Exit from starvation. (Bregg). Fasting according to Stoleshnikov Therapeutic fasting according to Stoleshnikov

Prof. Stoleshnikov A.P. This long-term and, in the full sense

This word, hard-won work, is dedicated by me to all PEOPLE - FREE OF CHARGE.

In Russia, everyone probably already knows the names of the American classics of therapeutic

Starvation by Paul Brega and Herbert Shelton.

If you ever do a course of therapeutic fasting,

Then you yourself will understand how the doors to the closed society of purified pre

Nature. Yes, all people are outwardly equal, they all have two arms, two legs and a head.

However, as well as outwardly identical bottles, they can have in one beautiful

Wine, and in another vinegar, and the inner content of people are fundamentally different.

The quality of some people is clearly more valuable and enduring than others,

Especially with age.

In Christianity, everyone knows the legend that Jesus Christ, like Moses,

Before he began to preach God's message, he went into the wilderness and did not eat 40

Days and nights.
It is at the end of his

40 days of fasting, Jesus Christ said: “Man does not live by bread alone,

But also by what the Lord God says to him” (Gospel Matthew 4:4), thus, as

And Moses, confirming with his personal experience that starts talking to the starving

God Himself. However, in general, in the Christian environment, fasting has degenerated into

Some kind of self-sacrifice, suitable only and only for special people-

Monks, and what for ordinary person, say, not necessarily. It turned out like this

That in Christianity some "professionals" were commissioned to atone for the sins of others,

While the rest could relax without looking back. This purposeful

Politics that, they say, there are special people who will atone for their sins

And they, of course, not for free, will be released, and led the Christian world to complete

decomposition. A reminder of once upon a time serious attitude to starvation among Christians

The period of Great Lent is served, when believing Christians adhere to certain

Restrictions in food, having eaten pancakes to satiety before that at Shrovetide.

It looks like ancient

The cultures knew the secret of preparation statesmen, which in

The aftermath was lost. Needless to say, it was the practice of preparing state

Figures worthy of immediate borrowing, since the training of modern

Statesmen is based on opposing standards of upbringing in

Vice, luxury, excesses and bondage in crimes.

Therapeutic fasting cleanses all energy channels at once and throughout the body,

Therefore, there is no need to find any separate channel. Only,

That one should not overdo it and not clog the energy channels with “slags”. This

We will learn in this book.

Water therapeutic fasting.

How to starve?

It would seem simple - you stop eating and switch to pure distilled

Or well water, as Paul Bragg insists and he is absolutely right,

In no case should you drink tap water, boiled, or even filtered

Water that isn't actually as filtered as you'd expect.

Of course, it is best to drink living water. living water- it is from under the ground, it is: a well,

Spring, key, from sources. There are too many salts in mineral water,

therefore the best way, to which I came by experience in the city - this is a little

Mineral water in a mug and the rest I top up with distilled water.

Mineral water revitalizes dead distilled water very significantly.

What to expect during fasting?

Eat and the first few days are hard not to eat. And then, on the 4-5th day, the body

In total fasting, a person drinks distilled water, and everything is fine until somewhere

After the third week, he does not have a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness and beauty.

Moods, and this is an indicator that the body has cleansed itself, and it is possible from starvation


There is no doubt that the notorious subjective feeling of lightness, cheerfulness and beauty

Moods are signs of cleansing the body, just like objective signs

Cleansing of plaque from the tongue, and clean clear eyes.

Is this description of fasting correct?

The starvation of Bragg himself, who was in perfect health until the age of 95, when he drowned,

Surfing in California. But you shouldn't expect such an easy option,

Unless you're in your thirties, and you're young and generally healthy.

In today's highly toxic environment, the average person by the age of 40 is internally

A sick person who is at least one-third of his body weight consists of toxins,

That is, salts of poisons thrown off by a wise organism in the inert tissues of its body,

Mainly in adipose tissue.

The human body is an amazing mechanism that protects against toxins.

Your most important organs are your brain and heart.


The main way in which the body gets rid of toxic products - toxins,

It is neutralized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Water-soluble poisons are excreted

From the body by the kidneys, and fat-soluble with bile (with the substance bilirubin) in

The organisms are lungs (CO2) and the skin plays an important role. However, the amount

Toxins in the environment, in modern civilization, exceeds all allowable

Standards for hundreds and thousands of indicators. As a result, the body cannot cope

With an avalanche of modern toxins falling on the body; I almost said

human, but modern life this also applies to animals. Everyone can view

The corpses of sick pigeons on the streets of cities. People are the same sick "pigeons". And every

"dog lover" will tell you that now dogs suffer from the same diseases of civilization,

What are the people.

Where does excess toxins go?

An excess of toxins is a wise organism “carries to a landfill out of town”; that is, postpone

In inert, peripheral tissues, the defeat of which does not carry a direct

A threat to life. These tissues are adipose tissue, the largest number

Which is located subcutaneously and in the retroperitoneal space along the spine,

Conditioning big belly in men and fat deposits in the pelvis and thighs in

Women; as well as salt deposits toxins in the bone-ligamentous, motor


Deposits of toxins in the form of calcium salts in the motor apparatus cause

The notorious "osteochondrosis", which in space former USSR diagnosed

Everyone, but in the USA there is no such diagnosis at all.

Why is there no osteochondrosis in the USA?

Because there is simply no such diagnosis. There are complaints from patients who

The USSR corresponded to osteochondrosis, attributed to other diseases. For example,

Pain in the spine, which in Russia are attributed to osteochondrosis, and about

What patients are sent to chiropractor, in the US called rheumatic

Arthritis and are treated by a general practitioner with drugs similar to aspirin. Why

Such a difference in the treatment of diseases and the diseases themselves? - This question goes beyond

The framework of the narrative, since it is more related to social politics.

Over the years - by the age of forty, the "graveyard" of salts of toxins in fiber and ligaments

It is already filled completely, and then the process of deposition of salts of toxins passes

On vital organs, in which pathological diseases gradually begin to accumulate

(painful) changes.

The first well-known example: vascular atherosclerosis, which in principle has

The same degenerative origin as osteochondrosis of the ligaments and joints, but

Occurs in vital transport vessels, narrowing their lumen and disrupting

Circulation is vital important organs. And this is the reason why

Cordially vascular diseases heart and brain - angina pectoris and stroke are

Accordingly, the first and second causes of death for all, including by no means

Old people.

The main killers of our time are cardiovascular diseases,

As well as cancer, which also has a main cause in the self-intoxication of the body.

There were various theories of cancer: infectious, genetic. However, they forget to pay

Attention, that even a hundred years ago, when the environment was not so toxic,

That cancer, like cardiovascular diseases, was a rare disease, and now

He is in third place in terms of mortality.

What part environment most polluted? - Air. And lung cancer

Worldwide, it ranks first among crayfish. Interestingly, of the cancers of the digestive

Systems ranked first in the US for colon cancer; but in Russia? - In Russia on

The first place is stomach and duodenal cancer. How can one interpret

This data? - It is obvious that in Russia the most common cancer is at the entrance to the digestive tract.

system, and in the US at the exit. What infectious or genetic theory is this

Can you explain? - Obviously, this is due to the nutritional habits of the population of both

Country It can be assumed that in Americans the food is more malignant in the chronic

Plane, that is, it exerts its malignant effect towards the end of the digestive

Trakt, and in Russia food is more acutely malignant, that is, it manifests

Its malignant effect directly and immediately when it enters the stomach.

Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of the nutrition of the Russian population, namely: alcoholism

population and, in connection with northern climate, lack of plant fiber

In food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and the predominance of consumption of boiled starch

Food, bread, potatoes and sausages, consisting of rather malignant

components. In the USA, because northern border located at our latitude

Crimea, low-quality vegetables and fruits are present all year round but they consume

Inside a lot of hormonal meat and dairy products and pesticides, as well as food

Made from semi-finished products; it would be accurate to say what Americans eat

Everything from boxes and bottles.

In the US, according to statistics, prostate cancer and breast cancer are diagnosed after

50 years of age for every second man and woman, respectively. it

Associated with the consumption of hormonal meat and dairy products. How do they do it

Live? - Constantly take toxic cytostatic drugs and live.

What is life like with that? You understand what life is like.

Conclusion? - If you do not want to fall into the characteristic statistics of modern mortality,

Then you must make an extra and conscious effort to purify

Organisms from constantly accumulating toxins, which in Russia are also called

"slags". However, this name has a technical connotation and therefore does not reflect

The tragedy of the consequences associated with the defeat of vital organs by slags.

The body is not just a saucepan in which certain neutral substances are deposited.

