Collection of linden for tea. Linden blossom: medicinal properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, fragrant linden flowers have been used not only to prepare delicious tea, but also in folk medicine, and cosmetology. It is important to know the features of collecting, drying and storing raw materials so that the maximum remains in it. useful substances.

Linden flowers - chemical composition

Through numerous experiments, scientists have proven that linden flowers contain approximately 120 active substances. Linden blossom- it is a storehouse of C, PP, K and group B, as well as microelements, for example, it contains calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. It also contains tannins, bitterness, flavonoids, saponins, saccharides and essential oils. Due to the presence of phytoncides, flowers have antibacterial effect. The natural antibiotic salicylate was also found in it.

How to collect and dry linden flowers?

Flowering begins in June and when most of the inflorescences open, you can proceed to harvesting for the winter. Please note that in warm weather this period lasts about 10 days, and in cool weather it lasts about 14 days. There are several recommendations on how to properly collect linden blossoms:

  1. Do not pick inflorescences near highways, factories and other polluted places. It’s better to go for a linden tree outside the city into the forest.
  2. If the inflorescences are dark or they have been affected by pests or some diseases, then there is no need to pick them.
  3. It is not recommended to collect linden flowers after rain or fog. It is better to do this at noon, when the flowers have fully opened.
  4. Please note that when the linden begins to fade, it is no longer possible to collect the inflorescences, since they will crumble after drying.

It is important to dry the flowers correctly; to do this, lay them out in a layer about 3 cm thick under a canopy or in the oven, but keep in mind that the temperature should be 40-45°C. Outdoor drying time is 2-3 days. Be sure to stir the flowers from time to time so that they dry on all sides. You can store dry inflorescences in paper bags or fabric bags. Keep them in a dry and dark place and then beneficial features will last up to two years.

Linden flowers - medicinal properties

Already from a wide list chemical substances It is clear that linden blossom is beneficial for the body and its main properties include:

  1. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence of other active substances. Decoctions and infusions fight inflammation, swelling and pain.
  2. The sedative effect makes linden flowers effective for insomnia, stress, overwork and other problems with the nervous system.
  3. The antimicrobial effect makes linden flowers a strong antiseptic, so you can cope with pathogenic microorganisms. Decoctions are used to gargle and oral cavity for bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis.
  4. The expectorant effect helps to cope with cough in a short period of time. When figuring out the benefits of linden blossom, it is worth mentioning its effectiveness in treating respiratory problems.
  5. The antispasmodic effect relaxes smooth muscles and helps reduce pain in the stomach, kidneys and genitals.
  6. The tonic effect improves metabolism and increases the speed of blood movement.

To experience all the beneficial properties of linden blossom, you need to prepare the tea correctly. For this purpose, consider the following rules:

  1. It is recommended to use a faience or ceramic teapot for brewing.
  2. Fill the inflorescences hot water, but not with boiling water, which can destroy a large number of useful substances.
  3. Consider the proportion that for 1 tbsp. a spoonful of inflorescences should be taken 1 tbsp. liquids.
  4. The duration of tea infusion is 20-25 minutes.

Linden blossom for cough

People have long used flower-based tea during... colds to speed up recovery. This is due to the fact that the drink reduces the intensity and frequency of cough, thins mucus and eliminates inflammatory processes. The benefit of linden flowers lies in its ability to effectively cleanse respiratory tract, improve metabolic processes and activate the body’s immune forces. If you drink tea with honey, you can speed up the healing process.

Linden flowers for cholesterol

Many properties of linden blossom are important for vascular system, so it contains flavonoids that resist the fragility of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. When describing the benefits of linden flowers, it is worth pointing out the presence of phytosterols, which reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. This product contains saponins, which help flush out cholesterol. An infusion prepared from linden has an antispasmodic effect.

Linden flowers against toxins in the body

Toxins accumulate in the human body throughout life, for example, due to poor environment and poor nutrition. Doctors recommend regular cleaning using natural remedies. Linden flower tincture effectively copes with this task, removing waste and toxins from the body, which has a positive effect on intestinal activity and improves overall well-being.

