My breasts hurt. Changes in the gland due to termination of pregnancy. Condition for calling an ambulance

Soreness of the mammary glands in some way worries more than half of all women on the planet. At the same time, sensations can vary from mild discomfort to excruciating severity and burning, which significantly reduce the quality of life. Therefore, establish the reason similar pains and pick up adequate treatment- this is the primary task.

Breast anatomy

A woman's breast consists of a gland, which is divided by the milk ducts into lobules, fat and connective tissue... The predominance of connective (fibrous) and glandular tissue depends on the characteristics of the organism, body weight, hormonal background and the woman's age. However, the mammary gland in every woman is an organ in which changes occur related to the course of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes occur according to the following scheme:

The first two weeks (14 days), provided that the cycle lasts 28 days, follicles intensively ripen in the ovaries. In the middle phase of the cycle, the follicle bursts, thus releasing the egg. This stage is combined with a peak estrogen release. After the ovum leaves, in the place of localization of the follicle is formed corpus luteum... During this phase, progesterone is actively secreted. If conception does not occur, the body begins to fade away and the levels of both hormones decrease towards the end of the cycle. Menstruation begins.

Estrogen, a female hormone, has a huge impact on the state of the mammary glands. It provokes an increase in connective elements and the number of glandular cells. Connective cells line the surface of all breast ducts. With an excess of estrogen, groups of glands can degenerate into cysts. In most cases, cysts are harmless and do not need treatment.

Progesterone, the level of which rises in the second part of the cycle, provokes edema, improves blood circulation, which causes painful sensations in the premenstrual period. This is due to the fact that the glandular cells of the mammary gland are prepared before possible allocation milk, in case of pregnancy.

Mastodynia (cyclical pain) - pain before the onset of menstruation

The largest number of complaints of pain in the mammary glands is associated precisely with cyclical changes female body... This condition is characterized by:

    a significant decrease or complete disappearance of painful sensations during pregnancy or after the onset of menopause;

    subsiding pain at the onset of menstruation and its complete disappearance at the end of menstruation;

    the onset of pain a few days before the onset of menstruation.

Such complaints are most often present in women between the ages of 17 and 40 with large and medium breasts. Chest pains that occur during ovulation are usually bilateral, with the most pronounced pain localized in the outer upper quadrants of the mammary gland.

Pain as a sign of PMS

Cyclical pain that recurs monthly may be part of PMS. Among other signs of this unpleasant state allocate:

    bloating and abdominal pain;

    increased appetite;

    anxiety and restlessness;

    mood swings and irritability.

The main feature of premenstrual pain in the mammary gland is the absence of symptoms before ovulation begins. The first half of the cycle is absolutely painless, and after two weeks, the above complaints begin to increase. The peak of painful sensations occurs 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation.

The presence of certain signs of premenstrual syndrome is present in 80% of women. And in almost everyone, breast soreness is one of the main symptoms. This condition is not dangerous for the health and life of a woman. It is believed that women who suffer from monthly pain and breast lumps are more at risk of developing cancer pathologies... There is currently no evidence of an association between breast cancer and cyclical breast tenderness.

Most often, pain develops against the background of the presence of diffuse fibrocystic breast disease... This condition is not a disease, it is special condition breast, in which there is a uniform growth of fibrous and glandular tissues. This condition has no consequences, except for discomfort.

Non-cyclic pain

    when taking medications (antidepressants, hormones);

    after operations and in case of injuries;

    in the presence of benign or malignant tumors;

    with breast cysts.

In rare cases, the pain may not be related to your period. Usually, discomfort occurs with injuries, tumors, cysts and other pathologies that occur in the mammary gland. Non-cyclic pain is most often localized and one-sided. In other words, a woman is able to identify a place where discomfort is present (for example, pain in right chest in the nipple area).

    Paget's disease;

    malignant tumors;


    acute mastitis;

    reaction to the implant;

    inflammatory processes;


    breast cyst;

    nodal formations.

Breast cyst

A breast cyst is a cavity that is filled with fluid. It is generally accepted that almost every woman has one or more small cystic formations. Normally, they occur during the menstrual cycle, but sometimes such cysts grow to large sizes that causes pain and inconvenience to the woman.

If, during a thorough ultrasound examination, a threat of cancer is not identified, small cysts in most cases do not touch, and the therapy is the same as in diffuse mastopathy. If cystic formations cause suspicion (inflamed, large, have a parietal component) and at the same time provoke severe pain, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove them.


Fibroadenoma is benign tumor, which is localized in the mammary gland. It is a rounded formation, which in most cases is painless, mobile and smooth. However, depending on the size and location of this node, discomfort and pain may appear, which force a woman to see a doctor.

