What does wheezing mean. Wheezing in the lungs: the reasons for their manifestation and the main types

Wheezing in the bronchi during exhalation is most often observed with obstructive bronchitis... This ailment is often complicated by colds in children and adults. Treatment of bronchitis must be started in a timely manner, otherwise the disease will quickly turn into a chronic form, and its treatment will take a lot of time. But do not forget that wheezing can be triggered by more serious diseases, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia.

Causes of wheezing

When examining a patient, doctors often pay attention to wheezing that occurs on exhalation. These sounds can be wet, dry, sibilant, or bass. In adults and children, wheezing is accompanied by many diseases. respiratory organs... These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reaction;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • oncological diseases of the lungs or bronchi;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tuberculosis.

Pathological murmurs can be heard in diseases that are not at all associated with the lungs. These include diseases of cardio-vascular system, as well as some pathologies somatic nature which led to pulmonary and bronchial edema.

Severe wheezing is always seen with an asthma attack. If the characteristic sounds suddenly disappear, then this may indicate a critical narrowing of the airways, which is very dangerous for the patient's health and life.

Quite often, wheezing in the bronchi is observed with atypical course pneumonia and chronic bronchitis... These diseases can proceed without a rise in temperature and pose a danger to human life.

Symptoms of bronchitis

With bronchitis, the patient always has wheezing in the bronchi. This is due to the fact that an excess amount of sputum is collected in the tissues, which is excreted gradually. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • high temperature;
  • labored breathing;
  • headache;
  • signs of intoxication;
  • often bronchitis occurs against the background of a severe rhinitis.

Wheezing with bronchitis in the first days of the disease is dry, whistling sounds are heard when the patient breathes. After a few days, a lot of phlegm appears in the bronchi and sounds in the chest become moist.

After bronchitis, moist rales may persist for some time, which indicates incomplete recovery functions of the respiratory organs. If extraneous sounds in the chest are observed for too long, then chronic bronchitis can be suspected.

Frequent bronchitis in children leads to disruption of the respiratory organs. The result can be bronchial asthma.

Signs of pneumonia

If wheezing sounds in the chest do not disappear when the position of the body is changed and are observed even in the supine position, then pneumonia can be suspected. In this case, in adults and children, characteristic symptoms are observed:

  • weakness and lack of appetite;
  • hysterical cough, which often does not bring relief;
  • high temperature, can reach 40 degrees;
  • complete lack of appetite and apathy;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • dullness of sound when tapping the area of ​​the lungs;
  • pallor of mucous membranes and skin;
  • with inflammation of large areas lung tissue respiratory failure is observed.

Pneumonia can occur without fever. In this case, they speak of an atypical course. This phenomenon is often observed after the flu and is a danger to the patient's life.

At atypical pneumonia it is very difficult to choose antibiotics to which pathogens are sensitive. In most cases, several drugs from different groups are used simultaneously.

Signs of tuberculosis

Inhalation wheezing can be with pulmonary tuberculosis. it infection caused by Koch's wand, which is transmitted by airborne droplets and by household. You can suspect a disease in adults and children with the following symptoms:

  • The cough does not go away for a long time. Cough attacks are quite common and do not bring relief. At the end of the attack, viscous sputum is coughing up, often mixed with blood;
  • The patient becomes weak and apathetic, appetite worsens or is absent;
  • For a long time, subfebrile temperature is observed.

Curing tuberculosis is quite problematic, especially if the disease is neglected. It takes up to six months and then the patient is observed by a doctor for a couple of years.

Preventing tuberculosis will help BCG vaccination... The first time it is carried out in the maternity hospital, and then, if necessary, they do a revaccination.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma

At bronchial asthma wheezing is heard even from a distance. V this case wheezing dry and wheezing. The more intense the asthmatic attack, the more pronounced wheezing sounds in the chest.

With asthmatic attacks, the patient has difficulty breathing, his face becomes puffy and bluish. An asthmatic person tries to lean on a stable surface to clear his throat.

Bronchial asthma is difficult to treat. Therapy should be aimed at reducing the number of asthmatic attacks and relief of the patient's condition.

Pulmonary edema

The cause of wheezing in the sternum can be pulmonary edema. In this case, the severity of the buzzing sounds decreases as soon as the person changes the position of the body. Swelling can be the result of a severe allergic reaction.

