Test for neurological diseases. Neurosis. What is it and how to identify it? Depression Recognition Scale

    You should take the test again to confirm the result.


  • You need to think about how to change your lifestyle , because your well-being, vitality, immunity and health, as your main vital capital, will depend on this. Anything requires effort, and even more so in gaining your health. Think and try to make these efforts every day, using our recommendations, implement what was not there before, reconsider your attitude towards many important things, try to be smiling, have good thoughts, love everything and everyone - and then your life will be healthier and happier .

    Let's try to figure it out! If you scored more than 15% but less 45% (this is the most low rate ) - most likely you suffer from neurosis!

    You may suffer from nightmares, sometimes wake up at night, often get irritated for no reason, are whiny and superstitious. Those around you often irritate you with their behavior and it is often difficult for you to contain your emotions. You often engage in self-analysis and have low self-esteem. Before going to bed, you try to cope with the “swarm” of thoughts. Happens to you panic attacks and there is a loss of strength.

    It is extremely difficult to accurately determine the cause of your neurosis based on test results! A specialist in this field will be able to help more qualifiedly. As you understand 15% — 45% from 100% this is extremely little! Start with the main thing, compare your lifestyle with general recommendations and draw conclusions about what you need to change! Neurosis can be cured with a healthy lifestyle without medications! To do this, strictly follow the recommendations and study the article “Neurosis, symptoms, causes and treatment” on our website.

    Do not worry! All this can be fixed, the main thing is your desire! Look at the list of recommendations that will help you correct this situation!

    1. First of all, you need to establish a daily routine;
    2. Drink at least 1 liter pure drinking water in a day;
    3. Start doing gymnastic exercises;
    4. Before going to bed, read good literature for at least half an hour;
    5. Eliminate horror films;
    6. Avoid stressful situations;
    7. Walk on fresh air at least an hour a day;
    8. Watch TV in moderation, give preference to books;
    9. If you are fond of computer games, reduce the time you play (take breaks);
    10. Before going to bed, try not to make plans for tomorrow and do not conduct introspection;
    11. It is advisable to visit a specialist; you may be prescribed a course of sedatives;

    We invite you to reconsider your lifestyle, draw conclusions and take a test after 3 months. Compare before and after results! I wish you success!

    Toffee Club website!

  • You have a fairly high probability of developing neurosis! .

    Let's try to understand the test results in detail. You have scored more 45% from 100% This is an average result!

    Sometimes you sleep restlessly and wake up periodically at night. People around you tell you that you are irritated for no reason, whiny and superstitious. People around you occasionally irritate you with their behavior and it is often difficult for you to contain your emotions. You often engage in self-analysis and have low or high self-esteem. Before going to bed, you try to cope with the “swarm” of thoughts and for this reason you cannot fall asleep for a long time. Sometimes you feel unreasonably tired and lack of sleep. You have panic attacks that you try to cope with on your own. You can easily flare up and raise your voice. Self-control is not your strong point. What to do with such a verdict? Correct!

    Neurosis is very closely related to lifestyle! General strengthening of the body will help cope with nervous overload. Fresh air, self-improvement, yoga and healthy eating will give tangible results within a month! The main thing in this matter is consistency of action. Plan your day using the list below. Add new items to your life that you have previously ignored.

    Let's try to check how your lifestyle matches the norms. Answer yourself honestly how many points you are completing and build from there. Remember a healthy lifestyle and healing herbs can help solve your problems if the situation has not yet started!

    1. Try to avoid stressful, conflict situations;
    2. Drink a decoction of valerian or motherwort before bed;
    3. Before going to bed, try not to make plans for tomorrow and don’t start analyzing the events of the past day!
    • The most important thing is to learn self-control!
    • You must learn to perceive the situation not so emotionally!

    You need to make an effort and change your habits! Think about how to increase your vital energy to feel stronger and happier. Don’t put off innovations until tomorrow, make an effort on yourself every day, smile more often and love the whole world - and you will see how great this will affect your health and quality of life.

    Rules healthy sleep(melatonin)

    Toffee Club website!

