How to properly protect yourself from pregnancy. Types of contraceptives for men. Barrier methods: condoms and vaginal devices

Everyone knows that to protect against unwanted pregnancy women accept a variety hormonal contraceptives, installing an intrauterine device, etc. As for the stronger sex, most people do not suspect that in addition to condoms, there are many types of male contraception and even birth control pills for men. Let's try to understand the issue of male contraception more deeply.

Male pills against unwanted pregnancy

In women, the laying of follicles occurs in the mother's womb, therefore, at birth, the exact number of eggs that will be formed from follicles and participate in ovulation throughout life is determined. In the male half, spermatogenesis is a constant process. It is precisely because it is much easier to prevent the release of an egg once a cycle than to suppress the daily maturation of sperm that scientists began to actively develop drugs for female contraception. But in recent decades, many discoveries have been made in this area, one of which was contraceptives for men.

Operating principle

In order for a man to lose his fertilizing abilities, but not lose his potency and libido, it is necessary to neutralize the sperm that is formed in the testes. Various approaches are used for this:

  • Sperm production is artificially stopped by all possible means;
  • Sperm are removed from semen or their development is stopped;
  • They block the production of certain components of sperm, which leads to its unsuitability for fertilization, etc.

All these changes are achieved by taking specific medications containing hormonal and other components.

No need to confuse men's contraception with women's, although their principle of operation is similar. But if a man decides to take female contraceptives, then this will not lead to anything good. Included female medications estrogen and progesterone hormones are present. After a single dose, health may not suffer, but if a man starts taking it regularly female contraceptives, then colossal changes will occur in his body. Although a man will definitely not be able to have children after taking such medications. Male hormonal contraceptives contain a completely different set of hormonal components intended specifically for the stronger sex.

Advantages and disadvantages

In women, the egg matures only once during the cycle, but in men, sperm are formed daily, so constant suppression of hormones is necessary. Therefore, if contraception is based on hormonal suppression, then high-dose drugs will have to be taken every day. This, in fact, is the main disadvantage of tablet contraceptives for men. In addition, such drugs provoke many adverse reactions such as baldness on the head and body hair, the appearance of various types of rashes, thickening of the blood and cardiac dysfunction.

Such drugs provoke respiratory disorders and uncontrolled weight gain, arthralgic manifestations and convulsions, sudden outbursts of aggression and causeless anger. And many tablets also contain gestagen, which has a strong effect on the brain, due to which spermatogenesis is suppressed. The danger is that when testosterone and gestagen are combined, pathological suppression of libido occurs and even irreversible infertility develops. As a result, most drugs were banned. Among the advantages of such drugs are high efficiency and lack of negative influence on erectile functions. After most medications, reproduction is completely restored over time.

Types of tablets

Today, male contraceptive pills are represented by drugs that provide the effect of temporary sterilization. The very first drugs were medications with cyproterone acetate - this element is used in antiandrogenic treatment. Typically, such medications are prescribed to men for prostatic pathologies. Cyproterone is a powerful antiandrogenic substance that blocks the production male hormones. Therefore, its constant use leads to temporary sterilization. But a serious side effect of such drugs is often suppression of libido and other side effects. Therefore, this category of medications is not currently used in male contraception.

A “younger” group of drugs is hormonal contraceptives containing testosterone. You also need to take them daily. During the course, aspermia of a reversible nature develops, i.e. there are no sperm in the semen. After stopping use, all reproductive qualities are restored, however, a number of side reactions may be present, such as decreased sensitivity during sex, a tendency to thrombosis, or testicular cancer.

An even newer generation of male contraceptives are drugs containing female hormones. But you need to take them for no more than a month, and then a break of three months is required. But these drugs are not without their drawbacks, because they cause reactions such as mood swings, depression, excessive libido or increased blood clotting.

The names of male contraceptives like Adjudin or Gamendazole are little known, or rather, they are known, but in a slightly different area. These medications are used for therapy cancers. Many andrologists prescribe them as contraception, which can lead to dangerous consequences. Development is actively underway, but completely safe means so far it has not been possible to invent it, therefore female contraception in this regard remains a priority.

