Pearl barley diet: benefits, properties, results and reviews. Pearl barley diet and weight loss

Pearl barley is barley grains without an outer shell. The high nutritional value, the ability to effectively lose weight and the comparative affordability of this product are 100% suitable for those who were wondering whether it is possible to eat pearl barley while losing weight. Pearl barley is most often used to prepare porridges, soups (as a filler), jelly, a variety of healthy sweets and other equally tasty dishes.

Pearl barley is one of the best dietary products. This is an ideal option for those who are dissatisfied with their figure.

In just 2 weeks, with its help you will be able to lose about 10-14 extra pounds. And if you also give up salt, fatty and fried foods, then in addition you will eliminate the appearance of cellulite and swelling.

Pearl barley saturates the body with the amino acids necessary for its functioning. By themselves, of course, they do not burn fat, but they serve as excellent support in the process of losing weight. There is definitely no threat of exhaustion with them. This cereal contains a significant amount of minerals - iodine, calcium, zinc, potassium, iron and a number of others. All of them are also important to ensure that weight loss occurs without harm to the body. Pearl barley porridge contains almost all vitamins from group B, as well as D, E and A. Barley grains are rich in fiber, which is very necessary for improving food digestion and stimulating weight loss.

What else is cereal good for? She:

  • eliminates harmful cholesterol;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • improves the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • corrects acid-base balance in the body.

All this plays an important role in reducing body weight. After all, simply losing weight is not enough; you also need to be able to maintain the achieved result.

As already mentioned, the main benefit of pearl barley is its stimulating and healing effect on the organs of the digestive system. This is all good, of course. But is it possible to lose weight on pearl barley? Of course you can. First of all, for those losing weight, the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines is restored. Literally 2-3 days spent on this cereal start the process of actively removing from the body everything that has polluted it. long time. This is the first minus on the scales.

Those who are trying the pearl barley diet for the first time may be alarmed by frequent urination. Don't worry - this is completely normal. But after that, the most interesting part begins - weight loss itself. Active burning of fat deposits occurs.

And one more pleasant moment. Despite the satiety of pearl barley porridge, it does not contain many calories. This means that its quantity can not be particularly limited. With it you will not gain weight, and you will get rid of the feeling of hunger for a long time, of course, using it in its pure form.

Cooking rules

Only unsalted porridge is suitable for weight loss. It cannot be filled with oil or any other fat.

About 10-12 hours before you plan to brew diet porridge, soak a glass of pearl barley in a liter of clean drinking water. When the allotted time is up, drain all the water. Fill a saucepan with fresh cold water (in the ratio of a glass of cereal to 3 or 3.5 glasses of water) and bring it to a boil. Pour the soaked cereal into boiling water, reduce the heat to low and cook for 40 minutes. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can check the porridge - if it has become thick enough, it means it is ready. Remove from heat, cover the pan with porridge with something and leave it like that to cool.

If for some reason you do not have time to soak the cereal for such a long time, you can do it differently. Pour boiling water over the pre-washed cereal and boil for 5 minutes. Then place it in a colander to drain the liquid. Fill a saucepan with water in the proportions indicated above, bring it to a boil and place the heated cereal there. You also need to cook it for 40 minutes. After removing from the heat, wrap the pan in the same way as in the first cooking option.

Important note: when deciding on the amount of finished porridge, always remember that pearl barley tends to increase its volume by 5 times.

How and when is the best time to eat?

Barley for weight loss is consumed a maximum of 4 times a day. If you are focused on significant results, you will have to eliminate all other foods from your diet. In other words, you will need to go on a pearl barley mono-diet. It is extremely important to drink about 2 liters of water daily.

To prevent barley from becoming disgusting to you for life, it is permissible to use your imagination in the process of preparing it. It is allowed to add various spices, spicy herbs, carrots and onion. If you are not ready for a mono-diet, you can diversify the menu with vegetable salads (tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper and carrots), desserts made from fruits with a sweet and sour taste. This porridge can be used as minced meat for sweet peppers and a filling for your favorite cabbage rolls, after flavoring it with mushrooms stewed together with onions.

Of course, you will have to completely abandon any bakery and confectionery, smoked and fatty meats. The regular portions that you put on your plate will also need to be made more modest. In addition to water, you can drink low-fat kefir, high-quality tea, herbal infusions and unsweetened juices. One cup of coffee per day is allowed.

IN in this case the number of kilograms lost will directly depend on how much you cut your standard portions. Given the diversity of the diet, you can follow it for quite a long time. The result, of course, will not be as impressive as with a mono-diet, but you will be able to get rid of 4-5 kilograms.


Barley and pumpkin soup

You will need: pearl barley (300 g), one onion, 200 gram piece of pumpkin, half a bunch of greens, olive oil and 2 liters of clean drinking water.

