Types of inhibition, symptoms and treatment. How to cure mental retardation Retardation of thought processes is characteristic of

Endogenous depression - mental disorder, the classic manifestations of which are decreased mood, motor inhibition and slow thinking.

This mental disorder is very difficult for patients to tolerate. The symptoms of the disease are so pronounced that they radically disrupt a person’s usual way of life.

Endogenous depression can be either an independent disease or one of the phases within.

Causes of affective disorder

Given emotional disorder belong to the so-called diseases of predisposition. The genetic factor plays a significant role in its occurrence.

Reduced adaptive capabilities of a person and dysregulation of certain substances in the body, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, are hereditary. At endogenous depression there is a lack of these substances in the body.

The cause of endogenous depression is not only the pathology of certain genes. Even with the presence of such genes, a person living in favorable psycho-emotional conditions may not suffer from depression. The trigger for the development of the disease can be external influence- psychotraumatic situation, diseases of internal organs, taking certain medications, neurological pathologies.

But in the future depressive disorder, whose development was launched external factor, may worsen on its own. This is observed, for example, during autumn depressions that arise as a result of the change of seasons and are accompanied by hormonal changes in organism.


The main symptoms of depression, as mentioned above, are low mood, slowed thinking and motor retardation. These symptoms are called Kraepelin's triad.

Depressed mood

Decreased mood (hypotymia) is the most characteristic symptom of this affective disorder.

A symptom close to hypothymia is an unbearable feeling of melancholy and mental pain, which for patients is equivalent to physical suffering. Sometimes people suffering from depression even show that sadness “sits” behind their sternum or in the head and neck area. At the same time, patients clearly distinguish the feeling of melancholy from the symptoms of diseases of internal organs, for example, the heart. Melancholy can also leave its mark on the perception of the world around us - everything around seems gray and unreal.

Endogenous depression is very often accompanied by daily fluctuations in the condition, with the peak of deterioration in the condition occurring in the morning.

When describing the symptoms of endogenous depression, one cannot help but dwell on the decrease or complete loss of the ability to experience pleasure. Sometimes it is so pronounced that patients are bothered by a painful feeling of the absence of any desires or feelings.

Slowing down your thinking

Slowing down thinking is not a whim of the patient. The biochemical changes occurring in the body are reflected in such a way that a person begins to think and speak very slowly. Such patients are under no circumstances able to think or speak faster (be it a fire or something else).

In addition, patients are confident in their own worthlessness and guilt. May appear crazy ideas self-accusation (it seems to a person that if something doesn’t work out for his loved ones, then it’s all because of him), sinfulness (the patient considers himself a huge sinner), hypochondriacal (a patient with depression thinks that he is suffering fatal disease, for example, cancer).

Peculiar visions and ideas may arise in which a person commits some terrible actions, for example, accidentally stabbing a child or husband.

Motor retardation

With endogenous depression, patients perform all actions extremely slowly. Sometimes, against the background of motor retardation, agitation may occur, during which a person can injure himself or commit suicide.

Suicidal thoughts and even actions are a consequence of delusional ideas of guilt. In this way, a person wants to protect his loved ones from himself and save them from hassle. To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary not only to provide timely treatment, but also.

Sleep disturbances may also occur - difficulty falling asleep, light sleep, early awakening, lack of feeling of recovery after sleep.

The signs of the endogenous process are more pronounced and long-lasting than those of the endogenous process; they do not go away on their own and require drug treatment. If the patient does not receive the necessary help, the disease may develop into chronic form, or the person may attempt suicide.

This disease is characterized by periodic relapses (exacerbations), which can occur independently, without any apparent external cause.


The basis of treatment for endogenous depression is the use of medications. Endogenous depression is precisely the disorder for which special medications cannot be avoided, because the disorder is based on changes at the biochemical level.

Antidepressants are most often used. Choice medicine based on the severity of existing symptoms. Best effect, as well as minimal side effects modern antidepressants such as sertraline, fluvoxamine, cipramil, fluoxetine have.

While taking antidepressants, symptoms reverse. It must be taken into account that after 1-3 weeks from the start of treatment, motor retardation decreases, at the same time, decreased mood, delusional ideas of one’s own guilt and even suicidal thoughts may still persist. Therefore, this period is considered the most dangerous in terms of suicide attempts. It is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's behavior during this period. You may even need hospitalization.

Antidepressants must be used long-term (for months, and sometimes several years). Sudden cessation of medication may result in a return of symptoms.

Psychotherapy is used only as an adjunct to drug treatment. Psychotherapy sessions help resolve existing problems and conflicts, but without antidepressants it is impossible to eliminate the metabolic disorder that occurs with endogenous depression.

Prevention and prognosis

With endogenous depression, the most important thing is to prevent the emergence of new depressive episodes. To do this, you need to take small doses of antidepressants and mood stabilizers, after consulting with a psychiatrist.

People suffering from this mental disorder need to avoid excessive stress on the psyche, work at night, do not abuse alcohol, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The prognosis for endogenous depression is not very favorable compared to reactive depression. The cause of the disease lies inside the human body, so influencing the course of the disease is not so easy. However, the use of prophylactic doses of drugs can prevent the development of relapses of the disease, reduce their number, and reduce the severity of symptoms.

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    20.12.2015 | 05:23

    1. lin

      24.12.2015 | 01:06

      1. Anna Zaikina

        08.01.2016 | 20:08

    2. Anna Zaikina

      06.01.2016 | 19:53


      22.03.2016 | 14:28


      18.01.2018 | 00:31


    06.06.2016 | 16:32

    1. Anna Zaikina

Slow speech in adults may appear abruptly or develop gradually. The reasons for this condition are different: functional impairment nervous system, brain injuries that appeared after a stroke or thrombosis, or malignant neoplasms. In order to find out what to do and why your speech has slowed down, you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can recommend further examination and treatment for a patient with such a complaint.

Speech difficulties associated with slow speech

Speech difficulties come in many forms, including stuttering, dysarthria, voice problems and articulation difficulties. Accidents can damage the brain centers or vocal muscles. Sometimes these pathologies correct themselves naturally, but often have long-lasting consequences. Some diseases can cause difficulty speaking due to degeneration of muscle and nerve cells.

Some adults have had speech problems since childhood, and speech difficulties become a problem as the person grows older. Patients describe this as a “speech impediment,” “speech problem,” or “pronunciation problem.” Sometimes it can be difficult to change some speech difficulties that have been present since childhood, they are so built-in. The problem of slow speech often occurs due to problems and diseases of older people.

Brain injury that causes slow speech can be caused by a brain tumor, stroke, cerebral palsy, long-term use of certain medications, or degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

Why does slow speech occur in adults?

Speech impairment is a focal symptom. Speech impairment can occur both as aphasia and more mild form- slow speech. Most often, a person has lesions in the cortex of the dominant hemisphere (in left-handed people - right). A person loses the ability to partially or completely use speech to express his own thoughts and feelings. Another reason for the disorder expressive speech while maintaining her understanding (dysarthria). This is a lesion of the cerebellum, basal ganglia. Due to disruption of these anatomical structures, flaccid or spastic paralysis of the speech apparatus may occur: tongue, pharynx, larynx, soft palate, levator muscles lower jaw, respiratory muscles. The articulation of consonants especially suffers, speech is slow and sometimes intermittent. At the same time, the voice is often weak and muffled.

