DHEA sulfate analysis. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is elevated in women: causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalance, treatment of hyperandrogenism. Causes of elevated DHEA C in women

IN modern world Only the lazy have not encountered the concept of “hormones” at least once in their life. Despite the widespread popularization of this concept, many do not understand the full meaning of this word and the importance of hormones in the life of every person. What are hormones? If we talk about the official interpretation of this concept, then these are special substances of various natures, produced by the cells of the endocrine glands or synthetic forms coming from the outside, which are able to interact with the receptors of the cells of organs and tissues and exert their influence on their functioning. Thus, hormones can be called regulators of many processes in the body.

In addition to hormones, there are also various hormonally active substances, hormone-like substances that can have a similar effect without being hormones in the true meaning of the word. They are not produced by endocrine cells and can interact outside the bloodstream.

Hormones influence almost all metabolic processes in the body and are important for maintaining homeostasis. Their role in the body cannot be overestimated, because hormonal disorders are one of the most insidious diseases. Hormones are produced throughout a person’s life, their amount can fluctuate depending on the age and gender of the person, his physiological state.

The classification of hormones is quite complex, since they can be divided into groups according to many individual characteristics: depending on the organ that produces them; By chemical structure; by mechanism of action; by gender – male and female; by type of effect on target cells and others. In addition to the fact that hormones affect target cells, they also interact with each other, providing certain additional effects. For example, some hormones that are not related to the reproductive sphere, but have a highly specific effect, thyroid hormones, for example, due to side effects, also affect the functioning of the reproductive sphere, causing various dysfunctions of the genital organs and infertility.

If we talk about the classification of hormones according to anatomical criteria (that is, depending on the place of production), then they are: hypothalamic, pituitary (separately adeno- and neurohypophysis), adrenal, thyroid, reproductive, placental, etc. the largest proportion of hormones is produced endocrine glands, however, a certain pool falls on the so-called APUD system. It is a pool of cells dispersed throughout almost the entire body.

Classifications based on chemical origin and mechanism of action are sometimes combined because there is a direct relationship between the structure of a substance and the way it affects the target organ. Thus, hormones of a steroid structure, protein (or peptide), derivatives of amino acids and derivatives are distinguished fatty acids.

Each class is biologically active substances performs its own special functions. Peptide hormones, for example, predominantly influence a variety of metabolic processes. This category includes pancreatic hormones - insulin and glucagon, pituitary and hypothalamic hormones and some others. This group of biologically active substances has a direct impact on the functioning of the human reproductive system, especially for women. Most often, such hormones are produced in the form of precursors and only then metabolized into active forms. Protein hormones are capable of being produced by the pituitary gland (prolactin, tropic hormones - somatotropic, thyroid-tropic, gonadotropic), hypothalamus (oxytocin and vasopressin, which are transported along special pathways to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and released from there into the bloodstream), pancreas (insulin and glucagon), kidneys (erythropoietin), parathyroid glands (parathyroid hormone).

As for amino acid-derived hormones, we are talking about three main types of hormones - hormones thyroid gland, catecholamines and melatonin. All of them are derivatives of tyrosine or tryptophan. The thyroid gland secretes so-called thyroid hormones, which are derivatives of tyrosine and are necessary for the growth and development of the body, normal operation metabolic mechanisms, as well as for the implementation of stress reactions. When the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, both in the direction of increased secretion of hormones and decreased, quite serious problems with work and the reproductive system, women are especially susceptible to this. Changes can begin with cycle disorders, hormonal imbalances and even reach infertility. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline and norepinephrine, the main catecholamines, and the hypothalamus produces dopamine.

The spectrum of effects of these substances is extremely wide and ranges from slow to rapid effects. Melatonin is important for pigment metabolism, and additional effects include antigonadotropic action and sedation.

Steroid hormones are also indispensable for maintaining all body functions, since this type of hormones includes sex steroids and corticosteroid hormones. Steroid hormones are produced by the adrenal glands (cortical layer) - glucocorticosteroids, and mainly by the cells of the gonads - androgens and estrogens, progesterone. Such hormones are highly lipophilic, so they easily penetrate cell membranes and act intracellularly. Like almost all biologically active substances, steroids are transported using special transport proteins.

Hormones derived from fatty acids (polyunsaturated) include two large groups of biologically active substances - retinoids, or more precisely retinoic acid, and eicosanoids. Retinoic acid is important in development connective tissue, in particular, bones, soft tissues, retina. Considering that a sufficient amount of it requires some intake of vitamin A from food, sometimes its excess occurs, which is a dangerous condition, especially for people planning pregnancy and pregnant women, as it can have a teratogenic effect - cause fetal malformations. Eicosanoids are tissue hormones that are formed throughout the human body and act where they are formed. Despite the fact that because of this their concentration in the blood serum is low, this does not reduce their importance for the normal functioning of all organs and systems due to local effects.

Hormones begin to work in the body from the beginning of intrauterine life. Initially, this occurs in the form of the influence of maternal hormones, and then the fetal cells begin to synthesize them.

Regulation of hormone synthesis in the body occurs mainly due to the mechanism feedback. There is a hierarchy of all hormones, taking into account their influence on each other and on target cells. So, in the first place of this pyramid are hypothalamic hormones, which are also called releasing factors. They have a peptide structure and regulate the functioning of the pituitary gland, exerting an inhibitory or stimulating effect on the production of its hormones. Some of the hypothalamic hormones are associated with the function of the adenohypophysis - these are liberins (have a stimulating effect) and statins (have an inhibitory effect), the other part enters the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland - oxytocin and vasopressin, which some mistakenly mistake for pituitary hormones, although they are only deposited in the pituitary gland and are released from there as needed into the bloodstream, but their synthesis occurs precisely in the hypothalamus.

Under the influence of hypothalamic hormones, the pituitary gland secretes so-called tropic hormones, that is, having a narrowly targeted effect on a specific organ or tissue. Thus, gonadotropin acts on the gonads, regulating their secretion of steroid hormones, thyrotropin - on thyroid tissue. Follitropin and lutropin are especially important for women's health, since they, together with gonadotropin, determine the normal reproductive system and its functioning. Malfunctions of these hormones lead to very disastrous consequences for reproductive function, including infertility. Violation of the synthesis of thyroid-stimulating hormone can also be the cause of the endocrine factor of problems with conceiving and bearing a baby.

How is the feedback mechanism implemented? The influence of hormones on each other’s synthesis is as follows. Releasing hormones of the hypothalamus influence the synthesis of pituitary hormones, stimulating or causing inhibition of their synthesis. Pituitary hormones influence target organs, which are the glands internal secretion. These endocrine glands, in response to this, secrete one or another amount of specific hormones that act directly on their target cells in the body. The signal about the concentration of these substances in the blood enters the hypothalamus and, depending on their level in the blood, the hypothalamus releases one or another amount of releasing hormones.

