Diet for blood group 2 folk remedies. What should be the diet for blood group 2?

The second positive blood group is one of the most common on the planet. 37% of people have . The formation of such a group occurred due to the fact that instead of animal husbandry and hunting, people learned farming and began to eat a large number of vegetarian dishes. Diet for the second positive group blood is to eat vegetarian dishes.

Characteristics of the group

There are a large number of people on earth with a variety of distinctive features: nationality, appearance, character, upbringing, lifestyle. One of these differences is blood type. for people, is to be organized, they easily find mutual language with others, they are distinguished by their consistency, but at the same time they easily adapt to a new environment.

Physically, disadvantages for people with blood type A (II) Rh+ include a very vulnerable digestive tract and low acidity gastric juice and if dietary recommendations are not followed, they develop diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract and reduced immunity.

Is it really possible to lose weight

By sticking to a positive blood type 2, you will speed up the digestion of food and its breakdown. You will feel vigor and lightness from the first days of the diet. And in a month you will notice weight loss, increased endurance and activity. There are many cases where people have lost up to 5 kg in the first two weeks. This occurs due to improved metabolism, rational nutrition and eating easily digestible foods.

And to the question of whether it is really possible to lose weight, we can safely answer that losing weight by following a diet with a positive blood type is not only possible, but also mandatory. Start loving yourself, taking care of yourself, following the principles of nutrition and wellness, the mood and compliments of others will not take long to arrive.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


Representatives of this blood group make up more than 37% of the total population of the planet. As a rule, among the qualities of people in this group, one can especially note communication skills, constancy, composure and organization. The human digestive and immune systems, as Peter D’Adamo proved, retain, even after centuries, a predisposition to digest the foods that their ancestors ate. Chemical reaction circulatory system on the products consumed is an immutable part of the human genetic heritage. And according to this theory, proven by facts, evolutionary process and the dietary needs of a person with a certain blood type are inseparable.

Blood type 2+ (“farmers”)

The appearance of this blood group is associated with the emergence of landowning communities. Holders of the second positive blood group are vegetarians (farmers), who are distinguished by a tolerant immune system and very sensitive digestive tract. Such people quite quickly adapt to new nutritional conditions, and in general to environment, and relieve stress by self-soothing. Agricultural products always help such a person to work and maintain their figure.

People with a positive blood type need natural, organic food and avoid toxic products such as meat. The “farmers” do not burn meat as fuel; it inevitably turns into fat.

Basic diet rules for blood group 2+:

Features of people with blood type 2+:

Strengths of people of this type- this is the rapid adaptation to changes in diet, as well as the effectiveness of the functioning of the digestive and immune systems, provided that a diet based on vegetarianism is followed.

Weaknesses include the following:

What can you eat if you have blood type 2+?

What you can’t eat if you have blood type 2+

Note for people with blood type 2+

Dairy products in the body of a person with this blood type provoke insulin reactions, which slow down the necessary metabolism and undermine the functioning of the heart.

Abuse of wheat and products containing it leads to excess acidity in muscle tissue.

Abstinence from meat ensures stable normal weight or its reduction. Meat for people with this blood type reduces the metabolic rate and promotes the accumulation of fatty deposits in the body. Vegetarian diet strengthens the body's defenses to fight infections.

Healthy foods:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Cereals;
  • Soy products;
  • Pineapples;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Legumes;
  • Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • Walnuts, almonds;
  • Brown algae;
  • Spinach;
  • Broccoli;
  • Coffee;
  • Green tea;
  • Red wine;
  • Low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • Onion garlic.

Harmful products:

First of all, for “farmers” it is necessary to consume vitamin and mineral complexes - C, E, B, iron, selenium, calcium, chromium and zinc. They also need herbal teas with echinacea, ginseng and bifidumbacteria. Pharmacy vitamin But it’s worth limiting and focusing on beta-carotene obtained from food.

  • Moderate physical exercise(yoga, Tai Chi);
  • Avoiding spicy, salty and fermented foods, as well as limiting sugar and chocolate;
  • Compliance with your diet.

