Why do my fingers tingle? Numbness not associated with pathology. Prevention of hand numbness

The causes of numbness in the fingers are varied: from injuries to hormonal surges. If regular swelling is detected, you should contact a neurologist.

Such unpleasant sensations as numbness in the fingers are familiar to many. They can begin with ordinary tingling sensations and end with loss of full sensitivity. The reasons for this may be various diseases, as well as some circumstances.

Important: In some cases, fingers may go numb from a simple awkward position of the hands in sleep.

kneading your hands will help get rid of numbness

If you do not intentionally pinch a nerve while sleeping, your hand or fingers may become numb. In order to get rid of the numbness associated with “uncomfortable” sleep, you just need to do exercises. If it doesn’t help you, then you need to look for the reason in your health condition.

Important: Numbness of the fingers: left and right, is characteristic mainly of people who have reached old age.

Since everything is in human body interconnected, numbness of the fingers is not a disease, but a consequence of some problem. Most often it is associated with problems of cardio-vascular system and diseases of the spine.

But you should pay close attention to which finger or fingers are going numb. It is this feature that can tell you where to look for the disease.

Video: “3 reasons for hand numbness. Diagnosis "on the fingers"

Why do my index and middle fingers go numb?

Important: A numb middle finger often spreads its sensation to the index and ring fingers. It is not uncommon for numbness to spread to the outside of the hand.

If the index finger is numb, this is a clear “bell” indicating problems or overload of the neuromuscular system. This happens if a person long time performs monotonous work based on the same movements.

An example of such work could be knitting, embroidery or any other handicraft. It is not uncommon for numbness in the index and middle fingers to worsen and at times manifest as cramps and restriction of movement.

As for the middle finger, it is very common to feel numbness in the middle of the night. At this time, the muscles are relaxed after active physical activity. Swelling of the middle finger on the hand symbolizes problems:

spread of numbness

Important: If numbness is the cause of disorders of the vascular system, then the pads of the middle and index finger may get colder. Your hands may even freeze and become visually blue. Fingers and limbs may swell and, in some cases, turn red.

Why do the fingers on my left hand go numb?

If you periodically notice numbness in the fingers on your left hand, you should not ignore it. Rare and short-lived numbness can be the cause of a pinched nerve, this happens with uncomfortable sleep or heavy workload. It can be eliminated in comparison with protracted ones, especially on the left hand.

If symptoms are detected, you should promptly consult a neurologist to identify:

  • pathological causes of circulatory disorders
  • pathologies nervous system
  • osteochondrosis of parts of the spine: thoracic and cervical spine
  • pinching of the neurovascular bundles in the hands
  • salt deposits
  • intervertebral hernia
  • scoliosis

pinched nerve

Important: The most dangerous thing about numbness in the fingers of the left hand is that it can be a harbinger of a stroke.

Why do the fingers on my right hand go numb?

Such a phenomenon as numbness of the right hand and fingers appears most often due to poor circulation brushes, as well as the cause of problems with the spine. Moreover, it is safe to say that this symptom can constitute a complete clinical picture of many diseases. Some diseases lead to serious complications.

A neurologist will be able to determine the cause of numbness in the fingers of the right hand and identify:

  • arm or spine injuries
  • inflamed joints
  • nervous system disorders
  • spinal diseases
  • circulatory problems
  • endocrine diseases

Depending on which finger is numb, you can determine the cause of the problem and correctly prescribe treatment. Not rare cause numbness in the fingers on the right hand is due to inflammation elbow joint. A neurologist will accurately determine the cause of your discomfort.

pinched nerve of the cervical-collar area

Important: If the head has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time, then it is quite possible that the nerve of the cervical-collar area may be pinched, radiating to the right arm.

Why do the fingers of both hands always go numb?

The fingers of both hands can go numb at any age and in absolutely any person. The reasons for this may be the most common diseases:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome - consequences of monotonous hand work in seamstresses, office workers, secretaries or accountants
  • Osteochondrosis - pinching of the neurovascular bundles in the cervical spine
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Scoliosis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Whatever the cause of numbness in your fingers in your case, you should at least contact a therapist about this problem. Only then can you begin the course of getting rid of the disease.

Why do my fingers go numb in my sleep?

Each person may have an uncomfortable position during sleep that he has no control over. This position contributes to the “flowing” of the limbs of the phalanges of the hands. The most common causes of numb fingers during sleep:

  • Uncomfortable posture that compresses nerve endings
  • Osteochondrosis of the nerve vertebrae
  • Professional activity: same type of muscle load
  • Disruption endocrine system: overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Changes in hormonal levels: pregnancy, menopause, lactation period
  • Lack of vitamin B2 and iron in the body
  • Spinal injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

not a comfortable sleeping position

Why do my fingers go numb after sleep?

The reasons for swelling of the hands during sleep and after sleep are the same. If your body has been in an uncomfortable position all night, it is quite possible to feel tingling in your fingertips and loss of sensitivity in your hand. If such sensations do not occur to you often, use exercises and warm-ups. Such exercises will help restore normal blood circulation and quickly eliminate swelling.

If you experience constant swelling after sleep, this is a symptom of a disease such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a neuropathic condition that requires treatment. The treatment is carried out by stimulating the nerve endings with small current discharges, the swelling goes away and sensitivity returns to the fingers.

Video: “Tunnel syndrome”

What causes numbness in fingers during pregnancy?

  • During pregnancy female body works in "enhanced mode". This is why very often some systems go wrong
  • Numbness of the limbs and fingers is common. Often pregnant women in the second and third trimester complain of feeling tingling, pain, burning and complete absence sensitivity
  • Tunnel syndrome, a pinched nerve, is common in pregnant women, as well as in those who have monotonous work. Basically, the working hand becomes numb because it more often endures stress. How to deal with numbness during pregnancy
  • If you start the problem, it is quite possible to cause complications. If you have painful swelling that is not relieved by exercise, you should seek help from your doctor.

Which doctor should I contact if my fingers go numb?

First of all, if you have not previously consulted a doctor about your health problems, you need to go to see your primary care physician. It is this doctor who gives the referral to a specialist. If the nature of your disease is neurological, it is dealt with by a neurologist.

Depending on which fingers are numb and on which hand, the doctor prescribes a proper examination: a blood test for hormones, an X-ray of the spine and limbs, a cardiogram. Depending on your clinical record, specialists prescribe effective treatment and save you from the problem.

Video: “Fingers and arms go numb. Causes and consequences"

If you feel numbness in your fingers and hands, try doing exercises aimed at restoring blood circulation:

  1. Perform the “Tree” exercise 10 times in a row: sit up straight, raise your arms up and shake them above your head several times, relax your arms down along your body and shake them the same way.
  2. Practice the “Lock” several times: clasp your fingers, extend them in front of you and make several circular movements
  3. Stretch your hands forward and clench them into fists several times. Repeat the movement with your arms extended to the sides
  4. Make several turns of your head to the right and left, as well as circular movements of your head clockwise and counterclockwise

These exercises will allow you to develop joints and increase blood flow to the extremities, eliminating swelling and numbness.

Video: “Fingers go numb”

Many people experience numbness in their fingers. This can happen by various reasons. Some people experience this unpleasant sensation often, while others experience it rarely. Until recently, a similar phenomenon was typical for older people. However, these days many young people are faced with a similar problem - numbness in the fingers, which is replaced by a feeling of tingling and “whining”.

If the limbs not only go numb, but also become cold, this indicates that the person has impaired normal blood circulation in the hands. To get rid of these unpleasant sensations, you need to find out their cause.

For example, most often your fingers go numb in the morning. In this case, numbness may be accompanied by tingling in the limbs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, since most likely the reason is that the person slept in an uncomfortable position. In this case, you need to do a simple warm-up, after which the problem will immediately disappear.

