Is it possible to inhale with mineral water? Mineral water inhalations - quick and effective treatment

We turned to medical experts and asked them to express their point of view on the problem.

V.F. Antoniv, doctor medical sciences, Professor:

What you need to know when treating with an inhaler

Today there are many special devices for inhalation. Steam inhalers that “exhale” steam with particles of an average size of 10 microns, with the help of which the upper respiratory tract is treated.
The nebulizer produces an aerosol with a particle size of less than 5 microns and is suitable for the treatment of all departments respiratory system.
Nebulizers differ in the method of nebulizing the drug. For example, compressor units “break” medicinal drug using a powerful jet of air generated by the compressor. Mesh nebulizers “sift” the medicine through a very fine mesh membrane, and ultrasonic nebulizers act on the liquid with ultrasound.

So the inhaler turns medicinal solution into a vapor or aerosol consisting of ultra-small particles, that is, in this form the medicine can be inhaled to treat respiratory diseases. For example, spicy respiratory infections, cough, bronchitis.
And best of all, read the instructions carefully, where you will find a lot of necessary and useful information. Now let's get to the point: what medications can be used in nebulizers?

Evgeny KOMAROVSKY, pediatrician, doctor highest category, TV presenter of the program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School”:
– The fact that parents often do not go to doctors, but self-medicate, is a big parental mistake. The same thing happens when choosing an inhaler, since they believe that no special medical knowledge is required in this matter. – says Dr. Komarovsky. – If my mother, before pouring mineral water into the nebulizer, had asked the doctor how to use this equipment, she would have known for sure that mineral water and chamomile infusion should not be poured into the nebulizer. The device is intended for something completely different.

At the first sign of ARVI or cough special harm there will be no effect from inhalation, but provided that you use a regular steam inhaler, the task of which is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Remember, dear mothers: inhaling vapors does not heal, but moisturizes, and this is the most important thing.

But here too there is big list restrictions on the use of inhalers. And there are significantly fewer diseases for which inhalations can be done than those for which such procedures are strictly contraindicated.

Very important: steam inhalations can pose a serious danger for children with otitis media, for preschool children, and for children with fever.

Additional hydration of the mucous membranes during illness can be achieved in completely different, more reasonable and safe ways - by humidifying the air in the room, observing a plentiful drinking regimen, and instilling saline solution into the nose.
The aerosol created by a nebulizer contains not just water particles as in a steam inhaler, but particles pharmacological drugs, which the doctor prescribes for a child with diagnoses such as bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, etc. The child needs these medications and the procedure is not the whim of the parents, but the prescription of the attending physician.

Mineral water should absolutely not be used in a nebulizer! Dr. Komarovsky stated this in one of his television programs:

– Inhalation is aimed at hydration respiratory tract and relief of mucus discharge. Under no circumstances should you use bottled water – be it mineral water or any other kind!Pouring saline or mineral water into a nebulizer is like trying to fill a car with hay or oats...

Only (!) medications for nebulizer therapy are suitable for use in nebulizers. If you plan to use for inhalation essential oils or herbal decoctions - choose a steam inhaler (

Answers the question about the duration of inhalation otolaryngologist Olga RASTREPINA:
– The main thing is the amount of medicine that the patient should receive. The doctor recommends optimal time inhalation. The actual duration of the procedure depends on technical characteristics nebulizer: nebulization speed, residual volume of the drug and viscosity of the drug.
When preparing the mixture for inhalation, it is recommended to add saline solution to the drug so that the volume of the drug corresponds to the optimal time of the procedure.