Diseases that cause slow speech

The causes of speech impairment in adults are varied in their etiology and pathogenesis, with symptoms of a large number of diseases. Slow speech may develop gradually, but it can suddenly impair speech quality and make people feel uncomfortable.

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Dementia.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Suffered a stroke.
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA).
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Diseases affecting neuromuscular structures, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis.
  • Head and neck surgery for cancer.
  • Neurological disorders of the brain, such as Parkinson's disease in old people or Huntington's disease.
  • Poorly adapted prostheses.
  • Side effects medications that act on the central nervous system, such as narcotic analgesics and anticonvulsants.

The brain is an extremely complex machine and consists of many different working areas. When one or more components stop working effectively, language and speech can often be affected. The severity of speech slowdown depends on the location of the process and the severity of the damage. Producing speech sounds can be very difficult, causing speech to slow down.

Doctor's advice. For any changes in speech, you need to contact a specialist to eliminate the cause, which may further threaten a person’s life

Stroke is the most common cause of slow speech

Hemorrhagic and ischemic changes in blood vessels occurs quickly, so symptoms often appear suddenly and without warning.

The main symptoms of a stroke are:

  • Speech disorders. If the lower parts of the left frontal lobe and the lower parts of the parietal lobe are damaged, motor aphasia may occur in right-handed people. The patient is deprived of the ability to speak due to a violation of speech motor commands. These older people are quiet. They are reluctant to engage in conversation and answer in monosyllables.
  • Headache - possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting.
  • Numbness or inability to move parts of the face, arms, or legs—especially on one side of the body.
  • Problems with walking - including dizziness and lack of coordination.
  • The effects of a stroke are accompanied by permanent changes such as bladder or bowel problems, pain in the arms and legs, paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the body.

Parkinson's disease is accompanied by speech disorders

In Parkinson's disease, often in addition to motor disorders there are pathological changes in the processes of phonation and articulation. The extent of speech changes depends on the clinical prevalence of rigidity, hypokinesia or tremors, and also depends on the ratio and severity of the latter. Pathological changes in speech are often manifested by slower speech, decreased sonority of the voice, and aphonia (disappearance of the voice) may occur. A silent whisper (virtually inaudible) makes a person’s speech unintelligible, which is aggravated by monotony and the disappearance of intonations that are characteristic spoken language. In patients with hypokinesia, spontaneous speech activity decreases, their answers are laconic, and their speech is slow. With severe akinesia, speech becomes quiet, slurred, unexpressed and slow, so it becomes impossible to understand the patient. Only under the influence of great willpower can a person pronounce a word more loudly and clearly. Pathological changes involve the articulatory muscles, which leads to dysarthria, which becomes the main cause of slow speech.

There are many ways that you can use Everyday life to make the speech clearer and easier to understand.

Important! If there are concerns about speech and voice, it is better to consult a qualified doctor or speech therapist to assess the degree and further correction

Inhibition of thinking is scientifically called “ bradypsychia" Not apathy or inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions that have different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that appears more often in old age. In any case, most people associate slow thinking with leisurely and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. Indeed, under each manifestation of ill health there are certain reasons hidden.


The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus cannot be properly deciphered. Therefore in everyday practice We can only name conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but cannot answer the question of why it appears.

Vascular pathologies. Acute and more often chronic disorders cerebral circulation, arising as a result of the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of destruction of the brain substance. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.

Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom for the people around the patient (the patients themselves are late stages the development of this type of pathology does not notice any changes) there are many others, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, annoying, speech is slow, often confused.

Epilepsy. In the later stages of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy occurs, as do many other signs of a change in thinking.

Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, with schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology.

Depressive states and depression. Mental illness, characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised as somatic problems - even toothache or coronary disease hearts. Among them there is also lethargy of thoughts.

Hypothyroidism. Lack of work thyroid glands. With this disease, the described symptom is extremely characteristic and is one of the first to appear.

Toxic bradypsychia. This group of diseases in international classification Of course, there are no diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the reasons for the appearance of the symptom - intoxication of the body, be it alcohol, metal salts, drugs or microbial toxins.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of types of treatment should also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like.


General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells that are not used during life happily die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the mental reserve decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load your brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to it. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crossword puzzles, scanword puzzles, and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information only occupies cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in working condition. It’s difficult to say what this is connected with.

Vascular therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels to a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial restoration is possible, which is what doctors use by prescribing appropriate medications.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. More specific treatment, which helps nerve cells recover.

Before visiting a doctor, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which the specialist takes into account when choosing one or another drug. In case of bradypsychia, it is imperative to consult a doctor - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a mental state.

Translated from Greek, the word “apathy” means “insensitivity.” If a person shows signs of apathy, then among other people he can be easily recognized by his indifferent attitude towards what is constantly happening around him. He does not show emotions, does not express any life aspirations. Those things or problems that until recently were of decisive importance for him, in a state of apathy, no longer interest him. The state of apathy is also manifested in the patient by a sharp limitation of communication. His professional activity may slow down because permanent state despondency affects the ability to work fruitfully. Most often, the patient spends time motionless. At the same time, he is not interested in the question of how to get out of the state of apathy.

In everyday life, apathy develops in most people at a certain period of life. But not everyone considers apathy a disease or a symptom of some kind of illness.

A person's emotions are the main driving force of his life activity. Emotions determine both pleasant and not so good feelings, while filling a person’s life with more pronounced meaning. However, the human psyche can periodically become exhausted, resulting in a certain dullness of emotions. The opposite development of events is also possible - if there are no positive emotions in a person’s life for a long time, then the result may be a noticeable loss of strength. Apathy often manifests itself at a time when a person needs to replenish an energy deficit.

Of course, a person may periodically experience complete apathy. Moreover, such a state can even be useful in some way, as it allows you to reassess values, carry out a certain psychological work above oneself. Sometimes a person’s state of apathy occurs during a period after which a certain important event in life follows, and in such a situation, apathy even allows one to accumulate a little internal strength.

But if temporary apathy is a completely normal stage in life, then apathy, which a person perceives as depression, can lead to worsening mental health in the future.

If a person is constantly in a depressed state, and the reasons for this state are completely incomprehensible to the people around him, then we can talk about apathy as an alarming symptom.

This term appeared in psychiatry, having entered medicine from philosophical science. Psychiatry defines apathy as complete indifference to what is happening around, an indifferent attitude towards other people, and even signs of disgust towards everyday life.

Symptoms of apathy in humans are manifested by a number of characteristic signs that clearly indicate this disorder. But it is worth noting that very often apathy and drowsiness indicate the development of a serious disease in the human body. Therefore, if there are a number of signs of apathy in loved one we need to encourage him to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Only after making a diagnosis will the doctor be able to clearly say how to deal with apathy and prescribe adequate therapy. A person who has developed apathy often experiences weakness and drowsiness. From the outside it may seem that he is simply too lazy to do anything, that he is simply overcome by extreme fatigue. By the way, chronic fatigue often leads to manifestations of apathy, and sometimes depression can be a consequence of this condition.

Vivid symptoms of apathy are lethargy, indifference to everything and everyone, isolation and the desire to constantly be alone. Such a person usually speaks inexpressively; he can be openly sad for no reason. The patient, prone to apathy, does not show initiative. All these symptoms are worth knowing in order to promptly notice the development of apathy both in yourself and in the people around you.

