Prolonged runny nose in children 5 years old. Why does a child have a persistent runny nose and how to treat it. Infectious course of the disease

A runny nose is a frequent guest in families where children grow up. Everyone knows that nasal congestion is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom. Moreover, he can talk about a wide variety of diseases. However, in most families, mothers and fathers continue to treat their child for a runny nose. This therapy is sometimes long-term. Famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky tells what a child’s runny nose “signals” to adults, and what parents should do so that their child can breathe easily and simply.

About the problem

Even the most caring mother, who takes care of and protects her child from everything in the world, will not be able to ensure that her child never gets a runny nose in his life. This is because rhinitis (the medical name for the runny nose) most often occurs during acute viral respiratory infections. At the physiological level, the following happens: one of the many viruses that always surround the child gets onto the nasal mucosa. In response, the immune system gives the command to secrete as much mucus as possible, which should isolate the virus from other organs and systems, preventing it from moving further through the nasopharynx, larynx, bronchi and lungs.

In addition to the viral form, which accounts for about 90% of all cases of children's runny nose, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, rhinitis can be bacterial. This causes pathogenic bacteria to enter the nasal cavity. The body reacts in a similar way - with increased mucus production. Bacterial rhinitis itself is extremely rare, and its course is always very severe. Bacteria (most often staphylococci) cause severe inflammation, suppuration, and toxic waste products cause general intoxication.

Sometimes a bacterial runny nose can develop after a child has suffered a viral infection. This happens because accumulated mucus in the nasal passages becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Usually these bacteria are harmless; they live in the nose and mouth on a permanent basis and do not bother the child in any way. However, in conditions of an abundance of mucus, its stagnation, drying out, microbes become pathogenic and begin to multiply rapidly. This usually happens with complicated rhinitis.

Third, quite common reason runny nose in children - allergies. Allergic rhinitis occurs as a reaction local immunity to protein antigen. If such a substance enters the body, the nasal mucosa reacts with swelling, making it difficult for the child to breathe through the nose.

In some cases, nasal congestion and impaired nasal breathing are associated with ENT diseases, such as adenoids. If the runny nose is acute (occurred no earlier than 5 days ago), then there should be no reason for special concern. In case of persistent snot and other symptoms, it is better to consult an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of viral runny nose

Viral rhinitis is the most common among children and does not require treatment as such. The mucus produced by the membranes of the nose contains special substances that are very important for fighting the virus that has entered the body. However, beneficial features the mucus will end immediately after the snot becomes thick. As long as they flow, everything is fine, parents can calm down.

But if suddenly nasal mucus thickened, became green, yellow, yellow-green, purulent, purulent with impurities of blood, it ceases to be a “fighter” against the virus and becomes an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacteria. This is how a bacterial runny nose begins, which will require treatment with antibiotics.

Thus, with a viral runny nose, the main task of parents is to prevent the mucus in the nose from drying out. The snot should remain liquid. That’s why Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends not looking for pharmacy magic nose drops, because there are no cures for viruses, but simply rinsing the child’s nasal cavity with saline solutions, and doing this as often as possible (at least every half hour). To prepare the solution, you need to take a teaspoon of salt per liter container of boiled chilled water. The resulting solution can be dripped, washed out of the nose using a disposable syringe without a needle, or sprayed with a special bottle.

For instillation, you can use other means that help thin the nasal mucus - “Pinosol”, “Ectericide”. Washing with the most common saline solution, which can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy, effectively thins snot.

The drying out of nasal mucus, which is so necessary during the body’s fight against viruses, is facilitated by the stuffiness and dry air in the room, the lack of sufficient quantity fluids in the body. Therefore, the room where a child with a runny nose is located should be ventilated and wet cleaned. Air in mandatory should be moistened to 50-70% . Parents will be helped with this special devices- humidifiers. If there is no such miracle of technology in the family, you can place basins of water in the corners of the room so that it can evaporate freely, hang wet towels on the radiators and make sure that they do not dry out. A child who often suffers from rhinitis should definitely be given an aquarium with fish.

On the heating radiators in Dad’s room, you need to install special valves that can be used to regulate the air temperature during the heating season. The air temperature in the children's room should be 18-20 degrees (all year round).