National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology:

There is no mineral water for inhalation in Ukraine

The National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology (NIFIP) came to the conclusion that today in Ukraine there is no mineral water, having indications “for inhalation therapy”. This was reported by the National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, answering the question whether it is possible to pour mineral water or regular water from the tap into the nebulizer.
“For example, for TM “Borjomi” the indications are diseases gastrointestinal tract», – says the letter from NIFIP.
Firstly, according to experts, mineral water is unsterile. And since the respiratory tract, unlike the gastrointestinal tract, does not have the ability to disinfect, it becomes dangerous.
Secondly, mineral water contains non-volatile acids (for example, metasilicon), which are not removed from the lungs.
Thirdly, mineral water contains carbon dioxide. For patients with respiratory diseases suffering from hypoxia, inhalation with mineral water is dangerous due to increased hypoxia, worsening general condition and a decrease in the effectiveness of therapy.
In addition, the use of tap water for inhalation can cause bronchospasm, and patients with increased respiratory tract reactivity are at particular risk (patients bronchial asthma).
As a solvent for drugs used for inhalation, experts National Institute phthisiology and pulmonology recommend using only special sterile solutions, for example, 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
In doing so, they refer to Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated May 18, 2013 No. 398, which approved standards harmonized with similar regulations European Medicines Agency.

You need to remember that a nebulizer is a good thing, but it is not a panacea for all colds. Some get relief and even manage to fully recover, while other patients complain that inhalations not only did not help in treatment, but even worsened the problem. And the reason for this is the mistakes that the patients themselves make.

We talked about this with the head of the department of endoscopic thoracic surgery of the Kazan City Clinical Hospital No. 17 Evgeniy Simonets and a doctor general practice– family medicine Sergei Makarov.

Evgeniy SIMONETS: “You cannot select medications on your own! Having assigned to myself expectorant, we can at different types coughing can provoke bronchial obstruction and increase the amount of sputum. Only the doctor will determine what type of cough, what kind of sputum, what its viscosity, whether there is a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, bronchospasm, swelling of the mucous membrane - and depending on this, he will select inhalation therapy.”

“You cannot pour oil solutions into the dispenser. Fats can settle on the walls of the bronchi and even alveoli, which can lead to disruption of gas exchange with the most unpredictable consequences - even pulmonary edema,” warns the doctor.
But as for decoctions and herbal infusions, there are different opinions. Manufacturers of nebulizers do not recommend their use in a nebulizer, because their use leads to damage to the device.

The misconception is that you need to “breathe” as often as possible. The frequency of inhalations is prescribed by the doctor according to the scheme: usually 2-3 times a day. “The correct way to inhale is an hour after eating. After eating, our intra-abdominal pressure increases, and the abdominal organs put pressure on the diaphragm, thereby reducing tidal volume. There is a possibility that we will inhale less in the lower regions breathing tube.
Inhalations aimed at thinning mucus are done no later than 4 hours before bedtime in order to have time to cough. If we take inhalation at night, it will lead to stagnation of phlegm, and in the morning we will get a productive cough. Inhalations with bronchodilators are done no later than an hour before bedtime, as they stimulate the cardiovascular system. One of side effects– increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.”
Another mistake is that inhalation cannot be used at elevated temperatures. This prohibition is relevant for steam inhalations, which increase heat. Little of, steam inhalations do not do it for bronchospasm, obstructive syndrome, swelling of the mucous membrane. – This will only increase the swelling, causing even greater spasm and obstruction of the bronchi. But inhalations with a nebulizer, if indicated, can be done for fever, because fine suspension, which we breathe, at normal room temperature.”

Sergey MAKAROV: “Using mineral waters, for example Borjomi, in a nebulizer is very risky and even dangerous to health. Perhaps the only controversial mistake in practice home use A nebulizer can be considered to be used as a solution for inhalation of alkaline mineral waters. The human lower respiratory tract is normally sterile. Therefore, you need to strive for maximum microbial purity of solutions for inhalation. Otherwise there is a risk of infection. In the 70s of the last century, a number of outbreaks of pneumonia caused by the use of non-sterile solutions in nebulizers were described.
All drugs for inhalation must also be sterile, because there is a risk of introducing bacteria into the lungs or bronchi, which can cause inflammatory process. Can we talk about the sterility of mineral water? Hardly…"

Svetlana KOZHEVNIKOVA, general practitioner of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences:
– Nebulizer therapy is prohibited for pneumothorax ( lung rupture), pulmonary hemorrhage or hemoptysis. Please pay attention to this Special attention! Contraindications also include individual intolerance and psychodisorders. You should be careful when using a nebulizer for hypertensive patients, with respiratory failure, heart failure, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, post-infarction, post-stroke condition.