Other types of male contraception

As you can see, the contraceptive option is not at all safe for men. Therefore, the stronger sex is actively looking for other contraceptive options. There are quite a lot of them, and most of them do not have dangerous consequences, so men turn to them much more often.


The most reliable, one might say, proven over centuries, method of preventing unnecessary pregnancy.

  • Such products almost completely prevent not only unwanted conception, but also a host of sexually transmitted problems.
  • Many couples, especially their male counterparts, refer to a noticeable decrease in sexual sensations that are typical for traditional intimacy without rubber bands. If earlier this statement could somehow be justified, then today’s technologies have reached the point that condoms are produced ultra-thin.

Therefore, the main problem is that they can tear. Otherwise, condoms have no complaints; moreover, they protect against most sexually transmitted infections. Condoms are also considered the most affordable contraceptive, which significantly increases interest in this method of contraception.


Injections, which also belong to hormonal contraception, are also used to prevent pregnancy. The specificity of the technique lies in the introduction of testosterone injection, which will subsequently lead to the suppression of spermatogenetic processes. But injections also have their disadvantages, which are generally associated with blood thickening and alopecia, prostate adenoma and excessive body hair, and gynecomastia in men.

Implants under the skin

There is another method of male contraception - subdermal implants. This technique involves the implantation of a special implant containing an androgenic substance. Over time, the ampoule biodegrades, that is, it dissolves. Most often this happens after half a month or a month. Action sewn under skin covering ampoules is due to the fact that sperm activity is inhibited.

After using the implants, the effect is observed within several months. But the technique can provoke adverse reactions like cramps or headaches.

Vasoresection or vasectomy

Vasoresection is called surgical intervention, which comes down to ligation of the spermatic cord. As a result of this procedure, sperm cannot enter the uterus. Such an intervention is reversible, so when a man wants to have offspring, the cord is untied. The technique is quite widely used in andrology for the treatment of prostatic formations.

Vasectomy is also used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This procedure involves cutting the ducts. Approximately a month after the operation, the patient is deprived of reproductive capabilities. Such intervention is usually irreversible, but today it is possible to return childbearing functions.

There is no need to resort to the method of crossing the ducts; today it is possible to simply close them with special valves, which, if necessary, are easily removed, returning the man to his previous fertility.

Male spiral

This technique is little known today, but it has been used in foreign clinics for a long time. The specificity of the method is that a microscopic umbrella is inserted into the scrotum, on the tip of which a sperm-killing agent is applied. It is not yet possible to say for sure how safe such a contraceptive method is, but such methods are not practiced in our country.

There are optimal ways, you just need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. It should immediately be noted that safe contraceptives today it has not yet been created for men, so it should not be used similar drugs in my own practice. It is better to contact an andrologist who will help you choose the safest and most effective method protection. And it is certainly not recommended to resort to techniques such as vasectomy or vasoresection. No one guarantees that fertility will return after such an intervention.

Methods of family planning include contraception, as it helps prevent the development of unwanted pregnancies and avoid abortions. Most of the currently known methods and means of protection were developed in the second half of the last century. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but to one degree or another performs its function.

Contraception can be biological, barrier, chemical, implantation, hormonal and surgical. To assess its effectiveness, the Pearl index is used, reflecting the number of pregnant women out of 100 using contraception certain type. The indicator is displayed as a percentage.

Hormonal contraception is the most popular and effective way prevention unplanned pregnancy.

It includes:

  • Combined drugs containing estrogen and progestin (Rigevidon, Tri-Regol, Marvelon, Femoden, etc.).
  • “Mini-pill” – drugs with progestin (Microlut, Exluton, etc.).

The action of these drugs is based on the following processes:

  • suppression of ovulation (the egg does not mature and is not released);
  • thickening of the mucus secreted into the cervix does not allow sperm to pass through;
  • a change in the mucous membrane of the uterus, as a result of which a fertilized egg is not able to attach to it;
  • decline motor activity sperm in the fallopian tubes.

