Breast. Structure and functions. Mammary gland (anatomy)

Normally, the structure of the mammary glands in boys and girls is the same until the onset of puberty. The organ is a modified form of sweat glands.

Anatomy of the breast

The branch of medicine that studies the structure and function of the mammary glands is mammology. The main task of the female breast is the secretion of milk, and only then the delivery of aesthetic pleasure opposite sex. Breast growth and development in girls begins during puberty. The final formation of the mammary glands ends around the age of 20. The breasts of a mature girl can have a variety of shapes and sizes; very often they are asymmetrical, which is also the norm. On the surface of the chest there is a protrusion - the nipple. There are several types of the latter:
  • flat;
  • retracted;
  • convex.
During arousal, at low temperatures, as well as during ovulation, the nipple can increase in size and have increased sensitivity. It is surrounded by pigmented skin - the areola. Its color and diameter vary, depending on the woman’s ethnicity, physique and heredity. A girl who has not given birth has a pinkish-colored areola, while a girl who has given birth has a brown to brown areola. During pregnancy, the areola and nipple darken due to increased pigmentation. After birth and breastfeeding, the color usually becomes less pronounced. Sometimes small tubercles, the so-called Montgomery glands, are noticeable on the areolas - these are peculiar rudimentary mammary glands, their presence is considered normal.

At the top of the nipple, milk pores open, which are a continuation of the ducts. The latter, in turn, originate from the milk lobules.

Breast body

Directly female breast It is a convex round formation with a wide base adjacent to the tissues of the chest wall. The body of a woman's mammary gland consists of approximately 20 lobes with the apex facing the areola. The lobes are separated from each other by a connective tissue component. The rest of the space is occupied fatty tissue, the quantity of which determines the shape and size. The glands are fed by the internal and lateral thoracic arteries.

When breastfeeding, size and shape do not matter, because milk production is carried out due to the glandular component (lobes, lobules and alveoli), while the fatty component does not play any role.

During pregnancy and lactation, breast weight increases to 300-900 g. In the first time after childbirth, iron produces primary milk - colostrum. It's rich nutrients, macro- and microelements. Subsequently, transitional milk is produced and mature milk appears by the end of the first week. Lactation begins, and the breasts can fully fulfill their natural purpose. After graduation breastfeeding The mammary glands become smaller and some women's breasts may return to their previous size.

Anomalies of gland development include:

  • amastia - complete atrophy and underdevelopment of the mammary glands (one- and two-sided are distinguished);
  • polythelia - multiple nipples, probably comes from ancestors from the animal world;
  • macromastia - giant glands weighing up to 30 kg;
  • polymastia - the presence of additional glands, most often they are found in the armpits.

The male gland has an identical structure, but normally does not develop. The nipple and areola are very small in size, the ductal lobes are not developed, so milk production is impossible in them. The body of the gland measures about 1-2 cm in width and 0.5 cm in thickness. There are cases when, due to hormonal imbalance in men, breast enlargement occurs; this condition is called “true gynecomastia.” Consultation with a specialist is required to find the cause of hormonal imbalance. The false form occurs with severe obesity, and to solve this problem, normalization of body weight is required.

Plastic surgery methods

Currently, modern plastic surgery is able to satisfy the wishes of even the most demanding patients and correct a huge number of breast defects.

Mammoplasty - surgical intervention from the area plastic surgery, aimed at changing the shape and size of the breast, eliminating prolapse. This operation is used during the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone treatment for cancer.

  • reduction of the gland;
  • lift;
  • liposuction;
  • breast endoprosthetics.
Very often, the types of these surgical interventions are combined and performed within one operation.

Breast augmentation is performed for aesthetic reasons using implants. Reduction (reduction and liposuction) is an operation that is performed for gigantism of the mammary glands. The main indication is heavy, prolapsed glands. This situation causes physical and emotional discomfort. Very often, surgery is resorted to because heavy load on the spine and shoulder girdle.

A breast lift is necessary for women with ptosis problems. Breast drooping can occur at any age. There are several stages depending on the degree of downward deviation of the nipple. From the same area, the distance to the jugular notch is calculated.