First of all, cook the pearl barley. Then chop the onion and a piece of pumpkin into small cubes. Sauté them lightly, adding a little olive oil. Place a pot of water on the fire and wait until it boils. Place prepared pearl barley, sautéed onions and pumpkin and finely chopped greens into it. Boil everything together for 5 minutes. Add salt to taste, but not much.

Pearl barley risotto

You will need: 2 medium-sized tomatoes, one carrot, parsley and feather onion (2 tablespoons each, chopped), one onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, 10 tablespoons of boiled pearl barley, half a liter of drinking water, olive oil ( 1 tbsp), salt - to taste.

First of all, prepare the vegetables: all ingredients, except pearl barley porridge, need to be cut into small cubes. Then sauté the onion and garlic until translucent. Add to them all the previously chopped ingredients and boiled pearl barley, add water brought to a boil and put on low heat. You need to simmer, stirring occasionally, until the liquid evaporates. When the risotto is ready, you can season it with a spoon of olive oil.

With kefir

You will need: 200 grams of boiled pearl barley porridge and 150 ml of low-fat kefir.

Pour kefir into the prepared porridge and stir. You can add spices at your discretion.

When use is undesirable

Fortunately, food allergy on pearl barley is extremely rare. And yet there are people who are not recommended to use this porridge for weight loss. Large quantities are contraindicated for:

  • increased level of acidity of stomach juice;
  • digestive problems;
  • occasional constipation;
  • pregnancy.

And finally

The pearl barley porridge diet is recognized by those losing weight as one of the most budget-friendly and effective. In addition, it does not require any cooking skills. As they say, even a child could do it.

True, reviews say that not everyone is able to sit on it for a long time. Although there is no need to eat one pearl barley for a whole month, because the duration of such a diet is only 1 to 2 weeks. The obvious result appears in about 4-5 days.

Perlovka - The best way reset with comfort overweight. It gives you a feeling of satiety, suppresses your appetite and will not let you languish from hunger.

Who doesn’t dream of getting rid of extra pounds without feeling hungry? And such a technique exists. Pearl barley for weight loss is the one best option when the weight comes off, the body does not experience discomfort in the form of hunger cramps in the stomach. Properly prepared cereal will remove all toxins and impurities that have accumulated over many years.

Benefits and harms

This grain has been used since ancient times both for cooking and as medicines, because the benefits of pearl barley are invaluable. It contains microelements (phosphorus, iron, calcium and others), vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, fiber and vitamins A, E, B and PP.

The amino acid lysine is another essential element, which is part of pearl barley. It is thanks to this substance that the body successfully fights excess weight.

Lysine gives you a feeling of fullness long hours after eating. In addition, this substance promotes the production of protein (collagen), which provides elasticity. skin. At regular use pearl barley for weight loss helps normalize intestinal function, this happens thanks to the fiber contained in the cereal. Unprocessed cereal is an excellent diuretic, and can also eliminate inflammation and spasms.


The benefits of pearl barley are truly impressive, but despite all this there are some contraindications for its use. This product is prohibited:

  • Pregnant women.
  • At increased acidity stomach.
  • People who are prone to frequent constipation.
  • For plant protein intolerance.
  • For problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Principle of the technique

Any weight loss should be comfortable and gradual, exhausting your body with strict diets and long hours physical exercise, of course, it is possible, but there will be no benefit from this, it will only cause irritability and fatigue.

Pearl barley for weight loss will not only help you get rid of excess weight, but will also bring it back to normal digestive system. You will be able to notice the results after just one week. At the first stage, the body will be cleansed of harmful substances, which is expressed by increased urination and sweating. The second stage begins with burning fat.

The calorie content of pearl barley in water is minimal (50 kcal per 100 grams), and even if you eat it in large quantities, you will still lose weight. But a quick feeling of fullness will not allow you to consume it unlimitedly; one plate will be enough to leave you feeling hungry for several hours.

Barley porridge is used for a mono-diet. Conditions for this method of losing weight:

2. Barley should be cooked in water without adding milk.

3. 0.5 kg of ready-made porridge should be distributed over five meals.

4. During a mono-diet, you can only drink water and green tea.

If losing weight is not your thing main goal, but you just need to cleanse the body, spend a fasting day on pearl barley.

The calorie content of dry cereal is 320 kcal. From half a glass of cereal you get pearl barley porridge weighing 500 grams, which is only 250 kcal.

In order for pearl barley to retain all its valuable substances, it is better not to soak it; it is convenient to cook the barley in a slow cooker or pressure cooker for one hour. If you have to cook porridge in a saucepan, then it is better to soak the cereal for at least a couple of hours, in which case the cooking time will take 25-30 minutes.