During treatment of a viral infection, the child must drink. But not syrups and medicines from the pharmacy, and tea, dried fruit compote or fresh berries, fruit drinks, regular drinking water. The drinking regime should be plentiful; the mother should serve all drinks to the child warm, but not hot, preferably - room temperature. Such a drink is absorbed faster into the body, and the likelihood of drying out the mucous membranes is significantly reduced.

If the child does not have high temperature, despite his runny nose, he must definitely go for a walk fresh air, breathe more. This is where the treatment of viral rhinitis ends.

Treatment of bacterial rhinitis

If the snot changes color, consistency, becomes thick, green, or purulent, you should definitely call a doctor. Bacterial infection is a serious matter, and airing alone cannot do it. In most cases, your child will need antibiotic nasal drops. But before prescribing, the doctor must examine the prevalence inflammatory process and only then will he decide in what form to give the child antibiotics - in tablets (in case of extensive infection with additional symptoms) or in drops.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Best treatment rhinitis caused by antigen proteins - getting rid of the source of these proteins. To do this, says Komarovsky, an allergist and pediatrician must try and find, with the help of tests and special tests, the very allergen that affects the child in this way. While doctors are looking for the cause, parents need to create the safest conditions possible for the baby at home.

Be sure to remove all carpets and Stuffed Toys, which are accumulators of dust and allergens. The room should be wet cleaned more often, but without the use of chemicals, especially avoid household chemicals, which contains a substance such as chlorine.

You should wash your child’s clothes exclusively with baby powder, the packaging of which has the inscription “Hypoallergenic”; after washing, all clothes and bed linen must be additionally rinsed in clean water. Parents should create adequate conditions in the room - air temperature (18-20 degrees), air humidity (50-70%).

If all these measures are unsuccessful and the runny nose does not go away, then the use of medications may be necessary. Usually in this situation it is prescribed vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. They do not treat rhinitis of an allergic nature, but they provide temporary relief. Almost immediately after instillation, the vessels of the nasal mucosa narrow, swelling subsides, nasal breathing is being restored.

These drops can be found in any home medicine cabinet, and usually everyone knows their names. In relation to pediatric treatment, these are “Nazol”, “Nazivin”, “Tizin”, etc. However, these drops cannot be used for longer than 3-5 days (maximum 7 days, if the doctor insists on it), otherwise they will cause a persistent drug addiction in the child, in which, without drops, he will always experience difficulty breathing through the nose, and from constant use, the nasal mucosa may atrophy. In addition, Komarovsky calls for the use of exclusively children's forms of drops, which differ from adults in a reduced dosage. In addition, it should be remembered that many of these drugs are strictly contraindicated in children under two years of age. List side effects for vasoconstrictor drugs is also quite large.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, calcium gluconate is often prescribed in an age-specific dosage, antihistamines if the doctor considers it necessary. For children whose allergic rhinitis is chronic and protracted, exacerbations occur every season, antiallergic drugs may be prescribed for local application(“Cromoglin”, “Allergodil”, etc.). The drug "Rinofluimucil" proved to be quite effective.", being combined agent, which includes hormones, antiallergic components, and antibacterial agents.

If the child sniffs his nose

Usually, parents are immediately inclined to believe that the baby is starting to have a runny nose and plan how and what to treat it with. However, says Evgeny Komarovsky, sniffing is not always a sign of illness.

If a child gets upset, cries, and then sniffles for a long time, this is normal. physiological process, in which “excess” tears flow down the nasolacrimal canaliculus into the nose. There is no need to treat or drip anything, just offer the child a handkerchief.

Colds occur very often in young children, especially with weakened immunity. At timely treatment and the correct behavior of parents soon manages to get rid of unpleasant signs.

However, when a child has a prolonged runny nose, serious reason for concern, because the disease can cause many complications.

Causes of prolonged runny nose in infants

Otolaryngologists consider a prolonged runny nose in a child as chronic rhinitis. The disease acquires this form as a result improper treatment acute rhinitis. In addition, prolonged rhinitis may be a sign of other inflammatory processes occurring in the child’s body. Often it indicates the development infectious diseases, flu, upper respiratory tract diseases.

