Level of apathy. State of apathy, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness: how to cope. Physical reasons for apathy

Apathy - how to deal with it - if you ask yourself this question, then you understand that your mental state does not suit you.

Modern city residents often face a similar problem, but not everyone knows how to effectively deal with it.

What is it: definition

What does apathy or lethargy mean?

Apathy is a symptom. It is expressed in indifference, indifference to what is happening.

The person behaves detachedly and does not strive for active activity. Emotions can be inhibited, you don’t want anything.

It's not just tiredness, as some people think, but complex emotional condition, interfering with normal existence.

Apathy may become defense mechanism mental health, when the body can no longer withstand enormous loads and needs rest.

Overstrain of the nervous system one day leads to the development of apathy, which in the future can develop into full-fledged depression if you do not pay attention to the symptom in time.

Various physical and mental illnesses can be accompanied by apathy, so it is important to find the root cause.

Apathetic person - who is this?

Apathetic - a person who is in a state of apathy or has a tendency towards it. A person has lethargy, it is difficult for him to take active actions.

No emotions, there is a feeling of indifference to what is happening around.

It is difficult to motivate an apathetic person to do something.

He not prone to change he is satisfied with what happens to him this moment, or rather, he doesn’t even think about his life and the need to be more active.

He is not interested in events around him and reacts poorly to stimuli.

The result is problems in personal life, work, difficulty maintaining friendships, since to other people an apathetic person seems uninteresting, boring, lethargic.

Causes of occurrence in men and women

Apathy may be a sign various diseases, accompany physical ailments or manifest themselves.

Main reasons:

Apathy does not necessarily develop immediately; months or even years may pass. Therefore, psychologists study not only current life, but also pay attention to events that happened in the past.

Symptoms and signs

To define apathy, you need to know it signs:

  1. Indifference, including to what previously caused disgust.
  2. The monotony of speech is quiet and emotionless.
  3. Previously outlined plans cease to be of interest, new ones do not appear.
  4. The speech contains phrases: I don’t care, leave me alone, I don’t care.
  5. A closed lifestyle, social contacts and public life cease to be of interest; there is no desire to go to various events or meet with friends.
  6. Answers to questions are brief, to the point of being ignored.
  7. Loss of the ability to enjoy life, to be happy, to enjoy the moment.
  8. Previous hobbies cease to please, a person can abandon his hobby, it becomes uninteresting and does not carry any meaning.

The patient may behave inhibited, activity is reduced.

When bright pronounced symptom Memory loss and problems with thinking may occur.

Apathy may manifest itself clearly when others notice the patient's condition.

However there is a hidden option when a person feels depressed, but does not show it. It is in the second case that sudden deaths occur more often.

What are its consequences?

Why is apathy dangerous? If apathy is defense mechanism of the psyche after severe overload, it allows you to restore strength.

In this case, this condition does not last long - up to two weeks. A person independently overcomes what happens to him, and there are no consequences left.

It's harder if it's a feeling becomes chronic. In this case, various violations are observed:

  • quality of life decreases;
  • there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • the appearance of insomnia. Even if a person is tired, it is difficult for him to fall asleep, sleep may be interrupted;
  • loss of appetite, the taste of food ceases to please;
  • constant feeling of weakness and fatigue.

From the psychological point of view it is observed loss of self-confidence, decreased motivation to achieve.

This can lead to problems at work and in your personal life.

Forgotten important events, memory, thinking and attention are impaired.

The longer the patient is in this state, the stronger it becomes.

Relatives and colleagues cannot understand the state of isolation, stop communicating with a person, which ultimately leads to a stronger development of apathy.

At severe forms Depression may develop, there is a possibility of emotions and suicide attempts.

How to get out of this state?

I don’t want to do anything: how to overcome apathy? Apathy requires treatment and is usually easy to overcome with the right approach. If it is a symptom of mental illness, then carry out treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

A psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist finds out what led to the symptoms. Psychotraumatic situations experienced, the presence of physical ailments, mental illness, including hereditary ones.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

How to get rid of apathy during early pregnancy?

Happens during pregnancy restructuring of the entire body. A woman is preparing for a new function.

If pregnancy unwanted, then the risk of apathy is high.

What to do:

  1. Try to accept your child and your current situation.
  2. Establish proper nutrition.
  3. Be in the fresh air more often, move more.
  4. Receive support from loved ones, do not reject contacts.
  5. Be sure to visit a doctor, follow his recommendations, and do all the necessary examinations on time.
  6. If you can’t cope on your own, contact a psychologist at the antenatal clinic.

