Reactive thrombocytosis in children. Thrombocythemia. Erythromelalgia as one of the symptoms of the disease

An increase in platelets is specific symptom various pathological phenomena. Their quantitative and qualitative characteristics are determined using laboratory methods research.

Possible deviations are determined by repeating a blood test, since the indicator is subject to daily fluctuations.

In the article you will learn everything about increased levels of platelets in the blood in adults and children.

What are platelets and their importance in the human body

Platelets are colorless blood cells with flat biconvex shape, without a core. They are produced in the red bone marrow from large cells megakaryocytes. These cells divide and then one large cell produces 10,000 platelets that circulate throughout the bloodstream.

Flat blood cells perform an important function in the body: they participate in the process of blood clotting. In addition, flat cells:

  • Maintains blood in a liquid form;
  • Eliminate injured areas of blood vessels;
  • Play a role in stopping bleeding.

Blood vessel repair occurs thanks to physiological property platelets:

  • Sticking to the surface - adhesion;
  • The ability to stick together and unite – aggregation;
  • Sedimentation on the surface – adsorption.

Platelets interact with the inner wall of the vessel, this determines their coagulation function. By uniting and sticking together at the site of damage, the blood platelets change their shape and then form a blood clot, which promotes healing of the damaged area.

Platelet rate

Platelets do not live long, no more than 10 days, so the body requires constant cell renewal, as well as the disposal of already obsolete ones, which occurs in the liver and spleen. For the coagulation system to work well, a certain number of mature blood cells are needed. The norm depends on age, gender, body condition:

  • – 150-400*10 9 /liter of blood;
  • – 180-320*10 9 /l;
  • In pregnant women – 100-340*10 9 /l.

IN general analysis blood platelet determination allows you to assess the body's ability to fight blood loss.

Under some conditions, the indicator may change up or down by up to 10%, for example, during menstruation, with heavy physical activity or lack of vitamin B 12 and folic acid.

Platelet test

The determination of the level is carried out within the framework of the general clinical analysis blood, this is the most accessible and simplest examination method. Blood is donated from a fingertip on an empty stomach, the result is ready on the same day in a few hours.

In addition, there are methods for determining platelet aggregation or a clotting test. Blood is examined in 2 ways:

  • According to the Lee-White method;
  • According to Sukharev's method.

These research methods are used only in stationary laboratories, because rapid clotting allows analysis to be done immediately after blood collection.

For a more complete picture of coagulation, patients donate blood for a coagulogram, which determines prothrombin index, thrombin time, and fibrinogen.

The study is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning, blood is taken from a vein in the amount of 5 ml. The analysis is carried out for anemia, coagulation disorders, thrombosis, spontaneous bruises and before surgery.

Platelets are elevated in an adult

Let's look at why platelets are elevated in the blood and what this means. An increase in blood cell counts is called thrombocytosis. It happens:

  • Clonal - in this case there is a cell defect, platelet production is an uncontrolled process;
  • Primary - this species has a formation pattern similar to the clonal one. In the bone marrow, the process of stem cell production is disrupted, and an increase in hematopoietic areas is observed;
  • Secondary – occurs with diseases.

Common cause high level platelets in the blood are considered infections:

  • Meningococcal;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Viruses;
  • Worm infestation;
  • Fungal.

Other reasons:

  • Oncology;
  • Heart attack, stroke;
  • Injuries;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • Surgical operations;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Taking certain medications (corticosteroids, birth control pills).

In addition, thrombocytosis can occur during heavy physical exertion, sports, and dehydration in hot weather.

Most often, symptoms of the disease appear after 50 years of age. Patients complain of bleeding: uterine, nasal, renal, intestinal. Patients experience:

  • Subcutaneous bruises;
  • Blueness of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • Itchy skin;
  • Numbness of arms, legs;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Horse racing blood pressure.

With frequent bleeding, iron deficiency may develop due to anemia. Symptoms of primary and secondary thrombocytosis, and the incidence of the disease in men and women is the same.

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Why are platelets elevated in children and newborns?

IN at different ages In a child, the number of blood platelets may vary. If the doctor has doubts about the accuracy of the analysis, the child can be given blood for platelets 3 to 5 times, since daily fluctuations in the level do not always give the correct result.

You can find out more about platelet levels in children.

The cause of an increase in platelets in children can be leukemia, as well as leukemia. In addition, thrombocytosis can occur:

  • For inflammatory lung disease;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Flu;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Anemia;
  • In case of fracture of tubular bones.

Any infection can increase your blood cell count. The real reason the doctor establishes using additional methods examinations.