In most cases, a prolonged runny nose in an infant is a consequence of ordinary rhinitis. Usually, unpleasant symptoms– mucous discharge from the nose and nasopharyngeal congestion occur during the cold and damp season. There may be several causative agents of the disease, usually viruses and microbes, then experts distinguish between the viral and bacterial origin of rhinitis. Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in a child is determined by the type of causative agent of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. In bacterial rhinitis, the most common pathogens are microbes such as staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci.

Among other causes of prolonged rhinitis, otolaryngologists name the following factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent colds accompanied by runny nose;
  • lack of any treatment for acute rhinitis;
  • constant hypothermia of the body;
  • the occurrence of other infectious diseases in the body;
  • deviated nasal septum – congenital or acquired;
  • enlargement of adenoid tissue;
  • allergic reactions of the nasal mucosa;
  • hidden infections.

Signs of a persistent runny nose in a child

If you discover that your baby has a lingering runny nose, you should immediately visit a specialist’s office.

This form of the inflammatory process occurring in the nasopharynx can be recognized by the following signs:

  • nasal discharge persists for more than 10 days;
  • nasal breathing is difficult both day and night;
  • complete or partial decrease in sense of smell;
  • what comes out of the nose is not clear, but thick yellow-green or brown mucus;
  • itching, dryness and burning in the nose;
  • feeling tired and drowsy;
  • sleep disturbance.

Parents do not have the opportunity to find out about the presence of all these signs in young children, however, the restless behavior of the baby should be a cause for concern. If you see that your baby’s activity has decreased, he wants to sleep constantly, but his sleep is disturbed, the child is sniffling, you need to contact a specialist.

What can cause a long runny nose in children?

Among all the reasons persistent runny nose In children, the disease most often occurs under the influence of allergens and bacterial infections. May cause an allergic reaction a large number of allergens - dust, pollen of flowering plants, pet hair. Recognize persistent rhinitis allergic origin not so difficult - nasal discharge, sneezing and nasopharyngeal congestion are noted immediately during or shortly after contact with the irritating agent.

Infectious rhinitis, caused by the penetration of viruses or bacteria into the child's body, is usually accompanied by elevated temperature body and inflammation of the tonsils. The child may have a cough and sore throat.

Many people do not attach much importance to the runny nose, considering it a minor illness. According to otolaryngologists, a prolonged runny nose in a child can cause many complications. It puts pressure not only on respiratory system, but also to other parts child's body- heart and lungs.

How and how to treat a persistent runny nose in a child

It is important to know how to treat a long runny nose in a child, because the duration of the disease depends on this. Therapy can be medication or, in some cases, treatment is carried out without the use of medications.

How to cure a persistent runny nose without medication - enough actual question, because many mothers want to do without potent drugs. If a child under the age of 1 year has a runny nose, treatment is reduced to increasing the child’s body’s defenses and creating favorable conditions for a speedy recovery. For this purpose, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed, preferably of plant origin.

Babies need to regularly suck out mucus from the nasal passages, as it is important to prevent it from stagnating. A child's nose also needs constant hydration; it can be irrigated or dripped with special solutions based on sea water. You can treat a prolonged runny nose with saline solutions such as Dolphin, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer.

There are a few more effective methods How to cure a persistent runny nose in a child without the use of medications - this is inhalation. Such procedures are very effective for prolonged runny nose and its frequent complication- cough. For a dry cough, inhalations will relieve inflammation from the irritated mucous membrane, moisturizing it, and for a wet cough, they will help the sputum to separate faster. If a child has a severe runny nose, against which a cough has already begun to appear, the following inhalation will help: take a tablespoon of St. John's wort, calendula and mint flowers, pour in a liter of water, let it brew, strain, place in steam inhaler and let the baby breathe these vapors for 10–15 minutes.

Cold inhalations can also be performed: soak a handkerchief or cotton wool in essential oil and let the baby breathe.