After childbirth, many women experience a feeling of apathy, indifference to your child.

In this case, she definitely needs help so that the condition does not develop into a deep one.

How to cure apathy after childbirth:

  1. A young mother needs rest and time to be alone with herself. It is advisable that relatives can help with this.
  2. In addition to caring for the child, there should be other activities so that life does not become monotonous.
  3. We must try to accept the baby and the changes that have occurred in life.
  4. Medicines are not recommended during breastfeeding; they are taken only in consultation with a doctor.
  5. Meditations work well, they help you relax, unwind, and switch off.

in autumn

How to cope with autumn apathy? Autumn apathy - the problem is common.

The weather is depressing, the days are getting shorter, and the body doesn’t get enough sun.

The grayness around provokes. People prone to depression have apathy may develop every autumn. If you know what's coming dangerous period, it can be prevented.

  1. Create little joys for yourself - life should not be monotonous, organize various events.
  2. Do not deny yourself social contacts, but at the same time find time for relaxation and the opportunity to be completely alone.
  3. Be outside more often, especially during daylight hours.
  4. Organize good lighting at home and at work, as there is not enough sun during this period.
  5. Bring colors into the surrounding interior - make the world around you brighter.

    Use green, yellow, orange colors. Don't add too much red - it excites and overstrains the nervous system. Less gray, purple, brown.

    Place flowering plants at home, spread beautiful linens on the bed.

  6. Listen to positive music.
  7. Go to bed at the same time every night. You must get enough sleep. However, sleeping too much is also harmful; the normal regime is 7-8 hours.
  8. After waking up, do light gymnastics, help the body wake up. Have a glass clean water room temperature. Take a contrast shower.
  9. Helps cope with apathy: sports, swimming pool. However, at the same time, take into account the amount of load - you should not get tired, but get a boost of energy.

With fatigue and unwillingness to do anything

Complete apathy towards life: how to remove this condition?

A serious condition from which it is impossible to get out, requires contact with a specialist.

Psychologists and psychotherapists, as a rule, help cope with this problem.

Don't give yourself the opportunity to go deeper into your condition. Stop it negative thoughts. Try to pay attention to the world, notice interesting moments around you.

How to overcome apathy and fatigue:

  1. Organize yourself the opportunity to have a good rest.
  2. If the cause of your bad mood becomes, change it to another.
  3. Communicate as little as possible with negative people that lower your self-esteem.
  4. Do not refuse to communicate with close friends, try to enjoy the contacts.
  5. Do a small exercise during the day - go to the mirror, smile, record this state.

    A smile sends a signal to the brain, which provokes positive emotions at least for a short time.

    Do the exercise as often as possible, and positive attitude will become a habit.

How to get out of apathy towards everything and start acting if you don’t want anything? The first step is to force yourself, no matter how difficult it may be. If you prefer to spend time lying on the couch, try to change your usual lifestyle.

Create a daily routine and include mandatory walks in the fresh air. At first, 15-20 minutes is enough. Then we take longer walks. Walk different routes, notice interesting things around you.

Stop repeating to yourself mentally and out loud that you don’t want anything.. Stop such thoughts, replace them with others, more joyful ones.

Useful autogenic training and self-tuning. Repeat often: I am strong, I do, I can, I am active, cheerful, determined to win, I can win. Come up with code words for yourself that will increase your mood and activity.


How to treat and what tablets can be used? Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

If the remedy is chosen incorrectly, it can lead to a worsening of the condition.

In some cases, tranquilizers may be prescribed.

Drug treatment shown only in severe condition. Vitamins are used as supporting drugs.

Prevention: how to prevent attacks?

If you know there is a possibility of getting worse mental state,try to take action in time. For people with a weak nervous system and a tendency to depression, it is important good rest, change of activity.

Can't be allowed monotony in life. Organize a comfortable space around you, try to get into conflicts less often. If it is felt extreme fatigue, take a day off, be alone.

Information overload also affects the psyche, so during moments of relaxation, protect yourself from watching negative television programs, social networks, give your brain a rest.

Apathy is treatable, but it is important to pay attention to the person’s condition in time and find the root cause. If you can't cope on your own, visit a psychologist.

What will help in the fight against apathy? Find out about it in the video:



Snezhana Ivanova

Apathy is a depressed state of mind, which is characterized by a general loss of strength, decreased interest in current events and life in general.

