Treatment of impacted teeth. What is an impacted tooth? Causes of impacted teeth. Is it possible to prevent retention?

Teething does not always follow the same scenario. In some situations, this process is disrupted, and the tooth remains in the gum tissue without ever erupting. This phenomenon is called retention.


An impacted tooth according to ICD10 is a mature unit with fully formed enamel and a neurovascular bundle that cannot erupt. Such a tooth can be located both in the periodontium and in the bone tissue of the alveolar ridge.

Most often, impacted teeth are also dystopic or impacted. Despite the fact that they are located under the gums, they are also susceptible to bacteria and caries.


Most often, impacted wisdom teeth are the last ones to erupt. This localization of the anomaly occurs in 45% of cases of retention.

Due to the deep location of the buds and limited space for growth, most often they erupt only partially, forming a gingival hood.

Wherein, wisdom teeth and upper teeth suffer equally, and lower jaw .

In second place in terms of frequency of retention are the canines located on upper jaw. The last place is occupied by the second premolars of the lower jaw or, if we use numbers, fives.

Who is at risk?

Retention is most often observed in children with metabolic disorders and diseases of the skeletal system. In this case, the problem can be either congenital or acquired.

In addition, the risk group includes people who have hereditary preconditions. If the parents experienced retention, then the probability of its occurrence in children is 37%.

Also, the anomaly was often diagnosed in patients with chronic diseases periodontal tissue.


There are several reasons that can cause teething problems:

  • abnormal position of the primordium at the time of its formation;
  • an excessively dense gum capsule, which does not allow timely setting of the correct direction of tooth growth;
  • the gums are too loose, not allowing the root to remain in its normal position;
  • premature loss or early removal of teeth;
  • late loss of baby teeth, as a result of slow resorption of roots;
  • pathology of the development of the jaw arch;
  • close location of the primordia.

Types of retention

When diagnosing this pathology, an expanded classification is used, which is based on the nature of eruption and its position at the same time.

According to the nature of eruption

Based on this feature, they distinguish 2 types retention:

  • Full, in which the outer part is completely immersed and covered with periodontal tissue. This type of pathology is most often discovered only after symptoms of tissue inflammation appear.
  • Partial, when the tooth protrudes slightly above the level of the gum, or is located in it (semi-retinated), but is partially covered with a gum hood.

    This type of anomaly often causes problems, since this position contributes to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms.

By location

Retention varies according to its intragingival location on 4 view A:

  • Horizontal. It is characterized by the location of the abnormal unit at a right angle to the general row and parallel to the jaw arches. Accompanied by loosening of neighboring teeth and changes in their position.
  • Vertical. It is a classic option for teething, in which they assume a normal position, corresponding to the rest of the row.
  • Corner. It differs in the angle of inclination during eruption and growth, which is less than 90°C. The anomaly can have a slope in any of the directions: medial, buccal, distal, lingual.

    Basically, it is accompanied by permanent injury to soft tissues.

  • Reverse. In which the chewing part faces the alveolar ridge, and the root part faces the periodontium. Most often, the 8th tooth (figure eight) takes this position.

In addition to the above provisions, retention is distinguished by depth, localized:

  • V soft tissues periodontal. Is the norm for this pathology, treatment will depend on the position of the abnormal unit;
  • in the jawbone. It is the most complex type of pathology, requiring the use of an atypical method for removal.

Signs and symptoms

In most cases, you can recognize the presence of an impacted tooth yourself at home.

The main signs for this are:

  • soreness in the gum area, which can radiate towards the ear, temple and along the location of the trigeminal nerve;
  • regular injury to one area of ​​the mucosa;
  • swelling, numbness and hyperemia of the periodontium;
  • with slight eruption, gingivitis or pericoronitis may begin;
  • protrusion limited area gums;
  • displacement or loosening of adjacent teeth;
  • discomfort while eating or opening the mouth;
  • the presence of a cyst or purulent formation may be observed;
  • during inflammatory process getting worse general state: temperature rises, chills, headaches, weakness appear.

Diagnostic methods

In case of partial retention, a visual examination and instrumental examination. To clarify the position of the tooth, targeted radiography is used.

In some cases, orthopantomography and computed tomography are prescribed to obtain a comprehensive picture.


In case of pronounced retention, removal is resorted to to eliminate the problem. abnormal tooth. This procedure is classified as complex, therefore mandatory It is performed painlessly, under local anesthesia. This means that the question of whether it will hurt is not relevant.

Often, the removal of impacted teeth requires the presence of not only a dental surgeon, but also an orthodontist.

In what cases should it be deleted?

The doctor decides what to do in a particular case. Removal of an impacted tooth is indicated only in certain orthodontic situations.

These include:

  • constant severe pain in the area of ​​the affected tooth;
  • severe swelling of the gums of the face due to constant pressure on nerve endings;
  • high degree of change in the position of abnormal or adjacent teeth;
  • the need for prosthetics;
  • osteomyelitis or periostitis;
  • periodontitis or pulpitis in chronic form;
  • caries damage;
  • the presence of a periodontal or follicular cyst.

Features of the operation

Removing an impacted tooth requires a highly qualified doctor. The procedure is performed under local infiltration anesthesia; sometimes, at the patient’s request, general anesthesia is prescribed.

Ultracaine is most often used as an anesthetic drug. It has limited contraindications and minimal side effects.

Watch the video for the operation procedure:

How much the procedure will cost depends on the complexity of the situation. Its duration can vary from 1 to 3 hours, most time to pull out the root. This must be done as carefully as possible to avoid consequences.

Surgery to remove takes place in several stages:

  • Detachment of mucous tissue. The surgeon makes an incision into the mucosa and periosteum using the patchwork method. Next, using a scalpel, the tissue flap is moved to the side, and the bone bed is exposed.
  • Preparing the surface for extraction. In order to remove, it is necessary to gain access to the root part of the tooth. To do this, the dentist uses a drill, with which he drills a hole in the bone tissue of the jaw.
  • Removal. To do this, I use a milling cutter with a straight tip. The doctor cuts top part tooth, and then removes it entirely. To remove the root system, the root is divided into elements.

    Using an angular extractor, each element is outlined at a right angle. In this way, all periodontal ligaments are broken. After which the root is removed from the hole in parts.

  • An open wound is cleaned from bone tissue particles and washed with antiseptics.
  • In case of extensive damage, he applies the drug and suturing damaged tissue several interrupted sutures.

    If severe inflammation was observed before removal, then iodoform turunda is placed in the hole, which must be periodically replaced in the future.

