Application of oil chlorophyllipt for the throat. Chlorophyllipt for oil-based gargling: how to use according to instructions Chlorophyllipt topical oil-based solution 2

A preparation from eucalyptus leaves containing a mixture of chlorophylls A and B.


Vifitech (Russia), Pharmaceutical factory St. Petersburg (Russia), Kharkov State Scientific Center for Clinical Laboratory Medicine (Ukraine)

pharmachologic effect

Has antibacterial activity against antibiotic-resistant staphylococci.

Side effect

Allergic reactions.

Indications for use

Staphylococcal sepsis, peritonitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, burns, phlegmon, trophic ulcers, cervical erosion, pharyngolaryngotracheitis.

Sanitation for staphylococcus carriage.


Increased sensitivity to the drug.

Directions for use and dosage

Inside, at intestinal staphylococcus use an alcohol solution diluted to the required percentage, 25 drops 3 times a day, 40 minutes before meals.

Intravenously in septic conditions, 2 ml of a 0.25% alcohol solution diluted in 38 ml of isotonic solution 4 times a day for 4 - 5 days.

Alcohol solutions diluted to the required percentage are used externally in the form of enemas and tampons.

Produced only in Russia and Ukraine in the form of a solution in alcohol, in oil and in the form of lozenges. Let's consider how to use Chlorophyllipt oil for the throat, and what are its advantages.

Chlorophyllipt is an absolutely natural preparation based on chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves.

There are 2 components in the oil solution:

  • 2% eucalyptus leaf extract (with a concentration of active chlorophylls of 12%);
  • oil.

The Russian manufacturer Vifitech uses as a filler sunflower oil. Ukrainian "Pilot plant GNTsLS" - olive.

Externally, the solution is characterized as oily clear liquid emerald color.

The drug is available in orange glass bottles of 20 ml and 30 ml.

Oily Chlorophyllipt is used to treat respiratory infections and bacterial inflammation in the oral cavity, with a runny nose in two ways:

  • lubricating the affected areas;
  • by instillation;
  • ingestion.

How to use oil Chlorophyllipt for the throat according to the instructions:

  1. Before use, the Chlorophyllipt bottle must be shaken well.
  2. Rinse your mouth and throat with water.
  3. If there are traces of pus or other contaminants on the mucous membrane, they must be removed before the procedure.
  4. Take a cotton swab or wrap a small cotton swab around the tip of the tweezers.
  5. Using a pipette, drop 10 drops of the solution into a teaspoon.
  6. Dip a cotton swab or swab into a teaspoon and lubricate the necessary areas of the mucous membrane.
  7. If necessary, add 10 more drops to cover all affected areas.

Instructions on how to instill Chlorophyllipt oil:

  1. Shake the bottle with the solution.
  2. Pipette the solution.
  3. Lie down or sit with your head back.
  4. Tilt your head to the left and drop 5 drops into the left nasal passage.
  5. Clamp left nostril finger and make several circular movements with it.
  6. Repeat for the right nasal passage.

For oral administration, the solution is measured into a teaspoon (full) and drunk 2 hours after or 1 hour before meals.

Instructions for use of oil Chlorophyllipt Russian production does not contain age restrictions. On the contrary, the manual for the Ukrainian-made drug states that it is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. Why is there such a discrepancy, and which instructions should you trust more?

Oily Chlorophyllipt is indeed one of the most harmless drugs for humans. It contains a single component and it is - plant origin. Good antibacterial activity makes it a worthy alternative synthetic products. It is often prescribed by pediatricians.

On the other hand, caution must be exercised in relation to Chlorophyllipt. Concentrated herbal preparation is an allergen.

If a child has previously had allergic reactions, then using this medicine need to refuse.

Before first use, you should test for an allergic reaction (see below).

Of the 3 ways to take Chlorophyllipt oil solution for the throat, 2 are suitable for children:

  • burying;
  • ingestion.

Burial is more often practiced. For throat diseases, the oil solution is dripped onto the tongue or behind the cheek from 3 to 10 drops, depending on the age of the child. For sinusitis or staphylococcus in the nose - 2-5 drops in each nasal passage.

If Chlorophyllipt oil is prescribed for the throat, children under one year of age are advised to drip the drug onto the pacifier. Once in the mouth, the oil solution will spread with saliva throughout the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and provide healing antibacterial effect. Dosage for treating a throat is 3-4 drops.

Before instilling the full dose for the first time, you should conduct an allergy test for eucalyptus extracts.

The instructions for the Chlorophyllipt oil solution require a test for hypersensitivity to eucalyptus extract for any method of use and age of the patient.

The test is very simple:

  1. Take about 2-3 drops of solution into a pipette (1-2 drops for children) and apply them to the oral mucosa.
  2. An adverse reaction can occur either immediately or within several hours after application.

A course of Chlorophyllipt can be started if no adverse reactions have manifested themselves within 8 hours.

Chlorophyllipt can be used topically to treat throat infections, rhinitis and sinusitis. Information on the toxicity of the drug to the fetus is not provided, because There have been no studies on this topic. In all likelihood, of all antiseptics, the drug in question is the safest.

By general rule the instructions for use of the drug require that sick women consult with their doctors about the validity of its use.

Chlorophyllipt oil solution is used to lubricate mucous membranes and for instillation into the nasal passages undiluted. For rinsing, use an alcohol solution of the drug (diluted).

Chlorophyllipt oil for sore throat

Chlorophyllipt has advantages that make it the drug of choice as a local antiseptic in the treatment of sore throat:

  • characterized by polybacterial activity, the eucalyptus extract included in its composition has an overwhelming effect on most types of bacteria that cause respiratory diseases;
  • its bactericidal activity against staphylococci, including aureus species, is well known;
  • a distinctive feature of the product is that bacteria are not able to develop resistance to its effects;
  • has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane.

The drug is used (lubricated, instilled) 3-4 times a day. Treatment can continue as long as necessary.

For greater effectiveness, applications of oil Chlorophyllipt are combined with gargling with diluted alcohol solution.

