Estradiol - what is it: the norm of the sex hormone in women. Estradiol levels in women and its biological role

Estradiol refers to steroid hormones (full name - 17β-estradiol), which has the greatest activity. Encoding e2 means that estradiol formula contains two hydroxyl groups, which is why it is sometimes labeled as such estradiol in the analysis transcripts.

The remaining estrogens - and estrone - are designated e3 and e1, respectively. They have a significantly smaller impact on the functioning of the body, and therefore are practically not used in diagnostics.

What is estradiol responsible for?

Hormone estradiol for the female type, the menstrual cycle and the course of pregnancy.

It is produced by follicles, the corpus luteum and the placenta, and significant regulation occurs due to the hormones of the pituitary gland of the brain.

In small quantities, produced in the seminal canals of the testicles, partially regulating testosterone levels.

Both sexes do not a large number of produced by the adrenal cortex. Therefore, with tumors or hyperfunction of these organs, the balance in the production of sex hormones may be disturbed.


During menstrual cycle Estradiol is responsible for the following aspects:

  • Forms the follicle and prepares it for ovulation. Therefore, if the cycle is disrupted or there are problems with fertilization, it is measured on different days of the month.
  • Stimulates follicle rupture - ovulation.
  • Prepares the uterine epithelium for the attachment of the embryo and its retention in it during pregnancy.
  • Participates in adjusting the exchange of other hormones (progesterone, prostaglandins, pituitary hormones).

During pregnancy:

  • Allows the fetus to attach normally to the wall of the uterus and stay there.
  • Stimulates blood circulation and nutrition through the placenta to the fetus.
  • Before childbirth, it prepares the pelvic bones for the passage of the baby.
  • Increases the body's sensitivity to hormones necessary for childbirth (for example, oxytocin).
  • Prepares the breasts for lactation, together with progesterone, maintains milk production until childbirth.

In prepubertal children The normal hormone level is less than 30 pgmol/l. Changes begin during puberty and for the most part concerns girls. Visible changes under the influence of estradiol occur between the ages of 8 and 14 years.

Estradiol a little at physical activity, That's why Excessive exercise in girls can reduce the hormone in the blood and detain sexual development.

During puberty, the hormone provides:

  • Development of genital organs and mammary glands. Common reason contacting an endocrinologist in childhood– formerly thelarche. This is the formation (swelling) of the breast before 8 years of age.
  • Skeletal development and female-type hair growth. And also influencing the distribution of adipose tissue, it ensures proportionality of the waist and hips for normal childbearing in the future.
  • Accelerates the formation of the body and skeleton, therefore girls are more early period, are rapidly “stretching out” compared to boys.

Additionally, estradiol performs such functions as:

  • A number of other hormones, somatotropin, aldosterone, corticotropin.
  • Improves sharing substances in bone tissue and reduces their weakening. Which explains why a disease such as osteoporosis develops in old age after estradiol begins to be produced in smaller quantities.
  • Stimulates fat deposition. A diet high in carbohydrates and low content fat is reduced by estradiol, according to the feedback principle, which can lead to the cessation of menstruation.
  • Reduces appetite and cholesterol levels.
  • Retains water and calcium in the body. Its increase leads to edema.
  • Prevents development in women coronary disease heart by improving metabolism on the walls of blood vessels.
  • It has a depressing effect on erythropoiesis (a type of hematopoiesis), reducing its intensity. Therefore, after puberty, women have lower values ​​of red blood cells and hemoglobin than men.
  • Has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Plays a role in the oncological protective function against colon cancer.
  • Hormone estradiol is involved in the protection of nervous tissue in Alzheimer's disease, brain injury and ischemic damage with a stroke.
  • Participates in memory formation.
  • Women are also considered to be in a good mood.

Estrogen has a harmonizing, kind-hearted effect on mood rather than a militantly optimistic effect, like testosterone. Therefore, its effect varies depending on the amount in the blood.

The most best condition lasts from the end of menstruation until ovulation - mood swings are rare, normal sexual appetite. During the ovulatory period of increase, there may be some anxiety and low numbers, before and during menstruation, irritability and excitability increase.