Thus, various stages of pregnancy are blocked: from the maturation of the egg to its fertilization and attachment to the uterus. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the method reaches 99.9%.

This strong effect drugs can cause a number of side effects. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, swelling, vaginal discharge, irritability, depression, acne, decreased sexual desire and weight gain.

Contraindications include the presence malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands and genitals, vascular diseases brain, venous thromboembolism, unrecognized acyclic vaginal bleeding, migraine, hereditary hyperlipidemia.

Among the advantages hormonal contraception its effectiveness comes first. In addition, these drugs have a number of positive effects: reduce the likelihood of ectopic implantation of the fertilized egg, prevent the formation and spread inflammatory processes in the genitals, prevent the development of neoplasms, restore the menstrual cycle, reduce pain syndrome during menstruation.

Hormonal drugs are convenient to use, they are available and presented in a wide range in most pharmacies. The possibility of conception is restored 2 months after stopping the pills.

Disadvantage hormonal method contraception is the presence of contraindications and side effects. Long-term use or an overdose may lead to malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, to an increased risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerotic changes, blockage of blood vessels.

The method is effective only when taking pills daily, so constant monitoring is necessary. In addition, do not forget that hormonal drugs do not protect against infections.


Condoms are a male barrier method of contraception. The action is based on a physical obstacle to the penetration of sperm into the vagina. Efficiency this method when using a condom correctly - about 90%.

The advantages of using a condom include the absence of contraindications and side effects, protection against sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of additional lubricant, accessibility and “mobility” in use (does not require preliminary preparation, consultation with a doctor, adherence to the schedule, can be used at any time).

The downside is a decrease in sensitivity during sexual intercourse and the need to interrupt it to put on a condom. In addition, in rare cases, latex causes an allergic reaction.

Intrauterine device

This intrauterine device is a T-shaped device made of copper and plastic. The action of the spiral is based on inhibiting the movement of sperm into the uterus, reducing the viability of the egg and preventing its attachment to the uterine mucosa after fertilization. The effectiveness of the method is more than 95%.

The undoubted advantage of the intrauterine device is its ease of use: the woman is not required to additional actions, the gynecologist installs it in 1 appointment. The spiral begins to “work” immediately after the installation procedure. Moreover, if a woman wants to get pregnant, she will not need to wait for some time as when taking hormonal drugs. The ability to conceive is restored immediately after the IUD is removed.

The intrauterine device is a reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding. It does not affect milk production or its composition. It does not affect sexual activity and is not felt by the woman herself or her partner.

The disadvantages of the intrauterine device include:

  • the presence of contraindications (blood diseases, detection of precancerous processes in the cervix, neoplasms in the genital organs, a history of cervical injuries during childbirth);
  • Installation is not recommended for nulliparous women, as there is a risk of inflammation and subsequent infertility;
  • after the installation procedure - discomfort, possible bleeding;
  • pregnancy occurs in 5-10% of cases, often ectopic;
  • The IUD does not protect against infections and, when infected, increases inflammatory processes;
  • The risk of developing inflammation due to injury to the walls of the uterus by the coil.
  • This method of contraception is most suitable for women who have given birth, including breastfeeding women, who have a regular partner.

Coitus interruptus

When intercourse is interrupted, the man removes the penis before ejaculation occurs. The effectiveness of such contraception in comparison with previously discussed methods is low, about 70%.

The advantages of interrupted sexual intercourse primarily include its absolute accessibility and the absence of monetary and time costs. Proponents of this method of contraception emphasize ease of use, the absence of contraindications and side effects, and the preservation of high sensitivity of the genital organs. Coitus interruptus is a way to help avoid getting pregnant without additional protection.

The main disadvantage is high risk development of unplanned pregnancy: every 4 women become pregnant. In addition, the method does not protect against infections and contributes to the development of impotence in men, as the blood supply to the penis deteriorates. Women often do not achieve orgasm, and with prolonged practice of this method of contraception, they develop frigidity.