However, if numbness in your fingers bothers you quite often, you should consult a doctor. After all, sometimes numbness in the limbs does not occur because of trivial disorders, but because of serious diseases that can pose a threat to health.

The main causes of numbness in the limbs


If you are worried about numbness in your fingers in the morning immediately after waking up, then pay attention to the clothes you sleep in. Doctors have encountered this problem more than once and have diligently searched for possible reasons its occurrence. And the answer was very close - if the elastic bands on the sleeves of sleeping clothes are too tight, then they squeeze the blood vessels, as a result of which blood circulation is greatly impaired.

As soon as blood circulation is restored, certain substances will begin to flow into the nerve endings, which irritate the nerve endings located in the fingers. It is because of this irritation that unpleasant tingling sensations occur in the limbs. It is very easy to get rid of this problem - you just need to change your sleeping clothes.


Another one common reason which leads to numbness in the fingers. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in this case, numbness is characteristic only of the fingers of the left or right hand. The fingers on both hands will not go numb. To correctly establish this diagnosis, you need to see a doctor and undergo a series of examinations.

This syndrome is characterized by pinching of the middle nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel. With this syndrome, a person will feel not only tingling and numbness in the fingers, but also pain. Fingers can be very painful, interfering with daily activities.

Most often, this disease affects those people who spend a lot of time at the computer and whose fingers are in one position and under tension. To avoid this disease, you need to warm up your hands every half hour to avoid pinched nerves and blood stagnation.


With polyneuropathy, organic damage occurs to the nerve plexuses of the hands and fingers. The result is a feeling of numbness, which is replaced by tingling. The frequency of their appearance depends on the degree of nerve damage. Such attacks can occur several times a week and even several times a day.

Such damage can occur due to various infectious diseases or due to functional diseases(pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, etc.). Sometimes such a lesion can be caused by a lack of vitamins or the presence of iron deficiency anemia.

Raynaud's disease

With this disease, blood circulation in the smallest blood vessels of the hands and fingers is disrupted. Poor circulation occurs due to damage to small arteries and capillaries.

People suffering from this disease experience numbness and pain in the fingers of both hands. In the cold, patients not only freeze, but also quickly contract various infections. To diagnose this disease you need to see a doctor. And to avoid Raynaud's disease, you need to carefully monitor your hands: you should not keep them in cold water for a long time; it is also recommended to use gloves when doing laundry and washing dishes.

If the artery, which is located in upper limb, becomes clogged with a blood clot, the person feels numb. At first, only the fingers of the affected limb become numb, but after a while the numbness does not disappear, but, on the contrary, only increases. You definitely need to pay attention to this nuance: if the numbness does not go away within an hour, then you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. In the worst case, tissue necrosis may develop and, if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, you may lose a limb.

Blockage of a blood vessel in the brain

Numbness of the limbs may also indicate an approaching stroke. As a rule, in such cases, numbness occurs only in one hand. Simultaneously with this symptom, the patient’s blood pressure rises and his head hurts severely. At the first symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

"Lovers Syndrome"

Very often, numbness appears when a woman falls asleep on a man’s arm. As a result, the hand remains motionless and depressed for a long time. Due to the strong and prolonged compression blood vessels there is a feeling of numbness that does not go away for a long time.

Other reasons

In addition to the above reasons, numbness of the limbs can be caused by other systemic disorders in the body. For example, rheumatism, injuries, diseases of the endocrine system, inflammation of the joints, and so on. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of numbness in the fingers. Only a neuropathologist can find out. He performs a special examination, the purpose of which is not only diagnosis, but also the prescription of correct treatment.

Preventing limb numbness won't hurt. It is necessary to perform a set of physical exercises several times a day. These exercises will help get rid of the unpleasant consequences that happen when a person leads sedentary lifestyle life.


  • In the morning, immediately after you wake up, without getting out of bed, raise your fists up and clench and unclench them fifty times. After this, extend your arms along your body and repeat the exercise again.
  • Turn your face to the wall, stand on your toes and raise your arms up. You need to stay in this position for a minute. This exercise must be repeated five to seven times throughout the day.
  • Press your palms together, cross your fingers and then clench and unclench them about thirty times.

These simple exercises will help prevent the feeling of numbness in your fingers.

Remember that numbness in your fingers may be a symptom of a serious illness that can be harmful to your health. Therefore, you should not ignore this symptom and it is best to immediately contact a neurologist. Timely and correct treatment is very important. Otherwise, you may lose limb mobility.

Today we offer an article on the topic: “Fingers go numb: the reason and what to do.” We tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have any questions, ask at the end of the article.

Such unpleasant sensations as tingling in the fingers, sometimes turning into numbness with loss of sensitivity, and weakness in the hands are familiar to quite a lot of people. The reason for this may be trivial - in a dream, the hands took an uncomfortable position, and the blood circulation was disrupted or the nerve was pinched. And you just have to actively move and work with your arms and hands and everything will pass.

But it’s not uncommon for your fingers to go numb all the time, or at least quite often. Usually this is typical for older people. And then you need to contact specialists for advice and conduct an examination. So why do your fingers go numb?

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Causes of numbness in fingers

As such, the disease “numbness of the hands and fingers” does not exist. These are all syndromes and consequences of the negative things that happen in our body. Hands, like everything else in the body, are interconnected with other organs and processes in the body. And you don’t need to steadfastly endure and get used to the unpleasant sensations in your hands, but it is important to find out in time and prevent the onset of the disease.

In medical language, numbness in the fingers is called paresthesia.

So, why do your hands go numb, numb, numb, and flabby?

  • Well, we will not consider injuries to the hands and wrist joint; this reason is predicted even by the patient himself.
  • Most probable cause numbness are diseases of the cardiovascular system and spine.

It is believed that problem with the little finger and ring finger of the left hand most often indicates heart disease.

But osteochondrosis thoracic the spine in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and neck often also creates a similar reaction. It can also affect the same fingers of the right hand. Often these two reasons act together and are difficult to distinguish.

  • Episodes of numbness in the fingers also occur in pregnant women at the end of their pregnancy; these phenomena can be conditionally called physiological, since they are often associated with pressure on the peripheral nerves during swelling of the extremities. Although, strictly speaking, edema is already considered a manifestation of toxicosis. Other causes of numbness are less common, but quite probable. They can also be roughly diagnosed by which finger is going numb.

Diagnosis by combination of fingers

  • Numbness of the middle finger and, together with it, the ring or index finger, moving to the outer side of the hand, can be from inflammation of the elbow joint or from a pinched nerve in the shoulder.
  • Numbness of the index finger and thumb often occurs with diseases in the cervical spine.
  • When they go numb fingertips- this is a sign that the body lacks minerals and vitamins (A or B). Also, similar symptoms are typical for advanced anemia.
  • Symmetrical numbness of both hands occurs with nerve diseases and polyneuropathy.
  • Previous operations, strokes, stressful situations, as well as problems with the kidneys, liver, lungs, and diaphragm dysfunction can also be the cause.
  • Problems with fingers can be caused by diseases in the hand itself. A pinched nerve in the wrist area is called “carpal or carpal tunnel syndrome,” also called carpal tunnel syndrome. Spasms of blood vessels in the fingers, accompanied by pallor, blueness, coldness and pain in the hands (Raynaud's disease).
  • Thrombosis. Thrombosis of blood vessels can occur not only in the lower extremities, but also in the upper ones, if numbness does not go away for more than 2 hours and the condition of the external integument becomes cyanotic, the temperature of the hand drops, coldness is felt, difficulty moving, then in order to save the limb, you should urgently seek medical attention help.

Why and why your hands go numb at night in your sleep - reasons

In addition to the above-mentioned reason for the uncomfortable position of the limb during sleep - under the body, thrown over the head, the arms often go numb from night clothes that restrict movement, a pillow that is too high, or a restless bed partner throwing their arms, legs, and head over you.