During the onset of menopause, against the background of a decrease in estradiol, dissatisfaction may grow, mood swings and deteriorating health - hot flashes, pressure fluctuations, weakness. When the body gets used to the new values ​​of the hormone in the blood, the state of health and condition normalizes and becomes more uniform.

Norm and analysis for estradiol

Norm hormone changes in different periods. Within the menstrual cycle, fluctuations occur from 12.5-166 pgmol/l at the beginning of the cycle, to 85-498 pgmol/l during preovulation and by the end of the cycle it decreases to 43-211 pgmol/l.

In postmenopause, it remains within the range of 19-80 pgmol/l.

Estradiol release increases during pregnancy, especially if the fetus is large or there are several of them. Estradiol in the blood ranges from 215-4300 pgmol/l per 1 trimester up to 1810.0-13900 pgmol/l in the last trimester and before birth.

Or the normal concentration of the hormone at different periods of the cycle signals possible violations.

Estradiol is mainly tested in different days the first half of the cycle, to monitor the success of ovulation. But it can also be tested for breast cysts, diagnosis of ovarian and uterine tumors, and problematic pregnancy.

Is estradiol. Thanks to him, representatives of the fair sex manage to maintain youth, external attractiveness and reproductive function. Estradiol level in female body largely depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

In contact with

Functions in the body

What is it - estradiol, what is it responsible for in women. It belongs to the female sex hormones - estrogens. It is formed in small quantities in the testicles of men, but its functions are male body have not yet been clarified.

The hormone affects the physiological state of a woman, making it possible to give birth to a healthy baby.

If the hormone level deviates from the norm, the condition of the female body can change for the worse. To diagnose the clinical picture, a blood test is required.

Quite often, to normalize the condition, correction using medicines.

The level of estradiol is regulated in a woman’s body by the ovaries. They tend to produce it from testosterone.

The pituitary gland is also actively working to create the hormone. Estradiol levels should be observed in the follicular phase, because the component is necessary for the maturation of the egg. Thanks to estrogens, a dominant cell can develop. Maximum amount the hormone is observed when the follicle is released from the outer dense membrane.

After the formation of the egg, in its place in the ovary a corpus luteum, which is used to produce progesterone. The hormone is responsible for fertilization and creation optimal conditions for this process. As a result, estradiol levels drop sharply. If the fertilized egg does not attach to the wall of the uterus, then the endometrium will be rejected, and the cycle will start over.

The hormone estradiol is responsible for the following processes:

  • participates in the formation of all parts reproductive system and affects certain phases of the menstrual cycle;
  • is responsible for the creation, under its influence alveoli begin to form;
  • takes part in the absorption of individual nutritional components, affects the female psyche;
  • during the period of maximum probability of conception, a representative of the fair sex noticeably increases sexual desire;
  • affects the blood clotting process;
  • responsible for youth and beauty;
  • necessary for physical endurance and stability of the nervous system;
  • makes it possible to get pregnant.

Normal indicator

The hormone tends to change its level, what is its norm in women. If a woman is in reproductive age, then hormone tests must be within a certain range. External and internal factors may change its quantity. Age plays an important role. The indicator increases sharply at .

It is measured in pg/ml and has certain deviations in normal volume:

During reproductive age, the level of estradiol by day of the cycle can change as follows:

  • Estradiol in the follicular phase should be contained in the range from 57 to 227.
  • at the onset of ovulation - from 127 to 466.
  • in the luteal period - from 77 to 227.

Low estradiol in women often negatively affects their appearance. This increases the risk of developing serious pathologists y, therefore it is important to recognize the disease in time and direct all efforts to eliminate it.

What are the consequences of hormone deficiency?

Estradiol is necessary for the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Without it, not only does your appearance deteriorate, but it is also impossible to conceive a child. At the same time, a woman can feel constant fatigue. The doctor will need to determine the causes of this negative process.

These include:

  • predisposition to a disease that is inherited;
  • the woman lost weight dramatically;
  • the body is regularly exposed to excessive mental or physical stress;
  • production of excessive amounts of prolactin;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the brain, namely the pituitary gland, against the background of an infectious lesion;
  • the ovaries are depleted too early: in this case, the patient is diagnosed early attack menopause, having children will only be possible with IVF;
  • taking medications that are designed to suppress ovulation.

Important! The level of estradiol production in the body decreases with regular smoking and drinking alcohol.

