly to the sides, with your right hand “on top”. With slight tension in the neck and shoulder girdle, while “your arms are moving to break,” make 8-10 smooth movements with your elbows – one up, the other down (like a rocker arm). Then change the position of your hands in the lock and repeat the movements.

Bear lock behind your back

Perform this exercise by alternating the positions of your arms, spreading them apart. IN end point– in the lock, each time tense your muscles stronger, observing next algorithm by time: first 3 seconds, then 4 and so on until 7. Don’t forget that your back and neck should be straight.

Please note - the classic mudra (hand position) of yoga “bear lock” is performed with a hitch four fingers without the participation of the thumbs, but the fingers should be tightly clenched into fists.

If this exercise is not available, then start with a lightweight version with a towel, as shown in the photo below.

After a few weeks, the joints will develop and it will be possible to perform this exercise without a towel.

Grasshopper (Locust)

This pose will also help those who have digestive problems. genitourinary system and prostate gland.

In the classic version, this yoga asana is performed lying down. Do not bend your chest too much and throw your head back. Neck line and thoracic must be straight. Pay attention to your legs - your feet should not be spread wider than your shoulders, and your heels should “look” at the ceiling.

Time to hold the position: as long as you can, but no more than 3 minutes. However, to begin with, you can perform easier variations in a standing or sitting position.

Final exercise

This position is contraindicated for pregnant women, and people with pathologies knee joints and diarrhea should be performed with caution.

At the end, we recommend performing an asana that will help put all the joints of the spinal column in their natural anatomical position, and make trips to the chiropractor unnecessary. Take a position as close as possible to the one shown in the photo above. By the way, the “lower” leg and bent arm can be straight.

With each exhalation, do a small “twist” in the lower back, chest and neck. Try not to allow excessive bending of the spine, but only perform twisting.

Time spent in asana: from 5-10 seconds to 3 minutes maximum. Don't forget to do the exercise in the other direction. After 6-8 weeks of daily practice, your position will be no worse than that of the instructor.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region will be effective only if performed regularly, preferably daily. Cost of refusal and continuation sedentary lifestyle life - the return of all discomfort and pain, as well as the progression of the disease, which threatens the occurrence of protrusions and hernias in the intervertebral discs.

The cervical spine is an important part of the spinal column. Problems with this part of the spine lead to very bad consequences. In addition, advanced cervical osteochondrosis leads to inevitable problems of the thoracic spine. The exercises for the cervical spine recommended below are designed to maintain and restore mobility of the cervical musculoskeletal system.

This set of exercises was developed by leading vertebrologists for the prevention and rehabilitation of the cervical spine.

How to avoid acute forms of diseases of the cervical spine

Hypothermia at chronic diseases in the neck and sternum area is very dangerous. This leads to excessive muscle tension, which is often the source of problems in the cervical spine. Therefore, a scarf for people with osteochondrosis is not only a fashionable and stylish item of clothing, but also an extremely necessary wardrobe item for maintaining health. No matter how trivial it may sound, a warm scarf and hat are a must in the cold season.

Keep in mind that during exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis, preventive and strengthening exercises are contraindicated. Before you begin, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Exercises for the cervical spine

A set of exercises aimed at the cervical spine has different levels complexity, so any person, regardless of his condition and level of physical fitness, can choose the complex that he can do.

A set of simple exercises

These exercises, aimed at the cervical spine, do not require any preparation and can be performed by people of any age. As a preventative measure, they can be performed even at the workplace.