Fingers become numb and numb if tight jewelry, wrists, watches, and bracelets are not removed at night.

Also, night numbness is the price to pay for a sedentary and, in general, sedentary lifestyle; it is usually associated with spinal deformities and circulatory disorders.

At night, the arms, particularly the hands, go numb as carpal tunnel syndrome progresses.

Arms and legs regularly go numb while sleeping at night with chronic venous insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative diseases of the peripheral nervous system, rheumatism,

Occasionally, hands become numb and numb at night with a serious deficiency of B vitamins and some microelements, anemia, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Biggest fear causes numbness of the arms and legs from one part of the body, combined with dizziness, high blood pressure, speech impairment... All these are signs of an incipient ischemic stroke.

Hands go numb after drinking alcohol

The hands become stiff, their sensitivity is impaired, goosebumps, tingling, and tightness may appear after drinking alcohol and with a hangover the next day as a result of ethanol poisoning of the body, an imbalance of fluid in the body and vascular spasm.

Increased doses of alcohol, especially of questionable quality, cause agglutination (sticking together) of red blood cells, which leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. If a blood clot clogs a vessel in a limb, gangrene may develop; if thrombosis occurs in the brain, a stroke will develop; in the heart, a heart attack will occur.

What to do if your fingers go numb - treatment of numbness

High-quality treatment is possible only with the help of specialists. Numbness of the hands, having appeared from one disease, in the future will no longer be able to indicate the appearance of another pathological process. Therefore on early stages it is easier to diagnose, and in advanced cases, a comprehensive examination may be required.

There is no point in relying on Russian for this symptom; sometimes numbness in the fingers is a harbinger of a stroke.

You need to start with the cardiovascular system and spine. A cardiologist needs to check not only the heart, but also vascular system. After all, the cause of numbness may be hidden in its poor condition, for example, arthrosis or thrombosis, which does not provide sufficient nutrition to the hands.

You definitely need to do a computed tomography scan of the spine and consult a neurologist. He also treats diseases of a neuralgic nature.
If these pathologies are not identified, then you should pay attention to other possible causes listed above.

X-rays of the cervical spine may show pinched nerves.

EEG (electroencephalography) - will give a report on electrical activity brain.

If numbness in the fingers is caused, then it is necessary to reduce them somewhat, diversify the diet, and include foods with vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Here you can do without special treatment.

At overstrain of the neuromuscular system During monotonous movements of the hands, long trips behind the wheel or working at the computer, complications are not uncommon. Then it is necessary to periodically take breaks to perform relaxing exercises and, perhaps, the help of a doctor will not be needed.

At the first sign of tingling and numbness, you should morning complex gymnastics include exercises for the neck and upper back. And also for the hands and fingers for several minutes in the form of mutual rubbing of the palms, pressing both hands together with the tips of the unclenched fingers on each other, scrolling the hands, rotating the arms in the shoulder joints.

Alternate massage of the hands is useful.

For some patients, the most effective manual contrast baths- hands are alternately lowered, now into hot, now into cold water. The procedure time is one minute in each container. The water should not be very cold and very hot, the temperature is approximately 15-18 and 40-45 degrees.

It is also useful to make baths from a decoction of burdock, sage, peppermint; the decoction needs to be strong; it is often advised to simply steam the mashed raw materials with boiling water, add a little salt and keep your fingers in this warm paste until it cools. Afterwards, thoroughly insulate yourself for at least half an hour.

There is also a recipe for lubricating the hands and feet during numbness with natural honey, followed by wrapping the limbs for a couple of hours (overnight if possible); improvements are expected after a week of use.

Prevention of numbness in fingers

  • You need to treat your hands with care - reduce contact with very cold water(very often the onset of numbness occurs after prolonged washing in ice water), be sure to wear gloves in winter, avoid excessive fatigue of the arms and hands and their injuries.
  • You should avoid watch bracelets and jewelry that are too tight.
  • An active lifestyle, increasing the overall tone of the body and immunity are necessary. You should eat right, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • It is very useful for this symptom to include fish oil or sea fish, flaxseed or olive oil how beautiful natural spring Omega 3 (polyunsaturated acids).

Numbness of the fingers is a problem that is unfortunately familiar to many. Usually it begins to cause alarm only when the discomfort becomes almost constant and may be accompanied by pain. Most often, we first notice numbness when waking up in the morning or at night, and at first we do not attach any importance to it, because the cause may be an uncomfortable posture.

If numbness in your fingers becomes regular, then you should hurry to see a doctor, because any treatment is more successful in the early stages of the disease, and this symptom is a cause for concern.

Why do my fingers go numb?

With various problems, we may feel numbness in different parts of the hand. Numbness of the little finger is quite common, but discomfort in the thumb area is less common.

The causes of numbness in the hands or fingers can be different.

Most often this condition is associated with osteochondrosis, but this is not the only cause.

Causes of numbness

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • Polyneuropathy;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • Injuries;
  • Violation of vascular patency;
  • Overstrain of muscle fibers;
  • Severe stress.

The most harmless reason that causes numbness in the hands is muscle strain.. If your head lies uncomfortably on the pillow while sleeping, or if your posture is incorrect when working at a desk or computer, then severe tension in the neck muscles occurs. Muscle spasm compresses nearby nerve fibers.

Unpleasant sensations can occur in different fingers of the upper extremities, from the little finger to the big, depending on which nerve and in which area is pinched.

Pinched nerves also occur with constant tension in the hands, when a person works with his hands for a long time. Today this is most often associated with working at a computer, because actively using the keyboard is an unnatural activity for our hands. Monotonous work impairs blood circulation, swelling develops, and tendons or joints may become inflamed.

As a result, the nerves become pinched. The most commonly affected nerve is the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel. At first, numbness in the hands is felt only in the morning, and later pain occurs.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms, the condition will worsen, and your hands will hurt day and night. This disease is called carpal tunnel syndrome; it can manifest itself on only one side; numbness in the right hand is more common, because it usually bears more load.

Approximately the same consequences lead to inflammatory processes in the joints. More often this is arthrosis. It affects one joint first, but can spread to others.

If, for example, you notice numbness in your left hand and do not take action for a long time, then after a while the symmetrical joint on the right may become inflamed.

The causes of numbness will also be a pinched nerve.

Numbness in the hands may be due to Raynaud's disease. In this case, microcirculation is disrupted and discomfort spreads to both hands. Already on initial stage diseases fingers freeze, turn pale and hurt in the cold. The nerves responsible for the functioning of the fingers and hands are affected by polyneuropathy. In turn, the causes of this disease can also be different.

Causes of polyneuropathy

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Infectious diseases.

Similar processes, accompanied by compression of nerves, occur in some endocrine diseases, during nervous overload, for example, when in a state of chronic stress or after severe emotional shock.

Injuries can damage nerve tissue and lead to irreversible consequences, in which case numbness in the hands will remain forever.

An alarming symptom may be one-sided sensations.

This may be due to narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels due to various diseases. An atherosclerotic plaque or blood clot in the blood vessels means a threat of ischemic stroke.

The fact is that numbness in the fingers of one hand occurs when the vertebral artery is compressed or blocked on one side. The vertebral arteries supply blood to the brain, and narrowing of their lumen, and even more so, blocking can be catastrophic for the brain.

Thus, even slight numbness in the fingers of the left hand (as well as the right) can be a symptom warning of an impending stroke, and therefore requires attention.

Osteochondrosis as a cause of hand numbness

The most common cause of numbness in the limbs is osteochondrosis. This disease is so widespread that it is rare that an adult does not experience its symptoms. With significant damage to the spine by the pathological process, numbness of the arms and legs is possible, but this degree of the disease is not very common.

Numbness of the fingers causes osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in this disease lead to damage intervertebral discs and the vertebrae themselves.

For this reason, compression of nerve endings occurs and functions are disrupted. vertebral arteries, in particular, they become less leaky of blood. These pathological processes cause numbness of the upper extremities.