How do hormones directly affect a person’s well-being and health? You can obtain information about this by requesting a consultation on the website, which is carried out free of charge by experienced specialists with knowledge in this area. In addition to influencing the synthesis of other hormones, they have extremely broad functions:

  • Affects the mental and emotional sphere, mood, mental capacity;
  • Affect the activity of the immune system;
  • Affect metabolic processes, metabolism in cells and tissues, metabolism;
  • Participate in the formation of stress reactions, helping the body to defend itself, protect itself, escape, realizing self-preservation instincts;
  • Provide processes for the body’s adaptation to conditions environment;
  • Form a flow of various life cycles in the body: maximum growth and development in childhood, sexual development during puberty,
  • implementation of reproductive function in reproductive age, processes of extinction of activity of all systems in the mature and elderly period of life;
  • Regulate vital important functions;

So, what hormones influence which functions? The development of the body mentally and physically is most influenced by somatotropin, thyroid and sex hormones. To help the body adapt to changing environmental conditions, hormones of the adrenal cortex and medulla are primarily called upon. The hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system ensure the implementation of reproductive function. Thus, all hormones can be divided according to their action into growth and regulatory (the main organ that produces them is the pituitary gland), sex hormones (produced mainly by the gonads), stress (especially the adrenal medulla - catecholamines), corticosteroids (formed in the adrenal cortex) and metabolic ( pancreatic, thyroid and others).

Thus, only during normal operation endocrine system and the interaction of hormones can be observed feeling normal and the state of human health. Bad habits, addictions, violations of work and rest schedules, and unhealthy diet have a negative impact on the functioning of the neuroendocrine system. By influencing at least one link in the hierarchy of hormones, the body is dealt a heavy blow and dysfunction of the entire system is observed. For example, stress and chronic lack of sleep can cause an increase in prolactin levels. As a result of changes in its quantity, the production of follicle-stimulating hormone and some others is disrupted, which leads to dysfunction of the ovaries, changing the level of their synthesis of their sex hormones. In turn, a cascade of such reactions leads to disruption of the reproductive sphere and infertility, when, it would seem, there is no direct influence of lifestyle in this case on the reproductive system.

Two main classes of hormones are involved in the implementation of reproductive function - male and female. This division is very arbitrary, since both of them exist in different concentrations in both the male and female female body.

Men have higher concentrations of male hormones – androgens. They are needed to form the body according to male type– broad shoulders, muscle mass, primary and secondary sexual characteristics of the male type, low timbre of voice, formation of sexual desire. Such hormones include testosterone, androstenedione (which, by the way, is a precursor of both testosterone and estrogens), and to some extent anti-Mullerian hormone. Androstenedione performs the main function of sexual differentiation and is produced by testicular and adrenal cells. Anti-Mullerian hormone in the male body is involved in the development of the reproductive system, and is also important in the process of spermatogenesis. Testosterone is the main androgen, which is responsible for the formation of sexual characteristics, plays an important role in the formation of libido, behavioral reactions aimed at procreation. However, the normal functioning of the male reproductive system is impossible without the influence of female sex hormones, even if they are in small physiological concentrations.

As for female sex hormones, they traditionally include estrogens and progestins. Estrogens are represented by estradiol and estriol. Estradiol has a predominant effect on the sexual development of a girl, creating conditions under which reproductive function will be possible. Estriol is more typical during pregnancy, being one of the markers normal development fetus Progestogens are represented by progesterone, which is also necessary to ensure a normal menstrual cycle, without which pregnancy can occur. naturally impossible. This hormone takes on particular importance during pregnancy, “preserving” it. In addition, anti-Mullerian hormone is needed to ensure ovulation. Its concentration in the blood reflects the woman’s ovulatory reserve, which is used to determine the likelihood of pregnancy in treatment infertile woman. Another strictly specific female hormone is relaxin, which is produced in the ovaries and placental tissue and has an effect on the course of pregnancy. The normal functioning of the female reproductive system is impossible without the presence of male sex hormones in the blood, the main thing is that there is a correct balance between their levels.

Sex steroids begin to be produced from the prenatal period of the fetus, but the peak of their activity occurs during puberty and reproductive age, then their effect on the body weakens, which is one of the causes of clinical aging.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which hormone is more important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system; in this case, coherence and balance in their levels are more important. Only with this option is normal implementation of reproductive function possible. However, unfortunately, problems with the inability to conceive a child associated with endocrine dysfunction are increasingly arising. Consultation on this issue can be obtained on this website free of charge from highly qualified specialists.

In case of violation hormonal balance Between estrogens and androgens, changes occur not only in the reproductive sphere, but also in the state of other organs and systems of the body. For example, with an increase in the level of male sex hormones, a woman develops the phenomenon of virilization - the acquisition of male traits. The proportions of the body undergo changes towards similarity with male ones, the predominance of muscle tissue is determined with the distribution of adipose tissue according to the male type, the voice changes, hair growth according to the male type is formed, etc. This can happen at almost any age. Men may also experience similar changes toward more feminine characteristics—a feminization phenomenon that occurs when levels of female sex steroids are excessively elevated.

It is often not difficult to suspect that you have a hormonal disorder. Complaints of poor health, unmotivated weakness and apathy, irritability, mood swings, causeless increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels may be disturbing. dry mouth, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, dry skin or vice versa, sweating, menstrual irregularities, inability to conceive or bear a child. Symptoms of hormonal disorders are extremely varied; only a specialist in this field can differentiate them.

Hormonal imbalance can be extremely dangerous for the health and, sometimes, even the life of a woman. Therefore, you cannot independently diagnose certain disorders in yourself or attempt self-medication. This often only worsens the problem to such an extent that even specialists find it difficult to deal with health problems. If you need consultation remotely, you can get it from experienced specialists on this website by contacting the special section.

Treatment of hormonal disorders involves, if possible, eliminating the etiological factor - that is, the cause of the pathology, as well as correcting the identified changes. Sometimes all you need is a lifestyle modification, some soft shapes treatment, but if the changes are severe enough, both hormone replacement therapy and drug correction. In some cases shown surgical methods treatment. The doctor determines the indications for a particular type of therapy, explaining to the patient all the nuances of his health condition and possible options overcoming the problem

The final decision is made jointly in a dialogue between the doctor and the patient, and the most optimal treatment path is selected.

What does hormone mean? Hormones are biologically active substances produced by the endocrine glands and necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. The properties of hormones are different, but the most important thing is to help all systems of the human body work in harmony. They control all processes occurring in the human body, including such important functions as growth, development and reproduction. If there are any visible or hidden abnormalities in the functioning of the body, be it a woman or a man, an experienced physician will definitely suggest testing the blood for hormonal levels. If there is an excess or deficiency of certain hormones in the body, this factor can affect health. We will look at what hormones are responsible for in this article.

What is hormonal balance

There are about 70 hormones in the body. And it is on their balance in the body that metabolism, growth, puberty, Job sebaceous glands and many other important factors. Hence the general concept " hormonal background" - the ratio of hormones in the human body.