With pulmonary edema, it is necessary to induce ambulance or deliver the patient to the hospital on their own. Delay can cost a person his life.

How to get rid of wheezing in the bronchi at home

It is imperative to treat wheezing in the bronchi, but, first of all, the cause of such a pathological phenomenon should be established. Do not self-medicate, as with different diseases the treatment regimen is very different. The selection of drugs should be handled by a doctor, while taking into account the tolerance of a particular medication.

If wheezing and buzzing in the chest are triggered by bacterial bronchitis, the doctor prescribes such medicines:

  • Antibiotics of a large spectrum of action.
  • Mucolytics and expectorants.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Rubbing.

If bronchitis is provoked by viruses, then instead of antibiotics, they are prescribed antiviral drugs, Groprinosine or Isoprinosine.


For bronchitis of any etiology, inhalation is indicated. Even 10 years ago, only steam inhalation was used, now it is more often recommended to use a nebulizer. The advantages of this method of treatment are that finely dispersed parts medicinal solutions fall into the lower respiratory organs, where they have curative action... If steam inhalation not allowed when elevated temperature, then you can use the nebulizer at temperatures up to 37.5 degrees.

To remove residual wheezing after bronchitis or pneumonia, the doctor may recommend inhalation with alkaline mineral water or a solution of soda. Such formulations soften irritated Airways and facilitate the passage of sputum.

Steam inhalation is not recommended for young children, as there is a high risk of burns.

Folk recipes

  • Two tablespoons of chopped plantain herb are poured into a thermos and poured into a glass of boiling water. Then they insist for an hour, strain and add two teaspoons of honey. Divide the drink into two portions, which are drunk warm in the morning and in the evening.
  • Pour two tablespoons of dry mustard powder and put them on at night. It is necessary to carry out such procedures for several nights in a row, then the wheezing will disappear.
  • A small onion is rubbed on a grater and the resulting gruel is poured into a jar. Vapors are inhaled for 10 minutes several times a day. You can add a few cloves of garlic to the onion.
  • Prepare a healing broth from half a liter of water and medicinal herbs... It is necessary to take a teaspoon of thyme, chamomile, linden inflorescences, calendula and plantain. Insist for 20 minutes, filter through a couple of layers of gauze and take a tablespoon 3 times a day. For the treatment of children younger age the dosage is reduced to a teaspoon.

If wheezing is provoked by pulmonary edema or there is an allergy to vegetation, treatment with decoctions should be abandoned.

The most common cause of wheezing in the bronchi is bronchitis.... Whistling and gurgling sounds in the respiratory organs occur both during and after illness. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will conduct full examination patient, to clarify the diagnosis.

If the patient has a cold, it is important to determine the features of the noise:

  1. If the wheezing is dry, air masses move along the bronchi with mucus, it can also be tissue edema or swelling. Whistling symptoms appear if a person suffers from asthma or the main focus of inflammation is hidden in the bronchi. The timbre of the sound with bronchitis can change, the noises disappear after the patient clears his throat properly. Dry rales are localized only in one side if the lung is damaged or the patient suffers from tuberculosis.
  2. Wet noises occur when there is a large amount of sputum, this sound is more like a bubbling air, which is blown, directing the air flow through the tube into the water. Moist wheezing is more often felt on inhalation. When the cough goes from dry to wet, that is, the phlegm leaves, the sounds in the chest disappear. This means that the doctor needs to prescribe treatment to thin the mucus and remove it as soon as possible, otherwise stagnation may occur. Stagnation is a favorable environment for microbes to multiply and spread through the respiratory tract. The consequences of a prolonged inflammatory process in this case are the most serious - pneumonia, abscess.

Regimen for the treatment of wheezing in the lungs

You can treat wheezing in the lungs at home, but it is better to do it in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. If a patient complains of an increase in body temperature, impotence, weakness, malaise, in order to alleviate the load on weakened organs, he is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus.

The usual treatment regimen includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that remove phlegm and dilate to normal values lumen in the bronchi.

Even dense purulent mucus can be dissolved thanks to the powerful drugs Cysteine, Mukobene, Mukomist. After the sputum begins to move, they switch to the expectorants Lazolvan, Mukaltin, ACC.