Why are platelets elevated during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes regular examinations and also donates blood for tests. An important implication of such studies is the platelet level. During pregnancy, the norm of blood cells in the blood is considered to be from 140 to 340 * 10 9 / liter. In the 3rd trimester and just before birth, the number of squamous cells increases sharply to maintain blood viscosity. This state is maintained until childbirth.

A slight increase during gestation is physiological process: The body tries to avoid severe blood loss during childbirth. Thrombocytosis during pregnancy is diagnosed when the rate increases above 400*10 9 /l.

On early stages an increase in platelets may be due to severe toxicosis: vomiting and diarrhea. For more later The reasons for an increase in the number of blood platelets may be:

  • Sweating, lack of fluid;
  • Viral, fungal diseases;
  • Various inflammations;
  • Anemia;
  • Oncological diseases.

The pregnant woman is referred to a hematologist who prescribes blood thinning medications. The dose of the medication is selected individually, taking into account possible risks for mother and child.

Possible consequences of thrombocytosis

The main consequence of thrombocytosis is the tendency to form blood clots and, as a result, blockage of blood vessels. Thromboembolism of arteries and veins is serious illness, which can be fatal.

In pregnant women, thrombosis of the placenta is possible, which threatens miscarriage in the early stages, and later developmental defects may appear in the child. In addition, a woman may develop varicose veins and thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

Also, increased thrombus formation threatens serious complications such as stroke or heart attack, when the vessels of the heart and brain become clogged. Therefore, the definition of pathology is based on early stage helps to carry out treatment quickly and effectively.

How to reduce platelets in the blood

If there is a slight increase in flat bodies, you should adhere to a certain diet. The menu should contain vegetable oil, onion garlic, fish fat, sour juices.

It is necessary to eat foods containing iodine, iron, and B vitamins:

  • Green vegetables;
  • Persimmon, tomatoes;
  • Cottage cheese, cheese, kefir;
  • Cereals and legumes;
  • Liver and other offal;
  • Seafood and kelp.

It is necessary to follow a drinking regime, namely drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Also useful green tea, orange, pomegranate, tomato juice, compotes from fresh berries. From traditional medicine They use tincture of garlic, ginger, and hirudotherapy.

If severe thrombocytosis occurs, blood thinning drugs are prescribed: aspirin, heparin, livarudin. IN severe cases resort to platelet removal by separation.

Now you know why there may be elevated platelets in the blood and what does that mean?

In the blood, which disrupts the properties of the blood and increases the likelihood of thrombosis (blockage) of blood vessels. Platelets are cells that are responsible for blood clotting.

Thrombocytosis can be either an independent disease or a consequence of a number of diseases of the blood or any organs.

Primary thrombocythemia occurs most often in people over 60 years of age. The prognosis is favorable - the life expectancy of patients with primary thrombocytosis with proper observation and treatment is practically no different from that of healthy people.

Children are more susceptible to secondary thrombocytosis younger age. The platelet count usually returns to normal after recovery from the underlying illness.

Synonyms Russian

Essential thrombocythemia, primary thrombocythemia, secondary thrombocythemia, thrombocytophilia, chronic thrombocythemia, chronic megakaryocytic leukemia, idiopathic thrombocythemia.


Primary thrombocythemia, essential thrombocythemia, idiopathic thrombocythemia, primary thrombocytosis, essential thrombocytosis, secondary thrombocytosis, reactive thrombocytosis, secondary thrombocythemia.


Symptoms usually develop gradually and over initial stages diseases may be absent. The main manifestations of thrombocytosis are caused by two factors: the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and increased bleeding. With secondary thrombocythemia, the likelihood of these disorders is lower, since the number of platelets is lower than with primary thrombocythemia.

The main symptoms of thrombocytosis:

  • headache,
  • pain in the hands and feet, their numbness,
  • weakness, irritability,
  • visual impairment,
  • bleeding gums,
  • nosebleeds,
  • blood in the stool.

General information about the disease

Platelets are small, colorless plates that do not contain a nucleus. They are formed in the bone marrow and are “fragments” of megakaryocytes - giant multinucleated cells. From bone marrow platelets enter the blood, and some of them are retained in the spleen. They exist for about 7-10 days and are then destroyed by liver and spleen cells. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting and stopping bleeding. Their normal amount in the blood is 150-450×10 9 /l.

There are two types of thrombocytosis.

1. Primary thrombocytosis. In this case, the bone marrow forms increased amount megakaryocytes, which increases the number of platelets that have a normal life expectancy, but abnormal structure and impaired functions. The platelets are large, there is an increasing tendency to form clots, clogging blood vessels, and to bleeding. Bleeding occurs due to disruption of platelet adhesion, and also due to the fact that most of them can be used to form blood clots. This may lead to severe complications: stroke, myocardial infarction, gastrointestinal bleeding. The causes of impaired division of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow are not fully known, however, there is information about the presence of a mutation in the V617F gene in patients. Primary thrombocytosis refers to myeloproliferative diseases in which the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow is disrupted, which stimulates the formation of blood cells.