Thyme, anise and fir oils are good for treating a runny nose. Activation of certain points on the face promotes rapid restoration of the nasal mucosa and speeds up the healing process.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child with acupressure? It is necessary to massage the points located on both sides of the wings of the nose, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day. During massage you can use aroma oils, rubbing them into the sinus area. This procedure is indicated for children aged 3 years and older.

Treating a viral persistent runny nose in a child

Parents should also know how to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child of viral origin. The best way, which allows you to increase the defenses of the child’s body in the fight against viral infection, is considered to be interferon. It is available in different dosage forms– candles, drops, tablets, ointments.

Inna Grigorenko, Female, 3 years old

Good afternoon, Ivan Vasilievich! From the beginning of September, my daughter started going to kindergarten (3.2 years old). Before that, I got sick very rarely, once a year with a mild ARVI. But from the beginning of September until mid-October, this is the third time I have been on sick leave with a lingering runny nose. What we were not diagnosed with: acute nasopharyngitis (?) with stage 2 adenoids at the time of illness, acute adenoiditis (?), rhinitis, etc. We were treated against both viral and bacterial rhinitis. They dripped RINOFLUIMUCIL and drank SINUPRET to thin the snot, dripped saline solution, blew their nose, and sucked it out with an aspirator. Then there was treatment based on an analysis, which showed, as we were told, BACTERIAL INFECTION (I attach the analysis) - antibiotic FLEMOXIN SOLUTAB + nasal inhalation with MIRAMISTIN + DEZRINIT drops (or NASONEX, but we chose desrinitis) for 2 weeks. After this treatment, we recovered and went to the garden. And three days later the runny nose again, which has not gone away for a week, does not decrease, the child coughs with mucus with squelching at night and day. Now we have been prescribed: SIALOR (protargol) 7 days + ISOFRA (it won’t help us anymore!) + ACC in syrup to thin the mucus in the nasopharynx + QUIX sea ​​water spritz to blow your nose. The mucus is abundant, basically transparent, but interspersed with green spots. There is no improvement, and the cough is always from snot. But as far as I understand, it doesn’t need to be treated, does it need to be treated for RUNNY NOSE? I don’t know what to do and how to treat myself anymore... I would be grateful if you can give me recommendations, at least what other tests we can take? Is it worth taking a nasal and nasopharyngeal swab? Can I use an endoscope to check everything inside? Should I take a photo? Doctors don’t prescribe anything in this regard... I’m already afraid to take him to the garden again...

Photo attached to the question

You are right about the blood test - it does indicate a bacterial infection, but now, judging by what you describe clinical manifestations However, the main problem is not a bacterial infection, but a virus. Strengthening of opaque secretions during suction of the discharge is the addition of secondary florins, which in itself, at least for now, does not in any way affect the overall picture. Of course, you need it in order to determine the condition of the nasopharynx, but the main treatment is already clear - this is the mandatory removal of mucus from the nose as often as possible (field solutions + suction), a nasal spray 4 times a day to suppress bacterial secondary flora, and most importantly - inhalation with interferon solution three times a day for 10-14 days to suppress viral infection

Inna Grigorenko

Thank you very much, but interferon inhalation is inhaled and exhaled through the nose, right? Is this human interferon liquid for inhalation? How many milliliters? And does it need to be diluted with saline?

Can be used for inhalation liquid interferon for local use (in other words, interferon for instillation into the nose) diluting 1 ml of this interferon per inhalation per 1 ml of saline solution. Can be used dry leukocyte interferon in ampoules - where one ampoule is diluted into 2 ml of saline solution, recombinant alpha interferon can be used, but its use will be very expensive.

Inna Grigorenko

Sorry, one more question. Since yesterday a strong one has appeared CONSTANT cough, every 2-3 minutes, so annoying, the child said it tickles his throat. Apparently soreness. My eyes started watering and I started sneezing. the snot turned into clear liquid flowing mucus. And now one nostril is blocked... Before this, a few days ago the child said that it hurts on the side of her nose, as if under the eyes, down the sinuses from the side of her nose. I'm afraid that we have sinusitis due to the symptoms.. Another doubt - can ACC syrup (prescribed to thin the mucus in the nasopharynx) provoke a cough? The cough is very frequent, every few minutes. It’s dry at first, but when mucus drains from the nose, you can hear it, and a phlegm cough begins too

Most likely we are really talking about throat irritation, and congestion in one of the nostrils is a sign unilateral inflammation in the nasal cavity, and apparently the mucus that irritates the throat drains from there. There is no need for ACC here, you need to treat your nose, with antibiotic drops and start without delay.