Together with these drugs, gastroenterologists recommend supporting the organs digestive tract an adult patient with probiotics and enveloping agents... Common budget medicines in this group are Laktovit Forte, Linex, Yogurt, Fosfalugel, Smecta, Maalox, Almagel.

If the patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, it will not hurt to attend physiotherapy and massage sessions. Professional approach to these manipulations helps to normalize blood circulation and improve the amount of mucus discharge in the patient.

Smoking during the course of the therapy course is strictly prohibited. The lungs are already affected, nicotine and tar can finally finish off the respiratory system. Complications from such experiments can be the most dangerous. Medical practice there are cases when smoking during pneumonia or bronchitis led to the chronicity of the process and an allergic reaction that turned into asthma.

Adults with wheezing in the lungs when breathing are shown to put warming compresses on the chest. Thanks to them, blood circulation increases, and softened sputum leaves faster. If a person tolerates steam inhalation well, you can add a couple of drops of mint or eucalyptus steam to the water. Make sure that the steam does not burn the larynx, but only warms. The feeling after the procedure should be enveloping and pleasant.

To increase immunity, multivitamin complexes do not interfere. Eat fresh fruit desserts and vegetable salads frequently.

Why do wheezing appear in the lung without temperature? Pathology respiratory system in general and the lung in particular - one of the most common and problematic in modern therapy... Exists great amount nosologies localized in the bronchopulmonary system. Disease symptoms are also varied. However, common to most lung diseases are fever, cough (dry or sputum), and the presence or absence of wheezing on auscultation of the patient's lungs.

The mechanism of wheezing is easy to understand. These sound noises are formed when air passes through the fluid present in the lungs and bronchi (sputum, exudate, mucus, blood) during breathing. In this case, wheezing is called wet.

Another way to form wheezing is of different caliber, which causes difficulty for air flow and causes the auscultatory picture of dry wheezing.

To the most frequent reasons the occurrence of wheezing include:

  • inflammatory diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • non-inflammatory pathological conditions(bronchial asthma);
  • stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation in heart disease;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • viral infections of the bronchopulmonary system (influenza, ARVI);
  • oncopathology of the lungs.

Wheezing in the lungs without fever

Almost all of these diseases are characterized by a combination of wheezing and hyperthermia of the body. However, in therapeutic practice, there are often clinical cases when wheezing occurs.

Most often, patients are not inclined to pay attention to the presence of this symptom and prefer to attribute it to previous illnesses or long-term smoking.

The doctor's task is to explain clearly that the presence of wheezing, even against the background of normothermia, does not mean complete well-being in the matter of health.

This condition indicates that the inflammatory process in the body persists, but at this stage it is latent. Careful observation of a doctor in such situations is very important, since the progression of the disease can begin at any time.

The causes of wheezing without fever can be caused by various types of inflammation:

The causes of wheezing in the lung without fever can also be trauma to the bronchi, malignant neoplasms and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Characteristics of wheezing in the lungs without temperature

With a latent course of the inflammatory process, wheezing can manifest itself in conjunction with symptoms such as a deterioration in general condition, loss of appetite, weight loss, shortness of breath, catarrhal phenomena, and can be isolated. In the latter case, it is the characteristic of wheezing that gives the doctor maximum information regarding clinical picture at the initial stage.

  1. Dry - their appearance is characterized by the onset of the disease. Under the influence of inflammation, edema of the mucous membrane is formed, as a result of which an obstacle is created for an adequate air flow through the bronchial tree, which causes the formation of wheezing. This state can be aggravated by reflex bronchial spasm, which also increases dry wheezing. These are wheezing in asthmoid conditions or oncological diseases lungs. Dry wheezing, as a rule, is generalized, auscultation is available over the entire surface of the lungs and indicates a large-scale spread of inflammation.
  2. Whistling - This is one of the options for dry wheezing. They are formed when the bronchi and bronchioles of small caliber are affected.
  3. Wet - formed when there is an accumulation in the lumen of the bronchi enough liquids. This can be exudate, effusion, phlegm, blood, or mucus. During auscultation, the doctor hears sound effects formed when air bubbles pass through the liquid with their further bursting. They characterize the presence of chronic bronchitis, resolution of bronchial asthma, or such serious condition like pulmonary edema.