Sample menu for weight loss

  • You can diversify a serving of porridge by adding fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower or boiled beets.
  • You are allowed to eat steamed fish a couple of times a week.
  • The diet is also diversified by fruits containing fiber - avocados, pears, bananas and grapefruit.
  • It is allowed to eat an omelet made from one egg and half a glass of milk for breakfast.
  • Vegetable soups, low-fat cottage cheese and no more than 100 grams of boiled lean meat per day are also acceptable.

But these products are strictly prohibited during a mono-diet:

  • Raw fruits and vegetables containing coarse fiber, - this can cause constipation and sharp pains in a stomach.
  • Fermented milk products that are prepared on the basis of sourdough (yogurt, kefir) - this can lead to bloating and gas formation.
  • Black bread and bran.
  • Juices and dried fruits.

Barley for weight loss: recipes

These simple barley recipes will help you diversify your boring mono-diet. Preparing the dishes is not so difficult; the main ingredients included in them are vegetables. However, you can diversify the menu using lean fish. Vegetable oil, salt and spices in recipes are also kept to a minimum. Be that as it may, the end result is delicious and satisfying dishes.



  • Two medium potatoes.
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth.
  • One glass of cereal.
  • Onion.
  • Two small carrots.
  • Parsley, spices, bay leaf.


1. Peel the carrots and onions. Place them, without cutting, into a pan of water. Cook until done. This way you will have a flavorful vegetable broth. You can throw out the carrots and onions; you won't need them.

2. Rinse the barley thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 30 minutes to swell and soften. After the time has passed, add the cereal to the broth and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Add potatoes cut into small cubes to the barley, add a little salt, and cook everything together for 20 minutes.

Pour the finished soup into a bowl. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Barley with raisins


  • Multi-glass of pearl barley.
  • Half a glass of raisins.
  • Three multi-glasses of water.
  • Salt.

Preparation of pearl barley with raisins:

1. Rinse the cereal in several waters.

2. Clean the raisins from debris, wash and soak in boiled water for 15 minutes.

3. Place the cereal in a bowl, fill it with water, add prepared raisins and salt.

4. Mix all ingredients and cook for an hour in the “Buckwheat” mode.

Fish cutlets with pearl barley


  • 2/3 cup pearl barley.
  • One small onion.
  • 0.5 kg telapia (fillet).
  • Greens and salt.

Preparation of pearl barley with fish cutlets:

1. Thoroughly clean and rinse the cereal.

2. Grind the peeled onion in a blender.

3. Rinse the fish fillet and pass through a meat grinder, combine with onions and pearl barley, add herbs and salt, and form cutlets from the fish and pearl barley mixture.

4. Pour some water into the multicooker bowl and place the formed cutlets. Cook on the “stew” mode for 20 minutes.

Grated beets or carrots are perfect as a side dish for this dish.

Vegetables and pearl barley


  • Pearl barley - 1 cup.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • A handful of grated cheese.
  • Olive oil.
  • Three tomatoes.
  • Two bell peppers.
  • Onion.
  • Two small young zucchini.
  • One eggplant.


1. Wash the peppers and bake them, without cutting, in the oven for about 20 minutes. Cool the finished peppers and cut into rings.

2. Wash the eggplants and zucchini, trim off the peel and stems, cut into circles, and fry in a small amount of olive oil.

3. Peel the tomatoes, onions and garlic and cut them into large pieces, which are then passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Add a little salt and spices to the resulting sauce.

4. Boil the washed and peeled cereal in water.

5. Get a flat large plate. Place pearl barley on it in an even layer, then zucchini, eggplant and peppers, pour sauce over everything, and spread grated cheese on top.

Porridge with mushrooms

This pearl barley is dietary, so there is no oil or other components prohibited by the mono-diet.


  • One onion.
  • Any mushrooms - 150 grams (both champignons and wild mushrooms are perfect).
  • Greenery.
  • 1.5 cups of cereal.
  • Half a liter of vegetable broth.


1. The evening before cooking, rinse the barley and soak it overnight; in the morning, rinse the barley again, drain all the liquid and put it in a plate.

2. Peel and chop the onion, fry in a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

3. Add pearl barley to the onion, pour in a little water, and simmer for 5 minutes. Then add the vegetable broth prepared in advance from onions, carrots and herbs. When the pearl barley swells, you can add chopped mushrooms.

4. If you choose champignons, then they do not require additional processing other than washing. It is better to boil wild mushrooms for 10 minutes in salted water.

5. Mix all ingredients, add spices and simmer until mushrooms are ready, about 20 minutes.

Place the finished dish on a plate, garnish with dill or any other herbs.

Pearl barley is barley that undergoes hard cleaning upper layers, which cannot be softened during the cooking process. Cereals are often not polished and due to this, they are considered one of the most valuable cereals.

