Why are my feet cold and not warmed up? Why are your feet always cold? bath recipe to warm your feet

If doctors hear complaints from patients that their feet often get cold, they begin to find out the reason for this, asking questions about when, why and how often their feet get cold. Experts know: sometimes this “trivial” problem becomes one of the first symptoms of serious disorders in the body, and therefore it cannot be ignored.

If you notice that you often have cold extremities, answer yourself a few questions to quickly determine the cause of their freezing on your own or with a doctor.

When did you notice that your feet began to get cold?

Outdoors in cold weather? Or maybe you work in cold rooms?

If you are wearing shoes for the season, pay attention to the following. After you go into a warm room or home and take off your shoes, do your feet warm up? If yes, then blood circulation in your feet is impaired due to narrow shoes, change them to warmer and more comfortable ones. It is better to buy a pair one size larger than your feet, as tight shoes squeeze the limbs and blood does not flow to the feet in the required amount.

Do you have a sedentary job?

It is too serious factor risk. If you do not periodically stretch your legs, they will freeze for the same reason - tight shoes and insufficient blood flow to the extremities.

If you constantly have cold extremities...

...no means help to warm them up, and you don’t know what to do, contact a doctor immediately. This is a symptom of hemodynamic disorders in the lower extremities. The doctor will find out the consequences of this disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

Reasons why feet and toes are cold even in summer:

To the most common diseases of our modern life with signs of circulatory disorders of the extremities include:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD)- the disease of the century. Every second person in the Russian Federation suffers from this disease. It is manifested by vascular spasms, disturbances of blood flow through the arteries and veins. All this leads to headaches, pressure surges and, as a consequence, to cold feet even when warm.
  2. Blood pressuree. With low pressure in the human body, the high-speed blood flow through the vessels changes, which disrupts the exchange of the capillary network of the legs and arms. At high blood pressure Vasospasm occurs and the extremities become cold.
  3. Phlebeurysm. Because of this disease, blood circulation through the vessels is slower, and the limbs suffer and become cold.
  4. Anemia. It appears when there is a lack of iron in the diet. There is less and less hemoglobin in the blood; it does not receive enough oxygen, which is why the extremities are always cold.
  5. Hypothyroidism- a metabolic disorder thyroid gland. It leads to diabetes mellitus and occurs with age hormonal disbalance in the body, which can lead to cooling of the legs.
  6. Osteochandrosis. The disease affects articular cartilage, which can be located in different parts of the human musculoskeletal system. This sometimes also causes a “tendency” to cold feet.
  7. Some types allergies are also the reason why you can’t warm up cold hands and feet.
  8. Frostbite leads to constantly cold extremities.
  9. From lack liquids in the body, the limbs of the legs also lose the ability to maintain optimal temperature.
  10. Worth giving up bad habitssmoking,usealcoholic drinks. They destroy the healthy functioning of blood vessels. This disorder may be affected by long-term depression or stress.

Each of us must have noticed that our grandmothers put woolen socks or felt boots on their feet even in the summer. People say that with age the blood does not warm up. But what to do if even a young, completely healthy person’s legs get cold? The reasons can be very different.

Causes of constantly cold feet in healthy people

If a person’s feet are constantly cold, at any time of the year, you need to look for factors that influence cooling. Our limbs are responsible for the temperature of the whole body. Therefore, if they are cold, a person feels constant discomfort. According to statistics, feet are more likely to freeze in people after 40 years of age, when blood circulation is gradually impaired and the nervous system begins to act up. Female body built by nature so that reproductive organs should not overheat, so their temperature periodically decreases.
Let us highlight the main causes of cold feet that are not related to diseases:
  • Low body weight . Thin people have freezing feet more often than thick people. Fat is responsible for maintaining heat in the body. Therefore, when it is deficient, the feet freeze first.
  • Frostbite . If a person has ever had frostbite on his feet, then his limbs will freeze for a long time. If you suffer from severe frostbite, the coldness of your feet may persist throughout your life. Read also -.
  • Smoking . Oddly enough, smokers' feet often get cold, which is associated with vascular spasm when consuming cigarettes. What other harm does smoking cause?
  • Avitaminosis . Lack of vitamins, in particular iron, is also a cause of cooling lower limbs. Iron is responsible for the presence of hemoglobin in the body and for blood circulation.
  • Stressful situations (see also - ). During stress, vasoconstriction is observed. Blood is poorly distributed to the legs, as a result of which they begin to freeze.
  • Habit of dressing warmly . Some people are so afraid of getting sick that they constantly wrap themselves up even in the warm season. My feet get used to it and get cold without warm socks.
  • Diet . If a person is starving, he does not receive enough energy resources, as a result of which he begins to freeze. First of all, the cold is felt in the extremities.
  • The habit of sitting with your legs crossed . In a person with his legs tucked in, the normal blood flow is blocked, resulting in cold limbs.
In addition, limbs freeze in people suffering from certain diseases.