Reasons for the phenomenon:

  • age-related skin changes;
  • loss of tone and elasticity due to stretching of the skin (pregnancy, weight gain, and after fast weight loss);
  • heredity;
  • bad habits.
But the female breast is of interest not only to the medical community from a scientific and practical point of view, it is also the subject of admiration for both ordinary men and great poets and artists. Photographers and directors try to capture this beautiful part of the female body. In many cultures, breasts are a symbol of wealth, fertility, femininity and beauty. Therefore, every representative of the fair sex strives for her breasts to have an attractive appearance. This explains the increased interest in plastic surgery in recent decades.

In conclusion, it should be noted that one of the most pressing and pressing problems in medicine is breast cancer. Among malignant neoplasms in women, oncology of this localization is in first place. It is imperative to undergo examinations by a mammologist and independently examine your breasts for the presence of lumps and nodules.

Few people know that not only women, but also representatives of the opposite sex have mammary glands. Moreover, in terms of anatomy, the structures of the female breast and the male breast are the same; on both sides they have identical shapes and composition, only differ in the degree of development. Understanding the structure of the breast and sternum directly determines the decision of women to bring their bust into the ideal shape and size in one way or another, and to try to eliminate any shortcomings and defects in this area using all sorts of methods.

From awareness of what the mammary gland consists of, you can find optimal ways breast enlargement, breast lift and correction of imperfect forms. In addition, it is very important for a woman to monitor the health of her breasts in order to prevent any risks of diseases and tumors.

Structure of the mammary gland

It's no secret that the main purpose of a woman's breasts- production and presentation breast milk for feeding a baby. The second most important function of the mammary glands is the sexual function, which all women will eventually learn about. But the fact that the structure of the female breast is based, among other things, on the sweat glands, will certainly plunge many into bewilderment. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail the structure of the mammary glands.

The mammary glands themselves mostly consist of fat cells and a thin layer of dermis. The amount of adipose tissue determines the future size of the breasts, therefore, during intensive weight loss, a woman’s breasts themselves also decrease in girth.

It also happens that glandular tissue predominates in women’s breasts, which in the future is responsible for the production and supply of breast milk, then losing weight and changing body weight will in no way affect the size of the bust. The glandular tissue itself has approximately 20 lobes, which are located radially from the nipple-areola complex and along the entire circumference of the breast; milk will flow through them during lactation. The size, shape and color of the areola and nipples may differ for each woman, but after the birth of a child, the nipple-areola complex is darker and takes on a pronounced outline.

The opinion that breasts can be pumped up and thereby increased in size is erroneous, since the mammary glands themselves do not have muscles. But due to connective tissues that correct the shape and location of the breast, it is attached to the pectoralis major and minor muscles. By strengthening this muscle, you can lift your breasts after lactation, restore their former elasticity and lift them.

Often many women who feel pain symptoms in the chest area, they are confused with pain in the heart. In fact, there are many nerve fibers and intercostal nerves located in the mammary glands, so various diseases spine may be reflected by chest pain. But this does not mean that chest pain is not a good reason to visit a doctor.

Breast shapes

In addition to the structure of the mammary glands, a woman should distinguish between the types of forms of the mammary glands and their classifications (photo below to help).

Various sources of information offer various options classification and names of female breasts according to external data, sizes and shapes. But the following types are considered the generally accepted forms of mammary glands:

  • the chest is disc-shaped, which is attached to a wide base, but has a small height;
  • the chest is hemispherical, with approximately the same height and diameter;
  • pear-shaped breasts, which are significantly higher in height than their base;
  • mastoid breasts, which have parameters similar to pear-shaped breasts, but only in in this case The gland itself is lowered and directed below the nipple.

Women's breasts can be classified according to their shape as follows:

  1. An apple is round in shape - creative people and passionate individuals of the fair sex have such breasts.
  2. Bud - this type of breast is found in women who are prone to excessive irritability and hot temper.
  3. A glass of champagne - women with such breasts are often distinguished by their secretive character and closed personality type.
  4. The pie is elongated - women with this breast shape are characterized by complaisance, intelligence and modesty.

