Oil drops for the nose. Treating a runny nose with oil drops Oil drops

When a child has a runny nose, mothers look for nasal drops for children. Which ones are better to choose? Can we start dripping ourselves? What drops should the doctor prescribe? Read about all this below.

Oil drops in the nose for children

Oil drops are needed to prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. To keep it moist at all times. No medicinal actions The oil base of the drops has no effect on viruses or the nasal mucosa. To keep the nasal mucosa moist, you can take Vaseline or olive oil.

The therapeutic effect of oil drops is associated with other components. Which, in addition to the oil base, are contained in drops.

Oil drops into the nose are not used in children under 2 years of age.

Currently from the official medical supplies, intended for instillation into the nose, the most popular are pinosol and tizin.


Some of the above drugs can be used for.

This is all about nasal drops for children. Stay healthy!


Oil drops in the nose for a runny nose are an intermediate link between traditional medicine and officially recognized medicines. Oil drops in the nose do not effectively combat a runny nose: they are intended to improve the general condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and are needed to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Oil drops for a runny nose have virtually no effect on the main symptoms of the disease, but among them there are also remedies that will help cure the disease, for example, eucalyptus oil has an antiviral effect, but it must be used with some caution.

What is this type of drops used for?

The main reasons for using oil preparations for a runny nose are as follows:

  1. They prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out and moisturize it.
  2. They prevent the crusts that have formed in the nose from cracking and soften them, which prevents the development of bleeding.

Olive oil copes with these tasks quite well. But many people prefer to use peach or similar fir oil, which has some anti-inflammatory effects. But they can cause harm in the case when it starts in the nose inflammatory process as the body’s response to infection or damage to the mucous membranes of the nose. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that various oils that have antiviral properties are significantly inferior in their bactericidal properties to nasal mucus.

The need for oil drops arises when the patient does not have normal conditions to fight the disease: he does not have access to clean air, there is no drinking plenty of fluids, there is no way to moisturize the mucous membrane physical solution.

Before dripping oil into the patient’s nose, it is necessary to ventilate the room well, set the air temperature in it at 21 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 55 - 65%, give the patient plenty of water and inject a physical solution into his nose every 30 minutes. Only after these procedures can oil be dripped into the patient’s nose.

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How to use different drops correctly?

Regardless of the composition of these drugs, the following general rules must be observed when using them:

  1. To prevent the oil from penetrating into the lungs and lower respiratory canals, no more than 2-3 drops should be dripped into the nostrils at one time.
  2. In order not to aggravate the situation and eliminate the risk of lipoid lung damage, it is prohibited to use these drops in an inhaler or so-called nebulizer.
  3. The medicine should be instilled into the nose no more than 4 times in 24 hours, and when using an oil mixture with vitamins - no more than 2 times in 24 hours.

Some people use undiluted mint oil when they are sick. This is not recommended, as there is a risk of developing a serious allergic lesion.

It is advisable to instill such drops before going to bed so that the mucous membrane is well moisturized throughout the night. Methods for using drops based on oil compositions depend on the various components they contain and what a particular drug is intended for.

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What is included in oil drop mixtures?

Regardless of whether these drugs are purchased in a pharmacy chain or made independently at home, the main components they usually use are:

  1. Almond and peach oil mixture that moisturizes and softens the tissues of the mucous membranes and helps restore their function.
  2. Vaseline and olive oil, which have the same effect.
  3. Oils peppermint and common pine or fir, which help fight bacteria.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil or tea tree has a good anti-inflammatory effect, heals wounds.
  5. Eucalyptus oil has antiviral and bactericidal properties.
  6. Vitamins A and E are usually used to support and regenerate damaged mucous membranes and strengthen the immune system at the local level.
  7. Chlorophyllipt, an extract from eucalyptus leaves, works well against various strains of staphylococci that have entered the nose.

All of the above substances can be used separately or mixed in equal proportions. The effectiveness of the drug in any case remains at the same level.

The use of honey in conjunction with these compounds is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to severe bacterial contamination.

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What drugs can you choose?

For various types of runny nose, the most popular are the following oil drops, which are available in the pharmacy chain:

  1. Pinosol. It is created based on a mixture of peppermint oil, eucalyptus and pine oils. This drug contains vitamin E and some antiseptic compounds. Such drops with eucalyptus and regular menthol are instilled for all types of runny nose. Pinosol can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Children can use this remedy from the age of two.
  2. Pinovit. Contains eucalyptus, regular menthol, vitamin E, mountain pine oil and thymol. This drug is usually prescribed during acute or chronic rhinitis, with a runny nose that is viral or bacterial in nature.
  3. Vitaon contains oils from camphor, peppermint and fennel. It contains extracts of pine buds, rose hips, chamomile, marigold, wormwood, thyme, and caraway. Doctors recommend this drug for a runny nose caused by bacteria, and if the patient has discharge in the form of thick green snot. These drops contain, among other components, menthol.
  4. To clean the nasal canals and moisturize them, menthol drops are sold in the pharmacy chain.
  5. Sinusan consists of the purest essential oil of Japanese mint. At the same time, the amount of menthol in this preparation is reduced. It relieves inflammation and has an antiseptic effect.
  6. Eucasept contains oil of mint, fir and eucalyptus trees, the substance thymol and vitamin E. It has a strong antiviral and antibacterial effect. Children are not allowed to bury it due to the possibility of development severe allergies. This product is an analogue of Pinosol.
  7. Oil mixtures of vitamins E and A in the form of drops for a runny nose. The base for these mixtures is palm oil or its peach equivalent (preferred). These vitamins accelerate the regeneration and restoration of the mucous membranes in the nose and improve their performance.

All of the above drugs are freely sold in the pharmacy chain. But you can make oil drops yourself.