Other methods of contraception

Hormonal contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine device and interrupted sexual intercourse are the most common methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The following options are less popular:

  • Female barrier methods: vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge. All of them have the same advantages and disadvantages as condoms: effective, affordable, protect against sexually transmitted infections, but require certain manipulations before sexual intercourse. In addition, unlike condoms, female barrier methods have contraindications (mainly gynecological diseases).
  • Chemical methods. Spermicides inactivate sperm and prevent them from entering the vagina. They are easy to use, provide a certain degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections, and can be used either independently or in combination with other methods. Disadvantages: low degree of protection against pregnancy (16 cases out of 100).
  • Biological methods(calendar, temperature, cervical, symptothermal). They are based on identifying the days of the cycle in which a woman’s fertility is increased and abstaining from sexual intercourse during these periods. Depending on the correct application of the methods, the effectiveness ranges from 60% (assessment of cervical mucus) to 99% (determination of temperature). The absolute advantages include the harmlessness and accessibility of biological methods. They have no contraindications, side effects, and do not require material costs. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of measurements, the need to constantly monitor the characteristics of the body, accuracy in calculations is required when calendar method. The biological method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and is not always effective.
  • Sterilization (surgical method) is the most effective, but irreversible method of contraception. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the effectiveness is 100%. Advantages: does not require constant monitoring, material costs, refers to natural methods. Disadvantages: contraception is irreversible, possible development postoperative complications, there are contraindications.

According to modern average data, the egg retains the ability to fertilize from six hours to a day after ovulation. Sperm remain viable in a woman’s genitals for two to eight days, but they acquire the ability to fertilize an egg only after six to seven hours in the uterus and fallopian tube.

What conclusion can we come to by carefully turning these numbers over in our heads again? Here's what: unprotected sexual intercourse within eight days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation can lead to pregnancy. This is theoretical. But in practice, you can “get pregnant” on any day of your cycle. Because not only the shape and color of our eyes, not only the length and shape of our legs, but also the life expectancy of both ourselves and our reproductive cells are individual. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy on any day of the cycle!

But situations in life are different. It's one thing for lovers who are not yet thinking about family and children. The other is young parents who, for the company of their two-year-old, would not mind having another baby - but a little later, not now. If the former need the most reliable method of contraception, then the latter may also be suitable for the so-called natural methods contraception. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Biological (or calendar) method of contraception

Biological method is based on periodic abstinence from sexual activity (or protection) during periovulatory (“periovulatory”) days. Abstinence is recommended eight days in advance and for three to four days after expected ovulation.

This method is only suitable for those who have a regular menstrual cycle. And for those ladies who are pedantic enough and will not be lazy to measure their basal temperature. Every morning. At the same time. Without getting out of bed. In the rectum. An ordinary thermometer. And record data. To then plot the curve basal temperature.

During the proliferative (let's call it “preparatory”) phase of normal menstrual cycle rectal temperature ranges from 36 to 36.8°C, not rising above 37°C. After ovulation and further throughout the luteal phase (that is, the corpus luteum functions, producing hormones necessary for pregnancy; and there is no corpus luteum that would not want to become yellow body pregnancy!) normal cycle there is a rise in rectal temperature from 37 to 37.4°C. The day of ovulation corresponds last day temperatures up to 37°C in the rectum.

This is considered the average for the female population. How is it for you personally... By the way, any woman is recommended to do this exercise at least once in her life: plotting a basal temperature graph. One gets to know him very closely, as a rule, when problems arise - hormonal and/or with reproductive function(infertility). But to simply know what and how, rarely does anyone care.

For those who still dare to use biological method (calendar, or rhythmic, or symptothermal- as it is also called), it should be borne in mind that the timing of both ovulation and menstruation may vary depending on emotional state, stress, climatic conditions, infectious diseases. Therefore, for greater reliability of the biological method, the time that, in accordance with the basal temperature curve you constructed, is favorable for conception, should be increased by two days “before” and two days “after”. Before and after ovulation. That is, ten days before and five days after.

Total for sex life fifteen days a month remain (assuming a stable four-week menstrual cycle). Not so little. Considering that the biological method is suitable for couples who, in principle, are not categorically against a child. For those who categorically do not want children, the biological method is not very suitable. Ask any obstetrician-gynecologist - he will tell you a lot of cases about “getting pregnant during menstruation”, and during interrupted intercourse.