  • The likelihood of developing neurosis is extremely low. , but there is always a risk! I am glad that you know how to lead a fairly healthy lifestyle! Let's take a closer look at the test results.

    This result is certainly pleasing to the eye and speaks of your desire and ability to lead a healthy lifestyle! You have scored more 75% but less 100% This is an almost perfect result! Taking into account our rhythm of life, ecology, nutrition and workload at work and at home. Just FABULOUS! But, as everyone knows, there is no limit to perfection. Let's try to decipher your result in more detail.

    Based on the test results, it becomes clear that you still know how to worry. Perhaps it's stress at work or at home! Sometimes you sleep restlessly and suffer from occasional headaches. Sometimes you feel a slight loss of strength. You do not suffer from panic attacks and are not subject to outbursts of anger! For you, a calm, measured life is the norm. But even you have mild experiences or negativity. Our list of rules will help you cope with this! Look carefully at the recommendations below and answer yourself honestly whether you are following all the points or whether you are missing some points.

    You can see the list of standard recommendations:

    1. Walk more (to work and back);
    2. Follow your daily routine (healthy sleep is the key to health!);
    3. Try to eat healthy;
    4. Do wet cleaning in the apartment once a week;
    5. Start doing morning exercises;
    6. Eliminate or minimize horror films;
    7. Ventilate the room frequently;
    8. Try to be in nature more often (trees will help you regain your health);
    9. Read a book before bed for at least 30 minutes;
    10. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables (without heat treatment- this should be your daily rule);
    11. Take a course of vitamins every 6 months;

    Relying on this list You can see what you missed and how you can improve your health! We suggest you take the test again after 3 months and compare the results before and after testing! We are confident that this test will bear fruit! Good luck and success to you!

    You may be interested in these articles:

    Rules for healthy sleep (melatonin)

    Toffee Club website!

  • Congratulations, you have an extremely low chance of developing neurosis! You have scored a huge amount of points - more 85% , It feels like you care about your health and strive for a healthy lifestyle. But you can still improve your well-being and increase your vital energy, which is so necessary for many things. Don't wait for tomorrow, think and start acting today. Introduce something new and useful into your life and this contribution to health will not go unnoticed, and positive thoughts and love will make your life more joyful and happier.

    You are excellent at controlling your emotions. You rarely worry about trifles. Only extremely difficult events can make you experience discomfort. You have a calm disposition and easy character. People often listen to your opinion. Yours strong point self-control. You are great at controlling the situation! You live according to a schedule, try to eat healthy, prefer to read books or play sports rather than play computer games. Love to walk in the fresh air. Always make balanced, thoughtful decisions. Stick to the rules of your life. It is unlikely that a list of standards that are used to eliminate nervous state, but you can still check it out.

    To improve the quality of life and your health, let us recall the standard recommendations, Perhaps some You will need it!

    1. Walk more (to work and back);
    2. Follow your daily routine (healthy sleep is the key to health!);
    3. Try to eat healthy;
    4. Do wet cleaning in the apartment once a week;
    5. Start doing morning exercises;
    6. Eliminate or minimize horror films;
    7. Ventilate the room frequently;
    8. Try to be in nature more often (trees will help you regain your health);
    9. Read a book before bed for at least 30 minutes;
    10. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables (without heat treatment - this should be your daily rule);
    11. Take a course of vitamins every 6 months;
    12. Try to avoid stressful and conflict situations.

    Based on this list, you can see what you missed and how you can improve your health! We suggest you take the test again after 3 months and compare the results before and after testing! We are confident that this test will bear fruit! Good luck and success to you!

    You may be interested in these articles:

    Rules for healthy sleep (melatonin)

    Toffee Club website!

  • Congratulations! Your results are amazing! If you continue to lead such a lifestyle, neurosis will not threaten you! You dialed greatest number points in this test! Your result is more 95% ! It's difficult to give any recommendations to this knowledgeable person or somehow decipher the test. You are a healthy lifestyle champion! yours life position All that remains is to envy! It feels like you take care of your health day and night. Your desire and efforts should be set as an example for children and adults! All we can offer you is to read articles on the topic healthy image life to captivate your horizons.