Oil drops for a runny nose are the most common remedies to help cope with rhinitis. They help get rid of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavities, moisturize the mucous membrane and get rid of germs in the nostrils. Before using such drops, you need to read their description in more detail.

Purpose of oil products

First you need to figure out what drugs made from oil are used for. Most of them are based on extracts vegetable herbs. Such medications are prescribed to patients with dry mucous membranes to moisturize them.

Also, oil products have a complex effect:

  • decongestant;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Unlike vasoconstrictor drugs, such drugs have a milder therapeutic effect and do not cause addiction in patients. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that the droplets may contain the following oils:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • peach;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

Indications for use

Due to the fact that only natural ingredients are used in the production of drops, some believe that they have no contraindications. However, this is not the case and oil medicines are used strictly according to indications. They should be instilled into the nasal passages for the following diseases:

  • rhinitis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • drying out of the nasal cavity;
  • irritation of the walls of the nostrils;
  • chronic dry mucous membranes.

When using oil products to treat such diseases, a thin film layer begins to appear on the surface of the mucous membrane, protecting the nasal cavity from infections and bacteria.

Advantages and disadvantages

All pharmaceuticals have advantages and disadvantages, and lipid-based products are no exception. After familiarizing yourself with the negative and positive aspects of medications, everyone can draw a conclusion about the need to use them. The advantages of lipid droplets include:

  • possibility of treating infants;
  • mild antiseptic and antibacterial effect;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • rapid hydration of the mucous membrane.

Along with the benefits of medications on oil based There are also some disadvantages that limit the use of drops in the treatment of congestion:

  • weak anti-edematous effect;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to plant elements from the composition;
  • impossibility of treating the purulent form of sinusitis.

When treating purulent sinusitis with oil drops, patients sometimes experience serious complications.

Known lipid drugs

Today, pharmacies sell many oil drops and because of this, the choice quality medicines becomes more complicated. To purchase effective medicines, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of the best droplets made on a lipid basis.


The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug Pinosol will help eliminate congestion. This drug stimulates the development of granulations, due to which new tissue is formed on the surface of the mucosa. connective tissue and wounds heal. The medicine is sold in the form of drops made from pine oil, thymol, eucalyptus oil and azulene.

Pinosol should not be used to treat infants under one year of age, since the use of this nasal remedy will cause severe tingling and burning in the nasal passages.

Before using Pinosol, you need to decide on the dosage of its use. The medicine is taken intranasally, 2-3 drops in each nostril. Pinosol is instilled daily three times a day.


For a runny nose, some people use the nasal medicine Vitaon. The drug is made from natural ingredients and oil extracts pine buds, peppermint, wormwood, caraway, thyme, fennel and chamomile. Vitaon is an effective drug that helps increase the body's resistance to influences external environment. This remedy also helps to cope with inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Vitaon can be used by all people, except patients with intolerance to one of the components of the composition. After using Vitaon, they may develop allergic reaction for the drug.

When treating rhinitis and sinusitis, the medicine is used twice daily. To get rid of congestion symptoms, the course of treatment should last at least ten days.


To treat congestion and clear the nasal cavity from formed hard crusts, it is recommended to use Ectericide. The difference between this drug and other oil products is that fish oil and fatty acid. The drug has antibacterial properties and cleanses the nasal passages of purulent accumulations that appear during a runny nose.

Ectericide should be treated regularly for seven days. The drug is infused into the nasal cavity once daily.


For severe rhinitis with congestion of the nasal passages, it is recommended to use Eucasept. The product is made from eucalyptus oil, thymol, tocopherol and fir oil. Medicinal drops have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions, helping to restore the condition of the upper respiratory tract.

People with intolerance to certain components should not be treated with Eucasept, as this will cause swelling, itching in the nose, redness of the skin and burning in the nostrils. Drops are also contraindicated for children under two years of age and patients with allergic rhinitis.

To treat congestion, the medicine is instilled into each nasal passage of the patient. Adults should use Eucasept three times a day, and children under six years of age - once. Some do not pour droplets into the nose, but simply moisten cotton swabs and moisten the nasal cavity with them.

How to make drops yourself?

Some people prefer not to use medications from the pharmacy and prepare oil drops themselves. Eat different recipes preparing medicated drops to treat nasal congestion or colds. Therefore, before creating medicines, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with such folk recipes.

With onion or garlic juice

To create an oil mixture from garlic or onion juice, squeeze 5-10 drops of juice from them, which is mixed with 10 ml of olive oil. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which it is instilled into each nasal passage.

A medicine made from garlic and onions moisturizes the nasal mucosa and prevents the appearance of hard crusts in the nostrils. This recipe should only be used in the treatment of adults, since this drug is contraindicated for children under ten years of age. In them, the use of drops can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane and pain in the nose.

With celandine and wormwood

To prepare the medicine you will need 10 grams of celandine and 15 grams of wormwood mixed with 40 grams of poplar buds and 20 grams of wild rosemary. Then the resulting mixture is added to a container with 150 ml of olive oil. The solution is infused for a month, after which it is filtered and poured into a new container. Oil drops into the nose from celandine and wormwood are instilled three times a day.


Nasal congestion with heavy discharge bothers many people. To get rid of them as quickly as possible, some people use drops of oils. To choose the most effective nasal drops, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of the best lipid medications.


Oil drops for nose

The use of intranasal drops is one of the main methods of treating a runny nose. They act directly at the site of the inflammatory process. There are quite a few such remedies, among them oil drops in the nose can be distinguished. Such preparations are made on an oil basis, and also differ in their purpose and pricing policy. Type chemical substance The composition may differ depending on the purpose for which a particular product is indicated: moisturizing, treatment, or simply facilitating breathing.