Chlorophyllipt is a widely used drug. Effective against bacterial infections various localizations. Including lesions of the oral mucosa. Treat the affected areas with an oil solution every 4 hours.

Chlorophyllipt is used to sanitize the nasopharynx for rhinitis, and in children also in cases of staphylococcal carriage in the nose. For this purpose, the medicine is instilled into both nasal passages 4 times a day.

The drug is effective for bacterial sinusitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis in the composition complex therapy. Since there is no direct application of the drug in the case of these diseases, it is recommended to take oily Chlorophyllipt orally, 1 teaspoon four times a day. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Chlorophyllipt is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to eucalyptus extract.

Possible manifestations:

  • sore throat, itching;
  • the appearance of other signs of irritation (redness, rash);
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • difficulty breathing.

Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution

Eucalyptus extract with alcohol - Alternative option Chlorophyllipta. Indicated for the same diseases as the oil solution. Used diluted:

  • externally to disinfect damaged skin;
  • locally in the form of mouth and throat rinses;
  • orally with intestinal carriage of staphylococcus.

The alcohol solution is not used nasally. It is possible to use a diluted solution to rinse the nose during exacerbations of sinusitis.

Tablet Chlorophyllipt is often the preferred form of medication. In my own way active substance and the effect produced is similar to solutions. Tablets have a significant advantage. You can always have them with you and take (dissolve), including: at work, outside the city, in transport, etc.

The disadvantages of tablets include their ability to cause irritation of the oral mucosa. To minimize this side effect, it is recommended to actively dissolve the tablet without holding the tablet in one place in the mouth.

It should be noted that tablets are used more often than solutions (5 times a day). Their treatment will cost more.

Spray has little in common with classic solution or tablet forms.

The full name of the drug is Chlorophyllipt Vialine. Contains traditional toothpastes antibacterial component- triclosan. In addition, plant extracts, glycerin and water. In the instructions for use, the manufacturer indicated that the spray is a product for oral hygiene.

Reviews about use in children

Mothers who used Chlorophyllipt in the treatment of their children give good feedback about the drug. In most cases, children tolerated taking the drug without problems. The solution does not burn and does not cause irritation to the mucous membrane. Unlike alcohol, the oil solution does not have a sharp, specific odor. Its exclusively herbal composition inspires confidence in its safety for the child. For this reason, mothers trust the drug and use it with pleasure to treat their children.

Cases of an allergic reaction are rare. However, parents should be careful and always conduct a test application of the drug before course use.

Reviews of the use of Chlorophyllipt oil in infants say that babies tolerate the drug well. Some mothers dip the pacifier in the solution and give it to the baby. A familiar object in the mouth distracts attention from the changed taste. Plus taste qualities in an oil solution they are not very pronounced.

People suffering from pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis note that Chlorophyllipt does not have an analgesic effect. However, all reviews characterize the drug as one of the most effective in treating bacterial infections respiratory tract. Some sick people combined oil Chlorophyllipt with other antiseptics, for example, with Miramistin (not at the same time).

Unique in its own way antimicrobial effectiveness and a safe drug for humans, especially for throat diseases. The following video contains information about what other diseases Chlorophyllipt oil solution can be used for:

Oil-based chlorophyllipt is a unique medicine that can be used without age restrictions, including newborns. The drug effectively fights microbes, including those resistant to other antibacterial agents.

Methods of using Chlorophyllipt oil solution: instillation, lubrication, oral administration.

The drug has none negative feedback. This indicates its high effectiveness and good tolerability.

However, it should be kept in mind that Chlorophyllipt only fights bacterial infections. Treatment colds should start with taking antiviral agents, and only then, if your health does not improve, resort to a solution of eucalyptus extracts in oil.

When there are small children in the family, the problem of infections becomes especially acute, because they can catch a cold very easily. Also, abrasions, wounds, and in the youngest children - prickly heat or an inflamed umbilical wound can serve as a source of infection.

To prevent the appearance and development of infections, it is recommended to use a special drug - Chlorophyllipt. Children, like adults, are also given it for a runny nose. Oil solution and other forms of Chlorophyllipt are also used to treat the throat. They are used for nasal instillation, and the throat is treated through inhalation.

Today we will tell you how Chlorophyllipt oil is instilled into the nose or used to treat the throat in children and adults. You will see reviews from parents who treated their children with the drug and shared the results.

Action and composition of Chlorophyllipt

Many people consider this oil solution to be an antiseptic, but in fact Chlorophyllipt is in different forms is a drug with antimicrobial effect. It is based on eucalyptus leaf extract. This plant is considered a natural antibiotic because it has unique anti-inflammatory properties.

The drug received its name from the words “chlorophyll” - a plant pigment that takes part in the formation of oxygen based carbon dioxide and water and “eucalyptus”, which is the basis of the product.

The pharmacological actions of this oil solution and other forms of Chlorophyllipt are as follows:

  • regenerating– promotes wound healing;
  • immunostimulating– strengthens the body against viral and bacterial infections, improves protective functions;
  • bactericidal– staphylococcus cells are removed, Chlorophyllipt is effective even against those bacteria that are insensitive to many antibiotics;
  • antihypoxic– inflamed cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • anti-inflammatory– relieves pain, swelling and redness at the site of infection;
  • antipyogenic– the processes of pus formation are inhibited.

Indications for use of Chlorophyllipt

Chlorophyllipt has several forms of release - this is an oil solution for the nose and throat, and a spray, and tablets, and an alcohol solution. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Chlorophyllipt is prescribed to children and adults for diseases such as:

  • tracheitis – an infectious disease of the trachea;
  • pharyngitis – infectious disease throat;
  • laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx;
  • pneumonia and bronchitis - inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract;
  • pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus– the drug cleanses the body of its carriage;
  • scratches on the skin and mucous membranes, superficial wounds;
  • purulent and inflammatory lesions skin;
  • chickenpox.

Chlorophyllipt: oil solution

Reviews from mothers about Chlorophyllipt oil solution are mostly positive, because this drug is natural and safe even for small children.