Depending on the caliber of the affected bronchi, moist rales, flowing without temperature, can be fine- medium- and large-bubble. Each type of wet wheezing is characteristic of a specific pathology.

According to another classification, wheezing, proceeding without an increase in temperature, is divided into inspiratory and expiratory, depending on the phase of respiration in which they occur.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the lungs

Regardless of whether the body temperature is elevated or not, patients with wheezing in the lungs need a detailed examination and appropriate treatment.

Children with wheezing of any location and characteristics are hospitalized in 100% of cases.

Adult patients, depending on the cause of the disease and general condition, can be prescribed outpatient or inpatient treatment.

If asthma is the cause of wheezing, the patient is consulted by an allergist-pulmonologist and develops an individual treatment regimen for him using hormonal agents, bronchospasmolytics.

At malignant tumors the bronchopulmonary system, the issue of their operability is being resolved with further courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy under the supervision of an oncologist.

With the pathology of the cardiovascular system, the symptoms are eliminated by treating the underlying disease. In addition to etiotropic, symptomatic therapy also plays an important role.

To improve the condition of patients, it is necessary to achieve dilution of sputum and improve its outflow. For this, it is advisable to prescribe mucolytics and expectorant drugs.

Often, with an allergic type of inflammation, an appointment is necessary hormonal drugs and corticosteroids. These drugs reduce laryngeal edema and bronchial tree and improve general state sick.

Regardless of the initial pathology, patients need to be prescribed supportive vitamin therapy, massage, physiotherapy procedures.

Treatment of such conditions without consulting a specialist can cause the transition of latent inflammation to progressive. That is why the appearance of wheezing, regardless of the presence of other symptoms, is a reason to see a doctor.

Wheezing without coughing, appearing on breathing, but not accompanied by a temperature, indicates the presence various diseases respiratory organs. Most often this is a consequence of not completely cured acute bronchitis... In some cases, wheezing sounds occur as a result of the formation of mucus in the bronchi. In order to establish the cause of their manifestation during breathing, you should consult a doctor.

An adult or child's wheezing cough, as well as noises, is usually a symptom of pneumonia. In cases where colds are not accompanied by fever and cough, other signs always appear. These include:

· weight loss;

· general weakness;

· The appearance of shortness of breath.

It is on indirect signs attention should be paid.

What rales can be? Depending on the type of manifestation, wheezing during breathing is divided into the following types:

1. Dry. Occurs on early stage development of the disease. Such a cough always speaks of development. severe inflammation in the bronchi, as a result of which mucosal edema develops. Breathing is always heavy and accompanied by whistling and wheezing. In the lungs, wheezing sounds are also observed in bronchial asthma. The only difference is that the cause of this condition is not inflammation, but a spasm of the organ against the background of a negative reaction. Allergens may be present in environment or be in the human body, such as certain foods.

2. Whistling. Observed in patients with bronchitis chronic form, most often during breathing, wheezing does not appear, but whistling and noises are observed. They are evidence that inflammation develops in the small bronchioles. As a result of the fact that pathological process spreads slowly, no symptoms of the disease appear long time... That is why cough and fever are absent at an early stage of the disease. This period can last more than 1 week, depending on the activity immune system... The spread of inflammation is indicated by an increase in whistling.

3. Wet. Indicates the presence of phlegm and mucus in the lungs. It occurs against the background of the fact that oxygen during inhalation or exhalation passes through liquid formation, and the bubbles of the lung burst when pressure is applied. Often, wet wheezing speaks at an early stage of pulmonary edema or bronchial asthma.

Each of the types of noise that occurs when breathing in an adult or child is characteristic of certain diseases of the respiratory system. While examining and listening to the lungs this factor enables the specialist to establish a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Why do wheezing appear in the lungs

Before you start taking medications, you need to find out what triggered the onset of cough and wheezing when breathing. The causes of their occurrence in medicine are divided into two categories:

1. Pulmonary. All diseases belonging to this category arise as a result of the penetration of an infection that affects the organs of the respiratory system. These can be various viruses, pathogenic microorganisms or bacteria.

2. Extrapulmonary. Other diseases are the cause of such wheezing. These can be pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Wheezing and whistling sounds without fever in a child or adult when breathing different types, may indicate the development of enough serious illnesses that affect the respiratory system. That is why it is important to timely establish the cause of their appearance and prevent the occurrence of complications.