Slags - the body is mortally damaged by these slags. So it's better here

Talk about chronic intoxication with food, household and industrial poisons,

That is, toxins, which is medically called chronic toxemia.

Strictly speaking, main question not so much in increased concentration toxins

In the blood, but in an increased concentration of toxins in tissues and organs, and due to

This, in their increasing damage, what would be more properly called "toxicohistia",

Because the root "gist" means "tissue".

The most radical and, accordingly, the most effective method cleansing

From chronic toxins - this is therapeutic fasting, which is what we decided to do

And they stopped eating.

Thus, you, frightened, with each day of cleansing fasting are waiting,

What to expect, because, as I told you, if you are under forty, then, firstly,

For one fast, no matter how long it lasts, you will not be cleansed. And secondly:

Fasting will be severe, and your condition during fasting will gradually

get worse because everything more toxins are flushed out of their stores,

Depot, into the blood; and the appearance, decaying during starvation metabolism and toxins

in the blood and will cause, as Dr. Tilden puts it, "acute toxemia"

Poor health during therapeutic fasting. Sins are not forgiven - they

In the full sense of the word, they bathe; and how they bathe.

Feeling good while fasting.

Feeling well during cruising fasting, that is, somewhere from 3-4 days, and until the exit,

Will vary from bad and nasty to disgusting and unbearable.

The first three days, the state of health will be different, depending on whether the first

Whether you are hungry or not. The first time is difficult, including starting to starve.

For the first time, you will really be very hungry, and by the evening it may even be

Chills and slight fever. If you are not starving for the first time, then the entrance

Fasting will be elementary and painless. You can easily stop eating and

You will easily go into starvation, however, with the onset of intoxication, the ease will end and

Even the habitual starving will begin intoxication and feeling unwell.

In principle, the first day of fasting is not fasting, just as it is not fasting.

And the second day. In fact, what if you do not eat one day? Maybe,

You will not stand it yet, this one day, and then even one day will not happen

Starvation, and there will be nothing to sum up at all. This is, so to speak, from an objective

Point of view, and from a biochemical point of view, a feature of entering starvation

It consists in the fact that the body has a supply of glucose in the form of a starch polymer

Type - glycogen in the liver, which for 48 hours, that is, for the first two days

Fasting provides easily digestible energy in the form of glucose. In this way,

The first 48 hours of not eating - for the body, fasting is also not -

It's just "unloading".

Glucose is the body's main source of energy. Glucose is the main source

Energy is primarily for the brain. And what is the main source of energy for the heart?

Not glucose at all, but the so-called unsaturated fatty acids, that is

Fat breakdown products, the so-called ketone bodies, which represent

Short molecules of fats like acetone.

Hence the first practical conclusion: fasting is extremely beneficial for the heart,

Since fasting is characterized precisely by the abundance of ketone molecules, which

In the absence of glucose are formed by the utilization of fat for energy. That is, fasting

The heart does not starve, but feasts. The brain is starving. And indeed all reactions are in progress

Fasting slows down and thoughts toss and turn in the brain with difficulty. However, this does not provide

Harmful effect on the brain. Here you look skeptically and incredulously. But,

On the contrary, it seems that only bad and harmful thoughts disappear.

Speaking of glucose, it is necessary to emphasize the harmfulness of ordinary sugar, which

We buy from the store. This table sugar is by no means glucose. This canteen

Sugar - crystals of the chemical sucrose, which is two,

Molecules of glucose and fructose bonded together. Moreover, these glucose and fructose

They are not identical to natural glucose and fructose, but are in a different

Optical form, that is, practically, these are other substances, and therefore the body

It must also break down this foreign sucrose, and the resulting foreign glucose

And turn fructose into natural. For this, the body must spend a lot.

Energy and enzymatic mechanisms. Sugar from the store is indigestible, alien

The body and a harmful chemical - sucrose. In the body, this sucrose is not

It occurs, and precisely by alienness, the need for a series of transformations and additional

The cost of this energy is determined by the harmfulness of table sugar for the body.

Natural glucose, and one more useful view sugar, natural fructose,

They are easily digestible sugars that are not found in table sugar, but which

Many, for example, are found in natural honey. Thus, sugar to sugar -

Once again: Fasting to three days is not cleansing, but only unloading

At its core. This is why when you fasted for a week, you were really hungry

Only 5 days; when you have fasted for 10 days, it is actually 8, and so on.

During fasting up to three days, the body simply temporarily loses weight, due to

Losses of water, salts and glycogen, and which he quickly gains after that. And

In general, the positive effect of fasting up to three days is mainly

In rest, unloading, cleaning digestive tract, which, in fact,

It's also very important.

Real fasting begins only from the third day on the water. True fasting

It is characterized by the so-called "ketosis", when the body switches to splitting

Fat and its own harmful tissues, and begins to feed on end products

Their splitting, the so-called fatty acids, such as "acetone"; whereas

In contrast to a normal diet, the body ultimately feeds on

Glucose. Fasting is characterized by a leaden heaviness throughout the body and a nasty,

Disgusting taste and smell from the mouth.

The nasty taste in the mouth is caused by the release of toxins not only through the kidneys,

But even through all 12 meters of the human gastrointestinal tract, including the oral

The cavity, as well as with the skin and lungs, that is, the body releases toxins with all

possible ways. release of toxins through oral cavity and lungs causes

I, somewhere, from the tenth day of my first long fast, went out at night,

Take a walk in the month of July; because here in New York, it's very hot in July;

Against the background of a dark sky, like in winter, I saw my exhaled air as toxic

Exhaust - so much slag I came out with exhaled air.

During fasting, you often have to spit nasty saliva - this is also a way

Removal of toxins during fasting. If you stick out your tongue while fasting,

Then you will see that he is all lined with dense, white-yellow coating. The darker

The color and thicker the plaque, the more contaminated the body. Do you think that this raid

Is it only the tongue that is covered? - It's all gastrointestinal tract lined to the very bottom

Such a plaque, which is obtained as a result of the release of toxins by the entire surface

For me personally, the biggest hindrance to fasting was gum bleeding.

At night, when you start swallowing blood uncontrollably, there is a feeling

Nausea, which significantly worsened my well-being.

The lead heaviness of the body is due to "toxemia", that is, the circulation of toxins

Blood from adipose tissue to the liver and kidneys, as well as the transition of metabolism

Instead of glucose for fatty acids; which require more labor-intensive and lengthy

splitting process; to the universal product of energy decay, then

There is what our bodies ultimately feed on - the "gasoline" of our body - to the pyruvic

Acids (PVC), much faster obtained in the breakdown of glucose.

Patients with diabetes mellitus (diabetes disease), in which digestion is impaired

Glucose by tissues, as a result of which glucose accumulates in tissues, causing them

Defeat, must conclude from this that fasting is the most physiological

method of treating diabetes. First, fasting allows you to recover.

The body's own cells that produce insulin. Second, the body

Learns to use an alternative, fat, source of energy. That's why

That in a neglected state, diabetic patients are forced to come to

This fatty way of utilizing energy, but then it is already a manifestation

Diseases - serious condition, called “ketosis” in diabetics. From the sick

The neglected form of diabetes smells of acetone, as well as from the mouth of a medically starving,

But these are two different things.

Thirdly, the body of a diabetic on fasting learns to easily tolerate hypoglycemia,

That is fainting associated with a sudden drop in usually elevated

Blood sugar in diabetics.

Often diabetics cross themselves off the list of starving people saying that, they say,

They can't bear low sugar, and fasting is contraindicated for them. Answer them

Simple. During starvation, the body switches from carbohydrate metabolism on which it is built

All their diabetes is fat. During fasting, you live on fatty acids,

And all your blood sugar becomes just a meaningless indicator - it

becomes unnecessary and your insulin-producing pancreas gets

A chance for recovery.

What diseases are treated by fasting? The answer is simple - everything that already exists, but

So it is with all future diseases. If the disease is not cured by fasting, then it will not

Healed by nothing.

Because in case of starvation, we leave the body itself to become a surgeon.

And selectively remove disease-causing tissues and cells.

You must understand that all diseases acquired with age are the result of

Chronic intoxication, which simply manifests itself differently in different people.

One person ends up with asthma, another with diabetes, a third with cancer,

And the fourth has such calcified heart vessels for autopsy that the pathologist

Can't cut them with a sharp knife. Fasting self-digests pathogens

Tissues and cells, and dissolves and removes salts of toxins. The body has the highest

Wisdom, the ability to recognize disease-causing cells and tissues and to

Destruction. We just have to give him that opportunity and bring him in.

into this mode.