Damage to the intervertebral discs leads to the formation of protrusions and hernias, which put pressure on the nerve roots and on the vessels passing nearby. Degeneration of the vertebral bodies can be manifested by the formation of osteophytes (bone growths), which also compress the nerves.

Thus, numbness in the fingers may be a sign cervical osteochondrosis, and you can even determine which vertebrae are affected, because compression at certain levels is reflected by numbness in the corresponding areas of our body.

For example, numbness of the little finger and ring finger indicates damage 8 cervical vertebra. If the numbness extends to the ring and middle fingers, then the 7th vertebra is affected. With such sensations at the level of the thumb, index and middle fingers, the cause is usually a problem in the 6th vertebra.

Diagnosis of the problem

It is very important to make a correct diagnosis. Most alarm signal- numbness in the fingers of the left hand. First you need to exclude pre-infarction and pre-stroke conditions.

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand can also be a signal of an impending stroke. Severe violations cerebral circulation can be prevented if this pathology is diagnosed in time. Next, you need to find out the condition of the spine for osteochondrosis. Its treatment depends on the stage, so the examination must be thorough, you need to do all the procedures that the doctor prescribes.

Further diagnosis of numbness in the upper extremities is associated with the identification of inflammatory processes, compression or damage to the nerve endings responsible for the functioning of the hand and fingers.

Diagnostic procedures

  • X-ray of the cervical spine in different projections;
  • Dopplerography and angiography of blood vessels;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine;
  • Computed tomography of the brain;
  • Electroencephalography.


If you wake up in the morning or at night and feel numbness in your fingers, then do not ignore this manifestation. Perhaps something needs to be done, because this could be a signal from the body about trouble.

First of all, of course, we think that the reasons are simple: an uncomfortable pillow, a sleeping position. Most often in this case we feel numbness in the little finger; if you stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, the unpleasant sensations can spread to the entire hand, but, as a rule, this only happens on one side.

To exclude this option and not bother the doctor in vain, try changing the bed; it may be worth purchasing an orthopedic pillow so that at night when you change position you will not find yourself in an uncomfortable position again.

If this is the problem, then there will literally be a positive result immediately, and nothing else needs to be done.

If simple measures do not help, you need to consult a doctor to get adequate treatment.

Pinched nerve endings in the hand are treated by a neurologist using medications, vitamins and physiotherapy. If the cause is excessive physical exertion or incorrect body position during work, then these causes need to be eliminated and a short course of treatment restored to restore balance in the body and the functioning of nerve endings.

Specific treatment is prescribed for inflammatory diseases or osteochondrosis.

Possible treatments for numb fingers

  • Medication. Relieves inflammatory swelling, reduces pain, improves the functioning of blood vessels and nerves. Vitamins and chondroprotectors help restore tissue functions.
  • Local treatment involves manual therapy and massage.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures stimulate blood circulation and tissue regeneration. The most commonly used are laser, ultrasound, and magnetic therapy.
  • In many cases, therapeutic exercises can completely relieve numbness in the hands or significantly alleviate the condition.

Prevention of hand numbness

It is always much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and nerves can cause numbness in the upper extremities. To preserve blood vessels, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, that is, do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking, limit salty, spicy foods.

The diet must include meat, fish, seafood, a lot of vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

If you work with your hands, then be sure to take breaks after 45-60 minutes for small exercises so that normal blood flow in the extremities has time to be restored. If you suspect more serious problems contact a specialist immediately.

Unpleasant sensations in the fingers - tingling, numbness - are familiar to many. More often than not, this is not given importance. But if symptoms appear constantly, you need to find out what is the cause of numbness in your fingers. Sometimes discomfort is easily eliminated by changing the position of the limb, with a few active movements.

Causes of paresthesia

There are many nerve endings concentrated in the fingertips. In an uncomfortable position, the blood vessels are compressed, blood circulation is disrupted, which entails unpleasant painful sensations. They target women more often than men. At any age, numbness in the fingers and toes can occur. Reasons not related to the disease are the following:

  1. Sleeping in an awkward position.
  2. Local or general hypothermia of the body.
  3. In case of poisoning with chemicals, alcohol, drugs.
  4. Consequences of limb injuries.
  5. Prolonged position of the fingers during certain types of activities (working at the computer, knitting, etc.)
  6. The presence of tightly fitting accessories (bracelets, rings).

Paresthesia often plagues pregnant women due to increasing stress and hormonal changes. You should think about the seriousness of the disorders if only one limb or finger is numb. Frequently recurring symptoms may indicate the presence of such dangerous diseases How:

  1. Brain disorders and hemorrhages.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.
  4. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of the carpal tunnel.
  5. Blood circulation disorders in diabetes mellitus.
  6. Fungal diseases of nails.

Sometimes impaired sensitivity of the limbs is associated with an incorrect lifestyle. In any case, consultation with a specialized specialist is essential.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

With diseases of the cardiovascular system, numbness occurs in the little finger, and sometimes in all the fingers of the left hand. Impaired sense of touch may worsen at night. Gradually they turn into tingling, spreading to the entire surface of the left hand. Accompanied by pain behind the sternum and under the shoulder blade.

Numbness and muscle weakness of only one arm or lower extremities may indicate a stroke. This adds a strong headache, loss of coordination when moving.

Compression of nerve endings in intervertebral discs cervical region is accompanied by numbness and weakness of the first three fingers. There is pain in the shoulder, elbow, hand, and a feeling of crawling. Numbness of the index finger is present with arthritis or arthrosis of the elbow joint.

Carpal tunnel syndrome often bothers office workers who spend long periods of time at the computer, musicians, and drivers. It occurs when performing the same type of repetitive movements over a long period of time. Manifested by numbness of the thumb and index finger. There is pain and discomfort in the wrist joint, when bending the hand. Pain can equally affect people of different professions, both painters and seamstresses.

In diabetics due to high content blood vessels suffer from sugar. Poor blood circulation leads to numbness in the hands and feet. The same symptoms can be observed in inflammatory processes associated with fungal infections in the root area of ​​the nail plate.

Treatment of loss of sensation

Violation of tactile sensations is only a symptom of a particular disease. Correct qualified diagnosis is necessary. The fight should be aimed at treating the underlying disease. If the cause lies in heart problems, consultation and treatment with a cardiologist is necessary. Numbness of the fingers - the little and ring fingers - may indicate a heart attack or stroke. In this case, urgent assistance and hospitalization are necessary.

In case of polyneuropathy, you should consult a neurologist. After diagnosis and tests, the doctor will prescribe individual treatment. The complex includes the use of medications, manual therapy, and physiotherapy.

Cervical osteochondrosis or glenohumeral periarthritis often causes numbness in the fingers of the right hand. The reasons, as well as the treatment, may vary. You will need to consult several specialists - a neurologist, vertebrologist, rheumatologist, orthopedist. In addition to the use of drugs aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, vitamins, painkillers, ointments, compresses, physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics are prescribed.

Physiotherapy and gymnastics

For certain diseases, drug treatment is aimed at relieving swelling, eliminating pain, improving the functioning of the bloodstream and nerve endings. Physiotherapeutic procedures play a significant role in treatment. They improve blood circulation and promote the restoration of affected tissues. Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and lidase will help relieve pain and inflammation in the joints and soft tissues for arthritis and arthrosis. Magnetic therapy sessions, ultrasound and laser effects, and amplipulse are useful.

The set of measures may include impact on active points– acupuncture. Osteopathy is used to reduce spasms in muscles and ligaments. This is a technique and techniques for gentle effects on certain muscle groups. The action of manual therapy is aimed at both relaxation and stimulation of soft tissues.

A healthy, active lifestyle will help get rid of the problem. Gymnastics and massage are essential to restore sensitivity in the fingers. Many similar complexes have been developed that can give good results.