Insufficient qualifications of the doctor can lead to complications: it is extremely rare, but if carried out roughly, even a jaw fracture is possible.

To avoid such problems, you should carefully consider the question of which clinic to perform the removal.

The cost of the procedure in private dentistry can vary significantly (in some, this service is included in the compulsory medical insurance program), but you should focus not on the price, but on patient reviews.

Postoperative period

After a complex extraction of an impacted tooth, rehabilitation period can last from 3 to 10 days. During the first days after surgery, the patient complains that his gums hurt and he has difficulty opening his mouth and chewing.

Also, swelling and redness of tissues is allowed operated area. Subsequently, the symptoms reduce the intensity of their manifestation.

To reduce the risk of postoperative complications during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • in the first 15 minutes after removal, it is necessary to hold a cotton swab between your teeth to stop the bleeding;
  • It is recommended to apply a cold compress to the cheek for several hours after removal;
  • in the first 3 days it is recommended to use antiseptic drugs for rinsing. Chlorhexidine is good for this. Rinsing should be done carefully to prevent the blood clot from being washed away;
  • To relieve painful manifestations, it is recommended to use painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Suitable, for example, are Ketorolac, Ketorol, Nurofen, Analgi;

  • Within 3 hours after the operation, you must stop drinking, eating and smoking.

Complete tissue healing is observed only after 3 or 4 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the clinical picture and symptoms that arise from dental inflammation. If the suture festers, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prognosis and prevention

Presence of an impacted tooth in the oral cavity may provoke a number serious complications that will require further long-term treatment:

  • formation of periodontal cysts;
  • caries;
  • ulcerative stomatitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • purulent lymphadenitis;
  • periostitis.

To return it to the row, braces are used, and in especially difficult cases they resort to surgery in the sky by removing the supernumerary unit.

To prevent the development of these complications, it is necessary to apply certain preventive measures, which are characteristic of all dental diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to constantly monitor the eruption and loss of baby teeth. In addition, in order to prevent infection, you should regularly visit the dentist and promptly treat both local and general diseases.

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An impacted tooth is a part of a tooth or an entire tooth that cannot come out through a fully formed jaw.

Differences between impacted and dystopic teeth

Dystopic teeth are teeth that are incorrectly positioned in the jaws, namely they do not grow in the right place or at the right angle; there are cases of growth on the reverse side. This phenomenon spoils the correct bite and the beauty of the smile.

Impacted teeth are teeth whose growth has been delayed. Retention is divided into:

  • Full– only gum or bone tissue is visible;
  • Partial– part of the tooth is visible, i.e. it didn't cut through completely.

Such defects occur both together and separately. More often, this situation can be observed during the eruption of wisdom teeth, which have another name - third molars. A common occurrence is a dystopic impacted wisdom tooth, which provokes the development of caries, periodontal disease or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Reasons for retention

  • The tooth sac is thick-walled;
  • Gum tissue is very dense;
  • The strength of the sprout is weakened;
  • Incorrect position of the axis of the tooth germ, which leads to friction against other teeth;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Baby teeth fell out too early;
  • Supercomplex teeth in the jaws;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Rickets;
  • Weakness of the body due to lack of vitamins.

In the process of evolution, the human diet has become less supplied with rough animal food, which means a decrease in the load on the teeth, which leads to a reduction in the jaws due to a decrease in the distal alveolar ossicles. There is a decrease in space for the eruption of late teeth (wisdom), and promotes retention.

Types of Impacted Teeth

The gums or bone tissue completely cover the impacted tooth; it is neither visible nor palpable. In semi-retained, the coronal part is partially visible, but its main part is located in the thickness of the gums. Based on the depth of their occurrence, teeth are distinguished between those with bone immersion (located in the thickness of the bones) and those with immersion in tissue (in the gums).


Dental roots and crowns in the bone or gums can be located:

  1. Vertical. The dental axis is in a normal position and coincides along the vertical line;
  2. Horizontally. The dental axis and vertical form a right angle, the tooth is located transversely, has a sagittal or oblique position;
  3. At an angle (angular). The vertical and the axis of the tooth form an angle of less than 90°. It is divided into medial - angular (tilted forward), inclined posteriorly, inclined inward or towards the tongue, buccal - angular (tilted towards the cheeks or outward) positions.

Retention can be symmetrical, on one side or both, and can affect both baby and permanent teeth.

Symptoms of a semi-impacted tooth

The root constantly injures the gums, which leads to swelling and hyperemia.

The symptoms of a semi-impacted molar are similar to gingivitis or pericoronitis, due to constant trauma to the adjacent part of the crown of the mucous membrane, which leads to swelling and hyperemia.

Often the course is asymptomatic and diagnosed only with x-rays. Immersion in the tissue is determined by the protrusion of the gums; upon palpation, individual parts and outlines are determined. When pressure is applied to adjacent teeth, tooth roots are reabsorbed and displaced.

The patient may complain of pain and discomfort when chewing or opening the mouth. Where an impacted tooth comes into contact with an erupted one, pulpitis can develop. chronic periodontitis or caries. When nerve fibers and endings are irritated, pain and paresthesia occur, which are caused by trigeminal neuritis.

Often, cysts (follicular) appear at the site of recession, which often suppurate or are complicated by purulent periostitis, maxillary osteomyelitis (paracystic), abscesses, sinusitis and phlegmon. Inflammatory reactions accompanied elevated temperature, general intoxication of the body.


Diagnosis of an impacted tooth

Diagnosis is not difficult: when examined by a dentist, the tip and contours of the tooth are found above the gum; the crown can be determined by probing.

A reliable sign is detection on an x-ray or using a computed tomograph.

Indications and contraindications for tooth extraction surgery


  • the general condition of the body is heavy;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • nervous diseases in the acute stage;
  • heart disease (exacerbation);
  • blood diseases;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • the first month after the abortion.

Removal of retention: what is it?

The surgical operation is quite complicated due to the inconvenient location of the tooth, painful and lasts up to three hours, using anesthesia (general or local), since it is impossible to remove the recession in the usual way.

The procedures are divided into the following stages:

  1. Before starting the surgical procedure, local anesthesia is performed;
  2. An incision in the mucous membrane over the problem area;
  3. Drilling with a drill into bone tissue to create a hole;
  4. Tooth extraction;
  5. Bone fragments are removed;
  6. Wound treatment (antiseptic) - healing preparations are placed at the site of removal;
  7. Stitching.

If the tooth is large, it is crushed into smaller pieces before the operation begins. The stitches are removed after a week.

Removal video

Dentists strongly recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth because if the process is delayed, difficulties arise: processes of inflammation or tumor formations which are accompanied by an increase in temperature. If a wisdom tooth coming out causes unbearable pain, you need to seek dental help to prevent complications.