Fibroadenomas develop usually due to fluctuations in hormonal levels, most often in young women who have reached childbearing age. Fibroadenomas, in contrast to diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, require biopsy. In order to exclude the presence of a cancerous tumor, a needle is inserted into the node and some of the cells are pumped out through it, which are further examined under a microscope. After the diagnosis of fibroadenoma is confirmed, the formation is removed. Along with the tumor, anxiety about possible cancer and pain go away.


A lactocele is a cyst in the breast that is filled breast milk... As a result of trauma or congenital anomaly, as well as an inflammatory process, a scar forms in the breast, which prevents normal lactation. Milk begins to accumulate and stagnate, further forming a cyst. The cyst grows and gradually provokes a feeling of fullness and pain in the breast area. In some cases, suppuration and abscess may occur at the site of its formation.

Lactocele is a flexible, soft mass. When punctured, milk is released from it. In order to relieve pain, puncture is sometimes not enough; in such cases, an operation to remove the cyst is necessary.


Unlike lactocele, the main reason development of lactostasis is the lack of a feeding regimen. Increased milk production and low milk intake by the baby cause breast congestion. The symptoms of this pathology usually appear quickly enough, these are:

    aching chest pain;

    a feeling of fullness and tension;

    lump in a certain part of the chest.

In rare cases, a slight increase in body temperature can join the feeling of pain. Such symptoms occur only in the first 3-4 months after delivery, when the baby and his mother have not yet entered the same feeding rhythm.

The main therapy for lactostasis is active breastfeeding. The first milk must be expressed to make it easier for the baby to suck. In the first months, you need to feed the baby on demand, regardless of the time of day or night. If, in the presence of lactostasis, you stop feeding the child with a "sick" breast, the amount of milk in it will decrease, which in the future may become a problem.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. In most cases, there is a lactational variant of the disease, which occurs against the background breastfeeding... Also, in most cases, the precursor of mastitis is lactostasis. Stagnant milk and cracked nipples allow bacteria to multiply very actively. Infection occurs, and the mammary gland begins to swell, redness, fever and severe pain appear. The general condition of a woman is characterized by weakness, which occurs against a background of temperature, which sometimes reaches 39 degrees.

Diagnosing mastitis is easy. It is much more difficult to cure this pathology, while maintaining normal lactation glands. First-line drugs are antibiotics. But they can only be prescribed after examination by a doctor. In the absence of the effect of therapy or serious condition surgery may be needed to drain the pus that has formed. In any case, you need to keep lactation at a certain level.

Breast injury

Breast trauma is a rare occurrence. Usually there are abrasions or bruises that appear after traffic accidents, falls and other accidents. If a hematoma (bruise, blood accumulation) occurs in the mammary gland due to trauma, discomfort and pain may appear even after a considerable period of time. Therefore, in the presence of a hematoma of the breast, its removal or puncture is required in order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Pain in the area of ​​implants

Soreness is normal after breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery. It will take time for the scars to get used to the new size and heal. However, sometimes the placement of the implant causes acute or chronic inflammatory response or begins to squeeze nerve endings. In such cases, you need to seek advice from plastic surgeon, reoperation may also be required.

Cracked nipples

Almost all women experienced discomfort in the nipple area after giving birth. A constantly hungry baby demands to be fed hourly, with very little milk. Friction causes burning, itching, and pain in the nipples. However, the cracks are the most unpleasant. Due to the drying out of the nipple skin, it begins to crack, and this is a very painful condition. Wounds and ulcers do not have time to heal in the periods between feedings, recovery is delayed. In such situations, it is recommended to lubricate nipple cracks with "Depanthenol", "Bepanten" and other creams of a similar action. They do not affect the health of the baby and quickly cope with cracks. In the presence of heavy infected wounds you need to protect the baby from the breast until the symptoms subside completely.

Pain that is not associated with the mammary glands

    postherpetic neuralgia;

    Tietze's syndrome;

    intercostal neuralgia (with ARVI, rheumatoid diseases).

Tietze Syndrome

Tietze's disease is not widespread, but it sometimes occurs. It manifests itself in the form of swelling and pain in the area of ​​the cartilage of the ribs. The causes of this pathology have not been clarified, and stress or inadequate exercise stress... In women, a similar syndrome is often disguised as soreness in the mammary glands. It is quite simple to exclude the presence of this pathology: you should carry out X-ray examination chest and pay close attention to the cartilage between the ribs. Specific treatment Tietze's syndrome does not, and NSAIDs are used for severe pain. Quite often, changing your physical activity is the best treatment.


The Herpeszoster virus, when first ingested, provokes chickenpox and leads to shingles on the body. This is a very painful condition, which is accompanied by blistering eruptions, itching and burning pain. Most often, it affects the nerves and skin of the lumbar region (hence the name of the pathology). When a rash appears in the chest area, pain and itching can be confused with manifestations of mastopathy. Therefore, it is very important to examine the chest for redness and blisters. The soreness of such rashes disappears after 2-3 weeks, and significantly relieve general state antiviral therapy will help (herpes ointment, "Acyclovir").