If rhinorrhea is present, the doctor may choose to prescribe oil-based nasal drops. Most often, of course, they are used to moisturize the mucous membrane. This may be needed in following cases: after surgical intervention, with prolonged infectious processes, after which the mucous membrane becomes dry and crusts form.

Features of oily drops

Most often, such products include an oily component and a decoction of medicinal herbs, which dilutes the first substance. In addition, both components are in harmony with each other and enhance each other’s therapeutic effect. Oily drops can be used as additional aromatherapy.

I would like to highlight the following disadvantages of this group of drugs:

  • high risks of allergic reactions;
  • cannot be used for inhalation procedures;
  • impossibility of use in the treatment of infants.

Before starting treatment, you must be examined by a doctor and be tested to rule out allergies.

Let's consider the main indications for the use of oil-based drops:

  • inhalation of dry air. The oil will help create a special protective film that will envelop and protect from damage;
  • dry nasal cavity;
  • atrophic changes from the nasal mucosa;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane initial stages;
  • nasopharyngeal irritation;
  • crust formation;
  • infectious processes in the nasal cavity.

Let's look at the basics of these drugs:

  • pine;
  • fir;
  • mint;
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • tea tree;
  • olive, etc.

Oil drops for the nose are used if there is no allergy to the components included in their composition

These basic foundations have pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and regenerating properties. Depending on the indications, the doctor may sometimes even prescribe the oil in its pure form. Thus, peach and almond oil restore, soften and moisturize tissues. Sea buckthorn oil has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, and eucalyptus has bactericidal and antiviral properties.

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, it is best to apply nasal drips before bedtime. Thanks to this, you will moisturize the dry mucous membrane throughout the night and give the medicine the opportunity to do its work in the affected area.

Remember, a specialist should prescribe a medicine, even intranasal drops. It is worth noting the fact that oily remedies for the common cold have not only positive aspects. One of the difficult side effects is the development of lipoid pneumonia. This pathological process negatively affects the condition of the respiratory tract. To avoid the development of this disease, you should not independently adjust the dosage of the drops. Be sure to consult your doctor and get everything checked necessary tests and follow all instructions exactly.

At one time, no more than two or three drops should be dripped into one nostril. This will ensure that the dosage is not too large and the drug does not enter the lungs.

Under no circumstances should you use oil-based drops in a nebulizer or ultrasonic nebulizer. Drops should not be used more than four times a day, and oily solutions should not be used more than twice a day.

When using intranasal remedies for the common cold, you should not forget about the following points:

  • ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning and maintain an optimal humidity level;
  • consume sufficient quantity natural water;
  • Apply every half hour to thoroughly moisturize your nose. saline.

Oil-based drops act gently and gently on the affected areas. For severe and protracted illnesses, they are not suitable, but can only stabilize the condition

We must not forget that the body fights the disease on its own, and with the help of medications we can either help it fight better, or we will simply stop this defense. Let's consider the specifics of oily drops:

  • an oily base can cause hairs in the nasal cavity to stick together;
  • active ingredients drugs are released slowly, so the effect will not be as fast;
  • if after the start of treatment appeared copious discharge mucous secretion, which means the drops are not suitable for you and you need to change the treatment.

In any case, you should not select medications yourself. Even a seemingly harmless runny nose can lead to more serious pathological processes. It is important not only to follow the specific rules for using drops, but also to follow the general regimen.

The pharmaceutical industry is replete with a wide selection of oil-based medicines; consider the list of effective and popular drugs:

Nasal drops for children Sialor

  • Pinosol. It contains eucalyptus, mint, pine oils, as well as vitamin E and antibacterial components. This composition allows Pinosol to be used for various types rhinitis It is approved during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and is also used to treat children over two years old;
  • Pinovit. Contains eucalyptus, menthol, mountain pine oil, thymol and vitamin E. Pinovit is prescribed for acute and chronic rhinitis, and is also suitable for combating both the viral and bacterial nature of the runny nose;
  • Vitaon. Contains camphor, mint, fennel oil. In addition, Vitaon is distinguished by the presence of extracts of rose hips, chamomile, caraway, pine buds, thyme, and wormwood. The drops fight bacterial infections well and have been shown to be effective in the presence of thick green snot;
  • Sinusan. Contains pure Japanese mint oil. Sinusan actively fights bacterial infectious processes;
  • oily menthol solution. It fights well against dry crusts that have formed; the indication is also the need to clear the nasopharynx;
  • Ectericide. Fish oil is the main component of the drug. Use Ectericide for nasal congestion and bacterial infections;
  • Eucasept. It has a multi-component composition, namely: thymol, vitamin E, mint oil, fir oil, eucalyptus oil. Equasept fights viral infections well;
  • solutions of vitamin A and E. In addition to the vitamins themselves, the solution contains palm and peach oil. The indication is the need to restore damaged mucous membranes.
Ectericide based fish oil can be used by small children

Folk recipe

In alternative medicine, some of the most popular oils are Vaseline, peach and olive. Let's look at a few recipes based on oils:

  • take one to one Vaseline and olive oil. Add four drops of onion and garlic juice. This mixture has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. These drops should be used twice a day, three drops in each nostril;
  • We take the same oils from olive and Vaseline, just mix them with aloe juice. The last component will give good hydration mucous membrane;
  • mix linseed oil with wild rosemary. The resulting mixture must be placed in the oven, but make sure that it does not boil. You need to use one drop twice a day.

So, a runny nose can and should be treated, and oily drops will help with this. For the treatment of rhinitis they are used as ready-made pharmaceutical products, and prepared at home yourself. Depending on the composition, the drops moisturize and restore the mucous membrane, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and this is far from full list positive aspects these drugs. However, they can cause side effects, to avoid which you should strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist, especially when treating young children.