Toxins have negative impact not only for the brain, but also for work endocrine system. If an insufficient amount of estradiol has been determined in the body, it is recommended to include certain foods in the diet. Grains and legumes have a positive effect on ovarian function. The food should have enough vitamins C, E and B. With their help, it will be possible to improve the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

The indicator is above normal

If estradiol is elevated in pregnant women, then clinical picture considered quite normal.

Otherwise, excessive dry skin and hair loss occur. She may also suffer from obesity and occasional bleeding.

Other symptoms include breast pain and excessive irritability.

A representative of the fair sex will not be able to get pregnant. If you have these negative manifestations, you should consult a doctor. He is prescribed a blood test, which will allow him to make a diagnosis.

Increased estradiol in the body leads to disturbances in the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland. If a woman eats incorrectly, then the situation will further worsen due to...

Often enough clinical manifestations occur when taking certain medications.

If estradiol is elevated, it increases risk of tumor development and cysts in the ovarian area.

The substance is formed from male hormones, so their excessive amounts can lead to these diseases. This may result in excessive body coverage hairline or scalp baldness. The situation is aggravated by complete absence menstruation. In this case, infertility further develops.

To regulate the hormone level, you need to find the cause of the negative condition. Most often prescribed hormone therapy. If necessary, the tumor in the ovarian area will also need to be removed.


A deviation from the norm is considered to be a violation of the menstrual cycle, which leads to infertility.

For a teenager, imbalance is dangerous due to improper puberty. At a later age, this can lead to early menopause.

The doctor orders blood sampling during from 2 to 4 days of the cycle. It is important to take the test in the morning. At the same time, you can’t eat anything. Also, the woman should stop taking medications with hormones.

They can negatively affect the amount of estrogen in the body. Also, you should not smoke or drink alcohol before taking the test.

Otherwise, the research will be considered uninformative. To prescribe the correct course of treatment, you will need to adhere to these requirements.

Useful video: the effect of estradiol on a woman, blood levels

Estradiol is the main female sex hormone of the estrogen group. It is present in both female and male bodies. The result of its influence on the body is a typical feminine figure, which is why it is considered female, although it is formed from male hormones. FSH hormone recycles male hormones to women's.

Estradiol in women mainly formed in the ovaries. During pregnancy, it is also secreted by the placenta. The testes, also known as testes, produce estradiol in men. In both sexes, this hormone is produced in small quantities by the adrenal cortex.

The ovaries, under the influence of pituitary hormones, produce sex hormones:

LH, FSH → estradiol

LH → progesterone

Under the influence of pituitary hormones (LH, FSH), estradiol begins to be produced in the ovaries in the first half of the cycle. In the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the release of progesterone.

Estradiol in women

Under the influence of this hormone in women:

  • the waist becomes narrow;
  • the timbre of the voice increases;
  • subcutaneous fat is formed (due to fat deposition, the hips are rounded and the mammary glands are enlarged);
  • the skin becomes thin and smooth;
  • a follicle grows on the ovary;
  • the inner layer of the uterus prepares for pregnancy;
  • the menstrual cycle is normalized.

Estradiol is a beauty hormone. Under its influence, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, female figure looks really feminine.

Estradiol in men

Men also produce it, but in much smaller quantities. What does estradiol do in the male body?

  • Increases calcium deposition in bone tissue.
  • Participates in the processes of sperm production.
  • Increases oxygen exchange.
  • Regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Increases blood clotting.
  • Stimulates metabolism.
  • Reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Estradiol: normal in women

In the female body, estradiol constantly fluctuates: the day of the cycle has great importance for blood collection. With the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the hormone begins to be produced. By the middle of the cycle, before ovulation, estradiol level rises. 24–36 hours after the concentration reaches its maximum, ovulation occurs. After the follicle bursts, estradiol also decreases (cycle day 14–15).

High estradiol after ovulation may mean that a woman has become pregnant.

Low estradiol in the second half of the cycle indicates that conception has not occurred.

If the body is in sufficient quantity produces estradiol, the norm in women is:

  • follicular phase - 57–227 pg/ml;
  • preovulatory phase - 127–476 pg/ml;
  • luteinizing phase - 77–227 pg/ml.