What can cause changes in hormonal levels

If an imbalance occurs in the body, then the appearance primary signs won't make you wait long. What do hormones affect? First of all, the changes are:

  • A sharp loss or gain of weight without any good reason, that is, not related to high food consumption;
  • Problems with conception in women who cannot become mothers;
  • Acne acne;
  • Excessive body hair in women;
  • Uncontrollable mood swings;
  • The fair half of humanity has a disruption in the menstrual cycle or severe symptoms;
  • Insomnia, which develops into chronic;
  • The most unpleasant consequence may be diabetes;
  • Constant sleepiness and loss of mood;
  • Hair often begins to fall out;
  • An imbalance can manifest itself in a timbre change in the voice, and even facial features can change.

How to check hormone levels

If there are suspicious changes in the body, you need to go to a doctor who will tell you what tests to take to check your hormone levels. The analysis consists of taking blood from a vein to examine thyroid hormones, pancreas hormones, sex hormones or the pituitary gland.

  • Pituitary gland - these hormones are responsible for the entire complex of internal secretion organs;
  • Active substances of the pancreas - for the level of carbohydrates in the body.
  • The sex hormone is responsible for the new formation of germ cells.

After passing the necessary tests, the hormonal profile is determined. What do hormones show?


  • The level of somatotropic growth hormone affects such components as growth, bone development and strength, muscle mass;
  • ACTH. If an excess is observed, this may indicate adrenal hyperplasia;
  • Prolactin. For women it is important because it is responsible for the mammary glands, for the stronger sex it is responsible for the prostate;
  • FSH, LH. They are responsible for the maturation of eggs and are stimulants in ovulation. If the analysis showed that their content is high, this may be an indicator of infertility.


  • TSH. Exceeding the indicator may indicate adrenal insufficiency;
  • T3 general If the norm is exceeded, this may mean pregnancy, HIV infection, hepatitis;
  • T4 general Exceeding these numbers may indicate similar diseases, as when the total T3 indicator is exceeded;
  • Thyroglobulin. Exceeding these standards may indicate initial stage thyroid cancer. A decrease indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Adrenal glands:

  • Cortisol. If this indicator is exceeded, then we can talk about malfunctions in the functioning of the adrenal glands, but if the norm is lowered, then this is the first sign of adrenal cancer;
  • Adrenalin. These biologically active substances are responsible for arterial pressure and the quality of the gastrointestinal tract. If the level of these substances is higher than normal, this may be a sign of jaundice or impaired renal function.
  • Sex hormones:
  • Testosterone. This hormone is responsible for the formation of cells in the reproductive system. For men it plays an important role;
  • Estrogen. This hormone is responsible for a woman’s well-being, for the cyclicity of menstruation; if it is not enough or, on the contrary, in excess, then all sorts of problems with the skin and general condition may appear;
  • Progesterone. The quantitative component of this substance is very important for women, especially during the period when she is preparing to become a mother. If there are any abnormalities, this may affect the possibility of conception.

Hormone levels during pregnancy

Pregnancy involves changes in the hormonal balance of the fair half of humanity, but such changes are not always a favorable indicator. Most of the innovations concern the level of Thyroid-stimulating hormone. The levels of this hormone in the blood are a direct consequence of the work in the thyroid gland, the nature of metabolism, the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. At the very beginning, the level of this hormone may be underestimated; it returns to normal after the fetus has its own thyroid gland, before which it seems to steal the substances it needs from the mother. However, such a game in the balance of hormones does not always have positive dynamics.

Norm of hormones by trimester (mU/l):

1st trimester: 0.1-0.4;

2nd trimester: 0.3-2.8;

3rd trimester: 0.4-3.5.

If these components are exceeded in quantity, especially if this is the first trimester, then this is a serious signal. Most likely this indicates a malfunction of the thyroid gland. If the indicator is underestimated, this indicates nervous exhaustion, or the presence of a small tumor.

How to identify the first signs of TSH abnormality:

  • Constant fatigue, lethargy;
  • Unusually pale complexion;
  • A decrease in body temperature below normal;
  • Weight gain at sharp deterioration appetite;
  • Insomnia;
  • Poor concentration;
  • Swelling.

Hormonal levels in men

Hormonal imbalances in the stronger half of humanity may have age reason. Failures can lead to a number of negative aspects:

  • A sharp decrease in working capacity;
  • Constant problems with blood pressure, mostly increased;
  • Cardiovascular and circulatory system glitches;
  • May lead to the development of diabetes;
  • Bones become more fragile.

The most important male hormone that is responsible for sexual function- this is testosterone. Its indicators are influenced by the following hormones - (luteinizing, human chorionic gonadotropin, Estradiol, Prolactin).

To have a positive effect on testosterone levels, experts recommend consuming the following foods:

  • Fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • Greenery;
  • Cereals;
  • Seafood.

Hormonal levels in women

The balance of hormones in the female body plays a very important role; it can affect not only the functioning of a particular organ, but also affect reproductive function.

The procedure for donating blood for women is different and has a number of features. The doctor must determine the specific day of menstruation, during which it is necessary to check the balance of hormones. You need to prepare your body for blood sampling - always on an empty stomach and preferably in the morning; the night before, deny yourself fatty foods, do not smoke at least one hour before blood sampling. It is worth refraining from strong physical activity for about three days.

What symptoms may indicate a hormonal imbalance:

  • Failure of menstruation, or absence of it up to 15 years;
  • Discharge in the form of blood during pregnancy;
  • The appearance of rashes of various types on the body;
  • Quite painful course of premenstrual syndrome, which can manifest itself in excessive irritability or aggressive behavior;
  • Negative consequences of menopause;
  • Memory impairment.

You can adjust the balance using the following drugs:

  • Contraceptives. They are completely different, and their use requires certain rules to be followed. Only the attending physician can prescribe the necessary medications after providing hormone tests;
  • Vitamins. Experts often prescribe vitamins, most often E, magnesium and zinc;
  • Antibiotics or any antiviral drugs are often prescribed. To eliminate the problem of hormone balance, you should change your lifestyle, stop smoking, change your diet, and start an active lifestyle.

Restoring hormonal levels using traditional medicine:

  • Oregano tincture can help with menstrual irregularities in women;
  • Hop tincture (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of water) will help with menstrual irregularities;
  • All kinds of variations of blackberry and linden teas;
  • If there are problems uterine bleeding, and excessive discharge, you can brew tea based on red clover;
  • During menopause, it is recommended to brew sage tincture;
  • Flower pollen or Icelandic moss will help normalize substances in the body of men.

Protein hormones and their functions

Modern man has come across the concept of “hormones” at least once in his life. This word is used quite often even in everyday speech. What are hormones?