When to prescribe oil drops in the nose

Oil-based nasal drops are used to combat a runny nose; they improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Oil nasal drops are made from natural plant extracts.


Oil drops most often contain extracts of medicinal herbs. They are prescribed in cases where the patient needs additional hydration of the nasal mucous membranes. The effect of the medicine is usually complex:

  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial effect.

These medications have a mild effect; they coat the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and sinuses, reduce swelling and make breathing easier.

Such drops are usually not addictive. The following oils are used as an oil base:

  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • peach;
  • sea ​​buckthorn

Oil drops are auxiliary medicine. Their action is largely aimed at fighting infection.

With an acute runny nose, oil drops will not always quickly ease breathing through the nose.

Most popular drops

The most popular oil-based drops include Pinosol, Eucasept and Tizin.


Pinosol is made exclusively from natural ingredients. It contains several oils:

  • pine oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • Eucalyptus oil extract.

Indications for the use of Pinosol are diseases such as:

  • viral or bacterial rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • colds accompanied by a runny nose,
  • surgical procedures in the nasal area.

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In most cases, the drug is prescribed to treat runny nose in children. The drug is also safe for pregnant women. But you need to take it with caution, since this medicine can provoke allergic reactions. It is important to ensure that the child lies down for a while after the procedure and the drops do not leak out.


Tizin is an oil-based drug that has a vasoconstrictor effect. Thanks to the oils, the medicine remains on the nasal mucosa longer and does not cause dryness and burning. It can be used to treat allergic and infectious rhinitis. The therapeutic effect of tizin is expressed as follows:

  • easier breathing through the nose;
  • reduction of nasal discharge;
  • elimination of edema.

Tizin is prescribed for sinusitis, rhinitis, and hay fever. The drug is not used for the treatment of dry rhinitis.


Eucasept contains eucalyptus, pine and fir oils. The drops have an antimicrobial effect and reduce inflammation. With the help of Eucasept, you can significantly reduce the secretion of mucus and make breathing through the nose easier.

Like all oil-based medicines, this drug is not suitable for children under two years of age.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oil drops for the nose have both strengths, and disadvantages.

Among the advantages, the following positive factors can be noted:

  • mild action that does not dry out the mucous membrane;
  • do not provoke irritation on the mucous membrane;
  • have a natural composition;
  • don't deliver discomfort in the form of a burning sensation, not bitter.

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This medicine is successfully used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis of varying degrees of severity.

In addition, there are disadvantages that must be familiarized with before starting to use the drug. The main disadvantage is that oil drops do not quickly ease breathing. Nasal congestion does not go away quickly, as happens, for example, when using Naphthyzin. A lasting effect is achieved only two to three days after treatment. There are drugs mixed type which have a vasoconstrictor effect. When used along with treatment, nasal congestion can be quickly eliminated. These medications include Pinosol and Tizin.

Persons prone to allergies may experience reactions to one of the components included in the medicine. This will only make the runny nose worse, and skin rashes are also possible.

How to use

During treatment, certain rules must be followed. In order not to harm the body, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of doctors:

  1. To prevent the oil from penetrating into the lungs, no more than 2 to 3 drops are dripped into one nostril.
  2. Oil drops cannot be used for inhalation; they are not used in a nebulizer.
  3. It is not recommended to drip the medicine into the nose more than twice in one day.
  4. If there is increased mucus secretion, it is better to avoid drops in oil.
  5. It is very important to stick to the treatment plan and not skip procedures.

The greatest effect can be achieved by instilling the medicine before bedtime. In this case, the mucous membrane will be well hydrated overnight.

Effect of oils

The oil base included in nasal medications has different effects. The following oils are used to make drops:

  • almond and olive – moisturizes mucous membranes;
  • mint and pine – destroys bacteria;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Eucalyptus oil fights viruses and bacteria.

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Knowing the healing effect of oils, you can make them yourself. But first you still need to consult with your doctor.

From the video you will learn about oil drops for the nose:

In order to achieve maximum effect, it is important to use the drug correctly.

First you need to clear your nasal passages. To do this, you will need to blow your nose well, separately for each nostril. After this, you can rinse your nose with special sea water.

It is important to ensure that the medicine does not leak out of the nose after instillation. To do this, you need to hold your head in a tilted position for some time. No more than 2 drops are required per dose. It is better to avoid swallowing the medicine.


Oil drops for nose

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Modern oil drops in the nose have a combined effect, which is aimed at restoring nasal breathing and eliminating infectious pathogens.

The issue of selecting such drugs is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when there is an outbreak of respiratory viral infections.

Most people who are faced with nasal congestion are in search of an effective and gentle drug for a runny nose. The varieties and properties of this group of pharmaceutical products will be described in detail in this material.

The basis of these medications is most often natural essential oils, which have a softening and antiseptic effect.

Despite such harmless properties, nasal drops with eucalyptus and menthol are recommended to be used strictly according to indications. Lipid-based medications are used for the following diseases:

atrophic form of rhinitis; conditions in which irritation of the walls of the nasopharynx occurs; at low humidity in the room (to prevent drying out of the mucous membrane); infectious lesions of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, rhinitis); syndrome of chronic dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Once on the surface of the nasal mucosa, these products form a thin film that moisturizes, envelops and also creates a barrier effect against infection.

Like any pharmaceutical, natural remedies for the common cold have a number of advantages and disadvantages, after analyzing which we can conclude about the advisability of their use. The advantages of this group of drugs include:

elimination of dry mucous membranes in short time; reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process; soft impact; antibacterial and antiseptic effect; Possibility of use for the treatment of children.

Along with its advantages, this group of medications has disadvantages that limit the use of drops for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. These disadvantages include:

impossibility of use for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory process in the sinuses (sinusitis); high risk the formation of an allergic reaction to the components of the medication; low anti-edematous activity; necessity long-term therapy.