Symptoms of diseases that cause cold feet

Cooling of the lower extremities is most often observed in diseases associated with spasm or narrowing of blood vessels. In this state, blood circulation is disrupted, a lack of energy and weakness occurs in the body, and the legs are cold. Let's consider the main diseases in which cooling of the extremities occurs:

Hypertension. When blood pressure decreases, blood flow in the periphery worsens. As pressure increases, vasospasm occurs, which also reduces blood flow. In both cases, blood circulation is disrupted and the feet become cold.

Vegetovascular dystonia. The disease today often occurs in people aged 20 to 30 years. A person becomes weather sensitive. When temperature changes occur, vasodilation is delayed and blood flow worsens.

For diabetes. The patient's blood vessels become fragile and are susceptible to thrombosis. Again, the blood flow to the legs is disrupted, as a result the limbs are constantly cooled. A complication in diabetics may be “ diabetic foot", which entails the occurrence of gangrene with further amputation of the limbs.

Venous stagnation, causing thrombosis. This is a disease that is often treated surgically. The limbs not only become cold, but also swell, accompanied by severe pain.

Anemia. Hemoglobin decreases, oxygen reaches the tissues poorly, resulting in a lack of heat in the body. If you want to know what else is dangerous about anemia,...

Raynaud's disease or syndrome. The disease is accompanied by spasm small arteries Consequently vascular neurosis. Feet get very cold even with high temperature, cold water can't stand it at all.

Intermittent claudication. People who smoke suffer. The inner lining of the arteries becomes inflamed, their lumen narrows. Severe obstruction of blood flow causes cooling and severe pain legs when walking. The consequences of such an illness are serious. Tissue death occurs. As a result, the toes or the entire limb up to the thigh are amputated. More details about the violation -.

Hypothyroidism. The disease is associated with improper functioning of the thyroid gland and is typical for people over 40 years of age. There is rapid fatigue, overwork, and cooling of the legs, mainly at night due to lack of energy. Other symptoms -.

Diathesis in childhood . It turns out that if a baby often has allergic reaction, subsequently throughout life a person may suffer from cooling of the hands and feet.

Cooling the extremities is the first signal to contact a specialist. Diseases and consequences of this condition can be very different.

Why are your feet cold? (video)

In a short video from the “Live Healthy” program, Elena Malysheva and other experts talk about the reasons for cold feet, what diseases and defects accompany this condition. Examples based on the experience of real people.

Everyone has probably noticed that small children try to take off their socks every time and run around barefoot. Parents, on the contrary, wrap their children up to protect them from illness. It is not right! To a healthy child much warmer than an adult, since the blood vessels are still healthy and the blood flow is not impaired.

If at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees Celsius the baby's legs become cool, this indicates that small limbs are trying to retain heat throughout the body. Children running barefoot normal temperature air, in the future they will freeze less and get sick less often.

In newborn babies, while heat exchange is not stable, both rapid cooling and overheating can be observed. This is considered normal at this age.

If, at the age of five or seven, you notice that the child’s legs periodically become cold, this is already a signal of the presence of one or another disease.

The main diseases associated with cold extremities in a child:
  • Vegetovascular dystonia . It’s sad, but many children have a disorder in their vegetative function. nervous system, and subsequently the entire organism as a whole. As a result, vasospasm occurs, blood flow deteriorates and the legs become cold. In children, the disease most often goes away with age.
  • Weak immunity and anemia . In modern environmental conditions, children's health leaves much to be desired. Against the background of low immunity, hemoglobin decreases, weakness appears, and the limbs periodically become cold. We recommend reading the article -.
  • Heat . Paradoxically, children with fever sometimes have cold feet. Moreover, the disease occurs for no apparent reason. There is no need to sound the alarm right away. The baby's temperature may rise due to overheating, teething, allergies, or reactions to vaccinations. The baby's feet are cooled, protecting the entire body from overheating.
If the temperature is above 39 degrees and does not subside, this may be a symptom white fever . This is exactly the condition when your hands and feet are cold and your temperature goes through the roof. The baby’s body begins to receive excess heat, the limbs resist, and the thermal regime stabilizes.