2. Secondary (reactive) thrombocytosis. With it, platelets function normally, and the cause of the disease itself is some other abnormality, one of the following.

Such thrombocytosis always does not last long and disappears when the patient’s condition normalizes.

  • Splenectomy – removal of the spleen. In this case, thrombocytosis is associated with the entry into the blood of those platelets that are normally found in the spleen, as well as with a decrease in the amount of substances synthesized by the spleen and inhibiting the formation of platelets in the bone marrow.
  • Acute or chronic bleeding. Acute occurs suddenly and is caused by trauma, surgical intervention, chronic lasts a long time and may accompany a stomach ulcer or duodenum, bowel cancer. As a result of blood loss, Iron-deficiency anemia, that is, a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells and iron included in their composition. The mechanism of development of thrombocytosis in response to iron deficiency has not been fully studied. Value in in this case has one more factor: during blood loss, the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow is activated. The process of more active division also involves megakaryocytes, that is, the number of platelets in the blood increases. In addition, thrombocytosis is a natural response of the body, which needs additional platelets to stop bleeding.
  • Chronic inflammation (colitis - inflammation of the large intestine, vasculitis - inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, rheumatoid arthritis - inflammatory disease with joint damage), in which interleukin-6 is released - active substance, stimulating the formation of thrombopoietin, which promotes the division of megakaryocytes and the formation of platelets.
  • Taking medications: glucocorticosteroids (synthetic analogs of adrenal hormones), chemotherapy drugs (vincristine).
  • Recovery from thrombocytopenia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency and alcohol. Thrombocytosis in this case occurs as a response to thrombocytopenia therapy.

The likelihood of clots and bleeding with secondary thrombocytosis is lower than with primary thrombocytosis.

Who is at risk?

  • People over 60 years of age (for primary thrombocytosis).
  • Children (for secondary thrombocytosis).
  • Patients with iron deficiency anemia.
  • Having undergone surgery, severe injuries.
  • Suffering from cancer.


Thrombocytosis is often asymptomatic. A doctor may suspect it during a routine checkup. An important point diagnostics is to determine the type of thrombocytosis - primary or secondary. In case of secondary thrombocytosis, the doctor may prescribe a series of additional research necessary to find out its cause.

Laboratory diagnostics

  • With . With thrombocytosis, the platelet level is elevated. With primary thrombocytosis, it can even exceed one million per microliter (1000 × 10 9 / l), which is not typical for secondary thrombocytosis. In addition, with primary thrombocytosis, the number of other blood elements is sometimes increased: lymphocytes, erythrocytes. In secondary thrombocytosis, blood characteristics depend on the underlying disease, for example, during infection, the level of leukocytes may be increased. In primary thrombocytosis, large, irregularly shaped platelets are detected in the blood smear; fragments of megakaryocytes, as well as single immature leukocytes, can occasionally be found; in secondary thrombocytosis, platelets are usually not changed.
  • . May be elevated due to inflammation that causes reactive thrombocytosis.
  • – iron binding protein. Its level indicates the amount of iron in the body. With secondary thrombocytosis caused by iron deficiency anemia, it is reduced.
  • Molecular genetic studies - identifying possible genetic disorders. With primary thrombocytosis, a violation of the structure of the JAK2V617F gene (DNA section) is possible.

Additional Research

  • Bone marrow biopsy is the removal of a sample of bone marrow from the breastbone or pelvis using a fine needle. It is carried out after preliminary anesthesia. In primary thrombocytosis, an increased number of megakaryocytes may be found in the bone marrow. A bone marrow biopsy is also necessary to exclude malignant blood diseases, the first sign of which may be thrombocytosis.
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity to identify possible internal bleeding.


Treatment of primary thrombocytosis depends on the risk of complications - thrombosis and bleeding. This is determined by age, presence concomitant diseases(For example, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases), platelet level. If the likelihood of complications is high, then use:

  • drugs that suppress the production of cells in the bone marrow,
  • aspirin - it thins the blood, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots,
  • therapeutic thrombopheresis - in this case, using a special device, the patient’s blood is filtered to remove excess platelets.

Treatment of secondary thrombocytosis is determined by its immediate cause. As a rule, when the patient recovers from the underlying disease, the platelet level returns to normal. In addition, long-term secondary thrombocytosis can develop after splenectomy, then the patient is prescribed small doses of aspirin or drugs containing it to prevent complications.


There is no prevention for primary thrombocytosis.