Why does apathy appear?

IN modern world apathy develops in people very often, and it can be observed in successful and even happy people who have taken place in life. Sometimes from the outside it seems that the reasons for apathy are completely incomprehensible. Even the patient himself very rarely can understand what lies behind his illness and what provoked it. In addition, it should be taken into account that the patient, imbued with indifference to everything that happens around him, is still equally indifferent to own illness, which leads to its aggravation.

However, apathy in a person can develop both as a result of internal and external reasons. So, sometimes those events that at first glance seem completely insignificant can leave a serious mark on the soul, which leads to changes in the psyche.

Psychologists identify several reasons that very often lead to the development of apathy. This condition sometimes develops in people whose profession is associated with strong emotional stress. A decline in energy may also be associated with a serious illness, lack of sunlight, vitamin deficiency. Any manifestations of prolonged stress, both physical and moral, can also ultimately cause apathy in a person. Also, as the reasons due to which this condition develops, experts identify both negative stress and a very bright positive event, after which a person experiences emotional emptiness.

Apathy is quite common among women during pregnancy. If the expectant mother does not show interest in novelty, is constantly bored and even has very little interest in changes in her own condition, then these may be signs of apathy. The cause of this condition is serious hormonal changes during pregnancy. Doctors advise not to allow the condition to worsen: walk a lot, do exercises fresh air, and the state of apathy will be a thing of the past.

But apathy and a lethargic state are not always exclusively psychological phenomenon. Sometimes these signs indicate the development of serious illnesses. Apathy can be a sign of serious depression, schizophrenia, organic brain damage in the head and other diseases. Apathy is also sometimes a sign of endocrine dysfunction, a number of chronic illnesses, alcoholism, drug addiction, and premenstrual syndrome.

A visit to a psychotherapist or other specialists is necessary if the causes of inhibition are difficult to determine, and the apathy lasts more than one month. The mental component should also be of concern - the presence of disruptions in thinking, memory lapses, and a very weak reaction to external stimuli. Speech inhibition and inhibition of thinking should also be considered alarming symptoms. In addition, the state of inhibition is manifested by motor retardation. Sometimes with apathy, it is the retardation of movements that is one of the most alarming symptoms. If such signs are present, immediate diagnosis is required and correct treatment diseases.

How to deal with apathy?

Treatment of apathy must be practiced after a doctor has confirmed that a person has this symptom. However, the most effective fight against apathy will be if the person himself realizes that the depressed state needs to be dealt with somehow. That is, before determining how to treat apathy, the patient himself must agree that he has such a problem and clearly understand it. If apathy is a consequence psychological reasons, then experts advise paying close attention to self-analysis. Analyzing everything that happens and thinking about his condition in detail, the patient himself must try to determine the reason that prevents him from living a full life. Psychologists say that this process can be very difficult, but its result is often relief from signs of apathy.

In addition, in the process of treating apathy, doctors advise be sure to adhere to a nutritious healthy diet, practice physical exercise, travel. Sometimes it’s worth trying to change your job or social circle. Taking vitamin complexes and massage sessions are also recommended.

But still, even when practicing treatment for apathy prescribed by a doctor, it should be taken into account that the way out of this state directly depends on the correct behavior of the patient himself. You cannot be too demanding of yourself and demonstrate strong-willed behavior, as this can ultimately lead to complications - a depressive state and a state of passion.

Experts advise to perceive the state of apathy as a kind of respite from life and spend this period calmly. It’s worth going on vacation and limiting all contacts. Absolutely no need to accept medications without the doctor's permission. Alcohol is also not a help in this case. But doctors advise drinking green tea and eating dark chocolate, since these products contain substances that increase the tone of the body.

However, if there is the slightest suspicion that the state of apathy was the result of a serious illness, then self-medication is out of the question. In this case, it is important to conduct a comprehensive examination by specialists in various fields and subsequently prescribe adequate therapy.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnytsia State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with diplomas and distinctions for many years and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

Yes, everything is correct. I was betrayed by a friend in whom I really believed. She did a terrible thing, but she told the entire team at work where we work that I did it and constantly every day she said bad things about me to the employees. When I tried to explain, no one believed me. I withdrew into myself and apathy happened to me. I worked in tears. without talking to anyone in front of anyone, and then all sorts of illnesses began out of nowhere. And now I don’t know what to do. Vitamins and pills don’t help.

Tatyana: Vladimir, I’ll share my experience. I took tamoxifen for 2 years and 3 months. instead of 5 years. Now.

Inna: Unfortunately, Isoprinosine could not defeat the cytomegalovirus in my body.

Galina Aleksandrovna: I can’t decide on this drug - they say diabetes mellitus is a contraindication.

Alla: Cetrin 1 tablet per day and Comfoderm cream. I gave injections to my mother, she also had pain all over her body.

All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

Retardation of thinking, movements and the mental sphere: causes, symptoms

From time to time, every person may notice that the brain is not functioning fully. Such a disorder is expressed in difficulty performing movements (bradykinesia) and in remembering information, inhibition of reactions and thinking disorders (bradypsychia).

It should be said that in most situations these disruptions are temporary and can be explained by natural factors: fatigue or nervous exhaustion. However, there are cases when the awkwardness of movements, inhibition of thinking and the mental sphere is a pathological process, the causes of which must be promptly identified and appropriate therapy selected.

Features of bradypsychia

Pathological inhibition of thinking is called bradypsychia. This phenomenon has no parallels with apathy or inertia of thinking, but suggests mental and pathophysiological disorders.

Bradypsychia is considered as a kind of neurological symptomatology, which in most cases develops in people in old age. But sometimes people at a young age, as well as children, experience inhibition in their thinking processes.

Poverty and scarcity mental processes is a symptom of many psychological or physiological pathological processes, manifested as a decrease in reaction speed, slow speech, slow thinking and motor activity. In difficult situations, the individual is not able to react to what is happening and remains for a long time in an apathetic state or stupor. The following types of inhibition are distinguished:

Thought processing can be impaired at any age

Retardation also occurs in speech and thought, which has psychological factors. Weak and involuntary movements can cause motor retardation. Memory problems and failures appear. In many cases, such conditions are provoked neurological disease, constant fatigue, or psychological pathological processes.

Slowness of movements and emotional inhibition is a pathological process, the causes of which only specialists can detect. They also recommend proper therapy.

Associated disorders

Bradypsychia is the result of damage to the central nervous system, responsible for brain activity. Depending on the element, the lesions develop different types disorders. These include:

  • bradybasia - slow walking;

Bradykinesia is characteristic of parkinsonism

When bradypsychia is a consequence of Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to focus on the symptoms of the underlying pathological process. These include feelings of fatigue, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc.