Over the years, the amount of estrogen in women's bodies decreases. During menopause, the norm fluctuates at the level of 19.7–82 pg/ml.

Estradiol during pregnancy: normal

During pregnancy, the level of the hormone increases: the closer the birth, the higher its concentration. On the eve of birth, the concentration is highest. 4–5 days after birth, estradiol levels decrease.

During pregnancy, hormone levels fluctuate depending on the period. They prepare the uterus for bearing a fetus.

Week of pregnancy

Estradiol norm, pg/ml









































If your readings do not match the values ​​in the table, consult your doctor. Your normal readings may differ from those listed above. Therefore, interpretation of the analysis must be carried out individually.

Estradiol: normal in men

In a man’s body, the level of estradiol in the blood should be 15–71 pg/ml. But in some laboratories valid values may vary and be in the range of 11.6–41.2 pg/ml. The analysis must be deciphered by a doctor.

Low estradiol

In both men and women, estradiol can be reduced for the following reasons:

  • smoking;
  • vegetarianism;
  • a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increased prolactin levels;
  • malfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • taking medications not as prescribed by a doctor (including oral contraceptives);
  • disturbances in the production of sex hormones.

Low estradiol in women

Due to decreased hormone levels, women may experience:

  • absence of menstruation for more than six months;
  • reduction in breast and uterine size;
  • dry skin;
  • problems with conception.

In women, estradiol may be reduced by early pregnancy. Reduced level hormone in Russian women occurs less frequently than elevated.

Low estradiol in men

A reduced amount of the hormone in men is indicated by:

  • osteoporosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased excitability;
  • problems with conception.

The cause of low levels of this hormone in men may be chronic prostatitis.

High estradiol in women

With elevated levels of the hormone, women may experience the following symptoms:

  • overweight;
  • acne;
  • cold feet and hands;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irregular monthly cycle;
  • hair loss;
  • swelling;
  • stomach upsets;
  • breast tenderness;
  • increased irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions.

If you donate blood for analysis and estradiol is elevated, your doctor may identify diseases associated with:

  • increased levels of thyroid hormones;
  • development of endometriosis on the ovary;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • the presence of a follicle that did not burst during ovulation.

In addition to the above, estradiol may be elevated due to taking certain medications.

High estradiol in men

If a man has elevated levels of this hormone, the following changes may occur:

  • swelling appears due to water retention in the body;
  • muscles are not pumped up;
  • a female figure is formed - fat is deposited on the hips, abdomen, buttocks and chest;
  • sexual desire decreases;
  • the mammary glands become painful;
  • the amount of hair on the face and chest decreases.

Causes higher level estrogen in men:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • testicular tumor;
  • taking certain medications;
  • obesity.

When is an estradiol test taken?

You need to prepare your body before taking the test: estradiol may be lowered due to smoking, alcoholic beverages or heavy physical activity. Therefore, two days before the test, try not to engage in heavy physical labor, drink alcohol, have sex or smoke. In addition, blood must be donated on an empty stomach. To find out the level of the hormone in the body, blood is taken from a vein. The analysis is taken on days 3–5 of the cycle and, if necessary, repeated on days 20–21.

Estradiol in medications

Most combined oral contraceptives are based on the “beauty hormone”. Under no circumstances should you “prescribe to yourself” hormonal contraception. Self-medication with “female hormone” can cause unpleasant consequences:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • the appearance of gallstones;
  • overweight;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Estradiol is a hormone that is used in the treatment of:

  • insufficient development of the genital organs;
  • absence of menstruation for more than 6 months;
  • osteoporosis;
  • increased sweating (due to hormonal imbalances).

The doctor should prescribe treatment with hormonal drugs only after tests. For liver diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, such drugs are not prescribed.

Why is elevated estradiol dangerous? Estradiol (E2, Estradiol) is the most active of the female sex hormones (estrogens). Most high level estradiol is observed in the late follicular phase.

Many women do not even know what estradiol is, but this hormone is very important for women's health. Why? The fact is that estradiol is responsible for the formation of the female reproductive system according to the female type, and, therefore, is decisive in the female body.