    You may be interested in these articles:

    Rules for healthy sleep (melatonin)

    Toffee Club website!


Today, in modern world, in conditions constant stress, neuropsychic and psychosomatic stress, neurosis- its various types and symptoms, occupies a leading position in the “rating” of mental and psychological problems person.
Your attention, dear visitors of the site, is invited to go through neurosis test online and free.

Diagnosis of neuroses in modern psychotherapy and psychoanalysis - the task is not difficult, almost any experienced psychotherapist or psychoanalyst will, without difficulty and unnecessary psychodiagnostics, determine your neurosis based on symptoms during an initial psychoanalytic conversation, including a practical psychologist online on Skype.

Neurosisreversible, albeit a protracted personality and mental disorder. Therefore, in order not to prolong the problem and not turn something reversible neurotic disorder into psychosis, which is pathological and often irreversible, as well as for its prevention, it is offered to you neurosis test online, free diagnostics neuroses.

Diagnosis of neuroses online, take a neurosis test for free, based on symptoms

This test for neurosis is based on the intensity and strength of emotional-psychological, physical and autonomic symptoms. Answer questions online test to neurosis sincerely, do not deceive yourself...

Nervous exhaustion means a specific mental and emotional condition which occurs as a result of stress and excessive loads. Typically, this condition can be both a sign of depression and its precursor. In essence, this is a weakening of the body, aggravated by intoxication, lack of rest, poor nutrition or some diseases.

The main symptom of the condition is endless fatigue. An exhausted person always wants to sleep, and every little thing throws him off balance and provokes him. breakdown. And if you don’t give yourself proper rest, exhaustion can lead to the most serious consequences, even to the point of ruined life.

Nervous exhaustion - manifestations

The described phenomenon can develop as a result of strong and prolonged stress, both psychological and mental nature. A person is simply unable to withstand them, which is why symptoms such as chronic fatigue, loss of performance, mental disorders, somatic and autonomic disorders.

All symptoms are divided into two types:

  • mental;
  • external.

Let's look at them in more detail.

These include overwork, in which various functional disorders. First of all, it negatively affects the nervous system.

External manifestations

They are more diverse, although in most cases they do not go beyond the characteristic categories.

Table. Main categories

NameShort description
First categoryThis includes weakness, drowsiness, irritability, although all this can be successfully suppressed with great willpower. But even in such cases, the main problem does not go away, even if the person looks balanced and calm, so emotional outbursts will manifest themselves even more strongly.
Second categoryIncludes following symptoms: indifference, lethargy, permanent guilt, depression (we will talk about the latter separately, but a little later). Thought processes and human movements are inhibited. This type of exhaustion often attracts attention with a pronounced indifference to everything.
Third categoryLess commonly, this condition manifests itself as strong excitement. A person feels euphoria, he is unbridled and talkative, his activity is active, but often meaningless. He feels quite normal, looks the same, but cannot objectively assess his capabilities and reality as a whole. That is why, when performing certain actions, a person makes mistakes that he would never have allowed himself to do before.

Note! In general, all signs are exclusively collective in nature, which consists of a combination of manifestations.

But, again, the main symptoms are problems with sleep and general fatigue.

  1. Sleep disturbance can hardly be considered a disease, since insomnia affects everyone. For many, sleep is disturbed due to nervous overstrain during the day and, characteristically, these emotions can be not only negative, but also positive. The main indicator is the intensity of the experience. We also note that insomnia can also manifest itself in daytime, i.e. during wakefulness, a person can fall asleep right at work. To normalize sleep, you need to learn to calm down and rest.

  2. Fatigue is a kind of defensive reaction to excessive consumption of the body's power reserves. Symptoms of fatigue include decreased performance, drowsiness, and a feeling of lethargy. Typically, excessive sleepiness may indicate serious illnesses. In order not to overwork your body, you need to carefully plan your rest and work schedule, choose optimal time for sleep.

