Strawberries: health benefits and harms for women. The benefits and harms of garden strawberries for health: useful properties and contraindications

A refreshing and invigorating strawberry is one of the types of nutmeg strawberries with small fragrant fruits. They do not spread along the ground, like strawberries, but stretch up on stalks.

Based on the data of the Gastronomic Encyclopedia Larousse, the berry got its name because of its round shape - from the word "ball".

That is, any strawberry is a strawberry, but not any strawberry is a strawberry.

Fresh strawberries are eaten for dessert with sugar or whipped cream. Strawberries are put in ice cream and fruit salads. The berries are also used to make mousses, soufflés and chocolate. They make open pies with it, cook compotes and jams.

Strawberries contain vitamins C, B and PP.

Composition 100 gr. strawberries as a percentage daily allowance presented below.


  • C - 98%;
  • B9 - 6%;
  • K - 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B6 - 2%.


Calorie content of fresh strawberries - 32 kcal per 100 gr.

Like all bright berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, so they are good for health.

For the immune system

Vitamin C from strawberries strengthens the immune system, protecting the body during flu and cold season.

For the musculoskeletal system

Strawberries combine two chemical compounds and quercetin. They remove toxins from human muscle tissue, prevent arthritis and joint pain.

For the cardiovascular and endocrine systems

Strawberry minerals stimulate the production of the NrF2 protein, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. Strawberries are good not only for the heart, but also for endocrine system. It prevents the risk of diabetes.

Potassium and magnesium from strawberries strengthen the cardiovascular system and protect against hypertension.

For the nervous system

Strawberries contain fisetin, which stimulates the brain. You can improve your short-term memory by eating a small portion of strawberries every day for eight weeks.

Fisetin from strawberries fights Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of the elderly.

This antioxidant destroys breast cancer cells, enhancing the effect of anti-cancer drugs.

For touch system

Vitamin C and other antioxidants from strawberries reduce the risk of eye diseases and normalize intraocular pressure.

For digestion

Strawberry is effective tool in the fight against overweight and stimulates the burning of stored fat.

For the urinary system

The berry is a good diuretic, allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and improve kidney function.

Impact on pregnancy

Folic acid or vitamin B9, which is found in strawberries, is prescribed to pregnant women for an easy pregnancy.

For the integumentary system

Vitamins and fruit acids from strawberries improve complexion and skin texture.

  • allergy. The berry can cause skin reactions, as. People prone to allergies may develop a rash, redness and itching;
  • pregnancy. During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend eating strawberries in large quantities to reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the fetus;
  • gastrointestinal diseases. Strawberries should not be consumed during exacerbations peptic ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of strawberries

Strawberries do not harm the body, but they can cause an allergic reaction if you eat a lot of berries at once.

How to choose strawberries

When choosing berries, pay attention to color saturation and aroma. Berries must be dry and ripe, without yellow spots and green tails.

How to store strawberries

Strawberries cannot be stored for a long time. Keep fresh berries in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Don't wash the berries before storing them, as they release juice and lose their flavor.

The benefits and harms of strawberries depend on how you prepare the berry. Eat it fresh - then the composition and calorie content of strawberries will remain unchanged!

Strawberries are the very first natural berry that opens the vitamin summer season. We love her for taste qualities, aroma and for the fact that she has "a lot of vitamins" that our body needs after the winter-spring period. folk wisdom says, to be healthy for a whole year, while strawberries bear fruit, eat at least a handful of them a day.

A bit of history

Strawberries are a direct "descendant" of the well-known wild strawberries, taste and medicinal qualities which have been known since antiquity. In the writings of Pliny the Elder, this plant is mentioned as wild, but suitable for human consumption. The ancient Romans were the first to learn how to harvest strawberries by pickling, and the Spaniards domesticated and began to grow them in their gardens. Starting from the 15th century, the plant began to be considered a berry crop, but it was not very popular due to small size berries.

At the beginning of the 18th century, several bushes of unusual large strawberries were brought from Chile to France, from that moment the history of the already well-known strawberries begins. Now this delicious berry distributed throughout the world and widely used in cooking and Food Industry, cosmetology and chemical industry, in traditional and folk medicine.

What is useful summer berry

Strawberries are extremely rich in substances required for normal operation our body. This is a generous source of useful elements that strengthen the immune system, raise vitality, as well as mental and physical activity. This berry contains:

  • macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine and sodium;
  • trace elements - boron, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, chromium and others;
  • a whole set of useful organic acids, including malic, oxalic, citric and others;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • dyes and tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, A, E, groups B, H, K and PP.