It contains about three hundred useful enzymes, including carbohydrates, starch, soluble dietary fiber, vitamins (B) group - these are (B6, B3, B2, B1), vitamin (E), proteins, folic acid, copper, iron, magnesium and manganese, phosphorus and selenium.

Useful properties of pearl barley

Cereals provide invaluable benefits to the body and have a beneficial effect on health. Namely:

  • Vitamins (B) strengthen blood vessels and make them more elastic.
  • Thanks to great content pearl barley's mineral content can help children with growth problems.
  • Slows down the increase in blood glucose levels, which is very useful for people with diabetes.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant and cleanses the body of free radicals.
  • Restores intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.
  • The plant fibers found in pearl barley are able to bind and remove harmful cholesterol from the blood.
  • Pearl barley is an excellent source of niacin, which strengthens cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of blood clots and sclerotic plaques.
  • Available a nicotinic acid protects the body from free radicals.
  • Barley porridge is a food for constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • The combination of vitamin (E) and selenium in pearl barley helps strengthen the membranes of the body's cells and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • The soluble fiber and fiber contained in pearl barley help cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and improve liver function.
  • The phosphorus contained supports bone tissue.
  • Helps improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • The herpes virus is afraid of barley, since it contains lysine, which has the ability to suppress viruses.
  • Eliminates fluid retention in the body.
  • Helps prevent early wrinkles, as it contains enough vitamin (E).
  • Pearl barley can act as a kind of energy drink and is good for restoring strength after grueling workouts.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant and therefore helps the body avoid premature aging, as it promotes cell regeneration and improves skin elasticity.
  • Soluble plant fibers found in grains help prevent stone formation. gallbladder, as it reduces the production of bile acids.
  • After eating pearl barley, the intestines are less susceptible to anaerobic infections.

What do the doctor's say

American nutritionists conducted studies in which more than ten thousand people took part. As a result, they found that people who regularly consume pearl barley are twelve percent less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and thirty-one percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Delicious and no calories Tips for those with a sweet tooth: how not to gain weight from ice cream. Can I eat it for breakfast or dinner?

The benefits of pearl barley for weight loss

Perlovka, according to nutritionists, tops the rating best porridges for weight loss. During a diet, it can be used to replace higher-calorie cereals, such as rice or wheat porridge.

  • It does not have a very high calorie content (per 100 g - 290 kcal). Another plus is that when cooked, the cereal swells and absorbs a lot of water and its calorie content is reduced almost threefold and is only 96 kcal. per 100 g. Therefore, by consuming pearl barley while losing weight, you will quickly satisfy your hunger with a minimum amount of calories.
  • Barley has a lot of carbohydrates, but these are aggregated carbohydrates that do not contribute to weight gain.
  • Having a lot of protein, pearl barley helps fight hunger, since after eating it, the blood sugar level rises slowly and a feeling of satiety quickly sets in.
  • Helps reduce visceral fat levels.
  • It has a low glycemic index and therefore this porridge does not allow fat to be deposited, and therefore weight gain.
  • Pearl barley is a dietary product as it contains very little fat (only 2 G by 100 G porridge), which is ideal for diet.
  • Contains a lot plant fibers (13 G by 100 G), thanks to this, pearl barley has a slight laxative effect, which improves bowel movements and cleanses the intestines, and this in turn accelerates weight loss.
  • Pearl barley, thanks to the monounsaturated fats it contains and oleic acid, helps break down fats in the hips and abdomen.

But when losing weight, you cannot add butter, fatty sour cream, sugar and fruits that contain a lot of glucose to pearl barley. You can add some dried fruits or honey.

How to cook pearl barley

The composition of pearl barley porridge is priceless. It is very useful and versatile, with very pleasant taste. And most importantly, it is very easy to prepare. There are two main cooking methods:

Preparing pearl barley with soaking

To reduce cooking time, barley is soaked for ten to twelve hours, or preferably overnight. This soaked cereal can be prepared in twenty minutes. The ratio of pearl barley and cooking water is 1:3.

Cooking pearl barley without soaking

And if you want to cook pearl barley without soaking, then you will have to cook it until it is fully cooked a whole hour. The ratio of pearl barley and water is 1:4.

Barley for breakfast

Barley porridge is an ideal option for breakfast. It will quickly and permanently satisfy hunger during the diet, especially with kefir or natural yogurt. This combination will significantly improve digestion and prevent bloating.

This breakfast will provide the body sufficient quantity energy and there will be no desire to have a snack between breakfast and lunch. In addition, you will receive a minimal amount of calories, which will in no way harm your figure.

You can also add any fruit to the porridge, but not grapes and bananas, since they contain a lot of glucose, as well as vegetables, except peas and beans. Another recommendation is that half an hour before breakfast you should drink one glass of hot boiled water in small sips. This will significantly improve digestion.