Video – Nervous exhaustion

Symptoms of depression

Depression is a long-term disturbance of emotional balance that significantly impairs a person’s quality of life. It can develop as a reaction to bad events (such as someone’s death, job loss, etc.), but quite often it occurs without obvious reasons.

There are two important points to be aware of.

  1. Realizing your problem and talking about it means taking the first step towards recovery.
  2. Treating depression is a relatively simple procedure.

As for the typical signs of this condition, they include:

  • thoughts of suicide;
  • sadness, melancholy and anxiety;
  • excessive concern about one's health;
  • problems sleeping (a person may wake up very early);
  • migraines, back or heart pain;
  • loss of interest in food, work and sex;
  • weight loss/gain;
  • feelings of failure, hopelessness and guilt;
  • problems with concentration;
  • permanent fatigue.

It is quite difficult to recognize depression in representatives of the stronger sex. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, many people mistakenly believe that sharing their problems with someone is a sign of weakness, and secondly, men tend to hide depressive state for alcohol abuse and aggressiveness. In addition, a person can actively play sports, throw himself into work, or get carried away by gambling. And all this - obvious signs male depression.

So, the described state can be recognized by:

  • burnout syndrome;
  • instability to stress;
  • thoughts of death, suicide;

  • uncertainty in making a decision;
  • impulsive behavior;
  • hostility, aggressiveness;

  • alcohol abuse, alcoholism.

Depression in women

According to statistics, female depression is much more common than male depression. It's hard to determine why this happens though most of psychiatrists (in particular, this is discussed in “Depression” written by V.L. Minutko) believes that gender is not a biological prerequisite for the disorder being described.

Minutko, V.L. "Depression"

And the reason for the large percentage female depression It is generally accepted to consider social prerequisites present in any society. Women are more often exposed to stress and visit doctors more often, which, in fact, explains these statistics.

Note! Childhood depression occurs equally often, but already in adolescence Girls emerge as “leaders”.

Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion - test

Let's look at the two most popular tests to assess your mental state.

Depression Recognition Scale

Have there been any changes in your behavior in the last 30 days? And if there were, which ones exactly? Try to answer all questions as honestly as possible.

Table. How to recognize depression - rating scale

After answering all the questions, count the number of points you scored:

  • 0-13 – you apparently do not have depression;
  • 14-26 – primary symptoms of this condition are observed;
  • 27-39 – depression is pronounced, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This scale will help identify depression in record time. a short time. You must fill out the scale yourself by circling the required numbers in each of the points, and then add up the points.

Beck Depression Questionnaire

The test presented below was created by A. T. Beck back in 1961. This test includes several dozen statements, and you must choose among the options the one that best characterizes your personality. current state. You can choose two options at once.

0 – I don’t feel any frustration or sadness.

1 – I’m a little upset.

2 – I am constantly upset, I have no strength to overcome this condition.

3 – I’m so unhappy that I can’t stand it.

0 – I am not worried about my future.

1 – I am somewhat puzzled about my future.

2 – I think there is no point in expecting anything from the future.

3 – I don’t expect anything from the future, no changes will happen.

0 – I can hardly be called a failure.

1 – I have experienced more failures than my friends.

2 – There have been a lot of failures in my life.

3 – I am an exceptional and complete failure.

0 – I am as satisfied with my life as before.

1 – In my life less fun than before.

2 – Nothing satisfies me anymore.

3 – Dissatisfied with life, everything is already enough.

0 – I don’t think I’m guilty of anything.

1 – I often feel guilty.

2 – I often suffer from feelings of guilt.

3 – I always feel guilty.

0 – It’s unlikely that I need to be punished for anything.

1 – I may probably be punished.

2 – Waiting to be punished.

3 – I guess I’ve already been punished.

0 – I am not disappointed in myself.

1 – Disappointed in myself.

2 – I’m disgusted with myself.

3 – I hate myself.

0 – I’m definitely no worse than others.

1 – I often engage in self-flagellation for weakness and mistakes I have made.

2 – I constantly blame myself for my own actions.

3 – All the negative things that happen to me are my fault.

0 – I have not had any thoughts of suicide.