Menu for the week for people with blood type 2+:


  • Eggs – one piece, two to three times a week.
  • Vegetables fruits.
  • Neutral meat products:
  • turkey, chicken.
  • Seafood (no more than 180 g per serving, and no more than four times a week):
  • Silver perch, whitefish, pike perch, cod, trout, sardine.
  • Dairy products (no more than 180 g per serving, and no more than three times a week):
  • Soy milk, soy cheese, mozzarella, homemade yogurt, goat cheese.


Lunch may well be a repeat of breakfast, but the portion of protein should not exceed one hundred grams, and vegetables can be increased to 400 g.

  • Soy and bean products (no more than six times a week, and no more than 200 g);
  • Lentils, spotted, black and radiant beans, red soybeans, kidney beans;
  • Mushrooms: no more than 200 g per serving, and no more than 4 times a week;
  • Cereals (no more than 6 times a week, and no more than 200 g per serving);
  • Porridge, bread, whole grain bread, rice, buckwheat, rye.


Dinner should be at least four hours before bedtime.

  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables, fruits, a piece of rye bread with butter (about 100 g), or porridge;
  • Vegetables (no more than 150 g per serving, 2-6 times a day);
  • Artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, broccoli, lettuce, horseradish, beet tops, red, yellow and Spanish onions, parsley, turnips, tofu, spinach, leeks, garlic, chicory, okra;
  • Fats (2-6 times a week, a tablespoon);
  • Olive oil, linseed oil.

Quick navigation through the article:

The author of diets for weight loss based on blood type, naturopath from America, Peter D. Adamo, argued that for stable weight loss, getting in shape and normalizing metabolism, you need to eat in accordance with your blood type. He developed a nutritional system for each blood group, depending on the time when this blood group appeared on earth and on the foods that were eaten in those days.

Product table for men and women

All products useful for people with blood type 2 are listed in the table, which is very convenient to use. You can print it out and attach it to the refrigerator so that a list of healthy foods for weight loss is always at hand.

Useful Harmful Neutral
meat Beef, veal, lamb, pork, rabbit, goose, duck, lard, ham, bacon, ham, liver, heart, minced beef Turkey, chickens, chicks, eggs
fish Carp, fresh herring, salmon, trout, mackerel, pike perch, cod, mackerel, sardines Salted herring, eel, catfish, halibut, shrimp, crayfish, lobster, lobster, catfish, squid, flounder, smoked salmon, caviar Smelt, seaweed, perch, sturgeon, pike, tuna
dairy Whole and skim milk, cream, ice cream, cow cheese and cheese, whey Yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese, processed cheese, homemade cottage cheese
fats Olive, rapeseed and linseed oil Peanut, coconut, corn, cottonseed, butter Margarine, sunflower, soybean oil, cod liver oil
nuts, seeds Pumpkin seeds, peanuts Pistachios Walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower and poppy seeds
legumes Spotted beans and lentils; beans, milk and soy cheese, Other types of legumes Green peas, in pods and white beans, asparagus
cereals Buckwheat, rye, oatmeal (oatmeal), buckwheat and rye flour Semolina, pasta, muesli, wheat flakes Barley, pearl barley, corn, millet, corn and cereals, rice
bread, rolls Rice wafers, rye bread Bagels, buns, crackers, cookies from wheat flour, rye gingerbread, wheat and wheat flakes, wholemeal grain bread, wheat flour Oat cookies, rye bread, corn starch
seasonings mustard Mayonnaise, ketchup, any vinegar, black pepper Cloves, coriander, bay leaf, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, curry, cumin, dill, parsley, fennel, horseradish, vanillin
vegetables Broccoli, kohlrabi, onions, parsnips, carrots, turnips, leeks, chard, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, spinach, lettuce and kale oyster mushrooms Sweet potatoes, white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, champignons, rhubarb, olives Cucumbers, radishes, radishes, beets, celery, asparagus, rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, zucchini
fruits and berries Pineapple, apricots, lingonberries, cherries, grapefruit, blackberries, figs, cherry plums, blueberries, cranberries, lemon, plums, cherries, blueberries, apples, prunes, juices from these fruits Oranges, bananas, melons, tangerines, coconuts and juices from them Avocado, watermelon, grapes, pears, raisins, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, nectarines, peach, currants, persimmons and juices from these fruits and berries
teas Burdock, chamomile, echinacea, rose hips, St. John's wort, ginseng, hawthorn, valerian Strawberries, linden, mint, dandelion, parsley, thyme, licorice root, yarrow
beverages Red wine, green tea, black coffee Coca and Pepsi-Cola, carbonated sweet drinks, black tea, beer, vodka, cognac, spirit liqueurs and tinctures White wine, champagne
sweets Fruit jam, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, dark chocolate, granulated sugar