Apathy is a depressed state of mind, which is characterized by a general loss of strength, decreased interest in current events and life in general. It is dangerous to remain in a state of apathy for a long time. The individual is more likely to stop feeling the beauty of the outside world and become focused on his own problems. It is extremely difficult to get out of apathy on your own. To do this you need to have great will and determination. Most often, people turn to specialists with such a problem. The causes of apathy may be concentrated deep in the subconscious, or may reflect events in the personal or public life. The symptoms of apathy are quite vivid - they cannot be ignored. The person becomes indifferent to everything, lethargic, and taciturn. Looking at him, those around him get the impression that he does not hear the words addressed to him, does not notice anything happening around him. Treatment of apathy should be a competent and deliberate step. Before you take a series of decisive actions, you need to know how to deal with apathy.

Causes of apathy

Like any condition, apathy has its own reasons; it never appears out of nowhere. As a rule, this is the result of prolonged dissatisfaction with oneself, refusal to realize important desires and ideas. What are the causes of apathy? Let's try to figure it out!

Emotional stress

Prolonged stress is not good for anyone. Apathy always results from prolonged emotional stress. Eventually, the nervous system becomes exhausted. The person himself does not notice how quickly he plunges into a depressed state. This is what ultimately leads to apathy. Apathy in itself has a very destructive effect on the individual, makes you endlessly doubt yourself and for a long time be in painful experiences. Emotional stress that continues long enough ultimately leads to dissatisfaction with life and a feeling of hopelessness. This is how a person stops believing in his own strengths and focuses on problems.

Physical and emotional fatigue

The presence of frequent stress, tense relationships in the team, misunderstanding in the family lead to physical and psychological exhaustion. Fatigue does not in any way contribute to a rosy mood and the formation of self-confidence. Apathy quickly arises where there are good reasons for it. If a person does not take care of himself, works extremely hard, and does not receive any satisfaction from life, then soon his strength will leave him. Treatment can be long and exhausting. People prone to apathy are advised to avoid stress, strong emotional involvement in conflict situation. The sooner you determine the cause of apathy, the easier it will be to subsequently get rid of this disease and begin effective treatment.

High demands on yourself

Another reason for apathy is too fantastic expectations. For example, a person is just starting his journey in business and immediately wants to get good results. But, as you know, personality development is impossible without trials and additional efforts. – this is a problem for very talented and gifted people. By placing unnecessarily high demands on oneself, a person does not give himself the right to make mistakes. Anyone can go down the wrong path. Only if for an ordinary person there is nothing terrible in this, then a perfectionist perceives everything through the prism of tragedy. He is overly critical of his own achievements, considering them small and insignificant. This prevents him from fully feeling happy and moving towards his desired goal.

Addictive behavior

Any form of addiction sooner or later contributes to the development of apathy. The presence of any form of addiction is a very significant reason for the occurrence of apathy. Addictive behavior implies that a person loses a significant part of himself, loses a sense of self-control and self-respect. Among the main symptoms of addiction are the following: a person ceases to control himself, to notice his actual needs and requirements. The main thing for him is to satisfy the need for chemicals(if it is an alcohol or nicotine addiction), in communication with another person (relationship addiction). Turning into a person with an addiction, a person loses the ability to manage his life, relieves himself of responsibility for what is happening, and plunges into apathy.

Disease progression

In some cases, the cause of apathy is a protracted illness. Sometimes some illness grips a person so strongly that he has no strength left to rejoice. All attention and physical resources are spent only on overcoming the feeling of helplessness and characteristic symptoms specific disease. Apathy covers a person so much that drug treatment does not bring the desired result. The progression of the disease takes away many internal resources from a person. The patient quickly gets tired, tired, and does not even want to do his favorite things.

Judgment and rejection of others

Another reason for the formation of apathy is tense relationships in society. The syndrome of constant dissatisfaction with one’s personality grows, as a rule, from persistent rejection of others. If a person constantly faces criticism, listens to the dissatisfaction of his superiors or relatives, it becomes difficult for him to believe in his own strength. Lack of self-confidence and the future invariably gives rise to apathy. A person loses motivation for new achievements; he does not want to change anything in the current situation.