Prevention of secondary thrombocytosis involves preventive examinations and timely detection of diseases that can lead to a secondary increase in platelet count.

  • Cytological examination of punctates, scrapings of other organs and tissues

Blood clotting is the function of blood plasma to restore the body after injury. Platelet molecules can provide this property.

When there are not many platelets in the blood, then they cannot cope with their functional responsibilities and with the slightest wound a person can lose a large amount of biological fluid which will lead to his death.

A high platelet index in the blood is also bad for the body, because it can lead to thrombosis of the arteries. Pathology with a high platelet index in the blood plasma leads to a disease - thrombocytosis.

Thrombocytosis is a fairly rare pathology of the hematopoietic system. This pathology predominantly in older people and in the same ratio in men and women. IN at a young age, women are more likely to suffer from thrombocytosis than men.

Platelets - what are they?

Platelets are blood platelets that take part in the coagulation of blood plasma and also support its rheological capabilities. Platelets are synthesized in the bone marrow.

The precursors at the molecular level are megakaryocytes, which disintegrate during synthesis, their nucleus leaves and these molecules become platelets that enter the bloodstream human body. Platelets in blood plasma live no more than 10 calendar days.

Their average life expectancy is 7 days. If no blood loss occurs during this period, then platelets are destroyed in the liver cells and also in the spleen.

The norm of platelet molecules in the blood:


In medicine, a high level of platelets in the blood—hyperthrombocytosis—is classified as:

  • Primary type Essential thrombocythemia is an independent disease;
  • Secondary type is a pathology that develops as a complicated form of disease.

The primary type of the disease includes a pathology in the production of excess platelets by the bone marrow - a myeloproliferative disease, a malignant neoplasm (thrombocytopenia).

This disease in a complicated form develops into acute leukemia.

Essential thrombocythemia is an idiopathic type of pathology in which normative deviations occur in the structure of the platelet cell, and the cell is unable to fulfill its functional obligations.

The etiology of thrombocythemia is not fully understood, but there are suggestions that a mutation of certain genes occurs in the patient’s body. Conducted research at the genetic and molecular level has revealed that the mutation occurs at a young age.

Therefore, it is not worth talking about thrombocytosis as a pathology of old age. Essential thrombocytosis is diagnosed in adult patients. This pathology in children's body practically never occurs.

Gene mutation has a hereditary etiology, and gene changes can also occur under the influence of external irritant factors. In order to select therapy for essential thrombocytosis, it is necessary to know exactly in which gene the mutation occurred.

The secondary type of thrombocytosis is a complicated form of pathologies in the body.

The following pathologies provoke symptomatic thrombocytosis:

  • Malignant neoplasms in the lungs;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Oncological disease lymphoma;
  • Malignant neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • Neuroblastoma;
  • Infectious pathologies in organs;
  • After surgery for pathology with large-scale necrosis in tissues;
  • Fractures in bones;
  • Surgical removal of an organ - the spleen;
  • Frequent bleeding;
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Collagenosis;
  • Drug therapy with drugs from the glucocorticosteroid group.

The secondary type of thrombocytosis is the overproduction of blood cells that have a normally functioning structure. There are no deviations in the functioning of these bodies.

Among infectious diseases, most often increasing platelets are:

  • Meningococci;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • Streptococci;
  • Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • Viruses;
  • Fungi.

With prolonged inflammation in the body, a pathology occurs - thrombocytosis, and often in parallel with thrombocytosis, leukocytosis also develops. This phenomenon not typical for the primary type of pathology, but there is distinctive characteristic secondary reactive thrombocytosis.

Manifestation of thrombocythemia: RIGHT - release of an excess number of platelets into the blood in any form of thrombocytosis, LEFT - normal.

The development of pathology in a child’s body

Primary thrombocytosis is a very rare disease in a child's body. It can develop due to leukemia or leukemia.

The secondary type is a disease that occurs more often in children than in adults.

The main and most common cause of thrombocytosis in children is iron deficiency anemia, in which there is an increase in the synthesis of red cells (platelets).

In addition to anemia, the following pathologies of the child’s body can provoke reactive thrombocytosis:

  • Asplenia is a disease in which the cells of the spleen atrophy;
  • Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory process in the bone marrow;
  • Pneumonia - inflammation in the lungs;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Flu;
  • Encephalitis.

Also, the occurrence of thrombocytosis in a child can be a consequence of a fracture of a tubular bone.

In a child, thrombocytosis responds well to therapy if: timely diagnosis The exact etiology was established and a diagnosis was made.

Symptoms of thrombocytosis

Thrombocytosis refers to those pathologies of the blood flow system that occur in a hidden or asymptomatic form, and which at an early stage of development can only be detected by chance. When the disease manifests itself with symptoms, then it is in an advanced stage.