Moist wheezing when inhaling or exhaling can occur with the following diseases:

1. Pulmonary edema.

2. Influenza.

3. Tuberculosis.

4. ARVI.

5. Bronchial asthma.

6. Violation heart rate and pathology of the heart muscle.

7. Thromboembolism developing in the tissues of the lungs.

8. Tumors of a malignant course.

9. Renal failure, flowing in an acute form.

10. Obstructive pulmonary disease of the chronic type.

11. Flea typhus.

In addition, moist wheezing in the bronchi during exhalation or inhalation may appear after an incorrectly inserted graft. This symptom appears in bronchial asthma and bronchitis. In cases where the inflammatory process does not affect the lungs, noises are formed that are not accompanied by temperature. At the same time, it is rather difficult to establish their presence.

Dry rales can appear in the lungs with the following diseases:

1. Pneumonia.

2. Pneumosclerosis.

3. Laryngitis.

4. Pharyngitis.

5. Chronic bronchitis.

6. Heart failure.

7. Emphysema of the lungs.

Also, dry wheezing on exhalation may indicate that tumors are forming in the lungs. This symptom manifests itself with attacks of suffocation, when it enters the body foreign body and clogs up trochea.

Noises, the type of wheezing and whistling allow the doctor to guess this or that disease. In order to accurately establish the cause of their appearance, the doctor prescribes the methods of instrumental research.

Diagnosis of wheezing in the lungs

Whistling and wheezing in the lungs during breathing in children and adults is manifested in various diseases. To establish a diagnosis, the doctor conducts an audition chest in order to establish the presence of accompanying sounds. This is what allows him to identify the cause.

Besides Special attention is given to other signs, for example, the presence of a cough, which can manifest itself with a temperature, the general condition of the patient, the onset of shortness of breath. Highly important indicator also the absence or presence of temperature, since some diseases are not accompanied by this symptom. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

1. X-ray of the lungs. Allows you to establish the presence of inflammation and the location of the focus of the pathological process.

2. Laboratory research blood. It is prescribed to determine the infection that caused the wheezing.

3. Fluorography. It is carried out in order to exclude tuberculosis, when there is a cough without fever.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the cause, the degree of development of the inflammatory process, the type of disease and the stage. This allows you to prescribe a course of treatment to avoid serious complications.

Treating wheezing in the lungs

How to treat wheezing, the attending physician will tell you after the examination. If the cause is an allergic reaction, the source should be investigated. Patients are advised to comply special diet, which includes only healthy foods food, such as cereals or lean meats. It is necessary to remove coffee, tea, chocolate, citrus fruits, berries from the menu. In addition, alcoholic beverages are excluded. The doctor prescribes such drugs as "Spazmalgon" or "Drotaverin".

Wheezing in the lungs during breathing, which were caused by a pathology of the cardiovascular system, do not require special treatment... Therapy aims to compensate negative influence heart failure. Also, patients are prescribed mucolytic drugs in order to remove sputum from the lungs and bronchi. After undergoing a course of treatment for the underlying disease, wheezing in the sternum that occurs when coughing, disappear.

If wheezing in the lungs is not accompanied by a fever or cough, their occurrence is often associated with the development of oncology. The patient is indicated for chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgical intervention... At severe course diseases, when the tumor almost completely blocks the lumen of the bronchi, it is necessary to remove part of the lung.


Dry or wet wheezing sounds are often caused by inflammation. That is why antibiotics are used, for example "Amoxiclav"... When diagnosing pneumonia, pneumonia, drugs such as "Kanamycin" or Ceftriaxone... In particular severe cases funds are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. This helps to stop much faster acute stage, because active substances the drug reaches the focus of infection faster.

To dilute sputum, drugs such as "Cysteine", "Mukomist"... After it becomes more viscous, the process of coughing up is easier, expectorant drugs are prescribed. They provoke a spasm of the lungs and help remove mucus. This group includes "Lazolvan", "ACC" and "Mukobene".