Mammary cancer

The most formidable of all causes of breast pain is breast cancer. This is a neoplasm that occupies a leading position among oncological diseases among women. In addition to the fact that such cancer is widespread, it is also dangerous. high level mortality, as many women postpone a visit to the doctor until the last moment.

Breast cancer risk factors

    oncological processes of the intestines, ovaries or breasts in close relatives (grandmothers, mothers, sisters);

    transferred previously listed above oncological processes;

    over 60 years of age;


    absence of pregnancy and childbirth, late menopause, early menstruation.

Among all the factors, the main one is the effect on the body and the mammary gland of hormones, in particular estrogen. It must be remembered that the presence of diffuse mastopathy, cyclic premenstrual pain in the chest is not considered a risk factor for the development of oncological processes in the mammary gland.

Heredity, which is aggravated by cases of oncology, requires special attention to own health... About 10% cancerous tumors mammary glands are the result of a genetic defect. The presence of the BRCA2 and BRCA1 genes increases the risk of cancer by several tens of times. Therefore, painful sensations in the chest in women who have / had relatives with oncology of this organ requires special attention and special studies.

Breast cancer symptoms

Small tumors in the absence of metastases most often do not cause pain or discomfort. Pain can occur only when the tumor compresses the nerve endings. Therefore, it is very responsible and an important milestone diagnosis is a self-diagnosis of the mammary glands. Paget's cancer is a special form of breast cancer. It differs in that the tumor is localized in the area of ​​the nipple and causes its extension and deformation, as well as pain to the right or left of it.

Breast cancer treatment

On the initial stages cancer that has not yet spread beyond the nearest lymph nodes or breast is usually exposed complex therapy... It includes surgery to remove the tumor, radiation, and chemotherapy. Hormonal drugs may be used based on the type of tumor. Sometimes, if a tumor is large, it is first shrunk with chemotherapy and then surgically removed. Volume surgical intervention on the territory of our country, it is usually large-scale: the mammary gland with regional lymph nodes and underlying muscles is removed. In European countries, such a pathology is diagnosed much earlier, therefore, it is possible to perform a partial resection of the mammary gland with the imposition of cosmetic sutures.

Breast examination methods

When painful sensations appear in the mammary gland, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies. They allow you to establish the cause of the occurrence similar discomfort and exclude the presence of life-threatening conditions. Also, diagnostics helps to select the most optimal treatment option.

    Self-examination of the mammary glands.

Lying down - in order to examine the right breast, under right shoulder blade put a pillow right hand take away behind the head. With the help of the fingertips, the entire breast is probed from the periphery to the nipple.

Standing - the examination is performed in two positions with arms raised and lowered.

Points to watch out for:

    the presence of ulcers on the skin of the chest;

    pain on palpation;

    changes in temperature and skin color (blue discoloration, redness);

    the change skin lemon-peel breasts;

    change in the size of the mammary glands (asymmetry);

    the presence of discharge from the nipple of any shade (the exception is milk during lactation);

    retraction of the nipple;

    seal of any size and shape. Especially if it is large, motionless, has uneven contours.

All of the above signs are a signal that you should consult a specialist. Such a specialist is a mammologist, therapist or gynecologist. If the doctor identifies a threat to the woman's health, she will be sent for additional examination and consultation with an oncologist. Feeling and examining the breasts helps a woman find cancer early. However, it should be noted that most of independently identified formations are benign and most often do not even require special treatment.

Breast examination if pain occurs

Mammography is an x-ray of the mammary glands. This method is the standard in the diagnosis of breast pathologies among women over forty. It provides an opportunity to assess the nature of growth. malignant process, the prevalence of the disease and the condition of breast tissue. However, if the glandular dense component is dominant in the breast, mammography is not very informative. Therefore, for young women, it is more relevant ultrasonography breasts.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands - ultrasound examination mammary glands are required in such cases:

    for differential diagnosis cysts;

    in all women who complain of pain (in addition to mammography);

    in young women for prevention;

    in pregnant women and during lactation.

MRI and CT of the mammary glands - magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography- these are additional methods of examination. It is not advisable to use them as a preventive study or at the first visit to the doctor. Usually, such techniques are resorted to in the presence of an unclear diagnosis or when there is an unclear picture on ultrasound and mammography. In addition, CT and MRI help to assess the condition neighboring bodies and diagnose metastases in distant parts of the body, in the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Aspiration biopsy - if a breast mass is painless or painful, especially if there is an aggravating inheritance or during menopause, an X-ray is not enough. To confirm the diagnosis, it is best to examine the abnormal cells under a microscope, which will determine the degree of their malignancy. In such cases, most often resort to aspiration biopsy... In some cases, this stage is omitted and immediately proceeds to the removal of the tumor and the subsequent histological examination of the material obtained.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional research to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Breast pain treatment

Treatment for chest pain depends on the underlying cause. Therefore, the first step is to contact a specialist for a detailed examination.