Having summed up and listened to the opinions of various medical specialists, we can come to the conclusion that, as we know, there is no panacea for all ills. But a similar problem can affect anyone. So, dear reader, draw your own conclusions. However, it is important to remember the main thing: never self-medicate, but be sure to consult with your family doctor or a specialist, and in more cases difficult situation– contact several competent medical practitioners.

Prepared based on materials from online publications
Alevtina NOVIKOVA.

Inhalation with mineral water can help both adults and children with coughs, runny nose, and colds. This procedure is considered quite effective for these ailments and has many advantages. She complements drug therapy, and is also recommended by traditional medicine. Significant relief the patient can feel it after the first procedure.

The effectiveness of inhalation with mineral water

Mineral water for inhalation is a source valuable microelements that benefit the human body. It contains sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, bicarbonates, sulfates and other substances that have a beneficial effect on health. They are easily absorbed by evaporation and are excellent at fighting infections, viruses, and also speeding up recovery.

Before the invention of personal inhalers, mineral water prescribed for rinsing. In rooms intended for physiotherapeutic procedures, patients underwent treatment based on it. But the therapeutic effect was reduced due to the fact that after this it was necessary to immediately go outside.

Alkaline inhalations with Borjomi, Essentuki 4 or other mineral water are very useful, safe and simple. They help clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus and also make breathing easier. If the procedure was carried out correctly, then unpleasant symptoms disappear very quickly, contributing speedy recovery.

Procedures with mineral water do not cause addiction or allergic reactions, but are carried out painlessly and gently. Best effect is achieved using special devices (inhalers) that spray water into small droplets that penetrate into the most remote areas of the respiratory system.

Using a procedure with mineral water:

Basic rules for the procedure

The following mineral waters are usually used for inhalation: Essentuki, Borjomi, Staraya Russa, Narzan, etc. To achieve a positive result, the following rules must be followed:

  • this procedure cannot be performed in case of hypertension, cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • It is advisable to perform inhalations an hour after meals;
  • It is forbidden to boil mineral water, as hot steam can cause burns, so the optimal temperature should be 35–38 degrees;
  • The procedure should last 10–15 minutes for adults, and 1–3 minutes for children;
  • when treating a runny nose, the vapors should be inhaled through the nose, and in other cases through the mouth;
  • after the manipulation, you should not eat, drink or smoke for an hour;
  • The inhaler should be disinfected after each use.

Regularity of mineral inhalations

How many inhalations with mineral water can be performed? In the first days, the procedure is carried out every 2 to 3 hours. As soon as your health begins to improve, its amount should be reduced to 2–3 times a day.

With such regularity relief of the patient's condition comes within a few days. After the procedure, you should wrap yourself in something warm, for example, a blanket, and do not talk or eat food for an hour. Inhalations with Essentuki 17 mineral water can be supplemented with procedures with medicinal syrups and herbal infusions prescribed by the doctor.

Mineral inhalation for cough

For dry cough, inhalation with mineral water has a direct effect on the mucous membrane and muscles of the respiratory organs, promoting rapid thinning sputum and reducing spasms. In this case, it is best to use a nebulizer, which sprays drug molecules using jet compressed air or ultrasound.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the cough becomes significantly easier, but if it is dry, it becomes more productive. The mucous membranes of the respiratory tract soften, and sputum begins to be eliminated quite easily. It should be noted that inhalations against the background of pulmonary edema, pneumonia and sore throat can be harmful.

Mineral inhalation for a runny nose

The best remedy for treating a runny nose is Borjomi mineral water. At acute form disease, it is recommended to breathe steam every hour. Thanks to inhalations with mineral water, mucus begins to liquefy in the nasal passages, and they completely cleaned. Using a nebulizer prevents the disease from progressing, and also does not require drops, sprays or folk remedies.

Thus, inhalations with mineral water are very effective in treating various respiratory diseases, especially coughs and runny noses. Recovery occurs much faster, if the procedures are started at the very beginning of a cold. But if they do not bring relief, and the disease progresses more and more, then it is better to see a doctor, and as quickly as possible.