Traditional medicine

To get rid of numbness in your fingers at night, if the cause is numbness in the limb, then you won’t need any special treatment. It is enough to perform a few simple exercises consisting of unclenching and squeezing your hands. If numbness is accompanied by pain, you can use the following: folk remedies.

  • To increase blood circulation in the extremities, rub an oil-pepper mixture. To do this, boil 50g of ground black pepper in 0.5 l vegetable oil within 30 minutes.
  • Warm pumpkin porridge applied to the entire limb. Cover with polyethylene or compress paper, with a warm scarf on top.
  • A vodka tincture of marsh cinquefoil, nettle and wormwood in a ratio of 1:2:2, relieves inflammation and stimulates blood circulation. Plant materials are infused with vodka for 20 days in a dark place. Used as a rub.
  • Contrast baths will help improve sensitivity. Hands are alternately immersed in hot and cold water. The procedure can be performed several times a day.
  • For numbness of the fingertips associated with arthrosis of the elbow or shoulder joint, apply a compress with a “talker”. The ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy: saline. solution (150 ml), dimexide (50 ml), hydrocortisone (2 ampoules), lidocaine (5 ampoules).

Using means traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor. Use with caution in people prone to allergic reactions.

Preventive actions

The main goal is to notice in time the onset of the disease, which causes paresthesia of the fingers. Monitor the condition of the cardiovascular system, joints and spine. Avoid hypothermia of hands and feet, excessive physical exertion, and injuries.

No matter how trivial it may be, it should be healthy image life. Healthy food, a minimum of fat and salt is dangerous for blood vessels. Regular physical activity appropriate to your condition and age is required. Proper alternation of work and rest, especially with monotonous and monotonous work. Mandatory cessation of smoking and alcoholic beverages.

To avoid the unpleasant sensations associated with paresthesia, take care of your health. Contact your doctor promptly. An adequate diagnosis can guarantee recovery.

A person performs hundreds of manipulations with his hands every day; when the finger of the left or right hand is numb, sometimes he does not attach much importance to this. Fingers and little fingers go numb for a reason; this may be a sign of a serious internal disease. If this phenomenon has become permanent and causes anxiety and inconvenience, you should consult a therapist, undergo an examination, we will consider in more detail in this article what to do with such an ailment, what are its causes and what methods to treat.

Causes of numbness

In addition to numbness of the fingertips, tingling, burning, and goose bumps are often observed. Numbness is a loss of sensitivity, possible when staying in an incorrect position for a long time, quickly disappears when changing the position of the hands. It often happens in the morning after sleep, when tracking the hand. This is mainly the reason for the presence serious illnesses, especially in older people, malaise may be associated with blood vessels, nerves, and lack of vitamins in the body.

Numbness is possible in children due to incorrect body position; short-term loss of sensitivity is observed with:

  • sitting position, cross-legged. If you sit like this all the time, you can develop varicose veins and vascular problems.
  • Frequently throwing back the head leads to compression of blood vessels, obstructing the flow of blood to the brain, and loss of sensitivity in the hands
  • crossing your arms, blood begins to flow poorly to your fingertips
  • curvature of posture in a sitting position. A constantly bent back leads to diseases of the spine, which subsequently leads to numbness in the fingers
  • position of the body with hands under the head, arteries are pinched, fingertips begin to go numb.

There is no causeless numbness in the fingers. This is a symptom of neuralgia, heart disease, and metabolic disorders. In addition to numbness, possible additional symptoms. Loss of sensitivity is possible with:

  • disorders of the heart, hematopoietic system, numbness of the fingertips is accompanied by pain in the sternum on the left side in the left region of the scapula, the diseases are neuralgic in nature. In addition to numbness, the limbs become cold and shortness of breath is possible. To prevent the development of heart disease, you need to see a doctor and get examined
  • disorders of the nervous system, fingers go numb due to neurological diseases, osteochondrosis. Between the fifth and sixth vertebrae the nerve is pinched, the fingers begin to lose sensitivity, so that an intervertebral hernia does not appear, osteochondrosis must be treated. Fingers go numb when the median nerve is pinched, carpal tunnel syndrome when a nerve in the forearm is pinched is accompanied by pain in the left or right hand, the little finger and ring finger go numb. Writers, programmers, and seamstresses often suffer from similar symptoms, that is, those who perform monotonous, long-hour work with their fingers.
  • with metabolic pathologies due to a lack of vitamins, especially in the spring season. The skin dries, begins to peel, and due to a lack of potassium and calcium, swelling occurs
  • With angina pectoris, in addition to numbness in the fingers, the lower jaw hurts and there is a tingling sensation in the left shoulder blades. With osteochondrosis, metabolism is disrupted, the muscle corset weakens, dystrophic disorder cartilage tissue leads to excess weight gain
  • with atherosclerosis and the formation of plaques in the fingers, leading to loss of sensitivity. Numbness is possible during pregnancy, with poor circulation, or with diabetes. Also, this condition is often present after a heart attack, stroke, if there is mental disorders, breathing problems, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

With symmetrical numbness of the fingers on the left and right hands, a manifestation of neuralgia and neuropathy is observed. The elbow joint may be inflamed due to numbness of the large index and middle fingers, or the pleural nerve may be pinched due to the development of cervical osteochondrosis. If your fingers are numb at night, problems with the spine may occur if the vertebrae are pinched.

Heart disease is accompanied by numbness of the little finger and ring finger. With cardiac pathology, the limbs become cold, the lips turn blue, and there is pain in the sternum area, under the shoulder blade. If the fingertips on both hands go numb, it means the body needs vitamins and microelements. This phenomenon is often observed in the spring with vitamin deficiency.

Why does my right hand go numb more often?

The right hand is subject to more stress when writing and typing. Numbness of the fingers is associated with impaired blood supply to the hand, as well as to the spine. Frequent numbness should be examined. The symptom is possible when:

  • injuries
  • pathological condition of the spine or its individual vertebrae
  • joint inflammation
  • impaired blood circulation, affected nervous system
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

When the elbow joint is injured or inflamed, the middle or index finger goes numb. The little finger and ring finger go numb due to diseases of the cardiovascular system. If there is tingling or pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hand treatment is required for:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • poor circulation in the hands
  • thrombosis of the upper extremities
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra
  • blockage of blood vessels in the brain
  • ischemic stroke
  • Raynaud's disease
  • carparal tunnel syndrome.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the affected area of ​​the arm is:

  • hurts
  • swells, turns red
  • muscles atrophy
  • temperature rises
  • growths appear between the phalanges
  • fingers stiff, especially in the morning
  • Contracture of the fingers is disrupted during flexion and extension.

Getting worse general state, weight loss, weakness and nervousness appear. Subsequently, the pathology spreads to the heart, respiratory system, kidneys, stomach.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects several joints of one hand. If the disease is neurological in nature, then the lesions become symmetrical between the phalanges and wrist joints. Both hands begin to ache and ache. If left untreated, attacks become constant. Tissue that does not receive nutrition will ultimately lead to the appearance of ulcers on the hands, necrosis, swelling, and gangrene.

Why is numbness dangerous in older age?

In people over 50 years of age, numbness is a sign of atherosclerosis; if the index finger on the left hand goes numb, this is a problem with the neck muscles. It is important for older people to listen to such sensations, as well as to weakening of the fingers.

With osteochondrosis, the little finger on the left hand goes numb, and with overstrain associated with needlework, the ring finger goes numb. The middle finger on the right hand goes numb due to diseases of the elbow joint, the problem is dangerous, requires examination by a doctor, and if there are problems with the hand it goes numb thumb.

How does lifestyle affect your fingers?

When overexerted and constantly doing needlework, over time your hands begin to ache. Of course, if you give your hands a little rest, your activity can be restored, but with a constant loss of sensitivity, these are symptoms of the presence of internal diseases; numbness simply cannot exist without a cause.