In some situations, the use of such medications for the common cold can lead to serious complications. We are talking about the treatment of sinusitis in adults and children.

With this disease, it is important to ensure timely cleansing of the sinuses and nasal passages from mucopurulent contents.

The oily film that forms when using such drugs disrupts the natural drainage of the sinuses, causing congestion and inflammation.

The natural composition of these products allows their use in pediatric practice, starting from 2 years.

Famous children's pediatrician Komarovsky holds a similar opinion.

The use of essential oils is not a guarantee of recovery, but it does guarantee improvement. general condition child.

Most of these preparations contain natural extracts of mint, eucalyptus, peach, pine, fir, sea buckthorn, and tea tree.

The anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect is often complemented by the content of vitamin E and A.

In pediatric practice, in children over 2 years of age, pharmaceutical names with a lipid component are widely used. The most prominent representatives of this group of drugs include:

Pinovit. The composition of the drug includes vitamin E, menthol, as well as essential oils of pine and eucalyptus. Medicinal drops are prescribed to children over 3 years of age for the treatment of viral and bacterial rhinitis.

Chlorophyllipt oil solution.

Has powerful antiviral and antibacterial activity. Natural oil drops for the nose Chlorophyllipt are used to treat adults and children over 2 years of age.

Vitaon. The active components of nasal drops are plant extracts of rose hips, caraway, chamomile, pine, wormwood, and thyme. In the nursery medical practice Vitaon is used to treat bacterial sinusitis.

Pinosol. The triad of essential oils (mint, pine, eucalyptus) determines the medicinal effect of this drug.

As a supplement, Pinosol nasal oil spray contains vitamin E. Herbal nasal drops are used to treat viral and bacterial rhinitis in children over 2 years of age.

In everyday life medical practice, in the treatment of childhood diseases, peach oil in the nose is widely used, as well as combinations of oil solutions of vitamin E and A.

Preparation of the products is carried out by mixing the base (peach or olive oil) and vitamin concentrates.

For the treatment of children infancy, lipid-based nasal drops are very rarely used. The reason for this is the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the newborn’s body.

The use of such medications is advisable only for rhinitis, accompanied by drying out of the mucous membrane with the formation of crusts.

In case of advanced runny nose in a newborn, the doctor may recommend Tizin nasal drops, which combine natural oils with a vasoconstrictor component.

The duration of use of this medication is no more than 3 days in a row.

To ensure that the use of this group of drugs does not lead to the development of side effects, it is recommended to follow the following basic rules:

Use nasal drops with essential oils in the complex treatment of rhinitis, accompanied by increased dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages; Use nasal medications no more than 4 times a day; Do not use these products to treat children under 2 years of age; If heavy mucous discharge from the nasal passages appears during therapy with oil products, it is recommended to stop using the drug and also contact medical specialist. to the content?

If you have the desire and time, you can make your own nasal drops with oil and other ingredients.

This will require a base (peach, olive or apricot oil), as well as a vitamin or antiseptic component.

There are the most popular recipes alternative medicine:

To obtain plant drops, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. dried calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, wormwood and wild rosemary stems. The resulting mixture must be poured with 200 ml of peach or olive oil. It is recommended to infuse the oil for 1 month.

In order to prepare nasal drops based on vitamins, you need to take 0.5 tsp. oil extracts of vitamins A and E, and mix with 50 ml of apricot or peach oil. The finished product can be used immediately after mixing.

As an alternative, use garlic oil drops. To prepare them, you need to mix 25 ml of peach or olive oil with 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed garlic juice.

When choosing herbal preparations for the treatment of a runny nose, it is important to take into account the allergic activity of these drugs. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to obtain medical consultation.

ratings, average:

To use medicines based on oils, certain indications are necessary, since the drugs do not always have a positive effect. Oil drops for the nose are distinguished by their therapeutic specificity and pricing policy. Often, such solutions are prescribed to moisturize the nasal mucosa after surgery or infectious rhinitis.

Many drugs for intranasal administration, for example, vasoconstrictors, can lead to drying of nasal tissues. After graduation treatment course restoration of the mucous membrane is required, and oil drops are used for this.

In addition, they can be used to carry out hygiene procedure. Before you start cleaning the nasal cavities, you need to lubricate inner surface nose with a small amount of the drug and wait a couple of minutes. During this time, dry crusts soften, which greatly facilitates cleansing and prevents tissue injury.

Among the disadvantages of oil drops, attention should be paid to:

increased risk occurrence of an allergic reaction. To avoid sharp deterioration condition, you should study the composition of the drug and use the minimum dose at the beginning of therapy; inability to use in the first months of life; prohibition of use in a nebulizer; absence therapeutic effect with allergic rhinitis.

The most common oil nasal drops have the following names:

Pinosol; Pinovit.

They are appointed:

to moisturize the nasal mucosa if a person long time is in unfavorable environmental conditions. This could be dry, dusty air in the home or harmful occupational factors (mining, paint and varnish, grain processing industries). With regular use medicinal solution the nasopharyngeal mucosa is protected and becomes less sensitive to irritating environmental factors; at atrophic rhinitis. Its development may be due to long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal medications, as well as unfavorable living and working conditions; to accelerate the healing of injured tissue in the nasal passages by activating regeneration processes.

The composition of the medicinal product may include:

peppermint; fir, pine extract; peach; sea ​​buckthorn berries; tea tree; olive; almond.