Reference values ​​(estradiol norm in pg/ml)

Reference values ​​(Estradiol norm in pmol/l)

Functions of estradiol

Thanks to estradiol, secondary female sexual characteristics develop. This hormone is responsible for the frequency and regularity of menstruation. Without normal level estrodiol prevents the full maturation and development of the egg. Estradiol is able to regulate even some features of a woman’s behavior.

Estradiol increases during the release of the egg from the follicle. Ovulation can occur only after estradiol in a woman’s blood has risen to its maximum level. Estradiol stimulates the growth of cells lining the uterine cavity, to which the fertilized egg is then attached.

That is why estradiol is the most important hormone for a woman, which regulates the basic functions of her body. The level of estradiol throughout the entire cycle rises smoothly and gradually, and after ovulation, in the absence of fertilization, it decreases quite sharply. If estradiol is constantly elevated, this is not a sign of women's health. Many women will be sincerely surprised to learn that estradiol levels need to be monitored. Sometimes the imbalance of this hormone in the body is practically not felt.

Estradiol norm

estradiol 0.08 -1.1 nmol/l

Some uncomfortable sensations are typical for abnormal estradiol levels. For example, alarm signal The reason for increased estradiol levels is the absence of menstruation or its irregularity, cycle disruptions. It should be noted that in general any fluctuations in the cycle should be a good reason for any woman to visit a gynecologist. Moreover, you should not postpone visiting a specialist if your estradiol levels have never been controlled.

An increase in estradiol may be associated with some quite serious diseases, for example, ovarian tumors, various ovarian cysts, or liver diseases. Occasionally, estrodiol levels may rise sharply from external reasons, for example, if a woman long time took antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

Estradiol levels may change from taking certain contraceptives containing large amounts of hormones. Such unpleasant consequences usually occur if a woman, before starting to take contraceptives, neglected to consult a doctor and prescribed the drugs to herself. Responsible adults must understand that self-medication and self-prescription hormonal drugs not acceptable. After all, hormones must be in the body in the right quantities: no more, no less. In this matter, harmony is more important than ever. Regular visits to the gynecologist and self-monitoring of hormonal status are the key to long health and avoidance of serious problems.

Estradiol is an estrogenic steroid hormone that is produced by the ovaries, adrenal cortex, peripheral tissues, placenta, and testes of men. Apart from the ovaries and adrenal glands, a small percentage of estradiol is produced during testosterone synthesis. The hormone estradiol helps in the formation and further functioning of the reproductive system. Estradiol is one of the main female hormones. It is found in small quantities in men.

Estradiol is one of the most active hormones in the body among the estrogens of the steroid group. Its level is female body constantly changes: with stimulation of the ovaries, LH and, with the passage of the egg fallopian tubes and preparing the uterus for conception.

Daily changes in estradiol levels are subject to the rhythm of luteinizing hormone secretion. The peak of activity occurs at 15-18 hours of the day, and the minimum reduction in rhythm occurs from midnight to 2 am.

In the body of a woman of childbearing age, the level of hormones changes with each phase of the cycle. From the first days, the concentration of estradiol increases and reaches a maximum during ovulation. After the release of the egg, the indicators drop sharply and rise again, but not so intensely. The final decline occurs towards the end of the corpus luteum phase.

Low rates are always observed at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, and high rates during ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary and moves towards the sperm. Estradiol promotes normal ovulation and successful conception. During pregnancy, this hormone is almost as important as progesterone. Estradiol is responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

In a woman, the hormone estradiol is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, and in a pregnant woman, a large proportion of estradiol is produced by the placenta. And since the placenta is formed by the second trimester, the level of estradiol increases rapidly during this period. After childbirth, hormone levels return to normal within 5-6 days. The lowest rates (on par with the norm for men) are diagnosed in women during menopause.

First of all, estradiol is responsible for the fullness of the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the genital organs. The hormone also helps to develop female sexual characteristics. Ovulation occurs only after an increase in estradiol levels.

The hormone estradiol not only helps in reproduction, but is also responsible for primary and secondary sexual characteristics. It regulates the psychophysiological characteristics of a woman’s behavior. During pregnancy, estradiol is responsible for the growth of the uterus. Any interruptions in this hormone affect menstrual function.