Hormones, which is translated from ancient Greek as “I excite, encourage,” are biologically active substances that are produced by specific cells of the body and have a multifaceted effect on metabolic processes and physiological reactions of the body. Hormonal regulation is important for all human organs and systems, therefore knowledge of the normal levels of hormones and their content in pathology allows you to be more competent in your own health.

Hormones are used to maintain homeostasis in the body, as well as to regulate the processes of growth, development of the body, reactions to the environment, and metabolism. According to their structure, they are of four main types: protein nature, steroid, fatty acid derivatives and amino acid derivatives. Each group of hormones has its own characteristics of action on organs and target cells, and also performs various functions. For example, the functions of protein hormones are to regulate metabolic processes. Representatives of this group: insulin, glucagon, growth hormone and others. Peptide hormones can only be classified according to their action relatively, since the functions of hormone proteins are usually multifaceted. Protein hormones are predominantly synthesized as precursors, but after certain chemical influences they become active and can affect target organs or other endocrine glands.

In its structure, a protein hormone is a chain of amino acids connected by peptide bonds.

Where are hormone proteins formed and what function do they perform?

  • pituitary gland (adenohypophysis) – gonadotropin hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, somatotropin, prolactin. These hormones are responsible for the processes of growth and maturation of the body, including the reproductive system, regulate the function of the thyroid gland, and are responsible for the development of the mammary glands and lactation in women.
  • hypothalamus – oxytocin and vasopressin. Produced in the hypothalamus, these hormones enter the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the so-called. neurohypophysis, where they accumulate and are released into the bloodstream as needed. They are important for the regulation of water and electrolyte balance, participate in the formation of biological rhythms, and are necessary for uterine contractions during childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • pancreas – glucagon and insulin. These hormone proteins perform the function of regulating blood glucose levels, are important for regulating energy processes, affect digestion processes, and affect fat metabolism.
  • kidneys - erythropoietin, whose function is to participate in erythropoiesis
  • parathyroid glands - parathyroid hormone, which has a significant effect on calcium metabolism in the body.

Only the most well-known functions of hormone proteins are listed; in fact, each of them has a very wide range of actions.

Amino acid derivatives

Amino acid hormones are derivatives of two amino acids - tyrosine and tryptophan. These are catecholamines, thyroid hormones and melatonin.

Tyrosine derivatives are adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, and thyroid hormones. A hormone derived from the amino acid tryptophan is melatonin.

Catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) are synthesized in the adrenal glands, namely in the medulla. Catecholamines have a group of slow and fast effects. Among them are the regulation of cardiac activity, the influence on muscle cells vessels and bronchi, peristalsis of the stomach, intestines, Bladder, participation in energy and metabolic processes.

Dopamine is produced in the nuclei of the hypothalamus. It affects the secretion of prolactin and growth hormone, ensures the regulation of biorhythms and the body’s adaptation processes.

Thyroid hormones are necessary for the normal functioning of almost all body systems; they are necessary for metabolic processes, tissue formation and growth, cell differentiation, and are involved in stress reactions.

Melatonin functions as a regulator of pigment metabolism, and in high concentrations it can have a sedative effect and an antigonadotropic effect.

Steroid hormones

Steroid hormones are substances with physiological activity. The group of steroid hormone substances includes sex hormones, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. In the human body, they regulate metabolism and are responsible for growth. It is steroid hormones that are responsible for ensuring the reproductive functions of the body.

Steroid hormones are produced in the adrenal cortex. There is no mechanism in the body due to which steroid hormones accumulate, therefore, after destruction, the substances are eliminated from the body. Peptide hormones, substances produced by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, are responsible for the synthesis of steroid hormones.

If a person has questions with the hormonal sphere, then one way or another he will have to deal with the rather difficult abbreviation of the steroid secretion DHEA - sulfate, or as medical workers call it dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. dehydroepiandrosterone

DHEA-S is a male sex hormone that can be found in the blood regardless of gender. The secretion is mainly produced by the adrenal cortex and 5% is synthesized from the ovaries and testicles. In men it is called testosterone, and in women it is called estrogen.

Is an important factor in the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics in boys during puberty

Rules for preparing for the test for DHEA-SO in the blood:

  • do not eat food 7-10 hours before taking blood;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • inform your specialist about taking medications; they can also affect the normal concentration of the hormone.

The specific range of DHEA-C indicators is not clearly indicated in international standards, so everything depends on the laboratory reagents. Determination of the androgen DHEA is often combined with general tests.

Reasons influencing the correct result.

The increase in DHEA-sulfata in the body in humans is influenced by the following factors:

  1. diets;
  2. bad habits;
  3. some medications.

The decrease in secretion is affected by:

  • pregnancy;
  • completeness;
  • mental disorders;
  • depression, stress;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • contraceptives.

The basis for a high level of DHEA-C in the blood may be the following diseases:

  1. Adrenogenital syndrome - a deficiency of substances that synthesize secretions in the adrenal cortex, androgens and DHEA - SO are quickly released;
  2. Brain tumor – produces ACTH, thereby stimulating an increase in androgen in the blood;
  3. A tumor in the adrenal glands produces large amounts of steroid hormones.
  4. Diseases of the ovaries (in women).
  5. During menopause, protects against the development of osteoporosis

Cancer internal organs: lung, bladder, pancreas.

Congenital pathologies: prematurity, placental insufficiency (12 – 15 weeks).

Factors for low blood DHEA levels:

  • alcoholism;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • osteoporosis.

Hormone DHEAS important properties in medicine

The secret of DHEA - C - is used by specialists as hormonal drug Helps cope with a number of pathological disorders:

  1. Mental disorders;
  2. Tone muscle tissue;
  3. Reduces weight without loss of appetite;
  4. Prevention of cancer and benign formations;
  5. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  6. Protecting brain cells from pathological changes;
  7. To strengthen density bone tissue.

Prescribed for disorders of the endocrine system:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. thyroid gland

Weight loss and DHEA – C

If you take the steroid hormone DHEA for weight loss (without consulting a specialist).

This will lead to the following consequences in a woman’s body:

  1. growth of testosterone (male hormone);
  2. growth of adipose tissue at the waist;
  3. severe hair loss, leading to baldness;
  4. to polycystic ovary syndrome;
  5. infertility;
  6. to disruption of the heart and disruptions in the endocrine system.

Mechanism of action of steroid hormones

The peculiarity of the mechanism of action of steroid hormones is as follows: the active substances penetrate the cell membrane and begin to interact with specific cellular receptors, resulting in the formation of a functional hormone-receptor complex, which moves into the nucleus. In the nucleus, the complex disintegrates, and the hormone interacts with DNA, due to which the transcription process is activated. At the same time, the process of ribosomal RNA synthesis is activated to form additional ribosomes, from which polysomes are formed. Based on messenger RNA, protein synthesis is triggered in ribosomes, and polysomes allow the simultaneous synthesis of several protein molecules.

The mechanism of action of steroid hormones is used in strength sports: weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit. It is associated with the activation of biological protein synthesis, which is important for building muscle mass.