Treatment of cyclical pain

Diffuse mastopathy with premenstrual pain Is a benign and safe phenomenon. At its core, it is a common reaction to a normally passing ovulatory cycle... However, if a woman is very worried about such pains, they use several methods.

    Conversation with a doctor.

Oddly enough, but quite often, a simple conversation with a doctor is enough to relieve symptoms. After qualified explanations about the safety of mastopathy and the absence of cancer in the patient, the condition improves dramatically and the discomfort disappears.

    Selection of the right underwear.

A tight bra of the correct size and shape can reduce discomfort and cyclical pain.

    Dosed physical activity, good rest and aromatherapy for PMS.

    Losing weight and limiting fatty foods.

    Oral contraceptives.

Taking oral contraceptives of a combined effect is an option to temporarily "turn off" ovulation. There is no ovulation, which means there are no surges in hormones. Therefore, pain and discomfort when using COCs is either significantly relieved or disappears completely.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen").

    "Tamoxifen" is a drug that is used in the presence of severe mastopathy with severe pain syndrome. The drug has side effects, therefore it is prescribed only if there are strict indications.

It is important to remember that any homeopathic remedies that supposedly relieve mastopathy - pure water quackery. The effect of such drugs is based on self-hypnosis. Therefore, it makes no sense to use drugs with unproven safety and efficacy, you can simply limit yourself to talking with a doctor, taking a bath and having a good rest.

Treatment of non-cyclic pain

Upon detection inflammatory processes, tumors and cysts, a doctor's consultation is required, detailed diagnostics and, if necessary, an operation. After resection benign formations drugs can be used to treat PMS. After treatment of oncological pathologies, many drugs are contraindicated. Pain in the case of breast cancer with distant metastases is very severe, excruciating and cannot be relieved by NSAIDs. Sometimes narcotic analgesics are required to relieve these pains.

Treatment of pain that is not associated with the mammary gland

An intelligent doctor determines the source and cause of such pain and prescribes additional research. Treatment is selected in accordance with the nature of the pathology.

Most popular physician questions when collecting data

Before contacting a doctor, you need to carefully consider the answers to the questions that he is likely to ask.

    Which breast is sore?

    What kind of pain is there? (stabbing, bursting, aching).

    How long does this pain bother you?

    What is the severity of the pain, if you evaluate it on a 10-point scale?

    Does one or both breasts hurt?

    Are there patterns in the onset of pain (breastfeeding, exercise, menstruation)?

    When was the last mammogram performed?

    Are there any other symptoms (nipple discharge, breast lump)?

    Have you recently had a miscarriage or abortion, are you breastfeeding, are you pregnant?

    Have you had a history of breast surgery or chest trauma?

    Have any of your close relatives suffered from bowel, ovarian, and breast cancer?

Many women (over 70%) have experienced chest pain at least once in their lives. Usually this condition worries ladies. reproductive age, however, it is possible in the postmenopausal period. According to statistics, approximately every tenth of the fair sex experiences discomfort in the mammary gland for more than five days every month. Of course, such a situation affects the condition of a woman, her mood, work and family life... Why can there be pain in the chest?

The nature of the pain

The causes of pain are largely due to its nature. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can be of two types:

  1. Cyclic. In this case, pain is observed in both glands and spreads throughout their area, most of all affecting the outer and upper part of the chest. The characteristic features are swelling, irritation of the gland, the appearance in it of a feeling of fullness and heaviness, soreness when pressed. Most often In a similar way the chest hurts before menstruation, after which the discomfort gradually disappears. Pain of this nature occurs in two-thirds of women aged 30-40 years.
  2. Non-cyclical. Sensations of this kind are usually localized in only one gland. In most cases, they occur in any specific place, much less often non-cyclic pain is diffuse, and the entire gland is completely affected. The nature of the pain is burning, irritating. Most often it is observed in women after 40 years.

Causes of cyclical chest pain

Knowing the factors that can provoke such a condition will help to answer the question of why a woman is diagnosed with cyclical chest pain. The reasons for the appearance of pain in the mammary gland are as follows:

  1. Hormonal changes caused by the monthly cycle. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, which entails a sharp increase in the production of hormones designed to prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth. This cyclical pain is called mastalgia. With the onset of menstruation, all signs usually disappear.

    Dull, aching pain is usually localized in the upper outer quadrants of the chest. It is especially pronounced when pressed. The pain can be of varying intensity: from mild to severe, radiating to the arm or armpit. A similar condition is diagnosed in approximately 70% of women of reproductive age. Sometimes cyclical mastalgia is found in postmenopausal women who are treated with hormonal drugs.