Barley for dinner

Cereals are useful for dinner, as they eliminate insomnia and strengthen nervous system. And also very light on the stomach.

Pearl barley recipes

There are a lot of recipes for barley dishes; it is a universal grain. It is used for preparing first courses, salads, risotto, and cereals. You can also drink tea made from ground barley grains, it is also very useful.

Pearl barley soup

An excellent option for diet menu can be considered pearl barley soup. It provides quick satiety with a minimum of calories (one serving of soup contains only 100 calories). And this is due to the fibrous structure of the cereal.

After eating the soup, the feeling of hunger subsides for a long time and the desire to have an unwanted snack disappears. This way you will eat less and less often.

Barley and pumpkin soup

Barley – 300 g
Onions – 1 pc.
Pumpkin – 200 g
Greens – 1\2 bunches
Water – 2 liters

Boil the pearl barley. Cut the pumpkin and onion into small cubes and sauté in a small amount of olive oil. Bring water to a boil, add pearl barley, fried pumpkin with onions and greens. Let everything cook for about five minutes. Add salt to taste.

Rassolnik with pearl barley

Pearl barley – 200 g
Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
Medium carrots – 1 pc.
Onions – 1 pc.
Water – 2 l.

Boil the pearl barley. Peel the cucumbers, cut into small cubes and sauté in a small amount sunflower oil along with finely chopped onion and grated carrots.

Bring the water to a boil, add pearl barley, cucumbers, carrots and onions, and let it boil for about fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of the pickle preparation, add finely chopped herbs and salt to taste.

Soup with barley, chicken breast and pumpkin

Vegetable broth – 0.7 l.
Onions – 1 pc.
Green onion – 1 bunch
Garlic – 1 clove
Carrots – 1 pc.
Pumpkin – 100 g
Chicken breast boiled – 70 g
Boiled pearl barley – 8 tbsp. lie
Egg – 1 pc.
Mint – 1 tbsp. lie
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. lie
Celery – 1 stalk
Salt - to taste

Finely chop the celery, onion and garlic. Pumpkin mode into small cubes, place everything in a saucepan and fill with vegetable broth.

Cook for about twenty minutes until the vegetables are cooked. Add boiled pearl barley and boiled breast. Add another 250 ml of water and after boiling, cook for another five minutes.

Then add it to the soup and stir a raw egg. Add salt and pepper to your taste.

Main courses and salads with barley

Risotto with pearl barley

Medium-sized tomatoes – 2 pcs.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Green onions and parsley - 2 tbsp each. lie
Medium onion – 1 pc.
Garlic – 2 cloves
Boiled pearl barley – 10 tbsp. lie
Water – 0.5 l.
Olive oil – 1 tbsp. lie
Salt - to taste

Dice tomatoes, carrots, garlic, onions and parsley. Fry the onion and garlic a little. Add carrots, parsley and boiled pearl barley. Add boiling water, put on fire and simmer, stirring, until the water evaporates. Then season everything with olive oil.

Stew with barley

Pearl barley – 200 g
Large tomato – 1 pc.
Onion – 1 pc.
Olive oil – 2 tbsp. lie
Salt - to taste

Dice the onion and tomato and fry them for about four minutes. Then place the vegetables in a saucepan, add one liter of water, bring to a boil, add pearl barley, add salt and simmer over low heat for one and a half to two hours.

Pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley – 1 cup
Water – 2 l.
Salt - to taste

Pour pearl barley with a liter of water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and rinse well again. Then add fresh water in a ratio of 1:3, put on low heat and after boiling, cook for about an hour.

Then remove the porridge from the stove, add 2 tbsp. lie olive oil, stir, close the lid tightly and wrap in a blanket. Let it steam like this for about forty minutes.

In this case, the porridge will turn out crumbly and with a very delicate taste. The recipe is suitable for both longer diets and fasting days.

Barley with kefir

Boiled pearl barley – 200 g
Low-fat kefir - 150 ml

Mix pearl barley boiled in water with kefir. The result is an excellent low-calorie and satisfying dish.

Vinaigrette with pearl barley

Boiled pearl barley – 200 g
Boiled beets – 200 g
Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
Sauerkraut – 100 g
Olive oil – 3 tbsp. lie

Cut the beets and cucumbers into small cubes, add pearl barley, cabbage and three tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil. Mix everything.


Perlovka has a large number of gluten and therefore is contraindicated for people with a disease such as celiac disease.

Pearl barley porridge is a dietary product that is the main ingredient of the pearl barley diet: it helps women significantly lose weight, and at the same time benefits the body. Limiting your consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats will help you lose weight, and also cleanse your body and normalize your metabolism. Familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the pearl barley diet and learn about the beneficial properties of the cereal.