Mineral water inhalations are one of the effective methods local therapy diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract. They have therapeutic effect on the epithelium and mucous membrane as a whole, improve the properties of secreted sputum. The body is enriched with minerals and biologically active elements. As a result, the healing processes and restoration of damaged tissues are accelerated. Used in specialized sanatoriums, outpatient clinics, inpatient facilities medical institutions, at home.

Mechanisms of therapeutic action

Mineral water in a natural way enriched with salts, macro- and microelements, gases. Seepage through the thickness of the rock, washing out, leaching, oxidation of substances present in it, determines the properties and saturation of water.

Mineral water for inhalation is selected taking into account chemical characteristics. In addition to sodium, iron in active form, capable of biological reactions, calcium, magnesium, they may contain hydrogen sulfide, radium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide in safe quantities.

The most widely studied mineral waters are:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • radon

The therapeutic effect is due not only to the salt composition, but also to gases. Each has specific uses for various diseases.

The main effects of inhalations with mineral waters:

  • positive effect on local metabolic processes, nutrition, blood circulation;
  • improving the activity of the ciliated epithelium;
  • facilitating the removal of mucus;
  • reduction of irritation of the respiratory tract during cough shocks;
  • reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane.

The most recommended by doctors are inhalations with Borjomi (bicarbonate-sodium), Essentuki 17 and 4 (bicarbonate-chloride-sodium). The small amount of hydrogen sulfide contained in these waters also has a healing effect on the respiratory system.

Indications and contraindications for use

Inhalation with mineral water is an effective component in the treatment of inflammation of the ENT organs (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis), paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), airways(tracheitis, bronchitis). Used in the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age.

Main contraindications:

  • stage of acute inflammatory changes (body temperature above 37.5°C, signs of general intoxication);
  • suspected or confirmed diagnosis of a tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathology of the vestibular apparatus;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels (heart failure, threat of pulmonary edema, heart attack);
  • acute conditions due to respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma attack, acute and severe chronic respiratory failure);
  • bleeding from the nose, respiratory tract, or other sources;
  • mental illness.

Contraindications for inhalation of Borjomi with a nebulizer do not include severe cases respiratory failure, because they do not depend on the patient’s ability to fully inhale and exhale.

After examination and diagnosis, the doctor determines the advisability of the treatment procedure, its duration, and the duration of the course of treatment.

Features of various types of inhalation therapy

IN medical practice Individual and group procedures are used. However, there are a number of general recommendations.

Mandatory is:

  • carrying out inhalations with mineral water 1 hour after meals and later;
  • after the end of the session, refrain from food, water, and smoking for an hour;
  • you can only be in cold air after 2 hours;
  • cleaning and disinfection of the inhaler after completion of the procedure.

Inhalations with mineral water last no more than 3 minutes for children, and no more than a quarter of an hour for adults.

No less important than the high-quality implementation of the procedure is preliminary preparation. First you need to release excess gas from the bottle. To do this, you need to pour the water into an open container and leave it for several hours (at least two) at room temperature.

Borjomi is used for inhalation more often than other mineral waters. It or other water must be heated immediately before use.

Insufficient temperature (34°C and below) can cause spasm of the respiratory muscles (protective reaction), optimal temperature (35–37°C) ensures adequate absorption and supports the functioning of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract.

These cells retain foreign particles; bacteria entering with the air remove them, preventing damage to the mucous membrane. Resolution of inflammation and recovery without restoration of the structure and function of the epithelium is impossible.

To increase the effect of inhalation, use the following sequence:

  1. First, for 5 minutes, the patient inhales the inhalation mixture through the nose through the mouthpiece and exhales through the mouth.
  2. Then, for 5 minutes, the patient inhales through his mouth and exhales through his nose.

Breathing through a nasal mouthpiece is easier to tolerate, so in case of illness of cardio-vascular system(beyond exacerbations, without deterioration of the condition), in the elderly preference should be given to inhalation medicinal composition through the nose.

Depending on the specific situation The doctor prescribes the frequency of the procedure (up to 5 times a day). The course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, ranging from 10 to 20 procedures.