How to treat numbness?

Numbness is a symptom, so it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that led to such an ailment. The disease cannot be neglected; examination and treatment are always more effective in the early stages of their development. Pay attention to the spine, cardiovascular system, numbness is likely due to arthrosis, thrombosis, and malnutrition. You should contact a neurologist and insist on a CT scan.

If your fingers go numb immediately after excessive exercise, you need to reduce them, pay attention to your diet, and include fatty acids in your diet. When you move your hands at the computer or while driving, the nervous and muscular system is overstrained, learn to rest, do relaxing exercises at least a few minutes per hour.

If there is tingling or numbness, develop top part back, neck, doing massage or exercises. Massage your hands one at a time.

You can get rid of numbness using folk remedies, for example, saline solution for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, keep sore hands in a warm solution for 35 - 40 minutes. Mix massage oil with sugar and massage your fingers. Loss of sensitivity in the fingers is a symptom of internal diseases, sometimes serious and insidious. Timely visits to a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist and complex treatment will relieve you of such symptoms.

Pregnancy and numbness in fingers.

Many pregnant women complain of paresthesia of the fingers. This is due to the enlargement of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the nerve trunks and their endings. This is especially evident in the 7th-9th month, swelling occurs. It is important for a woman to monitor her blood pressure, check it daily, and not eat salt, spices, or fried foods.

If your hands go numb, then you need to constantly monitor the development of the fetus using ultrasound; to reduce swelling, eat asparagus, black currants, lettuce, parsley, and celery.

How to improve your health at home?

Our fast-paced life sometimes leaves no time for visiting doctors or paying attention to our health. But you can always take care of yourself. Our fingers, which are constantly in motion, tirelessly fulfill all our desires and any work, need rest and support. It is important to massage them, this helps improve blood circulation, keep your hands in healing baths more often, allowing them to relax and rest.

Massage starting from the elbow and moving to the wrist and fingers, paying special attention to each finger. You can independently rotate your hands, right – left – up, left – left – down. Bend your fingers into a fist, place your chin on the phalanges, press your fingers on it and vice versa - with your chin on your fingers. Don't move your head or fingers, repeat 5-6 times.

Stretch your hands during prolonged exercise, rotate your hands, unclench and squeeze the phalanges of your fingers.

Nutrition is of great importance; it must be balanced, with vitamins and microelements. We are what we eat; from improper nutrition, many defects develop in the body, because all organs are interconnected.

There is no need to avoid scheduled visits to doctors; if you experience numbness with pain in your hands, you need to consult a doctor urgently. Loss of sensitivity can occur due to hand injuries or blows; consult a traumatologist, a specialist will better understand the causes of this ailment. It is possible to prescribe acupuncture and osteopathy. If your fingers and fingertips go numb, it’s time to think about your health. Regardless of the etiology of numbness in the fingers, the root cause of the illness must be treated, because numbness is a symptom, in some cases the consequences can be disastrous.

In our difficult times, when the work of most men and women constantly requires considerable effort from them, it is good rest is the key to health and further productive professional activity of a working person, therefore restful and sound sleep is simply vital for the restoration of physical and intellectual strength. It is during sleep that the human body gets rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day and quickly replenishes its energy reserves in order to fully meet the next working difficulties.

However, as practice shows, not every person can boast of a restful sleep. Many people during a night's rest face various problems, which not only prevent the body from relaxing and recovering, but also leave a feeling of discomfort in the morning after sleep. One such problem is numbness in various parts of the human body at night.

Why do my hands go numb at night?

The so-called numbness, due to an uncomfortable position or constant tension, can occur at any time of the day and in relation to different parts body (back, chest, ears, nose, fingertips, etc.), but most often, especially at night, limbs (mainly arms) or neck go numb. Symptoms of this painful condition do not develop immediately. At first, a person may feel like problem hand(or both) tingles, suffers and gets a little cold, then feel the limb ache, swell, twist and even cramp. When you move your hand, this negative symptomatology initially sharply worsens, after which it gradually decreases and completely disappears.

The negative factors that cause pain and numbness in your hands during sleep and the reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. The main reasons why arms and hands go numb at night and hands during sleep should be sought in their system blood supply And innervation , also not excluding, albeit more rare, but sometimes much significant diseases and pathology. Only by making an accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of numbness in the hands at night, treatment of such conditions can lead to the desired positive result.

In the article below we will look in more detail at why our hands go numb during sleep, why our hands and fingers go numb at night, the causes and consequences of these painful sensations, what this can mean and what it can lead to, we will advise what to do in this case and what to do. which doctor to consult, and we will also recommend the necessary studies and adequate treatment.

Why my hands go numb, reasons

Uncomfortable pillow

At night, the most common cause of pain in the hands and their numbness is the pillow on which the sleeping person's head is located, namely its size and density. When using a hard and high pillow, an excessive unnatural deflection in the cervical spine often occurs, which persists for a period of time sufficient to circulatory disorders in the roots of the spinal cord, passing through the intervertebral foramina, and are responsible for the sensitivity and mobility of the limbs.

In this case, there is no point in seeking help from a doctor. The solution to the problem of numb parts of the body is to replace the pillow with a lower and soft one or orthopedic . This pillow differs from the usual ones in its unusual shape, with an additional supporting cushion for the neck, behind which there is a special recess intended for the head. These devices allow a person to maintain the natural anatomical position of the head and neck during sleep, which promotes normal blood supply to all parts of the body. Naturally, there is no unambiguous standard of pillows suitable for any person, and the choice of this night accessory must be made on an individual basis.

Incorrect body position

Another reason why legs and arms go numb during sleep is the incorrect position of the entire body of the sleeping person or part of it. Unnatural posture and throwing your arms or legs up will most likely lead to numbness in your limbs. It's all about them again impaired blood supply due to slow night work the cardiovascular system, which cannot provide enough blood to “hard-to-reach” places.

This also includes the habit of nursing mothers who practice after pregnancy sleeping together with your child, sleeping on your side with your arm extended forward and placed under your head, as well as night rest for spouses, when the head of one of them is on the arm of the other, thus pinching the shoulder or elbow. It should be remembered that any physical activity certainly puts pressure on the blood vessels of the arm, which disrupts normal blood flow.

In addition, tight and uncomfortable nightwear with tight seams, folds, and tight cuffs can also cause compression of the vessels of the extremities, and therefore a disruption in the flow of blood to them.

Of course, it is quite difficult to completely control the position of your body during sleep, so you need to do this gradually, noting the position of your body in the morning after sleep and trying to change it in the evening when you go to bed.

The selection of pajamas, if used, should also be carried out based not on attractiveness, but on practicality. Pajamas should not restrict body movement, be loose, soft to the touch and breathable. Before going to bed, women are advised to remove all jewelry that may constrict blood vessels (rings, bracelets, etc.).

Bad habits

Consume right before bed large quantity , strong coffee or tea , spicy food and other harmful substances can not only cause discomfort in the stomach in the morning, but also greatly affect the position of the body during sleep. An uncomfortable and unnatural posture will most likely cause numbness and pain in any part of the body.

In this regard, you should think twice before indulging in your bad habits at night, especially since in this case the problem of numbness of the limbs is far from the largest in the series of possible painful conditions that can develop as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Recently, more and more people have been complaining of a feeling of numbness and pain in their arms (one or both) and fingers, which develop in the evening and continue throughout the night. Let's figure out why the fingertips of such people go numb and why their hands cramp, what is the reason for this and what to do in this case.

If, at the end of each working day, a person begins to notice unpleasant and painful sensations in the hands (wrists hurt, fingers ache, itch and tingle, “goosebumps” seem to run across the skin), then this is most likely the beginning of the formation of the so-called , tunnel syndrome . This disease most often develops in people over 40 years of age (mainly women), whose daily work associated with constant overstrain of the tendons and joints of the hands.