  2. Mastopathy. This disease is characterized by abnormal proliferation of breast tissue. Why does it arise? The cause of mastopathy lies in a violation of the hormonal background of a woman. In the early stages of the disease, its symptoms appear before menstruation and then disappear. In advanced cases, they are observed constantly. With mastopathy, the main symptom is pain in the mammary glands, they become edematous and swell. On palpation, you can feel the seals. The woman's chest hurts when pressed. This condition requires compulsory treatment.
  3. Imbalance fatty acids in organism. Such a violation usually leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the breast to hormones. The intake of primrose oil helps to eliminate the problem, a feature of which is the normalization of the balance of fatty acids.
  4. Pregnancy. To preserve the onset of pregnancy, progesterone is actively formed in the woman's body. It causes overgrowth of alveolar tissue, which increases the volume of the breast and is designed to prepare it for lactation. Almost every woman at the onset of pregnancy feels that her breasts are sore and swollen. Later, the discomfort disappears. Pain may recur at the end of the third trimester. The glands become swollen and painful.
  5. Abortion. Breast pain may occur after abortion. They usually go away in 1 to 2 weeks. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes they are explained by the continued growth of the ovum due to an error in surgical intervention are sometimes caused by a hormonal imbalance that occurs.
  6. Taking a number of hormonal drugs used in the treatment of infertility, as well as some contraceptives. In addition, the intake of certain antidepressants can provoke such problems.

Causes of non-cyclic chest pain

The causes of non-cyclic pain are usually associated not with hormonal imbalances, but with anatomical changes that have occurred in the gland. In most cases, the discomfort is explained by the following circumstances:

  • Mechanical damage to the mammary gland. Trauma can cause chest pain. Squeezing or squeezing of the gland caused by the wrong choice of underwear can also lead to pain. In order to avoid the appearance of such problems, every woman should carefully select a bra, being in transport or in crowded places, try to protect her breasts from jolts and blows.
  • Breast surgery.
  • Fibroadenoma. This is the name of a benign tumor localized in the mammary gland. This is one of the forms of nodular mastopathy. When pressed, a patient can find a mobile, rounded formation that is not associated with the skin. It can be both small (2 mm) and large (up to 7 cm).
  • Mastitis. With mastitis, inflammation begins in the mammary gland. The chest turns red, the skin over the affected area becomes red, the temperature rises both local and the body as a whole. The disease develops very quickly (within a couple of days). The overwhelming majority of patients are nursing mothers. Why does this disease occur? There are two reasons for the appearance of this pathology: milk stagnation (lactostasis) and infection (it enters the body through damage to the nipples). Mastitis needs immediate treatment, as neglected conditions can lead to extremely negative consequences... In rare cases, the disease is diagnosed in non-breastfeeding women.
  • Breast cancer. In rare cases, discomfort in the gland is a sign of breast cancer. Usually on early stage the disease does not cause discomfort. The reason to see a doctor is the retraction of the nipple, the appearance of discharge from it, an increase in lymph nodes, a palpable seal in the tissues.
  • Breast abscess. This is a disease in which a certain area, separated from other tissues, suppuration occurs in the breast. This pathology rather rare and of a secondary nature. An abscess is the result of some other inflammatory disease breast, such as mastitis.
  • Cyst. Such a pathology can cause unpleasant sensations in the gland. Filling with liquid, the formation begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues, which leads to discomfort. The pain is both sharp and aching, dull. If a cyst is found, the patient must definitely consult a doctor in order to find out the causes of the disease and undergo treatment.

Chest pain may also not be associated with the mammary gland, but is dictated by problems with muscles, nerves, joints, chest wall. The causes of chest pain lie in diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other disorders. skeletal system... Heart disease also often leads to pain syndrome(for example, angina pectoris).

Delicate female organ

If for men female breast is an attractive area of ​​the body, then for doctors it is, first of all, a gland with complex structure... Most of the processes that take place in it are hormonal in nature. Pain in the chest can be caused by changes in the endocrine system. Want to know a few more reasons why your chest hurts? You will find all the answers below.

Breast critical days

More than half of women of reproductive age report that their breasts change just before menstruation begins. There is an increase in the bust and some discomfort. Sometimes this very discomfort reaches the scale of not weak painful sensations. Most often, both mammary glands are affected, which is the main indicator that the pain is of a hormonal nature. Substances such as prolactin, estrogen and oxytocin are the culprits. Why do the mammary glands hurt before menstruation? The increase in estrogen levels leads to fluid retention in the tissues. This is why the breasts swell and feel heavy. Also, the fluid compresses the nerve endings, causing their response.

Why do mammary glands hurt in pregnant women?

Soreness of the chest is one of the first signs of an "interesting" position. Such symptoms can appear even a week after conception. The breasts usually swell as before menstruation. Touching the nipples is unpleasant. Many women confuse this condition with premenstrual syndrome due to similar symptoms... The main difference: in pregnant women, the nipples darken and become covered with small tubercles.