1 – Sometimes I want to commit suicide, but I won’t do it.

2 – I wanted to commit suicide.

3 – I would commit suicide if I had the opportunity.

0 – I cry as often as before.

1 – I cry more often.

2 – I cry constantly.

3 – I cried before, but now I can’t even with a strong desire.

0 – I am as irritable as ever.

1 – For some reason I get irritated more often.

2 – Irritability is my normal state.

3 – Everything that caused irritation is now indifferent.

0 – Sometimes I delay making decisions.

1 – I put off acceptance more often than before.

2 – It became difficult for me to make any decisions.

3 – I can’t make a single decision.

0 – I am still interested in others.

1 – I’m a little less interested in them.

2 – I am practically not interested in anyone except myself.

3 – I have no interest in others.

0 – I look the same as before.

1 – I am becoming old and unattractive.

2 – My appearance has changed significantly, I am no longer attractive.

3 – My appearance is simply disgusting.

0 – I work no worse than before.

1 – I have to make extra efforts.

2 – With great difficulty I force myself to perform this or that action.

3 – I can’t do anything.

0 – My sleep is still fine.

1 – B Lately I sleep a little worse.

2 – I started waking up earlier, after which I have difficulty falling asleep.

3 – I started waking up earlier, after which I can no longer sleep.

0 – I’m just as tired as before.

1 – I noticed that fatigue comes faster.

2 – I get tired of everything, no matter what I do.

3 – Unable to do anything, and fatigue is to blame.

0 – My appetite has not worsened at all.

1 – He has deteriorated a little.

2 – He has deteriorated very much.

3 – No appetite at all.

0 – For last weeks Didn't lose weight or lost a little.

1 – I lost a maximum of two kilograms.

2 – Lost no more than five kilograms.

3 – Lost more than seven kilograms.

I'm trying to lose weight and eat less (check as appropriate).

Not really_____

0 – My concerns about my own health have not changed at all.

1 – I am worried, I am worried about pain, constipation, stomach disorders and so on.

2 – I worry more and find it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

3 – I worry a lot about it, unable to concentrate on anything else.

0 – Sex is still interesting to me.

1 – I am less interested in intergender intimacy.

2 – This intimacy interests me much less.

3 – My interest in opposite sex disappeared.

How to process the results?

Each item must be scored from 0 to 3. The total score can be from 0 to 63, the lower it is, the better condition person.

The results are interpreted as follows:

  • from 0 to 9 – no depression;
  • from 10 to 15 – mild depressive state;
  • from 16 to 19 – moderate;
  • from 20 to 29 – average depression;
  • from 30 to 63 – severe form of depression.

If you notice symptoms of depression, you must consult a doctor immediately. As for treatment, it can be done both with the help of psychotherapeutic methods and with the use of medications.

Video – Consequences of depression

With this test you can find out with a 100% guarantee whether you have depression. If it turns out that it does not exist, read the article at least so that you know how to convincingly simulate this illness if something happens.

Andrey Nevtonov

Attention. If you came here just for the test, you will find it below. But first, let’s talk a little about what depression is.

Diseases have always existed with beautiful names, which were not so prestigious to be ill with - rather, it was fashionable to say that you have them, or to replace real ailments with them. As soon as you said “monstrous influenza” instead of “terrible snot”, those around you immediately began to respect you and your delicate organization.

Today, the disease that everyone talks about, often without understanding the original meaning of the name, has become. It’s customary to blame everything on her: impotence, missed emergency jobs, and reluctance to go to an alumni reunion. At the same time, few people know that depression is a very specific illness caused by such complex biochemical changes in nervous system, What a common person He won’t be able to summon them even for money. It is actually quite difficult to contract depression, and what is considered to be depression is, as a rule, a depressive accentuation of the personality, a bad mood, or even ordinary hatred of people.

Do you want to know the whole truth about whether you have depression? You have two scenarios to choose from: either you go to a psychoanalyst, and he gives you a clinical test that is 100% guaranteed to diagnose depression; or you pass exactly the same clinical test that we took as a souvenir when we went to get checked ourselves.