This kind of classification is often found in sources of artistic style, which offer women to determine the main features of their character by their breasts. In addition, the following facts about the shape and structure of female breasts will be interesting:

  • Each woman's internal filling, structure and shape of her breasts are individual and are not similar to any other breast, like human faces.
  • Throughout a woman's life, her breasts can constantly change, shrink or grow under the influence of many factors.
  • In the fifth month of pregnancy, the mammary gland begins to form in the fetus.
  • Even the youngest children can grow and produce secretions from the mammary glands, starting from the first days of life. All this can be triggered by hormones that are released along with the breast milk of a nursing mother.
  • The development of the mammary glands occurs in all people, regardless of gender, but upon the onset of puberty in boys, the process of breast growth and development stops, and in girls it becomes intense.
  • The end of breast development actually occurs not at the end of puberty, but during pregnancy. It is at this stage of a woman’s life that vital metamorphoses occur with her breasts. After the end of lactation, the overgrown glandular tissue is converted into adipose tissue, which leads to some sagging of the breast and loss of its elasticity.

Functions of the breast

Under constant influence hormonal system everyone is located physiological processes mammary glands. In medicine, a woman’s breasts are considered a target for hormones, since they have all sorts of receptors for their attraction.

Today, doctors can name about 15 hormones that affect the mammary glands during puberty, during sexual development, pregnancy and childbirth, lactation, and menopause. But the most important female sex hormone that affects the shape and size of the breasts is estrogen, which the female body often lacks, or, on the contrary, produces too much of.

The main function of the mammary glands, as mentioned earlier, is to produce and supply breast milk for feeding offspring.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman's glandular tissue, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, gradually grows and increases in size. Between the lobes of the breast there are special ducts that will transport milk to the nipple. Depending on genetics, some women have enough glandular tissue, which speaks about good chances breastfeeding a baby. Some women are naturally deprived of the necessary amount of this tissue; people call such mothers “dairy-free.”

To end lactation, they try to put the baby to the breast less often, reducing mechanical stimulation of the mammary glands. Due to this, the production of breast milk dynamically decreases, the glandular tissue gradually turns into fatty tissue, and lactation, one might say, “falls asleep.”

Erogenous zones and the sexual side of the issue

The mammary gland is not only an organ for feeding offspring, but also the main erogenous zone women.

All this is easily explained by the fact that in the area of ​​the nipple-areola complex they are located as close as possible to the dermis muscle fibers. Due to the fact that the skin in the décolleté area is thin, it is very easy to stimulate and influence these areas. In addition, the nipples and areola of the breast are located a large number of nerve receptors responsible for sexuality issues. To provoke a pleasant nervous irritation in the chest area, simply stroking, tickling and other manipulations are enough.

As practice shows, a woman can feel true sexual pleasure if her partner acts on the areola and nipple with his lips and tongue, grabbing and releasing this part of the breast. In medicine, such stimulation mammary glands considered useful for female body, since due to this the body produces sex hormones and oxytocin, which tones the uterus. But if a woman is pregnant, such stimulation can trigger early labor or miscarriage.

According to doctors, there is no relationship between the sexuality of the breast and its size. Such comparisons are associated with stereotypes that men are attracted to large, full breasts. Today social surveys show that the opposite sex is much more important about the external appearance of the breasts, their firmness and firmness, youth and beauty. A big size breasts lead to early ptosis (ptosis) and loss of tone. The reaction of nerve endings in the chest area can be provoked not only by stimulation, but also by changes in air temperature.

The role of the breast during pregnancy and after

Upon the onset of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to intensively produce secretion, the epic of this development is observed after the birth of the child. A few days after giving birth, a woman feels an increase in breast size, hardening and excessive sensitivity. During the first two to three days of a baby’s life, nutritious colostrum is released from the mother’s breast during feeding, and on the third or fourth day, the breasts begin to produce and supply breast milk to the baby.

At the onset of the 9th week after the birth of a child, women experience maximum production and supply of breast milk, up to 1.5 liters per day. To achieve such results and fully feed her offspring, a young mother must monitor her diet and eat as much food as possible. valuable products. Lactation can be disrupted by stress and quarrels, lack of sleep, starvation and overwork.