During therapeutic fasting, toxins are removed from the body with all available

Ways. Toxins are divided into two types: water-soluble and fat-soluble,

Therefore, the ways of their excretion from the body are different. kidneys, salivary glands, lungs

And the gastrointestinal tract throughout its length emit water-soluble poisons.

Hence the constant muck in the mouth and the constant unpleasant feeling of nausea.

In the stomach Fat-soluble poisons are much more difficult for the body to excrete than water-soluble ones.

This work is done by the liver through bile and skin.

From this follow the first practical conclusions. You must take warm showers.

In two to three days, to flush fat-soluble toxins from the skin. Fat-soluble poisons

Where are they excreted by the liver with bile? - Into the intestines. This is what explains the

The fact that during fasting, black bile is abundantly excreted, despite the absence of

Food in the duodenum, which is the usual stimulus for excretion

Yellow bile when eating.

How it is? Amazing Fact- food is not taken, but a huge amount is excreted

The amount of black bile that comes to light during flushing enemas.

Black bile during fasting is released into the intestines a lot and constantly, which,

Naturally, not associated with any meals, but with excretion in the intestines

From the liver of fat-soluble toxins. The bile of a starving black is like tar,

Colors with a yellowish sheen. If you do not do an enema, then for 21-31 days of fasting

In the intestines, such a huge amount of black oil accumulates and condenses.

Bile that when you resume eating, then copious black-black bile

The chair can be within 2-3 first days, as it was with me.

In addition, if cleansing enemas are not used, the reverse cannot be ruled out.

Absorption of fat-soluble poisons from bile condensed in the intestines.

To regular enemas during fasting. However, they should not be abused

Do them every day. Because if you do enemas every day, then the output

From starvation will take longer to recover motor function intestines.

Washing enemas warm water should be done no more than once every 4-5 days,

And do not strive to complicate this procedure, which is already sufficient in itself.

Unpleasant. There are many individual nuances here, for example, I noticed that I

I can't stand enemas before 9 am. Some people, for example, cannot bear

Enemas in general. Everything is very individual here and you don’t have to force yourself.

At the same time, he began to fall into a semi-conscious state, from which he had to get out

Simply lie on the floor and raise your legs so that the blood from your legs fills your heart. That

Yes, you can see that even the time of day makes a difference. However, even if you

Do not tolerate enemas, then doing an enema at the exit from fasting is so

A quality breakthrough that you only need to experience to feel it. That

Eat, before you start drinking freshly squeezed juices, you should definitely do

A flushing enema from the "Esmarch mug" (like a hanging heating pad), and then

You will see with your own eyes the black poison excreted by your body from your body.

And then you will understand the meaning of the paradox - that while cooks come up with

Tens of thousands of aesthetic ways to shove food from the upper end of the digestive

The path, in fact, the problem is how to effectively extract in any way

The remains of this food from the lower end thereof.

The color of urine depends on the amount of water you drink. What causes

Yellow urine? - Common concept that urea. - Not. Urea is colorless.

The yellow color of urine is due to a small amount of water-soluble form

The pigment bilirubin (urobilinogen), which is secreted by the liver into the intestine and enters

Small amount in urine. The urine of a starving person is very acidic, which reflects strongly

Acidic or medically acidic condition of the patient. Severe acidosis is

A condition for dissolving and flushing out toxins into the blood. The author personally checked the acidity

Urine using factory litmus indicators. With normal acidity of urine

In the region of the number 6, the acidity of urine during curative fasting drops to the region

2, which is a direct indicator of the presence in the urine, excreted from the body

Acidic breakdown products of toxins. Sharp acidity of urine during treatment

Starvation is caused by the need to remove excreted from the tissues into the blood

Acids to maintain "homeostasis", i.e. the law of constancy of acidity

blood. A simple experience: if you, when not fasting, take the morning portion of urine

In a jar and put it to stand, then pretty quickly a precipitate will appear in it,

Due to the presence of organic salts. Unscrupulous healers sometimes

They use this technique to demonstrate the cleansing of the body from the use of their methods.

Here, they say, "after my session, all the salt was released from your body," in

Whereas it is a normal sediment upon standing. But if you take a patient's urine

On curative fasting, this urine will never give sediment, it is so acidic.

So, you have entered into fasting. The body lives by splitting fats and accumulated

poisons in the body. Those poisons that the body cannot break down into energy, the body

Outputs in the above ways.

Do you have any idea how much poison the average person accumulates

In your body by the age of 40? Calculations based on weight loss during

Fasting, and on the percentage of various tissues of the body, show that

At least ½ of a person's body weight after forty years is concentrated

Poisons stored in reserve. Let's calculate: if a person weighs 90 kg, then the deposited

His toxins make up half, that is, the man himself, his living

The core, out of 90 kg is only 50 kg. But if a person weighs 160 kg, and for

The same 50 kg of a living core is quite enough for him to live, then this already amounts to

By no means half, but already 2/3, that is, 75% of his body is deposited toxins

- 110 kg! And if a person weighs 200 kg, how many toxins are in him, if his living

The core is the same 50 kg? – 150kg of toxins and toxins!!! How much, after all, the body

Durable mechanism.

And how many fat-soluble poisons are deposited in free adipose tissue inside

organism? You will see this by a huge number bile, which will

Wash out with enemas from your intestines.

in women's and male organisms free fat is found in the body in different

Locations. In women, fat is deposited mainly in the hips, legs, or lower

Parts of the abdomen. In men, fat is deposited mainly in the retroperitoneal tissue,

Between spine and organs abdominal cavity. That is why men have

Huge bellies completely out of proportion with the thickness of subcutaneous fat.

Because fat is not located on the wall of the abdomen, but deep, deep - behind the organs

The abdominal cavity, which fat, as it were, exfoliates from the spine, causing

Chronic constipation. In addition, a large amount of fat is deposited in both

Sexes in the mesentery of the intestine. The mesentery of the intestine is the ligaments that hold the intestines together.

Attached to the back of the abdomen and prevent bowel movements

From falling into the pelvis and entanglement.

Therefore, the stomach is a huge reservoir of free, yellow fat available.

For depositing salts of toxins. And all this fat serves to preserve poisons,

Entered into the body, and the swollen mesentery of the intestine makes it difficult to pass

Food through the intestines, slowing down its waves, peristalsis, and, accordingly, causes

Chronic constipation.

The body cannot allow the free circulation of poisons in the blood. The body must

Protect against poisons first of all the brain, then the heart and other important organs,

So he deposits salts of poisons in the least important places of the human body.

And how many poisons are used in a modern, technocratic society? Simple

An American loaf of bread contains at least 50 substances that are registered

Chemical poisons. That is why this loaf of bread is always soft, no matter how much

He didn't lie down. Do you know that it is enough to give three American wiped

apple baby to cause severe poisoning caused by being

In apples pesticides. And you try now to get meat and dairy and sausage

Products that do not contain hormones! What do we breathe in with exhaust gases? Marvelous,

That we do not die at all, like flies in the air. We have to admit that the body is

An amazing creation of nature with huge, but not infinite reserves of compensation.

I'll add myself...
In this article, there was an advertisement for therapeutic fasting.
Therapeutic starvation should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.
It is advisable to do this in special sanatorium-resort complexes.
You should study all the literature on this issue and write about fasting

Here you go. The next cycle of therapeutic starvation can now be considered fully completed, and therefore it would be time to sum up some results, draw conclusions, put everything in order. Which is what I'm trying to do now.
I am not going to describe the theory and motivation of curative fasting here. Those who are interested can read ... well, at least Stoleshnikov's book "How to Come Back to Life" .

Long live the Creator, who has invested in us such a magnificent ability - self-healing and self-purification of the body. You just need to give your body the opportunity. And this "give opportunity" is HUNGER!!! Amen. "Just-knowing" about it has now moved into "awareness" through personal experience.
More than a year of training short-term refusals of food gave good practice, allowed me to gain experience, made me study the theory meticulously. Studying forum materials "Therapeutic fasting" instilled self-confidence and gave a powerful impetus to moving forward on such a difficult, but very interesting path as a healthy lifestyle.
So. Calculating possible dates I gave a start on April 28, 2010 for the next LH, imposing them on additional days off in May. I will not describe all the stages in too much detail here. Those who are interested can read detailed "reports from the front line" in my diary . I will give here only the key points that are worth focusing on.