Specifics of treatment of dystopic teeth

More often they resort to orthodontic treatment methods. Patients wear braces that correct tooth positions. The treatment is long but productive.

The disadvantage of this treatment is the age of the patient; after 15 years of life, this method is ineffective. Removing such pathology is also difficult. The dystopic scheme is similar.

Not all patients know about the consequences of dystopic teeth, and are in no hurry to see doctors, but come in already in advanced conditions that require only surgical operations.

How to behave for the first time after surgery

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  • You can reduce the pain by applying an ice bag to your cheek;
  • If the bleeding does not stop, apply a ball of gauze to the wound surface;
  • If the pain is intense, take a painkiller;
  • During the first three hours after removal - do not smoke or eat;
  • Do not rinse your mouth for a couple of days after removal, so as not to wash out the blood clot (promotes healing);
  • You should not take hot baths or intense exercise on the first day;
  • Brush your teeth carefully.

After injury, soft tissues need time to recover (three to four weeks). Carefully monitor your health, immediately seek help from a dentist in the following cases:

  1. Severe sharp pain that is not relieved for a long time with painkillers;
  2. Bleeding does not stop for a long time;
  3. Increased body temperature;
  4. Swelling in the gums does not decrease, but increases.

Removal price

Forecasts and preventive measures

An impacted tooth is the root cause of serious complications. Periodontal cysts may form, caries, pulpitis, ulcerative stomatitis, phlegmon, purulent lymphadenitis, abscesses and others may develop. For these reasons, impacted teeth need treatment. They can be used as autografts to restore dentition.

There are no known methods for preventing impacted teeth.

TO general methods include:

  • Monitor jaw development in childhood;
  • Dates of appearance permanent teeth;
  • Treat pathologies with orthodontic methods in a timely manner.

In the practice of dentists, there are often cases when a patient’s tooth is fully formed, but does not erupt. It is called “retained”, and the problem is treated with special methods. Teeth that are formed but “stuck” inside the jaw can cause inflammatory processes: pericoronitis, periodontitis, periostitis, abscess, phlegmon, etc. Treatment is carried out various methods, from removal to wearing specialized braces. Reduce the risk of impacted tooth Prevention helps, for example, wearing trainers that prepare the jaw for the appearance of new teeth.

What is retention? Why does pathology develop? Symptoms and diagnosis

Retention is considered one of the most common teething anomalies. Most often, problems arise with the lower and upper “wisdom teeth”, which grow incorrectly. They are usually encountered by adults. Normal in children impacted tooth is maxillary canine. The second premolars of the mandible often present unpleasant surprises.

Symptoms of unerupted teeth vary by owner. The problem may not manifest itself at all, or it may cause constant visits to the dentist. The variety of symptoms and their absence is due to the fact that the tooth itself is incorrectly positioned or is incomplete teething– a phenomenon that is almost natural for humans. Approximately 35-45% of “wisdom eights” in adults are these are impacted teeth. Difficulties begin to arise when such a molar or premolar causes irritation of the soft tissue around it. By indirect signs– pain or inflammation – the doctor identifies the “wrong” tooth.

Semi-retinated teeth visible immediately upon first inspection: they partially grow, but not completely. From such people partly erupted There are many more problems with molars and premolars: being partially located in the soft tissues, they almost always cause inflammation. There is no need to specifically diagnose them: the doctor almost always finds such teeth during a routine examination.

Find in full Impacted teeth are a real quest. They may not be visible at all, because they are located under the existing elements of the dentition. In this case, there is only one diagnostic option: you need to take a full picture of the jaw, which will clearly show the whole picture. Below in the picture is a selection of examples. Impacted teeth are marked in red or with arrows.

Types of dental retention

There are many classifications of dental retention. One of the most popular ways of dividing is by degree. teething. So, they highlight semi-impacted teeth, which are partially visible in the gum, and completely hidden - located under the gum or bone tissue. The latter are not available for palpation. If the impacted tooth is located in the gum tissue, the diagnosis will say “with tissue immersion,” but if it is located in the bone, “with bone immersion.”

Another classification method takes into account the position of the molar, canine or premolar:

  • vertical,
  • horizontal,
  • corner.

Horizontal teeth can also be transverse, sagittal or oblique, and angular teeth can be mesial, distal, lingual or buccal angular. Rarely, but the opposite still occurs Impacted teeth are elements that grow “upside down”, i.e. their crown is directed towards the jaw.

Causes of impacted teeth. Is it possible to prevent retention?

The most popular reason for the appearance impacted teeth are genetic predisposition. Moreover, what is inherited is not the desire of the canines and molars to grow “some into the forest, some for firewood,” but the structure of the jaw. It can be narrow, which is why there is simply not enough space for all the necessary elements of the dentition. But there are other reasons:

  • malocclusion which was formed due to harmful myofunctional habits or mechanical injuries;
  • early loss of baby teeth, due to which permanent teeth do not have guidelines for growth;
  • “extra” teeth – atavism, called polyodontia;
  • initially diseased tooth germs.

In some cases, retention problems can be prevented. Some orthodontists and pediatric dentists recommend using trainers to develop the dental arch and give growing canines and molars are a guideline for eruption. If the problems are hereditary, only timely treatment will help.

Why are impacted teeth dangerous?

Despite the fact that sometimes unerupted teeth do not interfere with a person in any way, you need to understand that every impacted tooth is potential cause of severe and unpleasant diseases. They lead to the following problems:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • non-healing ulcers on the gums and cheeks;
  • constant appearance of caries, pulpitis;
  • the appearance of gum pockets, which can cause periodontitis;
  • infectious processes, often leading to osteomyelitis (purulent infection of the jaws).

The absence of symptoms is almost always the result of happiness case, not normal development events. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is very important to constantly see a doctor.

Principles of treatment: is it possible to avoid surgery?

Many patients are sure that an impacted dystopic tooth is definitely a reason for surgical intervention. But dentists try not to cut without a good reason. Therefore, if your extra teeth are not inflamed and do not interfere with your life, it is quite possible to avoid surgery. Another doctor Maybe prescribe the installation of rigid metal braces, which will “pull” the partially erupted tooth out of gum tissue and fit it into the dentition.