The baby needs help to cope with this condition. It is recommended to give to a child more water. Dress him in warm clothes to make him sweat. The temperature will drop.

All mothers know that for a baby a temperature of 37 degrees is normal. If it’s higher, don’t think about what it is. Contact your pediatrician immediately!

Cold feet during pregnancy

Dear ladies who are in interesting position, feel a lot of changes in the body. Cooling the legs is no exception, mainly on early stages pregnancy. This is primarily due to the change hormonal levels, as a result of which the function of the thyroid gland is temporarily impaired. This is the main cause of cold extremities.

Our body contains the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for blood vessels in the periphery. An increase in its amount in a pregnant woman causes an imbalance temperature regime. As a result, your feet can either become cold or overheat.

If a woman’s feet are constantly freezing, this is most likely due to impaired blood circulation. Expectant mothers suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia quite often due to low stress resistance during this period.

Fluctuations in blood pressure during pregnancy, mainly during later, also lead to cooling of the legs due to vasospasm.

Cold feet with sweating

If a person's feet sweat, they are more susceptible to cooling due to increased humidity. Sweaty feet can occur due to diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, vascular diseases, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, infections, flat feet. Sweating of the extremities is also observed in pregnant women, during menopause, and in adolescents. If you wear synthetic socks or tights, sweating is inevitable.

To get rid of the disease, you should contact a specialist to prescribe treatment. First of all, products that provoke sweat are excluded from the diet: tea, coffee, soda, alcohol, pork, salt, seasonings, milk, red meat, legumes.

It is necessary to maintain daily hygiene using antiperspirants and foot creams. At heavy sweating The doctor will prescribe medications in the form of tablets, capsules and special ointments. Having gotten rid of excessive sweating, the limbs stop freezing.

If sweating feet is a symptom of one of the diseases listed above, you will have to initially treat the underlying disease.

What to do if your feet are cold? Treatment and prevention

Cooling of the lower extremities in warm weather is quite easy to tolerate. But in winter it is suffering. No matter what kind of shoes you have, your feet get cold very quickly, which does not allow a person to feel comfortable outside. What to do?

First, make up your mind and get tested. If you have any serious illness, you will be prescribed a course of medication depending on the type of illness.

If cooling is not associated with illness, then in cold weather you will need to take a number of measures:

  • Special warming insoles are placed in shoes. This is also true for pregnant women.
  • Mustard or red pepper is poured into socks.
  • Daily hardening. Train yourself to walk barefoot from time to time. IN winter time accept cold and hot shower.
  • Foot massage. Rub your feet using alcohol tincture or warming ointment.
  • Do more fitness and dancing.
  • It is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, at least two liters per day.
  • It is better to give up bad habits.
  • Ladies love to sit beautifully: cross-legged. You should not do this, the blood flow worsens and takes a long time to recover.
  • Boost your immunity with vitamins.
  • Use healing method Mikulina , which is recognized by medicine and is aimed at the overall health of the whole body. This includes: fasting, separate meals, a whole range of gymnastic exercises.


IN folk medicine To prevent and treat cold feet, it is recommended to massage your feet. This includes: stroking, sharp tapping, kneading. For massage, use any fatty cream or special massage oil.

Cold feet are a problem that many people face. The extremities always start to freeze first due to the fact that as the temperature drops, blood circulation slows down and the blood stops warming the feet. But sometimes the legs and feet remain cold in the absence of external causes. In this case, there are certain diseases that only a doctor can diagnose. Prescribing treatment on your own is not recommended.

Reasons for development

There is such a thing as cold feet syndrome. This means that a person constantly or often feels chills in the lower extremities. Sometimes the problem is associated with some external preconditions or develops without visible reasons. If in the summer heat, while staying in a warm room, under a blanket your feet remain cold (regardless of general condition body), you should consult a doctor. Cold feet syndrome can be a sign of serious illness.