Often, many young mothers have no idea why, in addition to feeding the baby, milk is involuntarily released from the breast. In medicine, this phenomenon is called galactorrhea, which is provoked by irritation of the nerve endings and fibers in the area of ​​the nipple-areola complex of the mammary glands. As a rule, a woman can spontaneously release breast milk at the moment of sexual arousal and orgasm. Regular milk discharge of this kind is not the norm and requires the supervision of a gynecologist, mammologist and endocrinologist.

In addition, during lactation, women's breasts may suffer from a disease such as lactostasis. Women often bring their breasts to this process on their own, due to ignorance proper feeding chest. Stagnant processes in the breasts (lactostasis) can be triggered when a woman feeds alternately with both breasts, without bringing each of them to complete emptying.

This is where the study of the structure of the female breast can be completed; for most women, this information will be more than enough.

Norms and pathologies of breast development

Most women are not satisfied with the size and shape of their breasts, considering them to be far from perfect. In fact, it is very important to understand which phenomena are considered normal, and which in medicine are called pathologies of mammary gland development.

  1. Breast size depends solely on the volume of glandular and adipose tissue. Therefore, it is impossible to pump up the chest. In addition, all kinds of diets and weight loss negatively affect bust size.
  2. The connective tissue capsule, as well as the ligaments that support it, are responsible for the elasticity and height of the breast. After lactation, the breasts lose their elasticity and sag a little, but this is not beyond the normal range.
  3. By nature, a woman’s mammary glands cannot boast of symmetry. It can only be achieved through painstaking work. Initially most often left breast slightly larger in volume than the right breast.

Pathologies of breast development include such phenomena as the formation of additional glands and nipples, excessive breast growth (macromastia) and one-sided or complete atrophy (amastia).

Women's breasts are not only an object of male admiration. Beauty and attractiveness take a back seat to functionality. The mammary glands in women serve primarily to feed the child. More details about the functions, structure and types of female breasts are described in this article.

Basic concept

The mammary gland is a paired organ of external secretion located in the reproductive system. The female breast is a type of apocrine skin gland.


Anatomical structure mammary gland is:

    Chest wall.

    Pectoral muscle.

    Glandular tissue.

    Milk lobes.

    Milk ways.

  • Adipose tissue.

    Skin covering.

The predominant component in the structure of the female breast is glandular. It consists of 20 small lobes. The shape of these lobes is cone-shaped. The top of the cone goes towards the nipple. Each lobe, in turn, consists of alveoli - rounded lobes responsible for milk production. Connective tissue and breast fat are located between the alveoli. Cooper's ligaments are also located there. They are responsible for attaching the organ to the skin, maintaining the elasticity of the breast and its shape. - these are many thin fibers passing through the bust. The ducts of the mammary gland run from the tops of the lobes to the nipple. They can be felt. To the touch, the ducts look like tubercles and ligaments. They end in milky pores through which milk comes out.

Fatty membrane

Fat is an essential component of the mammary gland. It not only protects the breasts from various injuries, but also helps keep warm. And this is simply necessary for the reproduction of milk and lactation.

The volume of the breast depends on the amount of fat. The more it is, the fuller bust. Therefore, those ladies who have a lot of fatty tissue in this delicate organ may notice how the size of the mammary gland varies during a diet or before critical days.

Female nipples

The mammary glands in women are conventionally divided into squares. To do this, two lines are drawn in the center of the nipple - vertical and horizontal. Naturally, these lines are visual. This method works well when examining the bust.

The central part in the structure of the female breast is occupied by the nipple and areola. The nipple is a small tubercle made of dense tissue. It contains many holes, up to 18, from which the newborn receives milk. The color of the nipple of a woman who has not given birth is pinkish. Its shape is cone-shaped. After childbirth, this part of the breast becomes brownish in color and takes on a cylindrical shape. A significant drawback at the moment breastfeeding is the flat shape of the nipple. However, the child is quite capable of pulling it out.