Typically treatment proceeds as follows:

  1. Diagnostics is carried out, which includes visual inspection and creation panoramic photo jaws.
  2. The doctor examines the results and decides whether the tooth needs to be removed. If yes, then it is assigned operation.
  3. If the dentist sees other ways to solve the problem, he prefers them. First of all, the installation of a bracket system is considered. To do this, it is necessary that the dentist a number of there was a place where the new element could be placed.
  4. If braces are not required or cannot yet be placed, the doctor will try to help the tooth erupt. For this purpose, medications and surgery are used. Eruption aid is often used when the tooth wisdom» Partially remains under the gum, but is positioned correctly.

In the arsenal modern doctors many treatment methods, but all fully depends on the specific case.

When is it necessary to remove an impacted tooth? Why remove impacted teeth?

Even an experienced surgeon will say, Whatdeletionimpacted dystopic tooth is a serious and complex operation that should not be performed unnecessarily. Therefore, it is indicated in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the soft tissues (pericoronitis) or jaw (osteomyelitis);
  • the tooth is located in a follicular cyst or grows horizontally;
  • a cyst or benign formation is diagnosed;
  • pus or bacterial infection is detected.

Removal technique

Removal should be carried out by an experienced doctor who knows the specifics of working with impacted teeth. The main problem here is their inconvenient location, so it’s difficult for a beginner to cope with the problem. Removal takes place in several stages:

  1. Performance local anesthesia(for difficult tooth position Can use general anesthesia).
  2. An incision in the mucous membrane.
  3. Drilling into bone tissue to create a hole.
  4. Tooth extraction.
  5. Removal of tooth or bone fragments.
  6. Treatment of the wound.
  7. Stitching.
  8. Sutures are removed one week after surgery.

Often doctor you have to first crush and then remove the tooth so as not to damage it neighboring molars and mucous membrane.


The operation will have to be postponed for the following reasons: reasons:

  • the patient's serious condition due to any kind of illness;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • nervous problems or mental disorders;
  • viral infections;
  • blood diseases;
  • serious heart problems.

Women given The operation is not performed 2-3 days before the start of menstruation and after an abortion (at least 2 weeks must pass).

What complications occur after removal of impacted teeth? How to avoid them

Any operation can cause complications, and surgical impacted tooth treatment- not an exception. More often the consequences are manifested in the quality heavy bleeding, pain, swelling of the gums or cheeks. If nerves have been affected, it may appear increased sensitivity or insensitivity mouth, faces. Due to the incorrect actions of doctors, the patient faces a dislocation of the jaw or even a fracture.

Avoid problems after The patient can undergo surgery if he goes to a trusted clinic (exception human factor) and carefully takes care of the wound that appears in the mouth. Straightaway after surgery, the patient must:

  • give up food within 3-4 hours;
  • do not smoke for at least 3 hours;
  • Avoid alcohol until the stitches are removed.

It is important to come back for a follow-up appointment with a surgeon or therapist. It is necessary to monitor the bleeding: if it does not stop for too long or painkillers do not work, dentistry need to contact immediately. Timely help will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Postoperative care after removal of an impacted tooth

The doctor is obliged to advise the patient on how to properly care for the wound on the gum. Since deletion impacted tooth is A full-fledged operation, it is necessary to follow the rules of care. The patient needs:

  • reduce to a minimum physical activity within 2-3 days after surgery;
  • refuse hot and cold foods and liquids;
  • change your toothbrush to a soft one;
  • take only a warm shower or bath, do not visit baths and saunas;
  • take all medications prescribed by your doctor (antibacterial therapy is usually prescribed).

It is important not to rinse your mouth so as not to disrupt the healing. You can make neat baths (liquid or herbal decoction is taken into the mouth, held without rinsing and spitting), but coordinate all procedures with your doctor.

Conservative methods of treating retention

If the tooth is located correctly in the gum and there is minimal interference with eruption, doctors try not to remove it, but to return it to its intended place by nature. Different methods are used for this:

  • laser correction;
  • current pulses;
  • gum massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • some medicines.

All of these treatments are aimed at making crown Get rid of the gum hood yourself. They partially imitate natural process eruption of canines and molars. But the availability of such treatment depends on the situation.

How to stimulate tooth eruption

Stimulation of eruption impacted tooth is is also one of the ways to treat the problem. The doctor prescribes specialized procedures if he sees that a molar or canine is positioned correctly, but its roots have not yet formed. Then the orthodontist recommends:

  • Carrying out vacuum massage with special equipment;
  • light finger massage place teething;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • exposure to ultrasound, laser, vibrating vacuum devices, etc.

Such methods are aimed at restoring blood circulation and accelerating metabolic processes in the gums.

An impacted tooth is a molar, premolar or incisor that is hidden in bone or gum tissue. If Part the tooth is visible, it is called semi-retained. Many children and about 40% of adults face this problem when they lose their eights. The appearance of incorrectly positioned teeth itself may go unnoticed – the symptoms are associated with related diseases. Thus, caries in a tooth hidden in the gum almost always causes inflammation of nearby tissues.

Counts, that impacted dystopic teeth are hereditary problem. But they can appear due to an incorrect bite. Retention can be improved using surgical intervention or conservative methods: massage, electrophoresis, etc. Some dentists recommend wearing trainers, which help develop the dental arch and reduce the risk of improper eruption.

Almost always, the orthodontist tries to return the tooth to the dentition using braces and other methods of influence. If this does not work, the doctor removes the foreign element. The operation is complex, so it is important to contact a specialist. Success largely depends not only on the doctor, but also on the patient: non-compliance with the rules post-operative care leads to complications.

What to do if you suspect you have a similar problem? See a doctor and be constantly monitored by him. The dentist will prescribe treatment and help prevent complications.

Dystopia is an anomaly (deviation from the norm) of tooth growth caused by exogenous (external) genetic reasons, atypical formation of tooth germs in the embryo. A dystopic tooth can deviate at an angle from its correct position, grow out of place, or turn around a vertical axis.

It disrupts the alignment of teeth in a row, makes chewing difficult, and deforms the gums. They resort to removing it as a last resort, when all sorts of methods have been tried to return it to its nest and give it the correct position.

Retention (detention) is a pathology of eruption when the tooth remains under soft tissues. There is no tooth on the alveolar arch when it should already take its place in the row. Remaining in bone jaw or under the gum (partially or completely), the rudiment can be palpated and seen on an x-ray.

In its place, redness and swelling of the gums may appear. In practice, retention of the lateral incisors and canines occurs. Dystopia and retention occurs in wisdom teeth.

There is dystopia:

  • vestibular (deviation to the side),
  • medial (moving forward from the row),
  • tortopositional (rotation around an axis),
  • distal (pressure into the jaw).

It is often necessary to remove an impacted tooth that, for some reason, has not fully erupted. Removing such molars is a difficult operation for both the doctor and the patient.