Linden flowers during menopause and hot flashes

Scientists have determined that the estrogens contained in the inflorescences are closest in composition to those produced by the ovaries. When figuring out how linden blossom is useful for women, it is worth pointing out that it saves from vasomotor manifestations and excessive sweating. The decoction and infusion have a calming effect, which is why it reduces nervousness. You can make tea from linden flowers or use them for healing baths.

Linden blossom in cosmetology

Many plants, due to their healing properties, are widely used in for cosmetic purposes and linden flowers are no exception. For those who are interested in what linden blossom helps with, it is important to know that it can be used for both hair care and skin care.

  1. Helps remove waste and toxins from the epidermis, making the face look fresher and healthier.
  2. You can cope with dry skin and reduce the activity of the glands that produce sebum, which eliminates oily shine and inflammation.
  3. Is an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic, so infusions and decoctions are used to get rid of rashes.
  4. The rich composition provides protection from the negative influence of the environment.
  5. Activates the skin regeneration process and promotes rejuvenation.
  6. Linden flowers are used in cosmetology to strengthen roots and stop hair loss.
  7. Regular use of decoctions and infusions gives hair shine and strength. You can deal with split ends and fragility.

Linden flowers for hair

A decoction prepared from linden blossom can be used by owners of any hair type, and there is no need to be afraid of any negative consequences. You need to apply linden hair color 1-2 times a week and after 2-4 sessions you will see an unsurpassed result. Experts recommend using the decoction for at least a month, as a result of which the hair structure will change and the curls will become healthy and well-groomed. It is important to know how to brew linden blossom in order to retain maximum benefits.


  • dried flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water – 0.5 l.


  1. Mix the ingredients in a thermos or other container, but then close the lid and insulate it. Leave everything for at least an hour.
  2. After this, boil the infusion over high heat for several minutes, and then let it cool and strain.
  3. After washing, rinse your hair. Please note that storing the decoction is not recommended, as the beneficial substances disappear.

Linden flowers for facial skin

Exists great amount cosmetics prepared from linden flowers. Among the most effective are the following options:

  1. Linden steam baths are recommended as a cleanser. To do this, combine a handful of inflorescences with hot water and hold your face over the steam for 5 minutes, covered with a towel.
  2. You can use linden blossom against wrinkles by making ice from it. Fill a large spoonful of flowers with 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave, strain, pour into molds and send to freezer. Rub ice on your face every day to help treat fine lines and wrinkles.
  3. For dry skin, you can make an infusion, for example, according to the recipe presented above. Soak a cloth in the prepared product and apply it to your face for 2-3 minutes. After this, apply another napkin and so on up to five times. You can alternate a napkin soaked in warm and cold infusion.

Linden flowers for weight loss

People who want to reset excess weight, as additional means can use linden blossom tea. It has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, thanks to which you can cleanse the body of excess fluid. Linden flowers are useful for weight loss because they have a beneficial effect on work digestive system and improve metabolism. Drink freshly prepared tea on an empty stomach. It is recommended to add chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, yarrow or. It is important that the drink infuses for 40 minutes.

Linden blossom - contraindications

Important when taking folk remedies keep in mind that they are not only useful, but in some cases they can be hazardous to health.

  1. Doctors advise drinking tea made from linden blossom in moderation.
  2. The properties of linden blossom are dangerous for people who have problems with blood clotting, since it can actively dilute it.
  3. Do not forget that some people may have individual intolerance to the product.
  • Place 25 g of linden blossom in a glass and pour boiling water over it;
  • cover with a lid, wrap in a towel, leave for 20 minutes;
  • strain.

Drink 50 ml in the morning, lunch and evening.

At initial stage good for illnesses herbal tea to increase sweating:

  • take 15 g each of linden flowers, raspberries, leaves and willow bark;
  • Pour 25 g of the resulting mixture into 250 ml of boiling water;
  • place in a water bath, cook for 20 minutes;
  • drink the infusion hot, 100 ml at a time.