Useful properties

You should not think that while you are on a diet, your body is deprived of the minerals it needs and does not receive vitamins. It is important to note that the benefits of pearl barley will be greater if you take the unprocessed product. Consumption of pearl barley has positive influence on human body, because she:

  • contains calcium, manganese, vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, copper and others useful material;
  • rich in fiber, which cleanses the stomach and intestines, improves digestion, and solves stool problems;
  • contains a lot of protein, due to which a person does not feel weakness caused by quick loss weight;
  • contains an amino acid such as lysine, which is necessary for complete saturation;
  • promotes the production of collagen, an element responsible for the rejuvenation of human skin.

Pearl barley diet for weight loss

Many women are trying to find out whether pearl barley is useful for losing weight. Judging by the components contained in the cereal, we can say that yes, porridge has a beneficial effect on human health. Pearl barley diet The idea is that during the course (5-10 days) you fill your diet with pearl barley as much as possible. The porridge can be eaten boiled or baked, but it is advisable to cook it without oil and salt.

Pearl barley porridge has an average calorie content of 106 kcal per 100 grams. You can lose weight on pearl barley, but effective diet It will happen if you give up baked goods, fatty meats, alcohol, sweets, and smoked products during this period. During dietary nutrition you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water, herbal infusions and unsweetened teas. The volume of fluid you drink should be about 1.5-2.5 l/day. Unsweetened coffee is allowed in the first half of the day.

Without following a diet for a week or 10 days, you can do a fasting day on pearl barley: for 24 hours you will only need to eat porridge. Experts also recommend adding barley decoction to the main dish on the menu - this way the “unloading” will be much more effective. The method of preparing the decoction is as simple as possible: a glass of cereal, poured in advance cold water, boil in 1.5 liters of water for 20-25 minutes, then strain the liquid and drink 200 ml 3 times a day.

As for the negative effect of pearl barley porridge on the body, it is worth noting that the cereal contains gluten - a component that, if consumed frequently, contributes to the leaching of calcium, and as a result, leads to osteoporosis - increased bone fragility. In addition, people suffering from constipation or gastritis should not indulge in dishes with barley, otherwise unpleasant symptoms illnesses may get worse. Cereals are difficult to digest and can interfere with digestion, so they are contraindicated in any form for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

For 7 days

For those who are planning to lose weight, a pearl barley diet for 7 days is suitable - here, in addition to porridge, other products are also allowed. Do not forget that when going through any diet you need to drink 2 liters per day clean water. The diet menu looks something like this:

  • breakfast – pearl barley with 4 pieces of steamed prunes or grated green apple, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - porridge with a piece of beef or chicken fillet, cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • dinner - portion low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of kefir with 0% fat content.

10 kg per week

For those who are obese, pearl barley diet will do never better. If you are overweight, you can lose 10 kg in a week on pearl barley, but here everything will depend on the body. For example, many people talk about minus 5 kg, which is also a good result. To learn to control your appetite and improve your diet, nutritionists recommend not to overdo it, but to take several courses of the 7-day diet, taking breaks between them.

How to cook

To see the maximum result of the diet on your figure, you need to prepare the porridge correctly. Before you get ready to make any dishes from pearl barley for weight loss, pour the barley into a pan of water and leave it to steep for 10 hours. You don’t have to do this, but then the barley for porridge or soup will cook for at least an hour. Follow the main requirement of the diet - pearl barley porridge when losing weight, it should be prepared without salt, sugar or oil. By following the recipe for preparing pearl barley, you will get a tasty dish that effectively helps you lose weight:

  1. Fill a glass of settled cereal with 3 glasses of water.
  2. Boil the porridge for 30 minutes on low heat.
  3. Let the pearl barley brew for 20 minutes.
  4. You can start using the finished product.


Pearl barley is a cereal that is produced from barley using special processing methods. It differs from other cereals in its long cooking period. To get a crumbly side dish or porridge, it needs to be cooked for about an hour and a half. The taste of the dishes is not for everybody, so it doesn’t have as many fans as rice or buckwheat. And yet, nutritionists and doctors strongly recommend including it in the diet of everyone who plans to lose weight and get rid of extra pounds. It's time to find out how pearl barley is useful for weight loss and how to properly use it as a dietary product.

Benefits for weight loss

Boiled pearl barley contains about 109 kcal - for cereals this calorie content is quite low, but for diets it is slightly high. And yet she beneficial features for weight loss, defined by incredibly rich chemical composition, do not raise any doubts.