The oil solution is mainly used to treat children in the following cases:

  • runny nose - the solution is instilled into the nose;
  • pharyngitis – oil solution treat the throat.

Chlorophyllipt in the form of an oil solution helps well not only with a runny nose, but also with sinusitis - this is an inflammatory process in the sinuses, in which mucous secretions are released from the nose, sometimes together with pus, and the child’s breathing worsens.

Chlorophyllipt oily in the nose: instructions

For children and adults, Chlorophyllipt is instilled into the nose in the following way:

  • Rinse your child’s or yourself’s nose with a weak saline solution;
  • use a pipette to draw up a little oil solution;
  • drop 2 drops of solution into each nostril;
  • You need to throw your head back so that the solution gets into your throat.

The use of the solution will be accompanied by discomfort, maybe a little heat in the nose area, but this will help cleanse it of harmful bacteria. In this case, the Chlorophyllipt oil solution will help draw out purulent and other deposits from the sinuses. Chlorophyllipt has more effective action compared to Protorgol. The solution will be effective even if the child or adult has too much nasal copious discharge and flow out spontaneously.

Chlorophyllipt also helps well with sinusitis, when green deposits collect in the nose and completely block the nasal passage, which interferes with normal breathing. Chlorophyllipt can be instilled in children with sinusitis only from 3.5 years of age. If the child is not yet three years old, then the oil solution can be applied by using cotton wool (cotton wool rolled into a small bundle).

U children under 3 years old for a severe runny nose, the oil solution is used as follows:

  • prepare several cotton wool turundas;
  • dip them in the solution;
  • insert the flagella into each nostril and perform debridement.

Chlorophyllipt, when lubricating the nasal mucosa, will also treat the adenoids and alleviate the patient’s condition.

A runny nose is treated Chlorophyllipt oil solution together with other means:

  • saline solution (rinsing);
  • Miramistin spray (irrigation);
  • Anaferon.

Chlorophyllipt oil for the throat: use in children and adults

Chlorophyllipt is also used to treat the throat; it is used in both children and adults.

The action algorithm is as follows:

  • take a few cotton swabs or wrap cotton wool around tweezers;
  • Soak the sticks in the oil solution and lubricate the throat with them.

The procedure is repeated according to three times a day both children and adults.

Many people in their reviews say that oil Chlorophyllipt is not suitable for treating the throat, since this product burns the mucous membrane. But this is wrong, since the oil solution cannot burn the mucous membrane, the composition of Chlorophyllipt is quite gentle and safe. When lubricating your throat, there will be a slight tingling sensation, but you should not be afraid of this. This kind of throat treatment helps fight bacteria, in particular, with staphylococcus.

To treat the throat, Chlorophyllipt is also used as follows:

  • prepare an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt;
  • in glass warm water dilute a tablespoon of solution;
  • gargle with it.

After completing the procedure, lubricate your throat with Chlorophyllipt oil solution.

Features of using Chlorophyllipt throat spray

You can treat your throat with Chlorophyllipt using the drug in the form of a spray. It's being used for inflammatory processes of the pharynx, larynx and trachea. The throat is evenly irrigated with a spray, this ensures a high concentration at the site of infection, this will speed up the healing process.

In the form of a spray, Chlorophyllipta is available in bottles that are equipped with a plastic nozzle for spraying. In pharmacies, the spray is sold on average for 100-200 rubles per unit, depending on the manufacturing company.

In spray form, Chlorophyllipt includes the following: components, How:

  • eucalyptus extract- active substance;
  • nettle extract– a natural component that relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • triclosan– a product that has antibacterial and antifungal effects;
  • emulsogen– a component that allows you to store a homogeneous consistency of the drug;
  • glycerol– a component that has a softening and enveloping effect on the throat, which is especially good when used for children;
  • purified water.

The spray is used topically. When using it, you need to open your mouth and hold your breath. Press the spray nozzle up to two times so that the throat is evenly sprayed with the drug. The procedure is performed for a week up to 3 times a day.

It is strictly forbidden to use the spray to treat children under 2 years of age., since they cannot yet hold their breath, and if the drug gets into Airways, then this can provoke laryngospasm, in which the lumen of the larynx sharply narrows.

Chlorophyllipt tablets

Chlorophyllipt in the form of tablets also helps well with the throat; it quickly relieves symptoms of the disease, including discomfort in the oropharynx. Children can take the tablets from 6 years of age. Before using them you need to know the following:

  • if tablets are given to children, then you need to warn the child that they should be dissolved slowly;
  • do not keep the tablets under your tongue or behind your cheek, as prolonged contact of the tablets with mucous membranes may cause irritation;
  • Do not chew the tablet as this will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

For tracheitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis, tablets should be taken through every 4-5 hours. Can be taken per day up to 5 tablets. The maximum course of treatment is a week.

Possible contraindications and side effects

Chlorophyllipt refers to natural preparations, it contains mainly plant components. The drug is well tolerated by children, especially if we talk about such a form as an oil solution.

The only thing contraindication to the use of Chlorophyllipt in any form is an individual intolerance to its components, but this is very rare.

The following side effects may occur from using the drug:

  • redness;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes and skin at the sites of application.

Such skin reactions may indicate an allergy to one or another component of the composition. In such cases, stop using Chlorophyllipt; it is advisable to see a doctor, especially for children.

Reviews about the use of the drug

Below we suggest reading reviews about the drug Chlorophyllipt in the treatment of children.

My daughter is 4 years old and we always have Chlorophyllipt in our medicine cabinet. Using an oil solution, I treat a child’s tonsils when he has a sore throat. But I use an alcohol solution for irritations or scratches. For chickenpox, we also used Chlorophyllipt, unlike brilliant green, it is softer and does not dry out the skin as much.

Nina, Omsk

The doctor prescribed chlorophyllipt to me while still in the maternity hospital to treat the navel of a newborn child. It is good because it does not dry out the baby’s thin and delicate skin. Every evening after water procedures I treated my navel with an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt until it healed.

The solution also helps with skin irritations or rashes that occur when wearing diapers.