1. The first days of fasting dry turned out to be very right decision. This gave a powerful starting impulse, forcibly launched the process. I don't know how to describe it correctly, but that's how it feels.
2. The annual training for short periods (up to 5 days) and powerful psychological preparation for this LH gave their results - the usual “split” for me on the third day, when I lay in a bed unable to move, this time went in a gentle mode and expressed itself in spasmodic start of the processes of removing toxins from the body. From the third day until the tenth day, the body accessible ways got rid of sludge. EVERYTHING stank. A terrible stench from the skin - escaped contrast shower twice a day. The stink from the mouth - spoke only in the very last resort and said "to the side", and to activate the excretion in this way, he often walked and breathed actively. Brushing your teeth did not help - the smell is not from the teeth. Urine came out of a terribly poisonous color and the same nauseating smell. Drank a lot of water. The bath at the end of the third day served as another catalyst for the elimination processes. Mucus secretions. I woke up twice every night from the fact that I began to choke. I went to the bathroom and cleared my throat and nose there. Everything was clogged with slime and dry bone snot. I had to soak everything with water to blow my nose and cough it up.
3. On the sixth day, a crisis broke out. When I went to this famine, I myself did not expect that everything would turn out like this. I thought for 7 days as another workout I’ll stand it and okay. And it looked like everything turned around - the body went through an acid crisis (I didn’t even notice it) and immediately began to fight with the problems sitting inside. Started with the weakest link.

And this link turned out to be a dormant ulcer of the duodenal bulb, which seemed to be undertreated back in 1997. And since the main rule of fasting is that you can’t go out when it worsens, you had to stupidly endure and wait for a fracture to improve. The body dealt with an ulcer in 4 days !!! But it was a nightmare 4 days. The fire was constantly raging in the stomach, the pressure dropped, constant dizziness tormented. But the most unpleasant - it was terribly scary! What have I not changed my mind these days! Reading the forum and books helped. For example, these words from Stoleshnikov's book:

"And what unpleasant feelings will you experience during water starvation- it's your own fault. You yourself are to blame for bringing yourself to this state and no one else. And you willingly accept the punishment of starvation to atone for your guilt and be healed, because you are aware and do not want a much worse retribution. Sweetening with honey, "feeding the brain" - will not succeed. It goes against the whole philosophy of this situation. Then you will never get well because you have not redeemed yourself. Your ill health is a manifestation of your guilt. The more wrong you are in life, the worse you will feel. Some will say, but I didn’t seem to be guilty of anything .... A person pays for everything, even for what he personally did not commit, but passively participated. You inhale exhaust-poisoned air and die of lung cancer. What is your personal fault? That's when you starve cleanly all the phases, and repeatedly, then you yourself will be able to answer such complex philosophical questions of "guilt and innocence." You, in the full sense of the word, must drink the entire "distilled" cup of suffering during fasting. It is quite possible that some will spit blood and whisper "mama"; and so it is necessary, and no relief - and do not wait and do not look for. Your bad health is a product of your personal fault; and your behavior during fasting is an indicator of your sincere repentance and desire to atone for your guilt. Thus, during fasting, you can easily find out the degree of your personal guilt. The endowment will come with the first sip of the diluted juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. If it were easy to enter paradise, then all the same people in Mercedes with music, anecdotes and "tsatskami" would have already entered it long ago. That's the point, that's the whole point - redemption!"

4. All bad things come to an end sooner or later. On the 10th day of LG the crisis was over. I hope that the body has dealt with the ulcer and next time there will be no repetition. Although the sores dormant inside the body, driven there official medicine for almost 50 years of living in a poisoned world, "drunk and drunk" by the thoughtless consumption of such tasty, but completely unacceptable food, water, alcohol, there will be enough for my lifetime. There is still an unplowed field for the awakened abilities of the body to heal itself. There is something to work on, something to strive for.
5. Having started the exit from starvation according to Stoleshnikov, he made a gross mistake. It turned out that going out on tangerine juice is contraindicated for me. But it was too late. The first day on tangerine juice caused insulin shock, a sharp drop in pressure, terrible dizziness. I had to bring the body out of this state by emergency methods (sour citrus juice, then oatmeal), which further aggravated the situation and disrupted the entire schedule. Changed goals and deadlines for a speedy return to normal nutrition. Saved the transition to a vegetable broth. "And experience is the son of difficult mistakes..."
6. At the exit from this fasting, it was completely painless, even faster - pleasantly and naturally, there was a refusal to use bread, salt and sugar in its pure form. Without fanaticism, i.e. giving up bread does not mean giving up all flour - I eat dryers and crackers with pleasure, and I have not yet refused dietary pancakes for family breakfasts, although I have adjusted their recipe. Homemade apple jam with tea also went with a bang. But now, with great pleasure, I very clearly and clearly feel and relish the taste of each vegetable in the salad, the taste of each type of tea, which are not clogged with salt and sugar as before.
7. As soon as I was more or less physically stronger at the exit, I returned to active physical activity, which I abandoned a long time ago in order to direct the growth of body weight in the right direction. I assembled a home-made "simulator" gathering dust on the balcony - hooks on the wall for a barbell + bench + barbell + collapsible dumbbells. Now I swing with dumbbells and a barbell every evening for an hour and a half. I'm trying to sculpt what I want, not to eat what comes out. Muscles flooded by leaps and bounds. Literally in 4 days notable results. And from this, classes bring tremendous pleasure! And since I come home from work at the beginning of the seventh, shower, dinner, rest, classes sometimes drag on until 12 o'clock at night. Haven't felt this enthusiastic about it in a long time. And for now, I support him.
8. During these 10 days of LH + 10 days of smooth exit, some as yet unidentified changes occurred in the body. Outwardly, this manifested itself as a change in blood pressure. My usual 110/70 - 120/70 has now shifted to 100/70 - 110/75. Sometimes in a state of long rest it reaches 91/64. The shift is not so big to worry about it, and the state of health is normal. The only thought is that the heart has become easier to pump blood, as indicated by the drop in systolic pressure.
9. As in the previous famine, this time, again, some kind of energy trick took place in the bath with the body. I'll copy here an excerpt from my fasting diary. “At the end of the bathing cycle, a strange buzz-itch appeared in the whole body. Like a hum from high-voltage wires or a powerful transformer. The pulse is high, but not higher than normal for such a situation, I feel normal. I slid down, doused myself with ice water, crawled out into the street ", the rumble gradually began to subside and remained only in the hands. But it was already some kind of ROAR, almost audible. He put his hands on his wife's hand, and she felt and heard this rumble. As if powerful force fields were coming out of the palms. I tried to bring my palms closer to each other, and at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other, I felt an elastic pillow, as if the same poles of a magnet repel and spring!!!
10. During the 10 days of fasting, my weight dropped by about 10% - from 70 starting kg to a minimum of 62.4 already on the third day of leaving the fast. In the first few days after the transition to a normal diet, the weight reached 67 kg. I hope to "catch up" with him to the initial 70 kg, but in a better form - to translate him into muscles. With my height of 176 cm, I think it will be quite an acceptable comfortable weight.

11 . Again, during fasting, with the usual sharp exacerbation of all feelings for this period, I clearly felt the taste and smell of our food. tap water, which after the filter "Barrier" we use inside. The smell and taste of rusty metal from the water now constantly haunts me. I studied a lot of material on this issue. I took the only decision so far acceptable in terms of price / quality / complexity / labor costs - I started making a home distiller, on the principle of a conventional moonshine still. Developed the design, selected materials, produced some of the details. Now I am looking for a suitable container for the coolant tank, so that it is large and does not spoil the interior of the kitchen.

Well, that's all. The report is finished. If I remember something else important, I will add it in the form of comments.

Prof. Stoleshnikov A.P. This long-term and, in the full sense

This word, hard-won work, is dedicated by me to all PEOPLE - FREE OF CHARGE.

In Russia, everyone probably already knows the names of the American classics of therapeutic

Starvation by Paul Brega and Herbert Shelton.

If you ever do a course of therapeutic fasting,

Then you yourself will understand how the doors to the closed society of purified pre

Nature. Yes, all people are outwardly equal, they all have two arms, two legs and a head.

However, as well as outwardly identical bottles, they can have in one beautiful

Wine, and in another vinegar, and the inner content of people are fundamentally different.

The quality of some people is clearly more valuable and enduring than others,

Especially with age.