Symptoms of reactive secondary thrombocytosis:

  • Weakness of the body;
  • Feverish state;
  • Unreasonable loss of body weight;
  • Bone pain - with thrombocytosis of the primary type;
  • Joint pain;
  • Pain in the region of the ribs - occurs from an increase in the size of the organs: liver and spleen;
  • Pallor skin;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Infections that are constantly in the relapse stage;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Thrombosis of small arteries;
  • Pain in lower limbs;
  • Cerebral ischemia;
  • Disturbances in microcirculation in the cerebral cortex;
  • Neurological pathologies;
  • Physiological termination of pregnancy;
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome.

Why is thrombocytosis dangerous?

Thrombosis, as well as thromboembolism, are the main dangers of thrombocytosis. An excess of platelets provokes increased clotting blood, as well as education blood clots in arteries and venous vessels. Arteries suffer from blood clots much more often than veins.

Complications of thrombosis can include myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and strokes: ischemic and cerebral stroke. With thrombocytosis, pulmonary embolism may develop.

Erythromelalgia is characteristic feature for thrombocytosis, which is expressed in sharp and burning pain in the lower extremities. The feet suffer the most from such pain.

Increased pain occurs when the legs are exposed to heat, and pain from physical activity on the legs also increases. IN neglected form The disease causes darkening of the skin in the legs.

Thrombosis of vessels with a small diameter leads to ischemia of soft tissues in the tips of the toes, which are accompanied by severe pain, coldness of the lower extremities, and dry skin.

Thrombocytosis of cerebral vessels leads to neurological pathologies:

  • Decreased mental abilities;
  • Decreased memory;
  • Severe dizziness;
  • The lesions are in the optic nerve.

Thrombocytosis in oncology

Thrombocytosis in cancer malignant tumors causes bleeding, metastases occur in bone marrow cells. For large tumors in organs, the platelet index is not high and does not exceed 1000 thousand U/μl.

Causes of transient thrombocytosis in neoplasms:

  • Blood loss;
  • Acute infection;
  • The reaction of the bloodstream system to taking group B drugs (12) and folic acid drugs - in the treatment of anemia;
  • Taking adrenaline, miconazole.

Etiology of persistent thrombocytosis in oncology:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • Thrombocythemia;
  • Myeloproliferative diseases;
  • Metastases;
  • Chronic inflammation.

Most often, with cancer, the platelet index decreases and thrombocytopenia develops.

Diagnostic test

In order to establish a diagnosis of thrombocytosis, the first thing the doctor does is take a medical history. It is especially important to find out what diseases the patient has suffered, because thrombocytosis can be the consequences of past pathologies.

For a more accurate check of the body, it is necessary to take some tests and undergo instrumental examination:


The reactive type of thrombocytosis does not have a disorder in platelets, so specific drug treatment of this type thrombocytosis is not provided. It is necessary to treat the essential type of thrombocytosis with therapeutic methods.

Directions in the treatment of the disease:

  • Preventive actions thrombosis;
  • Cytoreductive drug therapy;
  • Targeted treatment;
  • Treatment of complicated forms of thrombocytosis.

The main direction in the treatment of thrombocytosis is the use of antiplatelet agents. Non-steroidal antiplatelet agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed - this is the drug acetylsalicylic acid.

There are drugs that are based on this acid, but have fewer side effects.

The daily dosage of Aspirin is from 40.0 milligrams to 325.0 milligrams, depending on the development of the pathology. A dosage less than 40.0 milligrams has no medicinal or prophylactic treatment.

Aspirin is not recommended for use in for preventive purposes. Taking a drug higher than 40.0 milligrams for prevention purposes may provoke peptic ulcer duodenum with subsequent bleeding of internal organs.

For prevention and therapy, it is necessary to take antiplatelet agents with a less aggressive effect on the stomach - this is the drug Clopidogrel, as well as Ticlopidine.

Cytoreductive method of therapy

This technique is the main one in the treatment of bone marrow pathology, in which increased platelet production occurs.

The main goal of cytoreductive therapy is to reduce platelet production in the bone marrow.

Chemotherapy drugs have the ability to restrain the progress in the development of pathology, but they are limited in widespread use because they are highly toxic. Negative influence on the body. Chemotherapy drugs inhibit the development and growth of neoplasm cells, which helps to normalize blood counts.

The treatment regimen with chemotherapy drugs is strictly according to individual prescription.

Drugs for use in the cytoreductive method of treating thrombocytosis:

  • Hydroxyurea - Hydrea;
  • Chemical agent - Mercaptopurine;
  • Medicine - Cytarabine.

Hydrea (hydroxyurea)

The most effective drug on all clinical indications, used in the cytoreductive technique, is the drug Hydrea (hydroxyurea).