Diet for blood group 2 positive

As can be seen from the table, many products familiar to the daily menu are completely excluded. For example, for a blood group 2 diet it is not recommended to consume:

  • Dairy products are prohibited almost completely, except for yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese and homemade cottage cheese. According to the author of blood group diets, dairy products in people with blood type 2 can cause abnormal reactions in the body that slow down metabolism. They also negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

  • Meat products, fatty and fried, which in principle is justified in any diet. The only exceptions are chicken and turkey.

The diet for 2 positive blood group involves using elements of vegetarianism. According to D'Adamo, this way of eating the best way is suitable specifically for people with the second blood group, since its carriers appeared during the period when humanity learned to cultivate the land. The abundance of agricultural crops suggests the possibility of feeding on them without the presence of meat in the diet.

Here is a short video that explains why animal protein is contraindicated for people with blood type 2:

Blood type 2 diet is positive for women

Many women are looking for their own eating style that will help them maintain their figure in great shape throughout their lives.

Perhaps a diet for women based on blood type will help them learn something important and exclude it from their diet fatty varieties meat, lard, sweets, fatty dairy products. And this will definitely benefit them.

According to Peter D'Adamo, such nutrition will help normalize metabolism and prevent the development of dangerous diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. But you still need to listen to your own body and not blindly follow the recommendations from the food table according to blood group 2.

Permitted products for women and men with blood group II+

The list of permitted foods for the blood group 2 diet is quite extensive, and if you wish, you can easily create a complete and varied menu.

In the daily menu you can use:

  • Vegetables in all their variety, with the exception of those highlighted in the table;
  • Cereals from which you can cook a variety of porridges, adding fruits or berries to them. Exceptions are those cereals that contain large amounts of gluten. Cereals such as buckwheat, millet, barley, rice, amaranth are especially well digested;
  • Stew, bake or boil chicken, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs;
  • Use approved oils when cooking, seasoning salads, adding them to ready-made porridges or hot dishes;
  • For the blood group 2 diet, foods can be combined with each other. For example, you can offer salads from permitted vegetables with chicken or fish;
  • Many fruits are also useful and can be used to replace sweet and flour dishes. For those who want to lose weight, you can eat an apple or pear instead of a cake, and drink natural juice from these fruits or berries during a snack. Pineapples are very useful because they speed up metabolism. Grapefruits, apricots, plums and cherries are also recommended;
  • As for drinks, the diet for blood group 2 (positive) can include freshly squeezed juices (such as cherry, banana, grapefruit, carrot); black brewed coffee, green tea, which serves as an antioxidant and removes harmful substances from the body, red wine in small doses.

Prohibited Products

The foods listed below contribute to excess weight gain, slow down metabolism and provoke the development of diseases.

  • Meat dishes, sausages, smoked meats, pickles. Meat can be replaced with soy products;
  • Dairy products are poorly absorbed by representatives of blood group 2. Instead, soy products are useful, for example, Tofu cheese, soy milk;
  • Wheat dishes and baked goods made from wheat flour, legumes. The gluten present in them delays the production of insulin and slows down the absorption of substances, leading to the development of diabetes;
  • Avoid eating potatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, olives and tomatoes;
  • Remove bananas, oranges, mangoes, tangerines and coconuts, papaya and melon from the blood group 2 diet menu;
  • Completely eliminate drinks such as black tea, soda, and Orange juice.