In Christianity, everyone knows the legend that Jesus Christ, like Moses,

Before he began to preach God's message, he went into the wilderness and did not eat 40

Days and nights.
It is at the end of his

40 days of fasting, Jesus Christ said: “Man does not live by bread alone,

But also by what the Lord God says to him” (Gospel Matthew 4:4), thus, as

And Moses, confirming with his personal experience that he begins to speak with the starving

God Himself. However, in general, in the Christian environment, fasting has degenerated into

Some kind of self-sacrifice, suitable only and only for special people-

Monks, and that for an ordinary person, they say, is not necessary. It turned out like this

That in Christianity some "professionals" were commissioned to atone for the sins of others,

While the rest could relax without looking back. This purposeful

Politics that, they say, there are special people who will atone for their sins

And they, of course, not for free, will be released, and led the Christian world to complete

decomposition. A reminder of the once serious attitude to fasting among Christians

The period of Great Lent is served, when believing Christians adhere to certain

Restrictions in food, having eaten pancakes to satiety before that at Shrovetide.

It looks like ancient

The cultures knew the secret of preparing statesmen, which in

The aftermath was lost. Needless to say, it was the practice of preparing state

Figures worthy of immediate borrowing, since the training of modern

Statesmen is based on opposing standards of upbringing in

Vice, luxury, excesses and bondage in crimes.

Therapeutic fasting cleanses all energy channels at once and throughout the body,

Therefore, there is no need to find any separate channel. Only,

That one should not overdo it and not clog the energy channels with “slags”. This

We will learn in this book.

Water therapeutic fasting.

How to starve?

It would seem simple - you stop eating and switch to pure distilled

Or well water, as Paul Bragg insists and he is absolutely right,

In no case should you drink tap water, boiled, or even filtered

Water that isn't actually as filtered as you'd expect.

Of course, it is best to drink living water. Living water - it is from under the ground, it is: well,

Spring, key, from sources. There are too many salts in mineral water,

Therefore, the best option that I came to empirically in the city is a little

Mineral water in a mug and the rest I top up with distilled water.

Mineral water revitalizes dead distilled water very significantly.

What to expect during fasting?

Eat and the first few days are hard not to eat. And then, on the 4-5th day, the body

In total fasting, a person drinks distilled water, and everything is fine until somewhere

After the third week, he does not have a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness and beauty.

Moods, and this is an indicator that the body has cleansed itself, and it is possible from starvation


There is no doubt that the notorious subjective feeling of lightness, cheerfulness and beauty

Moods are signs of cleansing the body, just like objective signs

Cleansing of plaque from the tongue, and clean clear eyes.

Is this description of fasting correct?

The starvation of Bragg himself, who was in perfect health until the age of 95, when he drowned,

Surfing in California. But you shouldn't expect such an easy option,

Unless you're in your thirties, and you're young and generally healthy.

In today's highly toxic environment, the average person by the age of 40 is internally

A sick person who is at least one-third of his body weight consists of toxins,

That is, salts of poisons thrown off by a wise organism in the inert tissues of its body,

Mainly in adipose tissue.

The human body is an amazing mechanism that protects against toxins.

Your most important organs are your brain and heart.


The main way in which the body gets rid of toxic products - toxins,

It is neutralized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Water-soluble poisons are excreted

From the body by the kidneys, and fat-soluble with bile (with the substance bilirubin) in

The organisms are lungs (CO2) and the skin plays an important role. However, the amount

Toxins in the environment, in modern civilization, exceeds all allowable

Standards for hundreds and thousands of indicators. As a result, the body cannot cope

With an avalanche of modern toxins falling on the body; I almost said

Human, but in modern life this also applies to animals. Everyone can view

The corpses of sick pigeons on the streets of cities. People are the same sick "pigeons". And every

"dog lover" will tell you that now dogs suffer from the same diseases of civilization,

What are the people.

Where does excess toxins go?

An excess of toxins is a wise organism “carries to a landfill out of town”; that is, postpone

In inert, peripheral tissues, the defeat of which does not carry a direct

A threat to life. These tissues are adipose tissue, the largest number

Which is located subcutaneously and in the retroperitoneal space along the spine,

Causing a large belly in men and fat deposits in the pelvis and hips in

Women; as well as salt deposits of toxins in the bone-ligamentous, motor


Deposits of toxins in the form of calcium salts in the motor apparatus cause

The notorious "osteochondrosis", which is diagnosed in the former USSR

Everyone, but in the USA there is no such diagnosis at all.

Why is there no osteochondrosis in the USA?

Because there is simply no such diagnosis. There are complaints from patients who

The USSR corresponded to osteochondrosis, attributed to other diseases. For example,

Pain in the spine, which in Russia are attributed to osteochondrosis, and about

Why patients go to a chiropractor is called rheumatic fever in the USA

Arthritis and are treated by a general practitioner with drugs similar to aspirin. Why

Such a difference in the treatment of diseases and the diseases themselves? - This question goes beyond

The framework of the narrative, since it is more related to social politics.

Over the years - by the age of forty, the "graveyard" of salts of toxins in fiber and ligaments

It is already filled completely, and then the process of deposition of salts of toxins passes

On vital organs, in which pathological diseases gradually begin to accumulate

(painful) changes.

The first well-known example: vascular atherosclerosis, which in principle has

The same degenerative origin as osteochondrosis of the ligaments and joints, but

Occurs in vital transport vessels, narrowing their lumen and disrupting

Circulation of vital organs. And this is the reason why

Cardiovascular diseases of the heart and brain - angina pectoris and stroke, are

Accordingly, the first and second causes of death for all, including by no means

Old people.

The main killers of our time are cardiovascular diseases,

As well as cancer, which also has a main cause in the self-intoxication of the body.

There were various theories of cancer: infectious, genetic. However, they forget to pay

Attention, that even a hundred years ago, when the environment was not so toxic,

That cancer, like cardiovascular disease, was the rarest disease, and now

He is in third place in terms of mortality.

What part of the environment is the most polluted? - Air. And lung cancer

Worldwide, it ranks first among crayfish. Interestingly, of the cancers of the digestive

Systems ranked first in the US for colon cancer; but in Russia? - In Russia on

The first place is stomach and duodenal cancer. How can one interpret

This data? - It is obvious that in Russia the most common cancer is at the entrance to the digestive tract.

system, and in the US at the exit. What infectious or genetic theory is this

Can you explain? - Obviously, this is due to the nutritional habits of the population of both

Country It can be assumed that in Americans the food is more malignant in the chronic

Plane, that is, it exerts its malignant effect towards the end of the digestive

Trakt, and in Russia food is more acutely malignant, that is, it manifests

Its malignant effect directly and immediately when it enters the stomach.

Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of the nutrition of the Russian population, namely: alcoholism

population and, due to the northern climate, the lack of plant fiber

In food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and the predominance of consumption of boiled starch

Food, bread, potatoes and sausages, consisting of rather malignant

components. In the USA, since their northern border is at the latitude of our

Crimea, low-quality vegetables and fruits are present all year round, but they consume

Inside a lot of hormonal meat and dairy products and pesticides, as well as food

Made from semi-finished products; it would be accurate to say what Americans eat

Everything from boxes and bottles.

In the US, according to statistics, prostate cancer and breast cancer are diagnosed after

50 years of age for every second man and woman, respectively. it

Associated with the consumption of hormonal meat and dairy products. How do they do it

Live? - Constantly take toxic cytostatic drugs and live.

What is life like with that? You understand what life is like.

Conclusion? - If you do not want to fall into the characteristic statistics of modern mortality,

Then you must make an extra and conscious effort to purify

Organisms from constantly accumulating toxins, which in Russia are also called

"slags". However, this name has a technical connotation and therefore does not reflect

The tragedy of the consequences associated with the defeat of vital organs by slags.

The body is not just a saucepan in which certain neutral substances are deposited.

Slags - the body is mortally damaged by these slags. So it's better here

Talk about chronic intoxication with food, household and industrial poisons,

That is, toxins, which is medically called chronic toxemia.

Strictly speaking, the main issue is not so much the increased concentration of toxins

In the blood, but in an increased concentration of toxins in tissues and organs, and due to

This, in their increasing damage, what would be more properly called "toxicohistia",

Because the root "gist" means "tissue".

The most radical and, accordingly, the most effective way of cleansing

From chronic toxins - this is therapeutic fasting, which is what we decided to do

And they stopped eating.

Thus, you, frightened, with each day of cleansing fasting are waiting,

What to expect, because, as I told you, if you are under forty, then, firstly,

For one fast, no matter how long it lasts, you will not be cleansed. And secondly:

Fasting will be severe, and your condition during fasting will gradually

Deteriorate as more and more toxins are flushed out of their stores,

Depot, into the blood; and the appearance, decaying during starvation metabolism and toxins

in the blood and will cause, as Dr. Tilden puts it, "acute toxemia"

Poor health during therapeutic fasting. Sins are not forgiven - they

In the full sense of the word, they bathe; and how they bathe.

Feeling good while fasting.

Feeling well during cruising fasting, that is, somewhere from 3-4 days, and until the exit,

Will vary from bad and nasty to disgusting and unbearable.