Thanks to the specific composition of the drug, it is possible to well moisturize the mucous membrane, protect it from irritating factors, accelerate tissue restoration, slow down the progression of the infectious process and reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes oil-based vitamins A or E without additional supplements.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

The last nasal instillation should be carried out before bedtime, which allows you to moisturize and protect the mucous membrane of the nasal passages during the night; Before introducing the oil, you should clean the nasal passages of allergens, dust particles and microbes using saline solution. To do this, you can use solutions based on sea water in the form of aerosols or drops, for example, Aqua Maris, Morenasal, Dolphin; Maintain the humidity in the house at 55%. For this purpose, special devices have been developed - humidifiers. In addition, you can place several containers of water in the room, for example, an aquarium or vases. It is especially important to control humidity during the heating season and when using air conditioning; drink enough fluid per day (2 liters). Of course, the volume drunk must be calculated taking into account concomitant diseases(heart, renal failure) so as not to worsen the person’s condition. To replenish fluid losses, you can drink non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened juice, compote, fruit drink or herbal tea; Regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

Here is a list of ready-to-use oil medicines:

Pinosol; menthol solution. Can be used for hygienic procedures, moisturizing and protecting the mucous membrane of the nasal passages; Ectericide based on fish oil. Among the indications, we highlight a bacterial infection; Equasept. Prescribed when viral infection; vitamins A, E.

There are many medicines based on peach, petroleum jelly and olive oil. Here are some proven recipes:

Mix 5 ml of Vaseline and olive oil, add 4 drops of onion or garlic juice. Apply three drops twice a day. You can also add aloe juice to the oil mixture; 3 g of wild rosemary should be mixed with 15 ml of flax oil. The mixture must be heated in the oven for two hours. Drops should be instilled twice a day.

The composition of the drug includes pine, eucalyptus, mint oil, thymol, as well as tocopherol acetate (otherwise known as vitamin E). It is available in the form of a solution for drip administration into the nasal cavities. The liquid has a greenish tint and a menthol aroma.

The components of Pinosol have an antimicrobial, regenerating effect. Among the indications one should focus on:

acute diseases nasopharynx, the development of which is based on an inflammatory process of non-allergic origin; postoperative period- to accelerate tissue healing; chronic rhinitis, for example, the atrophic form.

The drug can also be used for inhalation when inflammatory diseases respiratory tract.

Oil-based nasal drops are not prescribed for hypersensitivity, as well as allergic types of runny nose.

Do not allow the solution to get into your eyes. To avoid a sharp deterioration of the condition and the development of an allergic reaction, before use it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drops and conduct an allergy test.

To do this, simply apply the solution to the back of your wrist and evaluate the test results after 30 minutes. If itching, burning, redness or swelling occurs, Pinosol should be discarded.

The advantage of Pinosol is the possibility of its use during pregnancy, as well as during the lactation period.

The drug does not affect consciousness, so it can be used in people whose profession requires concentration.

According to the instructions, the solution can be instilled three drops every hour (in the first 5 hours of the disease). Then the frequency of use is reduced to three times a day. A child over two years old is prescribed two drops three times a day.

For applications you will need Pinosol and a cotton swab. After applying the oil solution to a cotton swab, you need to insert it into the nasal passage. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

As for adverse reactions, they are extremely rare. They can be presented:

allergic reaction ( skin rashes, redness, tissue swelling, itching sensations in the nasal passages); bronchospasm; dry nasopharyngeal mucosa; eye irritation; contact dermatitis.

Medicine has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is assigned with therapeutic purpose for acute and chronic rhinitis.

Eucasept is similar in composition to Pinosol. The difference is the presence of azulene in Eucasept, as well as its lower cost. Let's list healing effects medicine:

pain relief, reduction of tissue swelling - due to peppermint; antiviral property is due to the presence of fir; antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect is provided by azulene (a component of chamomile essential oil); the antiseptic effect is enhanced due to thymol, or otherwise, thyme essential oil; antioxidant, protective, regenerating effect - due to vitamin E.

Eucasept is prescribed exclusively for external use. It can be instilled into the nasal passages or made into applications. Every day it is enough to drip two drops four times a day. If treatment is given to a child, it is recommended to take a drop three times a day.

Applications require a cotton swab and medicinal drug. First, you should apply it to cotton wool and insert it into the nasal passage for 15 minutes.

Usually the therapeutic course is 6 days, but in consultation with the doctor it can be extended.

Cases of adverse reactions occurring after using Eucasept are quite rarely reported. Among them it is worth highlighting:

allergic reactions; hyperemia of the mucous membrane; itchy sensations in the nasopharynx; increased nasal congestion.

Contraindications include:

age up to two years. A child under two years of age has a high risk of developing laryngospasm; hypersensitivity.

The drug is used with caution in the postoperative period when surgery was performed in the nasopharyngeal area. Oil drops have positive reviews both from doctors and patients. All this is thanks to the mild healing effect and a small number of side effects.

Oil drops in the nose are specific in application. The modern market is full of drops that are recommended for use for a runny nose. The main difference: products based on oil elements differ in price, policy and purpose. For specific purposes (hydration, treatment, breathing relief), a certain type of medicinal substance is suitable.

Advice: do not self-medicate. Take only those medications, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

Depending on the desired result, oil drops for the nose can be moisturizing, healing, or making breathing easier.

If you have a runny nose, the doctor may give preference to drops created on an oil element. They are most often used to moisturize the nasal mucosa. For example, after surgery, long-term infectious disease The nasopharynx and mucous tissues in the nose become dry and turn into a crust. In this case, it is recommended to use oil preparations. Most often, the oil component is diluted with a medicinal decoction. Both components enhance the effect of the previous one, which helps the patient heal quickly.

Disadvantages of the drug:

allergenicity. Before taking oil products, you should be examined by a doctor and tested for allergies; it is prohibited to use for infants; it cannot be used for inhalation.