Provoking factors and diseases

The pathophysiology is very complex and not fully understood. It is only known that thinking, behavior, emotional component and other functions of the human brain are associated with the activity of the limbic system. In everyday practice, only conditions are identified - diseases, during which bradypsychia and accompanying deviations are observed:

  1. Vascular diseases of the brain. Acute, often chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain, which arise due to progressive atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and vascular thrombosis, are a factor in the destruction of substances in the brain. The structures that are responsible for quick thinking are also susceptible to disruption.
  2. Parkinson's disease. A common reason characteristic manifestation which is slow thinking. In addition to such depressing symptoms (patients at a late stage of development of this pathological process do not tend to notice any changes), there are a large number of other unpleasant manifestations. For example, thoughts will become not only slow, but also viscous; the patient will be characterized by importunity and slow, confused speech.
  3. Epilepsy. At a late stage in the development of the disease, when experts observe the destruction of personality as a result of a progressive disease, inhibition may be noted, as well as other symptoms of altered thinking.
  4. Schizophrenia. As during epilepsy, bradypsychia is not considered in schizophrenia initial symptom pathological processes, but develops gradually over time.
  5. Depression. Mental illness, which is characterized by a large number of symptoms, often disguised as somatic complications - including toothache or ischemia. These also include sluggish thinking.
  6. Hypothyroidism. Improper functioning thyroid gland. With this disease, the symptoms are extremely pronounced and are one of the first to occur.
  7. Toxic lesions. Such a subgroup of diseases does not exist in the international classification. However, the term best describes the causes of painful symptoms - intoxication of the body.

The short-term effect of lethargy appears after lack of sleep, due to exhaustion of the body, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol that inhibit thinking and movement. The reasons can be divided into those that block brain activity and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

Naturally, with such an abundance of provoking diseases, treatment can also be different.

What does it look like?

The image of the “inhibited” patient falls under typical characteristic melancholic: weakness, slowness, prolixity of speech, every word is pronounced with effort.

There may be a feeling that the thought process takes a large amount of strength and energy from a person who does not have time to react to information or is completely plunged into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the speed of speech and thought processes, muffled words are observed - a very quiet and calm voice, sometimes breaking the silence. Weakness is visible in movement and facial expressions; posture is often too relaxed.

A person has a desire to constantly find support or lie down.

Not all symptoms are always observed. Just one thing is enough to recommend a person to seek medical help from specialists.

Diagnostic criteria and methods

People with speech rate disorders, including bradyllalia, need comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics carried out by a specialized specialist. During the examination, the patient’s medical history should be studied in detail, which concerns previous illnesses and brain lesions, as well as the presence of disturbances in the rate of speech in relatives.

In certain situations, in order to find out the organic basis of the disease, it is necessary to carry out instrumental studies, among which:

The study of oral speech involves assessing the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of motor skills, expressive speech (pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, tempo-rhythmic side, voice characteristics, etc.). Diagnostics writing involves performing tasks such as copying text, writing from dictation, and reading. Besides diagnostic examination speech functions, study general condition, manual motor skills, sensory functions, intelligence.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate this disease from dysarthria and stuttering.

What does modern medicine offer?

To carry out proper treatment of the disease, you must first consult with a specialist. He will recommend effective treatment, and will also warn about the presence of contraindications to the use of certain therapy methods or any medication.

The following methods of therapeutic and preventive action are used more often than others:

  1. Activation of thinking processes. For these purposes, you need to read new books, study foreign languages, do creative process or solve various puzzles. This technique helps train the brain and activate thinking.
  2. Neuroprotectors and nootropics are prescribed. Drug therapy that is aimed at restoring and strengthening nerve cells and tissues.
  3. Treatment of vascular pathologies. Products are used that make it possible to cleanse the vascular walls, which is necessary for proper brain function. As a result, mental and physical activity is activated.
  4. Psychotherapy. It acts as an auxiliary drug therapy. Modern healing techniques contribute to counteracting the effects of stress, adjusting personality assessment, and forming the necessary models of response to specific situations.
  5. Sports activities and walks in the fresh air. Moderate physical stress and walks give the brain the opportunity to rest and the nerve cells to recover thanks to the influx of oxygen.

If emotional and mental retardation is caused by tranquilizers, then discontinuation of any drugs is required. In most cases, reactions recover over time.

Summing up

The prognosis is relatively favorable with an early start of correction and the presence of psychological causes of disorders of motor activity and speech motor skills. However, after regaining your skills, you should be observed by doctors for a long time and constantly independently monitor your movements and train of thoughts.

As preventive measures Damage to the central nervous system should be prevented, head injuries should be avoided, and asthenic syndrome should be detected in time.

Pathological inhibition of thinking involves various mental and pathophysiological disorders. This phenomenon should be qualified as a symptom that in most situations occurs in older people. But in certain cases, such a problem can manifest itself in childhood and among young people.

If you notice that your thinking processes are slow, you should immediately seek advice from a doctor. It is likely that this condition is the result of dangerous disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system and requires special correction.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.


Retardation is a decrease in an individual’s reaction speed, a slower flow of thought processes, and the appearance of protracted speech with long pauses.

In extreme cases, a person may completely stop reacting to others and remain long time in a daze. Inhibition may not be complex, but relate only to thinking or speech. In the first case it is called ideational, and in the second – motor.

Diseases accompanied by lethargy

Retardation is observed when:

Inflammation of the brain (meningitis);

Mental disorders (schizophrenia);

Borderline states (depression, neurosis);

Presence of a brain tumor;

Hypoglycemia (decrease in blood glucose levels);

Fatigue, exhaustion of the body;

Intoxicated with drugs or alcohol.

Causes of lethargy

As you can see, the reasons that cause this condition are usually associated with brain damage and pathology that interfere with its functioning.

The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs due to lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or due to the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit mental and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into those that block activities and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

According to some versions of psychiatrists, inhibition is nothing more than a peculiar reaction to stress, in many ways similar to an anxious state, but acting in the opposite way. Proof of this is the disappearance of symptoms when patients use antidepressants and minor tranquilizers, which are supposedly aimed at reducing anxiety.

Symptoms of lethargy

The image of the patient fits into classic description melancholic: lethargy, slowness, drawn out speech, every word seems to be squeezed out with effort. It feels like thinking takes a lot of strength and energy from this person. He may not have time to react to what is said or may completely plunge into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what is said - an extremely quiet and calm voice that occasionally breaks the silence. Lethargy is noticeable in movements and facial expressions, and posture is most often too relaxed.

An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed. Just one is enough to claim that a person needs medical attention.

Treatment of lethargy

First they try to determine the real reason this condition, and then treatment is prescribed. When lethargy is often attributed nootropic drugs(for example, Piracetam), which improves metabolic processes in the brain. In case of hypoglycemia, they try to restore the glucose level and maintain it with special substances.

In case of meningitis, they try to destroy the causative agent of the disease and eliminate the inflammatory process, although even after this they will have to undergo a restorative course of therapy. If the cause of inhibition is cancer, then all efforts are devoted to overcoming it.

The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only. To make a correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment tactics, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Loss of strength and lethargy are quite specific symptoms.

The most common complaints that patients present with feeling of loss of strength or feelings of lethargy:

Call us and we will not only correctly carry out a complete diagnosis, but will also be able to quickly help you!

Example of complaints from patients who make complaints for loss of strength and sensations feelings of lethargy.

Such mental disorders must first be very carefully studied and correctly assessed by a psychotherapist, who should become a leading specialist in treatment of loss of energy and feelings of lethargy .

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Slow thinking

Suppression of thinking is scientifically called “bradypsychia”. Not apathy or inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions that have different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that appears more often in old age. In any case, most people associate slow thinking with leisurely and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. Indeed, under each manifestation of ill health there are certain reasons hidden.