Attention! This recipe is contraindicated for heart disease.

For sore throat

In this case, linden infusion is used to gargle:

  • linden blossom, in the amount of 80 g, is poured with boiling water (250 ml);
  • Wrap the container tightly and let the product sit for 25 minutes;
  • strain the infusion, cool.

Use every day until healing. The interval between treatments is 2 hours.

To calm the nervous system

The tincture has been successfully used:

  • Place linden flowers in any dark glass container without compacting them;
  • pour vodka so that the raw materials are completely covered. If used medical alcohol, then it must be diluted twice with water;
  • leave for two weeks in a cool place protected from sunlight;
  • pour the alcohol into a separate container, squeeze the raw materials through cheesecloth;
  • The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

Take 10 ml in the morning, lunch and evening.

For cystitis

You will need to prepare the collection:

  • mix linden blossom and oak bark in equal quantities;
  • take 20 g of the prepared collection, pour a glass of boiling water;
  • keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain.

Drink the infusion hot before bed.

Attention! The drug should not be taken if you have poor blood clotting.

For prostatitis

A collection of herbs that contains linden blossom helps a lot:

  • , linden flowers, and take 25 g;
  • mix thoroughly and chop;
  • ready collection, in the amount of 25 g, pour 25 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 30 minutes in a water bath;
  • strain the infusion using gauze and squeeze.

Take no more than 60 ml per day dosage form, can be divided into three steps.

Linden blossom for women

A rich set of useful substances makes possible use linden trees are used both to treat diseases and to preserve beauty. Therefore, it will be useful for women to know and apply some recipes.

To normalize the menstrual cycle

To get the desired result, you must strictly follow all stages of preparing the remedy:

  • thoroughly chop 100 g of linden blossom;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water, wait 20 minutes for the raw material to steam;
  • send the container to a water bath, keep for half an hour;
  • strain and squeeze using gauze.

Drink one glass of infusion throughout the day. Can be divided into equal parts.

Advice! The product will help reduce the pain of menstruation.

During menopause

You can drink linden tea, which is brewed like black tea. The phytohormones contained in the product will help cope with the unwanted manifestations of menopause.

For fibroids

You need to prepare the herbal mixture:

  • and take 25 g of linden and mix;
  • Pour 20 g of the prepared collection into a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 10 minutes, then strain through a sieve.

Drink like regular tea.

Attention! The prescription must be approved by the attending physician.

For weight loss

This recipe will burn extra calories, will help with inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines:

  • Grind 100 g of linden blossom, pour boiling water (200 ml);
  • simmer in a water bath for 35 minutes;
  • strain, squeeze out the remaining infusion from the raw materials.

Drink 20 ml before meals.

Linden blossom during pregnancy

It is known that during pregnancy many medications may cause harm to the fetus or mother and are therefore contraindicated. But what to do if diseases occur? Swelling, weakening immune system, various inflammations require immediate treatment. On help will come linden blossom, which successfully copes with diseases, with minimal risk to the child and mother.

Important! Any self-treatment, especially during pregnancy, should be agreed with a medical professional.

Pregnant women need to follow simple rules when treating with linden:

  • be preliminarily examined to identify possible individual intolerance;
  • observe the measure: you cannot do it as usual, dehydration may occur;
  • If you feel worse, you should immediately stop using linden and consult a doctor.

To treat diseases, you can use the following recipe:

  1. take 100 g of linden extract (you can use fresh flowers), chop well;
  2. pour a liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 25 minutes, avoiding boiling;
  3. cool the broth until room temperature, squeeze through cheesecloth.

Drink a glass a day when you have a cold.

Before use, warm it up, you can add a little natural honey.

In case of intoxication

Linden infusion will help. To prepare it, 10 g of raw material is poured into 100 ml of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped in a thick cloth or in a thermos, for 35 minutes. Drink 50 ml before meals.