Concept, types of dystopia

Dystopic teeth are teeth whose eruption and growth develop with deviations. Typically, such a pathology entails incorrect positioning of all other teeth, discomfort in the patient, as well as the need for dental treatment.

The photo shows examples of vestibular and medial tooth dystopia

There are many types of dystopia. For example, the tooth itself may be of the correct shape, but grow in the wrong place or occupy Right place relative to neighboring teeth, but have pathological form, wrong angle of growth, being placed on the wrong side.

In medicine, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • Vestibular dystopia. It means the tooth grows at an angle in one direction or another.
  • Torposition. The tooth is turned in the opposite direction.
  • Medial dystopia. The tooth protrudes beyond the dentition.
  • Distal. The tooth seems to be pressed inside the jaw.

Conservative methods of treating retention

If the tooth is located correctly in the gum and there is minimal interference with eruption, doctors try not to remove it, but to return it to its intended place by nature. Different methods are used for this:

  • laser correction;
  • current pulses;
  • gum massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • some medicines.

All these treatment methods are aimed at making the tooth crown get rid of the gum hood on its own. They partially imitate the natural process of eruption of canines and molars. But the availability of such treatment depends on the situation.

The essence and types of retention

Retention also means pathological development teeth, but differs somewhat from dystopia. Impacted is a tooth that is fully formed in the tissue of the gums and periosteum, but is not cut outward, or is only partially cut through. Sometimes this pathology is asymptomatic, but more often the development of infection, discomfort in the form of pain, phlegmon, and abscesses are observed.

What is an impacted tooth can be seen in this photo:

Science knows 2 types of retention:

  • full;
  • partial.

With complete retention, the tooth is hidden under the gum and bone tissue and cannot be seen when examining the jaw. And with a partial degree of development of the pathology, the crown can be seen when examining the oral cavity, but its main part is still hidden under the gum.

After removal

The few days after surgery may be distressing. bloody issues from the hole, pain, swelling of the gums, cheeks. There is a danger of the seams coming apart and the temperature rising. During this period, you will have to take painkillers; it is recommended to refrain from psychological and physical stress, use alcoholic drinks and smoking.

After the operation, you should not eat, drink, or smoke for 3-4 hours. In the first days, you should not rinse your mouth to avoid damaging the wound, the main thing is to prevent it from becoming infected. Care must be taken when hygiene procedures oral cavity. Eat liquid, non-hot food, chew carefully with the healthy side.

After 4-5 days, you need to visit a doctor who will assess the condition of the wound and the healing process. If everything is fine, the stitches can be removed after a week. On the 4th day, if necessary, physiotherapy and treatment may be prescribed. And the stitches can be removed in 1.5-2 weeks. Full recovery occurs in 3-4 weeks.

Prevention of dystopia/retention is the creation of conditions for the development of the dental system: complete diet nutrition, injury prevention, A favorable course of pregnancy is important (the formation of the cervical teeth occurs during the period of intrauterine (embryonic) development), dental observation during the growth and change of teeth in the child.

Pathological growth of teeth can be caused by premature loss of temporary (baby) teeth, then it is recommended to wear special plates to preserve space in the alveolar arch for future permanent teeth, and use braces to correct teeth with dystopia.

Reasons for appearance

The main factor in the appearance of impacted and dystopic teeth is harmful heredity. All people have a genetic program for the formation of their dentition, and some teeth may not have enough space to grow.

Dental experts note several other reasons for the development of this pathology:

  • If a single tooth grows before all the following ones, which could play the role of landmarks.
  • Sometimes one extra tooth appears in a row, and all the others do not have enough space for proper development.
  • Excessively dense tissue of the tooth socket.
  • Loose periodontal structure.
  • Dense arrangement of crowns.
  • Traumatic injuries also often lead to malocclusion.
  • The very early loss of baby teeth often leads to incorrect formation of the entire row.

How to stimulate tooth eruption

Stimulation of eruption impacted tooth is is also one of the ways to treat the problem. The doctor prescribes specialized procedures if he sees that a molar or canine is positioned correctly, but its roots have not yet formed. Then the orthodontist recommends:

  • Carrying out vacuum massage with special equipment;
  • light finger massage at the site of eruption;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • exposure to ultrasound, laser, vibrating vacuum devices, etc.

Such methods are aimed at restoring blood circulation and accelerating metabolic processes in the gums.

Types of teeth susceptible to pathology

Dystopia or retention is most often observed the following types teeth:

  • A dystopic wisdom tooth is a common pathology. The cause of this phenomenon may be heredity or jaw injury. In addition, the third row molars are considered a sign of atavism, which may gradually disappear during evolutionary development.
  • Fangs. This pathology occurs at 10–12 years of age due to improper development of molar teeth. A dystopic or impacted canine usually means not only a violation of the aesthetics of the oral cavity, but also constant problems when chewing solid food. Besides a canine with medial dystopia can permanently injure the soft tissues of the cheeks and tongue, causing discomfort to the patient, provoking the danger of an inflammatory process.

Carrying out the operation

It is advisable to treat incisors and canines with dystopia before the final formation of the facial skeleton, when the teeth are easier to correct (14-16 years). In adult patients, correction entails technical difficulties and will require additional actions(compactosteotomy, fibrotomy) and tooth extraction.

The absence of fangs has a bad effect on the functioning of the dental system, so sometimes it is necessary to remove healthy tooth to provide space for the growing dystopic canine. If orthopedic structures are powerless, and an impacted/dystopic tooth provokes many problems, then after treating the existing inflammatory diseases, the dentist removes it.

The operation is not easy and requires experience and skills. It takes up to 3 hours and occurs in several stages:

  • administering local anesthesia,
  • access is provided through an incision,
  • the required holes are drilled,
  • the problematic organ is removed with forceps,
  • the hole is checked for the absence of debris and roots,
  • the wound is treated with antiseptic drugs,
  • the incision is sutured.

A large molar is removed in parts after crushing. In difficult cases, it is necessary to use the method of drilling out a hard-to-reach tooth if it is located deep in the jaw. The operation may be accompanied by complications. Tom's method involves drilling from the side of the cheek, tilting and gouging out the problem organ.

At purulent inflammation, caused by an impacted tooth, it is immediately removed in the hospital. There are non-traumatic removal methods using laser and piezo equipment instead of a scalpel; these operations are more expensive. Removal of figure eight (wisdom teeth) is contraindicated if viral diseases, acute pathologies heart, blood diseases.

Possible consequences of pathology

Often patients get used to an incorrect bite without turning to dentists. This happens especially often when the patient does not experience pain or other discomfort. However, in the absence of timely treatment, the presence of an impacted or dystopic tooth can lead to other disorders of the body.