For reference:

If you decide to start the blood type 2 diet, then you need to know the following:

  1. Almost 38% of the world's inhabitants have blood type 2. Their stomach acid is often low, so they have difficulty digesting proteins. Vegetarianism is indicated for them;
  2. This “Farmer” blood group arose during the transition from an active lifestyle (“Hunter” - people with the first blood group) to a sedentary and sedentary one;
  3. Their strengths include: endurance, excellent immunity (provided that they adhere to nutritional recommendations), sociability, composure, organization, adaptation to changes in diet and lifestyle;
  4. Weaknesses: high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, diabetes mellitus, increased excitability nervous system, liver and gallbladder diseases.

The conclusion suggests itself: by following the rules of the diet for blood type 2, you can protect yourself from the development of serious diseases.

These nutritional principles must be followed throughout life. To begin with, you can try to exclude the most harmful products and stick to the diet for 2-3 months. This will improve digestion processes and speed up metabolism.

Diet for blood group 2 negative

When asked whether it is possible to lose weight on a diet for blood type 2, a nutritionist answers:

  1. There is no experimental evidence of weight loss on a diet for blood type 2, but if you stick to proper nutrition By excluding really harmful foods from your diet, weight loss will definitely happen.
  2. The proposed diet itself excludes the abundance of meat, fatty foods, sweets and bakery products made from wheat flour.
  3. By replacing meat with soy products, you will get protein in sufficient quantity. In addition, the diet may contain chicken, eggs, fish, and nuts.
  4. With this diet you can organize preventive actions against the most dangerous diseases: cardiovascular, diabetes, anemia, oncology.
  5. It is better to consult your doctor before starting a diet for blood type 2.
  6. It should be remembered that this diet does not work quickly, it requires diligence and regularity.
  7. Combine a diet for the second blood type with training. You are shown leisurely and uncomplicated sports: swimming, yoga, walking, aerobics at a slow pace, Pilates, calanetics, stretching.
  8. Diet recommendations for losing weight 2 blood types are quite general and may not be suitable for all people with this blood type.
  9. Vegetarianism is undesirable for many people, especially for the weak or for children. Animal proteins are an important component for the full development and functioning of the body. Animal protein is the source of essential amino acids.

In this video, another doctor’s opinion on diets based on blood types:

Sample diet menu for blood group 2 (for weight loss)


1st day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat with dried fruits; green tea
  • Lunch: kefir
  • Dinner: vegetarian soup, baked chicken, cucumber salad
  • Afternoon snack: Cherry juice
  • Dinner: baked cod with onions, lettuce

2nd day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, black coffee
  • Lunch: Apple juice
  • Dinner: borscht with chicken, 2 boiled eggs, cauliflower salad
  • Afternoon snack: homemade cottage cheese with yogurt
  • Dinner: boiled spotted beans, kale salad with flaxseed oil

3rd day

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette with soy milk, rosehip decoction
  • Lunch: Tofu cheese, grated carrots
  • Dinner: lentil soup, boiled chicken, cucumber and green pea salad with rapeseed oil
  • Afternoon snack: Pineapple juice
  • Dinner: trout, mackerel or salmon baked with vegetables from the table, stewed pumpkin, Rye bread ec

Historical reference

The popularity of American nutritionist Peter D'Adamo has skyrocketed in just a few years. This happened precisely thanks to his blood type nutrition system.

Blood type nutrition is a technique proposed by the American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo in the late 80s of the 20th century, based on his own research that blood various groups interacts differently with extracts from different food products: some caused agglutination (that is, sticking together) of blood cells, and this adversely affects the condition of the body. Based on the data obtained, a summary description of blood groups and recommendations for each product consumption were compiled.

The second blood group is designated A(II). The serial number also indicates that it was she who appeared second in the process of human evolution during the transition to a sedentary, agricultural way of life. Often, carriers of this group are classified as the “farmer” type. The human stomach has adapted to plant foods rich in carbohydrates and has learned to extract them from food and completely digest them. However, the digestibility of animal proteins and fats decreased.

According to the food selection recommendations, this food system is ideal for vegetarians. In this case, the immune and digestive systems work most efficiently, which has a beneficial effect on general condition body. Other strong point group A(II) is good adaptability to changes in diet.