Causes of slow thinking

The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus cannot be properly deciphered. Therefore, in everyday practice, we can only name conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but cannot answer the question of why it appears.

Vascular pathologies. Acute, and more often chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of destruction of the brain substance. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.

Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom for people around the patient (patients themselves in the later stages of development of this type of pathology do not notice any changes in themselves), there are many others that are no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, annoying, speech is slow, often confused.

Epilepsy. In the later stages of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy occurs, as do many other signs of a change in thinking.

Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, with schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology.

Depressive states and depression. A mental illness characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised as somatic problems - even toothache or coronary heart disease. Among them there is also lethargy of thoughts.

Hypothyroidism. Insufficiency of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the described symptom is extremely characteristic and is one of the first to appear.

Toxic bradypsychia. Of course, there is no such group of diseases in the international classification of diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the reasons for the appearance of the symptom - intoxication of the body, be it alcohol, metal salts, drugs or microbial toxins.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of types of treatment should also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like.


Treatment of slow thinking

General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells that are not used during life happily die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the mental reserve decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load your brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to it. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crossword puzzles, scanword puzzles, and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information only occupies cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in working condition. It’s difficult to say what this is connected with.

Vascular therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels to a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial restoration is possible, which is what doctors use by prescribing appropriate medications.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps nerve cells recover.

Before visiting a doctor, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which the specialist takes into account when choosing one or another drug. In case of bradypsychia, it is imperative to consult a doctor - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a mental state.

There are several types of inhibition:

  • comprehensive;

Retardation can be verbal and mental, that is, it has psychological causes. Sluggish and untimely motor reactions are caused by motor retardation. Problems with memorization and memory lapses may occur. In most cases, such conditions are caused either by illness, chronic fatigue, or psychological pathologies.

Motor and emotional inhibition is a pathology, the causes of which only doctors can identify. They also prescribe adequate treatment.

Causes and symptoms of slow thinking

A person’s behavior, thinking, and psychological state can be disrupted due to pathologies of the nervous system and brain. Ideation inhibition is also caused by:

  • Parkinson's disease. In case of complex brain pathology, it is also revealed additional symptom– slowness of thinking. The patient himself does not notice any changes. As the disease progresses, his mental activity not only slows down. The patient becomes intrusive, meticulous, and clingy. His speech becomes confused and incoherent.

All of these diseases, the symptom of which is inhibition of thinking, must be diagnosed and treated. Temporary inhibition of movements and thinking appears after severe stress, fatigue, and prolonged lack of sleep.

Suppression of motor and mental processes typically manifests itself after drinking alcohol, even once. The same symptoms are sometimes caused by psychotropic drugs, as well as strong sedatives. When they are cancelled, the inhibition goes away.

Causes and symptoms of motor retardation

Motor, as well as mental retardation, manifests itself as a result of psychological disorders, as well as various diseases. Lethargy is sometimes or always felt in the patient's facial expressions and movements. The posture is usually relaxed; there is often a desire to sit down, lie down in bed, or lean on something.

Lethargy in a child

This symptom is also typical for children. It can be chronic in some neurovegetative disorders, for example, cerebral palsy, or appear spontaneously at high temperatures, after severe stress or impression. Lethargy in children often results from:

  • vascular pathologies of the brain;

Diagnosis of lethargy

In case of violations psychological nature, as well as physiological pathologies caused by inhibition of mental, motor or speech reactions, a thorough diagnosis is required, that is, a medical and psychological examination.

Diagnosis of written and oral speech is also carried out. Perhaps the person suffers from stuttering, defects in sound pronunciation, which lead to speech inhibition. The patient’s intellectual development, the state of sensory functions, general motor skills, and the condition of joints and muscles are also studied.

Treatment of lethargy

  • Activation of thought processes. To do this, they read new books, master languages, engage in creativity or solve mathematical problems. Such actions train the brain and activate mental activity.

If the lethargy is temporary and caused by high fever, then you should take tablets or syrups that reduce the temperature. Temporary inhibition caused by medications and strong sedatives can be stopped by abandoning such drugs. Usually it passes without a trace, the body’s reactions are completely restored.

Inhibition of emotions and movements (video)

What is inhibition of emotions and movements? How to correctly identify and treat pathology, we will learn the doctor’s recommendations from the video.

Prevention of lethargy

The pathology usually goes away without a trace if treatment is started in the early stages, when the underlying disease is identified. After competent psychological assistance, with correct medicinal support, a person’s reactions improve, both emotional and physical.


Retardation is a decrease in an individual’s reaction speed, a slower flow of thought processes, and the appearance of protracted speech with long pauses.

In extreme cases, a person may completely stop reacting to others and remain in a daze for a long time. Inhibition may not be complex, but relate only to thinking or speech. In the first case it is called ideational, and in the second – motor.

Diseases accompanied by lethargy

Retardation is observed when:

Inflammation of the brain (meningitis);

Mental disorders (schizophrenia);

Borderline states (depression, neurosis);

Presence of a brain tumor;

Hypoglycemia (decrease in blood glucose levels);

Fatigue, exhaustion of the body;

Intoxicated with drugs or alcohol.

Causes of lethargy

As you can see, the reasons that cause this condition are usually associated with brain damage and pathology that interfere with its functioning.

The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs due to lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or due to the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit mental and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into those that block activities and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

According to some versions of psychiatrists, inhibition is nothing more than a peculiar reaction to stress, in many ways similar to an anxious state, but acting in the opposite way. Proof of this is the disappearance of symptoms when patients use antidepressants and minor tranquilizers, which are supposedly aimed at reducing anxiety.

Symptoms of lethargy

In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what is said - an extremely quiet and calm voice that occasionally breaks the silence. Lethargy is noticeable in movements and facial expressions, and posture is most often too relaxed.

An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed. Just one is enough to claim that a person needs medical attention.

Treatment of lethargy

First, they try to determine the true cause of this condition, and then prescribe treatment. For lethargy, nootropic drugs (for example, Piracetam) are often prescribed, which improve metabolic processes in the brain. In case of hypoglycemia, they try to restore the glucose level and maintain it with special substances.

In case of meningitis, they try to destroy the causative agent of the disease and eliminate the inflammatory process, although even after this they will have to undergo a restorative course of therapy. If the cause of inhibition is cancer, then all efforts are devoted to overcoming it.

The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only. To make a correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment tactics, you need to seek help from a doctor.


Inhibition of a person’s mental processes and behavioral reactions can be caused by for various reasons: fatigue, illness, exposure to tranquilizers that slow down organic processes, negative emotional states such as stress, depression, sadness, apathy.

Retardation is a decrease in an individual’s reaction speed, a slower flow of thought processes, and the appearance of protracted speech with long pauses. In extreme cases, a person may completely stop reacting to others and remain in a daze for a long time. Inhibition may not be complex, but relate only to thinking or speech. In the first case it is called ideational, and in the second – motor.

Suppression of thinking is scientifically called “bradypsychia”. Not apathy or inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions that have different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that appears more often in old age. In any case, most people associate slow thinking with leisurely and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. Indeed, under each manifestation of ill health there are certain reasons hidden.

Causes of slow thinking

The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus cannot be properly deciphered. Therefore, in everyday practice, we can only name conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but cannot answer the question of why it appears.