Contraception is a way to prevent the fertilization of an egg and, therefore, pregnancy. Contraception is just part of the concept of protection. Because you should protect yourself not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections and/or sexually transmitted diseases - STIs, STDs.

Coitus interruptus is not a method of contraception

By the way, another way of natural, traditional contraception: interrupted coitus. Coitus interruptus is the removal of the male penis from female vagina before a man's orgasm. This method is based on a man’s ability to sense the approaching moment of ejaculation. Feeling the proximity of his own orgasm, the man removes the penis from the vagina so that sperm does not get there and beyond.

Many consider interrupted coitus to be almost the simplest and in a natural way contraception. Doctors have a different opinion and do not consider interrupted coitus a method of contraception. Because its effectiveness is very low - about fifty percent. Pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons.

Firstly, for many men, the release of sperm begins long before the final ejaculation. These groups of “infiltrator” sperm cannot be felt and, accordingly, cannot be controlled.

Secondly, not every man and not every time can really control his ejaculation efficiently - in a timely manner and in full.

And thirdly, for most men, interrupted sexual intercourse causes problems with potency, weakened erection, premature ejaculation and even impotence itself. Women forced to live with such men experience psychological disorders and even anorgasmia develops. In general, coitus interruptus is a very individual matter. Suitable for men with a strong sexual constitution, who are ready to think first of all about their women. And tenth of all - about myself. And, like the biological method, it is suitable only for those couples who are not categorically against children and who are confident in the sexual “flora and fauna” of their partner, as in their own.

Lactational amenorrhea method

And to complete the topic of natural contraception - once again about lactational amenorrhea method: MLA- this is not “I was breastfeeding!” MLA is only suitable for women who practice exclusively breast-feeding(until six months the child receives nothing except maternal breast milk), giving the baby breastfeeding on demand and whose longest breaks in feeding at night do not exceed six hours (daytime breaks between feedings are no more than two hours).

This method is based on fairly subtle and very highly organized neurohormonal relationships between the hypothalamic-pituitary system and target organs (breasts, ovaries, uterus). One single violation of the regime - and hello! Ovulation may occur and, accordingly, fertilization of the egg.

To summarize: all natural methods of contraception are suitable for long-established couples, who are not alien to love and trust in each other. Well, where a woman is ready to give birth to what has been done, and a man is ready to take full care of what has been done.

To be continued.

Attention to male contraception has always been paid significantly less than to female contraception, which is not surprising, given two facts:

  • For some reason, protection from pregnancy is considered almost purely women's problem;
  • Contraceptives for men are more difficult to develop than similar products for women because they are designed to stop the flow of millions of sperm, while contraceptives for women only need to block an egg from penetrating once every cycle (an average of 28 days).

However, despite this, there are quite effective modern methods contraception for men, including not only condoms, but also male birth control pills, injections, implants, vasectomies and much more. Knowing about this will not hurt as a teenager entering adult life both those who are not ready to take on the burden of fatherhood, and a family man with many children, who together with his wife decided that they will not have more children for now.

And since medicine does not stand still, the variety of male contraceptives is increasing every year. So, what modern contraceptives are available for men?

Interruption of sexual intercourse

Coitus interruptus is a unique contraceptive for men that cannot be forgotten in another bag and will never run out. The essence of this most ancient method of contraception is that the man will need to pull his penis out of his partner’s vagina before ejaculation occurs.

This method is very popular among men because it does not require taking any medicinal contraceptives or using a condom, which dulls sensations during sex. According to statistics, every fourth man interrupts sexual intercourse and considers this a sufficient means of contraception. But is it? Let's think, if interruption is so effective, then why was it necessary to develop various contraceptives?

Research shows that the effectiveness of sexual intercourse interruption is about 80% and has a number of disadvantages, among which the most significant are:

  • constant use this method contraception reduces libido;
  • no protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • requires tension and self-control from a man during sexual intercourse;
  • a man must have certain experience and be able to control ejaculation.