The most famous oil medicines:


Main indications for use:

conditions of dry air, in which the mucous membranes require constant hydration (oil will create a soft film that will envelop the tissue, protect from drying out and damage); atrophic rhinitis; dry nose; initial stages of irritation of mucous tissues; irritation of the nasopharynx; crust formation in places where the skin requires additional hydration; no allergies to the components included in the substance; infectious diseases of the nasal passages (including runny nose).

Taking these drugs can serve as additional aromatherapy.

Remember: the product acts gradually, as easily and gently as possible on the affected areas.

For severe, protracted illnesses, similar drug will not work (it can only stabilize the condition). Basic Basics for the drug:

fir;pine;peppermint;peach;almond;olive;vaseline;sea buckthorn;tea tree;vitamins A, E.

The above components are combined, depending on how the product should turn out. Each of them is responsible for a separate function: moisturizing/antiseptic effect/anti-inflammatory effect/mucous regeneration (wound healing). In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you use pure oil, without additional medicinal components (this depends on your individual indicators and the need for a specific effect).

If you want to achieve maximum effect and the fastest cure for a runny nose, instill the drug before bed. This way, you will moisturize the mucous membrane throughout the night and allow the substance to “work” on a specific problem.

Please note: one of the main side effects is lipoid pneumonia. The disease negatively affects Airways. To avoid this, never adjust the dosage yourself. Consult your doctor and get tested necessary tests and strictly follow the instructions received.

Each nostril (following individual indications) should be instilled up to 3 times (drops) twice a day, most optimally in the morning and before bedtime. What to remember when using these medications for a runny nose:

Constantly ventilate the room to have access to humidified/fresh air; drink plenty of water; apply saline every 30 minutes to maintain the degree of hydration of the mucous membrane.

By following the above tips, you will protect your mucous membranes from drying out.

Remember: your body can cope with the disease on its own. You use medications to help him, and not to stop the body's actions.

Pay attention to the specifics of oil drops:

the oil can stick together the hairs in the nose; the active substances contained in the oil are released slowly (this causes the gradual effect of the drug); copious mucus discharge indicates that this type of drops is not suitable for you and you should stop treatment immediately.

Don't self-medicate! Taking any medication should only be started after consulting a doctor. Even an ordinary runny nose can cause complications, and using a drug that is not suitable for your body will only worsen the problem and prolong treatment.

Follow the instructions strictly, do not violate the dosage and do not adjust the treatment time frame yourself. Follow the general regimen as with any other illness.

Modern market represented by a variety of oil preparations. List of the most famous and effective substances:

Pinosol. Main components: eucalyptus oil, peppermint, pine, antibacterial substances, vitamin E. Thanks to menthol and eucalyptus in the composition, this product can be used regardless of the type of runny nose. The drug is approved for pregnant women, lactation, and children over 2 years of age. Sinusan. Main components: pure Japanese mint oil (menthol concentration is lower). Indications for use: bacterial inflammation. Pure menthol oil solution. Indications for use: crust formation in areas that require additional moisture, the need to clear the nasopharynx. Ectericide. Main components: fish oil. Indications for use: bacterial infections, congestion of the nasal passages. Equasept. Main components: mint oil, eucalyptus, fir oil, thymol, vitamin E. Indications for use: viral infections. Oil solutions of vitamin A and E. Main components: palm oil, peach oil and, accordingly, vitamins A and E themselves. Indications for application: the need for regeneration of overdried areas of the mucosa, restoration of its basic functions and properties.

The above remedies are contraindicated in young children to avoid the development of allergic reactions.

When the cold season sets in, a runny nose is already knocking on the door. And it doesn’t matter whether he is a welcome guest or not, he will not spare even small children. Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products are in a hurry to save everyone from an unpleasant scourge, filling the shelves of pharmacies with various drugs. The abundance of products is dizzying. What to choose? What drops should a child take? Is it worth overpaying?

Types of Oil Drops

Conventionally, nasal products can be divided into several groups:

  • vasoconstrictor drops for the common cold, which are intended primarily to relieve
    nasal congestion, not treatment;
  • sea ​​water for rinsing the nose and nasal passages;
  • oil drops for the nose.

The last option on this list will be optimal if the goal is fast recovery. And this is very important during treatment. A runny nose, if left untreated and only relieved of congestion, can last a very long time.

Chronic runny nose, in turn, will sooner or later develop into acute rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis, which is fraught with surgical intervention and treatment with antibiotics.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil nasal drops

If a runny nose still overcomes your nose, you need to take action immediately. Oil drops in the nose for children and adults are an excellent option.

This tool has many advantages:

  • they do not dry out the mucous membrane;
  • pleasantly envelops the sinuses;
  • do not cause irritation;
  • they are natural, without chemical additives;
  • have a pleasant smell;
  • do not taste bitter and do not provoke a burning sensation.

And most importantly, they heal! The infection will not like such a neighborhood; it simply will not survive it. They help at all stages of rhinitis, with sinusitis and pharyngitis.

The healing properties of essential oils have been proven for a long time, so there is no point in repeating them.

Such drugs include:

  • essential oil eucalyptus;
  • mint essential oil;
  • essential oil of pine and other coniferous trees;
  • tea tree essential oil.

This is far from full list remedies that successfully fight the runny nose.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. Or rather, there is one drawback due to which many people prefer to use other means. Such oil products for the nose “do not penetrate”. Congestion does not go away, despite the comfortable sensations after instillation.

However, a few days after use, the runny nose begins to disappear, while the same “Naphthyzin”, which gives instant results, can be used for a very long time before the disease passes.

Alternatively, when you go to the pharmacy, you can ask for a mixed type drug, that is, a vasodilator with the addition of essential components. There's not a lot of oil there, but it's still better than nothing. Among the names of mixed type oil nasal drops one can distinguish “Tizin”, and among pure oil drops – “Pinosol”.