Functions of steroid hormones

Taking hormonal drugs DHEA-C can prevent the development and occurrence of osteoporosis and other ailments. Side effect such therapy is rapid weight gain, strengthening skeletal system, the patient will then struggle with extra pounds.

DHEA preparations improve sleep in people with chronic nervous system disorders and strengthen the immune system.

Hormone - significantly increases growth in the embryonic stage of baby development. After which the level of male secretion decreases, and by the age of 12 years (during puberty) it increases.

DHEA-sulfate decreases its activity closer to old age, experts explain this by the rapid loss of muscle mass, immunity declines, and the human reproductive system fades.

Some men and women try to reduce excess weight by purchasing the hormone at the pharmacy without consulting a doctor; this must be done very carefully so as not to harm your health.

DHEA is synthesized from cholesterol, which is unfairly considered harmful to health. A person can get this secret by eating:

  1. eggs;
  2. nuts;
  3. meat,
  4. dairy products.

The hormone DHEA is the main progenitor of all reproductive and steroidal androgens in the body.

He answers:

  • sexual desire;
  • for memory and intelligence;
  • for muscular and physical strength.

Side effects from large doses of hormonal drugs in women may appear:

  1. cancer diseases;
  2. liver problems;
  3. early menopause;
  4. obesity.
DHEA is a very dangerous androgen for women planning pregnancy. Its increase in the blood leads to serious menstrual irregularities and infertility. It is NOT recommended to take the hormone without consulting a specialist doctor.

Normal levels of the hormone DHEA:

Androgen levels in the body depend on the gender and age of the patient. For example, in men aged 25-30 years, androgen levels decrease by one and a half percent per year. In women aged 10 years and older, the norm for this indicator ranges from 0.45-3.75 nmol/l.

It is recommended to take supplements based on the steroid hormone DHEA for older people with chronic fatigue. This hormone will give positive results within a couple of weeks; older people feel a surge of energy, muscle activity and endurance increase.

Doctors also advise using the hormone to restore the immune system, after past diseases or surgical operations, usually after diseases of the thyroid gland.

Improves weakened immunity and stabilizes hormonal levels in the body.

For cardiovascular diseases

Serves for good prevention of heart attack and stroke, since the hormone thins the blood well, preventing blood clots from forming.

For oncological diseases.

The positive effects of the hormone DHEA have been proven.

Functions of hormones

The role of hormones in regulating body functions is difficult to overestimate. Participating in almost all processes of a living organism, they actively interact with each other, and also have a stimulating or inhibitory effect on each other. Already at the stage of formation of the intrauterine fetus, these biologically active substances begin to be produced and exert their effect in its body.

How hormones function: The structure and functions of hormones are closely interrelated. Structural features allow, for example, steroid hormones to act inside the cell, and protein hormones to act through receptors on the cell surface.

Endocrine system: hormones, functions of endocrine glands. The regulation of hormone secretion is clearly structured and occurs through a “feedback” mechanism. The first, dominant step in this hierarchy is occupied by a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. This structure releases certain regulatory hormones in response to signals from the nervous system. These hypothalamic hormones are called releasing hormones. These hormones function as regulators of the activity of the pituitary gland. They have a protein structure. These substances enter the pituitary gland: some into the adenohypophysis - liberins and statins, and some into the neurohypophysis - vasopressin and oxytocin. The pituitary gland is a part of the brain that is located below the hypothalamus. Vasopressin and oxytocin accumulate in the neurohypophysis and are released into the blood as needed. Liberins and statins of the hypothalamus, in turn, stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. Liberins have a stimulating effect, and statins have an inhibitory effect. The pituitary gland, in response to the influence of releasing hormones, secretes specific hormones, which affect the function of a specific gland. Such hormones are called tropic hormones. For example, thyroid-stimulating hormone, known as TSH, regulates the activity of the thyroid gland; gonadotropic - activity of the gonads, and so on. In turn, the glands produce their hormones, which affect cells and target organs. Depending on the level of these hormones, signals are sent to the hypothalamus, and the secretion of releasing hormones is influenced. That is why this mechanism is called feedback regulation.

Table 1: Gland hormones and their functions.

Body functions regulated by hormones:
  • Cell growth, division, differentiation
  • Mental and emotional state, mood, cognitive functions
  • Metabolism
  • Implementation of reproductive function
  • The body's response to environmental influences, stress response, protective and adaptation mechanisms
  • Regulation vital functions
  • The work of the immune system

The following table provides examples of exactly how and with the help of which hormones the implementation of certain body functions occurs.

Human hormones and their functions - table 2.

Depending on the main direction of action of hormones, all hormones can be divided into several large groups presented in the table, as well as the glands that produce them.

Endocrine glands: hormones and their functions - table 3.

The pituitary gland, as one of the main regulatory glands, is of particular importance. It is in this gland, whose weight in an adult barely reaches 0.5 grams, that hormones are produced that determine the activity of all endocrine glands.

The importance of the pituitary gland: hormones, functions - table 4.

Thus, the main functions of hormones in the body are extremely numerous and very diverse. The condition and health of each person depends on how well-coordinated the work of the neuroendocrine system is. The work of this system is extremely negatively affected by bad habits and poor lifestyle. Considering the close relationship between all levels of regulation, disruption of at least one of the structures leads to dysfunction of all body systems. For example, non-compliance with the daily routine, lack of good sleep and chronic stress causes increased prolactin levels. In turn, through a series of interactions, the normal regulation of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone is disrupted, which entails ovarian dysfunction and menstrual irregularities, leading to infertility and other reproductive problems. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the state of your health, and if disturbances or discomfort occur, undergo a thorough examination in order to prevent a cascade of pathological changes following a disturbance in the activity of any system of the body.

Regulatory function

The regulatory functions of hormones are key functions because they provide normal processes vital functions of the body, its adaptive capabilities, maintaining normal homeostasis of internal environments, maintaining vital functions under stress, the ability to realize one’s reproductive function, ensure the processes of fertilization, pregnancy, lactation. Hormones affect a person’s psycho-emotional state, feelings and attachments. The regulatory function of hormones also determines the characteristics of the processes of growth, maturation of the body and all its organs and systems, physical and mental development. Hormones can penetrate the placental barrier, also influencing the intrauterine development of the fetus, determining its further development.

Hormones involved in regulating the function of certain endocrine glands are called tropic and are highly specific. Their fluctuations determine how the endocrine glands will function and how much hormones they will produce. The synthesis of some hormones also depends on the content of ions minerals in the blood, biochemical blood markers.

Affecting puberty

All hormones of reproductive function are conventionally divided into female and male. However, both types of hormones are present in the body of both men and women, just at different levels and ratios. In the male body, the amount of androgens is more pronounced, and in the female body - estrogen hormones and progestins. The functions of gonadal hormones are not limited to influencing only the reproductive system; they are in close relationship with other hormonally active substances and affect many body systems. That is why, if the balance between the levels of female and male sex hormones is disturbed, then serious violations functions of the reproductive system that lead to hormonal disorders from other glands.