The advantages of interrupting sexual intercourse include:

  • free;
  • harmless;
  • does not require the use of third-party contraceptives.

Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, everyone must decide for themselves, but how improvised means protecting your partner from pregnancy, if nothing else is at hand, this method of protection is perfect.

The undoubted advantage of using a condom as male method contraception is the ability of this latex product not only to prevent sperm from entering the vagina, but also high degree likelihood of protecting partners from various STDs.

There are some disadvantages of condoms:

  • may tear or slip off;
  • may cause latex allergy in one of the partners;
  • are disposable and are not always at hand;
  • require certain handling skills;
  • cause a feeling of psychological discomfort and reduce sensitivity during sex.

Despite this, the condom remains the most popular contraceptive method for men. These contraceptives can be easily found on sale not only in pharmacies, but also in many kiosks and supermarkets. The range of products is simply amazing: any color, size, scent, sensitivity enhancers and much more.

At the first opportunity, a young man will prefer to have sex with his partner without this latex product, but when it comes to methods of male contraception, most people remember condoms.

Among the advantages the following are noted:

  • protection from STDs;
  • high reliability;
  • accessibility and ease of use.

Male hormonal contraception

Male hormonal contraceptives are designed to ensure that after their use the hormone they contain has a suppressive effect on sperm.

They can be administered in the form of tablets, by injection, with subcutaneous implants, in capsules or in gels.

Most modern hormonal contraceptives for men contain the hormone testosterone. An interesting fact is that infertility was previously treated with testosterone, for which it was administered to patients in small doses, which improved sperm quality. But there we were talking about insignificant doses, but for testosterone to act as a hormonal contraceptive, it must be introduced into the body in large doses.

And although the effectiveness of this method of hormonal control, according to some data, can reach 99%, this is not the most best option. Firstly, studies have found that hormonal control has different effects on residents of different continents. Secondly, there are a number of side effects that occur with regular use of hormones, such as:

  • hair loss on the head;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • increase hairline on the body;
  • emergence of various skin rashes;
  • significant enlargement of the mammary gland in men;
  • thickens the blood and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, two-component drugs based on gestagen and testosterone are becoming more and more popular. The first suppresses sperm and testosterone production, and testosterone, which is part of the contraceptive, restores hormonal balance in organism. But not everything is smooth here either. The disadvantage of two-component hormonal contraceptives is the risk of developing complete infertility in men.

Just 15 years ago, male contraceptive pills were something mythical, then the first drugs appeared, which were based on the testosterone hormone. Despite the fact that during clinical trials Such male contraceptives in tablets, when taken regularly, can protect a partner from pregnancy with a 99% probability; hormonal tablets did not popular means. Indeed, in order to achieve the declared effectiveness, young man you will have to take testosterone for two and a half months in advance. The fact is that sperm are formed in a man’s body within 70 days and only their systematic suppression throughout this period can provide the required result.

But male oral contraceptives based on androgen and estrogen not only reduce sperm quality, but also increase male libido. It is enough to take these drugs for 30 days, and the effect will last for 3-4 months.

Today, in addition to hormonal pills, as oral contraceptives for men, various non-hormonal drugs are sometimes used medications, which are aimed at fighting cancer and its by-products. In addition, they have suppressive functions of sperm formation.

Contraceptive injections for men

Contraceptive injections for men began to be used relatively recently, after the results of the largest study of male hormonal contraceptives were published.

During this study, hormonal contraceptives for men in injections were taken by a thousand people for 2 years. Of these, only 1% became fathers during this period, which is equivalent in effectiveness to female hormonal pills.

Each injection contained testosterone undecanoate (500 mg) and seed oil was used as a solvent. tea tree. In the process of research, it was found that regular injections lead to a reduction in the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones in the human brain. The absence of these hormones stops sperm production without affecting a man’s potency or leading to mood swings.

If a man wants to have a child after some time, then it will be enough to stop giving himself injections and wait about 6 months, necessary for the restoration of hormone production and the beginning of sperm formation.