The reasons for its appearance are varied. These include:

  1. Poor circulation caused by various factors. Sometimes this happens with age and is due to natural processes or is a consequence sedentary lifestyle life, wearing uncomfortable shoes. In some cases, we are talking about diseases that lead to deterioration of blood circulation (vegetative-vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, varicose veins, anemia).
  2. Diseases endocrine system. With diabetes and thyroid diseases, the passage of nerve impulses slows down.
  3. Consequences of frostbite, injuries, severe blood loss (including after heavy menstruation).
  4. Decreased or increased arterial pressure which causes vasospasm.

Always need to evaluate associated symptoms– cramps (even at rest), feelings of fatigue. All this is due to deterioration of blood flow.

A feeling of coldness in the extremities also appears during infectious diseases. If your feet become cold at a high body temperature, this does not mean that the fever is subsiding. There is a vasospasm that needs to be relieved. In some cases, No-Shpa is recommended for this. Soaring your feet is not recommended at temperatures above +37 degrees Celsius. You need to be careful when doing this. If the feeling of cold in the extremities is accompanied by chills throughout the body, this means that the temperature will soon rise, so the warming procedure must be abandoned.

The feeling of cold in the lower extremities also depends on the characteristics of natural thermoregulation. Typically, in women these processes are more active than in men, which is why many representatives of the fair sex complain that their feet are cold.

Another important factor is psychosomatics. In case of strong excitement blood vessels narrow. Because of this, a person’s blood circulation slows down, and his hands and feet freeze. The skin takes on a bluish tint. In this case, no special treatment is not prescribed, as soon as the excitement passes, the vessels will return to normal on their own.

Poor nutrition

Sometimes the feeling of coldness in the extremities is due to a lack of calories. This happens especially often in people who practice strict diets. They simply do not have enough energy “for heating”. A similar situation occurs with a lack of iron in the body. Even if the hemoglobin level has decreased slightly, this provokes a feeling of coldness in the extremities. Such problems are observed with anemia. In these cases, the transport of oxygen by blood in the body deteriorates, the tissues do not receive enough of it, but the vessels dilate to speed up blood flow. Because of this, heat transfer increases and the person begins to freeze.

For diseases such as anemia, iron supplements are often prescribed. But it is necessary to make certain adjustments to your diet by including red meat, buckwheat and rice porridge(from whole grain cereals), eggs, apples, dried fruits, mild cheeses, greens.

Often the feeling of cold in the legs occurs due to the fact that the body does not receive enough vitamins A and E. It is these substances that support complex biochemical processes that provide “warming” of the body.

It is believed that fat people They constantly suffer from the heat and sweat. But fat accumulation impairs blood circulation, so a person experiences a feeling of coldness in the extremities. Often the problem can be solved by normalizing weight.

Possible diseases

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) – serious problem, in which circulatory disorders and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system occur. This pathology can be acquired (after infectious diseases, due to neurosis) or congenital.

arise following symptoms:

  • feeling of cold in the lower extremities (due to vasospasm);
  • sharp fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • left chest pain;
  • dizziness.

People suffering from VSD sweat a lot and often experience a sensation of pins and needles on their skin. Sometimes there is a feeling of lack of air. The heartbeat can be both rapid and slow.

More often, vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs in young people. These symptoms occur in young children school age, but more often it affects adolescents during puberty. Sometimes VSD occurs in women during pregnancy or menopause. No thorough treatment is carried out in such cases, but various general strengthening agents, vitamins, and special therapeutic exercises. Doctors advise walking more fresh air, add vegetables and fruits to your diet, and remove refined foods.

The problem of cold extremities is faced by those who suffer from arterial hypotension, that is, low blood pressure (less than 100/60 mm Hg). This disease often occurs in women. Moreover, it is usually associated with a certain type of hemodynamics (blood circulation), which is inherited. The following symptoms of the disease can be identified:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness (darkening in the eyes, fainting often occurs);
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • reduced performance;
  • tingling sensation, coldness in the extremities;
  • numbness.

Sometimes hypotension is acute - due to dehydration or taking medications. But more often it is chronic, and develops as a sign endocrine disorders, vascular diseases. Therefore, you should not ignore it. It is imperative to undergo an examination, since there is a risk of arterial hypotension ischemic stroke. If the disease is caused solely by the type of hemodynamics, you need to do foot baths and perform certain sets of exercises.