Alla, Ekaterinburg

I have been working as a pediatrician for many years, Chlorophyllipt is a wonderful multifunctional remedy that I often prescribe for children with a runny nose, throat infections and skin diseases for the little ones. It is effective, helps well and causes virtually no side effects.

There are several forms of release of this drug, which are selected depending on the disease. To fight infections, this drug - universal remedy, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews parents.

Olga, Barnaul

Most parents and not only always have Chlorophyllipt in their medicine cabinets. It's affordable, natural and effective remedy, which fights infections well, helps with a stuffy nose and sore throat.

Pain, inflammation, difficulty swallowing are the most common symptoms of infectious diseases of the larynx.

Effective and affordable drug Chlorophyllipt for gargling.

Modern medicine has many drugs to treat such diseases. But most patients strive to use products based on natural ingredients.

Gargling with Chlorophyllipt: indications Unique properties The drug makes it one of the fastest-acting and most reliable means of eliminating inflammation and pain in pathologies of the larynx.

He belongs to antiseptics, effectively fights staphylococcal infections that are resistant to antibacterial agents and antibiotics.

Chlorophyllipt from the throat, first of all, is merciless against pathogenic microflora that causes sore throat. It also has analgesic, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. This medicine is indicated for the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the tonsils and larynx - tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa – gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • skin damage of various origins– poorly healing wounds, trophic ulcers, burns;
  • cervical erosion, vaginitis.

The use of the drug is permitted in the presence of purulent processes in the larynx area. Its action prevents their further spread in the body.

The drug has a number of advantages:

  • developed using only natural ingredients;
  • released in various forms, available for use at home;
  • accelerates the removal of pathogenic toxins from the body;
  • relieves inflammation and facilitates mucus discharge;
  • promotes restoration of damaged mucous membranes;
  • has an affordable price.

The drug has no effect on viruses, but can be used to provide an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Composition of the drug and release form

The main component of the product is chlorophyll extract extracted from eucalyptus leaves. They give the drug its characteristic green tint.

The medicinal properties of this tree, which is native to Australia, have been known for many years. No wonder it is called the “tree of life” or “tree of miracles.”

IN in kind the extract is more effective than in a decoction or tincture. Before we find out which Chlorophyllipt is used for rinsing (varieties), let’s consider the release forms of the drug:

The medicine is released in the following forms:

  1. lozenges - used in treatment inflammatory diseases respiratory organs and larynx, additional component contains vitamin C;
  2. 1% alcohol solution taken diluted for rinsing to relieve inflammation and pain;
  3. injection solution - used for intravenous administration if throat diseases are complicated by the development of a purulent process, as well as with pneumonia or sepsis;
  4. oil solution - used to treat nasal diseases;
  5. spray for irrigation of the larynx.

Treatment of the throat with Chlorophyllipt can be done by inhalation using a nebulizer.


Since the drug is based on natural ingredients, it has virtually no contraindications.

However, it should be taken with caution in those patients who are prone to allergic reactions. In some cases, negative phenomena may occur, such as:

  • irritation and redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • excessive dryness of mucous membranes;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle spasm.

In most cases, side effects occur due to the fact that the dosage or duration of taking the drug was exceeded.


If a child or adult is prone to allergies, before using the drug it is necessary to carry out allergy test on drug tolerance.

Patients with atrophy of the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx should avoid using the drug.

Patients with bronchial asthma you need to be extremely careful, exceeding the dosage can provoke an attack of the disease.

Allergy test before using the drug

Before use this remedy for rinsing, it is necessary to test the body for sensitivity to its herbal components.

To do this, mix a tablespoon of boiled water with 5-7 drops of the drug and lightly rinse your throat with the resulting solution. You should not eat or drink water for half an hour after the procedure. During this time, the patient's reaction is monitored.

The fact that the body reacts sharply to the components of the product is evidenced by swelling of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by itching, burning, redness of the membranes and small rashes.

IN severe cases swelling of the entire face develops. In case of such reactions of the body, it is impossible to treat the throat with Chlorophyllipt. To eliminate the manifestations of allergies, it is necessary to take an antihistamine.

If the patient's condition has not changed, Chlorophyllipt can be used without fear.

Before using the allergy test spray, just spray inner part cheeks. To test for allergies when using tablets, dissolve ¼ of it. The absence of allergy symptoms indicates that the drug is well tolerated.

How to dilute Chlorophyllipt for mouth rinse?

An undiluted alcohol solution for mouthwash can cause redness and even burns of the mucous membranes. Before gargling, you need to learn how to properly dilute the drug, as well as how long to gargle and how to make a solution.

The alcohol solution is a dark green liquid with a characteristic odor. The bottle does not have a dispensing device. Before using the drug in medicinal purposes, it must be shaken thoroughly to evenly distribute any possible liquid sediment.

Chlorophyllipt alcohol: how to dilute for gargling

So that the use of the drug gives positive results, you need to know how to dilute Chlorophyllipt for gargling. To do this, use the following proportions: one teaspoon of alcohol solution and half a glass of boiled water.

You cannot use scalding boiling water; the water needs to be cooled a little so that it is warm enough (about 36 degrees). One teaspoon contains 3-5 ml of the drug.

The rinsing solution is prepared immediately before the procedure itself, otherwise it will lose all its antiseptic properties. After mixing the water and the alcohol preparation, the liquid must be stirred until it becomes homogeneous.

Gargling with Chlorophyllipt for sore throat, which is accompanied by a purulent process, is done using a higher concentration of the solution. A dessert spoon of the drug is required for a glass of water. In this case, there is also no need to prepare it in advance.

How to gargle with Chlorophyllipt alcohol?

During this medical procedure The following instructions must be followed:

  1. Prepare a fresh solution, observing the recommended proportions.
  2. Carry out the procedure after eating, then do not take food or water for 30 minutes.
  3. When performing the procedure, tilt your head back a little, inhaling through your nose. By pronouncing the sound “y” or “e”, you can help the solution to thoroughly wash the inflamed tonsils.
  4. The duration of the procedure should be at least 4-5 minutes, including several passes.
  5. The solution should not be swallowed, it should eliminate bacteria and disinfect the throat and oral cavity.
  6. The procedure is carried out at least four times a day, supplemented by rinsing with soda, furatsilin, and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

How many days do you need to treat? sore throat Thus? The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 4 to 10 days. The attending physician will give a more accurate answer to this question.