Premenstrual syndrome in women

Some representatives of the fair sex fall into apathy before the start of a new cycle. In these difficult days, women become easily vulnerable; it’s easy enough to offend them. Premenstrual syndrome adds a lot of stress and worry. This is a very serious reason why the mood deteriorates, tearfulness and resentment increase. Apathy serves as a kind of refuge for a woman to hide from additional obligations and problems. With the help of apathy, the girl seems to resort to cunning and learn to avoid conditions that are unbearable for her at the moment.

Negative changes

Sometimes in the life of every person there are some strong shocks that can seriously affect the psyche. The death of loved ones, irreparable events in society, divorce, betrayal, and any other incidents that change the entire way of life have a negative impact on the emotional state. A person does not feel strong enough to quickly cope with what he is going through. There is a feeling of an accomplished catastrophe and helplessness. Apathy does not allow a person to take action immediately. As a rule, a large amount of time passes before a person begins to accept what happened and finally comes to his senses.

Symptoms of apathy

Apathy manifests itself in a person in a very specific way. Its symptoms are known to every person firsthand. Anyone who has been in this state for even a short time knows how difficult it is to overcome it and learn to enjoy life again. Let's look at the main symptoms of apathy.

Emotional indifference

A person in a state of apathy hardly pays attention to what is happening around him. He forgets to even think about meeting his basic needs: eating on time, meeting with friends. It seems that the feeling of joy is blocked inside him, that the personality is lost and does not know which direction to move. Emotional indifference is manifested in the fact that a person constantly has Bad mood. It seems that nothing can cheer him up or give him at least a little optimism. Indifference to everything around you is a sure symptom of apathy. If a person fails to overcome it for a long time, then interest in life decreases.

Against the background of emotional indifference, a pronounced decrease in appetite occurs. The usual taste of food is lost somewhere and even your favorite dishes cease to bring pleasure. A person may refuse food altogether or take it literally a teaspoon at a time.

Limiting communication

Apathy often causes a person to avoid interacting with other people. It becomes easier and more comfortable for a person to be alone with himself rather than communicate with others. The thing is that apathy deprives a person of moral strength and self-confidence. At the same time, the conscious desire becomes to minimize any communication, since it takes away additional energy. Even the closest friends find themselves deprived. A person in a state of apathy is not able to actively express himself.

Decreased performance

Severe emotional depression also affects mood. There is a pronounced decrease in performance. A person begins to feel that he is unable to perform even basic tasks. Habitual activities bring only suffering, without giving any positive emotions. Treatment must begin, first of all, with the awareness of the fact that some part of life is wasted. Instead of the usual state of interest, drowsiness and lethargy suddenly appear. Before important meetings, he begins to feel drowsy and his voice becomes indifferent. These are the true manifestations of apathy. A person who really experiences this condition needs help and support.

Treatment of apathy

Apathy is a condition that cannot be left to chance. To overcome painful reluctance to act and make decisions, you need to choose competent treatment and follow simple recommendations. How to deal with apathy? What do you need to pay attention to for treatment to be effective?

Regular physical activity

In fact, our emotional state is strongly connected to our physical well-being. There is even the term “mental health”, which implies all sorts of peace of mind and well-being. Systematic physical exercise help strengthen the nervous system and maintain mental balance. You will see how your mood will gradually return to normal, the desire to live, create, and perform some actions will appear. Do what you like: ride a bike, get new emotions from sports, strive to satisfy your desires. Proper nutrition– is also an important factor that will help make treatment more effective.

Having hobbies and interests

How to deal with apathy? If you care about your individual well-being, you should find something you enjoy. Think about what could bring you the most joy? Each person has certain inclinations towards certain activities. If you carefully analyze your inner world, you can come to very unexpected conclusions. Having hobbies is incredibly inspiring, gives strength and fills you with optimism in life. By doing something that brings inner satisfaction, a person blossoms from within, discovers even greater potential in himself and additional features to implementation.

Thus, in order to get rid of apathy, you need to become a full master of your life. Bring your physical and emotional state into balance, then your low mood will leave you forever. Remember that we manage our own lives, and everything that happens is our merit. Take full responsibility for what is happening. Don't expect someone else to do it for you.

The term apathy, which is often used in psychiatric practice, is understood as a psychopathological state, expressed in a persistent lack of interests, a suppressed emotional background and complete indifference to current events and surrounding people. Painful indifference demoralizes the personality and throws it out of social sphere life of society. Without taking drastic measures, internal reserves are quickly exhausted, and the situation only gets worse.