In past this disease was typical for musicians, tailors, painters and typists. In the current century, this risk group has been supplemented by drivers, hairdressers, editorial and office employees, programmers and other people who constantly work at a computer. The reason for the development of carpal tunnel syndrome is pinched and swelling of the nerve , passing through the carpal tunnel and is responsible for the movement of the fingers and the general sensitivity of the palm. Constantly pinched nerve does not conduct nerve impulses well, which causes numbness in the fingers at night, first the little finger or thumb gets numb and numb, and then the whole palm cramps at night.

In advanced cases and in the absence of treatment this pathology can lead to decreased joint mobility and even complete loss of sensation in the palms and fingers, if death of the nerve . In the future, this situation threatens a person’s inability to independently use even simple household items (fountain pen, spoon, knife, Toothbrush etc.) and therefore requires prevention and/or treatment.

In order to cure, or at least prevent the spread of the disease, the patient has to limit the time he works, and sometimes even change his occupation. In order to reduce negative symptoms for this syndrome, doctors recommend performing a special targeted set of exercises, prescribing vitamin therapy and soothing hand baths.

Spinal diseases

A special place among the states of numbness of the extremities is occupied by various spinal pathologies . In the case when at night a person, in parallel with numbness in the arms or legs, experiences atypical symptoms and even loss of consciousness, then the problem is most likely in the spine.

Most often, painful sensations in the limbs accompany and osteochondrosis (mainly in the cervical spine).

Vascular disorders

The most dangerous reason leading to numbness of the extremities is the development ischemic . In the event of a circulatory disorder in one of the regions of the brain, numbness often occurs on one side of the body (for example, “losing” left side faces, left hand and leg), accompanied dizzy , high blood pressure, etc.

If such symptoms are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance and take the patient to a specialized clinic for emergency care.

Other diseases

Among other pathological causes in which a person may experience constant numbness of the limbs, the following chronic diseases can be identified:

  • various circulatory disorders in chronic form;
  • ischemic disease and other heart pathologies;
  • different shapes anemia ;
  • hereditary or inflammatory pathologies of the nervous system;
  • deficiency of microelements and/or vitamins from group B;
  • multiple sclerosis ;
  • (obsolete - , VSD);
  • (in case of nerve damage and joint deformation).

Why does my left hand go numb?

If the left arm goes numb, this means that it is urgently necessary to pay attention to the state of the person’s cardiovascular system and undergo a full examination in a specialized medical institution, since numbness of the left arm, the causes and treatment of this condition should first of all be determined exclusively by a cardiologist. The whole point is that any sudden change conditions of the left hand, occurring day or night, when without visible reasons, for example, the hand becomes numb and hurts, the finger (thumb, little finger, etc.) pulls and numbs, it is felt It's a dull pain in the entire arm, may indicate serious heart problems, even microstroke or pre-infarction state .

In case it goes numb left hand hands for a reason microstroke , it will not be superfluous to undergo the procedure MRI or other similar studies to confirm or refute such a diagnosis with subsequent therapy. If the left hand goes numb due to pre-infarction state , and the patient has heart pain, he must immediately be prescribed a preventive course of treatment using appropriate medicines, and also recommend to him what to do in the future to prevent such situations.

Another reason why the left hand is taken away may be a number of neurological problems and metabolic disorders. So, due to a deficiency in the body vitamins from groups A and B, damage to the sheath of nerve fibers is observed, accompanied by loss of their sensitivity.

If a person’s fingers on his left hand are numb for this reason, he should replenish the lack of vitamins in the body as quickly as possible.

Why does my right hand go numb?

Numbness on the right side, if the right hand goes numb, or even the arm is completely taken away from the elbow to the fingers, most likely has nothing to do with the cardiovascular system. There is a small chance that the right arm is going numb due to pre-stroke condition , provoked by a strong narrowing of the cervical vessels, which requires consultation with a doctor. The remaining reasons why the right hand is taken away (the hand is sore and painful, the fingers turn blue, the right little finger is cramped and numb, etc.) lie in the plane of the main problems (improper body position, uncomfortable pillow, diseases of the spine, etc.). So, numbness of the hand on the right side may indicate a disruption in the blood supply to it due to physical squeezing blood vessels hands, and pain in the hand may occur due to developing tunnel syndrome . Also, pain in the right hand may be a consequence of the formation osteochondrosis , arthritis or other similar pathologies.

What to do in these cases and how to prevent the state of numbness is described above.

Why do my fingers go numb?

In addition to the reasons already described above, which answer the question of why the fingers on the left hand go numb and why the fingers on the right hand go numb, there are a number of pathological and other conditions that mainly affect the hands, which is why the fingers on the hands go numb.


Quite often, women experience painful sensation heaviness and numbness in the limbs, which primarily affects the fingers. The main reasons for cramping of fingers in pregnant women include: anemia , water-salt balance disorders, hormonal changes , vitamin deficiency, weight gain , reduction in physical activity.

It is natural to draw conclusions about the etiology of such negative phenomena, and even more so to prescribe drug therapy, only a doctor can, first of all, paying attention to the condition pregnancy . This means that if these symptoms are not associated with any serious illness and do not require emergency treatment, it is better to limit treatment methods to various external means, including baths, rubbing, etc.

The reasons why fingers go numb with this disease can be very different (hypothermia, smoking, stress, taking medications that affect vascular tone, excessive coffee consumption, etc.), but the consequences are always the same - damage to capillaries and small arteries, which leads to poor circulation in the fingers.

Also dangerous autoimmune disease , characterized by acute inflammation in the nerves and their roots, leading to disruption of tactile and motor function. The most early manifestations Often it is numbness and tingling of the fingers and toes.

These symptoms, along with other negative phenomena (pain in the back, hips, buttocks, changes in heartbeat, weakness, shortness of breath), usually appear after a mild or indigestive disorder that passes autoimmune process . The development of the disease, before reaching its maximum, occurs within 2-4 weeks, followed by attenuation of negative symptoms.

The main therapy consists of rehabilitation activities after the cessation of autoimmune inflammation. The recovery process is quite long (several months).

Why do my legs go numb?

In principle, all of the above causes of numbness in the hands can also lead to similar symptoms in the lower extremities. For example, when Raynaud's disease And polyneuropathy Mostly the toes are affected, especially the little toe and big toe. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in particular stroke , the left leg goes numb, and when diseases of the spine both limbs hurt or the leg on the right is lost.

It is worth noting here that the lower limbs are primarily affected by intervertebral hernia and other problems localized in lumbar region, and not in the cervical, as is the case with the upper limbs.

Left-handed neuralgia sciatic nerve will lead to pain in the left leg, and its right-sided inflammation will answer the questions of why it hurts and why the right leg is numb.

Also, don’t discount shoes that modern people spend quite a lot of their working and free time. Most often, the toes and the cushion under them hurt when wearing high-heeled shoes, and the heel hurts when wearing squashed sneakers or boots. In this matter, the experts, of course, are women, who often put the beauty and attractiveness of their feet above the convenience and practicality of shoes.

The question of what to do with numbness of the lower extremities and how to treat sore legs should be approached individually, and in the case of permanent and severe pain Be sure to consult your doctor.


In the vast majority of cases, nighttime numbness of the extremities is a transient problem that every person periodically encounters throughout their life. Usually, to relieve this painful condition, it is enough to stretch a stiff arm or leg and wait a few minutes before changing your position and plunging back into the arms of Morpheus. However, sometimes similar symptoms may also be more threatening. If numbness of the limbs is observed frequently, it occurs not only at night, but also during the day, for this reason the person has lost normal sleep, he sleeps, often waking up at night, and then for a long time cannot fall back to sleep, then, most likely, the matter is no longer a matter of a trivially uncomfortable position or tight pajamas. All these constants or severe symptoms may well be harbingers, albeit rare ones, but serious pathologies, among which there are life-threatening diseases.