This is the skin around the nipple. Its color is pink or brown. If you take a closer look at a woman's areola, you will notice many wrinkles on it. These are the so-called Montgomery tubercles. They secrete a special secretion that prevents the nipples from drying out.

A little more about the structure

Below the mammary gland are the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Surrounding them is the serratus anterior muscle. Part wide spinal muscle and two-headed brachialis muscle serve as support for the chest from the sides and from above. Oddly enough, there are muscles in the nipple. Therefore, he is able to tense up. There are no more muscles in the female bust.

During pregnancy, breast enlargement occurs. This is due to their preparation for new functions. The breasts swell and can “grow” several sizes.

Breast types

The names of the types of mammary glands are very interesting. They are assigned in two ways: scientific and popular science. In the first case, it is not always possible to explain why this or that form was called that way. In the second, these are fruit and vegetable names depending on what fruit or vegetable a woman’s pride looks like.

Scientific classification identifies 16 types of female bust:

    "Snow Hill" This type of female breast is small, with pale and delicate skin. The areolas around the nipples are large and light. Pointed nipples.

    "Chloe." This type of mammary gland is characteristic of young women. Adult women with such breasts note their tiny size. The breasts are firm, with a pronounced nipple and a clear areola.

    "African savannah". The shape of the breast "specializes" in its width. The breasts themselves are medium in size, with small nipples and a pronounced areola.

    "Sappho". For those representatives of the fairer sex who wear this form, breasts are slightly flaccid. As a rule, the bust is of medium size. His distinctive feature are large and dark areolas and the same nipples.

    "Buds." This type of breast is medium in size and narrow. The nipples are pointed, the areolas are not very pronounced. Very often, thin reddish veins can be seen on the skin of women with this breast shape.

    "Dulka." The form got its name due to its similarity to the “dulka” tomato. The breast is wide at the nipple, but narrow at the base. The nipples are poorly defined and almost invisible. But the areolas are very large.

    "Chestnut". The bust of this type is large, slightly flattened. The areolas are light and large, but the nipples are poorly defined.

    "Circe". It is rightfully considered the ideal shape of the mammary gland. Larger than average in size, firm, with large, dark-colored areolas and distinct nipples.

    "Lady fingers". The bust type is similar to the famous grape variety. Its size is large, the areolas are dark and large. Nipples are not very visible.

    "The eyes of a Turkish woman." The bust is large, but the breasts are quite narrow. The nipples have a specific appearance: they look into different sides.

    These are large mammary glands. Their areolas are pale but large. The nipples are almost invisible against their background.

    "Peach". volume. At the same time, it is in very good shape. The areolas are bright pink, the nipples match them.

    "Alma mater". The mammary glands are large and heavy, and the nipples and areolas are constantly under tension. They are pale, as is the skin on the chest.

    "Renaissance". The name speaks for itself. The bust is very large and magnificent. The areolas are pronounced, but small. The nipples, on the contrary, are very large and dark in color.

    "Ripe pear" Another large size with dark areolas and slightly defined nipples.

    "Globe". Large round bust. The areolas of such breasts are very large and dark. The nipples are pronounced, large, matching the color of the areolas.


    What is the main function of the mammary glands? Feeding offspring. This is its very first and necessary job - producing milk and then feeding the child.

    The second function is sexuality. It's no secret that the bust is the main erogenous zone of a woman. Nerve receptors are located in the areola and nipples. Thanks to them, a woman receives pleasure from stimulation of this chest area. The mammary gland swells and becomes very sensitive. Medicine believes that stimulation is very beneficial for the female body. It promotes pleasure, which means the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for the tone of the uterus.


    Unfortunately, this part of the female body is not without its “sores”. What breast diseases can occur? They can be divided into benign and oncological. A list of possible breast diseases is presented below:

      Mastopathy. This disease is associated with hormonal imbalance in female body. As a result, there is a violation of the ratio of epithelial and connective tissues in the bust. Bright severe symptoms diseases are lumps, nodes and other compactions that can be determined by palpation. Why does mastopathy occur? By various reasons. This could be refusal to breastfeed, abortion, stress, various infections. The disease can develop into if measures are not taken in time.