Male contraceptive implant

Male hormonal implants, unlike similar pills or injections, do not require regular use, which is their undoubted advantage. For example, people who are forced to move a lot or are poorly organized simply will not be able to ensure that they take the hormonal birth control regularly they need to get the desired results.

Implantation allows, through a small surgical operation on abdominal cavity, insert an implant into a man with hormonal drug in a dosage that is prescribed after undergoing an examination by an andrologist and urologist. You can forget about contraception for several months.

The disadvantage of this method of contraception is the fact of surgical intervention, after which the patient is left with scars and other negative consequences from the operations. In addition, a man will need to insert an implant every six months to maintain the desired effect.


IN last years In the West, male sterilization or, as it is commonly called, vasectomy, is becoming increasingly popular. It is immediately worth noting that the operation of male sterilization is in no way connected with the castration procedure. Voluntary sterilization For men, it does not require removal of the testicles or penis; its essence is the excision of the vas deferens from the testicles. After such an intervention lasting 25 minutes, carried out under local anesthesia, a man retains the ability to fertilize for several more months or until 20 erections occur. After which you can safely have sex with your partner without worrying about her getting pregnant.

Vasectomy - cost issue?

In Russia, prices for male sterilization are quite ambiguous and can vary widely from 4 to 40 thousand rubles. Such a wide price range is due to the fact that, unlike Western countries, this operation in Russia does not even have an assigned article number. Therefore, if a man who is tired of contraceptives decides to see a surgeon in public clinic to perform a vasectomy, he will have to negotiate with the doctor individually, and pay not for sterilization, but for some other surgical intervention that will allegedly be performed on him.

And when contacting private clinic If you wish to undergo a vasectomy, the cost of the sterilization operation will include at least 2 more consultations with the surgeon.

Vasectomy, consequences of voluntary sterilization

For those men who seem to want to use sterilization, but doubt such an important decision, the information that vasectomy is reversible can be a thick dot above the “I”. However, it should be borne in mind that the reversibility of vasectomy has its own nuances.

Usually, the intersection of the cords can be reversed within 5 years after sterilization, which leaves men a chance to change their mind and regain the opportunity to have a child, but if instead of the intersection, the so-called temporary sterilization of the man was carried out, in which the spermatic cord was not cut, but tied up, then the time for reflection increases from 5 to 15 years.

But since it is impossible to be 100% sure that it will be possible to restore patency spermatic cords, before a vasectomy, each surgeon takes a signature from the patient stating that he understands what the consequences may be after sterilization of men.

In addition to total infertility, to negative consequences include: possible infection when using non-sterile instruments, possible irreversibility, testicular hematoma, formation of adhesions in the testicles.

Where to get a vasectomy?

In many Western countries, the question of where to have a vasectomy is not something problematic, since there are a number of clinics that specialize only in this method of contraception. In our country, even a search on the Internet does not provide a wide choice for sterilization.

But, despite this, such surgical intervention can be performed by contacting large hospitals with urology departments. It is important to make sure that the doctor has already performed similar interventions and knows what to do. And in such major cities In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are several private clinics that perform vasectomy.

This contraceptive got its name because, like a regular condom, it consists of latex, only in this case the latex is in a liquid state under high pressure in a can (like a regular spray). The contraceptive spray must be applied to the penis immediately before sex, and as soon as it hardens, you can begin lovemaking without fear that sperm will get into your partner’s vagina.

The advantage of the spray over regular condoms is that a man does not need to look for a latex product that fits his size, since the liquid contraceptive after application will have the exact size that exactly matches the size of the genital organ. This ideal size adjustment allows you to achieve greater strength and reliability of the condom.

But this contraceptive also has its drawbacks: initially, the application procedure took 2 minutes, which was necessary for the latex to harden. This is too much time in moments of passion. In addition, a loud hissing sound occurs when latex is applied to the penis and high price(more than $35 per spray) does not contribute to the popularity of this German invention. However, the creator of liquid condoms does not stop there and improves his product, which has reduced the hardening time of latex from 120 to 30 seconds.