This technique also uses alpha interferon treatment. This group The medications showed an effect in therapy in more than 80% of patients.

Alpha interferons have side effects on the body:

  • Anemia;
  • Leukopenia disease;
  • Feverish state;
  • State of depression;
  • Impaired liver function.

Intolerance to drug components reduces the effectiveness of treatment in many patients. The effect of medications is only for the period of use of interferons.

The use of third generation phosphodiesterase inhibitors in therapy is the drug Anagrelide. This medication can affect the bone marrow and reduce its ability to produce maximum platelets.

Apply this drug for the treatment of thrombocytosis, when platelets in a microliter of biological fluid do not exceed the index of 600 thousand.

Targeted technique in therapy

Targeted therapy is currently the most effective method treatment tumor diseases, which, according to its mechanism of action, is capable of stopping growth at the molecular level malignant neoplasms in the bloodstream and internal organs.

Drugs with a targeted technique aimed at a tumor, which gives positive effect in the treatment of tumor pathologies and thrombocytosis disease.

The drug used in the targeted technique is Ruxolitinib. This is the only drug that is approved for this therapy.

Treatment of complicated thrombocytosis

Treatment of complicated thrombocytosis and prevention of complications is necessary measures to cure the pathology of thrombocytosis.

Treatment of thromboembolism, as well as thrombosis, is:

  • Antiplatelet therapy - Aspirin;
  • Taking anticoagulants - Heparin;
  • For thrombosis of the aorta and large arteries - stenting of the vessel;
  • For blockage of coronary arteries and vessels with large diameters, a bypass technique is used.

A complicated form of thrombocytosis, which manifests itself in myelofibrosis.

In the treatment of this pathology, drugs of the group glucocorticoids are used. Immunomodulatory agents will help not only in the treatment of myelofibrosis, but also boost immunity.

Complications of thrombocytosis with rapidly developing anemia. Progressive anemia is main feature that thrombocytosis has taken a complicated form.

Treatment of complicated pathology with anemia:

Complications of thrombocytosis are infectious, treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and also used antibacterial drugs, to which gram-positive and gram-negative molecules are sensitive.

The selection of drugs in the treatment of complicated thrombocytosis is carried out individually, taking into account the patient’s age and the type of pathological complication.

At a young age, it is preferable to use therapy with interferons, as well as medications - anagrelide.

At older ages, cytostatics are used.

When treating thrombocytosis, the main thing is to find the root cause of the pathology and direct therapy to cure it. If thrombocytosis is an idiopathic disease, then therapy will depend on the degree of development of the disease.

If there is a slight deviation from the normal platelet count, it is necessary to change the diet, as well as use homeopathic traditional medicine.

Folk remedies in the treatment of thrombocytosis

To treat a slight increase in platelets in the blood, or as an additional homeopathic therapy, herbal remedies are used.

In homeopathy for thrombocytosis, both independent plants and herbs that reduce the platelet index are used.

Home medicine recipes:

Mulberry root- Wash well and chop finely. Pour 200 grams of roots with 3000 milliliters of boiling water and place on high heat. After boiling, reduce the heat by 2/3 and cook the broth for 15 - 20 minutes.

Let it brew and cool. After filtration, take 200 milliliters for 5 calendar days. After this, take a three-day break and repeat the dose again. Therapeutic course is 24 calendar days;

- Pour 50.0 grams of unripe chestnut peel with 500.0 milliliters of vodka. Infuse the tincture for 10 calendar days.

Take 40 drops three times a day mixed with 25.0 milliliters of water. The course of therapy with the drug is 21 calendar days;

Herbal mixture for therapy- sweet clover grass, wormwood leaves, dry meadowsweet, as well as mountain arnica. All healing herbs taken in equal proportions.

One tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a thermos with 500.0 milliliters of boiling water. Leave for 8 - 10 hours. Take 70.0 milliliters three times a day.

Take it as homeopathic remedies you can have ginger, wine grapes, lemons, and also to thin the blood good effect from eating one orange daily.

How to reduce platelet index during pregnancy?

As blood volume increases during pregnancy, there is usually a decrease in platelet levels in the blood.

Platelet index in pregnant women in the first trimester, when the following changes occur in the body:

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • Toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Dehydration of the body due to toxicosis;
  • Iron deficiency - anemia.

Reduce small deviations from the norm in platelets with a diet based on foods that are high in the following substances:

  • Iodine (sea products, as well as persimmon and buckwheat);
  • Calcium ions, as well as magnesium (fermented milk products, soybeans, green vegetables, avocado);
  • Oils - flaxseed, but preferably olive.

In pregnant women, thrombocytosis provokes spontaneous abortion, placental abruption, and inhibition of fetal development.