      Mastitis. Women are exposed to diseases during lactation. This inflammatory process in the mammary gland. Its main signs are very strong chest pain, nipple discharge. Mastitis can occur for a number of reasons. This includes non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the bust, and colds, and prolonged exposure to drafts, and cracks in the area of ​​the areolas and nipples.

      Fibroadenoma. This kind of disease with a beautiful name is benign tumor. She does not manifest herself, does not cause discomfort. The disease can be detected by palpating the breasts. There will be ball-shaped seals under your fingers. Moreover, these seals are able to move throughout the mammary gland. Fibroadenoma is treated with surgical intervention.

      Cyst. This is a kind of “bag” with a viscous liquid. The connective tissue, growing, closes the gaps in the lobes of the mammary gland. Why this happens, doctors cannot yet determine exactly. The cyst is removed using drainage, under medical supervision.

      Cancer. This is the most terrible disease. Epithelial tissue grows and divides cancer cells. And it arises malignant tumor. The latter can develop rapidly and affect all nearby tissues. There is not just one cause of cancer, there are many. Heredity, not proper nutrition, contact with radioactive substances or excess estrogen in the blood.

      Common Causes of Diseases

      Breast diseases have very common causes. And we should not forget that women aged 40-65 years are very susceptible to breast diseases. These ladies should be examined annually by a mammologist.

      Let's return to the main causes of bust diseases. The following are distinguished:

      Is breast surgery dangerous?

      Breast augmentation is a popular procedure among women these days. However, is it safe? There are hypotheses that implantation can “help” the development of a disease such as breast cancer. In addition, there is an opinion that breastfed children are less healthy than their peers who are fed natural breasts. Is it so?

      When it comes to diseases, there is more mythology than truth. According to medical data, women who have had breast implants develop cancer no more often than women with a normal bust.

      Regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors say that no health problems have been identified in women who have had breast enlargement and their breastfed children. More precisely, they are not there due to the fact that breast implantation was performed.

      Bust care

      A woman's delicate bust needs care. One of the basic rules for caring for the mammary glands is a contrast shower. Its functionality is to improve blood circulation, the breasts become firmer and more elastic. Those who are not afraid of experiments should try breast massage using cold water from a shower and a special nozzle that regulates water pressure.

      Bra selection is another one important point. In no case should you wear this attribute smaller in size than it should be. It should be comfortable, support the breasts and not rub the skin underneath. For sports, it is better to select certain sports models.


      What should you remember from the article?

        A woman's breasts are very delicate and need care. Cold and hot shower and choosing the right bra is the basics.

        Breast diseases can be prevented if you follow healthy image life.

        During breastfeeding, the bust requires special care.

        The structure of the breast is unique, and its volume depends on the amount of fat in the gland.

        The shape of the mammary glands varies. There are 16 species in total.

        Breast surgery is not so dangerous. There are many mythical stories surrounding it.

      Careful care, proper nutrition and exercise will help keep your bust in shape for many years.

A woman's breasts begin to develop at puberty. During this period, the milk ducts located inside increase slightly, and starting from the age of 14-15, this process accelerates several times. At the same time, lactocytes grow, glandular and connective tissue increases, lobules form and increase in number, the areola and nipple become dark. Full maturation of the gland ends after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The chest is covered with smooth skin. In the center are the areola and nipple, where there are sweat and sebaceous glands.

The internal structure of the female breast (ratio of tissues in at different ages) can be seen in the photo:

  1. Glandular tissue (alveoli).
  2. Adipose and connective tissue.
  3. Ducts.

One of the main components is considered to be the alveolus, which in its structure resembles a bubble. Its internal structure consists of specific cells, and its main function is the appearance and production of milk. Each alveolus is lined with nerve endings and small vessels. Connecting together, they form a lobule. A combination of up to 80 such lobules form a lobe, of which there are up to twenty in the female breast. Each has a duct, the end of which exits into the nipple. Through them, mother's milk is supplied to the baby. The muscle fibers located in the areola are responsible for the erection of the nipple.