  1. The exercise is performed sitting or standing, keeping your arms down. First turn your head as far as possible to the right and as far as possible to the left. The main thing is not to make sudden movements. The goal is to achieve such an amplitude of movements that extreme point the chin was located above the shoulder. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 10 times. At the same time, the cervical spine gains elasticity and flexibility.
  2. We lower the chin to the neck. We turn our heads to the right and left. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 10 times. Salts accumulated in upper section spine, are thus crushed and removed from the body.
  3. The exercise is also performed sitting or standing, arms down. We lower our head down, trying to reach our breasts with our chin. Repeat from 5 to 10 times.
  4. The starting position is the same. We move our head back, while retracting our chin. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 10 times.
  5. In a sitting or standing position, you need to throw your head back and try to touch your right shoulder with your right ear, the same - in left side. Number of repetitions: 5 times in each direction. This exercise will allow you to develop the spine in the area of ​​the back of the head and remove the salts accumulated there.
  6. The exercise is performed while sitting. Place your palm on your forehead. We tilt our head forward, while pressing our palm on our forehead, trying to prevent the movement of our head. Completes within 10 seconds. Number of repetitions up to 10 times.
  7. The starting position is the same. Place your palm on your temple. We tilt our head towards the palm, also trying to prevent the movement of the head. Duration - 10 seconds. Repeat up to 10 times.
  8. In a sitting or standing position, lower your chin to your chest, then you need to slowly tilt it back. The goal is to look as far back as possible. Number of repetitions - up to 10 times.
  9. The exercise can also be performed sitting or standing. We interlock our fingers at the back of the head, and bring our elbows under the chin. Raise your elbows together as high as possible. Duration of execution is 10-15 seconds. Quantity - 5-10 times. This exercise must be performed with extreme caution, but it is indispensable for the cervical spine, since you can control the degree of stretching of the vertebrae yourself, focusing on your sensations.
  10. The exercise is performed sitting or standing, keeping your arms down. Raise your shoulders as much as possible and remain in this position for 10 seconds. Drop your shoulders and relax. Repeat from 5 to 10 times.

When performing exercises for the cervical vertebrae, carefully monitor your own condition and pain. If any ailments occur, exercises must be stopped or their intensity reduced. Remember, all movements must be done smoothly, slowly. The cervical spine is its most mobile part, and therefore the most traumatic. Sudden movements will only worsen the condition.

Such basic exercises can not only increase the flexibility of the cervical spine, but also relieve muscle congestion, improve their tone, strengthen weakened muscles, increase their elasticity, and also reduce the level of pain in the affected area. Such physical activity is effective for both the cervical and thoracic spine, which is very important, as these sections are closely related to each other.

A set of exercises for people with minimal physical fitness

The basic principles of the previous complex of physical activity are the basis of this system of physical therapy. They have the same therapeutic and preventive focus. It is advisable to use this set of exercises for the cervical spine as morning preventive and strengthening exercises and not to use it during periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics must be performed on a flat, hard surface. To practice, you will need a chair and a mat, as well as bolsters for your arms, knees and neck.

  • We perform all movements slowly, without jerking;
  • are performed sequentially, one after another;
  • perform each exercise at least three times;
  • Monitor your condition carefully.

So, let's develop the cervical spine:

  1. We lie down on the floor and place cushions under our neck, arms and knees. Relax, slowly turning your head to the sides. Slowly we raise our hands and seem to drop them. Raise your head, look to the left, again seem to drop your head, do the same to the right side.
  2. In a sitting position, we shrug our shoulders.
  3. While lying down, turn your head left and right.
  4. In a sitting position, place your hands on the back of your head and interlock your fingers. We spread our elbows to the sides as much as possible, then lower our hands and relax.
  5. In a sitting position, bend your arms at the elbows and place them on your shoulders. Cross your elbows. We move the right bent arm to the left, and the left one to the right, while muscle tension should arise in the back. This gymnastics is also good for the prevention of thoracic osteochondrosis.
  6. Get down on your knees and place your arms and hands on the floor. Arching your back, slide your hands forward.
  7. Lie on your stomach. The bolster should be under your hips. To enhance the effect, you can squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  8. Lying on your back, knees bent, hands along your hips. Slowly raise our shoulders, head, lower and relax. The head can be turned either to the right or to the left.
  9. Performed while lying on your stomach. It is better to put a pillow under your stomach. Fix your feet, hands along your hips. Raise your back to a horizontal line without arching back.

Regular practice is extremely important. The cervical spine can give you unpleasant surprises if such exercises are done from time to time, in which case they can only cause harm.


Exercises for the cervical spine should be used only after consultation with a doctor. In some conditions this is very dangerous. Inflammatory processes, acute pain, increased arterial pressure- with such phenomena everything physical exercise strictly contraindicated.

Daily exercise is the most effective prevention of cervical osteochondrosis in people at risk. As a rule, they spend a lot of time at the computer and spend a long time with their heads bowed while working with documents.