Functions of estradiol in the female body:

  • proper development of the reproductive system;
  • organ formation;
  • education female type figures;
  • development of the uterus, formation of its endometrium;
  • regulation of blood circulation in the uterus;
  • strengthening blood vessels in the uterus;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels;
  • replenishment of energy reserves;
  • strengthening the bone structure;
  • maintaining tone;
  • accumulation of fat on the stomach, thighs and other “female” areas.

The influence of estradiol is dependent on its relationship with testosterone. This is how it is formed subcutaneous tissue, blood flow in the uterus improves, and the growth of the endometrium is activated during the period of ovulation. Estradiol increases the synthesis of neurotransmitters that transmit impulses from nerves.

The hormone stimulates protein production, improves blood clotting, promotes bone turnover, and helps bones mature faster. Estradiol retains sodium in the body, which, in turn, transports carbon dioxide, amino acids, and anions. Sodium regulates blood pressure, helps with metabolism, and promotes hydration.

Indications for testing for estradiol

A gynecologist deals with problems with estradiol. Often the course of treatment is conservative. Sports and moderate exercise are also recommended physical exercise, which lower hormone levels.

Indications for the study:

  • pelvic pain;
  • periodic vaginal bleeding;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility;
  • accelerated or inhibited development of the genital organs;
  • symptoms of menopause (insomnia, sweating, hot flashes);
  • problems with conception;
  • symptoms of feminization (abnormal growth of mammary glands in men, etc.).

Preparing for analysis

The study of estradiol is carried out by chemiluminescence immunoassay. The material for study is deoxygenated blood. Results are reported in pg/ml (picograms per milliliter). Determining hormone levels cannot be the only diagnostic method. The analysis is included in the complex.

An estradiol test is performed by drawing blood. For the purity of the study, the test is carried out on days 6-7 of the menstrual cycle (on 2-4 at normal cycle). The doctor may choose a different time if the situation requires it. Blood sampling is done on an empty stomach and in the morning. The day before the test, you should not overeat, smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.

Preparing for the study:

  • refrain from food (3 hours before the test);
  • you can only drink clean water without gas;
  • stop steroid and thyroid therapy two days before donating blood;
  • refrain from smoking (3 hours before);
  • Avoid physical and emotional stress a day before the analysis.

Research objective:

  • determine the level of estradiol, which allows you to assess the functioning of the ovaries;
  • find the reason (lack of menstruation);
  • diagnose early puberty;
  • identify gynecomastia in men (enlarged breast glands);
  • track the development of the follicle before.

Factors influencing the result of the study:

  • diet (predominance of carbohydrates, lack of fat);
  • medications (ampicillin, phenothiazines, glucocorticosteroids, tetracyclines, drugs with estrogen);
  • dietary supplements (the herbs in Cascara Sagrada may artificially increase estradiol levels in the test).

The study is carried out only at rest. Strong emotions and experiences can change the results. Strong physical activity and training are also excluded. Alcohol should not be taken two days before, and smoking should not be done at least two hours before blood sampling.

You may have to give up antibiotics and birth control for some period. Drugs used to correct emotional background and treat mental disorders are also removed.

Norm of the hormone estradiol for women

The male norm ranges from 7.63 to 42.6 pg/ml. Women's norms depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the first six days, 12.5-166 pg/ml is considered normal. During the follicular phase (3-14 days) the values ​​should not change. During ovulation (days 13-15), estradiol levels increase to 85.8-498 pm/ml. In the luteal phase (from 15 days before the start of menstruation), the values ​​decrease to 43.8-211 pm/ml.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the norm for postmenopause - up to 54.7 pg/ml. In the first trimester of pregnancy, estradiol levels range from 215-4300 pg/ml.

It is not recommended to independently interpret the analysis results. This is justified by the fact that estradiol levels tend to change constantly and dramatically. Having mixed up the phases and seeing big number, the woman will definitely worry, which will only harm her health. It is better to leave the diagnosis to an experienced doctor.

You cannot consider only individual values. When assessing the results, the doctor relies on the patient’s individual menstrual cycle calendar and takes into account the properties of estradiol. The analysis does not give a clear result, but indicates possible reasons symptoms.

Estradiol is low: what to do

Symptoms of a decrease in estradiol include weight loss, abnormal dry skin, and shrinkage of the mammary glands. An alarm signal may be the absence of menstruation for six cycles in a row without pregnancy. Some patients develop osteoporosis (reduction in the mass of bone tissue, disruption of their structure). Osteoporosis causes back pain.