Problems of nursing mothers

Chest pain is a common complaint of young mothers. For the first time, unpleasant sensations overtake a woman during the arrival of milk, this happens approximately on the third day after the birth of the child. The breast is greatly enlarged, tingling and burning sensation in the mammary gland may be felt. With improper attachment of the child or with untimely feeding, milk stagnation may occur. It feels like a small pea in the gland that hurts on palpation. The skin in this place often turns red. If you don't take action, stagnation can develop into mastitis, which is an infectious disease. Urgent breast massage and frequent latching of the baby are required. If you do not know why the mammary glands hurt, then you need to as soon as possible see a doctor.



Me is a common disease even in young girls. Its main reason is hormonal imbalance... Symptoms: burning sensation in the mammary gland, pain, aggravated before menstruation and are unilateral, discharge of a yellowish fluid from the nipple, the presence of nodules in the gland. Mastopathy is a benign neoplasm in the breast. However, this disease requires careful monitoring by a doctor, as it can easily turn into a terrible tumor.

Breast injury

Why do mammary glands hurt in other cases? After being hit, the chest can hurt a lot. Internal edema and hemorrhage cause compression of the nerve endings. If you are seriously injured or have pain that persists for a long time, it is best to see a doctor. Damage to the tissues of the gland can lead to various changes in it.

Breast tumor

This is the most terrible reason chest pain. Unfortunately, breast cancer has grown very young and is becoming more common. That is why in the presence of pains of an unexplained nature, as well as swelling and seals in the chest area, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Examine and palpate your breasts yourself every month in the middle of your menstrual cycle.

Breast pain (mastalgia) is common, mostly in women between the ages of 30 and 50.

The pain often occurs in the upper-outer part of the mammary glands, it can be given to the armpits or arms. In most cases, the chest hurts moderately, less often the discomfort reaches medium or high intensity, deprives you of peace, and causes anxiety and stress. This is largely due to the fear of a serious illness. Although pain in the left or right breast itself is not a symptom of breast cancer and does not increase the risk of developing it.

Depending on the time of onset, pain in the mammary gland is:

  • cyclical when the chest hurts before menstruation or during menstruation;
  • non-cyclical when the pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle.

To determine why your breasts hurt, it is helpful to keep a diary in which you can track all the changes in your breasts throughout your menstrual cycle. In a diary or calendar, it is necessary to mark the days when the pain appears and when it disappears, what is its intensity, and what it is associated with. You can show this diary to your doctor if necessary, which will facilitate the diagnosis.


Why does my chest hurt?

The cause of cyclical pain in the mammary glands is considered to be a change in the hormonal background of a woman before the onset of the next menstruation. The pain appears at about the same time every month, usually 1-3 days before the onset of menstruation and goes away when it ends. The intensity of the pain can vary. In postmenopausal women who are taking substitution hormone therapy, cyclic pain in the mammary glands is also possible. Cyclical chest pain is not a symptom of the disease.

It is not always possible to determine the cause of non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands. Pain in the left or right chest can occur with the following diseases:

  • mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland, more common in breastfeeding women;
  • lumps in the mammary gland - exist different types benign (noncancerous) lumps, some of which can cause pain
  • breast abscess - a painful purulent formation in the tissues of the mammary gland.

Non-cyclic breast pain can also be caused by trauma, such as a sprained chest muscle or a bruised breast. In rare cases, mastalgia can be caused by drugs such as certain types of antifungal drugs, antidepressants, or antipsychotics.

Breast pain: treatment

If your chest hurts before your period (cyclic mastalgia), usually help relieve the condition non-drug methods treatment, less often painkillers medications... If your chest pain has more serious reasons, the doctor may prescribe special drug therapy.

In 30% of cases, cyclical chest pain goes away on its own within 3 menstrual cycles. In some women, it periodically appears and disappears over the course of several years. Knowing that discomfort in the mammary glands is not dangerous to health, it is easier to cope with them.

If the breast hurts in cycles, the use of a comfortable bra of the correct size can provide relief. It should be worn throughout the day. It is also recommended to wear underwear at night, but choose a bra with weak support for sleep. During training and active pastime, it is advisable to use a sports bra.

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can be taken if needed. You can also use drugs containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), local action in the form of gels or ointments, for example: indomethacin ointment, diclofenac gel. Follow the manufacturer's directions and make sure the medication is right for you. For example, topical NSAIDs should not be applied to damaged skin.

Some experts believe that chest pain can be relieved by making lifestyle changes:

  • reduce your intake of caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee and cola;
  • Reduce your intake of saturated fat, which is found in butter, chips, and fried foods.
  • quit smoking (if you smoke).

Women sometimes use alternative medicine, for example, acupuncture or reflexology, but the effectiveness of these methods has not yet been scientifically proven. If the cause of mastalgia is mastitis, abscess or other infectious disease, then antibiotics and surgery quickly bring relief.