Strawberries are a dietary product, its the energy value is only 37 kcal per 100 g of weight. But with such a low calorie content, the berry contains a lot of fiber, which improves digestion processes, frees gastrointestinal tract and lymph from toxins. Anthocyanins, which give strawberries their rich red color, stimulate memory, and serve as an excellent fat burner. Flavonoids and antioxidants are beneficial for of cardio-vascular system, prolong youth and rid the body of free radicals. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin K strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and the rest of the minerals are indispensable for the full functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, brain activity, are responsible for good mood and performance.

Strawberries boost immunity restorative action, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is widely used in the treatment of colds.

Despite the high percentage of carbohydrates, blood sugar levels practically do not rise, which makes this product indispensable in the diet of people with diabetes.

Possessing good diuretic qualities, the berry is recommended for diseases genitourinary system, as well as to relieve swelling.

Due to the presence of acids and biologically active substances, strawberries have the ability to dissolve and remove excess salt from the body, so it is useful to use it for arthritis and gout.

The regular presence of this fruit in the diet strengthens the blood vessels and muscles of the heart, which significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiac problems.

A number of elements in the composition of strawberries have a beneficial effect on visual organs, reducing eye pressure, and has a good effect on the retina and lens.

This berry is considered a good aphrodisiac, that is, it stimulates and enhances sexual desire, helps both men and women to relax and get real pleasure from intimacy.

Strawberries have an excellent antitumor effect, and this has been proven by practitioners and scientists. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer cells.

Despite a number of positive qualities, strawberries have some contraindications for use. It is better to refrain from buying early berries in the markets. Like all herbal products, the maturation of which occurs in an unnatural way, it is treated with chemicals and instead of benefit, you can get serious poisoning.

Strawberries are a strong allergen, so people suffering from hypersensitivity substances contained in this product should be avoided. For the same reason, nursing mothers should be wary of strawberries; pediatricians do not advise using juices and purees from it as part of artificial complementary foods.

Pregnant women should not abuse the berries, because the tonic properties can lead to uterine hypertonicity, which will lead to premature birth.

Refuse delicious treats will be necessary for gastritis, ulcers (including duodenum), as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Great content organic acids irritate the gastric mucosa and can provoke an exacerbation.

In conjunction with medicines from hypertension, strawberries can cause increased load on the kidneys, which will negatively affect their functioning.

In other cases, it is necessary to eat a strawberry berry and it is very useful, of course, while observing the measure. It is recommended to eat 400-500 g per day during the season, and for the whole year your body will be stocked with vitamins and other useful elements.

Application in cosmetology

Aroma and rich chemical composition make strawberries a popular ingredient in the production of perfumes, the manufacture of various shampoos, gels, scrubs, its fruit acids are widely used as natural raw materials for professional peels.

With great success, this berry is also used in home cosmetology. Even in ancient times, women knew about its healing and rejuvenating features in skin care. The presence of salicylic acid makes strawberries an excellent bleaching agent, “extinguishes” inflammatory processes, fights excess sweating, tightens pores, copes well with problems acne. From skin pigmentation and freckles, freshly squeezed juice perfectly helps (it is necessary to wipe problem areas with it daily).

Useful substances present in strawberries slow down aging, eliminate early wrinkles, make the skin smooth, supple and attractive.

The easiest option with which you can quickly refresh and moisturize your face is to rub half of the cut strawberries into the skin with gentle movements, leave for 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Highly good effect homemade masks with the addition of sour cream, cottage cheese, honey and white clay can boast. But for the desired result, you should always strictly adhere to the recipe.

Dessert Queen

Thanks to its excellent taste, strawberries are a desirable product in the culinary arts. All sorts of mousses, delicious desserts, various pastries sometimes cannot do without this ingredient, and beautiful red berries serve as a wonderful decoration for cakes and pastries. It is better to use it fresh, as the delicate structure loses its attractiveness with prolonged use. heat treatment. The only exceptions are preparations for the winter - jams, jams and syrups. And you can also freeze strawberries, so more vitamins are stored, and on cold frosty evenings, please yourself with a fragrant yummy.

No wonder strawberries are called the berry queen. Possessing unique properties, wonderful smell, sweet and juicy pulp, it is a universal favorite, and everyone is looking forward to the beginning of summer, when again it will be possible to enjoy an appetizing and healthy berry.

Video: useful properties and vitamins of strawberries

Strawberries are not just a tasty berry, but a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. It is widely used for various purposes: prevention and relief of diseases, cosmetic facial care and much more. What is the benefit of strawberries? It has a healing effect, normalizes metabolism, helps with diseases.