Its correct and long-term use triggers biochemical processes in the body that lead to significant weight loss. The changes concern various systems and organs:

  • cellular metabolism accelerates;
  • lipid metabolism occurs more intensely, which forces already accumulated fat reserves to be spent in short time and in large volumes;
  • under the influence of a slight diuretic effect, the kidneys, liver, and bladder are cleansed;
  • the excretory system begins to work more accurately and quickly, removing from the body everything that clogs it, as well as excess fluid;
  • digestion improves;
  • the body in stressful conditions, which it experiences while observing even the most strict, is enriched with vitamins and useful microelements, which allows it to function without interruption.

In addition, the benefit of pearl barley as a means of losing weight is that, being a source of protein, it prevents the breakdown of muscle mass. This is very important for athletes who want to maintain beautiful contours of their body while following a diet.

As a rule, the results do not disappoint: in a week you can lose up to 5-7 kg of weight with feeling good and parallel health promotion.


And yet, losing weight with pearl barley sometimes ends in disappointment. It has many disadvantages: a specific taste, the desired mark on the scale is not always achieved, difficulties in preparation, etc.

And a list of contraindications is added to them. Failure to comply with them can result in harm and cause not only side effects, but also exacerbation of existing ailments and even complications. So, give up this cereal if you know first-hand what diseases and physiological conditions are like:

  • pregnancy, lactation - relative contraindications, about which you need to consult with doctors;
  • digestive problems;
  • rehabilitation period after a protracted illness or surgery;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • celiac disease.

One serving of porridge per day will not affect your health in any way, even if you have diseases. But do not forget that losing weight is a long process and involves consuming the main product in large quantities. This is where things can go wrong.

Among the unpleasant side effects- weakness, nausea, loss of strength, irritability, problems with stool, dizziness. If they are persistent and protracted, you should stop the diet and choose another product for weight loss.

Criterias of choice

Judging by the reviews, pearl barley does not lead to weight loss for everyone. And it’s not a matter of contraindications or the wrong method of preparation. The reason for the lack of results may be the poor quality of the purchased product. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to what exactly you are buying for your body while still in the store. To do this, you need to take into account several selection criteria.

  1. To lose weight, it is better to purchase whole grains rather than crushed ones. Therefore, we immediately dismiss such options as Dutch and barley grits. The packaging must clearly state: “Pearl barley” or “Pearl barley”.
  2. Take a closer look at the bag (it is usually transparent): there should be no visible debris or foreign fragments in the cereal.
  3. The grains should be smooth and large.
  4. The packaging is whole, not torn.
  5. Shelf life plays an important role. An expired product will not only not help you lose weight, but can also lead to poisoning. So look for the production date.

After purchasing, pour it into a dry glass or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Keep away from moisture and insects in a cool, dark place. The storage period should not exceed 2 years.

Weight loss plans

Barley is used in many diets and systems proper nutrition. Therefore, everyone has a choice. Choose options with additional products that you love, so that they brighten up such a tasteless hunger strike and help you endure it to the end.

Scheme 1

According to a strict system: 200 grams of cooked pearl barley is eaten during the day in 6-7 approaches (i.e., in small handfuls).

Scheme 2

Fasting day according to a gentle system: 200 grams of cereal can be diluted with low-fat dairy products, raw fruits or vegetables in small quantities.

Scheme 3

For 3 or 5 days: you need to eat only royal porridge (as this dish was previously called) without salt and additional ingredients, very strict regime nutrition, which rarely anyone endures to the end, although for the sake of losing 1 kg per day you can endure it.

Scheme 4

A strict diet for a week: 150 grams of salted porridge three times a day, and you can also eat whole grain bread, vegetable salads, cottage cheese, eggs, drinks - black coffee and low-fat kefir.

Scheme 5

For a week: for breakfast you can add dried fruits, honey, nuts, and herbs to porridge; for lunch - barley soup and vegetables; for dinner - delicious, but dietary dish from pearl barley, chicken, fish, vegetables.

Scheme 6

“Fluff”: cook porridge from a glass of raw pearl barley, eat the resulting volume during the day, and “wash down” your hunger with homemade fresh juices - grapefruit, apple, pomegranate, orange, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, beetroot.

Scheme 7

“Free” diet for a month: the usual diet is maintained (even fried, fatty, flour and sweet foods are possible), but pearl barley porridge is introduced into it every morning, and in the evening - a dish made from this cereal. Here, limiting the volume of portions plays an important role: 1st week of the diet - 250 grams, 2nd - 200, 3rd and 4th - 150.

If this is your first time turning to pearl barley as a dietary product, start with. If you can endure it and achieve results, choose a short-term (3 or 5 days) diet, but not strict, so as not to leave the race ahead of time. If success awaits you here, after some time you can try longer and more rigorous weight loss.