  • Vascular pathologies. Acute, and more often chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of destruction of the brain substance. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.
  • Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom for people around the patient (patients themselves in the later stages of development of this type of pathology do not notice any changes in themselves), there are many others that are no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, annoying, speech is slow, often confused.
  • Epilepsy. In the later stages of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy occurs, as do many other signs of a change in thinking.
  • Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, with schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology.
  • Depressive states and depression. A mental illness characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised as somatic problems - even toothache or coronary heart disease. Among them there is also lethargy of thoughts.
  • Hypothyroidism. Insufficiency of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the described symptom is extremely characteristic and is one of the first to appear.
  • Toxic bradypsychia. Of course, there is no such group of diseases in the international classification of diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the reasons for the appearance of the symptom - intoxication of the body, be it alcohol, metal salts, drugs or microbial toxins.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of types of treatment should also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like. The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs due to lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or due to the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit mental and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into those that block activities and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

Symptoms of lethargy

The image of the patient fits into the classic description of a melancholic person: lethargy, slowness, drawn out speech, every word seems to be squeezed out with effort. It feels like thinking takes a lot of strength and energy from this person. He may not have time to react to what is said or may completely plunge into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what is said - an extremely quiet and calm voice that occasionally breaks the silence. Lethargy is noticeable in movements and facial expressions, and posture is most often too relaxed. An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed. Just one is enough to claim that a person needs medical attention.

Diagnosis of bradyllalia

Persons with speech tempo disorders, including bradyllalia, need a comprehensive medical and psychological-pedagogical examination, which is carried out by a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist, and psychiatrist. When examining a patient with bradyllalia, a detailed history must be taken regarding past diseases and brain damage; presence of speech tempo disorders in close relatives. In some cases, to clarify the organic basis of bradyllalia, instrumental studies are required: EEG, REG, MRI of the brain, PET of the brain, lumbar puncture and etc.

Diagnosis of oral speech in bradyllalia includes assessment of the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of speech motor skills, expressive speech (sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of the word, tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech, voice characteristics, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves completing tasks for copying text and independent writing from dictation, reading syllables, phrases, and texts. Along with a diagnostic examination of speech, for bradyllalia, the state of general, manual and facial motor skills, sensory functions, and intellectual development is studied.

When making a speech therapy report, it is important to differentiate bradylalia from dysarthria and stuttering.

Treatment of slow thinking

General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells that are not used during life happily die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the mental reserve decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load your brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to it. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crossword puzzles, scanword puzzles, and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information only occupies cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in working condition. It’s difficult to say what this is connected with.

Vascular therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels to a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial restoration is possible, which is what doctors use by prescribing appropriate medications.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps nerve cells recover.

Psychotherapy is carried out only as a secondary addition to drug therapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques help to identify and eliminate the true cause of the disorder, form a new model of response to stressful situations, and correct personal assessment.

Before visiting a psychotherapist, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which the specialist takes into account when choosing one or another remedy. In case of bradypsychia, it is imperative to consult a doctor - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a mental state.

Forecast and prevention of bradyllalia

The prognosis for overcoming bradyllalia is most favorable if it starts early correctional work and psychological causes of speech tempo disturbances. But even after developing normal speech skills, long-term observation by specialists and constant self-monitoring of the rate of speech are necessary.

To prevent bradyllia, it is important to prevent perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, head injuries, neuroinfections, and asthenic syndrome. It is necessary to take care of the normal development of the child’s speech, to surround him correct samples for imitation.

Muscle fasciculation








Emotional lability






The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor.

Retardation of thinking, movements and the mental sphere: causes, symptoms

From time to time, every person may notice that the brain is not functioning fully. Such a disorder is expressed in difficulty performing movements (bradykinesia) and in remembering information, inhibition of reactions and thinking disorders (bradypsychia).

It should be said that in most situations these disruptions are temporary and can be explained by natural factors: fatigue or nervous exhaustion. However, there are cases when the awkwardness of movements, inhibition of thinking and the mental sphere is a pathological process, the causes of which must be promptly identified and appropriate therapy selected.

Features of bradypsychia

Pathological inhibition of thinking is called bradypsychia. This phenomenon has no parallels with apathy or inertia of thinking, but suggests mental and pathophysiological disorders.

Bradypsychia is considered as a kind of neurological symptomatology, which in most cases develops in people in old age. But sometimes people at a young age, as well as children, experience inhibition in their thinking processes.

Poverty and insufficiency of mental processes is a symptom of many psychological or physiological pathological processes, manifested as a decrease in reaction speed, slow speech, slow thinking and motor activity. In difficult situations, the individual is not able to react to what is happening and remains for a long time in an apathetic state or stupor. The following types of inhibition are distinguished:

Thought processing can be impaired at any age

Retardation also occurs in speech and thought, which has psychological factors. Weak and involuntary movements can cause motor retardation. Memory problems and failures appear. In many cases, such conditions are provoked by a neurological disease, constant fatigue, or psychological pathological processes.

Slowness of movements and emotional inhibition is a pathological process, the causes of which only specialists can detect. They also recommend proper therapy.

Associated disorders

Bradypsychia is the result of damage to the central nervous system, which is responsible for brain activity. Depending on the element of the lesion, different types of disorders develop. These include:

  • bradybasia - slow walking;

Bradykinesia is characteristic of parkinsonism

When bradypsychia is a consequence of Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to focus on the symptoms of the underlying pathological process. These include feelings of fatigue, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc.

Provoking factors and diseases

The pathophysiology is very complex and not fully understood. It is only known that thinking, behavior, emotional component and other functions of the human brain are associated with the activity of the limbic system. In everyday practice, only conditions are identified - diseases, during which bradypsychia and accompanying deviations are observed:

  1. Vascular diseases of the brain. Acute, often chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain, which arise due to progressive atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and vascular thrombosis, are a factor in the destruction of substances in the brain. The structures that are responsible for quick thinking are also susceptible to disruption.
  2. Parkinson's disease. A common cause, the characteristic manifestation of which is slow thinking. In addition to such depressing symptoms (patients at a late stage of development of this pathological process do not tend to notice any changes), there are a large number of other unpleasant manifestations. For example, thoughts will become not only slow, but also viscous; the patient will be characterized by importunity and slow, confused speech.
  3. Epilepsy. At a late stage in the development of the disease, when experts observe the destruction of personality as a result of a progressive disease, inhibition may be noted, as well as other symptoms of altered thinking.
  4. Schizophrenia. As with epilepsy in schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not considered an initial symptom of pathological processes, but develops gradually over time.
  5. Depression. A mental illness that is characterized by a large number of symptoms, often disguised as somatic difficulties - including toothache or ischemia. These also include sluggish thinking.
  6. Hypothyroidism. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland. With this disease, the symptoms are extremely pronounced and are one of the first to occur.
  7. Toxic lesions. Such a subgroup of diseases does not exist in the international classification. However, the term best describes the causes of painful symptoms - intoxication of the body.

The short-term effect of lethargy appears after lack of sleep, due to exhaustion of the body, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol that inhibit thinking and movement. The reasons can be divided into those that block brain activity and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

Naturally, with such an abundance of provoking diseases, treatment can also be different.

What does it look like?

The image of a “inhibited” patient falls under the typical characteristics of a melancholic person: weakness, slowness, drawn-out speech, every word is pronounced with effort.