The first three days, the state of health will be different, depending on whether the first

Whether you are hungry or not. The first time is difficult, including starting to starve.

For the first time, you will really be very hungry, and by the evening it may even be

Chills and slight fever. If you are not starving for the first time, then the entrance

Fasting will be elementary and painless. You can easily stop eating and

You will easily go into starvation, however, with the onset of intoxication, the ease will end and

Even the habitual starving will begin intoxication and poor health.

In principle, the first day of fasting is not fasting, just as it is not fasting.

And the second day. In fact, what if you do not eat one day? Maybe,

You will not stand it yet, this one day, and then even one day will not happen

Starvation, and there will be nothing to sum up at all. This is, so to speak, from an objective

Point of view, and from a biochemical point of view, a feature of entering starvation

It consists in the fact that the body has a supply of glucose in the form of a starch polymer

Type - glycogen in the liver, which for 48 hours, that is, for the first two days

Fasting provides easily digestible energy in the form of glucose. In this way,

The first 48 hours of not eating - for the body, fasting is also not -

It's just "unloading".

Glucose is the body's main source of energy. Glucose is the main source

Energy is primarily for the brain. And what is the main source of energy for the heart?

Not glucose at all, but the so-called unsaturated fatty acids, that is

The breakdown products of fat, the so-called ketone bodies, which are

Short molecules of fats like acetone.

Hence the first practical conclusion: fasting is extremely beneficial for the heart,

Since fasting is characterized precisely by the abundance of ketone molecules, which

In the absence of glucose are formed by the utilization of fat for energy. That is, fasting

The heart does not starve, but feasts. The brain is starving. And indeed all reactions are in progress

Fasting slows down and thoughts toss and turn in the brain with difficulty. However, this does not provide

Harmful effect on the brain. Here you look skeptically and incredulously. But,

On the contrary, it seems that only bad and harmful thoughts disappear.

Speaking of glucose, it is necessary to emphasize the harmfulness of ordinary sugar, which

We buy from the store. This table sugar is by no means glucose. This canteen

Sugar - crystals of the chemical sucrose, which is two,

Molecules of glucose and fructose bonded together. Moreover, these glucose and fructose

They are not identical to natural glucose and fructose, but are in a different

Optical form, that is, practically, these are other substances, and therefore the body

It must also break down this foreign sucrose, and the resulting foreign glucose

And turn fructose into natural. For this, the body must spend a lot.

Energy and enzymatic mechanisms. Sugar from the store is indigestible, alien

The body and a harmful chemical - sucrose. In the body, this sucrose is not

It occurs, and precisely by alienness, the need for a series of transformations and additional

The cost of this energy is determined by the harmfulness of table sugar for the body.

Natural glucose, and another healthy type of sugar, natural fructose,

They are easily digestible sugars that are not found in table sugar, but which

Many, for example, are found in natural honey. Thus, sugar to sugar -

Once again: Fasting up to three days is not cleansing, but only unloading

At its core. This is why when you fasted for a week, you were really hungry

Only 5 days; when you have fasted for 10 days, it is actually 8, and so on.

During fasting up to three days, the body simply temporarily loses weight, due to

Losses of water, salts and glycogen, and which he quickly gains after that. And

In general, the positive effect of fasting up to three days is mainly

In rest, unloading, cleaning the digestive tract, which, in fact,

It's also very important.

Real fasting begins only from the third day on the water. True fasting

It is characterized by the so-called "ketosis", when the body switches to splitting

Fat and its own harmful tissues, and begins to feed on end products

Their splitting, the so-called fatty acids, such as "acetone"; whereas

In contrast to a normal diet, the body ultimately feeds on

Glucose. Fasting is characterized by a leaden heaviness throughout the body and a nasty,

Disgusting taste and smell from the mouth.

The nasty taste in the mouth is caused by the release of toxins not only through the kidneys,

But even through all 12 meters of the human gastrointestinal tract, including the oral

The cavity, as well as with the skin and lungs, that is, the body releases toxins with all

possible ways. The release of toxins through the mouth and lungs causes

I, somewhere, from the tenth day of my first long fast, went out at night,

Take a walk in the month of July; because here in New York, it's very hot in July;

Against the background of a dark sky, like in winter, I saw my exhaled air as toxic

Exhaust - so much slag I came out with exhaled air.

During fasting, you often have to spit nasty saliva - this is also a way

Removal of toxins during fasting. If you stick out your tongue while fasting,

Then you will see that it is all lined with a dense, white-yellow coating. The darker

The color and thicker the plaque, the more contaminated the body. Do you think that this raid

Is it only the tongue that is covered? - This is the entire gastrointestinal tract to the very bottom lined

Such a plaque, which is obtained as a result of the release of toxins by the entire surface

For me personally, the biggest hindrance to fasting was gum bleeding.

At night, when you start swallowing blood uncontrollably, there is a feeling

Nausea, which significantly worsened my well-being.

The lead heaviness of the body is due to "toxemia", that is, the circulation of toxins

Blood from adipose tissue to the liver and kidneys, as well as the transition of metabolism

Instead of glucose for fatty acids; which require more labor-intensive and lengthy

splitting process; to the universal product of energy decay, then

There is what our bodies ultimately feed on - the "gasoline" of our body - to the pyruvic

Acids (PVC), much faster obtained in the breakdown of glucose.

Patients with diabetes mellitus (diabetes disease), in which digestion is impaired

Glucose by tissues, as a result of which glucose accumulates in tissues, causing them

Defeat, must conclude from this that fasting is the most physiological

method of treating diabetes. First, fasting allows you to recover.

The body's own cells that produce insulin. Second, the body

Learns to use an alternative, fat, source of energy. That's why

That in a neglected state, diabetic patients are forced to come to

This fatty way of utilizing energy, but then it is already a manifestation

Disease is a serious condition, called “ketosis” in diabetics. From the sick

The neglected form of diabetes smells of acetone, as well as from the mouth of a medically starving,

But these are two different things.

Thirdly, the body of a diabetic on fasting learns to easily tolerate hypoglycemia,

That is, syncope associated with a sudden decrease in the usually elevated

Blood sugar in diabetics.

Often diabetics cross themselves off the list of starving people saying that, they say,

They do not tolerate low sugar, and fasting is contraindicated for them. Answer them

Simple. During starvation, the body switches from carbohydrate metabolism, on which it is built.

All their diabetes is fat. During fasting, you live on fatty acids,

And all your blood sugar becomes just a meaningless indicator - it

becomes unnecessary and your insulin-producing pancreas gets

A chance for recovery.

What diseases are treated by fasting? The answer is simple - everything that already exists, but

So it is with all future diseases. If the disease is not cured by fasting, then it will not

Healed by nothing.

Because in case of starvation, we leave the body itself to become a surgeon.

And selectively remove disease-causing tissues and cells.

You must understand that all diseases acquired with age are the result of

Chronic intoxication, which simply manifests itself differently in different people.

One person ends up with asthma, another with diabetes, a third with cancer,

And the fourth has such calcified heart vessels for autopsy that the pathologist

Can't cut them with a sharp knife. Fasting self-digests pathogens

Tissues and cells, and dissolves and removes salts of toxins. The body has the highest

Wisdom, the ability to recognize disease-causing cells and tissues and to

Destruction. We just have to give him that opportunity and bring him in.

into this mode.

During therapeutic fasting, toxins are removed from the body with all available

Ways. Toxins are divided into two types: water-soluble and fat-soluble,

Therefore, the ways of their excretion from the body are different. Kidneys, salivary glands, lungs

And the gastrointestinal tract throughout its length emit water-soluble poisons.

Hence the constant muck in the mouth and the constant unpleasant feeling of nausea.

In the stomach Fat-soluble poisons are much more difficult for the body to excrete than water-soluble ones.

This work is done by the liver through bile and skin.

From this follow the first practical conclusions. You must take warm showers.

In two to three days, to flush fat-soluble toxins from the skin. Fat-soluble poisons

Where are they excreted by the liver with bile? - Into the intestines. This is what explains the

The fact that during fasting, black bile is abundantly excreted, despite the absence of

Food in the duodenum, which is the usual stimulus for excretion

Yellow bile when eating.

How it is? An amazing fact - food is not taken, but a huge amount is released

The amount of black bile that comes to light during flushing enemas.

Black bile during fasting is released into the intestines a lot and constantly, which,

Naturally, not associated with any meals, but with excretion in the intestines

From the liver of fat-soluble toxins. The bile of a starving black is like tar,

Colors with a yellowish sheen. If you do not do an enema, then for 21-31 days of fasting

In the intestines, such a huge amount of black oil accumulates and condenses.