Cooking methods

For weight loss to be effective, you need to know how to cook it correctly. Eat different ways heat treatment with preservation maximum quantity valuable properties:

  • in a slow cooker (cooks for about an hour and a half);
  • in the oven (one hour at 210°C);
  • in a double boiler (about 50 minutes);
  • in the microwave (only half an hour).

But the main thing is to learn how to cook that same royal porridge, only with a dietary twist, so that it fits harmoniously into the process of losing weight. To do this, follow the instructions.

  1. Rinse the cereal in several waters in the evening to remove starch and dirt.
  2. Soak it overnight (at least 8 hours) in cold water in a ratio of 1 to 5.
  3. In the morning the water is drained.
  4. The swollen grains are again filled with water, but in a smaller ratio - 1 to 3.
  5. We put it on the stove.
  6. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 40-50 minutes.
  7. Remove from the stove, wrap the pan with a towel.
  8. The most important thing is not to add salt, oil or sugar.

If the pearl barley has not been soaked since the evening, the cooking time increases to one and a half hours. Some sources by analogy with buckwheat and wild rice They suggest eating raw or sprouted cereals for weight loss. However, this is harmful to health, since grains that are too hard will create difficulties for the gastrointestinal tract and can cause serious problems with digestion. So don't take any chances.

Do you want to lose as much excess weight as possible? In this case, follow the following advice from nutritionists.

  1. Dietary pearl barley porridge does not contain salt, sugar, or oil. If the diet is designed for more than 5 days, it is allowed to add fruits, nuts, etc.
  2. If you use cereal as a side dish for main courses for lunch or dinner, during long hunger strikes you can serve it with soy sauce(but in reasonable quantities).
  3. Gentle diet options allow you to eat vegetables, berries, herbs, seafood, lean meat and fish, eggs, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.
  4. Recommended drinks include herbal infusions and decoctions, black and green tea, juices, black coffee, compotes. It is advisable to drink 2 liters of plain water per day.
  5. Everything fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salty, canned, sweet, pickled, carbonated and alcoholic is prohibited.
  6. Sports training is welcome.
  7. Exiting diets should be slow and gradual.

Pearl barley is of particular importance for pregnant women who need to lose a little weight (there are such situations). If the doctor allows it, you can lose weight on this cereal, because it will simultaneously relieve constipation dictated by pregnancy and increase resistance to colds, will improve your mood. Even during lactation, you can lose weight in this way, since cereal improves the quality of milk and protects newborns from viruses and vitamin deficiency.

Questions and answers

  • What is healthier for weight loss: pearl barley or buckwheat?

From the point of view of usefulness, the advantage remains with pearl barley, although it is not much inferior in the amount of vitamins and other valuable elements. And yet, many prefer the latter for two reasons - it is tastier and easier to prepare. As for the results, if all recommendations are followed, they turn out to be approximately equal. So these cereals are a good alternative to each other.

  • Is it possible to eat in the evening?

The question is how late in the evening. If 3-4 hours before bedtime, then you can. If later, it is undesirable, because it will complicate night digestion and harm the process of losing weight.

Cooking recipes

Since not everyone can withstand diets, you need to take care in advance to avoid being one of them. In particular, prepare a menu and select the most suitable ones for it delicious dishes from pearl barley, which will cause appetite (moderate, of course), and not disgust. You can use the following recipes.



  • 300 grams of cereal;
  • for soaking - one and a half liters of water;
  • to boil water (or low-fat milk) you need 3 times more than cereal;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.


  1. Pour water over the cereal in the evening.
  2. Soak for 10-12 hours (can be overnight).
  3. In the morning, drain the water, pour new water (or milk) over the swollen grains, and cook.
  4. After boiling, cook for about 40-50 minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove.
  6. Wrap the pan in a warm towel for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with pepper to taste.


  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • 50 g celery root;
  • 1 small turnip;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 grams of cereal;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • to taste - parsley, dill.


  1. Remove skin and fat from breast.
  2. Fill it with water and put it on fire.
  3. After boiling, reduce heat and skim off foam.
  4. Place the whole onion in the broth.
  5. Cook for an hour.
  6. Scald the cereal with boiling water and add to the pan.
  7. Chop the vegetables randomly and add to the broth.
  8. Cook until the pearl barley is ready.
  9. Remove the meat, remove the bones, and put it back.
  10. Skim off the fat, pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Barley with vegetables


  • 300 grams of cereal;
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • to taste - parsley, .


  1. Boil the pearl barley.
  2. Cut the zucchini into large pieces without seeds or peel.
  3. Blanch the tomatoes and puree them.
  4. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in a dry frying pan.
  5. Mix everything, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
  6. Add chopped herbs.

Few people decide to lose weight using pearl barley because of its specific taste and long preparation process. But those who still found the strength to take on this bold test will certainly be happy with the results. In a week you can lose up to 5-6 kg, and improve your health along the way.