Medicinal treatment of mastalgia

Drug treatment is more often required for non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands associated with various benign diseases, but occasionally it is also prescribed in cases where the chest hurts before menstruation. For example, your doctor may prescribe danazol, tamoxifen, or goserelin.

These funds regulate hormonal balance in the body and can reduce discomfort in the mammary glands. However, apart from positive effect they have significant side effects, such as excessive body hair growth and irreversible decrease in the tone of the voice. Some of these drugs are used to treat breast tumors, but doctors sometimes recommend them to relieve chest pain.

Danazol is a drug used to treat severe pain caused by fibrocystic breast disease, a condition in which benign (non-cancerous) lumps form in the breast. Side effects:

  • rash;
  • weight gain;
  • decrease in the timbre of the voice, sometimes irreversible;
  • hirsutism (excessive hair growth) - for example, on the face.

Tamoxifen is a drug used to treat breast cancer, but it can also be prescribed for chest pain. Side effects:

  • bleeding or vaginal discharge;
  • hot flashes;
  • increased risk of developing uterine cancer (endometrial cancer);
  • increased risk of thromboembolism - when blood clots form in the veins (thrombosis), which can lead to a blockage of the vessel.

Goserelin is a drug used to treat breast cancer, but it can also be prescribed for chest pain. Side effects:

  • dryness of the vagina;
  • hot flashes;
  • loss of sex drive;

When to see a doctor for breast pain?

See your doctor if you find any of the following breast changes:

  • the appearance of a lump or lump in the breast;
  • discharge from the nipple;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit;
  • a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts;
  • the appearance of dimples or other deformation of the breast;
  • a rash on or around the nipple;
  • the change appearance the nipple, for example, it becomes sunken;
  • chest or armpit pain not related to your period
  • any signs of infection in the breast, such as swelling, redness
    or a fever in the chest or a rise in body temperature.

If chest pain is accompanied by other symptoms or does not go away during the entire menstrual cycle (not only during monthly bleeding), it may not be cyclical chest pain. See your doctor to determine the cause.

If your breast hurts, find a good gynecologist to diagnose and, if necessary, treat your condition. In difficult cases, for a more detailed examination, you may be referred to a mammologist, who can be found using the NaPopravku service.

Any pain or discomfort in the mammary glands is called mastalgia. Another name for this syndrome is mastodynia. Distinguish between cyclic and non-cyclic mastalgia. Cyclic mastodynia is associated with a woman's menstrual cycle, manifests itself in puberty (puberty) and reproductive (the period when a woman can reproduce offspring) age.

Note! If pain in the mammary gland on the right or on the left is first detected in a woman during menopause, it is required to conduct medical examination to exclude the formation of a tumor.

With cyclical mastalgia, a feeling of heaviness, distention of the chest is characteristic. The nipples become very sensitive and painful sensations may develop in the armpit. Bilateral pain appears 5-6 days before the onset of menstruation, disappears the next day after the onset of discharge.

Associated symptoms of matslagia, in addition to pain in the mammary gland on the right or left in women

Does not affect the appearance of non-cyclic mastodynia menstrual cycle and hormonal background. The pain is most often asymmetric in this case. The woman experiences a burning sensation, tingling sensation, local distension.

Diseases causing chest pain on the right

The causes of mastalgia can be diseases of a different nature. Some diagnoses do not need to be treated, others require urgent specialist intervention.

Hormonal imbalance

Changes occur in a woman's body during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Hormonal imbalance - a change in the ratio of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. An increase in estrogen increases the number of glandular cells.

When this hormone is in excess, groups of glands can form cysts. Progesterone causes swelling and increases circulation, which causes pain before menstruation. The reasons for hormonal imbalance are:

  • pregnancy;
  • changes in the body with menopause;
  • taking medications containing hormones and oral contraceptives.

Changes in the ratio of hormones can occur due to stress or while taking antidepressants.

Formation of a cyst in the mammary gland

Cysts are cavities in tissuebreastfilled with liquid, practicallyateachwomenand callingpain in the rightor left breast.

Small cysts before menstruation begin to increase in size, and the mammary glands become painful. Cysts do not require treatment. They are removed only when there is a threat of cancer.

Breast mastopathy

Pain in the mammary gland on the right in women in most cases occurs due to mastopathy. This is the name of the proliferation of glandular tissue of the breast in women of reproductive age.

This disease is caused by hormonal disbalance, hereditary predisposition, problems endocrine system, obesity, unfavorable ecological situation. Some patients do not experience discomfort, while others the pain can be very severe. With mastopathy, the breast swells, the woman feels heaviness in it.

Another manifestation of the disease is the discharge of a greenish or white liquid from the nipple. With diffuse mastopathy, the mammary gland becomes completely dense to the touch.