Bile that when you resume eating, then copious black-black bile

The chair can be within 2-3 first days, as it was with me.

In addition, if cleansing enemas are not used, the reverse cannot be ruled out.

Absorption of fat-soluble poisons from bile condensed in the intestines.

To regular enemas during fasting. However, they should not be abused

Do them every day. Because if you do enemas every day, then the output

From starvation, the motor function of the intestine will be restored longer.

Washing enemas with ordinary warm water should be done no more than once every 4-5 days,

And do not strive to complicate this procedure, which is already sufficient in itself.

Unpleasant. There are many individual nuances here, for example, I noticed that I

I can't stand enemas before 9 am. Some people, for example, cannot bear

Enemas in general. Everything is very individual here and you don’t have to force yourself.

At the same time, he began to fall into a semi-conscious state, from which he had to get out

Simply lie on the floor and raise your legs so that the blood from your legs fills your heart. That

Yes, you can see that even the time of day makes a difference. However, even if you

Do not tolerate enemas, then doing an enema at the exit from fasting is so

A quality breakthrough that you only need to experience to feel it. That

Eat, before you start drinking freshly squeezed juices, you should definitely do

A flushing enema from the "Esmarch mug" (like a hanging heating pad), and then

You will see with your own eyes the black poison excreted by your body from your body.

And then you will understand the meaning of the paradox - that while cooks come up with

Tens of thousands of aesthetic ways to shove food from the upper end of the digestive

The path, in fact, the problem is how to effectively extract in any way

The remains of this food from the lower end thereof.

The color of urine depends on the amount of water you drink. What causes

Yellow urine? - Common concept that urea. - Not. Urea is colorless.

The yellow color of urine is due to a small amount of water-soluble form

The pigment bilirubin (urobilinogen), which is secreted by the liver into the intestine and enters

Small amount in urine. The urine of a starving person is very acidic, which reflects strongly

Acidic or medically acidic condition of the patient. Severe acidosis is

A condition for dissolving and flushing out toxins into the blood. The author personally checked the acidity

Urine using factory litmus indicators. With normal acidity of urine

In the region of the number 6, the acidity of urine during curative fasting drops to the region

2, which is a direct indicator of the presence in the urine, excreted from the body

Acidic breakdown products of toxins. Sharp acidity of urine during treatment

Starvation is caused by the need to remove excreted from the tissues into the blood

Acids to maintain "homeostasis", i.e. the law of constancy of acidity

blood. A simple experience: if you, when not fasting, take the morning portion of urine

In a jar and put it to stand, then pretty quickly a precipitate will appear in it,

Due to the presence of organic salts. Unscrupulous healers sometimes

They use this technique to demonstrate the cleansing of the body from the use of their methods.

Here, they say, "after my session, all the salt was released from your body," in

Whereas it is a normal sediment upon standing. But if you take a patient's urine

On curative fasting, this urine will never give sediment, it is so acidic.

So, you have entered into fasting. The body lives by splitting fats and accumulated

poisons in the body. Those poisons that the body cannot break down into energy, the body

Outputs in the above ways.

Do you have any idea how much poison the average person accumulates

In your body by the age of 40? Calculations based on weight loss during

Fasting, and on the percentage of various tissues of the body, show that

At least ½ of a person's body weight after forty years is concentrated

Poisons stored in reserve. Let's calculate: if a person weighs 90 kg, then the deposited

His toxins make up half, that is, the man himself, his living

The core, out of 90 kg is only 50 kg. But if a person weighs 160 kg, and for

The same 50 kg of a living core is quite enough for him to live, then this already amounts to

By no means half, but already 2/3, that is, 75% of his body is deposited toxins

- 110 kg! And if a person weighs 200 kg, how many toxins are in him, if his living

The core is the same 50 kg? – 150kg of toxins and toxins!!! How much, after all, the body

Durable mechanism.

And how many fat-soluble poisons are deposited in free adipose tissue inside

organism? You will see this by the huge amount of bile that will

Wash out with enemas from your intestines.

In the female and male bodies, free fat is located in the body in different

Locations. In women, fat is deposited mainly in the hips, legs, or lower

Parts of the abdomen. In men, fat is deposited mainly in the retroperitoneal tissue,

Between the spine and abdominal organs. That is why men have

Huge bellies completely out of proportion with the thickness of subcutaneous fat.

Because fat is not located on the wall of the abdomen, but deep, deep - behind the organs

The abdominal cavity, which fat, as it were, exfoliates from the spine, causing

Chronic constipation. In addition, a large amount of fat is deposited in both

Sexes in the mesentery of the intestine. The mesentery of the intestine is the ligaments that hold the intestines together.

Attached to the back of the abdomen and prevent bowel movements

From falling into the pelvis and entanglement.

Therefore, the stomach is a huge reservoir of free, yellow fat available.

For depositing salts of toxins. And all this fat serves to preserve poisons,

Entered into the body, and the swollen mesentery of the intestine makes it difficult to pass

Food through the intestines, slowing down its waves, peristalsis, and, accordingly, causes

Chronic constipation.

The body cannot allow the free circulation of poisons in the blood. The body must

Protect against poisons first of all the brain, then the heart and other important organs,

So he deposits salts of poisons in the least important places of the human body.

And how many poisons are used in a modern, technocratic society? Simple

An American loaf of bread contains at least 50 substances that are registered

Chemical poisons. That is why this loaf of bread is always soft, no matter how much

He didn't lie down. Do you know that it is enough to give three American wiped

An apple to a baby to cause severe poisoning caused by those who are

In apples pesticides. And you try now to get meat and dairy and sausage

Products that do not contain hormones! What do we breathe in with exhaust gases? Marvelous,

That we do not die at all, like flies in the air. We have to admit that the body is

An amazing creation of nature with huge, but not infinite reserves of compensation.

I'll add myself...
In this article, there was an advertisement for therapeutic fasting.
Therapeutic starvation should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.
It is advisable to do this in special sanatorium-resort complexes.
You should study all the literature on this issue and write about fasting

Stoleshnikov's technique refers to one of the types of therapeutic fasting, according to the author, with its help you can get rid of many diseases, lose weight and rejuvenate the body.

Professor Stoleshnikov has been engaged in medical practice in Russia and America. He is a big fan of the raw food diet, as well as cleansing and healing the body with the help of long-term failures from food. Based on his vast experience, the achievements of patients and the analysis of special literature, Stoleshnikov invented his own method of curative fasting and devoted an entire book to it. Next, we will consider the basic rules for its implementation and the features of the exit.

Stoleshnikov believes main reason the occurrence of all diseases, the accumulation of toxins in the body, which gradually poison organs and tissues. That is why it is imperative to get rid of them, and the best way to do this is fasting. Stoleshnikov assures that when food is refused, harmful substances are dissolved and removed, as well as split disease-causing cells and tissues. They all come out possible ways: through the gastrointestinal tract, salivary glands, skin, with the help of the liver in the form of bile entering the intestines, etc. Actually, this does not really explain good health when fasting.

Main outward sign The fact that the body is cleansed is the appearance of plaque on the tongue and clouding of the eyes. This happens around the fourth or fifth day of fasting. As poisons are removed from the body, the thickness of the plaque decreases, and the gaze becomes clearer. And only after he completely disappears, and his eyes begin to shine, can fasting according to Stoleshnikov be considered successful. At the same time, a feeling of extraordinary lightness appears, poor health disappears and the disposition rises.

Fasting according to Stoleshnikov

According to Stoleshnikov, the optimal duration of fasting should be from 21 to 28 days. Actually, the body needs so much time for complete cleansing, healing and regeneration, and only in this case can fasting be considered curative. Abstention from food for up to three days is not purgatory. During this time, the body, due to the loss of glycogen, salts and water, simply temporarily loses mass, which, after leaving fasting, very quickly returns to its original one. The positive effect of a short abstinence from food is only in unloading, rest and partial cleaning of the digestive tract.

For those who find it difficult to completely refuse food for three weeks, Stoleshnikov recommends fasting according to the following scheme:

  • A week of fasting on the water, at the end of which is a cleansing clyster.
  • A week on freshly squeezed fruit juices.
  • A week on fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables, on the final day of which it is recommended to visit the sauna.

During therapeutic fasting, Stoleshnikov recommends drinking distilled water or water from springs or wells. Pure mineral water it is not recommended to use it, since it contains too many salts, it is best to dilute it in equal proportions with distilled water.