Cold feet and legs can also occur with arterial hypertension. This happens especially often at the initial stage of the disease. Arterial hypertension is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bursting headaches;
  • sensations of coldness in the legs associated with poor circulation;
  • heart pain that occurs not only during emotional stress, but also at rest;
  • visual impairment (a veil or spots appear before the eyes);
  • the appearance of tinnitus associated with blood flow.

Arterial hypertension means that a person has blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg. In such a situation, you should definitely contact a therapist and cardiologist. In these cases, experts recommend a diet with a low salt content, since it retains excess fluid in the body, which leads to increased blood pressure. To remove it more quickly, diuretics are prescribed.

Another reason why you feel cold in your legs is atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. The disease has the same consequences as ordinary atherosclerosis. The limbs get cold, become pale, and as the disease progresses, they become covered with trophic ulcers. With the disease, one leg may be cold and the other warm. Associated symptoms are dry skin, pain in the legs when moving, and characteristic intermittent claudication.

Treatment is carried out after full examination– blood tests, vascular angiography, etc. Moreover, therapy should be comprehensive. This includes cholesterol-lowering medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, and techniques such as low-intensity laser radiation And different kinds shunting.

The cause of the feeling of coldness in the extremities is also polyneuropathy, often caused by diabetes mellitus. Damage occurs when blood glucose levels rise for a long time peripheral nerves and blood vessels, which leads to numbness, burning sensation, itching in the legs. Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist, since the cause itself needs to be eliminated - increased level Sahara.

Treatment and prevention

In addition to eliminating the cause itself, you need to relieve the symptom - a feeling of cold in the lower extremities. You should review your wardrobe and get rid of uncomfortable shoes and too-tight jeans.

Every morning you need to perform a simple set of exercises that helps normalize blood circulation and increase muscle tone. You need to slowly rise to your toes, hold this position for a couple of seconds, and then slowly lower yourself onto your heels.

For another exercise you will need a thick book (you can take an unnecessary reference book). They stand on it with their bare feet so that their toes extend beyond the edge. They need to try to squeeze it as tightly as possible.

At the end of the gymnastics, you should alternately stand on your toes and heels, lifting them off the floor as high as possible, and at a fast pace.

You are allowed to massage yourself using cosmetic oil or moisturizer. The main thing is not to affect the veins in the legs, but to pay more attention to the ankles and knee.

From folk remedies Herbal and flower baths help a lot. For example, several handfuls of fragrant rose petals are poured into a liter of water and infused for half an hour. Then add it to the container, diluting it with a liter of water, and take foot bath 15 minutes. You can use eucalyptus or ginger essential oils. A warm shower also helps restore blood circulation (but the water should not be hot).

Ginger - herbal remedy, from which you can make a useful anti-cold warming tea. It will also help get rid of cold sensations in the extremities. The drink is prepared from the root, but it is also possible to add ready-made powder to it.

Some people have cold feet, regardless of the time of year. No one wants to leave cold marks, because it causes a lot of discomfort. Then people put on socks and insulate their feet as best they can. This, of course, is correct, because no one wants to endure icy limbs. On the other hand, you should not wait for the weather by the sea - the situation is unlikely to correct itself.

In this material we will talk about all the reasons why your feet are constantly cold, as well as methods of treating this problem.

Causes of cold feet

Experts believe that the cause of constantly cold feet is, first of all, problems with blood vessels. This can often be the cause of the serious disease atherosclerosis, which affects the tissue of the arteries and turns them from elastic to brittle and hard.

Also, doctors do not rule out problems with blood circulation. Indeed, most often people experience difficulties for this very reason. But there are a number of other diseases and problems that cause constantly cold feet:

Diseases internal organs and systems. These, as we have already said, include atherosclerosis. There may also be vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is accompanied rapid heartbeat, headache, forgetfulness, constant desire sleep and goosebumps before the eyes with sudden movements. Osteochondrosis, thyroid problems, cardiovascular system- all this can be the cause of cold feet.

This may also indicate liver problems. If there are disturbances in this organ, the blood begins to circulate in a small circle, trying to optimize energy production, saving it. This is why there is a lack of active blood flow in the legs, which simply does not reach them in the required quantity.