In cosmetology

The medicine can eliminate skin problems and strengthen hair.

To restore your skin's youth and attractive appearance, you need to take steam baths. To prepare, you need to take a handful of dried tree flowers and pour a liter of boiling water. Hold your face over the steam for no longer than 10 minutes, then wash with cool water.

Advice! The remaining flowers after the procedure can be used as a mask for oily skin.

To strengthen your hair and restore its shine, it is enough to rinse it with linden decoction every time after washing your hair. The cooking method is simple and accessible to everyone:

  • 80 g of linden flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • insist medicine 25 minutes, having previously wrapped the container with thick material;
  • strain through cheesecloth, cool.

Use as directed.


When treating, you need to remember that linden is a medicine and has a number of contraindications and restrictions on use:

  • individual intolerance to the composition;
  • heart diseases;
  • increased arterial pressure;

Linden should be used with extreme caution when treating small children, pregnancy, or the presence of allergic reactions.

Remember! Regular monitoring medical specialist will protect against side effects and complications.

As you can see, linden blossom is an excellent remedy for many diseases. Following the recommendations of doctors, the exact recipe and caution, lime color You can restore lost health, restore beauty and youth to your skin.

Linden- one of the most common plants in our latitudes. ABOUT healing properties Our distant ancestors knew its flowers. Perhaps there is no need to remind you about the benefits of linden tea. In addition, gold-colored flowers were found practical use in cosmetology.

Today we will talk about, and also learn how to prepare, store and use it.

About the benefits of linden blossom

This is a source of various biologically active substances given to us by nature. They are rich in essential oils, phytoncides, tannins and ascorbic acid.

Linden blossom is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Products based on it are widely used for colds, sore throats, and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Tea with flowers helps with neuroses, depression, and increased irritability. The pleasant aroma of flowers calms and gives good mood, normalizes sleep.

Also, linden blossom has proven itself in the fight against migraines, neuralgia of various origins, and dizziness. It is also useful for cardiovascular pathologies. In particular, to normalize pressure during arterial hypertension and the fight against arrhythmias.

Linden flowers can also be used for diseases digestive tract. For example, they help the stomach secrete juice, promote peristalsis, and are also recommended for diarrhea and constipation.

Products with linden blossom normalize many metabolic processes, which is especially important during hormonal changes in the body during menopause.

As an external remedy, it is used for various damage to the skin and mucous membranes: wounds, abrasions, burns, as well as gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis and others. Thanks to this, redness and swelling disappear and tissue healing accelerates.

Linden blossom is also used in home cosmetology for skin care: primarily to combat premature aging, acne and manifestations of cellulite.

Collection rules

A popular ingredient in folk remedies will only work if it is collected, dried and stored correctly. Let's look at the current advice in this regard.

Linden blossoms are collected during that short period when one inflorescence already contains both open flowers and buds. Raw materials collected at this moment are considered the most valuable and useful.

It is best to harvest linden blossoms from trees that grow far from busy highways, city streets and industrial enterprises. Thanks to this, the flowers will not contain toxins and heavy metal salts.

Linden flowers must be dry, so you should not collect them immediately after rain or fog. Also, the plucked parts of the plant do not need to be washed.

The collected flowers are dried, spread out in a thin layer on paper or gauze in a well-ventilated area. After a few days, the dried raw materials are turned over and mixed so that they do not begin to rot.

Linden blossom cannot be dried in direct sunlight, since ultraviolet radiation destroys many biologically active substances, which naturally negatively affects the healing properties of flowers.

When linden flowers become brittle, it means they are dry and ready for long-term storage. It is best to pour them into a canvas bag and leave them in a dark place with good ventilation.

When properly harvested, linden blossom remains useful throughout the year.

Folk remedies

Linden flowers are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, lotions and other traditional medicine.

Linden blossom is used as an independent remedy or together with other ingredients. This is determined by the nature of the problem. The most popular combinations of linden flowers with chamomile, raspberry leaves, mint sprigs, and elderberry flowers. Such proximity to other plants only enhances the beneficial properties of linden.