When fasting, of course, you need to do cleansing enemas, this is necessary to remove poisonous bile from the intestines. These procedures should be started only after the fifth day of abstinence from food. Enemas are recommended to be done every 3-5 days until the end of the fast. To do this, use ordinary water in the amount of two or two and a half liters. The last procedure should be carried out on the final day of fasting.

It is better to spend fasting in nature, it is very good if you manage to get out to the country or to the village. At this stage, you can do simple exercise or light work. At the same time, try not to make any sudden movements, so quickly get up from your haunches or from the bed, as this can lead to dizziness and even fainting.

Way out of starvation according to Stoleshnikov

Stoleshnikov considers the way out of fasting even more important than the fast itself. He is convinced that the effectiveness and the final result of abstinence from food largely depend on him. The professor recommends going out of fasting in three stages:

Switching to processed food

If you decide to switch to thermally processed food, it is better to start with steamed food. Add more spices to it, especially red pepper or ginger, and all kinds of herbs. At the same time, try to completely abandon salt and sugar, which greatly slow down life processes. It is also worth turning off starchy foods from the diet, in the first place, bakery products made from premium flour, polished rice and potatoes. In addition, you should avoid canned food, sausages and other "unhealthy" foods.

Prok and Harm.Ru

"How to come back to life" - treatment instruction A.P. Stoleshnikov

World famous professor and doctor, fighter for healthy lifestyle life, having experienced all the hardships of starvation, A.P. Stoleshnikov in 2007 published the first part of his book How to Return to Life.

It describes the method of abstaining from food on the water, its pros and cons, how to prepare, how to start a diet correctly and all the main aspects that will help you painlessly go through this difficult path for a person.

The professor convinces that the whole human body is like a big urn for toxins and harmful substances from the environment. Over the years, poisonous garbage is becoming more and more. To free the body from toxins, it is necessary to periodically clean it.

The doctor recommends people after 30 years of age at least twice a year to carry out such cleaning. Stoleshnikov developed a unique method of fasting on water, which he himself used and recommends, especially for people with various chronic diseases and overweight.

Description of the treatment procedure

The process of hunger strike implies a complete rejection of food. Only liquid is used. The method is not very simple, not everyone has strong willpower to withstand several weeks without food. Every day it will only get worse, the body will ask for recharge, psychological state not balanced and at any moment there will be a desire to stop bullying yourself.

An increase in body temperature, chills, dizziness, weakness in the body - all this will be present at the stages of the hunger strike. But the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. If everything was so bad and not effective, there would not be so many supporters of this method.

In fact, fasting on water is an ideal way, firstly, to quickly lose weight, and secondly, you can permanently get rid of chronic diseases such as diabetes, problems with the gastrointestinal system, allergies of any type and many others. Do not be afraid to start starving, you just need to correctly follow the recommendations of Dr. Stoleshnikov's instructions.

Preparing for fasting

Regardless of the method, before starting an abstinence diet, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. Pass a medical examination, and donate blood and urine for tests.

According to the results of tests and a number of examinations, the doctor can allow or prohibit a hunger strike, everything will depend on the state of health and well-being in general. There is a category of people who is contraindicated this kind of diet.

These are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 18, as well as the elderly. It must be said right away that fasting according to the Stoleshnikov method lasts from 21 to 28 days. That is how many days it will take the body to cleanse itself completely.

It is necessary to enter the diet gradually. In a few days, switch to a raw food diet and plentiful drink. Cleansing enemas should be applied once a week. On the day "X" you should not take any food, but only drink liquid.

Professor Stoleshnikov in his methodology suggests using distilled water or water from natural sources. In no case do not drink liquid from the tap, even boiled. It is also not recommended to drink mineral water, especially carbonated water, because such water contains a lot of salts.

The liquid and its amount drunk per day plays a big role throughout the abstinence from food. The norm that a person should consume is from 3 to 5 liters per day. You should not try to drink all 5 liters, the body itself will tell you how much liquid it needs to absorb.

The fasting process

It is worth noting that Professor Stoleshnikov developed a more gentle technique, which is in fact. Those who wish to cleanse the body will not be difficult to do this completely, without stopping halfway, especially since stopping will not lead to the desired results and all efforts will be in vain.

The first three days are considered fasting days. Abundant weight loss occurs due to the loss of water and salt. The body is fed own reserves i.e. fats. Dr. Stoleshnikov does not support hydrocolonotherapy, and considers enemas once a week to be sufficient.

For an enema, you need to use plain water. room temperature in the amount of 2-2.5 liters. The final enema should be given on the last day of the fast.

With the withdrawal of feces, unnecessary toxins and toxins are removed from the body. At the time of the enemas, it will be good for the body to visit a bath or sauna, as during fasting, the body also removes toxins through sweat secretions.

It is important to note that when fasting, well-being worsens and you should not burden yourself. physical activity, especially making sudden movements - this can lead to fainting. After a few days, a plaque may appear on the tongue - this indicates that the body has begun to remove toxins.

At this moment appears bad smell from mouth. There is no need to be afraid of this, it is easy to deal with this by rinsing your mouth with decoctions of herbs. Why is the method gentle? Because Dr. Stoleshnikov proposes to divide the entire fasting process into three stages.

For the first week, use only distilled or spring water. The second week may be accompanied by the use of various juices. It is worth noting that not all juices can be consumed. Some fasting people are allergic to citrus. In the following days, introduce a variety of fruits into the diet.

Completion of fasting

Professor Stoleshnikov considers the process of completing fasting to be the most important stage and divides it into three levels.

1 level. Depending on the duration of the water diet, the number of exit days will depend. If a person fasted for 10 days, then the exit at the first stage should last 10 days. In the first days of the exit, distilled water should be consumed, diluted with nectars and juices without pulp, approximately 1:1. It is also allowed to drink mineral water to restore the water-salt balance in the body.

2nd level. This stage can take as long as you like. These days you can use vegetable juices, for example, potato, carrot, celery, beetroot, whatever your heart desires. But you have to stick to the rules.

Gradually introduce vegetable and fruit purees into the diet. The use of greens at this stage is only welcome.

3rd level. During this period, raw organic products but more nutritious than fruits and vegetables. It is allowed to eat raw egg yolks, fish and seafood, milk and meat. This stage is recommended to be extended as long as possible.

After a difficult process of starvation, practically on the water, Dr. Stoleshnikov recommends and even promotes a raw food diet, removing boiled potatoes from the diet, pasta, smoked meats of any meat products, especially sausages, any canned foods, a large amount of salt and sugar.

As the famous movie says: “Salt is poison, and sugar is generally poison.” Bread is better to use made from coarse flour.

The benefits of fasting according to Stoleshnikov

It can be unequivocally argued that there are benefits from fasting. In the process of abstinence from food, the body is completely cleansed of toxins and harmful substances.

Feeling better mental condition returns to normal, even improves mood, not to mention getting rid of excess weight. Over the entire period, a person can lose up to 12 kg.

When a person is saturated with food, the body spends its energy on processing food, forgetting to get rid of harmful accumulated debris. In the process of starvation, the body independently cleanses itself of everything superfluous, first absorbing fats, then damaged and diseased cells, getting rid of naturally- bringing them out, through feces, sweat, tears and saliva.

To start the abstinence process, you need to mentally tune in. Talking to your family about support is very important. Before starting the procedure, you should prepare the body for a few days. Completely give up drinking alcohol and smoking, as this will affect the vasoconstriction, and there will be pain in the stomach.

On the days of the hunger strike, you can do light gymnastic exercises or yoga. Periodically visit a massage parlor. Make it a rule to spend more time outdoors.

In general, it is worthwhile to carry out the process of abstinence from food in fresh and clean air, for example, in the country. Reception medicines during the diet, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor, as it is recommended to stop taking medications.

In custody

Dr. Stoleshnikov, after conducting a series of experiments, found out that at the stages of fasting, the indicators of urine and blood change significantly, the acidity in the urine increases.

This phenomenon is called acidosis - the presence in the blood of the decay products of toxins and harmful substances. The professor recommends that patients with anuria, that is, with insufficient urination, interrupt the hunger strike, since drinking large amounts of fluids does not help.

Continued may lead to kidney disease. According to the majority of people who are not starving for the first time and who have experienced various methods, they consider the cleansing process as described by Dr. Stoleshnikov to be the most effective.

Without exception, everyone talks about improving health and getting rid of chronic diseases, not to mention decent weight loss. Yes, the process is difficult, challenging, but worth it. No diet can put the body in order, like fasting with water.

But do not rape and exhaust yourself, everyone has the right to decide how many days he will starve. But if you take up yourself, then you should go to the end and not give up. The motivation is this - if you want to look beautiful and healthy - be patient!