Possible complications:

  • An incorrect bite does not allow you to completely chew food, which can lead to incomplete digestion, and subsequently – diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • If the position is incorrect or there are extra dystopic teeth, there are frequent cases of a completely healthy neighboring one falling out.
  • If the dentition is formed incorrectly, diction disorders and problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds are possible.
  • Cases are not uncommon traumatic injuries the inside of the cheek and tongue.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Often, retention is asymptomatic and is discovered only at a dentist’s appointment. But it is not difficult to identify a semi-impacted tooth on your own; it can be detected by carefully feeling the excessively protruding gum. The presence of incomplete retention is also indicated by partial cutting of the crown, as a result of which the mucous membrane can be systematically injured, swelling appears on it, its shade changes, and the inflammatory process begins. To make a final diagnosis, you need to take an x-ray and sometimes undergo a computed tomography scan.

Important! With retention, some patients complain of pain, including when chewing food, and discomfort when opening the mouth. Often appears on impacted teeth cervical caries, pulpitis, chronic periodontitis. Another sign is education. follicular cysts. They can fester and provoke sinusitis, abscesses, and purulent-necrotic processes in the jaws.

Dystopia is discovered by a dentist or orthodontist during an examination. However, the patient himself can notice it. This anomaly provokes the formation of a malocclusion, leading to damage to the tongue, lips, and cheeks. As a result of injury, ulcers form and pain is felt while eating. Complete oral hygiene becomes impossible, and poorly removed plaque and food debris serve as fertile ground for the development of caries.

Removal of impacted and dystopic teeth

Indications for removing an impacted tooth are:

  • pathological location, lack of space in the dentition;
  • delayed loss of retrograde teeth;
  • destruction of the dental neck;
  • if the impacted tooth is redundant and interferes with the normal growth of the rest;
  • Dentists advise removing such teeth if complications occur.

Removing an impacted and dystopic tooth involves a highly traumatic intervention, since it is necessary to exfoliate the mucous membrane and periosteum, extract the tooth from the bone using a bur, extract it from the bone tissue using forceps, and also apply a suture. If the roots of adjacent teeth are exposed, the doctor performs their resection and then performs a retrograde filling procedure.

When there are no indications for removing an impacted or dystopic tooth, doctors perform an intervention to excise the gums or periosteum. The next stage of therapy will be orthodontic treatment in the form of installation of braces or special buttons.

If the cheeks and tongue are regularly injured due to dystopia or retention, dentists can perform a procedure for grinding the dental cusps. However, most often in such pathologies a radical solution to the problem is recommended. Sometimes after such a procedure, dental prosthetics may be required.

The procedure for removing an impacted wisdom tooth:

  • Anesthesia of the gum surface using a special gel or spray.
  • Injection of an anesthetic drug.
  • Incision of the gum with a scalpel, exposing the wall of the bed.
  • Drilling a hole to access a wisdom tooth.
  • Cutting and removing the dental crown.
  • Division and extraction of dental roots.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the wound, sometimes applying a turunda with iodine.
  • If the turunda was not installed, after antiseptic treatment a suture is applied.

Removal of a dystopic wisdom tooth follows a similar pattern.

Preparing for surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are faced with the removal of supernumerary incisors or canines of the upper jaw. When removing, vestibular or oral access is used. To determine the degree to which the extra tooth approaches the oral or vestibular side, examinations of the jaw are carried out: radiographic, CT. Having determined the location of the impacted organ, the course of the operation is planned (it is possible to use special techniques).

An impacted molar on the lower jaw may be located closer to its edge or ridge. During the operation, intraoral or extraoral access can be used. Currently, intraoral access is a higher priority. The molar is removed through an incision in the mucosa above it.

Before the operation, you need to consult with your dentist about its features, undergo an allergic reaction test and choose the type of anesthesia. Have breakfast to avoid excessive salivation.

Postoperative period

After the operation, the patient’s teeth require enhanced care and medical supervision.

  • If a turunda was applied, during the first three days from the moment of intervention you need to visit the dentist to monitor the condition of the wound and perform disinfection procedures. After this time, the dentist will remove the tampon and stitch it.
  • Everyday brushing of teeth should be done in a gentle manner, avoiding injury to the operated area.
  • The use of mouth rinses is prohibited for 3 days after surgery..
  • All food must be pureed; chewing on the operated side is prohibited.
  • In the first few hours after the intervention, it is not recommended to drink, eat, or use tobacco products.
  • If the patient is experiencing severe pain, then it is not forbidden to take an analgesic tablet.
  • You should not engage in physical exercise for 2–3 days after surgery.

Possible complications

In connection with the operation to remove a problematic molar, complications arise:

  • dislocation of someone nearby,
  • bleeding from the wound,
  • jaw fracture,
  • damage to the mandibular canal,
  • injury to the jaw nerves and maxillary sinuses.

Alveolar osteitis is an unpleasant complication that occurs after the removal of a figure eight (wisdom tooth). A blood clot (dry socket) does not form and the wound is deprived of protection, then the dentist will recommend medicinal compresses.

After extraction of the “eight”, recovery can last up to two weeks. Swelling of the cheek can be reduced by applying a cold compress to it. You may feel discomfort when moving your jaw for 7-10 days, bad taste. A healing wound can be moistened antiseptic solution. The operation must be performed by a highly qualified surgeon. He will advise you on what medications to take in the first days after extraction.


It’s difficult to say for sure how much removal will cost, everything is individual. If we consider the trend as a whole, then the operation, depending on the level of complexity, region, and prestige of the clinic, varies in the range from 2000 to 4500 rubles.

For example, simple vertical retention is the most budget option and is unlikely to cost more than the lower limit.

If the operation is performed on a complicated tooth, with a horizontal position, when using additional medications, additional equipment is involved, the price will be determined individually. The above prices for each specific service are taken into account here.

  1. Braces system and wisdom teeth
  2. What is done with wisdom teeth with braces?
  3. Description of toothbrushes for braces
  4. In what cases are braces placed on only one jaw?

Recovery on the first day

The entire recovery period takes approximately 5-10 days. Special attention you need to pay attention to the first days after surgery. It is important to listen to all recommendations of the dentist.

Rules for the first day after removal of an impacted molar:

  • Avoid hot food and drinks, as well as alcohol, as this can cause bleeding;
  • do not apply hot compresses, avoid baths, solariums, and long exposure to the sun;
  • rinse your mouth at least 8 times a day, but under no circumstances do active rinsing, because this will lead to the washing out of the protective blood clot from the socket;
  • Take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor.