If the child is hoarse, apply medications, which are based on herbal ingredients. They are available in the form of various infusions, mixtures or syrups. With a dry cough, antitussive drugs are also used, and after it develops into a wet cough, a reception is necessary mucolytic agents. Simultaneous reception of these groups of drugs is strictly prohibited. In cases where wheezing is caused by an allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy takes special place in the treatment of various diseases. The use of procedures in combination with drug therapy can speed up recovery. When wheezing sounds that are not accompanied by temperature occur, use:

1. Warming up. Improves blood circulation and promotes the discharge of phlegm.

2. Inhalation. They relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, wheezing in the throat disappears within a week.

3. Compresses. Increases blood circulation and helps remove accumulated mucus.

Physiotherapeutic methods are used only as directed by a doctor after examining the history and establishing the type of disease. The procedures are not carried out in cases where coughing and wheezing during breathing are accompanied by a temperature.


Herbal medicine is used for complex treatment various colds... Many recipes that are used for coughing and wheezing in the lungs are also suitable for children from 3 years old. In order to get rid of dry or wet cough various herbs are used. The most popular recipes for wheezing when exhaling or exhaling are:

1. Peppermint, coltsfoot, root, marshmallow and plantain. Dry herbs in equal proportions are crushed and mixed. The finished mixture in the amount of 25 grams is poured with boiling water and insisted for at least 2 hours. After that, the tincture is brought to a boil and cooled. Drink the solution before meals three times a day, 12 ml each.

2. Mint, oregano, plantain, licorice and wild rosemary in the amount of 5 g of each plant, grind and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Then put on low heat. Once the solution has boiled, cook for 4 minutes. Then leave for half an hour and use a tablespoon 2 times a day

Herbal medicine allows you to speed up recovery, get rid of wheezing that occurs on inhalation and exhalation. The use of prescriptions must be agreed with the attending physician. Self-medication can have serious consequences.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid the appearance of wheezing in the lungs, manifested without fever with a cough, hypothermia and being in a draft should be avoided. To increase the body's defenses, it is recommended to go in for sports and regularly take a course reception vitamin complexes... In addition, the development of colds should be avoided and at the first symptoms, consult a doctor.

Wheezing of various types may indicate the development of various diseases. Only a doctor can determine what caused their appearance. That is why, in the event of symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist. He will conduct an examination, determine the degree of the disease, and also prescribe treatment. Lack of therapy in some cases can lead to the development of pneumonia or pneumonia.

An alarming symptom associated with many diseases, defense mechanism airway clearance indicator inflammatory processes... It can be different, since it is called different reasons... Noticing these features, doctors diagnose diseases and prescribe treatment. Many pathological conditions are characterized by a special, only characteristic cough inherent in them. So, a whistling cough in adults indicates obstructive processes in the bronchi.

This is an unusual symptom, it is easy to diagnose, it, in turn, indicates the pathology that caused it. The characteristic whistle when breathing is caused by the obstructed passage of air through airways... A wheezing cough, which can be the beginning of serious diseases, requires special attention.

Airway obstruction

Whistling in the lungs when breathing and coughing is caused by the fact that an obstacle forms in the path of air movement, in the narrow branches of the bronchial tree. It can arise for various reasons.

  1. Spasm of smooth muscles that form the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles;
  2. Hypertrophy of the mucous membrane lining the bronchi as a result of allergic edema;
  3. Inflammation of the bronchial tissue caused by an infectious lesion;
  4. Accumulations of mucus, phlegm in the airways, blocking the respiratory lumen.
  5. Serious structural changes bronchi, lungs, emphysema, traumatic injuries.

In any of these cases, there is an obstruction in the path of the air flow. For normal functioning the respiratory system requires a clean wide bronchial lumen, otherwise it appears wheezing wheezing and wheezing and children.

it dangerous condition, requiring a quick and adequate response. Obstruction airways- a sign of serious illness: edematous bronchitis, pulmonary purulent abscess... In a child, a wheezing cough precedes the development of whooping cough and measles.

Whistling sound when breathing and coughing - warning sign requiring urgent medical attention!

As a result of obstruction, it is possible critical violation ventilation of the lungs, choking.


With the rest of the causes of obstruction, everything is clear, but why does a spasm of the muscles of the bronchi occur?

This is a protective process activated at the level of reflexes when an allergen enters the body. The bronchi narrow in an attempt to stop the foreign agent from entering the lungs. But sometimes, having contracted, they cannot relax, squeezing the lumen of the bronchi. Blood flow increases, pressure builds up, bronchial edema develops. Cutting severe spasm bronchial muscles in response to the action of an allergen leads to anaphylactic shock.