Samurai Egg

Paradoxical as it may seem, the faster it develops modern medicine, those more people believes that there is no need to take pills, give injections, or use a condom. Such people believe that everything that they could come up with has already been invented and that it is necessary to use exactly what our ancestors once used, and if not ours, then the inhabitants of some eastern regions. The idea that Eastern wisdom can be superior modern treatment, is supported by people's desire to believe in miracles, stories about yoga, acupuncture and much more.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many modern men decide to use a method of contraception that was once used by samurai. The essence of this method is simple: a man needs to immerse his testicles in water at a temperature of 40-46 C for 15-40 minutes every day. This technique is not without meaning: for normal sperm formation, a temperature below the average human body temperature is required, which is why the testicles are brought outside. The artificial influence of heat will interfere with the normal formation of sperm. However, for the method to be 100% effective, the influence of water must be maximal high temperature, otherwise it is impossible to speak to high defense.

It should be noted that the same result can be achieved if you dress too warmly or drive a car for more than 4-5 hours a day. The disadvantage of the samurai egg method is its controversial effectiveness and the risk of developing cancer of the male genital organs.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, medicine has concentrated on contraceptives for women, this is explained by the ease of developing such drugs. To avoid pregnancy, a woman only needs to block her egg once every 28 days. In the case of men, the situation is different - you need to stop the “army” of sperm, which is much more difficult. But effective contraception for men still exists, it’s time to consider these methods in more detail.

Five basic methods of male contraception

Interruption of sexual intercourse.

Efficiency is about 80%. The man must remove his penis from his partner's vagina before ejaculation. According to statistics, every fourth man uses this method.


  • does not require the use of tablets or other means;
  • free;
  • does not harm the body.


  • a man needs to be able to control ejaculation well;
  • requires DC voltage during sexual intercourse, so as not to miss the right moment;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • with prolonged use, it reduces libido.

Using a condom.

Approximately 56% of men prefer condoms. This is the most popular and effective means of male contraception. Modern products are made from latex, a substance impermeable to sperm.


  • highest efficiency (85-97%);
  • protects against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • ease of use and wide availability on sale.


  • psychological discomfort and decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse;
  • requires some skills to use;
  • not always available at the right time;
  • sometimes men and women are allergic to latex;
  • If used incorrectly, condoms break and slip off, resulting in loss of protection.

Despite all the shortcomings, the condom is considered the main means of male contraception. Apart from allergies, there are no other contraindications.

Vasectomy (sterilization).

This surgery lasting 30 minutes, during which the ejaculatory streams intersect. Does not affect the potency and libido of a man. 2-3 months after sterilization, the need for other means of contraception disappears completely. Efficiency reaches 99%.


  • high reliability;
  • the operation is done only once.


  • requires surgery;
  • irreversibility (the man will no longer be able to have children);
  • high cost;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • According to Russian legislation, sterilization is allowed only to men over 35 years of age who have at least two children.

This method is considered the most radical; after the operation, a man can no longer become a father; naturally, not everyone is happy with this prospect.

Male contraceptive pills.

A new word in contraception. Like their female counterparts, they contain sex hormones. Increased content Testosterone in a man's blood prevents the formation of sperm. After the end of treatment, reproductive function is restored over time.

Birth control pills for men is still in development

These tablets are not yet available for sale, since the drugs are still at the stage of clinical trials. But many experts are already skeptical about these funds. The fact is that male reproductive cells mature within 70 days, that is, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the pills must be taken regularly three months in advance. It is also possible side effects similar drugs.

Contraceptive pills for men cannot yet be called anything effective means contraception. It may still be years before these products become available on the market.

Male contraceptive implant.

Another untested new product. This is a small (2.5 cm) object containing hormones that is injected under the skin. The drug suppresses sperm production and neutralizes a man’s reproductive function for some time. The only advantage of the implant is that there is no need to take other medications.

The disadvantages are the same as those of male pregnancy pills - they do not provide reliable protection and can cause negative hormonal changes in organism. There is also no need to talk about protection from sexually transmitted infections.

Conclusion: male contraception is effectively represented only by condoms; the use of other means is associated with certain risks.