There may be a feeling that the thought process takes a large amount of strength and energy from a person who does not have time to react to information or is completely plunged into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the speed of speech and thought processes, muffled words are observed - a very quiet and calm voice, sometimes breaking the silence. Weakness is visible in movement and facial expressions; posture is often too relaxed.

A person has a desire to constantly find support or lie down.

Not all symptoms are always observed. Just one thing is enough to recommend a person to seek medical help from specialists.

Diagnostic criteria and methods

People with speech rate disorders, including bradyllalia, need comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics carried out by a specialized specialist. During the examination, the patient’s medical history should be studied in detail, which concerns previous illnesses and brain lesions, as well as the presence of disturbances in the rate of speech in relatives.

In certain situations, in order to find out the organic basis of the disease, it is necessary to conduct instrumental studies, including:

The study of oral speech involves assessing the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of motor skills, expressive speech (pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, tempo-rhythmic side, voice characteristics, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves performing tasks such as copying text, writing from dictation, and reading. In addition to a diagnostic examination of speech function, a study of general condition, manual motor skills, sensory functions, and intelligence is carried out.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate this disease from dysarthria and stuttering.

What does modern medicine offer?

To carry out proper treatment of the disease, you must first consult with a specialist. He will recommend effective treatment, and will also warn about the presence of contraindications to the use of certain therapy methods or any medication.

The following methods of therapeutic and preventive action are used more often than others:

  1. Activation of thinking processes. For these purposes, you need to read new books, study foreign languages, engage in the creative process, or solve various puzzles. This technique helps train the brain and activate thinking.
  2. Neuroprotectors and nootropics are prescribed. Drug therapy that is aimed at restoring and strengthening nerve cells and tissues.
  3. Treatment of vascular pathologies. Products are used that make it possible to cleanse the vascular walls, which is necessary for proper brain function. As a result, mental and physical activity is activated.
  4. Psychotherapy. It acts as an auxiliary drug therapy. Modern therapeutic techniques help counteract the effects of stress, adjust personality assessment, and form the necessary models of response to specific situations.
  5. Sports activities and walks in the fresh air. Moderate physical stress and walks give the brain the opportunity to rest and the nerve cells to recover thanks to the influx of oxygen.

If emotional and mental retardation is caused by tranquilizers, then discontinuation of any drugs is required. In most cases, reactions recover over time.

Summing up

The prognosis is relatively favorable with an early start of correction and the presence of psychological causes of disorders of motor activity and speech motor skills. However, after regaining your skills, you should be observed by doctors for a long time and constantly independently monitor your movements and train of thoughts.

As preventive measures, damage to the central nervous system should be prevented, head injuries should be avoided, and asthenic syndrome should be detected in time.

Pathological inhibition of thinking involves various mental and pathophysiological disorders. This phenomenon should be qualified as a symptom that in most situations occurs in older people. But in certain cases, a similar problem can manifest itself in childhood and young people.

If you notice that your thinking processes are slow, you should immediately seek advice from a doctor. It is likely that this condition is the result of dangerous disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system and requires special correction.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.


Lethargy is a symptom of certain diseases, usually of the central nervous system and brain, or a consequence of severe psycho-emotional shock. This state of a person is characterized by the fact that he has a decrease in the speed of reaction to actions addressed to him or performed by himself, a deterioration in concentration, more extended, with long pauses in speech. In more complex cases there may be complete absence reactions to surrounding events.

This state of a person should not be confused with apathy or a chronic depressive state, since the latter is more likely psychological factor rather than physiological.

The true causes of lethargy can only be determined by a qualified doctor. It is strongly not recommended to carry out treatment at your own discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this can lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


Retardation of movements and thinking in a person can be observed in the following pathological processes:

In addition, a temporary state of slowness of reaction, movement and speech can be observed in the following cases:

  • under alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • at chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous tension, stress, chronic depression;
  • under circumstances that cause a person to feel fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with severe emotional shock.

Psychomotor retardation in a child may be due to the following etiological factors:

Depending on the underlying factor, this condition in a child can be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if such a symptom appears in children, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the cause of the pathology can be dangerous to the baby’s health.


Distinguish the following types lethargy according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia – inhibition of thinking;
  • mental or ideational inhibition;
  • motor or movement retardation;
  • emotional inhibition.

Establishing the nature of this pathological process lies within the competence of only a qualified physician.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will entirely depend on the underlying factor.

When the brain and central nervous system are affected, the following may be present: clinical picture:

  • drowsiness (hypersomnia), lethargy;
  • headaches, which will intensify as the pathological process worsens. In more complex cases, elimination pain syndrome impossible even with painkillers;
  • memory impairment;
  • decreased quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on performing usual actions. What is noteworthy is that it is the professional skills that are retained;
  • sudden mood swings, traits appear in the patient’s behavior that were not previously characteristic of him, most often attacks of aggression are observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • speech becomes slow, the patient may have difficulty finding words;
  • nausea and vomiting, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.

In a child, the general clinical picture with this kind of pathology may be complemented by moodiness, constant crying or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness and apathy for usual favorite activities.

It should be noted that the above-described symptoms are also observed after a stroke. If you suspect that a person is having a seizure, you should call emergency services. medical care and urgently hospitalize him. It is from the urgency and coherence of the primary medical events After a stroke, it largely depends on whether a person survives or not.

If the cause of a delayed reaction in an adult is a mental disorder, the following symptoms may be present:

  • insomnia or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • sudden change in mood;
  • causeless attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases, actions in this direction;
  • state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • nonsense, illogical judgments;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, sloppy appearance. At the same time, a person can be firmly confident that everything is fine with him;
  • excessive suspicion, the feeling that he is being watched;
  • deterioration or total loss memory;
  • incoherent speech, inability to express one’s point of view or specifically answer simple questions;
  • loss of temporal and spatial orientation;
  • feeling of constant fatigue.

You need to understand that this human condition can progress quickly. Even if the patient’s condition improves temporarily, it cannot be said that the disease has been completely eliminated. In addition, such a person’s condition is extremely dangerous both for him and for the people around him. Therefore, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in an appropriate institution is, in some cases, mandatory.


First of all, a physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since due to his condition he is unlikely to be able to answer the doctor’s questions correctly.

In this case, you may need to consult the following specialists:

Diagnostic measures include:

  • general clinical lab tests(blood and urine examination);
  • study of the level of pituitary hormones;
  • CT and MRI of the brain;
  • EEG and Echo-EG;
  • cerebral angiography;
  • psychiatric tests.

Depending on the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of the patient and further treatment tactics will be decided.


In this case, the treatment program can be based on both conservative and radical treatment methods.

If the cause of such a person’s condition is a tumor of the brain or central nervous system, then an operation is performed to excise it, followed by drug treatment and rehabilitation. The patient will also need rehabilitation after a stroke.

Drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • sedatives;
  • antibiotics if the disease is of an infectious nature;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • drugs that restore glucose levels;
  • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

In addition, after completing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course in a specialized sanatorium.

Subject to the timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their complete implementation, it is practically possible full recovery even after serious illnesses– oncology, stroke, psychiatric illnesses.


Unfortunately, there are no specific prevention methods. You should follow a rest and work schedule, protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, and begin treatment for all diseases in a timely manner.