The thyroid gland is responsible for storing energy. Therefore, any disturbances in the organ can affect the condition of the legs. Often representatives of the fair sex have cold feet due to hormonal imbalance.

Violation of metabolic processes.

Anemia, lack of iron and magnesium in the body. Low level hemoglobin in humans leads to the fact that the body quickly loses heat, and this provokes frozen feet. With anemia, people always have cold not only their feet, but also their hands.

Deficiency of vitamins and essential nutrients. Very often, cold feet are observed in women who are on a strict diet. This is too debilitating for the body. The absence or small amount of necessary substances leads to deterioration of tissue nutrition. This provokes circulatory problems and has a bad effect on the functioning of absolutely all systems. Therefore, it is important to maintain a daily caloric intake and balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Don't forget about healthy vitamins.

Tight shoes. Wearing uncomfortable, rubbing shoes, synthetic tights and socks can only worsen the problem of cold feet.

Weather. If it's autumn or winter and your feet are cold, this may be completely normal. Wear the right shoes, socks, and insulate yourself properly so that problems do not arise. It is also advisable to wear slippers or socks at home.

Stress. Even negative events in life can trigger this problem. Therefore, it is important to understand your mental state Same.

Treatment for cold feet

Before you begin treating constantly cold feet, of course, you need to understand the reason for this phenomenon. Be sure to visit a doctor who will prescribe necessary tests and examinations. As a rule, doctors prescribe an ultrasound examination of blood vessels, a cardiogram, and tests for the content of hemoglobin and hormones in the blood. This is the only way to understand what is wrong with your body and what is causing the blood to run cold in your legs.

In the meantime, you have not done this, take care of prevention, which we will be happy to tell you about. First, change your diet. It must be complete, correct, without harmful products. Include in your diet foods that can cleanse blood vessels, improve blood composition and heart function. Your menu should have enough meat, liver, vegetables and fruits.

Secondly, move more. Be sure to walk every day. It’s better to forget about traveling by car, and public transport replace with walks. Go through at least one stop with your feet, don’t be lazy. Include daily morning exercises in your life, massage active points hands and feet to saturate them with blood.

Thirdly, give up tight and uncomfortable shoes and clothing in general. This interferes with blood circulation and provokes a problem with cold feet. Your shoes should be strictly true to size, no more and no less. Also know that the most effective is considered to be a heel no more than four centimeters high.

Fourth, forget about bad habits. Cold extremities are common among smokers.

Fifth, take hot foot baths to improve blood circulation. You can add a couple of drops essential oil so that there is also a cosmetic effect on the legs. A contrast shower also helps a lot. After such procedures, thoroughly dry your feet and apply a cream with a warming effect to them.

Sixth, massage your feet. To do this, lubricate vegetable oil or moisturizing foot cream and massage with strong movements first right leg from all sides, moving up from the ankle to the knee. Then, tapping your fingers along tibia, lower down to the foot. Finish the massage with circular stroking of the knee. Do the same actions with your left leg.

These simple steps will help you cope with cold feet. But in any case, do not forget to visit your doctor, who will tell you how to act in your particular case.

When the human body experiences cold in the autumn-winter period, it is perceived as common occurrence. But if a person from time to time feels that his lower extremities are getting cold during the warm season, then such symptoms should not be ignored. A feeling of chills and a frequent desire to rub frozen knees should serve as a signal for referral for medical consultation.

Causes of cold feet

The human body is a complex “mechanism” in which everything is interconnected. On the appearance of one unpleasant symptom may be due to several reasons.

The reasons can be both external and internal.

TO external reasons include:

  • temperature environment;
  • sudden changes in weather conditions;
  • tight shoes;
  • insufficiently warm clothes when low temperatures;
  • getting wet feet;
  • smoking;
  • footwear unsuitable for weather conditions.

Internal reasons may indicate a certain condition or disease:

You can feel coldness and numbness in your legs for many reasons. It often happens that the feeling of cold is accompanied by other symptoms of disease. For example, if a person suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia, then he will additionally be bothered by shortness of breath, fatigue and decreased vitality. And with varicose veins, uneven thickening of the veins, swelling of the feet, and pain when walking are noted.