Inna Grigorenko

Thank you very much, we have already started doing inhalations with interferon and taking isofra, we are also rinsing our nose with marine QUICK. It's with aloe. But our temperature went down to the bronchi. And as I understand it, inhalation with interferon cannot be done at a temperature, we are now taking the antibiotic SUPRAC for the bronchi (they said for sinusitis, etc.), if there is no temperature, then can we continue interferon?

Inna Grigorenko

Good afternoon, Ivan Vasilievich! Thank you for your recommendations, we finally cured the runny nose. We took polydex (instead of isofra, which you recommended, since it no longer helps us, we were treated with it several times over 3 years, apparently it was addictive), plus interferon inhalations. The ENT specialist also prescribed us DERINAT drops. I don’t know if this product is also antiviral, whether it was worth adding it in addition to interferon or not. But in the end, the snot went away, there was no drainage, and my daughter (3.4 years old) did not snore at night. And he can breathe freely through his nose. Two things confuse me: periodically he starts breathing through his mouth, especially when he talks, I remind you, he starts breathing through his nose, everything is ok. I had a runny nose for a long time, maybe I got used to just breathing through my mouth? And the second point: she started the second day with a nasal sound, as if you could hear what she was saying through her nose, a goofy sound, so to speak. But all this while breathing freely! Maybe it’s already an allergic reaction after the medications? Or is it just that the mucous membrane is restored after the medications? I have a feeling that her mucous membrane may be drying out, so I spray it with QUIX Marine three times a day. Or should I stop burying anything at all? I’m worried that something hasn’t been treated yet... After all, healthy condition the child should not use a nasal sound.. At home there is constant wind, temperature 21-23 degrees. At night I generally cool the room down to 18, then of course it warms up overnight to 22-23. We don’t turn on the heating, the brick house is a very warm new building. I ordered a hygrometer, of course I need to check the humidity level. CAN nasality be caused by dry air? I apologize for so many questions, I’m just afraid I won’t be able to complete the treatment or over-treat again..

Treatment of persistent runny nose in children must be carried out, but you just need to find out accurate diagnosis. We are talking about a runny nose that lasts more than two weeks. The cause is both colds and allergic reaction. Parents of children under three years of age should pay particular attention to this problem. At this age, not all drugs are approved for use.

Acute manifestations of a runny nose occur during the first 7-10 days of the disease. In the following days, the symptom becomes protracted. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor to eliminate complications and alleviate the child’s condition.

Factors that lead to prolonged snot in a child:

  • decreased immunity;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • dry air in the room;
  • predisposition to allergic manifestations;
  • presence of adenoids;
  • snot may linger due to chronic infections or due to an untreated cold;
  • anatomical defects or acquired injuries of the nasal passages.

A prolonged runny nose in a child can be recognized not only by the fact that it does not subside even after 10 days. There are other signs as well.

  1. Congestion and swelling of the nasal cavity, and in the presence of infection the symptom is constantly disturbing, and during allergies it occurs periodically.
  2. The child's condition is deteriorating. He looks lethargic, tired, eats poorly, and may complain of headaches.
  3. With a bacterial infection, the snot may be thick, sticky, dark green or Brown. In the case of allergies, the mucus in the nose is viscous and transparent.
  4. The sense of smell may be reduced.
  5. Deterioration of sleep and appetite.
  6. An overdose of vasoconstrictor drugs is indicated by itching in the nasal passages and crusts on the mucous membrane.

You should immediately consult a doctor if prolonged rhinitis is accompanied by heavy discharge from the nose, there is a cough, wheezing is heard, and the body temperature has increased.

It is necessary to treat a runny nose. If a runny nose persists and free breathing is impaired, problems with the heart and bronchi may develop. One of severe complications arrhythmia becomes and bronchial asthma. An untreated runny nose can lead to sinusitis or otitis media.