How to use Chlorophyllipt oil to treat a throat?

When treating a sore throat, the oil form of the drug is also used. It is not such a strong irritant for sore throat, as an alcohol tincture.

However, the oil solution of the drug can also cause an allergic reaction, so the instructions for use require a preliminary sensitivity test.

Rinsing with an oil solution of the drug is not performed. For tonsillitis, it is used to lubricate inflamed areas. palatine tonsils. A small amount of the solution is applied to a gauze swab and lubricated with it.

Applications of the oil form of Chloriphyllipt will be more effective if, during treatment, you simultaneously rinse with a diluted alcohol solution. For acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, the oil solution is used in pure form for instillation into the patient's nasal passages.

How to dilute Chlorophyllipt for gargling for children?

Is it possible for children to gargle with Chlorophyllipt? After all, children, especially under three years old, will not be able to properly treat their throat. How to dilute an alcohol solution and will it harm the child?

Doctors answer these questions: this medicine can be used not only by adults, but also by young children. But first you need to consult with a pediatrician and conduct a sensitivity test.

To treat infants, an oil solution can be used to lubricate the tonsils. It is also possible to apply a small amount of the product to the baby's nipple.

For older children who often suffer from sore throat and other infectious diseases, a 1 percent alcohol solution may be recommended.

Rinse liquid is prepared according to the same principle as for adults and in the same concentration. Reducing the dosage may impair the effectiveness of the procedure.

The duration of the course is 5-10 days. Treatment should be carried out before full recovery child. Children under 10 years of age should rinse only in the presence and guidance of adults.

The child must be explained that he should not swallow water or eat food for the next 30 minutes.

The main advantage of this drug is that it is an excellent alternative to a course of antibiotics, which can lead to negative consequences for the child's body.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Is it possible to recommend this drug pregnant women and nursing mothers? Instructions for use of the drug indicate that special research There have been no studies that would study the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman.

Since the product contains only natural ingredients, in most cases it does not cause side effects in either the mother or the fetus. However, before using it, you must notify your gynecologist and therapist.

A test for an allergic reaction is mandatory, even if the woman has not experienced anything like this before. The fact is that during pregnancy, a complete restructuring of the entire body of the expectant mother occurs. Predict how he will react to certain products or medications, impossible.

When prescribing the drug, various indicators are taken into account: period, level of fetal development, possible complications during pregnancy. There is no reason to be afraid that the medicine contains alcohol. When rinsing, the chances of it getting inside are zero.

Treatment of the throat and oral cavity is carried out 4-5 times a day. But the use of sprays and tablets is possible only when the expected benefit is higher than the risk negative influence on fetal development.

The most accurate analogues of Chlorophyllipt are the drugs Chlorophyllin 03 (1%) and Chlorophyllong (20%). These are analogues of the alcohol form of the drug, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Both of them contain eucalyptus extract. They are no less effective and are affordable, but can cause allergic reactions.

How do Chlorophyllong and Chlorophyllipt differ from each other, and which one is better to use for treating children? These funds include different types eucalyptus plants.

Chlorophyllipt uses a natural extract of the leaves of the plant, rather than their tincture, making it medicinal properties appear more effectively.

It is worth noting

For the treatment of throat diseases, Chlorophyllipt is preferable, while Chlorophyllong is more suitable for external use.

Contraindications for use and possible individual intolerance are similar for both products. For the treatment of children under 2 years of age, Chlorophyllipt is preferable.

Also possible analogue maybe 20% eucalyptus tincture. It is used for treatment and rinsing, but is not recommended for pregnant women and young children.

Gargling with Chlorophyllipt is an excellent option to avoid long-term and not always harmless use of antibiotics. By following the recommended dosage and regularly using the rinse solution, you can short terms get rid of severe symptoms diseases.

Part Chlorophyllipt in tablets includes 12.5 mg of Eucalypti foliorum extract (93% ethanol is used as an extractant), as well as ascorbic acid, sugar and calcium stearate.

Part concentrate for the preparation of injection solution active substance included in a concentration of 2.5 mg/ml (93% ethanol is used as an extractant), the auxiliary component is 96% ethanol.

Composition of the solution for local application: eucalyptus extract at a concentration of 12.5 mg/ml and 95% ethanol.

Composition of the solution in oil: eucalyptus extract at a concentration of 20 mg/ml, corn (or olive) oil.

One container (15 ml) of spray contains 30 mg of Eucalypti foliorum extract, as well as preservatives E218 (methylparaben) and E216 (propylparaben), glycerin, polysorbate-80, 96% ethyl alcohol, purified water.

Release form

  • Tablets 12.5 mg, package No. 20; 25 mg, packaging No. 20 and No. 40.
  • Alcohol injection solution 0.25%. Ampoules 2 ml, package No. 10.
  • Alcohol solution 1% for topical use and oral administration. Orange glass bottles 25.50 and 100 ml, packaging No. 1; orange glass jars 100 ml, packaging No. 1.
  • Solution in oil 2%. Dark glass bottles 20 ml, package No. 1.
  • Spray for topical use. Containers 15 ml, package No. 1.

pharmachologic effect

Bacteriostatic (suppresses the ability of microorganisms to reproduce), bactericidal (causes the death of sensitive microorganisms).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Chlorophyllipt is a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from the leaves of the blue (or globular) eucalyptus (Eucalýptus globúlus). Renders antimicrobial And etiotropic effect against staphylococci, including antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-dependent strains.

Has the ability to eliminate genes carrying resistance to antibiotics ecosystems of different plasmids pathogens of bacterial infections , increases the concentration of oxygen in tissues, has pronounced detoxifying properties .