Provoking factors

When highlighting the reasons that lead to the appearance of this psychopathological syndrome, doctors pay attention to the fact that apathy is a condition that most often signals a whole complex of somatic and neurological disorders in the body. Before starting therapy mental disorder, The following diagnoses need to be excluded:

Often the culprit of apathy is taking medications.

If during course treatment any medication caused symptoms such as general malaise, lethargy, dullness of emotions, interest in the future has disappeared, then you should discuss these points with your doctor.

The leading position among all the causes of apathy is occupied by the concept that the disorder is a defensive reaction of the psyche, designed to retouch a person’s depressive experiences. According to supporters of this psychoanalytic theory, an apathetic state is capable of minimizing for some time the significance of the subject’s needs and desires, which allows one to reconsider one’s attitude towards life in general, thereby eliminating internal contradictions.

Some psychology experts view apathy as affordable way insure against nervous breakdown. It sounds paradoxical, but often pathological indifference overtakes the most responsible and purposeful individuals who give their all in the professional field. Thanks to apathy, the workaholic receives much-needed relief.

In individual clinical episodes, diagnosing the exact cause of the disorder is quite problematic, since the trigger of the pathology is hidden in a hidden part of the psyche - in the subconscious. In other words, on his life’s path a person had to face a traumatic situation that caused him severe mental pain. The subconscious thus protects a person from a new portion of experiences.

The development of persistent indifference has also been linked to burnout. Such an anomalous state is a response to the monotonous and hard work, lack of proper recognition for the work invested.

Forms and connection with depression

Conventionally, the disorder can be divided into several main forms. Reference books on psychiatry describe the following types apathy:

There is also such a term as social apathy, which is characterized by a loss of interest in the system social relations. Such pathological passivity can be experienced by either one person or a separate group of people.

The connection between a state of complete indifference and depressive disorder is beyond doubt. Apathy can give rise to depression, and is also considered as one of its signs, but its presence in symptomatic picture not enough to make an accurate diagnosis.

The clinical manifestations of depression are more varied. It is characterized by symptoms such as depressed mood, sleep problems, impaired mental function, and so on.

However, a detached attitude towards the outside world sometimes directly indicates the presence depressive disorder and leads to the development of the so-called apathetic type of depression. In such a situation, apathy determines the specificity of a depressed mental state and is in close connection with others affective disorders this pathology and influences their course.

Risk group

Unfortunately, no one is immune from apathy. Neither age nor social status play absolutely any role in this matter. Due to the wide range of reasons leading to the impoverishment of emotions, it is not possible to single out any one category of people susceptible to apathy. Nevertheless, one cannot help but say about persons who have a slightly greater predisposition to this mental pathology. These include:

A mentally balanced person tries to normalize his condition as quickly as possible and return life to normal. It is much more difficult for those people who are inherently following properties character:

Clinical picture

A person in a state of total indifference is very easy to identify, since manifestations of such mental disorder visible to others even with the naked eye. TO typical symptoms apathies include:

The overall impression produced by a person mired in apathy is quite depressing. A conversation with such a person is difficult and uninteresting. If measures are not taken to return to normal, the patient faces an unenviable fate.

Diagnosis of the disorder

Not every person can independently come to the conclusion that there has been a malfunction in the psyche, so a specialist with the appropriate education must diagnose the pathology. Despite the enormous progress in medicine and the field information technologies, many people never find the courage to seek help from a doctor, whose consultation could save a patient caught in the network of insidious apathy from gloomy thoughts and detachment.

In most cases, this is caused by fear of public reproach. However, it is important to understand simple thing: a psychologist is exactly the same as a doctor, whose methods of influencing not the body, but the psyche can protect the patient from a mortal threat. A conversation will be held with the patient, during which the doctor will try to determine the cause of the apathetic disorder. The consultation also makes it possible to determine the degree of neglect of apathy and its form. To get a more detailed picture of the patient’s psycho-emotional state, the doctor conducts specially designed psychological tests.

Introverts, as a rule, do not strive to open their souls to strangers, even if an experienced psychologist is in front of them, so in this situation, the only right decision will be deep introspection. When practicing this valuable technique, it is extremely important to be completely honest with yourself. It is necessary to reflect on the reasons that caused the mental disorder, as well as give a sober assessment of your condition and ability to fight the disease without outside help.

Therapeutic strategy

In a state where the individual is deprived of any desire to do anything and become emotionally involved in social life, acceptance required emergency measures, which are developed taking into account the reasons that caused apathy. We must understand that such a mental disorder does not always represent serious disease, requiring serious medical intervention.