However, it is precisely because of poor nutrition that disturbances occur in the body, which leads to a lack of necessary elements and an excess of harmful ones.

Features of the diet according to blood group 2

A diet is nothing more than a way of life built by following a certain diet. The body gets used to a certain way of life and a sudden transition to a radically different nutritional system can only harm it. Because in mandatory It is necessary to consult a nutritionist who will select the optimal diet that promotes health.

Most often, diets are associated with the fight against overweight. In general, blood type nutrition works over a wider range, eliminating all sorts of nutrition-related factors that negatively affect the body. But excess weight can be the first step in the fight not only against an existing disease, but also to prevent the emergence of new ones.

In people with the second blood group, if there is a violation hormonal balance The following risks are possible:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. Increased clotting the second blood group increases its viscosity and can contribute to thrombosis. Blood clots in the heart vessels can cause a heart attack, and in the vessels of the brain - a stroke.
  • Lymphocyte activity decreases with weak immunity And the immune system ceases to recognize “friends” and “strangers”.
  • Decreased levels of immunoglobulin (protective antibodies) cause susceptibility to infections gastrointestinal tract.
  • A low level of acidity of gastric juice is inherent in all carriers of the second group and prevents the complete decomposition of animal fats and proteins. Deterioration in the absorption of minerals and vitamins can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood, which can subsequently lead to pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, and rectal cancer.
  • Suppression of the immune system can also be caused by increased physical activity and instability to stress.

Following the developed nutritional method helps to minimize these risks. It is preferable to combine it with moderate physical activity. For the second group, it is recommended, first of all, quiet exercises and concentration classes: meditation, tai chi, yoga.

Nutrition according to blood type 2

All products can be divided into three groups:

  • Useful
  • Unwanted
  • Neutral
  • Healthy foods include primarily vegetarian foods:

  1. Vegetables are the basis of food group 2. Have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving metabolism and promoting maximum absorption of all essential microelements. However, there are some nuances here too.
  2. Vegetable oils. Promotes metabolism. Flaxseed and olive oil especially recommended for group 2.
  3. Cereals and grains come second in importance, forming the basis of food group 2, such as barley, millet, rice, buckwheat. However, you should avoid cereals with high content gluten
  4. Fruits. You should beware of "harsh" fruits due to low acidity stomach. Pineapples are considered the most useful, as they enhance food absorption and metabolism.
  5. Beverages. The most recommended are water with lemon (especially in the morning on an empty stomach), pineapple, carrot, cherry juices, green tea, red wine, black coffee.

In addition to the main ones, there are also some that are useful in moderation:

  • Seafood: sea bass, trout, carp, sardines, mackerel, salmon.
  • Dairy substitutes: soy milk and soy cheese.
  • Legumes. Despite the restrictions, spotted beans and lentils are recommended for mandatory consumption.
  • Bread made from soy flour or sprouted wheat, rice cakes.
  • Spices: garlic, soy sauce, ginger, barley malt.
  • Among the seasonings, only mustard is recommended.

Reduced stomach acidity in group 2 prevents good digestion of meat, which slows down metabolism and generally has an adverse effect on the condition of the body. Vegetarianism for the second group is due to nature itself and therefore animal fats and proteins must be replaced with their plant counterparts.

When choosing a diet based on blood group 2, you should avoid eating the following foods:

  • Meat. Eating meat products leads to the appearance of excess fat due to the inability of the stomach to cope with the task. IN as a last resort You should limit yourself to chicken or turkey.
  • Dairy products slow down metabolism, mainly whole cow's milk. Low-fat cheeses, homemade cottage cheese, and goat's milk cheese are allowed.
  • Spicy food: pepper, vinegar, mayonnaise, ketchup, various spices.
  • Sour fruits and berries, citrus fruits.
  • All kinds of pickles.
  • Sugar and chocolate.

Also, not all vegetables are good for group 2. Among the unfavorable ones are the following: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants. It is better to avoid eating these products forever.

Bakery products should also be excluded from the diet, especially those made from wheat flour, wheat bran, whole grain flour.

All other products are considered neutral. They do not harm the body, but should be consumed in moderation.