Strawberries are often used for cosmetic purposes.

Useful properties of strawberries

Vitamins in strawberries include elements of groups C, B, E. It also contains phosphorus, iron, folic acid, calcium, manganese, and fiber. The combination of these elements determines beneficial features strawberries:

  • Potassium ensures the normalization of the work of the heart, regulation of the level blood pressure, increased conduction of nerve impulses, prevention depressive disorders, edema, improved oxygen supply to the brain;
  • Calcium and fluoride help strengthen bones and teeth;
  • Magnesium helps prevent stroke;
  • Vitamin C improves performance immune system, the rate of renewal of connective tissues, increases the properties of the intra-articular fluid;
  • Vitamin E is important in the prevention of cancer, reduces the aging process;
  • Folic acid plays a positive role in pregnancy planning, improves the quality of blood vessels;
  • B-carotene promotes cell renewal, improves skin elasticity, reduces signs of aging, strengthens the immune system, improves vision;
  • Salicylic acid has an antipyretic effect;
  • Fiber helps to remove toxins from the intestines, reduce cholesterol;
  • Strawberry leaves help with digestive problems, arthritis. Tea from the leaves of the berry has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman;
  • It is better not to throw away strawberry tails, but to make tea from them. This is the best drink for a cold. Also ponytails help with gout, osteochondrosis.

This is a real storehouse of elements that promote healing and well-being!


The health benefits of strawberries are undeniable. Its use is especially indicated for diseases of the joints: arthritis, arthrosis. Alleviates vascular diseases. It has a positive effect in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is useful to diversify your menu with strawberries in case of loss of strength, stress, deterioration of immunity. Berry helps in speedy recovery after serious illnesses. Strawberries relieve constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis, skin diseases, anemia.

It also helps to reduce the manifestations of mental illness: depression, sleep disorders. Berry serves auxiliary means in the treatment of tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis. Strawberry infusions are often used for colds, but they also help fresh breath and healthy gums.

Strawberries are a great aphrodisiac for both sexes.

It is not for nothing that strawberries are associated with erotica for many. It is an excellent aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual desire. One smell of berries helps to reveal the sensuality of a woman.

What are the benefits of strawberries for men? The berry contains zinc, which normalizes hormonal background. This, in turn, contributes to the prevention of impotence, prostatitis.

Strawberries for kids

Strawberries are loved by children, and they are great for toddler nutrition due to their beneficial elements. In a small amount, it can be given to a child from the age of one. If the child has a tendency to allergic reactions, the berry can be entered into the menu from two years.

Strawberries with milk are a storehouse of vitamins for children.

For children, fresh berries are more suitable, as they are more healthy. However, you can cook compotes, puddings, jelly, and jam from strawberries. Strawberry jam serves as a good flavoring addition to milk porridges, cottage cheese, casseroles. Strawberry pairs well with milk. Such a drink both tones and saturates with vitamins.

Strawberries for pregnant women

Is it possible to eat berries during pregnancy? Of course, because strawberries, due to the presence in it folic acid, very useful in the first months of fetal formation, it plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system.

Women who are expecting a baby often experience constipation, but strawberries, due to their fiber content, help get rid of this problem. The berry helps to remove excess fluid, which alleviates the condition of a woman in the last stages.

It is important to note that if future mother there is an allergy, it is better to refuse strawberries. It is not recommended to use the berry in the presence of asthma or dermatitis. eat strawberries better in summer, not including imported berries in the menu.

Strawberries as a beauty product

Strawberries have long been used for the skin in the form of masks, creams and other cosmetics. It has a bleaching and anti-inflammatory agent. The salicylic acid contained in the berry makes its use justified for acne, age spots, freckles. It also helps against wrinkles and other age-related changes.

A strawberry face mask can be made using clay. This will require berry juice. It is mixed in a 1:1 ratio with cosmetic clay. The composition is applied to cleansed skin and removed after 10 minutes. This mask helps to cleanse the pores.

For skin with signs of aging, a mask with honey is used. You will need 1 teaspoon of honey and juice from two berries. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes.

You can make your own strawberry mask.

Negative Effects

Strawberries can cause not only benefit, but also harm. The berry can provoke an exacerbation of diseases in the presence of gastritis, ulcers. If it is rotten, there is a risk food poisoning. Strawberry is . The reaction to it is manifested in the form of pain in the abdomen, sweating, nausea.

The berry has contraindications: ulcers, gastritis, kidney stones and gallbladder, kidney failure susceptibility to allergies. It is not recommended to give the berry to children under one year old. With caution, it should be used in diseases of the intestine.