All of the above allows you to use the drug with a decrease in natural immunity, as a means of combating tissue hypoxia , and also as a means of increasing the effectiveness of simultaneously used antimicrobials .

At experimental study of the drug, its tropism to lung tissue and lack of embryotoxicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity.

Bactericidal concentrations of the drug in the blood are created with a single injection of 8 ml of a 0.25% solution into a vein. To create a bacteriostatic concentration, half the dose is sufficient. The therapeutic concentration after injection into a vein lasts for an average of six hours, so it is optimal to administer the medicine four times a day.


Pharmacokinetic studies have not been conducted.

Indications for use

Chlorophyllipt tablets are prescribed for treatment upper respiratory tract diseases ( , , ), and also as a remedy for (aphthous or ulcerative).

The use of a 0.25% solution is indicated for staphylococcal septic conditions (after childbirth, surgical interventions, post-infectious), as well as for postoperative and purulent-inflammatory complications of staphylococcal etiology, including:

  • staphylococcal in patients who have undergone heart surgery;
  • burn disease;
  • pneumonia ;
  • peritonitis ;
  • pleurisy ;
  • post-abortion sepsis;
  • metroendometritis ;
  • subacute or acute inflammatory gynecological diseases not related to childbirth/abortion;
  • purulent-destructive pyelonephritis , and also when , complicated urosepsis (as part of complex therapy);

Parenteral administration of Chlorophyllipt may also be appropriate for individual pathologies caused by antibiotic-resistant non-staphylococcal pathogens. In particular, the drug is prescribed for the treatment (any localization), erysipelas , listeria infection .

A one percent solution of Chlorophyllipt (alcohol) is used for infectious and inflammatory staphylococcal diseases , including diseases caused by antibiotic-resistant strains.

The product is used to speed up healing trophic ulcers and chronic wounds, for treatment (ESM) and burn disease, to prevent complications in postoperative period and for intestinal sanitation in patients who are carriers of pathogenic staphylococcus .

Chlorophyllipt oil solution is used to treat diseases caused by antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococci, as well as to sanitize carriers of pathogenic staphylococci. It is also used to lubricate the tip of the balloon when performing medicinal enemas.

Indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • burn disease;
  • wounds that are difficult to heal;
  • trophic ulcers limbs;
  • sphincteritis ;
  • ulcerative colitis ;
  • erosive proctitis ;
  • erysipelas ;
  • eye burns with damage to the cornea;
  • carbuncles And boils nasolabial area and nose;
  • purulent-inflammatory pathologies of ENT organs (the medicine is effective for And ethmoiditis );
  • dental diseases;
  • cracked nipples in breastfeeding women.

In gynecology, an oil solution is used for ESM, as well as for treatment rectovaginal fistula And vaginal ruptures .

Chlorophyllipt spray is intended for the treatment of diseases caused by antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococci: burns, ESM, trophic ulcers , , .


All dosage forms of the drug are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract, as well as any other component of the solution, tablets or spray.

Additional contraindication to the use of a one percent alcohol solution (when taking the medicine orally) - childhood up to 18 years old.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions may occur; in the case of using an injection solution, changes at the injection site may occur.

Instructions for use of Chlorophyllipt

Instructions for Chlorophyllipt tablets

For adults, tablets of 12.5 or 25 mg are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. The tablets are kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved, without chewing or swallowing.

Take them every four to five hours, one at a time. Higher daily dose for an adult - 125 mg. Treatment lasts on average seven days.

Alcohol solution Chlorophyllipt: instructions for use

Slow injection of Chlorophyllipt into a vein is prescribed for pneumonia , burn disease, septic conditions. The solution contained in the ampoule (2 ml) is diluted in 38 ml of sterile isotonic NaCl solution (0.9%) immediately before injection. The finished solution must be transparent and free of foreign inclusions.

The medicine is administered intravenously 4 times a day every day for four to five days. Single dose - 40 ml.

At empyema of the pleura and peritonitis, the course of treatment lasts up to 8 days. Drug diluted in solution 0.25% in a ratio of 1:20, the patient is injected into the cavity through a drainage tube.

Instructions for solution for oral and topical use

Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution 1% is prescribed topically and orally.

For an adult, when administered orally, 5 ml of the drug should be diluted in 30 ml of water. To prevent complications in the postoperative period and to sanitize the intestines in carriers of pathogenic strains of staphylococcus, the solution must be taken daily, 3 times a day, forty minutes before meals.

When sanitizing the intestines, rectal administration of Chlorophyllipt in the form of enemas is also prescribed. To prepare a solution for one enema, 20 ml of the drug must be diluted in one liter of water. The procedures are repeated once every two days. The course of treatment is designed for ten procedures.

If the drug is used topically (for the treatment of chronic wounds, burns and trophic ulcers ), it should be diluted with a solution 0.25% in a 1:5 ratio and used in the form of medicated gauze dressings. The course lasts from two to three weeks.

When treating ESM, before using the drug, you should dry all the folds of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix with tampons. After this, the cervical canal is lubricated with a Chlorophyllipt solution diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

The manipulations are repeated for ten days. Subsequently, the patient is prescribed douching with Chlorophyllipt for two weeks. To prepare a solution for douching, dilute a tablespoon of the drug in a liter of water. If, upon completion of treatment, the cervix is ​​not completely epithelialized, the course is repeated.

Chlorophyllipt oil solution: instructions for use

The solution in oil is used internally and topically.

When treating ESM, it is used for lubrication cervical canal. The exposure time of a tampon soaked in Chlorophyllipt solution on the cervix is ​​from 15 to 20 minutes.

The duration of the course is 10 days. After this, the woman should continue to use the drug in the form of a douching solution for two weeks. To prepare it, a tablespoon of the solution in oil is diluted in a liter of water. After each douching, a tampon soaked in an undiluted oil solution should be left in the vagina for 12 hours.

If, upon completion of treatment, the cervix is ​​not completely epithelialized, the course is repeated.

For treatment trophic ulcers and chronic wounds Chlorophyllipt is used topically in the form of gauze dressings soaked in a solution in oil, which are applied to the affected areas alternately with dressings soaked in a one percent alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt in a 1:10 dilution.