Between the lobes themselves there is connective tissue that makes up the frame of the mammary gland. It is attached to pectoral muscles, which consist of the major, minor and intercostal muscles.

Characteristics of female breasts

Adipose tissue is located around the glandular tissue, and its amount increases or decreases depending on changes in a woman’s weight. The percentage ratio of these two tissue structures is different for each. Some people may have much more adipose tissue than glandular tissue. This leads to the fact that when you lose weight or gain weight, the breasts change their shape. If a woman has a predominant glandular tissue, such obvious changes do not occur.

If adipose tissue grows depending on nutrition, then the development of the glandular system largely depends on hormonal levels, and its increase does not depend on diets or changes in diet. This explains the change in breast shape in different periods menstrual cycle.
The female mammary gland does not contain muscles. Therefore, change the shape of the breast using physical exercise impossible.

The size and shape of the breast varies from woman to woman. This depends on many factors and can change throughout life. Breast shape depends on elasticity and strength connective tissue. It envelops the mammary glands and attaches the entire breast to the pectoral muscle group.

The following forms are distinguished:

  1. Disc-shaped - wide volume at the base and small height.
  2. Hemispherical - the height and diameter of the chest coincide.
  3. Pear-shaped (conical) - height greater than the diameter of the base.
  4. The mastoid is similar to the previous form, but the entire gland is lowered and the nipple looks down.

Slight asymmetry of the mammary glands in women is normal. Usually the left breast is slightly larger than the right. They may not be at the same height, which is due to the attachment of connective tissue and muscles chest. A slight difference is considered normal, and there is nothing terrible about it.

Hormones affecting breast growth

Many people think that the shape and growth of the breast is influenced by a group of certain muscles. This is not true, and these processes are controlled only by hormones. It is impossible to lift the chest using a set of exercises for the chest muscles. They will help increase the volume of the chest. But this muscle group is in no way directly related to the shape and structure of the mammary gland.

Breast development (its shape, volume) is influenced by more than 15 hormones. The main ones are considered to be:

  • Estrogens. They are responsible for normal development ducts and connective tissue. It is their quantity that determines the density and elasticity of the latter, which prevents the mammary gland from sinking.
  • Progesterone. The increase in the number of alveoli, the development of glandular tissue, and the growth of lobules are controlled by this hormone. Its production begins during puberty.
  • Prolactin is a hormone that is actively secreted while a woman is breastfeeding. Causes the growth of epithelial cells.

Women's mammary glands act as a magnet for many hormones. Their development is also influenced by their other species produced endocrine system(insulin, corticosteroids). Therefore, the effect of many of them has not been thoroughly studied. But it has been proven that diseases (cyst, fibroadenoma, malignant neoplasms) appear due to hormonal imbalance in the body.

Changes in the female breast before and after childbirth

The culmination of the development of the female mammary gland is considered to be pregnancy and lactation. At this moment, significant changes occur in the female breast, which is primarily associated with hormonal changes.

It is important to remember that the shape of this part of the female body does not affect the amount of milk. So, a woman with large breasts does not always produce enough of it. The quantity and quality of milk is affected hormonal background, which changes in the prenatal and postpartum period.

Prenatal period

After conception in the body expectant mother hormonal levels change, which forces the mammary gland to prepare for the lactation period. Many expectant mothers notice a change in breast shape (enlargement) already in the 2nd month of pregnancy. The increase in mass is due to a strong blood flow to the glands, which leads to proliferation and enlargement of the alveoli. The closer the due date approaches, the more often a woman can feel pulsation and swelling of the mammary glands. Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, colostrum is released from the nipple. This is normal. The nipples and areolas themselves change shape and become dark.

Postpartum period

After the baby is born, doctors practice early breastfeeding. This is necessary for normal milk production. It is the baby’s first suck that sends signals to the brain and causes the pituitary gland to produce hormones (oxytocin and prolactin), which controls its production in the required quantity.

The first breast milk appears on the second day after birth, and the mother may need to pump. But gradually its quantity is normalized.

If the hormonal levels are postpartum period develops normally, the mammary gland will produce exactly as much milk as the baby needs for a given period. Therefore, women do not need to pump. The mammary gland itself regulates the amount of product for the next feeding.