If it is known that apathy arose after exposure to some traumatic factor, hasty and thoughtless steps can have the worst impact on the apathetic state. Rehabilitation period can last for several days or weeks, during which a person needs peace, physical and emotional rest, as well as freedom from everyday worries.

Miraculous medications, capable of normalizing the patient’s emotional background in the blink of an eye, simply do not exist.

This is why consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist is so important. The indispensability of such a step is determined by the fact that only a small percentage of people are able to independently diagnose apathy and relieve its symptoms on their own. Prevention chronic form mental disorder is based at the following events:

  • correct alternation of work and rest;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • compliance with the daily routine.

When faced with apathy, you need to balance your diet. The table should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Among other activities that will contribute effective treatment apathy, worth highlighting:

  • regular stay on the street;
  • active occupation physical culture and sports;
  • visiting the swimming pool;
  • massage and acupuncture.

The use of pharmacological agents is resorted to only in particularly advanced cases.

Among the most harmless drugs, natural adaptogens and complexes containing a loading dose of vitamin B are used. To eliminate severe symptoms, psychostimulants, antipsychotics and nootropics may be needed. The selection of medications should be done exclusively by a doctor.

Pathological condition during pregnancy

While carrying a child, a woman experiences extreme physical and emotional stress. During this crucial period of her life, hormonal changes begin and a partial reassessment of life guidelines occurs, so it is not surprising that future mom begins to suffer from apathy.

The condition of a pregnant woman should be constantly monitored. Due to reduced criticality of perception, she may miss alarming symptoms. Usually emotional, active women who temporarily maternity leave They lost their usual social circle. The symptoms of the disorder are classic; they may be accompanied by thoughts of future fate baby and his place in a changing world.

This condition during pregnancy requires mandatory correction. You shouldn’t expect passivity to disappear - the health of two people is at risk at once.

Without a doubt, apathy is the real scourge of our time. The feeling of the meaninglessness of existence against the background of neurosis is familiar to almost every second person. To face apathy means to test your nervous system's strength. The main thing is not to let the disorder take its course and strictly follow all the instructions of the doctors, and even better, take preventive measures, and then you won’t have to get rid of the painful psychological condition at all.

A mental state without emotions and feelings is apathy, the symptoms of which are the following: indifference, indifference to everything around, indifference. Emotions, whatever they may be, fill a person’s life with meaning. In an apathetic person, they are driven into the depths of the subconscious, so they are not felt. Psychoanalysis considers apathy as a form of human protection from unbearable experiences. As a result, internal conflict disappears. But at the same time, a person’s desires lose any value for him, even his own life sometimes loses importance.

Sometimes a person can determine the causes of apathy himself. You just need to carefully analyze your attitude towards life. And then it may turn out that a person seems to live well, has a lot that others cannot afford, but he has long ago lost interest in all this, does not get any pleasure and most in life forces himself to do things he doesn’t like. Such internal conflict leads to apathy.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of apathy can be very different:

  1. An apathetic person is easy to notice among other people; he differs from them in appearance and behavior. The essence of apathy is complete indifference to what is happening around. A person is not interested in his once favorite activities and hobbies; he strives to end relationships with friends. Interest is lost not only in positive events. What once would have caused anger, rage, malice, is now perceived completely unemotionally.
  2. A person strives for loneliness and alienates himself from other people. His speech contains no emotion, his behavior is absolutely indifferent. He answers other people's questions in monosyllables or not at all. An apathetic person does not care about the problems of loved ones, he does not sympathize with their difficulties, and does not rejoice at their successes. This affects family relationships. Relatives strive to give him maximum attention, but an apathetic person is hostile to this and tries to distance himself.
  3. An apathetic person prefers to do nothing and is characterized by lethargy and lack of initiative. A person goes to work, but only out of obligation. He carries out the tasks entrusted to him without interest, without focusing on a good result, just to get it done, but it doesn’t matter how. He himself never takes the initiative.
  4. An apathetic person is especially distinguished by his posture - static, without unnecessary movements. A lowered head, a gaze that does not express any emotions - the same is a sign of apathy. He has no facial expressions. No matter what events happen around, a person’s face does not reflect either joy or sadness. Speech becomes monotonous, not colored by emotions.
  5. Autonomic reactions also disappear. If the situation around the subject becomes alarming or threatening, his face does not turn red or turn pale. Gestures and spontaneous movements are almost completely absent.
  6. Sometimes a person with apathy becomes sloppy and may not even maintain personal hygiene.