Vascular diseases

Vascular diseases most common reason cold knees. In order to get rid of cold in the extremities, it is recommended to make efforts to strengthen blood vessels. In addition to recommendations for healthy image life and nutrition, it is necessary to begin the hardening procedure and massage.

But no matter how beneficial hardening is for the body, you should not resort to it in a drastic way. The decrease in water temperature should occur gradually. It is also recommended to start hardening and cooling the body in the warm season. For those who, for certain reasons, cannot begin hardening, it is recommended to use another method - a contrast shower.

Physical exercise in the morning will allow you to properly stretch your body, improve blood circulation and vascular function.

Physical exercise

Morning work-out- a most useful procedure for patients and healthy people. If you feel cold in your lower extremities, you should perform the following exercises:

  • squats;
  • “bicycle” rotation while lying on the floor;
  • rolling from toe to heel;
  • circular rotations of the feet;
  • scissors exercise.

For those people who have physical training, it is useful to go down and up a flight of stairs. And for elderly people or people weakened by illness, it is recommended hiking with gradually increasing distance.

It is known that on normal work blood vessels are greatly affected by cholesterol. That's why needs to be eliminated from your diet fatty foods . Also, you should not overuse fried foods.

Flour confectionery better to replace nuts, candied fruits and honey.

Grapefruit is especially beneficial for eating. black currant And chokeberry.


In addition, your doctor may prescribe medical supplies to improve the condition of blood vessels.

  • “Ascorutin” (due to the content of vitamins C and P, it helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries);
  • "Piracetam" (strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • "Troxerutin" (reduces inflammation and fragility of blood vessels);
  • “Neuromultivit” (normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens capillaries and veins).

Low pressure

The second reason why your knees may get cold is low pressure. It is recommended to treat hypotension by drinking dark chocolate, pomegranate, black sweet tea, birch and cranberry juice. It's also worth doing morning exercises, visit the pool, play your favorite sports, get enough sleep. You may need to update your wardrobe with cotton thermal underwear and comfortable shoes.

Decreased hemoglobin

A decrease in hemoglobin level is an insufficient amount of iron in a person’s blood. And this condition may well cause a feeling of chilliness in the legs in the knees, hips and feet.

Significantly increase hemoglobin levels you can adjust your diet by introducing the following healthy foods, How:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • natural honey;
  • pomegranate seeds and juice;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine, peanuts;
  • chocolate;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • cranberry;
  • apples;
  • whole grains;
  • fish;
  • dairy products.

If diet correction does not bring the desired result, then the doctor will prescribe a medicinal course of treatment aimed at stabilizing normal composition blood.

Thyroid diseases

An imbalance in the functioning of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance can lead to a significant deterioration in human health.

Symptoms of thyroid lesions are:

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo an extensive examination.

Poor nutrition and atherosclerosis

Poor and inadequate nutrition can provoke a frequent feeling of chills, where the body simply does not have enough calories for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, women who adhere to a strict diet most often get cold. A lack of vitamins E and A can also disrupt thermoregulation.

The feeling of coldness in the legs can provoke another serious illness- atherosclerosis. With this disease, the legs may become pale in color, and as atherosclerosis progresses, the limbs are often covered with trophic ulcers. It happens that only one leg becomes numb and cold. To the listed symptoms it is worth adding painful sensations in the legs, dryness skin and lameness.

Health care

Qualified medical care and advice can be obtained from a therapist, orthopedist, or surgeon.

One visit to the doctor will not be enough, and to complete the picture you will have to do a lot of tests and examinations. The specialist, based on the examination data, survey and the presence of symptoms, will refer the patient for an ultrasound, cardiac examination, x-ray and blood tests.

In this case, the patient’s lifestyle and age are taken into account. Shortage physical exercise, alcohol and tobacco abuse leads to weakening vascular system and muscle atrophy. If this is only the case, then you should normalize your daily routine, exercise regularly, do exercises and fall in love. water treatments, then the feeling of cold in the extremities will no longer bother you.

A special approach is required for older people. In this case, take into account natural processes aging of the body, slowing metabolism, reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass. In addition to certain physical exercises, diet and massage of the lower extremities, chondroprotectors can be additionally prescribed. These are special drugs that are designed to improve articular blood flow, metabolism and slow down the destruction of cartilage in the joints.