The solution is also used to lubricate the tip of the balloon when performing medicinal enemas and when local complicationshemorrhoids or sphincteritis .

For pathologies caused by antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogenic staphylococci, the solution in oil is taken orally in a teaspoon (5 ml) 4 times a day. Treatment is continued for two to three weeks.

For treatment stomach ulcers Chlorophyllipt as part of complex therapy is taken three times a day, a teaspoon for three weeks. After three months the course is repeated.

The scheme for using the solution in oil is as follows:

  • 1st dose - an hour before breakfast, on an empty stomach, after mixing in the mouth to form an emulsion
  • 30 ml of water with a teaspoon of the drug;
  • 2nd dose - four hours later, an hour before lunch, in the same dose and in the same way;
  • 3rd dose - before bed, two hours after meals, in the same dose.

Good results with peptic ulcer also allows the introduction of a solution in oil using an endoscope directly onto the area ulcerative defect. The procedure is performed 1 time per day. within ten days.

At erysipelas the drug is used topically in the form of dressings.

IN dental practice(for example, when stomatitis ) the oral mucosa and gums are treated with a solution in oil.

At diseases of the ENT organs (at ethmoiditis or sinusitis ) adults should take the solution orally for a week ( single dose- 5 ml, frequency of procedures - 4 rubles / day), supplementing the treatment with the use of a drug for the nose.

In this case, an adult is administered 10 drops to 0.5 pipettes of medicine into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. Children are prescribed 2-5 drops of the product into the nose.

Chlorophyllipt should be instilled in a lying position with the head tilted back. After administration of the drug, the patient should remain in this position for another fifteen minutes.

To do this, a woman needs to rinse her mouth with 25 ml of an alcohol solution diluted in the same volume of warm water. The composition can be used for medicinal purposes if after 6-8 hours there are no manifestations allergies .

How to dilute Chlorophyllipt for inhalation?

For inhalation, use a one percent alcohol solution. This method treatment is used for staphylococcal infections respiratory tract .

The inhalation solution is prepared by diluting one volume of Chlorophyllipt in ten volumes saline solution. For one inhalation through a nebulizer, it is enough to take 3 ml of the resulting medicine. The procedures are repeated 3 times/day.


Overdose may increase the severity of side effects.


Terms of sale

All dosage forms of the drug, with the exception of the injection solution, are available without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Tablets, injection solution and spray should be stored at temperatures up to 25°C. The permissible upper temperature limit for storing one and two percent solutions is 20°C.

Best before date

For tablets, solutions 1 and 2% - two years. For spray - three years. For a solution of 0.25% - five years.

special instructions

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the patient's sensitivity to Chlorophyllipt. To do this, he is given an alcohol solution of 0.25% to take orally (25 drops per tablespoon of water).

If after 6-8 hours of manifestations allergies no (swelling of the pharynx mucosa, swelling of the lips, etc.), the drug can be used in accordance with the recommendations given in the instructions.

One of the components of the tablets is sugar, which should be remembered when prescribing the drug to patients with .

To dilute the alcohol solution for injection, use Novocaine . Therefore, as a warning adverse reactions Before administering the drug, you should do a novocaine tolerance test (signs allergies are redness of the skin and swelling of the tissue at the injection site). , , Septile Plus , Skinman Soft ,Sterillium , , Chlorophyllin-Oz , Hospicept , , , Etilosept .

Chlorophyllipt for children

The instructions for children do not contain clear recommendations for the use of Chlorophyllipt. The manufacturer indicates that there is no experience in using tablets, spray, alcohol and oil solutions in pediatrics. Moreover, one of the contraindications for taking a 1% alcohol solution orally is age under 18 years.

However, given the good tolerability of the drug and the small number of contraindications for use, it is often used from the neonatal period.

Chlorophyllipt for newborns is used primarily for treatment umbilical wound. The drug in the form of a one percent alcohol solution is prescribed as an alternative to the solution brilliant green or it is recommended to use it alternately with it.

In addition, doctors recommend using Chlorophyllipt solution for newborns for the treatment staphylococcal pustular rash and prevention of systemic inflammatory reactions that develop when exposed to pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream.

For older children, wounds and abrasions are treated with the solution; for adolescents, the drug is indicated as a treatment for juvenile acne (the solution is applied to the elements of the rash pointwise using a cotton swab).

In some cases, children are prescribed intravenous administration solution of 0.25% and taking the oil solution orally. Parenteral administration is appropriate in cases where pathogenic staphylococci are found in internal organs(in particular in the lungs), body cavities and .

An oil solution is prescribed to children for sore throat and ARVI. It is used for nasal instillation and lubricating the larynx, including in the youngest patients (if difficulties arise with lubrication, the product can be given to infants on the nipple).

The alcohol solution is added to breast milk or artificial mixture (a few drops for each dose).

It should be noted that when choosing between the use of Chlorophyllipt and antibiotics for young children, doctors often give preference to the first. This is due to the fact that, with the same antibiotics strength of action, Chlorophyllipt does not destroy microorganisms beneficial to the body and does not lead to .

The choice in favor of the drug is also made in case of immunity to antibacterial therapy and if the child has reduced immunity.

Is it possible to gargle with the drug for children and how to gargle with Chlorophyllipt (proportions)?

Since tablet forms of drugs are not suitable for treating young children, and the spray for children can only be used from the age of twelve (its side effect are allergic reactions and in particular, bronchospasm ), pediatricians at ENT diseases in children, it is recommended to use Chlorophyllipt oil solution for treatment inflamed tonsils and an alcohol solution for gargling.

Children should use Chlorophyllipt for gargling after diluting 10 ml of a one percent solution in a glass of warm (not hot!) water.

The rinsing procedure is repeated at least 3 times a day. In this case, there must be an adult next to the child.

Is it possible to drop an oil solution into the nose of children?

Indications for use in children of a two percent solution in oil are inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis And sinusitis . With absence allergies Oily Chlorophyllipt is injected into the child’s nose 2 or 3 times a day, two to five drops (depending on the patient’s age) into each nasal passage.