Side effect

Do not forget that linden blossom is a medicine. Therefore, it should be used only when there are indications for it. Do not replace linden infusion with regular black or green tea, as it is dangerous for the body.

An overdose of substances contained in linden flowers can lead to disruption of the urinary system, disruption of the heart, and impaired vision.

If you suffer from any chronic diseases, be sure to consult with your doctor before starting to take the medication.

Only in this case will this healing natural product benefit your body.

There are a lot of useful things in nature medicinal plants, fruits, mushrooms, flowers. Walking through the forest, you always feel the wonderful smells of nature. How cool it is to watch every bush, flower... etc., how they grow and find out what they are useful for.

Walking around the city you feel such a fragrant honey aroma, where does this smell come from, you wonder and understand that such a smell can exist when the linden blossoms.

Linden is an old ancient tree that dates back 70 million years ago. When dinosaurs walked the earth.

The linden tree of the Slavs was a tree of love and beauty. The Slavs planted linden everywhere near palaces and squares. But in Europe, the linden tree was considered a sacred tree, the guardian of the hearth - important meetings were held near the linden tree.

The first fossil remains of linden were found in northern Siberia. Her life expectancy was about 350 years.

The lifespan of the linden tree reaches up to 600 years, and in some cases up to 1000 years. Even before the revolution, in the deep outbacks of Ukraine, our ancestors learned to make bast from young linden bark, from which they then learned to weave baskets, bast shoes - these are our very first shoes.

And nowadays furniture, beehives, and drawing boards are made from linden.

But it is especially appreciated by artists in art such as wood carving. Basts, various wickerwork, and all kinds of harnesses are made from linden bark.

Linden is considered not only a tree for construction, but its flowers are also considered the richest honey collection for.

Linden flowers make the most medicinal honey, which is used to treat many diseases.
Linden is a tree that reaches a height of 45 - 50 meters. It has a slender trunk and a spreading thick crown.

Linden is widespread throughout Europe. Wherever you travel, you will find linden trees everywhere.

When the linden blossoms:

Linden begins to bloom at the end of June or beginning of July and blooms for only about two weeks, depending on the weather.

If it is cooler, then the linden blooms for up to three weeks. On July 7, when the Midsummer Day holiday begins, linden flowers bloom fully.

In the old days, healers collected linden flowers only on Midsummer Day. On this night all the evil spirits came out and the fern blossomed. The healers were not afraid evil spirits, they read a prayer and collected linden flowers with prayer too. People called the linden the queen of honey plants.

When the linden blossoms and when the linden flowers fade, the fragrant smell remains so strong that it lasts until autumn.

The green-yellow linden flowers contain from 5 to 15 flowers, and when it fades, bead-shaped fruits appear.

The linden leaves are dark green, heart-shaped, sharp-toothed along the edges and have a pointed apex.

Collection and drying of linden:

The collection of linden blossom occurs when most of flowers bloomed.

Linden flowers are collected in sunny weather; they cannot be collected after dew or rain; such flowers turn black. The inflorescences are plucked, carefully, or cut with pruning shears into small branches where there are a lot of inflorescences.

Dry the linden blossom at a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees in a well-ventilated room, but not in direct sunlight.

Spread out in a thin layer. Dried linden inflorescences become yellow in color.

The smell of dried linden flowers is aromatic and sweetish in taste. Dried linden blossom is stored in a box or cloth bags.

Linden inflorescences can be stored for two years.

Linden leaves and linden buds are also collected for drying. Only damaged linden inflorescences do not belong to the collection.

Linden buds:

Linden buds are collected in the spring in dry weather. Otherwise they will lose their medicinal properties.

Linden buds are dried outdoors.

Fragrant linden flowers, or as they are popularly called “linden blossom,” are famous for their extraordinary properties. The now deceased elder Archimandrite Adrian Kirsanov also used to talk about the linden tree when a layman approached him with a question about his mother, who was dying from stage 4 cancer with metastases to the spine:

Do not worry. Your mother will be alive. She will be healed.