You need to visit a doctor from the moment the molar erupts. This will allow you to immediately determine the presence of an anomaly and prevent complications in time. It is better to carry out removal, because this guarantees recovery. There are also back side– complications after surgery. But maintaining a sick eight is more dangerous. Complications will be eliminated once and for all, but a retained tooth will pose a constant threat.

Tatyana Borisovna, orthodontist, 20 years of experience

They will bother you for some time after deletion unpleasant symptoms. These include pain, swelling, difficulty chewing and opening the mouth. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve the condition, dental gels, ointments, rinses.

Pavel Alekseevich, surgeon, 12 years of experience

What's special?

The eighth tooth begins to erupt when the jaw is already formed, and there may not be room for it. As a result, it appears impacted tooth – embedded in gum tissue.

Classification, types

Impacted teeth are classified depending on their position in the dental arch and the degree of recession.

According to the regulations distinguish:

  • medial impacted tooth;
  • distal;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

Depending on the degree of crown immersion highlight:

  • completely covered by gum;
  • partially covered.

Causes of the problem

Formation of impacted teeth due to the following reasons:

  • thickening and/or compaction of the walls of the gum tissue;
  • shift in the position of the bud axis;
  • premature loss of primary teeth;
  • abnormal development of the jaws.

Diagnostic methods

To identify an impacted tooth, palpation and probing are used. To determine its position in detail, targeted radiography, orthopantomography and CT are used.

  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • osteomyelitis.

In general, extraction of impacted teeth is the only option to avoid complications.

How to deal with painful sensations?

Gums hurt quite often, and few people know how to treat them at home.
If an attack unbearable pain caught at a time when it is not possible to immediately visit the dentist, then, first of all, you need to take care of integrated approach to eliminate these sensations.

Treatment medications It's just about eliminating pain. The drugs of choice in this situation are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To remove pain syndrome It is best to use ibuprofen and diclofenac. If after using these drugs the pain does not disappear, then you can use more powerful analgins, for example, ketone.

In folk medicine, there are also several recipes that can help cope with pain and swelling of the mucous membrane.

To prepare them, you need to prepare a medicinal decoction.

Mix in equal quantities pharmaceutical chamomile, sage and calendula.

After this, take one tablespoon healing collection and pour hot boiled water. After 15 minutes, strain the broth and rinse your mouth every hour.

Is it possible to leave a tooth?

It is possible to leave an impacted tooth, but when there are no contraindications, it is better to remove it. There is no point in leaving a sick eight, since at any moment it can provoke violations. These are pericoronitis, gumboil, periostitis, pathological bite.

When you don’t want to remove a tooth at all, you can leave it. However, this is only possible if it is not the cause of dentition shifts and constant inflammation.

Alternative Treatment

Besides surgery, there are 2 treatment options, but they are related.

First, resection is performed. The point of the operation is that the gum is cut above the impacted crown so that constant inflammation does not occur. Food particles and bacteria accumulate between the gum and the partially erupted crown, but if part of the overhanging gum is removed, this problem disappears.

After resection, orthodontic treatment is carried out. The crown is moved into the correct position using braces or other techniques. The process is long. Leveling can take up to 2 years or even longer. The older a person is, the longer they have to use braces.

Surgery: indications and contraindications

The operation is performed in cases where the following phenomena are observed:

  • Soreness, swelling of the gums.
  • Numbness of the face due to pressure from an impacted tooth on the nerve endings.
  • High risk of changing the position of teeth, which are affected by dystopic teeth.
  • There is no possibility of approaching the tooth adjacent to the problem for prosthetics.
  • The impacted “eight” provoked the appearance of osteomyelitis or periostitis.
  • Chronic periodontitis or pulpitis has developed.
  • Orthodontic manipulation is required to create additional space in the jaw.
  • An impacted wisdom tooth is also removed in case of caries of the neighboring “seven”. This is necessary to provide access to the problematic molar in order to cover a large area of ​​it with treatment.

But there are also contraindications for the removal of wisdom molars if they are dystopic or impacted. These include:

  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Severe general condition.
  • Acute heart diseases.
  • Nervous diseases in the acute stage.
  • Viral or infectious diseases in an advanced stage.
  • Blood diseases.
  • The last days before menstruation.
  • Less than 2 weeks have passed since the abortion.
  • The impacted “eighth” molar in pregnant women is removed in the second or early third trimester, if it is not possible to postpone it until the postpartum period.

Impacted wisdom teeth are removed by a dental surgeon. It is important to find a highly qualified doctor who you can trust to solve such an unpleasant problem.

After choosing a doctor, you need to make an appointment with him and come at the appointed time. It is very important to prepare internally for the operation, remember that its result will be the preservation of your health, namely the health of the oral cavity, the disappearance of pain and other unpleasant sensations, your attitude is also important for the doctor performing tooth extraction.

The duration of the procedure depends on many factors; it can last a few minutes or a couple of hours:

  • preliminary preparation is carried out (instruction, removal of dental plaque, treatment of gums with an antiseptic)
  • introduced local anesthesia(In some exceptional cases general anesthesia may be used)
  • the gums are cut with a scalpel (there are clinics that use laser scalpels)
  • removal of an impacted tooth is carried out
  • Medications that have a healing, analgesic and disinfectant effect are placed in the resulting hole. In some cases it is advisable to apply sutures
  • A gauze or cotton swab is applied to the wound, biting which should be kept in the mouth for up to fifteen minutes. As a result blood vessels will shrink and the bleeding will stop. You should not keep the tampon in your mouth for too long to avoid infection of the wound.

How to prepare for removal

For the operation to be successful, the patient needs:

  1. Pre-visit a dentist consultation to find out about the features of the operation, do X-ray to have a complete understanding of the problem. This procedure is especially important if we are talking about an impacted tooth that has not erupted.
  2. Check your body for allergic reactions to certain drugs. This is simply necessary to ensure your safety during the operation.
  3. Have breakfast before going to the doctor to avoid excess salivation.

The typical arrangement of eights for most people.

What teeth should you worry about?

Every tooth can become impacted under the influence of certain factors. However, most often doctors have to work with:

  1. Wisdom teeth (eights, molars), which are atavisms and, losing their function in human body, gradually disappear;
  2. Canines – which can become impacted if the molars do not form properly. This greatly complicates the process of processing food and causes pain.

Yet, most often, it is the wisdom teeth – “eights” – that are impacted, the removal procedure of which causes a lot of trouble for both the specialist and the patient.

Sometimes a molar does not erupt for a year, causing a person discomfort and temporary pain. While for other people this process can be quick and painless.