Allergic nature

If the cause of a prolonged runny nose is an allergy, then it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate irritating factors. It can be houseplants, pets, feather pillows, dust, powders. Most often the cause is food allergy: honey, nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate.

The immune system begins to counteract the irritant, and a lot of mucus is released. Therefore, with allergies, the child is concerned not only with a prolonged runny nose without a rise in temperature, but also with lacrimation, difficulty breathing, swelling and a feeling of itching. Additionally, a rash can be found on the body.

How to treat a persistent runny nose in a child of allergic origin? Help can be provided the following actions and drugs.

  1. Regular rinsing of the nasal mucosa with saline solutions is recommended. You can use saline solution, Physiomer or Aquamaris.
  2. Antihistamines are prescribed general action: Cetrin, Zyrtec, Fenistil, Suprastin.
  3. Vibrocil nasal drops or glucocorticosteroids, for example, Nasonex, may be prescribed. These medications can eliminate foci of inflammation and relieve swelling.

How to get rid of allergic rhinitis? Must be followed hypoallergenic diet, if possible, find out the irritating factor in order to eliminate it.

Infectious course of the disease

Treat prolonged runny nose resulting from infection respiratory organs, it is necessary. An infection caused by bacteria or viruses spreads to the lower respiratory tract. IN pathological process bronchi and lungs are involved.

The cause of a prolonged runny nose in a child can be sinusitis. In addition to nasal congestion, there is pain, which intensifies when tilting the head down.

A prolonged runny nose in a child may need to be treated with the following groups of medications.

  • Before instilling medications, the nose is cleared of mucus; you can use a special aspirator. The use of saline solutions is recommended: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Quix.
  • The use should be limited or completely eliminated vasoconstrictor drops. They dry out the mucous membranes and lead to addiction.
  • It is imperative to help increase the body's defenses. For this purpose, they may be appointed vitamin complexes and immunomodulators.
  • Washing the nose with the antiseptic Furacilin is effective.
  • To thin the mucus, inhalations with Fluimucil may be prescribed.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops for children over 3 years old can only be used for 5-7 days. Otrivin and Nazivin are often prescribed for children.
  • How to treat if a runny nose does not go away for a long time and purulent or green discharge appears from the nose? In this case, it is prescribed antibacterial drugs. Isofra or Polydex spray has a similar effect. Can be assigned antibacterial tablets for oral administration, for example, Amoxicillin.
  • For a prolonged runny nose, Levomekol ointment can be prescribed. Using a cotton swab, the ointment is distributed over the nasal mucosa.
  • Protracted rhinitis is sometimes cured with anti-inflammatory drugs: Pinosol, Sinupret, Tantum Verde.
  • The drug Derinat can relieve inflammation, eliminate swelling, heal the mucous surface, and increase immunity. It can be used for up to 1 month.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will help get rid of a prolonged runny nose in a child, as well as acupressure. At the level of the wings of the nose, make circular movements clockwise. Massage is recommended three times a day.

If during a cold, in addition to a runny nose, there is also a cough, treatment involves the inclusion of other drugs that dilute mucus and remove it out.

Features of infancy

In infants, a long runny nose in the first two months may be the norm and be associated with physiological characteristics. Liquid discharge from the nose indicate the body’s adaptation to new conditions environment.

About the beginning respiratory disease caused by bacteria or viruses, other symptoms indicate: fever, cough, difficulty breathing. The child refuses milk, sleeps poorly, and constantly asks to be held. In this case, we are no longer talking about a physiological runny nose.

Allergies can also attack a baby’s fragile body. He often sneezes, there is lacrimation, swelling of the nasopharynx. The snot is liquid and transparent.

Babies' noses must be cleared of mucus. Otherwise, excess mucus will flow into other organs, causing bronchitis and otitis media. A special aspirator, which is sold at the pharmacy, will help. Before insertion into the nasal passage, press the bulb to release the air. After which they are released, as a result, all the mucus will be inside the pear.