But if there is a disruption in hormones, then there will be much more milk than the child needs. In such cases, pumping is a normal procedure. This helps to avoid the development of inflammation in the mammary gland.

Pumping is also used to provide the baby with milk if the mother needs to leave for a while. But here it is important to properly store the prepared product.

Expressing breast milk is also used to increase your supply. This process causes the mammary gland to produce it in sufficient quantities. So, after each feeding, pumping occurs.

This signals the brain that more milk is needed for the next feeding. A woman pumping her breast produces sufficient quantity milk.

Doctors say that the structure and possible diseases mammary gland is a mirror hormonal state the whole body. If a woman notices changes in this organ (lumps, pain, swelling), then she should consult a mammologist as soon as possible to find out the cause of such changes.

The main function of female mammary glands is feeding offspring, but no one can dispute the fact that to some extent they determine a woman’s attractiveness and even her psychological comfort.

In addition, the female breast is a delicate and sensitive part of the body that requires careful and attentive treatment.

So, what features does the female mammary gland have: structure and functions, tissue ratio, shape, weight?

Breasts begin to form in the womb (around the 5th month), but until the onset of puberty they remain in their infancy in both boys and girls.

Intensive growth and development of the bust in female adolescents begins at the age of 10-12 years, when the concentration of hormones in the blood of the future woman begins to change.

By the age of 16-17, the bust is almost formed, although its growth may be observed for another 3-4 years. The structure, shape and size of the breasts are individual in each specific case - moreover, one breast in a woman may differ from the other.

Blood supply

The blood supply to the mammary glands comes from three different blood vessels:

  • posterior intercostal arteries;
  • internal mammary artery;
  • lateral thoracic artery.

The posterior intercostal vessels provide blood supply to the inner and lateral parts of the chest, but the main artery of the mammary glands is the internal mammary artery. Its branches are located near the ribs directly next to the sternum.

The areola and nipple are supplied with blood from the branches of the arteries, which form in skin extensive network. Venous drainage of the mammary glands is carried out using deep and superficial veins, which are located under the skin and in deeper layers of tissue.

The lymphatic system of the mammary gland drains lymph in several directions, and 30-40 lymph nodes located under the breast, above the collarbones and in the armpits prevent the spread of foreign microorganisms.

Many nerve fibers and endings pass through the breast tissue, which causes the so-called irradiation of pain into the chest in diseases of the back and spine.

Breast shape and size

The size of the mammary glands depends on several factors - some of them are formed at birth, and others throughout a woman’s life:

  1. genetic predisposition. Bust size is influenced by maternal genes, as well as the genes of other relatives;
  2. weight. Breast size depends on total number adipose tissue in the body. Accordingly, when gaining additional kilograms, the mammary glands can increase in size, and in girls who are on strict diets, they decrease. At the same time, with an increase in the amount of fatty tissue, the breasts may sag and lose their elasticity;
  3. anatomical features of the figure. As a rule, in fragile thin women the bust is small, but large women quite impressive;
  4. hormonal background. Under the influence of hormones, the bust can increase, which is what happens during pregnancy.

If we talk about the shape of the breast, then there are several classifications that characterize and describe different types of busts.

Types of busts

The generally accepted classification identifies the following breast shapes:

  • disk– the chest has a small height and a wide base;
  • hemisphere– the diameter and height of the mammary gland almost coincide;
  • cone (pear)– the height of the chest is much greater than the width of the base;
  • nipples– the structure is almost identical to the conical shape, but the nipple is directed downwards.

There is a classification that describes not only the shape of the bust, but also the character of its owner. Thus, a mammary gland in the shape of a bud characterizes a woman as an irritable person, round breasts are characteristic of passionate and sensitive girls, an elongated bust is characteristic of docile and soft representatives of the fair sex.

Video on the topic

Lecture on the topic “Structure and functions of the mammary glands”:

Breast shape may change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and other factors. During pregnancy, the breasts increase in size, during lactation they become even larger, and after breastfeeding, they usually return to their previous shape and size.

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