Algorithm for using oil-based drugs

  1. First you need to clear your nose. You need to blow your nose with each nostril in turn. You should not do this with both nostrils at the same time, otherwise infections may enter the auditory tube and cause inflammation of the middle ear;
  2. It’s good if you have special sea water, it cleans your nose perfectly. If it is not there, then you can use a saline solution and then blow your nose again;
  3. It is important to adopt the correct head position. It should be tilted back as much as possible so that the liquid does not leak out immediately after instillation;
  4. A bottle of oil drops in the nose for pharyngitis and other similar diseases, as a rule, already has a special “spout”. Using it or a regular pipette, you need to drop 2 drops of the product into each nostril;
  5. Don't put your head down right away! The product must enter the nasal passages, for this you need to wait a minute. For convenience, it is better to carry out the procedure while lying down.

Here is a simple algorithm for instilling oil drops into the nose. You can use the product without medical supervision for two weeks. They are suitable for small children and pregnant women. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to any of the components may occur.

Recipe for making drops

You can prepare a similar nasal remedy yourself. It's very simple. It will consist of a base and essential oils. It is best to use refined sunflower or olive oil as a base.

For one teaspoon you will need:

  • 2 drops each of tea tree, bergamot and geranium essential oils;
  • 3 drops each of eucalyptus and cedar.

The resulting mixture must be stored in a sterile, tightly closed bottle in a dark place.

Here's another good recipe:

  • a teaspoon of oil base;
  • 5 drops each of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, tea tree.

The product cannot be used without a base! Pure essential oil can burn the nasal mucosa and cause severe irritation. This is very dangerous, so be careful!

Oil drops for a runny nose are a kind of intermediate stage between traditional medications and traditional medicine.

It is not possible to effectively treat a runny nose with oil drops.- these remedies only allow you to slightly normalize the condition of the nasal mucosa and alleviate some of the symptoms of a runny nose. Drops with oils have virtually no effect on the causes of a runny nose, although there are exceptions. For example, drops for the common cold with eucalyptus have a certain antiviral effect, and products based on eucalyptus oil can be used with some caution for viral runny nose.

The main purposes of using most oil drops for a runny nose are:

Obviously, simple olive oil can cope with such tasks, and all the delights such as fir, peach oil or additional vitamins are rather a way for those involved in treatment to calm themselves down by simulating vigorous activity. And that's why:

  1. Those oils that are used as anti-inflammatory agents may even be harmful if the inflammation itself is the body's response to the development of infection or damage to the mucosa;
  2. Oils that have a bactericidal or antiviral effect are significantly inferior to nasal mucus itself in their ability to suppress the development of infectious agents. Dropping them into your nose is like turning off the engine of a car at traffic lights to save fuel. There will be help, of course, but it will not give a noticeable effect.

Olive oil is no less effective for a runny nose than peach or Vaseline

And in general, the need to put oils in the nose means that the conditions he needed were not created for a patient with a runny nose: clean, cool and moist air, drinking plenty of fluids, moisturizing the mucous membranes with a simple saline solution. It is because of non-compliance with such requirements that the nasal mucosa dries out, and it becomes necessary to treat it with oils.

The first thing to do before using drops with oils is to ventilate the room, achieve an air temperature of 20-22 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%, give the patient plenty of water and drip saline into his nose every half hour. And only then can you start using oil drops for a runny nose.

Video: Why are oil drops needed for a runny nose?

General rules for using drops with oils

Regardless of the composition of the oil drops, when using them you need to adhere to several main rules:

  1. Drip no more than 2-3 drops into each nostril at a time. This is a guarantee that there will not be many droplets and they will not enter the lower respiratory tract or lungs.
  2. Never use drops with oils in a nebulizer or ultrasonic inhaler - this carries a risk of developing lipoid pneumonia.
  3. The maximum frequency of instillation of oil drops is 4 times a day, if we are talking about an oil solution of vitamins - 2 times a day.

Using undiluted peppermint oil can be dangerous due to possible allergic reactions.

It is best to instill oil drops into the nose before going to bed so that the patient’s mucous membrane is moisturized throughout the entire period of sleep.

And the individual characteristics of the use of oil-based drops depend on the components included in the drops and the purpose of using the drugs.

Components of oil droplets

Regardless of whether the drops are prepared at home or drugs sold in pharmacies are used, they usually contain the following components:

  1. Peach or almond oil. It has a moisturizing, softening and regenerating effect on mucosal tissue;
  2. Olive, Vaseline oil- with the same goals;
  3. Fir oil and Scots pine oil, peppermint oil are products with a very weak bactericidal effect;
  4. Tea tree and sea buckthorn oils are wound healing and anti-inflammatory agents.
  5. Eucalyptus oil is a bactericidal and antiviral agent.
  6. Vitamins A and E are means of strengthening local defenses and supporting mucosal regeneration processes.
  7. Chlorophyllipt is an extract of eucalyptus leaves that is effective against various strains of staphylococci.

It is noteworthy that all these components can be mixed with each other in equal proportions, or used individually as independent drops. The effect - softening and moisturizing the nasal mucosa - will be the same.


Honey should not be used in oil products. This is fraught with the development of a bacterial infection.

Dropping honey for a runny nose is not only useless, but even harmful


Of the commercially available oil drops, several products are widely known that are used for different types runny nose:

There is also a drug called Ectericide, which is sometimes prescribed by doctors as a nasal drop. It is an extract from fish oil and has some bactericidal effect. However, this product cannot be considered typical oil drops.

Popular as drops for colds oil solutions vitamins A and E. They are usually based on peach or palm oil (preparations with the former are preferable), and the vitamins themselves promote rapid tissue regeneration in damaged mucosa and restoration of its functions.