It will not be possible to cure a child’s persistent runny nose without following the general recommendations:

  • use saline solutions should be done with caution;
  • you can walk, but only if there is no temperature;
  • a child over 8 months can be supplemented with compotes and juices;
  • the room must be regularly ventilated;
  • wet cleaning must be done daily;
  • Medicines must be instilled into the nose; sprays cannot be used.

How to cure a persistent runny nose in a child under one year old? Treatment must be prescribed by a specialist after examination and additional examinations.

  1. If the swelling of the nose becomes severe, the child is unable to suck milk because of it, and does not sleep, then the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Nazol Baby, Nazivin 0.01%. It is best to drip before daytime and nighttime sleep. They must not be abused. For children under 2 years of age, vasoconstrictor drugs should not be instilled for more than three days.
  2. If your baby has a prolonged runny nose, you can use Vibrocil combined drops. They have anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, vasoconstrictor effects.
  3. Get rid of lingering severe runny nose will help antiseptic drugs. Protargol and Albucid drops have this effect. They can also treat runny nose in infants.
  4. To increase immunity, the doctor may prescribe an immunostimulating agent to the child: Grippferon, Genferon, Viferon.
  5. The drug Derinat is suitable for newborns. The drops will help remove swelling, cope with a lingering runny nose and improve immunity. The dosage is equal to two drops in each nasal passage.
  6. If the air in the room is dry and there are crusts on the child’s nose, you can use oil formulations. For example, drops Pinosol and Kameton eliminate not only dryness, but also reduce inflammation.
  7. IN as a last resort, can be assigned antibacterial drugs. Polydex drops stop the proliferation of bacteria, eliminate inflammation, and relieve swelling. The dosage is equal to one drop in each passage twice a day.

A runny nose can lead to complications. The baby loses weight and dehydration occurs. Conjunctivitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, and ethmoiditis may develop. Treatment is continued until complete recovery.

When a child has a persistent runny nose, how to treat it, all parents think. In order to cope with a situation of this kind, you first need to understand the factors causing this phenomenon.

Similar pathological condition in children it is characterized severe inflammation in the nasal cavity. In medicine, this disease is called chronic rhinitis, which is the result of an untreated cold or the presence of pathogenic viruses in the body. How to treat such a condition or how to prevent it altogether?

Chronic rhinitis

Rhinitis is a syndrome of inflammation in the nasal cavity, and therefore the treatment of such a cold should not be postponed until later. A runny nose is caused by germs and viral infections, factors of its development include hypothermia, air pollution, influenza, diphtheria and measles.

Chronic runny nose in children appears after an acute cold or under negative influence environment and human living conditions. This type Rhinitis promotes hypertrophy of vascular walls, this condition is very dangerous. A persistent runny nose is chronic inflammation nasopharynx. It can be catarrhal, hypertrophic, simple atrophic, fetid atrophic and vasomotor.

What is rhinopharyngitis?

There are 2 types of nasopharyngitis: acute and chronic. In the first case, when a runny nose begins, the snot has a liquid consistency and is transparent. Then they thicken, causing irritation of the skin in the nose and lips. If this is viral nasopharyngitis, there are mucous membranes and purulent discharge which can be seen in the nasopharynx with hyperemia at the edges soft palate. In this case, the person experiences the following symptoms:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • difficulty eating and drinking fluids;
  • difficulties with pronunciation;
  • sputum production during coughing;
  • difficulty swallowing - lump in throat;
  • persistent cough;
  • bad breath;
  • pain in the throat;
  • nausea due to swallowing mucus indicates the beginning of a purulent process;
  • penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the intestines through snot.

Children are most often susceptible to nasopharyngitis. Moreover, in adults this disease is less painful.

In order to treat a long runny nose, the following measures must be observed:

  • in case of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to remove all provocateurs from the baby’s life, rinse the nasopharynx, and maintain the level of humidity in the room;
  • cleanliness in the house is the key to health, ventilate the apartment more often;
  • after winter inactivity, all air conditioner filters should be washed;
  • nutrition must be correct and balanced;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids will help;
  • To moisturize the nasal mucosa, you can instill a solution of water and salt.