Choosing a nutritional system based on blood type implies strict adherence to all prescribed rules regarding the choice of products. IN in this case the goal is not a certain result, but a certain lifestyle that contributes to the health of the whole organism. Irregularity in following these rules will give a short-term effect. And returning to a normal diet can have an adverse effect on the body, which, being transferred to a new regime, will not be ready for such shocks. Therefore, the decision must be made decisively “for” or “against”.

People with the second blood group are classified as farmers. This type blood formed when agricultural skills appeared in people. In the world, 37.8% of the population have a second blood group.

People with blood type A are characterized by:

  • organized, constancy, adapts well to any changes.
  • first
  • have a sensitive digestive system.
  • have a strong immune system.
  • Self-soothing is a way to relieve stress.

The diet for blood type A is based on the consumption of plant foods.

It is better to include plant foods in the diet for blood group II. Meat products must be completely excluded from the diet. Digestive system of people with blood type II Digests poorly and assimilates meat products. It is rare to include lean poultry meat in the diet for blood type II.

Dairy products, especially whole milk, should not be included in the diet for blood group II. These products inhibit the metabolic process in the body and cause allergic reactions.

When creating a diet menu for blood type A important know, what products I contribute increase or weight loss. Let's look at them in more detail.

Foods that increase weight in people with blood type II:

  1. Meat products. Digested and absorbed poorly. They accumulate in the body in the form of fat and food toxins.
  2. Dairy products. Slow down the metabolic process in the body.
  3. Vegetable and lima beans. Reacts poorly with enzymes digestive system and slows down metabolism.
  4. Wheat. Reduces the effect of insulin.

Products that reduce weight in people with blood type II:

  1. Oils plant origin. Contribute to better digestion and reduction of edema.
  2. Soy products. Accelerate the digestion process. Well absorbed by the body.
  3. Vegetables. Improve intestinal activity and speed up metabolism.
  4. Pineapples. Burn extra calories and speed up intestinal activity.

Important know when drawing up a menu for the second blood group, what products nutrition should be completely exclude, and which ones to include in the diet in large quantities.

Let's take a closer look at the different product categories.

Meat products for a diet with blood type A:

  • There are no useful products.
  • neutral products: chicken, chicken, turkey meat.
  • completely exclude lamb, duck, heart, liver, pork, beef, rabbit, veal.

Seafood for the diet for the second blood group:

  • very healthy products: carp, rainbow trout, mackerel, cod, sardine. The snail is edible.
  • neutral products include: sea bass, smelt, pike, shark, tuna. Sturgeon, stone perch, croaker.
  • It is prohibited to eat: sea pike, anchovy, beluga, scallop, caviar, squid. Flounder, shrimp, smoked salmon, lobster, sole, striped catfish. Crayfish, mussels, herring in any culinary preparation, oysters, eel.

Eggs and dairy products for the diet for blood group II:

  • healthy products: cheese and soy milk.
  • neutral products: yogurt, goat milk and cheese, homemade cottage cheese, kefir, processed cheese. Feta and Mozzarella cheese.
  • exclude from the diet: ice cream, whey, hard cheeses, whole milk, blue cheese. Milk sherbet, food casein, buttermilk, butter, skim milk, eggs.

Fats and oils for the diet for blood type A:

  • healthy olive and flaxseed oil.
  • neutral rapeseed oil and cod liver oil.
  • exclude corn oil, peanut and sesame oil, cottonseed oil.

Cereals and cereal crops to the diet for the second blood group:

  • Very healthy cereals from buckwheat and shiritsa.
  • neutral grains: barley, spelled, bran from oats and rice, oatmeal or flour, corn flour, rice and puffed millet. Cornflakes- cornflex.
  • exclude wheat from the diet.

Bread and bakery products for the blood group diet (blood group II):

  • healthy products: bread made from soy flour, rice cakes, bread made from sprouted wheat.
  • neutral products: rye bread, corn bread, crispbread, wheat bread (spelt), rice bread, gluten-free bread.
  • It is not recommended to include in the menu: wheat bread, grain bread, wheat matzo, bread based on rye meal. Baking with content large quantity proteins.