Yes, and keep in mind: the causes of depression are usually very specific - prolonged mental stress, overwork, chronic brain injury, severe and long-term illnesses internal organs, surgical operations, deficiency of blood supply to the brain and congenital neurochemical disorders. If you don’t have and never had any of the above, then most likely there’s no need for any tests. Just stop pretending to be depressed and it will go away!

According to international classification ICD-10 diseases, depression is not even one disease, but seven different ones. In the sense that it is divided into groups.

Due to the occurrence

Neurotic D., caused by internal conflict. Reactive D., which is a reaction to mental trauma. Endogenous D., which is generally easy to treat, since it has neurochemical causes.

According to the nature of the flow

Classic D. Hidden D.

By severity

Small D. Large D.

Of course, these types can be combined. For example, major depression can be both classical and reactive. But that's not all. Only for MAXIM readers! Having caught hidden depression, you get two more types of the disease as a gift!

Jokes aside. Hidden depression can be somatized (this is when, in addition to bad mood you are tormented by some physical illness such as stomach disease or dystonia) or masked. In this case, you will have all the symptoms of another disease - for example, appendicitis. However, an autopsy will show that you didn't have it.

What illnesses does depression like to disguise itself as?

1. Abdominal syndrome

Pain, heaviness, bloating, cold or heat in the abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite. Of course, the culprit could really be expired mold on the cheese. However, depression often uses these symptoms to lead doctors down the wrong path. The condition of your stomach worsens in the morning, and by the afternoon you again begin to pick at the contents of your plate with a sad look, feeling relieved. Patients are admitted to hospitals with suspected acute appendicitis and cholecystitis, but surgical intervention does not bring relief.

2. Headache

A person cannot say where exactly it hurts. More often, the pain appears to him in the form of iron hoops squeezing the skull, or something that is crawling inside the head. The condition, as in the case of the stomach, worsens in the morning and goes away in the evening. Such patients are diagnosed with migraine or vegetative-vascular dystonia”, and then they take useless painkillers for years.

3. Facial pain

Sly depression imitates neuralgia trigeminal nerve(it goes from ear to eyebrow and lower jaw) and inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. Desperate patients ask dentists to completely remove them healthy teeth, which sometimes, by the way, brings temporary relief. The mask of depression also causes a surprisingly vivid sensation of roughness and hairiness of the tongue.

4. Cardialgia

Imitation of interruptions in the functioning of the heart, burning or cold behind the sternum. The results of the cardiogram do not correspond to the patient’s complaints, but out of pity the doctors prescribe him heart medications. They reduce pain, but do not remove it completely.

5. Arthralgia

You think that you have radiculitis, joint diseases and neuralgia. But the doctors, after looking at your X-ray, twirl their finger at their temple. At the same time, your joints hurt not where they should be, but a few centimeters higher.

6. Insomnia

Depression without sleep disorders is like Fyodor Konyukhov without legs. Moreover, sometimes insomnia can be the only symptom masked depression. In this case, you will wake up unrested, have breakfast with an aversion to food, and then arrive at work already tired and immediately turn to a cigarette or a cup of coffee. Peaks of activity are possible, but usually they occur at 10-12 o'clock in the morning, and at this time you are still sleeping, because in the evening, despite being tired, you could not sleep and tossed and turned all night. And so every day.

7. Phobias

You understand that there are no sharks in soup, and the majority of aliens do not want to kill you. But this does not help overcome groundless fear. However, exotic phobias are rarely characteristic of depression. More often it causes fear of death from cessation of breathing, panic attacks. The phobia usually intensifies at night and in the morning.

8. Sexual disorders

Weakening erection? Accelerated or, conversely, delayed ejaculation? Don't rush to bequeath your penis to science. Perhaps it is again a matter of depression. By the way, the famous “demon in the rib” (and speaking scientific language, desire for increasingly stronger sexual stimuli) is also a sign of depression, and usually the earliest.

9. Drug addiction and alcoholism

Indulgence bad habits brings short-term relief. A hangover or withdrawal symptoms are accompanied by monstrously violent symptoms taken from the previous eight points.