I didn't understand. He asked me to repeat it.

Give her a decoction of linden,” he said, “and give her unction and communion more often.”

Immediately, upon leaving the elder’s, I called home and confusedly explained that they should go to the pharmacy for linden.

Are you crazy? - I hear on the phone.

And my mother was actually losing consciousness from pain.

Do what they say!

We began to pour the decoction into her mouth drop by drop, and most importantly, we administered unction and communion. And she recovered very quickly.

We collect linden trees ourselves

In scientific medicine, flowers of two types of linden are used - small-leaved and broad-leaved. These two plants are very similar, but have distinctive botanical characteristics. In the same time chemical composition they are similar.

Linden blooms in July, and the broad-leaved one blooms 2 weeks earlier than the small-leaved one. Linden flowers are collected only when it is dry outside and at the moment of full bloom. But you need to be careful, because... hardworking bees also love linden trees. To avoid stings, make sure there are no bees on the part of the plant before cutting it.

If you miss the time when some of the flowers have already faded, then such flowers will quickly turn brown and will crumble heavily after drying. Fragrant inflorescences are not cut separately, but together with the bracts.

Dry the linden in a thin layer in the shade. After drying, linden flowers become very light, i.e. the volume decreases by about 6 times. Therefore, if you decide to prepare 1 bag of linden for the winter, then you need to collect 6 such bags.

Useful properties of linden blossom

The beneficial properties of linden blossom are determined by a whole complex of substances included in its composition. Here and essential oil, and a set of polysaccharides, bioflavonoids and saponins, as well as antioxidant vitamins - carotenoids and vitamin C.

Linden tea has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which are provided by flavonoids from linden flowers. When taking linden infusion, earlier delimitation occurs inflammatory process from the tissues surrounding it. Perhaps it is this action that explains such widespread popularity of linden in oncological diseases, because one of the theories of the emergence cancerous tumor is inflammatory. In addition, presumably for growth cancer cells influences antioxidant activity linden trees

Flavonoids also stimulate regeneration processes. The anti-inflammatory effect of linden tea is used for rheumatism and other joint diseases, and they are used as lotions. Externally used for ulcers, burns, hemorrhoids, neuritis and neuralgia.

Linden tea has antiseptic properties, and is also famous for its rapid antipyretic and diaphoretic effects. These properties are successfully used for infections - influenza, ARVI, bronchitis, cystitis, infectious and inflammatory diseases in children. For stomatitis and gingivitis, rinse the mouth with linden infusion.

Linden tea has a calming, antispasmodic effect and lowers blood pressure. This does not mean that linden flowers can control blood pressure in hypertension, but in addition to the main therapy, this remedy can be an excellent prevention hypertensive crises, especially those related to stress.

Linden tea removes excess salts from the body through sweat and increases urination. In addition, an infusion of linden flowers will increase the formation of bile and gastric juice.

The rejuvenating properties of linden are known, which is most likely provided by antioxidants. In high concentration, linden infusion tones and tightens the skin of the face.

Linden flowers are brewed instead of tea and drunk hot at hypertension, vascular diseases, during menopause. You can add lemon, honey, ginger, mint and other favorite ingredients to the fragrant infusion.

Linden blossom is included in sweatshops, teas and even shampoos.

Linden blossom is contraindicated for persons prone to severe allergic reactions. In this regard, in children's practice, you first need to do a tolerance test before giving linden tea.

You cannot drink linden tea without measure, no matter how tasty it may be for you. You need to understand that the drink contains, although natural, chemical active substances, which in case of overdose can have Negative influence on the body.

In conclusion, let’s talk about the most pleasant “antidepressant” use of linden tea. Brew 2 tablespoons of dried linden flowers in a teapot on a rainy autumn evening. This sunny drink will give a bright aroma of juicy July, dilate blood vessels cramped by daytime stress, and soothe nervous system and will give you a great mood.