Preparation for classes

After diagnosis and treatment acute pain the patient is referred to a physical therapy doctor. He studies the X-ray results and the vertebrologist’s report, medical history, and then begins to compile a set of exercises. The doctor must explain to the patient the meaning of regular exercise and talk about the rules, the observance of which helps to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of exercise:

  • Exercises should be performed during the period of remission for 20-30 minutes every day;
  • you need to choose clothes made from “breathable” materials that easily absorb moisture and do not hinder movement;
  • the room should be warm enough, but it must be ventilated before training;
  • the appearance of painful sensations is a signal to stop exercising. It can only be resumed after a long rest.


When compiling a treatment complex, exercise therapy doctors often use exercises from the author’s methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis. They were developed by rehabilitation specialists and chiropractors, Ignatiev, Shishonin. All exercises are performed smoothly - sudden movements with the maximum possible amplitude are strictly prohibited. The goal of the classes is to improve blood circulation in the neck without putting stress on the discs and vertebrae.

During training, you need to listen to the sensations that arise. If pain appears only when performing a certain movement, then it should be excluded from the complex. And when you feel better after exercise and feel warm in your muscles, then it is advisable to increase the number of hikes. Before classes, be sure to do a light warm-up - walk around the room, raising your knees high, do several body bends, turns, and squats.

Pendulum head

To complete this exercise you will need a hardback book. Sit on a stool, legs slightly apart. Place the book on your head and hold it with your hand for a while to maintain balance. Then, to do this, strain only the neck muscles. Over the course of several classes, learn to stay with a book on your head for 10-15 minutes. Then the exercise becomes more difficult. You need to shake your head from side to side, forward, back so that the book does not slide off. At the final stage, you need to remove it and do several circular rotations with your head to relax the muscles.

Wrapping your arms around your neck

The starting position of the body is standing or sitting. Interlock your fingers, excluding your thumbs, and place them on the back of your neck. The little fingers should be located just under the back of the head. The thumbs should be placed under the jaw. If all the fingers are positioned correctly, a kind of frame is formed, similar to that used in.

Now you should smoothly, slightly slowly tilt your head, first to one side, then to the other, while simultaneously offering resistance with your palms. Due to the obstacle created, the muscles become more tense, which makes them more rapid strengthening. After a few minutes, you need to move your fingers down a little and repeat all the movements.

We lean on the table with our hands

Stand straight with your back to the table, legs slightly apart, hands resting on the tabletop. Slowly stretch, arching your lower back and throwing your head back. There should be a pleasant sensation due to the stretching of the muscles of the entire back and neck. Then you need to return to the starting position and sit down shallowly, without taking your hands off the table, bowing your head to your chest. Smoothly straighten up and repeat all movements 5-10 times. This exercise is convenient to perform not only at home, but also in the office during a work break. The same thing happens to the vertebral structures as in the session - the distance between the vertebral bodies increases, the compression of nerves and blood vessels disappears.

We turn our neck and head, providing resistance

This is an isometric exercise, during which any dynamic movements are excluded. Sit on a stool, spread your legs, place your right palm on right cheek. Now you need to try to turn your head to the right side, resisting with your palm. At correct execution exercise, the head remains motionless, only the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle tense. After a couple of minutes, you should repeat the movements in the other direction, using left hand.

Extend your neck, offering resistance

Starting position - sitting or standing. Interlace your fingers and place them on the back of your head. Provide resistance when trying to throw your head back. It should be taken into account that the muscles of the back of the head and neck should be in a state of tension for no more than 20 seconds. Then you need to return to the starting position and repeat all movements after 2-3 minutes. The exercise is effective for headaches and impaired coordination of movements characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis of 2nd severity.

Bend your neck to the side, offering resistance

Sit on a stool, place your right hand on your right top part heads. Bend your neck to the right, resisting with your palm for 20 seconds. Then take the starting position of the body, resting your left hand on the left side of your neck. Try to tilt your head to the left, pressing right palm, while simultaneously resisting with the left. Repeat all movements in the opposite direction.

Bend your neck forward, offering resistance

Sit or stand straight, place your palm on the back of your head. Now you need to press with your hand in an attempt to tilt your head and at the same time strain your neck muscles, trying to keep it in an upright position. Then the second palm should be placed under the chin. Try to bend your neck, resisting with both hands, tensing the muscles of the back of your head, neck, and shoulder girdle for 20 seconds.