Seeds and nuts for blood type (blood group II):

  • must include pumpkin seeds, peanuts and peanut butter.
  • neutral products: poppy seeds, walnuts and pine nuts, sesame and sesame-based paste, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts. Edible chestnuts, sunflower seed paste, nuts and almond paste.
  • It is prohibited to eat pistachios, cashews and American nuts.

Legume products for the diet for the second blood group:

  • healthy foods: regular vegetable beans, lentils, radiant beans, spotted beans, black beans.
  • neutral products: green peas, broad beans, white beans and peas. Green peas and beans, shelled beans.
  • completely eliminate chickpeas, copper beans, dark beans, lima beans, and red beans.

Vegetables for the diet for blood type A:

  • healthy foods: garlic, spinach, turnips, chicory, carrots, homemade artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke. Leafy vegetables. Edible hibiscus, parsnips, red onions, parsley, asparagus and kale. Leeks, Spanish and yellow onions, Swiss chard, kohlrabi.
  • neutral foods: pumpkin, celery, green olives, cucumbers, radishes, asparagus. Rutabaga, avocado, Brussels sprouts, green onions and shallots, rapeseed, white and yellow corn, young mustard leaves. Beetroot, cumin, cauliflower, fennel.
  • harmful foods: tomatoes, all types of olives (except green), yams. Red and white potatoes, hot peppers (hot), lima beans, eggplants, greenhouse mushrooms. Sweet potatoes, green and yellow peppers, red cabbage, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage.

Berries and fruits for the diet for the second blood group:

  • Very useful fruits: prunes, raisins, grapefruit, figs, apricots, blueberries, lemon. Blueberries, pineapples, lingonberries, blackberries, cherries, plums, cranberries.
  • neutral products: elderberry, watermelon, pomegranate, apples, black grapes, black and red currants. Persimmon, melon, dates, peaches and nectarines, lime, raspberries, gooseberries. Red and green grapes, kiwi, strawberries, pears.
  • excluded from the diet: coconuts, bananas, tangerines, oranges, papaya. Mango, rhubarb, honeydew melon and Cantaloupe variety.

Spices, spices for the diet for the second blood group:

  • healthy products: soy sauce, barley malt, ginger, garlic sauce, black molasses.
  • neutral products: tarragon, almond extract, sage, horseradish, caraway seeds, dill, thyme. Rosemary, Spanish paprika, red pepper, spearmint and peppermint, nutmeg. Bay leaf, marjoram, turmeric, corn starch, cinnamon, curry. Allspice, coriander, mustard, vanilla, cardamom, anise, basil.
  • It is prohibited to consume apple and balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar and white vinegar. Capers, ground black and white pepper, food gelatin.

Diet sauces for people with blood group II:

  • Very useful product- mustard.
  • Neutral products include jellies and jams, pickles, relish, low-fat salad dressings, marinades and pickles.
  • It is prohibited to use mayonnaise, ketchup, and spicy soy sauce.

Drinks and juices for blood type A:

  • Very healthy juices made from plum, apricot, black cherry, carrot, pineapple, grapefruit and celery. Water with lemon juice, green tea, coffee, red wine.
  • neutral drinks: apple cider, vegetable juices from permitted vegetables. Apple and grape juice, white wine.
  • Do not drink tomato juice, orange juice, papaya juice, beer, black tea, or alcohol.

Herbal infusions and teas for the blood type diet (blood type 2):

  • healthy teas and infusions from rose hips, chamomile, echinacea, St. John's wort. Valerian, aloe, hawthorn, smooth elm, burdock, fenugreek. Alfalfa, ginseng, ginger.
  • neutral products: sage, elderberry, hops, verbena, yarrow. Mullein, thyme, linden, licorice root, coltsfoot. Raspberry and strawberry leaves, white birch buds, peppermint, shepherd's purse, dandelion.
  • exclude from food: catnip, rhubarb, cayenne pepper, red clover, corn silk.

Very it is important to combine diet for the second blood group With physical exercise . Of all the exercises, relaxation sports are suitable for people with the second blood group: yoga, swimming, slow-paced aerobics and stretching.