In this regard, any situations accompanied by numbness of the limbs without visible reason simple reasons and arousing certain suspicions, it is preferable to regard them as pathological, that is, capable of causing harm to health. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor who, based on the totality of symptoms, tests and studies, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, or, if the existing problem is not within his competence, will recommend another specialist.

Numbness of the fingers is a common problem that can occur in a child, an elderly person, or a patient in the prime of life. Everyone has encountered it at least several times in their life: most often due to the uncomfortable position of the upper limbs during work or sleep and, as a result, temporarily impaired blood circulation. In some cases, this condition is observed regularly, and in this case we can already talk about health problems.

Numbness of the fingers is expressed by a partial decrease in their sensitivity, a feeling of “foreignness”. It's like they belong to someone else.

Why do my fingers go numb? Human hand- a special organ. After all, many nerve endings and acupuncture points are concentrated on the palms and fingers. Each acupuncture point associated with a specific organ: heart, kidneys, lungs, thyroid gland, etc. Therefore, unpleasant sensations in the hand area may indicate problems with certain organ systems.

If your fingers go numb, this problem should not be ignored. Indeed, in most cases, numbness is not just an inconvenience, but a symptom of a disease. Depending on where the unpleasant sensations are localized, we can guess which specific organ is giving you “SOS” signs in this way.

Important ! Numbness is a symptom of the disease if it is observed on a regular basis. If such a case was isolated, one can hardly talk about the presence of pathologies.

Most often, numbness in the fingers on both hands at once may indicate that a person has:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. With such pathologies, there is a disturbance in blood circulation, and if its quality is affected specifically in the area of ​​the hands, then patients often experience numbness in the fingers.
  • Peripheral neuropathy- a disease in which peripheral nerves are affected due to injuries, infections, systemic pathologies. They become incapable of high-quality transmission of impulses. Numbness of the fingers and other parts of the hands may be accompanied by tingling, a feeling of squeezing of the limbs (the person feels as if he is wearing tight gloves), thinning skin.
  • Raynaud's disease. With this pathology, blood flow in the small vessels- usually the hands or feet. That is why it is one of the most common reasons why fingers go numb. A person with this pathology is vulnerable to infectious diseases. Associated symptoms are: pallor of the skin, tingling, burning. As the disease worsens, the fingers may become sore and turn blue in the cold. The above symptoms appear under the influence of stress, emotional overload, and temperature changes. Numbness appears symmetrically on both hands.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis or bursitis. With these diseases, nerves are compressed, which can cause numbness.
  • Vitamin deficiency. If you are wondering why your fingertips are numb, then it is quite possible that your body is lacking some vitamins and minerals.
  • Endocrine disorders. Numbness of the fingers is often observed with diabetes and hypothyroidism.

Less common reasons why the fingers of both hands go numb include:

  • anemia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Important! Numbness often occurs in pregnant women. Organism expectant mother is being rebuilt, because he now needs to work in “enhanced mode.” The volume of blood circulating in it also increases. Because of this, circulatory disorders and, as a result, numbness of the fingers can sometimes be observed. After childbirth it usually goes away. However, if such a symptom is observed during pregnancy, you must inform your doctor about it: it may be necessary to take measures to improve blood circulation.

What if the fingers of only one hand go numb? Here may be your own list of diseases:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome(carpal tunnel syndrome). This is a neurological disease caused by pinching of the median nerve. It often occurs in people whose work involves monotonous manual activity. For example, pianists, sign language interpreters, drummers, artists, etc. are at risk. And, of course, representatives of any professions that involve frequent use of a computer. Previously, carpal tunnel syndrome was called “typist’s disease.” With this disease, numbness of the fingers is accompanied by pain in the wrist area.
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine. In this case, the fingers usually go numb at night.
  • Pre-stroke condition. Numbness of the fingers is accompanied by severe headache and increased blood pressure.
  • Thrombosis of the upper limb. When an artery is blocked by a blood clot, at first only the fingers become numb. But gradually this condition spreads to other parts of the hand.

In addition to internal ones, there are also external reasons numbness in the fingers on one or both hands. These include:

  • Uncomfortable sleeping position or poor quality sleeping area(with bumps, dents). In this case, the fingers go numb in the morning. Getting rid of this condition is quite simple. It is necessary to bend your fingers, raising your arms up.
  • Tight clothing, squeezing jewelry (bracelets, rings).
  • "Lovers Syndrome" Some people do not want to be separated from their soulmate even in their sleep. A woman falls asleep on her lover's shoulder, and in the morning he wakes up with numb fingers.

If you have eliminated all of the above external causes, and the numbness does not go away, you should pay attention to your health.

Fingers go numb: what to do

If you regularly experience numbness in your fingers, then you cannot let the situation take its course. Despite the fact that this condition does not always indicate the presence of diseases, the patient cannot determine for himself whether he needs medical help or not. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor. Before doing this, it is recommended to monitor your condition and write down the answers to the following questions:

  • How often and at what time of day do your fingers go numb, all or just some of them? On one or both hands?
  • Is this condition accompanied by other symptoms? Which ones?

Having such a “blank” will make it easier for you to answer the doctor’s questions when he collects an anamnesis.

Important ! What you definitely shouldn’t do is self-medicate. You may even be able to temporarily relieve the discomfort. But the cause of numbness itself will not disappear. This is dangerous not only because the symptom may return: without medical care the existing disease may worsen. He will still have to be treated, but then it will be more difficult and longer.

The thumb is more vulnerable than its fellow toes and is often the first to go numb. Often he endures “in duet” with index finger. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • compression of the median nerve;
  • diseases of the spine.

Will tolerate the middle, ring and little fingers

Numbness of the middle and ring fingers, as well as the little finger, may indicate:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the elbow joint;
  • intoxication of the body (during alcohol abuse, smokers);
  • infringement of the brachial nerve plexus.

Possible diseases

Above, you have already become familiar with some diseases that can cause numbness in your fingers. Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with a more detailed list of pathologies that may have such a symptom:

  • hand and spine injuries;
  • damage to the heart and/or blood vessels;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • Hansen's disease;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the spine and joints;
  • hygromas (tumor-like benign neoplasms);
  • hyperventilation;
  • some autoimmune conditions;
  • syphilis;
  • Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis);
  • pathologies of the brain and spinal cord;
  • vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels);
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Which doctor should I contact?

It is difficult for the patient to determine why his fingers are going numb. Accordingly, choosing a specialist in this situation is not easy. Therefore, the best option is to consult a therapist. He will examine the patient and refer him to laboratory diagnostics. And if necessary, he will guide you in choosing a specialist.

Treatment for hand numbness at the doctor

Treatment can be either conservative ( drug therapy), and surgical (or complex) - much depends on what disease caused the numbness of the fingers. Take off unpleasant symptom they will help you:

  • Massage and manual therapy . Such events can relieve the patient of unpleasant sensations and improve his quality of life.
  • Physiotherapy. Ultrasound and magnetic therapy and laser treatment show high effectiveness. These procedures accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • Physiotherapy. Indispensable for normalizing blood circulation.

The patient’s personal initiative will also be beneficial - he can also help his body by changing his lifestyle:

  • Eat healthy and balanced. This is especially true for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, and metabolic disorders.
  • To refuse from bad habits. Fingers often go numb in people who are addicted to smoking or abuse alcohol.
  • Pay attention to physical activity. This will improve blood circulation, and it is precisely its violation that is often the “root of evil.”

It should be remembered that numbness in the fingers can occur not only due to lack of physical activity, but also due to overload of the hands. Everything is good in moderation! If you are forced to constantly load your arms with monotonous activities, try to do several simple exercises every hour to help relax your muscles. You can raise and lower your arms, clench and unclench your fists, and swing.

Stay healthy and remember to give your arms both rest and moderate exercise.