Group inhalations

Group inhalations are used in medical institutions. Special device sprays particles of mineral water under high blood pressure(up to 2.5 atm). The properties of the inhalation mixture are similar to fog. This causes the spread remedy along the entire length bronchial tree, increases the impact area. Group treatments last 15-30 minutes and can accommodate up to 12 people at a time. This is the most gentle procedure for children; the child can be close to the parent, which reduces stress.

Individual inhalations

Also therapeutic effect can be achieved by using mineral water inhalations using a nebulizer and a steam inhaler. Ultrasonic high-frequency vibrations in the nebulizer break down mineral water, creating “aerosol clouds” that easily penetrate the respiratory tract, regardless of the breathing phase. A special reservoir is filled with prepared water: 5 ml is enough for an adult, 2 ml for children.

Borjomi inhalation carried out in this way for children of different ages It is highly effective because it does not depend on the mechanics of inhalation and exhalation.

Inhalations with Borjomi and other waters can also be carried out using steam inhalers. A special feature is mineral water heated to a temperature of 45–48°C. You can also carry out this procedure without an inhaler by pouring water into a convenient container. You should breathe the vapors under a towel for no more than 5 minutes. The optimal frequency is 3 times a day.

Thus, the variety of types of mineral water and methods of inhalation determine the possibility of an individual approach in each clinical case. This affordable way therapeutic effects increases the effectiveness of therapy, helps to achieve a cure, and prevent the progression of diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs.

Inhalations using mineral water Borjomi and Essentuki 17 provide positive influence on the health of the upper and lower respiratory tract in adults and children. Such procedures are an excellent addition to the standard drug therapy at all stages of treatment. The mineral composition of the water ensures saturation of the tissues of the respiratory organs useful microelements, increases the level local immunity, and carbon dioxide molecules thin thick phlegm and speed up natural process its outflow outside the lungs during coughing.

Mineral water vapor during inhalation of the lungs is very volatile and quickly penetrates not only the tissues of the bronchial tree, but also saturates the patient’s bloodstream. Inhalations with mineral water Borjomi and Essentuki 17 are not capable of causing allergic reactions, are absolutely painless and do not lead to systemic addiction. Using a nebulizer makes it possible to break down the molecules of mineral water to the smallest state and saturate even the most distant segments of the lungs. After several procedures of inhalation with mineral water, patients experience stabilization of gas exchange in the lungs, and sputum separation during coughing improves.

Indications for inhalation - for what diseases should it be used?

  • prolonged stagnation of sputum in the lungs with the onset of emphysema formation;
  • dry cough caused by the presence of chronic bronchitis;
  • nasal congestion and accumulation of mucus in the sinuses;
  • prevention of bronchial asthma attacks;
  • relief of general health during the treatment of ARVI;
  • rehabilitation and recovery normal operation lungs after suffering from pneumonia.

Of course, it should be understood that inhalation medicinal water cannot be used as an independent medicine for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

These procedures act as an auxiliary element in the general therapeutic course, or as preventive measures, aimed at preventing future colds.

What is the difference between Borjomi, Essentuki 17 and Essentuki 4?

The difference between these types of mineral waters lies in their chemical composition. Borjomi has a more intense chemical formula with a higher concentration of alkaline elements. Essentuki 17 and 4 contain more mineral salts of calcium, sodium and potassium. It is believed that Borjomi mineral water is most suitable for the treatment of dry cough, and Essentuki is intended for preventive measures and saturation of the bronchi with useful minerals and trace elements. Borjomi also perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, which is dry due to inflammation. Recommended for all patients age categories without significant restrictions and contraindications.

Instructions for inhalation of mineral water in a nebulizer - dosage

In order to perform inhalation with mineral water using a nebulizer, you should fill the inhaler container with 5 ml of water and breathe in the healing steam for 3 to 10 minutes. The duration of inhalation for each patient can be individual. The frequency of inhalations is 2 to 3 times a day. It all depends on the severity of the inflammatory process in the lungs. For severe dry cough, the duration of inhalation can last up to 10 days. Children under 5 years old receive mineral water inhalations for 2-3 minutes 2 times a day - morning and evening. Young patients older than this age breathe mineral water vapor with the same intensity, but not longer than 5 minutes.