In order not to resort to drug treatment with a slight increase in platelets, you must adhere to a diet.

The diet for thrombocytosis includes foods that reduce platelet production:

  • Fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • Ginger;
  • Green and onions;
  • Sour fruits and berries: cherries, cranberries, red and black currants, rose hips;
  • Seafood with high content iodine and omega 3;
  • Citrus fruits: lemon, orange, tangerines;
  • Eat tomatoes daily, or in processed form.

Preventive measures for thrombocytosis

Preventive measures in the treatment of thrombosis are the main specificity in treatment. The first thing that is done in the treatment of thrombocytosis is to eliminate the risk factors for this pathology, which increase the aggregation of platelet molecules, which are already in excess.

Preventive measures for thrombocytosis:

  • Quit nicotine addiction;
  • Do not drink alcohol in large quantities;
  • Watch your diet and avoid eating foods high in cholesterol;
  • Drink the required amount of clean water;
  • Take lipid-lowering drugs to normalize fat metabolism in the body;
  • Therapy with antihypertensive drugs;
  • Physical stress on the body (but it is forbidden to overload the body);
  • Active lifestyle (move more, active species sports, swimming pool).


At a young age, when the pathology of thrombocytosis is detected, and clinical manifestations this pathology is not visible (absence of thrombosis, pain and malaise), then the prognosis is favorable with systematic observation by a doctor and compliance with preventive measures.

At proper nutrition During the treatment period, you can do without the use of aggressive chemical medications.

A routine blood test can provide a lot of information about a person’s health, the functioning of his organs and systems, as well as the presence or absence of inflammatory processes and some other disorders. This is why doctors say that everyone healthy person You should have blood tests once or twice a year. Such a study can provide information about the number of different blood elements, including the volume of platelets. With an increase in the number of platelets in the blood, doctors talk about a disease such as thrombocytosis, the causes and treatment of which we will now consider, as well as the symptoms, and also answer the question of whether folk remedies for thrombocytosis will help patients with such a disorder.

An increase in the number of platelets in the blood is fraught with the appearance of blood clots. But in some cases, such a disorder causes bleeding, for example, with platelet defects.

Causes of thrombocytosis

Doctors distinguish two types of thrombocytosis: primary or secondary. The primary type of the disease is a hematological disorder, which is provoked by disturbances in the activity of bone marrow stem cells. This is a rather rare disease, which at first does not make itself felt at all.

Sometimes thrombocytosis is caused by iron deficiency. It can be caused by removal of the spleen, a variety of injuries and surgical interventions. Sometimes an increase in platelets occurs with significant damage to human tissue, for example, with pancreatitis, enterocolitis or necrosis.

There are a number of inflammatory processes that can cause thrombocytosis. Such reasons are presented by youth rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, sarcoidosis, chronic inflammatory diseases liver, Kawasaki syndrome, Schonlein disease and collagenosis.

An increase in platelets in the blood is often observed in cancer lesions. In addition, it can be triggered by taking certain medications, for example, corticosteroids, sympathomimetics and antimitotics.

How does thrombocytosis manifest, what are the symptoms of the disease?

Most symptoms appear only when primary form thrombocytosis. In other cases, the symptoms of the disease can be easily missed as manifestations of the underlying disease. An increase in the number of platelets in the blood can be manifested by bleeding of various natures: nasal, uterine, renal, intestinal, etc. Pathological processes cause the appearance of pronounced painful sensations, which are localized in the fingertips.

Thrombocytosis often makes itself felt constant itching. The patient may experience subcutaneous hemorrhages. Many patients are faced with the problem of puffiness and cyanosis of the skin. They may feel weak and lethargic, and common symptom Such diseases become disorders that are associated with vision.

Thrombocytosis often causes cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes. May develop vegetative-vascular dystonia, thrombosis of veins and even arteries. Recurrent bleeding leads to the occurrence.

It is worth noting that not all symptoms occur at once and all together. Quite often, an increase in platelet count is manifested by only two or three of the above symptoms. But you definitely shouldn’t ignore them.

How is thrombocytosis corrected, what is the treatment for the disease?

To eliminate thrombocytosis, which we continue to talk about on this page, it is imperative to take care of correcting the root cause of its development. In addition, symptomatic remedies are used. To prevent thrombosis, antiplatelet compounds are used, for example, Acetylsalicylic acid(five hundred milligrams three times a day for a week). Clobidogrel or Ticlopidine can also be used; their dosage is selected individually.

In case of thrombosis or ischemia against the background of thrombocytosis, patients are advised to undergo antiplatelet therapy using anticoagulants, for example, Bivalirudin, Livarudin, Argotoban, etc. In especially severe cases, cytostatic therapy or thrombocytopheresis is performed.