Apathy can be a sign of many diseases. The reasons for apathy may be:

  • schizophrenia;
  • depressive disorders;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • dementia;
  • AIDS;
  • brain cancer;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • disturbances in activity endocrine system.

Sometimes the causes of the disease are the use of certain medications: tranquilizers, sleeping pills, tricyclic antidepressants, oral contraceptives. Even antibiotics can have a similar effect on the psyche. Therefore, if as a result of taking any medicines drowsiness, lethargy, and indifference have appeared; they need to be replaced with others, having first consulted a doctor.

The causes of apathy can be psychological. In first place in popularity is the theory of psychoanalysis, which states that apathy protects the human psyche from unbearable experiences. A person in a state of apathy significantly decreases desires and needs, changes his attitude towards life, due to which internal conflicts are resolved.

According to other scientists, apathy occurs due to an excess of emotions. Consumed during emotional experiences great amount psychic energy, with their excess, sooner or later each person experiences a period when internal resources organisms are running out. Apathy seems to switch the body to work in energy saving mode, and the intensity of the experience decreases.

There is an opinion that apathy slows down overindulgence work, preventing a nervous breakdown.

Some overly proactive and ambitious people are ready to work around the clock to achieve success. In them, apathy occurs suddenly, by this the body protects itself from overload and gets the opportunity to rest.

Sometimes the cause of the disease is difficult to determine. These reasons are hidden so deeply in the subconscious that it is sometimes possible to determine them only as a result of immersing a person in hypnosis. As a result of this, it is possible to find out that the reasons for the loss of interest in life lie in psychological traumas of the distant past. Once upon a time a person suffered greatly, and now the subconscious is trying to protect him from new experiences.

Often the cause of apathy is the syndrome emotional burnout. This happens when a person has worked long and hard, and has not received an appropriate reward for his work.

Ways to fight

What should a person do if he shows signs of apathy? First of all, apply for medical care. The doctor must find out the causes of the disease, analyze them and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is worth considering that there are situations when it is not necessary to treat apathy. Sometimes a short-term absence of feelings and emotions is even beneficial for a person, as it normalizes the functioning of the psyche. If a patient has been in a traumatic situation for a long time, he should not be scared and swallow a bunch of pills, feeling indifferent to the events happening around him. It is advisable to just relax and unload your body. Get away from large quantity people, from everyday problems, give your brain a rest without loading it with information. You can go fishing, walk through the forest, or take a short hike.

The main thing is to remember that apathy is treated gradually and consistently. A storm of feelings and energy will not appear from taking one pill. Treatment takes time, and it must be carried out by a competent psychologist or psychotherapist. Very few people experiencing apathy are able to independently identify its causes and cope with it. Therefore, the help of a specialist is needed. He will help you figure out where the problem came from and tell you what steps a person should take to get rid of it.

Basic principles of treating apathy:

  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • elimination of psychologically traumatic situations.

Treatment will not be successful if a person is constantly under stress, sleeps little, and eats poorly. Therefore, it is very important to review the daily routine, ensure normal sleep at night and rest during the day, do not do work on weekends.

The menu must be designed so that the products consumed contain necessary for a person substances in sufficient quantity. Following diets during this period is not recommended, as they deprive the body of energy.

Drug treatment includes the use of the following drugs:

  • B vitamins;
  • nootropic drugs that improve brain function;
  • means that improve tissue metabolism processes;
  • means that stimulate mental activity;
  • natural adaptogens.

If the case is severe, antipsychotics are used.

In combination with medicines the following conditions must be met:

  • walks in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • reasonable physical activity;
  • use of contrasting water procedures;
  • massage.


If apathy has fallen on a person, its symptoms may disappear on their own if certain conditions are met. You can act similarly when the first signs of the disease appear in order to prevent its development.

It’s worth thinking about why indifference, fatigue, and drowsiness suddenly appear. These are only external manifestations of apathy, and the reason for it is hidden somewhere deep. The reason may be a job you don’t like – you need to change it if possible. Or if you are surrounded by unpleasant people, you should minimize communication with them. A radical change in life will give new energy.

Regardless of whether there is apathy or not, the lifestyle should be healthy. Proper nutrition, healthy sleep, playing sports will reduce the stress on the psyche.

You can pay attention to the lives of other people, the difficult circumstances in which they live, and provide assistance to those who find themselves in difficult situations.