Nodular mastopathy is characterized by separate dense areas. The combination of these symptoms is characteristic of fibrocystic breast disease, which affects both breasts at once and this differs from breast cancer.

Mastitis and other infectious diseases

Mastitis occurs when an infection enters the mammary gland. Lactational mastitis occurs in women during lactation. If the baby does not completely suck out the milk, and pumping is not carried out, then the milk stagnates.

The symptoms of the disease are:

  • discomfort and pain in the right or left chest;
  • body temperature rises to 38 °;
  • the chest swells;
  • the skin turns red.

During puberty and menopause, when work immune system violated, non-lactational mastitis may occur. The body becomes vulnerable to various infections that provoke this disease:

  • metabolic diseases ( diabetes, obesity, etc.);
  • any infection in other organs of a woman (dental caries, ENT diseases);
  • introduction of infections during medical procedures;
  • strong squeezing of the chest with injuries.

If mastitis is left untreated, a purulent mass may develop, which will have to be removed surgically.

TO infectious diseases breast also includes breast syphilis. The causative agent of the disease is the pale spirochete. The manifestations of the disease - from skin rashes before defeat internal organs, it all depends on the period of syphilis.

Oncological diseases

The most dangerous cause breast pain - breast cancer. Breast cancer has a high mortality rate because women postpone doctor visits until the last moment.

Signs of breast cancer in women:

  • seals are felt on the chest;
  • v armpits lymph nodes hurt;
  • the nipple is retracted, there is dry skin on it;
  • a white or greenish fluid is discharged from the nipple.

The risk of cancer is high if a woman already has bowel or ovarian cancer.

If a woman has poor heredity (close relatives were ill with cancer), the likelihood of oncology increases. Obesity and age over 60 contribute to the onset of cancer.

Small lumps usually don't hurt. Pain occurs when nerve endings are compressed by a tumor. For the timely detection of the disease, self-diagnostics must be carried out regularly.

It is important to capture the disease in its early stages. In this case, the tumor is removed and radiation and chemotherapy are performed. If the tumor becomes large, the mammary gland will have to be removed.

Diseases of muscles and joints

Pain in the mammary gland on the right in women may occur as a result of osteochondrosis. This chronic illness the spine, in which the vertebrae, intervertebral joints and discs are affected and destroyed.

Osteochondrosis gives a completely different picture of pain than pain with chest problems. A sharp or aching pain appears, which becomes stronger when lifting weights, uncomfortable positions and sudden movements. Pain and discomfort can be caused by deep breathing and coughing.

The pain is most intense in the upper spine and along the ribs along the chest... The consequence of osteochondrosis can be a burning sensation in the chest and numbness of the hands.

Neuralgic disorders

If a woman has a history of intercostal neuralgia, the pain can radiate to the chest and cause discomfort.

The pain is sharp, intense, sometimes dull and aching. Many people think that it hurts the heart, because in case of diseases of cardio-vascular system chest pain is localized on both the left and right. The pain occurs in seizures, with deep breathing and the load increases.

Taking medications that cause chest pain

Women often experience chest pain while taking hormone-containing medications. Chest pain - side effect when taking medications prescribed for postmenopausal women, fertility drugs, contraceptives. Hormones are found in some antidepressants.

Note! If on the background of the reception various drugs there is chest pain, you should not stop treatment without consulting the doctor who prescribed the medication.

Mechanical damage as a cause of pain in the mammary glands

Breast injuries are rare. Consequences of a traffic accident or fall:

  • bruises and abrasions;
  • in women, chest pain on the right or left lasts for a long time, the mammary glands swell;
  • if the milk ducts are damaged, a clear liquid is released from the nipple.

Attention! A lump on the chest after an injury can lead to cancer.

The chest on the right hurts: which doctor to contact

Specialists who should be consulted in case of chest discomfort are a therapist, gynecologist or mammologist. After the examination, if necessary, the woman is sent to an oncologist or neurologist. To pick up correct treatment are doing several studies.

Method In what cases does it apply
MammographyWomen are examined after the onset of 40 years to assess the condition of the mammary gland tissues and the nature of tumor growth
UltrasoundUltrasound is performed in all women with complaints of pain in the right or left mammary gland, in women who are breastfeeding or pregnant, in young women in order to prevent
CT and MRIThese methods are used to clarify the diagnosis if ultrasound and mammography do not give a clear picture of the disease.
Aspiration biopsySurgical removal of a small sample of breast tissue or cells. The biomaterial is studied for tumor malignancy

Breast pain in women can be caused by different diseases... Therefore, it is recommended to take care of your health and be sure to visit a doctor if you experience any symptoms related to the problem of chest discomfort. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Video clips: pain in the mammary glands

Doctor's advice on what to do if there is pain in the mammary glands in women on the right, left or on both sides:

What to do if your chest hurts:

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