Sex hormones are synthesized by the gonads and the adrenal glands. It is important to know how the gonads work and their structure; hormones, the functions they perform.

The main sex hormones and the functions they perform:

  • Androstenedione is a hormone that is a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. It is produced in the testicles and adrenal glands. The main function is participation in sexual differentiation.
  • Anti-Mullerian hormone is a protein that is involved in the formation of the reproductive system, the processes of spermatogenesis and ovulation, and also reflects the reproductive ability of a woman, since its level in the blood indicates a woman’s ovarian reserve.
  • Progesterone, the so-called “pregnancy hormone,” is produced in the ovaries, namely by the corpus luteum, formed at the site of the proovulating follicle.
  • Relaxin is a hormone strictly specific to the female body, produced in the ovaries, placenta and is responsible for preparing the female body for childbirth, affecting uterine tone, cervical dilatation and some other aspects
  • Testosterone is the main androgen, produced in the testicles, responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the process of spermatogenesis and other functions.
  • Estradiol is one of the estrogen hormones, produced in the gonads and adrenal glands, influencing the development of the reproductive system and maintaining the general physiological state of the body.
  • Estriol is an estrogen that is produced to a greater extent during pregnancy and is one of the markers for assessing fetal development.

Sex hormones begin to be produced in utero by the fetus, but their highest levels are observed with the onset of puberty and throughout reproductive age.

Androgens are needed for the development of a male-type physique and the normal development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The functions of male sex hormones are extremely multifaceted. They are necessary for the growth of muscle mass, provide a deeper voice in men, and are important for the formation of libido.

Hormones of the estrogen and progestogen series, in turn, determine the female body type, the development of the mammary glands and the possibility of lactation, the development of the female reproductive system, the menstrual cycle and the possibility of pregnancy and childbirth. It is difficult to say which hormones affect a woman’s reproductive function to the greatest extent; it is important that they are all normal and the balance between them is maintained. Only in this case is it possible to realize the reproductive function without disturbances or obstacles.

If the gonads do not develop normally, the main hormones and their functions acquire pathological features, their quantity and the sensitivity of tissues to them are disrupted. When the balance between androgens and estrogens is disturbed, the body's functions are disrupted with the acquisition of some features inherent in the opposite sex. For example, with an increase in the level of male sex hormones in a woman’s body, the phenomenon of virilization, or masculinization, is observed - the proportions of the body change, acquiring masculine features, muscle tissue prevails over fat, underdevelopment of the mammary glands is observed, excessive male-type hair growth is characteristic, hypertrophy of the clitoris is possible, and a change in voice timbre is also characteristic. In men, with an excess amount of female hormones, the phenomenon of feminization is observed - the development of female-type obesity, the acquisition of a higher timbre of the voice, underdevelopment of the genital organs, growth of the mammary glands - gynecomastia.

The term "sex hormones" can be used in a narrow and broad sense. In a narrow concept, these include androgens, estrogens and progestins. In a broad sense, this definition includes not only sex steroids, but also all hormones that can affect the reproductive system - GnRH, gonadotropins, prolactin, ovarian inhibin and some others. It should be understood that although some hormones can have an effect on reproductive function, this effect is not primary for this substance, and they cannot be classified as sex hormones even in the broad concept of this term. This applies, for example, to glucocorticoids, insulin and many other hormones.

In order for hormones to pass into an active form and enter the bloodstream to carry out their functions, the presence of a specific substance - SHBG, or sex hormone binding globulin - is necessary. It is a glycoprotein, or carrier protein. There are also other names in the literature - sex-binding globulin, sex steroid-binding globulin and some others. It is produced in the cells of the liver parenchyma and its level depends on many factors, the main of which are age, as well as the level of androgens and estrogens in the blood.

For the normal development of the body, it is necessary that the sex glands function fully; hormones, the functions of which are largely related to the influence on the reproductive system, were synthesized in quantities characteristic of the sex and age of the organism.

IN Lately Materials have appeared on the positive effects of food additives containing DHEA on the human body. Many people have questions about what it is, what DHEA is responsible for, whether it is possible to benefit from using these drugs, and how sulfate manifests itself in women. DHEA sulfate refers to male sex hormones that are produced in the adrenal cortex in both men and women. The adrenal glands contain the highest concentration of this hormone. In women, the hormone DHEA sulfate is produced in small quantities in the ovaries.

The abbreviation of this is referred to in medical practice as DHEA, DEA-SO4, DHEA-s, DHEA and DHEA sulfate.

DHEA is responsible for the development of sexual desire in both sexes.

Normal levels of steroid hormone depend on gender and age. The highest rates normal concentration DHEA-s are characteristic of the embryonic stage of development human body. In newborns and children, the concentration of hormones decreases, and by puberty, increased levels of DHEA are already observed.

At reproductive age, the norm for women is from 2700 to 11000 nmol/l, and for men minimum indicator- not lower than 5500 nmol/l. During pregnancy, DHEA levels decrease with each subsequent trimester. In the first trimester, the hormone norm is from 3.12 µmol/l to 12.48 µmol/l, and in the third trimester its concentration ranges from 0.86 µmol/l to 3.6 µmol/l.

Blood test and hormone level determination

In cases of health problems affecting a woman’s genital area, the doctor prescribes a blood test to determine the level of DHEA concentration. This is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and find out the cause of the disease in order to begin its timely treatment. In this case, venous blood is used for research.

In order not to mislead the attending physician and get the most reliable results Before going for a DHEA test, you must follow certain instructions:

  • Do not eat fatty foods.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid drinks containing caffeine.

  • On the eve of the test, do not engage in sports or intense physical labor.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking any medication. It is especially important if the medicine contains a hormonal component.
  • You must go to the laboratory on an empty stomach; it is advisable not to eat for 8 to 10 hours before the procedure. You can drink a small amount of water before taking the test.
  • Take tests in a calm state, as emotional tension and stress can significantly affect the results.
  • Women need to go for research at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle.

The effect of hormonal drugs on bone health and brain activity

It has been established that with age, bone mineral density decreases and the concentration of DHEA decreases c. Therefore, experts suggest that bone tissue loses its properties due to the fact that the level of this hormone is reduced in old age. Therefore, according to experts, the use of DHEA improves bone tissue and can prevent osteoporosis in men. However, numerous studies have not found significant evidence for the treatment of osteoporosis in women using such drugs.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a hormone that causes a surge of energy and a feeling of satisfaction, improves memory and thinking processes. DHEA hormone helps improve sleep quality, has an antidepressant effect, and is involved in the production of brain chemicals that help maintain a healthy weight. All the positive effects of DHEA on the body appear only if the level of the hormone is normal.

If the level of this hormone is elevated in women, it causes an increase in appetite and the deposition of fat in the waist area. In addition, excessive irritability and aggressive behavior appears. Excessive amounts of male hormone can worsen sleep disorders. In this case, sleep will be interrupted and restless with unpleasant dreams.