Strawberries are a common allergen.


Berry can be safely included in diet menus. It contains few calories, improves metabolism, stimulates fat burning, helps to remove cholesterol and toxins. The berry can be eaten in diabetes.

The number of calories depends on the variety. On average, it is 30-40 kcal per hundred grams. The calorie content of frozen strawberries is also 30-40 kcal.

Strawberries or strawberries?

Strawberries are often confused with strawberries, but these berries are different. Meadow (field) strawberries are less common. The berries have a different appearance.

Strawberries have a field variant. Its berries are smaller and more numerous.

Strawberries are smaller, have a pronounced aroma. The strawberries are larger. Strawberries are distinguished by low yields, while strawberries have a high yield. For this reason, it is profitable to breed strawberries in summer cottages.

Strawberry Dishes

Many things can be made from strawberries. delicious desserts. They differ in both benefits and bright taste. Strawberries go especially well with dairy products.

In order to make cottage cheese with strawberries, you will need, in addition to the main ingredients, sour cream and sugar. Cottage cheese, sour cream and granulated sugar are mixed, after which a berry, crushed in a blender, is added. You can decorate the dish with grated chocolate.

Strawberries with cream are a treat that people of all ages love.

Strawberries with cream is a dish that is immediately associated with romance. In order for the dessert to be tastier, the cream must be cooled, and then whipped with a mixer. The dish goes well with champagne.

Strawberries are a versatile product on your menu. Many desserts can be prepared from it, and the leaves can be used to brew vitamin tea. This is a berry with invaluable benefits that will make you more active and healthy.

Garden strawberries are delicious with whipped cream, ice cream or shortbread cookies. But this berry has a more serious purpose, as new medical research proves its many beneficial properties.

Garden strawberries are used in the treatment intestinal disorders, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease(hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart), disease thyroid gland, anemia, renal colic.

In some cases, contained in berries salicylic acid able to deal with chronic inflammation skin. If no other remedy for eczema has worked for you, try strawberries. And the fresh strawberry mask is gorgeous natural remedy from age spots.

The antimicrobial substances that make up this wonderful berry successfully fight against dangerous microorganisms, including influenza virus and E. coli.

Strawberries are also useful for diabetics - its intake lowers blood sugar levels. Treat with strawberry juice cholelithiasis. The recommended dose is ¼ cup of juice in the morning before meals. And the strawberry brings out excess water from the body is better than many chemical preparations.

Nutritionists advise eating strawberries during the berry season (about 3 weeks) in unlimited quantities. 1-1.5 kg per day will be enough to energize the body for the whole next year. The advice does not apply to people suffering from berry allergies.

Not only berries have healing properties. A decoction of strawberry leaves is also very useful. It can bring blood pressure back to normal, improve metabolic processes and even serve as an excellent sleeping pill.

Doctors advise patients with anemia to include strawberries in the list of their favorite foods. Fresh berries improve blood formation, help with vascular fragility.

And strawberries are useful for schoolchildren and students. It has a lot of antioxidants active action(fisetin, etc.), stimulating thinking process that improve memory and prevent the death of brain cells.

Only 150 g of strawberries eaten at a time can drive away depression, pacify hypochondria and drive out fears.

nutritional value

Strawberries have many benefits. Except nutritional value its health benefits are undeniable. About 15% are fruit sugars. Strawberries have fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C (more than 140% of the daily dose in just one cup fresh berries), folic, citric, salicylic and malic acids, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, carotene and various pectins.

An indisputable fact is the presence of phytonutrients in strawberries, which reduce pain arthritis, protect the heart from failure and prevent cancer. Another anti-cancer compound found in strawberries is ellagic acid. It can also be found in fresh grapes, cranberries, and some other berries.

frozen berries for cancer

Interesting data was obtained by scientists from Ohio University (USA). In people who received sublimated (frozen) strawberries with food for 6 months, the growth of dysplastic and precancerous lesions slowed down. 30 people took part in the study.

The experiment was designed to determine the effect of strawberries on esophageal cancer (the 6th leading cause of death among cancer patients in the world). According to the American Cancer Society, every year 16,000 new patients with this terrible disease appear in the world.

Tong Chen's group has long been studying foods that can fight or slow down cellular carcinoma of the esophagus. A previous experiment by these scientists was conducted on rats with esophageal cancer and proved the positive effect of taking freeze-dried strawberries.