When and what results to expect from training

After about a month, the condition of the cervical vertebral structures improves, which is manifested in a decrease in the severity of pain and an increase in range of motion. With osteochondrosis of 1st degree of severity, complete disappearance of symptoms is observed. This occurs due to the restoration of blood supply to cartilage tissues nutrients. As a result, the process of partial recovery of damaged disks is launched.

In patients with grade 2 and 3 osteochondrosis, the number and duration of relapses is reduced. do not occur after hypothermia or during the flu, ARVI due to the following:

  • strengthening the muscle corset of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • increasing the strength and elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Even with awkward, intense movement, the skeletal muscles reliably hold the discs and vertebrae in anatomical alignment. correct position. There is no displacement of them, no compression of the spinal roots, or the vertebral artery that supplies blood to the brain. Along with pain and stiffness, visual and hearing disorders disappear, and the optimal level of blood pressure is restored.


In the acute period, therapeutic exercises are not performed. At the subacute stage, a physical therapy doctor may recommend performing isometric exercises, but only under his supervision.

Contraindications to therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis
Absolute Temporary
Atrioventricular block Exacerbation of any chronic pathology
Availability foreign body near large vessels and nerve trunks Complications of cervical osteochondrosis
Acute coronary or cerebral circulation Development inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the neck
Malignant neoplasms of any location Viral, bacterial, fungal infections
Thrombosis, embolism Injury to cervical structures, including skin
Severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system Progression
Negative ECG dynamics , weakness, malaise
Bleeding of any location Sinus, paroxysmal or atrial fibrillation

Spinal diseases can cause symptoms such as cephalalgia and dizziness, chest pain, decreased vision and others. Gymnastics for the cervical spine helps to cope with the disease and improve the quality of life. In addition, physical therapy can be used to prevent back diseases along with classical massage.

Exercise effectiveness

The results obtained from performing exercises can be divided into long-term and short-term. Some remain for a long time, others go away after a few hours.

Long-term effects Short-lived effects
Reducing pain in a specific area Improving muscle blood circulation: outflow venous blood and arterial inflow
Strengthening the body's defense response Tonic effect
Proliferation of muscle fibers Metabolism activation
Reducing stiffness of movement and pathological mobility of the vertebrae Measured change in skeletal muscle tone
Increased resistance to fatigue Promotion energy reserves body
Restoration of nerve fibers
Improving metabolic processes in muscles and intervertebral discs
Improvement of general and psycho-emotional state

In order for long-term effects to occur as soon as possible, it is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises regularly for at least 15–20 days, without missing a single session.

Who is prohibited from engaging in physical therapy?

Any physiotherapeutic treatment has a number of contraindications. This is due to the fact that it can provoke an exacerbation or cause various kinds of complications. To find out if you belong to a risk group, you must consult a specialist in advance. It is prohibited to perform neck exercises with the following deviations:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pronounced pain in the cervicothoracic region, which does not go away after taking painkillers and NSAIDs;
  • the first signs of swelling or inflammation of the lungs;
  • exhaustion and dehydration of the body;
  • chronic cardiopulmonary failure;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident (cerebral infarction);
  • malignant neoplasms of 3 and 4 degrees;
  • infectious diseases less than 2 weeks ago;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • suffered extensive myocardial infarction;
  • dementia and severe mental disorders.

Before you start doing gymnastics, it is necessary to completely eliminate the cause of the pain. Under no circumstances should you do the exercises all at once; you should start a little and gradually increase the load.

Various methods for treating the neck

Cervical gymnastics is a mandatory method of treating cervical instability due to osteochondrosis. It is very important to do everything regularly and not miss a single lesson.

This is a specially designed set of exercises in which muscles are tensed without contraction. That is why during work several effects are achieved at once: an increase in muscle strength and their complete relaxation. Most often, such gymnastics is prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia, spondyloarthrosis, etc.