Features of the influence of dietary supplements on the body

Despite the rejuvenating effect that occurs in the female body from the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, it cannot be said that preparations containing DHEA as dietary supplements are in any case suitable for menopausal women.

Everything should be taken into account Negative consequences the use of advertised cosmetics containing c-hormone, namely:

  • Significant weight gain.
  • Negative effect on the liver, its enlargement.
  • The risk of some oncological diseases.

During pregnancy, the concentration of DHEA decreases. If test results show that DHEA-c is elevated, we may be talking about hyperandrogony and the need to promptly begin to treat this disease under the supervision of specialists. Otherwise, the deficiency that occurs with an increased content of DHEA can provoke spontaneous abortion. If a woman’s sulfate levels are elevated and she still carries a child, she is at risk of premature rupture of amniotic fluid and weak labor.

Features of the synthesis, transformation and excretion of male hormones

Knowledge of the basic laws of the processes of synthesis and metabolism of sex hormones is necessary for a specialist who selects the optimal hormone therapy to eliminate the negative consequences of hormonal deficiency in the patient.

DHEA is formed from cholesterol under the influence of certain enzymes and can be converted into, which under certain conditions can be converted into hormones or into. It is DHT that can be considered the main enemy female beauty and health, which negatively affects mainly reproductive system, liver, skin, hair follicles and hair condition.

Almost the entire amount of DHEA is broken down into simpler substances through the process of catabolism, and only 10% of the hormone is excreted in the urine. DHEA sulfate is more stable and its concentration in the blood is higher than that of other sex hormones. Therefore, it is an excellent marker for identifying the characteristics of androgen secretion.

The use of drugs containing biologically active substances

Dietary supplements containing DHEA are called the fountain of youth by manufacturers, as it successfully treats some age-related diseases. It is recommended to use the drug with caution and only in exceptional cases, requiring an increase in hormone levels. DHEA supplements are taken in the morning. This drug is contraindicated for healthy people under 50 years of age.

Caution must be exercised when taking the drug DHEA for women, since the female body is especially sensitive to the slightest change in the level of male hormones. Therefore, the doctor prescribes relatively low doses of the drug to women - 1-5 mg orally once a day. If during menopause a woman experiences vaginal discomfort, you can use 10% DHEA cream, which is rubbed once a day on certain areas of the thighs in the amount prescribed by the doctor.

Nutritional supplements as a remedy

Numerous studies have proven the positive healing properties of the DHEA food supplement:

  • Helps reduce weight.
  • Increases libido.
  • Improves brain functions.
  • Prevents and stops the development of osteoporosis.
  • Relieves depression in older people.
  • Prevents the risk of heart disease.
  • Relieves the symptoms of lupus erythematosus.
  • Improves well-being in diabetes.
  • Increases overall immunity and also improves immune function in HIV-infected patients.
  • Reduces vaginal pain during menopause.

If you use the drug in doses prescribed by your doctor, you don’t have to worry about side effects. They occur rarely in the form of fatigue, nasal congestion and headaches.

Exceeding the dose of the drug causes the following manifestations:

  • The appearance of acne.
  • Increased growth of unwanted hair.
  • Deepening of the voice and sudden mood swings.
  • Increased risk of cancer.

The drug should be used with extreme caution by pregnant, breastfeeding and persons suffering from diseases associated with adrenal dysfunction and thyroid diseases.

In all of the above cases, as well as in cases of treatment of diseases by others medicines It is necessary to seek qualified advice from your attending physician.

The role of biologically active substances and disease prevention

To exclude negative changes in the body that are caused by high or low DHEA levels, it is important not to lose sight of the following symptoms:

  • Changes in the length of the menstrual cycle.
  • Lack of ovulation.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Hair loss and brittle nails.

If all of the above manifestations are observed in young women, you should consult a doctor.

If the human body has low levels of DHEA, its response to environmental influences is weakened, and general state health. The use of food supplements containing DHEA will help synthesize and maintain normal concentrations of the level of hormones necessary for a full life, avoid premature aging, prevent the occurrence of common diseases of our time, providing a general strengthening and preventive effect:

  • The drug neutralizes the negative effects of stressful and depressive states body.
  • Prevents by having an effect that reduces the amount of fatty tissue in the muscles.
  • Prevents the occurrence of cancer and various types of benign tumors.
  • Normal DHEA concentrations can reduce the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
  • A stable DHEA content helps protect brain cells from destruction, preventing Alzheimer's disease.
  • The use of the drug helps increase bone density, preventing osteoporosis in men.
  • The use of a dietary supplement can alleviate the course of diabetes, preventing the occurrence and development of a heart attack, to which diabetic patients are especially susceptible.

The use of DHEA preparations can improve immunity in HIV-infected people. In some cases, taking these drugs can help prevent AIDS.

Dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is an androgenic hormone classified as a ketosteroid, which is synthesized in the adrenal glands. By the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in the body, one can judge the state of the adrenal glands and how actively they produce androgenic hormones. As a result of metabolic reactions, male sex hormones - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone - are formed from dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate. being more active forms of androgenic hormones. Normally, the production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-sulfate, DHEA-S) is a fairly stable process; the adrenal glands produce a certain amount of it every day, which is then excreted from the body by the kidneys along with urine, without allowing sharp fluctuations.

In pregnant women, dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is synthesized not only in the adrenal cortex of the woman herself, but also in the adrenal cortex of the fetus; subsequently, the placenta produces estrogen from it. With excess production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate, women experience masculinization and disappearance of menstruation - amenorrhea.

Normal level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood. Explanation of the result (table)

Increased production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is used as a marker in the diagnosis of certain diseases of the adrenal glands, such as tumors of the adrenal glands, both benign and malignant, or hyperplasia.

The dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate concentration test is used to diagnose diseases of the adrenal glands and differentiate them from diseases associated with the gonads - the testicles in men and the ovaries in women, which sometimes give similar symptoms. Especially for differentiating tumor diseases of the adrenal glands and polycystic ovary syndrome, in which an increased level of testosterone is observed in the blood of women. A blood test for the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is recommended to identify the cause of the absence of the menstrual cycle, excessive growth of terminal hair and infertility in women, as well as in the case of examining adolescents, with high masculinization in girls and too early puberty in boys. Masculinization in women and girls may include such signs as excessive body hair, an excessively low voice, an enlarged Adam's apple, an excessively enlarged clitoris with absolute normal sizes internal genital organs. The level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood depends not only on the age, but also on the gender of the patient:

A test for the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is carried out simultaneously with identifying the level of other hormones, especially if there is a suspicion that the patient has problems with the synthesis of androgens.

Blood is drawn from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach.

If dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is elevated, what does this mean?