Clinical test for depression


There are 44 groups of statements in front of you. In each of them, choose one answer option that best describes how you feel. Remember, your task is not to win, but to find out the truth. Answer sincerely. To make it easier for you to do this, we didn’t even intrusively “make fun” of the answers, as we usually do.





How to deal with depression

This part will be of interest primarily to people who have scored significant amounts in the test. If, according to the results, you do not have depression, you can read this block with detached schadenfreude. So, independent exit It can take months and even years to get out of a gloomy state, and only on condition that you protect yourself from stress - preferably with a monastery wall or a grove of palm trees. It’s easier to see a doctor, because depression is treatable. In fact, it is a metabolic failure. Doctors will treat you not only with pills, but also with intimate conversations (the most the unpleasant part). Without the simultaneous elimination of physiological and psychological factors it is impossible to cure a person.

Yours best friend I should become a psychotherapist for the next six months. Experienced mental trauma, mental stress, quarrels with others and internal conflicts, difficult feelings about own health- all this may underlie depression. Treatment only with powerful pills (without psychotherapy), of course, helps, but after stopping the drugs, the disease can visit you again.

What will they give you?

Sometimes particularly skillful psychotherapists lift their unfortunate patients out of depression without medication at all. Alas, in some cases it is impossible to do without medication: an advanced disease destroys the brain so much that the balance of neurotransmitters is not restored on its own.


The basis of any course of treatment. Side effects and the doses may vary, but the drugs have one purpose - to eliminate the biochemical basis of depression.

Vitamins and biostimulants

And these healthy pills will help you organize the supply of energy and other little things useful to your work to your brain cells. Actually, these are not some secret substances, but the same vitamins that healthy people drink to increase stress resistance and immunity.

Having read the question or judgment, you must answer “yes” or “no”. 1. Do you think that you are internally tense? 2. I am often so immersed in something that I cannot fall asleep. 3. I feel easily vulnerable. 4. It is difficult for me to talk to strangers. 5. Do you often feel indifferent and tired for no particular reason? 6. I often have the feeling that people are looking at me critically. 7. Are you often haunted by useless thoughts that do not leave your head, although you try to get rid of them? 8. I'm quite nervous. 9. It seems to me that no one understands me. 10. I'm quite irritable. 11. If people weren’t against me, my affairs would be more successful. 12. I take troubles too close to my heart and for too long. 13. Even the thought of possible failure worries me. 14. I have had very strange and unusual experiences. 15. Do you sometimes feel happy or sad for no apparent reason? 16. Throughout the day I dream and fantasize more than necessary. 17. Is it easy to change your mood? 18. I often fight with myself not to show my shyness. 19. I would like to be as happy as other people seem to be. 20. Sometimes I shake or experience chills. 21. Does your mood often change depending on a serious reason or without it? 22. Do you sometimes experience a feeling of fear even in the absence of real danger? 23. Criticism or reprimand really hurts me. 24. At times I get so restless that I can’t even sit in one place. 25. Do you sometimes worry too much about small things? 26. I often feel dissatisfied. 27. I have difficulty concentrating when performing any task or work. 28. I do a lot of things that I have to repent of. 29. For the most part I am happy. 30. I am not confident enough in myself. 31. Sometimes I feel really worthless. 32. Often I just feel bad. 33. I delve into myself a lot. 34. I suffer from feelings of inferiority. 35. Sometimes everything hurts. 36. I sometimes feel depressed. 37. I have something with my nerves. 38. It is difficult for me to carry on a conversation when meeting people. 39. The hardest struggle for me is the struggle with myself. 40. Do you sometimes feel that difficulties are great and insurmountable? Data processing. It is necessary to count the number of affirmative answers: if more than 24 points are received, this indicates a high probability of neurosis. Let us emphasize once again that the methodology provides only preliminary and generalized information. Final conclusions can be drawn only after a detailed study of the individual. The emergence of neurosis is usually preceded by a process of neurotization. Neurotization is a state of emotional instability that can lead to neurosis and a neurotic tendency in individual behavior.