Can folk remedies cure thrombocytosis?

Traditional medicine can also help patients with thrombocytosis, but the advisability of their use must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Using green chestnut peel gives a good effect. Pour fifty grams of this raw material with half a liter of vodka. Infuse for ten days in the dark, then strain. Take forty drops three times a day immediately before meals. The medicine must be diluted with water sweetened with sugar. The duration of therapy is three weeks, followed by a one-week break.

You can also brew a teaspoon of sweet clover with one glass of boiling water. Leave covered for half an hour. Drink in three to four doses per day. The duration of such therapy is one month.

Taking it will also be beneficial

In the presence of the disease, the platelet level can reach up to 500 thousand per cubic mm. The causes of the development of the disease can be:

  • Very rapid production of platelets in the bone marrow;
  • Slowing platelet breakdown;
  • Measuring the distribution of platelets in the blood.

Blood thrombocytosis provokes the formation of blood clots . In some cases, the disease can lead to bleeding due to platelet defects, as well as due to disturbances in blood microcirculation. Therapy of the disease comes down to the prevention of thrombosis and treatment of the underlying disease, which can cause an increase in platelet levels.

The fact is that this disease is accompanied by the formation various complications Therefore, in case of thrombocytosis, therapeutic examination and subsequent treatment are mandatory.

Types of thrombocytosis

This disease can be the main complication in various myoproliferative pathologies, such as: chronic leukemia, polycythemia vera and others .

The disease has several types:

  • primary thrombocytosis,
  • clonal thrombocytosis,
  • secondary thrombocytosis.

Clonal and primary thrombocytosis have a poor development pattern. In the case of clonal thrombocytosis, the cause is a defect in hematopoietic stem cells. These cells have tumor properties in myeloproliferative chronic conditions. In addition, they are sensitive to thrombopoietin and do not depend on stimulation of the exocrine system. In this case, the process of platelet production is uncontrolled.

Primary thrombocytosis is a myelproferative syndrome, when the functioning of stem cells in the bone marrow is disrupted, and some areas of hematopoiesis grow in the affected organ. Because of this in peripheral blood a huge number of platelets are released.

In addition, there are other factors, for example hematological or removal of the spleen, surgical operations and injuries, various inflammatory processes, oncological diseases, medicines. During pregnancy, thrombocytosis is a reversible disease and is explained by the very process of bearing a child: a slowdown in metabolism, an increase in blood volume, and iron deficiency.

Thrombocytosis, main symptoms

With primary thrombocytosis, patients develop thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.

It is based on microcirculatory disorders and intravascular disseminated coagulation of blood cells. In addition, the aggregation ability of platelets is impaired.

Men and women are equally susceptible to this disease. Most often, the main signs of the disease appear by the age of 50.

Patients complain of nasal and uterine bleeding, and renal And intestinal . In addition, patients experience ecchymosis, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin, subcutaneous hemorrhages, itching of the skin, tingling in the toes and hands. Some patients develop gangrene. Patients with thrombocytosis also suffer from diseases such as migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, shortness of breath and instability of blood pressure, vein thrombosis.

In addition to veins, blood clots can form in arteries. In blood tests, platelets appear as large aggregates, in some cases they grow to gigantic sizes. During the period of illness, there is no increase in the content of leukocytes; hemoglobin and red blood cells may increase. With repeated bleeding, anemia develops. In some cases, there is a mild enlargement of the spleen and myelofibrosis.

Secondary thrombocytosis is characterized by the same symptoms as primary thrombocytosis. The disease is detected during a medical examination, blood tests, bone marrow biopsy and aspiration biopsy.

Thrombocytosis reactive

Thrombocytosis reactivethis is an increased level of platelets due to nonspecific activation of the hormone responsible for the division, maturation and entry of platelets into the blood. It activates education huge amount platelets without pathological changes their functions. The cause of this disease can be chronic and acute processes.

For example, acute infectious or inflammatory diseases, blood loss, large physical exercise, previous thrombocytopenia.

Chronic processes include:

  • iron deficiency and hemolytic anemia,
  • oncological processes,
  • asplenia and rheumatism,
  • tuberculosis,
  • intestinal inflammation,
  • pulmonary diseases,
  • reaction to medications.

Illness may result chronic alcoholism. Identifying the causes of reactive thrombocytosis and treating it are mandatory. The fact is that this disease is often confused with clonal thrombocytosis. In addition, reactive thrombocytosis is easily diagnosed.

Patients with clonal thrombocytosis are characterized by diseases such as central and peripheral ischemia, thrombosis of large veins and arteries, large platelets and bleeding. With reactive thrombocytosis, these diseases are absent, and there is no risk of thrombosis.