Exceeding the normal level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is observed in following cases:

  • tumor diseases of the adrenal cortex,
  • adrenal hyperplasia,
  • Cushing's disease,
  • tumor diseases producing adrenocorticotropic hormone,
  • hirsutism in women.

It should be understood that if the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood increases on its own, it is not yet a sign of a specific disease. However, this phenomenon certainly indicates a hormonal imbalance, and, therefore, further examination is necessary to identify its causes. Taking certain dietary supplements containing dehydroepiandrosterone and sulfate supplements can also lead to an increase in the concentration of this hormone.

If dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is low, what does this mean?

Insufficient production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in the patient's body is usually observed with insufficient adrenal function. As a rule, it is not of diagnostic interest, although delays in puberty may occur in adolescents. Taking certain medications, in particular hormonal oral contraceptives and glucocorticoids, can also lead to a decrease in the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate.

DEAS hormone – what is it? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone. The main part of it is synthesized in the adrenal glands, and the remaining amount is formed in the ovaries. Male sex hormones play an important role in the female body.

By changing the concentration of DEAS in the blood, adrenal gland diseases can be determined. In men, disorders of DEAS synthesis do not appear immediately. In boys and girls adolescence early sexual development is observed (excessive hair growth, menstrual irregularities). An insufficient amount of these compounds in women reduces libido and contributes to the development of infertility.

Historical reference

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DESA) was first discovered at the end of the 20th century. In 1937, it was discovered in human urine. Scientists have found that this hormone has a sulfate form. Later it was also obtained from urine. It was only since 1954 that the presence of these substances in human blood in high concentrations was discovered.

Then the purified DHEA preparation was isolated. Scientist Beaulieu studied the synthesis of hormones in the adrenal glands. Since 1990, the effect of the hormone on the gonads has been discovered. After this, research was suspended. Animal studies were also conducted, during which DHEA was found in monkeys and rats. Scientists have not been able to fully study its effect on the body, so you should not get too carried away with taking medications.

Metabolism of the hormone DHEA and DHAS

Dehydroepiandrosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and gonads (up to 10%). Cholesterol present in the body is metabolized into dehydroepiandrosterone. DEA has a sulfate form.

With the help of the enzyme phosphatase, found in the liver, brain and muscles, DHEA is converted into. DHAS circulates in free form and is transformed into testosterone, the male sex hormone, and estrogen, the female sex hormone.

The importance of the hormone DEA

The hormone performs the following functions:

  • DHEA accelerates the destruction of fat cells;
  • increases ATP formation;
  • improves mood and libido;
  • determines normal hormonal levels;
  • increases the body's resistance;
  • prevents mutations in cells;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • is a precursor to hormonal compounds of the placenta during pregnancy.

The DEAS hormone has a rejuvenating effect on the body, protects nerve cells from destruction, improves the conductivity of nerve fibers, which helps improve memory.

What consequences occur when DHEA levels change?

An increase in DHEA can cause a woman to:

  • infertility;
  • miscarriages;
  • chronic miscarriage;
  • development of increased hair growth on the chest and face ();
  • acne development;
  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • tumor process of the adrenal glands.

A reduced level provokes the occurrence, and the patient experiences delayed sexual development. The following deviations also appear:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • underdevelopment of the adrenal glands in the fetus;
  • phenomena of osteoporosis.

DHEA levels may be greatly reduced in very thin women, constantly watching their figure. The amount of fatty tissue in such women is reduced. The hormone DHEA is formed from cholesterol molecules. If cholesterol levels are very low, this can lead to a deficiency of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone.

DHEA may also decrease in older women. After menopause, the level of male sex hormones physiologically decreases, causing hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and urinary incontinence.

Preparing for the test for the hormone DHAS

Tests for DHAS and DEA can be taken in any laboratory and paid clinic. Blood is taken from a vein. It can be stored for a week after blood collection. Tests are not carried out on an empty stomach. Last appointment food should be 12 hours before the procedure.

Before the examination, you should exclude physical activity and alcohol. It is necessary to stop taking hormonal medications and not eat fatty foods for three days before the test, so as not to distort the result. Smoking is prohibited 4 hours before the procedure. You should refrain from X-ray and ultrasound examinations. You should not take tests after a nervous overstrain. For women, examination is prescribed on days 5–7 of the cycle.

What are the indications for prescribing a DHEA test?

These include:

  • premature puberty;
  • adrenal neoplasms;
  • presence of adrenogenital syndrome;
  • chronic miscarriages;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • early menopause, vaginal dryness, incontinence, severe hot flashes, headaches;
  • baldness and excessive hair growth;
  • lack of menstruation and ovulation.

Normal values ​​of steroid hormones

Levels of steroid hormones vary depending on age group and gender. The fruit has the most high values hormones. After birth, their level decreases. During puberty, there is an increase in steroid hormones in the blood.

The norm for women is 2.7–11 thousand nmol/l. In men – less than 5500 nmol/l.

Normal values ​​during pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester – from 3.12 µmol/l to 12.48 µmol/l;
  • 2nd trimester – from 1.7 to 7.0 nmol/l;
  • 3rd trimester – from 0.86 µmol/l to 3.6 µmol/l.

DEAS hormone preparation – what is it? The drug containing dehydroepiandrosterone has the trade name DHEA. It is considered food additive. Several forms of the drug are available: tablets, capsules and cream.

The supplement should only be taken if your own DHEA levels are low. With normal hormone levels, its use can be harmful to health and cause side effects.

Before using the drug, you must consult a doctor and get tested for steroid hormone levels!

Indications for the use of drugs containing DHEA

Very often people take the drug uncontrollably, most of them have no reason to use this drug. There is a certain group of patients for whom medication is indicated for health reasons.

The effect of DHEA on the human body has not yet been fully studied. But women taking the drug noted good health, improved memory, increased libido, decreased frequency of miscarriages, and normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Indications and contraindications for the use of DHEA biological additive:

Doctors advise purchasing Israeli or American DHEA, since domestic analogues are of lower quality. They also use the hormonal drug Fertinatal. It is very difficult to purchase a biological supplement. It is sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Studies have been conducted on the use of the hormone DHEA. Professor at the Israeli Maine Clinic, Adrian Shulman, studied the effect of the drug in the treatment of female infertility. The results of his work were described in the scientific journal AYALA.

Shulman took a control group of women who received standard therapy and a study group who took the hormonal drug DHEA along with their standard treatment. The rate of women becoming pregnant in the control group was 4%. In the study group, this figure reached 23%. Shulman recommends taking DHEA for 4–5 months.

The hormone DHEA is very important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system in women. With its deficiency, infertility develops. Dehydroepiandrosterone preparations are widely used in preparation for the in vitro fertilization procedure.

This medicine is very popular in the Israeli IVF technique. It is also used for severe course menopause as replacement therapy and normalization of the menstrual cycle. DHEA is relevant in the treatment of osteoporosis. Many patients taking this hormonal drug speak positively about it. The drug is not hazardous to health if you strictly follow the instructions for use.