The founder of isometric exercises is Igor Borshchenko

The main exercises are:

  • Collar – starting position sitting or standing. You need to clasp your neck with your fingers so that thumbs ended up in front, and the rest behind the neck. A moderate girth of the neck occurs and a pivot point is created. The lesson begins from the upper part of the neck, i.e. the upper cervical vertebrae are affected. Do not squeeze the trachea and larynx. It is necessary to slowly bend and straighten your neck, then tilt your head to the side and hold in these positions for 5 seconds. After this, the brushes are slowly lowered down and all parts of the neck are worked out in this way.
  • Pendulum - starting position sitting, with a book placed on your head. Shake your head back and forth, while trying to hold the book. When you find a position in which the book lies flat, you need to remember it and try to hold the object like that for at least 3 minutes. Gradually it is necessary to increase the time.
  • Consent - starting position sitting on a chair, hand on forehead. First you need to try to tilt your head forward, while creating resistance with your hand. The duration of the exercise is 15–20 seconds. The other stage of the exercise is to slightly tilt your head back, while using your hand to create support under your neck. The anterior neck muscles are stretched. You need to freeze in this position for 5–7 seconds;
  • Sky - sitting position on a chair, hand on the back of the head. You must try to tilt your head back, while creating resistance with your hand. It is important to maintain isometric tension for at least 10 seconds. The neck bends down, thereby stretching the posterior muscles of the back.
  • Oh-oh – starting position sitting, hand on temple and ear. You need to perform the exercise by tilting your head to the side and creating resistance with your hand for about 15–20 seconds. Repeat the same on the other side.

Gymnastics Shishonin-Bubnovsky

These are not only effective exercises for the cervical spine, but also for the entire back. It has a patent, all possible permissions and is official medical method treatment of diseases. In addition, it contains many advantages: universal, safe, no contraindications based on gender, no age restrictions, prevents reappearance diseases, healing effect persists for a long period. In addition, patients note a general positive influence on the body.

Seven exercises used for cervical chondrosis:

  • Spring – starting position standing, hands down. Slowly lower your head forward and pause for a few seconds. Then tilt your head back with the same delay. Return to i. P.
  • Metronome – starting position standing, hands down. Tilt the head to the right and left towards the shoulders with a pause at the end. Important! When severe pain During exercises, it is necessary to reduce the time of pauses, and carry out the task itself more slowly.
  • Review – starting position as in previous exercises. Rotates the head 90 degrees to one and the other shoulder with delays in the final position for several seconds.
  • Goose – starting position standing, hands on the belt. The chin is raised up and extended forward, parallel to the floor. The head turns to the sides, touching the chin to the shoulder with a slight turn of the body.
  • Heron - starting position sitting, head straight, hands on knees. The arms look forward, then move back while tilting the head back. Return to i. P.
  • Difficult view - sitting position with hands on knees. Turn your head to the right, left palm on the right shoulder, elbow parallel to the floor. The right hand should remain in place, on the knee. Return to i. p. and repeat with the other hand.
  • Fakir - starting position sitting on a chair, arms above your head, elbows bent. The head turns to the side and lingers for a few seconds. Do the same in the other direction. At cervical hernia You may experience some discomfort, which goes away quickly.

Regular exercises will help you get rid of pain in the cervicothoracic spine in the shortest possible time.

All bends and turns are performed 20–30 times with a break between exercises of at least half a minute.

Exercises according to Norbekov

This is not a charge, but a complex special classes, selected to stretch intervertebral discs so that your gait becomes smooth, your head stops hurting and your memory improves. All exercises are performed slowly and carefully. The chin is close to chest. It is necessary to alternate stretching exercises with relaxing ones. With each session it is necessary to increase strength and gradually bring it to the limit.

The chin is lowered to the chest. It is necessary to slowly tilt your head, now to the right, now to the left. Chin down. The head turns slowly to the sides, with the chin touching first the left shoulder, then the right. We tilt our head first to one side, then to the other, lifting our chin up. It is very important to concentrate on the work of the state of mind. When performing them, you need to think about pleasant things and be in a good mood.

Gymnastics Butrimov

Suitable for people suffering from dystrophic diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis of the chest and lumbar region, scoliosis, minor back injuries, spinal curvature). The main task of the gymnast is to influence spinal column and muscle sparing physical exercise. There is a test complex that helps determine the flexibility of the neck and shows the ability to perform exercise therapy.

Tilt your head forward, you need to touch your chin to your chest. In a standing position, with your arms along your body, you need to throw your head back, looking up. Tilt the head to the side so that a straight line from one ear to the other vertically is even. You need to draw a mark on the wall at nose level. Turn to either side and slowly turn your nose towards the mark; if it is at the proper level, the result is excellent.

If it is impossible to complete the test exercises, do not be upset. Daily training will definitely be beneficial and will show positive results after some time. To perform the exercises correctly, you can watch video tutorials on the Internet. All exercises are very good to combine with massage of the collar area.