Pregnant women should undergo inhalation of vapors only with the permission of the attending physician and liquids without the presence of carbon dioxide. For women breastfeeding, no clinical trials about the benefits or harms of mineral water vapor. It is believed that the optimal dose of inhalation with Borjomi and Essentuki mineral water for pregnant women is 3 ml of medicinal liquid, and the duration of inhalation should be no more than 2 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to control general health future mother in labor. In the event of such negative symptoms, as heaviness in the lower abdomen, suffocation, feeling of shallow breath, you should stop inhaling mineral water and visit your doctor for further advice.

Duration of treatment for dry cough

The duration of treatment of dry cough with steam from Borjomi and Essentuki mineral water lasts from 5 to 10 days. In this case, the patient not only undergoes a course of inhalation with a nebulizer, but also takes medications aimed at suppressing the activity of bacterial microflora, which provoked the inflammatory process in the bronchi. On average, within 10 days of an intensive course of drug therapy associated with inhalation of mineral water, the patient completely gets rid of a dry cough, recovers and breathes deeply again.

Contraindications, precautions and side effects

Inhalation of mineral water vapors has practically no side effects. The only exceptions are the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Data healing procedures Contraindicated in patients of the following categories:

  • those suffering from excess calcium, potassium and sodium salts in the blood;
  • prone to violation acid-base balance towards alkalization of the body;
  • patients with renal failure regardless of the stage of pathology;
  • having kidney stones.

Inhalation of medicinal water is prescribed with caution to young children, pregnant women and women breastfeeding.

What devices should I use for inhalation?

In addition to inhaling the lungs using a nebulizer, mineral water can also be filled into other inhalers. If one of the family members is prone to frequent bronchitis or ARVI, then it would be advisable to purchase a standard home inhaler, which is easy to use and designed to refill not only various types mineral waters, but also medicinal medicines. It can also be filled with herbal infusions, prepared at home with your own hands.

For the treatment of chronic bronchial asthma with stable clinical course For this disease, an ultrasonic nebulizer is suitable, which is filled with mineral water and splits it into the smallest particles, which allows you to saturate all segments of the lung tissue with healing layers. During operation, they do not make noisy sounds, are compact and easy to transport. The manufacturer has provided a connector for connecting a battery so that the patient can perform an inhalation procedure with mineral water right on the road or directly near a healing spring.

For the treatment of frequent tracheitis, colds and bronchitis using medicinal water, the best way will do compressor inhaler. It is noisier, but allows you to supply medicinal mineral water vapors under additional pressure and fully irrigate the inflamed mucous membrane of the trachea and upper section nasopharynx. In addition to treating the upper respiratory tract, a compressor inhaler is capable of delivering healing mineral water salts to the deepest parts of the lungs. To do this, you just need to increase the supply pressure of dispersed mineral water particles.

Inhalations using Essentuki 17 brand mineral water are best done using. This is due chemical composition medicinal liquid. The inhalation device heats the mineral water to the required temperature and, together with the steam, the patient receives already concentrated useful material, which became volatile due to thermal effects. Steam inhaler does not belong to the category of nebulizers, but therapeutic effect from its use is quite positive. Some patients may use it as an alternative to a nebulizer.

What types of mineral waters are suitable for inhalation?

In addition to using Borjomi and Essentuki brand water for inhalation procedures, patients suffering from chronic diseases lungs, it is important to know that the following types of mineral waters are suitable for inhalation:

  • carbon dioxide (containing increased concentration carbon dioxide compounds that formed naturally in the liquid over a long period of time while the water acquired its medicinal properties);
  • radon (contain salts of the rarest metals that can have an anti-inflammatory effect and suppress the activity of bacteria, viruses and mold spores);
  • hydrogen sulfide (expand the bronchi, help moisturize dry mucous membranes, restore the natural process of gas exchange).

Some healing waters available only in inpatient settings sanatorium treatment, and others can actually be purchased in a pharmacy chain for quite affordable price. Some pulmonologists believe that inhalation of Borjomi and Essentuki mineral water is similar in its therapeutic properties to inhaling sea air.

Gaining more and more popularity alternative ways cough treatment without use medications. Even doctors agree that ethnoscience in tandem with modern technologies gives good results for many diseases.