Apathy is not a death sentence at all, but a completely treatable disorder. Some people can handle it on their own. And if they cannot, a qualified specialist will help the person get out of this state and regain the joy of life.

You have complete apathy towards life. What to do? Article from practical recommendations, which describes in detail the symptoms of loss of meaning in life and the reasons for their occurrence. But any person is capable of fighting.

Most people are familiar with apathy firsthand. It is a state expressed in an indifferent, indifferent attitude towards life, towards everything that surrounds, towards other people. Apathy can be short-term in nature, for example, if it occurs during the period of any illness or when serious problems. Usually, when health improves or a difficult situation is resolved, then apathy goes away. This condition is not dangerous and does not require special efforts to combat it. But it also happens that apathy completely takes over a person and deprives him of interest in life. It can last for a long period, intensifying every day. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently take measures to overcome this condition and return the taste for life.

Signs of deep apathy

  1. Lack of emotions, dry speech. Such a person’s phrases: “I don’t care,” “There’s no point,” or “It’s no use.”
  2. Loss of interest in what used to bring joy. The person is not “burning” with any business. Life energy is completely absent.
  3. Decreased muscle tone. Movements become sluggish and slow, which leads to a passive lifestyle.
  4. There is often a cyclical pattern of actions. For example, a person can “hang out” in front of the TV, watch the same movie, or try to lie down whenever possible.
  5. Deterioration of attention and memory.
  6. Reduced contacts with others, unsociability, withdrawal into oneself.
  7. A person stops taking care of his appearance.
  8. Lack of initiative, tendency to be selfish, laziness.
  9. Depressed mood, loss of meaning in life and self-confidence.
  10. Suicide attempts.

The picture is quite sad, but not hopeless. Even complete apathy can be overcome.

Causes of apathy

  1. Heavy, chronic diseases(Availability malignant tumors, paralysis, stroke).
  2. Mental disorders ( , obsessive states, schizophrenia).
  3. Hormonal disorders (malfunctions of the endocrine system, pregnancy, menopause).
  4. Lack of vitamins and useful microelements in organism.
  5. Taking certain medications: contraceptives, antibiotics, sleeping pills, antidepressants, heart medications.
  6. Experience severe stress and crisis situations.
  7. Professional burnout. Most often it manifests itself in the sphere of working with people due to intense communication, conflicts, high degree responsibility, unfulfilled career expectations, self-dissatisfaction, etc.
  8. Alcohol and drug addiction.

An important condition for overcoming this condition is the desire of the person himself. First you need to recognize its presence and understand the reasons for its occurrence. If a person is confused and doesn’t know what to do, then family and friends should come to the rescue, who can support and guide him.

First of all, you need to rest and get enough sleep. You need to start changing your life with fresh thoughts. In addition, sleep always gives energy and strength.

You should mentally go back in time and answer the questions: “What would that person do now? How would you cope with this condition? (referring to myself a few years ago).

If apathy occurs while taking certain medications, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate their use (provided that this will not be life-threatening).

It is important to force yourself to constantly do something: go outside, communicate with friends, keep order in the house, etc. In any way it is necessary to prevent and. You can keep a diary in which you note your action plan (for a day, for a week) in tabular form, sum up the results and write down the emotions that arise.

You need to remember your hobbies that brought you joy. You need to return to them or come up with new activities in order to feel interest and...

If a deficiency of vitamins in the body is detected, qualified medical assistance is required.

Sometimes looking at yourself in the mirror is a good method of therapy and an incentive to action. For greater effectiveness, you should ask yourself questions: “What can I change in my appearance? What will make me more attractive? It is worth smiling and remembering this facial expression. Through external behavior You can establish harmony in your soul.

Psychologists advise listening to your favorite music, as it gives a boost of energy and helps cope with apathy.

It is necessary to choose activities that stimulate a surge of emotions. This could be dancing, creative or sporting events, extreme sports. The main thing is to get out of the state of indifference.

Something might need to change dramatically. For example, work or place of residence. It could also be mastering previously unknown activities, breaking old habits, or creating new relationships.

Don't be afraid to see a psychotherapist. It is important to recognize that apathy is a disease that requires treatment. And a specialist always has an arsenal of methods necessary for this.

Every person has the resources to overcome any difficult situation and cope with various negative conditions. The sooner he realizes the need to change something in his life and shows more activity, the faster he will find them.

Goodbye and good mood to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.