Lack of estradiol can lead to (lack of ovulation). Pregnancy with this diagnosis is simply impossible, because the egg does not mature or leave the follicle.

Hormone levels decrease when:

  • anorexia nervosa (can develop against the background of amenorrhea);
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (chromosomal abnormalities causing developmental abnormalities and sexual infantilism);
  • Schiehan's syndrome or hypopituitarism ( low concentration pituitary circulating hormones, which causes hypofunction, atrophy of the glands);
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome or polycystic ovary syndrome (hypothalamus and pituitary gland, pancreas and adrenal glands);
  • hypogonadism (congenital underdevelopment, which leads to poor functioning of the ovaries);
  • postmenopause.

To prevent the development of all these diseases, you should respond to any ailment. Timely consultation with a doctor helps avoid most dangerous consequences. Abnormalities can even be detected using a blood test.

Options for increasing estradiol levels:

  1. Hormone therapy;
  2. Folk recipes ( herbal infusions and decoctions). Sage, linden blossom, and hops are often used. Treatment folk remedies It should only be done on the recommendation of a herbalist.
  3. Execution of rules healthy image life.
  4. Complete cessation of smoking and alcohol.
  5. Walking on fresh air and activity.
  6. Diet with proteins.

Any deviation from the norm requires study. A large decrease will not cause a serious deterioration in health, but will gradually depress the body.

Estradiol is increased

High estradiol levels may be a warning sign indicating the presence of cancer. Often this is cancer of the uterus and mammary glands. Also, high estradiol indicates hypertension, whose complications can lead to stroke.

Estradiol levels increase when:

  • accelerated puberty;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • tumors on the ovaries or adrenal glands;
  • gynecomastia (hypertrophy of adipose tissue and enlargement of glands in men);
  • hyperthyroidism (predominance of estrogens over androgens, increased globulin levels).

Symptoms of elevated estradiol levels are heavy menstrual flow at the wrong time, cycle shifts, severe breast tenderness, bleeding between menstruation. Against this background, the patient becomes irritable, nervous, and suffers from mood swings.

Additional symptoms will be swelling, acne, weak hair, cold extremities, and convulsions. The woman quickly gets tired, feels discomfort in the stomach, pain in the chest.

Preparations with estradiol

Today, contraceptives based on estradiol or analogues are widely used. They are a good protection against unplanned conception due to their effect on inner surface uterus The egg cannot attach to the damaged epithelium of the uterus and begin to develop. But such contraception has a significant disadvantage: over time, the layer of the uterus atrophies, and the chances of pregnancy decrease. The use of drugs with estradiol can be dangerous, so you should not use them without the advice of a doctor.

With prolonged use of drugs with estradiol, the following symptoms may appear:

  • intense headaches and dizziness;
  • liver dysfunction with all the ensuing consequences;
  • mood swings, irritability, nervousness;
  • weight gain;
  • vaginal bleeding in different phases cycle;
  • sand and stones in the gall bladder.

Estradiol is widely used to treat underdevelopment of the genital organs and absence of menstruation. The hormone estradiol also helps with osteoporosis and excessive sweating.

Diseases treated with estradiol:

  • hypoplasia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • infections and inflammations of the genital organs with frequent relapses.

Contraindications are:

  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • otosclerosis;
  • jaundice;
  • herpes;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypercalcemia.

Consultation with a doctor is required if the patient suffers diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, cardiac or renal failure, endometriosis, migraines, bronchial asthma, porphyria, tumors, mastopathy, connective tissue diseases. Estradiol can reduce glucose tolerance in patients with diabetes.


You can avoid problems with estradiol by eliminating all “male” habits from your life: smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks, drug addiction, drug-induced increase in tone. Most drugs to stimulate sexual function suppress the ovaries.

Leading a wrong lifestyle, getting carried away bad habits and questionable sexual contacts, a woman actually ceases to be a woman. Estradiol, which makes girls sophisticated and soft, is reduced. As a result, abnormal growth of body hair begins, the voice becomes rougher, and the skin dries out. The woman's gait and movements become abrupt. A severe deficiency of the hormone can even interrupt menstruation.