It is considered normal for the eruption of wisdom teeth to occur between the ages of 14 and 25. The process can happen later - the delay is acceptable, the main thing is that it is painless.

If an adult long time If the figure eight continues to remain in the bone, it is worth making an appointment with a dentist to check its condition. X-rays can be used to obtain full information about impaction and understand whether there is impaction of a wisdom tooth on the upper or lower jaw.

Some people may not encounter this problem, since the rudiments of eights on the upper and lower jaws are absent. Accordingly, problems will never appear there.

Uncontrolled inflammation is dangerous

Microorganisms are most active when sharp decline general or local immunity, excessive physical or mental stress, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, dysbacteriosis gastrointestinal tract, and then the oral cavity.

Food debris that gets into the periodontal space begins to rot.

Uncontrolled inflammation can be the culprit of various complications. For example, the development of periodontitis - inflammatory lesion gums, alveoli, interdental septa, periodontal ligament. Periostitis (flux) – inflammatory damage to the periosteum. Osteomyelitis – purulent-necrotic inflammation of the jaw bone. Cellulitis – diffuse purulent lesion of the tissue - connective tissue.

Under the influence of extensive inflammation in the area of ​​the third or second molars, an abscess may form, that is, purulent abscess. Granuloma is purulent growths on connective tissue cells. A cyst is a tumor that contains fluid inside. A fistula is a hole formed in the tissue through which pus flows.

Why does my gum hurt when I cut through the figure eight?

When each molar erupts, pain occurs, but in the case of wisdom teeth, this process occurs quite easily due to the small thickness of the mucous membrane.
As a rule, pain is a consequence of inflammation of the hood located above the molar.

It can also be observed when the molar configuration is incorrect, when it puts pressure on the dentition and contributes to their displacement. Below are the two most common cases of pain and how to solve them.

Inflammation of the hood

An inflammatory reaction in the soft tissues surrounding the incisor occurs if the erupting crown has partially opened its way, but in some places is still covered by gum tissue. It is the mucous membrane that hangs over the crown of the 3rd molar that is called the hood.

Under the surface of this tissue, conditions are created that favorably affect the growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora. They are the primary factors in the occurrence of the inflammatory reaction.

This disease also has official name– pericoronitis. To remove the hood, you must contact a specialist to eliminate the possibility of infection.

Lack of space

This situation occurs extremely often. The main complication of this situation is the displacement of the dentition.

It is precisely because of the lack of space that the molar tries to move the neighboring teeth as much as possible to free up space. That is, it puts pressure on the closely located 7th incisor, which, in turn, presses on the 6th, etc.

In this situation, there is a painful displacement of the molars, accompanied by curvature of the dentition. There is a risk of dental crowding.

Therefore, the third molar is often simply removed to prevent further development painful sensations and displacement of adjacent premolars. As a rule, after removing the third molar, it is recommended to wear braces for a certain period of time.

Dystopic impacted teeth cause discomfort, sometimes accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the gums. Often such defects lead to displacement of the dentition. If germination is accompanied by problems, you should see a specialist. Despite all the “shortcomings” of my teeth, I don’t want to part with them. However, you should not argue with a dentist who claims that an impacted tooth needs to be removed.

Dystopic and impacted tooth

What is an impacted tooth? Retention is a delay in the eruption of permanent teeth. She may be:

  1. Partial. When the tooth has erupted, but not completely.
  2. Full. At the same time, there is not even a hint of teething. It is hidden by bone tissue or gum.

Dystopic tooth - what is it? This one is incorrectly positioned in the jaw. It can grow in the wrong place, at the wrong angle, disrupting the harmony of the row on the other side. Dystopic forms a malocclusion, tilts the neighbors, which ruins the smile.

A tooth may have one such defect or two at once. Anomalies of wisdom teeth are becoming very common. They often have two defects at once. A fully impacted “figure eight” can cause inflammation, caries, periodontal disease and other problems in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is often prescribed surgical treatment dystopic or impacted wisdom tooth, in order to avoid possible troubles and complications.

Surgery: indications and contraindications

The operation is performed in cases when the following phenomena are observed:

But there are also contraindications for removal of wisdom molars, if they are dystopic or impacted. These include:

  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Severe general condition.
  • Acute heart diseases.
  • Nervous diseases in the acute stage.
  • Viral or infectious diseases in an advanced stage.
  • Blood diseases.
  • The last days before menstruation.
  • Less than 2 weeks have passed since the abortion.
  • The impacted “eighth” molar in pregnant women is removed in the second or early third trimester, if it is not possible to postpone it until the postpartum period.

What is surgical treatment of an impacted tooth?

The operation to remove an impacted wisdom tooth is not an easy procedure, since the specialist has to work with an unerupted tooth, that is, remove it from the gums. The surgical intervention is painful for the patient, so anesthesia is given. It takes up to 3 hours. Operational manipulations can be conditionally formulated in the form of the following stages:

Molars are usually large, so the dentist first crushes them, after which extracts in parts. Restorative postoperative period lasts about a week, then the sutures are removed.

In the case of an advanced inflammatory process, when the patient already has pus, removal of the impacted wisdom tooth is carried out urgently. As a rule, surgical treatment is prescribed in a hospital setting. If the operation is planned, a convenient time is set, preferably a cool day is chosen.

Dystopic wisdom tooth: what to do with it?

An impacted tooth cannot be treated, unlike a dystopic tooth, which can be subjected to orthodontic treatment. Patients usually wearing braces is prescribed, they are able to correct the position of the dentition. The process is quite long, but with proper patience you can achieve good results.

However, there is a nuance that imposes an age limit. Braces will not help with impaction if you start wearing them after 15 years. Another point of irrelevance of orthodontic treatment is the inclination of a premolar or molar due to lack of space in the jaw. Even if you manage to change its position to the correct one, it will still return to its usual place.

The distopated one is removed according to the same procedure as in the case of the retinated one. Complexity of the operation and the stages of its implementation are similar.

Rules after surgery

After removal it is necessary adhere to a number of rules:

The wound resulting from the removal heals in about a month. All this time you need to monitor your health, and if following signs If the natural course of recovery is disrupted, you should seek help from a dentist:

  • The pain does not subside and I have to constantly take painkillers.
  • The bleeding doesn't stop.
  • The temperature has risen.
  • The swelling of the gums has become more pronounced.

The presence of an impacted or dystopic wisdom tooth is a dubious “treasure”. Even if there is no pain and it does not cause discomfort; such defects must be gotten rid of. Since most processes that are destructive in nature are not visible at the initial stages.