Symptoms of a persistent runny nose in children

Prolonged rhinitis, being a consequence of a common cold, worsens in the cold season and in damp climatic conditions. The causes of this pathology can be called viruses and microbes. These colds should not be ignored. If a child has a prolonged runny nose, how to treat this illness - this question becomes a serious problem, especially if the situation repeats several times during the year. Scientists have proven that diseases of the nasal mucosa can lead to heart and lung diseases. Long runny nose is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • the child breathes through his mouth;
  • nasal discharge does not go away for more than a week;
  • heightened sense of smell or lack thereof;
  • purulent mucus;
  • itching in the nasopharynx;
  • general malaise;
  • migraine;
  • restless sleep.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The causes of a prolonged runny nose include the following factors:

  • teething in babies;
  • colds;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • rhinosinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • allergy;
  • foreign object in the nose;
  • uneven nasal septum;
  • infections;
  • walks in the cold;
  • weak the immune system The child has;
  • regular inflammatory diseases;
  • untimely treatment of rhinitis;
  • formation of adenoids in the nasal cavity;
  • hidden infections.

What to do if you are sick?

In order to treat prolonged allergic rhinitis in a child, the following measures should be taken:

  • you can update bed linen, blankets, mattresses;
  • wipe off dust and remove cobwebs;
  • get rid of products containing cotton wool, fluff, wool;
  • eliminate chemical-based hygiene products;
  • teach your child to eat healthy;
  • After coordinating this issue with your doctor, you should give your child antihistamines As a rule, such drugs are selected individually for each person.

Principles of treatment

How to cure a persistent runny nose in a child? This type of treatment can be carried out as folk remedies, and medicinal. In both cases, therapy is aimed at increasing immunity and fast recovery. It should be remembered that the longer the disease lasts, the longer the therapy takes.

Treatment of a long runny nose is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Inhalations - to carry out, you need to brew 1 tbsp in an inhaler. l. herbs St. John's wort, calendula flowers and mint.
  2. Acupressure of the nose 2 times during the day.
  3. At allergic rhinitis It is recommended to use sea minerals and medicinal herbs. This treatment of a persistent runny nose in a child allows you to moisturize the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the unpleasant contents are liquefied and the phlegm or mucus is completely dissolved. Viruses and bacteria from the respiratory tract are completely eliminated, and nasal patency is restored.
  4. Herbal medicine involves the use of specially selected medicinal herbs and is effective in cases of reduced immunity. The intestines are saturated with immune tissue, vitamins and microelements.
  5. Local application of ointments, the use of which restores blood circulation and reduces swelling of the respiratory system.
  6. Apitherapy involves the interaction of medicinal components and minerals. In this regard, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, which solves the question of how to treat a long runny nose in a child.
  7. Laser therapy.

Vasoconstrictors, antibacterial, homeopathic and immunomodulatory drugs will come to the rescue medicines. The former can be used if the cause of rhinitis is infection. But they and other medications must be prescribed by a doctor, otherwise they can only worsen the situation.

Level-increasing agents immune defense, are also necessary. They are good not only for a runny nose, but also for preventing infection with viruses. A cold is dangerous because of its complications, of which a prolonged runny nose is the most harmless. In any case, treatment for a prolonged runny nose in a child should be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies should be aimed only at reducing symptoms and, if possible, eliminating the causes of a prolonged runny nose. You cannot rely on such recipes as a panacea. Treatment of persistent runny nose in children should be comprehensive. Otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences for good health.

Treating a prolonged runny nose in a child with folk remedies is not always effective for the following reasons:

  1. All herbal teas mainly fight against bacterial infections. And a runny nose should not linger for a long time.
  2. If the runny nose persists, then steam inhalations and warming up the feet may be ineffective, since cold runny nose does not have a chronic course.
  3. Infusions and decoctions based on ephedra are contraindicated for children.
  4. Hot drinks, honey, raspberries are remedies for hypothermia and ARVI. And they do not eliminate the causes of a prolonged runny nose.

Provided that it is carried out full treatment and parents will not delay this issue, the child’s long runny nose will be cured without any complications or difficulties, you just need to promptly seek advice from a doctor who will tell you correct solution Problems. This will solve the problem of long-term pathologies in the nasal cavity in children.