Inhalation with mineral water, which can be purchased at any grocery store or pharmacy, was no exception. Therefore, be sure to choose it.

What are the benefits of mineral water?

This product contains many minerals and trace elements necessary for the functioning of the body, which are not found in any cough medicine. Penetrating into the lungs, they begin to actively act: dilute sputum, allowing it to come out more quickly, and stop the growth of bacteria, causing inflammation. In addition, when nutrients enter the bloodstream through the lungs, they strengthen the immune system and help restore health.

The use of inhalations for treatment and prevention respiratory diseases will help speed up recovery and ease the course of the disease. They can be used by adults, children and pregnant women. If you perform the procedure correctly, it will replace everything medicines that you have used up to now.

Benefits of inhalation with mineral water

Many people prefer inhalations with mineral water when treating diseases of the nose and throat. And this is not surprising, because the procedure has many advantages over syrups and tablets.

Advantages of inhalations:

  • safety. They can be used even on infants;
  • the active substance quickly penetrates the lungs and affects the source of the disease;
  • there is no need to use medications;
  • low cost of mineral water;
  • availability;
  • quick effect. Immediately after inhalation, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe, the sputum disappears, and the sore throat disappears.

What are the indications for mineral water inhalation?

It is worth noting that the sooner you begin to treat the disease, the faster the recovery will proceed. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a cold, start inhaling several times a day, then you will not have to deal with complications.

  • ARVI;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fungal infections of the respiratory system.

Mineral water treats not only coughs, but also runny noses, and in the case of bronchial asthma, inhalations are necessary integral part successful treatment. Therefore, this method should not be underestimated, especially since all doctors recommend it.

When not to use inhalations

Unfortunately, in some cases the procedure may cause harm rather than benefit. So if you don't know your accurate diagnosis, then do not rush to be treated in this way so as not to harm your health. In any case, it is better to ask a doctor for advice, who, if there are contraindications, will prescribe another method of treatment.


  • elevated body temperature (37.5 or more);
  • purulent discharge;
  • nosebleeds;
  • coughing up blood;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • a heart attack or stroke that occurred less than six months ago;
  • respiratory failure;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumothorax;
  • cavities in the lungs.

If you do not suffer from any of the above diseases, you can safely use mineral water inhalations without fear of side effects.

So that the procedure brings positive result, you need to know how to carry it out correctly, as well as what restrictions should be observed before and after. Therefore, before you start, study important tips doctors.

  • do the procedure on an empty stomach an hour and a half after eating;
  • mineral water should be heated to 40-50 degrees;
  • inhalation time: for adults – 10-15 minutes, for children – 3-5 minutes;
  • refrain from physical activity during cough treatment;
  • You should also not drink, smoke or eat for an hour after the procedure;
  • use only a clean, disinfected device;
  • if you are treating a cough, breathe through your mouth, if you have rhinitis, then through your nose.

And, also, do not go outside on the day of inhalation. If this is necessary, then wait 2 hours after it ends.

Remember that failure to follow certain rules can lead to worsening of the disease, as well as complications. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with these conditions, it is better to refrain from carrying out this procedure.

Which inhaler to choose

Today there are several types of inhalers for home use, each of them copes to a greater or lesser extent with various diseases. To understand which one is right for you and your family, pay attention to the recommendations of experts.

  1. Steam inhaler. This is the very first type of such devices, which does not need to be connected to the mains, but simply filled with heated solutions. Suitable for warming and disinfecting the upper respiratory tract and thinning accumulated mucus.
  2. Compressor inhaler. Ideal for children and those who suffer from frequent colds. Easy to use and inexpensive.
  3. Ultrasonic nebulizer. Necessary for chronic diseases of the lungs and other respiratory organs. In other cases, you can do without it.

If you are on this moment If you can’t buy a modern inhaler, then use the old method that our grandmothers loved. Heat mineral water in a saucepan and breathe over it, covered with a towel.

Don't forget that even the most safe ways treatments are not a reason to refuse to visit a doctor. You should definitely see a specialist who will note the dynamics of recovery and make the necessary adjustments.