Chlorophyllipt during pregnancy

The effectiveness and safety of Chlorophyllipt during pregnancy/lactation have not been studied, so the drug can only be prescribed in a situation where the expected healing effect exceeds the potential risks to the fetus/child.

solution for topical use (oil)



International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)

F48.0 Neurasthenia F51.2 Sleep-wake disorder of non-organic etiology I83.2 Varicose veins veins lower limbs with ulcer and inflammation J00 Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose) J02 Acute pharyngitis J03 Acute tonsillitis J04 Acute laryngitis and tracheitis J15 Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified J20 Acute bronchitis J31 Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis J35.0 Chronic tonsillitis J37 Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis J42 Chronical bronchitis unspecified K05 Gingivitis and periodontal diseases K12 Stomatitis and related lesions K29 Gastritis and duodenitis K63 Other intestinal diseases K81.0 Acute cholecystitis K81.1 Chronic cholecystitis M42 Spinal osteochondrosis M54.1 Radiculopathy M60 Myositis M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified N10 Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis N11 Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis N72 Inflammatory disease cervix N86 Erosion and ectropion of the cervix T30 Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization

Pharmacological group

Herbal medicine with antimicrobial action

pharmachologic effect

Herbal product. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts from eucalyptus leaves exhibit bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects. The degree of their expression depends on the content essential oil (0.3-4.5%).

The activity of the main component of the essential oil cineole (65-85%) is potentiated by pinenes, myrtenol, and tannins (up to 6%). When taken orally and inhaled, eucalyptus preparations cause expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilator effects, and when applied to the skin, they are astringent, antiexudative, antipruritic, anesthetic, and, more importantly, high concentrations local irritant effect. An infusion of eucalyptus leaves, thanks to essential oil and a small amount of bitterness, increases the secretion of the digestive glands and improves digestion. When used in the form of a tincture, a sedative effect is caused by isovaleric acid aldehyde.

Chlorophyllipt, containing a mixture of chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves, has antimicrobial, especially antistaphylococcal, activity, and stimulates regeneration processes. The components of the essential oil, together with organic acids, tannins and microelements manganese, zinc, selenium, increase tissue resistance to hypoxia of various origins.

Mainly as part of combination therapy for acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of various localizations: rhinitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, hyposecretory gastritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, burns, dermatitis , radiculitis, neuritis, myositis, trophic ulcers, neurosis, light form insomnia, osteochondrosis.

Hypersensitivity to essential oil components and chlorophyllipt. Atrophy of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Maybe: allergic reactions to essential oil components and chlorophyllipt; when taken orally in high doses - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle spasms; with frequent and/or prolonged inhalation use - dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs.

special instructions

Use with caution in case of increased secretion of the digestive glands. Avoid contact with eucalyptus preparations (especially tinctures, eucalyptus oil, chlorophyllipt) into the eyes. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to check the patient's sensitivity to the plant. To do this, give the patient a tablespoon of infusion, 10 drops of tincture or 25 drops of a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt in 1 tablespoon of water. If absent after 6-8 hours allergic reactions can be prescribed course treatment. May indicate intolerance negative attitude sick to the smell of eucalyptus.

Preparations containing eucalyptus leaves are used orally, externally, locally, inhaled, or by intracavitary administration. The dose, frequency and duration of use are set individually, depending on the indications and the dosage form used.

Dosage form:  solution for topical use in oil Compound: Composition per 100 ml

Active ingredient

Chlorophyllipt thick extract (Eucalyptus leaf extract) with antibacterial activity at a concentration of 12.5 mcg in 1 ml of medium - 2.0 g


Sunflower oil - up to 100 ml

Description: Transparent dark green oily liquid. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Antimicrobial agent of plant origin. ATX:  

D.06.B.X Other antimicrobials

Pharmacodynamics:It has an antibacterial (bacteriostatic and bactericidal) effect, especially against staphylococci, including antibiotic-resistant strains. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Indications: IN complex treatment burns, long non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers of the extremities; cervical erosion; during lactation to prevent cracked nipples. Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Pregnancy and lactation:During pregnancy, use after consultation with a doctor. Directions for use and dosage:Apply topically.

When treating burns, long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers of the extremities, the drug is used in the form of gauze dressings soaked in an oil solution. The procedure can be alternated with the use of a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, diluted with a 0.25% solution of novocaine in a ratio of 1: 5. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

When treating cervical erosions, all folds of the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal part of the cervix are first dried with tampons and the cervical canal is lubricated with a 2% oil solution of chlorophyllipt. A tampon soaked in the preparation is left on the cervix for 15-20 minutes. Manipulations are carried out daily for 10 days. Subsequently, for 2 weeks, after each douching with a diluted alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt (1 tablespoon of the drug per 1 liter of water), a tampon generously moistened with an oil solution of chlorophyllipt is left in the vagina for 12 hours. In case of incomplete epithelization of erosion, the course of treatment is repeated.

To prevent cracked nipples in nursing mothers, lubricate the nipples after each feeding. Before the next feeding, the drug is thoroughly washed off with boiled water.

Side effects:Allergic reactions are possible. Overdose: In case of overdose, side effects may increase.

Treatment: symptomatic.

Interaction: When used together with hydrogen peroxide to treat burns and trophic ulcers, chlorophyllipt precipitates. To avoid this, after applying hydrogen peroxide, the wound must be washed with a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution. special instructions: Before treatment, it is necessary to check the patient's sensitivity to the drug by local application of a small amount of the drug. In the absence of allergic reactions (hyperemia, itching), a course of treatment with the drug can be prescribed; in the presence of allergic reactions, the drug is contraindicated. Release form/dosage:Solution for topical use, oily 2%. Package: 20 or 30 ml in orange glass bottles. Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack. Storage conditions:In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date: 2 years.

Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Over the counter Registration number: LSR-007582/08 Registration date: 19.09.2008 Owner of the Registration Certificate: VIFITECH, JSC