Encouraged by early successes, the California Strawberry Commission agreed to fund further research. 38 people found with esophageal problems in China average age which was 55 years old. Patients were given 30 g of freeze-dried strawberries dissolved in a glass of water, 2 times a day for 6 months. Positive effect, confirmed by biopsy results, was seen in 29 patients.

In frozen berries, the concentration of medicinal substances is 10 times higher than in fresh ones. But health benefits can also be derived from eating fresh strawberries, provided that they are present on the menu daily. By the way, it is still a mystery which component of strawberries kills cancer cells.

For weight loss

"The Fat Resistance Diet" new technique weight loss with strawberries. If you regularly eat fresh berries, blood sugar normalizes, appetite decreases and metabolism accelerates. Fats are not deposited, but are completely absorbed by the body.

The dietary properties of strawberries can be explained not only by the presence of various vitamins. It stimulates the production of the hormone adiponectin, which, together with leptin, is responsible for the normalization of fat metabolism. Scientists have proven that low content This hormone causes obesity.

For hangovers and stomach ulcers

By consuming fresh strawberries after heavy effusions, we reduce the harm that alcohol has caused to the gastric mucosa.
This was stated by a group of scientists from Serbia, Italy, Spain. They conducted a series of experiments on laboratory mice. The animals were given ethanol. The gastric mucosa of mice pumped up with alcohol practically did not suffer if they received 40 mg/kg of strawberry extract daily for 10 days before the forced feast.

Sarah Tulipani from the University of Barcelona commented on the results and explained beneficial effect strawberries not only by the presence of antioxidants and anthocyanins in it, but also by the ability of the berry to mobilize the body's defense system. Experts consider the data obtained a great success and are confident that they will help improve methods of treating gastric ulcers.

The authors of the study recommend a diet with an abundance of strawberries not only to neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol, but also to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis. These diseases are not always associated with the use of alcoholic beverages. The reason may be viral infection some anti-inflammatory medicines (for example, overindulgence aspirin) and preparations for the gastric spiral microbe.

Responsible for the experiment Maurizio Battino from Polytechnic University in Italy confirms: in many cases, strawberries can reduce damage to the gastric mucosa. However, the doctor emphasizes that the goal this study there was a search for methods to compensate for the consequences of alcohol intoxication.

The medicinal properties of wild strawberries and strawberries are also undeniable, as are their taste qualities. However, it just so happened that some confusion is associated with these berries. First of all, that part of them that we used to consider a berry, from the point of view of botany, is an overgrown receptacle, therefore it is more correct to call their fruit a false berry. In addition, we often call artificially bred large-fruited strawberries garden strawberries, which is also not entirely true. However, medicinal properties strawberries and wild strawberries, no matter how these delicious fragrant berries, which belong to the same genus, are called, do not decrease.

Below you will learn about the benefits of strawberries and strawberries, how to choose and use them. You can also read about what strawberries treat, what are the healing properties of strawberries and why they should be eaten.

Healing properties of strawberries and strawberries

Strawberries and strawberries are a real storehouse of health. Our grandmothers also knew about the usefulness of strawberries, who prepared all kinds of delicacies from these berries.

The main thing healing property strawberries and strawberries - suppression of the development of tumors on initial stage thus protecting our body from cancer. In particular, ellagic acid, which is part of strawberries and strawberries, provokes the self-destruction of deadly cells without affecting healthy ones.

Strawberries stimulate the brain: improves short term memory movements become more coordinated. Strawberries have a similar property, which protects brain cells from premature aging. Strawberries contain anthocyanins, which not only give them a rich color, but also act as antioxidants in the body.

With a low calorie content (only 50 kcal in a glass of berries), strawberries are rich in fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C - as we remember, it is a powerful antioxidant and protects our body from the damaging effects of free radicals.

And due to the high content of folic acid, strawberries help to strengthen blood vessels. Perhaps no less useful substances and in strawberries.

What do strawberries and strawberries treat

Traditional medicine recommends using these miracle berries for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, and high content iron makes berries simply indispensable for anemia and general exhaustion of the body. Strawberries and strawberries should also be paid attention to people suffering from some skin diseases, because these berries cleanse and restore the intestinal microflora.

However, strawberries and strawberries contain strong allergens, so these berries are not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for infants.

In addition, it is better to refuse strawberries and strawberries for kidney problems and bladder due to high content in oxalic acid berries.

How to choose and consume strawberries and strawberries

The main recommendation on how to choose strawberries and strawberries is that the berries must be dry, without rot and mold. The richer the color of the berries, the better their taste and the higher the content of nutrients. Give preference to fruits with green tails - they will be stored longer.