“Retardation” is observed in diseases:

Alalia is a speech function disorder in which the child cannot speak partially (with a poor vocabulary and problems in constructing phrases) or completely. But the disease is characterized by the fact that mental abilities are not impaired, the child understands and hears everything perfectly. The main causes of the disease are considered to be complicated childbirth, diseases or brain injuries received in early age. The disease can be cured with long-term visits to a speech therapist and by taking medications.

Apathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not show interest in work, any activities, does not want to do anything and, in general, is indifferent to life. This state very often comes into a person’s life unnoticed, since it does not manifest itself. pain symptoms- a person may simply not notice deviations in mood, since the causes of apathy can be absolutely any life process, and most often a combination of them.

Status asthmaticus is a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, the progression of which causes severe respiratory failure. This pathological condition develops as a result of swelling of the bronchial mucosa, as well as spasms of their muscles. In this case, it is not possible to relieve an attack by taking an increased dose of bronchodilators, which, as a rule, are already taken by a patient with asthma. Status asthmaticus is very dangerous condition, which can lead to the death of the patient and therefore requires emergency medical attention.

Affective disorders (syn. mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of the internal experiences and external expression of a person’s mood. Such changes can lead to maladjustment.

Bacterial endocarditis is an inflammatory process in the inner lining of the heart caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms, the main one of which is streptococcus. Often, endocarditis is a secondary manifestation that develops against the background of other diseases, but it is bacterial damage to the membrane that is an independent disorder. It affects people of any age group, which is why endocarditis is often diagnosed in children. A distinctive feature is that men suffer from this disease several times more often than women.

All over the world, many people suffer from a disorder called bipolar disorder. The disease is characterized by frequent mood swings, and a person’s mood changes not from bad to good, but from extremely depressed and sad, to a feeling of euphoria and the ability to perform feats. In a word, mood swings in patients with bipolar disorder are enormous, which is always noticeable to others, especially if such fluctuations are frequent.

Legionnaires' disease, or legionellosis, is a bacterial infection that most often manifests as a severe form of pneumonia. A characteristic expression of the disease is intoxication and dysfunction of the central nervous system and kidneys. Sometimes, during illness, damage to the respiratory and urinary systems occurs.

Acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterial environment and characterized by the duration of fever and general intoxication of the body is called typhoid fever. This disease refers to severe ailments, as a result of which the main environment of damage is the gastrointestinal tract, and when aggravated, the spleen, liver and blood vessels.

Hypernatremia is a disease characterized by an increase in serum sodium levels to 145 mmol/L or higher. In addition, a reduced fluid content in the body is detected. The pathology has a fairly high mortality rate.

Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an increase in the duration of the rest period and the manifestation of drowsiness in daytime. In this case, the duration of sleep is more than ten hours. It rarely occurs as an independent disorder - it is often a complication of certain diseases. After a long sleep, there is no improvement in the general condition, but there is constant drowsiness and problems waking up.

Hypertensive crisis is a syndrome in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure. In this case, symptoms of damage to the main organs develop - the heart, lungs, brain, etc. This condition is very serious and requires assistance emergency care, since, otherwise, serious complications may develop.

Mental disorders, characterized primarily by decreased mood, motor retardation and disruption of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose any particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by a person’s passivity and depression.

Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous condition that develops against the background diabetes mellitus. If it progresses, metabolic processes in the human body are disrupted. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

Cardiogenic shock is a pathological process when a failure occurs contractile function left ventricle, blood supply to tissues and internal organs deteriorates, which often ends in human death.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus, which without adequate and timely treatment can lead to diabetic coma or even death. The condition begins to progress when the human body cannot fully use glucose as an energy source because it lacks the hormone insulin. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use incoming fats as an energy source.

Tick-borne encephalitis is a severe infectious disease that is transmitted to humans from encephalitis ticks. The virus makes its way into the brain and spinal cord adult or child, causes severe intoxication and affects the central nervous system. Severe encephalitic forms without timely treatment can lead to paralysis, mental disorders and even death. How to recognize the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, what to do if you suspect a tick-borne infection, and what is the importance of vaccination in the prevention and treatment of a deadly disease?

False croup is a pathology of an infectious-allergic nature, causing the development of laryngeal edema with subsequent stenosis. Narrowing of the lumen respiratory tract, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air supply to the lungs and poses a threat to the patient’s life, so help for this condition should be provided immediately - within minutes after the attack.

Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (syn. primary macroglobulinemia, macroglobulinemic reticulosis) is an extremely rare disease in which bone marrow a tumor consisting of lymphocytic and plasmacytic cells is formed.

Metabolic acidosis is a pathological condition characterized by an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood. The disease develops against the background of poor oxidation of organic acids or their insufficient removal from the human body.

Myxedema is the most severe form of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by the development of skin edema and subcutaneous tissue. The pathology begins to progress in the human body as a result of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. Women are most often susceptible to this disease during the period of hormonal changes, that is, during menopause.

Cerebral edema is a dangerous condition characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and increases intracranial pressure. All this leads to disruption of blood circulation in the organ and to the death of its cells.

Quincke's edema is usually defined as an allergic condition, expressed in its rather acute manifestations. It is characterized by the occurrence of severe swelling of the skin and mucous membranes. Somewhat less frequently, this condition manifests itself in joints, internal organs and meninges. As a rule, Quincke's edema, the symptoms of which can appear in almost any person, occurs in patients suffering from allergies.

A disease that is characterized by the formation of pulmonary insufficiency, presented in the form of a massive release of transudate from the capillaries into the pulmonary cavity and ultimately promoting infiltration of the alveoli, is called pulmonary edema. In simple terms, pulmonary edema is a situation where fluid stagnates in the lungs and has leaked through the blood vessels. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can develop on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is a dangerous and severe pathology in which the organ itself begins to actively digest its own cells. This, in turn, leads to certain areas of the gland becoming necrotic. This pathological process can provoke the progression of a purulent abscess. Pancreatic necrosis also negatively affects the functioning of other vital important organs. If timely and complete treatment is not carried out, this disease often leads to the death of the patient.

Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get a good night’s sleep for it to go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a disorder by sleeping for a long time. It's the other way around - a constant desire to sleep and the inability to regain strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a disease characterized by a pathological process that occurs in the liver and affects the central nervous system. The result of this disease is neuropsychiatric disorders. This disease is characterized by personality changes, depression and intellectual impairment. You won’t be able to cope with hepatic encephalopathy on your own; you can’t do it without medical intervention.

Multiple organ failure is a severe pathological process that occurs as a result of severe injury, severe blood loss or any other condition. In this case, we are talking about disruption or complete cessation of the functioning of several systems of the human body at the same time. In 80% of cases, death occurs if the necessary medical measures are not taken in a timely manner to normalize the functioning of the organs. This high mortality rate is due to the fact that damage to systems or organs occurs at such a level that the ability to maintain the life of the body is lost.

A disease characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases various organs and systems is called reactive arthritis. Often, inflammation of the joints occurs due to infection of the genital organs, urinary system, or even the gastrointestinal tract. After the body is infected with infections, the development of reactive arthritis may be observed in the second to fourth week.

Rh conflict during pregnancy is a pathological process that manifests itself in a situation where the mother has a negative Rh factor and the father is positive, and the child acquires the positive Rh factor of the father. If both parents are Rh positive or Rh negative, Rh conflict is not detected.

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Through exercise and abstinence most of people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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