Spasm can occur against the background of bronchitis, other inflammatory diseases, pulmonary emphysema.

Symptoms of bronchospasm in adults and children:

  • Shortness of breath, persisting even at rest, aggravated by exertion, noticeable straining of breathing, tense posture, swollen veins neck;
  • Heaviness in the chest;
  • Caller panic fear lack of air;
  • accompanied by a characteristic whistling sound;
  • Wheezing in a child and an adult;
  • Headache and worsening of the condition;
  • Blue skin of the nasolabial triangle;
  • Insomnia;
  • Sometimes fever, sweating.

Obstructive bronchitis

A whistling cough in a child or adult indicates a violation of the patency of the bronchi. This condition, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes, is dangerous and is called obstructive, or edematous, bronchitis.

As a result of an infection or an allergic reaction, the lining becomes inflamed and swollen. inner surface bronchial tubes mucous membrane. It hypertrophies so much that it blocks the lumen of the bronchus, creating an obstacle to the air flow. Shortness of breath, whistling when breathing in a child are symptoms of this condition and are alarming for parents. Then a characteristic cough begins. In a child, bronchitis, complicated by obstruction, is accompanied by whooping cough and measles.

The whistle is diagnostic symptom obstructive inflammation of the bronchi. It is especially pronounced with forced exhalation after maximum inhalation.

The symptoms of bronchitis in an adult and a small patient are the same, including shortness of breath, characteristic cough, blue discoloration or blanching of the skin around the lips, itching sensations on the skin of the chin and chest.

You cannot ignore the symptoms of bronchitis! The disease develops rapidly and leads to serious complications.

Treatment of bronchitis is aimed at relieving inflammatory edema and spasms. If the cause of inflammation is microbial (more often bacterial infection) are prescribed antibiotics, sulfonamides or others synthetic drugs antimicrobial action. Coughs are fought with expectorant, antitussive drugs. Syrups with a pleasant sweet taste are produced especially for babies. Support will help quickly cure bronchitis drug therapy steam inhalation.

Acute obstructive bronchial disease can develop into chronic asthma.

Bronchial asthma

Asthma serious disease respiratory system, practically not amenable to treatment. Its essence is the strongest allergic reaction. Asthma in a child can be hereditary.

An asthmatic attack is caused by a sharp narrowing of the bronchial lumen due to edema and spasm. There is shortness of breath, wheezing, heavy breathing in an adult and a small patient, requiring strong tension of the respiratory muscles. The person convulsively tries to inhale, the skin of the face turns blue, the neck itches.

Asthma treatment is long-term, in especially severe cases, stationary. Allergic edema of bronchial tissues is removed with antihistamines.

An asthmatic should always have an aspirator with hormonal bronchodilator drugs on hand in order to urgently stop the developing attack.

Do not take risks with bronchial asthma by using folk remedies treatment, herbal medicine. Plant extracts can have an unforeseen effect on the sensitized organism, aggravate the allergic process.

Whooping cough

Whistling, wheezing when breathing in a child may indicate developing whooping cough. Other symptoms of the disease: fever, swelling of soft tissues on the face. Whooping cough is caused by a bacterial infection child's body, accompanied by a painful unproductive cough caused by bronchial spasm.

Used for treatment antimicrobial agents fighting the cause of the disease. The cough is relieved by mucolytic drugs. If necessary, use more strong medicines: hormonal anti-inflammatory, immunomodulators, tranquilizers.

Other causes of wheezing cough are just as serious but less common. it false croup, pulmonary edema, or a foreign body trapped in the airways and blocking them.

First aid

Intense coughing attacks, especially at night, are very exhausting for the patient. They can lead to asphyxiation if not helped in time.

  • When, the patient needs to be woken up, help him to take a half-sitting position.
  • The cough goes away faster if it enters the lungs Fresh air no annoying dust.

Can alleviate the patient's condition light massage back without using any means (creams, oils).

  • Bronchial edema can be sudden and severe. To reduce it, the patient is given an antihistamine (antiallergic) drug.
  • Warming agents should not be used for bronchial edema!
  • Steam inhalation with eucalyptus or soda solution has a positive effect.
  • Be sure to see a doctor.
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